taliasburns · 3 years
⚡️ hi I kinda like this one! (sorry it wasn't letting me send the link for some reason rip) anthonyymackietumblrcom/post/644546702347517952/get-to-know-me-4-favorite-movies-thor
sof!!!!! ty bb!!!
GIFSET/EDIT: thE MOVIE BABEY, I love Thor ragnarok so much and you chose such pretty scenes!!!!!!
BLOG: your header makes me emO BC I LOVE MY BOY SO MUCHHHHHHHHHH!!!
FOLLOWING? not yet! / yes / absoLUTELY / already following u love
no more
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shegos · 3 years
💜✨ This is an Amazing Creator Award! Your creations are incredible, and they light up every dashboard they land on. Pass this on to eight of your favorite creators to show your appreciation and let them know their art is loved! ✨💜 (no pressure <3)
thank youuu sof this is so sweet 💞
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cindymoon · 3 years
💜✨ This is an Amazing Creator Award! Your creations are incredible, and they light up every dashboard they land on. Pass this on to eight of your favorite creators to show your appreciation and let them know their art is loved! ✨💜 (no pressure <3)
thank u, sof!!!! ❤️❤️
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bisexualrights · 3 years
you literally tagged it as spoilers i- anyway love and appreciate u hayden and ur sets are beautiful as always 💕
Thank you lovely!!!! Right back at you 💛
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✨ (made my night 🥺💕)
Aww sof! I am so happy that made your night! You saying that made my night so much better.
You are so nice and so talented and to think had I not made a marvel blog and joined the wandavision discord that we may not have been more than just following each other. I strive to have the talent that you have *bows down* tell me your secrets and I look forward to getting to know you more <3 
You are such a gem, don’t ever let anyone dampen your shine! 
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darksber · 3 years
✨💛This is Amazing Person Award! 🏆 Once you are given this award you are supposed to paste it in the asks of eight different people, who, in your opinion, deserve it. If you break the chain nothing you will happen, but it is sweet to know someone thinks you’re amazing inside and out ✨💛
Omfg sof right back u💝
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rambeaus · 3 years
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Caspian + Crossbow for @anthonyymackie
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bill-weasley · 3 years
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Do you love Sam Wilson so much it hurts your soul? Do you want to talk about him? Rant about him? Make predictions about him? Share your headcanons? We’re here to help you find like-minded individuals who share your passion for the real Captain America!! Join our discord and let’s appreciate our fave together! (administrated by @biwilson, @anthonyymackie, and @kingmackie)
We’re super chill, we allow our members to delve into all topic points including ship talk, episode talk, fandom rants, and so much more. We’re here to appreciate Sam Wilson and give him the love that the rest of the fandom won’t.
Please note that you have to be over 18+ to join!
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shegos · 3 years
✨💛This is Amazing Person Award! 🏆 Once you are given this award you are supposed to paste it in the asks of eight different people, who, in your opinion, deserve it. If you break the chain nothing you will happen, but it is sweet to know someone thinks you’re amazing inside and out ✨💛
thank you sof 🥺🥺🥺
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bisexualrights · 3 years
ho boy it’s that time again where i’m finding my dash a little light and wanna find some new lovely people to follow and hopefully become mutuals with!
so please like/reblog this post if you post any of the following (bonus points if you put in the tags what kinda content you post):
star wars/the mandalorian (and all actors)
marvel (movies, netflix shows, mcu shows)
criminal minds
video games
are a content creator of any kind!!
tagging some moots to help spread the word
@nobie @anthonyymackie @timothyolyphant @darksber @javier-pena @agathaaharkness @obi--wans @kenobismullet @obihoekenobi @anakinskyiwalker @pixelahsoka
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rhodeys · 3 years
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Phil Dunphy - Modern Family Mindy Lahiri - The Mindy Project King Julien - Madagascar Thor Odinson - Marvel Cinematic Universe  Goh Peik Lin - Crazy Rich Asians  Jim Halpert - The Office (US)
i feel like i’m always seeing myself in characters who are very happy-go-lucky, definitely a lil dumb sometimes, but also really confident in themselves hehe - self love is somethin very important to me
tagged by: @katieleung, @sharonccarter, @dani-clayton, @ryanswilders, @benoitblanc, and @jackarthurdavenport -thank youuuu!!! this was so much fun weheh
tagging: @rambeaus, @tonystarks, @heathsledger, @aubrey-plaza, @amarakaran, @olisgifs, @bisexualsdean, @jessiccachastain, @jokerous, @aaustinabrams, @jessiemei-li, @aarontveit,  @meili-jessie, @anthonyymackie, @calltothewild, @fulcrms, @kateemcgrath, @markruffvlo and anybody else who’s interested!!
