dracarialove · 5 months
📄 F it, I'm posting my finished fics here, too 📄
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*Check the 'rouge's heart' tag if you haven't read previous chapters
[Chapter 5: Violence]
Blaze was clipping up her hair in her signature ponytail when the doorbell rang; before she could call out to Silver, he was already telling her he would answer it. The white hedgehog opened the door and greeted Rouge, inviting her inside.
"Lookin' sharp," she said, pointing to the teal blazer and black bowtie he was wearing.
Silver tightened his tie and smiled. "Thanks. Blaze should be out in a minute."
They chatted briefly until the lavender cat walked into the room, her slim figure presented in a knee-length magenta dress with a single ruffled strap crossing over to one shoulder. Red strappy heels covered her feet, and she had applied a nude gloss to her lips.
"Wow, Blaze!" Rouge exclaimed, impressed. "I've never seen you so stylish."
The princess shot her a sly look as she slipped one gloved hand around Silver's arm. "It's not often that I get dressed up. Besides, we're not all like you, hoarding outfits for every occasion!"
The bat rolled her eyes and swatted the air, grinning as she turned back toward the door. "You guys ready to go?"
The couple followed, Silver grabbing his keys. "Let's hit the town!"
Shadow's stint at the coffee shop was almost over, the grumpy hedgehog having worked a rare morning shift. His mood was sour as he and his coworker blasted through a rush of customers. The hour of repetitive labor left him irritated and ready to clock out, continuously checking the time once his coworker had gone outside for a short break.
He let out an aggravated sigh when another customer walked in only a few minutes after the rush had subsided. The red echidna stomped his way over to the counter, a steamed expression plastered on his face.
Shadow's eyes narrowed slightly as he watched the angry patron approach the register. Knuckles stopped at the counter, staring across at Shadow with an unflinching frown stamped across his tan muzzle.
Hyper-aware of the echidna's hostile body language, the neutral hedgehog remained on his guard as he held eye contact, then dully mustered a customer-friendly phrase. "Can I help you?"
"Stay away from Rouge," Knuckles growled.
Shadow responded with the furrowing of his brow and a quiet scoff. "You're looking for trouble, threatening me. I don't care who you are – if you think you can scare me, you're sorely mistaken."
"I'm not trying to scare you, tough guy. I'm warning you. You back off of my woman if you don't want a problem!"
Knuckles raising his voice set off Shadow's growing frustration, the dark hedgehog refusing to accept the disrespect. He replied in a sharp tone, "You're the one who needs to back off. You must have a death wish – or maybe you're just stupid – to challenge someone whose capabilities go beyond your comprehension."
The echidna started to ball his fists, the two men staring each other down. Shadow continued, "Besides, if Rouge is 'your' woman, and she's taken a liking to me, what does that say about your inability to keep her interest?"
He didn't know if it was true, if Rouge really was in a relationship with the angry stranger in front of him; but he hated being talked down to, and had easily pegged Knuckles' weakness when it came to insults. The redhead's frown turned into a toothy scowl as he suddenly raised his fists and swung.
"Chaos Control!"
The telekinetic hedgehog was the driver for their night out, all three of them hopping into the silver Camaro that boasted two bright teal stripes down the hood. They headed downtown, soon being surrounded by countless bars, clubs, and restaurants – all brightly-lit with energetic music pouring from the windows. Per Blaze's suggestion, they pulled into the parking lot of a restaurant bar, Silver scooting his car into an empty corner spot.
A human hostess met them when they walked through ruby-colored double doors, then led them past a number of tables filled with a mixture of diners; some human, some Mobian, all enjoying their meals and drinks with their personal groups.
She sat them at a booth near the back, Blaze and Silver sitting on one side while Rouge took the other. The woman handed them menus and offered to provide a pitcher of water for the table, which they graciously accepted before she left them to decide on entrées.
"The salmon sounds good," Blaze commented, drawing Silver's attention to her menu, "but it's kind of expensive."
He skimmed the price and smiled up at her. "Get whatever you want – it's a special occasion. I think I'll have the pasta salad. See anything you like, Rouge?"
"Hmm..." the bat wondered, tapping an index finger against her chin. "Maybe fettuccine, that's always a safe choice. Although, it might be worth it to try the grilled chicken."
Blaze perked up as she closed her menu. "Oh! I can vouch for the chicken. Certainly worth it."
"I'll take your word for it, then," she responded, snapping the menu shut with one hand.
When the waitress came by to place their pitcher of water on the table, the triad put in their orders and each poured a glass for themselves. The uplifting orchestra music playing through the restaurant's speakers coupled with the soft orange lights to set a positive mood for their evening, even as Silver brought up a subject that was still considerably sore.
"Hey, so, I know it just happened," he started, addressing Rouge, "and you don't have to talk about it if you don't want to... but I wanted to ask how you're holding up since the whole debacle with Knuckles."
Blaze lightly slapped his arm, but the strong-willed bat was determined not to let the breakup get to her; if she was going to get over him, she did need to talk about it. No amount of crying alone would help her completely heal from the pain, so Rouge smiled and made eye contact with Silver.
"You know, it still stings – and maybe it will for a while – but I think I'm coming more to terms with it as the days go by."
"I don't think I've ever met another woman as emotionally strong as you," Blaze commented, picking up her water. "Already starting to get over Knuckles, when Amy bursts into tears every time Sonic doesn't answer her calls!"
Silver chuckled and Rouge shrugged. The bat didn't want to mention her new love interest just yet, thinking it would be better to get her frustrations out first. She could save the good news for last and close out their dinner with happier thoughts.
So, while they waited for their food to arrive, she recounted the hurtful events while sprinkling in complaints about both Knuckles and Julie-Su. A cathartic experience, it allowed the treasure hunter to fully enjoy her meal once their waitress came around with the dishes and drinks.
Time was frozen, Knuckles' balled fist hovering in the air above the coffee shop counter. His mouth was agape, canines exposed in a display of aggression, fierce eyes alive with rage. The powerful hedgehog walked around the counter, trying to remember if he'd seen the echidna before.
The only instance he could pull forth was a mere possibility; a red BMW speeding down the street as he and Rouge enjoyed warm beverages outside the shop. Although it could've been anyone driving such a vehicle, it was the only conclusion he could draw, as there hadn't been anyone around the first time he'd spoken to her.
"Pathetic," Shadow mumbled to himself as he rolled along his skates to stand behind Knuckles.
As time began to speed back up, the Ultimate Lifeform hooked one foot under the echidna's legs and pushed them out from under him. Knuckles dropped, the forward momentum of his punch slamming his jaw onto the countertop as he fell. He let out an agonized shout as he tumbled to the floor, then clutched his muzzle and grabbed the counter to pull himself up.
Shaking, the echidna's eyes watered and he continued to groan in anguish. A splitting headache shocked through his skull and he remained kneeled on the floor while Shadow stood away from him, his baritone voice cutting through the otherwise quiet coffee shop.
"Get out of here. I don't want to have to expend any more energy on you."
Knuckles turned and glared up at him, attempting to speak but immediately clutching his mouth again before finally standing. Shadow remained on the defensive as the echidna chose to leave, his crimson gaze following the attacker until he was out the door.
He watched Knuckles climb into the same BMW that he had seen the evening before – initially invisible as he had parked in the farthest spot from the entrance – and made a mental note to speak with Rouge about the enraged echidna.
As the three of them were eating their respective meals, Blaze prodded Rouge about where she had run off to the previous day. "You said it would be good, so let's hear it."
"I met someone interesting the other day," the bat answered, trying to keep her smile from turning into a grin.
Silver's eyes widened a bit. "Woah, already? I knew you were quick about picking up new guys, but that has to be a record."
"Hey!" she retorted playfully, stabbing a piece of chicken with her fork. "This one doesn't count, okay; probably the first time I wasn't trying to find a lover after a breakup."
The hedgehog argued through a mouthful of pasta salad, "Well, it's extra impressive, then."
He covered his mouth when Blaze made a disgusted face, using his telekinesis to pull a napkin from the dispenser. The lemon-eyed cat turned to Rouge and said, "So, tell us about him."
The bat swallowed her food as a faint pink shade flushed across her cheeks. "He's this hedgehog who works at a coffee shop in town; small place, never been, so I'd never seen him before."
"Right, because you only go to clubs," Blaze interjected, chuckling.
"Exactly," Rouge smirked. Her gestures became more expressive when she started describing Shadow. "Anyway, he's kind of mysterious and moody – has 'grump' written all over his face. But he seems like a quiet guy, sort of reserved. Black hair with bright red highlights, the most striking cherry-red eyes I've ever seen; and handsome like you wouldn't believe!"
"Aw," the princess piped, her expression softening as she placed a hand on Silver's arm. He continued eating and nodded along to Rouge's story.
"I met him right after I dumped Knuckles. Just stopped at a random shop for a cup of tea." She purposely lowered her energy and took a sip from her champagne glass, then chuckled a little. "He made the most awkward small talk while I was sitting there; just had my heart broken, and there was a guy I would've never expected to approach me, talking so calmly that I actually felt like the world was slowing down. He had invited me to go back, so that's where I went after Knuckles picked up his stuff."
"Sounds like a connection to me!" said Blaze, returning to her meal. "Are you going to see him again?"
Rouge couldn't stop herself from grinning while she stabbed another chunk of chicken. "We have a dinner date tomorrow. It would've been tonight, but I already had plans with you two."
"Well, Rouge, you could've gone out with him tonight!" Blaze protested supportively. "We would've completely understood."
The bat shrugged and rolled her eyes in lieu of a response, her mouth full. Silver took the opportunity to cut in with a comment of his own.
"I'm glad things are looking up so quickly for you. You really deserve it, after the shit Knux pulled?" He shook his head. "Man, I'm just glad he got double-dumped."
Blaze laughed, making the hedgehog smile and chuckle as well. Rouge thanked him earnestly, then the three of them finished the last bits of their meals. They decided to order dessert, and the jewel hunter shifted the conversation over to Silver and Blaze. They discussed new developments over tiramisu, talking about the renovations they were making to their home, as well as a trip they were planning.
