#ant-man and the wasp quantumania spoilers
lunarspiral1127 · 1 year
So, my best friend and I saw Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania for free thanks to a buddy who got us free admission vouchers. After some processing, I'd give it a 6/10 and it being a meh start to Phase 5. But there's a character that I wanna talk and that's MODOK.
Let's be real here. MODOK wasn't gonna work in live action. At least, not in CGI. Cause dear lord, we laughed so hard when he was revealed without his mask on. My best friend said that he looked like Humpty Dumpty! I can't unsee that!😆 Like, MODOK in the Marvel's Avengers game was done better than the MCU version.
But, despite how goofy he looked, I hate that MODOK was Darren Cross from the first Ant-Man movie. He could've just died in that movie as Yellowjacket, but instead the Quantumania had him be found by Kang and remade him to be MODOK when he was all mangled up. Which is bullcrap cause it's supposed to be George Tarleton, leader of AIM(which I don't even know if t he MCU ever touched upon that criminal orginization). I don't know why this decision was made, nor do I know why he was even in this movie, cause you can replace him with someone else and there'd be no difference.
MODOK can be a threat in the comics and in some animated shows, despite how he looks. Here, he's just a minion and at times a punching bag and you can't really take him seriously, especially with his stretched out CGI'd face.
MODOK's butt.....why did that have to be shown? That didn't need to be seen.
Why does he keep taking his mask off nearly every time he's on screen?! He looked more menacing with it on than without it. Hell his voice module sounded more serious than his normal voice. Seriously, I keep laughing at how goofy he looks with that face.
In the movie, MODOK has a really bad redemption because Cassie told him to stop being a dick....I'm not kidding, that's how he's convinced to betray Kang. By not being a dick. 😆 I get that the movie was trying to have him be Darren again, his own person and not be a servant to a conqueror who didn't treat him well, but it could've been written better than "Don't be a dick, Darren!"
MODOK dies....yep. And, it's really really awkward. Cause he was saying stuff like he saw Scott as a brother to him and that he'll die as an Avenger before he died. And Scott, Hank, and Hope had to go along with it cause I think they feel sorry for them? It was really weird. Like, no way in hell that those things are true, especially all things he did before. Darren was gonna sell the Yellowjacket and the Ant-Man suits to Hydra and the Ten Rings, and he threatened to kill Cassie, Paxton (whose not in this movie for some reason), and other innocent people before he became MODOK. Hell, he tried to kill Cassie and Hank in this movie as well as helping Kang kill even more people in the Quantum realm! Why the hell would I feel sad for him dying when his redemption was poorly executed? Sorry, but I wasn't sad that he died.
But, yeah, MODOK was....that. And so much for him. This is one of those characters that wouldn't work in live action and should've stayed in the comics and animated shows. If you like this version of MODOK, that's fine, but I'm not a fan of this version.
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og-ant-man · 1 year
Hello again Hank.-Kangaroo The Conqueror
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"Holy shit...you're a kangaroo."
Hank freezes as he looks at the mammal in front of him. Was this...was this Kang? Did Scott somehow turn him into a kangaroo?
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warriorofdragons · 1 year
Out of context spoilers for Ant-Man and the Wasp Quantumania.
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sersi · 1 year
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Let me make this easy for you. You will bring me what I need or everything you call life will end.
Jonathan Majors as Kang the Conqueror Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania (2023) dir. Peyton Reed
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bebx · 1 year
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spoilers for Ant Man 3 below !!!!!
Loki and Mobius are back, y’all
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platinumink · 1 year
Kang the Conquerer in Antman and the Wasp: Quantumania might have been the good guy!!
(Or at least the least evil villain in this story... so hear me out! :))
I just went out to see Antman and the Wasp: Quantumania with my family and my father, who has never seen a single Marvel movie, just had the greatest speculation in the world!
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Imagine: The first post credit scene showed three main Kang Variants disputing the matter of the exiled Kangs fate which resulted in them calling every single one of the remaining Kang Variants. Now, think about the short scene where Janet touched Kangs mind (and therefore most likely the other Kang's minds). And lastly, think of the way Kang asked her multiple times about what she saw and how they never had time to talk about what she had seen.
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Now here's the thing my father pointed out:
What if the Kang in Quantumania was the Kang they SHOULD have let free? What if the other Kangs exiled that particular Kang because he wanted to STOP the other Kangs? What if Janet had seen what the other Kangs had done and what that Kang was trying to stop? This would make a lot more sense than just all the other remaining Kangs exiling that one Kang because he was following the same mindset. Maybe it was all just a big misunderstanding?
This especially makes sense if you include the ending of Quantumania in this debate, where Scott "overthinks" what has happened and guesses (right) that other Kangs will come and bring destruction upon the world.
