#anti dean's birthday party
laf-outloud · 2 years
The thing about that party is how incongruous it all was.
If a year or two after spn had ended, we saw a post wherein Jared and Jensen had been in town together for something like a convention and had gone out for a drink and it happened to be Dean's birthday, and they posted a pic saying they were toasting to Dean on his birthday or even 'We're having a party for him on his birthday, lol', we'd all have laughed and thought it was cute.
Because that's the kind of thing you do when you played a character for over a decade. And it would make sense. Even if he'd been out with friends or coworkers from his latest gig and said raised a toast to the guy and posted about it, I'd have thought that was cute and apt because hey, it's Dean's birthday!
But this thing they did with the hats and the play acting wasn't just cringe, it was destiew online make-believe wedding levels of cringe.
As far as the actual cast of that show goes, if any of them last in the business I expect to see this mess in someone's biography in the chapter about jobs that sucked and that still give them nightmares.
I'm with you. I'm fine with simple homages like a toast, or a throw-back post. The birthday party was a full-on cry for help from someone who can't move on.
I found it interesting that JoJo went on IG Live and at least one of the questions they answered was whose idea it was for the party. They're sitting there prevaricating over the fact that it was everyone's, but you could tell they were trying to absolve the Ackles from that cringefest. As if Jensen and Danneel weren't in a party store earlier that day picking up supplies.
"...it was destiew online make-believe wedding levels of cringe." Who would have ever guessed that Jensen would be resorting to Misha-stan levels of desperation only two years after SPN ended?
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blanketforcas · 7 months
He said goodbye to Jensen as hint of them not friends anymore after SPN
"Misha saying goodbye to the show, to his character, and to Dean, and to Jensen"
i usually don't reply to copypastas/antis but this is the funniest interpretation of something I have ever seen 😭
let's ignore them jogging together before a convention and let's ignore j&d organizing misha's 50th birthday party and let's ignore them always saying the sweetest things about each other unprompted <3 cause everything is a big conspiracy and we're too blind to see it!!!!
i hope my mutuals clear the mold in their rooms one day so we can all see things clearly again. thank you for helping me see the light
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incarnateirony · 2 years
https://twitter.com/therealKripke/status/1589730849603604481?t=e7ZE6LWfSJePuY1d7tFLdA&s=19 This is the post, if you haven't seen it yet. Interesting to note that Edlund left in S8 and Jenny Klein in S11 (same as Robbie Thompson). So I guess Edlund knows Berens through Jenny. Also, Kripke and Berens standing together is a nice touch, I'm sure certain people are seething about it.
it's a little more than that. Edlund didn't stay entirely divorced from SPN either. He didn't really stay fingers in like some others BTS, but he still chatted with a lot of folks you know
I will admit I do not know much about Jenny beyond, yeah, she was part of the group that bounced in S11, consider it the Charlie Dumped In A Bathtub Because Singer Is An Asshole And Our Contracts Lapsed exodus.
Berens this fandom truly does not understand how both loved and respected he was internally, and how much power he had beyond what any title gave him, but especially once he was actually full exec. He was all things anti Singer, he had all power almost handed to him by Dabb with permission to basically forge showrunners notes and shit. The actors knew what they were doing to try to outrun singer before covid dropped, everybody knew.
Berens is the tie that binds: old friendship with Thompson that is unparalleled; aged into Dabb and conquered that room. Berens picked up Thompson's old plots, carried them through and spoke them into his gnostic philosophy lens, and now full circle it's rounding back to Thompson. Berens just gets to hand his buddy back their old work.
I've never heard of Kripke and Berens talking but I am negative surprised that they do, because again. Berens. Just. People don't get it. This fandom will never get or accept the fucking labor that man put in fighting for the same things they wanted, and the revolution in the writing crew, or just where the story of the absent god that didn't care but wanted to control the story came from. And how rude it was for him to visibly laugh as that entire plan was smashed in Dean's face at the end.
You'll notice Singer's gone. Jensen fingersnapped him out of existence, not brought him back. He's not at anybody's weddings. He's not being invited to birthday parties. And I can tell you, literally, quite personally, whether you believe me or not, he and eugenie aren't even welcome at Thanksgiving.
But yeah. That group. Berens is really the tie that binds across.
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askthefuturegleeks · 1 year
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Thank you for joining the campaign to bring the arts to future generations, NICK DUVAL, we’re happy to have you! If you want a refresher on what to do next, feel free to look at the WELCOME CHECKLIST. Please send your account in within the next 48 hours so that you can get started.    
ooc information
AGE: 40+
SHIPS: Nick + Chem
ANTI-SHIPS: Nick + No Chemistry
basic ic information
NAME/AGE: Nicholas ‘Nick’ Dean Duval
BIRTHDAY/ZODIAC:  July 20th, 1994, Cancer: You are the Patriarchs and Matriarchs of the Zodiac. Family means everything to you. You watch over your brood with determination and zeal. You can be counted upon to be at every graduation, wedding, surprise party or barbecue that has anything to do with your relatives. They are definitely your tribe and you are very generous with all of them.
CURRENT OCCUPATION:  App developer.  Co-creator of Social Byte, a new app for finding, reviewing, and booking all types of social engagements- from restaurants to movies, golf courses to amusement parks, concerts to sporting events.
CURRENT LOCATION: Just moved to NYC from Silicon Valley.
RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Single.  It's complicated.
FC: Curt Mega
twitter post
@technicky: Anything is possible if you have faith and don’t stop trying.  #learnfromyourmistakes   #failsbeforeprogress
in character questions
Answer these in character, and feel free to add gifs into your answers.
1.) What did you want to do with your life when you were younger? What would the child version of yourself think about the path you paved for yourself?
There were so many different things I wanted to be when I was younger.  It was constantly changing and being influenced by media and experiences.  I wanted to be a astronaut, a fireman, a doctor, an actor, a teacher, a military pilot, a rockstar, a chemist, a banker....but when it was time to make decisions about life after Dalton, studying computer science seemed to make the most sense as a jumping off point.  I was thinking web design, maybe programing.  We barely knew what apps were back then.  
Did I see myself leaving Northwestern with my roommate and moving to Silicon Valley to work in a tech think tank?  No.  But California was such an adventure and I loved it.  And as great as the think tank was, leaving it to develop something of our own, just ours, was the best.  Deciding to come to the East coast once the App took off and to go off on my own, is a little daunting, but honestly, it’s time. 
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2.) What is your proudest accomplishment? Don’t be afraid to  talk about what it took to achieve it and how you feel about it as well.
Hands down- having created Social Byte.  I don’t know if other creative types get this paternal/maternal feeling over the things they create, but Social Byte is like my child.  