At the end of the night, Silver brought them home again and made sure Rouge was alright to drive. Her single glass of champagne hadn't impaired her enough to crash, so they said their goodbyes and the bat drove home with the window down. She enjoyed the rushing wind flicking through her hair as the radio played a smooth jazzy beat accompanied by inspirational lyrics; and when she arrived home, she pulled out her phone and quickly deleted every picture of Knuckles from her gallery.
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sonic-takes · 1 year
knuckles×rouge is the absolute most annoying sonic ship exclusively because people never see either character as their own character without being associated with the other almost always
and it's always 80% of the time depicted as oddly suggestive which is really gross and sad
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misandristsonic · 10 months
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old sonic art lets go🔥🔥🔥
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sonicdrawsfast · 6 months
Yokai AU. chapter one... (kinda, I'll prob remake it after I have the designs out and more figured out)
WARNINGS (for all chapters): GORE, mentions of abuse, abuse, experimentation, mentions of trauma, uncanon relationships, uncanon world and aged up characters.
Relationships: slow burn SONADOW, Knuxouge, kittails, Espilver, Vectnilla, Leosagi and others.
Other info, I'm not even joking Yokai Watch is my savior for what to call the Yokai, watch it, its such a cool show.
As the Sky Falls Over Us.
New York, a city that always crowded, bright and loud, the city that never slept and most importantly, home of the Ninja Turtles! a team of four teenage turtle mutants that went by the names of Raphael, Donatello, Leonardo and Michealanglo, heroes of the world.
The team of turtles sat atop a building, 'scouting' and defiantly not messing around while the oldest's chasm grew larger, "We're on a MISSION, not a jungle gym" Raphael spoke, sounded a bit agitated as Leo poked the soft shell's cheek, pausing and looking at Raph for good measure. "Relaxxxxx~ no one has been in trouble since we took out the Kraang, chillax, your Chasm only gets bigger~" Leonardo teased, giving a smug look to the eldest Mutant. Donatello pushed Leo's hand away with a mechanical claw, "BUT, something could happen! and you didn't even bring your battle shell! that took hours!" Leo scoffed, "my shell is FINE! I do not need it, I appreciate the work, hermano, I really do, but there's no trouble" Donnie sighed.
During the Kraang's attack Leonardo's shell had been messed up really bad... everything had. The shell and plastron protects all vital organs so it being weak and fragile made Raphael worry, it made everyone worry, except the turtle himself, who refused to lay on his back and winced visibly when it was touched. Of course, as the genius the soft shell turtle was, he made a perfect fit battle shell, not as complex as his own but stronger and more cushioned on the inside than his, not like he'd admit that, not in a thousand years.
Leonardo blew a raspberry, "nothin' it gonna happen anyway, no action, no villains, as the leader I say we go home and eat some pizza!" he cheered, Mikey perked at that, looking up from his mystic chains he'd been practicing, "...I mean, it couldn't hurt, no one as attacked, everyone is still recovering from the attack, especially you, Leo." Raphael sighed but nodded, "fine, Donnie, keep all your tech cameras on banks, museums and stuff like that, just in case.." he side eyed Leo, who was talking to Mikey now.
After riding back to the sewers in the new and improved Turtle Tank 2.0 everyone grabbed a slice of pizza from the leftovers of last night and sat down to eat in the living room. Leonardo laid on his stomach, Mikey sat criss crossed on the arm of the couch, Donatello sat on a purple bean bag and Raphael sat in the one actual chair as they watched Jupiter Jim 34. Donatello carefully studied Leonardo's shell, the cracks... jeez they were big. He noticed as Leonardo shuffled uncomfortably, he expected this, Leo always got a bit of pain when he didn't move constantly to distract himself. He sighed softly as reached into a shoulder compartment on his battle shell, it had pills in it, Midol for April or Leo if they needed it, pain killers, melatonin gummies and anti-anxiety meds, mostly for Leo. Donatello grabbed two pain killers and handed it down to Leo, he whispered, just so Leo could hear it and not above the movie playing on the projector, "take these, I can tell you need them" he said blandly before shoving them into Leo's hand, the blue twin smiled back, "thanks, DonTron..." and shoved them in his mouth and took them dry, which creeped out Donnie but he wouldn't question it.
Elsewhere, the Hidden City.
A blue Punkupine with green eyes, freckles, peach furred arms and heart shaped chest, light blue markings on his face, red shoes with a white strap that connected to a star shaped buckle, white fingerless gloves with a comical amount of sports tape was walking with a tall Kitsune with only two tails instead of the usual six, blue eyes, soft yellow fur with a white furred fluffy stomach with, big ears that wear tipped with brown, just like around his eyes and hands, that sported gloves that only show the tips of his paws so he can touch the hologram screen on his left hand. As the Kitsune typed away, regarding of the Hidden Cities reconstruction after the Kraang attack, they weren't as bad as the above world but some buildings fell through the surface, leaving many worrisome holes.
"Tails, bro, get off the screen for a while, you're gonna go blind!" the short , blue punkupine spoke, looking up at his little brother. The kitsune, now known as Tails, rolled his eyes, "first, no I won't, second, this is important Sonic! three of us best relec shops were destroyed, now human disguises prices only rise!" Sonic shook his head at Tails, "you're just grumpy because the only mint shop was destroyed." he stated a matter-of-factly, Tails grumbled, his tails spun in annoyance for a moment and his ears shifted, "..am not.." Sonic shook his head and chuckled, "whatever you say lil' bro" he waved and rushed off in dart of lightning, going around to check for severe damage and maybe a form of entertainment.
As the blue blur ran he jumped on rumble from the destroyed buildings, he looked to the roof of the hidden city and sucked a breathe in.. Amy was not going to like this. he pressed on his communicator on his wrist and rang up Tails, "heyyyy... maybe I was being a little under dramatic.. but~ the city has a few, like BIG hole leading to City Square, got any sciencey stuff to help?" he make an awkward face, hoping for the best from his genius little brother. He heard a shout on the other end of the line, "WHAT???" Tails yelled, getting some looks from other Yokai around him. He sucked a breathe in and whispered into the communicator, "..what do you mean 'there's a bunch of holes in the roof'?' "I mean, there's a-- WOAH-" static was then heard in Tails's ears as the call ended, Tails immediately panicked and spun his fluffy tails to go find Sonic.
Sonic was now jumping from place to place as more chunks of the roof fell, collapsing so fast he could already see a giant build board and people screaming. It all felt overwhelming, people?? as in HUMANS? bad news!
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beevean · 7 months
Whisper and Tangle being intended to be the ultimate pure lesbian UwU ship becomes even more hilarious/disturbing when in the more recent issues, Tangle basically tramples over Whisper's feelings and desires with as much subtlety as a rhino about to take you down with it. Funny that some members of the Sonic fandom are absolutely foaming at the mouth at Sonamy or Silvaze or Knuxouge or whatever*, but Tangle and Whisper being written with serious issues in their relationship when it comes to respect and such is apparently not seen at all, if it's not outright gushed at instead. I find it very strange.
*(Speaking of, is it just me, or do the hetero ships suffer from this far more than the gay ones? Now that I write this, it just suddenly popped up in my head. I have seen the "Shadow is 50 ewwwww🤮!!!" debate as well, but I feel like most people know that's just plain bullshit on various fronts. But the most common/most teased hetero ships I can think of (Sonamy, Knuxouge, Silvaze) are either indeed """pedophilia""" or """incest cuz manual says siblings""", whereas the same argument is not held up for the gay ships like Surgeamy and so on despite meeting similar conditions such as their respective ages.)
Because Tangle trampling over Whisper's trauma wasn't really meant to be seen as a serious conflict in their uwu relationship. It was just another occasion to make Whisper angst :) they're fine now. Whisper even apologized for having PTSD, so it's all cool.
Anyway, the difference in treatment between M/F, M/M and F/F ships is palpable. F/F ships are the best and purest and if you ship one of these you are a good person (as long as you keep it safe and uwu). M/M are the standard, nothing special, they're mid, at worst you might be accused of being a fujoshi. M/F is the worst, disgusting and cringe, how dare you bring heterosexuality into this, don't you know it's inherently problematic because anti mentality is only a degree removed from radfeminism?
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sonicdisease · 1 year
Introduction / Info
♡ Autism creature that goes by mainly Bunny and Chao ♡
He/She/Bun + 19 yrs + AUDHD and Beautiful Princess Disorder
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I'm queer, agender and a system though I won't make a big deal of it! (mostly likely at least)
Might go ham with reblogging art or other posts so I'll try and make a tag for that to mute! (will edit with tag included later <3)
I'm also a big multishipper and will respect if you aren't into the same pairings that I am, we're all chill and casual over here! No ripping heads!
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DNI and main ships below! :
General Do Not Interact IF : Terfs/Swerfs/Radfems/Transphobic or Misogynists at all || proship/comfic/profic ( Yes I'm an anti, go cry and piss ) || Ableist or fakeclaimer || Queerphobic
Sonic Specific Do Not Interact : Sexualize obvious child-coded characters || ship Shadow with Maria, metal Sonic or any incest pairing || hate on unproblematic/unharmful ships, this isn't the place for you buddy
[ I will edit if I think of anything else I need to add ]
Main Sonic ships I enjoy! :
Sonadow (Sonic x Shadow)
Sonamy (Sonic x Amy)
Shadamy (Shadow x Amy)
Sonshadamy (Sonic x Shadow x Amy)
Sonjet (Sonic x Jet)
Blazamy (Blaze x Amy)
Knuxouge (Knuckles x Rouge)
I might talk about Genshin, Minecraft or other interests of mine too! Still getting used to using Tumblr more than just every now and then so this is my everything but MAINLY Sonic blog because it's my special interest and biggest favorite interest <3
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For people who have the nerve to call Knuxouge and Vespio/Vecpio 'pedophilic'... You guys do know that the legal age of consent is 16 in some places... right?
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lunasilverpelt · 2 years
List of stuff it'd b pretty cool if u went and sent me stuff about...
