#anti jared fans hate
hologramcowboy · 1 year
I usually stay far away from Twitter and fandom drama and I don't follow fandom groups but given the dehumanizing posts I've been seeing online, I am going on a fairly long rant, this is just my view, of course, so please discard it if not relevant to you:
The people making posts like these:
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are at the core of the bully mentality. You are dehumanizing a Human Being with the entitlement that you get to define how a negative experience affects them. You do not, in any universe, get to tell someone who has been affected by something at what level they have been affected. Simply because you are not them. Furthermore, you are biased and discriminating against Jared Padalecki because he is a celebrity. Jared is a human being first and foremost and, as we've seen in the past, he does do social listening. This means death threats and other cyber crimes do affect him, not to mention the very real stalking some of you do when he moves from country to country. You end up following him under his hotel or even worse situations.
This discussion happening within fandom should include him because he is a direct victim. Also, the intent to commit cyber crimes and sending death threats does not get cancelled out just because that person may or may not have read the thread/post. Do you get this? Do you understand that if your intention and energy is vile, whether the content reaches your target or not, your cyber crime is still in effect? "Jared is a big boy and he doesn't care". Really? In what universe would you be okay with receiving death threats, would your family love that for you? Oh, they would not? So why on earth would you say it is alright that Jared received death threats? Fans do affect an actor's psyche, actors live to bring you joy and when they see you go toxic and dangerous it does affect their psyche.
Aside from this, as mentioned earlier, some of you actually stalk him at cons and at different locations and do so with hateful intent. The gravity of your actions is what causes actors to hide in public, avoid open spaces, reinforce their security, have panic attacks and fear for their life. Yet here you are, online, claiming that it's all good because said person is a celebrity so who cares.
If you dislike Jared, that's a matter of taste and your business but if you dehumanize Jared to the point of denying the very real atrocious actions perpetuated towards him, then you are no different than the perpetrators. You are, in fact, the enablers so you are even worse. A bad intention or idea cannot form into action unless people enable it and you played a key part with your bias and lack of care.
Think of all that evil hitting your child or loved one or even yourself, is it still nothing now? Do you see how wrong it is to minimize the abuse people perpetuate? Jared is a kind human being, so he avoids getting into drama as much as he can but that doesn't mean he is not affected. Also, someone not being affected is never, ever, an excuse to abuse said person. It's pretty interesting how someone suddenly doesn't count as human in your eyes. Talking about the abuse Jared gets in no way takes away from the other victims, in fact, it provides evidence of the intent and maliciousness of the people who attacked those victims. So it is highly important to consider as well as discuss. If you actually care about the topic at hand and the people involved that is. If you actually cared about shifting paradigms and improving fandom experience.
Lastly, Jared does deserve an apology too, the behavior displayed towards him is inhuman, degrading and damaging. He's no different than all the other persons at the receiving end of atrocious behaviors. The fact that you cannot comprehend that shows you lack humanity and empathy. If this was you or a friend at the receiving end, you would do the right thing but because you resent Jared, you are trying to twist an important discussion to damage him further. Jared doesn't know you and never did anything against you yet you feel entitled to dehumanizing him.
Then there's this: The people who perpetuated these behaviors displayed them publicly as well, especially towards him, thus providing a horrible example for others to follow. If you really cared about resolving bullying you would know those were seriously damaging paradigms being disseminated online and encouraged. Those people felt entitled to tell others to end their existence and the reason this happened was because you chose to ignore it thinking "people are grown ups and they can defend themselves" and "that's a celebrity, I don't care". So you saw the very clear signs but ignored or encouraged. You enabled. Now you are trying to create drama centered on one of the victims instead of owning your part in all of that and working on ways to create healthier fandom experiences.
Let's look at this one:
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"We can attack Jared haters(or Misha haters or Jensen haters) on any other day of the week" Not only is this person directly admitting to being no different than those perpetrators, she is actually saying that attacking is what they do on a daily basis. Is that supposed to be the normal response? To attack? So bullying is the solution to bullying? Since when? Since when has mobbing people become the norm? Behaviors can be addressed without even remotely attacking someone. If you've created vicious cycles where you gang up on each other then that's only going in one direction, the same one those cult girls had.
