#anti season 2 of the shannara chronicles
Tag game: 10 characters from 10 fandoms
I was tagged by @hogans-heroes and my old laptop is working for 5 minutes on it's last legs so let's do this before it craps out again! God I gotta go way back in the earlier fandom days for some of these, I haven't been in a fandom since I was a teenager until MotA & Dune
1. Gale "Buck" Cleven (Masters of the Air) I would put Bucky as well but I can only choose one *cries* and I feel a complete kinship with this character and his mannerisms/traumas/personality etc.
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2. Paul Atreides (Dune/Dune Part Two) look, I know he's an anti-hero and drank the worm juice so he turned into a crazy dictator but mans went through a lot and became a bad-ass doing it
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3. Kiba (Wolf's Rain) do NOT get me started unless you want me a blubbering mess for a week straight
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4. Ryuk (Death Note)
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5. Stiles Stilinski (Teen Wolf) YES I was a Teen Wolf girlie.. sue me
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6. Klaus Mikaelson (The Vampire Diaries/The Originals)
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7. Arthur Pendragon (Merlin) still LOVE this character but can't help but get a visceral reaction when I look at him now because he looks like my ex. Actor has the same fucking first name too. Go figure. Sorry, boo (Arthur)!
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8. Wil Ohmsford (Shannara Chronicles) My obsession for Austin Butler I wholeheartedly blame for this one. He should be higher up on the list, but eh. Love him, he's an idiot tasked with saving the world. Dorky dumbass x 100 with the situational awareness of a 2 week old kitten.
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9. Triss (The Witcher: Wild Hunt Game version)
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10. Dean Winchester (Supernatural) Supernatural really dropped the ball in later seasons honestly, but I still love the earlier ones and the character. Him and Sam are just alternative universe versions of me and my best friend.
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I'm gonna tag: @avonne-writes @onyxsboxes @antiquitea @trashbag-baby666 if you guys feel like it and anyone else who would like to!
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witchofthemidlands · 6 years
The Shannara Chronicles
This is it. This is the day I finally let loose the rant. I’ve finally been pushed over the edge.
First things first I love The Shannara Chronicles. My favourite book in the world is The Elfstones Of Shannara and this adaptation has been so good that it is my favourite show besides Arrow. The acting is fantastic, the plot was amazing and there are some brilliant characters that are so complex and well crafted. The whole first season is just so aesthetically pleasing.
However, then we were given a season two and honestly, I was so excited. I couldn’t wait to see how they were going to tell the story from that point on. Which is when things started to go to hell.
Honestly, I could accept the devastating loss of Amberle as despite loving her character so much and feeling a deep connection to her character. I knew that she was always destined to become The Ellcrys due to the fact that I know The Elfstones Of Shannara inside out and believe me Amberle becoming The Ellcrys in the TV show was a happy ending compared to how grim it was in the book. I swear to god Wil and Eretria actually had to watch as The Ellcrys basically disintergrated Amberle piece by piece so she could form the new Ellcrys. It’s still the most horrific part of my favourite book which is why I am glad that the writers of Shannara decided to just have her step into the tree and become one with it. I was also fine with this because Poppy Drayton still appeared in season 2 as The Ellcrys. That was well done.
Poppy Drayton’s moments in season 2 were honestly probably some of the only redeeming features of the season as it just went downhill from there.
Bandon. Bandon sweetheart what the hell did they do to you? His storyline just made no sense at all that’s what! So he’s apparently ‘evil’ now. Yeah right the only darkness that Bandon was exposed to was when he was forcibly trapped in his own mind by The Dagda Mor. The Dagda Mor. Now, Bandon deserved so much better. I just still struggle to understand his storyline I really do. If in season 2 it was made apparently clear and been canon that a part of The Dagda Mor had lived on in Bandon and was possessing him having still got an evil hold on his mind. That would have been a lot more believable that what season 2 did to Bandon. I’m ending the Bandon rant there. I don’t want to think about what happened to him at the end...
