#anti zaven
literateleah · 3 years
how are y’all gonna be anti murven because “he abused/was violent to her” (which he later apologized for, changed his behavior, and they established a friendship) then ship zaven, while zeke shaw was responsible for her being tortured in season 5 
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viviansternwood · 5 years
Not to be that bitch but I told y’all that zaven happening didn’t mean Murven would never happen you know what I’m saying 😏👀
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wildlittlebirdd · 5 years
I am so NOT excited about z*ven this season 😒
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dirtyblondedixon · 5 years
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savagc · 6 years
‘raven deserves better’ does not translate into;
make her be a female arm accessory to zeke and that’s her only damn purpose for an entire episode. worth it because she smiles? the most out of character thing i have ever seen them force on raven has just occurred and i’m not sorry but she is not there for that shit. that is not what raven reyes deserves better means, it means she deserves more screen time, more than to be isolated from HER PEOPLE, more than to be forsaken and forgotten by them, more than to only be utilized when there is something others need of her and then forgotten again, more than to be an arm accessory that’s ‘worth it’ because she smiled once. man i couldn’t blacklist this ship any harder than i already have.
you either come with us or we kill you. yeah that’s solid gold as fuck.
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bellamynochillblake · 6 years
I liked the idea of zaven before they met. Like when he was all like 'she even had time to flip the raven' bla bla. But now that they met, zaven feels flat imo
Too fast, not enough suspense, anticipation or buildup for me. 
They are no Bellarke lol 
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bound-by-stardust · 6 years
I’d like to file a formal complaint on behalf of raven fucking reyes because honestly WHAT THE FUCK! I mean these writers actually had the audacity to leave her celibate for SIX FUCKING YEARS! There is obviously a lot of shit that has pissed me off in terms of raven’s writing this season but that is the ONE thing i’m NEVER getting over! I mean do y’all even realize how incredibly offensive that is?!! Having raven hooking up with bellamy or even echo over the first couple of years is such a small detail that it would pose literally NO threat to any impending storylines whatsoever!!!! Like all this fact would do is let audiences know that ‘hey you know raven did get some love and physical release and some fun up in space’! But no; THEY COULDN’T EVEN GIVE HER THAT! Instead the only information we get from the writers on raven was that she spent all her time and energy trying to find a way down to the ground cause apparently that’s what’s important to them! HONESTLY, FUCK THAT!! OUT OF ALL THEIR CHARACTERS; THE WRITERS CHOSE THEIR DISABLED WOMAN OF COLOUR TO BE THE ONE THAT IS CELIBATE FOR SIX YEARS! PLEASE TAKE A MOMENT TO LET THAT SINK IN! AND IF YOU DON’T SEE ANYTHING WRONG WITH THAT YOU ARE JUST AS BAD AS THESE WRITERS! You can argue the fact that bellamy and echo were celibate for 3 years and then murphy and emori towards the end of the six till you’re blue in the face but those facts don’t matter BECAUSE THEY ALL ENDED UP GETTING SEX, LOVE, WHATEVER IN THOSE SIX YEARS! RAVEN GOT NOTHING! HELL THESE WRITERS PROBABLY WOULDN’T EVEN CONFIRM HER MASTURBATING BECAUSE THAT’S HOW MUCH THEY HATE HER! The way they view raven is not only dehumanizing but desexualizing and it breaks my heart! Personally I don’t know why these writers played it so safe and unoriginal when it came to sexual/romantic relationships in space like im sorry but you had six fucking years to play around with all your pairings and you keep it so heteronormative and like im not surprised but also man you guys are really lazy wow!
The first chance they get they separate raven from her family and more specifically bellamy! Sure, I’m pissed that braven isn’t canon but the least they could’ve done was let bellamy and raven be the co-leading team they promised they would be! They’ve had all of two scenes together and the season is almost over! So much for bob getting to work with Lindsey more! Her staying behind was pointless and just another way for these writers to torture her again! RAVEN BEING TORTURED FOR THE THOUSANDTH TIME ISN’T GROUNDBREAKING CINEMA! YOU CAN SHOW A CHARACTER BEING STRONG AND OVERCOMING ADVERSITY WITHOUT TORTURING THEM! HAPPINESS AND LOVE MAKES PEOPLE STRONG TOO! And when she’s not being tortured she’s being isolated! Every season raven is being isolated, whether it be physically, emotionally, mentally! I GET THAT RAVEN WORKS GOOD ON HER OWN AND IS SELF SUFFICIENT BUT COME ON GIVE MY GIRL SOME LOVE ALREADY! SHE DOES ALL THE WORK AND GETS NONE OF THE CREDIT!
Raven was supposed to be a core character this season! WHAT HAPPENED TO THAT! She gets no screentime and when she does more often than not she is ooc! Like when did raven become such a softy?! Raven has always been compassionate and loyal and protective but not of random people she has known for all of 5 seconds! So what changed over the six years to make raven so soft? That’s the thing, we’ll never know because these writers don’t give a shit about her or space fam considering we have gotten barely any information about them over the six years and zero flashbacks! They are using the time jump as an excuse to do whatever they want! Why do you think they put her with shaw? It’s a win win situation for them because they already know they fucked up by having her have no one in space but they don’t want to actually take the time and effort to build a solid relationship for her! So they throw her in with shaw! He’s new, he’s hot, it’s perfect right? WRONG! She is only with shaw to keep her away from bellamy and because the writers HATE her!