My point is, please gain awareness and focus on creating healthy paradigms rather than on victim shaming/blaming, attacking whoever you disapprove of (same pattern those cult girls had, silo mentality and one sided views) and stop enabling the people who created such a negative impact within fandom by allowing them to display disempowering behaviors. Stop feeding into negative patterns and starts building healthy ones. Change starts with you and, whether you are aware of it or not, your choices affect others.
It is truly heartbreaking how people can twist their love for a show into hating actors and other people instead of using that passion to connect with like minded souls and create beautiful experiences together.
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laf-outloud · 11 months
After everything, Jared stans are the ones that still somehow have to prove why they think this guy is a jerk. Unbelievable.
I would think Jensen has proven that himself, and if he hasn't, his fans seem certainly willing to brag about it.
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thej2report · 4 days
Ok this pisses me off so much.
You pay thousands of dollars to go to a convention and then have the audacity to boo Jensen and Jared. You can clearly hear some female fan saying "Jensen" then start booing. Thankfully, the other fans started cheering loudly to cover it up. Like bitch shut your mouth! Be grateful he is even there this weekend. He worked all night long Friday night filming so he could make it there late Saturday afternoon to be able to sign autos and take photo ops with you today.
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sweet-sammy-kisses · 3 months
Eddie getting hate from the extreme and toxic BuckTommy shippers reminds me of the hate Sam gets from the extreme and toxic Destiel shippers. Ryan and Jared exist and the toxic fans can't handle that.
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thekarleffect · 2 years
Just saw this tiktok where this heller tried to act like jared is desperate to get on the boys
You know jared? The one who is executive producer on walker and its prequel walker independence and the main role on walker.
Yet this heller thinks he is desperate to get on the boys
But when someone suggested misha collins they were all "that would be so cool!"
Nothing about misha being desperate.
So according to them the actor who is ep on two show and the lead character in one of those two is desperate
But an actor who has one upcoming role and thats the only role he has had in 2 years
Isnt desperate?
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Anti Dean posts have become so interesting to me. The last post I saw was literally this:
Them: "Dean stans only stan Dean because they love/stan Jensen"
I go to look at the blog who posted this nonsense and sure enough, 92.8% of their posts are anti Jensen
The rest of their posts: Sam stan and Jared stan
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Girl, do you own a mirror?
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dotthings · 6 months
Anyone who continues the false narrative “Jensen hates Destiel” “Jensen is uncomfortable with Destiel”
While Jensen has made it abundantly clear he supports queer readings, he supports queer fans, and Destiel shippers, and he’s completely cool with it.
Anyone doing that isn’t a Jensen Ackles fan, full stop.
They need to get off my lawn.
This is aimed at certain dedicated Jensen stan accounts and Jared stan brosonlies alike. It’s all disrespectful, inane, hateful, and cowardly. They’re all cowards, because they don’t even have the guts to own their own hatred of a queer ship so they keep hiding behind Jensen, projecting onto Jensen, using Jensen as their hate flag.
Seeing Jensen continued to be dragged through the mud like this by the side that claims to respect him, while they use him like this, it’s painful. This is supposed to be part of Jensen’s base??? They treat him like trash.
This is not respect. This not being a fan. They’re eaten by their obsessive hatred for a queer ship and use Jensen for it.
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tsukiyo-7 · 7 months
At this point I really want someone to sit me down and explain to me in great detail and with actual sources every single instance that might have caused some fans to hate Jared, Jensen and Misha because I've been inactive in the fandom from the year 2013 to 2023 and in general I'm not the kind of person that pays much attention to the lives of famous people even when I follow them on social media, so I genuinely want to know what kind of fuck ups these three men have committed to grant such dislike from so many people (although I'm aware that you might be a saint and still have antis in this world because urgh, people so I tend to thread carefully when I don't know stuff for a fact).
Give me your best Tad talk, I'm serious.
