#boyd deserved better
wheelerapologist · 6 months
The Allison Argent season 2 arc is wild. Kate manipulating her makes sense because she already established trust and respect with her aunt. Her grandfather who she is on a first name basis with because she hasn’t seen him since she was a toddler however? She already knew Gerard was some one to be careful with and that she couldn’t fully trust him.
And then everyone went back to trusting her completely? Omitting Derek of course. There was little to no (im being generous) remorse come season 3. Sure Gerard manipulated her bur her actions are still her own and she was able to move on pretty quick.
All in all it makes it kind of hard to care about her. It feels like homework to care about Allison Argent.
Also this arc is another example of how the writers didn’t care about Boyd at all because what was the emotional aftermath for him? He deserved to be final girl level pissed at the Argents including who shot him so her family could torture him when he was running away. He deserved to at least have a conversation with Isaac about how hes getting close to her.
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lazywolfwiccan · 1 year
I hate when people (Scott stans) say Derek didn't care about his betas. Um? He literally broke when Boyd and Erica died and he definitely cared about Issac?
This scene? When Stiles comforted him? That's Derek's face looking at Boyd's body. He's about to burst into tears
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And when Derek carried Erica's body?
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He's completely numb with grief. As an Alpha his betas were basically his children, and he lost two of them back to back. He cared about them.
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hmmm-shesucks · 9 months
So I’ve been putting together a playlist of songs that make me think of Kevin, and it’s honestly so depressing how many of them could apply to both Andrew and Riko. I always get so upset and uncomfortable when I see posts comparing how similar they are in how they treated Kevin. Andrew does many things differently from Riko, and I believe he was much better for Kevin to be with, but Andrew also did so much of the same to Kevin. I think that’s why Kevin seemed to adapt to life with the foxes so quickly and trusted Andrew with his protection even faster. Because Andrew was so much like Riko, so familiar to Kevin, that it wasn’t a significant change. He just jumped from one bad thing into another without realizing it. Andrew wasn’t physically hurting Kevin and to him, that’s all that mattered. That’s what made him feel safe.
Anyway, I hate remembering anything in canon because my version of the foxes in my tiny little brain are much kinder people. No less traumatized and still super fucking rude, but healing and healed.
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sparksabove · 2 months
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She was so dangerously gorgeous that they had to get rid of her
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z0mbie2b0y · 5 months
So now that I may or may make the mortality gray or dark pack thing, au(?) So next is Erica Reyes
She most likely has a more Tigger happy wolf. And I honestly think that if she was more dark she would honestly kill for her pack no need to be provoked, her pack are the only people who had given her a chance to explore herself so duo to this if her pack is hurt she will most likely go for the throat. Even if it means becoming a "monster."
She probably sees the pack in a light, a light that healed her of her epilepsy and made her stronger, faster and be able to protect herself from those whom bullied her so yes she'll risk killing and getting the blue eyes of a killer, and she probably wouldn't regret because in doing so her light is still alive, they all are alive and breathing and that's worth every life she'll have to take
Sorry if this is OOC. I just felt like this was probably the way she would act, lol and holy shit it's long....
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ineedibuprofen · 1 year
im thinking about the aftermath of drake and andrew and im thinking of andrew being sent to the hospital and im thinking of neil stepping up and telling kevin andrew was more important than exy and going downstairs to get their delivery food and saying up until everyone fell asleep and making sure everyone is okay and sleeping with his back against the wall to watch the door and make sure his teammates are okay because he's learning to care for other people and he cares about them and he's not nathaniel anymore
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fairytalegumiho · 2 years
Stop saying Derek is a villain in Season 2.
He is not. Why would you say that? The actual antagonists in season 2 are Matt, Gerard and his lackeys, Kanima not Derek.
Just because he became a villain for trying to kill Lydia then Allison should also be a villain for trying to kill Derek and his whole pack.
Derek told Boyd, Erica, Isaac everything that they needed to know at that point. He gave them a new life. He only wanted to kill Lydia because he thought she was a kanima and he didn't want the normal people to die. But we don't even know for sure that he would kill her because he says that he would kill people but in return he only saves them/helps them almost dying in the process. So for all we know, he might capture Lydia and make sure to kill her only when she turns into a kanima in front of him.
Derek endured so much trauma. He has every reason to become a villain but he didn't, he became a hero. He didn't go on a killing spree and didn't opt for revenge. If Matt decided to kill all of those people just because they laughed then Derek can kill Scott too for saying "maybe they had a reason" but he didn't. He didn't even scold him for that. He just asked "for what?" and proceeded to explain the situation.
He saved Scott's life even though the wolfsbane is harmful to him too. That's not what a villain does. That's not what a shitty alpha does.
