#answered: ned
bruisedconscience · 2 years
Ned you could fill my pie if you catch my meaning
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“I know this is…purposefully very intimate a proposal but I’m going to take it at face value instead—not because I’m incapable of… Actually, I don’t want to deface pie by referring to it this way, so… I have many different staple and seasonal pie fillings right now. Pumpkin pie…and we have our Pie Cups, as well, if you’re feeling……hungry.” He lets the insinuation drip into that word only.
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edorazzi · 9 days
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Due to scheduling conflicts we're celebrating Tintin Day early this month! 🥳
Someone said in tags that they could totally see Tintin needing International Rescuing at some point. What better way for the Hood to put iR's integrity on the line than revealing all to a world-famous reporter? Would the Tracys jeopardise their whole operation to save just one life?!
(Un)fortunately Tintin hasn't shown up at work since 1929, so the only sacrifice here will be an old man's dignity. Again. 🪦
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erinwantstowrite · 8 days
Seeing that I have not seen you mention Gwen before (I think?), can I take that as it means she lives for once?
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pandorem · 4 months
Manifesting that if we get a second season of DBD that the Night Nurse continues to have negative percent maternal instincts despite having a job working with The Youth. We love her in this house and I am very fascinated by the potential for her and the boys’ dynamics but I think women can be caring without being Maternal(tm) and I hope they write her as coming to care for them while being awkward as fuck about it and also kind of hating kids still.
Generally I love it that we got two older women in this show set up as the potential mentor/mother/older sister/elder queer role but that they are both fucking bad at it and not traditionally motherly in any sense. Jenny VERY RELUCTANTLY cares because she does care about and worry about them but confronting emotions gives her hives and the Night Nurse might actually hate children a little bit despite literally working with them (and not actually being void of compassion when it comes down to it) and I just love that for them. I hope that this scooby gang of teens can worm their way into their hearts without making them Good Motherly Female Characters(tm). This goes for fandom too please I want to read about my ladies who care but suck actually 💕
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prest0-art · 7 months
Hello!! Your art is very cute, can I request Sansa playing with Bran?
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honeyedfem · 7 days
i have. No money to get food with and i am in lecture rn and then i immediately get on the bus to go back to my main campus and take physics. water is the best i can do for now
Shaking you shaking you shaking you
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dipperscavern · 21 days
Yk what we haven’t got enough of??
Ned stark smut.
Like we’re not about to play in mr Ned’s face bc his face card NEVERRR declined
ohhhh shit. i’m afraid you might be right….. idk how u guys keep doing this but i was literally JUST thinking about dad (ned) n a younger reader. does that make me grotesque 😞
also his face card NEVER declined. NEVAAA!!!
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gojuo · 3 months
‪aegon is better than me because i'd have done more than bullying aemond in a brothel after my son was murdered‬
asoiaf's no. 1 or no. 2 most atrocious event that shook up the narrative, uprooted characters and their interpersonal relationships, set the plot + character arcs into motion and these writers are like ...... oh did that happen? .... idc let's move on. and there are people defending this writing like i really can't i genuinely truly can't 😭😭😭
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coffee-at-annies · 1 month
Jars and/or ned for the Getty pics?
There’s not a ton of Jars&Ned
have some Jars
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x x x
some Ned
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x x x
Some and,
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x x
and some or
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x x
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monarchisms · 2 years
In regards to the last ask: Cheating is not a fireable offense BUT sexual misconduct is and being the employer/boss/owner of the company would make the Ned situation sexual misconduct. So no he wasn’t terminated for just cheating, he got fired for his position of power that he knowingly or unknowingly used in this situation.
^^^ very good point!
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thestuffedalligator · 6 months
is their anyone else you could add the League of extraordinary Gentlemen, Canada branch?
