#by the way richard is absolutely gorgeous and his eyes are stunning in person like i nearly had heart failure when he started talking to me
miscreantmelon · 5 years
Rammstein M&G - Stockholm | 14.08.19
So this might not be hugely interesting to anyone, but there's a few little things I wanted to remember from last week’s M&G and what was probably the best 15 minutes of my life ♥
[Quick disclaimer; I didn’t take most of these photos, the only reason I’ve watermarked them is because I see M&G photos stolen without credits all the time and unfortunately I lost track of who in our lovely group took each photograph 💔]
BathrobeOlli™ was the first to come in and sign. He sped through very quick and didn’t say a lot - but he was still really nice. A girl near me asked him if she could have a hug and he said yes in his super low voice and gave her a big hug, it was really sweet 😭. I was super nervous and he seemed in a hurry so I just said thank you when he signed my artwork and let him move on ♥
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Richard arrived next, and Paul, Till, Flake and Schneider must have been right behind him because by the time he’d greeted the first person in the line, the rest of them had all appeared in the doorway. There was a lot of loud banging (kind of like a drum roll, I guess) which I didn’t see the source of but it did sound as though one of them had been hitting or kicking either a wall or a door or something to announce their arrival 😂😂 
Flake and Schneider joined Richard in starting at the other side of the room and Till and Paul stuck around. This meant Till was coming our way next; and honestly he was laughing and smiling a lot more than I had ever expected. A couple of the girls ahead in the line were German, and whatever they said had him laughing, then when he got to the Swedish girls beside me he was listing some of the Swedish words he knew - and he asked them how to say something (it may have been “you’re welcome”? I can’t quite remember now). He just seemed totally in a good mood, and it was really nice to see him smiling so much!
When he signed my drawing he did it sooooo slow and careful because the paper is really thin and I had nothing solid to put underneath it to act as a table. It’s not a big deal really, but I just really appreciated the care and attention he put in to making sure he didn’t rush and mess it up 😭 took him like a solid ten seconds just to sign.
Till went on to chat to the girl beside me, and then Paul appeared. When I gave him my drawing to sign, he gestured to Jens (who was standing behind with a camera) and told me “this is the guy who took this photo”, meaning the photograph I’d used as a reference for the artwork. I already knew this, since - lets be honest - the guy takes the prettiest goddamn photos. So I replied “I know” and Paul said “You know? How do you know?” to which I went “...I follow him on instagram” 😂 Jens was listening to all of this and mouthed “thank you” at me which was just the sweetest thing honestly.
Then I think I stopped to take a pic of Till with the girl next to me (I honestly can’t remember what order anything happened in so could be wrong lmfao) and I probably mentioned something about hoping the pictures were okay because I was shaking so much, and then the next thing I know I hear Till laughing loudly, saying something along the lines of “look at this” whilst gesturing at my shaky hands and then he literally GRABS MY PHONE OFF ME. 
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Then he fiddles with it for a few seconds before holding it up to take pictures of me and Paul together. Later when I flicked through my shots I realised not only did he just take the pictures but he also had the good sense to put the camera into portrait mode before doing so. When he handed the phone back to me he said “they are lovely photos” 😭  
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Till carried on down the line and Paul chatted to me a bit more. I told him the drawing took me a month to finish and around about when I said that Richard came barrelling down the line and had signed it before I even noticed he’d appeared in the first place. Then it was like a switch had flipped in Paul’s head and his attention was completely distracted 😂. He sort of grabbed at / dragged Richard over to stand on the other side of him .. . . . and then they were both looking at my drawing together. It was the probably the most surreal moment of my life 😭 just couldn’t believe I had BOTH of them standing beside me at the same time (still can’t believe it, actually) and I don’t even remember anything they said, because my brain was just internally screaming the entire time. 
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This is literally my favourite photo ever aaaaAAAAaaH
Anyway just as Richard was managing to get my totally frayed attention onto him, Paul takes the paper from me completely and holds it up so Jens can take a picture of it on his camera and aaaaaaaaaaah I was internally screaming all over again.
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I was so surprised but I am still SO stoked about it. It was just the coolest fuckin’ thing. I know the boys in the band see art much cooler than mine all the time so I didn’t expect much from their reactions, but the fact that Jens liked it enough to want a picture of it made my whole life ♥ 😭
During this, Richard told me the drawing was good and that was pretty cool to hear from him in particular since he said “I’m very picky” directly afterwards. (Of course you are Richard I think we all know that   👀) He was really kind and was smiling a lot too and just, ugh 😍
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Here’s Paul patiently waiting for me to get my picture taken with Richard before handing me back my art adsjglkd; I love him sm Richard moved to the next person after that but Paul actually stuck around a little longer, chatting to me some more. Out of all of them, he definitely took the longest amount of time with each person in the meet and greet and was the last person still circulating the room at the end. Not to mention that he was so lovely and smiley the whole time 😭😭
Schneider and Flake came around next, and my nerves were really shot by this point so I was probably a bit quiet and awkward, but they were both really nice. Somebody got a picture of Schneider signing the drawing ♥
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Just after Till finished meeting people and went to leave, a few of the girls ran up and asked for hugs. (So many stormed him at once that he laughed and shouted “It’s like some kind of orgy!”). I don’t normally ask people for hugs but my crazed brain took over when I saw everyone doing it so I hurried over to ask for one too just as he was about to leave. He gave me a look that was like “*sigh* just ONE more then”, and gave me a hug before taking off ♥ So yeah, that’s kind of it really! The whole thing was over so quickly but it was completely incredible and even better than I ever could’ve hoped for 💖💖
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♥ ♥ ♥
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delphines · 3 years
I was tagged in some creator-specific tag games by @samanthamulder @usermurdocks and @fionagallaqher (thank you all!!). The games are different, but similar, so I kind of merged them into one. I'm tagging everyone mentioned in this post, but as always only if you want to! And feel free to adjust the prompts/rules however you like.
Part 1: List 10 sets by other creators from 2021 that got under 1k notes
First of all I'd like to encourage everyone to check out my end-of-year shoutout post, where I listed my favorite sets by all my mutuals in 2021. Here's 10 more lovely sets, in no particular order:
txf 4x10 timestamp roulette by @samanthamulder - I’m obsessed with this coloring and the typography is so elegant
pacific rim set by @usermurdocks - I’ve never seen this film but wow, the coloring is stunning!
lucifer s6 episode titles by @lenakluthors - every gif really captures the energy of each episode and I love it
jafael set by @janevillanueva/@mulderscully​ - this set single-handedly got me to rewatch jtv, it’s incredible
wlw set by @marysberry - the blending is gorgeous!
hailey upton set by @hillaryscotts​ - I don’t go here but I’m in awe of the blending and the yellow/gold colors
deckerstar set by @lucifersmorningstar - the lyrics are absolutely perfect for them and the blending and coloring is just amazing
chloe decker set by @bishmonts - stunning typography and blending, and perfect choice of scenes!
deckerstar relationship development by @fionagallaqher - it’s so beautiful and I can’t tell you how excited I was to see this in my notifs
aurora & lucifer morningstar set by @samcaarter - honestly some of the best blending I’ve seen, that second gif with the photo frame is so clever
Part 2: Content creator 2021 wrapped - list your own creations according to the prompts
I’ll put this part under a cut:
4 creations of which you’re proud. These are goals you scored. Nothing to do with notes.
MSR in txf s1: my first time putting multiple gifs on one canvas
Charlotte Richards: I’m really proud of this one, I think it looks nice and I had a lot of fun making it
Deckerstar tropes part 1: I liked the typography on this and I think it adds to the comedy of the scene (also I promise I’m going to continue this series soon lol)
Lucifer seasons: I made this right before Lucifer ended for good and I’m happy I was able to make something that reflected my love of the show
3 creations others loved. Include the one that one that got most notes, great comments, or the classic ‘how dare you!’
Howl’s Moving Castle: my post with the most notes from this year
Amenadiel & Chloe: I’m so happy this one got notes, Chloe and Amenadiel’s relationship makes me so emotional. And this is the post that got the classic ‘how dare you’ haha
Bi Chloe: glad to see others love our bi queen
2 creations that stretched you as a creator: style, colouring, blending, text, etc. include the one that should have got more notes.
Legends of Tomorrow: this took so long and I do wish it had gotten more notes, but I’m just happy with the way it turned out
Rory’s wings: coloring this was difficult and I could probably do better now, but I was really proud of it at the time
1 creation of yours that you find most aesthetically pleasing to the eye and self AND 1 creation that broke and (maybe remade you) as a creator – we all have that one.
Mazeve: I think this one is aesthetically pleasing and I’m proud of it
Lucifer s1/s5 finales: this one broke me, like full-on destroyed me. I was still a new gifmaker when I made this and hadn’t really gotten the hang of coloring. And oh my god. I am a fundamentally different person than I was before I tried to color this, and anyone who’s tried to color either Lucifer s1 or Lucifer 5x16 (let alone both at once) knows why
0 the creation that never was because nothing was working that day.
Idk if this counts, but before Lucifer s6 dropped, I was going to post a mortal!Lucifer gifset based on Lucifer missing his vulnerability. At the time I was so certain mortal!Lucifer was the ending we were going to get and, well… Maybe it’s for the best I didn’t post it lol.
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arcturusreads · 3 years
Save A Dance - Merhayes
This one's based off an ao3 promp where Meredith and Cormac have a moment and Maggie and Winston's wedding
Weddings had always stirred up emotions in Cormac. It didn’t matter whose it was or where it was. The church weddings for the multiple aunts, uncles and cousins that he had attended as he had grown up in Ireland, the extravagant American weddings he had been invited to when he had moved to the country, his own quaint wedding to Abigail which had been anything but quiet. They’d all had memories and feeling attached to them that meant a lot to him.
The first wedding Cormac had been to was when he was seven months old and acting as a ring bearer. His mother still had a photo of that moment on the mantelpiece back at home, much to his embarrassment. She’d always said he was a fussy baby but that day he behaved perfectly. Not a wail to be heard from his strong lungs.
The first wedding Cormac remembered, however, was when he had been a pageboy for his mother’s best friend’s daughter. While the other young boys complained about being stuck in stuffy shirts and dress shoes and how boring the ceremony was, Cormac was entranced by the whole event. He thought it was amazing that two people wanted to tell everyone that they loved each other so much. The thought of yelling about how much he loved his Ma made him embarrassed so they had to love each other a lot to be willing to do all of this.
As Cormac grew up and attended more and more weddings, he began to truly understand the commitment these two people were making to each other. How there wasn’t just an immense amount of love present, but also respect and trust. The magic of a wedding day had not been lost on him as he transitioned into adulthood and when he had finally married Abigail, he had felt as though he was on cloud nine. It wasn’t just the wedding day; it was the thought of the life that they were going to share. A time that was cut short far too soon and far too cruelly.
Weddings no longer just stirred emotions in him now, it was more like a hurricane. When the first invitation had dropped through the letterbox, Cormac was certain that he wasn’t going to go. He couldn’t bear the thought of it but eventually, after a call home to his Ma, he managed to get into his suit and go. It hadn’t been as bad as he thought it was going to be, but the day had left Cormac with an ache in his chest that demanded to be felt.
Cormac had known, by the time he had been invited to Maggie and Winston’s wedding, that days like that were always going to be tinged with sadness but that didn’t take away from the beauty of them. Nowadays, Cormac knew how to get through the wedding and only giving into the feeling of grief when he got home. He wondered if that feeling would ever completely go. The feeling of longing, the anger and upset of being robbed of growing old with Abigail. Sometimes, he wasn’t always sure he those feelings to go.
This wedding felt different to the other he’d been to though. Maybe it was the fact that he knew that there was someone else sat in the congregation who had been through the same things that he had, who was battling with those same emotions. Maybe it was the fact that it was also that same person that he had grown so close to. That he had found someone that sparked feelings in him that almost felt foreign, it had felt like an age since he had felt that way.
Once the ceremony was over Cormac went over to congratulate the happy couple and thank them for inviting him. He had formed a solid friendship with Winston over the past few months and had gotten the chance to know Maggie a lot better both through Winston and Meredith. As he stepped away, letting the other guests pass on their well wishes, Cormac scanned around the beach. He saw Meredith’s kids with Link but no sign of her. Eventually, he found her chatting with Richard. Shoving his hands into his pockets, he slowly walked over, hoping that the two would have finished talking by the time he got there.
“Hayes!” Richard had seen him walking and waved him over.
His ears tinged red; Cormac had been hoping he could just make it seem like he’d bumped into Meredith rather than coming over to talk to her. You can’t always get what you want though. Still, he quickened his pace to join the pair.
“Richard, Grey, how are you both? You did a great job up there,” he complimented Dr Webber who gave him a grin in return.
“Thank you, Cormac, it was one of the greatest honours of my life.”
Richard looked between Cormac and Meredith and knew neither were fully paying attention to him. Both were staring at each other with smiles on their faces. He wasn’t offended though; it was clear as day that something was going on between them. Even if they didn’t want to admit it themselves.
“I’m gonna leave you, two kids, alone,” there was a cheeky grin on his face as he slowly back away.
Meredith’s eyes snapped away from Cormac quickly and looked over at Richard in alarm. “What? No, you don’t need to do that.”
Chuckling, Richard shook his head at the protests. “I’m going to go and find Catherine before she causes some kind of trouble, you two enjoy.” He winked at them both and walked away whistling.
Meredith looked at him in disbelief before turning back to Cormac, “I’m really sorry about him.”
Cormac waved a hand in the air, “Don’t worry about it, I’ve gotten used to the fact that everyone in that hospital likes to get involved in people’s personal lives.”
Barking out a laugh, Meredith couldn’t help but agree. “Yeah, we just can’t help it.”
“Want to go for a walk?” He suggested, trying to make it sound casual but really he was praying she would say yes. Cormac knew that as the wedding turned into the reception Meredith was going to be busy.
“Sure that’s a good idea? I’m pretty sure it’ll set tongues wagging.”
Cormac rolled his eyes, “I’m not sure they ever stopped but if you want to say no, Grey…” He trailed off in a teasing tone.
Meredith began to walk away from the wedding part leaving Cormac standing there. After a few steps, she turned around. “Are you coming, or what?”
Grinning and shaking his head, Cormac caught up with her. That woman was something else completely. They walked in silence for a few moments, enjoying each other’s company as the babble of the guests behind them quietened the further away they got.
“You look beautiful today, Grey.” Cormac didn’t care to admit how long it had taken him to build the courage to say that.
“Oh, thanks,” Meredith hadn’t expected a compliment from him.
Up and until now, their relationship had mainly been built on a lot of teasing but the sincerity in his voice told her that he wasn’t joking around here.
“You, uh, don’t look too bad yourself.” What Meredith had really wanted to say was that he looked great in a suit, like amazingly good but she wasn’t going to tell him that.
“Is that all I get, Grey? I tell you that you look beautiful and all I get is that I don’t look too bad?” He bumped her with his shoulder.
“Oh, I don’t think your ego needs inflating. I’m sure some of the nurses here would love to compliment you.”
“Aye maybe, but they aren’t the ones I want to compliment me, Grey.”
Meredith stopped in her tracks and stared at him with curiosity.
“I meant what I said, Meredith, you look absolutely stunning today.” Cormac gently cupped Meredith face, his thumb stroking her cheek. He wasn’t quite sure where all this courage had come from but decided not to question it.
Even though she was slightly surprised at how forward Cormac was being, she couldn’t help but lean into his touch. She savoured in the warmth that it brought, the sparks that his touch ignited.
Out of the corner of his eyes, he could see some of the staff beginning to look their way. He quickly removed his hand from her face and instead laced his fingers with hers and continued walking. Meredith frowned when he had pulled away but was immediately comforted the moment, he took her hand.
“Weddings are still a difficult one for me. Not as bad as before but they aren’t the same. You’ve made it easier for me today though.”
“Me?” Meredith was slightly confused. “I haven’t done anything.”
“You made me realise that I can still have a future. That moving on from Abigail doesn’t mean that I love her any less or that I’ve forgotten her.”
Meredith wasn’t 100% sure what Cormac was getting at her, “Cormac, wha-“ she tried to get him to clarify but he quickly cut her off.
“Save a dance for me later, would you?” There was a glint in his eyes as he asked. He knew exactly what he was doing and exactly what Meredith was going to ask but he wasn’t going to give her an answer just yet.
“Momma!” They both turned around to see Ellis five metres away, grinning and waving her hands in the air.
“You should probably go, Grey.”
Meredith looked between Ellis and Cormac before finally nodding, “Uh, yeah, see you later.” She began to walk away when Cormac called out to get again. Turning around, the breeze making her dress twirl around her legs and the sunlight making her hair glow like a halo around her. Cormac’s voice almost got stuck in his throat seeing her like that.
“And Grey? Make sure it’s a slow dance.”
Slightly flustered, a blush spreading on her cheeks, Meredith quickly nodded before turned around and walking away as fast as she could from Cormac. He couldn’t help but chuckle before thinking how lucky he was to have a dance with the most gorgeous woman here.
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x0401x · 4 years
Jeweler Richard Web Short Story
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Deviated a little from the usual translations to deliver a short story from Tsujimura Nanako’s official site for Seigi’s birthday. The fandom is kind of a mess right now, so here’s a bit of lighthearted content (and also to celebrate the release of volume 10′s digital copy).
Raw version here. Please consider supporting the creators by purchasing digital copies of the official releases: Novel || Manga || Fanbook
(Quick explanation before-hand, to spare confusion: there’s a mention of Fukuzawa Yukichi in this story. He’s a historical figure whose face is printed on 10,000-yen notes.)
Biography Series of Ramen-Specialized Natakaya ―Case of the Storm-and-Stress Pudding―
My name is Nakata Seigi. I’m the owner of Nakataya, a commonplace ramen shop that you can find anywhere. I run the shop in a certain part of a certain rural town. At Nakataya, the costumers choose their ramen’s stock, and no matter what anybody says, I recommend the soy sauce one. Tonkotsu is also popular lately. Our neighbor on the right side is the English pub “Jeff & Harry”, and on the left is the Sri Lankan restaurant “Genie in the Lamp”, so there’s crowding during the lunch break period of nearby companies, but most of the customers are regulars.
The regulars always said that my ramen was delicious and ate it all. That made me extremely happy. But, if it was possible, I wanted to meet a new costumer for the first time in a while. It could even be someone who would strictly reprove me for drifting about so complacently.
Just as I was thinking this, selfish of me as might be, it happened. The shadow of a person I didn’t know passed through the red split curtains of the Nakataya.
“Pardon the intrusion.”
It was a man with a neat silhouette. His blue eyes were like a piece of ice floe that had flowed from a northern country, sparkling brightly as they reflected me. His golden hair formed fluffy waves. His brown leather boots glistened. He wore gray slacks over a white shirt that shone a beautiful white, to the point it could make one say it was a bit too much for visiting a ramen shop.
I always had my heart racing a little when meeting new costumers. With my chest throbbing, I smiled at the novel guest. “What can I get you?”
I hadn’t been able to hear it well, so I leaned my body over the counter.
The customer was standing upright at a distance of about two steps away, looking at me straightforwardly. And so, he said, “Pudding, please.”
Had I heard it wrong, I pondered.
However, he repeated once more with a clear voice, “Pudding, please.”
“A pudding.”
“Please wait a moment.”
Pudding. Pudding, in a ramen shop. I wondered if he had mistaken the establishment. Maybe for the English pub next door, which had a blueberry and brandy sauce pudding in its daytime menu. Just for the heck of it, I checked with him, saying this was a ramen shop. But he didn’t budge. Pudding. With an unyielding will, this stunning person sought a pudding from me. He was asking the owner of Nakataya for a pudding.
I see. This is determination. I accept that resolve of his. The only thing I can do is make him a pudding.
“Please wait a bit.”
“All right.”
The possessor of a Caucasian beauty sat gracefully on the counter’s stool, like a silver fox spirit curling up its tail and lying down. It was a waiting posture. He didn’t playfully peek at his smartphone or move around unnecessarily. I intuitively sensed that this man was the real deal.
Thankfully, there were no other customers in Nakataya yet. There was still time until the busy noon hours. And as I recalled, I had a memory from the distant, distant past, of eating a delicious pudding made by my mother.
Thanks, Hiromi. You doing well?
The ingredients were eggs and sugar. All I needed was a cup-like vessel.
I made the caramel. Produced the pudding mixture. Poured it into the cup. Then cooked it at low heat, borrowing hot water from the equipment that I used for boiling the noodles.
Sure enough, the pudding was done. With nipping sounds, yellow confectionery landed on a saucer.
“Sorry for the wait. Here’s the pudding.”
“Thank you.” From the counter, he stealthily took the pudding and the spoon.
He ate it.
Grasping the spoon with his right hand and bending it into a comfortable angle, he held the pudding’s saucer with his left hand, which seemed to accompany the action. Even though the tableware looked prone to making clinking sounds, it didn’t produce a single noise. He aimed purely for my pudding.
You had to be like that when eating something, I perceived.
I had never met anyone who ate pudding as earnest and wholeheartedly as this man. That was to be expected. After all, I was the owner of a ramen shop. I seldom saw people eating pudding. But I could tell.
He was my shop’s savior.
I swallowed my saliva with a gulp and asked gently, “How was it?”
“Absolutely superb.” He grinned, stood up straight and took out his wallet, leaving a fee on top of the old register.
It wasn’t the price of a pudding. Our ramen was 400 yen per bowl.
“Thank you for the meal.”
As he took his leave, what he left behind was a 1000-yen note.
From that day onward, he came by daily. Always during a time when there was no one else around. And he would say with his cool voice, “Pudding, please.” When saying so, he would sit at the counter. Always on the second seat from right to left.
From the other side of the counter, I would reply, “Roger!” And then, I would make a pudding for him.
Ever since that time, I had studied. While devoting myself to the way of ramen on one hand, I also analyzed puddings from many angles, such as what a tasty pudding was like, what it took to please someone with a pudding, what types of pudding were both delicious and good for the health and what pudding was from a metaphysical viewpoint. A cook should never neglect the pursuit for knowledge.
“Nakata-kun, aren’t your goals kinda weird lately?” the younger brother of the next-door pub’s owner had asked, making a dubious face at me, but that wasn’t the case at all. If I only thought about ramen, I wouldn’t be able to run a ramen shop. Frankly speaking, the fact that this person had showed up when I was thinking that I needed a breakthrough must have been, yes, destiny.
This road was going to lead me in the right direction. The direction I should go. This pudding customer was just like a Polar Star for me.
The amount of money that he would leave changed from day to day. He never cut off from the 1000-yen notes, which I was nothing but grateful for, considering the cost price, and they linked miraculously with the results I had estimated each time, so that was as expected of him. He was clearly a pudding pro. I couldn’t imagine just how many places I would have to go through to develop a palate like that.
Which was why honing my skills was worth it.
Today’s pudding was a bit different from the usual. Perhaps a sign of this had been transmitted to him too, as the gorgeous guest raised his eyebrows only a little higher than normal and looked at me. Could he notice it? Could he? Not just the taste of the pudding, but also this sense of presence?
Putting my utmost feelings into it, I placed it on the counter. “Here you go. Pudding in a bowl.”
What I had laid there was a ramen bowl. It was a simple white one, bearing the characters for “Nakataya” in red. The inside was completely filled with a yellow pudding. Depending on what you thought of it, that quantity might well be fitting for torture. I was the only one who had to know just how many egg yolks and how much sugar I put in it. But I was fully aware that this man didn’t love pudding with a half-hearted resolution.
He accepted the bowl with a cool facial expression, letting show a delight that might have been there or not. His movements were very natural, as if he were merely receiving a ramen with a tiny bit more toppings than usual.
“I shall be having it.”
“Go ahead.”
I tried to offer a Chinese spoon instead of an ordinary one, but the man stopped me with a hand. Of course, I had already anticipated as much and made the arrangements. As I promptly gave him the usual silver spoon, the man grinned.
This person’s smile was extremely beautiful. It was like a white flower blooming at the break of dawn.
With unwavering hand movements, he steadily thrust the spoon into the pudding bowl. A heap of pudding appeared on top of the spoon. It seemed to have about the same amount as a cup-sized pudding. And like magic, he nimbly swallowed it in one bite. Holding my breath, I saw the scene through.
A spoonful. Another spoonful. Yet another spoonful.
Just as always, with unfaltering hand motions, he proceeded to eat a pudding that had about ten times more volume than usual at a steady pace. Of course, he also didn’t leave any of the caramel accumulated at the bottom of the bowl. He held the bowl with his two hands, as if drinking up to the last drop of a ramen, and like a hero having a high-grade victory sake, he drank the caramel in one go with a gulp.
Once he set the bowl on the counter and softly wiped his mouth, he quietly looked at my face. Without realizing, I had been clutching the hem of my apron with both hands.
“How was it?”
“You have finally mastered the way of it.”
“Then that means...!”
He nodded as if extremely satisfied, small lips forming a broad smile like a sculpture of an angel. Taking his wallet from his pocket, he tried to present Fukuzawa Yukichi to me, but I stopped him with a hand. I had been receiving too much until now. And I had already gained plenty of something bigger than money from him.
He must have realized that too. Putting the banknote back into his pocket, he chuckled with a whiff. “This is the supreme fine item that I had been seeking.”
“That’s great. Hum, just who are you...?”
“My name is Richard.”
“Richard”. I wondered why. It was my first time hearing it, yet it sounded somewhat nostalgic.
Having eaten the pudding so delightfully, Richard-shi crinkled his blue eyes slightly and laughed with a snort. “To think you had been hiding a skill of this level. I am impressed.”
“Same here; how can I thank you for not turning your back on my abilities?”
“I pray that this pudding will be a significant step towards the path of your cooking.” He reached a hand to me across the counter.
I frantically wiped my hands on the apron, gripping his hand back. It was a moving scene. I would probably continue to pursue the way of ramen. Meanwhile, I would be making puddings for this person – for Richard. I had that presentiment.
And then...
“Here he is! Ricky, what’re you doing?”
The one who had barged in like a storm was Jeffrey-san from the pub next door. Flustered, he strangled Richard, who sat composed on the stool. Richard’s expression didn’t change even at a time like this. He was game.
“Nakata-kun, I’m so sorry. This is our cousin who came from Hong Kong because we asked for assistance. Geez, Ricky, we were thinking something was off ‘cause you never showed up even though we properly told you where the pub was. You can’t take advantage of Nakata-kun just because he’s nice! Well, Nakata-kun, we’ll come over again with Henry to eat shoyu ramen. Adieu!”
As if dragging a large suitcase, Jeffrey forced his cousin along and left. When disappearing on the other side of the split curtains that hung at the exit, Richard smiled faintly as if to say, “Farewell, then”. I smiled back too. Things like “No, it isn’t the time to be putting on airs like that. What’s the meaning of this, slacking off even though you were asked to help with the pub and ordering pudding from the next-door shop?” weren’t important. I wasn’t thinking about that. Because, for me, polishing my skills was what mattered. Still, that guy’s love for pudding was trouble.
Hm? “That guy’s”?
I rubbed my eyes.
Does that mean Richard? Speaking of which, his face when he ate my pudding for the first time was like that of a surprised child, and—and then—
I woke up.
My name is Nakata Seigi. I’m an university student who attends Kasaba University.
What was that? That Nakataya thing? Although just for a little while, I had been living the life of a ramen shop owner. But pudding. Pudding at a ramen shop.
He was an unbending man even inside a dream, I thought as I checked my phone, which rested next to my pillow. 10:00 PM. It seemed I had dozed off while lying on my bed as I reviewed a textbook. He probably wouldn’t get mad at me if I called him now.
The line connected after three dial tones. Richard. His cool voice as he asked if something had happened was making me feel somewhat pained right now.
“Richard, hum.”
“Would you... be even a little bit happy if I said that I was gonna make... a whole ramen bowl of pudding?”
The response was a dangerous “Haah?”. That was when I shook off the remains of the dream.
“Hm-hm, it’s nothing. Don’t mind me. It’s fine, really. Yep. Yep. Well, then.”
Honestly, what was I doing? This man was a royal milk tea and pudding extremist. A significant change in size would also affect the taste and texture. Logically thinking, there was no way he would be pleased with something like that. I knew that.
But the dream version of me probably wanted to see Richard’s face of delight, and I now wound up taking it seriously.
“My bad, my bad. I’ll make it in the usual proper size and with the same old taste.”
For a moment, he pressed me about why on Earth I had suddenly talked about that, but I escaped it by beating around the bush. Because I could see that he would tell me not to call him while I was still half-asleep. I couldn’t bring myself to take much of his time either.
As I was about to hang up with a “well, that was really all, so see ya”, Richard said lastly with a voice that sounded purposeful, “Aah, right, right. Your birthday is coming up soon. Make sure to think about what you want to get.”
Aah. Now that he had mentioned, it was May. I used not to think much of birthdays in the past, but maybe because of a thankful increase in the number of people I had to celebrate it with, I also became conscious of and started thinking about it.
He was trying to fool me with non-committal words like “aah, right, right”, but he must have had it properly memorized since long ago. We had a bond where I could tell as much. I was very happy that we had been able to build such a relationship. That was why, rather than things like “I wanna get this” or “I wanna go to this place”, the wish I wanted to make come true might have been something along the lines of, “I want a tiny memory”.
“It’d be great if we could go eat ramen together one day.”
“Yes, that is true.”
Before I could think that an idiot like me had heard it wrong, the call ended. Richard. That Richard. Could it be he had just given the OK to go eat ramen with me? That Richard, who was just like a heaven-sent child of gemstones and Ginza.
I tossed my phone onto the bed, rolling onto my back and flapping my limbs. It was the Nakata’s dance of joy. Holy shit. That came from an unexpected place.
Thank you, version of me who was the owner of Nakataya.
Ramen with Richard. For the moment, I didn’t know any better birthday present.
Author note: happy birthday, Nakata Seigi-kun. Just like a certain someone, let me also gently watch over you gradually growing up healthy and comfortably.
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96harmony96 · 3 years
Chapter one.
“We should head to a bar and celebrate.”
I wasn’t surprised by my roommate’s emphatic pronouncement. Cary Taylor found excuses to celebrate, no matter how small and inconsequential. I’d always considered it part of his charm. “I’m sure drinking the night before starting a new job is a bad idea.”
“Come on, camila.” Cary sat on our new living room floor amid a half-dozen moving boxes and flashed his winning smile. We’d been unpacking for days, yet he still looked amazing. Leanly built, dark-haired, and green-eyed, Cary was a man who rarely looked anything less than absolutely gorgeous on any day of his life. I might have resented that if he hadn’t been the dearest person on earth to me.
“I’m not talking about a bender,” he insisted. “Just a glass of wine or two. We can hit a happy hour and be in by eight.”
“I don’t know if I’ll make it back in time.” I gestured at my yoga pants and fitted workout tank. “After I time the walk to work, I’m going to hit the gym.”
“Walk fast, work out faster.” Cary’s perfectly executed arched brow made me laugh. I fully expected his million-dollar face to appear on billboards and fashion magazines all over the world one day. No matter his expression, he was a knockout.
“How about tomorrow after work?” I offered as a substitute. “If I make it through the day, that’ll be worth celebrating.”
“Deal. I’m breaking in the new kitchen for dinner.”
“Uh…” Cooking was one of Cary’s joys, but it wasn’t one of his talents. “Great.”
Blowing a wayward strand of hair off his face, he grinned at me. “We’ve got a kitchen most restaurants would kill for. There’s no way to screw up a meal in there.”
Dubious, I headed out with a wave, choosing to avoid a conversation about cooking. Taking the elevator down to the first floor, I smiled at the doorman when he let me out to the street with a flourish.
The moment I stepped outside, the smells and sounds of Manhattan embraced me and invited me to explore. I was not merely across the country from my former home in San Diego, but seemingly worlds away. Two major metropolises—one endlessly temperate and sensually lazy, the other teeming with life and frenetic energy. In my dreams, I’d imagining living in a walkup in Brooklyn, but being a dutiful daughter, I found myself on the Upper West Side instead. If not for Cary living with me, I would’ve been miserably lonely in the sprawling apartment that cost more per month than most people made in a year.
The doorman tipped his hat to me. “Good evening, Miss Cabello. Will you need a cab this evening?”
“No thanks, Paul.” I rocked onto the rounded heels of my fitness shoes. “I’ll be walking.”
He smiled. “It’s cooled down from this afternoon. Should be nice.”
“I’ve been told I should enjoy the June weather before it gets wicked hot.”
“Very good advice, Miss Cabello.”
Stepping out from under the modern glass entrance overhang that somehow meshed with the age of the building and its neighbors, I enjoyed the relative quiet of my tree-lined street before I reached the bustle and flow of traffic on Broadway. One day soon, I hoped to blend right in, but for now I still felt like a fraudulent New Yorker. I had the address and the job, but I was still wary of the subway and had trouble hailing cabs. I tried not to walk around wide-eyed and distracted, but it was hard. There was just so much to see and experience.
The sensory input was astonishing—the smell of vehicle exhaust mixed with food from vendor carts, the shouts of hawkers blended with music from street entertainers, the awe-inspiring range of
faces and styles and accents, the gorgeous architectural wonders…And the cars. Jesus Christ. The frenetic flow of tightly packed cars was unlike anything I’d ever seen anywhere.
There was always an ambulance, patrol car, or fire engine trying to part the flood of yellow taxis with the electronic wail of ear-splitting sirens. I was in awe of the lumbering garbage trucks that navigated tiny one-way streets and the package delivery drivers who braved the bumper-to-bumper traffic while facing rigid deadlines.
Real New Yorkers cruised right through it all, their love for the city as comfortable and familiar as a favorite pair of shoes. They didn’t view the steam billowing from potholes and vents in the sidewalks with romantic delight and they didn’t blink an eye when the ground vibrated beneath their feet as the subway roared by below, while I grinned like an idiot and flexed my toes. New York was a brand new love affair for me. I was starry-eyed and it showed.
So I had to really work at playing it cool as I made my way over to the building where I would be working. As far as my job went, at least, I’d gotten my way. I wanted to make a living based on my own merits and that meant an entry-level position. Starting the next morning, I would be the assistant to Mark Garrity at Waters Field & Leaman, one of the preeminent advertising agencies in the US. My stepfather, mega-financier Richard Stanton, had been annoyed when I took the job, pointing out that if I’d been less prideful I could’ve worked for a friend of his instead and reaped the benefits of that connection.
“You’re as stubborn as your father,” he’d said. “It’ll take him forever to pay off your student loans on a cop’s salary.”
That had been a major fight, with my dad unwilling to back down. “Hell if another man’s gonna pay for my daughter’s education,” Alejandro Cabello had said when Stanton made the offer. I respected that. I suspected Stanton did, too, although he would never admit it. I understood both men’s sides, because I’d fought to pay off the loans myself…and lost. It was a point of pride for my father.
My mother had refused to marry him, but he’d never wavered from his determination to be my dad in every way possible.
Knowing it was pointless to get riled up over old frustrations, I focused on getting to work as quickly as possible. I’d deliberately chosen to clock the short trip during a busy time on a Monday, so I was pleased when I reached the Crossfire Building, which housed Waters Field & Leaman, in less than thirty minutes.
I tipped my head back and followed the line of the building all the way up to the slender ribbon of sky. The Crossfire was seriously impressive, a sleek spire of gleaming sapphire that pierced the clouds. I knew from my previous interviews that the interior on the other side of the ornate copper-framed revolving doors was just as awe-inspiring, with golden-veined marble floors and walls, and brushed aluminum security desk and turnstiles.
I pulled my new ID card out of the inner pocket of my pants and held it up for the two guards in black business suits at the desk. They stopped me anyway, no doubt because I was majorly underdressed, but then they cleared me through. After I completed an elevator ride up to the twentieth floor, I’d have a general time frame for the whole route from door to door. Score.
I was walking toward the bank of elevators when a svelte, beautifully groomed brunette caught her purse on a turnstile and upended it, spilling a deluge of change. Coins rained onto the marble and rolled merrily away, and I watched people dodge the chaos and keep going as if they didn’t see it. I winced in sympathy and crouched to help the woman collect her money, as did one of the guards.
“Thank you,” she said, shooting me a quick harried smile.
I smiled back. “No problem. I’ve been there.”
I’d just squatted to reach a nickel lying near the entrance when I ran into a pair of luxurious black oxfords draped in tailored black slacks. I waited for a beat for the person to move out of my way and when they didn’t, I arched my neck back to allow my line of sight to rise. The custom three-piece suit hit more than a few of my hot buttons, but it was the tall, powerfully lean body inside it that made it sensational. Still, as hot as all that magnificent maleness was, it wasn’t until I reached the person's face that I went down for the count.
Wow. Just…wow. She sank into an elegant crouch directly in front of me. Hit with all that exquisite femininity at eye-level, I could only stare. Stunned.
Then something shifted in the air between us.
As she stared back, she altered…as if a shield slid away from her eyes, revealing a scorching force of will that sucked the air from my lungs. The intense magnetism she exuded grew in strength, becoming a near tangible impression of vibrant and unrelenting power.
Reacting purely on instinct, I shifted backward. And sprawled flat on my ass.
My elbows throbbed from the violent contact with the marble floor, but I scarcely registered the pain. I was too preoccupied with staring, riveted by the woman in front of me. Inky black hair shoulder length framed a breathtaking face. Her bone structure would make a sculptor weep with joy, while a firmly etched mouth, a blade of a nose, and intensely Emerald green eyes made her savagely gorgeous. Those eyes narrowed slightly, her features otherwise schooled into impassivity.
Her dress shirt and suit were both black, but her tie perfectly matched those brilliant irises. Her eyes were shrewd and assessing, and they bored into me. My heartbeat quickened; my lips parted to accommodate faster breaths. she smelled sinfully good. Not cologne. Body wash, maybe. Or shampoo. Whatever it was, it was mouthwatering, as was she.
she held out a hand to me, exposing onyx cufflinks and a very expensive-looking watch.
With a shaky inhalation, I placed my hand in hers. My pulse leaped when her grip tightened. Her touch was electric, sending a shock up my arm that raised the hairs on my nape. she didn’t move for a moment, a frown line marrying the space between arrogantly slashed brows.
“Are you all right?”
Her voice was cultured and smooth, with a rasp that made my stomach flutter. It brought sex to mind. Extraordinary sex. I thought for a moment that she might be able to make me orgasm just by talking long enough.
My lips were dry, so I licked them before answering. “I’m fine.”
she stood with economical grace, pulling me up with her. We maintained eye contact because I was unable to look away. she was younger than I’d assumed at first. Younger than thirty would be my guess, but her eyes were much worldlier. Hard and sharply intelligent.
I felt drawn to her, as if a rope bound my waist and she was slowly, inexorably pulling it.
Blinking out of my semi-daze, I released her. she wasn’t just beautiful; she was…enthralling. she was the kind of woman that made a person want to rip her shirt open and watch the buttons scatter along with her inhibitions. I looked at her in her civilized, urbane, outrageously expensive suit and thought of raw, primal, sheet-clawing fucking.
she bent down and retrieved the ID card I hadn’t realized I’d dropped, freeing me from that provocative gaze. My brain stuttered back into gear.
I was irritated with myself for feeling so awkward while she was so completely self-possessed. And why? Because I was dazzled, damn it.
she glanced up at me and the pose—she's nearly kneeling before me—skewed my equilibrium again. she held my gaze as she rose. “Are you sure you’re alright? You should sit down for a minute.”
My face heated. How lovely to appear awkward and clumsy in front of the most self-assured and graceful woman I’d ever met. “I just lost my balance. I’m okay.”
Looking away, I caught sight of the woman who’d dumped the contents of her purse. She thanked the guard who’d helped her; then turned to approach me, apologizing profusely. I faced her and held out the handful of coins I’d collected, but her gaze snagged on the god in the suit and she promptly forgot me altogether. After a beat, I just reached over and dumped the change into the woman’s bag. Then I risked a glance at the woman again, finding her watching me even as the brunette gushed thank-yous. To her. Not to me, of course, the one who’d actually helped.
I talked over her. “May I have my badge, please?”
she offered it back to me. Although I made an effort to retrieve it without touching her, her fingers brushed mine, sending that charge of awareness into me all over again.