Super Sonic (Sonic The Comic)
Louie (Pikmin)
Dippy Fresh (Gravity Falls)
Bill Cipher (Gravity Falls)
Rouge The Bat [But like... fluffy.......] (Sonic The Hedgehog)
Scourge The Hedgehog [+ His earlier version, Anti Sonic] (Archie Comics)
Amy Rose (Sonic The Comic)
Rosy the Rascal [Anti Amy] (Archie Comics)
Tekno the Canary (Sonic The Comic)
Secret History Sonic (Mashed)
Secret History Tails (Mashed)
Something About Amy Tails [Yes this counts as different content to me than SH Tails] (Mashed)
Something About Amy Amy (Mashed)
Starved Eggman (Sonic.exe OC)
Extra Life (Sonic The Comic)
Surge The Tenrec (IDW Comics)
Dr. Starline (IDW Comics)
Eleanor A. Birch (Subway Midnight)
Benny/Benson T. Reeves (Subway Midnight)
Mirror Zone Sonic (Sonic The Comic)
Shortfuse The Cybernik (Sonic The Comic)
Scratch (Archie + The Adventures Of Sonic The Hedgehog)
Metal Sonic (Sonic The Hedgehog)
Dr. Robotnik (Classic)
Sonic The Hedgehog (Sonic The Comic)
Zonic The Zone Cop (Archie Comics)
Spamton G. Spamton (Deltarune)
Jevil (Deltarune)
The Addisons [Blue, Pink, Orange, Yellow] (Deltarune)
Seam [Pronounced Shawm] (Deltarune)
Fiona The Fox (Archie Comics)
Agent Stone (Sonic Movie)
Ugly Sonic (Chip 'n' Dale: Rescue Rangers)
Antoine D'Coolette (Archie Comics)
Faker/EXE (Sonic.exe mod)
Lambert (Cult Of The Lamb)
Cuphead (Cuphead)
Mugman (Cuphead)
Baroness Von Bon Bon (The Cuphead Show)
Edd (Eddsworld)
Tom (Eddsworld)
Matt (Eddworld)
Tord (Eddsworld)
🌟 Eduardo (Eddsworld) [PLSPLSPLS HE'S SO COOL]
Fleetway Super Sonic x Scourge [x Fiona] (Fleetourge/[Fleetcouriona])
Zonic x Anti Sonic (Zonanti)
STC Amy x Tekno (Teknamy)
Movie Robotnik x Agent Stone (Stobotnik)
Starline x Infinite (Starfinite)
Spamton x Jevil (Spamvil)
Seam x Swatch (I dunno if it even has a name)
Feels The Rabbit x Madonna [Sonic concept stuff] (Feeldonna)
Knuckles x Rouge [x Shadow] (Knuxouge/[Knuxadouge])
Amy x anyone basically
Eddsworld fluff stuff, idrc what it is but I'm kind of eh on TomTord
People's EXEs
People's OCs
Literally just Sonic Prime memes tyyy
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Officially A Fandom Blog!
Most of my fandom stuff will now be reblogged here!
tags (bold are major, italics are minor fandoms):
*Beastars (beware manga spoilers)
*Danny Phantom (dannypocalypse)
*Deltarune (beware spoilers)
*Demon Slayer
*Dimension 20
*Five Nights At Freddy’s (anti Scott blog, against purchasing official merch)
*Gravity Falls
*Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts
*Legend of Zelda
*My Little Pony: Friendship of Magic
*Puss in Boots
*Sonic the Hedgehog
*The Mandela Catalogue
*Yokai Watch
(analog horror is to be added in general later)
Main Character/Ship/Tropes/Aus Reblogs (long):
*Horse (Centaurworld)
*Glendale (Centaurworld)
*Nowhere King (Centaurworld, spoilers)
*Nagito Komaeda (Danganronpa)
*Izuru Kamukura (Danganronpa)
*Danny Fenton/Phantom (Danny Phantom)
*Kris (Deltarune)
*Spamton (Deltarune)
*Inosuke Hashibira (Demon Slayer)
*Zenitsu Agatsuma (Demon Slayer)
*Kingston Brown (D20)
*Ylfa Snorgelsson (D20)
*Pinocchio (D20)
*Glamrock Freddy (FNAF: Security Breach)
*Greggory (FNAF: Security Breach)
*Foxy (FNAF: just all of them)
*Twilight Sparkle (MLP:FiM)
*Sci Twi (MLP:FiM Equestria Girls)
*Starlight Glimmer (MLP:FiM)
*Trixie Lunamoon (MLP:FiM)
*Sunset Shimmer  (MLP:FiM)
*Lio Fotia (Promare)
*Lucia Fex (Promare)
*Wolf (Puss in Boots)
*Sonic the Hedgehog (StH)
*Sticks the Badger (StH)
*Sans (Undertale)
*Asgore (Undertale)
*Asriel (Undertale)
*Flowey (Undertale)
*Chara (Undertale)
*Horse/Wammawink (Centaurworld)
*Zulius/Splendid (Centaurworld)
*Komahina, Kamukoma, Komahinanami, Naegiri, Sonsoudam (Danganronpa)
*Gray Ghost, Everlasting Trio, Amethyst Ocean (Danny Phantom)
*Noelle/Susie (Deltarune)
*Zenitsu/Nezuko, Tanjiro/Kanao, Zenitsu/Inosuke (Demon Slayer)
*Gerald/Elody (D20)
*Sidlink (LoZ, BOTW)
*Sciset, PinkieDash, Twishy, RariJack, StarTrix, LyraBon (MLP:FiM)
*Galolio, Thymaina (Promare)
*Puss/Kitty, Wolf/OC (Puss in Boots)
*Sonadow, Sonaze, Silamy, Knuxouge, Soninfinite, Sonadaze (StH)
*Sansby, Sansgore, Alphyne, Asgoriel, Nicepants, Sansgoriel, Kingdings, Grillster (Undertale)
*Ghost King Danny (Danny Phantom)
*Ghost Hunger (Danny Phantom)
*Dissec (Danny Phantom)
*Dadster (Undertale)
*Underfell (Undertale)
*Horrortale (Undertale)
*PLATONIC Flowerfell (Undertale)
*Handplates (Undertale)
*Glitchtale (Undertale)
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greenyvertekins · 8 years
Knuxouge and Sonally? (I'm sorry about the last one lol But I suppose it's obligatory at this point)
5 = It’s alright, I ship it a little perhaps…
1 = NOTP, Disgusting.
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dracarialove · 5 months
📄 F it, I'm posting my finished fics here, too 📄
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*Check the 'rouge's heart' tag if you haven't read previous chapters
[Chapter 7: Excitement]
The next week dragged on, Shadow and Rouge keeping in touch while they went about their days doing their own thing. The hedgehog searched for a new job and the jewel hunter continued her work as an agent, asking her aloof friend to join her at a night club after she successfully completed a mission.
"I'm not normally one for clubs..." he said over the phone, an upward inflection in his voice.
"Trust me, it'll be fun." Rouge twirled a lock of hair around her index finger. "I'll help you come out of your shell a little; if you want, I can invite a couple of friends to make it a group thing."
Shadow thought for a moment, then replied, "Alright. If you're going regardless, then I guess it wouldn't hurt to get out of the house."
"That's the spirit," the bat said encouragingly. "There's a lively place down the street from me. I'll text you the address and we can meet there tomorrow at 10pm – that's when they start playing the best music."
"As long as you promise not to abandon me halfway through the night," responded Shadow in a subtly playful tone.
"Of course. I'll keep my wits about me, and if you want to leave early, you have every right."
The hedgehog appreciated her offering a way out if the night went sour, concluding their conversation and continuing on with the rest of his day.
When it came time to leave his apartment, Shadow took one last look around to make sure his home was tidy; on the rare chance that he decided to drink, he didn't want to have to clean the next day while his head might still be swimming.
The hedgehog decided to take his motorcycle, the deep rumble of the vehicle thumping through the streets on his way to the club. When he arrived, he parked in the lot behind the musical building, looking around for Rouge's car. Not seeing it anywhere, he sat idly on his motorcycle for a few minutes before deciding to go inside.
Even if she wasn't there yet, he could at least sit at the bar for a bit. As soon as he opened the door, Shadow saw the bat standing near the entrance and looking at her phone. She lifted her head and her teal eyes left the screen to meet with his. A smile spread across her pink lips, the hedgehog returning it and approaching the solitary woman.
"Where are your friends?" he asked.
"On their way. We can grab a drink until they get here!"
"Sure." Shadow turned in the direction of the bar, his eyes remaining on Rouge as he bent his arm at the elbow and stuck it out towards her.
Pleasantly surprised at the gesture, Rouge blushed lightly and wrapped her gloved fingers around his bicep, the two of them approaching the bar together. They each ordered their own drinks and sat chatting until the bat heard her name being called. She turned to see Silver and Blaze walking in, the lavender cat waving.
"Hey, guys!" she greeted, standing from the bar stool.
Shadow turned just enough to speak with them, not jumping up to meet the couple as Rouge was. She introduced him as her friend, the hedgehog unaware that the treasure hunter's friends had already been informed of his presence in her life. He politely nodded towards them instead of shaking hands, mostly remaining quiet as he wasn't ready to converse just yet.
As the four of them grouped together at the bar, Shadow primarily listened to their conversations, giving his thoughts only when asked and not offering up new topics. He designated himself as the one to order more drinks when they'd finished a round, the loner grateful for a few moments of respite from the near-constant chatter of the three friends.
At times, Rouge wondered what the hedgehog was thinking, finding it a bit unnerving that he was so quiet throughout the hour that they spent just talking. She figured he wouldn't be staying long, preparing herself for the moment when he would stand and excuse himself for the night.
But when her favorite song started playing through the speakers of the bustling blue-lit room, the bat saw an opportunity to get closer to Shadow and hopefully entice him into staying a bit longer. She couldn't tell if he was having fun up to that point, but hoped to get another smile from him out on the dance floor.
She turned to him and held out her hand with an eager grin. "Shadow, would you dance with me?"
