#anti Senya
rubywolf0201 · 5 months
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Remember back when BUCCHIGIRI?! was airing, there were numerous hate towards Arajin and to some extent Matakara so much to the point that ppl wished death on a teen who is annoying or in the case of Matakara, blamed him for being manipulated by an evil force that has the upper hand on him and said evil force gaslight him by using his childhood trauma if he doesn’t follow his order?
I remember.
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esctrl · 2 years
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S C A N N I N G….
L O A D I N G  I N F O R M A T I O N..…. Senya Kane, ( 28 ), confirmed. Our records indicate that you now have the ability to replicate powers and would like to work as an assistant trainer. your chip identification tone will be set to happier than ever by billie eilish. welcome to the hub.
FULL NAME: visenya jade kane
NICKNAME(S): senya, sen
BIRTHDATE + AGE: june 15th, 2000 + 28
GENDER: female
PRONOUNS: she / her
ORIENTATION: pansexual / panromantic
SPECIES: changed
OCCUPATION: assistant trainer
BIRTHPLACE: arizona, nevada
FAMILY: aiden kane — twin brother ( the hub ); raina kane — mother ( deceased ); don kane — father ( whereabouts unkown )
LANGUAGES: english, russian, spanish
FACE CLAIM: florence pugh
EYE COLOR: green
HAIR: blonde
HEIGHT: 5′4″
TATTOOS: whenever senya acquires a new ability she gets a small tattoo representing it ( there are a lot )
SCARS / BIRTH MARKS: lots of scars
ZODIAC: gemini
MBTI: estp / esfp
ALIGNMENT: chaotic neutral
TEMPERAMENT: sanguine 
ARCHETYPE: entrepreneur
TRAITS: assertive, sarcastic, opinionated
ASSOCIATED CHARACTERS: peppa madrigal ( encanto ), malia tate / hale ( teen wolf ), yang xiao long ( rwby ), max mayfield ( stranger things ), rhanerya targaryen ( house of the dragon )
AESTHETIC: chipped nail polish, iced coffee, deflective sarcastic humor, ripped jeans, baggy crop tops, swears like a sailor, punch now - ask questions later, beg forgiveness > ask permission
tw: shitty fathers, bigotry, violence, death
senya's father don was a very bigoted man who seemed to be anti-everything so of course after the cataclysm of 2023, he became very bigoted against changed people. their mother was skeptical but also far more accepting. when aiden's power of pyrokinesis manifested after a heated argument with their dad, their mom was the one who convinced don not to try and kill aiden on the spot. however, don took to berating, antagonizing, or ignoring, aiden and acted similarly toward senya when she stood up for him or took his side.
at some point during a fight between aiden and their dad, senya touched aiden's hand as his fists became engulfed in flames but she didn't get burned. the interaction was enough to stop the fight temporarily as no one was quite sure what to make of it. but of course within days the two were at it again. this time senya got dragged into it, making her angry.
according to aiden, flames appeared in her eyes and then shot from her hands, narrowly missing her father. enraged, her father lunged but her mother intervened. their father shoved their mother out of the way and came at senya full force. aiden stepped in front of her.
no one knows for sure how exactly the twins' mother died from this ordeal. their father claims one if not both of them killed her while the twins are adamant that their mother fatally hit her head when their father shoved her. the end result was that the only thing keeping their father from trying to kill them was gone. fearing for their lives, the twins ran, and they kept running until they found the hub.
raina took senya and aiden to get all of their vaccines growing up in secret because don was against them. the twins also got the 2M2X3I in secret for this reason.
took kickboxing and ballet from a young age.
she was a public relations major in college.
she has 13 piercings in each ear because her father once told her if she pierced any other body part he would rip it out. she's sure he would kill her if he saw her tattoos.
in order for senya to gain a power she just has to touch the person who has it. one of the only powers she hasn't been able to add to her collection is pain immunity because her boss ramona won't let her. senya is not quite sure how ramona is able to keep her from obtaining the ability since a person's willingness to pass their power doesn't affect her ability to obtain it.
her first acquired power was pyrokinesis. she didn't realize she had power replication, she thought she'd just developed the same ability her brother had. she didn't find out she had power replication until she reached the hub.
she has found that there are certain powers she can't seem to use in their entirety. for example: when it comes to shapeshifting the most she can do is change her hair ( color and length ). when it comes to healing she cannot heal herself and can only heal a certain severity of wounds on others.
( will add to this as time goes on )
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gamecrag · 1 year
One of the key features of SmileGate's Epic Seven is the huge roster of heroes and freedom you get when it comes to building these heroes. 18 different sets exist in the game and many of them can be used alongside others. Finding the right build is a constant struggle in this game as gear-gapping makes up most of the difference between a new player and end-game player. Most heroes are quite easy to build. Just slap a decent speed/crit set on them and they'll have the desired stats for your PvE needs. But some heroes are specifically tailored for PvP and require significant investment to work well. This list will focus on the toughest and most difficult heroes to build in Epic Seven. If you have any of these heroes above 130k CP, then you know you've done a great job with the build! 10) Rem A well-built Rem can be an absolute nightmare to fight against. High damage and survivability help ensure she is usually the last one standing and she is more than capable of taking on 2 or 3 enemies at a time. This comes at the expense of speed. You don't want to build your Rem with any speed. Build her as your usual DPS hero but replace the speed set with a counter set, and replace speed boots with attack% or HP% main stats. You'll want to aim for 4k attack, 100% crit chance, and 270% crit damage. After this, you can sacrifice bulk for more damage, or go the bulky route. Something like 20k hp and 1.2k defence with the above offensive stats would be pretty nice. This is a lot easier said than done though as it'll mean you need to craft/enhance items you would usually ignore. 9) Edward Elric Ed is up there with the most fun units to use in the entire game. I have mine built on lifesteal set for anti-cleave purposes. I have faced counter Ed, as well as even injury Ed. Most people build him on speed set though with 220+ speed. Try to aim for 2k attack, 20k HP, 1k defense, 100% crit chance, 250% crit damage. I know that looks easy but it requires a lot of substats you don't usually aim to get, such as HP% and crit chance/damage on the same item. Ed really needs some good stats otherwise he won't do too much. However he is well worth investing in, as he makes defense teams with Peira/Ran obsolete. 8) Lone Crescent Bellona Lone Crescent Bellona is the most recently released hero on this list, and one that demands a lot of stats. She essentially needs a lot of attack and crit damage. However, how many of us have hoarded gear with crit damage and attack, but no crit chance? Many of us have been forced to empty our gold reserves and crafting materials to get her to a decent level. In terms of the set to be used, I have seen many players opt for speed or destruction sets. She does need some speed, at least 200+ on these sets. I've gone for a lifesteal build instead as I'll be using her against Senya, Choux, and other anti-crit heroes (as LC Bellona always crits). She also needs bulk alongside her offensive stats otherwise she'll be killed before she even takes a turn. You'll need to spend a lot of time and resources to get Lone Crescent Bellona the stats she needs. 7) Sylvan Sage Vivian One of the most rewarding heroes to build in the entire game. Sylvan Sage Vivian is a high DPS bruiser hero who can be unkillable with the right build. 230 speed, 15k HP, 4k attack and 250% crit damage (with 100% crit chance of course) alongside the Chatty artifact will make her exceptionally powerful against all but heroes who counter her. Although she will need a hero with her for this. You can also build her with lifesteal for more self-sustain at the cost of speed. This depends on your playstyle. Either way, for her to work properly she needs a ton of stats and it can be really difficult to get the right amount. 6) Senya Senya is an incredibly strong hero who can control and destroy entire teams if not dealt with correctly. How she is built will depend on your playstyle.
