ryanbergera · 5 years
Staring longingly out of the window as the heavy rain can be heard in the background: when will I be included on anti sh/an block list?
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levyfiles · 5 years
Oh god i remeber that discord, if i remember rightly they didnt see a problem with shipping tinsley and c.c and when someone accidentally revealed themself to b a shyan shipper they got called worse than hitler or smth aidnsifndo (Also im fairly sure there was a channel called the-piss-jail or smth aifnsif)
This might not be relatable to all of you but I was raised in a white fundamentalist Christian community and just... you ever like join a youth club at church because you wanna get out and socialize and you realise very shortly thereafter that you didn't join a club but actually just someone's vanity circle disguised as a prayer warrior esque series of social events? You ever catch yourself baking for the Lord but you're actually baking so the sheer hour of insanity, self involved righteousness has sugar to even it out. Y'all ever watch a group of teens speak in tongues and collapse to the ground because the holy spirit said that shit was cool? You ever consider how very easily people get grafted into the mother tree of the Stupid and the Senseless because people are afraid of being alone.
Being a teen searching for an identity that will absolve you of all your inner demons and alienating weirdness esp where the landscape is peppered with internalized hatred is a shitshow and at any point in time you too could find yourself either muttering gibberish (because if you're 15 and don't speak tongues yet then God doesn't like you) or in a community dedicated to talking fast food made up by a dude who doesn't give the story of it half as much weight as his fans do, where the worst thing a person can do is reimagine the shows/media/people they like as being queer because believe me, nothing is more terrifying to fundamentalist Christians and the antis of this fandom than gay people thinking about straight people being gay.
That's some shit, nonnydude, and I feel it in my very core. Just like I look back on my days in a kilt and grey knee socks with vague cringe and an affirmed determination not to let people's fears and insecurities define my experience on this planet, I hope everyone who survived that gross mess of a server does the same.
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skullforbrains · 6 years
someone PLEASE give me some bfu blogs that are not shyan blogs???
i’m really looking for good art, esp AU art like demon!shane and ricky goldsworth, but i don’t wanna see shyan stuff
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orlamccools · 5 years
it officially midnight in illinois so happy birthday to this long legged man
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wetookanoath · 6 years
Nini i have a question like I genuinely want to know. How do you justify rpf and shyan fic when people say it’s disrespecting Ryan and Shane? I started writing a fic but never finished it because it felt like I was being a bad fan or something. antishyans say it’s weird to ship two real people and I get it but I don’t see how it’s still hurtful if we’re not sending the fic to Ryan’s and Shane, or posting it in an area where they wouldn’t see it unless they went looking like ao3 or #shyan on here
Sweetheart, you just answered your own question.
As long as you are not shoving it down their throats, you aren’t doing anything wrong because what we are shipping is, you like it or not, a fictionalized version of them that they chose to show for their online show.
Online persona and real person are NOT the same, doesn’t matter how much some content creators want to say otherwise. They are going to show certain face and allow certain dynamic to the public, while being themselves with their closer people, in their private and personal life.
This doesn’t make them dishonest and it doesn’t make us bad people for liking a dynamic we see and making some fiction out of it.
Now, please if you want to discuss this you gotta come off anon because I’ve said several times I’m not goin to answer these things in public, especially not now that the show is coming back and wiht it, hordes of hate will come as it always happens.
If you need to vent or have something else to say, do it privately.
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antifa-hulk · 5 years
Yo since my blog is getting more traffic and my posts are getting popular, I just want to say hi, my name is, unfortunately, Meg, I just say some stuff that gets notes sometimes. I think biggest-gaudiest-patronuses blocked me for calling them out and I made it on the antishyan blocklist. Please note I've had this blog since I was 17 and used to be a uneducated piece of shit but I've since learned and am still learning. Terfs, racists, nazis and all their friends are not welcome here.
Do not reblog
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esklipse-blog · 6 years
im so confused if iam either a antishyan/ standrew or shyan/standrew shipper. like,,,,i ship them, yes but not TOO romantically. just light romantic platonical stuff, yknow? like?? best bros?? best buds?? i do like a bit of smooches but that's all!!! i do sometimes read fluff fanfictions abt them and it's cute yes, and i also made standrew fanart on my Instagram, but it's not romantic at all, it's just andrew blushing and stuff i don't hardcore ship them, i just??? lightly ship them bc i know shipping RL people is wrong, and it is seriously wrong, tbh but i just??!?! idk this is why iam semi-active in RL fandoms such as the Buzzfeed fandom (??) bc stuff like these happens idk, do what you guys gonna do, im just,,going to draw my favourite employees, rie or smth idk,,,,
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levyfiles · 5 years
I was part of a discord server dedicated to the hotdaga. That place attracted a lot of antis, that I can assure you. The more time passed - and the longer we went without the hotdaga returning - the worse it got for non-antis. Without that common passion, things fell apart. And... well, there was a lot of what I'll call cognitive dissonance; self-proclaimed antis who still created RPF content. I saw things in there that most shippers wouldn't write about. V*re was involved. It was weird.
