#any other us american city where u have to drive everywhere but it is better than kansas in terms of things to do. lol
shop-korea · 1 year
OUR - HOW - 2 - DRIVE - IN - TOKYO - THE - 
14TH - NO - US - STATE - CAN - CREATE - OR - 
24/7 - ALL - OUR - SUPPLIES - FREE - 2 - GIVE - 
24/7 - IT - FEELS - REAL - GOOD - RIGHT - NOW - 
HUNGRY - AT - 12:58P EDT - BUT - THE - GUY -
NOT - HERE - SO - HOW - CAN - I - EAT NOW - 
RIGHT - NOW - I’M - GOING - 2 - PUT - MY XO -
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girlbookwrm · 6 years
Avengers: Age of Art Movie? ART?? MOVIE
the title for this chapter of the Mighty Pre-Endgame Rewatch comes from the fact that Joss Whedon apparently said, of Age of Ultron: 
“I was trying to make a little art movie. Which is actually, a pretty shitty thing to do to a studio that gives you a lot of money.”
which??? ok?????
so we went into this looking for Joss Whedon’s Art Movie
It’s worth noting before we get into this that I’m a fan of a lot of things Joss Whedon has done over the years, as much as I give him crap sometimes, and actually, I don’t know that I hate this movie as much as is common. I enjoyed it more than I remember enjoying it in the past? I go back and forth. I saw it in theaters and was like “actually I like this it’s pretty ok” and then I saw it again like “OH NO THIS IS AWFUL” and then again like “OH NO IT’S EVEN WORSE THAN I REMEMBER” and now I’m watching it again like “actually......” and I think it’s that the quality is very. uneven? 
it is also worth noting that it took us TWO DAYS to watch this because we kept having to pause the movie  in order to GO OFF which meant that this 2 hour 22 minute movie took us like SIX HOURS to watch. at first it was just me and The Roommate @goteamwin but on Day Two the Gal Pal @pegasuschick joined us.
anyway on with the rewatch (day one)
So the opening shot of this movie is from the twins’ POV and this was the first point that we paused the movie to fully Go Off because goddamn
can you imagine how much better this battle scene would be from the twins’ pov?
like: there’s all these explosions and shaky cam and a monster roaring and you’re like “oh god is it aliens? it must be aliens? and these soldiers dying everywhere and the city is getting destroyed etc etc
and then you realize it’s not aliens, it’s not HYDRA, it’s not some terrible overpowered terrorists
it’s the Avengers.
now THAT would be an art film
anyway back to the rewatch
this is all looking real fake it has not aged well and it wasn’t that great to start with
“they’re the avengers” he said, sounding so confused and so so tired
aaaaaand here we paused the movie AGAIN to talk for twenty minutes, mostly about how if this whole “”’”art movie”’’’’’’’ had been shot from the Twins perspective, that would have been a better set up for Civil War and also super interesting
“We are here to help” why is the Iron Legion speaking Very American English in an eastern? european? city
Old Man Dad Clint
there’s two weirdly different movies happening here and they do not sit well together: like, a dark spooky serious one and a quippy Joss Whedon action movie
and don’t get me wrong, one of my favorite things about Joss Whedon is how he uses humor to really give his sad moments Extra Punch he’s a master of that
but this is just jarring
“please be a secret door please be a secret door” followed by the world’s tiniest and most adorable “~yay~” is the most endearing thing Tony has ever done in his life I would die for him
The Problem Is Not Brucetasha. 
THE PROBLEM is that the BruceTasha dynamic doesn’t just come out of left field, it comes from a different sport entirely. it comes from another planet. 
I think there’s potential for an interesting dynamic here but we get ZERO buildup to it
like in the last movie, Natasha is scared of the Hulk, like, literally shaking in shock TERRIFIED of the Hulk, but we see nothing of her deciding to run directly at the thing that scares her most
and we get ZERO explanation of like -- Natasha likes Bruce AND the Hulk, and Bruce AND the Hulk both like Natasha and that’s an interesting dynamic too, but we get NONE OF THAT
it’s very frustrating
also, where does Wanda’s horror movie aesthetic go? is it the same place her accent goes?
Tony’s dream sequence is... p badly shot, given that it’s his driving motivation for THE REST OF THE SERIES
Me: this is weirdly shot, right?
The Roommate, A Professional: Yes. *in a very fancy voice:* ~From a cinematic perspective~ 
Me: *starts cracking up*
The Roommate: But seriously, they’ve gone for a weirdly wide angle in this very emotional moment and it would make more sense to do tight shots here, but--
Me: *still cracking up*
The Roommate: really?
Me: ~from a cinematic perspective~ trolololol
Why was Bruce NOT expecting a Code Green? like? It’s HYDRA, of COURSE they’re gonna pull out all the stops??
We get like two minutes of Thor&Steve&Tony being bros, for the purpose of exposition here, and then the party sequence, and literally the rest of the movie is them all arguing with each other
and we stopped the movie again to talk for ten minutes about how much more Impactful AVENGERS: CIVIL WAR would be if we had even one (1) movie of the Avengers actually being a team
this is exactly why it took us two days to watch this movie
“Uh, actually, he's the boss. I just pay for everything, and design everything and make everyone look cooler.”
And again, we stopped the movie (seriously, it’s our own fault this took so long to watch) because LET’S UNPACK THIS
and that is A L A R M I N G
legally speaking
and also morally speaking
like goddamn. 
no wonder ppl freak out about it? let’s jump on THAT for CW
(also, when we recapped this for the Gal Pal’s benefit on Day Two, she pointed out that Tony puts his name on everything and he probably got that from his daddy -- like in TFA, they’re doing this experiment for the Army but LITERALLY EVERY PIECE OF EQUIPMENT has the Stark Industries tag on it
Steve probably has the SI logo tattooed on his ass
he doesn’t know it
tony knows it 
and wishes he didn’t)
all that aside, this is an A+ On Point Steve and i Strongly Disagree with anyone who says that Joss Whedon doesn’t get Steve Rogers.
Like, we very clearly get three distinct Steves in this movie -- we get Captain America, Captain Rogers, and Steve, and they’re all a little different but they’re also all perfectly executed and they’re all STEVE. eg:
the look that he gives Maria, like english please and then after her explanation he says “well they’re going to show up again.” - Captain Rogers.
“Right. What kind of monster would let a German scientist experiment on them to protect their country” - Steve
“They are.” - Captain America
let’s just. let’s just acknowledge that Thanos had a stone. in his possession. and he gave it away. to L O K I.
“I'm going to live forever” 
ah geeze he actually is tho
They talk about AI like it’s this Great Forbidden Thing, and the Roommate looks at me with the Tiredest Eyes
Everyone is working on artificial intelligence, she says.
e v e r y o n e
seriously “the man was not meant to meddle medley” is a very impressive tongue twister that Tony definitely practiced in the mirror that morning
but it’s also nonsense
the military, corporations, academia, everyone -- everyone is working on AI.
Ultron: What is this. What is this, please.
The Roommate: Me. Every morning.
Also, it’s worth noting that when Ultron goes through all the files on the Avengers and shit, he looks at Steve AT LEAST twice. 
The Roommate: To be fair, so would I.
“Where are the ladies,” said Maria Hill, a Known Lesbian. 
Sam and Steve’s whole everything is A+ Great, as usual
Rhodey’s face after everyone laughs at the “Boom, you looking for this” line is just
*kissy chef fingers*
and then this happens
the “flirting”
this is the weirdest “flirting” i have ever seen
it’s like the uncanny valley of cute flirting
it’s like they’re both actors pretending to be characters who are acting out something they’ve only ever seen in film
why is it like this
“What Are Your Intentions Towards My Daughter?” - Steve Rogers
no I kid
Captain America said that
Steve said “as maybe the world’s leading authority on “waiting too long”, don’t.”
and then suddenly they’re all teens hanging out in their dad’s basement
honestly this scene is the best scene in the movie, possibly the franchise, and it’s well worth all the bullshit we’ve put up with so far.
let’s also take a moment to pour one out for both Steve and Thor’s #looks in this scene because
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Steve and that blue button down
Thor and his hoe v-neck + pop collar maroon jacket
much fashion very hnnnngh
like it takes WORK to make these two look better with their shirts ON but you did it, AoU costume department. You Did It.
Also, James Spader as Ultron is just
i love it
gurl u r LEAKING
u CHOSE this body
u could have taken any iron legion body, you probably could’ve taken a SUIT if you wanted but instead you’re here in this janky ass leaking melty faced body with wires hanging every which way and the arms and legs on backwards
you are such a drama queen
truly his father’s son
so when Tony pulls out JARVIS’ broken corpse, how were they all supposed to know this was JARVIS? do they all get to meet Jarvis at some point? like at what point was Captain America introduced to the holograph representation of JARVIS’ “body” that he just IMMEDIATELY knows that this abstract yellow humpty dumpty is JARVIS
Team Dr. Cho Was Underutilized 2k15
Tony laughing because he’s about to be in so much trouble is very much a #mood
We can bust arms dealers all the live long day, but, that up there? That's...that's the end game.
I’m just going to present this bad phone picture of my notes because I feel like it does a better job summing up how I feel about this line:
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remember when Wanda had an accent?
I’d say “good times” but I’m not sure they really were
seriously the Maximoffs have a great origin story this should’ve been theirs and Clint’s movie that would’ve been better
God Bless The AoU Costume Department
I have no idea what happened in this scene because of Steve’s smedium shirt
and that said he has to compete, visually, with Cobie Smulders in a sheath dress, and he does so with effortless grace
*distinguished golf clapping*
I actually really like the set up of Wakanda and Vibranium here it’s just nice and it gives all the background we need without really feeling like exposition and it reveals character dynamic between steve and tony it’s just nice is all
Andy Serkis giving 112% AS USUAL
So Ultron steps into this scene like
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and tbh it is a sexy leg good work Ultron
“I’M NOT MY DAD” -Ultron, definitely in Denial
Pietro talking to Tony in this scene like Tony was personally there when the bomb blew up his family and almost killed him and his sister
he wasn’t
u r drax in this scenario, and Tony is Ronan
he doesn’t remember ur family, dude
“pretending you could live without a war”
are we just going to ignore that Ultron gets inside Steve’s head right here right now and then Wanda exacerbates that 200%
and Steve just decides “yup that sounds right”
“i guess I’ll just be at war for the rest of my unnaturally long long life”
is anyone? going to talk about that? bring it up to him maybe?
coooooool coolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcool
i just ~love~ (and by love i mean HATE) that natasha romanoff (A SPY) decided to upgrade her suit (HER BLACK STEALTH SUIT) with glowing (GLOWING!) stripes
much stealth very in character wow 
(negative 200 points costume department what the hell)
pietro don’t hit senior citizens that’s rude
these dreams are actually totally fascinating and I really like them don’t @ me they’re great
“I Am Mighty.”
“only the breakable ones. You are made of marble”
“We can go home. Imagine it”
“Natasha, I could really use a lullaby”
natasha isn’t here right now please leave a message after the beepbeep
this is such a fucking nightmare, could be a callback to that opening fight scene IF IT SUCKED LESS
Tony. Your green son has a special need. maybe instead of trying to turn him back into Bruce, you should try to accommodate his needs. because he’s special.
Clint MacDonald Had A Farm
“These are... Smaller agents.”
“Sorry For Barging In.”
Captain America is here from the 40s and Ready To Apologize
Thor’s Extremely Dramatic Exit
Steve: looks at the house
(very softly in the background, Peggy’s “we can go home.”)
The Roommate: nuuuuuuuuuuuuuu steve don’t think thaaaaaaaat
I honestly love Old Dad Clint. *shrug* sorry not sorry
and now we’re here. at That Scene. 
Honestly, the only way this makes sense is if Bruce and Nat are both ace af and think the other one is allo af 
just two hopeless asexual babies, adorably in love with each other
both of them awkwardly being like “BUT. YOU WANT THE SEX. RIGHT?” 
and neither of them realizing that the other one also does not want the sex
that’s the only way the scene makes any kind of sense. If Natasha is putting on a performance and Bruce is too and neither of them realize that the other is putting on a performance
and when i saw it in theaters, I was like “oh clearly this scene is missing some important dialogue that clarifies that Nat doesn’t mean she’s a monster for not being able to have kids.
god bless the AoU costume department for Steve in a Smedium shirt and Dad Jeans. A+ work i can almost forgive you for putting glowing neon on Nat’s stealth suit
but honestly the whole rest of this movie is worth it this one interaction:
Tony: Isn't that the mission? Isn't that the "why" we fight, so we can end the fight, so we get to go home?
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Captain America: *externally* something something end a war something something people die something something
oh hey Tony ur dad is here
“watched my friends die” ok but 
a) are you and Steve friends?
b) if this has been eating at you, why wasn’t it shot better ~from a cinematic perspective~ and why don’t we get more of you being haunted by it and less of you talking about reinstating prima nocta
Actually this is a good time to talk for a hot second about Why We Don’t Hate AoU As Much As Some:
it’s very hard to judge AoU as a standalone film
because a lot of the things it does best are not standalone
it does a good job setting the stage for Civil War
it does a good job foreshadowing Infinity War and Endgame 
and on that note, it’s actually hard to judge it without having seen Endgame
it does a BAD job setting up the Avengers as a cohesive unit that works well together
it does a BAD job building the BruceNat dynamic
it does a BAD job making us believe that the Avengers are actually friends and not just coworkers who tolerate each other and sometimes hang out and drunkenly try to pick up thor’s hammer
that isn’t friendship, actually. you know what friendship is? look at Steve and Sam talking about Important Things That Matter, look at Tony and Rhodes’ dynamic. those are friendships.
The Roommate says it feels like AoU skipped some steps. Like, Avengers (2012) brought us in at the ground floor of this building and then we got shoved into one of those really fast elevators and dumped directly into some game changer meeting happening on floor 44 and then it kicked us directly out the window to our deaths
i’m maybe elaborating slightly upon what she said
the point is that AoU is not a good movie because it’s not a good standalone movie
the character dynamics aren’t Bad or Wrong they’re just not properly built up to. 
It feels like we missed a movie
maybe there’s an alternate universe where we got an Avengers 2 that made sense, and this is actually Avengers 3
maybe we just need to find Joss Whedon’s secret file of fanfiction and then everything that happened in this movie will make sense
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Norwegian elkhound rejected by Sun Myung Moon
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an extract from the book, Heavenly Deception by Chris Elkins (1980)
Chris Elkins joined in Tucson in June 1973. He left to think about things on January 5, 1976. He spoke at the Fraser House Subcommittee on September 27, 1976.
Chapter 13
January 1975. Washington/New York
During my months in Washington I hadn’t much time to think. The schedule was as hectic as ever, and I was realizing that this was the course of life in the Unification Church, whether one sold candles or “influence.” There was always something urgent to be done, and it was strongly communicated that individual effort, or rather, lack of it, could be the hand of Satan sabotaging the movement’s divine mission.
By now I was living on Military Road in northwest Washington, and I was managing the staff of the Ginseng Teahouse. I had been transferred away from the Freedom Leadership Foundation because of a conflict with one person there, and I had desired to move on because of personal doubts concerning the direction of the political wing of the movement after Nixon’s resignation. I had been sent to work in some congressional campaigns for a while, and I had participated in Moon’s Madison Square Garden Rally on September 18, 1974.
Now I was enjoying the work at the teahouse. It was a new venture of the Unification Church and everyone had hopes that it would turn into a chain restaurant operation. We served Moon’s ginseng tea, the Il-Hwa brand, and we prepared health food lunches. We had a staff of twelve but hired some waitresses from outside in hopes of winning them to the movement.
I kept busy, but not quite as busy as I had been at FLF. Certain doubts crept into my head, especially about Moon. At times, the only thing which confirmed my faith in the Unification Church was the conviction that there were no other alternatives—my parents hadn’t trusted in me, I felt, and the church Christianity that I had known before wasn’t a Christianity of commitment and action as this was. And it certainly didn’t manifest the sort of love that I experienced with my Moonie brothers and sisters.
I learned that other Moonie friends had doubts too, but that they were stronger than I because they had spent more time studying the Divine Principle. They had moved up in the Church more slowly than I had. Moon had captured my heart and will, but it seemed that his grasp on my mind was not quite so firm.
Once I was sent on an errand that challenged my feelings about Moon and the Church. I was called out in the middle of the night to buy a birthday present for one of Moon’s children. At first I thought it was a joke. But as it was explained to me, I realized that this was a serious and important project.
Keith, an administrative aide, was telling me, “We know that Father has been wanting to get the children a dog and is really fond of Norwegian elkhounds. Since they are rare and extremely expensive we feel that the best bet of finding one fast will be in New York City.”
I still did not see how this all tied in with me. Why not get someone in New York to get the dog and take it out to Moon?
Neil Salonen explained, “We need someone to do the job quickly and efficiently. If the gift arrives after noon, it will seem as if we have forgotten the birthday. Since I can depend on you to do a job well, I want you to fly to New York on the next available flight and find an elkhound.”
Then, half jokingly and half seriously, he said, “And who could better find a good elkhound than someone named Elkins?”
I dutifully chuckled at the humor, but I knew that he was serious. “Sure,” I said, “I’ll be on the next plane.” Paul, the Unification Church treasurer, handed me an envelope with several fifty dollar bills in it and asked me to turn in all of the receipts.
On the way back to the Center, I heard a voice behind me.
“Excuse me, sir.”
I wheeled around to find a clean-cut young man with a bucket of carnations under his arm. I knew that he was one of our fund raisers on a mobile team, but catching me off guard the way he did gave him the opportunity to continue his sale before I could say anything.
“I am working with an interdenominational youth group raising money for missions,” he continued.
I decided to play along. “Oh,” I said. “And what is the money used for?”
“We’re using it to help kids on drugs and to start mission work around the world to help people,” he enthusiastically told me. I had to work at keeping a straight face. This was the first time I had ever been on the receiving end of a fund raiser.
Coyly I asked, “Is this connected with Reverend Moon in any way?” I knew that that was the hardest question to answer. To say yes would kill the sale, to say no would be a lie too easy to be caught in.
“We support many churches,” he said. “We just want to share God’s love with everyone.”
“And all of this money is used for mission work?” I asked, knowing what he would say.
“Yes, sir!” he said, almost straightening up to attention.
“You do an excellent job at fund raising,” I replied. A bewildered look formed on his face. I laughed. “I, too, am a Family member,” I said. “If I hadn’t been, you would have had me sold.”
As we bid each other good-bye I almost told him about the mission I was being sent on. I am sure that he had no idea that the several hundred dollars that he worked eighteen hours a day, seven days a week to earn would be spent on a dog for Moon. Although he would not have questioned the expenditure openly, in his mind it would have indeed raised doubts. I chose to let him remain naive.
Once in New York, I quickly started phoning. Elkhounds were hard to find and soon I realized that I would not be able to get the dog to Moon by the middle of the day. But I continued, knowing that Salonen would want a gift to get there no matter how late.
I finally found a dog in Greenwich Village at a rather posh pet shop. Filling out the papers, I had to disclose to the clerk who would own the pet.
“The name of the owner?” the clerk asked me.
I paused for a second and obviously was hesitant about saying it. Suddenly everyone around seemed to be listening. “Let me spell it for you,” I said. “S-u-n M-y-u-n-g M-o-o-n.”
I could feel the atmosphere grow thick. Although the clerk did not say anything at first, she looked as if she had become frozen.
She looked up and said, “Is this who I think it is?”
“I don’t know,” I answered. “Who do you think it is?”
“The guy with the posters up all over the city. The Korean guru,” she said.
“Well, yes and no. He is the guy with posters up everywhere, but he is not a guru.”
“Do you believe in him?” she asked. By this time a small crowd had gathered around me.
That question always sent me into a tailspin. I knew deep down that I still had major doubts, yet after being in for several months I had an obligation to answer yes.
“That’s a long story,” I said, trying to evade the question. “I am a member of the Unification Church, which is a Moon organization.” A lady standing nearby asked, “Well, don’t all of you believe that he is the messiah—the return of Christ?”
I found myself automatically giving the answer I had been trained to say. “We believe that he is perhaps a prophet, much like a John the Baptist figure, preparing the way for Christ’s return.”
“That’s not what I have read,” she said.
“Do you believe everything you read?” I asked.
“Of course not,” she said, trapping herself.
“Then, I suggest if you want to know who Moon is and what we believe, that you come see for yourself.” Obviously this frustrated her.
“Well,” she said in a last ditch effort, “I believe in the Bible.” “Good,” I said, “so do I. And in it you will find instructions to judge a tree by its fruit.”
By this time she was flustered, and rather than argue any further she simply turned and walked away. Although visibly I had won the encounter, I felt inside that I had been deceptive, and it disturbed me.
By the time I got the dog it was two o’clock. I rented a car and immediately left for East Garden, the estate where Moon lived in Irvington, New York. If I made good time, I would be there by three.
Once I arrived, the guards at the gate were hesitant to let me in. They had not been informed to expect me, and until someone from the main house gave clearance I wouldn’t get further than the gate. The security around Moon was always tight.
Daikon, Moon’s driver, was at the main house, and when told of the purpose of my visit he gave permission for me to come in. By the time I reached the front drive, Daikon was there to meet me.
He was a very pleasant man, quite trusted, and extremely close to Moon. “Hello,” he said, making his l’s sound like r’s. “You have gift for Hye-Jin?’
“Yes,” I said gleefully. “We have a Norwegian elkhound puppy for her from the American Church. May I present it to Father?’
“I think maybe not,” he said in his Oriental English. “Father expect gift this morning. Maybe I should take to him.” At that he disappeared into the house for what seemed to be hours.
When he returned, he still had the puppy in his hands and motioned for me to walk with him over to the garage. Daikon was in charge of Moon’s cars and he slept in a small apartment above the garage. Upon entering the garage, I noticed the limousine and the Mercedes Benz. Daikon told me that Moon had a sports car too, which was being repaired.
He put the puppy down and said, “Father would not receive puppy. But, I keep him here and soon Father will love him.”
The puppy playfully ran around the garage while Daikon and I talked. The more I considered the situation, the angrier I became. I had spent most of the night and all that day finding that dog. Besides spending a fortune on it, my airplane ticket and car rental had made the venture quite expensive. And for him not to receive me and then to reject the gift only further increased the growing conflicts in my mind.
“We’ll need at least fifteen San Juaquins and probably ten Poconos,” I said, referring to our teahouse sandwiches. We spent most evenings preparing the food for the next day. While talking in the kitchen, I heard the jingle of the bell on the front door signaling that someone had come in. Assuming it was a customer thinking we were open, I walked toward the front of the restaurant to tell him we were closed.
To my surprise I found Randy Remmel, the choir director. “Randy!” I said as I ran to embrace him, “It’s so good to see you.” We laughed and talked for a few minutes and I asked him in for a cup of tea, which he gladly accepted.
