punkeropercyjackson · 2 months
Top 5 worst ships in your opinions (can't be from the same franchise)
5.Weiss/Ruby(Rwby).Purely because of the fandom,i love Weiss but Ruby's way out of her league and ion like how the stans talk about Oscar,who is Ruby's canon love interest and a poor afrolatino boy to Weiss' rich white girl.Dosen't help that Weiss has more chemistry with Ruby's sister actually
4.Peter/Wade(Marvel).Do not care about Wade in the slightest bit and it ranges into full on hatred thanks to me maining Spiderfam when it comes to Marvel and i'm a firm believer in Gwenpool and her x Comics!Gwen as queerplatonic trans girlfriends superiority(Me and my gf fr fr)
3.Bakugou/Momo(Bnha).She deadass shows nothing except disdain for him in canon in all their interactions but she's his bestieeee according to Bakuriders because women don't have backbones if they're soft and peppy and kiddy-Momo is the walking definition of 'Silk Hiding Steel' and that's why she dosen't date nepotism dudebros.Shouto dosen't count because he's neither dude nor bro,he's just her pretty boygirlfriend who lives in her head rent free and vice versa(but for her it's 'pretty autistic girlfriend')
2.Percy/Annabeth(Pjo).Their couple song is 'Fake as hell' by All Time Low and Avril Lavigne because they're the fakest fake to ever fake-Percy is obviously comphet on Annabeth's part but also their whole dynamic is just built on lying to the reader and being shoved onto eachother against their consent by the narrative until they give into it and it's a severely unbalenced dynamic with almost all the favors going onto Annabeth and Percy enabling her because he's scared of her.They will never be the Dead Sea Siblings soulmateisms or Ghostflower and the shippers are such Luke and gods apologists ong
1.Harry/Draco(Hp).This ship has so much of it going around eternally for an eternity and it's all just white privilege and fetishization of minorities and glamorization of richness and i do not get the hype around Draco,it's always been so incomprehensible to me that BLACK WOMEN especially simp for him like honey he called Hermione slurs💀Yet another reason Hp and Marauder's era should've never gotten published,it's done nothing but damage to everyone and everything
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Sydney, Australia: Trade unionists and solidarity activists rally for Bolivarian Venezuela on eve of Constituent Assembly vote, July 29, 2017.
“Trade unionists from the Maritime Union of Australia and the Construction Forestry Mining and Energy Union took part in a Sydney Town Hall square rally in solidarity with Venezuela's Bolivarian revolution on the ever of the Constituent Assembly elections in that country. The elections are being violently disrupted by right-wing opposition groups supported by the US Trump administration. US President Donald Trump has threatened "strong and swift economic actions" if the election goes ahead.”
Photos by Peter Boyle / Green Left Weekly.
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auskultu · 7 years
uncredited writer, The New York Times, 1 May 1967
ATLANTA, April 30 — The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. accused President Johnson today of bringing Gen. William C. Westmoreland home to silence dissent against the Vietnam war and to encourage support for escalation of the conflict.
Dr, King again urged young men to file as conscientious objectors and refuse to fight for the United States, which he described as "the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today.”
In a sermon from the pulpit of his Ebenezer Baptist Church, the Nobel Peace Prize winner praised Cassius Clay, heavyweight champion, for refusing to be inducted into the Army.
"Every young man in this i country who believes that this war is abominable and unjust should file as a conscientious objector,” Dr. King said.
He praised Clay's courage and said:
"He is giving up even fame. He is giving up millions of dollars in order to stand up for what his conscience tells him is right"
Sees Dangerous Trend “There is a very dangerous development in the nation now to equate dissent with disloyalty,” Dr. King said. "This was clearly pointed out by the fact that General Westmoreland was brough back to this country to develop a sentiment and consensus for the further escalation of the war and to further silence dissent.”
The congregation, which included Stokely Carmichael, the “Black Power” leader, interrupted Dr. King twice with applause during his sermon and gave him a standing ovation when he finished.
The United States is on the wrong side of the revolutionary movement of oppressed people throughout the world, Dr King said.
“I don't know about you,” he said, “but I ain't going to study war no more.”
The civil rights leader asserted that United States policy on Vietnam had been wrong since 1946. He said that this country had supported the French in Indochina rather than the independence leader, Ho Chi Minh. He said when France lost its war, the United States selected one dictator after another to prevent Ho Chi Minh from becoming head of all Vietnam.
“Elections would surely have brought to power Ho Chi Minli over a united Vietnam,” he said.
Links Two Stands Dr. King equated his stand on United States policy in Vietnam with his previous work in civil rights.
He said those who once praised him for his nonviolent tactics against segregationsts such as Eugene Connor, former iMrminghafn (Ala.),Police Commissioner, and James Clark, former Selma (Ala.), Sheriff, now denounce him “when I preach nonviolence against little brown Vietnamese women and children.”
“There is something wrong in that,” he said.
Dr. King said people friendly to his civil rights movement who criticize him for his Vietnam posture apparently never understood him. He said that first of all he was a minister of God. He added that when he won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964, “it was a mission to work harder for peace.”
He said he was a pacifist, but added, “I believe I probably would have temporarily sacrificed my pacifism” during World War II “because Hitler was such an evil force in history.”
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surgerycenter-korea · 6 years
Anti wrinkle injection
Facial wrinkle will destroy the other beauties of a face and it will create a dim look on face. #Anti_wrinkle_injection in Korea is improving facial wrinkles, such as smile line, crow's feet, and others. Visit here: https://bit.ly/2KyX7CS
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punkeropercyjackson · 4 months
My most swinging a bat at a hornet's nest Rwby take is that Ruby has never shown any signs of having a crush on Weiss and actually views her as a second older sister but the fandom can't wrap their hands around that fact that not everybody finds mean rich white girls hot.My second most SABAAHN Rwby take is that Ruby isn't Weiss type but Yang is.Third one is that the same applies to Ruby with Jaune and her types are Oscar,Penny and Emerald(by which i mean black people)
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