Most players go for the 5k attack, 100% effectiveness build with plenty of bulk. Alongside some support heroes (such as Choux, Mediator Kawerick, and Destina), she can be a raid boss. Mine is built with 200 speed and 170% effect resistance. This is to brute force vs debuff heavy comps. It's hilarious watching the enemy try to dispel Senya's counter-attack stance in vain. Whatever way you decide to build Senya, you better be prepared to spend millions of gold enhancing the weirdest gear to fix her stat needs. 5) Archdemon's Shadow Not really worth building if you don't have the Fairy Tale for a Nightmare artifact. Archdemon's Shadow is a powerful 5-star hero who can seal enemy heroes to block their passives. Multiple varieties of builds are available to suit your gear/playstyle with many opting for the high attack, bulky, counter build. Relying on s2 procs is the aim of the game, which shouldn't be too hard if she's built well enough. Zero crit builds are fairly prevalent for control-based Archdemons. DPS variants with lots of crit damage and attack can be found alongside powerful support heroes to keep her alive. No effectiveness is needed as you can soulburn the seal for 100% chance if needed. 4) Lionheart Cermia If you have this hero unbuilt, you really need to make it a priority to get her ready for some PvP fun. Lionheart Cermia is an essential component of an aspiring PvP player's roster. You don't need much speed on her, as her s1 gives a speed buff. But you do need to make sure she survives until she gets a turn. This is what Proof of Valor is for. It's the perfect artifact for LHC. After you have PoV at level 30, try to get a Lifesteal set with 100% crit chance, 270% crit damage, 13k HP, 2k defense, and 190 speed. A speed or destruction set with similar stats can also work but you'll need an artifact like Sigurd Scythe to heal. No doubt you'll be scratching your head for a while after looking at these stats requirements but they are possible. 3) Zio If you're at the end-game stage, Zio might be OK for you to build to a decent level. If you're still in the early or mid game, Zio is out of the question for you. To reliably cut 300-speed heroes and take the first turn, Zio needs at least 250 speed. He has a base speed of just 106 so you'll need to get 144 from items. Speed boots with speed set will bring him up to 177. So you'll need 73 more speed from the 5 other items (or an average of 14.6 per item). Thankfully he only needs 50% crit chance due to his s3 buff but even then, you need at least 270% crit damage and 3.5k attack. In Addition, some HP and defense would be nice to up his survivability. With all that being said; PvP becomes easy mode once you have him built. He cuts through fast arena defenses like a knife through butter. And first picking Zio in RTA guarantees you control the rest of the draft. 2) Choux Aptly named the "Rat", Choux is up there with the most hated Epic Seven heroes to fight against. There's nothing quite like watching her tank a dozen hits before one-shotting your DPS heroes. Very fun. To get her to that level of power, you need some super high gear score items. 25k HP, 1.4k defense, 100% crit chance, 270% crit damage - all on counter set. These are the minimum requirements for a good Choux. Once you have her built this way, you can plant her firmly into your defense team and watch your defensive win rates go up. 1) Aria Aria's build depends on your available gear and the roster of heroes you have built. A minimum of 100% crit chance and 250% crit damage is required. You can go for the more aggressive route with 230+ speed, 1.9k defense, and 13k hp. Or there is the slower version with Lifesteal set, less speed but more defense/HP as well as at least 100% effect resistance. This is a good option if you have lots of cleansers and damage mitigation heroes in your roster.
Regardless of which build you pick, Aria requires the highest gear score pieces in your armory and even then, she might not be built optimally. Aria is super stat hungry and even the highest-ranked players struggle to build her. This makes her the most difficult hero to build in Epic Seven.
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rainofaugustsith · 2 years
(honestly not trying to start debates or hear why people kept him or whatever, just a comment) So there apparently is some mission you can send the Zakuulan on this time, or send help with him, or I don't even know - but it always amazes me that so many people actually kept him. Like, more people seem to keep him than kept Koth. I don't get it and I don't think I ever will. Yeah, yeah, I know, he was tied to Senya but like, that does nothing for me, I hated her too. Not a commentary on anyone who ships him or loves him or Senya anything, it's just something I don't in any way understand. There are plenty of things I like in SWTOR that others likely don't understand, too.
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wearepaladin · 7 years
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Senya Tirall by Paul Adam
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shabre-legacy · 3 years
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Look at this amazing art by @marlynata. Leita Naberrie attending her first imperial formal event as Darth Vader’s Daughter after leaving the rebels. She looks so pretty. The newly introduced Lady Vader is already causing quite the stir.
52 notes • Posted 2021-02-18 17:41:11 GMT
An AU where Vaylin’s suffering on Nathema is loud in the Force, so much so that a younger powerful Jedi, doing something (maybe like research or something idk yet) on the far edge of the outer rim near to Nathema hears her and follows the sound. Finding the poor girl trapped and suffering, they can’t walk away and it doesn’t matter who she is. She needs help. So they rescue her and carry Vaylin to Tython where she is able to heal and recover in peace surrounded by the Force and people who care and help her find herself past what her father taught her. When Senya shows up to rescue Vaylin. She’s not there and Valkorian is furious that the perfect weapon he was trying to create is missing. But when the Invasion happens later, it all gets messed up and nothing goes according to his plan because when Thexan and Arcann face a line of Jedi, there standing with the others, saber drawn. Strong, confident, and free is their sister. 
58 notes • Posted 2021-01-07 23:31:06 GMT
Because I am seeing this stupid idea pop up again, let me be very clear. MANDALORIANS ARE NOT EXCLUSIVLY HUMAN!!!!!!!! 
They can be human, but they have also been Wookie, Mirialan, Zabrak, Twi’lek and every other race of the galaxy. To be Mandalorian does not mean to be born on Manda’yaim or in Basic, the planet Mandalore. Even the exclusively human community of the planet as seen in clone wars was a fairly recent invention occurring a within the few hundred years prior to the clone wars as anti-alien sentiment pushed out those Mandalorians (even those born on Manda’yaim) who were not human. There are a few theories on where that came from and why it developed/was eventually effective. 
What is known is that the original Mandalorians were the Taungs. A species that settled the planet of Manda’yaim under the leadership of Mandalore the First. This is where the people took their name. When they opened their culture to those they adopted from other species, they established themselves as a culture, creed and religion. ANYONE from ANY SPECIES who was adopted as a Mandalorian by a Mandalorian, who proves themselves and lived by their laws and traditions, specifically the resol’nare (six actions in Basic), WAS MANDALORIAN and their children, regardless of species of birth was MANDALORIAN BY BIRTH.
If you want to talk who is considered Mandalorian, at least know what the basic requirements are generally considered to be according to known Mandalorian lore and don’t make up stuff to justify the clone wars BS
90 notes • Posted 2021-01-14 16:43:03 GMT
So if you play a female smuggler that marries Corso, and you take over Zakuul and rule as Empress, and you don’t romance anyone else and resume your romance with Corso as soon as you find him again, then technically... technically farm boy Corso Riggs can be Emperor Consort of the Zakuulan Empire (which at that point consists of most of the known galaxy) and I just find that idea to be really funny.
99 notes • Posted 2021-03-27 02:21:08 GMT
I know a lot of people seem to imagine the Mandos as very distant from each other, a lot like american society is in regards to physical touch. But honestly, even among groups where removing their helmets under certain circumstances is allowed (you’re among your family, or you’re in camp, or not on duty, or whatever) this is still a people who spend a significant amount of time in their armor and a large portion of that time with their faces covered. I think that would lead to a very physically affection people. 
