#answered by heidi
miss-ute · 7 months
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arl1n-e · 15 days
How much does Heidi like Connor?
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Not at home rn so can't draw with my drawing tablet just yet 😔
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danthropologie · 15 days
on to the important question: how has daniel been to or at least invited if apparently not attended three weddings in the last month and a half and NO actual non potato photos. a crime.
no i know, you'd think he's the fucking loch ness monster the way he avoids a camera
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happyheidi · 9 months
Dr Heidi,
A secret, you say?
No one knows me entirely. I hide my political beliefs from this person, religious beliefs from that person, a prominent hobby from that person. These people are all the closest people in my life to me, and I keep something from all of them. Sometimes I tell myself it's to keep the peace. Or keep them from bothering me. But really I think it's because I'm scared. I had to hide myself when I was younger and in some ways I've never stopped. I've been working on it. I've quit lying so much, and I keep fewer secrets. But I do keep them.
How do you face the mortifying ordeal of being known? How do I become brave enough go share my truths with people I claim to love? (That I do love) (But selfishly. They confide their truths to me and I pretend I'm telling them all of mine in return) (how long until one of them discovers a truth? It's been years. My mother has known me my whole life. My best friend, over a decade. Others, several years) (how do I fess up my secrets?)
Damn this is almost like reading an ask from myself. I keep lots to myself. I don’t usually share things either. I keep way too much in, so I’m kinda asking the same thing as you. BUT I see no harm in keeping certain things from others but hmm..
it’s tricky… cus when u share, u bare. and that is scary. you wouldn’t want to be judged by who you actually are, so why allow yourself to be judged at all? I totally understand it. One has to be brave to be seen like that. If that makes sense? So you’re careful as to what u put out there to potentially be “judged” but not the innermost YOU.
You can try with smaller truths. Spread them out with your family and friends and see how they react (don’t go with the politic at first cus that’s the toughest thing and what brings most arguments etc) but small things u share that’s really TRUE to you. Then more and more over time. I think it’s important to keep something to yourself tho! Don’t think this helped so much but it’s good to just get things of ur chest! Hope u start sharing a little bit this year. ❤️
It’s so interesting how so many of these asks are relatable to (I’ve started answering many but ended up saving them to drafts; so sorry if I haven’t answered yours but I relate so damn much to so many of you !!)
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t00pr3ttyf0ry0u · 6 hours
how do i find a caregiver?
hiiiii!! id suggest asking people you're already close to if they want to be your caregiver. it's safer than posting about wanting one since there are some creeps who invade the agere spaces. if you do decide to make a post to search for one, make sure to be 100% sure that they're a good person and you can trust them!!
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milksteakkk · 2 months
novel evan is the king of sounding like he is attracted to people. there's jared, connor ("i feel like connor is a man but im just a boy... his nail polish... the smell of cigarette smoke on his coat..."), larry ("his thick broad shoulders filled out every inch of his suit jacket... hes built like a tank..."), even his mom that one time ("i already feel like im on a date with her low cut blouse and tight jeans...") hes just. that way i guess
LMFAO RIGHT he always sounds so down bad. why must he describe everyone he meets like hes kicking his feet and twirling his hair
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^ see also: evan talking about miguel. why is he like this
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flightlessangelwings · 4 months
Dropping Polaroids here and there… 💋
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Frankie baby!!!! 🥺🥺🥺🥺 This is so sweet thank you this made my day!!! 💖💖💖💖
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Butcher Babies part ways with singer Carla Harvey
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n4talia-chaparro · 1 year
Because I feel like today is Melvin appreciation day, here is some more wholesome "family" k rising ideas I had just in 10 minutes.
Sp and Melvin make a lemonade stand just for fun.
Sp joins Melvin in drawing on the walls and even puts a mini frame on one of his art work and says how proud he is of him.
Let's Melvin draw on him and even shrinks down to Melvin's size so he doesn't feel intimidated.