Ander. Sweet, sweet Ander. How. How could they do that to him? How. I just... What happened with Ander broke my heart. He deserved more than that ending. He really did. He deserved so much more than what the second season gave him I mean the first mistake was putting him in a relationship with Catania. What even was that. That has got to be one of the most forced tv relationships in history and I’ve seen some pretty forced relationships on tv (Legends Of Tomorrow) (Wil & Mareth) I mean how? How did that even work out? To be fair I always thought it was incredibly unnecessary to kill the badass Commander Diana Tilton in season one. She was the only woman I could remotely see with Ander. Not Catania I mean what the hell? I’m guessing the writers just realised that the two did not have love interests and thought oh the smartest thing to do would be to put them together. No, it was not a smart idea. It was weird. However, the major issue with Ander is that someone actually thought it was a bright idea to kill the poor Elf off I mean seriously, who the legitimate fuck thought it was a good idea to kill him? I mean I swear to god that was one of the most pointless deaths I have ever seen on television in my life. I’ve come to the realisation that someone was probably most likely smoking something whilst choosing who to kill of in Shannara Season 2 because there was absolutely no reason whatsoever to kill Ander. Ander didn’t deserve that! He was one of the more complex and interesting characters in the whole show because Ander was real. He was flawed and he didn’t hide that he was a very realistic character who deserved so much more after everything he had been through in season one. After he had lost his entire family and the woman he loved. Ander deserved better, he really did I’ll let you all know that he didn’t even die in the books! He was one of those rare characters that actually lived! So why on earth did they feel the need to kill him in the show? His death brought nothing to the plot expect Mareth becoming Queen at the end. no one wanted that. I certainly didn’t. I just wanted King Ander. Was Mareth’s character seriously just created to replace Ander and Allanon’s characters? The only somewhat peace of mind I get when it comes to Ander is at least that he is at peace with Aine and Eventine now. Yet even still. King Ander Of Arborlon Deserved Better.
Wil. In the first season I loved and adored Wil Ohmsford he was a naive sweetheart and even though when it comes to Amberle I ship her with Allanon. I thought how they portrayed Amberle and Wil’s relationship was great. However, Season 2 Wil was just... honestly I don’t want to say anything too harsh as I love Austin Butler and Wil and he did an excellent job but Wil’s character just changed so much in season 2 and not just physically. I actually really liked his short hair it reminded me of Austin’s days in The Carrie Diaries. In season 2 Wil lost that spark he’d had in season 1 which is understandable seeing as he’d lost Amberle and that broke his heart and I could understand his depression from that and at first I was glad to see that his obsession for Storlock had gotten him to the place of his dreams but I slowly started to get annoyed with Wil when he began to blame Allanon for what happened to Amberle. Now I’ll warn you all now Allanon is my favourite, any character judges him and I get annoyed with that character. You should have seen my victory dance when Prince Arion was killed not once but twice in season 1. But seeing Wil be so against Allanon reallly upset me as Allanon has done nothing but try to do his duty to The Four Lands and try to protect Wil. Their friendship in the first season was lovely and honestly reminded me of early days Slade & Oliver from Arrow but the way he blamed Allanon for what happened to Amberle? That was not a good move. Amberle understood exactly what she had to do. She knew what her duty was an accepted it knowing the price. Wil starts blaming Allanon for all this and for not telling him earlier? Well I’m sorry Wil but whilst he may look like one, Allanon is not a god he cannot decide the fate of The Ellcrys for it and on the subjected of not telling Wil. Wil should remember that Amberle knew what she had to do but she chose not to tell Wil until the last moment. She did. That was her choice, not Allanon’s. So personally I do not think it was right of Wil to put the majority of the blame on Wil. Honestly, one of the best parts of season 2 was when Amberle basically roasted Wil in person for Wil’s lingering thoughts and feelings about what went down in the season 1 finale.