Like Mandos in a group always shoving each other lightly or slapping shoulders and backs when they’re heading out. Just grabbing the shoulder of someone nearby and using them to stabilize you as you adjust a boot, or taking naps, and falling asleep during transports leaning on whoever happens to be next to you. hugs and just lots of casual touch. It’s so easy and casual and there’s so much that it tends to bother imps or anyone who’s not used to being around mandalorians when they start traveling or spending time around them. 
372 notes • Posted 2021-02-06 01:02:28 GMT
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fleeting-sanity · 4 years
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(Thank you to @swtorramblings for the help!)
Vyria ran towards her brother, catching him in a rib-crushing hug. Most of the Alliance rejoiced upon Rio's return, save for his indifferent twin. He made up a story of fixing his ship on a primitive planet that he got stranded on. Luckily, he was well-liked enough by the people of the Alliance and it didn't take much to convince them. After the pleasantries were done, it was time for him to face his twin brother.
"Shouldn't have returned. I was looking for your replacement."
"How'd that go? Any candidates?" 
Rionnic fixed a death glare at his twin, then closed the door behind him with the Force while shutting down the surveillance systems in his office. He cleared his throat, holding back the cough he mysteriously got. "What happened to her?" he coldly inquired as a summary of the Jedi's absence.
"Doing better. She won't be a threat to anyone, I swear. Arcann is with her."
The Sith sighed wearily for having the reassurance in his brother's words destroyed by the last line. He was still resentful towards Arcann for having to spare him only because he related to Senya’s parental role. If it weren't for her, he would have driven his lightsaber through the former tyrant's heart. Without a doubt, the decision was highly controversial not just amongst the Alliance, but the whole galaxy. It wouldn’t take long until Senya found out about Vaylin.
But between managing the aftermath of the fleet's destruction on several planets and spending hopeless years searching for his wife and son, he simply did not have the energy to bicker with his twin. The Jedi noticed the shift in his brother's mood. 
"Are you alright? I can take over some work if you need a break." 
Even though a respite was needed, Rionnic simply couldn't afford that. After his visit to Copero, he was struggling to keep his rage inside after letting Theron slip from his grasp. Only a few of the Alliance knew about his treachery, and he decided to bring his twin up to speed. "There's an abandoned listening post we've recently discovered. You and Lana are coming with me to that obvious trap."
"Of course. I’ve missed springing traps with you."
Zakuul was still recovering from the war. She had never seen her planet in a state like this. Children running around stealing food from one another, droids overheating from overwork, but most bizarrely, a town crier bellowing anti-Alliance propaganda to a crowd of restless citizens.
"And it all started happening when the Outlander murdered our Emperor! The Alliance lied about helping us restore our home because they pocketed the wealth they plundered from us! Think about it. They made us look like fools!"
Vaylin had heard enough. Not that she disagreed completely, but she’d heard enough of it on the base that it was annoying to her. She immediately diverted their attention to her by igniting her crimson saberpike, commanding an intimidating presence. "Scamper!" as she slammed her foot to the ground, causing a little tremor with the Force. It effectively dispersed the crowd as they ran away panicking.
But not the brave announcer.
"You! Have you no loyalty to our late Empress?! Your duty as a Horizon Guard--"
"Shut up. You have nothing better to do. Depending on others to help you is weak. If you love Zakuul so much, then fix it! Not by creating dissent and risking another war," as she grabbed the collar of the man's outfit, speaking through the Guard helmet shrouding her identity. "That would only harm your beloved planet even more. Now get to work."
She couldn't believe those words came out of her mouth. Fortunately, Arcann wasn't there to hear it. But the worst part was that she started to believe in those principles and even acted on them, helping the people and keeping order in her vicinity.
It wasn't that bad after all.
She returned to the penthouse with art supplies and some basic necessities. It has been weeks since she stayed at her new home, and it was getting dull being alone with not much to do. Everytime she turned on the news broadcast, she was hoping to see dear Outlander but he only appeared once during the brief announcement of his return. The memories of their embraces were still vivid in her mind, causing her to smile sheepishly by herself.
After watering her little garden on the balcony, she changed into more comfortable apparel and started painting. A part of her felt that this idyllic and simple way of life wasn't who she was meant to be. She had the power to conquer this galaxy if she wanted to. But this felt preferable, and she saw no point in letting it go. 
But she couldn't shake off this feeling of progressing dread. Being here on Arcann's word alone seemed like a disaster waiting to happen. What happened yesterday resurfaced in her thoughts. Mother was on Zakuul, but fortunately, she somehow failed to detect Vaylin’s energy. She simply couldn’t afford more close calls like that. Socially distancing from Rio be damned, she needed his help.
After a long call queue into reaching the Alliance base, she finally got through the line. It was a gamble as Senya could potentially answer it. Luckily Koth was on the receiving end, looking worn out. “Another Horizon Guard? What do you want?”
His tone wasn’t appreciated but alas, she could do nothing lest it blew her disguise. With a scoff, she requested the Outlander, which Koth scoffed at in return, telling her she couldn't just call the Ambassador without an appointment. This angered her; both hands clenched all that rage inside the best she could. 
“I need to speak to him. It’s urgent! Just tell him that…”
She stopped for a moment, trying to think of what could identify her to Riornivo but still shroud her identity. Koth folded his arms with a raised eyebrow.
“Tell him the flower crown has an urgent matter to discuss.”
The sentence perplexed the former Zakuulan Officer, but rather than acting on his curiosity, he was too tired to continue this desk job. Vaylin’s call was the last he served for the day, and he later dutifully conveyed her message to Riornivo. The Jedi managed to act indifferent long enough until he could find some time to be completely isolated.  
“Rio. I thought you forgot about me.”
His apologetic smile accentuated the lack of rest on his face. “I’m sorry, I’ve been busier than I’d anticipated. How can I help you?”
“I... I can’t say it over holo. Could you come over?”
Despite his twin brother telling him to prepare for their destination tomorrow, he knew that whatever Vaylin had to say was just as important. Hopefully this won’t take long so he could make it back to Odessen in time.
It was with great hesitation that he pushed the bell of the penthouse. Vaylin quickly answered the door to a hooded Rio, mouth slightly agape upon seeing her. "Come, before they see us."
Vaylin was unusually radiant that night, as if she curated that look specifically for him. The fact that they were alone amplified his nervousness through the roof. Her perfume, her apparel, and the air of allure around them--he immediately defaulted to repeating the Jedi code in his mind. The former Empress noticed how the Jedi avoided gazing at her. She dared herself to pull his hood down,  startling him. 
"You look… beat. Tough day at work?"
He gulped down his nerves. "M-more or less. How are you doing?"
Without answering, she quickly went to the bar to fetch warm cups of tea to ease his nerves. "Thank you. You shouldn't have..."
His heart was all fluttery at the way she was treating him, even this bare minimum. She then sat in front of him, mulling over her words. "Rio… remember what you told me on that shuttle? About Force Bonds?"
The topic totally shifted the atmosphere for him, but he was still determined to help. "Yes? Did something happen?"
"Mother was here but she failed to sense me. I wouldn't know how to restrain myself if we met someday, unless the bond is gone so she can't find me. Or either of us dies. That would break it."
Rio's face fell upon being presented with an impossible dilemma. How should he proceed without angering her? Truthfully, he only told Vaylin about severing Force Bonds as an effort to calm her. Despite the vast research he'd studied back in the Order, there weren't a lot of ways to sever Bonds. He read about Master Zez Kai-Ell's theory of turning away from the Force, and that was another obstacle on its own. 
