#antas m agoria
twst-drabbles · 1 month
OCs 1
Summary: Danger only continues to climb, leaving behind more and more scars and injuries that you have just gotten almost numb to. But, of course, your friends have to react to it, because they care too much.
(Yaaaaay I got all the main requests out! Now I just have the Fish's Eye to get through. Eventually. I will be opening up the inbox for all requests at some point. Keep an eye out for that! Also hehehe, my OCs! I swear, I do care about them!)
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Just when you think things are fading, that the scars and old injuries on your body were receding, something always comes around to mess you up all over again.
It really feels like you’re getting used to risking your life for the sake of saving people. In your mind, they’re your dumbass friends, but you really can’t call them that when you’re over here being a bigger idiot than any of them.
You don’t have magic, and magic refuses to heal you in the way it does others. But you go on anyway, letting your legs take you forward to grab another reached out hand, another knocked out body, and shield another person caught unawares.
You stopped keeping track how many bones you’ve fractured, how many scars you’ve gained, how nerves you’ve damaged.
You’ve almost learned to live with it, but, as always, you can’t really keep to that state of mind.
Not with all these students reminding you every so often.
“I don’t understand how you can forgive them,” Valenio hovered by the doorway, clearly intending on following right behind you as some sort of moral support. “After all that, I feel uneasy even being in the same room as any of those housewardens.”
As if those same housewardens also don’t feel uneasy whenever you’re in the same room. You’re not some taboo subject that shouldn’t be seen or touched.
Valenio means well, you know that, but it irritates you all the same.
“Don’t think about it too deeply, buddy,” you sighed out as you walked past him, “It’s a mess, but I can handle it. Just, focus on your own things, ‘kay?”
Antas was… more direct about it.
“Simply put, those pixies of yours wouldn’t stop filling my ears with their bell-like voices,” Antas waved about, as if they were still ringing in his ears, “Injuries and scars such as this are rare, you know. They think your body is giving up on you, that you’re on your last legs.”
Ah, that explains the stacks upon stacks of berries, tiny potion jars and other get-well commodities you’ve seen being left on your window as of late. But, even with that truth of those pixies concern, it’s easy to see that this was just an excuse to stretch out his own brand of concerned.
“Yeah yeah, don’t pay it too much mind,” you’re trying to keep it out of yours in the first place, even through all the occasional pain and itching, “If I’m actually dying, you’ll know about it.”
Tul’Veith is gentle to you, infuriatingly so, whenever you two meet up. He was already straining himself worrying over his body and studies, and here he was, constantly struggling to bring you more potions just to help you out.
“It took me a little bit, but I managed to get my hands on some amazing ingredients. Uh, here, this one should help with pain.”
And, you have to push it back to him. You know he’s not telling you the whole truth. He pulled from his own treasures that he used on himself, to help his own ailing body.
If you let Tul’Veith start with this worrying, he’ll never stop. And you’ll get distracted, and probably even think that you need this and drain him of everything he has.
“It’s fine. I’ll figure it out myself how to deal with it.”
Just, he really needs to stop.
And Vio, he seethes. Well, he’s always seething against something, like the whole world has somehow wronged him in every way it can think of. But, when you’re around, it seems as though it gets deeper, more sour.
He bites into his lips until they start to bleed, and he tugs at his hair until it’s out of its ponytail and is just a curly mess.
“Sorry, I didn’t sleep well at all.”
But, he doesn’t point anything out. He trudges on and at least pretends to have a normal day, coming up with every excuse to explain his mood rather than blow up in your face about your recklessness, and blow up at everyone else that gave you these scars.
You leave him alone, because as much as you appreciate him not saying anything, you don’t want any part of his mood.
Cheridal’s been persistent. He comes over to your dorm more and more, often taking up task that are generally tedious to do, like cleaning your forks and spoons to a mirror shine.
“Really? Nothing to talk about or say? No anger or resentment to speak of?” Cheridal asked as he wiped away every drop of water from your utensils before putting it in its proper drawer.
“Stop fishing, Cheridal,” you flicked water at him, almost cringing when your rubber gloves slipped down your arm, but you tugged it back with your teeth, “I don’t hate anyone. I don’t need anyone to take revenge for me.”
“Just, saying, the offer is still open.”
So he says, like he wasn’t eager to correct a perceived injustice. Your feelings are more than enough to get him to act, doesn’t really care if everyone else did something wrong or not.
You won’t let something like the state of your body be the reason you hate anyone. This was just the result of your actions. A reminder that not even magic would be able to save you if you do anything too stupid.
Whatever happens, you’ll be sure to face it as best you can.
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noir-drabbles · 2 years
List of OC's
Take your pick. Many of them might not be sorted into a universe. My brain is scrambled so things are subject to change. Some of them won't have names cause I haven't decided.
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Valenio Mara
The Goliath, feared by many that live within the darker sea. He is not a legend so much as he is a catastrophe, always hungry, always consuming. Cursed by the abyss to grow and grow until he consumed it all. Until then, he will not die.
How unfortunate that he follows you.
Valenio has been sleeping for quite a long time, for so long that he even has a city on his back. Yes, he is that huge. He is a merperson with the tail of a whale, but it does have extra bits and gills that separate him from the rest. He also hasn't spoken for quite a long time. Well, that is until he met you. You can only imagine how rumbly his voice is, how disused it must be.
Rakan Mara
Away from the rest of civilization is a man blessed by a most beloved sea god. He is the barrier, the protector, the one meant to keep The Goliath out.
For all his blessings, he cannot move from where he lives, for the barrier is a bone-like coral reef that grows from him. And yet, you managed to free him.
Rakan is treated and respected by many, but one can tell that he has a slight, disdain whenever talk of the sea god pops up in any conversation. However, he's treated as a sort of caretaker of the dead. Whenever you want your loved ones to have a grave, Rakan will always provide it.
He's the older step brother of Valenio.
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Antas M. Agoria
Ah, so this is embarrassing but he came in a dream where superheroes and villains and the like have since been relegated to simple acting roles, as a means of enacting the bygone days of heroism without the actual collateral damage and civilian lives lost. They're basically a means of separating celebrity culture from heroes so as to not interfere with their work.
Now this is just a form of entertainment.
In this dream, the stages were huuuuge. And I do mean city wide stages. They're not actually buildings, just fake copies of these things, meant to crumble easily.
So anyways, Antas used to play the role of a villain, the classic mastermind behind everything kind of thing, while looking beautiful while doing it?
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When he was in the prime of his youth, he was a favorite among the other test subjects. However, such a time has long past.