Pizza night and ice cream Saturdays
Makes a whole room for the kids to nap in (yes he will stop anyone who tries to stop nap time)
Bonus: helps Harold sneak off to see Heidi and covers for him
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dorkydiaz · 6 months
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m4ndysk4nkovich · 1 year
What are your thoughts on Heidi x Debbie? Just curious!
heidi was a character literally made to degrade debbie even more. especially with her introduction kinda being frank saying that debbie’s such a shitty person that the only person that could ever love her would be someone shittier. like, the writers REALLY tried to make us hate her in season 11 (after trying but failing to make fans like her in season 10), and i think that putting debbie with a girl like heidi is so clearly trying to make us shit on debbie, when in reality, we should be shitting on john wells because the decision to add heidi makes no sense with her character.
season 11 very much is a season that is pretty debbie-centric (as well as lip and gallavich-centric), the season not only had a lot of good debbie scenes, but it also expanded her character’s depth and showed how she really grew a lot. they shit on her a lot in that season, but there are so many episodes that are very good for debbie analysis (11x02, 11x03, 11x07, 11x08, 11x10, 11x11, 11x12) that explain her character very well. in season 11, debbie focuses on motherhood a lot. in 11x02 (which i’m making a full post about rn because i have a lot of thoughts on that episode) we see her trying to give franny the life she never had. in 11x07 and 11x08 she rants about wanting to better franny’s life and how she would never leave franny. overall, in season 11, the choices she makes are entirely based on giving franny a happy childhood, which is why she doesn’t want to move.
…so we learn all of this, we see her grow, we see her trying to give them a good life, and then she gets with heidi, a woman who will definitely leave her behind and who threatened to shoot her child in the head the first time they met each other.
and it’s not even like it’s ooc, debbie is very prone to self sabotage (we see this in pretty much every season following season 3, for example, her getting pregnant in season 6 and doing coke in season 11) and getting with a woman who she knows will hurt her even more makes sense. heidi invites debbie and franny (stop forgetting this! it was not an invitation for just debbie, so she would not just leave her kid behind, assholes) and debbie looks hesitant. she doesn’t want to go, and she also knows that this means heidi will leave her. but she stays with her, regardless, because debbie can be kind of a masochist.
here’s the reality of what will happen to debbie post-season 11 (as a self-proclaimed debbie expert): lip fails to sell the house so debbie, franny, carl, and liam keep living in it, debbie will attach to heidi, heidi will leave to texas without debbie and franny, debbie will be in a funk for a bit but will pick herself up, debbie does everything will thrive- the end! she wouldn’t leave to go to texas, she clearly didn’t want to especially after spending an entire season begging lip not to sell the house. she wants a life for she and franny in chicago, not texas.
in conclusion, heidi is toxic and dangerous and real debbie fans know that she was just another tool used for debbie slander. her character was unnecessary and they could’ve just not written debbie and sandy to have conflict because it would’ve made everything a lot better. i hope that debbie gets some therapy and in time, a good, stable, nice girlfriend who cares about both debbie and franny.
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heidiamalia · 5 months
2 + 17 for the fic ask meme :)
okay so for some reason as tumblr does i guess i just never got notified you sent me something for this AHH
okay here goes -
2/ a fic you’ve re-read several times
oooooh gosh gotta run it back to my og's like an honorable mention because this one was one of those core memories, but beyond this point the series itself is just ash in my mouth.
the fallout by everythursday
Hermione learns about growing up through the redemption of Draco Malfoy.
i was lucky to download it when we still had access to the sacred texts [rip H&V] - but i'm sure ao3's got some orphan account with the numbers out there if ever the interest arose.
313k of war and smut and figuring shit out and it absolutely changed my life.
as a bonus to this question because now i feel bad its not a solid rec -
His Name is Stede - mercess [@spaceshipkat]
Ed never planned to see Stede Bonnet again, but after he learns Stede has been captured and is on his way to a short drop and a sudden stop, Ed declares no one gets to kill Stede but Ed himself. If that doesn't go as planned, well, Stede is far more wily than many give him credit for.