"Vaylin… it will be a difficult undertaking. Please, um… don't be angry? You probably won't like what I have to say," he said meekly, looking like a weakened prey.
"Your bond is stronger because of the blood relation, as I am with my twin. It's just… there's not been a way to break it. I tried."
"No, there's only one way to break it."
"I'm very sorry, but I cannot let you harm your Mother. I won't ever forgive myself..." as he shifted his tone to a more assertive one. There was a reason behind his risky words--one of his own Mother. He was still haunted by the failure of saving his own, although it was not his fault. The relief he felt when Rionnic spared Senya was tremendous, and now he would do his best to keep her safe.
Even from Vaylin.
"She's not even your Mother. What goes between us is none of your business."
The former Empress promptly got up, frustrated at how unhelpful Rio has been. However, her stomping away was stopped by his arm as he dared to bring his body closer to hers. Hoping that she'd see reason. 
"Please, Vaylin. Give me more time. It's better to-"
"Shut up! I don't want to hear it. You claim to care about me, but you lied about this. You lied to me!"
"I want to help you! I care about you--I really do. Just… give me time. I will find a way. You have to trust me."
"You just lied to me."
He let out the heaviest sigh, his mind replaying the moment his Mother died in his arms. He tried to sweep away the memory--his hand clutching his temple, that Jedi code mental block holding no power over this traumatic recalling. The environment including the woman next to him blurred away. Then he crouched down, burying his head between his knees, breathing erratically, while his late Mother's last words echoed in the chambers of his mind. He could hear another voice calling out to him, but where?
The world steadily stopped twisting, forming a beautiful woman in front of him. She wiped away his sweat, eyebrow raising while catching him from stumbling to the floor. The look on his face as he tried hard to stop panting was all too familiar to her. "Sorry… I.. wouldn't happen again-" 
"This is personal to you, isn't it?" she asked calmly.
"I didn't mean to do that. I'm sorry you had to see that…"
"Stop it. Why are you always apologizing for everything? Just shut up." 
She dragged his head onto her collarbone, stroking his hair to his neck. This did the exact opposite of calming him down. So quickly the temperature rose, the fragrance of her perfume through his nostrils flaring up his nerves, and the skin to skin contact… He needed this to stop before something unsavory happened.
No answer, just more patting.
“I-I have to go…”
“Then leave.”
She hadn’t let go, but he gathered enough stability to gently pull out of her embrace. Shakily, he got up and thanked her for her time, promising to deliver results next time they meet. All he got was a “whatever”, but it was reassuring enough for him. However, just as he was about to open the front door, he backtracked and pulled something out of his robe.
Another flower crown, Odessen edition.
It was placed wordlessly on her head, as her gaze softened to an appreciative look, further tempting the Jedi with her beauty. He pulled his hood on, quickly exiting the penthouse, while calculating the amount of rest he could get before his next mission.
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swtorpadawan · 4 years
The Halcyon Legacy
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Recently I’ve seen @tishinada , @spindlewit and others release impressive reports on their Legacies through KOTFE/KOTET. These looked like a lot of fun. I was planning on doing something with this myself, and one project sort of dove-tailed with the other. None on my OCs here are blood relations, but most have encountered each other. So without further ado, here is the HALCYON LEGACY.
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Name: Corellan Halcyon Gender: Male Species: Human Status / Position: Alive / Formerly Jedi Master and Battlemaster of the Jedi Order; now Commander of the Eternal Alliance (with several courtesy titles he doesn’t care about, but others seem to) Relationship: Kira Carsen
About Him: Corellan was born on Legol, a minor corporate gas mining colony that was destroyed during the First Galactic War. An infant Corellan – named so by the Republic soldier (Rusk) who saved him - was evacuated off-planet and, discovered to be Force-sensitive, was turned over to the Jedi Order. (This is all recounted in my work “Beginnings”.) Corellan was raised and trained at a remote Jedi Enclave on Uphrades, where his most distinguished Master was Sagotto, a retired Jedi Battlemaster. At the age of 16 and now a full Padawan, Corellan began serving under a series of Masters in relatively short apprenticeships, most of whom were traveling around the Outer Rim. Through all of this, Corellan had very little contact with the “main” Jedi Order as a whole, which meant that when he was finally sent to Tython for his Jedi Trials, his view on the Order and his place within it was somewhat skewed. (At that point, Corellan thought that most Jedi were like him, and that he was nothing exceptional.)
Nevertheless, Corellan quickly developed a strong bond with Orgus Din during his brief time as his Padawan, and when he rescued Teeseven from the Flesh Raiders he made a friend for life. Corellan likewise grew close to Kira Carsen when she was assigned his Padawan, and shortly after her promotion to Knighthood, the two began a relationship. (This is recounted in the first chapter of my “Kira Carsen and the Hero of Tython” fic.) During the class story, Corellan committed only two “Dark-side” choices. The first was when he told Kira he would protect her from the Emperor; the second was when he slew the Emperor in cold blood on Dromund Kaas. Corellan is the coalition’s champion during the Shadow of Revan story, finally allowing the legendary warrior to find peace. His life takes a definite turn early in Knights of the Fallen Empire; separated from his crew and with the Order shattered, he realizes he must go beyond the Jedi’s teachings in order to win this conflict. His confrontation with Satele – a woman whom he’d looked at as almost a mother-like figure – on Odessen was intense and was one of the few times he’s almost lost it. He recovered, however, and he, Satele and Marr parted on good terms.      
Corellan goes through a number of armor changes during the game, wearing the Resolute Guardian armor set for most of the Jedi Knight campaign before switching to the Ruthless Scion – dyed blue and white – during KOTFE/KOTET. In the aftermath of these events, with Senya and Arcann’s blessing, Corellan started wearing Thexan’s raiment.
In my head-canon, Teeseven, Rusk, and Doc all saw their stories develop similar to the way they did in canon. Scourge did leave, however, did not take Kira with him to find Vitiate’s original body. Kira herself was part of an anti-Zakuulan resistance organization. When that group was destroyed and scattered, she became desperate to form a new one, but, in her own words ‘got into trouble’. (More to come on this, and what became of Scourge.)
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Name: Gahraath Vaiken / [Cipher Nine] Gender: Male Species: Human Status / Position: Alive / Former top operative for Imperial Intelligence / Now top ‘cleaner’ for the Alliance   Relationships: Raina Temple About Him: Gahraath Vaiken, the man known to the galaxy as [Cipher Nine], went through the gamut of emotions in the final days of Imperial Intelligence, and a lesser operative would have cracked. Fortunately, he unexpectedly found comfort in the arms of Raina Temple, who saw him through those dark times. When it was over, [Cipher Nine] discovered that he was loyal to an Empire that never existed. When Sith Intelligence was formed under Lana Beniko, he accepted assignments as an independent operative, but never trusted her. During the early days of the Eternal Empire invasion, [Cipher Nine] was separated from his crew, marooned on a colony believed to be destroyed. By the time he found a way to escape, years had passed and his crew had long since scattered. [Cipher Nine] joined the Alliance not long after its formation, using a fake name and identity. On Odessen, he had a private conversation with Corellan Halcyon. No one seems to know what was said between the two, but afterwards, he disclosed his true status as a former operative of Imperial Intelligence. Lana Beniko was enraged at his deception, but the Commander insisted he be allowed to remain. Since then, he’s become the Alliance’s top sniper and removal specialist. (Though these days, he takes most of his targets in with tranquilizers.)