Mareth. When I first heard about this new character I was excited as she was a magic user and I immediately began to theorise if she’d be Allanon’s kid and I was happily surprised to find out that I’d guessed correctly when she revealed herself to be Allanon’s daughter. That first episode of season 2 I loved Mareth straight away she was headstrong, sassy and an all out badass. She also made harsh remarks about Wil. What’s not to love! However, when she suddenly ‘fell in love with Wil’ I began to lose interest in her because I was annoyed that she was just being made out to be another love interest for Wil. If Wil had spent the whole season getting over Amberle and finding his way back to Eretria slowly. I could accept that. That would have been good story tellling but putting him with Mareth? I just didn’t see that. The only reason I was interested at first because I thought haha Wil’s going to have to face scary ass Dad!Allanon but I didn’t even get that so nope. No interest what so ever in Mareth & Wil. It just felt increadibly forced and like ‘Wil has to be with someone so let’s choose the only female character not in a relationship’. The main reason I went off Mareth though is when I realised what her character was being used for and that was most likely to be Allanon’s replacement. Like, good luck with that and all. Malese Jow is an amazing actress and I love her and everything I’ve seen her in has been fantastic but, she’s not Manu Bennett.
Last but not least. Allanon. Now, Allanon is my favourite character he always has been ever since I read the books for the first time. I was ten years old when I first read The Shannara Chronicles. At primary school I had the job of sorting out books in our school library and seeing as I was always invisible I could stay in that library for hours and no one would even know I was gone and I did. I spent hours on that library reading the books I found on the high shelf. The Shannara Chronicles trilogy. Now, I was ten so I didn’t understand most of it. Not like I do now but the characters that I became attached to were Allanon and Amberle. Amberle was like a badass Disney Princess and Allanon was like Merlin. Kind and wise. Allanon was always my favourite from the very beginning. I always just pictured Merlin everytime I read Allanon and I felt a wonderful connection to Allanon’s Merlin like character. However, when I finished the trilogy. Allanon died in the final book and it broke my heart. I remember at the age of ten sitting in a chair crying when Allanon died. I’d felt so attached to that character. He’d taken all the characters on this wonderful fantasy journey. It was Allanon’s death that made me decide as a writer that I would never kill my main character because I could never put anyone else through the heartbreak I had gone through when my favourite character died. However, when Allanon died I came to this acceptance and told myself that if somehow one day there was ever a movie or a film of The Shannara Chronicles I would be prepared and fine and accepting when the eventually happened and Allanon died and sure enough when it was announced that there would be a tv show seven years later at seventeen I had remembered what I’d said to myself at ten and that I’d be prepared and accepting of Allanon’s death when it eventually happened. Then they cast him and all preparation went out of the window. Seeing as thanks to Arrow, Spartacus and The Hobbit, Manu Bennett had become my favourite actor. Initially it was a great thing. Despite not being exactly who I imagined as Allanon seeing as I always saw an old Merlin whenever picturing him in my head. My favourite actor was going to play my favourite book character can’t get much better than that but then I remembered. Allanon dies and if any of you reading this are Arrow fans and remember season 2 of Arrow when Slade was killed by the Mirakuru when he first had it you’ll understand what I mean. That scene traumatised me and he wasn’t even actually dead. He came back. I have rewatched Arrow hundreds of times but never that episode. For those of you who haven’t seen Arrow basically, Manu Bennett is very, very good at doing heartbreaking traumatic death scenes which is why when I knew he was going to be Allanon. All preparation I had for his eventual death went out the window and when it happened... I broke down crying exactly like I did when I was ten reading Allanon’s death yet it was a million times worse because it was actually happening on the screen. I just... I can’t even begin to describe my emotions surrounding that but I will explain my one of anger and that is due to the fact that he should not have died then! Not in the second season! I mean come on! It was trilogy for a reason! If they had done three seasons of The Shannara Chronicles, kept the stories similar to the books and had Allanon dying for Wil and Eretria and their kids at the end you know what? Fair enough. Fair enough but not like that!!! Not in the second season. Who the heck thought it was a bright idea to kill (in my opinion) the best character in the whole damn show. The best actor left and then expected it to get renewed? To be fair I’m kinda believing that when the writers went though with killing Allanon they probably thought well that’s not going to go down well. Let’s kill Wil to just to make things even more traumatic and horrific. The entirety of season two was just a tragic mess!
