#anti Dean
stankrhodes · 6 months
been rewatching supernatural.
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walkergirlsposts · 11 days
I think it’s totally fine to love Dean as a character or to even like him more than Sam, but truly the issue comes in when people refuse to see his flaws, or just want Sam to follow him blindly because they think he’s older/cooler/more badass one. Dean is severly fucked up. Sam is too, but Dean is messed up in a way that actively hurts other people more often than not. It’s wild that people will argue that Dean is some purely selfless and loving martyr, when even the way he loves Sam is often very selfish. And he calls people family when he clearly doesn’t actually consider them such.
Again, people can still love his character, but let’s be real, Sam is the better, stronger person.
Ironically, I started the show as a Dean girl, but evened out to loving both brothers. It was in Season 4 when we watched Sam doing the wrong thing for … mostly … the right reasons that I switched to being a Sam girl. Dean was just such an unrelentingly controlling asshole that I had to side with Sam by default. Sam did the "big wrong" thing of the season, but Dean made every wrong decision in the way he dealt with Sam. And I liked him less for it. In Season 8, when Dean had switched out Amelia’s number just so he’d have it ready to manipulate Sam, if he "needed" to, that I had a hard time even liking him.
You've pretty much nailed it 💯
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samlover4evr · 1 year
i know people have posted about it before but THIS is so FUCKED Up and i hate dean and he should die like im so serious. Holyyyyy shit. I dont care if its because of the mark hes a fucking douchebag
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YOU DO NOT SAY THIS TO YOUR BROTHER!!!! why do you want him to be dead
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theythemsam · 1 year
"Dean Winchester loves lesbians"
Dean Winchester would have a panic attack upon seeing a hairy woman, a butch dyke would lead to an instant heart attack & a trans woman would upset him so much he explodes into tiny, tiny particples.
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jarpadswalker · 11 months
The most ridiculous story line I ever saw was Dean locking Michael Dean in his head ...It was so ridiculous..clearly they tried to rehash S6 storyline of Death putting a barrier between Sam's thought and he'll Sam's thoughts but here is an issue, Death putting a barrier in Sam head made sense coz Sam was fighting with his own thoughts and hell memories. He was hallucinating Lucifer, he wasn't their for real. But with Dean there was no diety/ stronger force that put "barrier" freezer in Dean case to stop Michael...Most imp writer missed the point that Sam was hallucinating Lucifer while Dean was possessed by Michael, he wasn't hallucinating Michael..Michael was actual their trying to take control. So the whole Locking Michael in freezer arc was hilariously bad. you could see how lazy the writer were that they didn't bother to find logic before rehashing previous work forget thinking of something original.
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trialssam · 1 year
dean and bobby locking sam up in the panic room is still an issue to me. like, they held him hostage inside that room, forced him to detox because he was a "threat." to who?? himself? they imprisoned him like he was a fucking werewolf or a vampire, but he wasn't hurting anyone. and dean's excuse for "at least he dies human" is so problematic. he doesn't have the fucking right to decide who lives and who dies, he's not sam's jury, judge and executioner.
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somekindxfdisaster · 2 years
listen. listen. i used to love dean winchester when i first started watching supernatural. when i was fifteen and i told my older cousin i was watching spn and he asked if i was team dean or team sam, i didn't even hesitate. sam was boring, sam wasn't very cool, dean was so badass and oh my god, destiel! fuck sam.
when i watched season 5, i always thought it should have ended right there. season 5 finale, lisa and dean and ben, and done. perfect ending. but it didn't, and it went on, and i started hating dean and the show and everything about it up to the point where i completely let it be for like half a year mid-season 9, and only started watching it again to see cas again and to see jack and eileen in action. and oh god. oh god.
everything dean does fucking triggers me. everything he does sets off something in me that i can't control, and i'm aware it probably has to do with my own history of hypocrisy and misoginy in my life, but oh. god. the way he thinks he's been fed wisdom by the spoonful, the way he blames (especially sam, but also) everyone else for anything, ever, but nothing he does ever gets critiqued, and if it does, he'll use it to guilt trip the hell out of (sam) the person who said it for YEARS. the way the writers are so on his side and obviously he's in the right, stupid sam, haha, get a grip, he's the older brother. the way he does the BARE MINIMUM in his treatment of charlie and other women and the fandom fucking eats it up, dean winchester mein löwe mein bär mein feminist icon, it makes me barf. the way anything he does goes without criticism and without doubt because he's fucking hot, how could you hate on anyone that looks this good, or because he's imagined to be in a relationship with the angel he abuses. he, and the way the fandom and the writers and the cast are treating him, makes me scream and want to throw things at walls and murder someone, and i try to remind myself it's just a stupid tv show that's ended over a year ago, but i CAN'T, because he makes me so mad and all these real life dean stans fucking eat. it. up. it drives me nuts.
and you know what i'm gonna do? i'll fucking watch the whole thing, the five seasons i still have ahead of me, because as much as i hate the show, i love it, and it's lowkey become an addiction. but i'll be damned if i'll ever be able to like him again, because oh my GOD i've never seen a bigger twat in my whole entire life jesus christ
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pandadude55 · 1 year
sorry about the flood of anti dean reblogs i just watched some of s8 n all my hate for dean came rushing back when i saw him on screen oops lol
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redtyrannoranger · 2 years
Torn between really wanting to rewatch SPN because I love Sam Winchester and not wanting to watch SPN ever again because I hate Dean Winchester
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supernaturalconvert · 5 months
Lets vote
I know that most of us are blocked by this hater but if you are in the mood for the effort kindly go and vote for Dean in this poll that they have going on now.
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P. S They are obviously pissed off that despite blocking so many Sam fans how did Sam win the main character poll that they had going. 🤔😂
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I think Destiel is a valid ship. In a distant "well I get why you ship it" kind of way. With Destiel I see valid analysis and extrapolation of canon. Just like with Crowstiel
But with Destiel way more than Crowstiel I see headcanons and imagines and wishes that canon actively contradicts. Like I saw a post of someone imagining Dean feeding Cas grace to nurse him back to health. But in canon Dean knows Cas is living on borrowed time from borrowed grace and Dean does not get Cas any grace
I fully support extrapolation of canon. I fully support exaggerated truths. It would be boring if we just saw canon at surface level but I get bothered when one of reasons someone ships x with y is born of ignorance
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walkergirlsposts · 11 days
The thing is Sam wanted his independence and didn’t ask for Dean to smother him so much. Dean ruined Sam’s life because he didn’t want to be alone. The fault and blame is all on Dean.
And Sam keeps getting called "selfish" for that. But Dean's not, apparently. What wonderful stans.
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samlover4evr · 1 year
dean knocking sam out. Okay can u die
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thetinyspinosaurus · 2 years
I think I dislike Dean as much as I do because the fandom and the show tend to be so hypocritical. Dean can get away with being really shitty, but if Sam does anything similar then he’s just the worst and we should all hate him for it. It’s such BS. 
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meowdy-all · 3 months
I know i did NOT just get a wincest shipper across my dash in the year 2024
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So my mom just came home from a trip and showed me this necklace
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They just straight up took the anti possession tattoo
She got it in an outlet store in a rural and small bavarian town
It's the exact flame symbol, but with the star of David. Like what?
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