[Cipher Nine]’s crew mostly followed the canon story. SCORPIO, Kaliyo and Lokin would all eventually join the Alliance. Vector Hyllus withdrew to the Killiks, but eventually would broker an arrangement with the Alliance, largely with [Cipher Nine]’s help. [Cipher Nine] is unaware that Raina Temple returned to the Chiss Ascendency and has been looking for her for some time.    
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Name: Bas’rish Gender: Female Species: Twi’lek Status / Position: Alive / Formerly known as “the Voidhound” / later “Logistics” deputy with the Alliance Relationships: A long series of short-term relationships over time, most recently with Koth Vortena About Her: Having grown up in poverty on Ryloth, Bas’rish sees her ship and her lifestyle as a smuggler captain as the ultimate expression of her freedom and has never allowed herself to be tied down by anything. Bas’rish first met Corellan and Kira on Nar Shaddaa, where she had gotten herself into trouble with the Hutts. This encounter led her to declare Corellan her ‘little brother’, although Corellan was only two years younger and about six inches taller than the Twi’lek smuggler. Two years after the Eternal Empire invaded, Bas’rish was captured by the Exarch of Belsavis during a mission. She was cruly treated by the Exarch for the next three years, during the course of which her crew believed she had been killed. [I retell this in my short story ‘Three Years’.]
Corellan and Teeseven rescued Bas’rish during their raid on the Star Fortress, and Bas’rish would go on to put down the Exarch herself. Afterwards, she joined the Alliance, where she was reunited with Bowdarr, and later Guss and Akaavi.    
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Name: Xadya Gender: Female Species: Human Status / Position: Alive / Most recent Grand Champion of the Great Hunt / Alliance operative Relationships: While “gameplay Xadya” romanced Torian Cadera, “headcanon Xadya” eventually wound up with Mako. About Her: Xadya’s early background and childhood are a closely guarded secret. Its possible she’s told Mako how she got the scars on her face and necks, but if so, she’s the only one. Xadya briefly encountered Corellan on Makeb; before the two champions could come to blows, Kira and Mako – who had known each other back on Nar Shaddaa – managed to broker a cease-fire. Xadya told Corellan what had happened with Jun Seros, and the two eventually parted ways with a mutual professional respect. Xadya and her crew fought alongside Mandalore the Vindicated during the Zakuulan invasion, fleeing only after the old Mandalore – who was something of a father figure to Xadya – was killed. Xadya took a few survivors and went underground, stepping back from the galaxy and effectively letting her crew go their own ways, with the exception of Mako. It was only at this point that Mako, a few years older and wiser, expressed her feelings to Xadya, which she reciprocated. The two put together a small group of Mandolorians on the Outer Rim, a group which included Akaavi Spar. Years later, Torian – who had been trusted with the means to contact Xadya and Mako – reached out, eventually persuading the two to join the Eternal Alliance.
Xadya’s crew – with the exception of Mako – developed much as they did in the game. When she joined the Alliance, Corellan disclosed to her – out of respect -that he and Rusk had sent Skadge to prison. (She was not devastated.)
Xadya has come to respect Shae Vizla and accept her as the new Mandalore, but it was slow going.
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Name: Illaynah Antilles Gender: Female Species: Human Status / Position: Alive / Former Major in the Republic Military / Former Commander Officer of Havoc Squad / leader of the Tralus resistance movement / eventual Alliance Special Forces Commander Relationships: A series of short-term liaisons, including with Ava Jaxo, Jonas Balkar and very briefly with Theron Shan. About Her: Illaynah Antilles is a native of Tralus, near Corellia. She had a complicated relationship with her father, a former Republic soldier who was forced to retire due to a crippling injury. He fell into an alcohol-driven depression and never wanted Illaynah to follow in his footsteps. He said some truly hurtful things to her when she enlisted, and Illaynah never resolved things with him before his death. Her years commanding Havoc Squad were complicated for Illaynah. She began her service as a true patriot of the Republic, but her experiences with General Garza during her service soon enlightened her to the darker realities that resulted from decades of conflict. Illaynah actually had high hopes for Chancellor Saresh, and that continued up until her failures when the Eternal Empire invaded. When the Republic effectively surrendered to Zakuul so they could continue their war against the Sith, she resigned in disgust. When she discovered her homeworld of Tralus now had a Zakuulan Star Fortress orbiting it. Illaynah ran a resistance cell for the next few years, and was eventually contacted by the Alliance for assistance. After helping Corellan take out the Star Fortress, she would eventually join the Alliance as their Special Forces commander.
Illaynah’s old squad-mates in Havoc Squad saw their careers take similar roads as in the canon. Jorgan took over while Elara was transferred to Jace Malcolm’s staff. Forex became a Republic mouthpiece, while Yuun went off on his own to Zakuul to study their technology. Tanno Vik eventually settled on Asylum to do Tanno’s thing. The first three all would eventually find themselves joining the Alliance, with Elara serving as a representative of the Republic military. While they all have other responsibilities, Havoc Squad occasionally reforms for special missions.  
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Name: Zu’fanda Gender: Female Species: Twi’lek Status / Position: Deceased / Darth Nox / Member of the Dark Council / Order of Revan Relationship: Andronikos Revel About Her: Zu’fanda spent her early years as a slave in the Sith Empire. Despite countless abuses, she nevertheless persevered, and when it was discovered that she was was Force sensitive, she thrived as a Sith. Although solidly a Dark Sider, Zu’fanda understood that the Force was greater than what she’d been taught on Korriban. This led to many interesting conversations with Ashara Zavros. The two never completely saw eye to eye, but it did lead Zu’fanda to take a hard look at the Emperor. Realizing what Vitiate was, she made a critical decision to stop this existential threat.
She threw in with the Order of Revan.
Zu’fanda led the assault on Tython, with the secret objective of securing the Rakatan artifact the Revanites needed. Just before the Republic counterattack began, Zu’fanda gave the order for dozens of captured Padawans to be executed. Ashara protested the decision, leading to a verbal altercation between master and apprentice right when Zu’fanda’s full focus needed to be on the coming Republic attack.
That attack came in the form of Corellan, Kira and Lord Scourge appearing in the council chamber to confront Zu’fanda, Ashara and Khem Val. It should have been an even fight, but the conflict between Zu’fanda and Ashara threw off the timing of the Imperials. Ashara missed a ‘switch’ as Corellan squared off against Nox, giving Kira the opening she needed to strike down the Dark Council member. At Nox’s death, Ashara went catatonic while Khem charged Kira in an uncontrolled fury... leaving the Dashade open for Scourge to cut him down.    
In the aftermath of Zu’fanda’s death, Ashara was taken prisoner by the Jedi order, but later escaped during the Zakuulan invasion of Tython. Andronikos swore revenge against the Jedi who had killed the love of his life. Xalek, regretting his master’s death but judging it to be the will of the Force, departed the service of the Sith Empire. [Later showing up on Ilum.] Talos, loyal to Nox but not particularly close to her, rejoined the Imperial Reclamation Service. [Talos and Xalek would eventually encounter Corellan, joining the Eternal Alliance.] Andronikos is still unaccounted for. Ashara, however, may be making an appearance soon…
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Name: Ulannium Kaarz Gender: Male Species: Mirialan Status / Position: Bar’senthor of the Jedi Order; later special emissary to the Eternal Alliance Relationship: Nadia Grell [Though their relationship develops very differently from the class story, which is terribly rushed.] About Him: Ulannium was raised on Uphrades at the same enclave that produced Corellan. Despite the fact that he was four years older than the future Battlemaster, the two younglings became friends, both somewhat in awe at the other’s abilities. As a Padawan and later a Jedi Knight and Master, Ulannium proved to be an incredibly potent Seer and one of the best diplomats in the order. Ulannium provided comfort to Nadia after the death of her father, and it was only years later, after Nadia became a Jedi Knight in her own right, that the two began acting on their feelings for each other, and only then as equals.