“Thank you,” I muttered before skirting her and pushing out to the street through the revolving door. I paused on the sidewalk, gulping in a breath of New York air redolent with a million different things, some good and some toxic.
There was a sleek black Bentley SUV in front of the building and I saw my reflection in the spotless limo tinted windows. I was flushed and my brown eyes were overly bright. I’d seen that look on my face before—in the bathroom mirror just before I went to bed with a man. It was my I’m-ready-to-fuck look and it had absolutely no business being on my face now.
Christ. Get a grip.
Five minutes with Miss. Dark and Dangerous, and I was filled with an edgy, restless energy. I could still feel the pull of her, the inexplicable urge to go back inside where she was. I could make the argument that I hadn’t finished what I’d come to the Crossfire to do, but I knew I’d kick myself for it later. How many times was I going to make an ass of myself in one day?
“Enough,” I scolded myself under my breath. “Moving on.”
Horns blared as one cab darted in front of another with only inches to spare and then slammed on the brakes as daring pedestrians stepped into the intersection seconds before the light changed. Shouting ensued, a barrage of expletives and hand gestures that didn’t carry real anger behind them. In seconds all the parties would forget the exchange, which was just one beat in the natural tempo of the city.
As I melded into the flow of foot traffic and set off toward the gym, a smile teased my mouth. Ah, New York, I thought, feeling settled again. You rock.
I’d planned on warming up on a treadmill, then capping off the hour with a few of the machines, but when I saw that a beginners’ kickboxing class was about to start, I followed the mass of waiting students into that instead. By the time it was over, I felt more like myself. My muscles quivered with the perfect amount of fatigue and I knew I’d sleep hard when I crashed later.
“You did really well.”
I wiped the sweat off my face with a towel and looked at the young man who spoke to me. Lanky and sleekly muscular, he had keen brown eyes and flawless café au lait skin. His lashes were enviably thick and long, while his head was shaved bald.
“Thank you.” My mouth twisted ruefully. “Pretty obvious it was my first time, huh?”
He grinned and held out his hand. “Parker Smith.”
“Camila Cabello.”
“You have a natural grace, camila. With a little training you could be a literal knockout. In a city like New York, knowing self-defense is imperative.” He gestured over to a corkboard hung on the wall. It was covered in thumbtacked business cards and fliers. Tearing off a flag from the bottom of a fluorescent sheet of paper, he held it out to me. “Ever heard of Krav Maga?”
“In a Jennifer Lopez movie.”
“I teach it, and I’d love to teach you. That’s my website and the number to the studio.”
I admired his approach. It was direct, like his gaze, and his smile was genuine. I’d wondered if he was angling toward a pickup, but he was cool enough about it that I couldn’t be sure.
Parker crossed his arms, which showed off cut biceps. He wore a black sleeveless shirt and long shorts. His Converse sneakers looked comfortably beat up and tribal tattoos peeked up from his collar. “My website has the hours. You should come by and watch, see if it’s for you.”
“I’ll definitely think about it.”
“Do that.” He extended his hand again, and his grip was solid and confident. “I hope to see you.”
The apartment smelled fabulous when I got back home and Adele was crooning soulfully through the surround sound speakers about chasing pavements. I looked across the open floor plan into the kitchen and saw Cary swaying to the music while stirring something on the range. There was an open bottle of wine on the counter and two goblets, one of which was half-filled with red wine.
“Hey,” I called out as I got closer. “Whatcha cooking? And do I have time for a shower first?”
He poured wine into the other goblet and slid it across the breakfast bar to me, his movements practiced and elegant. No one would know from looking at him that he’d spent his childhood bouncing between his drug-addicted mother and foster homes, followed by adolescence in juvenile detention facilities and state-run rehabs. “Pasta with meat sauce. And hold the shower, dinner’s ready. Have fun?”
“Once I got to the gym, yeah.” I pulled out one of the teakwood barstools and sat. I told him about the kickboxing class and Parker Smith. “Wanna go with me?”
“Krav Maga?” Cary shook his head. “That’s hardcore. I’d get all bruised up and that would cost me jobs. But I’ll go with you to check it out, just in case this guy’s a wack.”
I watched him dump the pasta into a waiting colander. “A wack, huh?”
My dad had taught me to read guys pretty well, which was how I’d known the god in the suit was trouble. Regular people offered token smiles when they helped someone, just to make a momentary connection that smoothed the way.
Then again, I hadn’t smiled at him either.
“Baby girl,” Cary said, pulling bowls out of the cupboard, “you’re a sexy, stunning woman. I question any man who doesn’t have the balls to ask you outright for a date.”
I wrinkled my nose at him.
He set a bowl in front of me. It contained tiny tubes of salad noodles covered in a skimpy tomato sauce with lumps of ground beef and peas. “You’ve got something on your mind. What is it?”
Hmm…I caught the handle of the spoon sticking out of the bowl and decided not to comment on the food. “I think I ran into the hottest person on the planet today. Maybe the hottest woman in the history of the world.”
“Oh? I thought that was me. Do tell me more.” Cary stayed on the other side of the counter, preferring to stand and eat.
I watched him take a couple bites of his own concoction before I felt brave enough to try it myself. “Not much to tell, really. I ended up sprawled on my ass in the lobby of the Crossfire and she gave me a hand up.”
“Tall or short? Blond or dark? Built or lean? Eye color?”
I washed down my second bite with some wine. “Tall. Dark. Lean and built. green eyes. Filthy rich, judging by her clothes and accessories. And she was insanely sexy. You know how it is—some hot people don’t make your hormones go crazy, while some unattractive people have massive sex appeal. This woman had it all.”
My belly fluttered as it had when Dark and Dangerous touched me. In my mind, I remembered her breathtaking face with crystal clarity. It should be illegal for a woman to be that mind-blowing. I was still recovering from the frying of my brain cells.
Cary set his elbow on the counter and leaned in, his long bangs covering one vibrant green eye. “So what happened after she helped you up?”
I shrugged. “Nothing.”
“I left.”
“What? You didn’t flirt with her?”
I took another bite. Really, the meal wasn’t bad. Or else I was just starving. “she wasn’t the kind of girl you flirt with, Cary.”
“There is no such thing as a girl you can’t flirt with. Even the happily married ones enjoy a little harmless flirtation now and then.”
“There was nothing harmless about this girl,” I said dryly.
“Ah, one of those.” Cary nodded sagely. “Bad boys and girls can be fun, if you don’t get too close.”
Of course he would know; men and women of all ages fell at his feet. Still, he somehow managed to pick the wrong partner every time. He’d dated stalkers, and cheaters, and lovers who threatened to kill themselves over him, and lovers with significant others they didn’t tell him about…Name it, he’d been through it.
“I can’t see this woman ever being fun,” I said. “she was way too intense. Still, I bet she'd be awesome in the sack with all that intensity.”
“Now you’re talking. Forget the real person. Just use ther face in your fantasies and make them perfect there.”
Preferring to get the girl out of my head altogether, I changed the subject. “You have any go-sees tomorrow?”
“Of course.” Cary launched into the details of his schedule, mentioning a jeans advertisement, self-tanner, underwear, and cologne.
I shoved everything else out of my mind and focused on him and his growing success. The demand for Cary Taylor was increasing by the day, and he was building a reputation with photographers and accounts for being both professional and prompt. I was thrilled for him and so proud. He’d come a long way and been through so much.
It wasn’t until after dinner that I noticed the two large gift boxes propped against the side of the sectional sofa.
“What are those?”
“Those,” Cary said, joining me in the living room, “are the ultimate.”
I knew immediately they were from Stanton and my mom. Money was something my mother needed to be happy and I was glad Stanton, husband #3, was not only able to fill that need for her but all her many others as well. I often wished that could be the end of it, but my mom had a difficult time accepting that I didn’t view money the same way she did. “What now?”
He threw his arm around my shoulders, easy enough for him to do because he was taller by five inches. “Don’t be ungrateful. He loves your mom. He loves spoiling your mom, and your mom loves spoiling you. As much as you don’t like it, he doesn’t do it for you. He does it for her.”
Sighing, I conceded his point. “What are they?”
“Glam threads for the advocacy center’s fundraiser dinner on Saturday. A bombshell dress for you and a Brioni tux for me, because buying gifts for me is what he does for you. You’re more tolerant if you have me around to listen to you bitch.”
“Damn straight. Thank God he knows that.”
“Of course he knows. Stanton wouldn’t be a bazillionaire if he didn’t know everything.” Cary caught my hand and tugged me over. “Come on. Take a look.”
I pushed through the revolving door of the Crossfire into the lobby ten minutes before nine the next morning. Wanting to make the best impression on my first day, I’d gone with a simple sheath dress paired with black pumps that I slid on in replacement of my walking shoes on the elevator ride up. My brown hair was twisted up in an artful chignon that resembled a figure eight, courtesy of Cary. I was hair-inept, but he could create styles that were glamorous masterpieces. I wore the small pearl studs my dad had given me as a graduation gift and the Rolex from Stanton and my mother.
I had begun to think I’d put too much care into my appearance, but as I stepped into the lobby I remembered being sprawled across the floor in my workout clothes and I was grateful I didn’t look anything like that graceless girl. The two security guards didn’t seem to put two and two together when I flashed them my ID card on the way to the turnstiles.
Twenty floors later, I was exiting into the vestibule of Waters Field & Leaman. Before me was a wall of bulletproof glass that framed the double-door entrance to the reception area. The receptionist at the crescent-shaped desk saw the badge I held up to the glass. She hit the button that unlocked the doors as I put my ID away.
“Hi, Megumi,” I greeted her when I stepped inside, admiring her cranberry-colored blouse. She was mixed race, a little bit Asian for sure, and very pretty. Her hair was dark and thick, and cut into a sleek bob that was shorter in the back and razor sharp in the front. Her sloe eyes were brown and warm, and her lips were full and naturally pink.
“camila, hi. Mark’s not in yet, but you know where you’re going, right?”
“Absolutely.” With a wave, I took the hallway to the left of the reception desk all the way to the end, where I made another left turn and ended up in a formerly open space now partitioned into cubicles. One was mine and I went straight to it.
I dropped my purse and the bag holding my walking flats into the bottom drawer of my utilitarian metal desk; then booted up my computer. I’d brought a couple of things to personalize my space and I pulled them out. One was a framed collage of three photos—me and Cary on Coronado beach, my mom and Stanton on his yacht in the French Riviera, and my dad on duty in his City of Oceanside, California, police cruiser. The other item was a colorful arrangement of glass flowers that Cary had given me just that morning as a “first day” gift. I tucked it beside the small grouping of photos, and sat back to take in the effect.
“Good morning, Camila.”
I pushed to my feet to face my boss. “Good morning, Mr. Garrity.”
“Call me Mark, please. Come on over to my office.”
I followed him across the strip of hallway, once again thinking that my new boss was very easy to look at with his gleaming dark skin, trim goatee, and laughing brown eyes. Mark had a square jaw and a charmingly crooked smile. He was trim and fit, and he carried himself with a confident poise that inspired trust and respect.
He gestured at one of the two seats in front of his glass and chrome desk, and waited until I sat to settle into his Aeron chair. Against the backdrop of sky and skyscrapers, Mark looked accomplished and powerful. He was, in fact, just a junior account manager and his office was a closet compared to the ones occupied by the directors and executives, but no one could fault the view.
He leaned back and smiled. “Did you get settled into your new apartment?”
I was surprised he remembered, but I appreciated it, too. I’d met him during my second interview and liked him right away.
“For the most part,” I answered. “Still a few stray boxes here and there.”
“You moved from San Diego, right? Nice city, but very different from New York. Do you miss the palm trees?”
“I miss the dry air. The humidity here is taking some getting used to.”
“Wait ’til summer hits.” He smiled. “So…it’s your first day and you’re my first assistant, so we’ll have to figure this out as we go. I’m not used to delegating, but I’m sure I’ll pick it up quick.”
I was instantly at ease. “I’m eager to be delegated to.”
“Having you around is a big step up for me, Camila. I’d like you to be happy working here. Do you drink coffee?”
“Coffee is one of my major food groups.”
“Ah, an assistant after my own heart.” His smile widened. “I’m not going to ask you to fetch coffee for me, but I wouldn’t mind if you helped me figure out how to use the new one-cup coffee brewers they just put in the break rooms.”
I grinned. “No problem.”
“How sad is it that I don’t have anything else for you?” He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. “Why don’t I show you the accounts I’m working on and we’ll go from there?”
The rest of the day passed in a blur. Mark touched bases with two clients and had a long meeting with the creative team working on concept ideas for a trade school. It was a fascinating process seeing firsthand how the various departments picked up the baton from each other to carry a campaign from proposition to fruition. I might’ve stayed late just to get a better feel of the layout of the offices, but my phone rang at ten minutes to five.
“Mark Garrity’s office. Camila Cabello speaking.”
“Get your ass home so we can go out for the drink you rain-checked on yesterday.”
Cary’s mock sternness made me smile. “All right, all right. I’m coming.”
Shutting down my computer, I cleared out. When I reached the bank of elevators, I pulled out my cell to text a quick “on my way” note to Cary. A ding alerted me to which car was stopping on my floor and I moved over to stand in front of it, briefly returning my attention to hitting the send button. When the doors opened, I took a step forward. I glanced up to watch where I was going and green eyes met mine. My breath caught.
The sex god was the lone occupant.
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lost-in-sokovia · 4 years
toxic - chapter 5
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oof. i don’t think you’re ready for the thrombey/drysdale clan. good luck, reader. (may contain spoilers to Knives Out)
Your first night at Ransom’s home was both interesting and uncomfortable.
His house was absolutely stunning and you were afraid to touch anything, fearing the subtle thought you may break something. Ransom showed you around and your mouth continued to gape at his beautiful belongings. You felt the part you felt most uncomfortable visiting was his room. It was nice, yes, but you wondered how many one night stands taken place in his bed, and if he intended you to end up there at some point. You had turned slightly red and made sure that part of the tour ended quickly.
He showed you the beautiful guest room where you would be staying and you dropped all your bags in there. After the tour ended it was later than you had expected. He asked if you needed anything to eat, but the nervous knot in your stomach prevented any hunger.
After wishing him thanks again and goodnight, the two of you parted ways into your rooms.
“If you need anything, just let me know.” Ransom had flashed a grin.
After taking a shower in the connected bathroom and brushing your teeth, you went over your day in your head. It was actually happening. You were staying in your ex best friend’s house after not seeing or communicating with each other for ages. Is this how fast normal people took things?
You shuddered in the cold as you climbed into the white satin sheets, biting your lip thinking about who could have possible been in this bed as well. But the thoughts left quite quickly as you got comfy and slowly drifted off to sleep after your long day.
Ransom chuckled to himself after closing his door. This experience was different for him. Most of the time whenever a girl was at his house she was with him partaking in other activities. But now you were here and were going to unknowingly meet his family tomorrow, the load of crackheads.
Sighing deeply as he turned off the lights, he turned to his side and fell asleep to an empty bed.
You woke up around 8:30 and quickly got dressed and ready for the day. Your outfit consisted of a long sleeved fleece fall yellow shirt, black jeggings, and fall-patterned socks for fun. As you walked into the kitchen your heart jumped momentarily when you were greeted by Ransom, looking undoubtedly attractive in his cream knit sweater and jeans.
“Good morning,” he greeted politely. You swallowed hard and walked slowly over to the table. You sat down carefully and looked back over at Ransom as he prepared breakfast.
“Coffee?” He asked.
“Yes please,” you responded and sat quietly. The days in Boston kept getting cloudier and cloudier as the days progressed. Gray light cast into the kitchen as you stared blankly out the window.
He set a mug in front of you and thanked him quietly. You picked it up and held it to your lips gently.
“Hey,” Ransom started as he poured a mug for himself. “Did I mention to you last night that we’d be going to meet my family today?” He asked casually.
You choked slightly on your coffee.
“I don’t think I can do this,” You expressed nervously to Ransom.
The two of you were still sitting in his BMW in front of his grandfather’s large estate. The thought of facing his family sent shivers down your spine. The way he talked about them now compared to boarding school never changed, if anything it may have only gotten worse.
“It’s going to be fine.” He put his hand on your shoulder, making your heart rate increase. “I’m sure they all remember you, and Harlan probably still loves you,” he reassured. You exhaled with a chuckle. Harlan did really like you when you were younger. Despite never meeting you in person, he thought you were a wonderful and mature little girl who had a positive influence on his grandson. He even went as far as to send you letters along with Ransom’s.
You took a couple deep breaths and nodded your head. You unbuckled and Ransom smiled. “There we go,” he praised.
You continued to look at the marvelous home as you got out. It looked like a castle, with it’s pointed rooftops and worn brick. You longed to stand and look out over the beautiful balcony, much bigger than the small one back at your apartment.
You shuffled through rock and dead leaves and were suddenly met by loud barking and the sound of running.
Two brown and black german shepards came running towards you and you grinned.
“Oh hello babies!” You squealed as the dogs came up and jumped on you. You pet them both and laughed as they sniffed you and pawed at you.
Ransom cocked an eyebrow as he watched the scene. You didn’t mind Harlan’s dogs. You actually seemed to enjoy them. You continued to surprise him more and more since you arrived.
After the dogs settled down you managed to kneel down to meet them face to face.
“I gotta go in there now, okay?” You whispered. One of them licked their nose and you giggled, rubbing one of each’s ear.
Ransom walked over and stood behind you.
“Ready?” He asked. You stood up with fake confidence and nodded, slowly walking forward with him.
Just before making it to the door, the two of you were met with a sharp “Ransom?”
Ransom rolled his eyes as his mother emerged through the door. Your eyes widened as you were faced with Linda Drysdale herself. You had only seen her one other time after Ransom and you had graduated. She looked good; her hair was white and cut to a pixie cut. She had round black glasses with little rounded edges on each corner to add a more feminine touch. She wore matching navy blue pants and a flowy shirt.
“Oh, there you are,” she said. She looked over at you as you stood there, staring right back at her. She eyed you up and down in almost a look of... disapproval?
“Hello, and you are?” She asked uncertainly. You glanced at Ransom and cleared your throat awkwardly.
“Mom, this is (Y/N) from boarding school, remember her?” Ransom explained before you could respond. You smiled meekly.
“I-It’s alright, it’s definitely been a while since-“
“Oh yes I remember you,” Linda cut you off and clapped her hands triumphantly. “Yes yes dear how are you?” She asked before walking forward to give you a brief hug.
“I’m fine, thank you,” you chuckled in surprise. She smiled at her son before opening the door.
“Well come in! We’ll get the whole family to meet you!” She exclaimed. You nodded and laughed nervously.
You walked into the warm home and looked around. It was becoming more and more like a castle. Of course you knew that Harlan was an accomplished author, so you expected nothing less.
You wiped your combat boots on the mat before walking further to take off your coat. Ransom strutted in confidently and left you to follow him.
A middle aged woman passed by carrying a tray from which Ransom grabbed a biscuit from.
“Hey Franny,” Ransom said smugly as he took a bite of biscuit. The woman named Fran rolled her eyes as she made her way into the direction of what you assumed was the kitchen. Ransom chuckled and continued to make his way into the main living area. There was a fireplace and gorgeous couch and chairs, natural light entering through the windows.
In there sat a young boy, a teenage girl, a man who had a cane propped against his chair, you recognized Richard who read from a newspaper, one woman glued to her phone, and another woman sitting next to the man with the cane. You made guesses as to who they could be because Ransom never actually cared enough to go into detail how his family looked.
Linda breezed past you and Ransom and clapped her hands. Everyone in the room turned their attention to her as she stood in front of you and Ransom.
“Everyone, Ransom has invited a friend to stay with him this holiday,” she announced. She moved over to the side to give everyone view to you and Ransom. Ransom smugly smiled and rocked back on his heels as you made quick eye contact with everyone and nervously laughed before subtly waving a hand.
“Uhm, h-hi,” you stuttered politely. Richard stood up and walked forward to shake your hand.
“Oh hello (Y/N),” he said as you held his hand to shake it. He smiled at you and you immediately felt uncomfortable. Not only was he a horrible father, he never gave off a comfortable vibe to you.
“H-Hi Richard,” you greeted back uncomfortably. He glanced at his son before his eyes scanned you. In that moment you felt like you weren’t wearing enough, despite your body being covered in cold weather clothing.
“So, Ransom, how’d you get her here?” He asked his son. Ransom shrugged.
“Oh you know, it’s always nice to get in contact with an old friend,” he casually replied. He was very vague, probably trying to avoid acknowledging the fact it had to do with your best friend and his mother.
“That’s nice, very nice,” Richard complimented. The man with the cane came up next to greet you with the same blonde woman who sat with him.
“Hi, I’m Walt,” he said and shook your hand. He sounded very unsure of himself, he read like he had a lack of confidence. The woman just smiled and nodded at you, adding a quiet “Donna” after Walt said his name.
“Nice to meet you,” you said politely. His expression shifted to confusion.
“H-Has Ransom never really talked about me?” He asked meekly. You thought about when Ransom talked about Walt’s son Jacob and how Walt didn’t do shit. You decided to spare that and brush it off as you’d never really met.
“N-Not much,” you replied, trying to show sympathy. He nodded and sighed, looking down and staggering back as his wife looked down to the floor. The young boy was next and continued to look at his phone. You stood there in silence and glanced up at Ransom for a moment.
“Jacob get off that damn phone,” Ransom snarled and the boy looked up reluctantly.
“Jacob,” he said curtly. “So Ransom, is this your girlfriend of the week?” He asked sharply. Your insides froze and Ransom laughed mockingly.
“Yeah you think you’re funny pal. No, she’s just an old friend who you wouldn’t remember because I never posted her on social media.” He retorted. You weren’t quite sure of what he meant, but this kid didn’t seem like he was worth your time.
A teenage girl who was close to your age walked up next. She smiled warmly at you and hugged you. You were slightly taken aback but didn’t mind.
“Hey, I’m Meg,” she said warmly. You smiled at her. She obviously was probably one of the more sane ones in this family.
“Hey, I’m (Y/N). I think Ransom has mentioned you a couple times,” you replied. She laughed softly and rolled her eyes.
“I hope it was all true, and not some made-up shit,” she said. You laughed as she looked at you one more time before walking away. A blonde woman with curls walked up to you and smiled.
“Namaste, (Y/N),” she said and put her hands on your shoulders. You stared at her for a moment, speechless. This woman’s voice was kind of annoying and she seemed like a handful.
“Joni don’t scare the poor girl she just got here!” Richard piped up from the side. She smiled at you, ignoring Richard’s comment.
“I’m Joni, you might have heard of me,” she tried not to boast. You lied and nodded, just trying to get this woman away from you as fast as possible. “I’m here for you if you need it and you can always come stay with me if-“
“That’s enough Joni,” Ransom cut in and ushered her away. You gulped and glanced up at Ransom, who shook his head. You sighed. His family was definitely interesting in real life, and you knew you were in for a long week.
“(Y/N), my dear!” A voice chimed from behind you. You looked over and saw Harlan walking down the stairs with a young girl, making sure he was alright. You couldn’t help but smile. Even though you barely knew him you always felt connected to him and like he genuinely cared.
“Hi!” You greeted back. Harlan walked over and shook your hand with both of his earnestly.
“How are you my dear? Still doing great work at The New York Times?” He asked. You gasped, you didn’t know he read your work!
“I-I’m great, thank you!” You said. He nodded and gestured to the young Latina girl.
“This is my assistant, Marta Cabrera,” he said. Marta smiled and shook your hand.
“Nice you meet you,” she greeted with a Latina accent. You smiled.
“Pleasure.” You has a feeling you would turn to be friends with her. Harlan turned to his grandson.
“Ransom I had no idea you would be inviting this lovely girl to join us!” He exclaimed. You blushed, he was truly one of the kindest.
“Yeah well, I thought a surprise would be nice,” he lied through his teeth.
Harlan shrugged before turning back to you. Before he could say anything else, Ransom walked to you and put his arm around your shoulder.
“Well (Y/N) and I really should be heading out,” he said. Harlan frowned.
“Leaving so soon?” Richard asked. Your insides twisted uncomfortably and you nodded in agreement with Ransom.
“I’ll be back tomorrow!” You said to everyone. Ransom grabbed your coat and handed it to you.
“It’s been great, bye!” He said shortly and sarcastically as everyone began talking at once to him. He slammed the door and chuckled to himself. You stared at him and giggled at him.
“What?” you asked. He shook his head, knowing things were only going to escalate from here. The two of you climbed in the car and he began to drive off.
“You’re welcome,” he cut the silence. You looked at him.
“Figured I’d spare you an extra day of staying with my family, so you’ll just have to hang with me I guess,” he explained. You smiled and inhaled.
“Your family sure is more interesting than you ever described them,” you laughed lightly. Ransom chuckled and shook his head.
“Sometimes I just can’t find the right words to describe them,” he joked. You laughed.
The rest of the day you and Ransom talked, becoming reacquainted with each other. Ransom could tell you were beginning to break out of your shell, showing his plan was working perfectly. It should be a breeze getting you to do whatever he pleased now. You, unknowing of his intentions, just thought things were going back to old times.
Maybe he wasn’t as toxic as you thought?
this chapter was a little long! but i couldn’t just skip over the family, they need a long chapter tbh😂 chapter 6 is in the works, hope you enjoyed!!🤍
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introvertguide · 4 years
Studio Laika
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I was sitting at home and watching films today (probably what a lot of people are doing right now), and I noticed that a lot of my very favorite movies were all stop motion. It creeps some people out the way that the characters move, but I love the look and admire the people who painstakingly create and move each and every aspect of a scene. A one minute scene can take weeks to shoot if it is large scale. Very impressive. Little did I know that the same company made almost all of my favorites. 
It is a studio in Oregon named simply Laika that is headed by the cofounder of NIKE, Phil Knight, and his son Travis is the CEO. The work that comes from this place is astounding and every single one of their films is just amazing to me. They have put out 5 feature length films over 10 years and every single one has been nominated for best animated feature by the Oscars, the Golden Globes, the BAFTAs, the Annie Awards, and the Critic’s Choice Awards. These are fantastic films with gorgeous visuals and particularly beautiful soundtracks and should get far more attention than they have. 
Here is a little list of all of the movies and I highly suggest checking them out and then checking out the behind the scenes on YouTube.
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Coraline (2009) 
I very scary adventure about a little girl that moves into a new shared house and finds a door that transports her to an opposite world. The animation is so flawless and realistic that this film actual gave me nightmares and I was 30 when I saw it. The opposite world is the same kind of set up that I had nightmares about when I was a child. It was so engrossing and the score for the film really brings the viewer into this world. The ending song sounds a lot like the  “Something Wicked This Way Comes” song from the 3rd Harry Potter film but with a much faster pace. In fact...check the song out for yourself. 
And maybe some behind the scenes without spoilers...
The words behind the lead character are voiced by Dakota Fanning and the mother (both of them) is done by Teri Hatcher. The acting behind the title character is especially good and really brings to life this tough little girl in her stunning situation. Highly recommend.  
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Paranorman (2012)
This is the story of a young boy who has paranormal abilities and he has to deal with a town and family who are afraid of him while also trying to ward off local ghost activity. Totally relatable. This film actually reminded me more of Monster House (2006) with the idea of a group of kids attempting to bring peace to an angry spirit of some form. The closing song is “Little Ghost” performed by the White Stripes and, although my least favorite closer of the five films, is pretty good. The credit sequence that runs through the characters with the short is like a high quality short on its own. 
And of course some behind-the-scenes B-roll
I will say that this is my personal least favorite of the group, but it would still be a 7 or 8 out of 10. The world is great and the characters are fun, but the story wasn’t as interesting to me and it is not as good of a soundtrack. I still very much recommend.
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The Boxtrolls (2014)
I think this is my favorite of the five films for many personal reasons. It is basically the story of Tarzan but put into a world that is similar to an old English village. A young boy dubbed Eggs is raised by trolls and is forced to rejoin human society when he attempts to save his adopted family from a pest exterminator named Archibald Snatcher. Some of my very favorite English actors like Ben Kingsley, Simon Pegg, Nick Frost, and Richard Ayuade all voice characters. It is a coming of age story for 2 or 3 characters at the same time and there are less “good guys and bad guys” and more misguided individuals all trying to find their place. The ending credits are again accompanied by a beautiful song called “Little Boxes” written by Eric Idle. It goes a little something like this...
And some time lapse of a couple characters with a voice over with Richard Ayuade and Nick Frost that is hilarious...
I cannot say enough good things about this film. It has all of the effort and craft of the previous two, but with a better story and less creepiness. A great message for any age and no worry about nightmares (for me anyways). 
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Kubo and the Two Strings (2016)
This is probably the most beautiful of the Laika films and tells a beautiful story. The one thing that keeps this from being my favorite is a pair of eye-stealing evil sisters. The world is amazing and the voices are fantastic, but this makes the threat of the villains all the more disturbing and there is definitely some nightmare fuel in that. Definitely not like any fairy tale that I was brought up with, and that absolutely makes it better in my eyes. With the current “stay in and stay safe” situation, the beginning will hit close to home. It has the normal gorgeous ending credits with a cover of “As My Guitar Gently Weeps” performed by Regina Spektor. Of course it is here...
And a behind-the-scenes that shows the stop motion with the voice production
This was the best film from Laika on a technical and they were nominated for both Best Animated Feature and Best Visual Effects at the Oscars. Also, this is the best BTS the I could find as it is pretty much spoiler free and has dramatic sewing music.
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Missing Link (2019)
This is the most recent film which came out last year and it is the first time that one of the movies did not perform well at the box office. There was little advertising for this film (that I saw) compared to Kubo despite having a bigger budget. The story was not as good and much more predictable than any of the prior films. It did have arguably the biggest name recognition as far as voice actors with Hugh Jackman, Zoe Saldana, Zach Galifianakis, Timothy Olyphant, Steven Fry, and Emma Thompson. The company has made a name having terrific ending credits and this was not different...but I can’t find a version that doesn’t absolutely spoil the ending so I attached the version for Lakeshore Records. It is a song called “Do-Dilly-Do” sung by Walter Martin.
I is a quick moving song with late 1800s instrumentation with a ragtime feel that actually makes me think of “Kodachrome” by Simon and Garfunkel. And of course so behind the scenes...
A really great film that was exquisite but not really on the same level as Kubo. I still think it was well worth the watch and it is on Hulu streaming service currently.
I have spent the last couple of years of my movie critiquing life watching older films, but I have not lost sight of the present and all of the great films that are still being created. With all of these fine films from a single studio, my hope for future film making is still great. There work and passion that goes into each film is obvious and should be enjoyed by the masses. I highly recommending taking some time if you are forced to stay in and check out some of these wonderful films. By the way, the name comes from the first dog to go into space on a Russian ship and the first animal to orbit the Earth on the Sputnik 2.
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heyitsani · 4 years
When You Move, I Move
DCU Big Bang submission
Word Count: 28,907
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Mentions of past non-con/rape (as written in canon), Major character death (temporary and as mentioned in canon as well), Threats of abortion, AU-ish?  Mentions of past lives.
Pairing: Dick Grayson/Jason Todd
Summary: “I am Fate.” The voice seemed to echo in the room and the two men looked at the being. Jason frowned, but lowered his gun to point down at the ground. Though he was ready to lift and fire the instant he felt something off. “This is an interesting development.”
“What is?” Jason grabbed Dick’s arm to keep him from moving closer to the being as Dick questioned it.
“N, stay back.”
“Very interesting, indeed.” Fate slowly dropped to the ground and the ethereal glow that had been surrounding them previously faded so they could see them more clearly. “There is only one person who could spell so beautifully, so intricately.”
Notes: Here it is! My addition for the DCU Big Bang.  And it’s a monster of a fic.
Okay this story completely ran away from the original outline. The POV jumps between Jason and Dick so you can get the complete picture, but if you need to know more to understand, go to the notes at the end where there be spoilers.
Dates and locations listed only when it's significant to know the time jump or place of the scene.
Two absolutely gorgeous art pieces for this story by @harishe-art here and by Vivi here. Both are somewhat spoilers, so proceed with caution.  
You can also read this on AO3 here.
                                         CURRENT DAY
“Hood, wait!”  Jason could hear Dick’s voice through his synced comm link, but he wasn’t sure where exactly the other man was.  Not until blue and black flashed in his peripheral vision.  “They’re not hostile.” 
Jason looked up at the being who was hovering about six feet above the cold ground of the warehouse that was housing a coven of magic users who had been manipulating citizens to attack their lovers in order to make a sacrifice.  He kept his gun raised but moved his finger off the trigger, trusting Dick’s assessment of the situation more than his own.  Dick had done all the research after all.  Jason had been called in as last minute back up and only given the bare minimal details.  None of which included information on flying beings.  All Jason had known was there was a group of men who were sacrificing Gothamites for some unbecoming reason or another.  It was all he had needed to know.
Or so he thought.
“So?  Who the fuck is it?”
“I am Fate.”  The voice seemed to echo in the room and the two men looked at the being.  Jason frowned, but lowered his gun to point down at the ground.  Though he was ready to lift and fire the instant he felt something off.  “This is an interesting development.”
“What is?”  Jason grabbed Dick’s arm to keep him from moving closer to the being as Dick questioned it. 
“N, stay back.”
“Very interesting, indeed.”  Fate slowly dropped to the ground and the ethereal glow that had been surrounding them previously faded so they could see them more clearly.  “There is only one person who could spell so beautifully, so intricately.”  The being took a step toward them and Jason immediately pulled Dick back and slightly behind.
“What are you doing?”  Dick hissed, trying to tug his arm out of Jason’s grip.
“Keeping you from being an idiot.  We don’t know anything about this person outside of the fact that they were summoned through human fucking sacrifices!”  He could tell Dick wanted to snap something back, but instead Jason watched him take a deep breath and give him a nod.  He was trusting Jason’s judgement on this one.  And that was a little more startling than Jason wanted to ever admit.
“What a delight this will be.  It has been so long since I have encountered so much…history.”
“What do you mean by that?  Why did those warlocks summon you?”
“For something inconsequential and petty.”  The being waved a hand, looking bored.  Then in a split second, hands were clasped and an almost child-like, giddy expression overtook the boredom.  “You have eliminated their presence.  But I am here, and I am feeling particularly generous,” the being spoke, moving to the table where each of the seven sacrifices had taken place.  Jason watched them run a finger along the blood of the sigils.  The touch seemed delicate and reverent, but Jason found himself tensing.  “I have a gift for the two of you.”
The fuck?
“Say what now?”  Jason questioned, feeling Dick’s hand fist in the material of his armored leather jacket.
“Jay…”  He whispered, shifting his body closer but Jason couldn’t focus on the warm line of body heat he was providing.  He didn’t have time to dwell on that.  He also didn’t have time to rebuke him for the use of real names in the field.  He had to figure out if he would be able to get him and Dick out of there alive. 
“Hood.  Nightwing.  Report.”
“Those won’t be necessary where you’re going.”  And with a snap of the man’s fingers, Dick was hissing in pain and digging his comm unit out of his ear.  It fell to the ground, blackened as though it had been set on fire.  A moment later, Jason heard an audible pop in his helmet and knew his link was officially down.
“What do you mean?  Where are we going?”  Dick spoke up but remained behind Jason.
“To where you have already been.  Something beautiful was stolen from you both and I wish to show you what it was before you ruin the final chance of having it.”  In a blink of an eye, Fate was standing directly in front of them and pressing two fingers to each of their foreheads.  The last thing Jason could recall before he fell was reaching for Dick when he let out a strangled Jay.
200 AD
“Come now, Ser Todd.  Surely you can do better than that,” a joyful voice sounded to his right and Jason looked over to see Richard standing there with his arms folded over his chest and an amused expression on his beautiful, golden features.  He looked perfectly at ease in his gold and white royal robes among the commoners meandering around.  The single blue gem inset in the gold circlet catching the sunlight just enough to twinkle the same way his sapphire eyes did.
He looked regal, as always.  But he could be in rags and still look stunning. 
“Of course, I can.  The question is whether or not I desire to.”  And Jason can’t help but smile at the laughter that spills from the lips he is far too familiar with.
“Hmmm, yes.  I do suppose desire does play a good part in this sort of game.”  Richard raised one of his hands and tapped his lower lip, circling behind Jason to come and stand on his other side.  “The desire to impress.  Or perhaps the desire to entertain.”
“Perhaps my desire is to leave this foolishness behind and entertain myself in…other ways,” Jason offered, turning his body so he could face Richard more fully.
“Are you not enjoying yourself, Ser Jason?”
“King Bruce,” Jason greeted with a formal bow.  The older man made his way over from another booth set up, with his guards in tow.  He cut an imposing figure, dressed in all black and just the slightest hint of the royal gold and blue.  He was quite the contrast to Richard’s white and gold, but there was no denying the power and confidence in either of them.
“Father…”  Richard’s sigh was long suffering, but fond and it made Jason’s heart ache with longing.  How he wished he had had his own father to feel that way about.
“Son.  I was simply inquiring as to whether or not our fearsome dragon slayer was enjoying his time at the festival in his honor.”  Jason watched Richard roll his eyes and look at Jason with the put-upon look only the King could pull from him.
“It is not in his honor, Father.  It honors all our country’s brave slayers.  Just because Jason is the only one now does not mean those who came before him are to be forgotten,” Richard commented, looking at his father.  The man looked amused for a moment before his face went back to the stoic mask the kingdom knew.
“Hmm, yes.  I do suppose you make a good point.  But I do as well.  Our Slayer should enjoy himself at a festival raised to honor him and those like him.”
“I am very much enjoying myself, Your Majesty.”  Jason spoke to the king, but his eyes were on the prince who was smiling brightly at him.
“Indeed.  I will leave you two to it, then.  Richard,” the king called as he walked away from the pair, pulling his son’s eyes away from Jason’s.  “Do remember what we talked about this morning.”  The smile fell from Richard’s lips immediately, but the king had already turned to continue on his way with his faithful guards following closely.
The shift in Richards mood was almost tangible.  Jason felt as though he’d probably be able to touch it, if he tried.  While Jason had seen plenty of mood shifts with Richard through the years of knowing him, he rarely did so in such an abrupt manner and never in a location like this.  Not when a subject could see them and gossip.
“Richard?  My Prince?”  Jason placed a hand on Richard’s upper arm and tried to pull his attention back to him.  What had they discussed this morning that would put such a scowl on the other man’s face?  “My love?”  The words were spoken softly, an attempt to keep them between just the two men as well as to try and get the other’s attention.
“It’s nothing of consequence.  Let us carry on.”  The smile was back on the other’s lips and to most it would see just as bright as before, but not to someone who knew Richard as well as Jason did.  This smile was brittle around the edges and pain was clear in his crystal blue eyes.
“It is clearly not nothing, but I will follow your lead as I always do.”  Richard turned thankful eyes on Jason and other man smiled gently. 
“Tonight.  I will tell you about it tonight.  I do not wish to ruin this day.”
“Then lead the way, My Prince.”
“Thank you to all the many visitors who have come to partake in our festival this day.  Please join me in raising a glass to the one standing dragon slayer of Gotham Kingdom!  Ser Jason Todd, may your sword always strike its final blow before you fall!” 
Jason smiled up at Richard as he stood in front of the table at the head of the room, body turned side facing so he could look at the other man as he proposed the traditional toast.  Jason raised his own glass in acknowledgement, a secret smile shared between the two, before pressing the rim of the glass to his lips for a drink.
The hall broke out in cheers as they all took drinks of their own and servants milled about to refill cups and plates.  It was always a sight to see, the hall filled with nobles and commoners there to celebrate one thing.  One of the only things that could pull the entire country together was honoring the dragon slayers of now and old. 
The tradition was deeply rooted in their culture, to the point that Jason was sure that it would remain long after the last dragon had fallen or the slayer line had.  Which wouldn’t be too long off considering he was the final of his family bloodline and had no intention of siring an heir to continue it.  So few dragons remained, he was certain it was safe to have the line die when he took his final breath.  But that was neither here nor there at the moment.