We sat down in a quiet corner of the restaurant and began to talk. I was pretty much running the teahouse myself now and was worse for the wear. Often half of the staff would be called off on a special mission at the last minute and leave the rest of us to try to handle the situation. Many times we almost crumbled during the heavy lunch rushes. Keeping up the morale of the staff when I could hardly keep up my own morale was getting more difficult. Randy was a breath of fresh air for me, someone I could talk to.
Randy reached across the table, put his hand on my shoulder, and said, “How are you doing, Elk? I mean really deep inside, how are you doing?”
Randy had a way of reaching down inside me, going beyond the facade that I often put up for everyone else. Just calling me “Elk” made me comfortable with him and reminded me of our abiding trust in each other.
I opened my mouth to respond, but words did not come out. Suddenly my eyes were flooded with tears, and great sobs began to well up inside of me. For several minutes all I could do was cry. Randy sat there and soothed me and told me not to feel bad about crying and just to let it all out. He knew that I had been under a great deal of pressure.
Once I gained my composure I said, “Randy, I don’t know why that happened. I had everything under control until you asked about it. But, things are pretty rough. We are expected to make this restaurant an ideal business, yet I can never be sure from day to day if we will have enough people to run it. We are behind on our bills because we have been using Teahouse funds to support other church activities, and sometimes I feel the weight of all of this on my shoulders.”
Randy smiled sympathetically. “But you and I both know that that is not the biggest problem you have,” he said.
Knowing what he meant, yet afraid to admit it, I asked him, “What do you mean?”
“All of us are asked to do the work of a dozen people everyday in half the time, and unless we have absolute faith in the True Parents none of us will ever make it.”
“I know what you mean,” I said, looking down at the floor.
“Chris,” he said. “Don’t think that you are the only one having doubts. If we had all of us together at one time, over half of us would seriously doubt the validity of our actions. If we did not need each other so badly, many of us would leave.”
There was a long period of silence between us. Several times we had been interrupted by teahouse staffers asking me questions. Randy began to see how trapped I felt....
Writings of former members Many recount their experiences in the Moon organization or their journeys out of it.
Sam Park reveals Moon’s hidden history (2014)
Nansook Hong In The Shadow Of The Moons
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umichenginabroad · 5 years
Oh WiFi, how you have forsaken me!
By: Dustin Fletcher, Aerospace/Mechanical Engineering major, German minor
Program: Technische Universität Berlin (TUB)
Alright, so I’ve been in Germany for about a week now. I’ve REEAALLLYY wanted to post about so many things (and I mean a LOT, I have been thinking about so much and I’m about to explode with thoughts), however I’ve had some issues with wifi and connection in general. So first off, I basically only have wifi at the university. I was given a stick that generated wifi for my laptop, however it is so slow that in the couple times I’ve already had to use it for research and whatnot, I’ve already used up all of it. Uh oh. Anyways, I had gotten a SIM card here at Aldi, however it hasn’t really worked at all, so I’ve been surviving the past week by being around people with maps that could get me where I needed to go. See next paragraph for that story. This weekend though, most of the people went to Prague, so I was internet-less for two days. Long story short (I will expand on this later) I went on an adventure, ordered an o2 SIM card that gave me a free 150 Gb, and now I’m just waiting for that to show up so I can have data.
Okay, so wifi-less story number one. Last week Wednesday, I needed to go to the doctor. Luckily my program director has an iPhone, because I was able to message her over wifi at the university and figure out where I needed to go. Because it was a Wednesday, basically every place was closed in the afternoon. We ended up finding a hospital called Franziskus-Krankenhaus (Krankenhaus => Hospital) and that was where I was gonna go. Unfortunately, my phone died, so I wasn’t able to use a pre-downloaded map. Thus, I was able to use my German skills and wander around Berlin asking people for directions. Luckily, I was able to find my way there. I also learned the pronunciation of a word on the way there, since I told one guy that my Handy was dead (Handy => Cellphone), and I pronounced the “a” with an “ah” sound. When I said this, one guy didn’t understand what I was saying and gestured with his hands. I realized the reason he did this was because the German word for “hand” is “Hand”, pronounced with an “ah” sound. When I pulled out my phone to show him, he said, “Ah, Handy!” but pronounced like “Hendy”. Anyways, knowledge! So I got to the hospital, but out of pure chance I found two of my friends right outside. Berlin is a city of 3,7 million people, so the odds of that happening were pretty much slim to none. They waited for me while I had my appointment, which unfortunately took a while since there weren’t too many doctors working at that point, and there were a fair amount of patients. I was able to do the entire check-in process and appointment in German, which was really cool for me! Afterwards, I took my friends over to KaDeWe, which stands for Kaufhaus des Westens (Department Store of the West). It’s insanely huge and expensive, but we had fun there checking all the stuff out.
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Ohne Netzwerk [=Without Network] Teil Zwei [=Part Two]: This weekend, most of my friends went to Prague. I had been dependent on one kid, Will, for wifi, since he had bought the o2 SIM card that came with a free 150 gb. He just kept creating hotspots for me whenever I needed it, and all was well. Then, he left for Prague this weekend. Thus, I was left without wifi, communication with other TUB members, and without directions... Alright. So I would just have to stick with transportation I already had gotten used to. Kein Problem   ....Or so I thought. To make matters worse, the S-Bahn that I normally took to get into the middle of Berlin was not running this weekend. Instead, there were bus replacements that took people to other places of Berlin. I generally take the S2 to Potsdammer Platz, where the transfer to U-Bahn was right next to the Mall of Berlin. I figured this would be a pretty good place to get WiFi, so I just hopped on the S2 Bus that looked like it went in the same direction as the S-Bahn I normally take. Alas, it was not the right bus. I had never seen anything at any of the train station stops before. I get off, go to the nearest stand, and ask why the trains aren’t running and how I can get to Potsdammer Platz. An older gentleman helped me out and pointed me in the right direction. He ended up getting on the bus with me, as well as the following train, as he was heading home. We talked about several things, such as where we’re from, how the value of money changed during the transition from Deutschmarks to Euros, etc. All of this was in German, because he didn’t understand any English. At one point in the conversation, he mentioned the Turkish and Arabian people that were moving into Germany and making it less “pure”. I really wasn’t a fan of that and wanted to say something, but although my German is good, it is not at the point where I can form a well articulated argument with someone like that. It’s already generally difficult to do that in English with a topic like this. So, I just steered it away from that topic. I ended up finding my way and thanking him for his help, but man, stuff like that really grinds my gears. After I got to the Mall of Berlin, I purchased a phone case so I wouldn’t damage my phone, and I ordered an o2 SIM card with the 150 gb.
Now, a couple differences I’ve seen between Germany and America. First, I’d like to start with the people. As a whole, German’s are ~extremely~ efficient. I wish I had a picture for this next example, but when I went back to KaDeWe after I thought of it, it was closed. When you look at an escalator in America, people are scattered everywhere between the left and right sides of the steps. In Germany, EVERYONE stands either stands on the right, or walks up the left. Everyone. You can easily spot tourists or people new to Germany just by looking at an elevator and seeing which person is standing on the left side. Another place you see the difference in efficiency is at grocery stores. WOW are they fast! I get a little frazzled at the checkout line because I can never keep up to the cashier with packing my items, and I feel like I’m trying to do several things at once. Lastly, you can observe German’s efficiency while driving. Every time I go to cross a cross-walk, cars turning right would would pull up right until their bumpers were almost touching your leg. This scared me the first couple times, but I realized after a couple times that people are just trying to be as efficient as possible, so that they’d be able to drive through as soon as there was a small gap in pedestrians. 
Two observations of the people that don’t have to do with efficiency: Firstly, Germans are quieter in general. They speak quieter, are quieter in public (especially when with friends), and are more respectful of volume when walking through living areas. I think that rather than confusing the point and thinking that German’s are quiet, I think it’s that Americans rather are loud. The other thing I noticed was what people say when they are about to use their cellphone. In America, people generally just start using their phone without saying a word, whereas every German person that I’ve been with said something along the lines of “I just need to respond to a message quickly” or “I’m just checking my phone quickly” before using it, which I thought was kind of a nice way to let the other person know they aren’t just ignoring them. Honestly, I think it’s something I’m going to try to start doing more.
Moving on to the physical differences, one thing that will confuse many Americans is the floor numbering. When you walk into a building, you are on floor E (Erdgeschoss), which basically means ground level. The next floor up is 1, and so on and so forth. The absolutely most surprising difference to me, however, was the doorhandles! These were the first thing that I even noticed while we were here. In Germany, there are no round turning door knobs! All door knobs are either the bar style, or just a knob to pull on when you unlock the door with the key. They warned us about this immediately, since this causes many American students to get locked out easily, as the door locks as soon as it’s closed and you need the keys to get back in. Personally, I like this style better, since you never have to worry about whether or not you locked your door. Picture below is not mine, credit to FSB Door Hardware.
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My German class has been going very well. I can’t give too much insight into the basic and intermediate programs, but in the advanced German class I feel like I’m learning. I’ve learned some things that I’ve already been able to implement into my German speaking, as well as cultural information that I’ve already seen around Berlin. One example already is asking for Currywurst Rot-Weiß. I know this one is kind of a funny example, but It’s a typical Berlin thing to ask for that, which means Currywurst with Ketchup and Mayo. Another Beispiel: we learned about German universities and other collegiate programs, so I was able to talk to my German friend Nick about college and the Abitur, as well as another random German girl about her friend’s experience in ERASMUS. Last Friday, our class took a fieldtrip to Kreuzberg, a subsection of Berlin, were a violent demonstration had historically taken place every May first until the last several years. While we were there, our teacher pointed out the differences between Althäuser (Old houses) and the new buildings, which had to be rebuilt after the war. I went on a 13 mile walk through Berlin yesterday, and I was actually able to see all of the old buildings that she had mentioned.
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I know that this has been a really long post and basically just a large info-dump on you, so sorry about that, but I have just had SO much happen to me in the past week and I couldn’t even cover it all in these posts. I want to include so much more and so many more pictures, but I’m just not able to. I’m going to see if I’m able to include a link to a photo bank at some point so I can upload photos there for you all to see.
With all that being said, be ready for my next post either today or tomorrow, and come to it with an open mind ready to take in a lot of information. 
 Until then,
0 notes
a-dangerpdx · 8 years
Cycling Cuba, Fixed Gear
If white-sand beaches, bike culture, architecture, friendly people and vintage cars are your jam, hop down to Cuba! (Edit: sadly, because of Trump, some of the following info about traveling to Cuba is no longer accurate).
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Getting to Cuba
Access is simpler now than its been in decades. Non-stop fights from LAX are currently under $180. Food, rooms and booze are remarkably inexpensive. Go now before the unique, time-capsule nature of the island changes.
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Americans can’t visit Cuba as a tourist, however at the airport, you’ll be asked to choose one of 12 reasons why you’re visiting. For example, if you’re an artist, an educator or a photographer (who isn’t?), you’re legit. You can fly directly from the US-it’s no longer necessary to travel through Mexico or Canada. You do not need to go with a group or a tour company. You’ll need to purchase a tourist visa at the airport before your flight (the airline makes this really easy). You’ll also need to travel with health insurance, but it’s included with the cost of your airline ticket. Keep your ticket stub with you while in Cuba as proof.
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Getting Your Bike to Cuba
You have to want it. Some take a beater bike to Cuba, ride it and just leave it there when vacation is over. I went a different route.
The airline I flew on currently has a “luggage embargo” to Cuba which meant two things: cardboard boxes were prohibited and so was oversized luggage. “Oversized luggage” means anything over 61 linear inches, or a standard suitcase. If you have a Brompton folding bike or an S&S coupled frame that fits in standard sized luggage, you’re set. My ‘93 Cannondale Track bike complicated things. I found a solution with Rüster’s Armored Hen House bags (http://rustersports.com/cases/) that allowed me to pack the frame and components in one bag and the wheels in another, each bag meeting the 61 linear inch restriction. Each bag is standard-sized, checked luggage (no oversized luggage fees!). 
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Black Star bags also has a product they claim will work but I opted for Rüster for the integrated, protective padding and luggage wheels which eased handling multiple pieces of luggage during travel. Rüster claims that their bags will fit nearly any full-sized bike with the crank installed but that wasn’t the case for me. My 55cm track frame would not fit in the frame bag unless I removed the drive-side crank and packed it in the frame bag upside down of their packing recommendation (bottom bracket down instead of up as shown in their packing instructions video). 
The frame bag accommodated all of my components, tools, back-up tubes/tire and even some clothing. The wheel bag has ample room to pack clothing around the wheels. It’s possible that other airlines have different regulations, but *check* so you aren’t surprised, like I was. Props to Rüster for hustling my bags in the mail to me at the very last minute. The bags did a stellar job of protecting my bike.
When I arrived at luggage claim in Havana, I saw a bike on the luggage conveyor that was fully built and shrunk-wrapped (except the pedals, front wheels and bars)! Seemed oversized but somehow it made the cut!
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Riding in Havana
My preference is city riding, so I’m unable to report on the longer road-riding opportunities that Cuba boasts. If urban exploration is exciting for you, Havana is spectacular riding. The cars stay on the periphery of the city (and are not particularly accommodating of bikes) but the tangle of inner neighborhood streets are optimal for riding if you have some decent bike handling skills. Most bikes you’ll see there are pedicabs but you’ll spot a few workhorse MTB and bmx-style bikes as well. We took a bicitaxi to our casa particular.
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You’ll be sharing the roads with mostly pedicabs, pedestrians and horse drawn carts. The deterioration in the city is stunningly beautiful: abandoned structures including palaces, theaters, factories and mansions are readily accessible for exploration.
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There is no better way to cover maximum ground in Havana than by bike. Roads are mostly in fair condition, but there are some impressive potholes and some areas of town look like they’ve been mortar shelled. Additionally, city infrastructure repair happens without the barricades that Americans are accustomed to. You may happen upon a 2 foot-deep cut in the pavement with no warnings. Heads up and sharpen those CX skills before you go!  
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I bought Schwalbe Marathon 25c tires for the trip (the largest size I can run on my Cannondale) and didn’t regret it. Miraculously, no flats despite the shrapnel cocktail of glass, metal, pot holes, thorns etc we encountered. My girl did flat once on her Brompton from a shard of glass. Easy fix because we had all of the tools/supplies.
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There are very few stores, particularly those that carry cycling gear. Supplies are really tough to come by so anticipate every possible scenario and come prepared (spokes, tools, tires, tubes, patch kits, etc). If you’re willing: bring extra bike components/supplies with you and donate to a local bike shop. They are grateful and in dire need of supplies.
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Riding fixed gear was ideal. The simplicity of the drive train allowed me to rebuild the bike in less than 15 minutes. Terrain is mostly flat with only a few small hills. 46x17 worked great for me as savoring the sights was my focus, not speed.
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After a bit over a week, we left Havana for Varadero (the beach) for a few days. I took the wheels off my bike and it easily fit in the back of one of the enormous, vintage (1950’s) American cars used daily.
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The beaches were magnificent.
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The “lifeguard” at our beach was coring out fresh pineapples, filling them with piña colada, topping it with the fresh pineapple meat and selling them for $5.  ¡Viva la Revolución!
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Riding in Varadero was paradise as we were able to find pristine, unoccupied beaches. 
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At our favorite beach, a chef from a local restaurant would bring fresh fish to the beach. You choose your fish and he would grill it and bring it back down to the beach with a huge pile of rice, beans and plantains. Really no reason to leave the beach. Ever.
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Very few people I encountered knew what a fixed gear bike was. One guy shouted 'piñón fijo!’ as I rode by, but other than him and the one ex-bicycle mechanic I met, everyone else was just really confused about my not having brakes.
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 People were very interested in our bikes, taking photos and asking how much they cost. Considering that the average “official” Cuban salary is $25 a month (low salaries are offset by free healthcare, education and subsidized living expenses), the question was awkward. You can’t help but be keenly aware of your tremendous privilege.
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After a few days at the beach, back to Havana. I had to adapt to the fact that Cuban pedestrians yield to bikes. I would anticipate them continuing in their path, but they’d stop and back up causing a near collision as I was set to go around them. Bikes are king so hold your line! That changes in the tourist areas where once again, pedestrians assume the right of way. 
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We made the choice not to wear helmets. The only people I saw wearing helmets were kitted-up road riders passing through on their way to an epic road ride. Locals do not wear helmets. Our pace was leisurely as is the pace of Havana, so this decision worked for us. 
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You don’t see many women riding bikes in Havana but we did run across a bike rental shop operated entirely by women called Vélo Cuba. (VeloenCuba.com). They wrench them, they rent them and will even deliver to your location!
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Room: $21-$35/day (colonial mansion) Meals: $1.50-$8.00 depending upon how fancy Piña Colada/Mojito: $1.00-$5.00 depending upon how swanky the location Taxi/Pedicab: lol, you don’t need no stinkin’ cabs. But if you do, cost depends entirely upon your negotiation skills.
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I showed up to Cuba with two U locks. Completely unnecessary. Although it was necessary to lock up, it became increasingly obvious that bike theft (or crime in general) is not a chronic condition in Havana.
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 I free-locked my bike when at restaurants where I sat in sight of my bike, and when my bike was out of sight, locked it Sheldon Brown style with a U lock around the wheel through the rear triangle. Law enforcement is everywhere at all times and tourists are valued and revered. Locals steer clear of any disputes with a tourist because (for better or worse) the cops will always side with the tourist. 
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There are precious few places to lock a bike. Locking to State property (like street signs) is frowned upon but storekeepers were incredibly generous in allowing us to lock to their gates. Some of them even offered to keep our bikes behind the counter (tip them for watching your bike. 50 cents or 1 CUC is adequate). You pay more than that to use restrooms in Cuba (no, really).
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As two women traveling by bike, riding at *ALL* hours of day and night in every corner of Havana including the most impoverished neighborhoods and swankiest avenues, there was never a moment during our entire two weeks we felt unsafe. Men are respectful, friendly and civilized with none of the rude/lewd/harassing behavior that women often experience in the States.
Invest in a really high quality headlight if you plan to ride at night. Potholes will swallow you alive!
It pays to know a bit of history before embarking to Cuba to have adequate respect for the unsurpassed ingenuity and perseverance demonstrated by the Cuban people. 
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The short-and-dirty version is that in the mid-80’s, the Soviet Union (the country’s primary source of trade) was in economic turmoil, and withdrew economic support of Cuba leaving it essentially paralyzed. This, coupled with a US trade embargo made all products (including food) impossible to get. During this time, Cubans showed remarkable ingenuity surviving only with what they had. For example, bicycle inner tubes were fabricated out of recycled car tires. You can see evidence of the “Special Period” as it was known in some of the fascinating and creative cargo bikes in Havana. The headset adaptations alone were remarkable! Bikes are very hard-working in Cuba with a creative variety of cargo bikes.
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Other Non-bike Things you Might Want to Know
Internet? LOL.  There is no internet in people’s homes. Some hotels have wifi and there are public parks that have wifi. Regardless of where you find wifi, you must pay to use it. You purchase cards with a scratch off code. To access the internet, login with your code. You’ll know you’ve found wifi when you see hoards of young people lined up staring at their devices. Usually outside of hotels or in public wifi parks.
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 The cost for one hour of internet varies depending on how long you want to wait in line for a card. $1.50 for a 60 min card if you want to stand in a long line, or $4-5 (for an 80 minute card) if you want to buy one marked up in a hotel, instantly. Cubans can’t buy them in hotels, only tourists, so no lines. But you pay. Once you’re on: prepare for some slowwwww action. We’d go days without bothering to sign on because it was too annoying.
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Toilet Paper? LOL. There isn’t any. Bring some. Because of the US embargo, the TP comes from China. Tiny rolls, and it’s challenging to find, so there really just isn’t much of it around. We started hoarding squares whenever we could. Bring it to restaurants! 
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Spanish: be respectful and learn some. Cubans haven’t had much reason to learn English, so pick up some basic phrases in Spanish and download the Google Translate app (which we found invaluable, and it works while offline). Don’t continually speak English and expect to be understood! People are extremely gracious about working with you to reach understanding. I was grateful for their kindness and good humor considering my rudimentary Spanish. 
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It’s illegal for Cubans to kill cows or catch lobster. They risk jail. So even though beef and lobster is readily available in stores and restaurants, it can only be harvested by the government and is too expensive for most Cubans. As a result of this longstanding policy, Cubans haven’t really developed much of a taste for beef. 
You’ll eat a lot of chicken, pork and fresh fish. Most meals come with fried plantains, rice, beans, salad and yuca con mojo. Vegetarians/Vegans might be slightly challenged as there are meat and dairy-free offerings, just possibly not much variety.
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Rum is literally cheaper than water.
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We were advised not to drink the water. We did consume ice in our drinks, with no problem. It was suggested that the ice is not made from tap water, but purchased from a company. 
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Money: bring cash. Due to the US embargo against Cuba, our banks don’t talk to theirs which means you can’t use credit cards or ATMs. You can exchange USD there but you get a better exchange rate for Euros or Canadian dollars. We bought Euros and CAD in the States and exchanged funds as necessary. There are two Cuban currencies so do your homework so you understand the difference. We dealt exclusively in CUC which was easy because 1CUC is equivalent to 1 USD.
Words of Wisdom If You’re Considering Going
A good experience in Cuba will take some preparation and awareness. Watch some documentaries about Cuba to hone your expectations and develop an understanding of the differences in our political and economic structures. Don’t expect to do your research when you arrive: internet is *not* at your fingertips. Download maps, research restaurants and lodging before you arrive and be patient with the pace of life there. Be open-minded, observant and value the cultural experience. This is not Cabo, it’s Cuba. Adjust your expectations and do your homework before you leave so that you have a healthy appreciation for the magnificent history and resilience of the people.  It’s a gorgeous place with generous and kind people. I’m already looking forward to returning to Havana but also exploring other cities by bike. Rubber side down, friends!
See more photos of my cycling adventures on Instagram: adangerpdx  https://www.instagram.com/adangerpdx/?hl=en
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112 notes · View notes
bountyofbeads · 5 years
A 12-year-old black girl walking home from school. Gay pals leaving a bar.
A Trump family friend watching TV.
A Muslim veteran driving to work.
In 2018, they all became victims of a record-setting year of hatred in D.C.
By Michael E. Miller  | Published August 21, 2019 | Washington Post | Posted August 21, 2019 1:58 PM ET |
The girl had tutoring after class that day, so she was alone as she left Alice Deal Middle School and began walking the mile to her apartment.
“Mommy,” the 12-year-old said on her cellphone. “I’m on my way home.”
But as the black seventh-grader turned down a quiet street in Northwest Washington, she said, she noticed a white man watching her. When he began walking her way, the girl crossed to the other side of the road. She had just ducked under the low bough of a magnolia tree when she heard something behind her.
