#antizionism is nothing to be proud of
the-ind1gen0us-jude4n · 8 months
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This is the kind of shit “antizionists” live to smear online.
Jews don’t believe in a devil or in a “permanent” hell. Jesus was Jewish, but we don’t believe in him as a prophet.
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jewish-vents · 4 months
Constantly visiting this blog and reading the rants of other Jews suffering like me....I cannot stop crying all the time. So much of us in pain and no one listening. I'm scared. Will it take something huge for everyone else to listen? How far will their hatred go? I can't stop thinking about that post on R/Jewish titled "Be ready this time." Will they still gaslight us even when the hatred becomes so big even they cannot deny or ignore it?
As a South Asian, I saw how brown people were lumped together and suffered after 9/11. To this day, everyone still makes 9/11 jokes but it was us who paid the price. How bad will the world punish us for this? I can't stop feeling suicidal. We will always be blamed for everything wrong in the world. We will never have allies, even our own people turn their backs on us in order to secure that "Good Jew" spot to avoid the dire consequences of being a "bad one".
I hate how betrayed I feel. It was so predictable, yk? The switch up. For the past few years, I couldn't stop feeling like antisemitism was gonna be back in style soon. My family thought it was just paranoia. Then it happened and yet I don't think I could ever get over it or stomach it. How do we even begin to process how quickly everyone embraced extreme, conservative levels of antisemitism? The moment they all took the stance that "Antisemitism isn't real/nothing is antisemitism not even antisemitism is antisemitism" against Israel's "everything is antisemitism", everything went to shit.
Watching the antisemitism happen in real time haunts me too....I can barely sleep. October 7th was already such a horrible day on the internet, don't get me wrong but on my side, at least I saw some people trying to push the "peace for all sides" stance. But after a week or so (maybe a few days tbh), I saw the antisemitism take over everywhere and it replays in my mind, making me sick. They couldn't wait to hate us. They were so happy that they no longer had to care about Jews or antisemitism (They never even spoke about us or our oppression anyways but now they can finally talk about us like the conservatives they oh so hate while also gaslighting us!)
And it sucks to admit but it hurts even more that my fellow people of color and queer people see us as such threats. We're just supposed to take it. We can't ever talk about how Muslims have oppressed us....When Kanye went Nazi, I saw a lot of people fall into antisemitic conspiracies and put the blame on us as well as all their anger and frustrations because somehow it's our fault he never got deplatformed for his "slavery was a choice" remarks and we always have "an agenda". We're just the perfect punching bags because there's so little of us and most people in the world have never met a Jew and yet think they know us through "The Jews killed Jesus" and "The Jews own the world".
I love you all. Everyone who posts on here and of course the person or persons who run this blog. I know we will survive this. We are so strong....we shouldn't have to be but we are anyway and I'm so proud. We've been here before and we will probably be here again over and over. But I'm so honored.
They can try to run over random Jews and shoot our schools and get the world to turn against any Jew by simply calling them a Zionist (which starts a serious isolation of Jews from the world as many Jews get boycotted in the name of antizionism) and attack our elders as they leave synagogues and leave antisemitic flyers in our neighborhoods saying we are the one true evil and do everything you can possibly imagine to harm us and we'll always be here. Everyone finally gets unity through Judenhass but what's new?
Thank you for this blog. It's so easy to feel like we're so alone but we have each other 💕 Sorry for this really long rant. I came here feeling extra hurt because I lost another friend recently. She came to me to have a long antisemitic rant about this white Jewish girl in our circle. Then a concerned friend sent me screenshots of a thread laughing and mocking us on 4chan (🤢🤮) about how Leftists hate Jews more than 4chan now. I can't take any of this anymore. But I am truly grateful for this blog and this space to yell and scream 💕
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taylovelinus · 3 months
I also think what really gets me about "antizionism" discourse (both in radfem spaces and in general public discourse at large) is that its incredibly evident that know one even knows what Zionism is and what Zionism isn't. They've just played this weird game of telephone where they only get their information from Islamist extremist sources and Wikipedia (which openly allows biased outlets like Al Jazeera as a source). That's how you have an entire generation of young people who earnestly believe that Zionism exclusively means hatred of Muslims or white supremacism or european colonialsm or whatever buzzword they think. It is, at its core, an indigenous rights movement. That's it. Nothing more or nothing less. It's only tenet is that Jews are a native people and that they've been exiled and slaughtered for millennia and that they have the right to self determination. Nothing about Zionism means that you inherently support the Israeli govt, or their military, or any other facets of their history or culture or whatever. It's ONLY tenet is that its an indigenous rights movement. You are free to disagree about literally everything else pertaining to Israel, that's fine and normal and frankly encouraged. But to sit there and say with a straight face that you believe in indigenous rights, but not the indigenous rights movement specific to Jews, just shows me that most people are antisemites and are genuinely proud of it.
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the-ind1gen0us-jude4n · 3 months
"anTizIOniSM iSnT aNtIseMITiSm!!"
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the-ind1gen0us-jude4n · 5 months
Yet another antisemite gets owned by a strong Jew standing up for his people.
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the-ind1gen0us-jude4n · 9 months
One thing I’ve noticed about the left, is that they accuse us of being Nazis and fascists, but then say that the Nazis were right to kill us and that HAMAS should do what Hitler did.
Pick a damn side already. Do you think we’re the Nazis, or are you?
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the-ind1gen0us-jude4n · 3 months
Just wanted to remind everyone that we didn’t even get a chance to mourn before goyim started celebrating October 7th.
This “genocide” in ‘Azah is what happens when you launch the largest mass slaughter of Jews since the holocaust.
If the occupants of ‘Azah didn’t want this, maybe they shouldn’t have supported it and not have voted a terrorist organisation into power.
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the-ind1gen0us-jude4n · 3 months
The Los Angeles "Protest"
What we saw in Los Angeles was a pogrom, there is no better word for it.
The crowds of antisemitic rioters who terrorised our families in the pale of settlement would be very proud of you all.
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the-ind1gen0us-jude4n · 8 months
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Pretty much
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