No, Jason only had eyes for Richard as he spoke to his stepmother, Queen Selina, who had stopped him on his way back around the table to retake his seat.  Though the conversation looked private, Jason still tried to get the gist of it over the noise of the hall.  But he was failing terribly and the knot that had been in his chest since the festival earlier that day.  The look on the queen’s face just cemented the concern.
“She is offering sympathy.”  Jason turned to find Richard’s only sister, Cassandra, standing by his chair.  “She does not agree with what Father spoke to him about this morning.”  The look on Cass’ face when she looked down at Jason told the older man he was correct in assuming he was not going to enjoy hearing about that conversation.  “Ah, Brother,” Cass smiled, lifting her glass to the approaching prince.  “I have orders to tell you that Timothy is quite displeased with being seated next to Conner of Kent.”
Richard snickered as he slipped into his chair.  “Well then perhaps he should simply tell the boy how he feels.  Then I would be less inclined to force the issue.”  Cass laughed, likely more amused at her brother’s meddling in the affairs of the young men than the young prince’s discomfort.  “At least one of us should get to have what our heart desires.”  Jason’s brows furrowed at that and he could see Cass tense out of the corner of his eye.
“Yes, well.”  Cass let out a cough and Jason glanced over at the young woman.  With a sharp nod and sympathetic eyes, she made her way away from the pair.
“I should like to know what that was about,” Jason commented, leaning back in his chair and watching Richard closely.  The other man gave little away, tearing a piece of bread off from the loaf near his plate and taking a bite before washing it down with the wine in his glass.
“You already know Cass is to be betrothed by the end of the year to someone of the Narrows.”
“Yes, but you said only one of you would get to have what your heart desires.  What of your heart, My Prince?”
“You are my heart.”
“And you mine.”  Dread was beginning to fill his chest and Jason was quite sure this was not the place to be having this conversation.  He watched the other man as he continued to consume the piece of bread he had broken, sapphire eyes drifting over the room.  “Richard?”  The name was spoken softly, aware of the people around him that would expect them to maintain propriety.
“Come, Ser Jason.  Take a turn about the gardens with me,” Richard said suddenly, standing from his seat and tossing the last of his bread onto his plate.  He didn’t, however, leave behind the wine glass and even allowed one of the servants to fill it before he stepped away from his chair and looked over at Jason.
“Of course, Your Highness,” Jason muttered, pushing to his own feet and moving to stand beside him.  Shaking his head at the offered wine from the same servant who had just filled Richard’s glass, Jason looked at Richard and waited for him to lead the way.
The exit was silent between them, Richard pausing a few times to speak with another member of court or greet a small child who wished to place a flower in his hair.  Jason remained silent and stoic beside him, hands clasped behind him so no one would see the tremors that had overtaken them.  He was starting to have a guess as to what this conversation was going to reveal and he was not certain he should have turned down that glass of wine after all.  It might have done his nerves well.
“Do you ever regret?”
“I try not to.  I find that it would make me far too similar to those who left me behind.”  Richard looked over at Jason and the younger couldn’t help but frown at the solemn look on Richard’s face.  “Are you facing regrets?”
“No, but I fear I will be forced to regret.”
“And what is it that you fear you will come to regret?”
He was met with silence as Richard turned away and continued to lead them down the path and into the rows of flowers and hedges, hiding them from the party they could still hear from where they were.
“My love, please,” Jason reached for Richard, grasping his upper arm lightly to make him stop walking and face him.  Once he was certain the elder would not walk away, Jason released his arm and placed his palm against Richard’s cheek instead.  “Please share your burden with me.”  Jason searched the other man’s face for any sort of answer, worry growing as he felt Richard take a shuttering breath.
“Father has decided that it is time for me to marry.”
“And you cannot marry me because of the laws of old.”  Jason dropped his hands from Richard and took a step back, breathing deeply as the news washed over him.  He wasn’t a fool; he had known this would be coming one day.  But he had foolishly hoped they might be able to put it off a while longer.
“I do not…Jason,” Richard pleaded, dropping his chin to his chest and letting out a choked noise that did nothing but tighten the vice around Jason’s heart.
“Did he say when?”  The words, though whispered, sounded loud in his ears and must have to Richard as well given the flinch they invoked.
“Before the Winter Solstice.”  Less than half a year then.  Jason could see the wine glass trembling in Richard’s hand and knew he should take it from the older man, but his body felt frozen, lethargic from the pain in his chest.  “I do not want anyone else.”
“But you love your people, and you are too good a man to walk away from your duty to them.”
“And you are too good to ask that of me.”
And that would be the crux of their issue from this point on.  Jason could never ask Richard to be what he isn’t.  And though Jason felt selfish in his desire to have the man standing before him, he was not so selfish to sacrifice the sake of an entire kingdom just so he could have him.  Not when he had spent the entirety of his life thus far protecting that very kingdom. 
Richard had his duty and Jason had his.
And they would always be two men bound by that duty.  Neither willing to give it up or betray the people they protected and served.
“Brother?”  The sound of Prince Timothy’s voice filtered through the hedges of the maze and Jason watched as Richard took a deep breath and closed his eyes.  “Brother are you out here?”
“I am here,” Richard called out, voice steady and trembling under control.  A feat that Jason could only marvel at.  He still felt shaken to his very core and knew he probably looked it. 
The sound of footsteps on gravel pulled both their eyes as they spotted the young man turning the corner to find them.  “Oh!  Ser Jason!  I didn’t realize,” Timothy fumbled, and Jason just gave a bow of his head in respect.  And he tried not to cringe at the look of regret the man gave them both.  “Father is looking for you, brother.”
“Yes, of course.  I will head right in.”
“I could hold him off for the evening.  I could tell him you retired for the night.”  Jason looked at Richard just as he waved a hand. 
“Nonsense.  I will go see him shortly.”  Jason kept his eyes on Richard, but the older man kept his eyes on his brother.  “I promise.  I will be there in a few moments.”  There was no verbal response from Timothy, but Jason heard his footsteps heading away from them moments later.  “Will you retire with me tonight?”
“I will wait for you in your room,” Jason automatically said, even though he had a deep desire to run to his own home and hide away.  To deal with the pain of knowing he would lose this man in front of him.  Richard’s only response was to press a kiss to the corner of his mouth before hurrying past him to find his father.
Without bothering to watch the other man leave, Jason stood and raised his eyes to the dark sky.  The stars scattered in their various clusters blinking naively and promising more than they could ever provide.  Hopes and Dreams, his mother had called them before she had passed.  Hopes and Dreams of all those who came before them.  She had told him stories of great men and women who had wished upon their stars and gotten their wishes granted.  The child within his heart wanted to make his own wish, but he knew it would be folly.  He would not be granted that particular wish.
Not in this lifetime.
Jason spent the next week drifting in a state of uncertainty.  Did he leave now so it wouldn’t hurt as much when Richard was finally wed?  Or did he take as much for as long as he was allowed?  How was he supposed to make this kind of decision?
Not that Richard had asked that of him.
No, the fool had begged him to help him find a way around this in the darkness of his room while they lay in bed together.  To stay with him because he was in love with him.  And Jason was tempted.  He was tempted to steal away the man and run without looking back.  Let one of his siblings shoulder the responsibility that Richard had never asked for but had been born into.
But he could never do that.  Not to Gotham and certainly not to Richard.
Not when Cassandra was not a blood heir and Richard wanted nothing more for Timothy than for him to marry the man he had been in love with since their introduction a short year ago.  No, Richard had too much love for those around him.  He would never allow them to bear the weight of his responsibilities.  And Jason could not watch the light fade from his eyes should he attempt to do just that.  No one loved Gotham the way Richard did.  The kingdom would remember him for the ages because he was bound to be the most benevolent of kings.
“My lord, there is someone here to see you,” the voice of his one servant called through the door.  Jason looked up when the sound of it opening filled the quiet of the room, not bothering to stand from his slouched position in the chair nearest to the window overlooking his modest grounds.  At least until he saw who it was who had entered the room.
“Your Majesty,” Jason shot to his feet and gave a hasty bow.  He silently cursed the manservant for not stating who it was he was allowing in.  But perhaps he didn’t realize, given the dark cloak he wore with the hood pulled over his head, shadowing his features.  But Jason had seen the man in the darkness of a hunt and knew all too well what he looked like in the shadows.
“Please, Ser Jason.  This is not a formal calling.”  Nodding when the king gestured to the two chairs, one of which Jason had just been occupying, he sat back down.  This time he remained rigid though.  The king pushed the hood off his head and adjusted the cloak to reveal his plain clothes hidden underneath.  Clothes Jason hadn’t known the King to even have.  “I know Richard has spoken with you in regard to what I have asked of him.”
Dropping his gaze to his lap, Jason nodded his head.  King Bruce had been somewhat of a surrogate father to him when he had taken up the mantle of dragon slayer after his father had fallen when Jason was just ten years of age.  He held great respect for the king, but he was still just a subject in the end.
“He did, Your Majesty.”
“He mentioned he has not since seen you.”
“I am struggling and do not want him to carry that burden.  I could never be the cause of that weight,” Jason admitted, glancing up at the king before turning his eyes back to the window he had been staring out before.
“Yes, I assumed as much.”  Silence stretched between them and Jason found himself looking over at the older man, wondering what the point of the visit was.  “I know you and my son love each other very much.  Much more than I ever loved the mother of my children.”  Jason had known the arranged marriage of King Bruce to Talia of the Al Ghul kingdom had been strained.  And when she had died, Richard had told Jason they were all secretly relieved to not have that animosity in the castle anymore.
“Why are you here, my King?”
“I have a possible solution that will appease both of you, as well as me.”  Frowning, Jason watched the other man closely.  “You cannot sit on the throne with him.  Not only can you not produce an heir, but a ruler cannot be wed to a dragon slayer.”
“So say the law of old,” Jason quoted the Scrolls of Oath that they all lived by.
“So say the law of old.”  The king sighed and leaned back in the chair, slouching in a way Jason had never seen of the older man.  “But you can warm his bed.”  The thought of that, of being an object, made Jason bristle with anger.  Richard would never lower him to that standard.
“I am not a trophy and he would not want that of me.”
“No, not a trophy.  But a beloved.”
“So, he should marry a woman of your choosing and then bed me on the side?  That is not a solution.”
“No, we find him a bride who knows she will never have his heart.  A marriage of convenience.  Perhaps a woman too many have passed over, someone who is looking maidenhood in the eye.”  And wasn’t that a thought?  A woman who would potentially be forced into the status of permanent maidenhood would accept just about anything in order to be wed.  The laws of the kingdom were just, but they did no favors to women who were unwed.  A woman facing that predicament would be desperate.  And what better solution than becoming a future queen? 
“Do you have such a woman in mind, then?”  The king nodded.
“There is a woman I might have spoken to from the late Queen’s home country.  Catalina of House Flores.”  Jason shook his head, not knowing anything of that particular family or woman.  “She has been deemed too headstrong by the men of her home and none have found her worthy of marriage.  I have drawn up papers that would give her the title that comes with marrying Richard, but none of the power or other benefits outside of the title and the heir.  He would be the sole ruler when he takes the crown, unlike those who came before him.”
“So, it would be as though he were widowed, without having been so?”
“And this lady is willing to accept that fate?  Did you tell her of me?”
“I did and though she hesitated, she said she could come to accept a loveless marriage if it would not doom her to The Church.”  Because that is where the Kingdom of Parbat sent their husbandless women.  The Church of Ra’s.  He had heard it a cruel and dangerous cult of followers to the king of the kingdom.  The king who always wore the title Ra’s Al Guhl no matter what his birth name was.
Jason looked away from the king and back out the window, considering the idea.  “What of Richard?  What does he have to say about this arrangement?”
“I have not spoken to him yet.  I did not wish to give him hope only to have you turn the idea down.”
“That is fair,” Jason admitted.  Of the two, it would have been him that would say no.  But his love was just as strong as his beloved’s and he would do anything to keep that light in his life.  “Tell him I am his so long as he would have me.”  Looking back over to the king, Jason found the older man smiling.
“You are like a son to me, Jason and had you not so clearly loved my son from a young age, I would have taken you in like I did Cassandra.  I only wish I could call you my son through marriage, but at least I can call you one in private.”
Bowing his head, Jason silently took to compliment and adoration.  He wasn’t sure how to react to it, so graciousness seemed to be the best option.  It was a strange sensation to have someone think of him as a son after so many years of being fatherless.  But it would be a lie if he, too, hadn’t always thought of the king as a kind of father. 
“Someone will send for you when I have Richard’s answer,” the king stood from his chair and pulled the hood back over his head.  “My son is a good man, better than I could ever be, and he will be all that I was never able to be.  That will only be enhanced with you at his side, no matter the capacity.”  Standing so he was level with he older man, Jason nodded.
“Richard is the best of all of us.  It is an honor to say that I have his heart.  It always will be.”  The king placed a hand on his shoulder and gave it a squeeze before he slipped back out of the room to head back toward the palace, leaving Jason to fully consider what exactly he just agreed to.
Fidgeting with the sleeve of his cloak, Richard walked briskly down the hallway that would lead him to the sitting room where the woman who had agreed to his terms of marriage was currently waiting.  His father’s manservant and the closest thing Richard had known to a grandfather, Alfred, had come and informed him that the King, Queen, and Lady Catalina were waiting his arrival.
When he had questioned Alfred on the state of the lady, the older man had simply pressed his lips together and gestured for him to hurry.  It was more telling than the man actually speaking.
She was not going to be a warm addition to the Wayne family then.
“Your Highness,” his personal guard, Victor, greeted him with a bow.  “Shall I announce you?”
“In a moment,” Richard said, taking a deep breath and releasing it slowly.  He repeated the action a few times before he gave a nod to the other man, who immediately opened the doors and stepped in.
“His Highness Crown Prince Richard.” 
Stepping into the room, he let his sapphire eyes take in the stiff posture of his father and the politely relaxed posture of his stepmother before he looked at the woman sitting across from them.  He made his way over but took mental stock of his future wife as he did.  Chocolate brown hair and deep brown eyes that were almost black from his distance.  Her skin was caramel colored as was typical for those from the country of Nanda Parbat.  But her features were not as sharp as his mother’s had been, not as harsh.  She could have been mistaken as almost warm if she hadn’t had an almost calculating look on her face.
And the smile that spread across her lips was probably meant to be friendly but was entirely too frightening.  She almost looked at him as if she had won a coveted prize.
“Father, Mother,” Richard gave the customary bow of his head before stopping before the chair Catalina remained seated in.  He wasn’t sure how to respond to that.  He was fairly certain that standing for the royal family was something traditional in her home country just as it was in Gotham.  “Lady Catalina, it is wonderful to finally meet you.”  The woman watched him with that creepy smile before she almost looked surprised.
“I apologize,” she exclaimed as she shot to her feet and rushed into a curtsy.  Richard might have believed her apology if he hadn’t already been set on edge by the look in her eyes when he had come into the room.
Glancing back at his father, Richard raised a brow before looking back to Catalina as she rose out of the curtsy.  “Quite alright, My Lady.  Will not be long before such formalities will be meaningless between us,” he appeased, gesturing for her to sit back down.  Once she had taken her place, Richard eyed the chair next to her but decided to remain standing with his hands behind his back.  It was more formal than he normally would have acted, but his instincts were screaming at him to remain formal for some reason.  And his instincts had never been wrong in the past.
“Richard, we were just discussing how much more pleasant the weather is here in Gotham when compared to Nanda Parbat,” Selina spoke up before taking a sip of her tea and sending him a knowing look over her cup. 
Richard hummed and nodded, looking down at Catalina.  “Yes, from what I remember the few summers I visited Grandfather, it is quite balmy and hot there.”
“Suffocatingly so,” Catalina laughed lightly.  “And the customs of modesty are much stricter than here in Gotham so you can imagine how much us women suffer in the heat.”  Her words caught him by surprise, but he did his best to contain an outward reaction like his father had always taught him to do.
“I’m sure it is…a struggle,” he replied, looking at his father again.  And he wasn’t surprised to find the guarded look on his face as he watched Catalina.  Richard wondered if the woman had any idea just what kind of impression she was obviously making.  “Have you seen the grounds yet?  I was told you arrived early this morning while I was in the lower city levels.”
“I have not.  I would not mind a tour, if you are offering Your Highness.”  He hadn’t been but he supposed he would have to act like he had been now.  Nodding his head, he unclasped his hands and offered his arm to the woman as she stood and rearranged her skirts.  She gave him that creepy smile again as she took it, and Richard suppressed another reaction before looking down at his parents. 
“Father, Mother,” he bowed his head again.
“Richard, before you go,” his father spoke up, standing and setting his teacup down on the tray next to his chair.  “We need to discuss that treaty with Central Kingdom before dinner.  So, when you are done with your tour, please find me in my study.”  There was a knowing look in the older man’s eyes and Richard could have hugged him right then in thanks.  He knew he was only bringing it up to allow Richard the chance to get away.
Nodding his head, he simply sent his gratitude through his eyes.  “Of course, Father.  I will come find you shortly.”  Glancing back to Catalina, he found her watching him with calculating eyes.  “Shall we, My Lady?”  Her features smoothed back into what he was beginning to realize was her neutral expression as she nodded.  Guiding her toward the door, he thanked the servant who held the door open for them so they could leave the room.  “Come, Victor,” Richard called as he walked down the hallway.  He didn’t really need his guard but having someone else around seemed like a good idea at the moment.
He walked the halls of the castle with Catalina on his arm, showing her various rooms and introducing her to the servants as they passed.  And while she seemed interested in the places, he couldn’t help but notice the barely contained disgust when greeting the servants.  The tone she used was strained and even the servants seemed surprised by the reaction she had to them.  It wasn’t like the Wayne family to be anything other than completely respectful to the people working for them.
“Do you like gardens, My Lady,” Richard asked as they stepped out of the castle and headed down the steps in the back.  He could hear his brother and sister laughing from somewhere beyond the stables and while he wanted to go see them, his instincts once again told him not to.
“I suppose,” came the bland response.  He could feel her shoulder shift upward in a shrug, but he continued onto the gardens that his grandmother had taken great pride in.  His father had worked hard to keep them pristine and they were definitely one of Richard’s favorite places to go to when he needed peace.  “It is too hot to grow much of anything back home, but I see that is not the case here.  How lovely.”  The words were expected and proper, but the tone rubbed him the wrong way.
“Your Highness,” Victor’s voice came from a few paces behind them.  Richard paused their walk and glanced at the guard.  “Do not forget you are to discuss the treaty.”  A reminder to Catalina, but an out for Richard.
Nodding, Richard turned back to Catalina and slipped his arm away from hers.  “The hours have gotten away from us and I do need to attend to my duties.  Victor will show you back to your rooms and your lady’s maids will help you relax and freshen up for dinner.  Thank you for the conversation, My Lady.” 
“I shall miss the company,” she responded, tone sickly sweet and Richard cringed inwardly.  And though he wanted to just turn and leave, he instead stuck to tradition and gave a respectful bow before hurriedly walking past Victor and back into the castle.  He didn’t bother looking back until he was about to enter into the stone building and found Catalina watching him.  The look on her face shuddered, but the narrowed eyes told him enough that her observance was anything but kind.
“Your Highness,” came a familiar voice to his left the moment he had slipped into the building and out of sight of the woman he was to marry, catching him off guard.
“Ser Jason!” 
“I see the future queen arrived,” Jason said as he remained leaning against a pillar in the entry way.  At the mention of Catalina, Richard glanced over his shoulder again and frowned before looking back to Jason.  “That is not a good look, My Prince.”
Sighing, Richard waved for Jason to walk with him because he did actually need to speak about the treaty with his father.  “She is…I’m not certain what word to use,” he admitted as they walked.  “Cold.  Calculating, perhaps?”  He thought about her reaction to the servants she met and the indifference to the stories of the family he had told her during the tour.  “I’m not certain this is a good idea, Jason,” Richard stopped and looked at the other man, worry clouding his features.  Jason frowned and placed a hand on Richard’s elbow.
“We don’t have to do this, Richard.  It does not have to be her.”  And though he knew Jason was right, Richard closed his eyes and sighed.
“I don’t have the time to search out another.  The crown is mine in less than a year.  Father wants me married before then.  The council will not accept backing out of the agreement with Nanda Parbat.”  But part of him didn’t care about any of that.  Part of him knew that this was a mistake.  That Lady Catalina would be a mistake.
“Is all that worth bringing in someone who is not a good fit for our country?” 
Shrugging, Richard opened his eyes and looked at Jason.  “Father would say it is not like she will have any power.  Even if I were to die before an heir were produced, the contract does not allow her to be a ruler.  Or even a Queen Mother if an heir is too young.  Selina would take the position or Timothy would be called up.  So, can I not just deal with the situation when she is nothing but a name on paper?”
“You can do what you feel is best, My Prince.  You always do,” Jason commented.  There was a but coming, Richard knew it.  “But your instincts have never been wrong when it comes to people.  And if you feel like this could be a mistake, then do not make it.”
Richard looked at Jason but remained silent.  There didn’t need to be any words because he could see Jason’s intent clearly written on his face.  And he knew Jason could see Richard’s resolve.  Both men knew this conversation was pointless because even if Catalina were the vilest of people, Richard would still stick to his word and go through with the wedding.  Because that was who he was.
He was a man of his word.
“Brother!”  Cassandra’s voice snapped the two men out of their silent conversation, causing them both to look as she came hurrying down the hallway.  “Father just told me to tell you he was waiting if I saw you.  Hello, Ser Jason,” she smiled at the two men.
“Thank you, Sister.  I am heading that way now.  Will you show Ser Jason the new equipment we got for the guards?  I wanted his opinion on the craftsmanship.”  Cassandra bounced in place and nodded before grabbing Jason’s arm and dragging him off to the storeroom where the new items were currently stashed.  “I’ll see you both at dinner,” he called out before they turned a corner.  Once they were out of sight, he took a deep breath and continued on his way to his father’s study.
201 AD
Standing before the looking glass, Richard looked over the royal marriage garments with a twinge of distain and disgust.  They were exactly what he would have worn to his hand fasting ceremony with anyone.  It didn’t matter who would be meeting him at the end of the aisle, this is what he would have worn. 
Except the small splash of orange and black in the jewel adorning his clasp.  The colors of House Flores.  Colors that clashed so horribly with the black, gold, and blue of House Wayne.
Colors that weren’t red and black.
Which was the real issue, and Richard knew that.  He hated the garments and the colors because he was marrying the wrong person.  He was marrying someone because he had to, not because he wanted to.  Because he couldn’t marry the person he wanted to marry.
“Brother,” the soft sound of his sister’s voice broke through his daze, pulling sapphire eyes to her rich chocolate ones. 
Turning to face her directly, he slipped a smile on.  The smile.  The one he wore in uncomfortable situations he had to be in despite the fact.  A smile his family had called him out on plenty of times.  “Is it time?”
“No, but I have someone who would like to speak with you,” she said, stepping into the room and letting the door slip shut behind her.  He frowned and looked over her shoulder before looking back to Cassandra with a raised brow.  “You can still put a stop to this.”
“I cannot.”
“You can.  You won’t.”  And maybe she was right.  But he was to be king and if he didn’t follow the laws, how could he expect his future subjects to do the same.  “You can rule without a queen.”
“And an heir?”  He watched her scoff and yeah, he deserved that.  There were laws in place to get around that issue.  He wouldn’t have been the first heirless king.  “I cannot go back on my word, Sister.  If I cannot keep my promises, what kind of King would I be?”
“On this, the people would understand.”
“But Father would not.”
“He could come to.”  Richard shook his head and let out a humorless laugh.  Their father was many things, but understanding was rarely one of them.  He was too by the book and too rigid in his ways.  Even Richard knew this arrangement was pushing the limits he had.  “You are making a mistake.  Only death lies down this path.  Death, loss, and pain.  So much pain.”
She sounded so sure, so certain of her words and it surprised him.  When Cassandra had joined their family, she had been mute.  They eventually learned that her biological father had deemed it unnecessary to have her speak at all, as she was just a woman.  It had taken years to teach the child to speak.  Now, whenever she did, it was with purpose.  She rarely said anything frivolous or untrue.  So, when she spoke, he listened.  But on this he couldn’t afford to follow.
“Who is here to see me?”
Her shoulders dropped in defeat as she stepped back to the door and pulled it open, revealing a nervous looking Jason.  And if Richard didn’t already feel like a mess, he would have certainly felt like one at the sight of the man he actually wanted to marry.
“I will knock when Father is coming to collect you,” Cassandra said quietly as she slipped out of the room after Jason stepped in.  Neither man acknowledged her words, but both heard them, and she knew it. 
When the door clicked shut behind her, Richard closed the remaining space between him and Jason and pulled him in for a kiss.  A kiss that spoke of so much more than he could say.  Of promises he wished he could be making to the other man.  Promises he would never be allowed to say outside of their small circle of family who knew and cared about their happiness.
“Richard…” Jason whispered against his lips, but the older man ignored them and pressed closer.  He was in danger of ruining his clothes, but he couldn’t bring himself to care.  Not when this was all he wanted.  “Richard, please My Love.”
And despite his desperate need to be close to the other man, Richard let Jason push him back a small space so they could look at each other.  And he hated what he saw in the other man’s eyes.  “You’re leaving.”  He had seen that look in Jason’s eyes every time he rode away from the capital to protect their lands.  Too many times had Richard had to say goodbye to the other man without knowing if he would ever see him return on his own volition. 
“I am.”
“Why now?”
The question looked like it pained Jason to hear it and Richard wanted to take it back, but he also wanted to know what would make Jason leave at a time when he was going to want him.
“They’ve reached Central.  The rider came early this morning and he and I have been in consul ever since.  They’re heading straight here.”
Then there was no way to delay.  The kingdom’s safety came first for both of them.  Richard would never be selfish enough to ask him to delay his trip.
“And…”  Jason cleared his throat and Richard took a step back, frowning.  Jason’s hands slipped from around his waist to fall lifelessly at his sides.  “You have a duty to attend to the next few weeks.  My presence would get in the way of that.”  And whether or not the other man meant it to, the words were like a sword in his back.  Twisting into the depths of his heart from behind and poisoning him slowly.  “I am not strong enough to see that.”
“So what?”  Richard’s voice came out low, controlled just enough to hide the tremors he could feel in his body.  “You remain gone until word of an heir reaches you wherever it is you go?”  The words were said out of spite, but the bowing of Jason’s head told him he wasn’t wrong.  “Jason…”
“I am weak,” Jason admitted softly, eyes trained on the ground and shoulders hunched as if he were trying to make himself seem smaller.  A sight Richard had never seen of the other man.  It was wrong.  All of this was so wrong.  This conversation, this farce of a wedding, his contract with a woman he couldn’t even find common ground with.  All of it was simply wrong. 
And Richard wondered if this was the start of the pain his sister had been warning him of.
“So, you just came here to say goodbye for an undetermined amount of time.”  Jason nodded and Richard turned his eyes upward to try and ward off the tears he could feel building in the corners of his eyes.  He wasn’t sure what else to say right then.  Did he wish Jason well?  Did he tell the other man he would be anxiously awaiting his return?  Did he wish ill upon him?
But Richard knew he would never do that last one.  Not to Jason.  Not for this.  Or for anything, honestly.
“Will you send word?  I understand and accept that you cannot be here for your own wellbeing, but please do not leave me with nothing,” he asked, lowering his gaze to find Jason staring at him with his own tear-filled eyes.
“I will send you so many letters you will be sick of me,” Jason promised, pulling Richard close again.
“Never.  I will never be sick of you.”  Closing the remaining space, he pressed his mouth to the corner of Jason’s mouth before resting his forehead to the other man’s temple.  “I will miss you more than words will be able to convey.  But I wish you safe travels.  Do not forget you take my heart with you.”
“As mine stays here.”  A sharp knock on the door alerted the men to the approaching king and they stepped away from each other.  With a sad smile, Richard pressed his fist over his heart and bowed just as the door to the room was opening, revealing his father in his formal robes.
“Ser Jason,” King Bruce greeted the man before looking at Richard, frowning for a moment before smoothing out his features.  “You ride?”  He turned to fully face the Slayer.  Richard knew the bow his father witness told him all he needed to know.
“I do.  King Barry sent word that a pod has reached Central.  I am leaving now.  Just…” Richard watched Jason glance to him before looking back to the king.  “I just needed to say my farewells.”
Bruce nodded and Richard smoothed out his robes.  “Safe travels, Ser Jason.  We will look forward to celebrating your inevitable victory.”  It was formal and tight, but Richard could hear the fondness and understanding.  It was almost as if the older man knew Jason would not be returning immediately.  “Richard, my son, it is time.”
“Of course,” he sighed.  “Safe return, Ser Jason.  I’ll await word.”  Richard tried to smile at the man he loved but could only manage a pained half smile while the other man gave a bow of his own.  Without another word, Richard hurried out of the room and past his sister who had been standing there frowning the entire exchange.  He hated that frown, that gleam in her eyes.  It made him fear the future.
He heard them before he saw them.  The familiar voices of Alfred, King Bruce’s manservant, and Timothy floating to him well before the pair had even reached the spot he always met Alfred for the exchange of letters. 
It had been over two months since the wedding of his nightmares and Jason had kept his word to Richard.  Once he had returned to Gotham a month prior, he had called upon Alfred to give the other man the first of many letters. 
And soon enough a routine developed.
Every three days Alfred came to the outer walls of the city and Jason gave the man a letter for Richard.  After the very first, Alfred gave him a letter of his own in return.  It had been the first splash of warmth he had felt since the morning of the wedding when Richard had left him to begin the preparations so he could marry someone else.
Jason had laid there in their bed for a long time after Richard had been swept away and wondered if any of it would be worth it.  It hurt.  More than any wound he had ever endured over his years and yet, he willingly went back for more each and every day.  He just kept throwing himself at the feet of the one man in the kingdom that he couldn’t have.  There was only one written law about marriage in the old laws.  Only one commandment about who could never marry.  A ruler, King or Queen, could never marry a Slayer.  Jason could marry any other member of the Royal Family except for the one person he wanted to marry. 
But after Richard had left the morning of his wedding, Jason had doubted.  He had doubted that their love for one another was enough to outlive a marriage of convenience.  He doubted it was strong enough to stand the tests that laid ahead of them.  And when he got the letter about the dragon pod reaching Central, he thanked whoever had been listening to his turmoil.
It had been cowardly of him to leave immediately but he had been hoping for some excuse to get out of watching Richard marry Catalina.  And the gods had listened.  They had given him an out and he had taken it.
He didn’t regret it though.
As much as he missed Richard’s face and laying next to him every night, he did not regret missing the wedding or the past two months.  He knew he would never had survived it.  And if Richard’s words were anything to go by, he understood.  And how lucky was that?  How lucky was Jason to have someone who understood him so thoroughly?
“Ser Jason,” Timothy greeted with a wide smile as he and Alfred rounded the building he was currently sitting in front of with a waiting pot of tea and finger foods.
“Your Highness,” Jason said out of habit, standing to give him a small bow even though the kid would never expect it of him.  But out where anyone could see them, Jason knew to keep up appearances.  “Alfred,” he turned to the elderly man with a smile.  The aging man who had been with the family for longer than King Bruce had been alive returned the smile before taking his seat.
“I do hope you don’t mind that Prince Timothy joined me today.  He was quite insistent.”  That made Jason’s eyebrows jump as he looked back to the prince who was pulling up an extra chair and taking his seat.  Jason dropped back down into his once both men were seated.
Timothy gave Jason a wry smile before snatching a cookie off the tray.  “I overheard Alfred talking with Richard about coming to do the letter exchange.”  His tone was unapologetic, and the shrug cemented that fact.  “Alfred is reserved and I thought you might like to hear how my brother is doing without his filter or Richard’s influence.”
“I would,” Jason agreed, nodding his head.  “I would like that very much.”
“He is stressed,” Timothy commented before pausing when a server hurried out and produced a third tea cup with an apology.  The young prince smiled his thanks.  “Nonsense, you didn’t know I would be here.  Thank you very much, miss.”  The young girl blushed and asked if they needed anything else, but the three men shook their heads and she hurried off.  “Catalina is…”  Timothy stares off in the distance for a moment and Jason frowns before looking over at Alfred who just looks resigned.  “She is going to be a problem down the road.”
Jason leaned back into his chair and remained silent as Alfred poured the tea into their cups and took a cookie for himself, placing it on his saucer.  “The future queen is quite particular.  About a great many things.”  Alfred’s words cause his frown to deepen.
“Father and Richard have had some very private arguments about the situation, and I think it only aides in the situation.”
“What do they fight about?”
“Catalina is rude to the staff.”  Jason nods, that he had already been made aware of.  “And you know how Richard and Father are when it comes to respecting those who work for you.”  Jason also knew that.  There was too much honor between the two of them to not treat everyone with the respect they deserve.  “Father thinks Richard is not handling it properly, but we’ve all heard him rebuke her.  She is just…”
“That’s a strong word from you, Alfred,” Jason commented.  The elderly man hummed and took another sip of his tea.  “What else is stressing him out?”
“Your absence.”  It was blunt and Jason tried to not take offense because that was just the way Timothy spoke.  He didn’t sugar coat anything.  “There are also some state matters.  And the impending coronation.  But he and Cassandra have had some hushed conversations that neither is willing to share.  Though I’m pretty sure Alfred knows.”  The young prince turned amused eyes onto the other man and Jason just chuckled when a white eyebrow raised in response.
“What did you wish to accomplish with this conversation, Your Highness?”
“Nothing, really,” Timothy shrugged and took a sip of his tea before snagging another cookie.  “If I’m completely honest, I am here for Richard as much as I’m here for you.  The letters are nice, but I do believe he’d like to hear more than the fact that you are simply ‘well’, as Alfred relays.”
And that was fair.  He did appreciate hearing the truth about the state Richard was in.  And he knew that Richard would probably appreciate the same.  He might be able to see the other man at a distance, but the other hadn’t seen him since the day Jason had left.  He couldn’t imagine how hard that would be.
“Thank you, brother,” Jason said warmly.  The young man smiled brightly at the rarely used moniker before launching into a report of how the other people in the family were currently doing.  The conversation wasn’t the usual one he and Alfred would share, but he had to admit that it was a nice change of pace. 
So he just leaned back and enjoyed the company for the short amount of time he got it.
202 AD
There was something going on. 
The air of the city had changed over the past week, and Jason could hear whispers among the gossipers.  The women from the brothel who he let stay in his spare rooms were all a titter and it concerned him.  Enough that he avoided the kitchen where there were three of them giggling.
“Oh Ser Jason!”  Artemis called in greeting as he stepped out of his front door.  She stood from the chair where she was mending one of her dresses.  “An elderly man dropped this off for you very early this morning,” she said as she pulled a letter with a familiar seal on it from her apron.
Rushing forward, Jason snatched the letter and Artemis chuckled as she sat back down.  But he ignored her and tore through the blue wax seal.  Alfred wouldn’t drop off a letter out of schedule unless something had happened.  Bad or good.  There was news.  His eyes scanned the familiar script of Richard’s hand until he found it.
Catalina is pregnant.
My Love, come home.  I miss waking up to your face every morning.  I hate this cold bed that you have left me to lie in alone.  I return to it every night and lament that we are apart.  My task is done.  Please, my love.  Please come home.
Letting out a huff of breath, Jason dropped into the other chair in front of his house and felt all the stress drain out of him.
“Good news then, Ser?”
Glancing over at Artemis, he blinked before a wide smile spread across his face.  “The best news.”
“I take it your home will be empty for the unforeseen future?”  Raising an eyebrow at her, he shook his head as she cackled.  “You think the city doesn’t already know the future Queen is pregnant?  You think those of us who love you don’t know why you have been staying here versus sharing your Prince’s bed?”
“You assume much.”
“Do I?”
Jason wanted to say yes, but instead he pursed his lips and looked out to the distance where the sun was barely lighting the sky.  She wasn’t wrong, he knew that.  He also knew how much of Crime Alley knew just who he was to the future king.
“Will you let the others know there’s a spare room now?  Raven mentioned a new girl.  Make sure she has a place to stay.”
“We always do.  And I know,” she held up a hand to stop him from saying anything more.  “If we need something, tell Ser Roy and he will see that it gets done or that you are made aware.  Go to your prince, Ser Jason.  We both know this has been a long few months for you.  I do not wonder if it has been the same for him.”  Jason paused for a moment longer before Artemis sent him an unimpressed look and he shot out of his chair, rushing back inside to gather the things he would immediately need.  He could come back for his armor and other gear. 
Slinging the leather bag over his shoulder, he took one last glance around the room before he hurried back down the stairs and out the front door.  He decidedly ignored the catcalls from the women in his house as he gathered up his horse and mounted her.  He also ignored the words called out to him as he carefully rode through the city levels toward the palace.  He didn’t need to think about just how many people knew exactly what it was he was doing.  And how so many people knew about the pregnancy before he did. 
He wondered if Richard had done that on purpose.
“Ser Jason,” Victor, Richard’s personal guard greeted him in the courtyard.  “Shall I send your horse to the groom?  Richard is having breakfast in your rooms.”
Their rooms.
Because he got to have that honor with Richard and Catalina did not.  The doubts he had continued to be plagued with over the months melted away at the simple statement.  Victor hadn’t even thought about it.  It had been natural, and Jason felt more at home then he had since the day he rode to Central on Richard’s wedding day.
“Yes, the groom would be good,” Jason nodded, patting the flank of his horse before he headed up the steps.  He made sure to keep his gait steady and calm, giving an air of relaxation despite the desperation he felt. 
He smiled and returned greetings sent his way.  He paused to speak with a few servants who he had grown up with.  With each step he felt more and more at home. 
“Ser Jason, you have returned,” Cassandra appeared in the hallway just as he was getting ready to round the corner to the hall where Richard’s rooms were.  Pausing he smiled at the woman and nodded.  Her gaze was concerned but friendly.  “He has missed you.  But he waited a week before he sent word about the baby, to be sure no one thought poorly of your return.  But she has been pregnant for three months now.  The doctors say the pregnancy should stick.”
“That’s good.  I am…”  He paused, thinking of the right way to phrase his thoughts.  “I am glad for the parents to be.”  Cassandra let out a huff of air and he could see her holding back a smile.  “I shall see you at dinner, if not sooner.”
“Hmm, something tells me no one shall see either of you until tomorrow at the earliest,” she said teasingly before turning to walk the opposite direction.  Jason watched her go with a chuckle before he continued on his path. 
The deep oak of the door was so familiar and for a moment Jason stood there with is forehead resting against the cool grain of the wood.  The happiness he had been missing for over half a year now was right on the other side of the door and it was almost overwhelming to think about how close it was.  The familiar scent of Richard and the warmth of his skin.  The sapphire blue of his eyes that no painter ever seemed to be able to get exactly right.  The glint he got in his eyes when he laughed one of those deep belly laughs at something stupid someone said.  The way his jet-black hair curled just so over the tops of his ears. 
It was all finally within his reach and though his heart ached with the need to see the other man, he suddenly felt nervous.  Despite the letters, despite Richard writing out his feelings for Jason, he couldn’t help but wonder if things had changed.  Despite the fact that Richard had begged him to return home in the letter that was still in his pocket right then. 
“How long are you going to stand there like a fool?”  Jason whirled around to find Roy, one of the guards and his best friend, leaning against the opposite wall with a wide grin on his face.  “I know what you’re thinking, and you need to stop.  You need shut that brain off and just go in there.  You have not had to deal with him while you have been gone.  You got to avoid all of this, but he has been in the thick of it.  And he has been stuck with a woman who is manipulative.”  That made Jason frown, but Roy ignored him and pushed away from the wall.  “So, you are going to suck up whatever you’re feeling and you’re going to go in there and make him smile again.  A real smile.  Not the fake one we have had to see since you left.  Got it?”
“Roy, what did she do?”
“I’ll tell you tomorrow out on the sparring fields.”  Glancing back at the door, Jason considered pressing the issue.  “Go,” Roy said before he could question it, moving forward to land a hard knock on the door before pushing it open.  “Ser Jason Todd,” Roy announced him as he shoved him into the doorway with a firm hand on his back.