What annoyed me more was that they didn’t even use Allanon to his full potential in season 2. I swear he was in bed for most of an episode and barely in the first few (I don’t even want to think about him being tortured) the best thing he did was that awesome jump through the closing gates. That was badass! Now the lack of Allanon could have been due to the fact that Manu suddenly decided to return to Arrow which was just beautiful or because they just wanted to focus on Mareth and Wil seeing as Mareth was evidently intended to be Allanon’s replacement. The one redeeming thing they did was make the Warlock Lord Allanon’s emo doppleganger. That was cool and well done. I mean Manu VS Manu... I have very few words to describe how I feel about that. I was deeply satisfied I know that for certain as the more Manu the better but Allanon did not need to die at that point in the show. There was just no point for his demise at all and it just succeeded in reminding me of my childhood trauma of losing my favourite book character.
Allanon Deserved Better.
Allanon Will ALWAYS deserve better.
To conclude. The denial is strong. The Shannara Chronicles Season 2 simply does not exist. The first and only season of The Shannara Chronicles is the most spectacular season I have ever seen on tv.
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garashir · 6 years
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Chanel vs Walmart
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ibmiller · 5 years
Music Tag (which I proceed to break flagrantly)
Tagged by the lovely @incoherentbabblings  :)
1. Subway Feels - I’m not the world’s biggest Netflix Daredevil fan, but I do love a lot of the music from the show (the Defenders theme, for example, was a million times better than the show itself), and this piece is a really good use of the title theme for the third season.
2. The Plagues from Prince of Egypt - I just love the way Moses and Ramses battle musically, with callbacks to previous songs. When Moses sings “This was my home,” it’s incredibly powerful.
3. Can’t Help Falling in Love With You - primarily Ingrid Michaelson’s live version, which is my favorite (since I heard it first in the Like Crazy trailer - which film I have still not seen, but the music from the trailer still haunts me).
4. Song of Durin - I’m a sucker for Tolkien and acapella, especially ones that highlight bass male voices.
5. The Last Goodbye - I truly dislike the films as bloated and frustrating attempts to make the book something it was not, but this song was really lovely
6. Everybody Wants to Rule the World - Lorde’s cover of this song was first featured in a trashy but compelling show called The Royals, and I thought it was really appropriate and stick-in-your-head.
7. Until We Go Down - the theme song for the Shannara Chronicles TV show was much more interesting to me than the show itself.
8. Selina Kyle Suite - Dark Knight Rises, though a much inferior movie technically than The Dark Knight, is still much more fun and moving to me than the 2nd film. I just love Selina’s theme. (For someone who doesn’t actually like Hans Zimmer that much, this list contains a lot more Zimmer than expected)
9. Black Cat theme - from the PS4 video game soundtrack, by John Paesano, who also composed the Netflix Daredevil soundtrack. I have not played the whole game, but I adore the entire universe that the game created, including the tie-in novel and comics, but the music was especially well done. And also I apparently like cat burglar anti-heroines.
Tagging only if they feel like it, @lies @freenarnian
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saintdollyparton · 7 years
Meet the new characters in season 2 of The Shannara Chronicles: Lyria (Eretria’s badass love interest), Mareth (an incredibly powerful magic user), Riga (leader of The Crimson, the anti-magic terrorist group), Garet (the weapons master/bounty hunter), and Queen Tamlin (the ambitious and ruthless Queen of Leah).