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thefirstradiant · 1 month
Me when I’m not sure if I hardcore ship Wincest or just hate when destiel fans erase Sam/Jared
(destiel antis don’t go reblogging this, this is a pro Wincest AND destiel post)
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hologramcowboy · 1 year
lady, stop! because no one believes anything you say, everyone has already noticed that you are a hateful troll, I don't know if you noticed that no decent blog that is not a fanatic talks to you, in fact they think you are a laughing stock 😂 the only people listening to your litanies are some extreme Jared fans, who happen to be anti Jensen, they just validate your hate arguments because they hate Jensen and not because they like or believe in you
Awwww a little gaslighting and mobbing eh? Are you supposed to be an honorable Jensen fan? 🤣Also, just how dumb do you think other people are? Because, in my experience, people are pretty smart and theyhave the ability to filter information and check their facts. But that requires being in a different state than your current one.
Let me guess, the cool blogs for you are the ones that think Jensen is God, Danneel is dating Misha and other "magical" things? Thank you but I'm not here for their or anyone's approval, for that matter.
I stand confident in my experience and knowledge, whether you are aware of it or not, it actually exists beyond you and will continue to do so.
The reason you pick on Jared fans is because they have a healthy role model and you resent him. My blog is open to everyone and I don't differentiate people by who they like, I differentiate them by their characters. You, for example, have a trashy one and don't fit the energy of this blog but then again, you already knew that. That's why you're so angry, you know very well I make fine points and you just can't stand it.
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laf-outloud · 6 months
Looks like Walker airing and us getting Jared content is really riling up Mark. He is all over posts with his "jArEd Is A bAd AcToR jEnSeN iS cRiTiCaLlY aCcLaImEd" bs with the same handful of screenshots he always uses.
It hasn't worked before and it won't work now. That's what people like Mark never seem to understand. Instead, they spend all their time fighting against Jared like it's WWIII. What's the definition of insanity again? Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result? Well, Mark can continue to live his hate-filled, miserable, lonely life trying to take Jared down, but it's never going to work. Jared's going to continue to live his best life on and off screen.
As a reminder, Karma is a Jared stan.
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idontknow-1213 · 1 month
Reddit struggles to get their posts to anything above like 200 upvotes. That is a very small faction of the fandom. I’d hardly use that to win your argument. That’s why i keep bringing up twitter and tiktok, hell even tumblr. Where destiel trends on the daily.
That’s just the extent of it. You can’t argue facts. No one cares about anything other than Destiel on a large scale regarding the show now that it’s over. Destiel is the only thing that holds any relevance.
Anyways. I just send you anons because i like to, seeing that you’re a blog who runs an anti-account that can’t even get a note on a post. Whereas i can get thousands of likes and comments on a destiel post wherever i go. It’s fun on my side, lots of interaction and people to talk to. Celebrities who ship it. Rob and Rich talking about it on their podcast. Oof. I’m living the high life.
Also, Jared just said this last con that there’s no confirmed role on the boys yet, just that he wants to be in it. And he’ll never be as big as Soldier Boy, which is gonna be really embarrassing for him, because everyone is gonna see how bad an actor he is compared to Jensen. Huffing and puffing his way to that cbs role while Jensen continues to become an a-lister lol.
Look anon, I understood yesterday that you love me, but I'm sorry I don't date through social. 😞
Maybe in another moment of our lives destiny will bring us together....
But I'm sorry... Jensen an A-lister actor? Jack Nicholson, Marlon Brando, Clint Eastwood, Al Pacino, Robert De Niro... these are true A-lister actors... Jared and Jensen are at best C-lister. And also Jared was Dean in Girlmore Girls that's why he is popular outside the world of SPN.
I have 10 friends of my age who watch or have watched SPN, you know how many of them have tumblr or ships Destiel? Zero, they don't even know the ship, I think you forget that we are 8 billion in this world.
Well Jared is constantly huffing and puffing while Jensen is always talking with his Batman Voice and doing the model face. Sometimes he really looks like Derek Zoolander.
