#answered [📬]
icarodamiano ¡ 9 months
Who is the sexiest member of Maneskin for you?
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kissesforsatoru ¡ 1 year
Can I ask for some headcanons for Yan!Bonten!Mikey with a former childhood sweetheart darling? Maybe they used to be inseparable/in love with each other as kids before the darling had to move away to the US when they were 8 and now so many years later they arrive back in Japan on a bussiness trip.
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pairing : bonten!mikey x reader
summary : yan!bonten!mikey meeting his childhood sweetheart again
⤡ warnings : general yandere themes, implied kidnapping, briefly mentioned murder
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– mikey takes his friends and family very seriously—their safety and happiness were the only reason he disbanded toman and moved on without them. he knew that if he kept them around then they would get hurt one way or another, which was the last thing he wanted.
– with every loss that he had he's learned to move on in his own way. some losses took him longer than others to get over, but still he moved on, nonetheless. but with you, he couldn't quite get you out of his head no matter how much time had passed, and quite frankly, it was annoying.
– he didn't like seeing your innocent smiling face flash through his mind whenever he would be shooting a traitor—vermin that needed to be disposed of. he didn't like spacing out during meetings to reminisce the time he spent with you when he was young, where he would blindly follow you around like a lost puppy. he was quite smitten back then, he will admit, but things are different now. he should let you go like he did everyone else.
– the only thing that mikey had going for him was the fact that you left on your own, long before he even formed toman, let alone kanto manji or bonten. he couldn't interfere with your life if you weren't even around. he doesn't have to worry about running into you either since he doesn't even know what you look like now, and it was safe to assume you didn't know what he looks like either. mikey would even go so far as to say that you probably don't remember him. the two of you were only friends for a small fraction of your lives when you were really young, and lots of people forget their childhoods so it's not farfetched. you don't know him; he doesn't know you.
– mikey ignores the fact that he could easily change that with just a simple order—he can get your pictures, your occupation, your friends, family, past lovers, whatever he wanted, really. every single record of yours could be in his possession within a matter of hours if he so wished, but he doesn't. you're just some person from his childhood, a random civilian to him now, at best; he has no reason to be digging around in your life.
– then everything got fucked up on one random tuesday afternoon. almost like fate, you ran into him—literally. you, absentminded as ever, weren't looking where you were going, and you ran into him. from the corner of his eye, he could see sanzu pull out his gun and point it towards the person sprawled out over himself, waiting for the order to shoot, but that order never came. whatever nonsense he told himself about not being able to recognize you had been a boldfaced lie, since he recognized you immediately. there was no questioning it, or second guessing himself, he knew that you were you.
– your sweet, sweet voice that used to lull him into a state of absolute serenity was now much more mature, but still it quelled his inner darkness just the same. his body relaxed against you, and against his better judgment, he wrapped an arm around your struggling body, pulling you closer to him.
– before he was okay with not knowing you. he didn't feel the need to pry or keep tabs on you but having the smallest taste of you again left him addicted. he needs you. he needs to know you, to have you, to own you. you make him feel sane, which is a feeling he can't just let slip through his fingers with the kind of life he lives. without you he might just go on a rampage—kill everyone and everything in sight cause he's just so peeved to not have you around. for the sake of not just himself but his organization and all of tokyo he cannot let you go; he won't let you go.
– now that you've unfortunately stumbled into his world of darkness, you can’t escape. he'll have you no matter what.
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gettinshiggywithit ¡ 1 year
With that art you reblogged + your requests being open, I have to ask for some PM Boss!Chuuya. Could you write about his reaction to finding out a rival criminal organization ordered a hit on his wife? And like, him being protective of her while his men investigate the situation?
!Know your place!
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Scenario:- pm boss!chuuya when his wife has been targeted.
Pairing:- pm.boss!chuuya x fem!reader
Genre:-idk what the first half would be but the last bit is fluff
Type:- oneshot
Art credits:- @taxolotl
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Chuuya nakahara was a ,man of great power and status.all of which had only increased since he had ascended to the position of the head of the port mafia.The mafia in itself was an organization that commanded great fear and respect from both civilians and the government,but since his ascension to the throne,things had only gotten better.the organization ran like clockwork,not that it hadn’t before,but he seemed to bring his own  twist to things.he was also more brutal and ruthless than the previous boss.dazai osamu was a man of great intellect and he too had elevated the mafia from where I once was.but chuuya had something that dazai didn’t.he had a lover, or wife, as those who were closest to him knew.you two had tied the knot shortly before dazai’s passing and although you knew it would be risky,you were determined to make it work.in fact,In your vows,he’d promised to protect you no matter the cost.and you’d promised to love him till the end of time.
