#anxiety headache that i always get before the rammstein shows
miscreantmelon · 5 years
Rammstein M&G - Stockholm | 14.08.19
So this might not be hugely interesting to anyone, but there's a few little things I wanted to remember from last week’s M&G and what was probably the best 15 minutes of my life ♥
[Quick disclaimer; I didn’t take most of these photos, the only reason I’ve watermarked them is because I see M&G photos stolen without credits all the time and unfortunately I lost track of who in our lovely group took each photograph 💔]
BathrobeOlli™ was the first to come in and sign. He sped through very quick and didn’t say a lot - but he was still really nice. A girl near me asked him if she could have a hug and he said yes in his super low voice and gave her a big hug, it was really sweet 😭. I was super nervous and he seemed in a hurry so I just said thank you when he signed my artwork and let him move on ♥
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Richard arrived next, and Paul, Till, Flake and Schneider must have been right behind him because by the time he’d greeted the first person in the line, the rest of them had all appeared in the doorway. There was a lot of loud banging (kind of like a drum roll, I guess) which I didn’t see the source of but it did sound as though one of them had been hitting or kicking either a wall or a door or something to announce their arrival 😂😂 
Flake and Schneider joined Richard in starting at the other side of the room and Till and Paul stuck around. This meant Till was coming our way next; and honestly he was laughing and smiling a lot more than I had ever expected. A couple of the girls ahead in the line were German, and whatever they said had him laughing, then when he got to the Swedish girls beside me he was listing some of the Swedish words he knew - and he asked them how to say something (it may have been “you’re welcome”? I can’t quite remember now). He just seemed totally in a good mood, and it was really nice to see him smiling so much!
When he signed my drawing he did it sooooo slow and careful because the paper is really thin and I had nothing solid to put underneath it to act as a table. It’s not a big deal really, but I just really appreciated the care and attention he put in to making sure he didn’t rush and mess it up 😭 took him like a solid ten seconds just to sign.
Till went on to chat to the girl beside me, and then Paul appeared. When I gave him my drawing to sign, he gestured to Jens (who was standing behind with a camera) and told me “this is the guy who took this photo”, meaning the photograph I’d used as a reference for the artwork. I already knew this, since - lets be honest - the guy takes the prettiest goddamn photos. So I replied “I know” and Paul said “You know? How do you know?” to which I went “...I follow him on instagram” 😂 Jens was listening to all of this and mouthed “thank you” at me which was just the sweetest thing honestly.
Then I think I stopped to take a pic of Till with the girl next to me (I honestly can’t remember what order anything happened in so could be wrong lmfao) and I probably mentioned something about hoping the pictures were okay because I was shaking so much, and then the next thing I know I hear Till laughing loudly, saying something along the lines of “look at this” whilst gesturing at my shaky hands and then he literally GRABS MY PHONE OFF ME. 
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Then he fiddles with it for a few seconds before holding it up to take pictures of me and Paul together. Later when I flicked through my shots I realised not only did he just take the pictures but he also had the good sense to put the camera into portrait mode before doing so. When he handed the phone back to me he said “they are lovely photos” 😭  
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Till carried on down the line and Paul chatted to me a bit more. I told him the drawing took me a month to finish and around about when I said that Richard came barrelling down the line and had signed it before I even noticed he’d appeared in the first place. Then it was like a switch had flipped in Paul’s head and his attention was completely distracted 😂. He sort of grabbed at / dragged Richard over to stand on the other side of him .. . . . and then they were both looking at my drawing together. It was the probably the most surreal moment of my life 😭 just couldn’t believe I had BOTH of them standing beside me at the same time (still can’t believe it, actually) and I don’t even remember anything they said, because my brain was just internally screaming the entire time. 
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This is literally my favourite photo ever aaaaAAAAaaH
Anyway just as Richard was managing to get my totally frayed attention onto him, Paul takes the paper from me completely and holds it up so Jens can take a picture of it on his camera and aaaaaaaaaaah I was internally screaming all over again.
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I was so surprised but I am still SO stoked about it. It was just the coolest fuckin’ thing. I know the boys in the band see art much cooler than mine all the time so I didn’t expect much from their reactions, but the fact that Jens liked it enough to want a picture of it made my whole life ♥ 😭
During this, Richard told me the drawing was good and that was pretty cool to hear from him in particular since he said “I’m very picky” directly afterwards. (Of course you are Richard I think we all know that   👀) He was really kind and was smiling a lot too and just, ugh 😍
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Here’s Paul patiently waiting for me to get my picture taken with Richard before handing me back my art adsjglkd; I love him sm Richard moved to the next person after that but Paul actually stuck around a little longer, chatting to me some more. Out of all of them, he definitely took the longest amount of time with each person in the meet and greet and was the last person still circulating the room at the end. Not to mention that he was so lovely and smiley the whole time 😭😭
Schneider and Flake came around next, and my nerves were really shot by this point so I was probably a bit quiet and awkward, but they were both really nice. Somebody got a picture of Schneider signing the drawing ♥
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Just after Till finished meeting people and went to leave, a few of the girls ran up and asked for hugs. (So many stormed him at once that he laughed and shouted “It’s like some kind of orgy!”). I don’t normally ask people for hugs but my crazed brain took over when I saw everyone doing it so I hurried over to ask for one too just as he was about to leave. He gave me a look that was like “*sigh* just ONE more then”, and gave me a hug before taking off ♥ So yeah, that’s kind of it really! The whole thing was over so quickly but it was completely incredible and even better than I ever could’ve hoped for 💖💖
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♥ ♥ ♥
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