After the Eternal Empire invaded and Tython fell, Ulannium helped Gnost-Dural evacuate, establishing the colony on Ossus. His crew each went their own way, with Zenith returning to Balmorra, Qyzen starting to mentor other Trandoshans, Tharan Cedrax roped into the Republic’s latest secret weapons projects, and Felix Iresso rejoining the Republic military, only to be captured opposing the Eternal Empire. [These are all consistent with the base story.] Ulannium and Nadia continued their relationship on Ossus discreetly, with only Gnost-Dural knowing their secret. After years of isolation from the galaxy, Corellan and the Eternal Alliance would discover Ossus, helping them fight off a rogue Imperial attack. [This is divergence from the canon story, where the attack on Ossus was ordered by Empress Acina.] Afterwards, Ulannium and Nadia effectively joined the Alliance, serving as representatives of the now-rebuilding Jedi order.
Having grown up together, Ulannium and Corellan remain close friends, albeit they’ve only worked together on a handful of occasions.  
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Name: Lord Kael Gender: Male Species: Pureblood Status / Position: Deceased / Emperor’s Wrath Relationship: After a series of ‘encounters’ during the class story, Kael eventually committed himself to Jaesa Willsaam. However, upon realizing that he had been abandoned by Vitiate, Kael went insane and abandoned Jaesa and his crew. By the time she found out what happened to him, he had been killed on Yavin.
About Him: Kael was a truly monstrous Sith who never passed on the opportunity to order a good massacre or to torment a fallen enemy. Perhaps his sole redeeming virtue was that he was (usually) nice to Vette, though frankly, he almost thought of her as a pet. When he pursued Jaesa, he did so with particular gusto, relishing in the slaughter of her parents and her former Master. Like most Sith, Kael was raised to regard the Emperor as a god. When he became the Emperor’s Wrath and slew Baras, he saw it as his ‘great destiny’ and committed himself fully to Vitiate. When it was revealed that the Emperor had been using the Empire (including Kael) for his own ends the entire time and sought to destroy the galaxy, it broke something in his mind. He abandoned his crew on a murderous bender; Jaesa may not have been a stabilizing influence on his life, but Vette and the others had been. In his rage, Kael was approached by a powerful and charismatic man who promised him the chance for revenge against Vitiate.
Unfortunately for Kael, that man was Revan.
Kael threw in with the Revanites, becoming Revan’s personal enforcer. During the Battle of Yavin, Revan sent him out with the last of his reserves in a last-ditch counteroffensive. At the crucial moment, Kael and his warriors were confronted by Corellan and Kira. For nearly an hour they battled. The Hero of Tython and the Emperor’s Wrath were evenly matched, but Corellan was playing a mental game. Kael’s offensive lost all momentum, letting the coalition forces rally. Realizing that even if he won the battle that he had already lost the war, Kael lost the last of his sanity, attacking the Jedi with complete abandon. With Kira’s help, Corellan slew him.
As for the rest of Kael’s old crew, their fates mostly played out as they did in the canon story. Vette eventually teamed with Gault, Quinn became an advisor to Empress Acina, Pierce became the Empire’s new ‘model’ soldier, and Broonmark went on a killing spree against everyone who he blamed for the Talz being the cuddly teddy-bear insects they are. As for Jaesa, she swore vengeance against Corellan and Kira. Her plans broke down when the Eternal Empire attacked and Corellan disappeared while Kira went underground. But its possible we may hear from her again… _________________________________________ I hope people enjoyed this. I will tag some people for fun, but no pressure! @inyri​ @greyias​ @legacystarwarred​ @pauletta-00​
And anyone else who wants to try it! 
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badsithnocookie · 5 years
i was curious about your opinion of writing characters like,,, with a different character arc? like, a sort of canon divergence where certain characters end up developing different opinions than they do in canon? like, just an example: someone writing quinn realizing the severe downfalls of the empire (you know, mass propaganda, fascism, slavery, etc.) and moving away from that? or lana being more rigid in their opinions than just following an ls!outlander without question?
i am 100% supportive of writing characters with growth arcs (both towards and away from the ideals of the player and or player character) and of writing them with different outcomes than we have in canon - to use the example of lana you mentioned, she and outlander!eirn butt heads much more in my writing than they do ingame, because eirn is an ls/disillusioned sith who wants nothing further to do with the empire, and lana is... well, lana.
personally, i try to write characters as true to themselves, or at least, my conception and understanding of them, which means inevitably my depiction will be different to canon because bioware a. have limited resources with which to do their exposition (see also: much of my frustration with lana being an exposition bot at the cost of her characterisation) and b. caters expressly to a player power fantasy (chuck has said as much on livestreams), so major npcs are unlikely to complain much about their actions (and those that do are frequently murderable, as of kotfetet - see: senya, koth, indo, atrius, etc...)
(similarly, i tend to hc and write lana as being more manipulative and controlling than a lot of fandom write/hc her as, which has caught me flak from lana fans in the past but to me,feels truer to her personality, especially as it is shown in sor, than the characterisation she gets in some parts of being completely benevolent and selfless)
this isn’t to say i feel that characters should be static or stagnant - sometimes people don’t change, this much is true, and going through a period of trial and doubling down on one’s previous beliefs is both an incredibly human trait and a completely valid character arc. but even that is a growth of a kind, because the character in question has had their beliefs or stances challenged and come away with more conviction in them.
but i am also okay with and (try to write) character growth and change from npcs even in directions that are canon divergent, but... within that framework of ‘doesn’t fundamentally contradict or betray the characterisation’. i will admit that it is something i struggle with, in part because longfic and i are hated nemeses and in part just because i focus far more on my ocs. at the very least, i try to work out where a character would (imo) reasonably have come to, given the events and circumstances that they have been through and the people they have been around.
so for a concise example: under the right circumstances, i could buy quinn having an arc where he comes to the conclusion that there are things about the empire that need changing. however, there is not a circumstance on this green earth where i could buy quinn not just leaving the empire but fighting against it for the republic.
similarly, i could buy an arc where (for example) kira carsen comes to the conclusion that the jedi are not For Her and she leaves to find her own path. however, given her personality and her history, i don’t see any reasonable path to her rejoining the empire and or the sith, never mind fighting against the republic and or jedi.
so like. ultimately, i don’t have a problem with canon divergence when it comes to people writing npcs, not least because.. i do it myself [shrug emoji]
my only sticking point is when people paste ‘improved’ or noncanon traits onto characters - quinn is a great example - without actually showing them developing those traits or behaviours, and defending this as ‘character growth’. if you don’t show the character growing (or having grown), it’s not growth, it’s a whitewash. there’s quinn fic all over the place which has him being Best Pals with vette or mysteriously anti-slavery (in all its forms, not just his ‘these people have no standards’ from rishi) etc without bothering to show how he got from the canon starting point to the divergent fic characterisation, or to show him dealing with more insidious internalised prejudices and beliefs - he just gets dubbed ‘non problematic’ at some point and thereafter is a Good Bean who says and does Nothing Bad.