The door was shut behind him before Jason could say or do anything, but once he caught sight of Richard half risen from the chair near the balcony in their main sitting room, he didn’t care.  It had been too long since he had been in the same room as the man he loved more than his own life and he couldn’t be bothered to think about anything else.
“You came.”
“Did you think I wouldn’t?”  Richard straightened and took a few steps toward him before stopping and shaking his head.  “Did you really think I would break my word?”
“I didn’t want to hope.  There…”  Richard looked off just beyond Jason’s shoulder and the younger man frowned at the look on his face.  He couldn’t pinpoint exactly what it was, but he could see what Roy had been hinting at.  He could see the stress lining the elder’s eyes just as Timothy had mentioned.  And he could see the way his clothes hung off him in an unnatural way.
“My Prince?”
“Hope has not been my friend as of late, My Heart.”  And if Jason’s heart hadn’t already ached for the other man, it certainly would have started to then.  But he didn’t want to dwell on that right then.  No, there would be time to hear what things the prince had placed his hopes on only to be let down.  Right then there were more important things.
So instead of questioning, Jason closed the space between them with nearly silent footsteps and gathered the other man in his arms.  And perhaps everything up to this point had felt like coming home.  The greeting in the courtyard, the conversation with the servants, seeing Roy, it all had felt so familiar.  But this?  This was the moment when he was really coming home.  With his arms securely wrapped around Richard, his face buried in Richard’s hair while Richard pressed his to the spot where Jason’s neck met shoulder.  This was home.
203 AD
“He is beautiful, my lady,” Richard said softly, taking the bundle from his wife’s nurse.  The words held more warmth than he had ever spoken to her and while he felt some guilt at that, she had known what she was signing up for.
“What shall you name him, my lord?”  Glancing over at his wife, not at all surprised to find her already proper and looking as though she wasn’t giving birth just an hour earlier, Richard furrowed his brow.
“I do believe I like him as Prince Damian.”
“The tamer,” Catalina muttered, huffing a breath.  She obviously didn’t approve but thankfully tradition didn’t cater to her feelings on the matter.
“Powerful man of the people,” Richard corrected.  Though, she was not technically wrong.  The name did mean both.  But he had liked it for the meaning of being a man of the people.  He prided himself as the people’s king and he wanted to raise his heir to be the same.  His wife sighed and leaned further into the pillows propping her up.  “Do you need anything, my lady?”
“Quiet and sleep.  Take him to the wet nurse or keep hold of him, I care not.  Just remove yourselves from my rooms so I might rest.”  There was coldness in her words and though Richard had never known her to be a particularly warm woman, he hadn’t thought she would be the same with her child.
Glancing down at the sleeping baby, he frowned.  “You don’t wish to nurse him yourself?” 
“No.  Now leave.”
And he did, with one last glance at his wife before he exited her room and found himself in an empty hallway unsure of what to do next.  He had never been left alone with a baby who had just been born and he wasn’t sure what to do.
“Shall I call the nurses, Your Majesty?”  Glancing over at his guard, Victor, Richard considered it.  Did he want to hand off the child and just be done with it?  Or did he want to keep his son for a bit longer.  Damian had fallen asleep in his arms when he had taken him from the nurse initially, but he wasn’t certain how long he would go before he needed to eat.  And Richard knew he certainly couldn’t handle that.
Looking back to his son, he ran a finger along the chubby cheek.  “Send the nurse to my study.  I will speak with her in there,” he said.  The other man looked surprised but gave a bow and headed in the opposite direction of where Richard himself would be going. 
It wasn’t until Victor turned the corner that Richard headed toward the room where he had asked the guard to send the nurse.  And through the silent halls, usually bustling with servants or other members of the household, Richard kept his eyes on the sleeping boy in his arms.  This perfect creation from a situation that was anything but. 
His silver lining.
“Richard!”  The surprised shout of his name caused him to stop short as he pushed his way into his study.  “I thought…”  Jason’s voice trailed off as he took in the small bundle in Richard’s arms.  “Is that…?”  Nodding, Richard fully entered the room and let the door shut behind him as Jason rounded the couch he had been seated on.  Richard could see a book lying face down, open on the cushion next to where he had been seated.
“This is Damian,” he told the younger man when Jason came to a stop in front of him.  “My son.”  Looking down that the boy in his arms again, Richard could feel the same warmth of love he felt when he was around the people he cared about the most. 
“He is beautiful, My King,” Jason commented quietly.  “How is his mother?”  And though he said it without inflection, Richard could tell it pained Jason to do so.  It pained him to see the man he loved have what they had always wanted together with another person, a woman at that.
“Resting,” Richard replied, watching Jason as he watched Damian.  “Indifferent, it seems.”  That caused Jason to look up at the other man and Richard pressed his lips together.
“You are concerned?”
“I don’t want him to wonder if he was loved.”
“No, Richard,” Jason raised his hands and gripped Richard’s face.  “She is not Talia and you are not your father.  He will never doubt your love.  I cannot speak for Her Majesty, but I can speak for you.  And you will never let him think he is anything other than cherished.”  But Richard wasn’t certain that what Jason was saying was true.  How could he be?  He was newly crowned and he knew that was when the dynamic between he and his own father had changed.  Would it be the same with him and his own son?  “Stop, My Love.  Stop.”
“How can you be so certain?”
“Because I am certain of who you are.  And I am right here to remind you of the fact, should I ever notice the need.”  A knock on the door was the only thing that stopped Richard from leaning in and stealing a kiss at that moment.
Instead of calling out like he usually would, not wanting to risk waking Damian, he stepped away from Jason and let the other man walk over to the door and pull it open.  The nurse Victor had retrieved stood on the other side, visibly surprised to find Jason answering the door.  But she gathered herself quickly when her eyes landed on Richard and Damian in his arms.
“Your Majesty,” the nurse said softly, bowing after she had entered the room.  “I am Stephanie and am to be your son’s nurse.  I was informed that Her Majesty does not intend to nurse him herself, so I will handle that.  I can care for him throughout the day so you can go about your duties as usual.” 
“I would like him close.”  The woman tilted her head in question and Richard looked at Jason, who gave him a nod, before steeling himself.  “You may care for him and nurse him as he needs, but I would like him with me.  Which means we will need to have you briefed on security and the other things you will encounter while working in close proximity.”
“I will have Victor prepare the necessary procedures,” Jason said before he slipped out of the room. 
There was silence between the nurse and himself for a moment before the woman seemed to relax a little.  “I was worried how much you would want to be involved in the baby’s life at this stage.  So many fathers want nothing to do with their children until they are well behaved and polite.”
“I never want him to doubt my place in his life or his in mine.  He is my heir, but he is my child.  And I want to be sure he knows he is my child before he is my heir.”  The smile he got in response was blinding and surprising.  “But there are some things you will be made privy to working this close to me and I need your word and bond that what you witness will remain between us and other parties involved.”
“You refer to your relationship with the Slayer?  The entire kingdom knows you love each other.”  Richard smiled and nodded his head toward the couches before he moved to sit in one of the armchairs.  Stephanie followed and took up the place Jason had previously been occupying.  He watched her glance at the book before looking back to him.  “There are plenty of speculations about a possible treaty of sorts between you and the queen regarding Ser Jason.  I take it I am to learn of what is the truth?”
Glancing down when Damian shifted in his arms, Richard rocked himself gently to make sure he didn’t wake up, before looking back to the young woman.  “There is a treaty of sorts.  She is my wife in name alone.  And now that she has provided me with an heir, she is only a name on paper.  She will never have power and she will never have my heart.”
“That does not seem fair to her.”
“It is nothing that wasn’t made perfectly clear to her before she even traveled across our borders.”  He knew it wasn’t traditional among the citizens of the city.  They married for love and rarely was there any purpose to do anything other than that.  But Richard had not been in the position where he could have done the same.  Looking down at the baby in his arms, Richard sighed.  “I cannot marry the one I want.  Not because I couldn’t find a way around the laws, but because I cannot ask my kingdom to follow the laws when I am willing to break them for my own desires.  I want my people to follow me because I am fair and just.  Because I love them and do not rule by fear.  So, I had to marry someone who could provide an heir, at least in theory.  And I needed to marry someone who the law allowed.” 
Looking back to Stephanie, he gave her a sad smile.  “The laws of old may be old, but they are fair.  And a ruler cannot marry a slayer.  It is one of the only laws about marriage.”
“And what of your brother?  Could he not rule so you could marry for love?”
“He could, but he loves someone who will never be able to provide him with an heir.  And I could never ask him to give up what I would not.  Love is…”  He sighed and looked away, trying to think of the right term for what he felt.
“I understand.  Maybe not about love, but I understand why you found the compromise that you did.”  Richard looked back to her and nodded.  “Your people paint you in a light that is most flattering.  They sing songs about the great king you will become.  I never thought they were right.  Your father is just, but he is not one of us.”
“Neither am I,” Richard laughed, and Stephanie let out a chuckle of her own, nodding in agreement.
“No, you are not.  But you are kind and selfless.  You would give up the greatest gift us commoners could get just so your brother would not have it taken away.  That is why the gods have blessed you in abundance.  You have the man you love, a beautiful son, and the love of your people.”  It was an interesting perspective and he supposed she might be right.  “There was great celebration when you were crowned.  There will be more celebration for many years to come, mark my words.”
Silence fell between them and Richard thought about the faith that this woman, and the other citizens of Gotham, had placed in him.  He could only hope they would not be proven foolish to do so.  He had been raised to take the crown and it had been a struggle to keep his heart warm through all he had seen under his father’s rule.  He was a good man, but he ruled with a rigidness that had never been Richard’s.  No matter how much the elder and the council had tried to make it.  He would never been without his emotion and his heart.
“Now, may I relieve you of your son and feed him?” 
“Oh, I didn’t realize that even if he wasn’t crying he was hungry.”
“Being born is quite exhausting, but it has been hours and I doubt he has been fed as of yet.”  With wide eyes, Richard handed over the small bundle and bit down on the guilt that they could have held off on this conversation until after Damian had been fed.  “Don’t fret, Your Majesty, not even mothers realize this at first.  Now, as far as feeding.  I can do it in your presence or in another room.  Whatever your comfort level.”
“Um,” he hesitated, trying to think of the right answer to that particular situation.  He wasn’t sure if it was proper, but he wasn’t sure if it wasn’t either.  If it had been Catalina, he would have probably left the room, but that was out of awkwardness more than propriety.
Stephanie laughed and moved toward the door.  “I will go to the room next door and return once I am finished.  You consider what your comfort level is and let me know once you decide.”  He could only nod as she slipped out of the room and Jason came back in after holding the door for her.  Victor followed him in and the pair raised their brows at the slight flush on Richard’s cheeks.
“Do we want to know?”
“Likely not,” he breathed, waving a hand as he slouched in the chair a bit.  “I have filled her in on the situation but Victor, if you could draw up the contract and go over the formalities, I would greatly appreciate it.”
“My King,” the other man nodded, giving a bow before he exited the room as quickly as he had entered.
Richard watched Jason make his way over to the spot he had been sitting in earlier, leaning down to pick up the book, mark his place, and set closed on the table next to the couch.  He looked preoccupied and deep in thought, and Richard wasn’t sure how to ease whatever worries plagued him.
“My Heart?”  Jason hummed and looked over at him as he lowered himself onto the couch.  “Where are your thoughts?” 
“Everywhere, if I am to be honest,” the other man said, drawing one knee to rest with his foot hanging off the couch while his other foot remained on the ground.  He leaned into the corner and rested an arm along the back of the couch, looking the very picture of relaxed.  But Richard knew better.  “I wonder how the interactions between you and your wife will be now that Damian is here.  I wonder where the little prince will rest at night.  I wonder if things will change between us now that another occupies part of your heart.”
“Never.”  Richard leaned forward and rested his arms on his legs, looking at Jason seriously.  “There is plenty of room for my love and my son.  And nothing changes between Catalina and me.  She is still just a name and a title.  She feels much the same, given the dismissal I received earlier.  And Damian will sleep with Stephanie for the time being, I suppose.  At least until he can sleep through the nights on his own and doesn’t require feedings the moment he wakes.”
“You have thought about this?”
“I do not need to think about this.  I do not need to consider things when it comes to you,” Richard told him honestly.  Pushing to his feet, he closed the space between them and slipped right into the lap of the other man with practiced ease.  “You are like breathing.  You are natural.  I do not need to think about this because my place is by your side and yours is by mine.  To make a decision without you already considered in the outcome would be unnatural, abominable even.”  Taking Jason’s face in his hands, he searched the man’s sea green eyes for understanding.  “You could leave me tomorrow and I would still have no room for another lover in my heart.  You will always have the space by my side and the cavern in my heart.  The entire kingdom knows of my love for you despite me having married another.  And if either of us were less honorable, I would have had your hand instead of hers.  I do not know how I can make it clearer that my heart, my world, will always be yours.”
Jason shook his head and placed his own hands on Richard’s face, drawing him a hairsbreadth away.  “You don’t need to do anything else.  I know.  It is never you I doubt.  Never you.”
“Then what is it you doubt?  What can I do to ease it?”  Richard stared down into Jason’s eyes and waited, observed the other man observing him.
But instead of answering, Jason slipped one of his hands from Richard’s cheek to the back of his neck and pulled the older man the remainder of the way in for a kiss.  It wasn’t an answer, but at the same time it was all the answer that Richard needed.  Whatever brought the doubt to Jason’s mind wasn’t important.  Or at least it wasn’t more important than Richard.
208 AD
There was peace in the air and though Jason enjoyed it, it also put him on edge.  Nothing good lasted forever, in his experience, and that meant they were due for some kind of event.  Be it in the family or the country, he knew something was coming.
“Who do you think will tire first?”  Jason looked up and shielded his eyes to see Richard’s brother, Timothy, standing near him.  The young prince was speaking to him, he had no doubt, but his eyes were on his older brother running around in the open field with his five-year-old son.  The child had been gifted his first sparring sword for his birthday two weeks prior and the pair had done nothing but spar in Richard’s spare time ever since.
“Damian, of that I have no doubt,” Jason retorted, chuckling as he lowered his eyes back to the pair that were circling each other now with their swords ready to strike or defend.
Timothy chuckled and dropped into the grass next to Jason.  “I do suppose my brother has an unnatural amount of energy for a man in his late twenties and an entire kingdom to run.”  And Jason knew that all too well.  Just the night before Richard had been up until the early hours of the morning, working on ironing out details for a treaty with another kingdom.  And not to mention helping in the preparation for Timothy’s upcoming handfasting ceremony.
“Where is the other groom today?”
“With his family, wandering the city streets.  There was mentions of wanting to support some of the local businesses.”  Jason glanced over at the other man and raised an eyebrow.  Timothy waved a hand and rolled his eyes.  “They’re searching for a gift for Richard.  King Clark was appalled that no one told him that the visiting king is supposed to gift the hosting king something for holding the ceremony in his kingdom.  I told him it was foolish, and that Richard is the last to care, but Father was there, and we all know how he can be.”
Jason snorted.  “Yes, we all know how he can be when it comes to tradition.”
Silence passed between them as they sat there and watched father and son continue to clash with the wooden swords in their hands, their laughter and the clack noise the wood made when their swords came into contact with one another the only noise save the birds and slight rustling of leaves.  It was comfortable and familiar; the pair having known each other for most of their lives.  It was the kind of silence that only came from being family.
But Jason knew there was a reason Timothy had chosen to sit with him, he just had to wait.
“Did he marry her for me?”  But that was not what he had been expecting the younger to ask.  With a furrowed brow Jason looked over at Timothy and waited for more.  “He could have stepped away from the crown.  He could have relinquished his claim to it so he could marry you.  Asked me to take the crown instead.  Did he do it so I could marry Kon?”
Pursing his lips, Jason looked back out to Richard just as he dropped to the ground and let Damian “win” by stabbing him in the leg with his dull sword.  “That might have been part of it, but mostly I think he married Catalina because he loves the people of Gotham.  And because he is honorable down to his very core.”
“And you?  Would you have allowed him to step down so you two could have your life together?”
“Why not?”
“Because he would regret it.  Maybe not immediately and maybe not for years to come, but once I had fallen and he was alone, he would certainly regret it.”  Looking back at the young man sitting beside him, he considered him carefully.  “And your brother is the least selfish person any of us will ever have the pleasure of knowing.  Your happiness will always come before his own.”
Timothy sighed and shook his head as he gazed out at his brother and nephew.  “But what of your happiness?”
“We talked about our situation many times over the years,” Jason admitted.  “We both knew eventually he would need to marry someone who was not a Slayer and someone who could provide him with an heir.  Or at least attempt to do so.  We knew what was coming.”  It hadn’t made it any easier to watch the man he loved promise himself to another, especially not someone as cold as Catalina, but they had known.  “The night he told me that the time had come, he told your sister that he wanted you to get what your heart desired.  He knew she had her soon-to-be betrothed and that he would have his wife, but at least you could be with someone of your choosing.”
“I don’t know that I could ever be so selfless.”
“No one could.  Not even your father, I don’t think.  But Richard loves with every fiber of his being but it means there is no room for him to love himself in the same capacity.”  There was more to say, but Jason paused when Damian came running over as Richard chased with.
“Uncle Timothy!  Come fight with me!  Father is too foolish,” Damian reached out and tugged on Timothy’s hand, prompting the man to stand.  “You must come!  Tomorrow you marry and I won’t be able to fight you without Prince Kon stepping in to fight for your honor.”
“Dames!”  Richard laughed loudly despite the admonishment.  Jason laughed just as loudly, but Timothy chuckled and took the sword from Richard’s hand.  “No bruises!  Your uncle has to look perfect tomorrow.”
Damian responded with a hard tug on Timothy, pulling him out into the field where he and his father had just been sparring.
Dropping down in the spot that Timothy had previously occupied, Richard leaned sideways into Jason’s side.  “That child is too headstrong.  Are we certain you are not his sire?”  It was a frequent joke amongst the family and Jason took a bit of pride in the fact that even if Damian wasn’t his, he still had traits attributed to Jason.
“Oh no, My King, that is all Richard of House Wayne.  He is your child through and through.”  The point was punctuated with Damian helping Timothy back to his feet after having swept them out from under him.
“Perhaps, but there is no doubting your influence on him.”  Jason looked over to Richard and found the other man smiling softly at him.  It was a look that Jason had seen many times over the years, but one he would never tire of seeing aimed at him.  The open adoration and fondness on Richard’s face was one he only showed a small handful of people.  Jason and Damian being at the top of that list.  “What were you and Timothy discussing before Dami interrupted?  Anything important?”
Jason waved a hand, “Important but not urgent.”  It was as close to the truth that Jason was willing to get.  No reason to get Richard concerned.  “He was also telling me that King Clark is in the village in search of a gift.”
“Oh goodness,” Richard laughed, leaning back onto the tree behind them.  “I’m sure that is Father’s doing?”  Jason nodded and smiled at the laughter that fell from the other man’s life.  “Honestly, what a foolish tradition to uphold.  But I’m sure the shop he spends his money in will surely appreciate it.  Perhaps I can find a worthy person to take whatever it is he gives me.”
Jason kept his eyes on Richard and felt his chest warm as the other man spoke.  So selfless, just as he was saying to the younger Wayne, that he would take an unwanted gift just because someone’s business benefited from its purchase.  Most people knew of the King’s heart, it was a favorite subject of the songs sung about him, but Jason often wondered if they really knew how deep that love went.  He had never met another person who loved other as much as Richard did.  Not even a mother and her kids.  There were limits to how much they could give, but Richard seemed to have his love in endless amounts. 
And Gotham was all the richer for it.
“What?”  Richard’s voice snapped Jason out of his thoughts, and he found the older man looking at him curiously.  “Is there some dirt on my face?  I told Damian throwing dirt was fighting dirty, literally and figuratively.”
Reaching out to brush a streak of dirt from the other man’s cheek, Jason just smiled when Richard laughed again.  He opened his mouth to say something, but snapped it shut again when he saw movement just beyond the field.  His eyes shifted to see who was coming their way and Jason felt his smile fade away at the sight of the Queen.
“What…?”  Richard questioned, noticing the shift in Jason’s demeanor.  But Jason saw him glance over his own shoulder and knew when his body went tense that he saw who had caught Jason’s eye.  “My Lady,” Richard greeted, stiff but not unkind.
“I have come to collect our son for his lessons.  That is quite enough foolishness for the day,” the woman commented, coming to a stop near Jason and Richard’s spot under the tree and folding her arms over her chest.  It was a challenge and Jason knew Richard would tell her to back down if he felt she was out of line, but he also took Damian’s learning seriously.
So, he wasn’t surprised when Richard pushed to his feet and brushed himself free of the dirt.  “Of course, his lessons are important.  But do not forget that as his father and King, I am more than capable of deciding which lessons take precedence at the moment.”  And Jason so desperately wanted to smirk at the scowl that now covered the woman’s face.  It was no secret she was becoming increasingly hostile toward Richard (and Jason), sometimes taking that hostility out on Damian.  The entire staff and family were aware of the arguments Richard had had with her in his study or her rooms, berating her for treating anyone other than himself poorly.  He always told her she was welcome to be that way with him because he could not give her the relationship she wanted, but he wouldn’t stand for her treating others that way.
She always acted remorseful after, but Jason was never fooled.
“Damian, my son,” Richard called to the boy, moving into the field to retrieved him.  Jason kept his eyes on Catalina as she turned her golden eyes onto him, distain clearly written all over her posture.  And while he wanted to return the look, he instead kept his face neutral and his posture relaxed. 
“Hello Mother,” the boy called as he walked up to the woman.  Jason hated to formal tone his voice took while speaking with the woman.  “Father says it is time for my lessons.  Is it to be History or Mathematics today?”
Catalina’s eyes went from Jason and turned to Damian, the distain melting to indifference.  Something a mother should never feel for her child, but not surprising in this case.  The woman had been indifferent from day one and Richard had been right to worry about it, considering it hadn’t changed at all.  But instead of dwelling on it, he did what Jason had always known he would.  He threw his entire being into raising the child to be just as good and open as he was.
“History for now.  Your tutor shall decide if you can handle anything else this afternoon.  Now come,” the woman turned and walked away briskly, Damian following quickly but not without throwing a wave over his shoulder to the three men who remained behind.
“My King!”  A servant called from the direction of the stables and Jason frowned as he watched Richard slip into his role of king before heading over to the man who had called for him.
“I do not know about you, but I am ready for afternoon tea.  Would you like to come?  I believe King Clark and Kon will probably be returning any moment now.”  Jason considered Timothy’s offer while he watched Richard speak with the stable boy for a moment before he glanced over and sent Jason and Timothy an apologetic look. 
Standing up as Richard followed the servant to the stables for whatever reason, Jason looked over at the younger man.  “Tea sounds good.  Perhaps we can persuade Alfred to give us some of the wedding cookies he has been preparing.”  Timothy chuckled as the pair of them headed back to the castle.
216 AD
Handing over a few gold pieces, Jason accepted the wrapped package and thanked the woman before turning and continuing his trip down the street.  Once a week he walked the levels of Gotham, when he was in the area at least, to be sure none of the people were in dire need of anything.  If he noticed something off that he could handle himself, he would.  If it required more than he could provide, then he took the matter to Richard and the King did as he always did: he provided for his people. 
He was currently on his final walk and was glad to say he would not need to be setting anything at the feet of the king later that evening when they retired.  Outside of a few small stalls needing some business, which he had happily provided, the city seemed to be flourishing.
“Hello Ser Jason!”  A few kids called as they scrambled past, chasing a ball that he had fashioned for them a few months prior.
“Careful, you hellions!”  A vicious voice called out before Jason could call back his greeting and it was one he was surprised to hear this far from the castle.  Turning to look in the direction the voice had come from, Jason spotted the rich orange cloak the Queen had chosen to wear.  He wondered if she was trying to be subtle and just failing miserably or if she was here for reasons that didn’t require her to hide.
“My Queen,” Jason greeted when the woman came to a stop before him.  While the villagers all gave a bow and called her ‘Your Majesty’ as was proper, Jason had never been required to address the pretender as anything in particular.  “What is it that finds you in Crime Alley?”
“You,” she said, her face shifting to hide her emotions as best as she could.  And though the villagers would not notice anything, Jason was well versed in the woman before him.  He knew how she functioned and who she really was.  After all these years, how could he not?
Glancing around, Jason found some people openly gawking at the Queen but most had gone back to their business.
“Shall we discuss this here or…?”
“Of course not,” she snapped and Jason only raised a brow.  “Some place private.”  He was not liking the direction this conversation was taking, but he said nothing and simply walked away.  Either she would follow or she wouldn’t and he could get on with his scouting.  But a glance over his shoulder showed she was right behind him, so he cut into the first quiet alley he found and turned to face her.
“What can I do for you?”
“That is how you address your Queen around the commoners?”
Jason laughed and crossed his arms over his broad chest.  “You are not my queen, Catalina.  You are a place holder and nothing more.  You knew it long before you traveled from your dusty hell hole of a country to Gotham.  You are powerless here.”  Catalina snarled at him and took a step forward but Jason didn’t back away.  He did glance over her shoulder to be sure no one was watching them.  “Now,” he said, tone pleasant, “what can I do for you?”
“I want you to leave Gotham.  I want you to ride out tomorrow and hunt the dragons beyond the kingdom.”  Jason frowned and wondered how she knew about the pod near Ethiopia.  And why she wanted him to go.  They were further out than he usually bothered so he had held off on the journey when word had come.
“Why would I do what you’re asking?”
“Because I can play a very dangerous game with the heart of the man you love,” she smirked.  He narrowed his eyes.  “You know he visits my bed once a year to appease the council.”  And Jason did know that.  He remembered just weeks ago when he had joined Richard in a bath after he had returned and did everything he could to get the other man to forget the act he hated so much.  “I have not bled as I should have the last week.”  Jason felt his heart stutter.  Another child.  Another person to love.  But he was caught off guard by the vial she produced.  The liquid was cloudy and greenish, all together unappealing.  “This will steal the life within me.  It will extinguish the child before they even have a chance.”
“You witch,” Jason growled, taking a step toward her.  But he paused when she uncapped the vial and lifted it to her lips.  “You would destroy your husband and son just to best me?  What good would me leaving when I would just return.”
The smile that curled her lips told him enough.
“Because you won’t be returning.  You will fall and he will build you a pyre for your return.” 
“How could you possibly know that?  How could you possibly think I would agree to break his heart like that?”  But wouldn’t the other do the same?  Richard loved Damian so much and the prospect of having another child would thrill him.  The loss of that child before they even got a chance to live would break his heart and Jason isn’t sure even he would be able to fix that.
“I have my ways.  But the choice is yours, Dragon Slayer.  Either you or the child.”  He took a step back and watched as she put the cap back on the vial and placed it back into the folds of her cloak.  “I have had enough of your presence poisoning my husband against me.  He will be mine and Damian will love me over you.  Your death will ensure that.”
He didn’t bother telling her that it wouldn’t work.  That her plan would fail her and neither of them would love her the way she wanted.  But he knew what he needed to do.
“I will go.”  It was sooner than he had planned, but he had always known Richard would be the one to bury him.  It was just a fact of the life of a Slayer. 
“You will act as if nothing is different.  You will not warn him, and you will not treat this voyage any differently than all your previous ones,” she instructed, and Jason nodded, shoulders dropping slightly in resignation.  She stood tall, radiating victory. 
He hated her more in that moment than he ever had.
And as he watched her walk away, he swore to whatever god was listening that he would do anything if it meant she would not get away with this act.
216 AD
It was a sight Richard didn’t think he would ever get used to, honestly.  The gold of Jason’s armor and the crimson of his cloaks were always so stunning.  And it suited the man just perfectly.  So many of the previous slayers had worn the house colors of the King of the time, but since the Wayne line had taken the crown the slayers had worn what they pleased.  A small handful had worn the blue and black of the family, but most had gone with what they had deemed best. 
“My King,” Jason bowed deeply with a smirk on his face as Richard finally made his way down the steps with Damian trailing behind him.  “My Prince,” he greeted the younger man much more softly.  It made Richard’s heart clench.
“I received word that you are to ride.”
Jason hummed and straightened.  “There have been sightings coming through of a pod of three out near the Ethiopia boarders.”
“That is a far ride,” Damian spoke up, moving to stand next to Jason as Richard moved to run a hand along the nose of Jason’s most precious mare.  Hood greeted him with a familiar snort and nudge to his side, questioning if Richard had treats for him.  Instead of responding, he just rubbed his neck.
“It is, but I would rather them not get closer to our lands.  Not whilst we approach the dry season.”  Richard understood his reasoning, but he didn’t like it.  Since the messenger had come and told him Jason would be riding out, there had been something heavy in the pit of his stomach.  A feeling that was getting worse by the moment.
“You go alone?”
“I do, for now,” Jason answered him.  Richard considered the answer with a narrowing of his eyes, causing Jason to laugh.  “I have allies within the lands and can call upon them if the need arises.”  That was all the comfort that the slayer would give the king, Richard knew that.  If Jason were staying within their lands, he would have his choice of soldiers to aide him.  But outside of their borders, it could be considered aggressive to have members of another king’s army ride through.
“Will you bring the scale like you promised?” 
Reaching forward, Jason ruffled Damian’s hair and laughed.  “I shall do my very best.”  The young man let out an excited noise before he smiled at his father and headed back up the stairs to continue his studies for the day.  “My King.”
“I know you don’t wish to risk them coming closer, but must you go when they are already so far away?”  It was a selfish request, and he had no right to ask it of Jason.  And more than that, Richard knew Jason would deny him the silent request he was making.  “Can you not wait for them to come closer?”
“You know that I cannot.”
Dropping his gaze and sighing, Richard nodded.  “I know you cannot.”  But it wouldn’t stop him from wishing he could.  Because the feeling in his core was getting worse and Richard knew he was moments away from ordering Jason to stay and that would only cause strife between them.  He had promised the other man that he would never stand in the way of his work so long as he was king.  His father had been too controlling when he had been king, Richard refused to be.
“I will return, Richard.  I always do,” Jason spoke softly, and Richard felt him slip closer.  In the courtyard they were exposed and not away from prying eyes.  But they were also among people who were well aware of what the two men were to each other.  And no one, not even a citizen of the city, would try to tell a king who he could love.
So Richard reached out and wrapped his arms around the hard armor and rich material of the cloaks, burying his face in the crook of Jason’s neck.  “I know you always do.  But it will never be easy to say our goodbyes and watch you ride off to certain danger,” he muttered into the skin of Jason’s throat.  Jason’s only response was to wrap his own arms around the older man and hold on just as tightly.  “I love you,” he said after a moment.  “I love you and I shall be here when you return.”
“And I love you, My King.”  Stepping back, Richard gave his best attempt at a smile and watched Jason mount his horse with practiced ease.  “I shall return before you even have the chance to miss me.  Mark my words.”
Instead of replying, Richard simply held his fist to his heart and gave a bow.  A motion usually reserved for servant to king, but to the man getting ready to ride off to keep their kingdom safe, Richard had never been just a king.  And to Richard the man riding away was so much more than a dragon slayer.
He was everything.
217 AD
Richard could hear the footsteps behind him, but he couldn’t bring himself to look up with from the body lying in the middle of the holy temple.  He couldn’t bring himself to do much of anything since word had come in that Jason had fallen in battle and was coming home to be buried. 
“Father,” a soft voice called from just behind him.  Turning, Richard looked at Damian briefly before he turned back to Jason.  The rich red of the shroud they had dressed him in for the pyre was the late slayer’s color of choice and it suited him well, even in death.  “Father, I am so sorry.”
And though he adored his son more than anything in the world, Richard could not find it in him to say anything in response.  Instead, he held out his hand and waited for the young man to take it.  It was a comfort to have him there.  Even if part of him wanted to send his son away so he didn’t have to witness his father’s moment of weakness.  But Jason had loved Damian and Richard knew Damian had loved Jason.
“Do you think he knew I thought of him as another father?”  Looking down at the boy abruptly, Richard felt his brows pinch in the middle.  He hadn’t known his son had felt so strongly for the man he had loved for so long.  Yes, obviously there was love but paternal love?  But then Jason and Damian had had a different relationship to the one he shared with his son.  One that had been a bit more candid at times, so he supposed it was possible Jason knew how Damian had felt.  Jason had certainly felt that way.  “You love him so I, too, love him.  He always had words of wisdom and tales of his travels.  I will cherish those.”
Dry eyes blurred with tears at his son’s words and Richard had to clench his jaw so not to sob.  Once he was sure he could speak, he took a deep breath and released it slowly.  “He felt the same for you.  He…”  Swallowing hard, Richard looked back to Jason and reached forward with his free hand to take Jason’s cold one.  “I do not know that I will recover from this loss.  I feel as though the world has been stripped of all its color, all its joy.”
Though Richard knew he would go on because what choice did he have?  He had a kingdom he to run and he had to care for a son who was barely thirteen years of age who depended on him since his mother was hardly a mother at all.  No.  He would press on because it was required of him and it was what Jason would have wanted him to do.
“Your Majesty,” the call of one of the guards stationed near the door called out, drawing Richard’s attention.  “Your father is on his way.  His manservant thought you would like the warning.”  Nodding his head, Richard took the moments he had to gather and compose himself.  He saw Damian frowning at him, but a small smile from Richard settled the boy for the moment.
“Would you like me to leave?”
“No, my son.  I feel I would be much better should you be willing to remain at my side.”  Damian gave Richard a nod and the elder man sighed in relief, squeezing the hand he held tightly in his own.  “Father,” he greeted weakly when the doors opened, and former king appeared.  The man wasted no time in taking the steps that led him down to the center of the temple where his son and grandson stood.
“Richard, I am so sorry,” was all that was spoken before he found himself wrapped up in the arms of his father.  And then, in that moment with his father holding him and his son clutching his hand, Richard allowed himself to cave to the tears that had been threatening him since the word of Jason’s demise had come in the early hours of the morning.
In that moment, he allowed himself to fist his father’s cloak and stain the material at his shoulder with his silent tears.  He allowed himself to be weak.  To take the comfort being offered to him.  Because in that room he wasn’t a King.  He was just a boy who had lost someone he loved more than his own life and didn’t know how he was going to recover.
He could feel Damian’s other hand clenching the material of his tunic and Richard tried to focus on that.  He tried to pull himself back in, gather his emotions and lock them away again.  There was much to do, and he knew he could not hide within these walls indefinitely.  There was a ceremony that he had to be a part of in just a matter of hours and he was expected to give a speech.  But how could they expect him to stand tall and speak of the man they all saw as brave and he saw as the entire world?
217 AD
“It is no secret that House Wayne has always held the highest respect for those of the Dragon Slayer occupation, but Ser Jason always held a special place in our lives due to the fact that he was the last remaining slayer.  The last of his line and the last of a profession of bravery and strength.”  Richard sat tall in his chair as his father stood before the kingdom who had come to witness the pyre of Jason.  He held his head high and back straight, hiding the pain in his heart as best he could.  He tried to draw strength from his son standing on one side of him while ignoring his wife on the other.  The woman had worn the customary black gown of mourning and placed a veil over her face, but Richard was not fooled.  She was not mourning Jason’s death. 
He couldn’t say why, but she had almost seemed unsurprised when he had informed her of Jason’s death.  And that worried him.  But he didn’t have time to focus on that.  He had to remain strong for the others in the kingdom.
He did, however, wonder if he should even bother.  It wasn’t as if most of the land didn’t know that the late slayer and their current king had been in love with one another.  Even after his marriage to the Queen, villagers constantly spoke of Jason to him when he walked the lower streets to listen to the people.  Catalina had rebuked them when she had come with Richard and he had never allowed her to join him again.
They had known of his love and had to know he was in pain.
But would they draw comfort in the sight of their king suffering?  Or would they see his weakness and think poorly of him?
“We will honor Ser Jason Todd with the Feast of Seven Days as we do for members of the royal family because he is one of ours.  The doors to the palace and sept will be open to each and every citizen of Gotham to pay their respects and to join us in our grief.”
The murmurs of surprise amongst the crowd didn’t surprise Richard in the least.  When Damian had suggested the celebration extending to the Slayer, Richard had immediately agreed.  The rest of the council had mentioned the people would probably appreciate the gesture but would likely be surprised.  Never had the Feast of Seven been held for anyone other than that of Royal blood or marriage.
With a glance from his father, Richard stood to his feet and moved forward to accept the burning torch from Roy, one of the guards who had been close to Jason.  The two men stared at each other for a moment before Roy bowed his head and Richard took a deep breath, stepping forward to the pyre that Jason’s shroud covered body laid upon.
He raised the torch.  “To the last of the Dragon Slayers, to the greatest of the line, to the fallen soldier, and to the man behind the sword.  The world is a colder, darker place without the splash of crimson from your cloaks and your sea colored eyes.  May those of us who have been left behind honor your legacy and never forget your bravery.  May we never forget your strength and your character.  May we never forget your love and kindness to those who surrounded you.”  There were cheers and some clapping in agreement from the citizens who had gathered, and it made Richard’s throat tighten.  Too many people who had loved the man he had been in love with.  Too many souls left without him keeping an eye on them anymore.  But Richard had already promised protection to those who Jason had always protected.
Tipping the torch forward, he let the fire catch on the kindling that had been laid out.  Turning to his right, Richard was surprised to find Damian waiting to take the torch to light another patch but handed it over with minimal hesitation.  He watched his son do the part he had expected his father to do, as tradition usually dictated.  Kings and former kings to honor the fallen.
“He asked if he could,” the deep rumble of his father’s voice sounded to his left after he had stepped back from the pyre.  “I felt a break in tradition was acceptable in this instance.”
Richard nodded and turned his eyes from the sight of his son’s face, glowing in the fire light, and looked to the body slowly being consumed by the same fire.  With a shaky hand, he placed his fist over his heart and bowed one final goodbye to the man he had spent most of his life loving.
217 AD
“Your Majesty?”  Richard looked up from the scrolls he had been going over and found one of his most favored guards standing in his doorway.  Waving the man in, he quickly signed his name at the bottom of the page and rolled it up, sealing it carefully and placing it with the previously completely ones.  His work had become back logged due to the days of feasting for Jason and his focus being on the people of Gotham during the time.  But the seven days were over, and his duties could not be put off any longer.
“Yes, Victor?”
“There is a crone here to see you.”  Richard frowned at that, wondering why a crone would want to see him.  “She said she has some information about our late Dragon Slayer and that she would only speak with you.”
Pushing to his feet, he pressed his hands to the top of his desk and leaned heavily on them.  “Send her in and remain close.”  Victor nodded and walked back out of the room before returning with a weathered woman who looked old enough to have birthed Richard, but not to have earned the title of crone. 
“My King,” the woman gave a bow, her voice speaking more of age than her physical appearance.  “I am Madame Xanadu.”
“The healer from the lower levels.  The servants speak of you fondly.  They tell me you have great power.”  The woman made no move to confirm or deny the claim and Richard found that curious.  Those with power usually wanted others to know it.  It was a rare thing for someone to simply let others form their judgments.  “What can I do for you, Madame?”
“There has been a betrayal in your House, and I want to make you aware of it.  I cannot keep silent on the matter and I have done what I can to help for future’s sake, but what has happened cannot be undone.”  Furrowing his brows, he sat back down in the chair he had previously been in and waved to the one opposite him for Xanadu to sit as well.
“Who is the betrayer and what did they do?”
“The woman who calls herself Queen and mother of your son.”  The blood in his veins froze.  He didn’t know whether or not to believe this woman, but the idea of Catalina betraying him was not one that he would struggle with.  “She came to me two years prior and asked me to help her with a problem.  She weaved a story of a husband so in love with a man he couldn’t have that he was failing as a husband.  She told me of how this husband had stolen her child’s affections from her and given them to his lover.”  Xanadu paused and Richard forced himself to hold her gaze.  She wasn’t far off from the truth, but he could see how his actions could be viewed as heartless.
“Did she tell you who she was?”
“No, but she did not need to.  Her aura is incredibly unique.”
“And what did she ask of you?”  With that, Xanadu remained silent and considered him.  “What?”
“You do not try to defend yourself.  It is curious.”
“Is it?  Though not fully accurate in her description, she is also not entirely wrong.  I did love a man that I was unable to be with for crown and duty.  She was made aware of this long before I accepted the contract that would bind her to me.  And that man did love her son and her son loved that man, because he was present and because I loved him.”