She saw the hesitation in his eyes – colored a deep purple from the effects of the blue light – but felt giddy when the stoic hedgehog's gloved hand fell into hers. He rose from the seat, Blaze and Silver covertly sharing a knowing look and following them to the dance floor.
Rouge picked a spot that didn't have as many people around, letting the electronic music influence her movements as she and Shadow faced each other. The hedgehog didn't match her energy, mostly tapping his foot and swaying rather than actually dancing.
The bat's friends focused on each other as they grooved nearby, silently bonding over shared dance moves while they avoided bumping into other patrons. Rouge made sporadic eye contact with Shadow in between scattered hip sways and occasional twirls, the man becoming more mesmerized by her as the song went on.
After a while, he got into the rhythm a little more, and a smile slowly spread while his moves started to complement hers a bit better. The woman was ecstatic seeing him jive with the upbeat tempo, biting her lip in excitement and moving in tandem with the hedgehog.
When the song was over, Shadow's movements slowed again and Rouge guessed that he was disinterested in continuing the dance, despite the fun he seemed to finally be having. They left the floor together while Silver and Blaze kept each other company on the vibrant flickering tiles.
The hedgehog declined having another drink as she ordered one, him leaning his back against the bar while she sat on the stool. He lounged with his elbows resting on the bar top, looking at Rouge and contemplating a question as the bartender prepared her drink. When she noticed his lingering gaze, the bat lowered one eyebrow and smirked.
"What?" she asked playfully.
He shook his head a bit, smiling more naturally. "I was just sort of wondering: I didn't see your car in the parking lot – how do you plan on getting home?"
When her drink was set in front of her, she used the small straw to stir the liquid, answering before taking a sip. "I flew here. Didn't really think it was necessary to drive when I live down the road."
"Ah," the hedgehog responded, his head cocking upward in an understanding gesture. He was starting to feel more confident from the couple of drinks he'd had. "Well, if you need a ride back, I don't mind dropping you off."
Rouge grinned again at his offer, catching on that it meant he was willing to stay as long as she did. But it was his next statement that made her eyelids raise as her interest in him skyrocketed.
"I have my motorcycle, so it would be a quick trip." The words tumbled smoothly from his mouth, Shadow not immediately privy to the joy sparking in his company's heart.
"You have a motorcycle?" she asked, stirring her drink again. "I would love to see it."
His eyebrows crept upward as he read her expression. "Really? I can take you for a ride, if you like. I mean, not to leave your friends behind, but I wouldn't mind making a quick spin around the block."
Without another word, Rouge spun around in her seat and looked toward Blaze and Silver, waving her hand to get their attention. She gestured them over and sipped her drink down to half while the couple made their way to the bar. Shadow was feeling more comfortable, the warmth in his chest growing as he and Silver shared a brief, respectful smile.
The bat started, "Hey, we're gonna leave for just a minute – Shadow has a motorcycle and he offered to give me a ride, but we'll be back."
Before she could head to the exit, Blaze spoke up, "You know the drill, Rouge."
"Oh, right." Looking at Shadow, she added, "Just a second, I'll meet you at the door."
The hedgehog nodded, pushing himself from the bar and walking away from the group. Silver casually crossed his arms as Rouge faced them, the fire princess using one finger to outline invisible patterns in the air. The bat copied one after the other, earning a smile from Blaze.
"Alright, you're sober enough," she stated. "Still, be safe."
The jewel hunter nodded, then handed the cat her drink. "I will. Here, you can have the rest."
"Score!" Blaze uttered, briefly stirring the alcohol before removing the tiny straw.
Rouge met Shadow at the door and followed him outside. They walked around the building to reach his motorcycle, colored jet black with bright red hubcaps. The bat clasped her hands behind her back, heels clicking on the ground and her hips swaying flirtily as she took steps around the vehicle.
"Wow, customized and everything," she said, spotting the spiky ruby-colored symbol stamped on the bike's body.
"Yeah, I probably prefer my chopper over the car," the hedgehog admitted, looking down at the vehicle and crossing his arms. "Faster, easier to handle..."
He trailed off as he walked around the other side of the motorcycle, raising one leg and swinging it around to sit on the seat. Rouge joined him, placing her hands on his shoulders as he started the engine.
Shadow's voice rose to be heard over the ignition. "Wrap your arms around me – it's the safest way to hold on."
The bat blushed, her palms leaving his shoulders and slinking under his arms. Her fingers hugged his torso, instinctively pulling herself closer to his back. Once his passenger was secure, the confident hedgehog drove his heel against the kickstand and took them out of the parking lot, turning to drive towards the first traffic light.
Rouge tilted her head up a bit to feel the wind rushing by, Shadow's thick quills fluttering next to her face. She gripped his chest a bit tighter, making the man's heart beat faster as a wider smile tugged at his lips. He made a right turn as the green light turned yellow, the bike's deep growl rattling underneath them when Shadow sped up.
They flew down the long street, the young woman glancing at familiar surroundings while her hair whipped around her cheeks. It was a freeing feeling, riding behind her new friend on a vehicle she'd never experienced before; something that may have never happened had she stayed with Knuckles.
Meanwhile, Shadow couldn't explain why he'd never allowed himself to get out like this before. Having Rouge's arms wrapped around him as they raced down the smooth road felt daring and fun, his smile sticking for the entire ride.
Three more right turns brought them back to the busy night club, the hedgehog finding a new spot as his previous space had been taken. When he stopped the engine, Rouge pulled back and he turned to look over his shoulder – her eyes were sparkling, full of life and elation while she complimented the short ride.
"That was incredible!" Her hands clasped together as they sat for a bit longer. "I haven't had so much fun in a while!"
Shadow couldn't help but glance at the bat's lips as she spoke, the forbidden urge to kiss her rising once more. He had to leave his seat to avoid screwing up his own suggestion of taking things slow. Rouge followed, the pair walking together to re-enter the club.
After meeting up with Blaze and Silver, they each got another drink and stayed a while longer; this time, Shadow felt more comfortable joining the conversation and was able to get on well with the couple until they decided it was time to head home.
They said their goodbyes and the dark hedgehog politely insisted on bringing Rouge home; when they arrived at her place, he idled in front of her yard as she left the motorcycle and turned to face him.
"Thanks for coming out with me tonight," she said, stars in her eyes. "It wouldn't have been the same without you."
A faint blush crawled across his cheeks, Shadow looking up at her with a peaceful expression. "Thank you for convincing me to come along. I had a good time."
The treasure hunter gave him an earnest look before placing one hand on his shoulder, leaning in to kiss him on the cheek. He didn't pull away, enjoying the gentle affection and feeling a flush of warmth spread across his muzzle.
Rouge looked radiant to him as her posture straightened, backing up onto the stone path that led to her front door. He raised one hand to match her wave, watching her stroll down the walkway and breathing a bit heavier through the thumping in his chest.
The enamored woman allowed a piece of him to linger in her heart as she heard the bike's engine start up again, peering through her front curtains to catch a glimpse of Shadow driving away.
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robotnik-mun · 5 years
Knuxouge anon here uh people are thinking I'm trying to make drama and no I like the ship it's just antis scare me and I wanted confirmation that I'm not alone and wrong for liking it despite Penders' thing blowing up because I've seen people dunk on Knuxouge for the age thing before
You didn’t stop and think for one moment that going to multiple inboxes and giving the exact question over and over again wasn’t going to come off as weird or kind of shady? I understand your dilemma, but you really need to consider how this looks from the outside. 
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dracarialove · 5 months
📄 F it, I'm posting my finished fics here, too 📄
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*Check the 'rouge's heart' tag if you haven't read previous chapters
[Chapter 6: Freedom]
The elegant bat romanticized the upcoming dinner date with Shadow in her head while she got dressed. She'd chosen something special, but not too formal – it was only the first date, after all. Her dress was black, transitioning to white as the bottom fanned out to hang around her calves.
Thin straps rested on her tan shoulders, and a white bow accented her back as it tied around her middle. She slipped black gloves up her arms, the simple white cuffs hugging the center of her biceps. Her legs were covered by dark pantyhose that disappeared underneath shiny black pumps.
For makeup, Rouge decided to keep it simple with her typical blue eyeshadow and a subtle layer of red lip gloss. She rejected the idea of wearing jewelry, deeming it too flashy as she glanced at the wall clock in her bedroom. Reading 7:42pm, she turned and left the room, her heels soon clicking down the stairs; she grabbed her handbag from the living room end table and headed out the front door.
As she locked it behind her, the bat's phone buzzed in her purse. Shadow's name lit up the screen while she walked to her car, the hedgehog asking if they were still on for the night. She replied, 'On my way now,' and hurried into the Corvette.
When she arrived at her favorite restaurant, Rouge chose a spot closer to the door, hoping that her date would recognize the car and park nearby. She gave herself one last look-over to make sure her curled locks were perfectly centered and her makeup was still clean. With no stray hairs and no gloss on her teeth, the dreamy-eyed woman climbed out and waited near the front door.
Only a few minutes passed before she spotted a black Viper with a single crimson stripe down the hood; she could faintly see Shadow through the windshield as he parked directly next to her vehicle. Her heart beat quickened, watching with a smile as he opened the door and stepped out.
Dark sunglasses first covered his ruby irises, but slid down his nose when he lowered his head to avoid the car roof. Peeking over the black plastic rims, his eyes instantly darted towards her. Rouge raised one hand to wave, and a smile began to show at the corners of his lips.
The hedgehog was dressed semi formally in a dark maroon button-down shirt, the top two buttons undone to let his chest hair show. Black and red spines glimmered faintly, the moisture of a fresh shower still drying from his hair.
The bat noticed the same gloves and skates he'd worn before, but had to give his simplicity credit – it worked well for the mysterious man. With the way his gaze was making her feel, he didn't need fancy dressings.
Shadow pulled his sunglasses back up to hide his eyes – Rouge wondered if it was his way of controlling the first-date nerves, considering the sun had vanished from the sky – and stopped in front of her. If he was nervous, he hid it well, his smooth voice rolling forth. "You look very nice."
