#anti argents
wheelerapologist · 6 months
The Allison Argent season 2 arc is wild. Kate manipulating her makes sense because she already established trust and respect with her aunt. Her grandfather who she is on a first name basis with because she hasn’t seen him since she was a toddler however? She already knew Gerard was some one to be careful with and that she couldn’t fully trust him.
And then everyone went back to trusting her completely? Omitting Derek of course. There was little to no (im being generous) remorse come season 3. Sure Gerard manipulated her bur her actions are still her own and she was able to move on pretty quick.
All in all it makes it kind of hard to care about her. It feels like homework to care about Allison Argent.
Also this arc is another example of how the writers didn’t care about Boyd at all because what was the emotional aftermath for him? He deserved to be final girl level pissed at the Argents including who shot him so her family could torture him when he was running away. He deserved to at least have a conversation with Isaac about how hes getting close to her.
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chimerazodiac · 7 months
What if Teen Wolf just replaced Scott's character with Danny? Like Danny goes wandering through the woods one night for whatever reason and gets bit. He doesn't want to go to Jackson because he's freaking out and it's Jackson so he goes to the one person that won't sent him to mental hospital after hearing the story of what happened in the woods. Stiles Stilinski, who he knows slightly better because Stiles' best friend, Scott is quickly getting more popular (and more distant) since he started dating the new girl, Allison (who is popular because she is also Lydia's new best friend). And since Scott is more distant now, Stiles quickly agrees and the two become friends.
(+ Danny teasing Stiles about Derek)
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lazywolfwiccan · 9 months
Like look at this. This is fear. Derek was scared of Kate.
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lunar-eclipse-tales · 11 months
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Can we just talk about this scene in season 2?
This is right after Scott forced Derek to bite Gerard. Not only did Scott take advantage of Derek by using his body to further his own plan but he made Derek relive one of the worst traumas of his life.
Let’s talk about how Scott lied to everyone including his best friend. He didn’t tell them about his plan. He just went about things while leaving them all in the dark. He didn’t even tell Stiles who is supposed to be like his brother. They tell each other EVERYTHING and Scott chose not to tell him this. Why? Probably because Stiles would have told him it was wrong. Even though Stiles and Derek don’t see eye to eye on things he still respects him enough to not bring up his trauma and even defends him against Chris by calling Chris out about Kate killing Derek’s family. So yes, he would have ripped Scott a new one for this.
Derek who has been taken advantage of before in his life which led to his family dying. Kate literally SAed him when he was a CHILD and she was an ADULT. She manipulated him to thinking that she loved him so he would give up details about his family so she could kill them. He lost his entire family and pack because someone took advantage of him and he blamed himself for it.
On top of that he was still getting over Paige. Paige who he was in love with who he killed because her body rejected the bite. He killed his first love because she was dying from something he had set in motion. That’s probably why he was so standoffish with Isaac, Erica, and Boyd because he didn’t want to go through that again. Because he had seen what happens when someone rejects the bite. He knew how it felt to lose pack and family. Losing Paige was one of the biggest traumas of his life hence his blue eyes.
So round about back to this scene when Scott LIED to everyone and MADE Derek bite Gerard. Gerard’s body rejected the bite because of Scott replacing his pills with mountain ash. The look of horror on Derek’s face as Gerard starts leaking that black goo. The look of him reliving not just his first trauma of killing Paige but also the trauma of Kate taking advantage of him and using his body to further her own plans.
Scott did the exact same thing in my eyes as Kate did. He used Derek’s body to further his own plans. He lied to him and acted like he was part of his pack getting Derek to start trusting him and even though Gerard was the bad guy he forced Derek to relive one of his biggest traumas.
The look on Derek’s face as he watched Gerard literally breaks my heart because that is the look of someone reliving all of his pain. The pain of killing Paige, the pain of being SAed and taken advantage of, the pain of losing his family because of that.
Something like this is unforgivable to me. But Derek being the good guy that he is still tries to help Scott time and time again after this.
Scott doesn’t deserve someone like that in his life because Scott is selfish and only cares about something if it benefits him. He puts on the good guy act making people think he’s trying to be the better person. But his actions speak a completely different story.
I just want to hug Derek and pack him away so he stops getting hurt. 😭🖤
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teenwolf-confessions · 3 months
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shiftingvisuals · 4 months
Teen Wolf Visuals?
