#antijohnwinchester for ts
laufire · 3 years
love how in season 15 they still use “I liked John Winchester” as a red flag for “this hunter is Evil” xDD
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laufire · 3 years
sam, dean, adam, mary, john
Ruby. Like I said: it was a very, VERY formative ship for me.
Castiel. They're compelling on so many levels, nonetheless the religious angle lol, which is something I enjoy IMMENSELY on a shipping level -because blasphemy is hot, ig. Ruby and Castiel as the demon and the angel on Sam's shoulder = A++. I also enjoy Sastiel polyships in general (Meg, Bela, Rowena).
Rowena. We could have had it aaaaaaaaall.
Bela. They would've been neat.
Amy Pond. They were cute as kids and I would've loved to see more of them as adults.
Brady. Oh, the tragedy of the human!ex and the demon!ex combined.
VELMA FROM SCOOBY DOO. I didn't know I needed that in my life. But I did!
Crowley. It would've been fun! What a waste not to mine their bloodsharing in s8 smh.
Madison. I enjoy some angst.
I've enjoyed/could potentially enjoy some canon relationships (I still have some to watch), but not enough that I'd put them in the list at the moment, I think.
Castiel. Up to s12. I do find their dynamic very engaging. My position though, is "get a job, Dean! stay away from him!!" xD
Bela. Very compelling dynamic too. But same xD
Alastair. badwrong ship of my heart. Terrible and horrible and so fascinating.
Gordon. At least Gordon had the decency to bite Dean's neck when he was turned into a vampire. Step up your game, Benny, aka the dullest vampire I've had to face in years ¬¬
Cain. Good, horrible vibes.
Only Michael. They body-sharing and bonding in Hell thing got to me.
I guess I could entertain some crackships, if you pointed them out to me (the first one that came to my mind rn was Adam/Alicia Banes, and now I am kind of curious about that one ngl), but as of now: just Michael.
Well, I am stuck in my "I want to explore the possibility of Mary as a lesbian" headcanon, so I can't physically ship her with men lol
Anna. As if I could NOT ship them after their fight in 5x13 <3
Amara. Amara brought her back and understood~ her!! They could've been interesting.
Potentially others, I guess? I haven't thought a lot about it, because my lesbian!Mary headcanon/WIP so far has been mostly centred around her and what Heaven did to her, how she would deal with that, etc. But some dynamics could be interesting. Rowena, maybe. I could find a way to ship them.
Crossroads deals.
send me a character and i’ll list all the people i ship them with in order
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laufire · 3 years
For the give me a character and I will answer: any of the Winchesters - you got me into rewatching spn and I just got past the episode where they meet the young version of their parents and I'm still mentally stuck on the scene where young John just hates on his future self.
I'll do all three of them lmao (AFAIC Mary is a Campbell and Adam a Milligan. Let them be free of that cursed name lmfao)
Why I like them: I think he’s a very dynamic characters, with a lot of tragically untapped potential. And I love how often he empathises with non-humans.
Why I don’t: well, he can be an asshole sometimes xD. And an enabler. And liking him can get exhausting, in this show.
Favorite episode (scene if movie): kind of hard to pick with a lead character xDD. The first one that came to my mind was actually the last of Soulless Sam’s episodes, when he’s trying to stop Dean from forcing his soul on him. It was... something lol.
Favorite season/movie: this one is difficult because it’s all a mixed bag lmao. I have s9 nostalgia for him standing up for himself, though.
Favorite line: because I’m now thinking of Soulless Sam... this exchange was EVERYTHING
Sam: "Yeah. Okay, look. That brings up a question. So, say you got a soul and you're on a case, and your brother gets abducted by aliens—"
Dean: "You do everything to get him back."
Sam: "Right, you do, but, what about when there are no more leads for the night? I mean, are you supposed to just sit there in the dark and suffer, even when there's nothing that can be done?"
Dean: "Yes!"
Sam: "What?"
Dean: "Yes. You sit in the dark and you feel the loss."
Sam: "Absolutely. But couldn't I just do all that and have sex with the hippie chick?"
Dean: "No!"
Sam: "It would be in the dark."
