#anti Allison Argent
teenwolf-confessions · 6 months
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she could’ve hunted Derek exclusively but she tried killing people she knew had nothing to do with it just bc they’re the same species as Derek, and they didn’t even give her a redemption arc they just glossed over it and everyone went back to being friends with her no questions asked, especially Scott that was hypocritical of him considering his “no hurting people” policy And the way he treated stiles for defending himself but not his lil girlfriend for trying to hunt them down like worthless animals
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wheelerapologist · 6 months
The Allison Argent season 2 arc is wild. Kate manipulating her makes sense because she already established trust and respect with her aunt. Her grandfather who she is on a first name basis with because she hasn’t seen him since she was a toddler however? She already knew Gerard was some one to be careful with and that she couldn’t fully trust him.
And then everyone went back to trusting her completely? Omitting Derek of course. There was little to no (im being generous) remorse come season 3. Sure Gerard manipulated her bur her actions are still her own and she was able to move on pretty quick.
All in all it makes it kind of hard to care about her. It feels like homework to care about Allison Argent.
Also this arc is another example of how the writers didn’t care about Boyd at all because what was the emotional aftermath for him? He deserved to be final girl level pissed at the Argents including who shot him so her family could torture him when he was running away. He deserved to at least have a conversation with Isaac about how hes getting close to her.
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luci-hemwin-evanson · 2 years
No way IN HELL im paying Paramount to watch them end Stydia and bring back fckng Scallison when Scott had a gf he left on the dessert and that was doing way more interesting things and would be a better plot than bringing back the death and do a horrible remake of season 3 or whatever the movie is about
No Theo, no Stiles, no Kira, no Corey, no Isaac and no Stydia? Thanks but its sht and i dont want it
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Would you mind explaining why some people don't like Allison? And no I don't think she would be good mother, considering she's been dead for a decade and never graduated so yeah definitely don't mind ignoring Jeff and his bad writing for scallison.
Idk if you were responding to a particular post, so I'm gonna answer as if it were a random question.
Actually I don't like Allison myself. I liked her back in the first season: she was sweet, innocent and a good match for Scott. The problem for me is how insane she became after her mother died.
She had never been taught to hunt, had never hurt or killed anything or anyone in her entire life. And yet, as soon as she discovered her mother's suicide, she transformed into a Kate Argent 2.0.
And the problem to me is not even the anger towards Derek, it's the repeated attempted murder of people who had nothing to do with it.
Erica and Boyd were innocent. Apart from the fact that Derek was innocent too, even with all the brainwashing done to her by her aunt and grandpa, if you are not the kind of person who enjoys hunting and killing, you never will be. No matter what they tell you.
I'm not joking, I was (and still am) shocked by the scene of Allison on the bike chasing Erica and Boyd and shooting arrows at them. I watched the scene again just right now and she shot seven arrows at Boyd. SEVEN arrows in the body of a 16/17 year old boy just for the fun of it, because it wasn't even about revenge since according to her Victoria had died because of Derek.
Also, Erica yelling "Please, Allison, stop" and Allison not batting an eye... Chris Argent had to stop her. The same Chris Argent who hunted and killed werewolves all his life, who hadn't had his character development yet, the same Chris Argent who helped his wife commit suicide realized that if he didn't stop Allison, with that one last shot she would kill Boyd.
When she was hallucinating a the party, her other self teased her that she's always yelling for help. You see? It's not revenge, it's always been power.
And what's worse is that she never apologized. Even after learning that Derek had bitten Victoria to protect Scott, she continued to play the victim. She has erected herself on a pedestal assuming the right to judge the actions of others, Derek in the first place.
Somehow in her mind loosing a parent entitles her to get away with multiple attempted murders. She despised Derek from start to finish and she never stopped to think about the pain her family had brought him, and this time on purpose.
And we want to talk about Isaac? She stabbed Isaac several times, and then they got together despite her not really being interested, and it shows in her last words before dying: not a thought, a gesture or a glance at poor Isaac.
And I'm deliberately ignoring her complete forgetting -in the movie- that she was once Isaac's girlfriend and not Scott's.
However, some might say that for some reason she convinced herself that Erica and Boyd were equally guilty of their mother's death and that therefore, in her view, it was right to kill them. Fine, then how do you explain the fact that in the movie, as soon as she wakes up, she doesn't just try to kill Derek but chases, hunts and even tries to kill a 15-year-old boy who is practically not even a real werewolf?
I like Kate for how her character was built, I even like Victoria. I don't like them as people but I like them as villains. The problem is that Allison acted just like Kate but neither the other characters nor part of the fandom see her as a villain.
They did the hunting in the forest (thrice btw: 1) season 2 with Derek and Scott; 2) season 2 with Erica and Boyd; 3) movie with Eli and Scott) for telling us what? That she's a badass, that she's powerful? What is it? A twisted way of saying girl power?
If we don't want to call her a villain, at least we need to realize that she's the female version of Peter Hale (only Peter at least had valid reasons. Questionable actions, but valid reasons). She helps when and how she wants, and especially just to help some specific people: she does it for Scott and Lydia, if it weren't for them, she would never have helped Derek.
She is not good. And we have to come to terms with this. She did wrong things and not only never apologized for it but she never even realized she did something wrong in the first place.
Btw I laugh at the idea that she, 17, (girlfriend of a 30+ man) should be a mother to the boy she tried to kill and almost succeeded in killing his father, not forgetting whose family was killed by her own family members... because if I stop to think about it, it would only make me cry.
