#anteater villagers
sulsulesbian · 2 years
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anteater gals
commission me? ♡
[ID: a digital drawing of three characters of the anteater species from Animal Crossing in a human form. they are Anabelle, a yellow anteater with scales making her resemble a pangolin, Snooty, a pink and purple anteater, and Pango, a teal and dark blue anteater. they are posing with arms resting on each other's shoulders, appearing close.
Anabelle has a hand on her hip and is overall dressed in a 80's reminiscent style. she has tan skin with burn scars over her face and arms, fluffy blonde hair and colourful sportswear.
Snooty has pink skin, purple hair in a mullet, and wears a sweater vest on top of a shirt depicting little sewed on ants carrying tiny pieces of food, referencing the species she is.
Pango has dark warm brown skin and is significantly bigger than the other two. her hair is short and ends up in a curl on her forehead. she's wearing silver jewellery and overall isn't dressed as casually as the other two, appearing older.
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acnhretreat · 1 year
i’ve never noticed Anabelle before! she’s a pretty cool design actually. technically her species is anteater but she’s designed to look like an armadillo. i always love when AC designs villagers to resemble a species that doesn’t technically exist in the game
she would be great for a desert themed island
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y0rk-ie · 7 months
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Drew myself as an Animal Crossing villager because that game's decided to crash back into my life once again.
(Sorry for no decent TF2 art in a bit btw, not feeling too great so most of my posts will probably be kinda self-indulgent for a while).
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multicolour-ink · 6 months
Fr when I heard that someone called "Cyrano" had moved into Hamphrey's old place, I was expecting them to be a bird 🤭
I was very surprised to find they were an anteater!
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tsireyqs · 3 months
my ugly villager in animal crossing finally asked to move out
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mayorwhisper · 1 year
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Lol ok 😂😂
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cctinsleybaxter · 9 months
there are 2-3 villagers on my island rn that i don't want; in addition to the months i spent not playing the game i've now spent an additional week avoiding them while lavishing my other villagers with gifts and attention and they will not leave they love mad at you island
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perpetual-summer · 2 years
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Antonio doing everything in his power to stop me from taking a nice photo of his remodeled home 🐜 ❤️ sir please stop getting closer to the camera
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lemonsweet · 2 years
We got snooty by random and I love her so much
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aclolitaproject · 2 years
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The next coord in my Animal Crossing series is Anabelle
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vqnillaclouds · 4 months
I want the next animal crossing game to make cute villagers, especially for the species that are lacking in that department. Hamsters come to mind, but I also REALLY want to see more cute anteaters!!
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butteredfrogs · 10 months
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i've been really enjoying all of the cas challenges recently, and i've been playing a bunch of animal crossing, so i thought why not combine the two and come up with my own little cas challenge! i hope you guys enjoy and feel free to tag me or use the hastag #createavillager so i can see all of your lovely sims
link to a random number generator!