"Thank you," she responded, lowering her eyelids a bit as she primped one of her curls with a gloved palm. "So do you. I like your style."
His smile widened slightly, the hedgehog then being thrown off a bit when her fingers slipped around his arm. He held his composure, leading the way into the restaurant, but hadn't expected her to show physical affection yet; unsure if he should hook his elbow in a gentlemanly gesture, Shadow's eyes subtly shifted to gauge Rouge's expression.
She didn't show any signs of expectation towards him, so he continued with his arm at his side and simply held the door open for her. They approached the podium where a dark red fox stood with the reservation book open.
He gave Rouge a smile, but when his lime green eyes switched to Shadow, the host's face dropped to a stony expression. The hedgehog noticed – and recognized the fox – but tried to ignore it for Rouge's sake.
He said, "Table for two: Shadow the Hedgehog."
The host looked down at the book, running his finger along the names; he went down to the bottom of the page, then flipped it and looked at the other side.
"Hmm... it seems you're not on the list, sir," he responded unapologetically.
Rouge looked at Shadow, confused, her date's eyes narrowing while he addressed the fox. "I booked a reservation yesterday."
The host put his hand on the book, leaning forward. "Regardless, I can't show you to a table if you're not on the list."
Shadow's eyebrows furrowed and his mouth raised in an unpleasant expression; he lowered his sunglasses and peered up at the fox. "It's clear you recognize me. You're the guy we had to ban from the coffee shop I work at."
The host's eyes shifted a bit as the hedgehog continued, "You were yelling over the price of our baked goods, I remember – tried to provoke me into a fight and the manager had to throw you out. Maybe I should speak with your superior and let them know what kind of person is representing their establishment."
Flipping the book's page back to its original position, the fox timorously looked down and pointed at Shadow's name printed with the rest of the reservations. He cleared his throat and stated, "Here it is – I must have simply missed it."
"Must have," Shadow replied, taking off his sunglasses and slipping them into his breast pocket.
The host led them to a solitary table sitting underneath a small black chandelier. Without a word, he handed them their menus and briskly left, Rouge impressed with Shadow's calmness during the uncomfortable encounter.
"I have to admire how you handled that," she spoke, eyeing him from over the menu. "Does it happen often?"
"No," replied the hedgehog, his gaze skimming over the food options. "I just think it's best to handle tough situations with a clear head."
"Right, too much anger can really get you in trouble."
Shadow looked up from the menu, then opened his mouth to shift the topic towards what'd happened the day before; but before he could speak, a waiter walked up to their table and asked for their orders. He decided on steak while Rouge requested stew with a side of fruit salad.
When the waiter walked away, the bat's date entwined his fingers and rested both hands on the table. He'd lost the nerve to ask about Knuckles, and so couldn't hold eye contact very well as he attempted to compliment her.
"You dress yourself well," came the awkward admiration, which garnered a flattered smile from Rouge.
"It's a talent. Being beautiful has its advantages when you're in my line of work."
"Hm." His thumbs bumped together a few times as he managed to look up at her. "I don't think I've ever had the time to think about my appearance – until tonight, that is."
"You should do it more," she commented, planting one elbow on the table and laying her cheek in her hand. "You have the looks already, and fashion isn't far behind that."
He didn't know how to take her compliment, simply letting a half-smile form once more. His heart was beating faster again, the hedgehog figuring that it would only get worse the longer he put off bringing up his run-in with the echidna. So, he raised one fist near his mouth and cleared his throat, then led into the crucial question.
"There's something I have to get out of the way before anything else," he started, watching her expression change into curiosity. "Do you know a red echidna?"
Rouge's face dropped instantly; her heart skipped a beat and she felt a ball of anxiety form in her stomach. Shadow didn't like the reaction. It told him that not only was the answer 'Yes,' but there was even more to it. He wondered if what Knuckles had said was true – about the bat being his woman – but waited for her to respond.
"Yes..." spilled from her glossy lips, her eyes turning downward as her arms folded insecurely. "He's... someone I used to date."
"Used to?" Shadow asked, relief creeping into his tense posture.
"Yeah... well, it's a little more than that. He's actually my ex-fiancé."
The hedgehog's eyes widened a bit, mulling over the information in his mind. 'Fiancé? No wonder he was so angry. What have I gotten myself into?'
Rouge looked back up at him, his silence making her nervous. "Did you... meet him?"
Shadow crossed his arms as well, leaning forward on the table. "'Met' would be an understatement. He came into the shop yesterday – he started shouting about you, told me to back off... then he tried to attack me."
The jewel hunter's expression turned to shock. "Tried? What happened?"
"I defended myself," he told her bluntly. "Unfortunately, that didn't mean much to my manager. He saw the security footage, and I guess that plus my tendency to be less than enthusiastic on the job was enough to justify firing me."
Rouge put a hand to her chest, her brows turning upward in concern. "Oh my god, Shadow – I'm so sorry."
He shook his head. "Don't be. It's the echidna who chose to attack me. I just needed to know that you weren't involved with him, because he claimed you were his girlfriend."
"Ugh," she scoffed, crinkling her nose. "What an unbelievable jerk! Rest assured, I am not his girlfriend. I had to dump him after he broke my heart!"
There was a pause, Shadow taken a bit aback at the passion in her words. "If you don't mind my asking... how long ago did you leave him?"
Another pause, Rouge's face softening again. "Less than a week. That's why he came around – he's still angry."
She shrugged, avoiding eye contact, and her date could see the pain in her expression. "It's his own fault..."
Shadow sighed, soaking in her emotions. "That's... not a lot of time to get over someone."
Her eyes ran up to his, and the bat could tell he was feeling down as well. She didn't know what to say – she wanted to reassure him that she didn't have love for Knuckles anymore, but that wasn't entirely true. The hurt she felt just thinking about the echidna was still there, still strong, but she desired so badly to forget about him and move on to something better.
He stayed quiet for the moment, soon spotting the waiter approaching with their meals and changing his expression to its neutral state. They thanked the employee and stared down at their plates as he left, the pair both hesitating to take a bite.
Then Shadow looked at her earnestly. "Rouge..."
She returned his gaze and was struck again by the intensity of a deeper emotion hiding behind his crimson irises.
"I enjoy your company, and I don't want you to think this will push me away; to be honest, I've never been able to have a decent conversation with anyone before. Whether or not you would end up wanting a relationship, I don't think it's a good idea to get ahead of ourselves. I'm still dealing with some of my own demons, so I know how much time it can take..."
It was the most she had heard him speak at once, the hedgehog's deep voice rumbling through her ears and every word seeping into her mind with meaningful purpose. When he trailed off, she nodded her head and spoke up to complete his thought.
"You're right. I should get over my ex before trying for something new." She gave him a little smile. "At least we can still hang out – as friends, until then?"
His eyes brightened a bit. "Yeah, I would like that."
Feeling more at ease, they were able to start eating and talked a bit about Rouge's dinner with Blaze and Silver. Shadow let off some steam about the more unpleasant aspects of his time at the coffee shop, accepting that there were ultimately better job prospects to seek out.
Towards the end of the dinner, they were both sharing lighthearted experiences and putting each other in better moods to close out the night on a positive note. Full from their respective meals, the two rejected the idea of ordering dessert and paid their bills before leaving.
Rouge instinctively wrapped her hand around Shadow's arm again, the hedgehog choosing not to pull away – although he wanted things to develop slowly, he couldn't deny her some form of affection, as the reserved man was already fond of her touch.
Reaching the gap between their vehicles, the bat's hand left him as they turned to each other. There was a thick air of hesitation between them, Rouge fighting the desire to kiss him and Shadow unsure of how to say goodbye. He took her gloved palms in his as the bat's teal eyes stared patiently below thick eyelashes.
"I had a good time," he finally said, giving her hands a squeeze. "Drive safe..."
She nodded, smiling in a way that made him want to kiss her, as well. "You, too. Don't be afraid to call if you're bored or lonely."
A soft chuckle escaped his lips as he lowered her hands, slowly pulling away. "Good night, Rouge."
"Good night," she responded, waving as she opened her driver's side door.
They both made sure that the other got out of the parking lot safely, then drove down different streets; Rouge heading home while Shadow left the city to wind up the nearby mountainous area. He parked near a cliff overlooking the bright lights of downtown and sat on the hood of his car, staring over the town and up at the sky. He stayed there for the night, getting lost in his thoughts and falling asleep to the sound of crickets singing nearby.
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dracarialove · 5 months
📄 F it, I'm posting my finished fics here, too 📄
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*Check the 'rouge's heart' tag if you haven't read previous chapters
[Chapter 4: Romance]
Shadow went to work with no expectations that the eye-catching bat would show up, the hedgehog knowing very well how many people skipped out on plans. She hadn't even confirmed a definite desire to visit him, so he went about doing his job as usual.
But every time the bell on the door chimed, his ears perked up and his eyes darted hastily towards the entrance. Still hoping to see her walk in, his heart beat rose for a second before returning to normal when he realized it was just another stranger.
After hours of pouring coffee and serving pastries, he'd gotten caught up in the flow of steady customers and the mysterious woman had slipped his mind. It wasn't until her white Corvette pulled into a parking space – glimmering under the setting sun – that he remembered again, briefly being distracted from the order he was taking.
The customer – an older, orange bobcat – asked in a gruff voice, "What's the total?"
Shadow turned back, looking down at the register. "$7.50."
His gaze wandered to look out the big glass windows again while the customer paid, and he saw Rouge step out of her car. His eyes didn't linger once he knew it was her, handing the bobcat his food and beverage. A faint smile pricked at the corners of his mouth, his heart rate rising again. As the older man left, Shadow watched him in an effort to naturally catch the bat's eye when she entered.
The customer kindly held the door for her, Rouge thanking him and immediately looking at Shadow with a smile on her face. The hedgehog's eyes widened a bit, enraptured by how happy she looked to see him; it was something he wasn't used to, let alone from a beautiful woman. Part of him didn't trust the way she was making him feel, unsure of how to act when his demure nature was being challenged.