So... yeah. This is it. This is why some people, myself included, don't like Allison.
The real question, at least to me, is why some people do like her? She is a Kate Argent evolved into a Peter Hale but praised as a Scott McCall.
Let me know your opinion about it.
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alphadaddyderek · 2 years
You know, im so glad Allison somehow someway came back from the dead (im not). And Harris too (im not). And im also glad that Derek died in the literal worst possible way so that two already previously killed off characters could live again. And im also glad that we get scallison again and that Eli is now being taken care of by them despite the fact that apparently Scott hasn’t seen Eli since he was 3 years old and Eli doesn’t even know Allison plus the second she comes back to life she tries to murder him for like 10 minutes of the movie love to see it
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rogue205 · 2 years
Unfortunate but….
Jeff Davis killed off Derek Hale in the most nonsensical stupid way ever because Sterek was queerbaited for six long seasons. I have no doubt that Stiles would have bit it too had they convinced Dylan to include his fingerprints in the dumpster fire otherwise known as the Teen Wolf Movie.
Secondly, where TF was Peter during this mess?! I mean, I know he’s been kinda messed up since the original fire that killed the Hales but I think it would’ve made WAY more sense for him to get Derek’s son given he’s much more closely related than Scott “Maybe the Hales deserved to die” McCall and Allison “Zombie Girl” Argent(who’d been dead 15 YEARS). But they obviously want us to root for the “darling ready made family”. No. I’d rather watch paint dry. I mean they brought back Tyler Hoechlin and Ian Bohen for THIS? But apparently Tyler knew what was going to happen to Derek…?
Anyway, what happened to Derek reminds me of Supernatural and it’s queerbaiting by way of Dean and Castiel for 10 seasons. Then what happened? Those writers let Castiel say flat out on screen that he love LOVED Dean only to DIE a minute later. Like dead dead. That’s what happens these days now I guess.
Shame on them.
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corrodxdcoffin · 10 months
"With all the family I've lost, I could use a few friends"
Sooooooo, Allison is just doing everything for herself again?
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Off To The Argents We Go!
Warnings: Plans for revenge, Derek and Stiles planning to commit murder. Death, poison. Anti Scott, Anti Argents.
Word/Prompt: Vengeance, wheel, correct, & cherry
Word Count: 137
@sterekdrabbles, @sterekdrabblesgonelong
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Poison. Poison was a woman’s weapon. Yet, Stiles had made the macarons and followed the poison’s recipe. Derek was glad that Stiles was helping him end the Argents, even if that hurt Stiles’s best friend. ‘Ready?’ Derek asks. ‘Ready,’ Stiles responded. He couldn’t believe he was doing this. How could he do this? His brother, in every-thing but blood, would go mad with grief.
Stiles didn’t care then; The Argents destroyed Derek’s family. Now, The Hales would kill the Argents. He looked at the cherry macarons and wanted to eat one. However, there was poison on them. The jeep's wheels moved on the dirt road towards the Argent’s home. ‘Do you think the poison recipe is correct?’ Asks Derek. ‘I’m 100 percent sure it’s correct,’ Stiles said. ‘Well, off to The Argent’s house we go,’ Whistled Derek.
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I don't give a shit about Derek and Allison's beef, because I don't give a shit about the Argents. "my mom is dead-" good. I'd have watched her die twice if I could've.
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dacrekayd · 2 years
and once again allison is easily manipulated into killing innocent people
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teenwolf-confessions · 4 months
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itsjinkibitch · 2 years
While I did take an L in the Allison department 🙄 🙄🙄
Stydias and that ship getting massively shitted on, again, had me grinning and giggling. Made me flashback to the fun we had series finale night.
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wheelerapologist · 6 months
When I say I dont like Allison Argent someone always mentions that she was manipulated. But I don't like her because her greatest hits are being manipulated and dying. She is a case study on wasted potential.
She could have been a deconstruction of the "strong female character" especially with the expectations her family put on her. But instead she gets manipulated in the first two seasons by two different people. And the resolution is weak the second time. Stopping Gerard means Allison stops too.As if she is merely a puppet. It is an internal conflict with an external resolution. Leaving me to not really know who she is other than the pretty girl with a weapon.
EDIT: I don’t hate her I just find myself either disappointed or disinterested with her storylines
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roonilwazlibweasley · 2 years
lowk allison irritated me sm 😭
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alphadaddyderek · 2 years
Yeah, I mean, Malia exists too. She could've taken custody of Eli since she was very protective of him. Like you said, Peter even is still around. It's not as if no family members existed at all since Cora, Malia, and Peter are all still alive. That's definitely what it seems like. Getting Scott back with his ex who's been dead for years. Killing off Derek and giving him Eli. Eli, who happens to be a lot like Scott's former best friend who's been gone from Beacon Hills for years. Scott just doesn't strike me at all as the type who'd be good for a kid who is going to be grieving his father and going through trauma, tbh.
Yeah, Scott doesn't inspire confidence in me as a good guardian for Eli. All I can think about is when in season 1 he told Derek his family must have been burned alive for a reason. Someone like that should not be raising the next generation of Hales. Also, Eli's new mommy (��) is an Argent. Specifically, the niece of the woman who killed most of the Hales. This is a clusterfuck of a storyline and it will be promptly ignored by 97% of this fandom. Especially by sterek fans.
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sterekwould · 2 years
fuck that bitch she should’ve stayed dead
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