Favorite outfit: I’m gonna be honest, I don’t pay much attention because the wardrobe department for male characters in this show can get so... boring lol. With few exceptions. I’m picking this soft look (while he’s talking to Rowena) because it’s the first I saw that I liked in gif search lol. It’s bettter than all that plaid.
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OTP: Samruby, forever and ever.
Brotp: my favourite platonic relationship for him is Jack. They pull at my heartsrings.
Head Canon: he still has psychic powers, he’s just almost subconciously sublimated them for his own sake.
Unpopular opinion: I think Dean is terrible for him. Like on abstract, I get what those post about how it’s important that the show certers a platonic relationship are getting at, but... Dean is still Sam’s abuser and I hate when it goes unacknowledged.
A wish: well, I would’ve loved explicit canon Samwena.
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: I find what I’ve heard about his ending depressing enough thanks xD
5 words to best describe them: empathetic, stubborn, hurting, hypercompetent, intuitive.
My nickname for them: n/a, but The Boy King had a nice ring to it lol.
Why I like them: well, he has absolutely amazing moments and unusual traits I value in a lead character.
Why I don’t: he’s a terrible person, a raging misogynist, and a very annoying case of protagonist-centric morality lmao.
Favorite episode (scene if movie): 5x04 “The End” is a great episode for him.
Favorite season/movie: s10 for how terrible he is in it (the demon arc!! He was such a loser and such an ass lmfao), and s5 for a less terrible option lol. I enjoyed his arc in both in opposing ways.
Favorite line: his rant in 3x10 about how he didn’t deserve what John put him through nor going to Hell? Lives in my mind rent-free.
Favorite outfit: well, in terms of guys he gets better looks than the rest lbr xD. I personally miss the s1 times when they put him in bracelets/Rings/necklace etc. (this is the best I could find in the stupid search function).
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OTP: Dean/extensive therapy, forever and ever. Yes, I have complicated feelings on Deanbela and (pre-Dabb era) Destiel, but I’d never call them otps cause... just, no. Also there’s Dean/endverse!Dean. Selfcest is where it’s at xD
Brotp: frankly, it’s still extensive therapy. He’s a terrible friend lmao.
Head Canon: having such a... definite ending to look forward to makes this question kind of a bummer xD. I’ll go with my usual “I’m convinced Alastair brought Bela’s soul for him to torture in Hell, probably multiple times -because I think he’d refused at first”.
Unpopular opinion: I think this entire post is an unpopular opinion about Dean lol. I think the worst is that I’m a bit in ~no man’s land with him, because I might disagree with his stans’ reading of him... but there’s no love losts between me and his most vicious antis, trust me xD
A wish: n/a.
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: n/a.
5 words to best describe them: charming, small-minded, controlling, prideful, clever.
My nickname for them: I have a tag solely for him calling him “my Schrödinger fave”, sooo.
Why I like them: he’s... competent. And a very important part of the narrative and the family themes in the show.
Why I don’t: *points at entire personality and behavior*
Favorite episode (scene if movie): 2x01. He had intense moments in there.
Favorite season/movie: well, he’s a key part of my enjoyment in s1.
Favorite line: that one you mention where young!John unknowingly insults his own parenting style lmao.
Favorite outfit: young!John was Dick Grayson-style pretty lbr.
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OTP: n/a.
Brotp: n/a.
Head Canon: n/a.
Unpopular opinion: Dean is a lot more similar to him than fandom would like (see: Jack).
A wish: that he and Mary weren’t implied endgame in Heaven ffs. I hate that ship. THEY WERE CUPID-ROOFIED FFS.
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: well, that ship sailed *points above*
5 words to best describe them: bullheaded, rigid, determined, principled (not necessary a good thing xD), abrasive.
My nickname for them: n/a.
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laufire · 4 years
I want to make a more ~serious review post for Supernatural’s first season now that I’m done with it (and before I keep on with s2 to maintain some semblance of order). but if you guys want a simplistic summary of my reactions, well.
me: I do not like that boy Dean one bit (as a person, as a character he’s interesting).
me whenever John is anywhere near his vicinity:
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[Caption: two gifs of Oliver Queen in Arrow, holding his son in his arms and scream at someone off-screen, “Don’t you talk to him! DON’T EVEN LOOK AT HIM!”. Link.]
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