Tho. This isn't the first time this urban legendesque server has been brought up in my inbox so I remain unsurprised at how messy it really was. Damn tho. Antis really be creatively on that Vore train.
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I'm sorry you went through that, nonnyb. I hope your circle of online pals is less conflicted now.
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levyfiles · 6 years
I wonder if the antis know that the guys are aware of Shyan... Like a colleague literally made a post about it.
Why do y’all keep coming here smelling like the best aromatic tea but you don’t even serve any? Where’s your tea, nonnysweetie? Where is it?
Having said that, here’s some tea of my own under the cut.
We don’t actually know Shane and Ryan and we don’t know their coworkers but going by how the internet Works I’d be genuinely surprised if they don’t know that the ship exists and I’d be surprised if they care about it half as much as some of the people I’ve blocked. With all the work they’ve got, who has the time to be perusing mine and other blogs on a website (not to mention their tag on Ao3) that isn’t even one of the main sources of their audience feedback. It’d be a different conversation if we were all on their instagrams, on youtube, or their facebook posting about the ship. It’s hard enough for me, with all I’ve got going on outside of this fandom, to keep up to date on what everyone’s posting; I can’t imagine what it’s like for someone trying to run an internet series that requires that much traveling, have a social life, and still interact vaguely with fans online. 
I find it’s a misapprehension of the loudest anti that they know definitively what their faves are thinking. They lambast a shipper for taking moments out of context for fictional purposes but they’ll turn around and do the same, taking pieces of quotes, believe some random person with no visible connection to Ryan saying that they know him and that he’s condemned shippers; all this work to support something they actually believe in. I’ve been a little amused of late that my comment about the hypocrisy of some antis made someone go off so hard that they literally tried to tag me in an essay about how @-ing Shane about plupples fucking (a weird notion regardless of what your stance is regarding Sausage Party but altogether not that deep or serious) and then getting mad at people talking about headcanons sexual or not within the realm of the show’s universe on their own blogs (do i have to mention that none of us are tweeting them but privately chatting about a friendship that is founded in so many of the premises we love the most in fiction becoming romantic in fiction also not that deep) is a logical stance.
A really insightful friend was saying a few weeks ago that a lot of it is just the notion that fans feel a close affinity to their creators and most times, they want to be their best friends; they don’t desire the boundaries that were automatically in place pre-social media between creator and audience; they’re trapped in the cycle that began the first time a Youtuber said the words ‘I love you’ to a faceless crowd through a camera. The othering notion of being a fan has been hammered in by the media’s misogynistic and at times homophobic perception of what fan culture is and if it makes a person feel wholesome and healthy to distance themselves from the title and all the stigma then that’s on them but it’s not going to give them any special access to their favourite creators over anyone else. 
We can’t possibly be thinking that during a q+a that they go through the usernames/urls/blogs/twitters of the people whose questions they select and go “Oh no, a shipper. Let’s not pick that one, We wouldn’t want them to feel validated” or even that they’d see ‘I’ll fucking kill you if you ship shya/n” on someone’s bio and think :Ah, A True Protector of our FRIENDSHIP and Hero among Strangers we don’t know. An Anti-shipper. Wow. We should invite them to Buzzfeed, let them sit on our laps and tell them ghost stories first hand.” 
The truth is we all just like the show, we like the supernatural and/or true crime, and we like the guys that make the show happen. The people that buy merch, send them supportive comments, contribute to their views and attend their panels are a diverse mix of people and-- let’s be real--a lot of them aren’t even on tumblr. So a shippy comment that made an anti shrieking mad on their instagram isn’t the same as someone on here posting in a specific tag that is meant for shipping only. The internet is such a vast space and it’s full of people who like the same thing we do who we’ll never interact with and I thank the gods for that every day because while it’s a rule for me not to read Youtube comments because of the secondhand embarrassment at times, I get a hint of instagram comments, tweets and all that noise that go directly to them and many of it may not be about shipping but damn, some people don’t know how to act. That’s the essence of having a wide and diverse audience though; you’re not gonna get along with everyone because we all don’t have the same principles. Other shippers don’t always agree with each other but damn are some of us afraid to enter into public discourse about it because there’s too many mean-spirited people burning other people with their moral superiority and the notion of having a conversation with someone who could flip-switch from ‘Let’s talk about how I personally feel’ to ‘You’re disgusting and I hate you as a person I don’t know!” is daunting. 
Summation of my thoughts. They don’t give a crap about the ship; it’s never been that deep; non celebrities are real people too so stop and think before you post about someone you barely know, and last of all, whether or not their colleague posted about the ship is irrelevant because it’s like 10% of the show’s appeal. 