Now, he will be fed to you. As a final, deprecating comment to himself, this older man had claimed the name Ash. One throws them away once you're done, right?
A man around his late thirties who has been used and subject to all sorts of experiments in an attempt to understand how the human body reacts to all these strange, almost divine beings that have recently appeared in this world. At least, that's what the original goal was.
Now this facility has since shifted from that goal to make their own divinity. With that goal in mind, why would they have any need for Ash? And so, he became your first sacrifice, to you, a most inhuman and flesh bending divine being. However, you didn't eat him. You kept him.
The White Beast
A successful of a human and a divine. A large creature, slow to speak, slow to register. A most gentle man. And yet, he does not remember anything beyond the walls of this place.
He bows to no one, but to you, he will kiss the tiles you walk upon.
No one really knows what makes him angry. One thing they do know is that he is fine being completely alone. A pale beast who, when he walks on fertile dirt, makes vegetation appear. He is a very vital person/creature in this world everyone lives in. As such, he is a highly protective creature.
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Delicate Servant (Ayel)
Essentially, he is a very beautiful man, long pastel pink hair with the reddest of eyes and he serves you with full faith and loyalty. By all means, he looks more suiting for the role of a prince or some royal title. I'm debating whether he should have some demonic blood in him, but either way, he has this weird ability to enchant many. But he doesn't want to.
Unfortunately he ends up catching the eyes of a duke and his wife who want nothing more than to possess him.
He is innocent and wouldn't wish misfortune onto anyone, but upon you being in danger, he had to switch his tune.
A stoic man, feared and politically powerful to the point that streets will make even his walks an event. Anyone that gets in his way are punished not by the duke, but by the people themselves.
He and his wife actually get along really well, all things considered. But now they're both fascinated with your Delicate Servant and want nothing more than to possess him.
And yet, both he and his wife can't stop looking at you too.
A femme fatale type of woman who married the Duke for the protection it provides to her reputation. That and he's a long time friend of her's so this arrangement is much better than a stranger.
She has no shortage of lovers but has trouble finding anyone that will truly entertain her on the same level as the Duke. That is, until you and your delicate servant.
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Fire Bringer
Honestly, he came in a dream to me. Basically he's a man constantly on fire, in a world that is basically a zombie-ish apocalypse. But in this case it's demons. I thiiiink he's a demon. I distinctly remember he had a sword and is chasing after his own fellow demons for the sake of fight rather than anything good.
Well, he is also chasing you, for you managed to make a contract with a particularly powerful demon who carries you everywhere.
Also he's naked. Yeah.
Contracted Demon
He is someone that you once hated, but his mind no longer remembers anything. He was frightened, and in his panic, made a contract with you so he isn't left alone. Despite his large size and wolf like appearance, he defers to you, always.
He was once a demon that ruled over others. And now that his memories are gone, many will come after him in an attempt to steal his powers.
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Prince (Saerus)
An eager and heavily abused man that wants nothing more than the approval of his father. However, the King does not cherish him in the way he cherishes you, the deity chained under this palace.
As long as you're here, this place will be untouched by war. But your wrath, quietly boiling under your skin, is warping this place.
Be careful when asking about him, he has suffered a number of abusive events that range from verbal to physical to sexual assault. He is not a light story.
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Ex Vampire King (Caphriel)
Once a respected Vampire King, he as been betrayed by his own nobles who think he's too soft to deserve his position. He had appointed you, a human, as a guard for his youngest son. Strange, as well as disappointing.
After the massacre of his family, including his youngest, you had disappeared, and the Vampire King had closed his realm from any and all foreigners.
Only then did his nobles strike.
He managed to escape, away from his palace and into the realm of man. Bruised and bloody, he collapsed on your doorstep.
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twst-drabbles · 8 months
Antas and Valenio 1
Summary: You set off into the woods simply for the fun traveling. Valenio follows because he wants to pick a specific flower for his upcoming opera performance. And Antas tags along presumably for the sake of keeping you company.
(Ah, been a while since I've looked at my creations! Have at them and give them plenty of compliments please.)
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It wasn’t really something you planned, this hiking trip.
“So,” you jumped over a big root only to have your pants snag on a branch, “woah!”
Luckily, Valenio caught you by the shoulder, though the strength in his hand made your joint creak a bit. He helped you down on the other side, muttering a deep, “Careful.”
“I told you that you should’ve gotten some hiking boots,” tutted Antas as he floated right over your head, facing towards the foliage covered sky with his arms behind his head, as though in a private pool, “Little humans with their little ground bound selves are going to trip over nature’s biological chaos.”
It’s odd to you, really, to see him wear the face of Crowley and yet none of his usual clothing. It was a simple ruffle front shirt with the dark pants of his uniform and thigh high boots. Barely any of his usual effort, as though this really was just relaxing at home.
Meanwhile you and Valenio were pretty much sweating through your clothes. Well, more Valenio than you. It seems he’s still not used to the warmer temperatures of the surface world, especially compared to the deep sea.
“Yeah yeah, I hear you,” you waved, dismissing him as you check the damage on your pants. Nothing wrong, just a loose thread. Yes, it was dumb of you to travel this far into the woods but to fair, you were going in a straight line. And Valenio’s with you so it’s not as if you’re alone. “Anyways, Valenio, mind telling me more about the flower you’re looking for?”
“Rude,” Antas scoffed, but you can hear the amusement in his voice and feel his carapace hands patting your head. You didn’t stop him and kept walking.
Valenio hummed and reached into his bag. He pulled out a worn journal with an odd bone pen sticking out from the pages. “It’s called the Lucretia’s Wine Glass. Named not for its peculiar shape that gathers its nectar in, but after a winemaker woman that shared a glass of her most precious wine with her lover. Supposedly the drops spilled gave birth to this flower.”
“Oh my, how romantic,” Antas flipped in the air, now on his stomach, his legs swinging about as he propped up his chin, “And familiar. Isn’t that story the subject of your next performance, dear Valenio?”
“Oh so that’s the theme,” Valenio didn’t really tell you much beyond the date, “how cute. Why didn’t you tell me?”
Valenio coughed into his hand, “It’s… overly sentimental. And… I didn’t want to give a wrong impression.”
“There’s nothing wrong with choosing a romantic opera piece, though,” you said with a light touch of laughter.
Antas flew down and whispered, “he likely thought you wouldn’t like it. Tell me, how many students in this college would be willing to sit down and listen to something as overly sappy as The Winemaker’s Glass Gift?”
Not many. Not many at all.
“Don’t whisper as though I can’t hear you. Even with all the noise, I’ve learned to distinguish them just fine.” Valenio sighed out as he slide down a rock structure.