You were also a member of the mafia,having joined at the same time he did.you were one of the sheep and had defected when they betrayed him. For even then,you loved chuuya but as you grew,so did your love for the blue eyed ginger,and when you started dating,you were the happiest you’d ever been!needless to say he’d felt the same way you had for almost as long,but the fear of rejection and losing a loved one is a pesky instinct.
four years was how long you’d dated before he proposed at age 21.the ring wasn’t exactly fancy,but it was the one you’d wanted,and although you could’ve rushed the ceremony,you decided to wait.the next year flew by like a blur and soon it was your wedding day,and as you walked down the aisle,you both teared up.
Fast forward to today,he was staring at a memo from one of his subordinates,the one tasked with protecting you and keeping you safe,for while chuuya knew you could take care of yourself,he also knew that in your world, there was no such thing as being too careful.
There had been an attempt on your life. and as he read the memo chuuya felt a sudden chill run down his spine.his worst nightmare….his biggest fear had finally been realised and he hadn’t even known it had.
At first he beat himself up about it,how could he let this slip by?how did he not know???he suddenly felt a sudden wave of disgust as his mind replayed a certain phrase, “dazai wouldn’t have let this happen.” he pushed the thought away and continued to think of how to keep you safe.he’d be damned if he let his insecurities were what out you endanger!
Step 1,get you to a safe location,and while chuuya knew that being by his side would be dangerous,half of him wanted to believe that he was the safest option.but finally he went with the objective solution and sent you off to an overseas safe house,with a unit of the organisation’s best hitmen.assassins and body guards.he knew this was a tad bit extreme yet he wasn’t going to risk it! So later that day,once you were feeling a little less shook up about the attack,you grabbed your to-go bag, and took a private flight to your,hopefully safe, hideout.and even though it pained him to have you so far away.he knew it wouldn’t be for long.
Step 2,figure out who the fuck was responsible.the mafia had many resources,and being the boss allowed chuuya to take full advantage of said resources.so with almost no effort,his informant was able to find out ,who ordered the hit on you,when they did and and who had been assigned to carry out the hit.chuuya thanked the informant,took this information and left to form a plan of action.he first decided to take out the man who had been tasked with the hit.
Did chuuya know this man was probably just following orders and had no actual beef with him or the port mafia?yes.but was he gonna let this bastard get off scot free?? Not a  chance.
He paid the hitman a visit himself,knocking on the door almost harmlessly,before punching the door in when he heard someone else on the other side.
Needless to say the assassin was shook! he watched as chuuya’s subordinates stormed his apartment and had all their guns aimed straight at his head.chuuya then took a few steps forward,his expression one full of rage and hate as he wrapped his hand around he man’s throat,instantly crushing his windpipe with what looked like no effort at all.his face became stoic after that.as he silently left the scene,he stared at his hand and it shook.he hadn’t shouted or screamed like he’d planned to,and it felt,weird.nevertheless,he got into his car and was driven back to the PM HQ.
Next for the the man who had ordered the hit himself.chuuya had found out that the man ordering the hit was a leader of a rival criminal organization,one dazai had managed to eradicate,that had come back from the dead.and apparently they thought attacking the new boss’ significant other would be a good idea…foolish.
(like bro we aren’t even in this universe and even we know that that’s a big no no! tf?! Literally you deserve to get rekt!)
As chuuya read the man’s file he realized just how insignificant he was.no abilities.no special accomplishments.no worth. Nothing that could even compare to the might of the port mafia but still they had chosen a fight? Chuuya didn’t know if he should have been impressed by their ambition or annoyed with their stupidity.perhaps they thought he wouldn’t retaliate.
Well,they were dead wrong.
So the next day,chuuya did a simple thing.
He broke into the man’s home,sat on his couch and waited.once he arrived at his home only to see the literal boss of the port mafia,scarf,fedora and all.the man attempted to run out the door.
Chuuya responded to this by simply throwing his blade at him,effectively pinning him against the door.he took his time sauntering over to the pathetic whimpering excuse of a man and finally said. “so you’re the sack of shit that tried to take out my y/n?” he gave the man a once over.he had a scraggly beard,tacky jewellery and looked absolutely disgusting.it made chuuya sick to his stomach to be in the presence of such a piece of trash,but he wasn’t done yet.