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obihoekenobi · 3 years
what accounts should I definitely follow on this hellsite?
ohh there's so many! I mostly follow star wars blogs but here are some of my favourites:
edits: @anthonyymackie, @anakin-skywalker, @beanabouttown, @bilyrusso, @bladesrunner, @capt-wilson, @darksber, @diegolna, @ewanmcgregors, @emcgregor, @emilykenobi, @javier-pena, @jehdi-knight, @keanurevees, @kenobismullet, @keepyourlife, @logray, @margeaery, @mandah-lorian, @myonly-hope, @nobie, @obi--wans, @obikenobis, @smollyoda, @tatooineknights, @thetorontokid, @userjen, @voidlila
friendly: @ah-soka, @beskar-falcon, @cherrynat, @cardiolcgy, @dinsbeskar, @darthsmaul, @gobuyastarwars, @h1de-s0urce, @jedi-bitch, @joshua-flipping-washington, @kaermorons, @kenobisforce, @profkenobi, @qui-gon-jinn-and-tonic, @obiwansjedi, @vanilla-chip-101
source: @swladies, @swcreators, @starwarsblr, @starwarsvillains, @kenobi-source, @themandaloriandaily
honestly there's loads of lovely people and I've probably missed quite a few here but if you click into any of the blogs above you should find a very nice person/account to follow! <3
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userastarion · 3 years
Gif Maker Appreciation Tag
Rules: Answer the first half of the questions with gifsets of your own, then answer the second half by tagging gif makers you love!
i was tagged by the incredibly talented @jackarthurdavenport, @jamesbuckybarns, & @benoitblanc thank you all so much for thinking of me 🥺
Link a gifset you’re really proud of: this tfatws sam wilson + legacy set! i worked SO hard on it and though there are things i would change if i were to remake it, overall i’m pleased with the way it came out.
Link a gifset where you tried something new: this sharon carter graphic was my first real foray into blending/typography and my first Actual Graphic, and though it was a HUGE pain, i’m proud of it
Link a gifset that features your favorite character or celebrity: this ca: tws gifset is one of only 2 gifsets i’ve made so far with steve rogers in them smh i need to gif him more
Link a gifset that you want more people to see: can i just relink my sam legacy one again because i busted my ass on that and a shitpost set i made about bucky and steve being bad liars has literally 6x as many notes dlfkjsldkfjs
Link a gifset that you had fun making: this tfatws rainbow set was my first attempt at rainbow gifs and i actually really enjoyed tweaking the colors!!
Link a gifset that you created as part of a meme, challenge, or series: i made this mad max: fury road set as part of a get to know me meme!
Link a gifset of yours that makes you smile: the aforementioned shitpost bc i love the fact that bucky and steve apparently cannot lie to their friends 😂 also having people laugh in the tags makes me feel nice
Tag someone who inspired you to start making gifs: oh gosh. literally my entire dashboard. but i think i first saw @anya-chalotra & @inejz-ghafa creating these absolutely stunning masterpieces and i was like you know what? someday, i want to be able to do that too (i know y’all don’t know me but everything you create is SO STUNNING)
Tag someone who makes great vibrant gifs: sae @rambeaus always has such gorgeous coloring!!! i love all her gifs <3 also phe @niinazenik omG her colors are SO vivid and beautiful!