“Whoops, sorry.”
“So,” you gestured in front of you, “why the flower hunt?”
“Because…” Valenio paused and you stopped as well. Poor man had a hand pressed against the tree. He reached into his bag, pulled out a flask and poured its contents all over his head, “That’s better. Because, the story is about love, dedication, and devotion. It’s a beautiful piece, and I feel it would bring me closer to this song if I had this flower to perform with.”
Well then, no wonder so many Pomefiore students both admire him, despite this barely concealed fear.
“Well, I hope you find that flower then,” you looked up, “though, what about you? Why are you here?”
An aura of glittering butterfly scales lapsed into view, rendering the woods still for just a moment before the winds brushed past you all once more. Antas was smiling, as one would towards a threat that had no chance of touching them.
“Think of me as your invitation, Prefect, Valenio,” finally, as though tired of being in the air, Antas let his heel click on a stone protrusion, “Can’t very well have those close me be stolen away because they forgot that woods aren’t ever truly untouched.”
…you know what, that’s on you for forgetting that faeries exist in just about every part of the world. You really should curb your habit of just wandering into places. It’ll probably get you killed one day.
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twst-drabbles · 2 years
Antas 2
Summary: Divus told you to look for a student that skipped his remedial class by the name of Antas M. Agoria. You know nothing of this man other than his face and general personality. Why would Divus ask you, the janitor, to look for a student instead of an actual classmate? Because you had a knack for finding the hidden and disguised.
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“Be wary, Agoria has a habit of disguising himself as someone else.”
“How the fuck do you expect me to find him then?”
“Because he’s fae. Don’t think I haven’t notice how drawn they are to you. I think you’re perfect for the job. Now, have a nice run! I have full faith you’ll bring that disobedient pup back.”
You’re going to stab Divus one day, you’re absolutely sure of it. Or at least have one of your little buddies soak his sheets at three AM as revenge.
Bastard, making more work for you, even though you fully accepted the huge money bride he gave you. Oh well, what can you say? You love money and you do want to have more of it. Still, that didn’t stop you from stomping down the quiet hallway. You were in the middle of a nice study session too, researching the golden age that resulted in the campus of RSA to be built. It’s all interesting stuff, truly.
But nope, you have to run an errand that has nothing to do with your job as a janitor. Well, a handsomely paid errand but still!
There’s a little tap on the window next to you. You opened it and in came in a water fairy. They twirled, the ends of their water hair breaking off into floating droplets before holding their hands out.
“You found him?” Already you can feel the stress rolling off your shoulders.
The little fairy nodded, holding out their hands higher. A reward is in order. Phew, you don’t have to search around the entire campus then. You pulled out a puff of dragon’s beard candy and stuff it into their waiting arms. The entire candy spanned their torso and they twirled again at the generosity.
Little tinkling bells, laughing and praising the gift to highest clouds. They flew down the hall and you followed.
Soon, you found yourself in the greenhouse garden. While this part of the campus wasn’t one you frequented often, the fae here clean it up just fine, it was populated with a number of students plucking and planting. The water fairy insisted Agoria was somewhere around here. His scent was distinct as well as familiar, apparently.
“You’ve got to be shitting me…” you grumbled.
Guess fae are able to sense their own kind quite well, but unfortunately this Agoria was an expert at not being found.
You don’t have much knowledge about him, as you don’t go to any class, period. You’ve seen him, talked to him even when he returned a book you were on the hunt for. You weren’t friends, not even close. Just two strangers with a mutual respect to not make this place more of a mess than it already was.
However, as much as you wanted to spite Divus, he was indeed correct about you being the best for the job, for you did find him.
There’s a figure under a tree, snoozing away. To anyone else, it was Leona resting in an indent made just for his body. Nobody would bat their eyes twice, as he rests wherever whenever. By all means, the splaying of his limbs, the twitches of his ears, even down to the slovenly worn uniform and scuffed sandals exuded Leona.
The only reason you know it wasn’t him? This part of the garden took more effort to get here than anywhere else. Regular Leona wouldn’t bother coming here, let alone would he be welcome.
When you do find him, and if he’s in disguise,
With the help of the wind fairy, your steps were quiet. You hopped over roots and stopped right by the disguised Agoria’s body.
Pinch his clothes and pull. It’ll rip like cotton.
You knelt down, grabbed his collar and ripped it off. Like the scales on a butterflies wings, the fabric tore and disintegrated, falling away in a scattering glitter of color. The hole in the disguise, the glamour, expanded and fluttered just the same. It was a beautiful array of colors, truly, though it did make you cough when you accidentally breathed in the dust.
Soon, all that lay before you was the Agoria Divus was looking for. A tall man, with long waves of lilac hair blanketing his back like a bed sheet. He was awake, eyes wide as he blinked at you in surprise. Huh, he didn’t just have two eyes, there were six more pebble sized ones on his forehead.
“So,” He pushed himself up, high heels gently scraping the grass he was napping on. “you found me.” He sounded shocked, mystified even. His voice was deeper than you thought, though that could be effects of sleep.
Honestly, though you were more fascinated by the carapace on his hands, a blue so dark it may as well be black. How he manages to scratch his face without nicking it is beyond you.
But, you’re not here to admire the sheer variety in fae features. You’re here to do an errand.
“Divus is pissed at you,” You thumbed the path back to class, “Get to class or I have to make you.”
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twst-drabbles · 1 year
Wait can you do a dynamic explanation for how your oc acts with us(Yuu)?
Depends honestly, cause I have Eldritch Prefect, the Caretaker, the Janitor and the Regular Prefect to think about, buuuut since I don't want the post to get too long, Imma talk about the OC's in the house pet au.
For the Caretaker, Antas is another pet, but one that ran away from his owner after he attacked her live on television. Usually, driders such as he are considered to be dangerous pests, so when they show behavior such as that, they'd be put down without hesitation. Basically, he's a mini drider that wanders from house to house, hoping to find a cool little corner to spin his web in and rest. He does not look good, all malnourished and dehydrated since he does not know how to hunt for himself. But, of course, the Caretaker eventually finds him around in their garden and they have to take him in. He had to be in isolation for quite a bit cause he did not relax around the other pets. He needed to have small bits of exposure, over time until he eventually comes out of his shell. And man did he. His spider half started getting more and more vibrant until eventually they started to bloom in some colorful lilac butterfly scales on his abdomen with a stain-glass like pattern. But yeah, he very much ends up attached to the Caretaker at the hip. Would try to crawl up their leg and onto their shoulder. Sometimes will hide in high places and jump right on their head. He's a quiet little thing, but the little shakes of his limbs tell all of his happiness. He can still fit on your hand, just so you know.
