#anti sylvanas windrunner
cleoselene · 10 days
i am two thousand and late to this discussion but lmfao this youtuber sums up my feelings on what Blizzard did to my girl Sylvanas
anyway what is your favorite WoW xpac and why is it Legion? and why COULD it have been BfA if that storyline hadn't been executed so poorly?
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jacaela · 1 year
Do you still play warcraft? :D
I don't play Dragonflight, but sometimes i check updates. Steve Danuser, Sylvanas fanboy#1, just made me burn out. I couldn't even finish Sylvanaslands. Moreover almost all of my alliance fellows have left, and now my twitter is full of horde and sylvanas whiners.
The latest books suck too. Shadows rising was another failure for the alliance, they didn't want to write alliance characters normally (Anduin was good, but he was so ooc, Tyrande was fine too, but then SL came out). "Chronicle is written from a specific point of view" lololol
i just hate what they did to my favorite characters and races. 20 years of my life down the drain, but i am still gona post about wow😃
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podlaskazazula · 5 months
🖤If you dislike Sylvanas, please don't follow🖤
Hello, feel free to interact with me if you feel that we share thoughts, I answer dms slowly but always do!
Now, some facts about me
I'm 20 years old
I use she/her
I'm slavic, currently studying Bulgarian language and culture in university
I play WoW but don't raid or do dungeons
My name is Aleksandra, but I preffer to be called Zazula
I'm #anti_netwitcher and #anti_lauren so if you like netflix Witcher series, better ignore my blog 🖤
I don't like arguing about ships, I believe that we are allowed to ship whatever we can, no matter if it's canon or non canon. I won't harras you for liking your otp and I expect the same. If no, just block me please.
I'm pro zutara and anti kataang or maiko.
From WoW I ship Sylduin and Blightrunner
I will post drawings, personal and non personal rants. My fandoms:
World of Warcraft
Witcher (books, games)
Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Avatar (ATLA)
I'm getting into Dungeon Meshi and Frieren recently too 🖤
And when it comes to Sylvanas,
I'm completly aware how poorly written she was, but I believe that sometimes fanon version of characters can be as good or better than canon. So, mine Sylvanas isn't as weirdly written as in og WoW. In my opinion, she deserved to be what she was going to be from very start – Good leader of Forsaken, antihero, character who does evil for greater good, who uses controversial option to keep herself and Forsaken powerful. I believe that she should be something more that sexualised war criminal, she deserved to be deep character who could redeem herself. I hate her betrayal of Horde and Forsaken, I hate burning of Teldrassil and I refuse to accept anything post Legion as canon. I just want to give her proper story and fix things that I don't agree with.
That's all 🖤
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arpan999 · 2 years
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And now we give our main festive gift to our dear readers. Our final quarterly report of the year on the PCU and its current state!
Well what can we say? By admission of its own membership (both current and former) over the last few months during the Fall and Winter there has been nothing short of a metaphoric bloodbath for the PCU.
Red Venturers and Ronin have fell into inactivity, both very large PCU guilds with large member bases (and many alts too) quietly shuffled off, no doubt seeing how times are indeed changing. BOOMTEC INC has left the PCU, and appears to be thriving for it, so we wish them all the best in their new lease of energy free from the PCU parasitic vampires.
But the most startling and unexpected collapse by far has to be the end of The Rotgarde. While not as large as it was during the era of Perroy, the guild had seemingly been maintaining itself until a sudden collapse at some point in September. The end of The Rotgarde of course marks a key moment for all anti-PCU players.
We thought it best to announce this formally on the one year anniversary of Perroy quitting Argent Dawn for his new enterprise in the Neverwinter MMO, which in turn has seemingly caused a significant bleed off of PCU diehards to follow him, namely the likes of Morsteth, who's dramatic removal as GM of Grim Gest has all but paralysed them. A notable exception to this appears to be Coalburnt, who instead went on a week long rampage on the forums of conspiratorial ranting and raving about how 'NOTHING EVER CHANGES' and how 'NOTHING MATTERS' almost in a kafkaesque parody of Sylvanas Windrunner declaring the Horde in fact did not matter before promptly having his posting privileges revoked.