"Hi," she greeted, her eyelids lowering slightly. "Told you I'd be back."
Her playful opener made him react a bit awkwardly, Shadow not quite ready to respond in kind, but trying anyway. "You said you might come back."
Her smile didn't change – a sign he hadn't messed up yet. "Well, how could I not? The service is so good here."
Instinctively, he let forth a breathy chuckle. Another thing he wasn't used to – compliments, even from clientele. He wasn't skilled enough at witty banter to continue, so he instead asked, "What'll you have?"
"Just a hot chocolate this time," answered Rouge, refusing to break eye contact even as he put in the order and gave her the total.
"I'll take my lunch break so we can talk," he offered, handing her the drink, then nodded toward the front door. "Outside – it's more relaxing."
She nodded, taking the steaming cup and turning to walk out. The hedgehog removed his apron on the way to the back room, leaning in and addressing the coworker who was unloading inventory. Once his place had been taken, Shadow prepared a cup of coffee and met Rouge at one of the parasol-covered tables directly outside of the shop.
The bat's left elbow was resting on the tabletop, her cheek leaning into her palm. "Hopefully your afternoon wasn't too crazy."
"It never is," he replied, pulling his chair up to the table and setting down the coffee. "I don't think this place is popular enough to get that busy."
"It's a cute little shop," Rouge commented, glancing at the building. "They'd better be treating you well."
His eyes moved up from his cup as he took a sip, admiring the twinkle in her turquoise irises; her ivory hair looked soft, curling cutely behind her shoulders. He swallowed the scalding coffee, feeling the warmth hit his stomach, and managed a half-smile.
"It's an easy job," came the calm response. The intensity in her gaze strangely intimidated the hedgehog, forcing him to look away.
Rouge took the opportunity to sneak a peek at his figure, noticing lean muscle that meant he took care of himself; she liked that his fingers were anxiously tapping against his cup, finding it endearing that such a mysterious man would be nervous around her. She followed his gaze to study the darkening sky, running her eyes over the clash of orange and purple as the sun slowly sank.
Shadow suddenly spoke, drawing her attention again. "Dusk is my favorite time. Something about the harsh brightness of the orange meeting the melancholy indigo..."
He trailed off – Rouge raising an eyebrow at the poetic observation – then shook his head. "I don't know."
"No, I agree," she said encouragingly. "It's sort of like opposites attracting, or one piece completing another – even when they don't look like they go together."
His face slowly turned back to hers. "Yeah... I don't usually meet people who appreciate this time of day. Everyone seems to like dawn better."
He chuckled and added, "For some reason."
Rouge liked the way he laughed; it was soft, relaxing. A nice change from her boisterous ex, as Shadow seemed much calmer overall. Still, he had a certain alertness about him, quickly turning to look at the street when a car loudly zipped past. Raising his cup for another sip of coffee, the hedgehog could see a level of interest in her eyes that made him feel like she really was having a good time.
"Crazy people," she said, chuckling as well and shaking her head. "Although, I'll admit, I would have thought a guy like you would enjoy nightfall more."
Shadow shrugged and looked down, briefly cocking his head to one side as he did so. "Well, I used to. Not anymore."
His expression looked to be in reaction to a negative memory; Rouge thought about asking, but decided it wasn't worth it to prod at something that might be unpleasant for him to explain. Besides, then she would be obligated to do the same – and she was not ready to talk about Knuckles. So, she went to change the subject, when the hedgehog spoke up again and did it for her.
"What do you do for a living?" he asked. It was a safe question, an easy transition to a new conversation, and something that the bat was much more comfortable discussing.
"I'm a jewel hunter," was her answer, the woman gracefully sitting up straight and cupping her drink with both hands. The motion naturally brought her chest forward, which she didn't mind if Shadow glanced at – but his scarlet eyes remained on her face. "Well, I guess career-wise, I'm a government agent. It's what pays the bills, but that's not exactly what I'm passionate about."
He nodded, his half-smile returning. "So, you serve the people, in a way."
"In a way, sure – when I'm not doing my own thing. If I could just travel and take vacations for a living, believe me, I would."
"Well, anything to get away from the mundane world, right?"
She smirked and nodded definitively, then picked up her cup before asking, "What're your own desires in life?"
It was his turn to raise an eyebrow, pausing for a few seconds as she sipped her hot chocolate. His mouth opened slowly and he stated, "I'm not sure I really have an answer for that."
She lowered her drink again. "Really? You don't have a big goal you're striving for?"
Shadow shifted awkwardly, then leaned forward and rested both arms on the table, crossing the left over the right. After thinking for another second, he said, "I guess I don't. Maybe that's a problem."
His sentence sounded more like a statement of fact rather than a prompt for her to disagree, but Rouge felt inclined to reassure him anyway. Reaching her arm out, she rested her gloved hand on his forearm.
"Not at all! Actually, it's potential for lots of opportunities! Think about it: you could do anything you want just for the enjoyment of it. Not having to worry about working towards something... that's not all bad."
Her grin brightened his mood a little more, the hedgehog's own smile growing. He pulled his right hand out from under his arm and placed it on top of hers, feeling warmth in his chest while their gazes lingered on each other. Then Shadow's buttery smooth voice broke the silence and sent a light shiver down her spine.
"Would you like to go out to dinner? Perhaps tomorrow night?"
Rouge almost immediately said yes, but remembered that she had already made a promise to Blaze. Her excitement settled and she answered, "I would, but I made dinner plans with my friend and her boyfriend for tomorrow. Could we do it the night after?"
The hedgehog nodded, his curved quills flowing with the movement. "Sure."
Before he could continue his thought, the other barista opened the shop door and called out, "Hey, Shadow, is your lunch over yet? My shift's almost done."
Shadow turned – his right hand leaving Rouge's – and replied, "Yes. Just a minute."
The coworker walked back inside and he looked to Rouge with his resting, neutral expression. "Does 8pm sound alright?"
"Perfect," she answered, slipping her hand off of his arm. "Let me give you my phone number so we can set up a location."
They both stood and pulled out their cells, Shadow programming her number into his and sending a text to make sure she got it. Then they wished each other a good night, the bat taking her drink with her to finish on the drive home.
Rouge smiled to herself as she saved the handsome hedgehog's contact, taking her phone off of silent before opening her car door. She looked back once more and allowed herself a moment's glance at Shadow through the window as he donned his apron, then climbed behind the wheel and backed out of the parking lot.
When the jewel hunter arrived home, she felt more energized than when she'd woken up, pulling out her phone again and opening up the near-empty message history under Shadow's name. She suggested an upscale restaurant, revealing it to be her favorite establishment and offering to pay her own way.
He responded, "I've never been. But I trust your taste," making the bat bite her lip as she subconsciously swooned over the compliment.
Soon, she was preparing a meal to fill her grumbling stomach and tapping her foot to lively jazz music. Her melodic voice harmonized with the instrumental while she cooked, shutting out any detrimental thoughts and preventing her previous worries from ruining the evening. After dinner, she went up to her bedroom and began preparing an outfit for the following night out with Blaze and Silver, putting on calming classical tunes to wind down.
The stylish bat didn't spend too much time ruminating on what would look good enough to wear on a casual friend-date. Instead of her typical heart-shaped chest piece and purple bodysuit, she chose a dark blue blouse with long fanned sleeves, deciding to drape it over simple black leggings. She would couple the ensemble with plain black boots, opting to skip wearing any gloves.
Once she was happy with her choices, she hung the outfit on the outside of her wardrobe and went through her nightly routine before throwing on a thin black night gown. She briefly thought about going through the pictures on her phone again, but denied herself when the idea still caused a tinge of hurt to rush through her chest. Instead, Rouge let her body sink into her soft mattress, calming her mind before drifting off to sleep.
After the captivating woman had told him goodbye, Shadow stole a glance as she walked away; he couldn't help but swiftly run his eyes over her curves before turning and entering the coffee shop to let his coworker go home.
After the hedgehog put on his apron, he looked through the lobby and at the front door to make sure there were no customers around. The headlights of Rouge's car shone through the window shortly before she pulled away, Shadow disappearing into the back room as soon as she was out of his sight.
He leaned his back against the cold cement wall and let out a deep sigh, tilting his head up and closing his eyes. His hand raised to press against his chest, feeling the heart inside thumping firmly against his palm.
Trying to steady the pulse, he took a few deep breaths and opened his eyes again. The bumping slowly subsided until his heart rate was back to its resting state, the hedgehog confused at the shaky feeling fluttering through his body.
He got back to work, soon addressing a customer while thoughts of Rouge still lingered in his mind. A little while later, he received a message from the bat telling him about a fancy restaurant; the name was unfamiliar, but he skimmed the reviews and decided that it was a good choice. His lips curved into a smile more naturally as he typed out a response, the reserved man finding it easier to compliment her through the screen.
His gaze scanned over their short conversation for a moment before he slipped his cell phone into the pocket of his apron, continuing the evening shift with little enthusiasm until it was time to lock up for the night.
When he did, he contemplated texting Rouge with a good night message, wondering if it would be rude to leave their exchange where it was; but he concluded that he was overthinking things. Shadow closed out the night by taking one last look up at the stars, silently thanking the universe for letting him meet her.
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dracarialove · 5 months
📄 F it, I'm posting my finished fics here, too 📄
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*Check the 'rouge's heart' tag if you haven't read previous chapters
[Chapter 3: Comfort]
Rouge felt exhausted by the time she unlocked her front door, dragging her feet on the way to the couch, where she flopped forward to lie on the thick cushions. Despite her fatigue, the bat's mind was bustling with concern about how she was going to handle the coming few days.
She knew she had to return Knuckles' stuff, but didn't think she could face him yet. He still had a key to the house – and part of her was surprised that he hadn't come by and waited for her – so she needed to jump on a solution soon.
She pushed herself up and rubbed the back of her neck while walking to the kitchen. Rouge absolutely dreaded the idea of looking at her phone; no doubt the echidna had called her while she was out, but she had the thought to call Blaze and get her opinion.