Are you really a fan of Jensen? I don't understand why you still insist with Destiel. You can like the non-canon ship but why are you trying to force it. You are saying the OG Wonder Woman ships it, Rich and Rob (I don't know why you care about the extras), while Jensen said that is never going to be true. It's like a person likes you but you hate them, and all you friend are insisting that you hang out with them even if you don't like it.
Rob and Rich do this because they are unemployed and need some fans for the podcast because is not doing well. It's all marketing, and you are not capable of see it.
Try to get out of the destiel bubble and apply what is happening, simplifying, to yourself.
With love to my first and best fan 😘
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lol-jackles · 1 year
do you really believe that jared is a better actor than jensen?
specially in the l few seasons?
his name is the first on the call sheet” you guys go around with this like it’s his saving grace , jennifer aniston’s name was the first but if it weren’t for characters like Monica and Chandler no one would have watched that show .
I don’t have anything against jared , but his fans are so bitter and they can’t praise him without belittling jensen,his acting, his looks, his wife, or even his a*s
body shaming him won’t make jared better.
I’m sorry you had a rough time with jensen’s bitter stans , but boy oh boy try seeing jared bitter stans talk about jensen (without engaging) with them , you could physically taste their hate
Jared is a character actor. People like to say character actors are "better actors" than personality actors, however there is a reason why character actors are usually not leads in movies or tv shows because most people actually prefer personality actors, which Jensen is good at. Jared is a character actor trapped in a leading man role.
Jared's first on the call sheet isn't a saving grace, it's facts, and it gets brought up more by Ackles Army than Jared fans. Why? Butthurts, Anon, all butthurts. You got to read this treasure. In the early days of SPN, AAs tried to downplayed first billings ....
AAs 2005: “The only reason why this Jared guy has first billing is because the ‘a’ in Jared comes before the ‘e’ in Jensen.”   
AAs 2007: "Jared only got first billings because he was better known thanks to Gilmore Girls."
AAs 2008: "Jensen is the real star, this credit order business only happened because of their agents, and Jensen's agent was asleep at the wheel."
AAs 2009: "Billing order is of no importance, both Jensen and Jared have top billings."
AAs 2011 through 2017: “Jared has top billings only because the ‘a’ in Jared comes before the ‘e’ in Jensen.”
Newbie fans: "But doesn't Ackles comes before Padalecki in the alphabet?"
AAs: "Shut up Jared stans! Why do you hate Dean so much?!"
AAs 2021: "Dean was originally supposed to die by the end of the 1st season, that's the only reason why Jared's name was first".
The bitter AAs hate that the first billing t hing because it was evidence of Jared’s success at an earlier age than Jensen’s.   The only reason why Jared’s fans bring up his first billing because they know how much it needles and aggravates the AAs who just won't let it go and keep bringing it up, if not more than the Jared girls do.
Jared fans stay in their lane when they're on a bash bender and don’t actively tag actors and their fans their hate. AAs (and Destiel hellers) aggressively and relentlessly tag Jared and his fans their hate. See the difference? AAs, minions, and hellers would go into Jared’s SM to send threats of violence and even death. Jared fans don't return the favor and stay out of actors' SM. Sure they’ll take screenshots to laugh about it in their own TL or blogs and tag it “anti”, but again they’re not sending their hate directly to Jensen. See the difference?
I've never body shamed Jensen what the hell are you talking about?
Whenever Anons tell me that Jared fans are just as bad as AAs and hellers, I always ask for receipts. I'm still waiting for them to pony up the receipts years later. Anon, you could be the first! I'll be right here waiting for your receipts of Jared fans sending public threats of violence and death to Jensen on twitter, intagram, and tick tock. You know your mission, now go!
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lightofraye · 3 days
"Um... you are clearly not online much, sir. Phew."
I mean yeah is is not online much, but you thinking he does not actually know what is going on then you clearly don't know him. Jensen has been subtly calling out on fandom shit for years, and you guys are just too stupid to realise it wen he is calling you out or anyone out.
"You guys".
Who is "you guys"?
