#any french enjoyer here šŸ‘€?
zephanax Ā· 10 months
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She's so cute šŸ„ŗšŸ’•
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The artboook !!!! Omygosh it looks so good fizhieheiz I want it too so so much (ā ē¬ā Āŗā ā€æā Āŗā ē¬ā )ā ā™”
The art is so good dlzbdkd šŸ„° I love the illustration of Vice and Carleen on the cover/ back cover fjzkdb
Ik it's only in japanese šŸ˜­ I wonder if one day we will get an english one
Found them here the first time :
But I heard the artbook is only on pre-order for now and we can have it on some online shop writing in this site :
And ommgg, because of this post on Reddit :
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Apparently they are really popular in Japan contrary to en Europe (at least in France, because I'm like, almost the only one who talk about it and recommend it to my Friends. (In my circle ofc lol)
It would be the dreams to go there and see all of this ! :0
btw, u can see watch the inside of the artbook thanks to this guy @artbookie
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this-is-krikkit Ā· 4 days
A challenge was set, and I picked some of the unasked questions!! Lmaoo
23, 40 (but change it to any colour you wouldn't pick cause we're rebels here), 45, 53, 57, 61, 64 (curious to see what you pick), 73 (cause language nerd), and 77!
FFS NUBE THAT WAS NOT A CHALLENGE šŸ˜‚ you're the worst i hate you thank you for the laugh ā™„ļø
ask me some of the VERY FEW questions Terra and Nube have left unasked lmao
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23. what's popular with the people around you that you can't seem to get behind?
having children lmao?? no but fr, i have like 4 pregnant friends right now, who are either my age or a single year younger/older than me. i mean they're all happy about it and i'm glad for all of them, but it is kind of freaking me out that it's happening all at once.
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40. if you could dye your hair any color, what wouldn't you pick?
i think i've said before that i wouldn't try natural redhead, because i feel that would look terrible with my skin tone... but honestly? i might try it this summer, so what the fuck do i know?
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45. do you believe in fate?
i don't believe in it in the sense that our lives and destinies have been written in advance, i think our free will is what makes our lives into what they become. however, i'm aware that privileges of race, country/region of birth, sex, and health do determinate, because of the shitty world we live in, a good chunk of your "fate" in terms of the options you'll have access to.
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53. favorite emoji?
ooooh tough one. according to my phone my most used one is šŸ‘€ so ig this one? (i blame you, btw šŸ‘€šŸ‘€šŸ‘€)
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57. favorite movie?
i don't really have one! i'm not a big movie consumer
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61. do you believe in/follow any superstitions?
not really, except for one specific habit i have at work after difficult cases that's more for my own peace of mind than anything
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64. what's the best thing you can cook?
according to an outside opinion bc i couldn't think of anything, it's honeyed mustard chicken!
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73. what would you consider the most enjoyable accent to listen to?
i think i like all accents in english, they make me less self conscious about my own šŸ˜… i love yours, specifically, because as we've discussed before it's like you sing the words more than speak them, and it's absolutely lovely to hear šŸ„°
in french, i love a specific type of southern accent that was my grandma's, as well as the quƩbec accent/dialect. i used to not like/not understand that one before i went to live there for 3 months, now it sounds "homey" to me (there's only one thing keeping me from moving there for good at this point lmao)
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77. what's your plan for the apocalypse? (don't pretend you haven't thought about it a little bit.)
... is this a test?? obviously my apocalypse plan is to run to that secret mountain where you and i and our signifcant others will hide out, far away from the rest of the world, DUH!
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dividers source
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ladyofthenoodle Ā· 2 years
Hello! I have been here in this fandom for a month (Just a lurker though) so sorry if this is an old discourse wihejsbs-
But so I was wondering...am I missing out on any important key characterisation if I prefer the English dub?
Since I am just bingeing the show, I watched most of the episodes in the English dub but then when I participated in the fandom, I saw people saying that the French dub was more enjoyable. So I even tried watching it with subs but I didn't understand anything but...eh I didn't quite like it as much.