Please give me some pieces if your mind in the comments. To me, this makes so much sense. xD
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yelenaswift · 1 year
Antman and the Wasp Quantumania spoilers with no context:
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Okay but the scene in Ant Man Quantumania where the billions of Scott’s running around all coming together to help the main Scott because in every universe, in every lifetime Scott’s main focus will always be Cassie — I was sobbing in the theater he’s such a good dad
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Quantumania... did the critics and I watch the same movie??? 
I swear, people expect Endgame out of everything these days and it’s getting old. Marvel had the impossible task of finishing an Ant Man trilogy while simultaneously introducing Kang the Conquerer (holy shit that sounds even more difficult when I say it out loud) to general, non-comic fanatic and non-Disney Plus subscribing audiences, and they did about the best they could have done. In my opinion, they did great.
That was the most fun I’ve had in a Marvel movie since No Way Home. I think Wakanda Forever was of a higher quality, but this was something else I needed for my trust to be earned back. I have my faith back in Marvel movie magic. It’s still there, and I couldn’t be more hyped for where Ant Man goes next. :)
(PS: Jonathan Majors is my hero and I now want all the MODOK merch)
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spaacedusty · 1 year
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they’re looking for mr conqueror :) 
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saintdollyparton · 1 year
Saw the new Ant-Man. I think people are being too harsh on it. It was not a masterpiece but it was definitely enjoyable. My biggest complaint is THERE SHOULD BE MORE KANG AND KANG SHOULD BE MORE. There were also some inconsistencies that nagged at me but that seems to be the norm for the multiverse saga so far.
But yeah did anyone else get a little bit of a fruity vibe from Cassie? She was totally simping over Jentorra, the rebellion leader lady.
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og-ant-man · 1 year
*Veb appears out of nowhere* hello
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"Holy shit...it's veb. How the hell did you get here?"
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beezonia · 1 year
I love Scott Lang so much. He’s the best dad on earth and oh my god I need to rant
Some spoilers ahead so pls don’t read if you haven’t seen it!
His devotion to Cassie is what makes me smile and it’s the same with Janet just wanting to be with hope
I mean spending all that time in the quantum realm and then having to face what she did when all she wanted was a normal life with her family
She fought tooth and nail to get out of the quantum realm obviously having to adapt to a new life, helping someone she didn’t even know because she knew how it felt to be alone there
Only to find out he was a conqueror and someone who could destroy worlds and timelines so she had to sacrifice her desire so not only her family (but the world) would be safe
She is such a strong woman and honestly I love her so much
Okay cassie is an icon and extremely awesome
Helping homeless people by protesting! We love that
Also scott being like disappointed dad at first but then showing off when they get put in the cells in Kangs citadel cause he’s been in jail four times
Being so scared of things but just like scott Cassie works things out and helps save the day along with becoming stronger herself
She loves her dad and scott loves her so much I just love their relationship so much
They are in love you’re honour
I love scotthope sm
Hank being just like wtf throughout the whole thing but vibing with it
We love to see it
I also love hankjanet a lot they are soft
Hope and Janet are not to be separated again YOU HEAR ME MARVEL
Janet Van Dyne honestly deserves the whole world
She is tired mom who can kick ass
Overall I love the Lang/Van Dyne/Pym family a lot
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warriorofdragons · 1 year
I really hope someone does an edit or amv of Jennifer Saunders version of “I Need A Hero” over Scott storming Kang’s citadel.
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Okay so I have a lot of thoughts. Ant-Man: Quantumania spoilers
Okay. I love the first Ant-Man movie. It's a comfort film, it's what made me watch the rest of the MCU. So you can imagine my utter lack of enthusiasm when I was told that quantumania was going to be large scale. Scott, is small scale. He just wants to be a good dad to Cassie and ogle at all the handsome guys he sees when he meets up with avengers.
He's a light character. He's optimistic. He's the comedic relief in every guest star he's in. His lightness works so well to keep people, viewer and villain alike, underestimating him. It has always been used to give him the upper hand both emotionally and intellectually. Knowing this? Makes Kang's introduction—because that's what this really is, Kang The Conqueror not He Who Remains, is why this movie was made—all the more perfect. Well, it would've been had the writers given it the chance that was so clearly there, had they tried to give it focus.
Kang was mostly a mysterious figurehead who spoke of horrors and wars and destroyed little children's worlds like Sylvie’s for the "sacred timeline" with just the promise of more of his destruction if variations were allowed. That is what I've always considered to be his Thanos introduction. His single appearance in Loki was Kang's version of the multiple teasers throughout phases 1-3 that Thanos had. It was faster, more efficient and more powerful because it told you exactly what he is capable of without making you figure it out or wait. It told you he is the end, no half of the universe no half of our heroes will survive. He did it all in a single episode. He did it all to make you know, so when we next see him we can feel.