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Nelvana of the Northern Lights
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Buck from Call of the Wild and White Fang from White Fang
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Ojistoh from the poem by Emily Pauline Nelson
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Uhhh Murdoch? I’ve never seen Murdoch Mysteries but it fits the timeframe and he looks very polite
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Bob and Doug McKenzie but their early 20th century ancestors. Roberta and Douglas McKenzie
Edit to just add that this is the post being talked about here
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casterhex · 1 month
good to know. teehee. here's one i did last night
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placeinthisworld · 1 year
is there new tea 👀
HAHA kinda! Miles left the company (on good terms they’re all friends!!) and he just talked in his latest YouTube video that nearly quit a year ago bc he found someone there “so yucky” but then that person got publicly shamed online and was forced to leave the company so he ended up staying LOL
just more proof that people hated Ned before everything came out
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rolkstone · 6 months
I think a good maybe body swap idea would be Ned Flanders and Sideshow Bob. Good vs Evil
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stromuprisahat · 10 months
This excerpt from Sex with Kings gives more insight as to why Catlyn feels so negatively about Jon.
It was generally accepted that bastards were more intelligent and better looking than legitimate children. The belief was that intercourse between a man and his mistress was truly an act of love, or at least genuine desire. And in that moment of conception, the passions of love and desire mingled to form a more impressive child than those wrung from forced copulation. In addition to superior intelligence and looks, royal bastards were less arrogant than their legitimate half siblings, who sauntered about court prickly with the pride of their fully royal birth. Bastards had no official position other than what their father chose to bestow on them and usually offered him a fierce loyalty in return for his generosity. The king often loved his bastards far better than the princes and princesses coerced from his loins in the marriage bed.
As interesting take as this it, what I see you saying is that Cat hates Jon, because she thinks he's hot.
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helianskies · 7 months
11 and 3 for nedport!
i got excited for a second and then i realised you picked number 3 and :(
...but fine. if you insist >:3
11. what are their first impressions of each other?
ned: oh god please not another one—
port: um who let in the street urchin??
but really, ned would be wary of portugal at first by all accounts. he's already got strong opinions on spain when they meet and this young nation can't handle another toni. he therefore plays it carefully and keeps his mouth shut around the iberian, cards close to his chest. port might be calm and lax on the outside, but ned can see there's more to him than meets the eye. he doesn't want to test him.
meanwhile, port probably looks at ned and is briefly pitiful of this other poor kid toni has dragged home with him, but is not too heavily invested in ned as an individual. still, he first sees ned and labels him quiet and timid. no threat. mild. just... there. he's just a little lost lamb trapped in the lair of an iberian wolf. coitadinho... (shame he couldn't see the future, huh!)
3. which one outlives the other and how do they cope (this hurt to write but...)
ned outlives port.
port is not too surprised as the times draws near and he feels his connection to his land becoming tenuous, weaker, frail... it starts with the grey hairs, the aches in his body that won't go away - that only get worse, rather than get better. it scares him, but he isn't the sort to say what's wrong. he doesn't want to burden anyone with worry. which is why, when ned realises what's happening - why port is quieter, more distant - he is sworn to secrecy.
not that that makes it easier for ned, of course. but he also knows that if their time is destined to become limited, then he will do what he can to keep port happy.
so, they'll go travelling. no explanation is given to anyone who asks beyond, 'we just thought it was time to have a break'. ned and port will revisit old haunts. they'll try new things while doing the things they've loved doing together for years - maybe even centuries. ned will look after port, and port will make sure ned knows exactly what his wishes are for when the time comes.
of course, port can't keep his condition a secrst forever. but ned helps him keep it for as long as he can. then, once the cat is out of the bag, port packs up and moves in with ned (after ned nags him about it for a while). they continue to live. ned does everything in his power to keep port comfortable, and to spend as much time as possible with him. years will go by. the hairs turns more grey, the bones become more brittle. but ned stays. and port will always he grateful.
when the times comes for ned to be on his own again, 'coping' does not come into it for a while. everything feels empty - his home, his life, his soul. he's lost. he's a wreck. he breaks things in roaring tantrums and stays in bed for days on end. really, port would be having a go at him if he were still around, telling him to pick himself up, to stop being so melodramatic (which would be rich coming from him!).
it's only when ned finds himself in the presence of others - toni, arthur - even luciano - that he can start to try and come to terms with it. they have to be there for each other. he can't get through it alone.
the wounds never fully heal. but every year, once a year, he'll take himself on a trip to a place that port loved or would have loved, and he'll find somewhere peaceful and beautiful to sit down and rest so that he can share it with him. because port will never truly leave him. he's always there, watching over ned. he's in every breeze, every sunset, every wave. port will be with him right to the end, and evetually, ned finds peace in that.
[ ship ask game here! ]
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