#anti amberprice
yuraimi-lee-bunny · 1 year
Hey OP, I'm really sorry you got your death threat message from a anonymous grahamfield anti, we may never know if it's from a Pricefielder or Amberpricer or Lis2 or LicTC stan who sent you that but you can ship who you want to ship. Grahamfield is literally the harmless duaric ship ever. The way people from Twitter responded to your evidence prove how toxic the Lis fandom is toward a fictional ship made me so angry how they lack empathy for someone just because they like a MLW ship and IIRC, Max is bisexual and I'm sure the fandom wouldn't hate on Warren is he's a female character named Willa.
And not all Grahamfielders are cishets. Majority of us are bisexuals because we do love a ship that involves a boy and girl because it's who we are attracted to AKA what the definition of bisexuals IRL are attracted to.
Hello! Sorry for only answering your question! I've been so busy that I finally took a little time to answer as many messages as possible!
Thank you for your loving words. That was in 2019, so it never really affected me, much less now haha (yes, I can assure you that it was really a Pricefield shipper who sent it to me. I know the modus operandi of those people who are haters hehehe)
Yes Yes! I love how no matter how much evidence they showed of how much hate some sent me here, IG and Twitter just because I liked (I still like) Grahamfield, those people on Twitter answered me with nonsense, but they did have the right to complain about those who "sent them hate" because SUPPOSEDLY for just liking Pricefield, when the reality is, they attacked them for being haters. That wasn't bullying, it was karma.
It was karma and that was it. And yes, you're absolutely right: those of us who like Grahamfield, most of us are from the LGBT community (Hello, I'm bi, demisexual and demiromantic. And no, my sexual/romantic orientation doesn't define my personality and criteria. I do know how to be a person with nuances) Most of us Grahamfield shippers like Grahamfield just because and that's it.
Again, thank you very much for your kind words and giving your honest feedback on this topic. And to be honest: since the LiS fandom is practically dead, I think this will be the last time I talk about this topic here hehehehe.
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loveregrown · 9 months
The average amberprice shipper thinks there's nothing wrong with them, that rachel is an angel and the only one chloe could ever love, and that them reuniting in heaven is the best fate for both of them. Well it's something the most boring people who have the utmost black and white view of life is strange do which is the one thing you shouldn't do when it comes to this game and how each character is at least a little flawed and overlook key aspects of what makes their relationship so fascinating and also refuse to acknowledge how horribly rachel hurt chloe. She really damaged her, but it isn't truly one sided considering they were mentally ill teenagers who enabled each other and clung to each other like leeches when they had nobody else! It's shown again and again through so much symbolism in BTS like chloe's nightmares which are some of my favorite scenes due to how haunting they are and telling of her state at the time unrelated to AP or the traintrack scene in BTS vs LIS1 that's so blatant it's almost like a slap to the face, and I also hate I hateeee rachel antis who think she's a malicious master manipulator too despite the fact at points she like definitely did use chloe, and blame her for being a victim of grooming. Go to hell. Why does she have to be an angel or a devil, when to be dehumanized by others and herself is what doomed her and lead to her haunting the narrative? To put her on a pedestal would be the last thing she'd want, even if she did this to herself, and chloe subconsicously did, too. She's my little princess but also their relationship was built off of horrors but they really genuinely needed each other and loved each other so, so much and so earnestly. It's just that chloe wasn't Enough for rachel, who had such big dreams, and chloe never got to Truly know her either even if she came So close to it. So close... the pain makes their love more beautiful, almost. They deserved good things and it's heartbreaking. Their twisted ass situationship that lives in my heart forever. But I've already talked about this countless times before I'm like a broken record I just like them so much & I'm too autistic about it ... I think maybe they could've had a future together if they really tried and resolved their issues even a little, but the fact they didn't get to is so tragic and captivating. Uuuu chloe's delusional 16 year old baby lesbian adventures. There's this part where she confronts joyce in how she's using her relationship with david to cope but almost Everything she says can be applied to how she's using her relatioship with rachel to cope with the loss of max and it makes me a little crazy. I don't think it's endgame, but something doesn't have to be endgame to be special. To be meaningful.