“It is a good thing for a king and a man to admit that he is not perfect.  The people love you very much for that attribute.”  Richard nodded.  It had been a fault of his father’s, unable to admit when he was in the wrong.  But he had never struggled to accept his wrongs and make amends.  “She wanted your lover out of the way.  She wanted to be sure neither of you would find happiness with the other.  Now and in all future lives.  But she also wanted to be sure that you would always be close enough to hurt over that fact.”
So, she was to be cruel.  That surprised Richard.  Catalina had never been particularly kind, but she had never shown cruelty as a personality trait.  “And your response?”
“I will tell you what I told her word for word.  But I want to know I will not be punished for my actions.  And I have something for you to help ease the future.”  Considering the words, Richard leaned back in the chair.  Did he trust this woman to promise that?  Was she just as at fault as Catalina at this point?  But did it matter?  Jason had fallen at the hand of a dragon and Richard could not blame them for that.  It was always meant to be his fate.
“You have my word on my honor as King of Gotham.”  Xanadu nodded once and placed a small vial on the desk.
Richard watched her slightly weathered hand wave between them and then a voice filled the room without her opening her mouth.  “I will do this thing you ask of me.  I will lay the curse to keep their souls tethered to one another, but never to belong to the other.  But as I feel for you in your darkened marriage bed, I feel for the love they are unable to proclaim due to duty and country.  So, heed this: should one fall before the age of eight and ten, the curse shall lift, and they shall be reunited to share the life you have denied them.”
Closing his eyes, he tried to hold at bay the pain the truth filled him with.
“You have many lifetimes of pain ahead of you, my King,” Xanadu’s voice pulled him out of his head and pain.  “I am sorry for my part in this.  I cannot take back the curse now that it has taken hold of you both.  But this vial will promise you that Catalina will only have a presence in your life once the curse has come to an end.  It is a small comfort that I can offer you.”
He stared at the vial for a moment before reaching forward and taking it into his hand.  Such a small thing with such big promises.  “Thank you for this small comfort.”
“It is far less than I wish I could give.  You are destined to be a great leader in each life you live and your Slayer will be a great protector in each of his,” she told him, and Richard closed his eyes.  He knew his Jason could be nothing but a protector.  His very soul was created to look after those who could not look after themselves.  He was just too good deep in his heart.  “Might I give a piece of advice though, My King?”
Blinking open his eyes, he gave a nod of his head for her to continue.
“Put your Queen on trial.  I will testify before the council if I must, but you do not want your son to be influenced by her darkness.  He has great potential, but evil women will poison his mind if you do not intervene.”
“You said ‘women’, not woman.  Is there another I should be cautious of?”  The woman frowned at him and Richard could see the considering look in her eyes.
“Not in this lifetime.  But you will get to him in time in the other.”  He wanted to know more.  He wanted details so he could be prepared, but he knew she wouldn’t give them.  And he knew there was a good chance he wouldn’t remember the information any way.  He didn’t believe people took their memories of previous life with them past the grave.  “I must take my leave.  But you can find me in my shop should you need me to speak to the council.”
Pushing to his feet, Richard rounded the desk and walked with her to the door.  “Thank you for coming forward with this information.  I will come for you if I require your words,” he said as he pulled open the door for her.  The elderly woman looked up at him and gave him a sad smile.
“Your time with him shall come.  It may seem as if it will never come, but I promise it will.  I will leave you with that comfort.”  Unable to say anything in return, he simply bowed his head in respect, and she gave a soft laugh of surprise before bustling out of the room. 
Lifting his head, Richard looked directly at Victor who gave him a nod confirming the question unspoken.  He had heard every word.
“Send for my father and prepare the calling cards for the council.”  Victor pressed a fist over his heart and gave a nod before turning to walk briskly down the hallway. 
217 AD
“Her former Majesty Queen Catalina is hereby sentenced to death for conspiring to murder the great Dragon Slayer Ser Jason Todd,” the head guard read off the scroll in his hands.  Richard stood there, chin held high and back straight, listening to the murmurs of the crowd below as the rumors were confirmed.  It was one of the few days where the crown he wore on his head felt heavy.  For so many years he had enjoyed his duties and he had managed to go through most of his rule thus far without sentencing anyone to death.  But the council would not let this betrayal stand.  Though his father, Head of the Council, and himself had said the dungeons would be enough, the rest of the state heads had demanded her head.  Quite literally. 
Jason had been loved almost as much as Richard himself.  He had been important to their traditions and had protected the kingdom since he was young.  He had been the last of the Slayers and the people deserved to see his legacy protected by putting his murderer, however indirectly, to death.  Richard knew they were right, but he still felt wrong for it. 
This was his son’s mother.
He could feel Damian behind him, hand clenching the deep blue of his father’s tunic, and Richard’s heart went out to the boy.  He couldn’t imagine having to hear his mother would be executed. 
With a deep breath, Richard stepped forward and looked at the woman who had been his wife for near 15 years now.  “Do you have anything to say for yourself, Catalina of House Flores?”  The sneer at the lack of title was not surprising to Richard but she had been stripped of her titles the instant the courts had found her guilty of her part in the death of Jason.  Richard felt no pity.
“I don’t regret it for a single moment.  I look forward to witnessing your lifetimes of pain,” she spat out, standing tall with her hands bound behind her back. 
Without responding to her or the gasps amongst the crowd, Richard looked to his guard and nodded.  The man looked furious as he turned at the woman who had been his queen.  Stepping back, Richard held his hand behind him so Damian could cling to it as they watched the woman who had such an important role in both of their lives be moved to the chopping block. 
“You can leave, my son.  You do not need to watch,” Richard said softly, glancing down at Damian.  But the young man shook his head and looked at his father with wide eyes.
“I must watch justice be delivered.  I must stand by your side.”  And though he wanted to argue that a young man of his age did not need to see such violence, there were younger in the city who had seen worse.  And he himself had seen his first execution much younger.  Despite the facts, Richard wished he could spare his son from seeing such cruelties.  Even if he was to be king one day.
Glancing over to the other side of Damian, Richard found his father watching him as he stood with Selina, Timothy, and Cassandra, frown deep on his features.  When their eyes connected, he could see the sympathy in the older man’s eyes.
“Out of respect for our King and Prince, we behead you for your crimes against crown and country.  There is honor in your punishment, but do not be fooled, there is no peace for those who take the innocent from our world,” the executioner said, unsheathing his sword as the guards pushed Catalina to a kneeling position at the chopping block.  The man was right.  Beheading was usually reserved for those who deserved an honorable death, the former queen did not. 
“I shall see you in the next lifetime, my love,” she managed to call out just as the sword was raised and fell in a precise arch, slicing through flesh and bone.  There were cheers from the crowd and when Richard looked out at it, he found Madame Xanadu considering him with her all-knowing eyes.  And he was reminded of the promise and the vial she had given him, the one he had consumed the very same day she had given it to him.  He wasn’t going to chance that he took it too late and it would no longer work.
With a smile and a bow of her head, she vanished into the crowd and Richard’s focus was pulled back to his duties as father and King.
Dick snapped to the present almost violently to the point where he came to and immediately pulled himself onto his hands and knees to empty the contents of his stomach.  He briefly registered Jason groaning next to him before he felt hands gripping his shoulders as he continued to heave.
He couldn’t pinpoint what it was that was affecting him so much.  Was it the fact that he and Jason shared so much history with one another?  Or was it that she had done more damage than just what he could remember from the current life? 
Or maybe it was Damian.
The mere thought of it brought tears to his eyes.  The son he had bore with someone who had ruined every chance of real happiness in his life.  Or lives, however you wanted to look at it.  The boy that should have been his in each and every lifetime but wasn’t in this one.
“Dick?  Dick, come on answer me,” Jason’s frantic voice finally broke through his haze.  And that’s when he realized he wasn’t just puking his guts out, he was gasping for breath with tears streaming down his face. 
But Jason couldn’t see the tears, not with the way his head was bowed at the moment.
“Yeah, I’m okay,” he gasped out, trying and failing to take a deep breath.  He felt Jason’s hands squeeze his arms as the man helped Dick fall back to a seated position.
“That was not quite the reaction I was expecting from either of you at the revelation.”
Dick flinched at the sound of the entity that had sent them back in the first place and he felt Jason do the same.  Reaching up, Dick wiped the back of his hand over his mouth and scrubbed his face with his hands before looking over at Jason.  The younger man didn’t look any better than Dick felt.
“What the fuck was all of that?”
“A glimpse of what was.  Only some of what was.  You two have fate threads so intricately entwined that I can barely see where one starts and the other ends.  But they always end on separate paths.” Fate came to a stop a few feet from the pair on the floor and Dick felt Jason pulling him up to his feet despite Dick not really being in any state to stand just yet.  “It was a cruelty serviced to you those years ago.  But the veil has been lifted and now you may finally find each other.”
“Why…”  Dick gasped out, coughing taking his breath for a moment before he straightened himself up again.  “Why would you interfere like this?”  He tried again once he could breathe.
“I told you, I was feeling generous.”
“Mind your tongue.  I have the power to strip the memories from you so that you continue this legacy of near misses.”  Fate looked at Jason, anger burning in their eyes at the disrespect.
“But why were you feeling generous?”
“I was gifted these sacrifices and yet you eliminated those who did it.  Someone had to take it.”  Dick rubbed at his forehead and sighed.  It made as much sense as it was going to.  Magic and gods and whatnot never made sense to him.  He’d have Zatanna explain it to him later.  “But now I must go.  You have company coming and I would rather not be trapped in that battle.” 
Before either of them knew what was happening, the entity was gone, and Dick felt like his breath had been knocked out of his chest.
“I got you,” Jason whispered, arms wrapped around him and backing him up away from the spot he had emptied his stomach out at.  Before he knew it, Jason was helping him settle on a nearby crate.
He had just knelt in front of Dick when the doors to the area were kicked open and Batman, Red Robin and Robin were storming into the room.  But neither Dick nor Jason looked over at the three, they just looked at each other as the truth of what they saw settled between them.
“Nightwing.”  No response.  “Hood.”  Batman’s growl was getting annoyed but neither man looked his way.  It was enough for Damian to push past the other two men and go straight to his brothers’ sides.
“What happened?”  He demanded, trying to get a look at Dick, but Jason held his ground and unlatched his helmet.  “What is going on?  We couldn’t get in the room for almost thirty minutes and neither of you were responding on the comms.”
“Thirty minutes?”  Dick looked at Damian with a frown before looking back to Jason.  “Felt longer,” he said softly.
“Like a couple of lifetimes,” Jason added with a snort.
“That’s enough.  What happened?”  Dick looked at Bruce and frowned, shaking his head.
“Let’s get back to the cave, we’ll give you a rundown there.  ‘Wing could probably use some fluids.”  Dick gave Jason an annoyed look and the other man just raised an eyebrow as if daring him to fight him.  Sighing, Dick nodded and let Jason and Damian help him to his feet.
“Destroy the alter.  It’s worthless as is, but don’t tempt anyone who might come across it,” Dick told Bruce and Tim.  He saw Bruce look at Tim and the younger nod before he set to work at destroying the thing.
“The car is outside; Red Robin and I will bring your bikes back for you.”  It was a testament for how uprooted he and Jason both felt that neither of them argued the order. 
Jason paced in front of the gurney as Alfred hooked Dick up to the IV line that older man had agreed would probably be a good idea.  His mind was scattered, and he was desperately trying to get it back in line before Bruce came back.  There would need to be explanations, but he and Dick needed to talk first.
“Thanks Alfred,” Dick said, leaning back into the pillows as he watched Alfred work.  Jason could see his gaze bouncing from Jason then back to Alfred, but he didn’t say anything to the younger man, so Jason kept his focus on figuring his shit out.
“Of course, Master Richard.”  Jason looked over at Alfred and saw the man already watching him.  “I feel as though you two need to speak so I will take my leave and make sure Master Damian does not bother you.”
“Thanks, Alf.”  Alfred simply nodded at Jason as he walked out of the room, shutting the door to the med bay behind him.  Looking back to Dick, Jason stopped at the foot of the bed and sighed.  “There’s a lot we need to talk about.”  Dick hummed and gave Jason a half smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes and Jason wasn’t sure how to take that.  “But right now we need to decide what we’re going to tell Bruce.”
“We’ll give him an abridged version.  Just tell him about the curse the she put on us and that we had a trip down memory lane.  It might be his past too, but he doesn’t need to know the details of it all.”  It was clinical and detached.  Jason could tell Dick was trying not to feel the emotion of it all and he honestly couldn’t blame him.  But it did worry him a little.
“Do you want to stay here tonight?”
“No, fuck no.  I don’t care if he tries to shackle me down, we are not staying here.  I can’t.”  That made Jason raise a brow.
“Is that something he’s done in the past?”  Dick let out a laugh and let his head fall back into the pillows as his eyes slid shut.
“He’s threatened.”
“Well damn.”  Jason wasn’t sure how he felt about that. 
“We can stay at my place unless you’d rather one of yours?”  That surprised Jason a bit.  He knew that he and Dick would be in for a long talk, but he figured the other man would want some space to figure things out before they did.  “Why do you look so surprised?”  Jason blinked, a little shook that he hadn’t noticed Dick was looking at him again.
“I just…”  How did he word this without making an ass of himself?
“You thought I wouldn’t want you there?”
“No, I just thought you’d need some space.”  He watched Dick shake his head before holding out the hand that didn’t have the IV hooked into it.
“This is an us thing, we do it together.”  And the relief Jason felt at that was more than enough.  So, he took Dick’s hand and finally dropped into the chair next to Dick’s bed.
“We can go back to yours.  Roy’s at the only one of mine that is stocked for living currently.”  And while Jason could have easily kicked Roy out, he knew his best friend was trying to hide out.
“Doesn’t Roy have a house…?” 
“You know he does.  He told me you were there to hang out last week,” Jason snorted.  “He’s avoiding Artemis for some undisclosed reason so he and Lian are hiding.”
“That must be why she called me earlier today.  I haven’t listened to the message yet.”  Jason shrugged and looked down at their clasped hands.  “Hey Jay?”  Shifting his eyes to look back to Dick, Jason raised his eyebrows in question.  “This is okay, yeah?  We’re good?”
“Yeah, Dickie.  We’re good.  We’ll get it sorted.”  And that included whatever the hell it was that kept bringing those lines of sadness around Dick’s eyes.
“Are you going to tell me what else is bothering you?”  Jason’s voice was soft in the darkness of Dick’s room and it made Dick’s heart ache more than it already did.
“More than all these lifetimes of happiness that were stripped from us because of one jealous woman?”
Dick sighed and closed his eyes, though in the darkness it didn’t really matter.  He opened them as soon as the image of him holding an infant flashed through his mind.  The image that he couldn’t get out of his head any more than he could get Jason’s cold body ready for the pyre.  Or the bloody mess of a man he held as he took his last shuddering breaths.  Or the letter he had received from the British Army in their most recent past life.  Flashes and lives that were slowly piecing themselves back together the longer time passed from Fate opening the floodgates.
But no, he knew that wasn’t what Jason was referring to and it would be disrespectful to what they were to lie about it now.
“He was mine, Jay.  He was mine and not only did she take you, but she took him.”
“I knew it the instant I met him that something wasn’t right and now I know and I don’t know if I can face him or B until I get my head back to where it’s supposed to be.”  Dick could see Jason turning his head to look at him as he stared at the ceiling.  It was a short moment later when Dick felt Jason’s hand slip into his own.  Turning to look at Jason’s face only lit by the moonlight flooding in the room from his open windows, Dick shifted onto his side to fully face him.  “And because I took that potion that kept Catalina from being in our lives until this one, I lost him too.”
“I remember feeling like he was mine.  It’s strange, given our relationship now,” Jason admitted.  Dick could understand that.  Catalina had been a distant mother.  She hadn’t cared beyond what providing the heir and marrying the crown prince would do for her.  And that selfishness had only grown into what she expected from him, which in the end was what got Jason killed and the two of them miserable and not together.
“He thought of you as a father as well.  He told me…told me when he found me mourning you.”  As if having the memory of Jason dying once wasn’t enough, he now had multiple lifetimes worth of memories of his death.
“I know it sucks having to have buried me so many times, but I gotta say it’s pretty badass to say I killed fucking dragons for a living in one of my lives.  I mean, I was the shit,” Jason laughed, and Dick couldn’t help but smile in response.
“I guess that’s one upside.”
“There’s a lot of upsides, Dickie.  We might have had too many almosts to count, but there was still so much love.”  Jason shifted to his side so he was fully facing Dick and it made Dick’s chest ache.  Who knew all this time that emotion he felt whenever he saw Jason was so much more than just affection?  “It’s hard to separate how I felt all those years and how I feel now, but maybe that’s because I know what it is I’ve been feeling all these years.”
“I know what you mean.”  Squeezing the hand Dick was still holding onto, he let out a soft breath.  “Do you think if Fate hadn’t shown us, we would have missed the opportunity?”
“I think we would have wasted some more time, but we would have figured it out eventually.”
“So much time lost.”
“Not anymore, though.  From this lifetime on, she can’t touch us.”
“No, she’s done her damage.  She lost.”  Jason smile turned sad at that, but Dick knows he’s happy more than sad.  “For all the shit we’ve pulled on each other in this life, I’m glad it’s you Jay.  I just want you to know that.”
“I’m glad it’s you too, Dickie.”  Dick frowned when Jason released his hand but closed his eyes when the warm palm was placed on his cheek instead.  “And this thing with Damian and Bruce, we’ll figure it out.  Okay?”  Dick nodded, but kept his eyes closed.  “It’s okay to not be okay.  You told me that countless times over countless lives, remember?”
“I remember knowing I wasn’t going to see you again that first time.  At least not alive.  I had no idea how I knew it, but I knew.”  That fear that had gripped his heart, he had felt it too many times to count now.  “I had that feeling before I left for that Titans mission.  When I was saying goodbye, I wanted to ask B if I could bring you with.  I couldn’t explain it.”
“If I hadn’t died, we would still be stuck in that loop.”  And that was a good point.  It didn’t really make him feel any better, but he could acknowledge that Jason’s too young death had ended another lifetime of almost and so close.  “And at least Madame Xanadu kept her word about Catalina not being in your life until this one.  Though, I wouldn’t have expected her to be quite what she was in this lifetime.”
“A rapist.”  The words were out of his mouth before he could stop them and the dread the filled his chest at the thought of Jason knowing that particular truth was almost suffocating.
“Dickie?”  He felt Jason shift and the bed dip in a way that told Dick that the other man had sat up.  Shaking his head, Dick sat up and swung around so his back was to Jason and his legs were hanging over the edge of the bed.  “Dick.  What happened?”
With a sigh he ran a hand through his hair and scrubbed at his face.  “You know what happened with Blockbuster and what she did.  You know all the shit that had happened back then, but only Donna knows what happened right after she shot Desmond.”  And telling Donna had been hard.  Much harder than this, mostly because it was fresh, and he was a mess.  But he had moved on and he had gotten his head sorted. 
“What.  Happened.”
“I was having a panic attack, thinking I might as well have pulled the trigger since I stepped aside and let her do it for me.  So, I went up to the roof to try and get some air, hoping to just be able to breathe.  She followed me and…well she took advantage of the attack.  And she didn’t listen when I told her no.”  There was silence and Dick knew Jason was processing what he had said.  He knew how Jason felt about sexual assault, which was part of the reason why he had never mentioned it to him or any of the others in the family.  Especially not Jason though.  They might not have been on good terms when it happened, but Dick didn’t doubt that Jason wouldn’t have tried to take action once they had gotten there.
“Only Donna knows?”
“Is she dead?”
“What?”  Dick twisted to look at Jason, not surprised at all to see the control fury on his face.  The brilliant green of the Pit edging in on his turquoise eyes.
“Is Catalina dead?”  Nodding his head, Dick frowned when Jason seemed to relax a bit.  “How?”
With a furrow of his brow, Dick tried to remember what exactly had happened according to the reports he had read.  “An inmate at Blackgate was someone she had helped put away, albeit reluctantly given her tendency to kill.  I don’t know much more than that.  I’m sure B had the account on the computers.”
Dick just watched Jason nod and take a few deep breaths, relaxing even further.  
“You really should tell Babs about that.  She’s still strongly convinced you cheated on her with the bitch,” Jason told him.  And yeah, Dick knew that, but it was easier to deal with her thinking lowly of him in that regard versus having to tell her that she basically opened the door for Catalina to take advantage of him.  That their breakup had just been another thing to push him toward his breakdown.  “But you won’t tell her, will you?” 
Shaking his head, Dick laid back down and stared up at the ceiling, hands gripping his hair.  “I’ve thought about it, but it doesn’t change anything.  She and I are still friends and work together just fine.  It’d only make her feel bad.  I don’t want to be the cause of that.”  Jason let out a laugh that was sharp and made Dick clench his jaw a little.
“You’re too fucking good for this world, Dick.  I have said that in every single lifetime, but it will never stop being true.”
“I’m not too good for the world.  I’m just what I need to be to deserve you.”
Jason snorted and Dick sighed when the warm length of his body laid back down next to him.  “Fucking sap.”
“Todd, I swear on all that is good in this world if you do not move I will gut you where you stand,” Damian glared at the older man and Jason just frowned and shook his head.  And while he wanted to default to his usual annoyance with the kid, he knew this was a delicate situation and Dick would appreciate it if he could handle it as such.
“Damian, look I get it okay.  I know you’re worried,” Jason said, and Damian scoffed.  “You are and we both know it.  But the thing with Fate brought some tough stuff to light for both Dick and me.  And he’s having a hard time coming to terms with some of it.  You need to give him time.  He needs, deserves, that much.”
Jason watched as Damian looked from Jason to the door the other man was blocking with a deep frown etched on his face.  And Jason wished he could tell Damian it would all be all right, but he didn’t know.  Dick was pretty messed up and in the darkness of the previous night he had spilled that pain to Jason. 
“Did I do something wrong?”
“God, no kid.  No.”  Jason said it firmly, gripping Damian’s upper arms and crouching just slightly (when had he gotten taller?) to look him in the eye.  “I won’t lie and say it’s not about you, but it is absolutely nothing you did.  And it’s nothing Dick or anyone in the family did.  It just…it just is.  And he’s having to reconcile with it.”  Straightening, Jason gave his upper arms a light squeeze before letting go.  “Why don’t you come hang out with me in the kitchen.  I was going to make him some food before you stormed the gates.”
“That would be acceptable,” Damian said, his default mask of indifference falling back into place.  But Jason could still see the worry lining his eyes.
They had been assembling the fixings for omelets for about twenty minutes when the bedroom door finally opened, and Jason could see Dick running a hand through wet hair.  He paused midway when he spotted Damian sitting on one of the stools at his island.  The boy had definitely heard the door open, but Jason could see he was intentionally allowing his brother the chance to decide if he was ready to face him or not.  Dick stood frozen and while Jason wasn’t sure how to handle the look of pain on his face, he did put the knife down and headed to where Dick stood, pausing briefly to squeeze Damian’s shoulder on his way past.
“He showed up thirty minutes ago demanding to see you.  I told him no, but he’s convinced that it’s something he did.  So, I let him stay for a bit.”  Jason kept his voice low and Dick didn’t bother looking from the back of Damian’s head to Jason.  “He’ll leave if you want him to.  He doesn’t understand, but he will.”
“I don’t know what I want.”
“That’s okay, too.”  He watched Dick take a deep breath before closing his eyes and rubbing at his forehead.  “You can try and if it’s too much then you can go back to the bedroom and I can get him out.”  Sapphire eyes met his finally and Dick nodded.
“Yeah, okay.”  Jason ignored the new and yet deeply engrained desire to grab Dick’s hand and let the other man lead the way back to the kitchen.  “Hey Dames,” Dick said softly when he reached the stool, slipping onto the one next to his.  The younger turned his green eyes onto his oldest brother and gave a tentative smile, which grew when Dick opened his arms for the hug he always demanded when he saw the kid.
Jason just huffed a laugh and went back to making breakfast.  He dutifully ignored the silence behind him and just let the two have their moment.  He wasn’t sure if Dick would be able to handle much, but he also knew that Dick tended to allow himself unlimited amounts of pain in order to make his siblings feel better.
This was different though, the voice in the back of his mind whispered.
“Father is quite beside himself with worry about what happened.  Will you come talk to him?”  The request made Jason tense up and turn to look at the exchange.  There was a flash of pain on Dick’s face before he schooled his features again and shook his head.
“I don’t think so, Dames.  Not yet.  It’s hard to explain, but I just need some time.”  Damian looked like he wanted to argue but simply nodded his head instead.  And Jason was glad for the impact Dick had had on the kid because when he had first arrived there was no way he would have taken no for an answer.
“Is there anything I can tell him for you then?”
“You can tell him I’m not mad at him.  That is not the reason I’m staying away right now.  He knows what the overall meaning of what Fate showed Jay and I, but there were some other things revolving around you and him and I just need to get my head back in order.”  Jason watched Damian frown but remain silent.  This wasn’t any different than what Jason had told the kid earlier, but he had probably still needed to hear it from Dick himself.  “You understand, right Little D?  I’m not upset with you.  I’m just coming to terms.”
“Will you tell me one day?”  Jason watched Dick now, closely.  He had been curious about that too, but he hadn’t known how to ask that question last night when Dick had admitted to what was really messing with him.
“I don’t know.  I don’t know if I’ll ever be ready to open that wound back up once I’m able to close it up enough to handle.”  Jason knew Dick well enough that if Damian pushed, he would cave and tell him the truth right then.  But he also knew Damian enough to know the kid loved Dick too much to upset him so purposefully.
“Will you tell Father one day?”
“No.”  Jason could have guessed that much too.  “If anyone is going to know, it’ll be you.”  Damian seemed pleased to hear that and Jason deemed it safe to go back to actually making breakfast.  The words between the pair behind him fell into a static like state, letting them have their conversation.  Because despite the unresolved issues, this moment felt like peace.  The man he had loved for centuries and the kid who was supposed to be theirs.  This was what was supposed to be his all along and he was so glad he was finally able to have it.  Even if he had to die at the age of 15 in order to get it, at least he had it now.
Dick looked down at the vast amount of green from the balcony of the room of the castle.  The sight was familiar, distantly so, and yet not at the same time.  The village below was much quieter than it had been in his memory and the castle was much too loud.  The tourists exploring where they could caused voices to echo without the items that had once made this castle his home.
“You have found your way back,” a voice came behind him, causing Dick to turn and smile at a familiar face.
“Madame,” he greeted with a softness.  Besides the manner of dress, the woman looked exactly the same as she had in the memories he had of her.  Memories that Jason hadn’t had because she did not have direct interactions with the other man.
The woman smiled back at him and moved to stand next to him, looking out at the grounds.  “I am glad things have come to a close.  I am glad my actions have been made right.”  Dick looked at her, leaning his hip along the stone railing of the balcony and considered her close.
“You promised it would be made right.  That it would feel as though it would never happen, but that we would get our time.”  The woman nodded but kept her eyes on the landscape.  “But neither of us remembered anything from the previous lives.  Another gift?”
“A parting one I granted over your pyre at the request of your son.”  That made Dick frown.  As far as he had known, Damian had never known about what Catalina had done.  He had made sure the boy had only known his mother had conspired to kill Jason and nothing more.  “He came to me days before your death, the evening before he was to be crowned, and asked me to tell him the story.”  She turned wise eyes onto Dick, and he remained silent.  “I told him what his mother did and what you did for him.  He asked if there was any way to spare you both the pain of remembering how many times you came close only to have the curse pull you apart.  He wished to spare you the pain of the loss each and every time.”
No one had witnessed his pain as closely as Damian had, when Jason had died.  His son had stood by his side through all of the public mourning, the private grief, and had even witnessed moments where Dick had thought he had been alone in his pain.  He supposed it shouldn’t surprise him that he wanted to spare his father the pain of remembering all of those times he had lost Jason before.  Just one time was enough to burden his heart.  Now in this lifetime, he was slowly remembering each of the times, but he had the comfort of knowing he had Jason for good from here on out.  The curse would no longer take him.
“His heart is bigger than most want to believe,” Dick commented, thinking of the boy that Damian had been when Talia had given him to Bruce those years ago.  Now at the age of sixteen, he was kind and empathetic.  He was the son Dick had raised him to be centuries ago.  “Was Talia the other woman you had mentioned?”
Xanadu nodded.  “She was.  But you got to him in time.  And Bruce being away for that year was by fate’s design so you could turn the tide.”  A year that had been one of the hardest Dick had ever endured, but one that had made him stronger and had opened the door for Jason to return to the fold.  “I am sorry he had to be stripped from your blood, but without Catalina he could not be yours.”
And yeah, Dick had eventually come to that conclusion after they had learned the truth.  He had put the puzzle together and saw the bigger picture.  Though there had been times Damian had still been his son, though not by blood.  And that had been enough.  It was still enough.  He just wished it weren’t Bruce he was fighting for the role of father with. 
“I can help,” Xanadu commented, and Dick looked over at her curiously.  “I know you do not wish to tell him of the past and undermine the relationship he has with his blood father now, but I do believe he deserves to know just as you and your Slayer.”  But Dick wasn’t sure about that.  What good would it do to muddy those waters even more?  “This will open his mind just as Fate opened yours.”  She held out a vial with a rich blue liquid in it.  “Give it to him or do not, the choice is yours.  But it will not do the damage you believe it will.”
With only slight hesitation, Dick reached out and took the vial.  It looked just like the one he had gotten from her the first time he had spoken to her and it made him smile.  “Thank you,” he said softly, sapphire eyes locked on the vial in his hand.  He didn’t know if he would give it to Damian, but it was nice to know he had the choice to without having to tell the story himself.
“I must be on my way.  I am glad, Richard of House Wayne, that you have found yourself again.  I look forward to seeing the good you and your Slayer do together in this life and in all the ones to follow.”  Straightening his posture, Dick closed his fist around the vial, pressed it to his chest and bowed in respect.
“Until we see each other again,” he smiled as he straightened, finding the all too familiar amused surprise on her face before she was gone in a blink of an eye.  Huffing out a laugh, Dick took another moment to appreciate the view from the balcony of his room from all those lifetimes ago before turning to head out and back down to where he had parked his car in the parking lot.
The drive back to the village where he had booked his and Jason’s hotel room was just outside of what would have been the lower city levels and though he had only a small handful of memories of the place, it had filled him with nostalgia as soon as they had hit the city limits. 
“How was it?”  Jason’s voice called out the moment he pushed open the door to their room, stone walls and rich clay giving everything a comforting, old-world feel.
“Very much the same,” he replied, dropping the car keys on the table near the door before moving further into the suite and finding Jason sitting near the open French doors that led to the balcony, glass of wine in hand.  There was some sort of soft, instrumental music floating in from the live band in the courtyard below.  “But different too.  So much of the grounds have been redone for obvious reasons, but the infrastructure is probably just as it was.  I could almost hear Tim and Cass sword fighting in the halls and Bruce scolding them about propriety.” 
Jason smiled at him from his spot and held out a hand, which Dick moved close enough to take in his own.  “Thank you for finding this.  It was good to remember that there was so much love in those rooms, despite the loss.”
“I will find each of the homes if that’s what it takes to take that frown away.”
Slipping his free hand into his pocket, Dick felt the vial Xanadu had given him and wondered if that would be the final piece he needed to finally feel at peace with all the years of pain.  But he figured that was a decision for another time, not wanting to sour the mood between him and Jason right then.
“Is there any wine left for me?”  Dick asked, leaning down to press a kiss to Jason’s mouth before he released his hand and moved over to the small table that held the bottle and a waiting glass along with the remaining bits of a cheese platter Dick was sure Jason had ordered with it.  “I was thinking we could walk into the square and find a place to eat outside, watch the sunset.”  Jason didn’t answer, but Dick could hear him moving as he poured the wine into his glass, so he wasn’t surprised when the other man’s arm wrapped around his waist and Jason’s chin ended up propped up on his shoulder.
“We can do whatever you want, My King,” the younger man whispered into Dick’s ear and though he was trying to be sweet, Dick couldn’t help but chuckle at the endearment.  They had been trying out previous names but this one seemed to be Jason’s favorite.
Leaning back into Jason’s firm chest, he let the other man sway them to the music still drifting in.  He took a drink from his wine glass and sighed softly.  It reminded him so much of moments that were now memories that seemed so familiar and old.  Moments where the world faded away and only the two of them remained.  Moments where Dick had been certain would be his forever.  Memories that would get him through any trial, so long as he had Jason at his side.  But that hadn’t been the case.  He had lost it time and time again. 
But not this time.
No, he knew Jason wouldn’t be stolen away from him this time despite the deep-seated fear that all the previous losses had instilled in him.  Even though he had technically already been stolen away when Jason was just fifteen years old, but that had been the moment everything had been made right.  “Let’s get married,” he said without thought. 
Turning to look at Jason, the other man’s arm falling from his waist as he did.  “Let’s get married,” he repeated.  “How many lifetimes did we want to do just that but couldn’t because of duty or law or prejudice?  But none of that is stopping us anymore.”  The look on Jason’s face told Dick he was considering it.
“So what?  We get married tomorrow?”  Dick’s mind was racing with the possibilities and he shrugged.
“Maybe?”  He scrambled to gather his thoughts and shook his head.  “Or we go home and do it so the family can be involved.  I don’t care.  I just know that being here and remembering everything, I don’t want to wait anymore.  We have been waiting for so long.  And I’m just as certain that you are the one I want as I was the very first time.”
Jason’s smile was warm, and it made Dick melt as he was pulled in close with the arm returning to his waist.  “Then let’s get married.  We can do something for the family when we get back home, but let’s find somewhere that will do it for us before we leave.  It’s only right that we do it where it all began.”  Dick just smiled and slid a hand up Jason’s chest, around his neck, and up into the hair at the back of his head.  “Think we have time for a little celebration before we head out?”
Instead of answering, Dick just pulled Jason’s head down so their lips could meet.  Yeah, there was definitely time to celebrate.
“Richard?  Aren’t you and Todd on some soul-searching event?  Father said not to expect contact from you both for a few weeks,” Damian’s confused voice came through with a slight crackle that spoke of spotty reception.  But his comment made Dick laugh as he walked the street with his fingers entwined with Jason’s.
“Yeah, about that…” He began, glancing up at Jason who smiled down him and pressed a kiss to his temple before looking back out at the people milling about around them.  “How would you feel about taking a spontaneous trip for a few days?”
“I would feel compelled to ask why you two suddenly want company on your voyage.”
“Would you accept me saying I’ll tell you when you get here?”  There was silence and Dick knew Damian was contemplating whether or not he could handle not knowing until he arrived.  Because Dick also knew that Damian would come.  Not out of curiosity but because it was Dick who was asking.
“Should I fly commercial or can I take the WE jet?”
“Take the jet.  There’s a private airstrip you can land on and we’re here as Richard Grayson and Jason Peters, so the locals are already aware of Bruce Wayne’s eldest being here.”  He could hear Damian moving around and muttering to himself as Jason pointed out a small café that had a few empty tables outside.  Dick nodded and let the other man’s hand slip out of his own as Jason headed inside to request a table.  “Hey Dames?”
“Hmm,” the younger hummed through the phone.
“I’m glad you’re coming.  I really want you here for this.”
His brother was quiet for a moment before a soft, “Whatever it is, I’m honored that you wanted me with you.  Even if I have to fly across the globe without knowing exactly why.”  Dick snorted out a laugh and rubbed at his chest where he could feel a warmth spreading from the affection he could hear in Damian’s voice.
“I’ll explain everything when you get here.”  He paused as he slipped his hand into his pocket and felt the vial Madame Xanadu had given him.  “Everything.”
“Everything?”  He could tell Damian was trying to quell the hope at the implications of that word and it made it clear that Dick was going to make the right decision by allowing Damian the choice to know or not.
“Hey, we got a table Dickie,” Jason called out as he came back out of the café and waved Dick over to one of the tables tucked under the canopy.  Dick nodded and signaled he be just a minute.
“I gotta go Dames but send me your ETA and Jay and I will be there waiting for your arrival.  I’ll get you a room at the place we’re staying.”
“That is an acceptable plan.  I will inform you as soon as I have the details.”
“Safe travels,” Dick said before they said goodbye and he hung up on the phone.�� Taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly, Dick nodded to himself as he slipped his phone into his pocket and walked over to where Jason was already seated.
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dato-potato · 5 years
Under the Stars
So I know I didn’t include the whole family in this but like, I didn’t want to make it too long. Anyways, this one one that I was asked to do, a jaybabs engagement party with dickkori and timsteph side pairings from @incorrectbatfamiliaquotes so here ya go!
Jason paced back and forth in the sitting room of Wayne manor. Had he missed anything? Was he sure that everything was ready? Should he run out and grab some more drinks? No, he could always just steal from the manor’s supply, he knew where the good stuff was and which ones weren’t half water from him sneaking drinks when he was younger. Jason sighed heavily, his hands raking through his hair as he exhaled shakily.
Hands snaked around his waist, his instincts itching to throw the person off, “What’s wrong?” 
Jason took a deep breath of relief, “Just nervous, I guess.”
Barbara chuckled, “Why are you nervous, it’s not the wedding or anything. It’ll be fine,” she said as she took his hand and led him to the couch.
“Yeah, but what if it’s no good?” 
Barbara chuckled again, the sound making Jason’s chest hurt, “Well I’m curious to see what you’ve planned,” she paused and tilted her head side to side, “I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a little nervous as well as to what you’ve planned. I mean, you won’t even tell me where the party’s being held.”
Jason smiled softly down at her, “You’re not the only one, I didn’t tell anyone. Except for Alfred.”
Barbara raised her eyebrow up at him and Jason sighed, “You know I’m clueless with this type of thing,” he groaned.
“I can assure you, Miss Gordon, it will be an evening to remember,” Alfred commented as he entered the room with some cups on a tray.
“Well, now my interest is peaked,” Barbara said leaning forward to take a cup from Alfred, thanking him as she did. Jason nervously sipped at the tea Alfred handed him.
Tim and Stephanie were the first ones to arrive, an awfully wrapped gift in Tim’s hands. Barbara glanced between the gift and Tim, as he looked away with an awkward smile on his face.
“Stephanie said my gift wasn’t good enough,” Tim told Barbara as he glared at Stephanie who was too busy to notice as she chatted with Jason.
“What was your gift, Tim?” Barbara chuckled as she took to box from his hands with a sigh of relief from Tim.
Tim shrugged, “It was a coupon saying that I’d give you a discount for me to take the pictures for the wedding.”
Barbara smiled, “That’s sweet, Tim, I’d still like to take you up on that if that’s ok?”
Tim nodded, “Yeah, of course! Though Jason still has to pay full price,” he grinned to his big brother as Jason made his way over to the two of them.
“Oh come on, Timberly, I’m your actual family,” Jason tried, giving Tim his most pitiful look.
Tim shook his head and shrugged. He looked around, “So where is this engagement party?” 
Jason sighed, “We have to wait for everyone else to get here.”
Stephanie made a show of falling onto the couch behind her, “Oh my gosh, seriously? We’re gonna be here forever. Dick always takes so long to get ready.”
Tim started to attempt to defend his eldest brother, but there was nothing he could say.
As if on cue, “Sorry we’re late!”
Dick and Kori entered, “Richard had a difficult time deciding which shirt to wear,” Kori explained.
Stephanie looked pointedly at everyone else and they all just nodded in understanding. 
“And you decided to go with one with palm trees and,” Jason squinted at Dick’s shirt, “Flamingos in hats?”
Dick nodded enthusiastically, “Yeah, flamingos in hats.”
Jason stared at his brother for a solid three minutes before Dick turned to Kori, “See I told you I should’ve gone with the other one.”
Jason shook his head and put his hands on Dick’s shoulders, guiding him to sit down, “Nope, this one is bad enough.”
Tim sighed, “So? Where are we going?”
Jason smirked, “We have to wait, surprisingly Dick isn’t the last one.”
“Well, I’m still hoping you took my idea,” Dick said from behind the teacup Alfred handed him.