Kang and Scott are extreme contrasts. They are light and dark personified. Their power difference ("you're out of your league") is so severe that they don't just not belong in the same fight they don't belong in the same movie. And that's exactly why Scott was the perfect person to introduce Kang.
Scott, while incredibly intelligent and did outsmart the forced field Kang set up, and did destroy the power source, is physically helpless to Kang. He was stepped on, broken and bloodied in just a few seconds under Kang's strength. Just his body's strength. And as Scott was forced to ground Kang looked at him in pity. Kang pitied the man he was killing because it was, laughably, inevitable. Scott has no way of winning. He knew that and said so himself. He knew the only way to get rid of Kang was to lose, for them both to lose and—isn't that a thought. "Our hero was entirely helpless, he could only get rid of Kang if he also lost, are all our hero's going to be helpless? Lose everything to Kang. Is that the only way to be rid of him?" This is how it should've felt at the end of quantumania to properly build the foundation for phase 5.
These two would've been able to bring the full fright and might of the upcoming Kang Dynasty had marvel let the movie be an Ant-Man movie. Quantumania should have been allowed to be like it's previous two in the franchise and been a comedy, had focused on what made this franchise shine: it's relationships: Scott and Cassie, Scott and Hank, Luis and Kurt, the blended family; the light even in the darkest of times. Instead it focused on the VanDyne women. Mainly Janet. Having the focus on Janet, her mysterious-past-arch with knives and fights and guns and the morbidity of being lost from your loved ones—while admittedly intriguing and worth exploring sometime else—that complete lack of light stole that weight the scale put upon this movie desperately needed. And Hope demanded darkness in her scenes with her curiosity of what horrors took her mother from her and ripped her father from her emotionally for years (and this is all interesting and important for her character/viewer and should be expanded upon further and could even be paralleled with Cassie so we can eventually see a bond between those two). However for this film to work, she needed to either learn how to finally accept light with her parents and Scott alike, or have already accepted it. Her scenes with Scott were extremely sweet, I will admit, but her relationship with her parents were more the focal point since the very beginning. Cassie, Hank, and Scott carried the lightness, but it wasn't enough to balance out the scale with the sheer severity of Kang's darkness, and the VanDyne women's additions.
Seeing Janet and Kang interact made me lose the fear of Scott dying. I shouldn’t have lost that fear. Focusing on Janet being relatively fine (considering), and physically unharmed the whole movie, and having escaped Kang even after having destroyed his entire pursuit in life for years eliminated any fear of Scott dying. I walked into the movie believing he was doing to die, and I walked out thinking I was crazy for even entertaining the idea. I shouldn’t lost that fear. We shouldn’t lose the fear of the man who threatened us with multiversal war in Loki. If they used Janet’s and Kang’s bond when he was banished and she was alone, not to show how cool Janet is (though yes she absolutely is for outsmarting and trapping him), but to parallel Janet to Scott it would’ve helped not only the film’s pacing but also to connect the viewer to Kang.
Thanos, he had a reason. His purpose was perhaps one of the simplest motivations to understand. Kang, however, has an infinite amount of variants. What we know so far is that he wants power, he wants to conquer. When he’s done all that he wants to conquer himself; hence the war that started the scared timeline. But. Why did one of his variants decide to stop this? What would cause this variant to suddenly become guilt ridden, compassionate, tired of himself and his suffering he both experiences and causes? Kang is complex. He’s so very interesting. But how can we as the viewers even begin to care about this man who, whenever we see a sympathetic variant, gets killed off (Sylvie, Scott) before we can see why? Why did he change? Why would we care if we’re denied the opportunity to learn.
Paralleling Janet to Scott and only through the eyes of Kang would’ve given the casual viewer the opportunity to ask why. Kang bonded with Janet over her kindness in saving his life, he valued her’s because of it. He wanted to eliminate her pain and bring her home to her daughter. But once she saw who he was she left and tried to stop him. That’s exactly what Scott is trying to do here. Get home to earth and protect his daughter, stop Kang when he tries to hurt others. If Kang saw this and still tries kill him? Still tries to hurt everyone for his “great mission”? It would make Kang so much more approachable to understand. You would want to know why he would still hurt people he saw value in. He considers them good, yet he kills, and still sees himself as good?
Ugh I don’t know. I feel like this franchise was the perfect one to introduce the Kang Dynasty but they just didn’t do it well. And they didn’t do it justice to the original Ant-Man or any of its characters.
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@wearewatcher I expect to see Shane in the Guardians of the Galaxy 3 or I will demand a refund
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