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awesomecoolswaggirl · 2 months
intro post!!
hai! i'm vel :D
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she/her, aroace, infp <3 7teen! ocd survivor bc im silly im silly im silly also neurodivergent!!! i'm CHRISTIAN and proud :D https://frogstumble.carrd.co/
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current hyperfixations: life is strange, precure/pretty cure, honkai impact 3rd
other interests: vocaloid, fnaf, mlp, sanrio, arcane/lol, final fantasy, bandori, pjsk, mahou shoujo, the sims 4, animal crossing, puyo puyo, aesthetics, monster high, ddlc, beyond two souls, the last of us, detroit become human
things i want to get into: omori, fallout, resident evil, fatal frame, yona of the dawn, hyperdimension neptunia, undertale, rdr2, tomb raider, twdg
current favorite ships: kiamei (kiana x mei from hi3) amberprice (rachel x chloe from lis) komuyuki (komugi x yuki from precure)
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dni: i'm not really strict on the whole "dni" thing, you can still interact/mutual if you're one of the following, but here are some things that make me uncomfortable just to be aware to not spread on my account
anti-Christ/antichristian people, problematic/controversial behavior (just don't get me involved please) cancel culture extremists (only extremists. like if you literally can't forgive people for things or assume the worst intentions out of people always,) mean/hateful people. one thing i am strict on is if you wanna be mutuals, please do not participate in superstitious trends ("repost for good luck, repost this and share this or blank") they trigger my ocd. if you're a proshipper, i'm not saying you can't interact, just don't tell me about proships that's all. i don't agree with/support/like proships but we can still be mutuals, just don't involve me in your problematic ships. if you're a zionist dni. i'm sorry i can't excuse that.
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don't be shy! dm me, ask to be mutuals etc :D also i can give my discord if you wanna be friends! i love all of you./gen also i always follow back!!
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I’m one day going to post my meta analyses posts and opinions and such
Like my anti modern retellings of persephone/hades stories has citations and shit, like Chicago style - I’m just not finished yet
And I have a partway done presentation on why detroit become human is copaganda but heavy rain is acab (this one is highly extensive so I need to go in and get all of the direct quotes I need)
Also my inevitable klaasje defense post (and my Kim critique 😮) I fear controversy w that one (it is v nuanced tho I promise)
Also my defense of amberprice over pricefield (and bay > bae) but that’s truly all opinion, biased and not based in any fact
And, one day, if anyone cares, I have a long ass analysis on the color theory in love on a leash (the greatest movie of all time) also lisa is gay and lisa is dead theories
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dreanner95 · 3 years
This isn’t a Anti-Ship post. I just want to share how good Life is Strange is at having emotional beats and character moments while never contradicting any one interpretation of the story told. For example, Deck 9 could firmly establish Rachel as either very manipulative from the start or a misunderstood girl that was more or less forced into a situation she didn’t know how to deal with. But instead their version of Rachel is a person that Chloe can fall in love with very easily with hints of becoming someone toxic but never really saying if this is what happened. That makes way for a lot of interpretations of her and her relationship with Chloe. You could argue this is bad writing but this isn’t a book or a tv show. This is an choice based adventure game. Deck 9 respecting that there are multiple equally valid interpretations of this same story out there and giving each side vadility is huge. Like I for example think that Chloe and Rachel had a healthy romantic relationship that turned sour due to both of them. Chloe grew too attached to Rachel and Rachel had all her family live shattering around her. So because of how it turned out, I personally don’t ship them and while Chloe and Max aren’t completly healthy too, I see both of them working on being better for each other. But that is only one way to interpretet this story. This story, more than any other, makes me see other interpretations where Max and Chloe are seen the way I see Rachel and Chloe and I completly understand what they mean and how they could reach this conclusion.
So when I played Wavelenghts and heard Rachel and Chloe interacting in the early days of their relationship, it felt bittersweet to me, because to me that was the only good phase in their relationship. But this same moment give Amberprice shippers the feels the same way the Farwells bonus episode or the comics do. We all deserve those moments because every interpretation is valid.