(and then there are people who just straight up ‘nah i’m just going to remove all his Problematic traits or rewrite his Problematic decisions to be justifiable because i’m an adult and i do what i want’, which... okay, but at that point, he basically turns into an oc with a canon character’s name, so [shrug emoji] all people show when they do that is that they don’t like anything about the actual character or dynamics, just the aesthetics)
(these aren’t problems unique to quinn, ofc, but quinn fandom’s whitewashing of him and his less than stellar attributes is something i’ve butted heads with people over in the past)
but like. fundamentally, people will always write whatever they want, and as a random asshole on the internet, i neither have nor want much control over that. i find people who turn lana into the sort of person who moons over LSV jedi knights or who rewrite pierce into a cuddly supportive big brother to be exasperating but ultimately i can’t stop them from doing so, so [shrug emoji]
...anyway wow this got long sorry D: i rambled
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swtorramblings · 6 years
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Senya and Thexan as Lanterns by @fleeting-sanity, sorry I almost forgot.
Sorry, anonymous, I am working on the ask but I need some set up first, but because of it this bit occurred to me.
Incorrect Emotional Spectrum SWTOR Quotes: The Oldest Game
Thexan:  I am Anti-Life, the Beast of Judgment. I am the Dark that will end everything. The end of universes, the Force, worlds. Of everything. And what will you be then, Mother?
Senya: I am hope.
With apologies to Mr. Gaiman. Here is the original context if you don’t want to go digging up old comics, but I do highly recommend the source material: link
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444names · 2 years
brythonic deities + high valyrian names and cities
Abaekarum Abaenus Abaera Abarnus Abellos Abelo Abuxena Abuxovena Adros Aegella Aegelon Aegontios Aegonus Aegora Aegus Aehaekara Aehaena Aehaenor Aelaena Aelene Aella Aelle Aellena Aello Aellorion Aelon Aemaponis Aemidar Aemogus Aemora Aemos Aenae Aenaelys Aenerys Aenetis Aentiae Aenus Aenya Aerabello Aerionius Aeris Aerisegon Aernus Aerysagus Aeteria Agrobius Agrus Alaenos Alarduis Alath Alenus Alion Allugus Amaelys Ambius Ampena Ampenya Ancadros Ancael Andon Andonna Andra Aneterys Anianos Anius Annus Anotus Anthueta Antios Antis Antisegon Antisson Antucera Arauns Arduindon Arduinton Arduis Arita Arius Arnus Arraus Artrebis Arudius Arvena Arvetis Arvolatis Atarasgus Atonus Atucerys Aufagus Aunus Avena Aventios Avertios Averys Aveteryn Aveth Ayrasguns Ayrmios Ayroba Baegel Baegelena Baemon Baena Baenerita Baenotus Baenys Baera Baertio Bannetio Banus Barduis Bartia Belios Bella Bellaelle Bellaus Belle Belliomon Bellis Bellos Bellugus Belor Belys Borlys Bricon Brinnis Brios Brissio Britio Britirios Buxovetis Cadraus Cadronius Caemon Caena Camaegus Cambis Camogmio Camon Camona Camor Canna Casgus Castrea Castrebis Castrita Celys Cerobius Cetasta Cetepon Cicura Cidatisus Cidinne Cidius Cidonus Cimbius Cimbrion Cisan Cisuceth Clora Cocicura Cocimbria Cocis Cociserys Cocius Colaeris Colaton Collaens Collus Condianna Connia Coris Corvos Covaenus Covaeros Covallis Covis Daegaerra Daegelys Daegonnus Daegorra Daegunnus Daelle Daellerys Daellor Daellora Daelor Daelora Daelos Daelys Daemona Daenera Daenete Daenuns Daenya Daera Daerebius Daernus Daerr Daerra Daerys Damaella Damaerys Damaunnis Dambis Damna Damon Damonus Dampenar Damulla Damulugus Darum Dathueton Datia Datios Datis Datus Datution Elaenae Elliovena Elorisus Esson Esteris Estres Esucar Esucerion Esullis Fagrota Fagrus Fanodena Gaelys Gaemios Gaenya Gandamo Ganota Garis Grudia Hellata Helle Heteryn Heterys Huete Hueternus Huetios Huetiros Huetis Innaegon Iovetis Jacadros Jaehan Jaekar Jaelaerys Jaelos Jaemio Jaena Jaenos Jaerys Laegonus Laeria Laerios Laerius Laerrus Laerys Lantio Lenosh Lentiaens Lenya Lenyr Lerata Leucamon Leucicura Lorlys Lorvos Lucar Lucel Luceteris Luxena Maeganius Maegus Maela Maena Maenera Maenus Maenya Maeris Maerius Maernus Maertrius Maerys Mapomapon Mapon Mapona Marduis Marisanth Marnus Marrannia Marrus Martrebis Marum Marus Maufantia Maunus Monnius Monus Muluxens Myrabnos Myron Nemon Nemond Nemonna Nemonnus Nerebius Neris Nernus Nerys Netepon Neternuns Netia Netis Nextion Nextis Nobis Noborvena Noborvo Notartand Notucius Notutios Ogmionus Oguns Penys Pesson Pesulus Pesus Qohora Qohorius Qohorlys Rhaegelos Rhaegon Rhaela Rhaelaus Rhaello Rhaelys Rhaemion Rhaemon Rhaemonus Rhaenoba Rhaention Rhaenton Rhaenus Rhaenya Rhaerys Rhalys Rhanius Rotatona Rusucerys Saenes Sandaena Sanus Sedaellis Sedaerys Sedatobor Sedatond Segela Segelle Segor Segora Segus Senya Senys Serys Shaelonus Shaenus Shaenys Shandra Shandron Smerobis Smerr Smerra Smetisena Smetosh Sucamna Sullernus Sullorrus Sullus Tanos Tarata Tasgus Tatia Tobis Trigand Trintres Tyros Tyroton Vaehaeryn Vaelor Vaena Vaenys Vaerys Valaemona Valaera Valaerys Valan Valath Valena Valenya Valis Vallaton Vallios Valys Valysand Valyx Vandon Vandran Vanerys Vaniantia Vannus Vantia Venya Venys Verionos Vhela Vhelaena Vhellaena Vhellonna Vhelor Vheloris Vhetantia Vheterys Vinnus Vinorlys Vinos Vinth Vintresus Vinus Virio Virita Viritar Viron Visegor Visson Vitis Vollon Vosegonus
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meatbag-status · 6 years
If the Arcann redemption arc didn’t sit right with you, consider this (which might possibly make you dislike it even more idk):
The Sith Inquisitor had the same ritual performed on them, and the Agent to some extent. The cleansing ritual merely healed the Inq’s spirit, which was suffering from spirit sickness. It didn’t change their personality whatsoever. Arcann is brought to the Voss for physical AND spiritual healing. All it did was remove Valkorion’s influence. It probably cleansed a lot of regret, shame, anger, and grief. And by cleansed those emotions, I mean the ritual lessened how much of a hold they had on him. So when we meet back up with Arcann and it seems like his personality has turned a 180, that’s actually who he REALLY is and always was, right under the surface. Perhaps that’s not a good enough explanation for how dramatically he changed, but the Voss ritual did NOT change his personality. It merely removed the corruption of his spirit.
Imagine that Arcann had depression and the Voss ritual was getting prescribed anti-depressants. Medication doesn’t cure a mental illness, it balances out the chemicals in your brain and removes some of the barriers that keep you from healing. It doesn’t erase everything that ever happened to you, but it helps you be able to cope with it. It helps you be ABLE to apply rational thinking and combat your negative thoughts. Arcann couldn’t cope. All those bombed planets? Bad coping mechanisms. That sounds funny, but I’m being completely serious. “Only Thexan found a way to cope.” The only way Arcann knew how to cope with Valkorion was to lash out in anger. Everything he ever did was motivated by how he felt about his father, with his hatred and anger amplified by Valk’s corrupting, dark presence.