But then I also have seen people saying that the English dub messed up with Adrien's characterisation and made him a bit different from who he is supposed to be? Like apparently he sounds pretentious and less enjoyable or something in the English dub??
To be frank even though he sounds cocky at times, I don't really see it but I could be wrong too...so I wanted to know your opinions on this šŸ‘‰šŸ‘ˆ
Like in general I've seen people say that the French dub is THE best one because it is the canon one but I don't really prefer or enjoy the show more in it but it seems like I am the only one sjsbzhvx
so the thing about the french dub is that, in america anyway, the official subtitles youā€™re getting are just the english dialogue anyway, not a translation of the french dialogue. so even if you accept that the french dub is the most canon, you arenā€™t really getting the full french dub experience anyway unless you speak french or can find a fansub with the actual translation. so unless you really just like how the french sounds, it doesnā€™t really matterā€”you should watch what is more enjoyable for you.
that said, yeah, adrienā€™s english VA does sound much cockier than his french VA, regardless of the script, but tbh itā€™s not so extreme that youā€™re getting a different character? like most people i like benjaminā€™s adrien better but bryce is fine. i always interpret most of his cockiness as false bravado anyways so to me, english dub adrien is just laying it on thicker šŸ˜‚ and i havenā€™t really noticed this issue with any other character. thereā€™s lots of debate over which plagg is better but i donā€™t think anyone has said it changes his characterization the way it does with adrien.
personally, due to the aforementioned subbing reasons, i usually just watch the english dub unless i can find a good fansubbed version (if anyone has any resources btw i am šŸ‘€). if iā€™m doing research for a fic or meta and really need exact dialogue iā€˜ll try to find a fansub, but otherwise itā€™s much easier to just turn on netflix and watch the english dub, especially since i like to multitask when i watch things.
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requiem626k Ā· 3 years
Anime/Game Soundtrack Appreciation (+ little BSD Dead Apple analysis)
Hello everyone! Iā€™m once again back with another music post to make up for my absence, but this time, itā€™s slightly different.
Itā€™s anime/game soundtrack appreciation time!
We always talk about how good the plot or the characters are, but I find that the beauty of the soundtracks are so little spoken of even though it holds a really great importance for our overall experience in said fictional world.
Thatā€™s why I wanted to dedicate this post to my all-time favourite pieces that I encountered in different animes and games.
If you havenā€™t heard of these animes/games, donā€™t you worry! There are two types of soundtracks for me: the ones that are beautiful and make sense only with context, and the ones that are mesmerising even without context. Iā€™d like to believe that the ones I chose are all in the second category. Their musical value is just so high for me that I always find myself lost in the music itself instead of thinking of the context of that game or anime; and the fact that they all include classical instruments just reinforces the satisfaction I receive from them as a classical music passionate. My commentaries will have zero relation to their sources and will only be about the music itself (except for the little analysis at the end, which is about our main fandom BSD anyways). I truly hope listening to them will be as enjoyable for you as it is to me.
Letā€™s go!
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šŸŽ» Psycho-Pass - Makishima Shougo
Since the very first time I heard this soundtrack, itā€™s been nailed in my mind. The mischievous wickedness of that low human voice right in the beginning, the sinister aura of the church organ that starts taking part in the melody after 00.27 (I truly like the church organ touch here, because for some reason, my mind seems to assign very religious vibes to well-built villains such as Fyodor or Makishima that like to play God), the tranquillity of the middle section and the rearrival of the original melody with an even bigger force (01.36).
Iā€™m especially in love with the part starting at 01.56, in the background, you start hearing tick-tocks as if there was a clock, the clock of an about-to-go-off bomb maybe, or a clock thatā€™s merely symbolising the flow of the time- No matter how you interpret it, it keeps you on your toes and stings you with goosebumps.
But what always mainly has me is when the strings start overlapping with the same melody at 02.22. The beautiful build-up until the tension resolves into the last powerful chordā€¦ This soundtrack never fails to mesmerise me.