I’m also pretty proud of myself for having decided to branch off on my own now, and come east.  A new adventure.  Even if it's taken me years to do so.
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3.) If you could do anything you wanted for one whole day, what would it be and why?
I would do anything.  For me, it would be less about the what and more about the who.  Or who’s.  Spend a whole day with someone or someone's that it’s always easy to be around.  And do whatever, but bask in the enjoyment of their company.  I’ve been away from the people I grew up with, some important people, for too long.  I’d try to fix that.  I’m going to fix that, now that I’m on the East coast.
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where are they now? 
Even after the steroid scandal that rocked the Warblers in his senior year, Nick was able to turn that into a real learning and growing experience by making it the topic of his admission essays.  He ended up getting accepted to several schools, including Northwestern University in Chicago, where he ultimately decided to go.  Not going to New York, or the East coast, like it seemed like so many of his friends were was a hard decision for Nick. 
Computer science ended up suiting Nick, and he went on to complete an Master of Science in Information  Technology.  Nick was also lucky that right off the bat he met Ryan, his roommate.  For the second time, Nick found himself with a roommate that he clicked with almost instantly.  They were in the same program, they were roommates, study buddies, sounding boards, and the best of friends.  It made missing his Warbler and Dalton friends a little more bearable. And because it didn’t feel so bad,  Nick was more easily able to try and keep his friendships going with his Warbler and Dalton friends all across the country.  Nick was constantly sending cards, sometimes letters, post cards, emails, posts on various social medias, trying to keep any bits of communication open with everyone.
After completing their MS IT at Northwestern, Ryan convinced Nick to go West with him- where he was from originally.  18 months with the think tank they left it to pursue their own project, and Social Byte was born.  Despite the closeness of their friendship, being roommates for years, moving across the country together, it was strictly platonic.  Which suited Nick just fine anyway.  
Once Social Byte hit the market and exploded, Nick decided it was time to branch out and go off and try something on his own.  This was also influenced by his want to move to the East coast and Ryan’s desire to stay in California.   It’s his birthday week and Nick Duval can’t think of anything more fitting than starting a new adventure, in a new city, closer to quite a few of his high school and even college friends.  
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topguncortez · 1 year
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g reviews:
Still Beating by Jennifer Hartmann
page count: 314
genre: dark romance, slow burn, adult, enemies to lovers, standalone
WARNING: This is a dark romance. This book contains subject matter that may be sensitive for some readers, including rape, as well as strong language and explicit sex. 18+ only. Please read responsibly. 
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When Cora attends her sister’s birthday party, she expects at most a hangover or a walk of shame. She doesn’t anticipate a stolen wallet, leaving her stranded and dependent on Dean—her arch nemesis and ultimate thorn in her side. 
And she really doesn’t anticipate waking up in shackles in a madman’s basement.
To make matters worse, Dean shares the space in his own set of chains.
After fifteen years of teasing, insults, and practical jokes, the ultimate joke seems to be on them. The two people who always thought they’d end up killing each other must now work together if they want to survive.
But Cora and Dean have no idea their abductor has a plan for them. A plan that will alter the course of their relationship, blur the line between hate and love, and shackle them together with far more than just chains.
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This book was next recommended to me because I had finished 'June First' by Jennifer and wanted something similar. I do have to say, that even though the books were written by the same person, this has nothing on 'June First'. They are both different in their very own way, but to me, 'June First' was better.
Cora and Dean are our main characters and from the jump, you know that they hate each other. Dean is engaged to be married to Cora's older sister Mandy. Mandy wants nothing but the two to get along. But Dean and Cora swear that they will never ever get along. One night, Cora finds herself in need of a ride home and calls the one person she can think of who would be up, Dean. He comes and gets her, however, nothing could prepare them for what happens next.
For the next 22 days, Cora and Dean are shackled to a pole in a strangers basement forced to do and bear witness to horrific acts. They both look death right in the face and somehow, make it out alive. But they lost more than just their innocence and time in the basement, they lost what they used to know of their lives.
This story goes through all the feels of what happens when to someone trying to settle back into their old lives after going through trauma. There is no one else on the planet who understands what they went through other than each other, and that both has positive and negative consequences. Dean is in a decade long relationship with Cora's sister, but now. . . he can't stop thinking about Cora.
There are two ways that you can look at this book, you can be team Dean and Cora, or you can be anti-Dean and Cora. And I have to say. . . I am anti Dean and Cora. They went through so much together, so much trauma is built between them that I can't think their relationship can be very healthy. It was very hard for me to want them to get together. I wanted them both to be able to move on from what they went through, even if that meant leaving the other. I was hoping that when they do split (briefly) that Cora would find someone or Dean would and when they would see each other again it would be a "I'm proud of you" moment.
However, they do grow and move on from what happened to them during those 22 days, and it ends happy, which is all you can ask for.
my rating: 7/10
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desipubs · 7 months
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Another ‘off book’ Desi Pub last week. I visited the Parkfield Central Bar with Dean, Mathew and Martin.
Either they are having some redevelopment works or something weird is happening. We went to the address they publicise on t’internet and found a very dilapidated front - they had a sign telling Just Eat drivers to go round the back, so we did too and found an entrance through the car park.
The Parkfield is quite big with two rooms. They were busy, they had at least one big party in for a birthday. The clientele was very white.
There are 12 pumps, they were only a couple of ales and one cider. There were four ‘normal’ screens and one massive screen showing sport. They also had a load of anti-COVID vaccination signs by the bar, which was a bit random.
I had a regular mixed grill which consisted of a chicken tikka, chicken wings and kebab and cost £14.
The food was ok, the kebab was probably the best item, but there wasn’t very much of it. The chicken wings and tikka were nothing to write home about and onions were ok too.
It was a fairly standard mixed grill so it gets 1.25 points for the components - partly as they should have been more.
The chicken tikka can have 0.5, the chicken wings 0.5 and that’s been generous, the kebab can also have 0.5., they would have got more if they gave me more! The onions and condiments can have a total score of 0.5 (which may be a little generous).
£14 is a on the more expensive side for an individual mixed grill, so they can only have 0.25 points.
With 12 pumps, although some duplicated others, they get a maximum 1 point for range of drinks.
Regarding ambiance it was VERY white, the weird entrance and the awkward COVID thing means I can only award 0.25.
That gives Parkfield Central Bar and Grill a total of 4.75.
The Parkfield Central Bar and Grill is kind of at 37 Martin Street, Wolverhampton, WV4 6HQ.
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saltygilmores · 2 years
Thoughts While Watching Gilmore Girls: Season 1/Episode 6 ("Rory's Birthday Parties")
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This is the only proper way to watch Gilmore Girls.