So if you remove the root cause of such emotional instability, Valk’s darkness, then not only does Arcann have a change of heart, he has a change of perspective. Now he can call on other coping mechanisms, not just anger. I remember the first time I started taking anti-depressants and going to therapy; I started doing things that I wouldn’t even think about attempting before, and I couldn’t understand why I didn’t see things this way before the meds. “Why was I so worried about that? It’s not a big deal.” Still, recovery is a loooong process, usually, and Arcann is A+ within days/weeks. BUT when you interact with him post Dragon’s Maw, he sounds so sad and so ashamed. He’s not fully recovered, he’s just been put in the right place to start.
One final thing: witnessing acts of compassion, especially when you are personally offered it, has a huge impact on you. If you lightsided your way through KotFE, Arcann has witnessed the Outlander go SO far out of their way to save his and Senya’s life. Why? Why would anyone risk so much to save their enemy? That HAS to be the biggest impact on Arcann’s recovery maybe even rivaling the Voss ritual itself. The ritual expedited the healing process. It didn’t brainwash him.
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rainofaugustsith · 4 years
Random headcanon about Viri, Senya and Koth. Anti-Senya, be warned.  Koth was not fond of Viri before they met - he refused to help Lana rescue her, because she’d killed his beloved Immortal Emperor and thus brought Arcann to power. The only reason he flew Lana to Zakuul for the rescue was because she was desperate for a ship at the last minute. He made it clear he was there to help her, not Viri. Even when Viri insisted on saving the power station it really didn’t endear her to him, and he was pretty snarky and passive-aggressive toward her.  Headcanon for the carbonite years is that Lana and Koth were not together because Lana always knew Viri was alive and was visiting her in her carbonite dream the entire time, so they were not separated.  But when Senya came along, Viri and Koth suddenly had something in common: they both disliked and distrusted Senya, and it paved the way for them to become buddies. Viri felt something around Senya from the moment they met, and she didn’t care for the “prove you can fight” comment. When Senya set her up for that ambush with the Scions and hurt HK-55, leaving him to wander around Asylum with a scrambled memory, that was it for her: she had zero trust in Senya and would have kicked her off their team if things hadn’t suddenly moved so fast.  And this was perhaps the only major argument Viri and Lana ever had. Lana, being a pragmatist, felt that even if Senya could not be trusted, she could be useful and they were strong enough to take her out if need be. And she secretly thought that Viri’s decision making might still be muddled by her extreme carbonite poisoning.  Viri conceded that Senya could be valuable but still did not want her in the inner circle or making Alliance decisions, and she refused to back down, Koth backed her up, and Theron, Vette, T7-O1 and Kaliyo did too - which pissed off Lana, but she was outvoted.  When Viri found out that Koth had been hunted by Senya and still felt unsafe with her on the base, she made a point of being in the room when they had to work together. She also told Koth and his crew that if Senya even looked sideways at them, she’d protect them. This endeared Viri to Koth’s crew.  After everything hit the fan with Senya and she betrayed the Alliance, Lana took Viri aside and apologized to her. She explained she’d doubted Viri’s judgment due to her carbonite poisoning and Senya’s link with Valkorion, and promised she’d pay much more attention to Viri’s opinions on such matters. 
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jarael · 6 years
🔥🔥🔥, herm, Senya.
-I think she should have been able to leave the Alliance if you proved to be too anti-Zakuul, like Koth does.  Yes, her main concern is bringing her kids to justice, but that’s also her homeworld being bombarded.
-If we can have customizations for Arcann, we deserve one that gives us Senya’s old look back.  She’s definitely a beautiful woman, but her old look is much better.
-Unlike some people, I don’t think her choosing to worry more about Arcann than Vaylin in Eternal Throne is her fault.  As she is mere pixels, she is at the mercy of the writers.
Bonus: while I would love to be able to romance her, I don’t think Bioware is capable of writing that well.
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For Kelsa: 👌 👿 🍓
Thank you very much for the asks Angel! Love talking about the disaster Kine family 😂
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👌 …someone my muse has only met once, but will never forget.
That would be a Sith Lord that eagerly bought up numerous samples of Kelsa’s blood, bone and spinal fluids when she was still being held by the Hutts. This Sith became a highly valued customer for the Hutts and was allowed to perform an in person experiment on Kelsa under the condition that Kelsa not be permanently damaged. The experiment was excruciating and left Kelsa with significant mental trauma (as if she didn’t have enough already) but physically she did recover allowing the Hutts to continue selling pieces of her. Kelsa never met the Sith again after the experiment but still has nightmares about the experience years after escaping captivity.
👿 …someone my muse used to like, but doesn’t anymore.
This is a complicated one for her but it would be her old family. Kelsa does love her relatives in the Kine and even Tirall family but that does not mean she still likes them. A lot has happened since her childhood on Odessen. She still feels the eldest child responsibility to care for her relatives but her experiences have shown her that caring for others leaves her vulnerable. 
Élise stabbed her in the back, leading to her being held captive for two years, experimented on and having biological samples forcibly taken and sold. Arcann and Senya were her guardians when her parents went to war in the Unknown Regions and they failed to protect her when the Republic bombed the lightly defended Odessen. Her surviving old family hurt and disappointed her. She might still love them as family but she does not like them.
🍓 …someone my muse has never met, but wants to meet.
Kelsa wants to meet the leader of an anti-force cult. She was approached once by a member of this cult and the encounter stuck with her. The cult had approached her after she escaped the Hutts. They had apparently been observing her and even purchased some of her blood to examine her family’s connection to the force. But what made the cult approach her was her apparent rejection of the force. They were intrigued and wanted to know why she walked away from her family’s powerful force heritage.
Kelsa was likewise intrigued by the cult’s negative view of the force and being in a very vulnerable place at the time she did consider joining them. She had seen the dangers of the force and how it could make even well meaning individuals turn against the people they love. But her newly developed fear and paranoia of others won out and she declined their invitation though they invited her to join them should she ever be ready.
Eventually, Kelsa made a life for herself but the thought of the cult and their philosophy was always in the back of her mind. Given the chance she would very much like to meet their leader to hear more about their order and teachings.
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catierambles · 8 years
Arcann and Unnamed Jedi Knight (who I will probably be making in game as a Guardian because I already have a Sentinel) are in a relationship, she takes the Eternal Throne to Rule as Empress of Zakuul with him as her Emperor-Consort.
Shortly after she finds out surprise! Pregnant.
And Arcann is. So. Very. HAPPY.
But also. So. Very. WORRIED.
That would mean that the child is the grandchild of Valkorion, aka the Immortal Emperor aka the Sith Emperor aka Vitiate aka Devourer of Worlds aka aka aka...
(it takes an army of doctors before he’s convinced that: No, she wasn’t pregnant during the final battle in her mindscape, there is no way Valkorion managed to hide away in the baby and wasn’t really destroyed and she’s going to give birth to the Force version of the Anti-Christ.)
He promises to never be like how his father was, will always be there for his child no matter what. Senya and Satele Shan are called in when the baby starts making furniture move in utero like Vaylin did, and they all  agree that what happened with Vaylin will never happen with the child. They will be trained to control their abilities safely, not have their minds locked away and turned into a sociopath.
It’s a boy.
They name him Thexan.
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