Tag someone who makes great pale/pastel gifs: jamie @wespers makes gorgeous pale gifs!!! i wish i knew how to color like that ugh
Tag someone who gifs for a fandom you love: this is most of my blogroll omg but let’s go with tfatws bc i have a lot of wonderful mutuals and friends i’ve seen creating for the show: @mandah-lorian @steveroger @trashcora @timothyolyphant @snyderzack @jamesbuckybarns @buckeybarns @buckybarne @bosemanchadwick @magnusedom @ewanmcgregors @pescopadral @sambuckyws @victoriaspedretti @anthonyymackie @favreaus @darksber @wandamaximoffs @di-n @dykejaskiers @emcgregor @foxmudler @luke-skywalkerr @kurtsrussell @biwilson @chris-evans @romanovrogers @steve-rogers 
Tag someone who uses text/typography really well in their gifsets: okay so lately i have been drooling over everything @merlinsprat makes like jeez alex how do you DO THAT
Tag someone who motivates you to step up your game: soph @luke-patterson is the reason i even know how to make gifs dlfksf (bless u for your tutorials) and her creations are STUN NING!!! every time i see a new set i’m like. alright. if i can make something HALF this good i’ll be pleased with myself
Tag someone who you have taken inspiration from: not so much in the sense of direct inspiration but being inspired BY someone, for sure elle @jackarthurdavenport because i am in awe of everything she makes and hope to reach that level someday!!
Tag gif makers who you admire and appreciate! (Put as many people here as you want!): are you READY FOR THIS bc i LOVE gifmakers and i am SO lucky to follow/know so many incredible and talented people: @roseapothecary @boozerman @rainbowrogers @samthwilson @ohtwilight @bladesrunner @bartonclinton @carolmaria @magsbane @cavilhenry @wintersoeldiers @anyataylorjoy @cinderllas @jamesbvck @mazykeen @margetrobbie @jessiemeili @amirwilson @inejsalina @vibraniumbuckys @tennant @renserizawa  @anakin-skywalker @hoeberynmartell @kazrbrekkers @leonhartannie @anthonyhopkinz @jessie-meili @sunoficarus @dindja-rin @hawkaye @hunterschafer @robintunney @javier-pena @mandalores @jessiemei-li @ewan-mcgregor @andthwip @keanurevees @kenobismullet @middlearths + the 3 amazing people who tagged me, and of course lots of people i am not mutuals with 💛 i’m so lucky to share a tumblr space with all you amazing creators and i’m so sorry if i missed anyone!!!
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staarshines · 3 years
poestardust → staarshines
i don’t know why i did this
some mutuals under the cut
@obiwns @djarinscyare @tftws @lizzo @jessiemei-li @zoriis @pseudostark @carterfreddys @kilmongers @starryeyedstories @meili-jessie @lilospelekai @darlingkenobi @lothloriien @slutforsalvatore @anthonyymackie @dameronology @etherealsanakin @jyns--ersos @obirain @maalinas @beyoncesdragon @darthspideys @poe-djarin 
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shegos · 3 years
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TV/FILM CHARACTERS I SEE MYSELF IN tagged by: @spiiderman thank youuu anne 💞
ᐅ Astrid Leong - Crazy Rich Asians (2018) ᐅ Willow Rosenberg - Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1997 - 2003) ᐅ Nakia - Black Panther (2018) ᐅ Karolina Dean - Marvel's Runaways (2017 - 2019) ᐅ Amy Antsler - Booksmart (2019) ᐅ Mary Hamilton - Batwoman (2019 - present) ᐅ Iris West - The Flash (2014 - present)
i tend to see myself in women who have a quiet strength. maybe they can be overlooked or underestimated but they are able to use their kindness to their advantage and their empathy is a strength ♡ it also doesn't hurt if they are black, asian or gay alskndj
i can’t keep up with who’s done this but tagging: @theo-crains, @zoe-levenson, @roseapothecary, @missclayton, @barbara-minerva, @javierpcna, @cantfightfatetoo, @anthonyymackie, @wintersoldie, @strandtk, @rockyblue if u want to!!
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nowayhome · 3 years
agathaaharkness → jessiemei-li
thank you @anthonyymackie for the url, CAN YOU HEAR ME SCREAMING??  also, i’m officially tracking #usermarcy, so please tag me in your creations, i would love to see it <33 
tagging some mutuals under the cut so they don’t forget it’s me <333 
@margeaery @tftws @yeinnefer @pietro-maximoff @alinastarksov @carterfreddys  @kazbbrekkers  @leongsastrid @caatws @lizzo @capt-wilson @nobie @darksber @jessiemeili @steve-rogers @timothyolyphant @wandavison @favreaus @alinastarkhov
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