Teen Wolf Visuals
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thelunarbar · 3 months
I hate Kate with every fiber of my being 🤮
I’m sorry would firing off a weapon at random in the middle of the not being the police?
Turns out I don’t remember this real well so that’s interesting
I appreciate that Chris is at least semi sensible even if he is actively trying to kill Derek and Scott
The cgi or whatever on Derek’s not normal bullet wound is so bad 😂
Oh yeah grabbing her hand and defensively yelling no is so subtle
Ooh caught in a lie. Shoulda got their story straight before Allison woke up. Tsk tsk
Scott knows nothing. Typical.
“Studying with Allison” yeah right
Dylan O’Brien has pretty eyes
I wanna punch Jackson
Derek (literally dying) goes totally unnoticed in a highschool are there no teachers or curious students??? Are they all that self involved???
Also Derek (still literally dying) gets jump scared by the bell love it
How did stiles not see Derek at some point while he was in the hallway?
And then Derek collapses in the parking and still no one notices him
“A silver bullet?”
“No you idiot.” Even dying Derek is not putting with stiles shit
Derek (literally dying) (going to help Scott even tho he has absolutely no reason to) needs Scott’s help
Scott grudgingly agrees to help the dying man what a saint
And then promptly gets distracted by Allison shocker
Ik Scott is like what 15 here but c’mon man someone is literally dying and counting on you to save him and all you can think about is getting in Allison’s pants
Oh good more cringey make outs. These are supposed to be teenagers I do not want to watch them make out 🤮
Am I old? I feel like that makes me sound like an old lady but it’s true
I love that somehow while still in town it looks like they’re almost to Derek’s house which is deep in the woods? Yes yes that tracks
“In fact I think if I wanted to I could drag your little werewolf ass out into the middle of the road and leave you for dead.”
“Start the car or I’m gonna rip your throat out with my teeth.” Yes threatening the guy trying to keep you alive is great.
Fuck Scott. Honestly. They’re are more important things in life than getting your dick wet
Archery how quirky
Ik it’s like a family thing but still
Cock block chris love it
Ooh awkward family dinner with the gfs family always fun sucker
Why do parent in tv shows offer teenagers alcohol as like a test??? So dumb
“Hockey on grass is called field hockey.” 😂
Poor stiles and poor Derek
“He’s starting to smell.”
“Like what?”
“Like death!”
Yeah let Derek die bc you’d rather not leave your gf. Can we say hero 🙄
Fortunately the bullet he’s looking just happens to be in a special box bc ofc and I get for plot reasons but still
Derek never loses his drama even when dying
I’m with stiles on the whole cutting off Derek’s arm
Love that this whole thing literally couldn’t not matter less to Scott 🙄
I read a couple great fics abt stiles actually cutting off Derek’s arm bc Scott was late that I still think about to this day. I reread them quite a bit
I hate Kate so fucking much even tho he did actually take smth from her
Allison whipping out that condom is probably her best moment ngl 😂
“You faint at the sight of blood?”
“No but I might at the sight of chopped off arm!”
I am so with stiles on this whole cutting off body parts thing
Derek’s Batman voice is really funny to me.
I get why the first idea is to stick your fingers through the grate but I’m pretty sure those things pop out at least generally speaking
Love that stiles punched Derek in the face. Pretty sure he nearly does it again later on in the show
Where did Derek get the lighter? Did he just have that on him? Also so did not wanna watch him stick his finger in his wound gross
Ah teenage stupidity. Gotta hate it.
Ohhhh we finally met Peter! I don’t like him for obvious reasons but later on he’s so sassy and it’s hard not to like him
Knowing what the argents did makes me hate Kate even more and love that Chris broke free of that.
Ofc Scott would defend the argents 🙄 again teenage stupidity
Poor Derek he deserved better
How was there still a lil shard of glass from Kate’s broken window on the edge of the car door??? That seems unlikely
I appreciate that Chris at least had some standards even they still sucked.
Kate throwing the match into the fireplace was sooooooo foreshadowing at the truth to be learned down the road and I do like that
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liliaeth · 1 year
Just saw a post by @hedwig221b , asking how to write Scott since they were clearly influenced by fanon over canon, and it got me thinking.