It has a slightly softer version too, which you can find here šŸ‘€. Instead of strings, this version concentrates on woodwinds (especially in the overlapping melody section at the end) and French horn, which gives the track a whole different but egally ominous aura, I love it.
šŸŽ» Kuroshitsuji - Si Deus Me Relinquit
This soundtrackā€™s lyrics are all in Latin, and I honestly adore it. Even though the video already has the lyrics and the translation, Iā€™ll still add it here because itā€™s just so beautiful to me.
Si deus me relinquit,
Ego deum relinquo.
Solus oppressus nigram clavem habere potest,
Omnias ianuas praecludo
Sic omnias precationes obsigno.
Qui me defendet?
Ab me terribilissimo ipse.
IfĀ GodĀ hasĀ forsakenĀ me,
ThenĀ IĀ shallĀ forsakeĀ God,Ā too.
OnlyĀ theĀ oppressedĀ mayĀ possessĀ aĀ blackĀ key,
IĀ closeĀ allĀ doors,
ThusĀ IĀ sealĀ awayĀ allĀ prayers.
WhoĀ protectsĀ me
FromĀ myselfĀ whoĀ isĀ the mostĀ terrible?
When the beautifully lonely aura of the beginning is merged with the bittersweetness of whatā€™s said in the lyrics, I always have the desire to smile and tear up at the same time. Imagine the bittersweetness and irony that lies in the action of secluding yourself from everything around you with the thought that ā€œGodā€ has forsaken you, yet still not being able to find any peace because you canā€™t run away from the most terrible one: yourself. The last three lines hit me so hard when I first read the translation, and the subtle transition into a totally sinister section at 01.34 started making much more sense and sending shivers down my spine. What happens when we truly are alone with the beast that lies within us? More importantly, under what circumstances it reveals itself to us? I wonder.
Anyways, letā€™s go on with the soundtrack: I love the orchestral middle section. The strings, woodwinds, they all mix so harmoniously and continuously steal the melody from each other. This game goes on until when the soft voice is once again at 04.20. But the part that truly tugs at my heart strings is when the track comes to a soft conclusion at 06.36, and slowly fades away into a big bubble of bittersweetness with the last, very gentle chord, as if itā€™s tenderly whispering:
ā€œDo not be afraid of what you call the ā€˜most terribleā€™. You are not a monster. You are not inhuman. You are merely a hurt soul, that never deserved any of this suffering.ā€
šŸŽ» Death Note - Low of Solipsism
Ahh, this one is such a classic <3. As a classical music lover, I canā€™t express enough how much I appreciate the range of instruments used here. The strings, the aggressive woodwinds, the horn, the chorus, everything just blends so beautifully to create such a dark masterpiece. As the first two ones, this one has an unhealthily religious side too, letā€™s look at the lyrics (sinisterly used Latin strikes once again!) :
Kira, Deus vici canti.
Kira, our God will win.
I probably have to talk about the anime to be able to explain what this means (even though Iā€™m sure many of you know this already haha.) So, this anime talks about a young adult who, one day, finds a Death Note and decides to ā€˜punishā€™ all the criminals by writing down their names and killing them through it. And he calls himself ā€œKira, the God of the New Worldā€. The movement that he started finds its voice all around the world, yet of course thereā€™s an extremely intelligent detective whoā€™s trying to find his identity etc., the rest is not too important now.
This soundtrack sweeps me off my feet every. single. time. Like oh my God. Can you look at how beautifully the introduction is written? The ongoing rhythm in the stringsā€™ section keeps me on my toes, and oh the very beautiful entrance of the woodwinds- I could honestly mistake it for a classical piece, Iā€™m not even kidding.