🍃rolls below the cut🍃
Species (1-35, roll once)
1- alligator
2- anteater
3- bear
4- bird
5- bull
6- cat
7- chicken
8- cow
9- cub
10- deer
11- dog
12- duck
13- egle
14- elephant
15- frog
16- goat
17- gorilla
18- hamster
19- hippo
20- horse
21- kangaroo
22- koala
23- lion
24- monkey
25- mouse
26- octopus
27- ostrich
28- penguin
29- pig
30- rabbit
31- rhino
32- sheep
33- squirrel
34- tiger
35- wolf
Personality (1-8, roll once)
1- normal
2- lazy
3- sisterly
4- cranky
5- jock
6- peppy
7- smug
8- your pick
Colour(s) (1-12, roll as many times as you like)
1- white
2- purple
3- pink
4- red
5- orange
6- yellow
7- green
8- blue
9- cyan
10- brown
11- black
12- grey
Random details (1-23, roll as many times as you like)
1- vitiligo
2- scar(s)
3- freckles
4- glasses
5- bright/bold makeup
6- no makeup
7- hetrochromia
8- thick eyebrows
9- thin eyebrows
10- no eyebrows
11- hat/some sort of head accessory
12- hair tied up
13- short hair
14- medium hair
15- long hair
16- bangs
17- acne
18- birthmark
19- jewellery
20- no jewellery
21- long nails
22- short nails
23- body hair
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possibleratking · 1 year
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Sorry for no uploading yesterday I had about 2 hours of free time for the whole day
Anyway once again tumblr nukes the colours of this drawing 😡
So here we have the final Scarecrow for now, I didn’t set out to make him a bunny villager. Originally I was gonna edit the bunny shape to make it look more like a bat, similar to what they do with some of the other villagers like anteaters and stuff. And first of all if I wanted to do that I should have gone with the mouse body type but also, I really liked how he looked as a bunny… so that’s what I went with
Once again can’t think of a gimmick, apart from having menace to society part two
Also I’m technically finished with this set of cards but if people wanna suggest other Scarecrows/rouges they’d like to see me draw Animal Crossing style your welcome to suggest them, just make sure to tell me which specific one you’d like/what villager animal they’d be 👍
See ya ✌️
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mayorwhisper · 1 year
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Nothing like a donut break!
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animalcrossingshowdown · 11 months
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This is round 3 of determining which lost villager people most want back. The one with the most votes will move on.
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herebecritters · 3 months
HEY!!!!when splendid wound back time in better off bread, did the idols get to keep the blood from the first time everyone died in that episode, or did the blood get, like, slurped back
So I had to think about it a bit and uh…yeah I think because it reversed time the original deaths didn’t count. The trio don’t really mess with time other than prolonging how long everyone lives. They have no idea it even happened.
Nergal though did experience some heavy deja vu as he caused Giggles to fall off the ledge and then threw a whole ass meteor at Toothys face that second time. —Side note, this meteor was probably the size of the chelyabinsk meteor (19 meters in diameter) rather than the Chixulub meteor that Nergal wiped out the dinosaurs with (approximately 15000 meters in diameter); the one he threw at toothy was just enough to destroy toothy and the surrounding forest and cause havoc in the town, but not world ending—
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Bad luck was already in motion before Splendid got there and made it worse.
Thats why Splendid is considered one of the Isles “catalyst” residents. He’s just another bit of bad luck in motion. And Nergal takes advantage of that when it happens. It’s like Nergal sets up the dominoes and the catalyst comes in to knock ‘em over. Flippy is also often used as a catalyst resident and Lumpy’s amazing mental prowess causes him to end up being one from time to time too. Predominantly full time catalysts are fairly rare on the Isles though. Splendid ignoring the cries for help that second time around didn’t save anyone, it just took away his own involvement in their deaths is all.
Also speaking of time travel, Sniffles totally went all the way back to the DinoSore days when the curse was starting. Probably not too long before the meteor hit and set the curse of the Isles in full swing.
Right image I’d say it’s either a type of ichthyornithiformes, toothed flying birds that lived alongside their non avian dinosaur family members, or a Nemicolopterus, a small pterosaur from the Cretaceous. It died out technically before the end of the Cretaceous but I’m just working with what they give me here. To the right…..look….i have to remember that the people who worked on htf were not trying to be accurate and were just throwing around prehistoric looking animals willy nilly, but that thing looks like a drepanosaurus which was a bizarre little reptile from the Triassic period. I’m just gonna take some artistic liberties and say it’s a surviving member of that lineage that may or may not have existed during the Cretaceous and move on.
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And also this guy totally lived in the trios old village and he ends up living in the First Civilization after the meteor impact I’ve decided. He may look like an anteater but he’s actually a gypsonictops. And yep, ants also existed at the time and they probably were eaten by mammals like gypsonictops. Im using Linguamyrmex vladi, the “hell ants”, just as an example cus they are cool.
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