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A win in the "continuity" column: if you fast forward to season 5, her birth day is the same.
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(a mugshot would say "Lorelai Gilmore" not "Rory", but I digress). Another interesting bit of continuity: Rory and I were both born in 1984. I was born in February, she was born in October, but she graduated high school in 2003, while I graduated in 2002. So it would seem apparent that her October birthdate had her miss the "cut off" for kindergarten (she hadn't turned 5 yet when other kids born earlier the same year were going into kindergarten, and in the US, you typically have to be 5 to start kindergarten). Idk these are just the kind of things I love to think about even if no one else does. It also leads me to a theory about Jess' birthdate but I think its too confusing to explain lol
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I can't think of anything LESS Rory than a plastic light up neon bracelet. I'm actually at a loss to think of any character in the entire show who'd wear something like this. Maybe Madelyn and Louise, lol.
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A list of the men (and it's only men) on Gilmore Girls who have run away to California: Jess, Dave Rygalski, Max Medina, Christopher. Was this Amy Sherman Palladino's favorite plot device for male characters? Not even New York, which is a lot closer? Like they have to run far, far, away, as far away as possible while not leaving the country? It's very mysterious. Like there's a swirling vortex out in California sucking them all in. Somewhere in the distant year 2003, Jess and Dave Rygalski find each other again in California and become best bros. In my heart I firmly believe it. "Christopher calls once a week (I doubt it) and we see him at Christmas and Easter (maybe). "
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Fuck me sideways, this is so gross. Rory tells Paris they can both attend Harvard, because it's a big school and they'll never run into each other. If they do see each other, they'll duck. They then proceed to not only attend the same college and work on the school paper together, but live together the entire time. They both sound sad at the prospect of not seeing each other after high school. My favorite Married Couple!
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Now Paris is asking Rory if Diet Logan is available. Not a day after Paris witnessed him sexually harassing Rory at her birthday party, her immediate thought is "I want that for myself"?" Ick, ick, ick!
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Fuck me sideways, I love late 90's/ early 2000's shit! I love being a Millennial and recognizing shit I grew up with! I love that I was the same age as Rory when this show was made! This, my friends is an ancient Apple computer called an I-Book! I'm giddy! Honestly it seems a bit sad that Rory has no friends besides Lane and eventually Paris (until they try to shoe horn in those other two girls, Lucy and the other one, at Yale near the end, which felt very forced) and both of her parties are attended by nothing but grown ass adults. I mean, there's nothing wrong with having only two close friends (and it's only one friend currently, who seems to have been her only friend her entire life). Quality over quantity right? Having only one friend her own age for most of her life while the rest of her social circle consists of her mother and grown adults who constantly tell this very ordinary girl that she's so special and perfect and can do no wrong and treat her like a princess. This will definitely not have any impact on Rory Gilmore's psyche anywhere down the line. No siree, Bob...
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I mean, maybe it's not entirely her fault. Rory, Dean, Lane, and Lindsay are the only teenagers (or even CHILDREN) who seem to exist in Stars Hollow and the times that we see a SH classroom, the students look 35. I remember somebody saying "I don't think Amy Sherman Palladino has actually seen a child before."
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Wow, that cake...sure is something.
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Michel using a phone to avoid socializing at a party years before it was fashionable. The party hat is the icing on the Rory-Face-Cake! A true icon.
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Edward Herrmann barely cleared this doorway.
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I stand corrected. Ladies and gentlemen, here are some random ass 35 year old teenagers and one random old man who were kind enough to come to Rory's party. Go introduce yourself Rory. They look so friendly.
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Did we ever hear Miss Patty's full name again? This is interesting.
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Okay Miss Lacosta, go take a cold shower or something, you need to chill. Bad enough you were hitting on Kirk.
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The iceman cometh. Emily: I could see the way he (Luke) looked at you. Like you were going to give him a lapdance. You're pleased that the ice man looked at you like a porterhouse steak! Okay, ALL the old ladies need to chill for a bit.
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OMG! IT'S "THE" BRACELET! The one Jess took! Dean just strung a quarter through a piece of leather and called it a "medallion." This fucking clown. "I bought the medallion and I cut some leather straps and drilled a hole in it." Yawn. Who the fuck cares. Lorelai "tore up the entire town" and yelled at Jess, and Rory "had a heart attack" looking for this fucking quarter on a string. Rory: "It's beautiful. It's amazing." Yawn. It's certainly no "I wrote in the margins for you." Every "crime" Jess Mariano has ever committed was in some way justified. Stealing change from Taylor Doose? Not guilty. "Stealing" a quarter on a string that Dean made? Not guilty.
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Lorelai is thinking "Hey, that's MY boyfriend!" The Good: Lorelai and Emily going shopping together. Randy old ladies. Michel being anti social. Dean doesn't show up until the last two minutes. Dean's stupid bracelet made me laugh so it's going into both the bad and good columns. The Bad: Diet Logan sexually harrasses Rory and Paris gets jealous. Forrester and his fucking moronic stupid gifts. Rory has no friends her own age. The New: Stupid fucking quarter on a string bracelet is seen for the first time. We learn Rory's birthdate and Miss Patty's full name. Deliciously Nostalgic References & Sightings: Old school Apple I-Book computer.
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whatladybird · 4 years
I think dean/cas vow exchange would be like in jane the virgin where they’re literally too choked up to read out loud so they just pass their pieces of paper to each other to read silently while everyone watches them and occasionally they look up at each other to smile 
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laf-outloud · 2 years
I found it interesting that JoJo went on IG Live and at least one of the questions he answered was whose idea it was for the party. He's sitting there prevaricating over the fact that it was everyone's, but you could tell he was trying to absolve the Ackles from that cringefest. As if they weren't in a party store earlier that day picking up supplies.
Right? I saw that clip from JoJo and it was like he was thinking through how to not throw them under the bus as he was answering. "It was ALL of us, we totally allllll wanted to celebrate a fictional character most of us don't know!!" like, nice try but Jensen made sure he got pics AT THE PARTY STORE lol. He legit asked the girl if she wanted pics like he wanted to make sure we knew he was with his wife in public lol.
Poor JoJo. They shouldn't even be in the position of trying to excuse a mid-life crisis. And all of the videos from that night show Jensen being pretty excited about celebrating Dean and seeing Dean on screen again. I wouldn't be surprised one bit if the idea came from the Ackles.
But if you really want to laugh, watch Tom during each of the videos he appears! His expressions alone are worth it!