Valenio in the house pet au is another pet that managed to escape his kidnappers. He's never had an owner but he did have a friend that he liked to visit cause they fed him all sorts of weird foods he's never find in the deepsea. He had a lot of little guppies following him around, hiding in his very long trails of frills and fins. He doesn't look that different from his regular au self, just vastly smaller. Though, he is the length of your leg. He is big, though not as heavy as you might think. His little human torso, you can grab with one hand, but just barely. But, anyways, Caretaker was having a beach day but had to cut it short when they found a beached Valenio, very much heavily injured with all the little guppies trying to keep hiding in what was left of his fins. At home, Valenio has a tank all to himself. It's a huge tank as well, almost reaching the ceiling. You need a ladder to reach but it's all fine. Caretaker did try to take him back to the sea, but nope, Valenio is staying planted in the tank. He likes it. You can't move him. Just you try. Much like the other pets, he's not the smartest. He tried to get the Caretaker in the tank with him, cause he didn't know they couldn't breathe underwater. Also, despite the large size of his tank, it's the easiest thing to clean cause he goes out of his way to help you out. Though he does have a meticulous system that you have to follow or he will give you the silent treatment.
Oh and the guppies are weird little things. They're these shapeless forms of ink, they tend to take on the form of clione but sometimes they look like jellyfish. Either way, it's a sentient thing that hide within the fins and frills of Valenio. They're not a hazard, nor does it bother him.
Vio is a another human, a brat of a human fae, but a human nonetheless. He's attending the college nearby and is trying to expand his social network in order to make something of himself and his family. To that point, he actually does, initially, look down on the existence of the Caretaker since all he's heard about them is that they're a shut-in that everyone else spoils. So, to his eyes, the Caretaker is a leech. Basically, he's rather ignorant of the plight of the Caretaker cause he has tunnel vision on his own goals. He has magic, so the job industry and the education system treats him as well. Vio has his own troubles to deal with, so he sees his efforts and his well treatment as a result of all his hard work rather than it being something he was always going to get. He will get humbled when he sees the stacks and stacks of rejection letters on the Caretaker's shelf.
Cheridal is a red sea snake that has taken up home in a little ice cream shop by the sea. His owners really do love him to death, but they can't be with him all the time, so they arranged for him to be staying with the Caretaker whenever winter rolls around. His owners don't live near here and they're hesitant on taking him with them as they don't want him to be too far from home. Cheridal is actually smaller than Jamil, thinner too, but that doesn't stop him from play fighting with all the pets. Hell, he'll even play fight with the Caretaker. He'll beat them one day, he swears! He really has too much energy, so when he's not wrestling, he's usually swimming in the pond outside. If the Caretaker is not looking, he will try to sneak into the freezer for any frozen treats that might be in there. He's a weird creature. He likes to take an ice cube, toss it to the floor and skid it across the floor and chase after it.
And Tul'Veith. He's another pet, a ghostly looking immortal jellyfish. His upper body is human, the rest below is the jellyfish, but all of him is slightly see through. You can see his bones. Anyways, Tul'Veith is very much a sickly little thing that was not taken care of right with his previous owner. The novelty of owning a unique pet wore off so that owner tied him up in a bag and threw him in a river. And, luckily, the Caretaker found them while they were on their hike. By the time the Caretaker took him to the vet, he had already started regressing back into a polyp. So, all the Caretaker could do was place him in a quarantine tank and wait for him to grow. And grow he did. Into the tiniest of baby pets. Here's the start of a new life for Tul'Veith, the strange little creature that still, somehow, remembers everything. He'll be staying here for a bit. Tul'Veith is very much loving despite all that he went through. Out of all the pets, this one has to be the most well behaved, but is also the kind that doesn't have much regard for the state of his body. He gets injured oh so easily and he knows it, but it doesn't stop him from playing around with the other pets when he can. He actually weirds a lot of the other pets out cause they're not used to someone as small as he. They look at him and register a baby, but he does not act like one at all, so they take caution and tend to just, distance themselves. Seriously, he's like the size of your pinky. He's tiny.
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twst-drabbles · 1 year
I'm curious to see Antas and the Prefect getting familiar with each while Vil is in the background watching as if he's an extra. (I'm in the mood to see pathetic men~)
Hohohoho oh boy there's a lot of layers to thiiiiis! Antas analysis incoming via the eyes of Vil, somewhat.
While I only briefly touched upon the subject, Antas is very much an old ex-actor who has basically experienced the worst sides of being a child actor, especially considering the fact that fae ultimately stay looking like children for a very long time compared to human beings. Antas, with the way I structured him, was on of the many figures that Vil drew inspiration from so an old part of Vil wants to make a good impression on Antas...
...but he can't ignore the fact that Antas disappeared off the face of the earth at the height of his popularity right after it was revealed Antas had something to do with accident that befell Antas's mother. It's not uncommon for fae to be vicious towards one another, but considering how highly respected older fae tend to be, Antas's involvement in her accident was considered a disrespect towards the authority of the older fae. So, as such, Antas was not welcomed back home, nor on land. So, where did he go?
The ocean. He went into the ocean.
So, that being said, Vil is conflicted, cautious, and concerned. The media certainly did a number on Antas's image but Vil isn't one to believe in such slander. Though he still can't help but tense his shoulders a bit. Vil is quite attached to his own family members, so he can't imagine the circumstances that would lead for Antas to try and hurt his own mother, the woman who was well known to be Antas's number 1 supporter.
Vil expected a sort of, inconsistency to Antas's actions. Expected him to be rusty in his public persona, to slip up and show the tension one expects when you've been resting for far too long. But no. There's actually a sort of freedom to him. Past Antas was grounded yet shining in the way Vil remembers a gem being unearthed. But this Antas, the one who awoke from his coffin, it felt as though he could fly away at any moment, that the sunlight can come and take him away.
That behavior actually kind of scares Vil a bit. Or at least makes him uncomfortable. Was this another mask of his? Just another persona he's playing at when in reality he's a ticking time bomb waiting to go off?
And will you get caught up in the explosion? Antas has a certain, attachment to you due to your, rather low status as the only person without magic. People such as you, in a situation where anyone could easily harm you if you damage their pride, are usually skittish and prone to scuttle away when there's even a hint of trouble. Really, there's no shame in that. Surviving in this college was always going to be tough for you.
But you are not a shy mouse. The weight upon your shoulders was something you could handle. You don't diminish the value of yourself just to please the voice of the masses. You bend to no one's will besides your own, as every individual should. You cannot be chipped. You cannot be broken.