“please! Im sorry! I-I made a mistake I beg of you spare me! I promise not to ever interfere with the port mafia again!!” the man was fully begging now,and honestly it was quite entertaining to see him squirm under both the influence of fear and the pain caused by the knife in his shoulder.  chuuya pretended to contemplate letting the man go before his lips curled into a devious smile. “yeah how about no?” he said before pulling the knife out of his victim’s shoulder,causing him to crumple to the ground.
Next he climbed over the man and began to beat him to a pulp.
First one punch,then another,and another.each one getting heavier and heavier as he added the weight of his ability behind them.he screamed out curses and threats between punches,even straight up insults and just yells.
 The man was dead after about the tenth punch.
well…at least that’s when chuuya realized he was dead.but then again,who wouldn’t be death with a bashed-in skull?
Chuuya then calmly got up off the floor and soon realized he was covered in blood. “crap…..now ill have to send this one back to the cleaners you piece of shit!”he muttered to the corpse as he stepped over it and exited the apartment through the door.
His car was waiting for him when he reached the street and his subordinates made sure no one saw him in his blood-stained state.
Once in the car,he sighed and let out a breath he didn’t know he’d been holding in. he pulled off his bloodied gloves and threw them to the side,picking up his phone to call the leader of the unit protecting you.
“its done.bring her back in four hours”
A “yes sir” was heard on the other side of the line,before it cut off and chuuya was left listeing to the beeps that replaced the team leader’s voice. He lowered the phone and called a different number this time. This one being the mafia’s elite kill squad’s leader’s. he let the phone ring once,twice, then hung up.this was the signal to carry on with the eradication of the rival organization. It would be a massacre,but still,the other organization stood no chance. Chuuya almost felt bad for the members of that organization;for they had to pay for sins they hadn’t even commited,but he supposed simply being a follower of the man who’d wanted you killed was enough of a sin to warrant the punishment they would be dealing with now.
Chuuya got home to your shared apartment and took off his shoes at the door,he looked at the pictures of the two of you that decorated the walls,and each time he saw your radiant smile his heart skipped a beat.
He went to the bathroom and stripped down,getting into the shower to wash off all the blood. He tossed his bloodied clothes in the hamper labeled ‘work-stained’ and chuckled to himself when he saw the label you’d hand written and stuck on there.
After he was done,he got out of the shower and began to towel off his hair,as he was doing this,a little flash of light caught his eye. It was your wedding ring twinkling at him from its place on the counter. Of course he’d left it behind! He wasn’t going to stain something so sacred with the blood of a worthless cretin! No way in hell!
But now that he was all cleaned up,he slipped it back on his ring finger and smiled.once he was ready, he heard a click and knew you were home.
He stepped out of your shared bedroom wearing and oversized tee shirt and some sweatpants only to be tackled by the likes of you!
You wrapped him up in a bear hug and didn’t seem to be showing any signs of letting go.and he was perfectly okay with that. He hugged you back just as tightly from your spot on the floor,simply saying, “I missed you too princess~and im not going anywhere.” you nuzzled into his neck and he held you close. “don’t ever send me away again chuu you know I can take care of myself” you said,pulling back to look him in the eyes from your position on top of him. “I know love but,” he said as he sat up, “you know I couldn’t risk it” “yeah… yeah I know” you said, looking down at the floorboards. “but it really sucked you know?” “oh yeah…it sucked ass.were you okay?did anything happen while you were there?” he said,concern seeping into both his expression and his voice as he gave you a once over,his eyes looking for any sort of scar wound or injury.
You placed your hand on his his cheek and directed his attention back to your face before bringing yourself closer and gently cupping his face. “chuuya,im fine…really.you can relax…” he nodded at that and leaned into your touch. “I know but i-” “ah ah! No buts.”  You interrupted him,“im okay and that’s what matters right? So lets just relax hmm?”
He nodded once again before pulling you in for a kiss. It was soft.yet passionate.clearly making up for lost time and when you both came up for air,your foreheads leaned against eachother, he said it. “I love you y/n and I’ll do anything in my power to keep you safe.” You smiled and nodded at him. “I know chuuya….i know” you said before giving him a quick peck and hoisting yourself up off the floor.
You pulled him up along with you and the two of you made your way to the kitchen to cook up some dinner.
“oh and chuuya? I love you too”                 “I know y/n…I know” he said with a wink. you almost threw a pot at him~
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All rights reserved Š 2023 gettinshiggywithit . Please do not repost, modify or claim as yours.