Jason shook his head before Barbara could ask him what Dick meant, “Dick wanted to do Roller Disco.”
Barbara laughed, “We are not,” she half asked Jason.
Jason shook his head, “No, we are not.”
Alfred excused himself as the kids continued to talk amongst themselves, Dick and Kori telling the other two couples that they were going to start trying for kids, and congratulations going around the room.
Jason kept glancing next to him at Barbara, watching her. Having the others there certainly helped to distract him but he couldn’t help the butterflies in his stomach when he saw her smile or the way his chest hurt when she laughed. His mind was racing, not even noticing Barbara now looking at him.
“Jay, you ok?” she asked softly. Jason stared at her for a few more seconds before smiling softly and nodding. He planted a quick, gentle kiss on her forehead as he wrapped his arm around her waist. She smiled and leaned into him.
Stephanie was elbowing Tim in the ribs and pointing to the couple and whispering to Tim who just shook his head. Dick smiled at his younger brother, he had seemed to calm down since being with Babs. 
“This is horrendous,” Damian spoke from the doorway, his face twisted in disgust at all the couples sitting around the room.
“Ah, Demon spawn, so glad you came,” Jason chuckled as he checked his watch, “You guys are a little late though, aren’t you?”
Damian scoffed and sat down a safe distance away from any of the couples, “Usually patrol lasts even longer, you should know, Todd.”
Jason laughed nervously, “Right.”
Bruce entered the sitting room, “Yes, usually patrol lasts at least a few hours, minimum. For whatever reason, the criminals of Gotham have seemed to be quite calm tonight,” Bruce said, eyeing Jason.
Jason’s mouth twitched, “Weird, huh? Well, shall we?”
Jason stood up from his spot next to Barbara who grabbed his wrist and pulled him back to her, “You did something, didn’t you?”
Jason smirked down at her, “Well, I may have suggested they’d lose limbs if they didn’t keep quiet tonight?”
Barbara smiled back up at him and swatted his arm, “Could’ve told me, I’d have helped,” she said as she followed behind him.
“I know.”
Jason led everyone outside and into the woods. He kept looking back at Barbara who looked confused and slightly concerned.
“Is it some sort of sacrificial ritual? Like we have to send the spawn of Satan back to the underworld?” Tim asked, glancing at Damian who glared back.
Jason rolled his eyes, “No.”
Tim sighed and Stephanie pinched his underarm, making Tim yelp.
Finally, the group came to a clearing in the woods, Alfred already standing and waiting for them next to blankets set up with food and drinks around, fairy lights twinkling around the clearing.
Jason turned to Barbara who looked absolutely stunned, “Jason,” she breathed, “This is incredible.”
“Maybe you should plan the wedding,” Tim nudged Jason as he walked past him.
Jason frantically shook his head at Tim and then towards Barbara, “No no no no no no, please don’t make me do it,” he begged.
Barbara laughed and held her stomach, making Jason’s stomach do flip flops as he watched her, “Ok, I won’t make you do all of it, but after this, you’re helping.”
“It was really mostly Alfred,” Jason told her sheepishly.
Alfred scoffed behind Jason, “I didn’t think you were ever one to lie, Master Jason.”
Barbara took Jason’s hand and they sat down at one of the blankets. Everyone started in on the drinks and food, laughing and enjoying the company. 
“Presents!” Dick announced, holding the box he had brought above his head.
Everyone laid the gifts out in front of the couple, waiting for them to open the presents. Barbara looked over at Jason who shrugged and picked up Tim and Stephanie’s monstrosity.
Stephanie squealed when Jason finally opened it and without even giving him the chance to unfold the gift. She held a pair of socks in front of their faces for them to take.
Barbara and Jason examined each other’s socks, “They’re socks,” Jason paused, turning his pair over, “With our faces on the socks.”
“I wanted to get shirts, but someone said no,” Stephanie narrowed her eyes at Tim who put his hands up in defence.
Jason handed a flat gift to Barbara to unwrap. She thanked him and started to tear the wrapping paper, but stopping halfway through.
“Damian,” Barbara softly breathed, “This is gorgeous.”
Damian attempted to suppress the small blush that crept up onto his cheeks, “Yes, well, I wasn’t sure what one got as an engagement gift.”
Jason took the canvas from her hands and examined it. It was definitely gorgeous. It was Barbara and Jason together by the fire in the manor, probably from a picture Tim had taken last Christmas. 
“Ok, ours next,” Dick said handing his and Kori’s gift to Barbara. 
“It’s a cookbook,” she said, slightly confused.
Dick leaned in, “Jason is like, a really good cook, but he usually uses the excuse that he doesn’t have any recipes to cook, so now he has no excuse.”
“Actually, Dick,” Barbara started.
“I cook for her all the time, that’s just when you guys show up at my place unannounced that I use that,” Jason finished.
Dick held a hand to his chest and gasped, offended.
Bruce held out a box for Jason. He eyed the box suspiciously but took it anyway. After opening it, he examined the glass inside, “It’s an engraved decanter set. That was one of the first things you eyed when you had come to the manor,” Bruce said with a faint smile on his lips.
Jason smiled back, “Thanks, B,” he looked back down at the decanter, “Though the only reason I’d been looking at it was the alcohol inside and this one doesn't seem to--”
Jason was interrupted by Babs sending an elbow into his gut, “Thank you, Bruce.”
Alfred handed Barbara a book that wasn’t wrapped, “My apologies, Miss Gordon, but I didn’t have the time to wrap your gift.”
Barbara gasped a little at the book, “Alfred, it’s perfect.”
Jason leaned over, “What? What is it?”
Barbara smiled over at him and opened it up, it had pictures of the two of them when they first met, when they spent holidays at the manor, when they told the rest of the family they were dating, when they announced their engagement and blank pages saved for their future together.
“Of course, that’s just a copy of the original,” Alfred told her.
“I expected as much,” Barbara smiled at him. 
The others continued to drink and chat amongst themselves when Barbara leaned over to Jason, “Hey.”
He leaned over to her as well, heads nearly touching, “Why’d you pick this place?” she asked him in a whispered voice.
Jason looked offended, “You don’t remember? Our passionate night under the stars?”
Barbara rolled her eyes, “I remember it differently. I remember you nearly bleeding out but refusing to go back to the cave because you’re a stubborn asshole.”
Jason opened his mouth and then closed it again, “You’re not wrong, but that’s not exactly what I was talking about.”
“Was there another time?”
Jason shook his head.
“Then why?” Barbara asked as she titled her head.
Jason studied her face, the tilt, the way one of her eyebrows was higher than the other, the sharpness of her eyes, the way her lips pursed when she was in thought, the crease between her eyebrows, everything. 
“This is where I knew,” he said softly, looking up to the dark sky, littered with stars, “This is where I knew I loved you.”
Barbara was silent for a long moment, processing what he said. He never was one to express himself at all, so when he insisted on planning the engagement party, she was more than a little surprised. The actual engagement was less than romantic, so perhaps this was his way of making up for it.
“Jay,” she started.
“So this means we don’t have to get wedding gifts, right?” Tim asked from behind Jason. 
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lenjaminmccharmly · 5 years
Ugly| Ringo
* Reposted bc of title lol
Warnings | Angst, Self esteem Issues, Language, Smut ;) (very vanilla though except maybe a little bit of choking (just a little))
Word count: ~3500
Description: Ringo has been on tour for a while, and went home early due to a self esteem dilemma. There’s angst and mush and the reader and Ringo find themselves having a steamy fun time in the bath.
Okay so,,,, I’m sorry if this is kinda rushed I tried to fit this whole concept into a one shot and not make it impossibly long- I also may have been a couple shots deep during most of this :) so it’s not my best work, but I really like this prompt, though it was a little hard to turn it into smut after making myself sad lol anyway thanks for reading!
“Ritchie, hon, what’s wrong? You’ve been sulking since you got home. Tonight was supposed to be special! You haven’t even told me about your time in America! Or why you’re home so early!” I walked out of the kitchen to where Ringo was sitting, where he had been sitting since he arrived home two days early from touring in North America.
“I told you. The lads wanted to stay in new york and party- I just wanted to go home.” He sighed, still not looking at me. It didn’t seem as if he was angry, yet something was off. My gut told me not to push him, but if I didn’t, there was no way he was going to talk about it.
“Did something happen, Ritch?” I swallowed hard, my mind going to the worst of things.
“No, nothing bad happened. I was just homesick is all.”
“Then why have you been so distant?”
“Have I?”
“Yes! You barely gave me a peck when you came home. I haven’t seen you in months, Ritchie. Please tell me if something is wrong.”
“I told you nothing is wrong.” He started to raise his voice- he still wouldn’t look at me.
I took a deep breath and took a seat beside him. “I’m sorry- I don’t want to push you. I just feel like something is wrong. If you don’t want to talk about it then that’s okay, I won’t force you to-”
“How many times do I have to tell you that I’m okay?!” He stood up abruptly- he was angry, a side of him I rarely saw.
“Rings, are you on it again?” Now i was worried- he only ever got a temper when he was high- i can’t imagine what he got up to in america.
“I’m not high, Y/N, please stop pestering me. I’m upset, okay? Is that what you wanted to hear?” He threw his hands up, pacing around the living room. “I’m back for a few hours and you’re nagging me-”
“Hey, do NOT turn this on me!” My nostrils flared, my mood quickly changing from one of concern to one of confrontation. “You’re the one who showed up here with an attitude! Don’t get upset at me for caring about you!”
“Why do you care? All I do is sleep and go to work and leave for months at a time. And yet you still care. You’re still here. From the time you’ve wasted you could’ve probably gotten married and had kids, done something useful with your life. Yet you’re here, arguing with me while dinner burns.”
At this point in our relationship, stemming from way before the Beatles took off, Richard and I had never gotten into an argument this heated- in such a way that hurt me personally. Sure we’ve gotten into petty arguments about random things, but he’s always been the biggest sweetheart. This one stung. “What are you talking about? Richard, I love you. That’s why I care about you. We are here for each other, maybe you’re not always here physically, but you have always been there for me. And all I can do is be there for you. That is what i'm trying to do, Ritchie. This has never been a waste of time- as long as I get to see you and be with you, it’s all worth it. If you’re upset, I want to know, I want to help. I don’t want you to bottle it all up, it’s not good for you. I just want you to talk to me, Ritchie.” I was angry, yet I couldn’t help but tear up. I just wanted everything to be perfect when he came home- and now we’re fighting.
He didn’t look angry anymore, he looked guilty if anything. Of course, this made me even made me more anxious, yet I dared not say anything. He stopped pacing, standing in front of me. “Something happened in Toronto- it’s dumb, really.” He sat back down. “It’s so stupid, I don’t know why I’m making such a big deal about it.”
I waited for a moment before taking his hand in mine. “If it upsets you this much, it isn’t stupid.”
“You don’t even know what happened yet.” He sighed, gripping my hand and looking down at his feet.
“If you don’t want to talk about it, I respect that. You know that. I just don’t want you to suffer silently, Ritch.” I brought his hand to my lips, kissing his skin softly. It was a small gesture, but I wanted him to know how much I loved him, while also respecting his personal space in such a situation.
He was silent for a moment. “There was this dumb interview. It was barely anything really- I don’t care much about what people think of me- but the way he said it, on live TV too- it felt humiliating. I feel inadequate, unworthy. No matter what I do, I will never amount to be like the rest of them. No matter how hard I try, im just dumb ol Ringo. Not even the best drummer in the Beatles, ringo. Useless Ringo. Big nose Ringo. Ugliest rocker... Ringo.”
“Hon, what are you talking about? You are not useless. Ritchie, do you think you’re ugly?” This is much larger than me and this shitty interview.
He seemed to freeze up a bit- his cheeks flushed and he swallowed hard, looking everywhere but at me. “It’s just- I don’t know, I know it’s dumb. Er, god this is awful.” He ran his hands through his hair and took a deep breath, looking at me. “Do you think I’m ugly?”
I felt as if I was peering down at an injured puppy, his eyes glistened and he looked afraid. I walked over to where he was sitting on the couch and placed my hands on his cheeks. “Richard, I think you are beautiful. From the moment I saw you I was stunned. It’s been years yet I still get butterflies when I see you. Sometimes I wonder if this is a dream, and someday I will wake up and you won’t be by my side.” I got down on my knees in front of him so that we were face to face. “It’s not dumb, Ritchie. People should not say those awful things about you, and you shouldn’t listen to them. No matter what they say, Ritchie, they don’t matter. What they think about you doesn’t matter. What you think about you matters.” I took a deep breath, holding back my own tears. “Do you think you are ugly?”
His opened his mouth to answer but closed it immediately. His breathing became more erratic as he was at a loss for words. Tears leaked out of the corners of his eyes and he finally made eye contact. He took a few shallow breaths before nodding.
It broke my heart. To see someone I cherished and adored so wholeheartedly look so dejected and scorned- I never wanted to think about the things those awful kids put him through growing up, and now, years later, it’s still followed him. The pain of seeing someone you know deserves the world get metaphorically and physically spit on is almost unmatched.
I pressed my forehead to his, using the pads of my thumbs to wipe away stray tears. “Whatever it takes, however long it takes, I will prove to you that you are beautiful Richie. By god, you will never think like that again.” He placed his hands on mine and squeezed, letting out a shudder and a shaky breath. I pulled back, his hands still on mine. His eyes and cheeks were red; he looked ashamed. “Listen to me, love. You are not what they call you. You are a work of art. Your body is perfect. Your face is perfect. Who gives a shit if you’re not six feet tall? I certainly don’t. You are gorgeous in every way.” I pressed my lips to his, tears escaping from my own eyes.
His hands shifted down to my sides, pulling me up into the couch so that I was sitting in his lap. He pulled away, brushing a strand of hair behind my ear. “I don’t know what I would do without you, Y/N.” He pulled me down to him in a tight embrace, burying his face into my neck. His hands gripped my back, as if he was holding on so not to float away. “I love you so much Y/N.” His voice was muffled, but I could hear him choke on tears.
I ran my hands through his hair, kissing the top of his head and melting into his embrace. My heart broke for him, for the pain he was in, yet I couldn’t help but enjoy this intimacy. “Ritchie, I think we should go to bed. When you wake up tomorrow, you will feel better. I promise.”
He moved his face from my shoulder, wiping away tears with the back of his hand. “Dear, I'd rather not end the day this way. I don’t want to fall asleep crying- i feel bad enough as it is crying in front of you.. Can we do something? I don’t know, I don’t want to think about this any more.”
“Of course, sweet heart, anything.” I cupped his cheeks, kissing his nose softly. “Wanna take a bath?”
His ears perked up and he smiled. He looked divine with his rosey cheeks and puffy eyes. “That sounds absolutely lovely, dear.” He pecked my lips and stood up, carrying me with him.
I gasped, grabbing at his shoulders so as not to fall. “Ritchie!”
He laughed, continuing to carry me to the bathroom. Once we were there, he set me down. “Just wait a second, don’t move!” He ran from the bathroom, leaving me alone.
I thought for a moment, and decided to surprise him. I threw open the cupboard and searched for my silk robe. Upon finding it, I quickly undressed and slipped the robe on. Just then, he walked through the door carrying a few candles, a lighter, a bottle of wine, and a couple glasses. He set the things down as he looked me over. “I said not to move but.. I’m not mad.” He grinned and embraced me again, pressing his lips to mine. I wanted to deepen the kiss, but he pulled away after a few seconds. “Draw the bath and I’ll pour the wine?”
“Deal.” I grinned, and did just that, pouring in a bit of bubble bath to jazz it up a bit. He poured the wine and lit the candles, turning a knob to dim the lights. “I’ve missed you so much, Rings.” I walked up behind him, wrapping my arms around his waist and pressing my lips to his shoulder.
“Would you mind helping me?” He turned his head, looking down at me and smirking.
I smiled back and began undoing his belt. “I would love to.”
He ran his hands through my hair, my hands moving up his chest, undoing buttons as I went. I took my time, enjoying the close proximity and simple intimacy. It had been a long time, I had only pictures to admire while he was away.
Soon he was stark naked, and I had yet to remove my robe. I looked him over shamelessly- it had been months, I’ll be damned if I don’t enjoy myself while he’s here. He wasn’t your toned model with rippling muscles and stone hard abs- but he wasn’t out of shape either. His arms were very muscular from the hours upon hours of drumming. He was pretty lean, yet sported a bit of chub in just the right places.
He strode up to me, with a new found confidence, and slipped his hands beneath my robe, gently sliding it from my shoulders and letting it fall to the ground. “You’re so gorgeous, Y/N…” He trailed off, gazing at my naked body, his hands trailing at my sides.
I closed the distance, placing my hands on his shoulders, pulling him down to me, pressing my lips to his- more heated than before. There was a goal now- make him feel good, make him feel like a king, prove those reporters wrong. I ran my hands across his chest, grazing my nails across his skin lightly, down his stomach. Just as it was getting perhaps too heated, he pulled away.
“Darling, I think we are letting the water go cold.” He smiled his goofy smile, taking my hand and leading me to the bath. He got in first and I placed myself between his legs, resting my head against his chest. I reached over, grabbing a glass of wine Rich had set on the counter next to the tub. I sipped it, not in a rush to get intoxicated. Ritchie ran his hands over my arms, kissing the back of my head. “I’m sorry I said those awful things earlier.” He murmured. “I don’t know what I was thinking. I’m so lucky to have you.”
“I forgive you, dear. We all get in our own heads sometimes, you know I’ll always be here for you to filter through that nonsense.” I turned my head, resting my hand on his cheek, pecking his lips before I returned to my wine.
His hands found my hips and squeezed gently. A light blush graced my cheeks, his lips brushing against the shell of my ear. “It’s been a long time, hasn’t it, love?”
“Yes it has, I’ve missed your touch.” I reached my hand up, running my fingers through his hair. He gazed down at me with such love and adoration, I knew that I lucked out with him.
“What, have I got something on my face?” He smiled his goofy smile.
“Yeah, handsome.” I slapped him playfully and he giggled, reaching over to grab his own glass of wine- though, he didn’t exactly sip it as I had. I followed his lead, gulping down the rest of my wine, setting it back down and turning myself around so that we were lying chest to chest. I got on my hands and knees so that I was hovering over him. I had a goal to reach. Make him feel good.
He arched his eyebrow, setting his glass of wine down. “This is new.”
I said nothing, only dipping down to catch his lips in mine. Lust was evident. I lowered myself down to him, pressing my chest and hips to his. His hands wandered from my back to my bum, squeezing gently, wining softly. My hips met his in a slow grinding pace until I felt his erection press into me. I grinded into him harder, pressing my clit against his cock. He let out a small whine of protest as I detached myself from his lips, but was quickly stifled as I peppered kisses down his jaw to his neck, biting and sucking, ensuring bruises to form.
He bucked his hips into me, desperate for more friction. “Fuck, Y/N, I need more.” He wrapped his arms around me tight, flipping us around, displacing water in the process. I gasped, pushing myself up onto my elbows only for him to push me back down. He positioned himself in front of me, the water sloshing over the edge of the tub ever so slightly. We both giggled, too horny and inebriated to care about the mess. He grabbed me by my hips and pulled me to him, teasing me with his cock but not pushing enough to enter. “I’ve waited months for this, Y/N.” He continued to tease me, pushing the head of his cock through my folds, rubbing against my clit in the best way.
I pressed my lips to his, wrapping my legs around his waist. “I want to make you feel good..” I mumbled into his lips. “I want to make you feel sexy and gorgeous and worth every moment of waiting.” I moved down to kiss his neck, sucking and biting. He let out a low moan- more of a whine actually- as I grinded my hips down to his. The wine had made me a bit tipsy, but I wanted this regardless. I planned on something like this tonight anyway, and the minor breakdown was more of a reason for me to pleasure him, to make him feel like a king. His grip on my ass tightened, pulling me impossibly closer to meet my hips, grinding his cock into me. I grabbed at his thighs positioned on either side of me, moaning at the friction between my legs. “Fuck, Ritchie..”
“Do you like this?” He thrust his hips faster, his grip on my hips tightening. His nails dug into my flesh, yet the sting felt good.
“Mhm..” I bit my lip, rolling my hips into him.
He pushed harder into me. “Fuck, Y/N, I missed you so fucking much.” He leaned his head back, closing his eyes and letting his mouth fall open; this was pleasing him as much as it was pleasing me.
“Ritchie, please, I need you inside me.” As much as I loved his teasing, I needed him. I can play with my clit any time, with or without him, but I haven’t felt him in so long. I needed him.
He opened his eyes and looked down at me, his hips slowed to a stop. His pupils were dilated, his breathing heavy- he already seemed close. “Are you sure, hon?”
“Absolutely.” I smiled, and he looked down at me with those big blue eyes, filled with so much love and admiration, I was positive those reporters were absofuckinglutely wrong about him.
He grinned and pushed into me with no hesitation, picking up his pace quickly. The sensation shocked me, my nails digging into his thighs, my mouth falling open, involuntarily letting out a moan. His eyes never left my face as he kept his steady tempo. I needed him closer, and reached out for his shoulders, pulling him down to me, attaching my mouth to his lips yet again, this time much rougher. I bit his bottom lip and shoved my tongue into his mouth. His hand found my neck and squeezed gently, the last thing he would ever want to do is cause harm to me (but with a dick that big how could he not). He bucked his hips faster, splashing water over the side of the tub, soaking the rug. I let out a laughy moan, meeting his hips in a thrust. Swiftly, he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me upward out of the water; I was now straddling Ritchie, who was sitting on his knees. This new angle pushed him deeper into me, filling me up completely. I gasped, grabbing onto his arms for support. He grinned, tightening his grip and lifting me up, letting gravity push me back down onto his dick. Before he could repeat this, I grasped either side of the tub and lifted myself up, dipping back down onto him. With our combined efforts, the pace picked up, leaving us both breathless moaning messes. Soon, my heart began to race and heat started to build up in my stomach.
“R-Ritchie- I think I’m gonna cum-“ Ritchie took all control before I finished my sentence.
Wrapping his arms tightly around me and pushing us up so that he was standing on his knees, he pounded into me hard from below. “Oh..fuck, Richie oh my god I’m close.” My nails dug into his shoulders- I wouldn’t be surprised if I drew blood.
“Do it, baby, cum for me.” His voice was strained and I could tell he was close too.
Soon the best built up into a rush of adrenaline and dopamine- pure bliss and pleasure. I nearly screamed, arching my back and clenching around him. He was quick to follow, moaning my name as I came down from my own high.
We sat there for a minute, tangled together, sweating and out of breath. A quarter of the bath water ended up on the bathroom floor but at the moment, I didn’t care. I was in the arms of the man I loved, and he loved me. And that’s all the matters.
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beyond-the-mirror · 5 years
Music of the Night (V x Reader)
Welcome back to another chapter of Music of the Night!
From this chapter and on, this fic will continue a bit kinda like the musical and the movie albeit with a few changes on the plot. This is an AU after all, one that mainly focuses on our dear and mysterious Phantom and his relation with the Reader.
Tagging @minteyeddemon​ and @thedyingmoon​ as a special thanks for believing in this idea since before I started writing it. Hope you enjoy!
Chapter 4: An Angel Ready to Take Flight
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- Two years later -
“This trophy from our saviors, from our saviors from the enslaving force of Rome!”
The conductor signaled to the orchestra the start of the opera Hannibal’s Overture. Right on time, a parade of actors and actresses entered the stage from the side, marching while backup singers among them continued with the song.
“With feasting and dancing and song, tonight in celebration, we greet the victorious throng, returned to bring salvation!”
The scene flowed beautifully, the gorgeous red dresses and attires that the performers were wearing looked stunning from Trish’s place near the first row of seats. Next, the backup dancers appeared on stage, their choreography signaling the triumphant entrance of the war general Hannibal.
“The trumpets of Carthage resound! Hear, Romans, now and tremble! Hark to our step on the ground! Hear the drums, Hannibal comes!”
The soldiers and ladies of the court stepped aside to reveal the arrival of the great general, played by main tenor Ubaldo Piangi.
“Sad to return to find the land we love threatened once more by Rome's far-reaching grasp-“
“Gentlemen, gentlemen…” Interrupting Piangi’s solo, the conductor nervously tapped the stand before him, stopping the music altogether. “Monsieur Lefevre, we are in the middle of a rehearsal right now.”
Lefevre had sauntered into the stage accompanied by three other men.
“I am terribly sorry Monsieur Reyer, it’s only for a quick announcement.” Lefevre excused himself before quickly clearing his throat “Monsieur Rever, Madame Trish, ladies and gentlemen. Please if I could have your attention thank you very much.”
Making a brief pause and waiting until everyone gathered round, Lefevre continued “As you know, in a few weeks I will be retiring, it has been a great pleasure for me working alongside an extraordinaire crew such as all of you. And now, it is my pleasure to introduce you to these two gentlemen who now own our Opera House, Monsieur Richard Firmin and Monsieur Gilles Andre.”
He gestured to two of the men who stood by his side. One of them, which you presumed was Monsieur Firmin, stepped to the front and took the word. “It’s a pleasure to meet you all. And we are deeply honoured to introduce our new patron, the Vicomte Raoul de Chagny.”
The third man in question was tall and with a lean figure, he had warm hazel eyes and curly blond hair. He was rather handsome and looked to be well-mannered considering his posture the entire time.
“My parents and I are honoured to support all the arts, especially Fortuna’s well renowned Opera House.”
“If you allow me Vicomte, gentlemen.” Lefevre interjected, beckoning Carlotta and Ubaldo. “Signora Carlotta Giudicelli, our current leading soprano; Signor Ubaldo Piangi, lead tenor of our fine Opera; and Monsieur Reyer, maestro in charge of our orchestra.”
“An honor Signor, Signora, Monsieur. I believe we are keeping you from your rehearsal. My apologies for the interruption everyone, you may continue with your duties.”
The three men retired to the side of the stage while Trish ordered to repeat the scene once more from the top. The premiere would be that same night and the last dress rehearsals must go according to the tight schedule programmed.
Lefevre invited the new administrators to stay and watch the performers first hand, soon enough Trish joined them so he could properly introduce her.
“Gentlemen, I proudly introduce you to Madame Trish. An unparalleled choreographer and dance captain that’s been gracing our beloved Opera for these last years.”
“An honor meeting you.” Trish responded politely before showing them the routine the dancers were currently practicing on stage. “As you can see, we take great pride in the excellence of our ballet. We primarily focus on the discipline of our ballerinas rather than their mere talent, in order to  ensure the success of our productions.”
The three man observed attentively at how the scene before them took place, impressed at the incredible skills and professionalism all the staff members showed for their work.
“Now I see why madame, especially that exceptional beauty performing over there.” Unbeknownst to you, Firmin pointed towards your dancing figure.
“(Y/N) (L/N).” Trish informed him. “A very promising ballerina Monsieur, one of the best this theatre has ever witnessed. Now please follow me gentlemen, we don’t want to stand in our performers’ way.”
As they gave the performers the space they needed, Raoul centered his bright eyes on you. He was enthralled by the swift flow of your movements, as if the choreography was basically second nature to you. The scene continued with the rest of the actors marching to the center, followed by a mechanical prop of a magnanimous war elephant.
“The trumpeting elephant sound. Hear, Romans, now and tremble, hark to their step on the ground. Hear the drums! Hannibal comes!”
A glorious crescendo filled the Opera House before the scene reached its finale. Silence took over for a few moments before the new administrators and the Vicomte clapped at the great performance they had just witnessed, not registering Carlotta’s frustrated voice as she strode towards them.
“That number was astounding! We are very excited about tonight’s gala-“
“All day! All they ever want is the dancing!” Carlotta rudely interrupted Andre “Allor… I hope you are as excited about dancing girls as your new managers, BECAUSE I WILL NOT BE SINGING! Addio a tutti!”
She stomped furiously to her personal assistants, ordering them to gather all her belongings for her. Carlotta’s sudden departure left Firmin and Andre in absolute shock, while the rest of the staff were simply unfazed by her attitude, already used to this kind of meltdowns from her.
“What can we do now?” With no other options at hand, the new owners had no choice but to follow Lefevre’s advice to this particular kind of situation “Grovel. Grovel, grovel.”
So of course, Firmin and Andre immediately took after Carlotta to stop her from leaving the stage, loudly exclaiming any possible compliment they could think of in order to appeal to her.
“Beauty!” “Principessa!” “Bella Dama!”
“Si! Si! Si!”
“Oh Goddess of Song!”
“If you excuse me, please.” Everyone turned to see the Vicomte approaching Carlotta with a rather calm and suave expression on his face “Monsieur Reyer, isn’t there a marvelous aria for Elissa in Act. 3 of Hannibal? Perhaps the signora-“
“Yes, yes, but no!” she angrily interjected “Because turns out I don’t have the right costume for Act 3 because somebody made a horrible disaster out of it! And I hate my hat!” She sobbed and lamented, very much like a spoiled diva in the eyes of the staff members. Raoul, however, remained unfazed by her sudden outburst and simply smiled warmly at her.
“I was wondering, signora, as a personal favor… would you give us the privilege of a personal performance? Unless of course, Monsieur Reyer objects.”
“No, aspette! aspette!” Taking in deep breaths, Carlotta composed herself, the Vicomte’s words having their desired effect. “If my managers command, Monsieur Reyer?”
“If my diva commands?” Reyer spoke in a mirth voice to appeal to her, which made her beam in joy.
“Yes I do!”
Reyer quickly returned to his position at the head of the orchestra, the pianist preparing himself for Elissa’s aria. Taking hold of his baton, the conductor signaled Carlotta.
Carlotta first applied some throat spray and readied herself before confirming. “Maestro.”
Elissa’s aria ‘Think of Me’ was indeed an exquisite piece, only the most privileged voices could ever properly bring forth all the emotions contained in its beautiful lyrics. Carlotta Giudicelli may be an insufferable diva in the eyes of those who worked with her, but there was no denying that she had a rather wonderful voice. The entire theatre fell silent as a sign of respect to her magnificent singing, no one dared to interrupt her, no one dared to disrespect La Carlotta in such way.
That is until a snapping sound made everyone’s hearts drop, and the next thing they all knew, a heavy curtain was falling down right towards her.
Panicked screams resonated through the stage. Raoul managed to pull Carlotta right out of danger’s way, her ample dress, however, ultimately made them both topple down due to the weight of its many layers of fabric. Many rushed immediately to help both the Vicomte and mostly the lead soprano, who was trapped beneath the heavy curtain.
“Oi Buquet! What in heaven and hell happened over there?!” Nico screamed furiously at Mr. Buquet, the man in charge of operating the changing scenery at the fly floors. “You are lucky nobody got killed for this!”
“It wasn’t me Nico, I swear! I-I remained in my position all the time, Lord Sparda knows I wasn’t near that curtain.” Buquet stuttered nervously, the poor man fearing the possibility of losing his job over this accident.
Adjusting her glasses, Nico walked around trying to look if someone else had been up at the fly floors tampering at the ropes, but couldn’t find nobody.
“What are you talking about? There’s no one else there.”
“Do you think… it could have been the Phantom?” Buquet murmured almost inaudibly.
“Please Buquet, don’t be ridiculous! Seems that I’ll have to examine the grid, the least I want now is a broken pulley or something.” She was sure Buquet hadn’t been responsible for the incident, for everyone knew he was a very hardworking and trustworthy person. So the only possible explanations Nico could think about were either one of the pulleys got damaged and broke down, or the rope wasn’t secured properly.
Meanwhile, the situation on the stage wasn’t looking pleasant at all.
“We are deeply sorry for this signora, I’m sure this kind of stuff tends to happen from time to time.” Andre tried his best, and failed, to calm down a ver altered Carlotta.
“Two years! For two whole years this kind of stuff has been happening! And has anybody done something to stop them? NO! So until you manage to stop this incidents, I refuse to set a foot in this Opera!”
As she stomped out of the theatre followed by her hurrying assistants, everyone could feel in their hearts that unlike her previous outbursts, she was not coming back this time. And now the question lingering in their minds was: What were they going to do now?
The performers were gathered at the green room, already out of their costumes and in casual attire instead. All staff members were told to leave the stage so Trish, Lefevre and the new owners could discuss on how to proceed and find an imminent solution as soon as possible.
“I’m afraid we’ll have to cancel.” Firmin lamented as he wiped the sweat off his forehead. “We have lost our main star and there’s no way we can find another soprano for tonight’s premiere.”
“Calm down Richard. There must be a substitute, an understudy-“
“Understudy? With all due respect Monsieur Andre, but there’s no understudy for La Carlotta!” interjected Reyer who was visibly nervous about this turn of events.
Tension and concern filled the entire Opera, and as much as the Vicomte and Trish tried their best to control the situation at hand, still no plausible solution had been found yet. Firmin and Andre were mainly worried about the imminent decision of returning all the earnings, the Opera was having a full house that night after all and that could mean a terrible economic loss for the company.
You were currently sitting on the floor hidden behind one of the side curtains of the stage. Curiosity had completely taken over you and now you were secretly trying to listen to the discussion taking place on the stage. You didn’t mean to eavesdrop so rudely, but you were terribly worried and couldn’t help it. All the efforts of your friends, of the people you now considered pretty much your family. If a substitute is not found by tonight, then it all would be in vain.
“My nightingale, my angel of music…” a familiar voice filled your ears “Why are you worried? What is filling your heart with sorrow?”
You could feel his presence right behind you, but you dared not look back out of respect. The Phantom always kept his identity a secret, the least you could do to repay everything he taught you, was respecting his decision not to be seen.
“Our lead soprano is gone… if we don’t find someone, anyone, then…” you trailed off, fighting to keep your tears from falling. “Everyone has worked so hard for this production, I don’t want their efforts to be in vain…”
He remained silent.
A warm breath grazed your ear, making shivers run down your spine.
“I believe you are ready then…”
“Phantom? …What do you mean?”
“… I believe in you, my angel. Go forth, and bless the world with your divine voice.”
The presence behind you was gone.
“Phantom? Wait!” You turned around, but he was already gone.
Did he mean…? No, there was no way you could do this. You may have improved a lot since your first lesson with him, but were you truly ready to perform before a real audience? A full house? What if you get the lyrics wrong? What if you get nervous and stutter during a musical number? No, you couldn’t do this.
But the Phantom… he believed in you. The Opera, your friends… they needed you.
… Your father… he… he always believed in you.
Taking a deep breath, you slowly got on your feet.
“Please excuse me everyone.”
Eyes turned to you, the discussion coming to a pause.
“(Y/N) is something wrong? You look worried about something.” Trish walked to you, concerned after noticing the few tears in the corner of your eyes which you quickly wiped away.
“Please, allow me to do it.”  the words came out of your lips in an almost inaudible whisper.
The others on the stage looked at each other in confusion. “Miss, you don’t mean…”
There was no turning back. With great strength in your eyes, you voiced your request with confidence. “If it’s not too much of a bother, please allow me to play as Elissa.”
Everyone’s eyes widened in surprise. Andre turned to Firmin “But she’s just a dancer, there’s no way she can do it.”
“(Y/N) do you have any idea of what this entails?” Trish was looking at you incredulously, genuine concern in her eyes. “This is the main role we are talking about, not just anybody can perform it correctly.”
“I know the choreography as well as the lyrics. I can assure you I’ll be able to do it.”
With a sigh leaving her lungs, Trish turned to Reyer. “Maestro would you kindly call your pianist over? Allow her to sing the Act. 3 aria and we shall see if she’s fit for the role.”
“Right away, Madame.”
As the pianist rushed to the orchestra pit, the Vicomte beckoned you to the front of the stage.
“Over here Miss, don’t be shy. For the moment let’s just hear the beginning of the aria, understood?”
You nodded. As Reyer and the pianist got ready, you closed your eyes and remembered the faith your family always had in you, your father’s words, and the teachings of the Phantom.
And so, the first notes to the aria sounded.
“Think of me, think of me fondly
When we've said goodbye
Remember me, once in a while
Please promise me you'll try
When you find that once again you long
To take your heart back and be free
If you ever find a moment
Spare a thought for me.”
“M-Magnifique! Absolutely magnificent!”
With wide eyes and clapping hands, you were congratulated by the everyone in front of you.
“(Y/N) that was wonderful!” Trish added in utter surprise “Now why hadn’t you mentioned you could sing like that before, darling?”
“To be honest, I’ve never sung professionally before. But I’ve been receiving lessons for a while and seeing our current predicament well… I decided to at least give it a try.”
“And what an extraordinaire performance that was.” Raoul walked to you and joined Trish at her side. “Miss (Y/N), due to our current circumstances and your impressive demonstration, we are proud to inform you that you may play Elissa in tonight’s premiere. We believe you will be able to deliver a breathtaking performance tonight.”
You could feel your eyes water again at their words. All those days you practiced, they were finally bearing fruit.
“Then I promise I won’t fail you.”
Trish gave you a warm smile. “Alright then, the show must go on and there’s no time to lose. Come (Y/N), we must rehearse your lines and musical numbers.”
A shadowed figure in the long abandoned Box Four smiled down at what was happening on stage before retreating. After all, the Phantom had a very important gala to attend that night, and there was no way he would miss his beloved angel performing on her debut.
As Nico finally reached the grid high above the stage, she took out her flashlight and started inspecting the pulley of the fallen curtain. To her surprise, however, the device was in top-notch condition. Nothing broken, rusty or unstable
“Huh? Well that’s weird.” She had also previously checked the rope. It had no signs to have been cut or damaged either, so the only logical explanation left was that whoever was in charge of tying and securing the ropes made a terrible job, either that or… someone untied it and let the curtain fall on purpose. Then again, she couldn’t find anyone else on the fly floors other than Buquet, and he was too far away to have done it.
“Argh… I’ve already told them over and over again to check their damn ropes.” She muttered to herself before getting out of the grid.
After one last conversation with Firmin and Andre, Lefevre decided to retire for the day. However, there was something else he had to take care to before leaving the building. He reached for the inner pocket of his coat, pulling a sealed black envelope with no name or address written on it, its only prominent characteristic was a lilac wax seal on the back.
Lefevre stared at the envelope for a few moments before putting it back in his pocket and proceeding with his task. Entering the green room, he spotted Trish and (Y/N) going over Elissa’s lines.
“Excuse me Madame Trish, may I talk to you for a few seconds. I’m afraid it’s a very important matter.”
She stood up and after instructing (Y/N) to keep practicing her lines, she followed him out of the room.
“What happened Monsieur Lefevre? Did something happen?”
He gulped audibly before answering. “Trish. You have worked in this theatre for a couple of years now, enough for me to realize how valuable and loyal you are for the company that I basically nurtured for most of my life. Which is why I trust you fully to complete the task that I’m about to give you. Please listen carefully what I’m about to tell you, and please, promise me you’ll handle this with complete and absolute discretion.”
Lefevre reached for his inner pocket once again and handed her the mysterious black envelope.
“I’m afraid I don’t understand Monsieur. What is inside this letter?” She inquired worryingly.
Lefevre inhaled deeply before continuing in a whispered voice “Inside this envelope there are exactly 1,800 euros. At the end of every month, you must place that exact amount of euros in a black envelope like this one. I keep them in the third drawer of my desk, as well as some lilac sealing wax and a seal stamp with a design like the one in this envelope. Then, you must take the money to Box Four and slide it under the curtain. That box must remain unavailable for the public always. It is imperative that nobody, absolutely nobody, sees you when delivering the money.”
“What? But who is this money for?”
Sweat started forming on Lefevre’s forehead, and when he remained quiet, it only worsened Trish’s concerns.
“Just… promise me that you will do it. And please… don’t ask anymore questions to me or anybody else.”
She hesitated. She had no idea of what was it that got Lefevre so nervous, and then there was the fact that he was willing to pay an unknown person such an important amount of money every month.
There was something quite sketchy behind all of this. And yet, she somehow trusted Lefevre.
“Fine… I just hope this won’t get me in any trouble in the future.”
“Don’t worry, I promise you this is the only thing you have to do. Thanks for everything Madame Trish.”
And with those words, Lefevre left the Opera.
Trish examined the envelope in her hands and turned it around. Her eyes centered on the mysterious lilac wax seal, or more importantly, the peculiar design of the stamp.
A single yet elegant ‘V’ decorating its center.