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Fic Masterpost
Clace - Clary/Jace 
- “Clary makes Jace wear a T-shirt that says “Clary’s Husband” 
- Sick!Jace, Comforting!Clary
- Clace at a Costume party, Clary gets bitten by a vampire that isn’t Simon-
- Jace watches Disney movies with Clary 
-  Clary loses her memory 
- Jace takes care of a hungover Clary 
- Clary and Jace on New Years Eve 
- Clace in the snow 
- Clary normal no longer trying to hurt Jace 
- Clace breaks up and Sizzy and Malec help them get back together 
- Clace get drunk together and goof off, they go to sleep and wake up together
- Jace gets hurt in battle, they kiss/cuddle 
- Clace’s daughter dating a boy and wanting to go to a school dance 
- “I don’t know anything for certain anymore except that I love you” 
- “I said I was sorry” 
- Miscommunication: Clary tries to surprise Jace, Jace thinks she’s breaking up with him 
- “Jace, I said no!” 
- Jace picks a fight with vampires, Clary joins the fight (Warning: major character death) 
- Clace/ and Clary/sebastian: Clary and Sebastian meet up over custody of their daughter 
- Clace babies, happy times - Fluff 
- Pregnancy gone wrong, Dark!Sebastian, Clary turned evil 
- Clace’s first baby 
- Isabelle takes Clary shopping at Victoria’s Secret and Jace snoops in her bag afterwards 
- Clace roadtrip (Part 1 and 2) 
- Clace / anti-sebastian - Part 1 and 2
- Clace - Clary is raped by Sebastian and Jace finds out from someone else 
- Clace’s baby’s first Christmas 
- Clary and Isabelle go shopping & Clace 
- Jace surprising Clary for her birthday 
- Fluff - Clace cooking 
- on a hunt they have a close call and Jace proposes 
- Ball in idris, fun times, bonus steamy kiss 
- Clary goes to a nightclub, and some guy gets too touchy, Jace saves the day 
- Jace after a fight with Clary 
- “Draw me like one of your french girls clary” 
- Jace gets hurt and almost dies, Clary is frantic and scared 
- Clace argues over clothing 
- Clary is cornered by demons and Jace saves the day
- at the beach  
- Clary gets scared during a thunderstorm and Jace comforts her 
- Clary has nightmares about sebastian, Jace comforts her
- Clace’s kid brings home her first boyfriend 
- Clary’s been depressed for a while , Jace comforts her 
- pregnant!Clary, overprotective!Jace 
- Clary gets captured by a rogue vampires and tortured for information - Jace saves the day 
- Jealous!Jace reacting to Clary seeing another guy 
- “I miss you, I’m on my way home. Lets cuddle” 
- “I’m not asking, I’m telling. Marry me.” 
- Sebastian tries to do stuff to Clary
- Sick clary, frantic jace 
- Clary gets jealous of a new shadowhunter who saved Jace’s life 
- Intense Clace moment
- Jace acting like a jerk to Clary then apologizing 
- vulnerable Jace, comforting Clary 
- Jace worried about an injured Clary 
- Clace kids - Maxxi has a younger sibling 
- Clace’s daughter gets a fanboy, protective daddy Jace 
- Cold winter day, hot chocolate and cuddles 
- Clace baby & Beach day 
- protective Jace not letting Clary come with him 
- comforting Clace about Clary’s future 
- Clace wedding
- Clary wants a cat  
- Clace’s daughter as Sizzy’s flowergirl 
- Sad Clary about rumours going around about her in school 
- Clary about to go hunting 
- Playful fluff - truth or dare 
- Jealous Jace about a guy who talks to Clary 
- Jace comes home from a long trip 
- “Wake up Jace” - Fluff 
- “Is that my shirt?” 
- Drunk!Clary, Jace taking care of her, “that’s the cheesiest pick up line I’ve ever heard” 
- Clary saving Jace 
- Malec, Clace, and Sizzy take a beach day 
- Malec’s baby’s first day at a shadowhunter school 
- Malec baby, she has heterochromatic eyes with one cat eye like Magnus and one blue eye like Alec 
-  Malec babysitting Clace’s kids 
- Malec, Sizzy, Clace - all on a group date 
- Magnus proposing 
- Malec’s adopted baby and her first day at home with them
- Clace, Malec and Sizzy are married with kids 
- Simon outlives everyone around him 
- Clace, Malec and Sizzy all together for Christmas 
- Sizzy shopping day, Isabelle dragging Simon around 
- Sizzy/Clace double date 
- Simon dying in Izzy’s arms
Wincest - Sam/Dean
- fem!soulless!sam remembering loving Dean and watching him with Lisa 
- born fem!sem weecest 
- insecure!Dean, comforting!Sam
- Weecest, Dean visits Sam’s dorm and are spotted during sexy time
- Sam finds Dean’s amulet 
- Christmas Eve for the boys through the years (8-18)
- Present giving weecest 
- “Dear santa” - Dean
- “Dear Santa” - Sam
- “I don’t think this is going to work, Dean” 
- Dean’s time at Sonny’s in Sam’s POV 
- Weecest: Dean cutting Sam’s hair because it’s getting too long 
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luxshine · 3 years
Cis Straight Guy watching Supernatural UPDATE!
He has finished season 10, and is now starting season 11.
Once again, proving that he IS the one fan the CW desperately wanted? He actually found the ending of season 9 SURPRISING. As in, he wasn't expecting Dean to become a demon -which given how much he insisted SPN was predictable in the first seasons? is quite a laugh.
He also thought Cole was a "really interesting character" which, again, proves he was the demography the CW wanted. To think, he only watched it because I, the demography the CW kept insulting, recommended it to him.
He has a very love-hate relationship with Rowena. On one hand, he finds her incredibly attractive as she is JUST his type. On the other, he hates her because she's a manipulative witch who is only in things for her own benefit. So yeah, love-hate for now.
Wants to yell at the writers for killing every single female character he loves and has declared he will never love a female character in SPN again after Charlie's death who, in his words, should've just left for Oz forever if they wanted her out of the series.
But of course, loved Dark-Charlie.
Called Claire "a mini Dean" and asked if she accidentally called him Dad on the bloopers.
I might send him the "My two dads and uncle Moose" image.
He STILL claims he doesn't ship Destiel, but asked if Cas was jealous of Crowley and his summer of Love with Dean (And well, you saw the image he made in the last update, right?)
Is still angry they killed Death.
Informed me Sam is an idiot who can only do idiot things. I think he's angrier that he gave Rowena the book because that led to Charlie's death, rather than being angry about the Darkness.
because of COURSE he found The Darkness hot. But he thought they shouldn't have revealed she was Amara the baby right away.
Loved Crowley's orgy. In fact, he still is Team Crowley except for the time when he went "soft". When Crowley does that, now he calls him Fergus.