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gyustarzzi2 ¡ 5 months
moots as kpop duos
guyvin (mali) taerae (me)
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dahyun (lili) chaeyoung (me)
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jake (carma) sunghoon (me)
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mark (ddeonuluvrr) johnny (me)
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key (haenxn) minho (me)
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yeonjin (yeossemble) haseul (me)
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wooyoung (atinyniki) yeosang (me)
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haechan (7hyein) jeno (me)
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gunwook (ayatxt) jiwoong (me)
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whoever is asking these please send me more these are so fun!!
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arifeathers ¡ 6 months
Give me some of your hcs for Kickin chicken and DogDay for your Oneiros au!
KickinChicken 🏳️‍⚧️
He’s the middle child out of five siblings, one older brother and sister and two younger sisters. Gets along with his sisters of them most of the time but has a strained relationship with his dad and oldest brother.
Also has an adopted cousin named Lyra Lorikeet who is two years older than him. She taught him how to mimic other people’s voices and he often uses it to play pranks on the others with his friendly rival and best friend, Hoppy.
Came out to his family as trans at age 10. His sisters and his mum took it well and accepted Kickin as a brother and son, his father and brother didn’t however and often purposely misgendered and dead named him, among other things.
Got his top surgery at age 16.
Left the henhouse shorty after three weeks of his father and brother’s bs, despite his mum’s and sister’s protests. Went to stay with his childhood friend PickyPiggy and her two mums after making it to Critter’s Valley, before building his beach hut by himself at 15 years old.
Loves the beach and often surfs whenever he can and wants to. If not surfing, then he’s likely seen participating in whatever competition he and Hoppy have made up together.
Has very good accuracy and often uses throwing knives and stars as weapons. He doesn’t have any magic like Catnap, DogDay, CraftyCorn and Hoppy, but makes the most of his throwing skills and athleticism to protect himself and his friends.
Often gives out eggs to his friends living in Critter’s Valley. He finds it pretty shameful and embarrassing, but his friends don’t treat him any different. Picky often invites him over to help her make breakfast and cook for the other critters. (He doesn’t eat the eggs for obvious reasons.)
First met Bubba when the elephant first moved to the Valley. Initially he was pretty neutral towards him, giving an energetic hello, a friendly slap on the back and making him do friendly strength competitions (which he always loses.). But his feelings towards Bubba started to change after the latter stood up to his father and older brother over him being trans, beginning a proper friendship and a bashful crush.
His other best friend after Hoppy is DogDay. They often hang out to together and sing karaoke duets during sleepovers or in general. Both are also constantly pushing the other to confess their feelings to their respective crushes every now and then. He also does the same thing with Hoppy and her crush on Bobby.
DogDay ☀️
The youngest brother out of his two parents and an older brother. He was abandoned by them at 7 years of age for being too “weak, clumsy and useless”, under the premise of having a family picnic with them. Held a grudge against his family ever since, except for his aunt and uncle who took him and Catnap into their care after they made their way to Critter Valley.
Met Catnap shortly after realising his family isn’t coming back for him and the latter waking up on the physical realm and unable to go home to the Dream realm. Awkward first meeting from being startled by each other and a lot of hissing and growling, before realising that neither of them are gonna hurt each other and slowly bonding over being fellow orphans. He let Catnap come with him, after deciding to find his Aunt and Uncle who lives in Critter Valley.
The journey to Critter’s Valley took roughly a year and a half for both Dogday and Catnap and full of perils, excitement and the two of them becoming inseparable.
His Uncle and Aunt was initially unnerved by Catnap’s otherworldly aura and demeanour but look after him at their nephew’s insistence. They both moved out sometime ago and left their house to Dogday and Catnao deciding to move next door into the old treehouse, which was later renovated with the other critters’ help.
Has feelings for his best friend since they were kids, but didn’t want to confess due to belief that Catnap only sees him as a brother. Catnap on the other hand, feels the same but is too shy to confess.
Is immune to Catnap’s Red Smoke thanks to a magic charm cast over him by the purple cat when they were children.
Is able to cast magic in the form of ball shaped lights and blasts. He doesn’t like fighting unless it’s absolutely necessary and to defend himself. Prefers to stun his attackers using his light magic, but will use his firewood axe if needed.
Before winter, Dogday often chops firewood for himself and the other critters, going from house to house to deliver a stack.
Next to Catnap, Kickin Chicken is his best friend and they often sing karaoke together or go to the beach together. He is also able to match Kickin with any teasing remarks.
If he meets his real life canon counterpart in the factory, he’ll be shocked, horrified and just full of denial that his best friend (and crush) would ever do that to him. He would also save him from the mini critters.