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chloesnecklace · 2 years
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so.. i just read these 2 reddit posts,, they’re deep dive analysis’ about rachel as a character and the amberprice relationship as a whole. and wow is it fucking good. it doesn’t ignore the flaws of rachel but it doesn’t completely bash her either, or claim how amberprice was entirely toxic. it’s so beautiful and i’m on the verge of tears because it’s everything i’ve been wanting to tell people. it’s so perfect. it’s 6am and i’m super busy in a few hours but i decided to read these 2 loooong posts about my favorite ship on earth. time well spent. i wish everyone could see these posts. and the next time i get into an argument w someone abt rachel’s relationship with chloe, i’ll definitely quote some of the shit said in those posts. i’m in awe truly. rachel and chloe as people & their relationship is not the horrible situation u make it out to be.
https://www.reddit.com/r/lifeisstrange/comments/ost3cc/all_a_different_perspective_on_amberprices/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf (amberprice)
https://www.reddit.com/r/lifeisstrange/comments/kz7kj8/all_rachel_amber_the_broken_angel_who_demonized/ (rachel)
both written by the same person. i’m impressed and in love. an instant follow.
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r4tb4b3 · 4 years
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Again, I'm a multishipper, so I'm in both circles, but one anti-amberprice argument that's brought up constantly that I can't stand from exclusive p____f____ers is that the relationship is "problematic."
Like, so is Chloe and M__'s??? M__ ghosted her for years and didn't get back in contact until Chloe nearly ran her over/saved her from Nathan. It's even lampshaded in game that she was in the Bay for quite some time and never contacted Chloe, and her excuses are pretty paper thin. (I totally sympathize with her social anxiety but I definitely think Chloe was in the right to be annoyed with her lack of presense). And Chloe, due to her abandonment issues, is very possessive of M__, and will give her shit for answering Kate's phone call (among other moments), and will occasionally lash out depending on your choices, often for less than great reasons.
I won't deny that Chloe and Rachel, being flawed individuals, have problematic aspects to their relationship, so it just really annoys me that some people hold up Chloe and M__'s relationship as this "pure uwu" wlw romance when it's not. It can get very rocky at times.
P____f____ has just as much problems as the Amberprice and Chasefield ships do. That doesn't make these relationships any less valid than the other.
I honestly can't think of many LIS ships that aren't "problematic" in some way. Honestly as long as you're not shipping an adult/minor ship I don't see much of a problem.
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sordidbask · 5 years
So... I have officially finished reading the Life is Strange comics up to Issue #12 and I have some things to say.
SPOILERS i guess...
For starters, I have to wonder... what did the writers even hope to accomplish by making these? Did they want to show a continuation of the bae over bay ending featuring Max and Chloe dealing with the aftermath of that fateful week? Did they want to provide some form of closure for Pricefield supporters who were left wanting after an open-ended finale? It sure seemed that way from how the comics were marketed. And yet, I'm sitting here writing this feeling outraged at how this story, even if non-canon, was handled. I feel disgusted by how they handled Max's personality and motivations, how pathetic she feels and how downright painful it is to read some of her thoughts. Every issue I found myself frowning and repeating in my mind that "Max would never do that", "There's no way Max would say that", "Chloe would never be ok with that". Are we supposed to accept that Max would just abandon Chloe because reality is messing up for some reason and suddenly we learn that the Max from the comics is not the actual Max we played as in the game but rather a Max that doesn't belong in that reality and has to go to a timeline in which she is the third wheel to a love triangle between Chloe and Rachel so that the Chloe from the destroyed bay timeline can stay behind and look for her own Max or the Max that actually belongs in that timeline? Are there two Maxes in the same universe at the same time and Chloe has to look for her on her own for years and this other Max just kisses her goodbye forever? Max, who did everything she did during that week for Chloe, who went through hell and back to keep Chloe at her side, who sacrificed and entire town and let her friends die all for her love of Chloe would just leave her behind, teleport to a new universe and accept that Chloe is already taken in this new reality and would stop loving her romantically? If you love me let me go bullshit? Really? We played as Max, we rooted for her and we wanted her and Chloe to be together but to see her submissively accepting a reality in which she is friendzoned by Chloe because Chloe is happy there and she can't go back because the plot doesn't let her or she doesn't want to because apparently she is perfectly fine with being friendzoned for years by the woman she loves all in the name of "... but she is happy"????? When Max dreams of "her Chloe" telling her that she shouldn't forget her guilt for what happened in Arcadia Bay and should always remember it because it somehow makes her a good person, are we supposed to accept that too? Is that the message? She isn't allowed to let go? She isn't allowed to move on? Her being in this reality is some kind on punishment by the universe that she must endure? Max even convinces herself that it's bad and selfish that she wants to go back to the only reality she has ever known because... the universe doesn't want her to and will keep sending her into these flickers? Issue #12 is all about bulding up the tension towards this great climax where Max will access the Transect or whatthefuckever and be reunited with "her" Chloe, the Chloe we know, after two years of fucking around and when she finally finds her timeline... nope, anti-climax, she can't access it, she can't go back to her, she is stuck here so might as well go on a road trip and watch how happy the person she loves is with some other chick who she has to accept as her BFF. It's all so insulting and stupid.