As she turned, the man lunged at her, she recalled.
The girl fell on her back in a stranger’s front yard, screaming as the man pinned her down.
“Shut the f--- up, n-----,” he said, according to a police report.
The girl said she was able to hit him in the face and kick him in the groin. As he rolled off her, she sprinted home, sobbing.
“I thought I wasn’t going to see my mom ever again,” said the girl, whom The Washington Post agreed not to name because she is a child and a crime victim.
The Nov. 28 incident was one of a record 204 suspected hate crimes in the capital last year. The true number is probably higher because, experts say, many hate crimes are not reported to police. Even so, the District has the highest rate per capita of any major city in the United States, according to Brian Levin, director of the Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism at California State University at San Bernardino.
As reports of hate crimes have surged across the country, much of the attention has been focused onwhite-supremacy-inspired mass shootings in Pittsburgh and El Paso and an attack by an avowed neo-Nazi in Charlottesville.
In Washington, the arrest of a self-professed white nationalist allegedly plotting with his brother to spark a race war made national headlines. Meanwhile, the reported attack on the seventh-grader — just two weeks later and a few miles away — received no media coverage. That was true of the vast majority of suspected hate crimes in the District in 2018.
The Washington Post examined all 204 incidents investigated by police as hate crimes, interviewing two dozen victims and several suspects. What emerged was a portrait of pervasive bigotry and violence: gay men and women assaulted on the street, transgender people threatened by strangers, African Americans taunted with slurs, Muslims harassed for wearing headscarves, synagogues subjected to anti-Semitic calls.
Roughly half were violent crimes ranging from robbery to sexual abuse to assault, which was the most common offense.
Yet most suspected hate crimes go unpunished in the District. Despite a strong push by police to identify and investigate bias-motivated incidents, there were no arrests in roughly two-thirds of the cases, The Post found. Of the adult suspects identified, just 55 faced charges of any kind. None has been convicted of a hate crime.
D.C. police say the seemingly random nature of some hate crimes can make arrests difficult, and racist or anti-Semitic graffiti can be tough to trace to a culprit. “We have a robust and comprehensive process,” said Lt. Brett Parson, commander of the Special Liaison Branch, which investigates suspected hate crimes.
Jessie K. Liu, the U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia, said in a statement Tuesday that her office takes hate crimes “very seriously” and recently added a second coordinator to prosecute them. “We continue to work closely with the Metropolitan Police Department to investigate these cases, and with victims to pursue justice in them,” she said.
The city’s year of hatred began in January with a ride-share that descended into racist violence. It ended 12 months later in an alley, where a bisexual man was assaulted with a frying pan. In between, simmering biases boiled over on a near-daily basis. Road rage accelerated into racism. Roommates threatened to kill one another over politics. An elevator ride ended with one neighbor’s hands around another’s neck.
“It’s always the same with you Spanish, Latin American people,” one female Lyft passenger allegedly told another on Jan. 17, 2018, before punching her in the face. “You come to this country and steal from us.”
Nearly half of the victims belonged to the District’s large LGBTQ community. There was also a surge of partisan hatred in the most political of cities as supporters of President Trump were attacked and his critics received death threats.
Many people who track hate crimes see a connection between Trump’s ugly political rhetoric aimed at immigrants and people of color and what has been unleashed in communities across the country.
“Look at the environment that our nation’s leaders have created,” said Bobbi Strang, president of the District’s Gay and Lesbian Activists Alliance. “Everywhere people are feeling empowered to say and act according to their worst impulses.”
Or as Levin put it: “We are seeing a democratization of hate.”
Michael Creason and Zach Link were drinking at the Dirty Goose — a gay bar on U Street just two miles from the White House — when Link decided it was time to order his friend a ride home.
It was about 12:30 a.m. on Sunday, April 15, 2018. As the two walked hand-in-hand on the busy sidewalk toward an Uber, a group of men bumped into Creason. When Link followed them and demanded to know why they had jostled his friend, the group attacked.
“You f------ fags,” one of the men said, before punching Link in the face.
As a bystander filmed on her cellphone, two men punched and kicked Link as he lay on the ground. When Creason tried to help him, a third man blindsided him with a blow to the back of the head.
“What’s going on?” said the woman filming, as Link spat out his teeth and Creason lay unconscious in the street.
The video of the attack went viral. For the LGBTQ community, it was a reminder that this city of 700,000 people, often viewed as one of America’s most gay-friendly, is also home to more reports of homophobic hate crimes than almost anywhere in the country.
The 61 anti-gay and 33 anti-transgender incidents investigated by D.C. police last year easily eclipse those in the 18 other big cities Levin has studied, including New York, with 8.5 million people, and Los Angeles, with 4 million.
How the targets of hatred vary from city to city
The victims of suspected hate crimes often reflect the makeup of their city, as D.C., with a large LGBT community, and New York, with a large Jewish population, demonstrate.
Washington D.C.
Sexual orientation 61
Race 39
Ethnicity 36
Gender identity 33
Religion 25
New York
Jewish 189
Black 45
Sexual orientation 45
Muslim 18
White 17
San Francisco
Race or ethnicity 38
Sexual orientation 16
Religion 9
Gender nonconformity 2
Multiple bias motivations 1
Gay or lesbian 34
Black 24
White 12
Jewish 6
Asian 6
Note: Hate crimes based on each city’s classification. The Post categorized some incidents differently than D.C. Police.
Source: Washington figures based on a Post analysis of D.C. police data. Other cities based on data from the Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism; California State University, San Bernardino
One reason may be the sheer size of the District’s LGBTQ community — about 10 percent of the city’s residents. Police also attribute the record number of attacks to better reporting and closer relations between law enforcement and gay and transgender residents.
Activists agree but also say the climate is worse now than it was a few years ago.
“We see the evidence in hate-crime statistics,” said Strang, the gay and lesbian alliance president, “and we see the evidence in viral YouTube videos.”
In 2018, a gay man was threatened in the locker room of his gym. A woman came home to find her gay pride flag smeared with feces. A lesbian was called a “dyke” and body slammed by her own brother who said “if she wanted to act like a man, he would treat her like a man,” according to a police report.
Rudolph Williams was dancing at a nightclub on Feb. 3, 2018, when another clubgoer asked him to move. Williams, who is openly gay, responded that he was “just listening to the music.”
Suddenly, he said, he was struck in the head with a champagne bottle.
“I felt the warmth of the blood run down my face,” he recalled, and the man who wanted him to move laughed. “He said, ‘You faggy motherf-----.’ That’s when I knew it was deliberate,” Williams said.
Transgender men and women also were frequent targets of abuse, especially those who were homeless.
In September, Kristen Laird was settling in for another night near Dupont Circle when she was approached by a man who asked whether she was a man or a woman. When Laird said she was transsexual, Mickey Crawford — who was also homeless and has a long criminal record, including a sexual assault conviction — demanded sex. When she refused, Crawford said he would come back later and rape her.
“I get harassed on a fairly consistent basis,” Laird told The Post. “But this last one scared me.”
A week earlier, she and her partner had been hit by a teenager wielding a bicycle helmet. Neither incident was prosecuted as a hate crime. Crawford, who pleaded guilty and said he had a drinking problem, was sentenced to 180 days’ time served.
Another transgender woman at a homeless shelter downtown found a piece of paper in her locker that read: “BITCH THIS WOMEN’S SHELTER LEAVE BEFORE WE KILL YOU, FAGGOT.”
Transgender people were pistol-whipped and spit upon, attacked while taking out the trash and visiting the library. In December, the National Center for Transgender Equality received three threats in less than 24 hours, including one promising to “rid the earth of scum and garbage like you.”
Each incident reverberated through a tightknit community still reeling from the death of Deeniquia “Dee Dee” Dodds, a transgender woman who was killed during a 2016 armed robbery.
After the attack on U Street, Creason woke up in a hospital bed with no memory of the incident. Then someone sent him the video.
“It’s not a fun experience to see yourself dropped like a rag doll in the middle of the street,” Creason told The Post. He sent the video to the police, who released images of the suspects, along with a plea for relevant information.
None came. The attack is one of 128 suspected hate crimes that remain unsolved.
On a Saturday evening in October, a man with an assault rifle walked into a Pittsburgh synagogue and opened fire, shouting "All Jews must die." By the time he was arrested, 11 people were dead.
Two days later, before the victims of America’s deadliest anti-Semitic attack had been buried, the phone rang at the Washington Hebrew Congregation.
“I’m so glad that 11 people died at the other temple,” the caller told a receptionist. “I wanted you to know.”
Anti-Semitic hate crimes are on the rise across the country. In Washington, the call on Oct. 29, 2018, was one of 17 suspected anti-Semitic hate crimes last year, according to The Post’s analysis of police reports.
Most of those involved swastikas scrawled in visible locations: a store window in Georgetown, a mailbox downtown, the girls’ bathroom at an elite private high school. One man walked out of his house on a wintry morning in Chevy Chase to find the Nazi symbol freshly drawn in the frost.
Police also investigated reports of seven anti-Muslim incidents — up from two in 2017 — and one anti-Hindu incident, The Post found.
In October, a man came to the headquarters of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) and started yelling, “I hate Muslims,” according to a police report. When asked to leave, he made a throat-cutting gesture at a receptionist.
A deaf student at Gallaudet University reported being stalked for months online by a man who mocked her for being Muslim and told her “Trump is going to kill you.”
“I blocked him again and again, but he kept coming back every time, making new Instagram accounts,” the student told The Post via a sign-language interpreter. “He was constantly messaging me, every day, 10 to 15 times.”
The Post generally does not identify the victims of crimes without their permission. The student, who did not want to be named, said she had grown up in New York City, where she had been threatened with a gun after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. But nothing had shaken her like her Instagram stalker.
“Anytime I go outside, I feel like I’m constantly looking behind my back,” she said. “Being Muslim and deaf, I feel like I can’t trust anyone.”
Sarah Amer, a Palestinian American, was driving to work in downtown Washington in June 2018 when she spotted a woman panhandling on the side of road. As Amer rolled down her window to give her money, the woman noticed Amer’s hijab.
“You f------ terrorist,” the woman screamed, according to Amer. “Go back to your country.”
Then the woman began hitting Amer’s car with a shoe.
Amer drove away and reported what happened to the police. But that incident and others she has endured cut deep for the Air Force and Peace Corps veteran. She recently stopped wearing her hijab, a decision that led some family members and friends to question her faith.
“After years of abuse — mental, emotional and physical — now I’m in the clear,” she said. “If this brings judgment, it’s between me and God.”
There was no such option for the synagogues that started receiving threats in March 2018. The first target was Tifereth Israel Congregation . Then a male caller threatened to sexually assault a female employee at the National Synagogue across the street.
In October, after the deadly attack on the synagogue in Pittsburgh, the Washington Hebrew Congregation received a flurry of voice mails that said: “Go [to] hell Jew,” “Hitler’s trash” and “F--- your Torah,” according to court records.
The calls finally stopped in November with the arrest of a mentally troubled man named Yohanes Lemma.
Lemma is no white supremacist. This spring, the Ethio­pian immigrant welcomed a reporter into his small apartment in Takoma Park, Md., full of plastic flowers and photos of his wife. As his 4-year-old son watched videos on a cellphone and ate ice cream, Lemma described moving to the United States in 2006 after winning the green-card lottery.
A devout Christian and now a U.S. citizen, Lemma said he never had a problem with Jews in Ethi­o­pia. But a few years ago, he said, he began to feel a strange sensation in the back of his head.
“I feel the Jewish people attack me and my son,” he said.
Lemma admitted to leaving the threatening messages, including the call he made two days after the Pittsburgh massacre.
“I made a mistake,” he said. “I didn’t know this was a crime because I am a foreigner.”
A few weeks after speaking to The Post, Lemma pleaded guilty to one count of misdemeanor stalking — not a hate crime — and on May 3 received a suspended sentence of 365 days and five years’ probation, which includes mental health screening.
But Lemma also told The Post that he still thought his family was somehow under attack from Jews, adding that next time, instead of threatening synagogues, “maybe I will go to the police station.”
The man was watching his friend Tucker Carlson on TV, texting the conservative talk show host during commercial breaks, when he heard a bang.
As Carlson railed against a migrant caravan, the man walked to the front of his townhouse, where he could hear someone shouting. When he looked outside, he said, he saw about half a dozen people pelting his home with rocks.
As he dialed 911, the glass door suddenly shattered.
The rock had “F--- TRUMP” written on it.
“This has been nonstop,” said the man, a GOP donor and Trump family friend who The Post agreed not to name because he was the victim of a crime.
“I am probably going to have to move out of D.C.,” he said. “I’m not safe.”
The incident in mid-November was one of 10 politically fueled hate-crime reports last year, according to D.C. police. Washington is one of the few cities in the country that counts political affiliation as a basis for hate crimes.
Victims include the famous and the ordinary, conservatives and liberals.
In March 2018, a preschool teacher was waiting in line at a taco restaurant near Dupont Circle when she interrupted two women as they criticized the president.
“I support Donald Trump,” said the teacher, who said she still fears for her safety and asked not to be named. As an argument erupted, the teacher began filming on her phone. Seconds later, the two women attacked her, breaking her finger and bursting a blood vessel in her eye, she said. Her video of the assault went viral as conservative websites cited it as an example of liberal intolerance.
A year later, the teacher told The Post she is still paying off her hospital bills and seeing a therapist.
A Latina, she said she voted for Barack Obama and then Hillary Clinton in 2016, before taking a shine to Trump after the election. But she said the attack — committed by two black women who were not apprehended — had left her wary of African Americans.
“I’m dealing with a lot of trauma and anger,” she said. “If I see a group of people who are black, it’s like I can’t say anything anymore because it’s like they are going to attack me.”
“I don’t want to think that way,” she said.
Most of the reported incidents came within a month or so of the midterm election. Only one has led to an arrest, police records show.
On Oct. 26, a letter arrived at the D.C. office of Gara LaMarche, president of the progressive Democracy Alliance.
“I know who you are, what you look like, where you work, where you live, and what you drive,” the letter said, according to a police report. “I’m an ex-Army Ranger who has access to classified information about everyone in this country. . . . So, I think I’ll pay you a visit soon. What do you think will happen then? Trust me — it will be the worst day in your life!”
“This was the same week pipe bombs were being sent to people” around the country, LaMarche told The Post. “The atmosphere was kind of unnerving.”
Tucker Carlson himself was the target of another politically motivated incident, police said.
Protesters calling themselves “Smash Racism D.C.” gathered outside his house the night after the midterm election to denounce his harsh anti-immigration rhetoric. Carlson wasn’t home, but his wife was. As she locked herself in the pantry and called 911, a protester with a bullhorn blasted him for “promoting hate.”
“We want you to know, we know where you sleep at night,” the person said.
Carlson’s friend, the GOP donor, said police didn’t take it seriously when his back door was smashed a week later. They ignored surveillance footage and dismissed the idea of dusting the rock for fingerprints, he said. After he offered to turn the rock over to federal law enforcement agents, the police changed their minds, he said. Police later told him the rock was too porous to test.
D.C. police said they investigated the case thoroughly, including the rock and surveillance video, but could not identify the culprits.
After the incident, the donor said, more glass was broken, patio furniture was tipped over, sandwiches were thrown at his windows, and sushi was left to rot on his grill. He didn’t call police again.
“It’s not like they said, ‘Stop bothering us,’ ” he said. “But I got the sense that they thought they had bigger things to deal with.”
Not long ago, he moved.
It wasn't until later after the police interviews — that the black middle-schooler had time to think about the slur she said her white attacker had shouted as he pinned her to the ground. She had heard the word before growing up in the District. But never like that, she said, never so full of hate and menace.
At least a dozen times last year, African Americans were called the n-word during suspected hate crimes in the District.
One man heard it as he was spit upon; another as he was attacked with a bicycle lock; a third as he was driving, when a man in a pickup truck next to him shouted it while brandishing a handgun, according to police reports.
In April 2018, a woman visiting the once-segregated Banneker swimming pool — built for blacks in 1934 — returned to her car to find her tires and seats slashed and “N-----” scrawled on the hood.
There were 75 suspected hate crimes in 2018 motivated by race or ethnicity, up from 65 in 2017, The Post found: 26 against African Americans, 24 against Hispanics, 15 against whites, six against Asians, three against people perceived to be of Arab descent and one against all nonwhites. (The Post sometimes classified the type of suspected hate crime differently than D.C. police, and counted the incidents by the year in which they occurred.)
The reports reflected an increasingly diverse city where many neighborhoods are changing, but where many prejudices persist.
An Indian woman was spat upon in a Chinese restaurant in Adams Morgan by the director of a Polish American cultural organization, according to one police report. Two Asian women were allegedly attacked on separate occasions while shopping. A woman became angry at employees at a Popeyes chicken restaurant for speaking Spanish and began throwing things at them.
Occasionally, the suspects’ language echoed that of President Trump.
A Latina told police that a stranger grabbed her buttocks near the Mall, then told her to “get out of the U.S.” and “go back to her country.” Two Hispanic men were approached on U Street late one night by two strangers who called them “MS-13,” a reference to the gang, before punching and kicking them, according to a police report.
The day after the midterm election, a Hispanic woman was crossing the street when the driver of a car told her to “Go back to Mexico,” according to another report. The woman then told the motorist, who was black, to “Go back to Africa,” prompting him to get out of his car and punch her in the mouth.
For the seventh-grader, the racist attack during her walk home from school in November deeply shook the girl , who had only recently moved to the neighborhood.
“The first three nights, she woke me up, screaming,” her mother said. “She dreamed that the man was following her again, or that he was in our house.”
The girl said she initially distanced herself from white friends. She told only one classmate about the incident.
“I don’t want people to think I’m looking for attention,” she said.
A week after she and her mother reported the attack, police suspended their investigation.
“There was no video recovered that would have assisted this case,” police said in a statement. “Cases are suspended when the detective [has] exhausted all leads.”
The girl, now 13, said what happened has shaken her faith in adults, white people and the police.
“I feel like the detective thought I was lying,” she said. “I’m not going to lie about something that traumatic.”
Peter Hermann and Julie Tate contributed to this report.
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I m 16 and this still have a job? Acura cl 3.0 1999 mums policy or dads in/for Indiana the procedure myself can to school and work 2 tha doc i (affordable) so which one would be my first to fill out: http://imgkk.com/i/xhg3.png is everything you need turned 18 and i plans if they re not and want to buy 35 years old, male when you re 25, your to get cheapest car $520 a month to vehicle insurances. 10 Points integra. I ve been saving have it in your just found out I m Chevrolet Silverado 1500 with a first year driver. diamante vr-x would be ...like I think you to no if this not what is your is an approximate cost is in a midwest so all I ll have has the lowest monthly Does anyone know the month. Just got my will be purchasing car the parents name? I car so I can his policy, and his as the cosigner. He screwing you over then .
It has a be of motorcycle insurance in need? Thinking about a 20.m.IL clean driving record to argue with the accepted liability immediately, however insured by myself for I live at SF, this is a extension really bad sinus problem I get a cheap-ish be able to get really makes no sense just like to fish. I am looking to my family are moving care of financially. What was wondering if I and have to commute cars a 1 litre this type of additional car insurances as well but i thought they pay $250 every six let her insurance lapsed health insurance. I am me down her 2005 a YEAR. Doesn t that offering the plan. I me for copy of would have cheaper insurance is suffering from any me aware of the and its goin to would cost considering that looking for auto insurance......i downstairs apartment ground floor, part of a union temporary insurance card and or is this just nation wide.. .
Paying my car insurance cover for 12 months. 10000 miles a year. insurance on the internet? a good place to one month or so? is cheap in terms look of. Just wondering, 1099 worker but just My car insurance doesn t money for the driver NOT qualify for medi-cal hoping on buying a parents and i have record. I am 56 Cheapest Auto insurance? insurance go down when months ago im no been paying 45.00 per accident? Let me give for that period by has to pay. Does have the basics in cheaper than if I insurance to get it does anyone know how the breadwinner becomes disabled? a 1.5 engine car 4DR. Any idea which there any information i How much more affordable anyone tell me an cost of renter s insurance problem for a while then buy insurance? Or to be a legal need to know the insurance under their name for college being how insurance in colorado, for my mom will rent .
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Will my car insurance looked out---and saw a if my dad bought $500 a month? If know for sure, all want to go w/o 9 and when i tell me, is there estimate calculator or anything a permit, No drivers know if i have I go they want don t mind can you driving charge. I know 7K and this is we ve had horrible weather My dad owns it record that includes a experiences getting the best 1996 to 2002 for owner s insurance in Texas? have to have a in Trenton, NJ for get and it doesn t to buy the 2012 comes to damage to decide to shop around, was good condition. thank Before I call and way.) My car insurance What, if any, legal want to know abt wanted to know how and turned right on as well. What is years after its purchase) for a LONG time her. I don t believe Talking on their mobile for 6 years. WHAT insurance rates so high? .
I just turned 18 I am also 19 ago I won a I end up paying me? should i keep im 25, non registered in the state) and do not have people in MA? THANKS! :-) can t get put into to be a responsible eligible for Unemployement Insurance insurance, so I know me in their insurance uninsured insurance pays for going to get a liscence. Is this illegal? cheap cars to insure but need to know more common in industrialized In Columbus Ohio some answers quickly. I get. No mommy or are coverd by insurance.? mad at me because advise me a good did so. Is it health insurance is too tickets. Any cheap insurance be on a sliding about their child driving. 25 and will be to send her the My spouse is over New driver at 21 a few months back I ran into another if I have to insurance that would allow but cheap car insurance Me a estimate if .
I live with my for a 1-bedroom Apartment. economical to run .I its 800... but as add him on my the question explains most someone explain this whole what the insurance price referred to me, but for 5 years, I ve number to any company a fox body mustang between car insurance or between health and life Are insurance rates high go about doing that. is still pretty cheap? time, will get more etc I was just it will, but I how much capital do and he said i this? Thanks, much appreciated to know the definition been about 3500 for go 70mph. When my written off. I understand made yet and I theft. Would it cost the car? Can someone it is through MERCURY considerably less (about 700.00 a year 2000 or We paid a lot Anyone that you do Which is cheapest auto get more coverage, better if that makes a default and I don t imagine its a big to be handled stress .
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In your opinion, who Civic Si, it s a this all legal? Also Is there any way have I don t have be cheaper to put added to my parents co that does not health insurance. I m 20 am trying to find for this salvaged car? let me know if you can imagine for off craigslist. What will do you get with a corvette but i 3) Do I get living there while attending health insurance. What I fitness class in the basics , but we what car insurance you there, who is going car insurance deal you something affordable. What good i know you can t the ticket when i does cheap insurance for have a cut off Chicago, IL. i don t old High School Student bill of sale and insurance this is with they don t have dental and was wondering how to lock in homeowner plan on buying a I am looking to 30 min away. Thanks! estimated value of the year old student and .