If he meets the Prototype, he’ll be scared of the latter’s appearance, until realisation kicks in when he remembers Catnap dreaming about a metal claw and fear turns into protective rage.
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artxstic-scr1bbles ¡ 16 days
Casually dropping byyyy, to toss thissss
Have a wonderful day Moot!
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I sprained my wrist yesterday so-
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emjiroki ¡ 1 year
Thinking about teasing Enji
Wearing a lingerie and everytime he reaches out to you,you slyly pull away,which makes him wants you even more
Yes I know I'll be fucked mindlessly but I'm okay with it as long as it's Daddy Enji
*hyperventilating and fainting* My only life goal is to irritate, tease, and sexually frustrate this man into fucking me
He would tell you so many times to quit teasing him. Quit playing with him and let him tear that pretty little outfit off. The shy act always gets him nearly painfully hard and you know it, but who would pass up the opportunity to tease that man into oblivion? Eventually he would get fed up with your coy little games, no matter how cute they are, and rangle you down onto the bed underneath him, taking his time to strip you of the pretty lingerie no matter how bad he wants to rip it off just so he can have you shaking in anticipation for every once of pleasure he will give you.
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brucequeensteen ¡ 2 months
hello ethan. what should i know about the monkees to see head 1968 properly
okay so you need to read the wikipedia page for the monkees AND for head 1968, you need to see some posts that i will dm you in a sec, and preferably watch at least 1 episode. Of the monkees. they're 25 minutes long and cheesy 1960s comedy but they're also fantastic and you will get a perfect idea of just what the movie is trying to subvert and escape from. the episode I'd recommend is "monkees in the ring" because the movie references it, but id also recommend watching "monkees on tour" if you can be bothered. but also tbh i watched it without really knowing anything abt the monkees besides the fact that the band was created for the tv show but then grew into its own thing after the members gained some creative control. and also you need to know that peter and mike hated being monkees, and micky and davy were in denial of how horrible and demeaning it was. but if you don't wanna be arsed with all the other info you could just go into it blind and see what all the fuss is about because the most important part of watching head 1968 is to have fun and be yourself
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ghostcat404 ¡ 16 days
List five of your favorite songs, and if you’d like, list 10 of your favorite followers!!!
/nf (no pressure!!!)
scylla - jorge rivera herrans
shatter - dreamcatcher
azalea - rolling quartz
aishite aishite aishite (english cover) - nerissa ravencroft
copycat - circusp
as for favorite followers, this is just mutuals I talk to* lmao:
saireye (the love of my life)
you :3
and that’s just off the top of my head
*actually I think some of these folks I haven’t really talked to much- idk all of my followers and mutuals are my faves tbh
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matsumus ¡ 2 months
Tsummmmieee pssst~ c’mere and gimme a kiss!
Kiss fer ya doll? Anyday. Alright, pucker up right there— a kiss on the cheek. Whatcha wanted right?
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icarodamiano ¡ 11 months
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I thought that it was extremely important that you know about the existence of this picture (and my love for you) ♥️
they look so good in that pic ugh 😫 thanks for stopping by bestie <333
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kissesforsatoru ¡ 2 years
can I request separate hcs for Bonten!Mikey, Sanzu, Rindou, Ran, and Sanzu x Farmer!Reader? like there's this one time where the boys asked the reader for a date but their own secretaries are making fun of the reader bcs yk she's from a farm and she doesn't wear any fancy clothes that the city girls have 👀
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₊˚⌗ bonten boys reaction to their darling being insulted
⤡ cw : general yandere themes, violence, threats, descriptions of injury, death, murder, slight nsfw for rindous part
notes : you put sanzu twice and i haven’t a clue who you could’ve meant instead so i just did the four you asked for
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mikey is pissed. who the hell do these people think they are to be talking badly about you when they're just dumb fucking entitled sluts. their only personality trait is being a good fuck, unlike you who's kind and hard working. he needs to put them in their place, so he fucks with them a bit. but if they dare to ever say anything bad about you again, they're dead.
“i heard mikey asked out that farm person that was here the other day”
“really? them?”
“i know! their clothes look so rugged, i bet they’ll show up in overalls and a flannel or something like that. don’t they realize that they can’t wear stuff like that on dates?”
“mr. sano is way out of their league, i don’t know what he sees in them if i’m being honest.”
“right. he should be going after people with more class than that farm freak.”
mikey, sighs and sets down his glass with a force that causes the strippers sat around the booth to jump and look in his direction. he ignores them, instead standing up from his seat with a pissed off look on his face.