After that, I want to talk about 00.36 where the chorus comes in with ā€œKiraā€, if you listen carefully, youā€™ll hear in the background a French horn (I think, I hope Iā€™m not mistaken) which plays a very halting, even off-putting rhythm, ā€œsyncopationā€ as we call it in music theory, and the impact it does on that section is just mind-blowing to me. I find myself vibing with the French horn and going along with its limping rhythm every time I listen to this and I sway in euphoria, itā€™s just so intriguing and appealing to me for some reason.
Then things get silent and you hear the church bell (01.32), then something like a prayer out of a religious mass, and my favourite part: the sharp, tense dissonance that starts at 01.50. I always hold my breath and get on the verge of losing my mind while waiting for that tense chord to resolve into 01.56, itā€™s just- itā€™s just so perfectly written, I feel the anxiety it gives off in every single fibre of my being and I honestly donā€™t know what to say further about this masterpiece, every word falls short.
Looking at the first three faves of mine, Iā€™m noticing a pattern of sinisterly religious tracksšŸ˜¶ When this is combined with the literal meaning of my full name (Requiem: Religious Mass for the Dead), itā€™s just so funny to me because Iā€™m not a spiritual person at all haha. Anyways, enough of that personal talk.
šŸŽ» Ace Attorney: Spirit of Justice - A Cornered Heart
Oh my God I love this game so much.
Iā€™m in a very emotional state at the moment so Iā€™m so sorry if the commentary of this piece feels more subjective than the others, but- itā€™s been at least two years since I last listened to AAā€™s sountracks and I cried for a few minutes straight when I listened to this just now. I needed 15 minutes to calm my emotion center down, and another 30 to get out of the memory lane and stop wandering among the other tracks of the game, oh my God.
I wonā€™t be rambling about it or this post will become a long novel, but honestly, Ace Attorney is the love of my life. One of the two things that made me totally fall in love with this franchise is its beautiful soundtracks. It has many, many games and not even one of them disappoints in terms of musical quality, Iā€™ve never seen such a constant quality in another franchise, if Iā€™m being frank. And the 6th gameā€¦ kills it. In a totally good way. There are just so, so many tracks that I want to put from this franchise but I wonā€™t overwhelm this post with those haha. I doubt it but if youā€™re interested, you can come into my ask box and I can make a separate post for you including only-AA tracks.
Most of AAā€™s soundtracks are objectively so beautiful yet hit so different in a subjective way after hearing them in context, yet this oneā€¦ itā€™s a real masterpiece. Itā€™s one of the peak points in all AAā€™s OST history. I donā€™t know what they did to be able to put such refined but heavy emotions in this short track, yet they did and they did it very beautifully.
Even from the very beginning, that low piano A that strongly comes several times tugs at my heartstrings every time. The little piano theme in the background that comes at 00.23 and 00.28 always makes my heart melt. The build-up that starts at 00.43 and resolves into the literally most bittersweet conclusion at 00.48 (in more technical terms, the classic but powerful ā€œdominant-submediant (the one that usually has the listener so soft is this 6th degree)-subdominant-dominant-tonicā€ progression) makes me sob. Not figuratively, I literally started uncontrollably sobbing at that part just now. I can honestly envision this playing behind a very painful and bittersweet scene in BSD. Instant goosebumps, I canā€™t anymore.
Just listen to it. I have no other words to hopelessly mutter in attempt to explain how bittersweet this track is making me feel.
šŸŽ» Bungou Stray Dogs: Dead Apple - Dead Apple (or as I like calling itā€¦ Fyodorā€™s themešŸ¤­)
Of course, it wouldnā€™t be a complete post without including anything from our beloved BSD!
Iā€™m truly in love with this track, itā€™s been my favourite since the day I watched Dead Apple. I adore how it manages to blend classical music with modern, using strings/piano and electro guitars at the same time and making it sound so majestic and grandiose, and I wonā€™t even mention how good the actual melody is.
It starts off with such a lonely and bittersweet aura with only the strings and piano. Then oh! It picks up pace at 01.12, itā€™s literally the musical reflection of the emoji ā€œšŸ‘€ā€ as it increases the curiosity levels of the listener with its quick, steady rhythms. I especially adore the first note we hear from the electro guitar at 01.32, it foreshadows many things about the climax of the piece.