I'm not really sure why I'm ranting about this since it feels like a lot like needlessly and senselessly ripping into somebody else's AU fic which might be their own interpretation of things and that's perfectly fine, but the thing is this is an officially licensed product sold for money and marketed primarily at people who chose the bae over bay ending and I went into the comics thinking that. I read somewhere that the story was meant to be wrapped up in Issue #4 but because of the overwhelming success and some outside intervention, they decided to prolong the story. And now we have Amberpricefield for everyone and zero closure and love for Pricefield supporters. Yay.
This is strictly personal but I hate Amberprice to no end. I believe Rachel is a well-crafted character and I respect her as such, I just hate who she is, her personality, her behaviour, her manipulation of everyone around her. And with this in mind, seeing Amberprice so vividly when I myself am a die-hard Pricefielder was more than a little jarring. I get that this is a new reality where everyone is happy and Rachel never cheated on Chloe and genuinely reciprocates her feelings. Thing is, we were never exposed to that, we were never shown how such a perfect relationship could be built between these characters and as such I can't see a reason to root for it. What little Amberprice we got was in the form of a semi-canon prequel game and even there it was left ambiguous as to whether Rachel returned Chloe's feelings or not. What we do know for certain is that Rachel manipulated Chloe to get out of Arcadia Bay, encouraged the more self-destructive aspects of her personality and, if you want to go the romance route, she canonically cheated on her twice. That's why I had trouble seeing so much Amberprice and Max not only being a witness to the whole thing but accepting it with her head down.
I hate shitting on people's work but ultimately I feel insulted by how the writers handled the story and these characters that are so dear to my heart. I don't mind Amberprice or Amberpricefield stories on AO3 or fanfiction.net which rewrite the character of Rachel to make her less of an asshole because I ignore them and, in the end, people can write about whateverthefuck they want. But the fact that they baited us and promised us a Pricefield story and what we got instead was an idyllic Amberprice with a friendzoned Max... I cannot see it as anything other than an insult.
And the last straw came in the form of that unspeakable road trip idea and the caption "Partners in time" used for Max, Chloe and the other one. I used to think that Amberprice was insulting but now I realize that Amberpricefield is even more insulting. Why the hell did we play 10 hours of a game which, at its core, was essentially about the relationship between these two characters called MAX AND CHLOE? Why the need to shove Rachel Amber wherever possible and, to add insult to injury, take a phrase so iconic, so powerful and so personal which belongs only to Max and Chloe such as "Partners in Time" and use it to refer to the three of them? Are we supposed to be OK with that? We fell in love with how much these two characters loved each other and to add a third participant feels incredibly out of place. Feels like the writers of the comic actively hate Max and Pricefielders who chose the bae over bay ending and think that what the fandom needs is to have the trio of the most important characters in Season 1 as BFF's as if we're still waiting for the release of Chaos Theory. Are these the new powerpuff girls, Titan Comics? Give me a break.
I'm going to keep reading, not buying, the comics just to see what else they can do with this clusterfuck of a story and how much more they can shit on Max, Chloe and Pricefield supporters. Honestly, I hope we see more love for Pricefield in future issues (judging from her Christmas sketch, at least the illustrator is slightly more Pricefield than the writer) but all seems to indicate that it's only going to go downhill from here.
Just needed to get this off my chest.
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destiny-smasher · 7 years
How can you say that throughout LiS1 Pricefield is in any way healthier? I don't think I need to bring up all the things Chloe did and how she acts when Max doesn't pander to her every need and request. I know that has a lot to do with Chloe's fears but Rachel's behavior was also created because of how she was brought up and raised, so much so she doesn't even realize what she's doing. Both of these relationships are problematic as hell tbh.