But the funnies thing this update? Well, back in season 2 when the anti-possession tattoos were introduced, and he was still riding high as a Dean fanboy (he is still, even if he rumbles about Amy from time to time), I asked if he'd get one, since he likes tattoos. His reply? "Look, I like the series, but I'm no fangirl. I'd never get a Supernatural tattoo".
Today? He asked me if I could get him a clear image of the Mark of Cain since he's going to tattoo it on his forearm.
Of course, I asked him if I could call him "Supernatural Fangirl"
He laughed, said yes, and of course said that Cain was cool and he shouldn't have died (I absolutely agree).
Oh, he also replied to Misha's facebook post about Castiel's birthday with a "Hi, mishamigo!" which, a bit late to the party as I don't think we've used that since Season 7 but... Well, he IS the CW fan who got here late to the party. Also, I think that officially makes him a minion, no?
He also asked me who was "that kid on the promos" (Talking about Jack in Season 15 promo). I didn't tell him, but man, sometimes is hard to keep him unspoiled as he watches!
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jonbernthalslut · 4 years
some destiel and general spn headcanons for ya
dean listens to katy perry. one day he’s got teenage dream blasting in the kitchen while he’s cooking and he’s singing ‘put your hands on me in my skin tight jeans’ and cas just taps his shoulder and goes. ‘dean. you don’t wear skinny jeans.’
they don’t talk about crowley. not any of them. he was confusing and murderous and a little evil and for some reason they considered him family for a long time. they don’t talk about how he died for them but there’s a note in a drawer somewhere that just says ‘goodbye boys’ with a little heart
cas and deans wedding rings are simple. deans just a silver band and castiels a simple black one
claire and jack argue over who gets to be the flower girl
dean says he likes black coffee and forces himself to drink it most of the time out of necessity but cas and sam know he likes a lot of cream and sugar and cas makes it for him every morning
it takes longer this time for castiel to get out of the empty. almost an entire year to the day (and no there’s no stupid fucking rusty nail) but the only way he gets out this time is bargaining. he plays the only chip he’s got left, mortality. castiel goes home human. when the deal is struck the empty only says oke thing before sending him back. ‘you are never to return to this place’
cas gets an anti possession tattoo
jack is still god so they don’t see him as much but he comes home for birthdays and holidays and sometimes just when he misses his dads and uncle
when castiel comes back it resembles the last time a lot. he calls dean from the closest pay phone to the bunker after hitch hiking his way there and dean goes alone this time.
dean just puts his hands on castiels face and just soaks him in for a second. this time he doesn’t question that it’s him he just knows. he knows is his angel. ‘dean,’ castiel starts and dean just smiles and shushes him. ‘i love you too.’ is all dean says and he really always that he would be the one to kiss cas first but he was wrong. because his love being returned was the only thing cas needed and dean is being pulled in and kissed.
they stop hunting. they help train some new recruits and they come when claire or jody calls them but they stop.
sam wears a man bun when he works out don’t let him lie to u he does it
jack slips a few months before he becomes god and calls dean dad and dean just freezes for a second. it’s just them in the kitchen and jack has a bowl of cereal but he’s too tired to get the milk so he goes ‘dad can you give me the milk?’ and dean freezes for a second and gets the milk and pours it and kisses his hair. ‘thank you’ ‘anytime kiddo’
cas likes to steal deans t shirts. like. it’s all he wears when he gets back and dean even buys him new ones and cas jus goes ‘i like yours better’
when sam sees castiel and dean walk into the bunker after cas comes back he doesn’t even notice they’re holding hands. well. he does but it just seems so natural he doesn’t blink twice and just pulls cas into a hug ‘good to have you back man’
claire likes to come over with kaia and alex and jody sometimes and have big slumber parties with her weird kind of dads
castiel watches crime shows and literally always figures out who the killer is before the cops do and dean finds it so funny
castiel has scars on his back where his wings wouldve joined his vessel and they hurt like a bitch so dean just rubs aspercreme on them and gives him ibuprofen and cuddles with him till he feels better
the trench coat is really just a beloved memory hanging in castiels closet
when cas first came back they didn’t share a room immediately instead castiel moves in across the hall but he finds its reallt hard to sleep alone so he just ventured to deans room and hears him snoring aand just gets in bed
dean calls castiel angel, darling, baby, babe and a million other pet names
castiel trting to prank sam on april fools is like. literally so dumb he draws the shittiest possible clown on a napkin and gives it to sam in an envelope and sam jumps anyways and dean DIES laughing
cas watched broke back mountain
cas brings in any and every stray animal he can possibly find and he doesn’t even mean to find them they just come up to him
rowena sends weird little gifts on the boys birthdays and literally who does she know their birthdays
she sends a letter on the anniversary of crowleys death. it says ‘thank you for taking care of my ferguson. he loved you boys and you gave him the family i never could. much love my boys. stay safe.’ with a little heart
castiel heads the john winchester hate squad
eileen and sam get married and they have this big sweet white wedding and move into this big house and have two kids and absolutely don’t name any of them dean
one day jody is on a case and a vampire kills the parents of this little baby girl and she just. cant fathom putting this poor girl into the foster system so she reports the baby dead and drives to the bunker
dean opens the door with sleep ruffled hair and sleep pants with one leg hiked up because it’s three in the goddamn morning and why does jody have a baby
dean doesn’t want to at first. he never saw himself as a dad but jack changed that. thing is he doesn’t know what to do with a baby. but cas gives him that look he gives him when he finds a stray and now they have five cats and three dogs so he knows how this will go
they name her charlie and buy about a million parenting books that only cas reads and spoil her rotten
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ship-enthusiast · 3 years
To All The Boys x Supernatural Drabble
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Based off this moodboard (credit goes to the original creator)
Destiel High school AU
1k words
Castiel was the standard blueprint of the shy artistic kid who always sat in the back of the class. He always followed the rules and kept his head down to avoid drama and confrontation. He was a bit of a teacher’s pet since he sometimes sucked up to them and was genuinely interested in his studies which were seen as taboo to other students. He was seen as a polar opposite to his older brother, Uriel, who was the school’s star quarterback and dated one of the most popular cheerleaders named Hester. Uriel might have been the adopted one in the family but he was never treated like it. Castiel was often picked on and teased by his brother and his cronies but the teachers never reported or did anything because they were some of the best athletes on their sports teams. 
Despite being so anti-social, a fairly large group of students liked Castiel because he was helpful and answered questions for them in class when they didn’t know the answers. Even if a lot of people liked him, he only had two people in his life he really could’ve called a true friend, and they were Anna Milton and Balthazar Roche.