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meridianrose · 7 years
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This is a multiday post, under the cut are my entries for Day 1 - 8
Day 1 Why you're participating in Snowflake
Day 2 Favourite memory about fandom (Legend of the Seeker, People's Palace, landcomms)
Day 3 Rec fanworks you did not create (5 x au fics in 5 fandoms)
Day 4 Create a fannish wishlist (more comments for everyone, be nicer, create more, I can haz art pls)
Day 5 Rec a fannish or creative resource (scripts, screencaps and promo pics, image hosting)
Day 6 Leave feedback (I'm always doing the thing)
Day 7 Create a love meme (please leave comments/gifs)
Day 8 Share a piece of canon (Starz shows and how I fell truly in love during S2 moments, Da vinci's Demons, Black Sails)
  Day 1 In your own space, talk about why you're participating in Snowflake and, if you’ve participated in the past, how the challenge has affected you. What drew you to it? What did you take away from it? I'm assisting with mod duties this year and this is what I wrote for my introduction there: I've been in fandom a long time. I've seen some good changes and some not so good. Lately in some places there's been a lot of negativity in fandom and overall it seems there's been a steady decline in interaction. For me fandom is about the joy of connecting with other fans, discussing, creating, consuming - and also commenting on fanworks of all kinds. I'm hoping Snowflake Challenge will give us all a positive boost and encourage us to focus on the good and to rediscover the community side of fandom. And because I'm assisting with mod duties I'm seeing a lot more of the content being produced and its amazing and heartwarming to see people sharing their personal stories and how fandom has helped them, talking about their passions, sharing their favourite fandoms and resources and fanworks. It's wonderful to see so many journal entries and activity! Day 2 In your own space, share a favorite memory about fandom: the first time you got into fandom, the last time a fanwork touched your heart, crazy times with fellow fans (whether on-line or off-line), a lovely comment you’ve received or have left for someone. Legend of the Seeker. This is one of my longer and more active fandoms. The peoplespalace was where I felt very welcomed and encouraged and I wrote a lot of fanworks and participated in a lot of the activities there. I miss the Darken/Cara/Rahl family side of the fandom a lot. There was also legendland a landcomm which ran for many years – we even had a reunion battle last year which was nice! I wrote so much fic, made icons and other graphics, even fanvids. I tried to do every challenge where possible. I was on Team Cara for the longest time. Cara, Darken, Zedd were always my favourites ;) Before legendland there was whedonland and again I felt part of something there. It pretty much saved my life a couple of times. These days there's gameofcards and it's fun and I encourage everyone to check it out, but the more specific fandom landcomms seemed to make for more tight-knit teams and I miss them. Day 3 In your own space, post recs for at least three fanworks that you did not create. There are so many things I could rec! But I'll pick 5 AU fics from 5 different fandoms to spread the love a little Side by Side – Cormoran Strike http://archiveofourown.org/works/12036537 Fantasy au that ends in Strike/Robin, highly recommended. Murder – Dark Matter http://archiveofourown.org/works/12000579 College au based around an actual tradition of a game called "murder". As Glory Turns to Dust – Hamilton http://archiveofourown.org/works/11359656 Modern au with magic. Hamilton is cursed to be forgotten, leaving him alone in the world except, briefly, for Jefferson. Warning this is a fantastic fic but a sad ending. There is however a linked sequel by another author to put things right :) Skin Full of Lies – Black Sails http://archiveofourown.org/works/7570540 Soulmate au Silverflint "Every lie your soulmate tells you appears on your skin. Between outward lies, manipulations and stories told the crew John Silver's ink quite quickly takes over most of James' body." a gift fic for me, The Princess' Bodyguard – The Shannara Chronicles http://archiveofourown.org/works/13113129 pre-canon au in which Eretria is Amberle's bodyguard. One-shot but with potential for more, strong hints of Eretria/Amberle Day 4 In your own space, create a fannish wishlist. No limits on size or type of fanwork; just tell us what you’d like to see. Can we please do as most people asked on their fannish wishlist for day 4 and leave more comments? Can we journal more and create more? Can we rediscover the joy of fandom and stop with the "anti" behaviour? Please. More specifically for me, art for