Now to me, Scott is very easy to empathize with. he's kind, caring hesitant to jump into trouble. He overthinks, and is a bit anxious, worried to do the wrong thing,
He grew up with an alcoholic for a father, and a mother too busy with work to really spend much time on him. Taking the blame for his parents marital difficulties, and blaming himself for everything that went wrong. So he tried to be 'the good kid'. The one that tried to mediate, and solve problems, to keep people from being angry with one another, or himself. the one that didn't cause trouble, that kept his head low, and was helpful to his Mom, desperate to make her life easier, so she wouldn't leave him, like his Dad did.
He fought to keep troublesome people in his life, because he didn't want to lose the ones he loved, the way his Dad left him. So no matter how much Stiles bullied him, or how judgmental and cruel Stiles could get, Scott put up with it, and didn't speak out against it. Now this is not to say Stiles was intentionally cruel, but where Scott dealt with a non present parent, and an alcoholic parent by retreating in 'good kid' mode, Stiles did so by getting more acerbic, testing people to make sure they wouldn't leave him.
Scott became in the habit of forcing down any negative feelings, anger, hate, resentment... he pushed it all down. Putting up with crap he shouldn't have as a result.
In a way, Stiles became his release valve. Stiles impulsiveness, and tendency to get into trouble gave Scott the excuse to do so with him. Because he couldn't let his best friend get into trouble on his own. Scott remained the mom friend though, the one who spoke up for reason, brought up why they shouldn't be doing the things Stiles led them into, and got ready to pull them out of trouble afterwards.
And then in comes Peter.
Scott was in the woods because of Stiles, he didn't go away with the sheriff, because he was more worried about the trouble he'd be in with his Mom if she found out he was in the woods at night, than that he was about the small chance of running into a dangerous psychopath in the woods. Because he was a kid, who'd never really dealt with anything more dangerous than his father. And an angry Mom was a known tangible threat, whereas an unknown danger in the woods was some vague notion.
But then he does get assaulted, he does get violated, and Peter turns Scott's entire body into something unknown and strange and horrifying.
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People keep forgetting that where for Stiles, s1 was fun adventure time, for Scott it was and still is a full on horror story.
Stiles didn't have to deal with his body becoming some alien thing, that turned against him. Scott did.
Scott who always suppressed his negative feelings, who always controlled his emotions, suddenly had to deal with instincts and anger that he had no way to suppress let out cope with. And it scared him, rightly so.
It made him fear that he was becoming like his father, lashing out when angry or upset. Supported by how in those first days, he almost attacked his best friend, as close as a brother to him, aka Stiles.
On top of that he not only had to deal with this monstrous force in the woods (aka Peter) who tried to control his mind and thoughts and tried to make him do things against his will, aka kill people. But also with this dangerous violent brute (aka Derek) who tried to manipulate and control him. Who threatened his life, didn't even bother to tell him he wasn't the one that had assaulted him and made his life hell, and didn't bother to give him any real explanations on how to deal with the horror his life had become.
And then aside of the werewolves, he also had to deal with hunters who tried to kill him just because of something he'd been turned into against his will.
Is it any wonder that Scott didn't want to be a werewolf, and didn't accept this change that had been forced upon him?
People forget that all those horrible traumas Stiles went through in s3b, Scott already went through in s1. Scott had a force in his head that tried to make him kill, that tried to make him like killing. Something foreign to him, trying to take over his body and will. And he had to stand up to all that pretty much on his own. Because his best friend didn't understand, Derek wasn't any help, and he couldn't tell his girlfriend, because her father was a hunter, and so telling her the truth was a risk he didn't dare to take.
In fact, when she did find out the truth, her first reaction was horror. Making him even more desperate for a cure.
(it's noticeable that when Melissa finds out, her reaction is the exact same horror, the same rejection. A rejection felt by many lgbt kids as their parent rejects them after finding out the truth about them. Which is why I'll never forgive the show for never giving Melissa the time onsscreen to come to grips with what her son is now. Especially since after this discovery Melissa pretty much stops behaving like a mother to Scott, and becomes a mentor instead)
People act as if Scott was obsessed with Allison, but canonically, he never was. He always spent more time with Stiles, and Derek, he didn't fully trust her, and he always prioritized current events over his relationship with her, which led to their break up both in s1 and the end of s2.
Because Scott prioritized helping others.