Anna was a vibrant girl with a character-like personality who loved to paint and wore eccentric patterned clothing. She had perceptive hazel eyes and bright red hair that drew a lot of attention to her since it wasn’t the most common in these parts of Kansas. Balthazar was almost the complete opposite with his broody personality and generic bad-boy attitude but also enjoyed the arts and played in the marching band as a sousaphonist. The only reason he and Castiel met in the first place was that they were neighbors since they were toddlers. Castiel was the quietest of the odd trio and was often seen reading a novel or sketching something abstract in his notebook. Nobody knows what he actually draws or if he’s even any good because no one has seen in it and frankly, they weren’t really interested.
Castiel’s father was definitely the conservative type and the only time he was home was to praise Uriel on winning a game, shaming “loose” women, and reprimanding Castiel on his apparently useless hobby. Although he never had positive exposure in his childhood, Castiel always felt different from other kids. Maybe it started when people kept saying Castiel was so lucky to be close to a babe like Anna but he didn’t in the way they were implying, or when he kept rewatching the Harry Potter franchise to see Domhnall Gleeson as Bill Weasley. Maybe he knew when he was in elementary school and was obsessed with collecting One Direction CDs or even before that. All that mattered was that he was different and that was bad.
Whenever Castiel had feelings for someone that was so intense and he didn’t know what to do, he would write them out as letters. He knew that no one else would listen and was too afraid the only two people in the world who cared about him would be scared off or disgusted. His first letter was addressed to Harry Styles from the now broken-up One Direction from when he was in elementary school. He had thought he was in heaven the first time he heard his voice and had loved the British singer ever since. 
The second letter was addressed to his own neighbor and best friend, Balthazar Roche. Castiel discovered the feelings he held for his friend was in fourth grade when a kid stole his beloved notebook and Balthazar retrieved it and didn’t even look inside although he had always pestered Castiel for a peek. At first, he thought the feelings were purely platonic until he realized he felt the same around Balthazar whenever he saw his Harry Styles poster in his bedroom.
The third letter was addressed to the ever-popular playboy, Dean Winchester. His family had moved away from Kansas when Castiel was too young to remember but they moved back during Dean’s middle school years. Castiel hadn’t thought much about the Winchester until they were paired for a group project and Dean revealed his love for old western movies. He had been teased for his minor obsession but Castiel thought it was endearing and told Dean to never change. Later that semester, Castiel attended Anna’s 12th birthday party and they all wanted to play spin-the-bottle. The bottle landed between Castiel and Dean, naturally, but Castiel didn’t want to kiss him because he knew Anna had a huge crush on him. That didn’t stop Dean, however, who claimed it was “just a game” and Castiel had his first kiss that night. Anna did not think it was “just a game” so the two got into a huge fight and hadn’t been friends since. Castiel decided to forget about Dean Winchester after that, even when he and Anna started dating in high school. 
The fourth letter was addressed to K-pop sensation, Kwon Jiyong, also known as G-Dragon, from the Korean boy band Bigbang. Castiel loved how expressive Jiyong was and the trends he set. The fifth and final letter was addressed to Gabriel Speight Jr. from Mock Trial. The two had met in competition once and tied for an award. The two split the title and became fast friends. Due to a distanced friendship, they didn’t talk as often as they did in middle school and drifted apart.
Castiel kept all the letters in a green box that he hid under a loose floorhead in his bedroom under his dresser where they only saw the light of day if he added a letter. Seeing as it was a childish hobby, Castiel decided to stop entertaining his daydreams but kept the letters as a memento of his childhood. They were never supposed to be let out of the box, nonetheless read by eyes other than his. That is until Uriel stumbled upon them and sent them away.
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talesmaniac89 · 4 years
Dean Winchester Fluff - Masterpost
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A list of some of my more fluffier oneshots and short series with Dean Winchester x Reader. No real angst or tears here. Just fluff! (More oneshots and some longer pieces below the “Keep Reading” line.)
Just Fluff - Oneshots
A Day Off:  Your stubborn boyfriend never takes a day off, even when he’s feeling under the weather. Luckily Dean Winchester has you around to make sure he takes care of himself.
Building a Nest:  Your worry as Dean starts acting a little out of character after you find the Men of Letters bunker.
Date Night: Dean and you decide to confuse a bunch of strangers as you test out some bad pickup lines at a fancy jazz bar.
Morning Person: You try your hardest to get the sleepy hunter out of bed at a reasonable time as he tries just as hard to keep you there, snuggled up to him.
Pickup Lines: Dean tries to stump you, the self-proclaimed champion of anti-pickup lines, with the cheesiest, cringeworthy lines he can think of.
His Rock: Dean finds comfort in the your arms after a hard day. (Fluff with a bit of angst as you comfort Dean)
Tag, You’re It: The reader challenges Dean to a round of laser tag, to see who’s really the best shot.
Try Not To:  Dean challenges you to a try not to laugh challenge using pickup lines, but for you the challenge turns into a bit more of a try not to fall deeper in love with the lovable dork.
Secret Love:  You’re secretly dating a tattooed Dean behind Sam’s back since Dean, who normally tries to act rough and tough, doesn’t want anyone to know he can be soft-hearted.
Stupid Choices:  You’re angry and worried after Dean gets arrested during a hunt and you has to bail him out. Dean on the other hand seems strangely amused with your anger.
The Raid: You and Dean go on a Halloween candy raid to stock up your sugar arsenal.
This is Halloween:  The Winchesters and you have to go undercover at a Halloween party to catch the demon they’re hunting. Things turn strange as the clock strikes 10 pm.
The Costume Party -  Dean and you go on a hunt at a costume party, where Dean has to deal with his jealousy as the guys can’t seem to keep their eyes off of you.
Unexpected:  You find out you’re pregnant and go to break the news to your boyfriend, Dean.
Stupid Cupid: Dean tries to keep your from joining them in an interrogation of a Cupid. (There’s a bit of an argument, but mainly just fluff)
Flexibility:  Dean walks in on you doing yoga and challenges you when you’re steadfast in it helping you be a better hunter (hints at smut to follow nothing explicit).
In the Neighbourhood:  Dean shows up out of nowhere after being gone for 8 years, the day before the your son’s birthday. A son who also happens to be Dean’s.
Meet the Family: When your hunter family invites you over to meet your boyfriend, Dean, he manages to make things slightly awkward with a small misunderstanding.
Daddy’s Little Girl: Your adoptive father, Bobby, tells you that Dean and Sam are coming to visit. You’re overjoyed, as you secretly love Dean Winchester. (A bit of Dean not feeling good enough and a tiny argument.)