fics is always welcome. (I have a transformative work statement at LJ/DW and AO3 and have had translations of my work and podfic which are lovely!) In particular for my sfbb fic Bad Case of Loving You. I've got beautiful artwork for most of my sfbb fics, the DvD fics in particular. For sfbb I provide pinterest boards to help with resources and generally try to help artists out, as I did here. This is a Black Sails modern au medical drama with Silver/Flint/Miranda and Silver&Max and it was a labour of love and I'm still amazed I managed to write the thing. However it seemed to be cursed. My first beta dropped out. My first artist dropped out. My second artist swore they were ready to go then didn't post, then after the fest posted a basic stock photo+text "cover". *sigh* I made my own art in the end, banner and mini picspam for the tumblr promo post but I'm an amateur artist. Day 5 Recommend a fannish or creative resource. Springfield!Springfield! has movie and tv episode scripts. kiss them goodbye has a huge amount of screencap galleries. farfarawaysite has a smaller amount of pictures but tends to have high quality promotional pictures. Cloudinary is the site I'm using for image hosting since the photobucket debacle. Day 6 Leave feedback for a fanwork. Or multiple fanworks. It can be as simple as I liked this to a detailed list of all the things you loved about the fanwork. The key is to leave some sort of feedback. If you've already left feedback in the course of a previous challenge, it totally counts. But you're free to leave more feedback. My new year's resolution last year was to leave a comment on every fanfic, hosted on AO3, over 100 words, that I finished reading. (I needed some parameters; this doesn't mean I didn't leave comments at LJ/DW or on drabbles because I did, on occasion). I did the thing. I read a little less than usual. I noped out of more fics. But the fics I read and finished got a comment. I'm going to try and keep doing that. I've already left comments on some fics this year. My additional resolution for this year is to write down more of my ideas. Having plot ideas or dialogues while showering or in bed is one thing, but if I don't write/type at least the basics up, I forget them partially or entirely when I try to write the thing weeks or months later. Day 7: In your own space, create a love meme for yourself. Let people tell you how amazing and awesome and loveable you really are Come and tell me how amazing I am ;) Seriously though, I'm working on being more positive and telling myself I'm worthwhile, I deserve more, I am achieving more. But it always helps when other people are backing that up. Drop me a gif in the comments if that's easier, gifs are like greeting cards for saying the things we don't know how to otherwise express. Day 8 In your own space, share a favourite piece of original canon (a TV episode, a song, a favourite interview, a book, a scene from a movie, etc) and explain why you love it so much. My love of Starz shows seems to kick off in second seasons. For Da Vinci's Demons in S2e04 – starts around here: https://youtu.be/cQi4xjrBmgI?t=11m27s This is the moment I fell in love with younger!hotter!Riario, aka Blake Ritson in a wig, because hair kink. But also the moment I finally liked Lucrezia too, seeing her devotion to her sister. If you want me to like a character, have them adore and protect their little sister, if you want me to hate them, have them throw little sis under the bus. Riario tries to spare both girls, succeeds in saving only one, and his grief is evident as he speaks with a heartbroken Lucrezia. This scene changed how I felt about both Riario and Lucrezia and thus about the show and my fannish involvement. Similarly this humorous moment changed my feelings about Silver and SilverFlint in the opening episode of S2 Black Sails : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wIt9u7CkBf0 when Silver completely misunderstands the plan and volunteers for a risky mission. This tumblr post shows what happens next: http://alightabovethearbys.tumblr.com/post/168194826519 It's even better later when they get on board, leading to Flint's exasperated "Well what the fuck did you think was going to happen?" You can see some gifs from all those Silverflint moments in S2 here: http://jolinarofmalkshur.tumblr.com/post/168381696381/john-silver-appreciation-week-day-6-favorite
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deva-ex-machina · 6 years
Review: The Shannara Chronicles
The Setting
At first glance, the setting looked like it’s a spin-off from Lord of the Rings, having the same beautiful visuals set in Medieval Europe, also with Elves, Gnomes, Trolls, and remnants of the Humans race, all inimical against one another--with Elves, and not Hobbits, as protagonists of the story.