The heartbeat motif that starts at 01.48 always has me so good. It constantly keeps me on my toes and I love it.
At 02.24, the electro guitar has the spotlight, itā€™s almost like a transition happened. Each of the three parts are still there, classical (strings & piano) and modern (electro guitar), yet it feels like theyā€™re constantly fighting for dominance, just like how the Dead Apple trio did. Strings would symbolise Fyodor, the piano Dazai and electro guitar Shibusawa, in my opinion. I assigned the modernity to Shibusawa because he is a relatively modern author, who passed away only 34 years ago. Harukawa-sensei even visited his wife to receive her approval about Shibusawaā€™s design.
Parting from this theory, letā€™s see: Starting from 02.24, the electro guitar talks, itā€™s Shibusawa whoā€™s bringing them all together around the table and talking about his ā€˜boredomā€™. Then, the piano comes in, the guitar is silent for a bit, and when the violin starts with the melody the piano goes silent, itā€™s a constant fight between them that creates a beautiful build-up until the striking climax at 03.19. Thatā€™s the moment where Fyodor and Shibusawa have their talk and Dazaiā€™s lying heavily wounded on the ground.
Now, which of the three instruments is absent during the climax? Exactly. The piano. The guitar and the violin are having a talk, yet the piano comes in much later, at 03.35, as an echo, then fades away once again.
Until the end, the wonderful power dance of these instruments go on, and the strong ending gives me goosebumps every time.
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This came out much longer than I had expected and plannedā€¦ I always get so carried out and type so much when it comes to these things haha. Nonetheless, I sincerely hope you enjoyed my selection and analysis!
Please donā€™t hesitate to do any type of additional commentary or to add your favourite soundtracks from any anime/game/series/franchise. <3
Tagging the usual music posts people: @pompompurin1028 @jadegreenimmortality @alittlesimp @bsdparadise @greenshirtimagines @rouge476
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daydadahlias Ā· 3 years
7 and 11 for the asks šŸ‘€šŸ‘€
From Salty Asks <3
7.Ā Is there anything you used to like but canā€™t stand now?
Oh this is a hard one, Emily!! Iā€™m trying to think if there is something I genuinely enjoyed that the fandom ruined for me. If weā€™re talking specifically about fanfiction, I used to read a lot more angst/abuse fics in other fandoms, because I really like reading recovery, yā€™know? I always have. I adore hurt/comfort and I find the mindset of that so interesting and so enjoyable. I want to hear about a character build themselves back up from a point of destruction. But there is very little of that in this fandom (excuse my french) that is even remotely well written. Of course Iā€™ve read some hurt/comfort that is super good here! Genuinely, and I should make a rec list for it tbh. But itā€™s harder to find physical hurt/comfort in this fandom than any other Iā€™ve been in and so I donā€™t seek it out anymore. Itā€™s just not worth the let down. If a writer I already like writes it, then I count my blessings but... usually this fandom portrays trauma as very romanticized which I donā€™t love. I miss reading a good recovery fic. And, if I thought there was a bigger audience for it, haha, Iā€™d write a ton more stuff like Will Be that goes further into recovery than WB did.Ā Ā 
11.Ā Is there an unpopular character you like that the fandom doesnā€™t? Why?
Hm. Hm. Okay. This is tougher because the fandom is usually very concentrated to just the four guys in fics and of course I adore them all so, not really. I do think... and you may hate me for this... that Arzaylea shouldnā€™t be perpetuated so often as the villain of fics (or of real life). I think itā€™s fine to make commentary on their relationship in fics but I wish she wasnā€™t painted as a point-blank horrifically abusive person. She fucked up Luke really bad, and thereā€™s no world in which I support her (considering other things sheā€™s done) but I donā€™t like the constant narrative that Luke is the only victim in that relationship.Ā Ā Ā 
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daydadahlias Ā· 3 years
what's good, gang. i humbly request: 1, 3, 6, 7, and 26 from the Salty Asks šŸ‘€ ā€” NikTM
From Salty Asks <3
1.Ā  What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?