Of course, such strengths are not made apparent to someone such as Vil until much later, for he lives on a pedestal too high for him to see.
To Vil, he can't see why Antas would take a shining to you at all beyond just seeing you as a magicless person to take care of.
To Antas, he sees every need to be your friend.
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twst-drabbles · 1 year
If all your OCs were yandere for us(Yuu/reader) at the same time how would they act?
Would they find out about how the others feel? Would they be okay with them? Would they change their behavior with us because of the other competition?
(sorry for the many questions I just wanted to give a general idea)
Have a good day 🥰 love the OC content
Let's see let's see.
Antas as a yandere...oh boy...okay, so since I already established the fact that he can disguise himself as anyone he sees, he would probably try and see all side of your personality via pretending to be your friends. And if he spots anyone that may or may not fancy you, he will take on their faces and do something that will ruin their reputation in both the eyes of NRC and yours. However, I would imagine that somehow or another, you end up being able to recognize him no matter the face he wears, which gets to him, both that he likes it and is also afraid of whatever substance you may see underneath it all.
Valenio as a yandere is just, a silent guardian. With the development of the obsession though, the call of the deep sea is much stronger than ever, until eventually he ends up embodying many of it's aspects, leaving only his obsession behind. So, he loses interest in his research, he's no longer as strict on taking his potions and medicine. All he wants to do now is just, go home. He wants to drag you to the bottom of the sea with him, where he will sing a lullaby for all to hear. But, of course, he doesn't. He wants you to take his hand, but he also enjoys your presence too much to do so.
Tul'Veith, aware of his very weak, very bulliable state, plays it up to very masochistic levels. Deliberately fabricates situations where he gets hurt and humiliated so you can come swoop in and save him. When attention is lost, he will tear up or start to sniffle. Probably at some point or another starts to refer to you as his god. Years of existing and reincarnating has chipped away at so much of his pride that he's on his knees to never be forgotten. He hates looking like a fool but he fears the same fate that all of his siblings have met. So your attention is very much something he feels he needs to live.
Vio is...a prideful brat. His mind is doing circles, always focusing on your presence but he denies it to death that he wants anything to do with you. No matter how many hours he spends thinking about you, no matter how his body responds, he is in denial of it all. If anything, he starts snapping and just, being a not so good person. However when you had enough and command him to shut up, heat shoots up his spine and basically becomes meek. Vio basically discovers he likes being put in his place and both hates and loves it.
And Cheridal is a pleaser. The kind of guy to drape himself on you when he can, gives you very expensive things that you have clue where he got but it's yours anyway. And gives you a coupon for whatever sweet treat you want from his parents shop. He catches anyone talking shit about you? He will beat them to unconsciousness and present their bodies to you. Basically something of a guard dog. Is tame for the most part, but will froth at the mouth if he even so much as suspects someone did something to you.
Antas is surprisingly okay with the presence of other yanderes, not in the sense that they can have you but in the sense that they're very useful tools to keep the other riff-raff away from hurting you. Their loyalty is something he can put trust in, but the ones he does see as a threat would have to be Valenio and Tul'Veith. Valenio because he's the younger step-brother of someone he knows, and Tul'Veith because he uses his frail deposition as a weapon. Cheridal is easy to keep busy, all he has to do is let a rumor rise about you getting bullied and he's on the hunt. And Vio...yeah he's the son of a failing noble house, it won't be hard to pile on even more shame onto him.
Valenio only registers the others as mosquitos. People that he can swat aside with little to no issue, and for the most part, he can. Whatever you want, he will follow, so if you want to hang out with the others, he won't mind, but he will make sure that they don't step out of line and try and take his place as the favored one. So, Cheridal and Tul'Veith really do annoy him because of their overly attached behavior. He doesn't mind Antas, mostly because there are aspects of himself that he hates so much he'd rather hide from you for all eternity behind others faces.
Tul'Veith is another possessive one, but keeps it under wraps as he needs to seem harmless. He's uh, he's rather extreme though and will probably break his arms or legs just so you have to look after him.
And Vio continues to be a brat. Hates that he thinks about you all the time but also hates when others are spending all this time with you. Again, it's easy to put him in his place.
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twst-drabbles · 2 years
Long abandoned OCs? In a cult for Prefect? sips tea tell me more
...you sure you want to open this can of worms buddy? Cause I will talk. And talk I shall!
Under the cut of course cause I know not a lot of people are interested in OC's. And I have quite a bit to talk about. Mind you, they're not twisted or based off of any character. If you find similarities, they're coincidental.
Also, if anyone is questioning, yes you can ask for OC x Reader asks of my OCs. I made them to be a bundle of issues and eye candy after all. I encourage it.
If you make an OC and want to add them to the Eldritch Prefect Club, by all means, go on ahead.
He's shaping up to be someone of partial fae origins, though he's more human that he is fae. Either way, he's from a crumbling family name as a result of some bullshit his ancestors pulled against a high noble fairy(The Queen of the Faeland is who the ancestors offended so he experiences some nasty pranks from the fairies working at NRC) at some point or another, that he and his family still experience the effect of to this day. He's a bit of a nasty man, the kind to want to fully understand his object or person of fear for the sake of dealing with them better. So despite his fear of fairies, he knows a concerning number of facts about them, including ways to ward and even kill them, though he's never tried to. He's not that nasty. One day Vio and his friend came in contact with a particularity nasty spider's web as a result of a little fairy's prank while they were looking for an ingredient for their potions class. It was hard to get off at first, but then those silver threads melted and they didn't really think much of it. Until they started having nightmares. Until they started forgetting the most simple things. Their grades started falling, they started waking up with headaches, often times they even forget what they're supposed to eat. Then Vio meets the Eldritch Prefect as they're extracting the silver threads while his friend was sleeping. He passed out, and he woke up, no headaches, no nightmares, and he can actually remember what he's supposed to do today. He doesn't know what they did, he doesn't know if they have any good intentions at all, but Vio joins the research club for the sake of understanding better, because to understand is to dispel fear. And perhaps, if he can learn how to kill you, he can use those methods to kill the creatures that almost kill him and his friend. Appearance wise, Vio has dark purple hair and he struggles to tame his curly locks. He usually keeps it in a high ponytail with two braids among the tied locks and spends a decent amount of time taking care of it. It's one of his good points he's really proud of. He has the customary sharp ears of anyone with fae blood in them, though they're not as prominent as you would expect. His skin is more closer to tan than pale and has the most piercing yellow eyes. Unfortunately for him, he resembles that ancestor more than anyone so revenge hungry fairies love to pick on him more than anyone. He's an easy bullying target.