It is difficult to measure Perroy's influence from beyond so to speak but it is obvious the allure of a new MMO who apparently seem ignorant of the PCU's existence (unlike in places such as Final Fantasy XIV and The Elder Scrolls Online) where they can assume direct control over everything in their domain easily is very likely to be tempting to many 'Old Guard' members, who incidentally have been the most active within the PCU.
With a rough average of merely 29 players per PCU guild, the days of them having any real menace left on Argent Dawn has gone, something that we should celebrate and be happy for. This does of course not mean that the PCU are 'gone' or that its members will not engage in harassment of players still, this is something to remain vigilant about.
But as we settle down for our festive break and enjoy time with our friends, families and loved ones we can safely say that decency and the good people of Argent Dawn have endured the worst. We can at least say we will be pouring an extra glass of wine out for the Requiem of the PCU.
We would like to wish you all a happy and most lovely festive celebration here from the CoAD Team to you all.
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rinwellisathing · 3 months
Every single time I try to give Minthara a chance, her fanbase comes with these whack ass anti-Halsin takes in the nastiest most out of pocket way possible and I just go 'ha ha...nope..'...which sucks because I appreciate when a character is just unapologetically an awful person even after they're on your side. It's my favorite thing about Ianthe Tridentarius, it's what I really wanted for Sylvanas Windrunner (Blizzard's writing team is nowhere near talented enough to pull it off unfortunately so we Sylvaina shippers just have to do it ourselves), and honestly it's the only thing that made Morrigan even a little bit tolerable in Dragon Age...And like...her fans aren't delusional, that's the most frustrating thing. Most of them understand who she is and appreciate it as well, which is so, so refreshing! But it's the weird hate boner for Halsin that always ends up bleeding over onto Dave (and some how also Andrew Wincott despite having literally nothing to do with Halsin or Minthara, so...like...why??) and then the weird TERFY rhetoric a lot of them get into...Like why are you poisoning a perfectly good villain companion? Why are you making a female villain who could be so enjoyable absolutely intolerable by being massive assholes about everyone else's characters they like or worse yet, real people just doing their jobs? And tbh, some of the complaints y'all are just pulling out of your ass when Halsin is the most consent oriented character in the game. (I'll be real, part of my trouble initially warming up to the idea of Minthara was the creepy mindrape scenes...but I guess since y'all enjoyed them they couldn't possibly be triggering or creepy for anyone else because everyone should just think the way you do, right?"
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faireth-reed · 3 years
Anduin cinematic
So everyone has a different point of view, but most of us are sad about something:
-First of all, the possibility of all his plot having no relevance in the future. We cannot judge that yet, but unless we adress the whole Turalyon situation we may not get a mention of what happened to Anduin again. Not to say that his was Darion's plot repeated, but Darion deserved more screentime.
-Of fucking course, Arthas' treatment. Fuck, I hated to be right. But my suspicions of him receiving bad treatment were confirmed as soon as I saw Garrosh being done dirty. The thing is that I expected his model (probably the old one) to appear for a brief moment, and we didn't even get that. It confirms that current writers only know that he was "that guy who killed Sylvanas".
-Uther and Jaina didn't get to do anything, but at least she could be there for Anduin. But Sylvanas had a monologue. As if we needed yet another talking cinematic.
-The good part was seeing Varian. He's welcome anytime.
-People seem to have divided opinions on Saurfang. It wouldn't make sense if this apparition of both characters had been like Legion's "what a king must do". But this time, both souls make sense to be in Shalamayne, since they died fighting with it. But yeah, it proves how dirty has our Horde been done this expansion and the previous ones.
-Sometimes these cinematics make me hope for an in-game dialogue, like Anduin speaking to us or something. He could talk about his father or the situation, just a bit more of screentime.
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arcaneoddity · 4 years
I've heard some folks mention it but I stg if they walk Sylvanas down the glorious path of she was always right and deserves redemption I'm gonna lose my fucking shit.
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awryen-nyx · 6 years
During the War of the Thorns...
Where’s the Draenei and the Vindicaar?
Like...that ship would vaporize the Horde’s forces...