I've seen people call Scott 'entitled' for daring to reject Peter's attempt to control his life, body and mind. for daring to reject Derek's manipulations and abuse in s1 and s2, for daring to continue a relationship with someone who put him first, who cared about him, and stood by him when it really came down to it, instead of rejecting her over something she had no choice about, aka her name.
I see people ignore that half the reason Allison turned against Derek and his pack in s1, was Derek's attempted murder of Lydia, Allison's best friend, Derek's abuse of Scott, and his own pack, as well as how no one bothered to tell her what had really happened with Victoria.
Scott couldn't, cause she refused to talk to him, when it would have mattered. She'd have rejected the truth from Derek, even if he'd tried to tell her the truth. And Stiles, the only person she would have listened to, and who had access to her, never bothered to tell her what really happened.
Back to Scott though.
Scott's main character trait is that he's kind, that he's forgiving, sometimes too forgiving, but yet, his willingness to forgive kept him giving chance after chance to his friends, to Stiles, when he was being cruel, to Derek, when he handed him over to Peter to be violated, to Allison when she was manipulated by Gerard, to Isaac, for following Derek's orders, to Liam for trying to murder him...
And his main flaw is as it always was, his tendency to push down his negative feelings.
He followed the advice of his mother, to be his own anchor, and mistook it for the need to control his emotions, to push down his rage, his anger, his instincts. To be calm and in control, no matter what.
This is a flaw, because it came from his tendency to blame himself, all of which led to his depression and repeated suicidal ideation.
and we all know how bad it is when you push down your feelings and try to be in control too much. Because sooner or later it's going to come out. And in Scott it tends to lead to him stopping himself from healing, because as always he aims his anger at himself instead of at the people who really deserve it.
Scott is probably the most emotionally complex character on Teen Wolf, because so many of his emotions are internalized. He doesn't lash out like Stiles or Derek, or Peter. he forces those emotions down and down, building up pressure inside of him.
It's part of what makes him the most unique character on Teen wolf.
He's a healer, not a fighter, he's a Mom friend, a caretaker. He's the one ready to take care of everyone, not just those close to him, and give people far more chances than they deserve. But he'll stand up to those who hurt others, he'll be there for others, the way no one really was there for him.
He's the story of a trauma survivor who became a caretaker and defender for those who went through the same suffering he did.
And that's just part of why he's my favorite Teen Wolf character by far.
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luci-hemwin-evanson · 2 years
No way IN HELL im paying Paramount to watch them end Stydia and bring back fckng Scallison when Scott had a gf he left on the dessert and that was doing way more interesting things and would be a better plot than bringing back the death and do a horrible remake of season 3 or whatever the movie is about
No Theo, no Stiles, no Kira, no Corey, no Isaac and no Stydia? Thanks but its sht and i dont want it
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Would you mind explaining why some people don't like Allison? And no I don't think she would be good mother, considering she's been dead for a decade and never graduated so yeah definitely don't mind ignoring Jeff and his bad writing for scallison.
Idk if you were responding to a particular post, so I'm gonna answer as if it were a random question.
Actually I don't like Allison myself. I liked her back in the first season: she was sweet, innocent and a good match for Scott. The problem for me is how insane she became after her mother died.
She had never been taught to hunt, had never hurt or killed anything or anyone in her entire life. And yet, as soon as she discovered her mother's suicide, she transformed into a Kate Argent 2.0.
And the problem to me is not even the anger towards Derek, it's the repeated attempted murder of people who had nothing to do with it.
Erica and Boyd were innocent. Apart from the fact that Derek was innocent too, even with all the brainwashing done to her by her aunt and grandpa, if you are not the kind of person who enjoys hunting and killing, you never will be. No matter what they tell you.
I'm not joking, I was (and still am) shocked by the scene of Allison on the bike chasing Erica and Boyd and shooting arrows at them. I watched the scene again just right now and she shot seven arrows at Boyd. SEVEN arrows in the body of a 16/17 year old boy just for the fun of it, because it wasn't even about revenge since according to her Victoria had died because of Derek.
Also, Erica yelling "Please, Allison, stop" and Allison not batting an eye... Chris Argent had to stop her. The same Chris Argent who hunted and killed werewolves all his life, who hadn't had his character development yet, the same Chris Argent who helped his wife commit suicide realized that if he didn't stop Allison, with that one last shot she would kill Boyd.