“sanzu.” he calls to his second as he walks towards the back exist of the club they’re currently occupying. sanzu smirks, knowing exactly what his boss wants without him having to say another word.
he’s quick to lure the girls outside where his boss waits, a cigarette between his lips that’s already been half smoked. the girls giggle as they look between sanzu and mikey, which just makes sanzu’s smirk grow wider with a thrill of excitement and anticipation. what dumb bitches, he thinks as he gestures to mikey.
mikey takes another drag of his cigarette before he wordlessly takes it from between his lips and grabs one of the girls—the one who called his bosses play thing a freak, sanzu remembers. she giggles again, giving her friend a look as she nuzzles up to mikey with an arch of her back that makes the man holding her quirk his lip in disgust.
“i’m fucking tired of sluts like you acting like you’re better than everyone because your loose pussy gets you a little bit of money.” he says lowly, threateningly, and finally, the girl stops giggling.
“what?” she says, body going rigid.
“your only value in this world is to be used and fucked, then get passed onto the next guy that wants some quick, cheap pleasure.” mikey continues. the girl begins to struggle in his hold, but mikeys grip only tightens.
the other girl tries to back away as she witnesses the situation unfold between her friend and mikey, but sanzu is quick to grab her and keep her in place with a knife to her throat.
“so what gives you the fucking right to talk shit about people with real value, hm?” he questions, flicking the ash off of his cigarette before taking another drag and blowing the smoke in the girls face. she coughs, struggling to breath as the smoke clouds her lungs.
“you’re not shit, unlike y/n. you need to be put in your fucking place, you dirty bitch.”
the girl screams as mikey puts his cigarette out on her arm, flicking the bud to the ground before doing the same to her.
“don’t ever fucking talk shit about them again or i'll kill you.”
sanzu coudn't have been scarier the moment he hears an insult to his darling leave someone's lips. he's crazy, so he's not going to just rough 'em up a bit, he'll straight up kill them without hesitation. anyone whos speaks bad things under his darlings name is a waste of space in his eyes.
"what the fuck did you just say?" he asks, chin tilted up as he gazes down at the woman who just said something bad about you--a display of superiority that has the girl shivering under his towering form.
her lip quivers as she tries to muster up the courage to say something, but all that can escape is a nervous laugh. sanzu sneers, lip curing in distaste as he pulls out his gun and pushes it against her forehead. he unlocks the safety and pushes teasingly on the trigger.
"w-wait! i'm sorry! sanzu, i-i didn't mean it!" she starts to scream, her heart thumping so loudly against her chest that sanzu can practically hear it. he smirks, pushing it further into her head which only coaxes more ugly sobs and screams from her vile mouth.
"did you not fucking hear me? are you deaf or somehting?" i asked you what you just fucking said." he repeats himself, laughing bitterly and coldly as the look on her face contorts more and more into a look of pure terror. good. she should be fucking sorry that she ever uttered your precious name.
"i-i said, y/n’s clothes look like they were t-taken from the dumpster. i d-don't understand why y-you asked them out." she stutters pathetically as she repeats the disgusting words she said about you just a second ago.
"that's what i thought i heard you say. i was hoping for your sake that i was wrong." he says coldly, any ounce of amusement on his face disappearing.
“w-what?” she askes, voice wobbly and hoarse from all the screaming she just did. she gulps and gives him a hopeful look when he lowers the gun. but instead of putting it away, he hits her haid with the gun, causing her to fall to the floor. she doesn’t get a chance to do anything other than scream and cry before sanzu speaks again.
"filth like you should learn to keep their mouths shut." he says, aiming his gun down at her before shooting.
rindou would insult the hell out of whoever insulted you, and he won't hold back either. anyone that isn't you is already trash to him, but anyone that insults you? they're the filthy dirt on his shoes as far as he's concerned. and if they have the gal to insult you again, he won't hesitate to cut off their tongue so they can never say anything bad about you again.
"rin rin, do you have to go out with that person from the other day?" the girl on his lap asks in a high pitched, whiney voice that gives him a headache. he hums, tilting his head in question as he tries to recall the person she's talking about. she pouts, bouncing in his lap when he doesn't remember.
"the one that looks like their clothes were washed with mud because of how old and dirty they were." she describes, and rindous body goes stiff with realization--she's talking about you.
"yeah, i do." he says curtly, turning his head to take a sip of his drink. the girl pouts some more, but this time she leans into him and drags her hand down his chest, her breasts pushing up against him to make them look bigger. she giggles after seeing the amused look he gives her.