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levyfiles · 6 years
im feeling kind of violated levy lmao. we have a personal shyan discord server and someone- we thought it was tw*nsf*wn herself cuz she introduced herself as 19 and named julie but we aren't sure anymore- joined, and we didn't know she was an anti, and then tw*nsf*wn made a literal callout post for the server owner with screenshots from two different servers. one of the scs was from the vent channel. i just can't believe someone would do this
I’ve actually heard about this noise secondhand from quite a few people and I didn’t care to weigh in until I knew more of the facts. First of all, I’m sorry that happened; really very sorry that it went down the way it did. I think people will move forward though especially since the individual who was targeted is young and still learning how the world works (a journey we’ve all had to embark upon within the realm of what we can do given our upbringing).  
What I do want to encourage people to do is if you make a discord server, and you don’t want to feel anxious about who you can and can’t trust to behave like an adult, make sure it’s invite only so that people can vet and advocate for others. This can also ensure that we are still curating our own online experiences instead of enabling troubled people to seek out things that make them angry.
I’ll be fully honest. Reading the rant as it was made me feel ill because even up here in Canada there are people who think like that and teach their children to think that way as well. I also think that as a person of colour who is a frequent witness and victim to  microagressions and foul beliefs about the system we participate in daily, I don’t like generalisations and I feel nothing but distaste for bullies. So expecting an entire group of people to answer for an individual’s actions/beliefs/words is in and of itself such a white privileged response to what was also a white privileged rant as shown in the screenshots. It’s unfortunate that some people have the luxury to brandish words of ignorance and bigotry like that around as a weapon to fuel their movement against a goddamn not-that-deep ship but that is part of the reality we live in. A person can read a youtube comment that says something as innocuously humorous as ‘Ryan and Shane are like a married couple’ and that same person will log onto the blogging website where they live all day and send hate to every shipper they’ve ever heard of because it’s easy to just assume the people you can access are responsible for the tenets of the internet that make you angry. Just the same, an anti can say something as reductive as ‘shippers are racist’ and my hapless shrug at the claim is simply because my blasian ass has just had a Day listening to white people talk over me about my own identity so I have no obligation to listen to a group of tiny-minded rage mongerers baiting me into an inquisition without conviction when they haven’t experienced an iota of the crap a lot of us have. 
I’m not into dogmatic bullshit about people I don’t know or care about and whether they are Good or Evil but I’d file call-out posts for younger teens on the internet about a subject that is non shipping related and spinning it as a shipper’s Thing as a Bad Move. 
Once again, it’s a shitty reality and people are going to keep being how people are especially with the victorious light of faux justice in their anger but you can do better; keep blocking shit, talk to your friends when they say things that hurt you or others, and lock the shit up you don’t want a mean spirited person to see. 
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levyfiles · 6 years
jesus christ antis are oof, I sent a screenshot to my discord (where there is literally a rule about not mentioning shan stuff either shipper or anti) not realising that the post had been reblogged from you and instead of focusing on our friend facing up to Ricky goldsworth they literally just say "queer unsolved? she's nasty" you can't even see it fully it's like a light grey wtf
I was the one whose discord suddenly stopped following the rules and talking about how shitty shyans are after I sent a screenshot of someone else's blog that had your name barely in it. Anyway I left and now me and my friends have made a shyan discord sufbfinf grOwTh
I’m just glad you and your pals are in a more positive space now. I often think that it must be a real bother to want to talk to someone about the thing you both really like and all they want to do is get loud and messy about the people they hate. 
It’s weird because they’d pretty much need to develop what very miniscule details they know about me and preach loads of headcanons about me to formulate an image to hate so passionately. I am a real person after all. :)
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orlamccools · 5 years
I’m kinda scared of asking this. I’m new in the fandom and people keep talking about this “shyan”? I actually don’t know what it is and I’m too scared to ask bc people seem to have very strong opinions on whether or not they support it? Can you explain this whole thing for me? I don’t mean to cause any drama when I ask this but I’m actually just curious and just want to understand what this is about
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Hey hey hey nonnie!!
I decided to combine these into one post just to make it easier to answer!! To start welcome to the fandom!
Shyan is a ship that exists between the two hosts of B.uzzfeed Uns.olved, Ryan Bergara and Shane Madej. The debate over it really boils down to if shipping real people is ok. Shippers think its ok to do so, and antis dont. I, for example, am really anti shyan, just because I think you shouldnt treat real people like theyre fictional characters, and bc I think its disrespectful to the boys and to their girlfriends.