Antas M. Agoria
He's another mix breed, though he is fully fae. Half butterfly fae, half spider fae, and a very famous and old actor who's also a part of Pomefiore. Though, because he suddenly went off the grid, his fame was put behind him. Movies, series, photo shoots, you name it, he's been in it. Though... Antas had a particular love for stage plays. While the art may not be the most popular form of entertainment, he still held those years close to his heart before his dear dear mother forced him to stop. Before vanishing from the public eye, Antas was considered the most beautiful. Delicate butterfly wings on his back at will, scales that scatter and float when he's in a perfectly happy mood, lilac hair and eyes with perfectly unblemished skin. Truly his butterfly fae origins are something to be proud of. But what about his spider side? Well, good luck getting a good look at them. He's very good at hiding them. Though, if you look closer, you will notice a lack of pupils in his eyes. There are little mark, six of them in fact, hidden behind a layer of make up on his forehead. And his arms and hands, which are always hidden behind gloves and sleeves, are covered in a near black carapace, ending in claws that could easily rip apart soft flesh. He even has extra spider limbs, but good luck getting him to show you that. Because I'm a self indulgent shit, I have it were Antas was another actor that Vil had admired when he was kid, while his Dad was his ultimate goal, Antas was also another source of inspiration, along with being a cautionary tale. You can only imagine the conflicted feelings Vil must be feeling when Antas suddenly shows up one day to NRC. Anyways. How could he not find a kinship with you? How could he not fall into deep fascination over the mask you wore to the everyday public, over the part of you that wraps around another, more nightmare-ish side to you? Antas loves acting, but Antas loves creating. And oh are you a source of inspiration. His skills are put to shame in comparison to you, where your very human skin was mask shown to all. Antas joins the club with the hope that you'll show everyone you'll show all parts of yourself one day. For now, he's content to spoil your shell. He understands the need to hide parts of your true nature, and while Antas calls your human skin a mask, he doesn't treat it as a fake part of yourself, just a layer.
The rest below are not as detailed, so forgive me for that.
A long abandoned god, older than Lilia on the account that his myths are still studied about to this day but his body is young, as he is constantly being reincarnated, but his siblings have long since been forgotten about. Any attempts to get them to be remembered have been met with raised eyebrows and dismissals. While on his records, his name is Shiloh, he insists on being called Tul'Veith. He joins your club on the account that you remind him of his siblings, and is suspecting(wrongly) that you might be of the same breed as him. So he aims to recruit more people in, as he so desperately doesn't want you to disappear. He is a most gentle man, but is also another easy bullying target. His magic is nothing to write home about. He's very weak, even Grim would be able to bully him. Doesn't help that, of all dorms to be sorted into, the mirror sorted him into Diasomnia. He's tall, but very skinny, like the wind could knock him over. Summer is his most hated season and is a lot more suitable for winter. In fact, he almost blends into it. Crowley even noted how much he resembles a winter fairy on his pallid skin and pure white hair and light gray eyes. But even so, his body is still very much human.
Not his actual name but I don't have one for him just yet, but that's the nickname everyone gives him, on the account he a huge 7'9 tall man. Huge dude, very muscular, and very silent. In fact, anytime he talks, his voice rumbles through you, as though his baritone is traveling through your bones. He has long black hair, which he keeps in a slick pony tail, has reading glasses, dark eyes and an umber skin tone. He's already huge in his human form, and he's even more colossal when in his whale form. Cause, you know, whales. Goliath is from the darker depths of the sea, with a curse placed upon him that seeks to make him grow eternally, and also make him eternally hungry. Right now, he can control his hunger, and throwing himself into his research for a way to reverse this curse before it can consume him. Goliath has some misguided reasons as to why he joined your club, and that's because he thinks you're also a person that's been cursed, though in case you're cursed to eventually have your human side degrade until you become something incomprehensible, so along side his research, he's looking for a way to keep that "curse" at bay. And when he's not doing research, he's practicing his singing. He's a very beautiful singer, though that's if you manage to catch him. Though, that is extremely rude as singing has a different meaning to him than just a simple hobby. Funnily enough, he's been sorted into Ignihyde.
An octavinelle student who is entirely human. Pink hair that ends in red at the base of their neck, and was an absolute menace back at home on the account he was a lone wolf that would go around and beat people up for making fun of his parents ice cream shop. That was going through some rough times. Though, when digging deeper into that reason, you'd find he was simply using that as an excuse to pick fights. Just because it was true doesn't make it any more justifiable. Though, when that's not happening, Cheridal is actually a very pleasant person to be around. Charismatic, a very soft and gentle voice to those that need it, and is, overall, not quite what you'd expect from someone that claims to be a gang leader. Though, that isn't to say that Cheridal doesn't crave the power high that comes from fear. Cheridal joins your club for the simple fact of wanting to see how much your influence will grow. And, if there comes a time where you decide to turn on every one, well, he wants first class seats to such an event.
I'm pretty sure I have more oc's somewhere in my mind but I can't remember for the life of me. Usually I need some suggestions or hear of a troupe I really like and then I start making a character from there.
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twst-drabbles · 1 year
Okay uhhhhh which character and oc of yours has your favorite dynamic
If I had to pick a comedic dynamic, it would have to be Leona and Antas cause Antas is such a shithead to him.
Fae being fae, Antas worded himself in such a way that made it seem like he's just going to need Leona's help when in reality, he's literally asking Leona if he can use his face. You can imagine how irritated he was to see someone, looking exactly like him, rounding up all the Savanaclaw students to gather the best lunch meals and putting it on a gaudy table for the rest of Antas's friends to eat. It doesn't help that Antas can and will put his acting experience to use.
So, not only did Antas manage to trick Leona into giving him permission to use his face, Antas likes to subtly rub it in his face that someone from the noble family bloodline managed to fail at a battle of words and hidden meanings.
This dynamic, as comedic as it is, would 100% make Leona's issues with himself and his identity be worse than it already is. He already hates that his value and the efforts he puts into anything will be rendered moot when he wasn't born first. So to have Antas come in, assume his identity for mostly small pranks and to hide from others, and be able to seamlessly blend in without much issue, it really irritates him to no degree.
Though, that's not to say that Antas doesn't have his own issues. People know that he's on campus but rarely does anyone ever actually see him. And yet, he says he's been to every single one of his classes, though perhaps not on time but still. Antas does not lie. He can't. He has been on campus, but really doesn't like to show his actual face around.
Point being, Antas finds comfort in being other people than himself, pretending to be someone else, if only for a moment cause that's what he's been doing his whole life, being shaped to be someone that can't live without being someone else.