Or perhaps Ed is just a lying liar who lies.
Ed’s breath caught, like a fist closing around his throat, at the sight of Stede there in the brig, wringing his hands and squinting through the shadows. He looked tired and weak, more like the sickly version of himself Ed had first met after he was cut free of the noose aboard the Spanish ship.
Most unfairly of all, he was still the most beautiful man Ed had ever seen.
if ever at all i can convince a person to witness [or endure, i know who you are, no pressure] this show, this would be the fic to have you be like whoah, okay, maybe. a post-s1 where i gasped when appropriate and shouted when i probably shouldnt have [3am rereads, i mean, yeah.] - reading this one with my heart in my hands gained me a deeply wonderful new friend along with it.
17/ a fic you wish you could read again for the first time
ughhhhh kastle fanfic writers are no fucking J O K E. we knew this.
what is left but a broken man - idekman
He's surprised by the amount of flowers at her grave.
He shouldn't be, really. Although Karen didn't have friends - or at least, not many. Murdock. Nelson. Ellison. And he was her boss before anything else.
He'd thought they'd been friends, too.
I kissed her, he thinks, a little desperately. It had just been on the cheek but he had hesitated, stayed there for a moment with that heat and that floral warmth that somehow radiated from her even in the chill air, and that had meant something. He thought it had. He had thought that, perhaps, she understood – understood that he couldn’t give her everything he wanted to, that he wasn’t ready, but that maybe some day he could be. That if he could ever have an after, he would have –
The thought is too painful to finish.
Karen Page is dead. Frank goes looking for her anyway.
i went into this one feeling like my heart was gonna be broken the whole fucking time but fuuuuuuck.
being able to walk with frank as we saw him discover karen in georgetown, in fagan corners, in his HEART! oh gosh i remember hitting this link and d e v o u r i n g this deep, sharp claw in to my chest with a grateful feeling.
ask me about the fic rec meme!
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eruden-writes · 14 days
Okay theory time
1. The most obvious, the test is negative she's mad thinking he bribed someone because she *knows* that guy's the father.
2. So why the hell is it negative? Jek took a sample of himself to show Malachai, they got mixed up somehow (nurse is in big trouble) and gave a negative.
Now I'm dying to see what really happens and where this will take the story next...
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I feel like that GIF is all I can say without spoiling anything.
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jolapeno · 6 months
Knock Knock
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It’s Javier coming to shower you with praise for passing your exam!!!
Congrats again, Jo!
AHHHHH smooches for me from Javi. thank you so much, this is the gift i always wanted. god, the way he goes right in there. PERSONALLY, i'd have buried my nails in his hair, but that's why she's there to keep him company until i arrive ;) right? that's how this works?
thank you so much, heidi. i appreciate you so much and love you even more 🩷
jo's happy hour of positivity (that will deffo be longer than an hour)
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just-indi · 7 months
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going insane frfr
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milksteakkk · 2 months
coughs coughs gimme ur general deh headcanons
ok so one of my biggest headcannons that i will believe forever is that evan is mac demarcos #1 fan. he has disproportionate emotional reactions to most if not all of his music
umm uhh kleinsen time because i love them !! they would always play video games at jareds because evan couldnt affort it :,( they were religious lbp players because it was the only co op game evan was good at and jared still religiously listens to the osts for all the games but shh dont tell anyone. evan loves clive handforth
zoe is a beanie baby collector. her heart would literally shatter into a million pieces if she lost any of them she loves them so much :( <3
connor speedruns games in his spare time and hes actually pretty good. his favs to speedrun are resident evil games
alana is a board game lover she pulls up to the function w chess or monopoly and tbh thats real as fuck of her
evan and heidi are norwegian and the murphy siblings are wasian (japanese/american) also theyre twins because the 1 year age gap is so stupid and they have more of a twin dynamic anyways
by brain is frying so thats all i got rn but thank u for letting me chat shite for a bit 🙏🏽🙏🏽
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