When she was hallucinating a the party, her other self teased her that she's always yelling for help. You see? It's not revenge, it's always been power.
And what's worse is that she never apologized. Even after learning that Derek had bitten Victoria to protect Scott, she continued to play the victim. She has erected herself on a pedestal assuming the right to judge the actions of others, Derek in the first place.
Somehow in her mind loosing a parent entitles her to get away with multiple attempted murders. She despised Derek from start to finish and she never stopped to think about the pain her family had brought him, and this time on purpose.
And we want to talk about Isaac? She stabbed Isaac several times, and then they got together despite her not really being interested, and it shows in her last words before dying: not a thought, a gesture or a glance at poor Isaac.
And I'm deliberately ignoring her complete forgetting -in the movie- that she was once Isaac's girlfriend and not Scott's.
However, some might say that for some reason she convinced herself that Erica and Boyd were equally guilty of their mother's death and that therefore, in her view, it was right to kill them. Fine, then how do you explain the fact that in the movie, as soon as she wakes up, she doesn't just try to kill Derek but chases, hunts and even tries to kill a 15-year-old boy who is practically not even a real werewolf?
I like Kate for how her character was built, I even like Victoria. I don't like them as people but I like them as villains. The problem is that Allison acted just like Kate but neither the other characters nor part of the fandom see her as a villain.
They did the hunting in the forest (thrice btw: 1) season 2 with Derek and Scott; 2) season 2 with Erica and Boyd; 3) movie with Eli and Scott) for telling us what? That she's a badass, that she's powerful? What is it? A twisted way of saying girl power?
If we don't want to call her a villain, at least we need to realize that she's the female version of Peter Hale (only Peter at least had valid reasons. Questionable actions, but valid reasons). She helps when and how she wants, and especially just to help some specific people: she does it for Scott and Lydia, if it weren't for them, she would never have helped Derek.
She is not good. And we have to come to terms with this. She did wrong things and not only never apologized for it but she never even realized she did something wrong in the first place.
Btw I laugh at the idea that she, 17, (girlfriend of a 30+ man) should be a mother to the boy she tried to kill and almost succeeded in killing his father, not forgetting whose family was killed by her own family members... because if I stop to think about it, it would only make me cry.
So... yeah. This is it. This is why some people, myself included, don't like Allison.
The real question, at least to me, is why some people do like her? She is a Kate Argent evolved into a Peter Hale but praised as a Scott McCall.
Let me know your opinion about it.
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shimmerluna · 6 months
WAIT Elle has box braids in s3??? I could cry
I don't think she had bad hair in s1 or s2, but I'm excited that they're actually giving the Black girls Black hairstyles instead of having them wear it out.
Before, it felt like the (all-white, for context) hair department was just ignorant about Black hair, so they put wigs on the Black actresses and only did styles that also work on nonblack hair for their own sake/convenience. This theory was especially supported by the fact that Tara, whose 4c hair couldn't really be styled the same as nonblack hair, wore a twistout that would take literal hours to do every day, but she had box braids in s2! and Elle has box braids now!! I'm so excited!!!
I also feel like this fits her bold, fashion-loving personality so much better than leaving her hair out. Our hair is basically its own accessory, and the long box braids are very feminine. Again, I'm not saying not having a protective style isn't feminine or fashionable (I myself am a fashion girlie with an Afro), but having one is another outlet for her creativity, and I'm glad they're recognizing that now.
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rosalinesurvived · 1 year
NO BUT WHEN ITS LIKE Derek screaming at Scott about Allison Argent: “You’re not in love, you’re sixteen, a child” and we learn that Kate Argent seduced (read raped) Derek when he was fifteen, and he most likely blamed himself for his entire life turning and then stating “you’re a child” to Scott, when sixteen year old Jackson’s body rejects the bite and Jackson asks “What does it mean?” And Derek just backs away slowly, thinking of the first person this happened to, Paige, also rejecting the bite, dying in his arms, GOD this man is living out his traumas again and again
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lazywolfwiccan · 8 months
Au where Scott is so forgettable that literally everyone forgets he exists, like he's doing his usual whining and creepy shit to Allison and she's like this to the pack
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@atiny-angel @swifteforeverandalways @axelwolf8109 @blurbwitch
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wheelerapologist · 2 months
Teen Wolf Writers: the relationship between Allison and her mother is going to be essential to the plot
Teen Wolf Writers: so anyway we’re gonna focus on Chris Argent
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teenwolf-confessions · 6 months
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redcracklestan · 1 year
Carulia ship analysis pt. 2
keeping for a moment the no chemistry topic
I forgot to talk about a scene that is one of the most important in this ship, i'm talking about the rose scene
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here in this scene, we can see that Julia was crushing on Carmen, and it isn't hidden, but most people think about the fact that since Carmen gave those roses to Julia she is in love with her, but for me, it doesn't change a thing.