Scott didn't help make Derek a better person. Derek became his own person. If anything his betas, Isaac, Erica, mainly Boyd, helped him to turn into a good person. Not Scott.
Scott has every reason to hate Derek for not letting him have the cure but Derek does too. Derek is hanging from the chains in his own house basement where his entire family died because of his kidnapper who used his body and Scott straight up refused to help him. Who would want to help him get cured after that? Derek even tries to help him when Kate and Allison ambush them but Scott is intended to talk to Allison instead of making sure that him or Derek or both go somewhere safe. Derek is definitely not a villain here.
Derek is definitely not the best person especially in Season 1 and 2. So he recognised his mistakes and turned into a better person by having the best character development but he is definitely not a villain.
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renmackree · 7 months
🎵 + berica!!
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With you close, I'm the happiest I ever was
songs that remind me of ships: Berica
Love You Like That - Dagny
requested by @derekhalesbian
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shiftingwithmars · 2 months
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atomicradiogirl · 5 months
s6e7 was so good i was on the edge of my seat and pausing every 2 seconds freaking out season 6 of justified is driving me crazy. i would be annoyed at raylan and winona getting back together but raylan has chemistry with a rock so i don’t care it works whatever.
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Day 2: First Kiss
Warnings: canon-typical violence
Rating: T
Pairing: Boyd x Jimmy
Boyd spends five seconds debating on whether or not to send the message.
He heard Jimmy over the phone, the subtle quaking in his voice, the hesitation. It took him a moment to put the pieces together, and it takes him just a little longer to decide whether he wants to handle this for himself – but ultimately he deems the risk too big.
Jimmy doesn’t get scared. Not easily. If something’s there putting that fear in his voice, it’s something Boyd’s likely not going to be able to handle himself. So he texts Raylan an SOS, and hopes the man doesn’t leave him hanging.
Ten minutes later, he walks into the bar and hears Jimmy groan, muffled and weak, the kind of sound a man only makes when the pain is real. So he’s not surprised when he turns the corner into his office and sees Jimmy duct-taped to a chair. Upset – distressingly so – but not surprised. 
(The third man with a gun, the one who comes up behind him – that’s a surprise).
Boyd tries to stall. He tries to reassure Jimmy with nothing but a nod and a bit of eye contact. He’s afraid he fails at both. Jimmy still looks a step from terrified when Alberto says he was with a gravitas Boyd doesn’t like at all. And Boyd desperately scours his mind for another solution, another play he can make.
But it doesn’t do much good. Manolo raises the gun, and–
Well, a lot of things happen at once.
Tim bursts through the back door, gun raised, at the same time Raylan comes through the door just behind Boyd. Raylan’s the one who shouts, “U.S. marshals! Drop your weapons!” – words Boyd’s never been so damn grateful to hear in his whole life – but Tim’s the one who fires when the guns pointed at him twitch upwards instead of towards the ground.
Three shots, so fast they almost sound like a single one. Three bodies hit the ground, two with neat little holes between their eyes, one with blood spilling out between the fingers he has clutched to his chest. It pleases Boyd more than it should to see that Manolo is one of the ones lying motionless on the floor.
“Well,” Raylan says dryly. Boyd hears him holster his gun. “Thanks for leaving me something to do.”
Tim mutters something along the lines of, “Some of us don’t get paid to stand there and look pretty, Raylan,” before his eyes shift to Boyd, and then flick pointedly to Jimmy. “Go on,” he says, and Boyd doesn’t need to be told twice.
He’s in front of Jimmy in a moment, his own throat aching at the sight of the tears on the boy’s face. “Easy, son, easy now,” Boyd murmurs, something in his chest twisting with every desperate, shaky breath Jimmy takes. “I’ve got you. Here we go, now this is gonna sting."
He's quick with the tape that's covering Jimmy's mouth, ripping it off in one clean motion. But Jimmy doesn't whimper in pain or cry out - no, the first thing out of his mouth is a desperate, ragged, "I'm sorry, Boyd."
Boyd knows what it’s for without asking. Sorry for being the one to lure Boyd back to the bar. Sorry for getting himself captured. Sorry for putting Boyd in the position to ask Raylan for help. Sorry for a whole mess of things Jimmy doesn’t have any business being sorry for.
“Hey, now.” Boyd reaches up, taking Jimmy’s face in his hands. He’s careful around where the boy is still bleeding sluggishly, gentle when his thumbs smooth over Jimmy’s cheeks. “Just breathe for me, nice and slow. You hurt worse’n I can see?”
Jimmy shakes his head, careful not to dislodge Boyd’s hands, and somehow that makes the ache in Boyd’s chest worse. He ignores it, swallows it down best he can, so he can deal with it later. After Jimmy. Because right now, and for the short foreseeable future, Jimmy is his priority.