It is later on revealed, however, that this happened in the future--a time when all that remains of us humans are the spoils of the technological advancement and the life that we currently have now, and that the world has come to a reset of the olden times, e.g., what’s ancient to us now have become the future yet again, after we perhaps have all self-destructed or have been eradicated ‘cause of natural calamities.
It’s an interesting take on the future, I’d say.  
With humans out, Nature will have its way to heal itself and flourish yet again.  And Nature in its prime again gives life to Magic and Supernatural beings.  Humans, without Magic, get powerful through their technology and the cycle goes on again.
The Actors, The Dialogues
Cheesy, young actors given cheesy, vomit-worthy lines.  
They’re actually okay, but I was hoping to get more depth into the characters--I was looking forward to having smarter, less emotional, and more purposeful characters.  I haven’t read the books but if these are indeed the characters that we have, then there may be a problem with the portrayal or the characters themselves--they were too reckless and should I say, stupid.
Let’s start with Wil Ohmsford.  If some legit-looking guy just came out of nowhere to tell you that you have magic, it’s so stereotypical and boring to have the reaction, “No, you got the wrong guy, I don’t have magic” but that’s exactly the way he reacted.  If it were because he just lost his mom, well I didn’t feel enough hatred and despise when he pointed out that “if he did have magic then he could have been able to save his mom.”
Eretria definitely is a bombshell, I’m sorry for pointing this out head-on and not her acting skills but she really is. And I’m also sorry to tell you that she’s too pretty to be the tough girl in the woods.  Her voice is that of a baby’s and it doesn’t seem to be threatening in anyway.  It’s like when a baby says, “I’ll kill you all” you’d end up being, “Aw, u cute cuddly being come here” instead of you running away.
I’ll try to keep my comment about Amberle short, as I have a lot of things to say about the character and the actress portraying her, and it may not seetm like it but I don’t really like talking about the negatives.  Anyway, first things first, Amberle, the character, is just damn stupid, and is an annoying bourgeoisie of the Elven kingdom who thinks with her emotions (if she actually thinks) rather than with reason.  Didn’t they teach you in Elven homeschool to not just bring home anyone they find in the streets, especially during this times of danger?  The actress has done well in portraying this character though--if her intention was to be annoying she has done it excellently.
The actress portraying Mareth, for example, feels like the same Linda Park from The Flash--she walks and talks the same way, just saying different lines with different clothes.  (But she sure is really pretty. :P)
Pretty much what bored me ultimately is that I don’t see a lot of communication with their eyes.  They were all monotonous to me.
The Plot -- Season 1
>>>>>>>> SPOILER ALERT <<<<<<<<<
The Ellcrys, the sacred tree that keeps demons at bay, is dying.  The Elven community went on full-blown panic 'cause for each leaf that withers away, a demon reawakens, and these demons kept on slaying their comrades.  They need to find a way to replant the tree through a seed.
Amberle, Wil, and Eretria go on their perilous journey to a place called Safehold only to find out that... Surprise!  Princess Amberle’s the seed.  They traveled all the way to a far away place, lost a lot of lives in the process, only to find out Amberle just fucking needed to enter the tree again. Great job, Ellcrys.  I can’t say you’re stupid ‘cause you don’t have a brain in the first place.
The Plot -- Season 2
>>>>>>>> SPOILER ALERT <<<<<<<<<
Unlike the first season where the forces were only between good magic and bad magic, the second season introduces the anti-magic force--which predictably gets eradicated by bad magic, which then gets predictable eradicated by good magic.
My Take
I kept on watching not for the same reason I binge-watched Game of Thrones--harsh but yeah this time I just needed something to watch.  The visuals were top-quality, sure.  But the plot, the characters, the story--there wasn’t really that much of a “wow factor” in it.  It was good, but a lot of things can be worked on.
Gosh, I miss GoT.
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