Fluffy Series with Happy Endings:
Logged in: Sam tells Dean and you about a new online community for hunters and you both scoff at him. But, you secretly use it and end up drawn to each other. (Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 |  Part 4 |  Part 5)
Night at the Museum:  A Greek god of alcohol messes with the your judgement during a hunt, causing both Dean and you to act like drunken fools. (Part 1 | Part 2)
Well, Hello There Stranger -  Sam informs you that Dean’s suffering from temporary memory loss and has forgotten you. Yet, when you meet your boyfriend, it isn’t the cold eyes of a stranger that meets yours.  (Part 1 | Part 2)
For more of my stories, check out my full mobile masterlist here, for more Dean as well as stories about the rest of the SPN boys.
Looking for something a little steamier? Check out my SPN Smut Fic Masterpost (18+ and NSFW, please heed the warnings)
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donvex · 4 years
Ok hold on, I hate to do this to you but can you explain what is going on in the supernatural fandom? Feel free to ignore this if you want! But I am very confused
LMAO no no don’t be sorry! tbh i am still shocked anyone not in the spn fandom follows me. what do i offer you in these trying times. am i a window into the madness
so, essentially - the finale ended terribly, as we all knew, three months ago. dean died and went to heaven. on january 24th, dean’s birthday, we all threw him a big birthday party like he deserved. some people threw it in heaven, some people threw it on earth because what do you mean he died, he’s still alive.
chad lindberg, who played the character ash on spn for something like 5 episodes in the very early seasons like ten years ago, posted on twitter too. I believe Samantha Ferris did too, who played Ellen around the same time. Their characters were tied to a bar called the roadhouse, so they posted several tweets over the course of the day talking about how dean’s birthday party @ the roadhouse in heaven was getting crazy. we ate it UP
and then. THEN. he implied he would continue, something would be happening on valentines, and that the roadhouse would be open for bookings of events and weddings. i know an anti was like “they think youre doing a destiel wedding, you better set them straight” and his response was “uh no... you did NOT get the memo” SO. we’re expecting more tweets for the destiel wedding and we are ALL looking forward to it. yes its been ten years but they were on spn theyre actors and its just validating that like. YES EVERYONE SHOULD BE A HELLER YES DEANCAS WERE IN LOVE
and so we’re all posting wedding stuff (:
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yuiopiklmn · 3 years
Angel Chapter 2
Word Count: 2380 words
Summary: Angel is about a girl with a secret that she doesn't even know about. Bobby Singer found her when she was only a couple months old. She has an awkward reunion with two of her childhood best friends, and then she is stuck on a hell of a ride till the end of the road.
Pairing: Unknown
Characters: Addison Singer, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Bobby Singer, and John (only mentioned)
Warnings: Language and some sexual themes
Need to catch up:
Chapter 1:
Sammy’s POV
“That was fun, it's been a bit since I’ve seen Addi,” I said while smiling brightly.
“No it wasn’t, what the hell was that about,” Dean said angrily as we walked back to the car, “I mean….Addison is here, she’s doing the family business, and she is looking really good doing it.” He slowly smirked while opening his door.
“Dude seriously-” I began before he cut me off.
“What, Sammy?! You know what happened and I miss our relationship and maybe she does too.”
“Dean, she wasn’t wearing the locket you got her, she barely looked at you or even acknowledged you, and you have probably moved on with more one night stands than I can count. Shouldn’t that mean something to you?” I said, inflamed, as the engine roared to life.
“What does it matter to you?” Dean questioned as we drove to town.
“While for starters I kept my promise to Bobby and protected her throughout high school and college, and I was with her while she experienced heartbreak. I know more about her than you do.”
“You know about that Da-” This time I cut him off.
“What about Dad this time, Dean? You can’t use that excuse. I know it’s bullshit that you had these plans and Dad canceled them because he wanted you to go hunting.”
“That’s not wha-”
“No Dean! I have had it with that excuse.” I was almost shouting now, ”You hurt her and that is all there is to it, okay! We will finish this hunt, get me to my interview, and life will go back to normal,” I breathed out.
“Fine, I guess.” Dean rolled his eyes and continued to drive until we reached town to interview Amy.
Meanwhile, Addison just got to her hotel and parked
Addi’s POV
“I can’t believe this! Sammy and I are going to hunt together again just like old times! I’m so excited, but what about Dean? I mean why does he have to be here in the first place?” I asked myself while sitting in the parking lot of the hotel. I pushed my hair back in frustration. I glanced at my glovebox, and opened it while pulling out the small box. Shoving it into my pocket, I quickly went inside to get out of the cold.
The hotel had a musty smell, I would do anything to sleep in my car and avoid attention if it wasn’t so cold outside. I got a key and walked to the designated room. I opened the door and sighed as I fell back onto the bed. I waited for a little bit before taking the small antique box out of my pocket and stroking it with my thumb, staring at the grooves until I collected the courage to open it. I sat up and stared at the inside. There was blood-red felt lining the inside, and on a small pillow slept my locket. I used my shirt to clean off some of the dirt and dust, and I stared at the letters engraved on the front, A + D. I flipped it in my hand to see the anti-possession symbol on the back. The locket was made of metal, and the engravings were sloppy and you could see where the knife Dean used to write, scratched the metal.
“Why did you break me so much?” I opened the locket and flipped through the 5 photo slots. The first two had family photos: me, the boys, my dad, and John Winchester. The second was taken on April 23rd. It was prom night, with me my date, none other than Dean Winchester himself. My eyes started to water as dark blue flashed in my eyes, then an angry red. I decided to put the silver locket on for the memory, texted Sam the address, and passed out on the bed.
April 23rd, 1997, I smiled to myself as I read the circled date on the calendar. Today was the day my boyfriend of a year and a half, Dean Winchester, was going to take me to prom. He has been one of my best friends since I was 6 years old. He is two years older than me which is fine, but to some, it might seem strange that an 18-year-old is taking a 15-year-old to prom, but that’s because my birthday is in July and his birthday is in January, so it's not weird to us since I'm turning 16.
I went over to my closet and opened the door to find my glamorous dress. It was a dark blue that had some sparkle, off the shoulder sleeves, and was very long and flowy. I absentmindedly started to twiddle with my locket that he gave me for our first anniversary. I was so excited for tonight. I ran to the bathroom and made a lot of noise, apparently, because before I knew it my dad was standing in front of me with his arms crossed.
“Addison you are being quite loud and I’m trying to do research,” he said sternly.
“I know but I can’t help it, it's prom can’t you just stop researching you know everything already, and maybe help your daughter with getting ready.”
“You know I’m not the best at hair or makeup, I can’t really help you.”