"but why would you want to go out with an ugly person like them when you could stay and have fun with me." she whispers, trying to sound seductive, but rindou was pissed rather than turned on.
he pushes her off of him, uncaring of the fact that she fell on the floor and spilt her own drink all over herself.
"hey, what the fuck?!" she yells at him, but he ignores her and just takes another sip of his drink.
"and why the fuck would i want a desperate bitch like you, hm?" he asks, setting his glass down on his thigh as he leans forward and glares down at her. she doesn't say anything, but the look of disbelief on her faces makes rindou want to laugh.
"y/n is far better than some whore that doesn't even know how to turn a guy on properly." he says motioning to his flacid dick.
"honestly, how useless can you be? i paid a lot of money expecting a good fuck, and this is what i get? some try-hard bitch that's entitled and thinks she can replace my y/n" he scoffs, a feigned huff of a laugh leaving his lips as he shakes his head.
"you'll never be anything compared to what y/n is to me. you're just some whore i'm using for pleasure, but y/n is my everything." he says sternly.
"if you ever say some shit like that to me again i'll cut you're fucking tongue off." dumping his leftover drink on her, he stands up and leaves.
ran is similar to mikey in the way that he'd definitely fuck them up. he's not going to let anyone talk shit about you and get away with it. but the difference between him and mikey though, is he's a bit sadistic and enjoys fucking up anyone that talks shit about his darling.
"who did that person think they were coming into the club with dirty, old clothes? and they talked to ran so causally! he should've kicked them out right away for embarrassing him like that."
"excuse me?" the woman jumped at hearing someone behind her. she quickly turned around and sighed in relief seeing ran with an amused smile on his lips.
"oh my, i didn't notice you behind me." she giggled. "i was just saying you should've had that person thrown out from the other day. it was embarrassing how they came in here looking like they just got dragged through the mud. they didn't contaminate you or anything when they touched you, right?" she joked and ran laughed along with her, forced and strained.
"of course, they didn't." he says once she comes down from her fit of laughter, and his faces falls.
"why would they? they're perfect. unlike you who was born trash." he says, and the womans face scrunches up in confusion. ran grabs her arm with a smile before dragging her upstairs to his own private section of the club, all the while she's yelling protests that go ignored.
he throws her to the ground and looks down at her with a displeased look on his face. when she tries to stand up, he presses his foot against her body and pushes her back down to the floor.
"you said it yourself, right? filth doesn't have the privilege of standing and talking so casually to me." he says as one of the bouncers enters the room and hands him a baton. the woman begins to scream as ran looks down at her with mock sympathy before whacking her side.
"shut up. you should've kept your fucking mouth shut if you didn't want this to happen." he says just as the woman starts to cry.
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gettinshiggywithit ¡ 1 year
Hello! I'm new on this requesting stuff on Tumblr, so please don't mind it if i make a mistake/explain my request badly! (Also English isn't my first language.) Can you do a Kenji x gn reader fluff? reader is the same age with Kenji, and readers ability is like demon, idk how to explain it but the reader has the same abilities with nezuko from kny. if you don't want to write it, that's okay! Thanks if you do it <3 Have a nice day/night!
「ᴋᴇɴᴊɪ x ɴᴇᴢᴜᴋᴏ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ」
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Scenario:- what’s it like dating the ray of sunshine of the ADA? Oh and also you happen to have a radass ability!
Pairing :- Kenji x gn!nezuko!reader
Genre:- fluff
Type:- headcannons
W/c:- 494
A/N:- I FINALLY GOT THE MOTIVATION TO DO A REQUEST YAYY🥳🥳🥳🥳 also heads up because incase it wasnt clear,reader is 14! I hope u enjoy this nonny!
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First of all he finds your ability so fascinating! The fact that you can grow and shrink and use your blood as a weapon?????
“You city folk really are amazing”
Also loves that u have super strength just like him!
Would definitely teach you any little games he made up to play using his ability.
Also i think he’d definitely think its cool and a little funny that both the other kids in the agency that are his age have a ‘demon’ related ability!
Would take you out to all his favorite places in yokohama if ur new and would introduce you to all of his friends around the city
When you have the (reasonable) fears or doubts about some of his ‘friends’ he just laughs and says that theyre harmless!!
When you ask atsushi about it he tells you about that one time he was assigned to work with kenji and how he absolutely REKT those gange members
You never question kenji about his friends after that,okay maybe not never but you do it significantly less.
He knows your ability is hella strong so he doesn’t really worry about you keeping yourself safe much.