I want my girl to be happy and in love more than anything but if it’s at the expense of her character then count me out! At this point i wish they would’ve just killed her off last season because what was the point of keeping her around if you were just going to treat her like shit all season and not give her an actual storyline?! Raven deserves better than to be sidelined! Raven deserves better than to be separated from her family! Raven deserves better than to be acting out of character just so they can make her fit into this narrative that involves a man! RAVEN DESERVES BETTER THAN TO BE FORCED INTO A ROMANTIC RELATIONSHIP, THAT HAS HAD NO BUILD UP, IN THE LAST THREE EPISODES OF A SEASON! RAVEN DESERVED TO BE IN A HEALTHY SUPPORTIVE RELATIONSHIP WITH BELLAMY, THE MAN WHO RESPECTS AND BELIEVES IN HER WITH HIS WHOLE ENTIRE BEING; A MAN THAT WOULD LOVE HER THE WAY SHE WANTS/DESERVES TO BE LOVED! RAVEN REYES DESERVES BETTER THAN THIS FANDOM AND THIS SHOW!
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ravensfreckles · 6 years
‘omg raven cares so much for z*ke!’
‘she hasn’t cared about anyone this much since finn died!!’
im gonna literally launch myself into the fucking sun Y’ALL ARE SO BLIND BELLAMY BLAKE HAS BEEN HER RIDE OR DIE THE WHOLE TIME 
oh lord i just saw ‘z*ven are the most attractive couple on this show’ DJNGK’NFAWFNFNKFNF WTF WHY DO Y’ALL CONTINUOUSLY IGNORE BRAVEN!!!!!!!!!
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sarka-stically · 6 years
Raven Reyes Deserves Better
Forewarning: If you ship Z/VEN, don’t read this. I really don’t want to offend anyone, so do yourselves a favour and just skip this long ass article, thanks.
In this season I came to an realization. Jason Rothenberg has no idea what to do with Raven anymore. It probably have been this way since s2, but I didn’t notice.
My theory was that in s1, when Jason was very unironically into Finn x Clarke, he probably intended Raven to be this “b*tch who is in way of the ship” that everyone hates (literally what echo is now to bellarke fandom, no offense, i love echo). He probably didn’t have too many plans for her and maybe even intended to kill her off in time (because he is a coward and can’t deal with love triangles in any other way.
However as we all know, he fucked it up. It ended up as an exact opposite of what he expected. Most people didn’t give crap about Finn and EVERYONE loved Raven. So in s2 Jason altered his game and killed Finn instead. But then here was it. What to do with Raven now? He gave her very random ship with tech guy who was a lot like her to use screen time somehow. Plus they gave her a lot of torture.
Season 3, Wick disappeared somewhere (actor was fired or whatever). But as Jason bragged a lot (i remember that they spoke a lot about it in interviews), they actually had a plot for Raven once. Only that plot only consisted of her being miserable, tortured and then joining evil AI, how lovely.
Then is s4, Raven was again surprisingly important. Her skills were important for the survival plans, but other than that, Jason also had to put a little bit of torture there, how un-shocking.
But then there was s5 and now my true rant begins. Once again, if you are z/ven shipper, please don’t read this. I respect your decision and I don’t want to offend you, but this is my opinion and it is strictly against the ship
I don’t know what happened. Did only good writer get fired or what, because what they do in this season is beyond ridiculous. I’m not here to talk about season 5 in general, but about Raven.
She begins just fine, in the ring. They were there for 6 YEARS and they basically became a family. Then they get to the ground and everything goes to shit. After Murphy escapes the Eligius, she is left there alone with total strangers (plus Abby and Kane, but who counts those right?). And from there her story goes to hell. Most of her scenes are with Zeke and same goes for him. It’s like Jason once again doesn’t know what to do with Raven so he basically repeats what he did in s2 with Wick. Raven gets boyfriends, who is in many aspects like her. And to me, with Zeke it seems even worse than with Wick (I actually kinda liked her with Wick). I’d probably be more into it if it was not shoved into my face so much and if Jason actually bothered to make Zeke his own person before making him Raven’s future-boyfriend. Because the second he appears his story is connected with Raven’s:
·         He tries to hack her
·         He admires her hacking skills
·         He actually meets her
Before that, we have only seen him for a short while, but we haven’t learned anything about him except that he can hack (like raven), pilot (like raven) and is sassy and smartass (like raven). In the second he meets raven the shipping is so painfully obvious. And Jason once again fucks with characters personalities. Zeke betrays Raven and then helps her (and Murphy) mostly because they threat him, but Raven (who is very smart, very cynical and never had a thing for forgiving easily) is still on his side, even against people who she lived with FOR 6 YEARS and quickly forgives him (in matter of days).