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crazytxgradstudent · 5 years
Hiding Spot (The End)
Author note: Listen, I know this is contrived and ridiculous and outrageous, but it was fun to write. Took me all of about 20 minutes to write. It was the cutting up of chapters and finding those perfect gifs that took so long. (Thanks be to the gif makers!!) Anywho, I hope y'all enjoyed this little slice of ridiculousness, brought to you by yours truly!
PS - the ending is shiteous, but I ran outta time haha
xoxox ~ Crazytxgradstudent 
11 months later…
“So, as you guys know, I absolutely hate talking in front a huge crowd. With my whole heart, I hate it! ” Danny smiled as the room erupted into giggles and laughter. Nods of agreement and claps. “How many are in agreement here, that they’d rather not get up in front of a crowd and talk?”
Hands flew up around the room. Danny nodded, counting. “More than half of us, I see. Okay, those of you who didn’t raise your hands, feel free to come on down and take my spot, okay?” More laughter, more cheers and voices rising in approval and understanding.  Danny relaxed into her newfound role, the initial jitters long since gone as she took a seat on the stool at the podium. Behind her, the PowerPoint flickered to life.
“But, I also love my job. I love what we do, you know? As professionals, as clinicians. As therapists and counselors. I love what we do. I love our people.  And that love outweighed my fear of talking, and I kept doing it, until one day, it wasn’t so difficult. And now, here I am, giving, I think, my 6th presentation in a little over a year now?” She looked over at one of research associates and he nodded. “Brad tells me I’m speaking the truth, so it must be true. Anyways, let’s get on with it, shall we?”
The next evening…Denver International Airport
Danny walked through the tunnel from the plane to the terminal, her bag dragging along behind her, her eyes landing on a man standing at the end of the walkway exit. 
He had a sign that read: “Miss Danielle Anderson” on it. 
Curious, Danny looked around.  The man looked like a driver, in his uniform; Her car was waiting in the garage, though? She wasn’t expecting anyone to meet her here, and Richard was away filming in some new fantastical place. She walked towards the man.
“Miss Anderson?” The man asked, and Danny nodded. “Please follow me.”
“I’m sorry, are you sure you have the right person?” Danny asked his back.
“Miss Danielle Anderson?” He turned to look at her and she nodded. “Right person. It’ll just be a few more moments, miss. Sorry for any confusion.”
Uncertain, she followed along behind him, wondering why in the world they were heading back to the terminal, and not towards the exit. Was he lost?  Was she in trouble, some kind of TSA mess? She gripped her purse at her shoulder a little tighter. 
“It’s not a bad thing, I promise. Right this way, ma’am,” the man encouraged, as if reading her thoughts.
Danny turned the corner, and there, standing at the same spot that they’d met that first fateful night, was Richard. She knew it was him, even though he had his hat pulled down low and shades on. She’d know that tall figure anywhere. When he saw her, and she him, he broke out into a smile that she returned. She started walking quickly, bypassing the man as she made her way to Richard. He enveloped her in his arms, laughing as he hugged her tight against his chest. The man with the sign conveniently disappeared. 
“What are you doing here?” Danny cried happily, resting her chin at the center of his chest and staring up at him. “I thought you were overseas?”
“I was,” Richard kissed her forehead, before cupping her cheeks in his hands.  “But I knew you were coming through here, and I had this one opportunity to get this right.”
“Get what right?” Danny frowned up at him.
With a sheepish grin, Richard pulled her back behind the pillar, the very one that they’d slept behind that one night. Looking more nervous than she’d ever seen him, she watched, dumbfounded, as he dropped down on one knee. Danny let her suitcase hit the ground, her hand flying to her mouth in shock. “What are you doing? Richard? Why are you down there? What are you doing?”
He smiled up at her, his cheeks high with color. “About a year ago, I was on a plane, sitting alone, being a miserable little shit, and I saw this gorgeous brunette walk by. I was usually the last one to get off, and here she comes, making me realize that I was not as alone as I thought. And I swore that I was going to go and find her, and see what her name was, and hope that she wasn’t already taken.”
Danny started crying, her hand covering her mouth as her chin started trembling.
“And I went looking for her, all over the damn airport, and I tripped over her feet. And ever since then, I’ve been tripping over my feet trying to get back to her.” He held up a box, popping back the lid to reveal a stunning diamond solitaire. “I love you, Danny. More than life. I don’t ever want to spend another day without you. You are brilliant, and funny, and so damn sexy. Please say you’ll marry me?”
Unable to speak, Danny dropped down to her knees before him, nodding her head as she threw her arms around him and hugged his neck. 
“God, I love you, sweetness,” Richard hugged her tight. Danny was still crying, her emotions overwhelming her as she continued hugging him, her throat constricted with happiness that she couldn’t begin to vocalize. Richard pulled her back, forcing her eyes to meet his as he cupped her cheeks. 
“What do you say? You and me, the last ones on all the planes, from now until forever?” Richard’s eyes shone with love.
“I say yes,” Danny kissed him, hugging him again. “Yes, Richard, I’ll marry you!”
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 @fizzyxcustard @emrfangirl @angrysuitcaseapricotspy @thophil2941btw
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thefanficmistress · 6 years
Mother May I?: Requested ☆
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Requested by : @deepestfirefun​ : My bestie! - This one may be a 2 or 3 parter.  “You are part of the crew of a movie where you are playing Richard´s character´s nearly 18 years old daughter although you are on your mid 30´ with your babyface, it works. At first, you are distant toward Richard as the female actor who playing your mother always seems to snatch you to herself not giving you and Richard a chance to develop your relationship on the movie and outside shooting.
But little by little you start to seek him out when you need quiet moments or rest, although you´re not very affectionate person, but with him that side of you starts to grow and Richard is more than fine with it as you seem to rely on his protective side to make sure you get your rest and much to your “mother`s” annoyance, it becomes a routine of you two and gradually yours and Richard´s relationship starts to blossom. For some unknown reason, she gets angry about it and isn´t one to sit by and watch you two hit it off so well.” ____________
Warnings: Fluff Pairing: Richard Armitage x Reader, Richard Armitage x Female Character, Richard Armitage x OC Context © me _______________ TAG LIST: @deepestfirefun @shikin83 @catthefearless @patanghill17 @aelinninielelain @xxbyimm @nowiloveandwilllove @nellindreams @hails270105 @armitages-gisborne @jassy2101 @abiwim @anemiechen @nelswp​ @fizzyxcustard @purplerain85​ @armitageadoration​ @princecami​ @princess-of-erebor1992 @leah-halliwell92​ @vaneaustin @nellindreams​ @raindrops-on-roses142 @wilhelmyna @pixiedurango​ @theincaprincess​
Please let me know if you would like to be tagged. _________ Current Requests: JANUARY - Closed @purplerain85 ( A Kiss in the Wild ) - RA Request : Release 1/6/2019 @deepestfirefun ( Because I love you ) - RA Request - Release date : 1/13/2019 @nowiloveandwilllove ( My Friend, My Beloved ) - RA Request - Release date: 1/20/2019 @deepestfirefun  ( Mother, May I? ) RA Request - Release Date :1/27/2019 Current Requests: FEBRUARY - CLOSED 2/3/2019  - @purplerain85 ( Just Rest Dear ) - RA Request 2/10/2019 - @deepestfirefun  ( Spy to Smitten ) - RA Request 2/17/2019 - @ nowiloveandwilllove ( Remembering Us ) - RA Request 2/24/2019 - Closed - Personal posting. Current Requests: MARCH - OPEN Message me if you would like a FanFic Sunday Request.  __________ PART ONE: You were new to town, and a new crew member of the new show Richard was working on. A modern telling of a Vampire classic, Dracula. Richard was of course Dracula, and you were playing his young daughter Erizabeth. A character that was half human, half vampire, and 18 yrs old. You were youthful, and still had a babyface for being in your 30’s, but you were small and curvy enough to get away with it. You always got complements however when you were in your costumes. First in your old gowns, and makeup for when you did a flash back, and then even more when you were in your modern clothes. You were selected due to your looks, and you couldn’t complain. You FINALLY got a job, and big one. As a bonus you were going to spend time with a well-known actor Richard Armitage. However, the actress playing your very immortal human Mother always seemed to get in the way of that.  You didn’t want to crowd Richard at all, so during the first reading of the script you sat on the opposite end of the table and only looked at him when needed. However, whenever you looked at him, he was always shyly look back at you, and his cheeks were very flushed. He cracked a lot of Dracula jokes, and you laughed at them all. Even the bad ones. You only had a brief chat with him when he officially introduced himself to you at the snack table. You were extremely nervous, but you shook his hand and started to speak. However, the actress playing your mother interrupted your brief conversation, and in fact took it over. She slowly slithered her way between you and Richard, and you slowly slipped away. You did however look back at Richard, and he had a very sweet smile on his face, but every few moments, his eyes would dart to you, and that smile changed slightly to something else. Longing perhaps? Couldn’t be. So, you never paid any attention to it.  It was 10pm. A ruin castle on a hill, under which goats are grazing. Clear skies, full of stars, and fields below the castle. It was a beautiful location and as you walked up, your agent rushed you to your trailer. Walking by many of them, you spotted Richard who stepped out of his with his phone to his ear. You caught a glimpse of him, clad in black, with dark armor. A long thick, torn cape draped over his shoulder with an underlining of bright red. His hair was parted on one side of his head but fell beautifully thick and long around his face. Raven black extensions to match the pale skin, and dark lined makeup of his eyes. His blue eyes were piercing. When he looked up, his lips curled into a smile and he waived at you.  You tried to smile back, and wave, but you were pulled around the corner too fast.  Your agent opened the door to your dressing trailer, and dragged you in. Waiting inside of your dressing trailer was 3 of the costume designers and your hair and makeup artist. They were all speaking to you all at once and wanted to cut out blocks of time with you to get ready. They all agreed that the dress should be first at it was the most difficult. Today you were shooting directly with Richard. You had many shots with him before. Spoke to him briefly, but you never actually had a one on one with him. You wanted to honestly but could never bring yourself to it. Most of your shots and scenes were with your co-star, who played your mother. She always seemed to pull you away and tell you that Dracula never was in Erizabeth’s life, and it had to look like you had no chemistry and had to have an awkward relationship. She even got the director to agree. So, when Richard asked you out to dinner for one on one, you turned him down. The scene was a flash back, Dracula’s Castle, a night in paradise when his daughter wakes to a new world and accepts herself as a vampire. She makes her first kill, and feeds on human blood. Youthful, beautiful, and dressed in a gown the color of blood wine. Bordeaux-colored taffeta, 3 types of black lace and finished with black ribbon.  The bodice clung to your curvy shape and provided a rather smooth flow into the skirt. The balloon sleeves hung off both of your shoulders, and are covered with a "veils" lace, decorated with lace and lanyard. The flounces, in the back, are longer so as to cover the lacing of the body. The skirt is gathered in folds around the waist and decorated with 3 different laces and finished with ribbon weaving. Between your breast on the bodice was a beautiful Cameo brooch. Your hair was pulled back on both sides of your ears with red ribbon and your hair was raven black. Falling in long cascading ringlets. After your hair and makeup, you are given a new part of the script and directed to the castle location for the scene. 15 minutes later, you are escorted to the set, and there you find Richard in the corner, pacing back and forth. Most likely going over his lines and getting into character. You decided to do the same as you stepped into the room. Candles, roses, a Victorian gothic bed, and extras are everywhere, playing dead. Blood over necks, wrist, face, and mouths. One extra was sitting at the foot of the bed, getting into character. He was nicely dressed, with blood running down his neck. His hair was tussled, and his makeup made him look at though he was drained of color, and very thin. You approach him. “Hi!” You said as you reached out to shake his hand. Your eyes drift over to Richard in the corner, who now sat down in a chair, with his eyes closed, and each hand resting on his knees. You look back at the man in front on you. “Hey! (Y/N) Right?” He asked as he took your hand and rose to his feet with a smile. The makeup, weird as it was made him look rather handsome. He looked like a Gothic, Romance Prince even. And if this guy was a dying Prince, then Richard would be the gorgeous bloody King. “Right! I’m supposed to kill you today.” You joke after releasing his hand. “I just wanted to introduce myself before I put my lips on your body.” You gestured towards his neck, and then crossed your hands in front of you politely. The guy chuckles and then sits on the bed and leans forward on his knees. “I definitely wouldn’t mind that.” He cooed back. You blushed and looked way shyly. “You look absolutely beautiful by the way. I can see why the character would be enchanted by you.”  “Thank you. I’ve never worn something so lovely, and might I add heavy before.” He pulled your hands apart and slipped them over the dress. You grabbed the fabric on both sides of the skirt and pulled it up as if you were going to curtsy. You place the fabric back down when you heard a shuffle in the corner and looked. Richard was walking towards you. He was so tall, and his shoulders were board. Dressed in black leather, with a velvet doublet with silver buttons, with white puff sleeves, with lace over his hands. His makeup was complete now, and his hair combed and curled to perfection. He was rather intimating to look at, especially for playing Dracula, but he approached you with a smile.  “(Y/N), Jona! Hello!” he said, as he reached out and shook Jona’s hand and then turned to you and rested his hand on your shoulder. His hand was so warm, and when it slid off your shoulder, it left a tingling sensation. “Hi Richard.” You said softly, almost bashful. He was so handsome, and so close to you, that it made you nervous to even look at him in the eyes. You were always nervous when it came to him. He would bring you coffee in the morning or leave it in your trailer with a note. He would always ask if you were hungry, or needed a quiet place to rest, when a shoot went longer than planned. He was just genuinely kind and sweet to you. “Wow, that dress…you look stunning!” He said, as his eyes travelled up and down your body. His eyes lingered a bit longer on where your cleavage was, and then his eyes shot up to yours. They grew soft, and almost dark.  “Thank you!” said excitedly. It was stupid. You felt like a school girl too shy to talk to your crush. You couldn’t help it. You honestly hoped that when you were in front of the camera that they didn’t pick that up. You’re supposed to be his daughter in this movie.” I think you make a great Dracula! I’m so excited to actually see you in your outfit.” You reach out and touch his cape, “It looks so cool.” Richard smiled and reached out to rub your arm again, and as his hand slid down your arm, your hands slide through each other’s, and linger. He was holding your hand so softly, and your fingers dance in his grip. He looked down at your fingers, and then back up at you with a closed mouth smile. You wanted to always keep that image of him smiling at you in your mind, but then again you were warned about him. About how he was with female co-stars. You hear a set of steps walking up to you, and a pat your shoulder. You turn to see the brown eyes, and stunning face of your co-star. Samantha Colley, she glanced down just in time to see your hand leave Richard’s. Very nervously, you pulled your hand away from Richards. Her hair was pulled back and made thick with extensions to fit the time period. She was dressed in a bright blue gown that almost looked like yours, but it didn’t. She wore a crown in her head, and a bloody bite mark on her neck. “Good evening everyone.” Her voice soft, lyrical. “Richard, you look smashing.” She sang, as she stepped between the two of you, and slipped her arm into his. For someone who told you to not get so close to Richard, she always seems to push you aside, and get close to him.  “Samantha.” Richard said, his voice a little distant. Not at all like his energized welcomes. He looks over her head at you, and you look away. As you turn your back to them, you and Jona start to talk again, and you try not to focus or listen to the conversation going on behind you with Richard, and Samantha. You didn’t want to show that you were interested in him, and you definitely didn’t want to upset Samantha. You weren’t sure what the deal was with the two of them, but it was awkward on set when they both were in front of the camera. Incredible chemistry when they had to be in each other’s arms, and when they kissed. It choked you up and made you mad at the same time. Through the entire night, there were 8 take. All from different angles, all done different ways, and each time it ended, you would go and get water, and stand off to the side for them to reset. You would think about the scene over and over in your head. How you slowly rose from the bed, with a man begging for his life at your feet. Your “father” slowly walking into the room with a feline grace and adorning you with a ruby necklace and a kiss on your forehead. God he was breath taking. Just the very presence of death. The moment, Richards hands would graze your skin, or press your body against his in a hug, it thrilled you, but you had to remain focused. He was your “father” in the scene. You would seductively remove Jona’s shirt from his throat, and press your lips to his skin, and present to bite. Then after a while relish in the bliss of being blood thirsty. Every shot, every kiss, every take simply wore you out. Your hair was fixed, your makeup touched up and the blood removed from your face and cleaned off your dress. Right after the last shot you walked over to your make up team by default. Exhausted and cold. There was a breeze going through the ruin castle, and you didn’t have a jacket. So, you wrapped your arms around yourself, but you were still shivering. As you looked out of one of the windows of the castle, you saw the city in the distance. The sunlight was coming up from over the rolling hills, and the color of the foreign country was coming into view. Funny how only a few hours ago that this land was completely covered in darkness. Another breeze came through and you closed into yourself again. The sound of steps sounded behind you, and then the warmth of a heavy fabric wrapped around you. You slowly turn to thank your savior, and before you stood Richard. He was smiling as he closed it around you fully and rubbing both your arms. “How’s that?”, he asked “So much better. How can I every thank you? You always seem to take great care of me.” You say as you pull the front of the cape over your chest. You delighted in the warmth, and the smell of Richards cologne. “You can let me take you to dinner or make you dinner.” He suggests with a smile. It was the most beautiful smile you had ever seen. Sweet, gentle and kind. Something about him just screamed “I’m all yours, you just have to take me.” and you wanted.   He then sees the look of surprise on your face, and may have thought that he over stepped, and not that you were gazing at him longingly.  “Ok, maybe not dinner. How about the festival tomorrow? The one in town?” You knew that you shouldn’t. Not after what Samantha told you, but why was there something in your gut screaming that you could?  “I... “ 
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PAIRING: Seungri x Reader
word count: 5,040
Part.1 Part.2
“We should head to a bar and celebrate.” I wasn’t surprised by my roommate’s emphatic pronouncement. Jung Hae found excuses to celebrate, no matter how small and inconsequential. I’d always considered it part of his charm. “I’m sure drinking the night before starting a new job is a bad idea.”
“Come on,Y/N.” Hae sat on our new living room floor amid a half-dozen moving boxes and flashed his winning smile. We’d been unpacking for days, yet he still looked amazing. Leanly built, dark-haired, and Brown-eyed, Hae was a man who rarely looked anything less than absolutely gorgeous on any day of his life. I might have resented that if he hadn’t been the dearest person on earth to me.
“I’m not talking about a bender,” he insisted. “Just a glass of wine or two. We can hit a happy hour and be in by eight.” “I don’t know if I’ll make it back in time.” I gestured at my yoga pants and fitted workout tank. “After I time the walk to work, I’m going to hit the gym.” “Walk fast, work out faster.” Hae’s perfectly executed arched brow made me laugh. I fully expected his million-dollar face to appear on billboards and fashion magazines all over the world one day. No matter his expression, he was a knockout. “How about tomorrow after work?” I offered as a substitute. “If I make it through the day, that’ll be worth celebrating.” “Deal. I’m breaking in the new kitchen for dinner.” “Uh…” Cooking was one of Hae’s joys, but it wasn’t one of his talents. “Great.” Blowing a wayward strand of hair off his face, he grinned at me. “We’ve got a kitchen most restaurants would kill for. There’s no way to screw up a meal in there.” Dubious, I headed out with a wave, choosing to avoid a conversation about cooking. Taking the elevator down to the first floor, I smiled at the doorman when he let me out to the street with a flourish. The moment I stepped outside, the smells and sounds of Manhattan embraced me and invited me to explore. I was not merely across the country from my former home in California, but seemingly worlds away. Two major metropolises—one endlessly temperate and sensually lazy, the other teeming with life and frenetic energy. In my dreams, I’d imagining living in a walkup in Brooklyn, but being a dutiful daughter, I found myself on the Upper West Side instead. If not for Hae living with me, I would’ve been miserably lonely in the sprawling apartment that cost more per month than most people made in a year. The doorman tipped his hat to me. “Good evening, Miss Y/L/N. Will you need a cab this evening?” “No thanks, Tom.” I rocked onto the rounded heels of my fitness shoes. “I’ll be walking.” He smiled. “It’s cooled down from this afternoon. Should be nice.” “I’ve been told I should enjoy the June weather before it gets wicked hot.” “Very good advice, Miss Y/L/N.” Stepping out from under the modern glass entrance overhang that somehow meshed with the age of the building and its neighbors, I enjoyed the relative quiet of my tree-lined street before I reached the bustle and flow of traffic on Broadway. One day soon, I hoped to blend right in, but for now I still felt like a fraudulent New Yorker. I had the address and the job, but I was still wary of the subway and had trouble hailing cabs. I tried not to walk around wide-eyed and distracted, but it was hard. There was just so much to see and experience. The sensory input was astonishing—the smell of vehicle exhaust mixed with food from vendor carts, the shouts of hawkers blended with music from street entertainers, the awe-inspiring range of faces and styles and accents, the gorgeous architectural wonders…And the cars. Jesus Christ. The frenetic flow of tightly packed cars was unlike anything I’d ever seen anywhere. There was always an ambulance, patrol car, or fire engine trying to part the flood of yellow taxis with the electronic wail of ear-splitting sirens. I was in awe of the lumbering garbage trucks that navigated tiny oneway streets and the package delivery drivers who braved the bumper-to-bumper traffic while facing rigid deadlines. Real New Yorkers cruised right through it all, their love for the city as comfortable and familiar as a favorite pair of shoes. They didn’t view the steam billowing from potholes and vents in the sidewalks with romantic delight and they didn’t blink an eye when the ground vibrated beneath their feet as the subway roared by below, while I grinned like an idiot and flexed my toes. New York was a brand new love affair for me. I was starry-eyed and it showed. So I had to really work at playing it cool as I made my way over to the building where I would be working. As far as my job went, at least, I’d gotten my way. I wanted to make a living based on my own merits and that meant an entry-level position. Starting the next morning, I would be the assistant to Mark Garrity at Waters Field & Leaman, one of the preeminent advertising agencies in the US. My stepfather, megafinancier Richard Johns, had been annoyed when I took the job, pointing out that if I’d been less prideful I could’ve worked for a friend of his instead and reaped the benefits of that connection. “You’re as stubborn as your father,” he’d said. “It’ll take him forever to pay off your student loans on a cop’s salary.” That had been a major fight, with my dad unwilling to back down. “Hell if another man’s gonna pay for my daughter’s education,” Victor Y/L/N had said when Johns made the offer. I respected that. I suspected Johns did, too, although he would never admit it. I understood both men’s sides, because I’d fought to pay off the loans myself…and lost. It was a point of pride for my father. My mother had refused to marry him, but he’d never wavered from his determination to be my dad in every way possible. Knowing it was pointless to get riled up over old frustrations, I focused on getting to work as quickly as possible. I’d deliberately chosen to clock the short trip during a busy time on a Monday, so I was pleased when I reached the Seunghyun’s Building, which housed Waters Field & Leaman, in less than thirty minutes. I tipped my head back and followed the line of the building all the way up to the slender ribbon of sky. The Seunghyun’s Company was seriously impressive, a sleek spire of gleaming sapphire that pierced the clouds. I knew from my previous interviews that the interior on the other side of the ornate copper-framed revolving doors was just as awe-inspiring, with golden-veined marble floors and walls, and brushed aluminum security desk and turnstiles. I pulled my new ID card out of the inner pocket of my pants and held it up for the two guards in black business suits at the desk. They stopped me anyway, no doubt because I was majorly underdressed, but then they cleared me through. After I completed an elevator ride up to the twentieth floor, I’d have a general time frame for the whole route from door to door. Score. I was walking toward the bank of elevators when a svelte, beautifully groomed brunette caught her purse on a turnstile and upended it, spilling a deluge of change. Coins rained onto the marble and rolled merrily away, and I watched people dodge the chaos and keep going as if they didn’t see it. I winced in sympathy and crouched to help the woman collect her money, as did one of the guards. “Thank you,” she said, shooting me a quick harried smile. I smiled back. “No problem. I’ve been there.” I’d just squatted to reach a nickel lying near the entrance when I ran into a pair of luxurious black oxfords draped in tailored black slacks. I waited a beat for the man to move out of my way and when he didn’t, I arched my neck back to allow my line of sight to rise. The custom three-piece suit hit more than a few of my hot buttons, but it was the tall, powerfully lean body inside it that made it sensational. Still, as hot as all that magnificent maleness was, it wasn’t until I reached the man’s face that I went down for the count. Wow. Just…wow. He sank into an elegant crouch directly in front of me. Hit with all that exquisite masculinity at eye-level, I could only stare. Stunned. Then something shifted in the air between us. As he stared back, he altered…as if a shield slid away from his eyes, revealing a scorching force of will that sucked the air from my lungs. The intense magnetism he exuded grew in strength, becoming a near tangible impression of vibrant and unrelenting power. Reacting purely on instinct, I shifted backward. And sprawled flat on my ass. My elbows throbbed from the violent contact with the marble floor, but I scarcely registered the pain. I was too preoccupied with staring, riveted by the man in front of me. Inky black hair framed a breathtaking face. His bone structure would make a sculptor weep with joy, while a firmly etched mouth, a blade of a nose, and intensely blue eyes made him savagely gorgeous. Those eyes narrowed slightly, his features otherwise schooled into impassivity. His dress shirt and suit were both black, but his tie perfectly matched those brilliant irises. His eyes were shrewd and assessing, and they bored into me. My heartbeat quickened; my lips parted to accommodate faster breaths. He smelled sinfully good. Not cologne. Body wash, maybe. Or shampoo. Whatever it was, it was mouthwatering, as was he. He held out a hand to me, exposing onyx cuff links and a very expensive-looking watch. With a shaky inhalation, I placed my hand in his. My pulse leaped when his grip tightened. His touch was electric, sending a shock up my arm that raised the hairs on my nape. He didn’t move for a moment, a frown line marring the space between arrogantly slashed brows. “Are you all right?” His voice was cultured and smooth, with a rasp that made my stomach flutter. It brought sex to mind. Extraordinary sex. I thought for a moment that he might be able to make me orgasm just by talking long enough. My lips were dry, so I licked them before answering. “I’m fine.” He stood with economical grace, pulling me up with him. We maintained eye contact because I was unable to look away. He was younger than I’d assumed at first. Younger than thirty would be my guess, but his eyes were much worldlier. Hard and sharply intelligent. I felt drawn to him, as if a rope bound my waist and he was slowly, inexorably pulling it. Blinking out of my semi-daze, I released him. He wasn’t just beautiful; he was…enthralling. He was the kind of guy that made a woman want to rip his shirt open and watch the buttons scatter along with her inhibitions. I looked at him in his civilized, urbane, outrageously expensive suit and thought of raw, primal, sheet-clawing fucking. He bent down and retrieved the ID card I hadn’t realized I’d dropped, freeing me from that provocative gaze. My brain stuttered back into gear. I was irritated with myself for feeling so awkward while he was so completely self-possessed. And why? Because I was dazzled, damn it. He glanced up at me and the pose—him nearly kneeling before me—skewed my equilibrium again. He held my gaze as he rose. “Are you sure you’re all right? You should sit down for a minute.” My face heated. How lovely to appear awkward and clumsy in front of the most self-assured and graceful man I’d ever met. “I just lost my balance. I’m okay.” Looking away, I caught sight of the woman who’d dumped the contents of her purse. She thanked the guard who’d helped her; then turned to approach me, apologizing profusely. I faced her and held out the handful of coins I’d collected, but her gaze snagged on the god in the suit and she promptly forgot me altogether. After a beat, I just reached over and dumped the change into the woman’s bag. Then I risked a glance at the man again, finding him watching me even as the brunette gushed thank-yous. To him. Not to me, of course, the one who’d actually helped. I talked over her. “May I have my badge, please?” He offered it back to me. Although I made an effort to retrieve it without touching him, his fingers brushed mine, sending that charge of awareness into me all over again. “Thank you,” I muttered before skirting him and pushing out to the street through the revolving door. I paused on the sidewalk, gulping in a breath of New York air redolent with a million different things, some good and some toxic. There was a sleek black Bentley SUV in front of the building and I saw my reflection in the spotless limo tinted windows. I was flushed and my Y/E/C eyes were overly bright. I’d seen that look on my face before—in the bathroom mirror just before I went to bed with a man. It was my I’m-ready-to-fuck look and it had absolutely no business being on my face now. Christ. Get a grip. Five minutes with Mr. Dark and Dangerous, and I was filled with an edgy, restless energy. I could still feel the pull of him, the inexplicable urge to go back inside where he was. I could make the argument that I hadn’t finished what I’d come to the Seunghyun’s Company to do, but I knew I’d kick myself for it later. How many times was I going to make an ass of myself in one day? “Enough,” I scolded myself under my breath. “Moving on.” Horns blared as one cab darted in front of another with only inches to spare and then slammed on the brakes as daring pedestrians stepped into the intersection seconds before the light changed. Shouting ensued, a barrage of expletives and hand gestures that didn’t carry real anger behind them. In seconds all the parties would forget the exchange, which was just one beat in the natural tempo of the city. As I melded into the flow of foot traffic and set off toward the gym, a smile teased my mouth. Ah, New York, I thought, feeling settled again. You rock. I’d planned on warming up on a treadmill, then capping off the hour with a few of the machines, but when I saw that a beginners’ kickboxing class was about to start, I followed the mass of waiting students into that instead. By the time it was over, I felt more like myself. My muscles quivered with the perfect amount of fatigue and I knew I’d sleep hard when I crashed later. “You did really well.” I wiped the sweat off my face with a towel and looked at the young man who spoke to me. Lanky and sleekly muscular, he had keen brown eyes and flawless café au lait skin. His lashes were enviably thick and long, while his head was shaved bald. “Thank you.” My mouth twisted ruefully. “Pretty obvious it was my first time, huh?” He grinned and held out his hand. “Parker Smith.” “Y/N Y/L/N.” “You have a natural grace, Y/N. With a little training you could be a literal knockout. In a city like New York, knowing self-defense is imperative.” He gestured over to a corkboard hung on the wall. It was covered in thumbtacked business cards and fliers. Tearing off a flag from the bottom of a fluorescent sheet of paper, he held it out to me. “Ever heard of Krav Maga?” “In a Jennifer Lopez movie.” “I teach it, and I’d love to teach you. That’s my website and the number to the studio.” I admired his approach. It was direct, like his gaze, and his smile was genuine. I’d wondered if he was angling toward a pickup, but he was cool enough about it that I couldn’t be sure. Parker crossed his arms, which showed off cut biceps. He wore a black sleeveless shirt and long shorts. His Converse sneakers looked comfortably beat up and tribal tattoos peeked up from his collar. “My website has the hours. You should come by and watch, see if it’s for you.” “I’ll definitely think about it.” “Do that.” He extended his hand again, and his grip was solid and confident. “I hope to see you.” The apartment smelled fabulous when I got back home and Adele was crooning soulfully through the surround sound speakers about chasing pavements. I looked across the open floor plan into the kitchen and saw Hae swaying to the music while stirring something on the range. There was an open bottle of wine on the counter and two goblets, one of which was half-filled with red wine. “Hey,” I called out as I got closer. “Whatcha cooking? And do I have time for a shower first?” He poured wine into the other goblet and slid it across the breakfast bar to me, his movements practiced and elegant. No one would know from looking at him that he’d spent his childhood bouncing between his drug-addicted mother and foster homes, followed by adolescence in juvenile detention facilities and state-run rehabs. “Pasta with meat sauce. And hold the shower, dinner’s ready. Have fun?” “Once I got to the gym, yeah.” I pulled out one of the teakwood barstools and sat. I told him about the kickboxing class and Parker Smith. “Wanna go with me?” “Krav Maga?” Hae shook his head. “That’s hardcore. I’d get all bruised up and that would cost me jobs. But I’ll go with you to check it out, just in case this guy’s a wack.” I watched him dump the pasta into a waiting colander. “A wack, huh?” My dad had taught me to read guys pretty well, which was how I’d known the god in the suit was trouble. Regular people offered token smiles when they helped someone, just to make a momentary connection that smoothed the way. Then again, I hadn’t smiled at him either. “Baby girl,” Hae said, pulling bowls out of the cupboard, “you’re a sexy, stunning woman. I question any man who doesn’t have the balls to ask you outright for a date.” I wrinkled my nose at him. He set a bowl in front of me. It contained tiny tubes of salad noodles covered in a skimpy tomato sauce with lumps of ground beef and peas. “You’ve got something on your mind. What is it?” Hmm…I caught the handle of the spoon sticking out of the bowl and decided not to comment on the food. “I think I ran into the hottest man on the planet today. Maybe the hottest man in the history of the world.” “Oh? I thought that was me. Do tell me more.” Hae stayed on the other side of the counter, preferring to stand and eat. I watched him take a couple bites of his own concoction before I felt brave enough to try it myself. “Not much to tell, really. I ended up sprawled on my ass in the lobby of the Seunghyun’s Company and he gave me a hand up.” “Tall or short? Blond or dark? Built or lean? Eye color?” I washed down my second bite with some wine. “Tall. Dark. Lean and built. Brown eyes. Filthy rich, judging by his clothes and accessories. And he was insanely sexy. You know how it is—some hot guys don’t make your hormones go crazy, while some unattractive guys have massive sex appeal. This guy had it all.” My belly fluttered as it had when Dark and Dangerous touched me. In my mind, I remembered his breathtaking face with crystal clarity. It should be illegal for a man to be that mind-blowing. I was still recovering from the frying of my brain cells. Hae set his elbow on the counter and leaned in, his long bangs covering one vibrant green eye. “So what happened after he helped you up?” I shrugged. “Nothing.” “Nothing?” “I left.” “What? You didn’t flirt with him?” I took another bite. Really, the meal wasn’t bad. Or else I was just starving. “He wasn’t the kind of guy you flirt with, Hae.” “There is no such thing as a guy you can’t flirt with. Even the happily married ones enjoy a little harmless flirtation now and then.” “There was nothing harmless about this guy,” I said dryly. “Ah, one of those.” Hae nodded sagely. “Bad boys can be fun, if you don’t get too close.” Of course he would know; men and women of all ages fell at his feet. Still, he somehow managed to pick the wrong partner every time. He’d dated stalkers, and cheaters, and lovers who threatened to kill themselves over him, and lovers with significant others they didn’t tell him about…Name it, he’d been through it. “I can’t see this guy ever being fun,” I said. “He was way too intense. Still, I bet he’d be awesome in the sack with all that intensity.” “Now you’re talking. Forget the real guy. Just use his face in your fantasies and make him perfect there.” Preferring to get the guy out of my head altogether, I changed the subject. “You have any go-sees tomorrow?” “Of course.” Hae launched into the details of his schedule, mentioning a jeans advertisement, selftanner, underwear, and cologne. I shoved everything else out of my mind and focused on him and his growing success. The demand for Jung Hae was increasing by the day, and he was building a reputation with photographers and accounts for being both professional and prompt. I was thrilled for him and so proud. He’d come a long way and been through so much. It wasn’t until after dinner that I noticed the two large gift boxes propped against the side of the sectional sofa. “What are those?” “Those,” Hae said, joining me in the living room, “are the ultimate.” I knew immediately they were from Johns and my mom. Money was something my mother needed to be happy and I was glad Johns, husband #3, was not only able to fill that need for her but all her many others as well. I often wished that could be the end of it, but my mom had a difficult time accepting that I didn’t view money the same way she did. “What now?” He threw his arm around my shoulders, easy enough for him to do because he was taller by five inches. “Don’t be ungrateful. He loves your mom. He loves spoiling your mom, and your mom loves spoiling you. As much as you don’t like it, he doesn’t do it for you. He does it for her.” Sighing, I conceded his point. “What are they?” “Glam threads for the advocacy center’s fundraiser dinner on Saturday. A bombshell dress for you and a Brioni tux for me, because buying gifts for me is what he does for you. You’re more tolerant if you have me around to listen to you bitch.” “Damn straight. Thank God he knows that.” “Of course he knows. Johns wouldn’t be a bazillionaire if he didn’t know everything.” Hae caught my hand and tugged me over. “Come on. Take a look.”
~ I pushed through the revolving door of the Seunghyun’s Company into the lobby ten minutes before nine the next morning. Wanting to make the best impression on my first day, I’d gone with a simple sheath dress paired with black pumps that I slid on in replacement of my walking shoes on the elevator ride up. My blond hair was twisted up in an artful chignon that resembled a figure eight, courtesy of Hae. I was hair-inept, but he could create styles that were glamorous masterpieces. I wore the small pearl studs my dad had given me as a graduation gift and the Rolex from Johns and my mother. I had begun to think I’d put too much care into my appearance, but as I stepped into the lobby I remembered being sprawled across the floor in my workout clothes and I was grateful I didn’t look anything like that graceless girl. The two security guards didn’t seem to put two and two together when I flashed them my ID card on the way to the turnstiles. Twenty floors later, I was exiting into the vestibule of Waters Field & Leaman. Before me was a wall of bulletproof glass that framed the double-door entrance to the reception area. The receptionist at the crescentshaped desk saw the badge I held up to the glass. She hit the button that unlocked the doors as I put my ID away. “Hi, Megumi,” I greeted her when I stepped inside, admiring her cranberry-colored blouse. She was mixed race, a little bit Asian for sure, and very pretty. Her hair was dark and thick, and cut into a sleek bob that was shorter in the back and razor sharp in the front. Her sloe eyes were brown and warm, and her lips were full and naturally pink. “Eva, hi. Mark’s not in yet, but you know where you’re going, right?” “Absolutely.” With a wave, I took the hallway to the left of the reception desk all the way to the end, where I made another left turn and ended up in a formerly open space now partitioned into cubicles. One was mine and I went straight to it. I dropped my purse and the bag holding my walking flats into the bottom drawer of my utilitarian metal desk; then booted up my computer. I’d brought a couple of things to personalize my space and I pulled them out. One was a framed collage of three photos— me and HAE on Coronado beach, my mom and Johns on his yacht in the French Riviera, and my dad on duty in his City of Oceanside, California, police cruiser. The other item was a colorful arrangement of glass flowers that Cary had given me just that morning as a “first day” gift. I tucked it beside the small grouping of photos, and sat back to take in the effect. “Good morning, Y/N.” I pushed to my feet to face my boss. “Good morning, Mr. Kim.” “Call me Mark, please. Come on over to my office.” I followed him across the strip of hallway, once again thinking that my new boss was very easy to look at with his gleaming dark skin, trim goatee, and laughing brown eyes. Mark had a square jaw and a charmingly crooked smile. He was trim and fit, and he carried himself with a confident poise that inspired trust and respect. He gestured at one of the two seats in front of his glass and chrome desk, and waited until I sat to settle into his Aeron chair. Against the backdrop of sky and skyscrapers, Mark looked accomplished and powerful. He was, in fact, just a junior account manager and his office was a closet compared to the ones occupied by the directors and executives, but no one could fault the view. He leaned back and smiled. “Did you get settled into your new apartment?” I was surprised he remembered, but I appreciated it, too. I’d met him during my second interview and liked him right away. “For the most part,” I answered. “Still a few stray boxes here and there.” “You moved from California, right? Nice , but very different from New York. Do you miss the palm trees?” “I miss the dry air. The humidity here is taking some getting used to.” “Wait ’til summer hits.” He smiled. “So…it’s your first day and you’re my first assistant, so we’ll have to figure this out as we go. I’m not used to delegating, but I’m sure I’ll pick it up quick.” I was instantly at ease. “I’m eager to be delegated to.” “Having you around is a big step up for me, Y/N. I’d like you to be happy working here. Do you drink coffee?” “Coffee is one of my major food groups.” “Ah, an assistant after my own heart.” His smile widened. “I’m not going to ask you to fetch coffee for me, but I wouldn’t mind if you helped me figure out how to use the new one-cup coffee brewers they just put in the break rooms.” I grinned. “No problem.” “How sad is it that I don’t have anything else for you?” He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. “Why don’t I show you the accounts I’m working on and we’ll go from there?” The rest of the day passed in a blur. Mark touched bases with two clients and had a long meeting with the creative team working on concept ideas for a trade school. It was a fascinating process seeing firsthand how the various departments picked up the baton from each other to carry a campaign from proposition to fruition. I might’ve stayed late just to get a better feel of the layout of the offices, but my phone rang at ten minutes to five. “Mark Kim’s office. Y/N Y/L/N speaking.” “Get your ass home so we can go out for the drink you rain-checked on yesterday.” Hae’s mock sternness made me smile. “All right, all right. I’m coming.” Shutting down my computer, I cleared out. When I reached the bank of elevators, I pulled out my cell to text a quick “on my way” note to Hae. A ding alerted me to which car was stopping on my floor and I moved over to stand in front of it, briefly returning my attention to hitting the send button. When the doors opened, I took a step forward. I glanced up to watch where I was going and blue eyes met mine. My breath caught. The beautiful asian sex god was the lone occupant.
a/n Men i know there wasnt a lot of lee seunghyun aka seungri in this chapter but in next one he is going to be there so i will try to upload once daily 50 shades and Bared to him so yeah i hope you enjoyed
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Japril Appreciation Week: Day 6 ⇒ Favorite scene that you can watch over and over again 
Jackson wonders if they were fated to end up like this. If there was something that may have indicated to him, when he first met April in Mercy West, that she would one day end up giving him her virginity, and he would love every single second of it.