If you want more insight on why shyan is bad, I'd highkey recommend checking out @antishyan just bc that blog has a lot more resources
As for your second question!! The Hotdaga (or Hot Dog Saga) is a story written by Shane and starring Ryan. It started as a bit in their Post Mortem episodes, but has really grown since then. Its a long ass story so I wont go too into it (check this wiki out if you want a full plot summary!) but the most recent season has seen a holographic lesbian corn and a french fries travel into space in order to get a converter to build a time machine to save the lesbians wife and to stop an evil witch from taking over the world!!
The whole pro hotdaga/anti hotdaga is mainly a joke, bc Ryan gets really annoyed by it while Shane is very enthusiastic about his creation, and those views really reflect onto the fandom!!
I hope these answers help you out, and if you have any more q's feel afraid to hit me up!! I'm always happy to explain things and to help new ppl in this fandom :)
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levyfiles · 6 years
love the fact that you haven't mentioned the fact that a shyan shipper literally wrote a fic where ryan and his family are in an internment camp yet youre calling us racist but go off i guess sweetie. Also, its kinda pathetic that a bunch of people younger than you have a better sense of morality than you and actually understand the meaning of the word respect when you're literally a whole ass adult who gets off on fetishizing gay men, but yknow. Have a nice night!!
Now a lot of you who actually know me, know that I don’t think addressing this kind of message is worth any performative victory. This isn’t for any sort of congratulatory win and this isn’t going to be the reality tv reaction a few of you are hoping for but I do feel the need to finally break my tumblr silence because it seems like the concept of blocking is getting derailed. This right here is a good example of the reductive under-developed thinking process of people who think they’re slick with this disingenuous bullshit.
I don’t think antis as a whole are racist; that’s a bizarre claim. I don’t know or care to know most of them because surprise-surprise, no one wants to read essays about how someone else they’ve never met before thinks they’re awful. What I do know is someone else pointed out the ick-factor of the rat headcanon first and some people leaned into it because they knew it would make someone upset.
So here’s the very foundation of why I been telling people to start using the block feature because I’m not telling anyone to take responsibility for other people’s behaviour. I’m telling people to take responsibility for themselves instead of trying to clamor into other people’s spaces to try to control those people. Curate your own experience. I blocked people who are trying ever so hard to control my experience and all of them took offense and for some reason are upset that they can’t see my content when it’s the very content that makes them so upset. Then I supplied that very same list of people I’ve blocked to people who are also getting harrassed by so many of you and you took even more offence because god forbid someone not want to have to hear a stranger on the internet’s insults directed at them. Some of you are even going so far as to petulantly ask me to perform the blocking for you, as if you think I might be hurt or sad because a complete and utter stranger doesn’t want to interact with my blog? I have never sent any of you the things I post, I have never described you ad hominem nor made any performative pledges to eradicate you from the website like some sort of fascist.
I started this thing in February so I wouldn’t be spamming my friends on my original personal blog and because I wanted to write for a generally positive community like this. I’m not starting a movement, I don’t belong to a cult or a dogma, nor am I interested in changing the show for you personally. This is me doing me and if people are following it’s because it’s what they like doing as well. I’m not looking for acclaim or for any showrunner to come perusing like my impact on a single website in a single community where even my meta is so tongue-in-cheek no one with half the sense of some of you could take it for anything else but fiction. 
So listen. I care about the people on my mutuals list and now that I brought up the subject, I’m hearing more and more about the nonsense some of these rat headcanon people are sending to blogs that have asked Specifically for you to stop. Some of you are even forgetting to turn on anonymous when you send them which is even more laughable because you really are embarrassing yourselves. There is nothing harmless about it anymore. Maybe I give it the benefit of the doubt and say it started because a fan said Shane looked like one but then why start spamming people in their inboxes with your uwu bullshit and tagging them the moment they say they don’t like it. 
Ultimately, if you carry on with the rat stuff, it’s not going to change my life because it’s your actions, you’re making your fan experience about that and ultimately doing it out of spite toward a shipper. If anything, be decent about your crude little fixation and keep it amongst yourselves; don’t be sending that shit to people who don’t want it. Make your own tag,  but for fuck’s sake just like antis aren’t going to stop being shitty about my actually gay genderqueer multiracial ‘whole ass adult’ self enjoying fictional queer content (let’s play identity bingo to make sure I don’t accidentally fetishize myself), that’s not going to stop me from looking at your rat crap with disdain and knowing the place it’s coming from so go off or grow up because you’re not getting any validation here.
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levyfiles · 6 years
Shipping real people is weird and creepy, maybe you should find something better to do jus sayin 🤷🏽‍♀️
Dear Anonymous Coward,
Thank you for your complaint! We appreciate your obsessive attention.
To further complain that my ship is disrespectful, please press A. To complain that my kink is not okay, please press B. To accuse me of being a creep, weirdo, pervert, or other insult, please press C. To make a thinly-veiled misogynistic and ageist blanket statement about all women in fandom over the age of 25, please press D.
Thanks for helping us help you! Your response will be collated and duly ignored.
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