She picked up the cell from its spot on the counter and tapped once, the purple rectangle lighting up and showing a list of missed notifications. The woman cringed when she saw her lock screen – a selfie of herself and Knuckles on vacation.
Just as she expected, there were numerous texts and calls from the cheater himself, some calm and some begging. Between the blips that she quickly swiped away, she spotted a single missed call from Blaze.
Rouge's mood brightened as she opened the notification and called her friend back, listening to the ring as she leaned against the counter. For a moment, she thought the cat wouldn't answer, but then heard the ring being interrupted by brief shuffling.
"Hey, Blaze!" Rouge greeted. "I saw you called – how's it going?"
"Things are good, I had just called to see how you were doing."
The bat sighed. "Yeah... well... not that great, to be honest."
Blaze's tone turned to concern. "What? Why?" When Rouge didn't answer right away, she added, "What's wrong?"
"It's probably better if I talk about it in person. I know it's dark out already, but do you think you could visit... just for an hour?"
"Oh, yeah," answered the cat with no hesitation. "Of course, I'll be there soon."
After they said a quick goodbye, Rouge hung up and brought her phone into the living room where she sat on the couch again. A heavy sigh escaped her, feeling a pang of sorrow in her chest when her gaze fell on her ex-fiancé's watch sitting on the end table.
It took ten minutes for Blaze to arrive, the headlights of her purple Jaguar splashing golden light through Rouge's living room window. The bat jumped up, watching her friend park next to her Corvette as she went to open the front door.
When they greeted each other, Rouge stepped forward for a hug; something Blaze didn't expect from her, but reciprocated nonetheless. They went inside and the bat offered her a drink, but the cat declined, just wanting to know what was going on – and why Knuckles' car wasn't in the driveway.
"I left him today," admitted the heartbroken woman as they sat on the sofa. Blaze gasped quietly and Rouge felt a prickle behind her eyes where tears threatened to form. "I caught him cheating."
Her friend scoffed, disgusted. "Seriously? What an idiot!"
"I know," Rouge agreed, looking down at her glove where the ring used to be. "I have to figure out what I'm going to do with his stuff."
"What do you mean?" Blaze crossed one leg over the other. "Just throw it all out."
"On the lawn?" the bat asked, chuckling a little.
Her confidant shrugged, a smile forming across her muzzle. "Yeah. Or..."
The cat snapped her fingers and a spark of orange fire flicked upwards before disappearing. Rouge shook her head, still smiling. "No, I shouldn't. I mean, as much as I would love to, it wouldn't be a good idea."
"Well, then, I think he should have to come get his things himself," Blaze told her, crossing her arms. "You get your key back and he can feel guilty while he hauls it all out."
Rouge hesitated and the lavender feline continued. "I can hang out here until he leaves. That way you won't be alone with him."
"Would you really be cool with that?"
"Yeah," she responded, shrugging again. "We could do it tomorrow; I haven't got anything planned."
The bat relaxed. "I really appreciate it. I don't know what I'd do if I had to face him myself. He blew up my phone while I was gone."
She picked up her cell and unlocked the screen while Blaze shook her head, disapproving of Knuckles' behavior. They went through the texts together, Rouge feeling more secure seeing them with a friend by her side; the echidna had attempted to talk his way out of what'd happened, explaining in unnecessary detail and unknowingly contradicting his own story.
Rouge felt herself getting angry again as she went through them. When she got to the end of the messages, she let Blaze give her advice on how she should word her demand for him to pick up his things the next day.
"Give him a time limit, or else his shit will be thrown out and he'll have to pick it up from the lawn," she suggested sternly.
The bat smiled again, confidently hitting send when her response had been perfected. Then she put the phone on silent and turned to Blaze. "Thank you for being here."
"No problem, Rouge," the fire princess replied softly. "Whenever you need me, just call."
They both stood from the couch and Rouge walked with her to the door.
Blaze said, "I'll be back tomorrow. And if something urgent happens before then, again – call me."
The jewel hunter nodded, bidding her farewell and making sure she got out of the driveway safely before locking the door for the night. Then, she went upstairs and immediately retrieved all of her jewelry from their boxes, placing the priceless accessories in her safe to avoid a theft from her untrustworthy ex.
When the safe was secure, Rouge changed into a light blue silk nightgown and brushed her teeth before settling in for bed. Lying in the dark underneath red satin sheets, the young woman felt sorrow creep back into her, and quietly cried a few tears until she managed to fall asleep.
Rouge unintentionally slept in, waking up in the early afternoon when the hot sun began beaming through her sheer curtains. She threw one hand across her face when the light shifted over her eyes, slowly working up the strength to get out of bed.
Squinting as her eyes adjusted to the brightness, the bat looked over at her nightstand where she'd let her phone charge while she slept. It was still on silent, so she hadn't heard when Knuckles replied to her message; it was timestamped at a few hours after hers, but he'd simply said "Ok."
So, he was accepting that their relationship was over. A part of Rouge was grateful – maybe this meant that he wouldn't try to win her back when he came by to pick up his things. Another part of her was still sad, still heartbroken that her year-long relationship had plunged down the drain in one evening.
The first thing she did, before leaving her comfortable mattress, was change her lock screen to one of a generic stock photo depicting simple blue patterns. She opened the gallery and looked through her pictures, hundreds of them flicking by as she scrolled to the bottom.
She went through and slowly deleted any photo that included Knuckles, a pit growing in her stomach as she erased memories that were now tainted by the betrayal. Questions lingered in her mind while her teal eyes scanned each image: Just how long had he been seeing Julie-Su? Since he first got the job? Or did he pursue her later?
Rouge sighed, tears welling in her eyes again, her finger shaking over the screen – so she stopped, clenched her eyes shut, and drew in a deep breath to keep from crying.
'I'm tired of crying...' her conscience whispered. 'Let's do something else.'
There were plenty more pictures to delete, but she accepted that she couldn't deal with seeing so many images of his face; his handsome, smiling face that had been hiding the despicable secret. Rouge slipped out from under her sheets and entered the master bathroom to start her morning routine, soon getting dressed and heading downstairs for breakfast.
She decided to treat herself, cooking a stack of chocolate chip pancakes so she could offer some to Blaze later. With a smooth blend of coffee brewing, she sat at the kitchen table and flipped through a magazine to pass the time.
Blaze showed up about an hour later, lightly knocking on Rouge's front door and quickly being let in. She accepted Rouge's offer of pancakes and coffee, the pair chatting for a while until they heard the deep bass of Knuckles' car radio bumping down the street.
Rouge's heart dropped to her stomach; Blaze, noticing her stressed expression, offered to answer the door. The bat remained in the kitchen while her friend waited for the echidna to pull into the driveway, hearing a creak when Blaze opened the door.
"Knuckles," the cat greeted coldly, glaring at him as he approached the entrance.
He stopped, his expression subdued. "Oh, Blaze. I didn't expect to see you here."
"Expect the unexpected," she replied, turning to allow him room to enter. "Don't drag your big feet."
His eyebrows furrowed a bit at her insult, stepping inside and suddenly being stopped again. Blaze held out her hand and ordered, "Rouge's key."
Violet eyes stared at her for a few seconds, the redhead not wanting to relinquish his only copy. But he soon complied, dropping it into her palm and continuing into the living room.
"Where's Rouge?" he asked.
The bat's ears perked at the mention of her name, her heartbeat quickening, but the cat answered cryptically. "She left with a friend, so she's somewhere in town – it's none of your business where, exactly."
Her snarky reply sparked a bit of jealousy within him, the echidna immediately assuming that his ex had already found another man. He clenched his fist, but ultimately kept his composure as he grabbed his wristwatch from the end table.
Knuckles knew that Blaze was not to be threatened, and he didn't exactly have the energy to fight, so he calmly climbed the stairs to retrieve his belongings. Rouge was relieved that he was smart enough not to push further, and took the key when her friend brought it to her.
Blaze gave her a reassuring smile before returning to stand by the stairs, watching while Knuckles repeatedly carried items from the upstairs to his car. She kept an eye out for anything that looked like it belonged to Rouge, but the knucklehead was at least intelligent enough not to take anything that wasn't his.
Having neglected to bring boxes, it took him countless trips back and forth to get everything, wasting a chunk of the afternoon. It was obvious he had planned to drag it out, intending to give himself time to talk with Rouge. But, thinking that she was in town, he instead endured silent burning gazes from Blaze as he passed her. When he'd retrieved the last of his possessions, he lingered in the doorway and turned to the princess.
"Tell Rouge I'm sorry," he said, following it up despite Blaze rolling her eyes. "Even if she doesn't forgive me. Just tell her."
"Mhm," responded the cat, defiance permeating from her blank expression.
She closed the door directly behind him as he stepped out, audibly locking it again and visibly watching through the front window while he backed his car out onto the street. Blaze returned to the kitchen once the BMW was out of sight, Rouge standing from her seat.
"Thank you," the bat blurted before her friend could speak.
"Anytime. Hey, would you want to go somewhere for dinner with Silver and me? Later tonight, we could get drinks and get you out of this place for a while."
The suggestion caused a memory to rush forward in Rouge's mind – the promise she'd made to the hedgehog from the coffee shop.
A smile crept across her glossy lips. "I can't, actually. I just remembered I have somewhere to be."
Blaze recognized her coy expression, lowering one eyebrow in a display of intrigue. "Oh? Where's that?"
"Tell you what," the bat started, "how about we go out tomorrow night and I'll tell you about it?"
The cat flashed her sharp canines in a supportive grin. "Sure! It better be something good if I'm having to wait for it."
"Well, you know my plans are always good," Rouge chuckled, Blaze conceding to the claim with a nod.
They headed to the front door and walked out together, Rouge relocking it and approaching her car. Blaze opened her driver's side door and said, "So I'll see you tomorrow. Let's just say around dinner time; you can show up whenever and we'll head out then."
"Sounds good to me," the bat replied happily, then ducked under her car's roof to slide behind the wheel.
Blaze pulled out before her and drove down the street in the same direction that Knuckles had taken. And when Rouge sped down the opposite way, she was finally able to smile effortlessly.