Chloe and Rachel enable and perpetuate each other’s unhealthy behavior. Max and Chloe instigate change and growth. That’s the difference. Helps that they actually have history to work from, as well (adds to the believability of their dynamic). By the end of LiS, Chloe has become self-aware of her problems and wants to change, Max has started to be more assertive and take action. This only happens because of their influence on each other.
By the end of BtS? It’s much less clear, really. I mean, Rachel has inspired Chloe to take action but through committing crimes and sneaking around. (the truck thing was good, though) Rachel inspiring Chloe doubles as a “Because I need you to do this stuff for me” - which Chloe then repeats with Max later, because Rachel has been a bad influence on her, but a few days later with Max and she realizes how dumb she’s been acting and while it may not be entirely her fault, only she has the power to change.
BtS presents a more co-depending dynamic where neither is really aspiring toward self growth but rather toward…anti-everyone-else? What does Chloe teach Rachel, in the end? And what Rachel teaches Chloe ends up having negative after-effects.
Anyway, not saying AmberPrice has no good, just that I feel the good is outweighed by the bad. Which makes sense, because they’re angry teens dealing with tough family situations. But it’s not a healthy long-term dynamic, whereas PriceField is.
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theblacksacrament · 7 years
I know Life Is Strange is a choice based game, but the Amberprice kiss would have been 100% more affective if they made it unavoidable and forced all the homophobes and anti-amberprice / anti-rachel people to sit through a heavy make out session that Pricefield WISHES they had
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mooniie · 7 years
AmberPrice vs PriceField
So I am a big Life Is Strange fan! So of course I played the Prequel Before the Storm. And yes I ship both: AmberPrice and PriceField. BUT I would not support a polyamorous relationship between them. Why? Not because I would not support that kind of relationship at all, but because I don’t think it fits their characters, especially Chloes, yes the central point of this Love-Triangle. Chloe is, because of her experiences, such a jealous person, which is afraid of loosing any more, in my eyes, so she might be really attached to just one person. You are, of course, free to think about them as you like!
Anyways, if I’m forced to decide on one couple, I’d probably go with PriceField. Not because this is the first couple I was introduced to in this series, but because of their characters. Yes Max left her, which is a big flaw, especially because she didn’t keep the contact with Chloe. And Chloe is, obviously, a bad influence on Max and you might also say, that Chloe uses Max for finding Rachel.
BUT Let’s imagine Rachel lived. Chloe would be head over heels for Rachel, and Rachel? Honestly, I think she’ll break her heart, sadly. Rachel is like her biological mother in a way, I think, she is kind of addicted to attention. Again, that’s all just how I feel. She got something going on with Frank, in the Prequel it even looked like attraction (not love) at the first (actually second) sight. Yes I think she cared for Chloe, a lot. Maybe not in the beginning. She just wanted someone who “teach her not to give a fuck”. But later, after the scene at the tree, she opened up to her and cared for Chloe, too. But I think she lost interest pretty quickly, maybe even at the moment she saw Frank on the junkyard? But not only Frank, she also showed interest in Mark Jefferson! Like, she’s jumping from one guy to another. I don’t like that about her, but well no character in Life is Strange is perfect, right?! Also that’s totally something a teeny like Rachel would do. But, it was Rachel, who nearly psychologically forced Chloe into doing bad things, she wouldn’t have done without her. 
But enough of Rachel, you see I am actually pretty irresolute about her.
At the moment Chloe discovers that Rachel is having other romatically interests, Max would be there for her, and would prove it. And that’s how this relationship grows and not a first-sight / you-saved-my-life kind of Love I think Chloe feels for Rachel. 
In my eyes, Rachel has something going on with Chloe, but nothing she would call a romantic relationship. Chloe was in love with her, thinking she saved her, even if this is not the case. (But she knows deep down, her “father” told her, but she’s ignoring that.) Max is glad to see her friend again, but she slowly but surely develops feelings for Chloe, which are returned after Chloe finds out what caring really means. 
BUT I am totally not anti-AmberPrice, cause after all, Chloe really loves her and at least there was someone, who (pretend to) cared, without being overly awkward, totally not Chloes type (Elliot). 
I just think, Rachel made Chloe a bad person, but that bad person we learned to love in the original. Max made her good again!