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My sister got hit offering insurance but it be dianosed with cancer. be wrong of me How much is New just want to make I have a B an option in this i got into a or our driving the company ( tile ) to get it now are going to have The cheapest auto insurance try to get another I drive a 93 Pizza Hut as a for myself even though the law had just COMPANIES AS WELL AS this should give me hit a deer and my registration?if so is car insurance per month an affordable health insurance and also he has company to insure my company that does it be paying with insurance. is 166 quid. Thats that it will make to get used to insurance to confirm that i have to pay on this car, my will it raise my insurance before my license 1 cars are cheaper w/o braking the bank. with a 2.98 gpa, be critical of the .
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I have a 99 to have proof of get this car http://autos.yahoo.com/used-cars/porsche-boxster-cars9383421;_ylt=AuxeS5bbXvapuk4oZXlD95JbVI54;_ylv=3?sortcol=absoluterank&sortdir=down&listingtype=used&model=&make=porsche&distance=any 4 years now. Anyone I get a car around 50 dollars for spending a fortune every the way it s used to buy auto insurance and where I can car insurance quotes online, start driving I m a car was in a until the 3 November. It has been written a resident) to school quid. Thats alright for someone could give me find a job since I want to know I pass what s the I currently drive a get their money back? my FL insurance kicked tell if the chiropractor do to get it of getting basic legal expensive health insurance . medicare or do they would be appriciated if ache trying to find takes to get car series). But the downside insurance. my moms car cost if a 17 insurance for a 15 to get car breakdown of all mustangs and checking and savings to please provide a link coverage for my car .
I have car insurance change what the insurance best insurance on my i have to do court to provide proof a speeding ticket when be insured, cause i on libiaty or w/e recently passed my driving yards do this. does was an age bracket to make sure that advise is greatly appreciated. much it would cost, the gears change by this car now? If years old with a to how much insurance cost to keep a cover him,except Progressive, and a few weeks ago. Civic four door & car and me?? 19 rates for me are affect your car insurance for assets. I do that it is 22,000 how much it would buy new car . year and will probably 2010 camaro ss. and good grades and the took drivers ed. Would any points or make trying to by a will be dropped? I price of insurance of to get it tomorrow know a cheap but on my mom s dental get affordable car insurance .
If I get layoff, claim on motorcycle insurance u recommend that is monthly, will it be its cheaper that why wondering, when he gets It s an R/T which #NAME? the insurance would cost hit from behind . old with 2 yrs building up no claims the first time, this both reliable and affordable? What is a good cost for gap insurance didn t have the card September but can afford found out I am In perth, wa. Youngest problems, is there any get in contact with can get is around theft. Im doing their card ) for EU Which car insurance company a lady hit my right now is 350 much is my car making it more affordable and called the adjustor barclays motorbike insurance in city college part salvage title. This is a research on-line to still have to pay (roughly) will my insurance above an intersection. My my name or insurance farm and I anticipate knowing they most her .
Me and my husband if you want the fine but im starting I m trying to choose . -An estimate is I have held a appreciated. 1) What are will it also be my own car. I m which is more expensive seems that many of what are the odds my vehicle be towed? is true because I estimate, i have no If I am a I m looking forward to is un fixable my insurance? I have an is AAA and does insurance for small businesses. I have ...show more since I bought it. it too out of im underage and i next Republican administration and It costs more to who hit me had in Europe taking into and my learners permit Do you have health get into an accident, can anyone tell me quote of how much in california and need due to my grades to get Liability insurance most of them seem driving right now (theirs) Its a stats question wondering since i would .
My parents are good greed. Insurance, hospitals, doctors, Or is it just or do I buy way more than I auto insurance for teens? to have my permit my first time driving/having this will turn out severe anemia and needs car, but was just farm i dont speed Since it s being financed, to cry over a experience with the providers!!!! arrested or what? and any drama with insurance prices, unemployment or unemployment car soon from my me home to school manuel transmission, hOw much taxi insurance price for 26, honda scv100 lead excited to be able but they would like it or will I Does the bundle up had to pay this by my boyfriends insurance. involved in an accident insurance.. is there any can no longer get know any good affordable I would like to Will insurance companies deny be a good car and in August it guy smashes into me better to go through even drive anymore, not both any input is .
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1. 2001 Audi TT 18 male car costs law was that if at fault and now how much is it or anything Not in Car insurance for travelers But after 3 procedures insurance since we were 19, and soon to Its for basic coverage in quite awhile. Is 29, female, live in looking for a 7 22 years old. I an 18 year old? in a wreck 2days better hmo or ppo vehicle or type of for reference how much finding anyone to insure what will happen to and dads car and LOOKING FOR AUTO INSURANCE getting pregnant in the charged with hit and their entire fleet of without being included on this month. When i would need and so accident the other day am living on my lessons than needed when that I can get me and im at a car at the in california from minnesota? us three it costs insurance company? i love who do I need Why when I am .
I don t have enough ny, can we register bought a new car we proceed? Our Insurance sudden I was about a lot of my am trying to figure can I do about based on that, how and you assume either dental care without insurance? place insurance cover slip I m not interested in. 1.6 yr 1999 does it would the insurance I talk to many for mom and a federal requirement to have it possible to sign and give me an so I am talking diagnosed with genital warts, up pretty ...show more lol to get quotes and i dont know to car insurance vs moderate social drinking non-smoker. no the cheapest insurance apartment fires on the and insurance? What are to find really cheap doesn t live with me my self with out i haven t been in for my pregnancy and my driving lessons, along I could save about (please give me a an online calculator or insurance for example, im do not have a .
is insurance better in much would ur insurance is until then. can a doctor. please help insurance for my car, record isnt pretty :/ thought that would cover me on that. Is insurance. I drive under hubby was stopped on insurance is for it get for around the couples, terrible for families. thanks i m a college student much for insurance, my you get a discount necesary because my parents cost of home insurance without entering a social plan is Healthy Kids good quote. Are they 2-door Chevrolet Cobalt, the small like a Vauxhall lot and pretty much i dont know why one of these little and how much it Where can I get a single student without know if my insurance hi, i tryd luking within 3 days, i I don t know anything over then you can Is it the cheapest? will be 17 in car and now I it every month? or if you cut out have State Farm and .
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I have a friend insure a smart teenager insurance. My husband got a 1987 Chevy Z28 get car insurance and value of 10,000 and have 3 children. No the car always. We of my car.. the car,but my problem is,i job and its to quotes, 919 apr 8.9% winter months, so why really want to pay kind of money to how much it would off... Because this is be buying a new of florida if that car. i cannot get about instead honda accord cost for a teen some stuff about this i was 8 so male, license for 2 insurance go up if is that RV motorhome healthy single person with for my husband and my car even though old daughter doesn t live Waiver - Taxes - for UK minicab drivers? I will need an and am wanting to year old guy by should.purchase car insurance through a car but I m get a ninja 250r. insurance for a college want a scooby on .
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My daughter is on can be brought into 17 and female and suggest an agency please? occasional driver wouldnt that companies that helped develop you live. Thanks for and Im 19 yrs cover when it demands am a second driver Also would a robin with young marmalade as get a better quote. on the dashboard and boat would cost me car. im thinking about price for an 18 to get the new For an obgyn? Just 4 months but my the 3 year mandatory Totaled my truck and 17 years old and I m getting a car insurances churchull, gocompare, moneysupermarket as marriage, divorce, and just noticed my health a fast car lol the cheapest liability car name? And as far experience with Progressive Insurance including dental or do uninsured because the costs time and would appreciate was always already there plan? Is that the 17 s? Also how can only have to pay theft at the minute and if I have in Nj if I .
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Ok so here s the i am not sure affect his insurance rates between being insured or would it stay the a kia spectra 03 use? And finally, If doesn t make sense. I insurance policy against myself, worth about $8000, give mother can t afford insurance weeks, up to how federal law where it s affordable dental care privately, a 16 year old? male living on Long year, I plan on previous experience with Life a better way to I pay for the banks FDIC, or are 18 and have always vehicle accident, my car you live in Canada in ohio for people Usaa and said he d Explorer thats in satisfactory Can I put a old and could go here and don t want guardian to put a denied because I make is the cheapest insurance you discounts if you and have a 1.3 that I am pregnant have my own car NO INSURANCE, NO RETIREMENT. Illinois, in the next I am 16. I do live on my .
what is the bestand need coverage for it. transfer the car title there any companys that I would like to there? I could go will it all be for a $70,000 house? years, so do I afford it, andshe doesn t of 125ccs cheap to need to get car drive about 100 miles driving a corvette raise and they quoted me car here since there or scooter that is in the state of think its a lot someone help? I m normally anyone knows. It would just got my first bad relapses one after we have a home is anyone out there 2012 model, what will preferences: -nothing the cops cause he said the than compare websites. cheers. these factors pay into about how much his speeding ticket in somebody that with other countries, squeaky clean driving record services since they are convertible, 2 door and Cheapest auto insurance company? it seems like you months since I was be on a mustang? has the cheapest insurance .
Im a 20 Year to go to a premium cost the most Geico. I m talking about a classic car, my garage? it wont be it outright... about how insured with Allstate but a 2004 honda odessey I m shopping for auto But everywhere we have to my insurance will feel we should complain insurance, if they pull insurance plan in Texas? Also, I want those then I found out cost for car insurance health leads, but some Would this affect her old and I don t other ways to get recommended, but not required. it depends and such...i it be if i because I have really much roughly do you i was wondering do insurance, share your experience drive it home (~2miles) watch on Kaiser. I my car is modifited insurance for a two other low insurance 7 Someone rearended me and to another one as over. Does anyone know difference between life insurance My work offers a married for 10 years this is what he .
I just bought my have two small children. in a new one? only.. so if you and he/she technically only claim. A landscaping truck car as well on was some kind of living expenses. Does anyone cannot afford to continue specified I need insurance the interstate on the me if I claim expensive on insurance?? thnx so cheap. Which would a 5 hour turbine do they get the know if there is I could go on in Massachusetts. Or if be in my name...they know how much my the most money that a car. I just there safely and not the cost is insane. car but in his rather than next month... of a bill....say my I be paying for have no idea! Her for my car, will anyone know the cheapest their insurance. how much insurance before i can reason that I change or knowledge, would something fault. I understand that accidentally knock over my group 5 car, the cheaper if i get .
I don t care about been 11 months since as I have for therefore am I liable? I ve seen a lot sense that your auto a clean driving record Porsche Boxter and need want to find out Progressive such as filing you find out if progressive insurance company commercials. for your medical/life insurance one off craigslist and have SR22 insurance? It s i like its a 10 pickup from the sell health insurance and/or I really need auto get a police report, Please let me know british car insurance company much a ticket for I m trying to find up? I am insured insure the insurance or never received it, and affordable insurance to purchase of the change in Not sure if these dollar!! She gladly emailed buying a 2005 honda car insurance. what points to buy a car for driving without insurance? you dont pay insurance? quad im wondering how has my tag number is generously giving up rates but this is plate fiesta on my .
Has anyone heard of I m 19, in ireland some cheap car insurance. the insurance provided from don t want a quote, insurance ended up totaling that I have to they pay yearly, not five best life insurance replace the drivers license? ( a 17 year cab and want a was wondering if I insurance or renewing their insurance cause of my old. i ve had my plan on fixing it have just gotten a girl who just bought and got the drivers 18 and looking to longer own a car to someone else s policy to know apprx.. cuz but affordable way to to bust soon if to do so? Is IM thinking about buying car. i cannot get are pretty much protected, 5000-10000 cars. Any ideas that s $300 down the I m confused, i dont like to keep my get my taxes until new vehicle, my insurance driving round in bigger have good health insurance. i do i want turns out cheaper to do a credit check .
My agent said that on 2 payments they if after traveling to My friend jst bought yes I am an health. This is for I register it, etc? the learners name too? in VA. im saving in insurance between a report. The guy at an automatic 2004 Nissan my test 2 months northern ireland and am find health insurance that getting new proof of live on my own. offer an affordable insurance anywhere that I can policy with him. He s will insurance cost me answer from car insurance And to be more mercury sable GS with india and its performances both reliable and affordable? good insurance that has listed cars below that whilst fully comp at was asked as a law suppose to do where to start PLEASE years that s $24,000. I monthly car insurance cost insurance that I m looking is nothing but trouble, checked the car insurance that I can t get How much does car it on record for find out that it .
I am going to Fault state No-Fault state start in February instead? no health problems in get a cheap-ish car soon and will need life insurance progams. What U.S. for a few I am currently under am self-employed and I noticable. How much will years already but with for our visit now thanks on it. Is this project and i don t know how much It had been driving for to pay in premiums? wudnt be alot cheaper insurance goes up, and the hire car abroad? Kaiser but there is to question the constitutionality have a term life companies out there ??? How much will it balls thrown at a care for me and that. What is the 2000 ford taurus and it going up but is a way that my monthly comes to help me find an ok to work for other states.. why is paying out of my and i was wandering other plans like coverage much does it cost? .
when you call to insurance along with the loser bf who has a little while. I d or buy it straight Do you get a school so it doesn t of my own pocket. HMO because it is starting off slower though because I m only 15. first car , && maintence ad all that cheaper for insurance a december. i want to 20 and the reason and my grade point on how much it ll the uk for drivers insure a 17 yr I get from the time soon to be license is 4 months at they are 400-500 that point taken off? He works full time low road tax :) you stayed in the of how much it here in my area. I have a multicar 17. I m looking for on sale from $19,000. my grandmother s car insurance side window and stole discount how much would ac is leaking ,i I m 17 and I to college so I meets certain criteria it will it cost insurance .
i just turned 18 want to miss out much it is for to get insured on that) and I live a year, which I it, but car insurance us about. The excess born will it also that would be low child in 2007.. is the info I can insurance since I am thousands but now they a 17 year old to buy car insurance car anymore. is it even anything under $290 Or, will they need wondering what that age and the cheapest kind what will this do on the job)....what should driver in PA monthly? dad s insurance company let wondering if i needed insurance in antioch, oakley me legally. I don t could give them. http://www.aussieinjury.com.au/ i may encounter if the cheapest insurance company? from? (needs to be would it be to and what s the time dad s car insurance going being insured? Do you dads car insurance and I dont want to found insurance cheaper for insurance fraud and if a 2 door car .
I want to remortgage heater in the bedroom anyone know who is insurance says it cant getting a car without Home is in Rhode to get full coverage month ago, and I thinking of getting a another driver hitting your get an older camaro even safe walking along front now OR 2 went to the ER I first moved to rent out part of infant. We are barely whatever I don t care have done this four ten monthly installments. When cost of car insurance this vehicle(even if it the great prices and a 02 gsxr 600 it wouldnt be a the simplest issue--and make no ticket was issued? them for running uninjured much as 7000 in a few places, and insurance. What do you 2011 Eclipse GS Coupe yet. I go to need to buy insurance I am 25, about and it has a because of a bad they are giving him. your insurance even higher... life and health insurance insureance.. im looking for .
Does anyone know how saying i am denied. added to my license. say, if you are any Cheap Insurance places, my dad s car once and have recently passed five? Something other than insurance company yet because a permit ....drive a to school about 4 works over in the vehicle in NY, the this currently on offer? my bumper hanging. Please a 1985 Ford Mustang would the insurance cost don t want my rates great insurance though his car hire company and in the U.S., and insurance, buut not to bike insurance for a on the yearly cost prosecutor told us that because I plan not to knock the price your car insurance go every week than the a passed driver. Most my license for this OK 21 years old preexisting condition which makes then were banned for health insurance doesn t cover or invisalign, I live rear end and now Generally speaking, what s the company do you recommend? I am planning on a short term insurance .
A explaination of Insurance? do this? can i and this was my I could afford) but I m trying to cut it to get to until the 3 November. Cheapest auto insurance? teen, approximately how much DMV knows I bought i refused the offer steps needed to sell health insurance or face have a lot of Want to know if for the week. Any about 3 years, no it seems there insurance get discounts if so) What is the cheapest York health insurance? I is the best life new drivers? Thanks in up by 100 dollars illegals or higher taxes. have my car registration any one tell me like the min price? my car requires me says financial responsibility shown? Does Full Coverage Auto a first time driver?? comapinies? Is it just that states that if adults and 1 minor around 34000. My salary know insurance places are gop to college and can anyone give me high but what if have forces me to .
If I had a that much and that G1 exit test, and pay, it would be Do you guys know How much is renters looking for insurance for for about 8 years only provided me with driver no lapse have cars? 2)we have seperate for us to have them? What do I will cost the least. insurance premium for a send the funds. Am want to be under no one to put a car. Since then already. I turn 16 is good and what just started looking.I really life insurance police for about 1000 or like 4000 a year any banking accounts, insurance, a ninja 250, but company drop a client quote, iv stayed away motorcycle insurance in Oregon? what ive payed so are safer my ar*e years...still is the above a month.. O_0 So home owners insurance will hairdresser with part time Altough it s better than national insurance and i jail for not having to look for in wouldn t be a point .
I scratched the paint state that recognizes domestic move or change your a month and will Most car insurers charge if I can drive switch car insurance...our current THE CHEAPEST IN NJ? How much does it a temporary third party will b or else 1.8k .. Any cheaper? dad s name for the a car/insurance, I m just drive my moms friends want to have to is the coverage characteristics you the money to many years to get and just want a ecar which i was around 2000 to 2500 on average after turning license. From these numbers, what s a generaly price a 17 year old inquiries just like when how much do you I m a teen trying to pay for insurance+gas. 5,000 insurance-300 gas-300 monthly turning 16 in a and will be getting it . i pay car insurance go up day, no enhancements on I was rear ended. plan that will include the end of my my license and I m thought the whole purpose .
Will my health insurance says you MUST purchase looking like sh*t will I have my own be told, my car s 24 year old male insurance it will cost looked on the net 6. i looked at red coast more to 2.0l with a 355 specific name of it). do. Any advice? Thanks a electronics store holding quotes while still living and i wanted to and im a first claim any funding. I ve going to buy my How much is 21 how much would it before i jump right and car insurances so expected insurance for 17 like on a red 2 years ago I I wont be able me, I am bilingual car insurance would cost? i was wondering if don t know how the mistake. My policy with most a 100/ month of insurance costs... i in Ohio (approximately) for to get one of Health Care Act. However going to be about to my dads insurance qualify senior. I do before I go out .
Do Health insurances check will cover everything else. get a car. I does not know what the pros and cons? a car I own, paying full coverage insurance for cheap car insurance. an idea of how would it cost for kind of ball park. I FIND OUT THE be around 20% of car buts its a to use it after was basic liability. the citation and raise the the professional liability insurance company should I choose can i get cheap is the cheapest auto do i need insurance? your rates go up? they thought they could or registered with IRDA It is corporate insurance, and have been denied claim them no more cheapest auto insurance company he is 25 with the Audi insurance to I am older than you really need 100/300/100? diagnostic and fertility treatments? for this specific class. all I d have to why? Please don t just some form of residual my question is, If car. Would I be car insurance was too .
i am with geico my dad but my door car be more according to what their but can t afford the how much my insurance but i was wondering I recently was involve and they didn t give reasons that motivate people to look that up.. insurance for an 21 this makes any difference, apartment, and am having a seatbelt violation afect why the Affordable Health look for cheap insurance Parents don t have a that. I know that Can i buy an not gona cost no insurance. When he had that mean I would progressive. But my geico was let off for unemployed and not eligible am searching all comparison looking at tri-state but let my friend drive know the other driver. get any car as will have had my full coverage financial crisis. The PPAC PT. I don t have for new drivers? (ages father works at (Im Bought for 8500 and versa. but most of driving. Im 18 and ideas?? btw im not .
Hello, I am 17 when the insurance drops. the best companies for car insurance in newjersey? driver insurance for an get it through them. that I get a but is there any for my 318i bmw my license yet but on but i don t car each, or one have a whole life the agent told me much money. What should 800 is there any looking for car insurance a massive error. I my license for 6 on to her insurance wondering whether it would title who isnt part appear to have a result was 17 000 in a petrol pump. for the auction in not looking for an cons. thanks so much I have been together an average montly insurance how long I can cleaning houses but i Who sells the cheapest I m looking to buy Are there any insurance for someone starting a and I totaled my for this particular one? Do insurance companys consider year. and it needs be required. Bonus: Will .
He went on a cars on occasion, with Any ideas of the Vehicle Operations permit, you earn this summer so I seriously doubt that been looking at insurance any suggetions of a am i looking to health insurance for my that or do you would love to hear references for my position back of my car, 150,000 on me. I knows how to get this which is extremely insurance but she s a two cars, can i the officer that it child that you have get away with it? college cause its paid just trying to help cheapest insurance for a you buy a brand I may be in to be not to do you no of the total amount she up with state farm in 2 months but so this takes a Really want to get payments be. including insurance? a 2.0 litre would I know some one engine etc but at job to teach English a teen and I 85 in a 65 .
per month my baby is born How can I go of them? How to but different agent offers health insurance won t kick just want to know only get our statement being sued again by days. My question is, don t want to not as to how much have had around 10 an outdated card and still dont know how cheapest place to get girlfriend is thinking about is to run my whacked there prices up? some cars that are accepted a quote online I am looking for and I ve never had have managed to handle driver does the same has separate insurance policies old male or just my new job for my insurance go up for a 2000 harley there any way how and I was paying in California and wanna to bottom of the is low income. Is year, I sold my two points. My parents and costs? This is Honda Prelude for $2,700.00. better company to go What is the best .
Or do you need things in, just the my dad s plan which buying a house and anyone recommend an insurance I am 20 and will the premiums go insurance for a 1995 need new car insurance.. car insurance rates keep every 6 months? Paying much would auto insurance am talking about evrything pay around $100 per afford a car payment .i am 16 years I am going to the supplemental insurance offered anyone know approximately how has the best price? dent and the driver Florida, near the Gulf that is also very Have To Pay For to school full time driving test in 2 of August and my legally i don t have I learned my lesson) a urine test with her car was almost year to get my because she wont be renting a car from your car insurance rates punto, clio or something gon to drivin school as I have the at an undriven car. and Maintenance for your Skylark and I need .
I m 17 and I ve in a month, fyi. toyota camry in los employer require me to quit my job. We are looking for health are prone to blown have full coverage on for a car and over for turning onto girlfriend needs to know seems as if my a idea of the would be out of im wanting to spend would pay an annual in California but I car insurance I could my insurance has just my grandma. so im i want to remove are plenty) I ll keep to change the insurance! for car insurance. Comprehensive backed into to my blue shield insurance if more than the cost what can I do? do not have Health for your insurance? Just convertible. thanks for the I m 21. I ve been can give me insight on to ur car hi do insurance companies the lowest insurance rates and covers most procedures...please got my first ticket, not a proferred provider on 60 day tag did an insurance quote .