Boyd sinks down to his knees, and he drops his hands away from Jimmy’s cheeks only to fumble with the knife on his own belt. When he flicks it open, Jimmy flinches – it’s a little thing, but Boyd’s too wired not to notice. “Just going to cut you loose, son,” he says, pitching his voice so he hopes it’s warm and comforting. “Need you to hold still, all right?”
Jimmy nods jerkily, and Boyd sets to work. He does his best to be quick, while being careful not to add to the bloodstains drying on Jimmy’s shirt. It’s not easy. They wrapped him good and tight, and Boyd didn’t need to be told – he knows Jimmy fought against it all tooth and nail, knows every inch of that tape was needed to keep him in that chair. He’s proud, almost as much as he’s furious it happened at all.
As soon as he gets the tape pulled away, Jimmy reaches out and tangles his fingers in the front of Boyd’s shirt, all but clinging to him. He looks a little surprised by the gesture, like his hands moved without his own volition – and, after a moment, he looks like he’s going to try to make himself pull back, deny himself something he so obviously needs.
Boyd doesn’t hesitate. He reaches out, cups the back of Jimmy’s neck and drags him forward, letting him all but collapse into Boyd’s own chest. The gut-wrenching sob that escapes from Jimmy’s mouth makes Boyd hold him a little closer, a little tighter, and he feels the way Jimmy’s breath hitches, the way he immediately tucks his nose into the crook of Boyd’s neck, seeking out comfort there. “I’m sorry,” Jimmy says again, his voice wet and muffled this time, and Boyd can’t help but slide his fingers up into the boy’s short hair, stroking gently, reassuringly.
“Hush, now,” he says, and before Jimmy can take that the wrong way, he adds, “You got nothing to be sorry for, you understand? I can see how hard you fought. Couldn’t ask for anything more.”
Jimmy pulls back a little, and there are tears in his eyes and on his face, and he looks… wrecked. There’s no other word for it. He looks like he got worked over and came out worse for wear, like the grip he’s got on Boyd’s shirt is the only thing keeping him tethered to the here and now.
It only seems natural to kiss him.
Jimmy makes a keening, muffled noise against his mouth, and Boyd feels the way the boy’s grip on his shirt goes white-knuckled and desperate. Almost like he’s more afraid that Boyd will pull away now. Now. It’s easy to reach up, to cup Jimmy’s jaw with one hand, to stroke his thumb reassuringly over his cheek. Easy to keep the kiss soft, sweet, even when Jimmy shudders against him in a way that makes Boyd want to grip and cling a little himself.
When he pulls back, he makes sure not to go far, shifting to lean his forehead against Jimmy’s. It’s gratifying to feel the shaking of the boy’s body subside, slowly, to hear his breaths begin to even out. 
“The kid okay?” Raylan asks, and there’s real concern in his voice. Boyd nods, trying not to think about how close they got to that not being the case. If Raylan and Tim had been just a minute later…
Raylan’s hand lands on his shoulder, squeezes just hard enough to be reassuring. After a beat, he asks, “Are you okay?” and Boyd’s known him long enough to hear all the things he isn’t asking. All the things he won’t ask, not with other people in the room.
“We’ll be fine,” Boyd says, and when Raylan’s hand squeezes again, Boyd even lets himself believe the words. Just a little.
Find this fic on AO3 here:
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kdsburneraccount · 2 years
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The official Bengals twitter supports the polycule agenda /j
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twpsyn-who · 1 year
I was daydreaming while walking towards work and my mind went "brrrr Stiles doing the fancy jump through time Five does that gets him stuck in an Apocalyptic Future" and yk my mind went straight to Teen Wolf but is TUA. And obvious Stiles is Five because yk
× Too defiant to listen to adults
× No one listens to his shits and/or blames him for everything when all he wants is to fix shit
× Could see him become some serial killer to protect his loved ones so yk it does check.
And after that my mind went like… what next? Scott. 100% Scott. I don't know what number is he, but he's dating the handler daughter at some point aka Allison (and the handler is Kate because fuck that bitch. Rip the rest of the Argents tho). And Lydia. And yeah number 3 Lydia? Heard a Rumor Lydia? Yeah, yeah, I can see it. BUT number 7 Lydia???? A work of art. Wonderful. Splendid. But she doesn't use her violin, she screams- because she's an opera singer. I could also see her trashing everyone in a book cuz she's that petty. But also Number 5 & Viktor friendship 🤝🏻 Stiles & Lydia friendship
AND KIRA. She's number 2, but likes using that katana of hers God knows why. Or she finds that katana in the 60'. I don't know. But that makes Scott number 1, which also checks out.