The anti Danneels? The anti Jensens? The anti Jareds? Anti Mishas? I need context!
Wait. Nope. Stop right there.
Subtly calling out fandom shit. What's the loudest, if still minority?
Destiel fanatics. The hellers.
What's the second loudest, if still minority?
The Jared haters, precisely because in their mind, he's preventing Destiel from happening.
Thankfully the "We love Jared" fans are bigger in number. I mean... it's certainly why Jared had won people's choice awards after that one year Jensen did. Because Jared fans are more numerous. (Sorry, it's true.)
So what could Jensen potentially be seeing that is upsetting? The giant sized holes in his stories about family? About his wife? About the hell he's been putting up with? I hope he realizes there are people who actually give a damn as opposed to the AAs wanting their perfect Ken doll, and who don't give a fuck about his health and well-being. Who actually want him to pace himself and take good care of him because we care, as opposed to demanding him 24/7, like I've seen the AAs say.
Oh, and that there are true J2 fans out there, who aren't happy at seeing the Jared hate.
As for Danneel--well. That's on her, not Jensen. I don't subscribe to the concept that you have to love both people in a marriage. It's nonsense. Never happens in real life.
If Danneel wants positive conversation about her, maybe she ought to be a better person. A better wife. A better mother. If their kids are crying to Jensen that they miss him, that means it's bad at home. If there are people upset at how Danneel treats Jensen, maybe she needs to quit being a class F bitch and be a better person, period.
Oh, and trust me, fans are noticing that she's not doing well in terms of business given that the One Tree Hill reboot is being done without consulting the rest of the cast... just like the prequel. Two strikes. Joy and James just spoke out about how they weren't consulted about the reboot.
There's nothing to stan about Danneel. There's nothing good to stan about Misha.
There is good to stan about Jared. And in my humble opinion, there's good to stan about Jensen too.
You can't avoid negativity. It's around everywhere. Celebrities are accustomed to it. A wise celebrity would avoid it.
I only object when fans literally send death threats or wishes that the celebrity would die.
I don't do any of that. I would denounce it in a heartbeat if someone tried to claim they did it in my name. Many of the other blogs I follow are the same. @laf-outloud also stated correctly that if someone was sending Jensen death threats to let us know as we would absolutely report and block as well.
It's okay to disagree in an fandom. It's okay to have negative opinions about folks. I draw the line at outright bullying, death threats, and threats of violence.
I've already received several death threats and threats of violence from fanatical AAs and hellers.
Why do you think I kept anon asks off for a while?
Nice talkin' to ya.
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hi! this isn’t hate in any way but I’m just curious as to whether ur a full jared stan or sort of in the middle…? cuz I saw your pinned post and I wasn’t sure if you’re an anti jensen blog
Hey, anon!
Idrk. I think a Jensen critical is more accurate, I hate his fandom, but I don’t hate him — I used to be a huge Jensen/Dean girl but his personality just ain’t it (as I said in another post, the whole prequelgate really opened my eyes) and his fans put me off even less. I still like Dean’s character, I think I’ve just heavily separated the actors from the characters.
Ig if I had to label it, then I am a Jared Stan, I haven’t seen as much of a problematic side of Jared and Gen’s as I have Jensen and Danneel. If I had to list it, I’d say I’m:
Jensen CRITICAL, anti Danneel, deffo anti aas, anti cockles/hellers, sort of anti misha 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
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walkergirlsposts · 24 days
"Unfortunately, many of them don't even really hate Jared, but they are scared to get insulted by other Hellers."
I told you. In these days, I got 3 "hardcore" Cockles fan and I still haven't received any insult, if not from the usual one that got away. They are just enjoying the blog even if I wrote that is an ANTI-BLOG. They don't really hate Jared but they need to do it because "you have to" in that part of the fandom.I hope many of them will start to understand that they can still enjoy the protagonist and/or the actor and also enjoy their ship.
Yep. I even see quite a few on twitter going, "why do we hate Jared again?" The fact that they don't have individual thought is hilarious. They just want to be in a cult.
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