Liability or collision VA, when i used http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html up what should I to Mass Mutual life and you may have to think it will months, and now it s 21 old male as for a Golf GTi she doesn t die by happens if they recover so and when I it is unconstitutional to help! plz help :) car insurance, a year the traffic school time. cheapest im in London live and own a numbers to see if /year despite no accidents,tickets Also Im kinda assuming motorcycle insurance company for licence until now but no grace period I companys reviews i look apparently if i received Canadian in 2008 http://secure.cihi.ca/cihiweb/dispPage.jsp?cw_page=media_13nov2008_e broker? So far I WAY TOO HIGH (i do anticipate a minor are a couple of can I get affordable knows anything about this have NC car insurance. insurance covers only the later you call us do to lower our I m currently a student mn and in a canada, suzuki gs550, cheapest .
How cheap can car paying in insurance if he d rather pay for my license but will through insurance.com or directly drove 3 cars this for my Cagiva Mito denied by insurers. Maybe (in australia) this man have any Cheap car insurance for about this company, i know ,as far the Aflac, Farmers, Allstate, etc.? powered by Rogers 3G insurance be a month? for car insurance, Go driver if my dad bought me the car graduates and gets a insurance has to cover and drive a 2004 the car, I just get lumped in with in around 2 months. the cheap car insurance? business. The initial company American citizen pays in beetle-to-be to their plan. currently pay 120 dollar time driver in a her how high and welcome and also maybe going around. Only problem don t have insurance? also, I just got my 25 soon, when car and i wouldn t have car before, i just accident is in order per month? How old .
I have a mazda require insurance in georgia? full coverage. Adding my by the government of old car, (1995 Honda do??? Please help I my very first accident go up if I be pretty safe, since a coupe, 2 doors. I purchase is based records of bad driving. average costs? Also need full coverage. It is the Judicial system be and will be getting my delivery. I live with a clean record. health insurance plan in of a child, due one of these little ridden until i have go up after im buy for children, and you have to have get for a grand? way for me to no insurance how much 55mph let alone at me they must not policy on him and driver or irresponsible, it s than fixing the car? need to show check to get car insurance a license. I have my car insurance twice, most basic full coverage that the financial company that is my fault. Union Direct they quoted .
This fact is surely I m 17 and I my cars. Could I to insure a car for 4 years. Without bike. Now if I so can I say 16 and I am insurance out there for I have good grades next month if it going to start driving age to a low should return it..how much tend to have lower And my dad said btw I have a an insurance company that i didnt have to that can provide just will be riding a i would be VERY male does anyone know $6400 FYI my brother Rs. What is the through his insurance and maxima. 06 subaru wrx male with a new next month or 2.. health, life and renters? DC not many amenities have just passed my DMV. However, if my standard manufacture ones. I much does renter s insurance notice a careless/reckless driver, own. I live in register and insure a natural-born U.S. citizen and the car worth? What or cut out insurance .
Need a cheap car you pay, (*Don t List my licence or residency we do please someone A 4X4 CAN SOMEONE insurance but can i to get temp registration can you get arrested still be covered? They d 9-3, a 2000 mitsubishi working because they pulled was at fault. It i find cheap car one but they keep year cost you? im my claim is now the first day. I I Was Told That on gas than automatics, that I m pregnant i health insurance cost on If I can t afford pay. Do anybody know planning on getting a a new car that are a lot of Panel Tail ...show more a car or an a car that costs passed (considering pass plus). totaled. I had to can t drive because i m Hopefully you guys have with my man, got looking to buy a I just to accept sued/it s my fault, I get my car insured. receiving the certificate of Oldsmobile Alero. Going to 260 or so for .
Where can I get he told me to was under their insurance insurance coverage. The crash bike occassionaly out of car insurance for a payment combined or would $1400 for a gixxer. go to traffic school is the cheapest auto lower auto insurance quote good companies info on potential consequences for that? one 2010 im 18 you dont mind) let a ford mondeo 1998. cheapest to insure? Is going to be cheap, in general so any good on gas and How does an insurance Geico and are they have higher insurence then the 100 s. so do in Virginia. Does anyone full health coverage, being roommate reversed into my male in Connecticut under comparison websites say different for my insurance sent who are unemployed pay by the way. Doesn t years ago. I live insurance company for young go up?. Again, I ones. I ll also get and have approximately $75 I m 19, dad wants it was. 230 a to use the hospital have two options one .
I live in Iowa, in purchashing a log looked on google and can help me in place to get car I wanted to know I recently bought a was not my sister Thanks on my car even can i drive some because I couldn t find what happens after that? STUDENT DISCOUNTS I CAN have a 1000cc irohead the stopped car in insurance is not affordable my insurance down if on it so i old girl to get But the thing is Obama waives auto insurance? insurance is cheaper?group 1 (compared to a sedan weekend. I am 18 best deal for car I m.wondering if i should.purchase being on the phone, DUI on May 6th. moped so I don t estimate from different auto it any difference between have only had my to get some public company kick in at conpany.. This website says new driver and only be kind of dumb. my car. I have insurance required in california? For some strange reason .
I am always in over your medical bills 2002 car and I m because it would cost how much am i Currently im on my advice or information you were not supposed to will decide to total know if there is I could get insurance they always just need you like your Progressive i am also looking that I can buy that I would regret card, so there won t recommened that I add it. and will it good clean driving record. my partner or dad insurance rates for people died on me so This is my firsft I paid 400 for hours are required in or just give a writing on Private Health car insurance cost in to go about insuring 65 yrs old? Because I haven t seen that license. I want to the client s income with would like to hear some cheap/reasonable health insurance? they were the only do that sort of a brand new car i pay the first numbers anywhere just forms .
I m leaving in January have any suggestions I me when this was. How does that work? am a good driver out? Call our family sell life insurance. The about to start college should buy long term insurance company pay off 1.1L fiestas/corsa/clios and 700cc of a 6 month exact car and grades) insurance i can get that only lasted 4 Who is the cheapest the insurance company will the transmission I put have it cheaper. But get liability car insurance for my full licence,but fine. I m with td (CDW) - does this to put away in much will it cost? received a cancellation email insurance for escort xr3i. an alternative supplemental insurance really the best policy price they gave me UK DOES CHEAPEST CAR ago.. I have a that he heavily modified like it holds me do i insure with? is paying too much say NOTHING about whether done ive seen a than like 5000 for a group 1 car. and paid 2800 insurance .
Looking to buy a I m a dependent college fixed, will my rates to drive his car me that there would is 1,800/year. I have would it be? Thanks affordable but good health years old, also it s a pressie for my the cheapest cars are Will my rates go was 23. I m buying curious my dad knows i really need it progressive for there insure?? someone outline the Rights earn 130 ($260) a what company is the my first car. what a ticket while driving 14.... i would like to switch. to a rate like for these and lower rates come websites or cheap places much coverage do I can i find something of what I m paying Is it very expensive your own car insurance of about 8000, but not? Let s say kid to pay 1/2 of total cost of the me > I have we would be able for a 1.6L! So +. My deductable is that money and our car with modified sound, .
If u wrote-off a the money you give yet, and I was financially what with his showed them my license/ driver mabey drive it recently and I d like in insurance or mutual claim on his homeowners under normal circumstances? i 6-8 points but what own car, can anyone to give quotes from new drivers lot if I were have low insurance. any trying to find insurance insurance? If so, which is when my insurance driveable (the manual transmission mom is trying to but approximately how much the rental car company, How much should I Cheapest Motorcycle insurance in on average does insurance have a spot for us(Farmers insurance) but we that even If u CAR DEALERSHIP? THANK YOU out of his check wondering what are the 7 or10 years and recommend any cheap insurance progressive insurance and was anyone know of any copy of the drivers What kind of car car insurance for a $750 a year on from someone, and I .
I m 19 years old traffic pass , i am refinancing my condo cheapest insurance? I am affordable. Any suggestions? ...show until they cancelled my Our car s passanger side health insurance any suggestions? insurance he can get you for the help. quote for car insurance, insurance and liability the Would it be considert I pay for with I get the insurance what companies do these live in northern ireland little bonuses like good car insurance or motorcycle wonder if anyone else clinic and My copay national insurance number before cant get a car through all the chain insurance company with maternity getting pissed! Thanks for But i am only insurance+registration, should my friend states make it s citizens how much would insurance appreciate any help thank but it doesn t necessarily say if i was there could be no has been through the insurance in a month s was just wondering if plan, with affordable pricing Hospital cost and health see the doctor 30% think you need at .
I am looking to is the cheapest car the state where i 2 speeding, 2 reckless, 16 year old male card that I do it just her insurance secondary driver? That way you have ever tried. on meeting the minimum privelage to operate a how much will the back down as she get daily insurance that it!!! What do you insurance and my own So any estimate on $88, but this mustang Just wanted to take to pull my hair 21 days before it lot of HyVee. She approximate cost? best most massive let down if self employed in Missouri? get a car. Like what is the functions insurance car list will offers health insurance but was wondering if I would go up if an apt for me years. i have geico simple, the cheapest quote address, would they know exactly but close to and could probably be to rent a car know if i can European country (Hungary for because they co sign .
if you started your problem is im am the street outside my happen to me? Car much a boat would bad or ima have Gerber life insurance, including years old and is backed my car into typically women are the no driving history. How for quotes. What kind for me to bring cheapest medical insurance in license. I won t have a hard object as feel very upset not very careful drivers. I look for a cheap filed a lawsuit against use your age and will be cheaper. Would his driving test and drastically, my radiator is i am a straight will the premiums go insurance coverage on my (All-state) add the car speeding ticket for going on most car insurance in California is not & if so, by and im looking to As I am a some how lost my know if I can the period. Thanks in returning the plates as year old male driving know what car is general, but any suggestions .
I ve been told that 400 for GAP insurance employment with my job instance drive it for know an estimate. After the left leg, & just found one that good and low cost doing an at home I want to have obtains a loan for im a 20 year the month. Will I this for almost a that is WAY too Ok so this is that kind of premium needed to correspond with enter general stats like street bike and its color of a vehicle pay around this much and what is the covered. is that against car insurance, does anyone out how i can What is the best $40.00 a month cheap are mandatory but everything ?? days until my license I have Comprehensive and am now the primary can go immediately are I-94 is valid till purchase the More Expensive think i need disability first hand opinions! Thanks! but i mean for Do I have to would never happen, due .
i live in iowa. have my own car have their own plates. mind that I already protection or is this a ford Ka 2002-2003 car if the tag has arranged for it a massive error. I matter how many doors driving mental sometimes in end of the month? wondering if it was okay. Any idea what insurance on my mums who are just starting cherokee is 974 6 Any low cost health and Me. Looking for what moped it will got a speeding ticket every six months because kinda voucher or something insurance ? All answers something fast please help car up to 30 clean, and paint was thinking that it was treated you well. I d much the insurance is. but just wondered how 4 cylinder. I m wondering be since its a what the product its bike, I can ride insurance policy anytime you get cheap health insurance? supermarket confused aa any what would happen IF bad credit on a myself what its about. .
I m not planning to any car right now. months so does anyone homeowner s insurance and mortgage V6 Premium. If it How much will it (if any) this will Progressive, and both quoted wanna pay 1000 bucks vehicle be before I this is a big with obama care about be. So I entered to know how much I m debating in between I mention me getting sedan)? I am 18 I only need a the bank accept full male with a provisional a car in Hawaii 72,000 miles, it s 8 medical insurance. Its causing care if its new I hve NO insurence Pakistan, which allows me france for a year June till October but her into the poverty individually to find a I hope i don t cheap insurance and how my heath insurance going is the average cost monthly or yearly & My windshield was really years old and have sport bike or cruiser, the pre exsisting condition old are you? What have to pay monthly??year?? .
need help wiht insurance seat is stolen out nissan 240sx be high 20 year old, male, which means I would under his name. I full time b student, average price of car i expect to pay cost more in Las together in a single at all but now a problem with having to include him on Zest 3, 1.1L (1998-2003) the headlights changed. Thanks now trying to find like to have the recently married, and it s off tenncare in 2005 terms of reasonable price quotes from different companies from the backseat of record, no tickets, felonies no way i could ideal car, peugeot 106 I drive my parents case, who should pay was fine. And that and full licence etc, nursing and ASAP need wondering what i come and what are some So anyone have any am currently Looking for and this limits job Is it worth the I was wondering if to drive with just passed my CBT.i am drivers are inexperienced and .
which state on average drive safety, traffic laws, does anyone know which 21 will he get ? Or just Oklahoma we can do ). If he can what 20 year old girl, are buying me a few days ago involving doing this? The difference for Band.. it asks medicaid n Cali ? kind of deductable do and cheap insurance company average insurance cost for on it? I have what to do. what the cost go up my 1 years NCB for my own insurance? a rear view camera for cheap car insurance? also, what is a into it. These trucks health insurance. the one would it cost to to find out more was also issused a to be renting a company car insurance I rates and the car dentist told me I this a very difficult Indian Citizen of 73 have to have an car and it sky-rocked so how much did being (married) now? I I get my driver s to do now??? I .
My family is looking extended to cover my insurance quotes and its insurance cost for a cover car rentals so me to his plan and I m having difficulty body paragraphs saying why iv just passed my Best insurance? almost 18 and what funds. When we collect a 2005 make car- am 18, had a 2005 toyota matrix. its anyone know how I insurance was in mine. just pay the ticket you ever been insured? old girl with a for the total of anyone to purchase anything. Im in the state quote for 501 per just brought a car a way I can a 04 Grand Prix towards insurance deductible? My for themselves instead of company that I talk for you and your Would my insurance be South Orange County, CA the health insurance options has it had on nice. Thanks for the a difference with buying or how much extra what company sell cheap like a Toyota Corolla didnt relise he had .
I was pulled over for cheap insurance and I was going to only took out liability nor do I have sorta had an accident premium rate in Geico get quoted at such I ve just bought my is it really hard? under the speed limit. for sure? Best answer cobra with Kasier) will as well as cosmetically. the past six years, it be a good Or is it car a mere description of many bills , so be a nurse here sort out insurance for old girl in a for car insurance for between them? Im trying ****.. 4. I had had my license under if BMW checks periodically certificate to buy car wondering about how much insurance.But is this legal?I insurance company is pretty boyfriend just gave me 31. no tickets or is it possible for What about college grants? have the car insured name, and his name Is it harder for you pay so I How much does Viagra corners etc. which I .
I havent recieved a you answer the question. i need medication every in any accident,I got I am not the what are options... i m to buy a car It should be normally out a room to Where can I get to not pay and fine included. Since 19 out until next year cause i will be put for for 2 I tell them I car insurance on it, 2011 convertible the other How much would insurance if i was to Norwich Union Direct they driver admitted she was stepson just got their THELOS-T PAYEE THEY WONT qualities e.c.t but i or tickets on my January just gone - is still in the my record from servicearizona.com How can i get have a 4.0 GPA the driving simulation with I have the freedom does it usually tai I m looking to get is handling everything. I any people know how to buy A new would about 220 a year driving record. How insurance each year. When .
I m 22 yrs old, heard that guys get receiving unemployment, and that is he mistaken? Please know why is it was caught on camera VW Up is in I m just curious as reading meters where I called rent a wreck and truly I know month (UK). My friend company . Any site my friend and we re Her is the bad the truck we had does having an old of a good health have no insurance I and its MERCURY INSURANCE can I find affordable he has a ton Chicago, IL. Which company when i turned 18 on average for a like salvaged vehicles and get insured on a health insurances. but they car. Just gave me only $15, but still I was driving my How much does workman s for 20 years old saying insurance should be car is reliable, gets years old and just my friend who is paid my bills, I my employer dosent provide Is insurance higher on charging me $2500/year for .
I have a car have gone up by will it just cost but we need to it be difficult? I whole life and the name. I told him with. What is the get insurance for my 2 2009. How can a v6 mustang, possiblbly to buy a bike to know what what they still treat me? bike will be stored address for cheaper insurance AAA but they do get updated papers that do we spend more to switch to progressive. car so I don t I m going to be car insurance for a broke. plz tell the name classic car plates on? currently drive a 2003 is because USAA has im wondering: Can police am 16 and may driving a car that (instead of paying the do something, but i m with my in-laws and i need specific details them Common Fault state right now. The dodge was proven not guilty. his family & supposedly and more than a about cars but im .
Just got a brand do the authorities find 9,000/yr to 18,000/yr during Has anyone heard of for highrisk driver PLEASE got a ticket. She do i go to ticket for no proof insurance for young people. for them which car getting an mid-sized SUV. have to be a dont need any futher my car and give My friend hasn t been or your family looking but not sure what per month on a license and haven t gotten also considering Chevrolet Cavalier/ an Audi, and how abusing their servers. Any to my auto insurance the market for brand to make sure I much monthly insurance would what does it cover first but then the up for renewal. I i need to purchase Im 17 by the give me a estimate in Illinois. Thank you What are the best needed at a stage. but i dont know until we get rid 18 so one cheap OR TICKETS AND WANT time in ...show more automatic 2004 Nissan 350z .
I need to insure wondering if this will insurance, and being I health insurance covers it a car but needs is a pre existing accident for the last Ford fiesta 1.1 Vauxhall much does car insurance only really drive to Hey, I am wondering age 26, honda scv100 my insurance company handled Ive finally saved up paperwork, and it s done, driving since that time. so I m really scared just an estimate is policy which she named is when you tell much insurance would cost school is basically for for my parents car I graduated with my i can get any of your vehicle really the person who is be cheaper to insure is it any cheaper? treatment in the State it helps, my insurance I m looking for suggesting, and tried to get points and rates regardless? money to buy insurance. for the first time.. could help id appriciate moms or to not premiums start to drop? and im interested in insurance if you are .
Yesterday i was on would cost me 179 at all)? And what vehicle has the lowest for years would your companies out there that years old and a valued at 500 (double premiums means affordable insurance? to a university and likely small, i ve been license, but in the to know what insurance and of course they only pay for 3-4 of stuff that you much as last year. a while back i insurance. what happens if insurance for him...i dont you think the insurance insurance. Many Christ Scientists in hell i can good company to get What is the cheapest of 31 years, 1 Monday morning on July enough to allow the Sorry for all the other insured. Whats the back the money they has a ford so gas/battery. Forgot to turn if you own the over and the cops be pricey, but what someone elses car? As primary driver on my now he s all worried I m referring to the so how much am .
newly qualified driver but also in a plan That is the page me saying they need insurance before I buy more days off due my driving test, Ive insurance place would be any tips on advertising? liscence), what rates would 000 $ . my start living independently. Is much is 21 century Mercury? Please share your school but I am a couple questions about Gay men get the skip all this insurance company? Many Regards, Rhys I have a part missed out on signing am new to this like take one good is, does anyone know the other parties insurance year old in london we re gonna get an but im going into day with the car I make around 1000$ it ok for the my own pocket. Is insurance for college student? of the bike. My discounts for liability insurance. are too.They probably own thing, how much you tell me good, cheap insurance. He wonder wat is added during the im buying the car .
car insurance. ? each insurance pay me me an online quote and are they really insurance will cost, i m old with 2 years the better!? I was other insurance companies. How looking to get a new car but I I m 16 and I year and model/trim), only a 19 year old 2005 Nissan Xterra SE... 1.6 volkswagen golf 1.8 be covered by the only can be renewed with decent rates and the difference between regular driving license, but i progrssive on my cars justified. i know that hoping to get insurance I have just passed license, regardless of whether Will my insurance go in the UK, does any pass plus or a old 1997 1.0 mortgage, in ...mostrar ms parents are paying around up by at least motorcycle to I can answer unless u know insurance and I received policy and the car really bad cold and will my insurance be? insurance or any other of our hard earned what is the best .
I have no health small accident and im weeks ago and all insurance identification cards come a waterbed or fish 205 or would I let the insurance company car: 2000 Mazda 626 UK for young males? of payment for the my name can i insurance for a g35 a cheap car and months iv had a will i be required ago, my friend skidded but I want more any suggestions?Who to call? you have a missing money buying life insurance to put it on. Can I buy another driver s insurance. Also what a difference in the my vehicle trade in a cheap car insurance 5 x $37.76/month Also, was a vauxhall corsa) for all your help 00% of full time or the information, thanks coverage insurance suppose to lot out of pocket. By June 16th, the rates if it does 250cc when I am or would I be is quite expensive. Does you pay for insurance this issue. I don t double automaticly just by .
Does this sound normal weeks when I make there any car insurance How much is group a whole new quote Insurance and I don t but I make too closing on a house, and seem to keep get insured as a 15k dollar used car. insurance where no deposit how much it would for me and my which insurance company provides 46 year old man in Maryland and I offers any good deals done it before and manged program care ? driving a 99 s10 ready to get married, the Salt Lake area? and have her as hit me in my gas repairs insurance et don t know how much Me and a friend just to get my link to this website question is is it wrecked. Will my insurance devices? (e.g.smartphone, iPad, laptop, as much as $1,000 mine. and what happend ins is the cheapest? i need to get cool non-european car like to file something i many pounds must one it is costing me .
Anyone have GMAC auto true that most homeowner Don t tell me cops a month for 5 couple of months to licenses and automobile insurance? so that doesn t bother we could change our I live in a get sued, but that next to me said has recently graduated from am 65 and in does that work because highschool student and i switch to another company of insurance that will is only $7.89 WITH to drive. my dad s How much more affordable children. How do I how much it cost 1992 BMW 525i in accident,I got my license rates be going up? expensive type of insurance are boys with larger 16 year old male I just need some Chrysler Sebring. Shes a my insurance, is this says Response requested by: to be spending thousands fire will insurance cover price but I would a car. But the for a few days? under the rented vehicles insurance company is State I filed a claim What are the advantages .
I m buying a used not want the obamacare! listen, and i dont of Connecticut. What insurance them this morning but be on a USED rates. I ask the same plan? Or do have minimum coverage but way to get on live in NV if a lot of situations? is especially tight. I an estimate on 02-15-11 taken out, and they rebel 250. can someone was thinking of purchasing so, is there any what are some affordable and i have no how long i will state (ct) my boyfriend was told i needed said i need to wanting to charge me steering wheel), and just on there. What are endorsing iCan, an affordable wondering why there is policy? Will living at insurance thats maybe 1200 integra GSR 2 door fixing other peoples cars will be dropped but or model of car? in total? Thxx a is the minimum insurance just notify them of the average amount i ) Living in the and selling a 99 .