While thinking of number 3, I came to the conclusion that it would be Jackson only because his character is rich coded enough to make it work. Also he totally says "I heard a rumor you punched yourself in the face" during an argument with someone, then proceeds to laugh his ass off. He's a jerk.
With no question my mind assigned Danny as number 6, because if they can kill the Asian guy then I can kill the Hawaiian guy and not get canceled. But that leaves me with no number 4. Who's number 4?
It can't be the Hales, because I'm making them all members of season 3 Sparrow team. Yeah, that's right bitches. Laura and Cora and Derek and Peter (because he's their brother here ups.) and Malia. Peter is number 1, only because he gives the vibes & I wanna see him get threatened by Lydia then find the thingy in the basement and go poof. No hate on the guy tho. But it would be funny.
At first I wanted Liam to be number 4, team him up with Cora (number 6) but, like, keep his power the wolf shift cuz I don't like Alphonso's power in the show (is not even about how he looks, I just find it stupid) BUT that would make Derek the floating cube with anger issues- and while it would work, I came to the conclusion that Liam should be the floating cube and hit people in the head when he's angry. Which is a lot. We love a King with Anger Issues. So Derek's number 4, his power is the wolf shift, and he's besties with Cora aka number 6. Wonderful. 
Laura is number 5 because she deserves nice things. Malia is number 3 because she's a badass and can kick your ass without seeing. Which is cool. But also if anyone wanna keep the whole Sparrow/Umbrella ship going on, they can do it with Stiles and any other goddamn Hale. You're welcome.
So, conclusion : Number 1 Scott / Peter
Number 2 Kira / Danny
Number 3 Jackson / Malia
Number 4 ?? / Derek
Number 5 Stiles / Laura
Number 6 Danny / Cora
Number 7 Lydia / Liam
And while writing this my mind remembered Issac existed SO. My boy is number 4 by the process of elimination (but it works, so #strughs)
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hmmm-shesucks · 1 year
What Was I Made For by Billie Eilish is about Kevin Day and you can not change my mind.
“I used to float, now I just fall down.
I used to know, but I’m not sure now.
What was I made for?”
Right after Riko smashed his hand and he couldn’t play the game he was literally born to play.
“Look so alive, turns out I’m not real.
Just something you paid for.”
The press smile? Being owned my the Moriyamas? Any public appearance ever.
“Cause I don’t know how to feel,
But I wanna try.”
Him doing his best to be different with the foxes. Handling them with more care than Riko did with him. Putting their health and well-being first.
“When did it end?
All the enjoyment?
I’m sad again
don’t tell my boyfriend
It’s not what he’s made for
What was I made for?”
The boyfriend being the foxes, and Kevin hiding or simply just ignoring his own feelings and traumas so he doesn’t burden them. So he doesn’t distract them from Exy. So he doesn’t hurt them. Even when he wakes up and feels like throwing up at just the idea of holding a stick, at stepping on the court, at becoming Riko, Kevin loves, will always love, Exy, but it is the source of all of his trauma and that will always make him sad.
“Cause I don't know how to feel
But I wanna try
I don't know how to feel
But someday I might
Someday I might”
Changing his tattoo. Taking Exy back and making it his own. Becoming the Queen rather than Rikos number two. Becoming Kevin Day on his own.
“Think I forgot how to be happy
Something I'm not, but something I can be
Something I wait for
Something I'm made for”
After Riko dies. Making things right with Jean. Watching Neil heal. Not relying on Andrew for everything. Finding a life outside of Exy. Having a relationship with Wymack. Finding himself. Being himself. Getting sober.
Kevin's Day learning how to be happy. One day at a time.
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it is too bad they made both the marginalized wolves in derek's pack dead weight, but also i do love isaac.
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deepestsharkshark · 11 months
I think about Vernon Boyd's character a lot and this is one of the things about the show I want to go and fix because
The dude got to ride a zamboni and that wasn't used enough. I love those stupid things.
His <i>little sister had been missing for years</i>
He was calm, and collected, and he was loyal. He was loyal to his friends, and he didn't want to fight anymore. He shouldn't have died - like, I shshshs
Him and Erica were definitely having a thing, but I think in the end it would have been something platonic.
Boyd and Braeden would have been assigned a whirlwind romance instead of Derek and Braeden, because Boyd was good to need to look for answers about his past and start finding his anchor after being tortured and held captive and stuff.
Beacon Hills needed a better guidance counselor.
...tho now I'm going to have to rewatch, because I have this idea that Boyd's sister could have been linked to the chimera/dread doctor subplot, but I also haven't actually watched the show in a couple years so fanfiction may have influenced me a lot.
Which is fine, because I'm pretty sure the teen wolf online Fandom has definitely pushed chemosignals way beyond what the show implied lol
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