“I know dad, but there are other things to do, like get the boutonniere for Dean maybe.”
“Okay I’ll do it, I'll be back in a few, I should get a navy one right.”
“It’s more cobalt/ royal blue.”
“Okay, I’ll go get your royal blue flowers, ya idjit.”
“I’m not the idjit here, I'm the one that knows the difference between blues.”
“Yeah, yeah whatever. I’ll go and get your flower thing.” He muttered as he walked back down the stairs.
While he was gone I was able to finish my makeup, which was quite neutral, nothing too special, and started to curl my hair. Soon I heard the door open and close and Bobby yelled up to me that he was home with the boutonniere. I finished my hair, and ran back over to my room, tripping on the way over to put on my dress. I was struggling with my silver heels as I heard the doorbell ring. Then I heard HIM. Dean, the man I am mesmerized by, while he was talking to Bobby. I smiled widely as I walked to the top of the stairs. I heard a conversation going on below about a promise to keep me safe or whatever. I was too excited to be bothered by the details. I slowly descended down the steps, watching my feet so that I wouldn’t fall. Right, when I got off the stairs and looked up I was met with the forest green eyes that I love more than the world itself. We both smiled at each other while inching closer.
“You look amazing Addi, you truly are one of a kind.” He said with an even bigger smile. His voice cracked a bit like he didn’t know if he should say it or not in front of my dad.
I blushed while I said, “You look so...” I looked at Bobby scared that I might get in trouble, but he nodded showing he didn’t care, “so handsome Dean I could just kiss you right now.”
“What’s holding you back?” He said with a smirk on his face.
“My dad,” I whispered to him as my eyes glanced in my dad’s direction. He heard me, as clear as day, and turned to face the wall instead while letting out a disappointed sigh. We kissed, and it was one of my favorites so far. The love and excitement and-the...the moment was cut off with a cough from Bobby saying that was enough of that. We took pictures and I put on Dean’s boutonniere while he put on my corsage. As we were about to walk out the door I heard my dad call both of our names. We spun around to face him.
“What’s the plan kiddos because you have a curfew, Addison Singer?” He sounded mad like he didn’t want us to do anything which I doubt we would, buuuut we might.
“Well the dance itself starts at 8:30 pm, Bobby, and I was thinking of going to dinner, that's why I’m picking her up at 5 pm so that we can eat. I know her curfew is 11 pm sharp and I promise not to be late, and finally, the dance ends at 10:45 pm.” Dean said in a tone that shows that he must’ve practiced this, he clearly planned every detail including this speech.
“All I say is that you are back here either before 11 or at 11 on the dot. One more thing NO FUNNY BUSINESS Winchester, or you are dead! Hunted and killed by me because that is my daughter. It's a stretch enough that I’m letting you date her and take her to your prom, but I trust your dad and your family. Don’t mess this up, boy.” I looked at my dad pissed but scared before turning my head to Dean.
“Yes sir, no killing will be necessary.” He stood firm and then relaxed as he saw my face while he turned to face me. He linked his arm with mine and we walked out the door. Right when the door was closed I quickly said,
“Sorry about dad, he is super overprotective.” I facepalmed while he answered,
“I know, and don’t worry about it. I planned this all in my head.”
“I don’t think you planned the night correctly because the dance ends at 10pm.”
“I know I have stuff planned, sweetheart don’t worry about it.” I blushed at the nickname while looking down and then as I looked up I saw the impala.
“Your dad is letting you take Baby!” There was excitement in my voice.
“Of course babe she is my car now, my dad took another car on his little hunting trip.”
I got excited and ran to the door, but Dean beat our little race, that I didn’t know we were having, so that he could open the door for me. I got in while he closed the door and then he got into the driver seat. He put in our mixtape that had all of our favorite songs on it, and we just jammed all the way to the diner. Once we got there, Dean said his name for the reservation he had, and we got seated. Dean was hit on by the waiter and he completely ignored it while we continued eating. We finished eating and then left to get to prom since it was about to start.
When we got there, there was a long line to get in because of the ticket situation, but it went by fast and soon enough we got in. We got there and went to the dance floor and partied like animals. It was a magical night of laughter, smiles, slow dances, and a few kisses here and there. I absolutely loved it, but the night at the dance came to an end since we left early. Dean had other plans and I could tell by the look in his eye. The look he has had since the moment we started dating, the look he had the moment I walked down those stairs, the look he has had every time we are together. The look of lust. I may not know where we are going, but I know what we are doing.
We got to a little spot near nothing really except a couple trees. A song on the mixtape played and it was the very last song, a song we never got to. Things got heated pretty fast and let's just say that backseat is amazing in more ways than one, and Dean...DAMN SON!!!! He is truly something special. This was mine, as well as his, first time. I was shocked when he told me that because he is good. It is only 10:30 and we are back on the road. He never told me why, but I feel like something more was supposed to happen like there was more to this night. Before I knew it we were back at my house. We both went inside, Bobby wasn't around and I needed to freshen up, so that Bobby doesn’t get suspicious.
I ran upstairs and quickly went into my room, while tripping of course, and sprayed on some perfume while fixing my hair. Since I was upstairs I took off my shoes. While I was slipping off the second one I heard a familiar engine roar to life. I looked out my window and saw Baby’s headlights on. I was confused so I ran back downstairs and saw Sammy on the couch doing homework.
“Sammy? What are you doing here, and where is Dean?”
“He left with dad,” he went silent before looking up at me, “Did he not tell you he was leaving?”
“No he didn’t, but it's okay he will be back right?”
“I think so, but when dad goes away he isn’t back for a bit.”
I gave a fake smile, and I turned to go back upstairs before I heard Sammy say, “Don’t worry Addi, I will always be here no matter what, I promise you, just like we promised.”
I nodded while I realized what the boys promised to my dad at the beginning of the night, well what Dean promised clearly Sam gave his promise recently. I slowly made my way back up the stairs, and I heard Bobby’s voice say my name faintly. I was clenching my locket as I walked into the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and realized I was crying. I wiped my tears away, even though more kept coming. I whispered to myself, “Always and forever more like never.” I washed my face and changed out of my dress and into pajamas. I went into the covers and hid my head while holding my locket and crying silently to myself. There may be two Winchester brothers but only one knows how to keep a promise.
A/N: Still trying to work out a posting schedule. My editor is in AP classes, so she hasn’t had a lot of time to edit, so now I have to edit all of it. Sorry if this chapter seemed long. I changed the ending a bit from my original idea. I hope you liked it and I can’t wait to edit more since I have the next couple chapters written. I just have to edit them now. See you in the next chapter my bumblebees. Buh-bye!!!
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