Another thing Jason didn’t bother doing was to give Zeke any relationships aside of Raven. Like I’d be so much more inclined to his character if Zeke was actual independent character, but way I see it, he was not, not really anyway. He betrayed Eligius for Raven, he joined delinquents for Raven, he helped for Raven and he got tortured with Raven.
And after everything, all she suffered on the ground before that, Raven is willing to sacrifice her friends (who I once again repeat: SHE LIVED WITH FOR 6 YEARS) to save guy she knew for max few weeks. I know she is not Clarke, that she is not that used to willingly letting people die, but I still believe that if it came to her people, getting bombarded and killed, she would be willing to do it.
So yeah, ship it if you want to, but I really can’t. I really wanted to when they (extremely obviously) started shipping. Raven is my absolutely favourite character and she deserves happiness, but not this way. As a character she deserves a lot more than lazy half-assed stereotypical writing. And Jordan is an extremely talented actor and he deserves to play more than male version of Raven.
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I’m not completely against zaven but the kiss seemed hella forced. In my opinion they don’t have chemistry
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queengallaghr · 6 years
I'm just gonna say it, Bellamy is the only good alive male to ship with Raven. And of the dead ones there's really only Wells that would be a potential viable love insterest, but even then, they never interacted so, no.
All of these hetero ships for Raven that are seemingly popular are either very offensive, decently abusive, or just dumb.
Murven/Zaven/Wicken/Faven/Ice Mechanic(still don't get this one at all) are all pretty awful and each of them show the writers really do not give a fuck about their best character.
Bellamy is the only male character who has consistently shown that he cares about Raven and is willing to go above and beyond the call of duty to keep her safe.
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viviansternwood · 6 years
Do you think we will ever get Murven? I mean as a couple, will they ever grow into a bigger relationship than this weird kind of friendship? (Let the guessing game begin :D )
Yeah lol the guessing game is how we live 😂
But yes, I do think we’re getting Murven. It’s not going to happen any time soon because the show is clearly setting up for Zaven happening and Memori getting back together.
However. Zaven right now reminds me of early stages of Cl/xa. Think about it. Zeke prioritised his safety and let Raven and Murphy be tortured, then decided to do the honourable thing and help them, since otherwise he’d have the blood of quite a lot of people on his hands. Raven doesn’t particularly like him right now, but he’s their ally, he also had her captured and gagged… does that sound familiar? (Also when I rewatched the Murven moment after it was revealed it was Zeke’s fault they were tortured in the first place, his reaction didn’t seem noble to me anymore, just seemed… guilty.)
The good thing about that is that it means their relationship won’t last long, just like Cl/xa didn’t, and it won’t work in the long run. Just because they have similar personalities (both very talented with technology, both morally ambiguous) just like Clarke did with L/xa (both natural leaders who would do anything for their people, etc.) doesn’t mean they’re going to work romantically.
I don’t know how things are going to work out with Memori, and I have no theories about that right now, so I guess we’ll have to see. But it was pretty obvious to me that Murphy cares for Raven in the same way he cares for Emori (although probably on a smaller scale, I mean he was in a relationship with emori for over five years, but that’s for now, don’t worry), even if he doesn’t realise it just yet. Him rushing towards Raven when he saw her on the floor which resulted in him being beaten is out of character for Murphy, if you think about it. He’s the cockroach, right? If something is going to result in pain for him, he doesn’t do it. Unless it’s someone he loves, and not necessarily platonically (think him shouting at Clarke and almost cutting his wrists when he was chained and Emori was taken to be experimented on with nightblood). Like, can you imagine him trying to sprint towards Bellamy, if he was tortured? Doubt it.
So yes, I do strongly believe that Murven is happening. They aren’t just unlikely allies, they care for each other more than they care for the others in spacekru, it seems obvious to me at this point.
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pandalandalopalis · 6 years
say it with me everyone: a ship that’s developed and get together within a single season is not a ship worth shipping
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laufire · 6 years
psst. now that Zeke has let Raven get tortured for his own sake, are you gonna stop convenience shipping them because “OMG he’s the ONLY character who has EVER appreciated Raven and values her and it’s what she DESERVES!!”. I actually enjoy the ship as it is but pretending Bellamy’s feelings for Raven don’t exist just because you think Braven is too “high” for her must be exhausting for you guys, js.
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arkadiaschancellor · 6 years
Not to be that kind of a person, but I will find it kinda weird if Raven breaks to McCreary after he threatens to chop off Shaw’s leg. Like I get that she cares for him, but like, Mccreary will destroy the land and everyone she cares about... And she will just give the villain the power after knowing a boy for a week?? I mean even Clarke didn’t break when ALLIE had her own mother hanging from a rope. Clarke did not even hesitate to help her. 
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savagc · 6 years
if i’m the only one who sees how incredibly forced this smile is and how blatantly obvious the fading of it is to something that looks ‘empty’…..
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i’ll take raven reyes getting to smile and MEAN IT for 1000, alex. k thanks. 
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