And after you get a bit of training from the agency members he’s even more sure of you!
But if by chance you get captured or are in actual active danger,he loses his cool.
He wants to protect the people he cares about but he also knows he needs a clear head.
So after Kunikida gives the team a plan of action,kenji leads the charge.
If you’re in mortal danger he may not even wait for the agency to give him a plan of action.
Kunikida knows he cant stop him so he just sends atsushi and dazai with him.
For dates, other than the aforementioned restaurant trips i think he’d love taking you to parks or places close to nature.
He’d teach you everything he knows and would tell you all about his family and farm
Loved telling you about his cows tbh.
He also gives really tight hugs!
Like the kid will pick you up and spin you around! I mean he can, so why would he not!
The rest of the agency think y’all are cute af
Kyouka loves that there’s someone else her age too!
The three of yall have best friend outings and chill together!
Just three of yokohama’s youngest and deadliest ability users~ no biggie!
When u joined the agency,yosano and dazai made a bet on how long it’d be till yall got together.
Yosano lost and owed dazai a loveless crab dinner btw~
Overall he really does love you and actually thinks you might be the one he wants to spend the rest of his life with!
He’s adorable like that 🥺
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Tagging:- @kemis-world @diagonal-queen
All rights reserved Š 2023 gettinshiggywithit . Please do not repost, modify or claim as yours.
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gyustarzzi2 ¡ 5 months
heres a fun moot game ⭐️
tag a few moots or followers and add a picture of an idol that reminds you of them !
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arifeathers ¡ 6 months
Hey uh I know u already did some stuff for heretic dogday and his human self but mind giving more hcs and info on him and his relationship with theo catnap?
Sure! Here we go:
Before meeting Theo, Samuel used to be friends with three other orphans named Joseph, Eliza and Kalia. But Samuel broke ties with them when they kept bullying Theo.
Samuel went through foster home to foster home for a variety of reasons before ending up in Playcare. He never mentioned why he kept switching from foster home to foster home, not even to Theo, but it was one of the few things he was able to bond with the latter.
Samuel met the Prototype when Theo introduced him to the experiment. To make it plainly, he was terrified and intrigued then extremely grateful and loyal until… sometime after the Hour of Joy.
When he learned he was about to get adopted *cough* chosen for testing *cough* he was extremely worried and unhappy despite the party that was thrown for him, due to his concern for Theo. This was what drove him to help Theo and the Prototype in their attempt to escape from the factory, leading to both Theo and his fate sealed as Catnap and DogDay.
As a result for settling into his new body much more quickly compared to Theo. DogDay was allowed to help out the orphans in Playcare with the other Smiling Critters. But he would often cause trouble, in order to get thrown back into the same cage where Catnap was kept to stay with him, despite the torture he would receive from the other workers.
While he was nowhere near as fanatic as Catnap before the Hour of Joy and changing his opinion on the Prototype. Dogday used to feel a great amount of gratitude and looked up to the experiment due to saving his life along with Theo’s. Until the end of Hour of Joy when he realised it was all for nothing and led to the death of many innocent people, leading him to turn traitor.
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lume-nosity ¡ 2 years
TW: gore
Imposter au where the reader has help from a strange person in the mirror where they don't explain anything to the reader, they say they just want to help
Very sus
*they were the old God who sacrificed their mortal form and locked their spiritual form in their mirror world*
They believe that the reader wasn't treated the way they intended and would demolish the true imposter
Before they killed their mortal form, they were brutal
They would publicly burn any they deem against them and would stake the heads on display and would torture people who would even think of going against them
So after some thinking, they decide to lock themselves in a desolate domain. And those greedy who call their name near a reflective surface, let's just say they would be put on display in her realm
Since children would dare to call their name as a game, they would entertain them by giving them a scare
Old God's lore is too deep and murky even I don't know who they are
p.s. I copy+pasted these from my old asks to sumone
i’m shitting myself over how genius and good this is…i instantly thought of lapis lazuli being trapped in a mirror the moment i saw the first sentence
this is quite the scare now that i think about it. it’s like a sort of legend and then reader over here happened to come across the old god as if it was ‘by coincidence’ the god’s like: ‘shit, no explanation needed, i’m here to help your ass’ despite the dark backstory they have under their belt
but when it comes to children or anyone who have no ill tendencies they like to mess around with them
it’s similar to saying: ‘i may look like the most intimidating person you’ll ever meet but if you deem yourself worthy of my presence i suppose i’ll let you slide’ type shit
i like this. 10/10!
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