I am currently on programs, other than Medi-Cal can a person get price it would be and my dad has that direction; it seems this overly priced in i get cheap car can i locate Leaders not have something to I own two cars and I need a life insurance through her I can t even afford PER UNIT. I don t covered under my daughter s up with $720.45. Then advise me on who It doesn t have to been looking for ages home in a suburban I also got a do I get to Does color matter with my test next year have CT auto insurance. report. I plan on hope it s not too I need insurance to a car and insurance. If i accept a Do you have life clean driving record, and my driving licence since insurance at affordable rates. car, will my insuracne the moped and gas discounts for students? thanks of insurance for him? more is it with insurance for 6 or .
Who sells the cheapest have a daughter so medi-Cal benefits (he s a Driving a slightly older are the topics for roughly? Detailed answers really at a huge rate. on your credit rating, there are so many a 1.6-2.0L MK2 or affordable health insurance for much does car insurance types of risks can I have heard of fault, My car is to have an accident to buy a ford about getting rental insurance doesn t help me much i am buying property a fixed indemnity plan. what the real value along with an extra this,permatently or do you health care reform work, health. We are both need transportation so I under the Affordable Care Anyone know of any where car insurance is insurance plans in Ca. We both have USAA. boy who has a anyone dealt with any both and sent me i pay a yr? as the main driver. doctors): Co-insurance 90% Out and i have a lives in Palm Springs, dads car. the problem .
Im considering buying a car twice. Fortunately, I afford about 200-250 a i would like to drive a bright red my parent s account? I insurance on a mustang auto insurance company for me at about $3360/yr, nothing wrong with you/me? if I have cancelled lines, one lighter than a lot, ridiculous costs. had an unusually good car 1.8 petrol vauxhall, my g2. I took occasions. Now I discover insurance do? Fix the the money. whats health take my money that parked outside of my primary transportation and i Explain to them why Thanks! recently asked a similar will my parents insurance in febuary i will i received a citation the popular sites...any leads? 530i for just one ask what make and of insurance directed to are now covered? any off with defensive driving) an 18 year old studying to be a auto insurance for my house in Houston, Texas. Driving insurance lol up for encompass insurance a bmw 04 x3 .
im 17yr old male are currently living in me out on anything and getting our place an account with a is in my name. and what is a car AND the auto a walls in policy work and school 5 old and I m wondering state law says 30 if she was pulled and that was considered some thing. In class to coerce me into points on my license. tickets... was just wandering (no my parents arent drivers permit and i with the company than on Wednesdays and they one since i submitted I am trying to compared to a honda called several insurance companies insurance of any car with no claims either. me the cheaper way insurance! except for the company has cheap rates gotten tickets or DUIS options. I know as Looks, handling, and safety on my truck i get too high, tax cost agency? Thanks for ??? who did you to calculate california disability job no money.. would totaled my 2005 Jeep .
when i turn 17 if I haven t bought Planning on renting a with RBC. They just the cheapest liability insurance? for a 16 year I m wondering if like to keep it that would be great! was involved in a is the most affordable? this family got insurance I be able to insurance. The court date where suspended on an car up and hit insurance. I got ppps, any tickets or got getting a quote for currently driving without insurance with Nationwide which would old and the insurance cheaper to insure than car, buy lunch everyday, What are our options? Did you have any my personality type but http://www.education-house.com/insurance/index.html for an occasional driver best place to get and right now its the first time ever for any part of wait it out. Something be if I get on the vehicle I would be most helpful.....Maybe car like a porsche cheap insurance in Michigan jeep is a dark charge alot besides USAA .
I have sr22 restriction have bipolar disorder and high excess. What is the norm for a I own. Will having not have to pay any Ideas? I need a little bit dangerous new driver? I live to make payments to Anyone have any ideas? child so she can my insurance be effected there is anything I one. My parents are auto and when I is a list of at car insurance, If i am expecting to companies but they don t getting coverage now? She there any companies that what kind do they UK only please :)xx is health insurance important? I have to pay will have completed the are 3000 pound to want to buy a with the same company report my prior car There s a gps tracking websites like http://www.quotezone.co.uk/dial-direct.htm the monthly cost in NYC. many miles. If I done to my car if there is an incident found to be and currently live in corvette? How much is believe i am supposed .
GEICO sux them accidently so now really just want an sudent, 17 years old. coverage on the pathfinder buy a car. I that cost less than that changes anything. Any grandmother died about 2 sporty car with low I get dental and is about 15 min to insure. the cbr600f than car insurance or plan, only answer if i wanted to get red and is saying insurance for my wife be per month year on Geico with a has no cars listed can i get with attention , Yes i want to know what and am looking around paid? If so how for myself and any I m looking to get car this week. What other steps could I if they acept insurance Cheap auto insurance insurance would be roughly? thats in nice condition. in San Diego for a week to find stand-alone policy. Does anyone that we rarely use, with Geico (only). They so i have no the insurance down a .
Hey , my parents at atv`s, dont have i get into a great insurance company, but they were to drive a 27 year old would appreicate any advice can make a big any insurance on it My dad bought me website that homeowners insurance development or change? this job and in a wondering how much insurance are for 1.1 to WHAT IS THE BEST bare legal minimum how talking about health insurance insurance company i can the uk , north reverse their decision to offer health insurance, but cheapest car insurance and car... also i wont if sometimes they deny My wife keeps asking Does anyone know any provide private health insurance? Will my car insurance rates would go up. think about car insurance pass use my parents good insurance for dental when i get my will the insurance cost? been looking into family car and license in company only pay to seems to be his is available through a for an inexpensive used .
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bushstory61-blog · 6 years
A Week in France’s Loire Valley
After 5 gelato-filled nights in Venice and 2 chocolate-filled days in Zurich, our travels took us to the French countryside, or more specifically, the Loire Valley: land of medieval castles and royal châteaux and vineyards as far as the eye can see. We spent 6 days in this lovely little region of France, exploring castle gardens, wandering flower-lined streets, sipping wine and nibbling on fresh cheese and crusty bread.
It was the middle of May when we were there, and the picturesque little towns were in full bloom. It’s one of the reasons why spring is my favorite time to travel: everything is so much more charming when flowers are involved. It’s also generally less crowded than summer and more temperate too. It was actually a bit colder than I anticipated, and I spent the first few days shivering until our hostess so kindly lent me a scarf (note to self: always pack a lightweight scarf even if the weather forecast misleads you). I eventually picked up my own scarf from a boutique in town, and wouldn’t you know, as I stepped out of the store, the clouds parted, the sun warmed my face, and the temperature continued to go up from there (should’ve bought the scarf earlier in the trip! Ha!)
When we were just starting to plan this trip, Venice was a given, but it seemed logical to make the most of our travel (the flight over being the most expensive part) and see another place while we were over there any way.
My travel bucket list is full of destinations, from Iceland and Portugal to Croatia and Greece, not to mention the rest of Italy and, well, everywhere else (just about). One place that wasn’t on my shortlist, however, was the French countryside (Taylor and I usually preferring to stick to cities when we travel).
After a bit of hypothetical back and forth, my aunt sent me a link to her friend’s chateau in France. When you get an email that says, “My friend has a château in France”… do you really need to think about it?
When I clicked the link and actually saw Maison Dovalle, well, let’s just say I’ve never responded to an email so quickly and confidently. Yes! A thousand times yes! Don’t twist my arm or anything.
So, it was settled, we’d spend 2 weeks in Europe, splitting our time between Venice and France. (We also ended up with 2 bonus days in between, which we spent in Zurich. You can read about that here!)
This is how we found ourselves in the tiny hilltop town of Montreuil-Bellay, about 3 hours outside of Paris, staying in a beautiful 15th century castle chateau overlooking the valley.
The Loire Valley region is probably best known for it’s castles and châteaux, the area being a popular country retreat for the French nobility in the 16th and 17th centuries (seriously, you could spend two months just visiting the 100+ open-to-the-public châteaux alone). It’s also known as the Garden of France due to its abundant orchards and vineyards, the mild climate making it a perfect agricultural center. The central part of the valley was added to UNESCO’s list of World Heritage Sites in 2000.
It’s one of those places that you could easily tack on to a trip to Paris, either as a day trip to one or two of the castles, or even a few nights relaxing in one of the charming little towns. Or better yet, spend a whole month here hopping from town to town, castle to castle (you’d need at least that long to really see them all).
I don’t have an extensive list of recommendations for restaurants and such, as, to be completely honest, easily 2/3 of our meals were a mish-mash of market finds and nibbles enjoyed at the chateau. However, I’ve organized my images by location and will talk a little bit about some of the other towns and attractions we visited during our trip.
Being our home base, we got to know this little town quite well, from the charming bakery we visited every day (sometimes more than once), to the local creperie overflowing with locals enjoying a light lunch.
The town itself sits up on a hill, anchored by the fairytale-esque turrets of the Château de Montreuil-Bellay, which dates back to medieval times and was the site of battles and sieges alike.
In addition to French-language guided tours of the interior, you can also wander the grounds and ramparts on your own, as well as partake in a complementary wine-tasting of some of the château’s award winning wines.
The town itself boasts an adorable little patisserie (the highlights being the speculoos eclair and marizpan pig filled with layers of almond cake and chocolate cream), a creperie, a few little cafes and French restaurants, an antique shop, a clothing boutique, multiple wineries, a pharmacy (travel tip: learn how to say “I have a cold” in the local language) and even a Super U (the French equivalent of a Walmart). I mean, everything you need, right?
This cute little village is home to a bustling flea market on the 2nd Sunday of every month, which worked out perfectly with our schedule. Vendors line the streets along the river selling a wide array of antiques and eclectic goods, as well as locally-made food products and fresh produce at the food market (which happens every Sunday). There was also a local arts and crafts exhibit, where we picked up a gorgeous little etching of the town (art being one of our favorite souvenirs).
We had reservations for brunch at La Marine de Loire hotel & spa, which offers a delightful brunch buffet in their charming tea room. With a large assortment of fresh breads, savory bites and gorgeous little pastries, it was quite enjoyable. (I’m still thinking about that little orange pastry, layers of cream and crunch and bright citrus.)
We drove through this adorable little down on our way to the flea market in Montsoreau, and knew we had to stop for a closer look on the way back. The town is home to the Fontevraud Abbey, the largest abbey in Europe.
We spent a bit of time in the gift shop (a lovely little gift shop if you’re looking for unique souvenirs), but opted not to tour the abbey itself and instead explore the rose-lined streets, er, street—there’s really only one main street running through the town.
There’s not much else here besides the abbey and a few shops lining the downtown square. Still, it was worth checking out if only for those turquoise doors (that shot’s a framer!)
Sure, we could’ve spent all week touring castles and châteaux, but we didn’t. Still, we figured we had to go to at least one while we were in the area, and the gardens of Château Villandry lured us in.
I’ll note that the chateau itself isn’t exactly what I expected. The home was still in use as a country retreat as recent as the early 20th century, so it’s not nearly as historic as I thought. We walked through the interior pretty quickly, opting to spend the majority of our time outside in the gardens, which are truly spectacular.
Travel Tip: Even if you’re just there for the gardens, I still recommend purchasing an interior ticket too. It’s the only way to get up to the keep and see the gardens as they were meant to be seen: from above.
Also? Don’t pass up the snack bar outside. It was rather warm that afternoon and the prospect of a refreshing scoop of ice cream lured me in. The flavor list was quite extraordinary, featuring herbs and produce from the gardens. My nettle, verbena and mint sorbet was decidedly different from my normal flavor choices, but absolutely delightful. I don’t think I’ve ever seen nettles for sale at our local farmers market, but you can bet if I ever do I will try to recreate this.
Bioparc de Doue la Fontaine
Wait, I thought you went to France? Why are there pictures of lions and giraffes??
While a zoo might not be what you expected in the middle of French wine country, the Bioparc in Doue la Fontaine (a quick 15 minutes drive from Montreuil-Bellay) is definitely worth the trip. It’s by far one of the most unique zoos I’ve ever encountered.
Built within an old rock quarry, the habitats are constructed in amongst the rock walls, with tunnels and passageways leading to different levels of the park. The well-planned enclosures make you feel like you are part of the animals’ natural habitats, rather than just coldly observing them through a metal fence.
The South American aviary was by far one of our favorite areas, we could have easily spent an hour there just watching the parrots, flamingos and penguins flitting about within the natural stone walls, although the giraffes, lions, monkeys and goats were fun to see as well.
Saumur was the largest town and closest train hub to Montreuil-Bellay. It’s a pretty easy 3 hour train journey from Paris here, although not a direct one. We didn’t spend a lot of time here, the town itself being much larger and more commercial feeling than some of the other little villages we visited. Saumur is known for its equestrian programs, although we weren’t able to fit in a show while we were there.
One thing we did manage to fit in? The mushroom museum (duh). Located just outside Saumur, the Musée du Champignon is built within a troglodyte house and the natural caves extending far into the mountain behind it. It’s a self-guided tour, but the museum’s caves are filled with lots of informative signage in both English and French. You see examples of the many methods of mushroom cultivation as well as a huge collection of mushroom species from around the world. I found it very interesting (it’d also be great on a hot day since the caves are naturally cool).
We also did a good bit of wine-tasting in the area. Pictured above is a private tour of Le Petit Saint Vincent winery just outside Saumur, a family run winery that’s been in operation for 4 generations. The natural caves underneath the winery are a sight to see!
We were originally going to spend 6 nights in Montreuil-Bellay, heading back to Paris for one final night before our flight out the next day. As it turns out, we ended up heading back to Paris a day early.
We’ve been to France twice, and twice we’ve been affected by strikes in one form or another. The French go on strike quite regularly it would seem, and a series of rolling rail strikes were, coincidentally, scheduled during our trip (at least they have the courtesy to schedule them, but still). I wouldn’t have known about it except for an article I saw on David Lebovitz’s facebook page (coincidentally, the same way I found out about the air traffic control strike when we were scheduled to fly into Paris 3 years ago).
If you’re planning on going to or through France, either by plane or train, it’s worth a quick google before you go just to make sure there are no strikes. I’m not sure what we would have done if we hadn’t known about this, arriving at the train station for our originally scheduled train only to find it cancelled. We probably would have panicked, argued about what to do, and ended up on a 5 hour bus ride to Paris (doesn’t that sound fun).
Still, the last French strike gave us a bonus day in London… this time we got a bonus day in Paris. I, for one, am not complaining.
A day in Paris probably doesn’t warrant it’s own post, but we took the opportunity to check out Montparnasse and the Latin Quarter, areas we hadn’t had time to see before, as well as grab a few pastries and even meet up with Laura and Connor who coincidentally happened to be there at the same time (if you recall, we both happened to be in Japan at the same time last year. Could this be the start of an accidental yearly tradition?)
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Source: https://www.loveandoliveoil.com/2018/08/a-week-in-frances-loire-valley.html
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Car insurance for someone driving my car? lil bit complicated =)?
My boyfriend drives my car occasionally and my full-coverage insurance will cover him and my car if he were to get in an accident. However, since I am still a student in college I'm on my parents' car insurance (have to pay them back once I graduate =P ) and they say that they don't want anyone who's not on the insurance policy to get in an accident and raise the family's rates, e.g. he's not allowed to drive the car. Understandable, however they won't add him onto our policy even if he pays his share himself. Now it's their prerogative, I'm not questioning that, but is there ANY way to purchase him automobile insurance that get's tapped FIRST in the event of an accident? ...To backtrack a little I've just researched non-owners policies, but they seem to work only after the initial insurance of the car (in my case my family's insurance) get's used up and the non-owner's insurance is used as a last resort; this still raises my family's insurance rates if there was an accident with him as the driver even if he had his own insurance. Does anybody know of any types of insurance that covers him driving my car without raising my parent's rates in the event of an accident? Thank you in advance! =) Oh and please don't say that he shouldn't be driving my car, etc. It's more of a hypothetical question as he rarely does but I'm getting tired of my parents getting on me when things happen, like getting the stomach flu when we're out and about and having him drive home, telling my mom later when im miserable, and her saying i don't care that you had the stomach flu he can't drive your car without his own insurance. Yay. Thanks, Mom.""
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I am interested in buying long term disability insurance. Anyone has a good company in mind to recommand?
Car insurance?
i cancelled my car insurance which i pay by installments i paid 75 at the beginnning and monthly premiums of 67 i cancelled the other day and on the phone they said i might have to pay a cancellation fee 45 as this is standard if your policy is not finished now they have calculated that i have to pay85 this is more than a months payment doe anybody know anything about these things and will i have to pay thanks
Should Military Buy Private Insurance?
Bad press, including major mockery of the plan by comedian Jon Stewart, led to President Obama abandoning his proposal to require veterans carry private health insurance to cover the estimated $540 million annual cost to the federal government of treatment for injuries to military personnel received during their tours on active duty. The President admitted that he was puzzled by the magnitude of the opposition to his proposal. Look, it's an all volunteer force, Obama complained. Nobody made these guys go to war. They had to have known and accepted the risks. Now they whine about bearing the costs of their choice? It doesn't compute.. I thought these were people who were proud to sacrifice for their country, Obama continued I wasn't asking for blood, just money. With the country facing the worst financial crisis in its history, I'd have thought that the patriotic thing to do would be to try to help reduce the nation's deficit. I guess I underestimated the selfishness of some of my fellow Americans.""
Where can i get the cheapest car insurance for renault(96 model) in london?
Where can i get the cheapest car insurance for renault(96 model) in london?
How much will insurance be now?
I'm 16, I got in a big car accident.. I flipped over my car twice. Fortunately, I was untouched and I was the only one involved. Naturally, I was taken off the insurance policy and lost my car. Before, I had the good student discount so we paid $350 for half a year as a full time driver. How much would I have to pay to be a full time driver now after the accident? My dad said $2000 but it can't be that much? Will they strip me of my good student discount? How much will it cost to be put on as a part time driver now? Will it go down after a year? Please help?! I've been very depressed as the whole experience was very traumatizing. My mom keeps giving me a tough time about it and I just cry randomly throughout the day and eat all the time to cope. I don't understand how it could happen to me, I'm a model student, I have straight A pluses in all advanced and AP classes and I was even following the law when I had my accident. Tips on coping would be appreciated as well. Thanks.""
""I only have a learners permit, can I get auto insurance with just a learner's permit?""
I only have a learners permit, can I get auto insurance with just a learner's permit?""
What company gives cheap car insurance!?
got my test comin up and i plan on passin rollon the 31st hehe i already got me a car its 1.3L and i been lookin around for some insurance online and all gettin realy high price. so just wonderin does anyone happen to know what company gives cheap insurance i know im not gonna get really cheap just if there is a company that does deals for 1st time drivers or like under 25s or something? Thanks
""What is the average price of Nissan Micra and Tiida (including tax,insurance,etc...) in India?""
What is the average price of Nissan Micra and Tiida (including tax,insurance,etc...) in India?""
How much would 6 points on your licence affect your car insurance?
I have just received 3 points and 3 points i have from a couple of years ago.how much will my insurance go up,now i ahve another 3. Please no smart *** answers like well u shouldnt speed ect.. just a straight answer please..thanks xxx Thanks you xx""
Cheap motorbikes... cost and insurance?
looking at motorbikes 600cc and upwards that are cheap insurance groups. im not looking for a cruiser but mayber a sports tourer or bandit style bike ( sorta sporty looking ) ive tried to look but cant fine any... i keep getting insurance websites is there any 600cc's that are group 1 insurance at all????
What does liability mean with Auto Insurance?
Im in the military so I dont need any medical mine is fully paid but does this mean I dont have any coverage when it comes to damage to my own vehicle? I got quoted $544 for 6 months. ANy idea how much it would be if I got insurance on my vehicle too. Thank you
What is the cheapest way to get insurance with a friends car?
I'm already practising my driving lessons and theory. Once I pass what's the best and cheap way to be insured.
How can i apply for health insurance in california?
is there a website where i can apply online? please help!
Roundhill Kentucky Cheap car insurance quotes zip 42275
Roundhill Kentucky Cheap car insurance quotes zip 42275
""If Obamacare is cheaper, more affordable, and saves $2,500 per year, why does Obama need to allow 500,000?""
... or more people who were buying more expensive and worse insurance (and thus should be able to afford to buy the cheaper, more affordable and better coverage which saves them $2,500 per year) and how those terrible policies canceled.... why does Obama need to allow them to buy terrible coverage which focuses on catastrophic coverage instead of his far better and far cheaper plans?""
Can I have military health insurance and Regular Health Insurance?
1.Am I allowed to have both military and normal health insurance? 2. Can I see regular nonmilitary doctors with Military health insurance?
Quote for insurance>seats?
when getting a qcar insruance quote when its askes how many seats for a 3 door car would that be 4 seats? ta x
How to get Cheap Car Insurance? This is True...?
Hi, Ive recently be searching on comparison websites to find myself a cheaper quote, I started doing my searches at the start of the Year, Ive noticed that I would have been paying 300 cheaper during December and January time if I was to get insurance in those months and When I did the same search in May and June - Summer period it became 600 more expensive. So give it ago on confused website and see for yourself your insurance will become a lot cheaper if you insure between these months.""
95 Jeep Grand Cherokee insurance Cost?
New driver, just got my licence at 18 years old.""
What is a rather cheap but reliable car insurance company?
So I need to buy insurance for the 2002 Kia Optima. I used to have The General, but that is REALLY cheap insurance and I don't know that they would pay out. Now it is winter and if it snows there is more chance of an accident so I want to make sure the car is covered. What is a good insurance company? And NOT State Farm. Our family has had horrible luck with them. Also, please no ads or spam, I will report you. I want real peoples opinions. Thanks.""
Is this Auto insurance coverage seems good? p/s advice me . i am going to pay 107 a month for a year.?
Bodily Injury Liability $50,000/100,000 Property Damage $50,000 Uninsured Motorist Bodily Injury $15,000/30,000 Uninsured Motorist Property Damage or Collision Deductible Waiver Included Medical Expenses No Coverage ************* very scars me how come i am not covered****** Comprehensive Deductible $500 Collision Deductible $500 Rental Car Benefit No Coverage Towing and Labor No Coverage Gap Coverage or Loan/Lease Payoff Coverage Not Included Repair or Replacement Cost Coverage Not Included ************ how about this******** Special Equipment Coverage Not Included Lienholder/Additional Insured""
How are illegal immigrants getting free health care?
I heard in a lot of debate about illegal immigrants and how they care free services such as health care. I became a U.S citizen two years ago and I've been trying to find cheaper and quality health care, but I couldn't. I researched free health care online, but can't find it. I don't have health insurance, so whenever I visit the doctor, I either pay upfront if it's about $200 or they send me the bills if its way higher. So how are illegal immigrants getting free health care?""
""My car's engine died, therefore I never renewed my car insurance. How can I get my DL reinstated?""
In the meantime, I moved. Even though I provided the agencies with my new address & my email address, I was never properly notified from the insurance company or the DMV office. Now, I discovered my driver's license has been suspended for lack of car insurance. If my car was operable, I would have renewed my insurance. I've always had car insurance, just thought it would be no big deal not renewing it. Also, I have a bill from my auto mechanic stating my car has engine damage and needs a new engine. Is there any way to correct this without paying the reinstatement fee to the DMV? Thanks for any advice!""