I just find it ironic. Leona knows his own value but he's been scorned again and again because of the order of his birth, and Antas sees that value and likes enough to want to have it for just a moment, to feel an ounce of self-value that Leona has in himself. And because of that, these two do not get along at all. And I love it.
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twst-drabbles · 2 years
Antas 1
Summary: Antas performs play after play to an ever listening, ever awake and grinning audience. He is the only actor, but these scripts he's written were made for you.
(hehehehe I love writing about my OC's. Thank you for being interested in this mess of a man!)
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When had Antas become a pawn to his own creations?
They look at him with two eyes, three, dozens bulging against a pulsating skull. Their skin jitter, ready to shed and leave behind their bones, but their grins and claps reassure Antas they will keep to their places.
That's what his pen has promised him.
An act to capture your audience.
And neither has he. There is only a fog in Antas's mind of ever taking a break. Of leaving. He simply walks off stage, to the left before returning from the right, in a new outfit, in a new dress while his hand clutches at his pen, words nearly tearing the paper apart as a new play, a new masterpiece was granted to him.
A tragic monster. A person born with two face, two brains. A dream gained sentience. All of them, stand alone acts.
Beautiful pieces, with not a beautiful actor to be seen.
The audience claps for his every sentence, they cheer and yell but all Antas hears is a recording put on repeat. He was given as promised, but nothing more.
But who was he to complain? His frustrations lay heavy and yet he moves nonetheless. Passion must never be allowed to burn out, to be taken from him.
He has already given up on too much as is. His words was all he had to call his own.
The pen stayed true, it would siphon his mind out, let it bleed onto the pages. He would never experience a less than stellar script.
But Antas would be its only actor.
He does not recognize a single face in the crowd. Every glance at the filled seats, the clothes always change. Every minute, every second, without pause. But the voices cheering for him never got quieter. They filled the stage, replaced the music, replaced the lights. And eventually, the audience replaced his voice.
They cheer, but it was never for him, but for the muse he pretends to be. For the being who was made to play out these roles.
Everyone here, even Antas himself, wished for nothing more than for you to become the sole actor of these shows. To bring the pieces to life with the presence unique to you.
How can he ever hope to match the grace and ease of which you wear your skin? How can Antas even assume he'd be able to replicate the duality of your nature, existing in a dream like harmony that breaks and remakes fragile minds and even more delicate egos?
You do not hate yourself. You do not wish to dig your fingers deep and rip out the parts that have cursed you. You do not carry the burden of a legacy simply because you were born looking a certain way. You do not bow to the strings tied to you. You do not hear jeering voice of a parent mocking you for your passion.
In your monstrosity, Antas only sees beauty. He sees a potential friend, a budding kinship ready to be nursed as you both close the gap between your differences.
These plays, he dedicates to you. He will act in your stead, for all eternity if he must, if only to reach a fraction of your peace.
But his feet slow, his words drunk, and the audience... When has the audience gotten closer?
Why do they grin as they reach out to him?
An Eldritch Muse enters the stage.
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twst-drabbles · 1 year
which of your ocs like hugs?
Hohohohohooho it got long. Short answer: all of them do! Long answer...
Antas is the kind of guy that actually has more trouble receiving hugs than giving them. Gets all stiff and uncomfortable but does not have the will to shrug it off cause that man has not been touched sincerely since...ever. He's so touch starved that it's borderline uncomfortable for him to fulfill that need but gives in nonetheless with a very, veeery delicate silence. Hugging him makes him feel fragile. It's easy to see, in just the slight curl of his back. Whenever he's in front of the camera, that part of himself he buries deep, so he has no problem whatsoever, but off camera he recedes and keeps a distance, a polite distance that tends to keep anyone from getting too close.
Vio will put up resistance cause he's so used to his family smothering him with love to make up for the fact they're falling on hard times. He's the kind of man that sputters and says he doesn't need it cause his brain interprets hugs as a sort of pity gift and it makes him reflect on his own self worth. That being said, I say he fights but he never runs far from a hug. He give up eventually and just, lifts his arms in defeat and lets the hug happen. He can say all he wants how he doesn't need to be coddled or need hugs but at the end of the day, he likes being spoiled no matter how he pouts. Now giving hugs? Yeah good luck getting him to do that. (It's actually real easy, just look a bit sad and he'll do it cause he sucks with words.)
Tul'Veith, man that man's hugs will never fail to make anyone feel like a baby being carried by a saint. Even so, he doesn't give hugs often cause he always doubts if they're good or not. Considering that, with how much time has passed since his siblings went away from this existence, Tul'Veith often doubts if he should cling to this place at all, that if he should allow himself to continue to call himself Tul'Veith rather than the Shiloh? That being said, even though he feels as though his being and old self are being chipped down to nothing, old habits shine through. Through giving hugs. He can't help but indulge in the need to protect something, to watch over. That's what giving hugs feels like to him. And receiving hugs actually scared him for a bit, but then allows it once he drives away the doubts in his head. Hugging is nice, but to receive a hug feels nice too, as though the cat you've been comforting has finally decided to return a gentle favor.
Ah Valenio. Honestly is pretty neutral about hugs but when he has a bond with someone, be it a friend or lover, he always thinks about how those arms might not be able to wrap about him one day. He's still affected by his curse, however slow, and being someone whom the deep seas want back, it's only a matter of time before he grows too big and the call becomes too much. So, the wrapping of someones arms around him helps him enjoy the fact that he's here in this moment. That someone here, living and breathing and not at all a remnant expressing itself as the abyss deep below cares for him and his safety. So, when he gives hugs, they're pretty tight and snug, but not enough to suffocate anyone.
Cheridal's hugs are always casual and he gives them freely. Did well on a test? You get a hug! You won a sports match? You get a hug! That being said, they're always quick and brief before they get too awkward. He really just gives off strong punkish bro vibes. All those piercing on his ears and the one on his tongue certainly don't help, though doesn't make it a habit to always wear them unless he knows he need to intimidate someone. That being said, if anyone gives him surprise hugs, prepare for a wrestling match. You just challenged him! At least, that's how it was back at home. Surprise hugs = wrestling challenge! He won't always win, but knows to take the loss with grace.
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twst-drabbles · 1 year
Antas is cool, since he's half butterfly and spider fae, what does he eat? He's a strange mix lol
His diet is...a delicate subject to be quite honest. It's uh, yeah not pretty.
His stomach is a real sensitive thing since, growing up, he had a mother that would watch everything that he would eat when at home, and force him via social obligation whenever he's out in public in order to keep up appearances and his reputation. So, his entire diet was entirely based off of what his father used to eat, which is usually an assortment of fruits. Only the pretty foods are allowed near his mouth. Nothing unsightly or greasy like fast food, he can't have any of that. Not even a snack. And if he must stand out among all fae, he must keep from giving in to eating sugary snacks.