To be honest with you when I say most of the ships in 5sos inherently make sense to me even if I donā€™t personally like them (I donā€™t like muke at all, Iā€™m so sorry, but I still get it). Like, all of the members are so closely knit that Iā€™m like ā€œyeah, totally makes sense to ship you guys, you love each other to the ends of the earth and back.ā€ There are certain portrayals of the ships that donā€™t make sense to me. Like a super dominant Ashton figure (even outside of the bedroom / a cold top) doesnā€™t make sense to me with any of the guys, because I think heā€™s too sweet on them to ever have the desire to hurt them. A submissive Michael personality doesnā€™t usually make sense to me in any dynamic. So forth, so on. But I think inherently, depending on how theyā€™re written, all pairings within the band make sense to me. They all have such layered personalities that depending on what component you draw on to write, you can make any of them work.
3.Ā Have you ever unfollowed someone over a fandom opinion?
Oh absolutely. Wow so many people. Like lots and lots of people lol. I just donā€™t have the time, nor do I have the emotional energy to see opinions I donā€™t like all the time. I block a lot of people on this app, I wonā€™t lie to you. I have at least twenty people blocked right now. If someone expresses outright dislike of any of 5sosā€™ significant others, I unfollow them. You can ā€œnot be a huge fanā€ of them without outright disrespecting them and slandering them. If they express hatred of the newer albums tbh, I unfollow them. If they think any of the 5sos slash ships are real, I unfollow them. I block any and all drama blogs I come across. Itā€™s not hard to be decent and respectful, I think. And I just donā€™t tolerate that detrimental behavior in any way.
6.Ā  Has fandom ever made you enjoy a pairing you previously hated?
Well, I came in for lashton only, and Iā€™ve steadily branched out into cashton and cake now lol, but I never really hated any pairings (still wonā€™t read muke). There are just some Iā€™m not as into as others. Iā€™m sure if I read enough, I could like any of these pairings.Ā 
7.Ā  Is there anything you used to like but canā€™t stand now?
Oh this is a hard one!! Iā€™m trying to think if there is something I genuinely enjoyed that the fandom ruined for me. If weā€™re talking specifically about fanfiction, I used to read a lot more angst/abuse fics in other fandoms, because I really like reading recovery, yā€™know? I always have. I adore hurt/comfort and I find the mindset of that so interesting and so enjoyable. I want to hear about a character build themselves back up from a point of destruction. But there is very little of that in this fandom (excuse my french) that is even remotely well written. Of course Iā€™ve read some hurt/comfort that is super good here! Genuinely, and I should make a rec list for it tbh. But itā€™s harder to find physical hurt/comfort in this fandom than any other Iā€™ve been in and so I donā€™t seek it out anymore. Itā€™s just not worth the let down. If a writer I already like writes it, then I count my blessings but... usually this fandom portrays trauma as very romanticized which I donā€™t love. I miss reading a good recovery fic. And, if I thought there was a bigger audience for it, haha, Iā€™d write a ton more stuff like Will Be that goes further into recovery than WB did. Ā 
26.Ā Most shippable character?
Oh Luke for sure. Is that even a question? Itā€™s Luke. Heā€™s the most popular member of the band without fail in the public eye, heā€™s the most attractive (from like a subjective point of view, heā€™s what most young women look at and goĀ ā€œwoof woofā€), heā€™s the sweetest. Luke isnā€™t a sharp or hard-edged personality. Heā€™s not mean, heā€™s not extremely bitchy. He has an adorable squeaky laugh and itā€™s so goddamn easy to write him in a more feminine role and most fanfic writers want the more heteronormative roles filled so that means a Dominant personality (which any one of Calum, Michael, or Ashton could play perfectly) and a submissive personality which Lukeā€™s caricature easily slips into.
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