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dracarialove · 5 months
📄F it, I'm posting my finished fics here, too 📄
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*Check the 'rouge's heart' tag if you haven't read chapter 1
[Chapter 2: Betrayal]
Rouge sat on the plush white living room couch, fiddling with a communication device while a random dramedy played on the television. Knuckles came down the stairs, doing up a navy blue tie, and hesitated when he saw her.
He'd hoped to slip out while she was washing dishes, but reluctantly approached the back of the couch to tell her goodbye. He leaned over the bat's shoulder and planted a sweet kiss on her cheek before straightening his posture.
"Bye, babe," he said nonchalantly, Rouge smiling as she turned to look at him. "I'm going to work."
"Work?" the confused woman repeated, watching him walk to the front door. "It's almost sundown!"
The echidna stopped at the mahogany entrance, one mitted hand on the doorknob. He replied over his shoulder, "Yeah... my boss is on a kick of working away from the office; he held a whole meeting about doing performance reviews on a more personal level."
He hesitated again, wanting to leave the excuse there as he squeezed the doorknob. But Rouge was staring at him, perplexed and expecting further clarification. "It's stupid, um... but he's the boss, you know? Kind of a weirdo, so I didn't want him coming here – I offered to let him do my performance review at the apartment."
"Oh," his fiancée replied, mulling over the explanation for a second. Then she smiled, allowing the echidna to let out the breath he'd been holding. "I guess there's nothing wrong with a little change. Strange, but I can't say it's the weirdest thing I've ever heard."
Knuckles chuckled, turning the doorknob. "Gotta go. Love ya."
She returned the sentiment and waved goodbye, her man quickly stepping out and closing the door behind him. Placing the communication device on the glass coffee table, Rouge stood from the couch, then turned off the TV and went into the kitchen.
She picked up her cell phone, thinking about calling Blaze for an evening chat. Before she could open the contact, a stack of papers sitting on the kitchen table caught her eye. Looking them over, it seemed to be a business contract, stapled and stamped, with Knuckles' signature at the bottom.
Figuring he would need it for work, Rouge picked up the stack and placed her cell phone back on the kitchen counter. Walking over to the front window, she could see that Knuckles' red BMW was already gone from the driveway, so she grabbed her keys and went out to her own car.
Stepping into her cherry-scented white Corvette, the bat predicted that she would be able to get the contract to him before his boss arrived – intending to wish him luck before she returned home. She admired the way her engagement ring twinkled as the sky darkened.
When she got to Knuckles' apartment, she parked next to his car, noticing a gray convertible sitting in the space on the other side of the BMW. It made Rouge raise an eyebrow as she exited her car, knowing that the convertible belonged to Julie-Su, one of Knuckles' coworkers. The bat had only met her briefly when she'd picked up her fiancé after an office party, so seeing the vehicle next to his struck her as suspicious.
'Maybe she lives in the complex somewhere,' Rouge thought, trying to justify it as she approached the stairs that led to the echidna's door.
Though she attempted to quiet the nagging voice telling her that something wasn't right, she also took each step cautiously, placing her weight on the balls of her feet to avoid clicking her heels against the metal.
The worried woman was tense, her fingers unconsciously bending the stack of business papers when she spotted a 'Do Not Disturb' sign hanging from Knuckles' doorknob. She almost immediately grabbed the knob, but stopped and leaned forward to extend one large ear near the door.
She heard his voice, low and muffled. Then a chuckle – a womanly chuckle. The bat's heart raced, her face flushing hot as jealousy rushed through her in an instant. She gripped the doorknob, pushing before it was even fully turned.
The door opened loudly, and she caught the two echidnas pulling away from each other as Knuckles gasped. Julie-Su's hand was resting on his knee, and there was a light smudge of pink lipstick on the redhead's lips.
Rouge's grip on the stapled papers tightened again, crumpling them in her palm as her eyes angrily darted between the pair. Julie-Su's eyes were large, staring at the bat in confusion while she removed her hand.
Knuckles' face twisted into an expression of horror and guilt. The betrayed woman couldn't find her voice for a moment, her gaze finally sticking to Knuckles and causing him to speak up.
"R-Rouge," he stammered. "Uh, w-what are you doing here? I-"
Her growing rage pushed her mouth to speak before she even knew what she wanted to say, interrupting the echidna with a raised tone. "How dare you! We're engaged!"
She thrust her left hand forward, flashing the ring – Julie-Su stared at it, her mouth agape as Rouge continued. "And you're having an affair?!"
While Knuckles nervously stuttered to conjure a response, the pink echidna blinked and her expression instantly turned to anger. She whipped her head in the cheater's direction, her long locks flicking around her body before settling. Pushing herself from the couch, she slammed her gloved fists against her hips and raised her voice, as well.
"Hold up, you're engaged? You said she wasn't your girl!"
Knuckles blushed in embarrassment, his tongue still too tied to reply. Julie-Su grabbed her purse from the floor and headed for the door, almost bumping into Rouge as she stopped and turned to him again.
"Lose my number," she ordered angrily, avoiding eye contact with Rouge as she walked out and stomped down the stairs.
"Wait, Julie!" Knuckles finally managed to shout, standing.
Rouge's expression twisted to one of disgust. "'Wait, Julie'? You don't give a fuck about me? I can't believe you!"
"Babe, let's just talk-" pleaded Knuckles.
She interrupted him with a scoff, dropping the papers and swiftly shimmying the engagement ring off her finger. "Talk? No, I've had it with you. We're through!"
Throwing the ring to the floor, she glared at him for a brief second before turning to leave. The bat struggled to tune out the excuses flying frantically from his mouth as he began walking around the couch. She slammed the door behind her, hopping off the balcony and gliding down to her car while Julie-Su pulled out of her parking spot.
By the time Knuckles reopened the door, Rouge was climbing into the driver's seat; she started the ignition while he leapt down the steps two at a time. Still seething, she refused to look up at him and jerked her car backwards, peeling away from the apartment in the opposite direction that Julie had gone.
'Bastard!' her mind shouted, the furious bat unable to hold back tears as she sped away. The rest of her thoughts were angry, jumbled, a flurry of incoherent emotions that forced rivers from her eyes while she tried to focus on the road.
Shaking, she gripped the steering wheel tightly and drove in silence – besides the screaming in her own head – until she reached a coffee shop where her foot dropped absent-mindedly against the brake. She swung her car into an empty space and sat parked, falling back against the black leather seat and staring angrily up at the sun visor. There were a couple of people sitting outside, so she didn't yell to herself like she wanted. Instead, she quietly cried it out, silently calling herself stupid and cursing Knuckles for his betrayal.
When her heart beat had slowed and the tears couldn't flow anymore, Rouge took a deep breath and closed her eyes for a moment. She gathered the strength to sit up again, then flipped the sun visor down and looked into the attached rectangular mirror. Her eyes were still wet, teal irises shining back at her, and transparent streaks ran down her cheeks.
Beginning to collect herself, she reached into the glove compartment for tissues and gently wiped away the moisture. Then, glancing at the coffee shop sign, she sighed and flipped the visor back up. She decided it would be a good idea to go inside for a quick cup of tea, not feeling well enough to go back home just yet.
After ordering, the tired-looking cashier handed her the steaming cup and yawned the moment she turned around; Rouge took the hot drink to a two-person table nearby and sat for a while, ruminating between sips.
She was still shaking a bit, mostly staring at her own reflection inside the mug. Soon, a male hedgehog exited the back room of the shop and relieved the other employee, who promptly left while Rouge remained lost in thought.
The black hedgehog looked her way, noticing the bat's glum expression and finding it surprising that she was alone. He wondered what was bothering her, perplexed that a pretty young woman would be sitting in a coffee shop instead of partying at the nearby clubs.
The stoic man kept a subtle eye on her, eventually becoming curious enough to approach the lone patron. He quietly cleared his throat before rounding the counter.
"Hi," said the hedgehog in a deep, smooth voice.
Rouge looked up, caught a bit off guard, and was met with the most striking crimson eyes she'd ever seen. They were matched by red highlights along his silky black quills, his expression entirely neutral as he stood in a gray apron, white chest hair escaping the collar.
She straightened in her seat, subconsciously perfecting her posture while her gaze remained glued to his. The bat was a little embarrassed that she hadn't noticed him walking up to her; and she wouldn't have been in the mood to speak with him if he weren't shockingly handsome.
"Oh, hi," she responded, her tone shaky from the crying.
"Are you enjoying your tea?" he asked, looking down and pointing at the half-empty cup.
"Oh, yes, I am," Rouge answered, then noticed the nametag stuck to his apron. "Do you work here?"
She immediately felt dumb for asking, but the hedgehog didn't miss a beat in his response. "Yes, I've been here for a while. Truthfully, I only took the job so I could get free coffee. It calms me."
Rouge appreciated the softness in his voice; although not very chipper, his energy matched hers in the moment. All things considered, she found it friendly enough that he was talking to her, the sad bat feeling a bit grateful for the light conversation. Although she was too drained to smile, her eyes brightened a little more.
"Not a bad gig," she said. "Seems pretty quiet in here."
The hedgehog nodded and there was a moment of silence between them. His eyes drifted back down to her mug, and she got the feeling that he didn't know what else to say. Then he looked back up and took a step forward, extending his gloved hand.
"Shadow," he said simply, ignoring that she had already seen his nametag.
She reached out and pressed her palm against his, shaking a couple of times. He had a firm grip, and his hand was warm. "I'm Rouge."
"I'll let you finish your tea," replied Shadow, taking his hand back as she let go. "But maybe you could come by tomorrow."
He shrugged and added, "If you have the time."
Rouge's heart skipped a beat and she managed a faint smile. "I just might do that."
He nodded again, then returned to the counter just before another customer entered the building. The newly-single jewel hunter finished her drink – sneaking glances at Shadow while he worked – then offered a quick wave to him before leaving.
She felt a little more energized as she climbed into her car, then made the drive back home and confronted the question of what to do with Knuckles' belongings.
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