Being that as it may, the fact he managed to blossom quite beautifully is a miracle in and of itself, probably the result of his mother trying to cultivate that aspect and hoping that unsightly side he inherited from her would go away. But of course, consequences come and Antas is prone to horrific stomach aches if he drinks too much wine or anything too acidic.
I know you probably expected this to be light, but heheheheheheh yeah, I love to hurt my creations.
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twst-drabbles · 1 year
I'm the anon that asked for a list of drabbles for your ocs the other night, and if asks for ocs are still open; I'd like to ask who is a cat lover and who is a cat hater and why?
Antas claims he hates cats but he has this one elderly cat that he adopted that pretends to hate him. Anytime Antas has guests, the elderly cat will sit in their lap and just, glares at Antas like she's saying "you fuck up, and I'm going home with this person," and Antas just, glares back cause how dare you give him attitude when he feeds and cleans after you. But when he's gone for just the slightest bit too long, the elderly cat will climb onto his lap and will complain if he moves. And then she jumps off and it's back to her prickly attitude again.
Valenio is a cat lover. Loves those purring creatures and they love him just the same. Back when he first was getting adjusted to the land, he would have real bad chronic pain in his lower back and legs, so he would have to sit or lay down for long periods of time, which led to all sorts of cats just, deciding that he's their bed now. All the little fish under the sea would avoid him, so to see creatures actually want to interact with him had him falling in love.
Vio has a cat back home that's the designated home greeter. He's a cat that unfortunately outlived the previous butler so now this cat has essentially taken that butlers place. Vio loves that cat, though he would say he's a cat person.
Tul'Veith is neutral on the subject, as he's never interacted with a cat but if he does, he would likely learn to love them. Until his body decides to develop allergies at cat dander.
Cheridal doesn't hate cats but is very conscious of all the fur they leave behind. Likes interacting with cats well enough but can't see himself every adopting one unless he sees a pitiful one off the street and he has to feed it. While he won't permanently be keeping the cat, he ends up doing this whole foster care thing. He finds a cat, feeds it, gets it clean and get it all it's shots and surgeries, and then adopts them out to others.
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twst-drabbles · 1 year
out of all your ocs, who do you think you'd get along with the most irl?
Let's see, out of all the ones I'd get along with, it's definitely be Tul'Veith and Cheridal. Cheridal is just a nice hype man to have around who celebrates even the smallest of victories, however trivial. That and he's the kind that goes and adopts introverts such as myself but in such a way that doesn't feel like he's inserting himself into your life. He comes and goes as he pleases and it's a nice kind of friendship where you don't have to worry about keeping up appearances. Each interaction is kept brief and slowly starts climbing up over time until eventually, whoops you're his casual friend now. He will now fight to defend your honor.
And Tul'Veith, his soft demeanor is so delicate that no matter how weak you may be, you still worry that you'll somehow scare him, which, by association, makes me take up the "brave" mode. You know, the kind of feeling you get when your friend is an even more socially anxious mess than you are and asks you a favor and suddenly you get the ability to do the thing your anxiety was saying no to? Yeah, he gets the feeling from me.
Valenio is very much a minding his own business kind of man that never has much room for lingering with anyone. In fact, he hates wasting time so I can't see myself ever approaching him as I too value my own time too much. As soon as class is out, he speed walks to his next class or his place of research. Busy busy. I leave him be.
Antas is polite, but in such a distant way that you can tell he's not intending on getting anywhere closer than friends. Just small brief chats that play out like a script rather than out of actual interest, and we all have experienced talking with people who clearly are talking out of social obligation rather than their own volition.
And Vio is just a prickly punk. Almost snobbish and I'm not about to poke that. Definitely not scary, he radiates this aura of someone who will make messes because of how easy it is to rile him up. His temper gets the best of him and that's not my problem to solve.
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twst-drabbles · 2 years
OC Index
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Empty Character
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Empty Character
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Cheridal Swirl
Empty Index
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Empty Character
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Antas M. Agoria
(Eldritch AU) Summary: Antas performs play after play to an ever listening, ever awake and grinning audience. He is the only actor, but these scripts he’s written were made for you.
(Janitor AU) Summary: Divus told you to look for a student that skipped his remedial class by the name of Antas M. Agoria. You know nothing of this man other than his face and general personality. Why would Divus ask you, the janitor, to look for a student instead of an actual classmate? Because you had a knack for finding the hidden and disguised.
Vio Naphiet
(Eldritch AU) Summary: Vio’s unable to sleep. Nightmares have been plaguing his head for far too long, ruining his focus, ruining his hard earned looks. He goes to soak a hot towel on his head to hopefully alleviate a headache, but instead found you with his roommate.
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Valenio Mara (Goliath)
(Yandere) Summary: During the days when his curse doesn’t flare up, when he can properly think without being consumed by this never ending hunger, Valenio likes to sit next to you, no matter the annoyances. Doesn’t matter if people stare at him, just as long as they know his place next to you cannot be challenged.
(Yandere) Summary: Pity goes to the fool who was found, bound to one of the Great Seven statues. He’s a student, of that many can be sure, but had almost nothing to him. No magic pen, no identification. Even his clothes, save for his underwear, were missing. Valenio passes by with you without much care.
(Yandere) Summary: Valenio has a gift to give, but is unsure if it’s good enough.
Summary: “Eat it. Crunch it. Swallow it whole. It is your cure. It is your gift.” Valenio refuses to listen. He won’t eat his brother’s last gift. He will not consume this coral-like horn Rahkan cut off for him.
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Empty Index
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Antas and Valenio
Summary: You set off into the woods simply for the fun traveling. Valenio follows because he wants to pick a specific flower for his upcoming opera performance. And Antas tags along presumably for the sake of keeping you company.
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(Janitor AU) Summary: Danger only continues to climb, leaving behind more and more scars and injuries that you have just gotten almost numb to. But, of course, your friends have to react to it, because they care too much.
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twst-drabbles · 2 years
Please do your oc Antas M. Agoria's perspective on the Eldritch!Prefect. Like maybe observing and obssessing over their acting/attempts to not scare the shit out of their friends.
I did the first thing! Not so much the second thing cause for some reason my mind didn't register it? Sorry! Thought Antas is still focused on the Eldritch Prefect and you get his perspective! So I hope it still satisfies you. And if it doesn't, don't worry, this request actually sparked up another idea for Antas so be on the lookout for it later down the line.
Antas 1
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