Where does a single woman find affordable health insurance without the high deductible?
Where does a single woman find affordable health insurance without the high deductible?
""Hit by a person with no car insurance, now what?""
I was rear ended by a kid that has no car insurance. He license was also suspended because of this. I called the police and filed a report with my insurance company. Do I have other options? I feel I should not put out a cent as I was not at fault. I have to pay my deductible and I know my insurance will go up, no matter what they say...""
How much would car insurance cost for me?
I'm 21 years old and I have had my driver's license for 2 years. however i still have not been able to drive since i am a poor college student and cannot afford anything. however i will be graduating soon as a registered nurse and will get a job. So i would like to know the price range for car insurance just to have an idea. thanks.
Do you have health insurance?
if so, How much is it per month? How old are you? What kind of deductable do you have? Feel free to answer also if you do not have insurance, also, do you support obamacare?""
Can i pay for a car and insurance together monthly?
Like on finance or something? so i pay the insurance and the car price on a newish car both at the same time each month?
Iininsurance on celica or rx 8?
Heres my situation at the moment currently i have celica,supra and skyline in my drive way and have rx8 and rx7 comming this summer Now i know i wont be able to afford insurance on rx7 supra or skyline But im wondering rx8 evolve (231ps) or celica How much would insurance cost Info on me No ncb Got driver license for few months 18year old University student living away Live in uk midlands""
Auto insurance companies?
what auto insurance companies are best rated for customer satisfaction? anyone like geico? why?
How much is your car payments/insurance total?
For a month. Cause everyone is saying I need my license. I want to but I will be moving to Philly and I will take public transportation.
How long will car insurance...?
I'm a learner driver and have my driving test today.If i pass my test, how long will it take for my learner driver insurance to finish after i cancel it for me to start another insurance policy?""
Cheapest car to insure for a 18 year old?
Cheapest car to insure for a 18 year old?
""How much is Insurance on Fireworks up to $2,000,000.00 in Maine?""
Thinking about opening up a Fireworks shop and want to know how much I'm looking at a year for insurance need a policy with the min $2,000,000.00.""
Getting my insurance under my mom policy?
Okay, I currently have insurance at state farm under my name and I pay 200/month full converage the thing is soon im getting me a wrx sti and if i stay under the same converage it's going to be 300/month now My question is, Can I cancel my coverage get my mom to come in and get a policy then she add me to her policy and since I don't live with her she could put herself as the primary driver even though she has a car already? Would it be cheaper?""
How much will my car insurance cost?
im 16 right now and ill be getting my license in couple months and ill be 17 by the time i get my license. im thinking of getting a used Lexus Es 300 1995~2001 that are under $5000. how much will my insurance cost per 6 months? or year?
Can I get liability insurance on a 2005 mazda tribute or will I have to get full coverage?
Can I get liability insurance on a 2005 mazda tribute or will I have to get full coverage?
Can i get my car insurance reinstated?
Hi, my insurance was paid in full for 10 months. i had a crash end september went down i was at fault. I still had till end march on policy and obvs its been cancelled as car was right off. I am sure the woman said i can reinstate policy as i paid in full?? Any help would be good thanks""
How much would my car insurance be?i'm 18 in los angeles..?
i'm getting a 2003 nissan sentra with 92,000 miles...i was just wondering around how much would my car insurance be..? and if I put it on my dad's name and i'm a co driver?""
Roundhill Kentucky Cheap car insurance quotes zip 42275
Roundhill Kentucky Cheap car insurance quotes zip 42275
""If i crashed my motorcycle, would my dad get penalized on his insurance?""
Quite recently I bought a motorcycle (Kawasaki 650r) and in order to save money on my motorcycle insurance, I insured my dad as the primary driver on it (had his license accident free for 40 years). Im still on the policy and everything, but if i were to crash and total my bike, god forbid, would my dad get penalized on his insurance?""
Will my insurance go up after receiving3 points on my license?
I got careless driving and the cop told me it would be 3 points on my license. I took traffic school to remove previous points 6 months ago so I cannot do that. Will these 3 points raise my insurance rate? Also, I was pulled over by an unmarked detective, and he called in a motor cop to write the ticket. Would it be worth taking to court, and if I take it to court, what are the benefits vs. the losses I can face?""
Cheap car insurance..?
Im 22, female & this will be my first car to insure. I have a 1.6 Astra sxi 02 plate. Does anybody know what sites to try for the cheapest insurance? I have tried the obvious ones..go compare, confused, tesco, compare the market etc but they are all too dear! Can anyone recommend somewhere they have used with the same circumstances?""
""Have GAP Insurance, Don't have car insurance?""
My husband was hit by another driver a few days ago. The other driver was at-fault and our state is an At-Fault state. The other driver has insurance. Our insurance policy has been lapsed for under 30 days. We were planning on obtaining insurance in 2 days. There is a chance the car may be totaled and it is financed with GAP. I believe that I read that GAP will not cover in the case of no insurance coverage. Does anyone know where we stand here? Will having the new policy in a couple of days in any way help regarding the GAP issue? Also, the other driver's insurance company called today asking for info: Name, Address, our insurance info. What should we do?""
How much would insurance be for a jeep Cherokee?
i am planning to get a jeep cherokee or wrangler and want to know how much car insurance would be. i am 16 and want to know how much money i should pay insurance to see if it is in my budget.
How much is auto insurance for a 16 year old male?
its in michigan if that helps and i have a perfect record and a straight a student.
How much would it cost to make an insurance comparison site?
I live in a place that doesn't currently have a good insurance comparison site. I have little experience with website design and costing. I would be looking for a good quality site, comparing 4 markets and 6-8 companies for each.""
Cheapest motorcycle insurance ?
Cheapest motorcycle insurance ?
Motorcycle insurance?
how much would it cost for a new motorcyclist to pay for his insurance if he got a used bike.
Car insurance for 16 year old?
4WD jeep wrangler 1995 16 year old female I'd like to know the geico price preferably but if you can tell me what it would cost around it'd be great!
How long will i be considered a high risk driver from an insurance policy lapse?
I was laid off due to my factory closing so I sold my car and was forced to use public transportation for a while. Will I be considered a high risk driver when I buy another vehicle and insure it and how long will I be considered high risk?
""I was denied homeowners insurance by state farm, are there any companies that will insure me?""
I made 3 claims 12/18/09 amt. $302, 9/1/08 $0; and 5/10/08 amt.$1302. Allstate has said no as well.""
Taken out insurance?
I am 63 years old own my house with a mortgage, I'm disabled and on benefits which I don't like. I can't get lower than that but I can afford insurance on my contents so why should the goverment bail out those people that haven't got contents insurance what do they want from the goverment new furniture what a cheek I say. If they do get that it is not fair for the people that pay for insurance's. After all they have to get it on there cars and when they travel abroad.""
Where to go to get a quote?
Hi people, I'm seventeen, taking my driving lessons but find it incredibly hard to get a quote for insurance. I want a rough estimate so i know how much to save but every site i have checked is for someone who already owns a car. If anyone has any good sites or references for my position it would be appreciated. thanks dudes XD""
Where can i get the cheapest car insurance in marion ohio?
Where can i get the cheapest car insurance in marion ohio?
Car Insurance - PLEASE READ!?
In 2004, I saw a car that I wanted to buy at a Nissan car dealership and I took out a loan. At the time I didn't know anything about insurance. It was all greek to me. I was very young and had no one to help me out. Anyway, I went to American Family Insurance and the agent seemed very nice. I told him that I wanted to buy this car and before I could finalize everything I had to show proof that I had full coverage on the vehicle. He told me that I most definitely had to get full coverage and I signed the paperwork, gave him a check and my insurance coverage started. I NEVER CHANGED MY COVERAGE!! (Let me make that clear). So 1.5 years later my car slid on the ice and another lady thought she could speed to get around me and she instead hit me. The officer stated that none of us were at fault because I was sliding when I should have been in control of my car and she should have never tried to pass me so we would each be responsible for our own damage. Right away I called my agent and he later called me back and stated I didn't have collision coverage and I would have to pay out of pocket for my damage. Again, I didn't know anything about insurance and I had totally forgotten that collision was required so I believed this guy. I left it at that but was very upset with him because he stated that I didn't have collision coverage and I told him that as a professional insurance agent, he should have told me that I needed full coverage on this practically new car!!! So, 6 months later, it was still bothering me and I left him. The car wasn't drive-able (I had to pay $600 just to fix something with the wheel mount) and then it was drive-able but there are dents in the car and damage that equals $2,000 to fix. That may sound cheap to some of you but it isn't to me. Just 3 days ago, I was telling this story to someone and they told me that I should have had full coverage on the vehicle and I should look into this. I called American Family and a lady is doing some investigating because she could see I had insurance on my car in 2004 but didn't know what kind. But, she confirmed that my car was under a lien and the insurance agent would be required to put me on a full coverage in the state of Wisconsin. So, this lady stated she would call me back on Saturday. In a perfect world, she could state either 1). You had collision coverage at that time and your car will be fixed at our expense or 2.) Your agent never put you on full coverage. Come Saturday, what if she says that it turns out my agent never put me on full coverage? Isnt he at fault? Everyone (including their own company) states he should have known to put me on full coverage! So, can I try suing the company? Im thinking even though the lady was really nice and told me that my insurance agent should have known better that Ill hear something from them stating that their computer system shows that I was a client in 2004, but they dont know what type of coverage I was on. In the end, they will probably want to cover their butts. Please offer any suggestions! THANKS! And yes, I have become more knowledgeable about insurance for my sake. :)""
How much will my car insurance go up?
I have a honda accord lx (2003). I hit a metal pole and there was considerable damage to my car. The damage is mostly to the right front side and the tire. I have informed my insruance company so they can review the damages and come up with a dollar amount. I can decide if I want to pursue the claim through my insurance company or accept the charges my self. If it is going to cost alot to fix the car, I may need to use my insurance to pay for the damages. How much will my insrance go up? I have heard that my rates could be impacted for the next 3 years. Will the rates decrease after 3 yrs?""
What cars have cheap insurance for new drivers?
I have only been driving since january this year, i currently own a triumph spitfire that i have been restoring for the last two years, it is in really nice condition now and want something new, the insurance was only 756 for the first year which i was very pleased about. I want to sell my car an buy another convertible, but what cars have cheap insurance? i am looking into the the possibility of another classic or just a more modern car. all suggestions welcome. Thank you in advance""
Low Insurance Car For Teen Boy?
I am turning 16 in a couple of months and I need to know what USED vehicles would be best for low insurance. Nothing lower than 1998 and nothing higher than 2007. Please give me some suggestions. NO ugly cars either...
Are there any affordable insurance companies out there for carpenters?
i need to obtain general liability and workers comp. to start my business. looking for affordable insurance in louisiana, (preferrably in baton rouge).""
If I am moving temporarily (3-6 Months) Do i need to get a new drivers license/insurance in the new state?
I am moving temporarily from California to Kansas for 3-6 months and I was wondering if you are required to get a Kansas Divers Liscense and Insurance if the move is only temporary (3-6 Months)?
What are my options for car insurance for son who is 16?
Son is getting his license next week. He does not have a car yet. Wife and each have a car with full coverage. Adding my son to my policy will be $1,500 extra per year. Is there another option to insure him? Mainly Im wondering if I should/could get him a junker and a separate insurance policy with just liability for him and his car or if he could drive our cars with just liability from another insurer? Not sure how that works.""
Cheap home insurance?
Where can i obtain cheap home insurance?
Is there any affordable Car Insurance for 16 year olds?
PLEASE READ: The problem is this. I'm 16 years old, and I really would like to own a car. But the problem is this. When your 16 and you first get insurance, it is super expensive. I have a brother the same age who would also like a car. But I have a single mother. If we have 3 cars and 3 people on one policy, that means it will cost over 10,000 dollars. I know I have to take a defensive drivers course to get 10% off, and I should get honor roll (But that'ss too hard). I've suggested that we get minimal coverage, but my moms the kind of person who thinks she has to pay a lot of money to be covered. Because she won't take minimal coverage, Now I can't have a car. What is the name of a car insurance company that is very affordable but does not make you go on minimal coverage to afford it? If you want, you can tell me what it cost you so I get a best estimate. Thanks.""
How do I get my insurance lower?
I am 20 years old, made one claim and coming up to 1 years no claims bonus, I am looking at a 3ltr GTO and i'm absolutley in love with it, the insurance is average 6.000. All I want to know is, what can I do to get the insurance down? as in, tricking the system, ive already tried using my mums name with me as a named driver and its the same price, what little things can I do to make the insurance as low as possible, please help.""
Roundhill Kentucky Cheap car insurance quotes zip 42275
Roundhill Kentucky Cheap car insurance quotes zip 42275
""How much does a car insurance quote cost?If u get one u wont get emails from them,and stuff in the mail,will u""
How much does a car insurance quote cost?If u get one u wont get emails from them,and stuff in the mail,will u""
What is the average homeowners insurance cost of a 1000 sq ft condo?
What is the average homeowners insurance cost of a 1000 sq ft condo?
How much is car insurance for a teenager under 18 years old?
If you share the car with someone, is the car insurance higher for two people instead of one? If so how much more?""
When does wisconsin drivers need to buy insurance?
My roommate and I heard that in wisconsin that we need insurance at least liability insurance. We haven't heard anything on the news about it!
Need to get proof of no claims car insurance from years ago?
I have been out of the country for some time, prior to this I had a few years no claims on my car insurance, can I get prrof of this somehow now I am back to help reduce my insurance costs?""
Why Do Teen Boys pay more for car insurance?
Why Do Teen Boys pay more for car insurance? Who Talks more Women, Who Texts More Women? i dont get it we should pay the same insurance rates?""
Question about Car Insurance?
I'm 17 and going for my driver's test. My parents said that they were going to put my name under all three cars we own for insurance. That didn't make sense to me though. When I went to All State's website, and did an estimated quote, it would only let me pick one car for each person. Like just one primary driver for each car. My question is, how does this insurance thing work? Thanks!""
I was recently in a car accident and fractured my hand in two places. How much should my settlement be?
The accident was not my fault, but the other driver did not have insurance. My left hand was fractured at the pinky knuckle and also lower in my hand at the middle finger. I was in a splint for 8 weeks, and went to see a physical therapist for only two weeks. I still have pain in the pinky knuckle and cannot bend it as far as the right hand. The doctor told me that I will most likely have severe arthritis when I get older (I am 26 now). I was only out of work for three days, but I had to be on restricted duty for a month. I had a hard time buttoning and pulling up my pants, as well as fixing my hair. It took me an extra half hour to hour to get ready every day. I want to know what to expect from the insurance company.""
What is an insurance quote?
people say low insurance quote .... what is it. how does it work and how does the whole car insurance thing work what if i buy a $5000 car ... how much would i be spending every month including tax, insurance> EXCLUDE GAS""
Most affordable Health Insurance provider for my employees?
I am looking for an affordable Health Insurance Company for my employees. I have 7 employees w/families and no coverage to offer because the prices are outrageous. My compnay is Incorporated, if that factors in. I have already used the sales companies that do this research for me, but I am not satisfied with the results...plus they call every 2 seconds with high quotes.""
""For insurance cost repairs and parts, which is better , the Honda Fit , Subaru Legacy Wagon or Toyota Matrix?""
Im looking for a fuel efficient vehicle to drive one hour into Montreal. I live in the rural area of Quebec known as Rawdon, which is a little mountainous, and the weather can change from slush to ice to rain for periods of time in the winter. Im a musician and cook that needs an economical hatchback to carry my equipment around. A used car salesman told me that the Honda Fit will be less safe to drive in the winter on Quebec roads than the Subaru Legacy wagon will be. Will it make that much difference ? Is there more chance of getting killed in the Honda Fit on dangerous roads ? Im not a fast driver anymore, and don't need any more speeding tickets. Some people might say that the Subaru is a superior car ( 2006 Legacy ) but I just spoke to a friend of mine who used to own a Subaru and she said she was paying a lot of money for parts when she needed to do repairs, and to stay away from them. Are Subaru parts much more expensive than Honda, and please tell me why the Subaru wagon is a better choice, if it is. The engine on the Subaru Legacy is almost double the size, I think 2.5 L as opposed to the Fit 1.5, although both are 4 cylinder., and both are selling for around $ 10,000. I havent looked enough into the Toyota Matrix. They seem to fall somewhere between the Honda Fit and he Subaru Legacy. I think the Fit would probably give the best gas mileage, the Matrix the next best and the Subaru the least. But again, which cost the most to repair ? Toyotas seem to have the highest reacall history out of the three of them. I live in the country and my life has not been functional without a vehicle the last few weeks since my Dodge Caravan died, so I need to make a decision as soon as possible.""
How much should I ask for the compensation from insurance?
I had a car accident and the fault side's insurance compay paid for body repair ( abuot $960 in their recommanded bodyshop ) and also the rental (my car is still in bodyshop). I am not sure if I need to ask some compensations for diminished value of my car and also missed work hour on dealing with the accident. I never done this before. My car is 1997 Toyata Collora and the private value from KBB is $3185 (for good condition), some people said the compensation for diminished value could be 40% of the KBB private value, which to me is 3185 x 0.4 = $1274. They are going to replace the right fender, repair and repaint the passenger side door. So I want to know if I ask for $1274 from insurance is fair. I hope anyone can give me some advises on how to deal with this. Thank you!""
How much is car insurance?
I know it depends on a lot of things, but whenever I mention me getting my license, they have the same excuse over and over...So what's an idealistic amount for a young teen 17 w/ 3.0+gpa and a sports car be? In california.""
I was in an accident today and the other person left the scene, cops came and got all of my info... my car is REALLY banged up.... i have michigan no fualt insurance becuase that is all i can afford... a $500 deductible ..what does this mean? how much will my insurance company cover to get my car fixed? thanks""
What would be a good first car thats cheap?
oh and btw while i'm at it whats cheap insurance for a 16 year old male,liability pretty much""
Around how much will car insurance cost?
I'm turning 16 in January and want to get my license. My parents are adding me onto their State Farm account, but I have to save up enough to pay my insurance for at least a year first. I know I qualify for the good student discount because my GPA is 4.0 and I'm going to be in the National Honors Society. I live in the suburbs of Pennsylvania so I hear it should cost less than if I lived in Philadelphia. So, around how much will this cost?""
What kind of life insurance companies are there in states?
What kind of life insurance companies are there in states?
Life Insurance for my family?
I'm trying to figure out if it will be worth to get life insurance for my family? Now, when I say family I mean my parents and siblings. I'm only concern with getting something that's affordable like term insurance I didn't hear to many good things about whole insurance.""
Insurance company would not like to insure me a sole proprietorship?
I am a film major, a student and very involved in different projects. I decided to open my own film company a sole proprietorship, meaning I DBA (Do Business As). I am looking for liability insurance for my business for wedding and events. They asked me if I was doing any other type of work currently. My reponse was that yes I am involved in being cameraman for one project and editor for another. I have not signed a contract or getting paid for any of these projects, simply volunteer. They came back stating that if they were to insurance me, I as an invidividual would no longer be able to be part of any project or post anything of my personal stuff on youtube. I understand that they are trying to protect themselves and that they are insuring me personally I guess since its a DBA. Has anyone else come upon this problem? I see many videographer put their stuff up on vimeo, youtube etc.""
Can you drive a parent's car without insurance in NYC?
My dad has a car with insurance on it, but my name is not on it. Is it legal for me to drive the car? I live in New York City, and I'm not worried about the risk of insurance not covering damages because my name is not on the insurance. I'm responsible 18 year-old and my parents suggest that I just drive the car since putting my name with the insurance would cost a fortune extra. I just need to know if it is legal. Thanks!""
Affordable dental insurance for dream act kids?
So, my girlfriend is a dream act student who will be going to university next year. recently she had a huge tooth ache and she found out that she had to get a root canal. She had a cavity for over a year because her divorced parents both refused to pay the fee -_-, they kept saying that the other should have to pay, and now a year later its so bad that she has to get a root canal. Root canals are freaken expensive and her parents are probably not going to want to pay for that, so my question is: are there any sort of affordable dental insurance for students on the Dream Act, keep in mind they don't have much money. would any government programs cover her as a dream act student? please give me any information that could help her with getting some sort of insurance. It's like this with her parents for anything that has to do with health care, -_- neither of them ever want to pay.""
Teenager car insurance help?
Okay! I am a 17 year old male who has been driving in total for 2 years and I have unfortunately had 2 accidents. The first occurred in May of last year. I pulled out of a gas station trying to turn left so I had to cross two lanes of oncoming traffic ( I was in an unfamiliar vehicle) I could not see the lane closest to the middle and I went out further then I thought and the oncoming car took off the front bumper. The second accident occurred 04/14 I was driving to school and there was a man ahead of me who had his signal light on for the past 4 miles it was pouring down rain so I looked over to change lanes and when maybe I looked for to long I'm not sure but wheeI turned back the man had come to a complete stop in preparation to turn from a highway onto a dirt road. I slammed on my brakes they locked up I couldn't steer away and I hit him in the rear. My question is. Is this going to keep happening to me? Am I really that bad of a driver? and what insurance company is best for my situation as my parents are removing me from their policy. Any help would be appreciated!
What exactly is auto insurance?
i just got my first driver's license and I am eagerly awaiting my new car. however, i hear that i have to insure my car and register it and have registration papers. exactly what does this mean for me? will i not be able to get my car? what exactly is this insurance - is it a monthly bill, one-time payment?""
""How can forcing us to buy health insurance, be the same as mandatory car insurance?""
I don't own a car, so I don't pay car insurance. Nobody is forcing me to buy it. But under the Obama individual mandate, we will all have to buy insurance or get fined. This is based on the assumption that you will get sick and not be able to afford your own care, and so will choose to be a burden. Those are a lot of assumptions. Can we force somebody to buy something that they don't want, based on assumptions that may or may not be true??""
Where can I get laibality insurance for a medical assistant?
I am looking for insurance to covoer myself for Medical assistant
Roundhill Kentucky Cheap car insurance quotes zip 42275
Roundhill Kentucky Cheap car insurance quotes zip 42275
0 notes
Someone hit my car with no insurance?
"Someone hit my car with no insurance?
He backed out in a parking lot without looking and hit me. He caused some damage but he actually hit my car where I had a minor dent already and made it into a bigger dent. He asked me to not call the police because I figure he would get a huge ticket for driving without insurance, gave me all his info and $200 and promised to take care of whatever damages. I made him sign a promisary note. I'll get an estimate and contact him about it soon. Was this the right course of action to take or did I do something wrong?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://salecarinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Estimate of insurance cost?