Also, thanks Sylvanas, you certainly didn’t kill the Alliance’s hope. And no, their anger will not be a weakness. You forget that Anduin is Varian’s son. And even though he isn’t his father (which is good!!), he still holds many of Varian’s words to heart.
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lyaress · 6 years
For anyone who still thinks Sylvanas is ok
She had gas masks and only equipped the undead and the player with them and left the other races to die so she could revive them as undead. She planned to genocide her own troops to expand her undead army.
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beatrixacs · 2 years
Well, farewell my Forsaken toons… it was fun while it lasted.
May you rest in peace with the True Queen.
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gameguy20100 · 2 years
People have told me I can't judge Felix because we don't know his motivations.
Here's the thing after a character crosses the Moral event horizon, their motivations and sympathetic traits no longer matter.
I stopped caring about Gabriel's grief when he's shown to be willing to kill his own son, and the woman he loves to get what he wants.
I stopped caring about Zemo and his grief over his family, when he blew up a building and killed dozens of people.
I stopped caring about Sylvanas and her pain, when she decided to commit genocide and force the curse of undeath on innocent people.
If you want your characters to be sympathetic, their actions need to be proportionate to their grief.
Otherwise it seems like they wanted to cause pain and suffering, and are just using that as an excuse.
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khanlusa · 5 years
Only love and respect for our goth lesbian queen and all her goth kids.
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ilex-manor · 5 years
orewing replied to your photo: I spent this week porting all three of Sylvanas’...
man they really peaked with her HotS model, kind of like with her character 👀
Her Legion model is so green because of how rotten WoW’s main story is.
<thinks about the peace-time AU fic from last year again>
We're fine. We're all fine here now, thank you. How are you?
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Hold on a second.
I'll give them Sylvanas trying to assassinate Thrall, a totally neutral figure in a different universe who is beloved by the Horde Sylvanas is trying to protect and keep the loyalty of, Because Reasons, for just a minute. It's indefensibly bad writing, but I'll give it to them anyway. Because the idea that Sylvanas, the character defined by her ruthlessness and competence who favors overkill so much she practically turned "drop the blight" into a meme, sent two (2) fucking assassins to eliminate Thrall is so completely fucking implausible I think the orc-shaped weasel trying to convince Thrall of it made me stupider by proxy. I can see a few possibilities here to explain it, though:
The assassins were armed with a poison so powerful a single cut is invariably fatal. Saurfang's intervention prevented them from drawing blood against Thrall, but since they sliced up Saurfang himself a bit, he'll be dead within twenty-four hours. (Please?)
Sylvanas deliberately sent an underwhelming force against Thrall to force him to become an active player again as part of some larger scheme.
These assassins were sent by a separate force acting withing the Horde, either to frame Sylvanas or to eliminate Thrall and cast her as a scapegoat. (Saurfang is the obvious suspect, being the one who told Thrall that the assassins were Sylvanas's and someone who we already know is working against her. On the other hand, he's obsessed with 'honor,' so he might reject using an underhanded move like that. On the third hand, his idea of honor makes no goddamn sense and has zero internal consistency, so who fucking knows.)
The WoW writers have just completely fucking forgotten who every goddamn character they're writing for is. (This one. It's this one. Spoilers.)
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Do you think Lily would have an honest discussion with a mexican perspective on why ive always seen elves as more full of the racist white savior trope in high fantasy like Sylvanas Windrunner or do you think she would just pretend that im white because she can't let anyone harm her morally gray waifu?
To be honest, she would probably just ignore you.
I have yet to see Lily dismiss someone's heritage/background, as she places a lot of emphasis on it. But she is also very selective about who she listens to in those groups, based on what she likes/willing to bend on.
Someone says that Gothel is anti-Semitic? She throws the film off her top fav list.
Someone tells her that calling a Jewish woman a Nazy sympathizer is anti-Semitic? She ignores them completely.
She would just not engage with your and would simply pretend you don't exist, because she loves Sylvanas to much to accept anything other then praise for her.
Plus, Lily's in game avatar is an elf, so you would have to phrase the discussion in a very general way for her to answer you, if she even bothers.
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