I'm gonna explain better.
I think the red roses are, for Carmen, a way to say "good luck" or "thank you" since it isn't the first time she gifts them to someone she cares about, remember lupe peligro?
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she gifted roses to her to wish her good luck, and I think that a thank you was implied.
so since, in my belief, Carmen does not reciprocate Julia's feelings, I think that she just gifted her some roses to say, "Thank you for always helping her when i need it"
now, for this topic, I know that I missed some scenes and episodes which they are together in, but I only mentioned the important parts, or else I would have to say the same thing for every single interaction they had.
now, let's move to the second topic
they are very different
this topic can be connected very well to what I said for the previous one, but anyway.
to better understand this topic, I'm gonna have to do a little analysis on Julia and Carmen's characters.
We know about carmen that probably her favourite subjects are history and geography, she likes to stay fit and train, she is an empathetic person, a badass one also, she is an orphan (not entirely tho. But she doesn’t know that since the end), she had a thief training growing up, she never had any friends until player (her first online friend) and graham (her first irl friend), she is an ESTP (so she is a natural-born leader who thrive in fast-paced environments, enjoy working with people, and have an entrepreneurial personality (that is just a superficial description tho, i suggest searching it up to have a deeper knowledge of what I’m talking about))
And then about Julia we know that she likes history very much and also like investigation, she is very calm and professional, she for sure had at least a mother growing up (as we see in a photo that she has in her office in the Egyptian episode) and she knows her family roots for sure, she really likes to talk about history and she is an INTJ (a person with the Introverted, Intuitive, Thinking, and Judging personality traits. These thoughtful tacticians love perfecting the details of life, applying creativity and rationality to everything she does (even here, it is just a superficial description))
As you can see from those 2 short explanations of the two of them, we can see that the only thing that they actually have in common is just liking history, which carmen also share with player. You can see too that this is not enough to have a good relationship; ad example if you took any other ship in the show (which could be Cleo and Bellum, Paper star and Tigress, El topo and Le chèvre, Carmen and Ivy, Carmen and Gray and many more) have much more than that in common.
With that, we connect to the third topic
They would not complement each other well
After all the things that i said on the previous topic, we know that they are very different , speaking for their interests, their past, and their personality. And with that, you have to consider how they would want a relationship to be (always in my opinion):
Carmen, for sure, needs a passionate relationship, full of teasing, and she would need her partner to keep up with her, with the same energy
Julia, instead, needs a more sweet relationship, gentle words etc… Basically, a relationship based on sweetness, a more “calm” one
Can you see the problem here? They are not each others types. They would not complement well.
Now, the last but not least topic
They have no “ship moments”
Ok I’m gonna take as an example here, Redcrackle.
As a really good ship, Redcrackle has a lot of moments that are clearly romantic, and that can not be seen in other ways than that. They basically leave no interpretations. Like the coffee dates ones (yes i know that Gray was brainwashed, and I’m gonna talk about it in my Redcrackle ship analysis, but still) or when chief said that he (graham) was an idiot in love (with carmen) or basically just the way they would constantly look at each other.
While Carulia has only a few moments that shows that Julia liked Carmen, but not the other way round. And, i will not stop saying that, but a crush, little or big, not reciprocated, is not enough to base a relationship. Plus, this is just a personal interpretation. Anyone could interpret what Julia did and said as a friendship thing because it is not oblivious like it is for Redcrackle.
Ok, i hope that you liked this little ship analysis (and i also hope to not upset or trigger anyone with this post, too). Next, i will do a Redcrackle ship analysis. Remember, you can ship whoever you want. This is just a personal opinion.
Thank you for reading, bye!
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