April had blown his mind last night. Sure, her inexperience meant that she was careful, cautious with her movements, a little unsure sometimes, he'd never been more into the sex in his whole life. He wanted to be there, he wanted to be present for every single second, and it had been mind blowing how different the sex had felt with her. It had felt... more. That's the only way he could think to describe it.
And then she'd let him sleep next to her, cuddled into his chest, and held him close, and even though he'd always disliked sharing a bed with someone, preferring his own personal space, he'd held on to her just as tight.
He's already dressed, since he was up early. He puts the other shoe on and ties it up, pulling his trouser over it.
He smiles at her sleeping figure, watching the rise and fall on her chest. Her body was covered by the fabric of a thin sheet, but her jostling had pulled it down, to expose a creamy breast. She was a beauty.
He watched her as she moved sleepily moved her hands above her head, and stretched her body. She let them fall on the bed, but the movement had made her breasts stick out towards him, almost invitingly. He didn't want to do anything she may not be comfortable with, because after all, she'd just lost her virginity to him only last night.
But there was this almost magnetic pull towards her, and he'd found out last night, that virgin maybe, but April was by no means shy when it came to sex.
He brought a finger up to her shoulder, tracing the skin towards her collarbone, and feeling goosebumps erupt on her to his touch. It was so sexy that she reacted to him even in her sleep.
He leaned down, shooting a glance up to her face to catch her expression, before he took a bud in his mouth, circling it around with his tongue. He saw her face change, her lips fall open as she sighed so softly. He pulled on it slightly with his teeth, and a small smile began to graze her face.
He smirked against her, as he slipped his hand underneath the sheet and found her other breast, taking a handful and squeezing it, earning a gasp.
He let her go with a pop of his mouth, as he continued dropping kisses down her body, watching her thighs part involuntarily.
He dropped a kiss to her skin, just above her already wet mound, and watched her eyes flutter open in surprise.
"Jackson." She moans, dropping a hand down to grab his curls, and he wonders for a slight second if she plans to ask him to stop, but instead she presses his face against her heat.
"Please?" She asks, and it's the absolutely wanton desire he sees in her mixed with the most innocent sounding request, that makes him dip his head, and eat her out like a starved man, only pulling away when she's bone dry.  
"That-that was... woah." She chuckles, breathlessly.
"Yeah?" He asks her, before tangling a hand in her hair, kissing her feverishly.
She pulls him closer to her by his tie, responding to his lips.
"Who needs an alarm, right?" He grins, while shooting a glance downwards.
"Uh huh." She nods, still in a daze, a wide grin on her face but he can tell she's still coming down from her high.
"Go get dressed." He tells her, dropping a kiss to her chin, before moving away from her.
She giggles and turns around on the bed, pulling the sheet up to her chest, "We had sex last night."
He turns back to her, as he pulls on his jacket, smiling tenderly, "Yeah, we did."
She nods again, still wearing that Cheshire Cat smile.
"I wanna do it again." She whispers, and her eyes go wide, almost as if she was surprising herself with the admission.
He was hoping she'd say that, "Not until I take you out."
"Yeah?" She asks, trying not to let her glee come through, but forgetting momentarily that he could read her like a book.
"Why are you ready so early?" She asks, her back against her headboard, and her legs stretched out in front of her.
"I need to get my lucky pencil, remember?"
"Oh yes," She chuckles, "You're so lame."
He gasps in fake hurt, "You take that back."
"Nope. Don't want to." She tells him defiantly.
He walks quickly up towards her, and before she can react, pulls her to the edge of the bed. He gets down on his knees, parting her legs in one swift movement.
"I think this might change your mind." He grins mischievously, before setting his mouth on hers to work her again. This time, however, he doesn't come up for air until she's begging him to.
"Is my pencil lame?" He asks, nuzzling her very sensitive nerves with his nose, as her hips thrust up at the sensation.
"Yes." She squeaks out, and he darts his tongue out, before she's pushing at his face, "I'm joking. I can't anymore."
He comes up to face her, and she looks at him, exhausted, "Say it."
"Your pencil isn't lame." She says, and goes to roll her eyes, before he pecks her lips.
"I can't feel my legs." She says, "I can't feel them."
He quietly laughs at how genuinely worried she sounds, "You're welcome."
He quickly runs out of the room, dodging the pillow she throws towards him.
Jackson couldn't keep the grin off his face, as he walked down hallway, leading to his mother's room. April, was enchanting. He'd never been so enamored by a person before, but since last night, it felt as if he'd been aimlessly walking around a dark room, and someone had finally switched on the light. It was almost frightening how easy it had been for them to transition into lovers. Sexual chemistry wasn't something that could be faked. It had nothing to do with experience or skills, but more to do with finding someone who's body and presence felt as if it was made for you. He'd long thought that was a bunch of love sick bullshit, until he'd slept with a very virgin April who'd managed to know exactly what to do to get him undone.
He was thinking about how he couldn't wait to get back to her, when he knocked on the door of his mother's hotel room. He could hear the rustling of feet behind the door, and the lock clicking open, and he smiled at the welcoming figure of.... Richard Webber?!
He was confused, so very confused.
"Good morning, Dr.Webber?" He almost asked, tearing his gaze away from his Chief, basically his boss, dressed in a robe, "I, uh thought this was my mom's room. I must have heard her wrong, sorry-"
"Oh, uh, no no, just wait a minute." Richard says, looking just as uncomfortable as Jackson seemed to feel right now.
Jackson stayed put, wondering whether the senior doctor would by any chance have his mother's actual room number, and he was off to retrieve that, when his mother, dressed in a very similar robe, popped her head through the door.
"Morning, baby. Here's your pencil. Okay, now remember-"
Jackson couldn't exactly hear anything, she said next because utter shock on occasion led to momentary incapacity to do anything, but stand very straight, mouth wide open.
"Alright, honey, good luck." His mother, kissed him on the cheek, and closed the door.
Jackson found himself unable to move for a moment, recounting the fact that he had just seen his mother, and Richard Webber, in a room together, dressed in robes. Oh hell no. He was going to be sick. If he didn't get some air, or jump off a high building, he was going to lose his mind.
He found himself speed walking back towards April's room, wanting more than anything to have his best friend to tell him, that she'd noticed how sometimes, he saw things that weren't really there, a mirage of sorts. That's what it was, because no way in hell was Richard Webber banging his mom. Oh hell no.
"Richard Webber is banging my mom."
April, whom he had found in their bathroom, wearing a towel, was in the process of blow drying her hair. Well, right now, she was merely staring at him through the mirror, blow dryer shooting warm air into her stunned face.
He recounted the events of that morning, while April remained on her spot, completely flabbergasted. Why was this happening to him?
"I'm going to fail. I'm going to go the exam room, and then I'm going to be thinking about how Richard Webber banged my mom, and then stood around the room with her wearing matching robes." He yells, quite hysterical at this point, willing himself not to lose his shit, even though he very much wants to.
To top it all off, after the initial shock had worn off, April was laughing. A lot.
"Yes, please, laugh at my pain, April." He rolls his eyes at her, and pouts.
"Aw, I'm sorry," She says through giggles, even though she doesn't sound the least bit sorry at all, "What can I do to make it better, hm?"
She walks up to him, and places her arm around his waist, and he pulls her closer, his fingers toying with the opening of her towel.
"Well, I mean there's one way." He smirks at her, but she swats his hand away when he attempts to slip in between the folds.
"How are you in the mood after that?" She asks him, shaking her head at his constant enthusiasm. It wasn't his fault April could get him going even after a traumatic experience.
He shrugs, and she leans in to him, standing on her tip toes to kiss him, languidly. He deepens the kiss, and she pulls back, but keeps her hands on his face.
"Look, your mom is a gorgeous, smart, strong and brilliant woman, and men like Dr.Webber are going to be attracted to her, and she's going to be attracted to them, because she doesn't stop being a woman, just because she's your mother." April tells him, and he knows she's right. His mother was allowed to date, although she did it sparingly when he was growing up, most probably to avoid hurting his feelings. He was an adult now, so he really had no say.
"Okay, fine, you're right, but why did I have to find out like that?" He groans, dropping his head to her shoulder, reliving the mortifying situation, "Also, Richard Webber of all people. Not only is he my chief, but he's not exactly boyfriend of the year."
"Jackson!" She chastises him, and he kisses her shoulder, before she pulls him up to face her.
"Look, you don't chose who you're attracted to. Sometimes it just happens, and it takes you by surprise, and you can't really fight it." Her voice is a low hum, and she bites her lip towards the end, as she searches his eyes. Who was her to argue with that logic?
"Hm, you're right." He agrees with her, because he hadn't expected to be so in lust with his best friend, that he couldn't keep his hands to himself.
"Of course I am. I'm always right." She pushes her hair behind her shoulders, and smirks. He chuckles in agreement, as he slaps her butt, a little too hard, and she squeals in surprise.
While April was changing, he was seated on the bed, facing the wall, as per her orders, since she didn't want him to see her naked. It made no sense to him at all.
There's a knock on the room door and he raises a brow at April who was covering her chest with her arms, "Oh I ordered room service."
"Great." He smiles, as she disappears behind the wall for him to go and retrieve the food.  
He opens the door, however to his, now fully dressed, mom who looks at him with same kind of confusion he had felt when he'd first gone to her room. She looks at him, creases her brow, and then look down the hallway, and back again at him.
"I thought this was April's room." She asks him.
"Um, yeah it is. What are you doing here?" He asks, trying to stall the conversation until April is hopefully fully dressed.
"Well, I came here looking for you, and you weren't in your room so I thought I'd ask April if she'd seen where you were." Catherine explains, slyly peeking into the room.
He blocks her view by moving his body closer to the door, "Oh well, yeah, we thought we'd get some early revising done before the exam."
He lies, hoping he sounds effortless, because he's not ready for his mother to know what happened with him and April. She'll meddle, and make April uncomfortable, and he didn't need that for her before a big exam.
"Oh, okay." She says, sounding a little convinced, "Well, listen, about Richard-"
"Mom, we really don't need to talk about that." He says, shaking his head vehemently.
"Look, honey, I-"
"Jackson, have you seen my skirt anywhere?"
He doesn't exactly need to see April to know she's given them away. He sees his mother's eyes go wide, and sees her gasp in disbelief, before hearing a very loud scream from behind him.
He turns around, and sees April standing in a sexy as hell, beige lingerie set, as she covers herself with her arms and runs behind the wall.
"So I don't think there's a practical portion to this exam."
He turns back to face his mother, who is standing with her arms crossed in front of her chest, wearing a smirk.
"Mom, don't."
She waves him off, "April, honey, good luck for today."
"Er, thank you, Dr.Avery." April replies, stammering in embarrassment from behind the wall.
Jackson runs his hand over his face, knowing that once you get his mother started, there was no stopping her.
"Baby, how many times do I have to tell you to call me Catherine, hm?" Catherine says, and April mutters a quick sorry, "It's okay, I'm just so glad you finally took my advice. I hope he was good-"
"Oh no! No, no. Off you go. You've done enough damage, already." He tells her, pushing her away, because she, although unintentionally, would make sure April never speaks to him again for the rest of her life.
"Oh alright. I'm going. I'll be expecting you two to have dinner with me tonight, okay? You can fly back to Seattle on our plane the next day." Catherine says, as she shoots him a look that tells him that this is one thing she will to compromise on.
"Yeah, sure, okay. I'll talk to, April." He promises, and attempts to shut the door.
"Hey," Catherine says, holding his chin, pulling his face up to look at her, "I always rooted for this, so don't mess it up."
He smiles, and nods his head, "I won't."
She walks off them, waving at him, and he finally closes the door behind him, exhaling loudly.
He walks to the room, and sees April, still standing very still behind the wall.
"She's gone." He tells her, and almost laughs at how mortified she looks. She's blushing a deep red, and it's spread through her entire body.
"I want the earth to open up and swallow me whole, right now." She groans, falling face first on to the bed, "I am not leaving this room.... forever."
He chuckles, and pulls her up, finding her skirt wedged between the space of the bed and the bed table.
"Trust me, you're fine. She's thrilled about this." He tells her, as she pulls on her skirt.
"I was caught by a doctor and woman whom I admire so much, in my underwear after I've had sex with her son. Don't tell me I'm fine!" She huffs, as she secures the final button of her top, and runs her hands through her curls.
"Well, her son is very happy that you decided to have sex with him." He grins at her, and she rolls her eyes, finally letting herself laugh.
"This is so crazy." She tells him, adjusting his tie.
"Well, that's the Averys for you."
"Yeah, but they're alright." She teases, sticking her tongue out at him.
He shakes his head, softly laughing along, and kisses her lovingly, "Good luck."
She nods, chews on her bottom lip, and pulls her face towards him forcefully, her lips rough against his, and she momentarily, literally, takes his breath away, "Okay, I feel better. Good luck, Jackson."
He's a little awestruck and she blushes when she notices. He loved it when she took the lead with him. That was all the good luck he needed. Maybe it was time, for his pencil to retire.
“I passed!”
Well, that was one of them. Cristina grinned smugly at the rest of the group, trying to convince them that she wasn’t the least bit worried, even though he knew this was far from the truth. They were all aware that each of them were brilliant and intelligent enough to pass, but the exams had gone sour for all of them for many different reasons. Cristina’s examiner had preferred old school techniques over her newer, albeit slightly riskier ones, Meredith had had the awful stomach flu she’d contracted from Zola, Alex had flown back to Seattle in the middle of his exam, April had furiously yelled back at an examiner who’d told her that she couldn’t be a good doctor if she was of faith and he himself had been distracted by his mother being in the room next to him, probably trying to keep an eye on his exam. They all went through their ordeals, and had come out of it more certain that the boards just wasn’t going to go their way. Maybe Cristina would be the exception.
“I passed too!”
And Meredith, it seems. He watched on as the self-proclaimed twisted sisters, hugged each others, basically jumping around for joy. He was a little more nervous now with each pass. What was the statistics again? 1 out of 5 of them would fail. He looked beside him towards April who wiped sweat from her forehead, closing her eyes tight shut, possibly praying. The religion thing he’d found out when she had told him before the exam that she sent out a prayer for him as well. He’d mused to April, although his own knowledge of religion was very limited, if there wasn’t something against the whole pre-marital sex in the bible. She’d assured him that although she would’ve preferred to have been married, it didn’t matter all too much, because she was very happy that it was with him. Her best friend, and now, possibly more. He’d stupidly asked if she was now an outlaw, an enemy of the state of heaven, when she’d laughed and told him, that the religion she believed in was kind, forgiving and understanding, especially of those who were only, supposedly, ‘guilty’ of love.
“I passed! I fucking passed!”
Alex had been the wild card. Jackson’s eyes darted to April’s as they focused on his. This was it. The defining moment for the two of them. The two Mercy Westers, the outsiders. They had more to prove than the other three.  Their phones chimed at the same time, and he quickly opened his app, and pressed on the first email in his account.
Pass. He had passed.
“I passed! I passed! Oh thank you, God!” April squealed happily, before looking at him hopefully, awaiting.
The doctors all broke into a cheer, happy that their whole unit, who had spent weeks studying together, and as a result bonding with one another, had finally made it through that one final stretch. However, all he could feel was April, who had decided to jump onto him, her legs around his waist, and her arms around his neck, kissing him senseless. What a way to celebrate, he thinks, as he holds her to him, letting her consume him.
He stops when he hears a throat clearing behind him, and April pulls back from him, looking fully flushed, possibly from their small make out session, but more or so from the fact that they had forgotten their friends were standing right there, in front of them, completely unaware of what had transpired between them the night before.
“Please, tell me everyone saw what I saw, because this is the best thing that happened the whole day.” Cristina says,  looking slightly too stunned to understand what she’d just witnessed.
“You mean how Avery and Kepner tried to make a baby in front of us?” Alex asks, looking at them in equal parts disgust and amused.
"When did this happen?” Meredith asks, pointing to the two of them, a little surprised, but the smile in her voice was obvious.
“Um, last night.” And this morning, twice, he wants to say, but refrains himself.
“Do I need to punch him?” Meredith asks, and he narrows his eyes at her. Of course, she’d assumed he’d made the moves on April.
“No, no, you don’t. It was my idea actually,” April chuckles, holding on to his hand, “I kinda jumped him.”
“Damn, Kepner.” Alex laughs, and nudges her shoulder.
“I am proud. Shocked, but proud.” Cristina says.
“Yeah, I’m surprised too, but I’m happy for you two.” She smiles at them, and April grins up at him. He’s happy for them, too.
“I mean, I’m surprised one of you finally grew the balls to make a move, but I’m not surprised it happened,” Alex shrugs at the other doctors, who look confused, “I felt like a constant third wheel when I lived with them. They act like a married couple. It was the worst.”
“Shut up, Alex.” Jackson says, rolling his eyes.
Their bus pulled up as the doctors started to pile on, the conversation shifting from them back to the boards.
“You guys coming?” Alex asks, pulling his bag up the steps.
“No, we have to do dinner with my mom. We’ll fly in tomorrow for the dinner.”
“Meeting the parents. Good luck.” Meredith says to April, offering a hug, as she goes to take her seat.
“Wait, does this mean you’re no longer a virgin? I’m going to have to come up with a new name,” Cristina pretends to think for a while, “How about cherry pop?”
“Goodbye, Cristina.” April calls out, as she pulls him away from the bus, waving to her friends.
“We’ll work on it.” Cristina shouts back, as the door closes.
He looks down at April, and pulls her nearer to his side, bending down to kiss her hair.
“Congratulations.” He mumbles, and she looks up at him, grinning widely.
“I’m so proud of us.” She says.
He leans into kiss her when his mother’s voice interrupts them, “Babies! I’m so proud of you! You’re both so smart. I’m just happy that my grandchildren will be cute andintelligent.”
“Mom!” He yells at her, choking on air, at her mention of grandchildren. What was wrong with her?
“Oh shush, are you ready to go for dinner?” She asks the two of them, and he looks at April. He’s a little surprised at how much desire and lust her sees in her face, and he knows right then, that there’s really only one thing they both want to do.
“Um, mom-”
“Oh, stop, I have eyes. Go off, you two. Just meet me tomorrow for breakfast.” Catherine says, playfully tsking at them.
April stammers, definitely not wanting to cancel any plans with his mother, but he wasn’t about to ruin this opportunity. He was already dragging her hallway through the lobby by the time his mother finishes her sentence.
She suddenly pulls at him, and he wonders why she’s stopping.
“In here.” She says, as she opens the door, and goes in, implying he follow. He quickly takes a look at the sign and does a double take when he notices that it’s the men’s bathroom.
“I can’t wait until we get to the room.” April tells him, seated on the counter of an empty bathroom.
“Really?” He’s pleasantly shocked, but not really. He’s almost giddy.
“Lock the door.”
He didn’t need to be told twice.
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spaceorphan18 · 7 years
The CrossRhodes Saga 2/?
40s Noir Klaine AU
Rating: Eventual M or E Warnings: None at the moment Word Count: 1907 Summary: FBI Agents Kurt and Brittany go undercover as a married couple to investigate the CrossRhodes Lounge - a jazz club with some mysterious things going on.  
Yup, It’s a total 40s Noir AU with undercover identities, black widow sham marriages, and Cooper fucking Anderson.
A/N: Thanks to @snarkyhag for betaing! :)  Yes, I know where this is going - but please note the ‘saga’ in the title.  Also - I don’t claim to be historically accurate.  
AO3 Link
[ Chapter 1 ]
Chapter 2
Sue acquired a place for them not too far from the lounge.   The apartment, which was modest in size for a New York living space, would double as a place for operations and as a place for them to stay while undercover.  Brittany spent the first hour they were there finding all the secret hiding places; false bottoms in the drawers, extra space behind the closet wall, a safe behind a landscape oil painting, and two hollowed places in the floor.  There was even a tiny secret room behind the bookcase in the living room that connected the living room to the bedroom.  A desk had been squished into the tiny space ‘for your convenience’ Sue had said.  
Although Sue hadn’t mentioned it, Kurt thought there was a pretty good chance that the whole place was probably bugged, too.  There was something about the apartment that felt as though someone was always watching you.  And knowing Sue, someone probably was.
He and Brittany would assume false identities, Mr. and Mrs. Richard and Betty Tubbington.  Something told Kurt that Brittany had helped Sue pick out the names.  They were a well-off couple, Richard Tubbington having a lavish women’s clothing line.
“Why just women’s clothing?” Kurt had asked.  
“Because something about you just screams blouse,” Sue had replied.
Kurt had blinked slowly then turned around and walked right out of her office.  He wasn’t sure why he bothered asking her these things.
Betty was a stay-at-home wife, who began looking for a hobby to get her out of the house every once in awhile. Richard would stand in as a manager, to make sure there was no funny business, and find her some interesting work.  Claiming that they were a friend of a friend of one of the regulars, Richard had heard about the opening  singer/dancer/waitress and called the lounge to set up an audition for her.
Kurt had been hoping to talk to Santana Lopez herself but instead he had a conversation with a woman named Quinn Fabray, who claimed to be the talent handler for the lounge.  Ms. Fabray sounded indifferent at best about the inquiry but didn’t question their interest.  They were able to secure the audition the next day.
The night of the audition was their first night in the apartment.  Kurt and Brittany spent the afternoon going over their plant to make sure they were on the same page going forward.   Brittany, despite her eccentricities, listened to his plan carefully.  Tonight would just be about scoping out the place, getting the feel for it and its people, and making sure Brittany acquired the position.
Getting ready for the evening, Kurt scoped out the closet and found that it was full of clothes for each of them.  Kurt picked out a navy suit, the only thing in the closet that looked freshly purchased, and not like Sue had found it at a flea market.  The jacket was a little too big, the pants slightly too small, and Kurt wished he had time to see his tailor because a few adjustments would make the whole ensemble work.  But this wasn’t for him, was it.  It was a part he had to play.  He vaguely thought back to a time when he loved to play different roles, acting out his stories for his mother in the kitchen.  That felt like a long time ago now, even if there was still something appealing about being someone who isn’t you.
Kurt put on his shoes and checked the mirror again to make sure his hair was still styled nicely.  He had finished before Brittany, who was locked in the bathroom, so he gave himself a moment to examine the apartment.  
There was something surreal about the whole ordeal, the entire place was set up as if they actually had a life there. They hadn’t been allowed any of their personal belongings, Sue had made sure they had all their necessities ready and waiting for them.  Despite the fact that they could return to their own places at any point, it felt like they were having an extended vacation at a very strange hotel.  
It was modestly furnished, though Sue’s gaudy taste in furniture did not match his own; there were books on the bookshelves (plenty of mystery novels, Kurt noted, completely Sue’s sense of humor), and there was even food in the fridge.  There were very few personal items, however, with the exception of a few photos he and Brittany had posed for a few days before, which included a mock wedding photo that sat on the nightstand.
Kurt took a moment to look at the wedding photo - two happy smiling people supposedly on the best day of their life.  It was amazing what good lighting and a nice angle will get you.  Even he bought that they were in love with each other.  But the photo wasn’t any more real than anything else in that apartment.  
Marriage was a goal he knew he would never achieve, and he had long ago made with his peace with that.  But still, it’d be nice to have someone to come home to, someone who could hold him at night, and kiss him good morning.  Someone he could grow old with.  Someone who would like him for just being him…
“Kurt - I need your help!” Brittany called from the bathroom.  
She was mostly ready, wearing a red dress that had a black and white polka dotted underlining, and black heels.  Her hair was done, barrette in the back, curls over her shoulders. Her make-up was flawless - dark red lipstick suited her well.  She was absolutely stunning.  It bemused him sometimes how often he was in the company of such wonderful women, and never found a single one of them attractive beyond objectively.  
“What can I do for you, Brit?”
“Can you put this necklace on me?”
Kurt gently swept the hair off her neck, and clasped the necklace in place.  He then looked up and saw their reflection in the mirror.  They made a lovely couple, in the right costumes, under the right light.  The reflection looking back painted a nice picture, a loving husband and wife, but their images were just as mocking as the wedding photo.  It was only a facade.  It would always only be a facade.  
“Why are you being so mopey?” Brittany asked, giving him a frown.
“I not being mopey.”
“You’re totally being mopey.” She turned around and pointed a finger at him.  “If you’re going to be my husband you can’t be mopey like this.  Especially when you’re going to spend the evening with some as clearly amazing as I am.”
He couldn’t help but crack a smile.  “Alright, I’ll try not to be mopey.”
Her eyes lit up, and she gave him a gentle kiss on the cheek.  “This is going to be a lot of fun, Kurt Hummel.  Just you wait.”
By the time the arrived at the lounge, Kurt was in better spirits, and he and Brittany entered arm in arm.  The bouncer was a bald man name ‘Puck’ who had a bit of a bark to him.  Over the years Kurt had seen a lot of guys like these, and either he or Brittany could take him down with just a threat if need be.  The staircase was barely lit, and tight enough that he and Brittany had to descend in single file.  The stairs, however, were misleading.  The lounge itself was not what Kurt had expected.
The room was massive for New York City, sprawling about three sizes larger than the bars he was used to.  Christmas lights of gold, red, and orange lined the ceiling, creating a warm glow about the place.  There were sturdy wooden chairs and tables, each with a little candle in the middle, and to the right, along the wall, was a black, sleek, newly built bar.  The stage was to the left, and had a small walk way into the main part of the room, so the singers could participate with the audience at closer range if desired.  A small pit for the jazz band was located just off the side of the stage.  There was a far door on the opposite side of the room, most likely leading to bathrooms, backstage, and management offices.
Sue had said slinky, but he now doubted that she had stepped inside the place before giving them the assignment.  The place was, actually, quite welcoming and Kurt stopped at the bottom of the stairs for a moment to take it all in.  The place was only a quarter or so full - but it was early in the evening, surely the numbers would grow as the night went on. The band played a lively number, while an African-American woman sang and an Asian-American woman tap danced along.    Instead of loners sitting around drinking by themselves as he expected, most of the patrons were sitting in small groups, chatting happily as they sipped their colorful cocktails, a few of them dancing to the music in the aisles.  
“This place is magical,” Brittany said, just as the music wrapped up with an enthusiastic wail on the final note.  Kurt could only nod in agreement.  The place erupted into cheers as the women took their bow.  
Kurt and Brittany were slowly making their way to the bar across the room when the women made their way off stage.  The lounge grew quiet as the band began to play again, this time a slower number.  
The curtains parted and out strode a very gorgeous man up to the microphone.  He closed his eyes, and began to sing, slowly, carefully, the first few notes of the song.  Kurt became immediately transfixed, hanging onto every note.  Then, his eyes flew open, alive with delight as the song picked up tempo.  Kurt knew who he was - there was no doubt about it.  He had seen the file, maybe lingered on the photo a little too long while going through it, but photographs did not do him justice.  Blaine Anderson was breathtaking in person, and it took Kurt completely off guard.  
His voice was rich and inviting, his energy captivating, and sensuality just oozed from him.  He used the microphone as a partner, singing into it almost seductively.  He knew how to work the audience, how to use the music to his advantage to draw them in, make them watch, and try as he might, Kurt couldn’t look away.  He was frozen on the spot - just watching.  Blaine made a point to interact with the audience, reached out to them, winked at them, and for one brief second, made eye contact with Kurt and, damn, he even smirked.  
Kurt’s heart began to race.  This was a bad idea.  He couldn’t already be entwined with a subject’s fiance - he can’t.  But even worse, he couldn’t be this enamoured with a straight man.  This was a bad, bad idea.  
As the song wrapped up, Brittany grabbed his hand - anchoring him back to reality.  He looked to her, because he couldn’t look back up at the stage, and she gave him a kind smile.  For a moment, he wondered if she knew.  
The bar was tended by an Asian-American man with a friendly smile named Mike, according to his nametag.
“Ah, first timers?” he asked.  Kurt and Brittany exchanged looks and nodded.  “Well, welcome to CrossRhodes Lounge - first drink is on the house.  What can I get you?”
Behind Kurt, Blaine Anderson had gone into his second song, and it took every ounce he had not to turn around and look.  “Something sobering, actually,” Kurt said.  
Mike laughed. “And for the lady?”
“Oh, just some water,” Brittany said.  “I’m auditioning tonight - have to be my best!”
“Auditioning, huh?” Mike said.  “Oh! You must be here to fill in Sugar’s old spot.”
“Sugar?” Kurt asked.
“Yeah, she didn’t exactly leave in good graces.  But that’s about all I know.”  Mike took a step back and put his hands up as if he didn’t want to really talk about it.  Kurt made a mental note to look into that later.  “I’m guessing you wanna talk to Quinn.  She should be in the back, hold on.  Sam! Hey, Sam!” Mike called out to a blond man leaning against the wall watching the women who were performing earlier sing back up for Blaine.  “You’ll have to forgive him, he’s sweet on Mercedes up there.  Sam!” Mike gave Sam a whack on the arm to finally get his attention.
“Ouch, what?” Sam said, rubbing his arm.  
“We have a new hire prospect,” Mike said.  “Can you go grab Quinn?”
Sam lit up as he noticed Kurt and Brittany.  “Sure! It’d be nice to have a few new faces around here.”
Sam left towards the back.  
“So, is Santana Lopez here?” Kurt asked.  “I heard she owns the place.”
Mike gave a noncommittal shrug.  “I never know where she is.  Breezes in and out when she feels like it.  Why? Do you need me to pass a message along.”
“No, merely curious.”
Another minute passed and Sam returned with a woman Kurt supposed was Quinn Fabray.  Quinn’s blonde hair was tightly pulled up in a high bun, she wore a blouse and skirt, more appropriate of a secretary at an office than at a cocktail bar, and a scowl on her face.  
Kurt stepped forward to introduce himself.  “Hello, Ms. Fabray, my name is Richard Tubbington and this is my wife Betty.  I’m here representing her.  She’s quite the talented girl, and I’m sure she’ll be a good fit to your staff.”  Kurt attempted to throw in an overly fond smile but he wasn’t sure how well it played with Quinn, as she ignored him completely to talk with Brittany.
“Hi, I’m Betty,” Brittany said, maybe a little too overly sweet.
“Quinn.  What are your qualifications?”
“Oh,” Brittany tilted her head to think about it.  “I’m mostly self taught, but I know how to move so people like it.”  She unexpectedly wiggled her butt tauntingly close to Kurt, enough that it made him blush a little.  “See, even my husband likes it.”
Quinn gave her an odd look.  “Well, I’ll definitely audition you, but I’m afraid this job won’t pay much.”
“We won’t be asking for much,” Kurt said.  “We’re not in need of money.  Betty would just like to spread her wings a little, wouldn’t you, B?”
“Yes, I barely am able to get out of the house,” Brittany added.  “And I don’t think the world really appreciates just how unicorn I really am.”
Kurt pretended what Brittany said was completely normal.  “She really is fantastic.”
“Well, they’re almost done, so we’ll just get you up there to see how well you can sing,” Quinn said.  “Would you mind coming with me to the back? We’ll get you ready for the stage, and there’ll be a few more questions I’d like to ask.”
Quinn took Brittany’s arm to lead her to the back.  Kurt made a motion to leave with them, but Quinn stopped him dead in his tracks with a glare.  
“Do you really need to have that much control over your wife?” she asked.  Kurt noticed Quinn playing with the wedding ring on her left hand, an expensive gold band, large diamond, very new.  Huh.  
“I just assumed…”
“Well, she’s the one auditioning. Not you.”
“I’ll be fine,” Brittany gave him a kiss on the cheek.  “You worry too much about me.”
Kurt didn’t argue, and Brittany left with Quinn, leaving him alone at the bar.  
Mike came back in another minute with bright drink and the reassurance that if nothing else, it could lift his spirits.  He wasn’t so sure but took the drink anyway.  It had a sharp taste, bitter with a bit of a tang added to it.  He snacked on a few peanuts and took a few more sips, not sure if he liked it but he began to feel more relaxed and it was nice, for a moment, to feel unclenched.   His head began to feel a little fuzzy, not in a bad way though, and he smiled as the women on stage began another tap number.
“I really doubt the government could cover up something that big,” he heard Mike say to Sam behind the bar.
“It’s definitely aliens,” Sam said, slapping the back of his hand to the other to drive home his point.  “My cousin was down there, he knows.”
“Your cousin is also high ninety percent of the time,” Mike argued. “He also talks to cactuses on a regular basis.”
Kurt began to giggle, just a little.  He should tell Sue, she’d get such a big kick out of the conversation.  He then thought of work, and that he should start making a list of things to go on his report when he returned home, but his brain wouldn’t quite connect the thoughts.  
He was trying hard to concentrate when someone brushed, no cupped, his elbow.  Startled, Kurt looked up to see Blaine Anderson take the stool next to him.  
“Hi,” Blaine said.  At first Kurt thought maybe Blaine was talking to someone else, but other than a lone, elderly man at the far end of the bar, and a couple of young girls giggling with their heads together at the other end, no one else was there.  No, Blaine Anderson was definitely speaking to him; Blaine Anderson with his warm, honey-colored eyes and his charming smile.  “My name’s Blaine.”
“Kurt,” Shit.  “I mean Richard K. Tubbington.  I go by my middle name, Kurt.”
“Well, hello Richard K. Tubbington-I-actually-go-by-Kurt,” Blaine said.
There was something enchanting about the way he talked.  What was going on? Was there something in that drink?  Blaine rested his hand on the bar - his hand close to Kurt’s, close enough to reach out and touch.  Kurt’s hands became sweaty at the thought - when was the last time that had happened?  
“Santana said you’d be waiting for me during my set.”
“She did?”
“Yeah, but she didn’t say you were so, um, well,” Blaine turned away for a moment, almost nervously.  “It’s very nice to meet you.”
“It’s, um, nice to, uh, meet you, too,” he said, a little dumbly.  Words were becoming hard.  Blaine up close was almost too much to handle.  He noticed that Blaine’s hair began to curl at the ends where the gel was loosening.  Focus, Kurt, focus.   “I haven’t, um, met Ms. Lopez, only Ms. Fabray.”
“Oh?” Blaine looked confused.  “I guess it doesn’t matter.”
Blaine reached barely an inch further and brushed Kurt’s fingertips with his own.  Kurt was stunned, frozen in place, to dumbstruck to talk as Blaine ever-so-lightly caressed his fingers.  Was he flirting? Oh god - what was going on? Sue? There’s no way Sue did this, did she?  He didn’t really care, not when Blaine was back to looking at him with large, adoring eyes.  He was pretty sure that no man had ever looked at him like that before.  
There was a sharp, high pitch note coming from the jazz band that jolted Kurt back to reality.  Managing to break away from Blaine’s gaze, he glanced up at the stage, where Brittany was taking her place.  She waved at him as her number started up.
“Oh, it’s Br-Betty.  Betty’s starting now.” His head was still so hazy.
“My, um, wife.  Betty, she’s on stage right now.”
Blaine retracted his hand immediately and whipped his head around to look.  “What? Santana didn’t mention...I mean, god, married? I… I…”
“Bla-aine!” The woman calling his name could only be Santana Lopez.  Kurt recognized her immediately from the file - only, as enthusiastic as she was about seeing Blaine, she seemed much more intimidating in person.   She was followed by another man, who looked like he wasn’t sure whether or not he wanted to be there.  “Blaine, I’m sorry we’re late.” She pushed between Kurt and Blaine, not really even noticing Kurt was there at first, and threw her arms around Blaine’s neck.  “And I brought someone to...” she threw a quick look around to Kurt and eyed him suspiciously.   “To wrap up those business negotiations.  His name is Jeremiah.  He runs the tux shop down the road, you guys, I’m sure, will have lively conversations about bowties in no time.  Feel free to use my office.”  
Blaine’s eyes grew wide, and he looked apologetically over at Kurt.  There had been a mix-up.  Of course this was some kind of mix-up.  Kurt deflated as that realization became clear.  He didn’t understand what all this business stuff was about, but Kurt had not been Blaine’s intended target.  That was for sure.  Still - was flirting standard practice with all possible business prospects? Something was fishy about the whole thing.  Kurt had a job to do, even if the job suddenly felt so much harder than it did a week ago.
As soon as Blaine left for the backroom with Jeremiah, Santana spun on her heel, and eyed him hard. “Hi, Santana Lopez.  We haven’t met.  What are you doing in my lounge talking with my fiance?” Her unexpected preditorialism caught him off guard, but only for a second.  Her fierceness rekindled his sense of purpose.  And he didn’t appreciate the condescension.  
“You haven’t seen me because I’ve never been here.  I’m Richard K. Tubbington.  And we were talking.”  Which is probably the only legal thing going on in this place, he wanted to add, but wisely did not.
Santana crossed her arms across her chest in disgust.  “Just what I need, another dick in my life.”  
“He’s also manager and husband of Betty Tubbington,” Quinn had come up behind Santana.  Her face was controlled, but underneath she was seething.  “Betty is auditioning tonight to take Sugar’s place - which you would know about if you ever showed up for work.”
“I’m trying to keep this business floating, which means sometimes I have to go outside and get help,” Santana said.  The animosity between the two women was tense.  “No one gave you permission to hire anyone.”
“Whatever help you’re trying to get is not working,” Quinn shot back.  “They inquired, they’re here, and they’re cheap.  You don’t really want another Sugar on your hands, do you?”
“You still need to talk to me.”
“Fine - you tell her to stop singing.”
Quinn held her hand out towards Brittany, was on her second song, and in the audience, leaning on one of the tables, flirting with a flustered Sam by pulling his tie.  Santana saw Brittany and became speechless.  She looked at Kurt, confused, then back to Brittany, who was doing a shoulder shimmie, then back to Kurt.  
“You are married to her?” Santana asked as if she couldn’t quite believe it.
“As in you’ve actually had sex?”
“Santana!” Quinn snapped.  
Brittany spotted Kurt, pointed a finger at him, then crooked it towards her.  She danced her way to the bar, perfectly in time with the music, then gave a hip bump to Santana, who let out a little yelp, played with Quinn’s bun, then booped Kurt’s nose before heading back towards the stage.  Santana blinked slowly, not sure what just happened.  A twitch of a smile formed on Quinn’s lips.  
“I think we should hire her,” Quinn said, hands on her hips.  “God knows this place could use a little tension relief.”
Santana watched Brittany for a moment more, thinking hard.  “Alright fine,” she gave in.  “C’mon, Mr. Tubbington, let’s negotiate.”
They were in! Kurt felt a wave of relief wash over him, even if getting in was always the easy part.  
Santana motioned for him to follow her, and they made their way to what he suspected would be the office area.  Blaine and his ‘business associate’ were on the way out, Blaine laughing easily at something Jeremiah had just said.  The moment he saw Santana and Kurt, his face fell, and he quickly looked away, deliberately trying not to make eye contact with Kurt.  Kurt’s heart dropped.  Santana patted Blaine on the cheek as they passed, not noticing anything was wrong.  Kurt noticed, though.  And he hated that.  
He was not going to let Blaine get to him, he promised himself.  This assignment would remain completely professional.  It had to.  He followed Santana down the hallway, and tried hard to get Blaine’s enticing, hazel eyes out of his head.  
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