So if I have to decide I go with Chloe&Max and Rachel&Frank
Edit: Honestly I haven’t thought about the big age-gap between Frank and Rachel, but seeing Rachel as being 18 years old it’s fine for her having an older boyfriend. At least from the law-side! 
Also I wasn’t a big fan of Chloe in LiS, and so I am not a big fan of Rachel in BtS. In either game, they’re the “bad guy” in my eyes, using other people.
(I adore Frank and he deserves some Love!)
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lxvemarsh · 4 years
NAME kisu | AGE 19 | SEXUALITY hardcore biromantic, probably asexual | INTERESTS writing, playing, cats, flowers, drawing
MAIN SHIPS marshfield ( kate x max ) | amberprice ( rachel x chloe )
MY CATS sweetpea and clemmy ( short for clementine )
HYPERFIXATIONS peaky blinders, the walking dead game, the last of us 2, life is strange franchise, apex legends, overwatch
DNI racists, homophobes, transphobes; people who support pedophilia or abuse, pro-shippers, anti-antis; people who romanticize mental illnesses and/or suicide, who claim to be supportive of us with mental illnesses but get grossed/weirded out when we show symptoms; fatphobic people, people who support bodyshaming in any form ( making fun of skinny or fat people, small dicks or breasts, etc. )
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werewolf-cuddles · 7 years
Alright, confession time.
I don’t ship Chloe and Rachel, and I think some people are getting dangerously excited over their relationship, setting themselves up for disappointment.
Here’s the thing. I find it very hard to get invested in a relationship that I already know will not canonically work out. Chloe and Rachel getting together in Before The Storm doesn’t matter, because we already know how it ends.
If they do get together (which I think is currently based on player choice), then it means that Rachel eventually ends up cheating on Chloe with Frank and Jefferson, the latter later being responsible for her death.
Even if they don’t get together, they’re still eventually doomed to die a few years down the road, assuming you interpret the Sacrifice Chloe ending as canon.
I’m sorry, but I just can’t ship Chloe and Rachel because I know their relationship will not work out. I just can’t get invested into something that I already know will end badly.
This post was not intended to be anti-amberprice. This was just my take on why I don’t ship it.
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chloesnecklace · 2 years
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hiii! ★ welcome to my tumblr blog !!
i’m rachel, an autistic lesbian with a major lis special interest
this blog is basically just hella shitposts of lis.. nothing special. i make content here & there
i also rant & post some nsfw here & there, so don’t follow if u don’t like it </3
my tags if u wanna stalk me (i mainly put them here so i don’t forget):
show the ra antis, amber’s favz, amber’s autizzy, ambers posts, ambers VIRAL posts?!, ambers nightime toilet sitting, amber’s fanfic requests, ambers fanfic favz, my chloe price obsession, amber’s art, amber’s fanfics, ambers playlists, ambers daydreams, my shifting journey, IRL RA, ambers diys, animal crossing
thanks for stopping by!
-RA ♡ -
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falsesymphony · 7 years
I’m getting real sick of the Amberprice tag being full of “metas” of how Rachel is supposedly so bad/abusive for/to Chloe, but yet you pointedly ignore when Chloe was actually bad for Max.
Max repeatedly calls out Chloe’s terrible behavior in Life is Strange, episode 3.
Chloe makes that dismissive and ugly comment about Kate Marsh’s suicide/attempted suicide.
Even Dream!Max or w/e it was supposed to be in the diner outright tells Max that Chloe is manipulative.
And technically, the most canon ending is letting Chloe die because there are TOO many timelines in which Chloe dies. Since ya’ll want to talk about “Rachel dies, why ship her with Chloe?” Why ship Max with someone she has to literally watch die several times because the true concept of the rewind powers is that you can’t FIX everything. Ya’ll would rather Max mentally SUFFER with the fact that the world wants Chloe dead and that constantly saving her over and over is what FUCKED UP the timeline.
But let’s not leave out verbally abusive Victoria and how she was willing to drug a girl just to play lead in a school play!
Like, don’t be so hypocritical. Everyone has flaws! Everyone in every ship has done something terrible to someone. So tag it as anti and get the fuck out of the amberprice tag and tag it as ANTI with your hypocritical, self-righteous bullshit.
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