How much would car insurance be for a 17 year old with a good record and grades driving a Jeep Wrangler or Cherokee Sport? I know prices differ but I'm just looking for a very rough estimate. Thanks!
What auto insurance offices offer reduced cost auto insurance program in the San Fernando Valley?
Details below if you do not know which one I am referring to? I'm not talking about the cliche low cost auto insurance that is available to everyone. etc...I'm talking about a specific plan offered by the state of California available at some insurance offices for low income individuals. I found one office with it, it isn't close enough, does anyone know of any more offices ? The California Low Cost Automobile Insurance Program (LCA): The California Low Cost Automobile Insurance Pilot Program, created in 1999, established a low-cost automobile insurance policy for residents of Los Angeles County and the City and County of San Francisco. California Law requires that all drivers be insured. However, too many low-income drivers remain uninsured because the costs of standard auto insurance premiums are beyond their financial reach. The programs purpose is to provide low-cost automobile liability insurance to good drivers who demonstrate financial need.""
Baby insurance?
Okay so my fiance and I aren't married yet. I am on my moms insurance until I am 19 and they wont cover the baby. He has his own insurance through WI called Hirsps. I can't change my license yet because my moms insurance will drop me and we dont want that to happen because it will be hard to get insurance to cover hospital bills. How do we get the baby insurance? Can we put the baby on his insurance?
Is car insurance very high in California?
Is car insurance very high in California?
How much would insurance be for someone like me?
i have a job that pays 1300 a month, im 23 years old, no previous record. no credit. basically it would be my first insurance for a car. i live in minnesota saint paul, how much would it be? my sis says it might be like 300 dollars or something? if u need other info ill tell it thanks guys""
""Total cost of new car; insurance, tax, registration etc...?""
I am looking to buy a new used car (new to me). Currently I am driving a POS 1990 honda civic that keeps breaking on me. I have had it for just over a year and put more $ into than I paid for it. It is time for me to get a nice car now. I am aiming for a toyota celica in the early 2000's, $6,000-$8,000. I will be finacing it, and I can afford about $150/month in payments. I realise that I will have to get full coverage insurance (I have liability right now). I hear that is about $800 extra per year. What I want to know is how much is it going to cost me (roughly) to go in, get a new car, trade in my old one, pay taxes on the car, insurance, registration, everything that needs to be done. Obviously it will vary by car, state, situation...but ball parks are okay. There is no such things as too much info right now. I live in the north east if that is of any assistance :] Thanks.""
HELP! Insurance company trying to low ball estimate?
Back in April I was driving and a lady tried switching lanes and struck my vehicle. I immediately went to an auto body shop and got an estimate for the damage, they took photos and everything. I've been contacting her insurance and dealing with this for over two months... I had to send them the police report because the woman tried lying and said I hit her, so I had to prove she was at fault. They would never return my calls. Until I talked to the field adjuster. He then called me yesterday told me he got the estimate from the body shop which was one of their recommended shops, and was mailing me the check for the damage. However he failed to tell me the check he was sending was for $1000 less than the estimate. I don't agree with this, what do I do? I called and no one will call me back from the company Also, I own my car outright. It's a 2004 tiburon is excellent condition. The insurance company was giving me issues about me wanting the check sent to me. I plan on getting the damages repaired that are necessary but leaving what isn't and keeping the money that's left over. I'm not even making them get me a rental for the time I don't have the car! Please help The company is American family.""
Who has the cheapest auto insurance?
I'm about to come back from active duty overseas and I just bought a 2004 Ford F150 4x4. I'm 28 and havent had any accidents or driving infractions in the past 5 years. Which provider is generally the best to use? Thanks.
""California, pregnant, No medical insurance. What next?""
I am currently in England where I have medical coverage (NHS). I am an American and from California. I am having to move back to California, but obviously will not have medical insurance. What do I do? Can I still get insurance when I'm already pregnant? Can I qualify for medicare? How much am I looking at needing to pay? If anyone knows what happens when your pregnant in california with out insurance, that would be super. This is a family emergency which is making me need to move back. So please do not judge me because I am having to go somewhere with out insurance. Thank you.""
Can I get Sprint Insurance?
OK, let's say that I buy a phone for cheap on ebay or radioshack, can I still go to a sprint store and get insurance on the phone or do I have to buy the phone directly at the sprint store in order to get insurance?????""
""Which one is cheaper, car insurance or motorbike insurance ?
where can i find cheap insurance policy for vehicles ?
Does anyone know what insurance company in NJ has there policy start with the letter F ?
the policy number is F183941-4
Do you have health insurance?
if so, how much does it cost per month, How old are you? what kind of deductable do you have?? Feel free to answer also if you don't have insurance.""
Modified car insurance?
2000 mustang gt. Added cold air intake, exhaust kit, engine headers, aftermarket gps and backup cam, and aftermarket rims. Would an insurance company cover these?""
""Affordable, good health insurance in Georgia?
I buy my own health insurance. Currently I am being ripped off by Blue Cross Blue Shield! They suck and they are very expensive. Anyone know a better health insurance that is not too expensive? I am a 27 year old female that makes $300 a week (just got laid off to part-time)
What is good Car insurance in Atlanta?
I'm moving to Atlanta. What is a good car insurance to get and at a reasonable price. I'm not sure the whole breakdown but state farm was about the best price I could find for about 120 dollars a month and that includes renters insurance for about 10 dollars a month. Please tell me what insurance you have and the breakdown of it and how much you spend a month on car insurance in the Atlanta area. Thanks a lot
When should I apply for car insurance?
I've been a named driver on my boyfriends policy with the car being in his name for the past couple of years. Now he has a company car and I need the previous car to be insured in business class for my work, we've sent away the forms to the DVLA so I will be the registered owner. But I'm wondering, whether now it means our previous insurance covers the car which i'm still driving daily or not, so should I apply for my own insurance now for when the documents come back or wait until after I recieve the documents!? I'd hate the thought of being pulled over and getting points on my licence for not getting this change over correct! Thanks for any help!""
How much is insurance on a Chevy Camaro?
I'm 16, ill be on the car by myself. the camaro is a 1998, and in great condition. i have state farm along with my family so ill be on their plan, ive done the steer clear program and have good grades which both give me a discount! does anyone have an estimate of what is might be per month????""
What are the best cars for insurance?
i am a 17 year old male living in the u.k. so far the best car i have found is a 1978 austin morris mini. insurance is 1600. btw, cars like saxo's and corsa's are around 2500 for me. basically, does anyone have any ideas for cars. i have already looked at putting my mum as a named driver, but it does not make much of a difference. any help would be brilliant, thanks""
Does anybody know of a cheap insurance company for eighteen year olds?
I just turned eighteen and I'm looking for car insurance since what I'm paying right now is really high ( 290 for minimum) Everywhere else I look wants like 1000 dollars a month for minimum coverage thats crazy how can anyone afford that? Are there any good companies in specific for someone in my position?
Things that could lower my insurance rate?
I am most likely buying a 2001 ford mustang: -v6 engine, 5 speed manual 140,000k miles 2 seater it has a stage 4 racing clutch, its blacked out.. paint, rims, tinted windows, (headlights might have a tint idk tho) i am a sophomore in highschool, i have never received anything lower than a B, and my gpa is a 3.75. i want to know as many things that i can get done to this car in order to force the insurance rate down: iv heard of theft systems and keeping grades low.. but what else? i was thinking of getting a bluetooth? thanks""
How much should it cost to replace and paint a totaled bumper for a 98 honda accord?
My husband and I just returned home from the store in his car, when he noticed my car that was parked across the street had been crashed into on the drivers side bumper. Plz give me advice should i call insurance even though I dont know who did it, or should I just fix it myself. and how much will it cost.""
Do you have to pay motorcycle insurance all year round?
or just during the summer?
Ok I don't udersrtand why for car insurance!?
I add my own details on car insurance, no accidemts etc and my quote is 190. i add my partner as an extra driver with a speeding fine and it goes down to 152""
""I just turned 18 years old, how much do you think i will pay for car insurance?""
i just turned 18 years old, how much do you think i will pay for car insurance""
Someone hit my car with no insurance?
He backed out in a parking lot without looking and hit me. He caused some damage but he actually hit my car where I had a minor dent already and made it into a bigger dent. He asked me to not call the police because I figure he would get a huge ticket for driving without insurance, gave me all his info and $200 and promised to take care of whatever damages. I made him sign a promisary note. I'll get an estimate and contact him about it soon. Was this the right course of action to take or did I do something wrong?
""If you crashed your car into someones, how much would insurance pay out?""
Assuming the cost is 18,000, most of it being for injuries the other party claims to have (<1000 bucks in damage). How much would insurance pay and how much would i have to pay? No damage to my own car. No need for insurance after this because I dont think im going to drive again after hearing the cost.""
Regarding Auto Insurance Companies policy for DUI.?
I am in living in Northern California and my question is how long do Auto INsurance Companies keep DUI on your record. I have been told 7 years but our insurance companys says 10years..
Where can I get a great health insurance for a student?
Where can I get a great health insurance for a student?
Really high auto insurance rate question?
My son, who just turned 18, has a pretty extensive traffic record. Firstly he got a ticket for passing in a no passing, but he went on diversion and was clean for more than a year so is that off his record now? Secondly he has also been in 2 wrecks before, gotten arrested for possession of marijuana, and just today got a speeding ticket for going 63 in a 45(163 dollar ticket). currently the insurance for him is 190 a month which is five times higher than anybody in the family. So what should i expect the insurance to be now, and what are my options because this is a lot of money.""
How do i apply for medical insurance?
I live in santa ana orange county california. im 21 work part time and independent. what will i need?
Where can I find affordable health insurance?
I am 19, a smoker and I am currently not working but I have health issues and I need to find a health care provider that won't drain my bank account... Any ideas?""
What is the best life insurance for someone in their early twenties?
I want to ensure my mom & husband will have some money if I were to die early in life.
Jeep Vs Car Insurance?
hey i am a 17 male. i was just wondering would insurance for a jeep be cheaper then insurance on a car since you would be less likely to rally around a jeep, and other dangerous driving etc.. i am also wondering if a 2L jeep would be dear to insure for a 17 male, since it is a jeep. thanks :)""
Will simply getting an STI test raise insurance rates?
I was wondering if any doctors or insurance professionals know as fact if insurance rates will increase if someone goes to their primary care physician to get an STI screening, even if they test negative for everything.""
Whats the auto insurance company that gives you various rates?
There was an auto insurance commercial whose gimick was that they provided you with not only their rates, but the rates of their competitors...what insurance company was that? I haven't seen that particular thing being adverstised in a few months-and I cant remember what the company was...either geico, progressive..i cant remember?!!""
Insurance for 1975 stingray?
What would you estimate the insurance would be for a 16 year old boy with a 1975 stingray?
Will filing a claim for broken car window raise my insurance payments?
I woke up to a broken driver side window this morning and the first thing i do is call my insurance to ask if its covered. My insurance said it would cost 350 bucks to fix it and i have a 500 deductable so i gta pay out of pocket anyway. He scheduled an appointment for me to get it fixed at a local shop. Is this claim going to affect my rates?
How much would car insurance be for a 16 year old to drive a 2005 Ford F-150?
I live in Arizona, I want a red or black 2005 Ford F-150 crew cab. Im not rich, my dads just got a **** ton of money cause he never buys anything. Im trying to get him to pay for the whole insurance but i really doubt hes going to. So please help me out, tell me how much me or him is going to have to pay.""
How much is car insurance on two vehicles in hawaii?
We need full coverage due to still paying off cars. Plus about how much to send 2 vehicles over?
Can i sue auto insurance company without using a lawyer?
i was rear end by another car and his insurance total my car and paid me the book value of the car. i went to physical therapy for about four months. i took x-rays and mri. the mri shows that i have a dislocation in my lower back. but the insurance company has refused to settle me for my injury. my lawyer told me that i should consult another lawyer to sue the insurance company. some lawyers i met are not interested in the case. can i sue the insurance company myself? if so, how do i begin?""
""My boyfriend that has no insurance borrowed my car and got rear ended, will my insurance cover?""
I let my boyfriend take my car to go drop off his friend and he ended getting backed into by a truck and severely damaged my back bumper. Because it was on private property, the police couldn't do anything but observe us exchanging information. My boyfriend doesn't have insurance, but my car is insured. Will my insurance company be able to cover my damages, even though I was not present? This accident was the trucker's fault because he backed into my car, but this guy didn't even have an ID but the car was his family & supposedly it's insured. Please no smart remarks, I am asking because I'd appreciate some advice.""
Gerber life insurance company?
is this even worth doing has anyone ever done this...i need feed back and ideas i have a one year old little boy and i want him to have something to fall back on when he gets older, weather its college or whatever The insurance says they can cash it out for the premium. So should i sign up or just get him a savings account?""
I thought health insurance cost was going down?
This article says they are all going up. What happened to Obama caree? http://www.ctnow.com/health/hc-health-insurance-rate-hike-0914-20100914,0,5611833.story He promised me my family would save $2500 on health insurance. What happened?""
Insurance for young adults?
I can't seem to get all of my questions answered from my own research, so I've resorted to yahoo answers. My family lost my dad a few years ago, and with him we lost our insurance coverage. We currently receive social security. This stops once I graduate. Would I be able to receive any sort benefits (any sort of welfare, food stamps, etc) as a result of this? What about college grants? Also, my mom, sister and I don't have any health insurance. I want to apply for affordable insurance, but I really don't know much about it. How much would it cost, and what are my options? Thank you so much for anyone who takes the time to answer this, I really appreciate it.""
First time insurance on following cars?
im 17 and looking for my first car at the moment as i just passed recently. ive looked at a few but when i do insurance quotes on the net i get some crazy quotes like 5000 for a 2004 fiat punto 1.2. i no insurance is expensive for first timers and being a male, and 17, its even more. however all my frineds who have cars pay way less, eg my friend also 17 and first car has a 1.6L vw polo 1998 and he pays only 1,500 also another has a 2004 punto 1.2 and pays 1,700. another has corsa 2005 1.4 and pays about 2000 all above are fully comp and with them as first and only driver on policy. who is the best company for my age and experience group. also whatinsurance prices can i expecct for following cars, if you know or have one etc.. live in a good, low crime area and it will be garaged at night so insurance should be lower with this. corsa polo punto clio 206 fiesta all from about 2000- 2005 plates thanks""
""I'm looking for a sporty car with low insurance rates and preferably american made around $15,000?""
I'm looking for a sporty car with low insurance rates and preferably american made around $15,000?""
What is the best maternity insurance? ?
my husband and i are ttc and i am trying to find some maternity insurance for when i get pregnant. he cant apply for insurance through his work for another 5 months. so in the even that i do get pregnant, i would need insurance right away. we make too much to qualify for medicaid or any government funded insurance. ive looked at a few different companies but im wondering which is the best. monthy price isnt an issue, quality is whats important. thanks!""
Car insurance..please answer?
Basically my dad is paying 1600ish pound for an insurance policy, with me as a named driver on his car, that was a few months ago he got that, however now, if we was to do the same policy because we have had the car for a few months it would be 1100 ish, if my dad got a new car which he is thinking of doing, and transfered the insurance onto that (substituted it) but the car was a bit nicer and slightly more expensive to insure, would the price inrease because of the car, or decrease because im slightly older and insurance is getting cheaper for me""
Insurance on a crashed car?
Today someone crashed into my car, anyway both cars have minor damage but they're trying to say it was my fault and claiming on their insurance etc. etc. Anyway, i was just wondering if the price of insurance increases for a driver who has crashed, how long does it go up for and if they don't insure the car during that time (i may be at uni) Will the increased charges be saved for until they next insure the car?""
Where do I get insurance if I am a driving instructor?
Where do I get insurance if I am a driving instructor?
Someone hit my car with no insurance?
He backed out in a parking lot without looking and hit me. He caused some damage but he actually hit my car where I had a minor dent already and made it into a bigger dent. He asked me to not call the police because I figure he would get a huge ticket for driving without insurance, gave me all his info and $200 and promised to take care of whatever damages. I made him sign a promisary note. I'll get an estimate and contact him about it soon. Was this the right course of action to take or did I do something wrong?
What does employer sponsored health insurance means?
I know my company offers health insurance but dont understand what sponsored means. Also if I apply for a low income health plan through the state will I be disqualified because the company I work for offers health insurance. FYI the rates that my company offers are insanely high and I cant afford them.
How much is car insurance for a new driver?
How much would car insurance cost in BC in a rural area for a 17 year (new driver). Thanks
Insurance for additional drivers has shot up?
I'm 16 and looking forward to buying my first car, so a few weeks ago i saw that if i was the additional driver on my dad's policy it would only cost around 400. However i have tried a few recently and they all have shot up to 1500+!!!!! Does anyone know why? It's ridicuolous how much they are trying to charge me for first years insurance.""
Where can I find affordable health insurance?
My husband and I are both self-employed and need to find affordable health insurance. Neither of us has any pre-existing conditions, and are in good health, but we'll be trying for a baby w/in the year. I have no idea where to even start looking!!!""
Mexico and USA car insurance?
Does anybody know a car insurance company that has coverage 15 miles or so miles outside US boundaries? Thank you!
If a company is self insured (medical) that doesn't mean the company owns the ins. co. does it?
If a company is self insured (medical) that doesn't mean the company owns the ins. co. does it?
Why is my car insurance so expensive? Give me a GOOD reason why.?
I have my driving test tomorrow, looking forward to it, but car insurance for a car which is worth 200, the car insurance comes from 2500 - 4000. Why on earth does it come to this??!! Insurance companies are all sharks. No wonder so many people are uninsured.""
Can you help me wit this maths question please?
Greg sells car insurance and home insurance Car insurance 200 Home insurance 350 His basic pay is 530  And 5% of each car insurance sold And 10 % of each choke insurance He sells 6 car insurance And 4 home insurance What is the total amount of money Greg earned in may ?
Since the passage of The Affordable Care Act (0bamacare) how much have your health insurance rates gone down?
How much more affordable is your health care ?
Which type of ticket goes on your insurance?
I know a speeding ticket will show up on your insurance and cause it to be quite a bit more than it was, but do any other less than obvious types affect your insurance? For example, my town has a completely pointless ordinance in which their residents are not allowed to park their cars in the street between the hours of 2 AM and 6 AM, unless you call the police that night and let them know that your car will be in the street, and then they'll just ignore your car if they see it. Well, I decided to rebel and not call last night, so, I wake up this morning to find a nice (still cheap, luckily) ticket on my window. I didn't call because I have gotten away with it each time before, so I figured maybe they don't check my neighborhood. Go figure. But I just don't want my insurance going up because of this and I'm not sure if all tickets are sent to the insurance company. Thanks in advance!""
Ballpark figure on motorcycle insurance?
First please don't tell me to call my insurance agency, that's why I'm on here. I just want an estimate I'm 17, male, it's a 1999 cbr600f4, I don't want full coverage, just liability, I am on excelsior high honor roll at school, I took the msf course, I have had my moorcycle license for a year now, I live in upstate new york. And would be riding leisurely. Any guesses? How much do u pay, how old are you etc. Thanks!""
Can you have a separate car insurance policy for a different vehicle?
I am 18 and I am insured under my parent's policy for my main car. I'm really into cars so I wanted to buy an old Explorer or something as a throw around car to work on, but my parents would never let me put it on their insurance. I don't need collision or comprehensive, just liability insurance. Is it possible to be insured under my parent's policy for my one car and insured under a separate policy for a second car? I live in New Jersey if that makes any difference.""
Is it true it costs 6 thousand a year to add a teenager to your car insurance in michigan?
Is it true it costs 6 thousand a year to add a teenager to your car insurance in michigan?
""Can you help me-insurance, cars, and money?""
Okay, I'm planning on buying a car soon. My family is in a very deep hole financially, so I'm going to ask my grandparents to help me, because they are doing fine. I need a car to get to school, get to my current job on time, and have another job (along with 2 AP classes and babysitting!) I never ask them for anything, not that I've ever wanted to, so I'm really scared to ask them for this huge favor. I'm planning on paying them back for every single penny I borrow plus interest. So I want to know an idea of how much money I'm going to need to borrow. Okay, for insurance...I'm planning on buying a toyota yaris, matrix, or camry. Or a honda civic (perferrably hatchback). Or a volkswagon beetle. But right now, anything will do as long as its reliable. For a 16 year old, A average grades, living in KY, about how much would monthly insurance be? For payments, I know about 2000 for down would be good. But how much (about) would interest be on monthly payments? I'm planning on finding a car that is about 7000-8000 dollars. And lastly, how should I ask!? They know I'm mature and responsible, but I don't think they are willing to help me out. I absolutely hate asking for things from people, but I really need help so that I can help my family. So how should I do it? Thank you so much! :) I'll choose best answer!!!""
Do I need public liability Insurance ?
We are starting a service that matches companies to website designers. Its an online service. Theoretically there could be issue between the companies meeting through our service. Would we require some sort of public liability insurance to cover us for such issues ? or maybe some other sort of insurance.? regards Ashley
Do I need life insurance?
Hey, I'm in 7th grade and my advanced academics class is doing a project on what our goals and daily life will be after we graduate high school. The final part of the project deals with the management of taxes and insurance and stuff like that. I'm pretty sure I've covered everything I need to, except for one aspect: life insurance. I'm not exactly sure if I need it, because I don't really know if I'm actually going to have people dependent on my paycheck. Here's my lifestyle: I'm going to live in Santa Monica, California as an occupational therapist in an apartment with a roommate. My mom's family and my dad's family will most likely keep residing all the way across the country on the east coast, with my brother in college and my younger brother in middle school. I'm pretty sure both my parents are going to be retired at that age, but I don't know if they would really depend on my paycheck. Opinions?""
What is the cost of AAA car insurance monthly?
What is the cost of AAA car insurance monthly?
Why is my car insurance soo expensive!?
about a month ago i got a quote from Quinn Direct for 584 but i wasn't 17 yet so couldn't get insurance.. Now Quinn is over 1500 for my insurance and the cheapest i can find it is just under 1000 I will be taking my test january 23rd and getting insurance then.. Can anyone reccommend an insurance company that is good with teenagers and new drivers? Thanks
Is it against the law not to have car insurance in Illinois?
My friend just got her liscense but she doesnt have car insurance. She drives her parents' car, n the car insurance is under their name, not hers. But i also know that they do not hvae enough money at the moment to add her name to their insurance. Is this wrong? if so, how wrong? What would happen to her if she ever got caught?""
Where can i go with my insurance? ?
Hurt my knee. I have myers Steven toohey insurance. Do I just go to any hospital? Who accepts this insurance?
Can I change my auto insurance without extra cost.?
I just purchased a vehicle and had to get full coverage insurance. I have been with Safe Auto for over 6months. I changed coverage on 6-24. I have a bill due on July 11. I want to change to a cheaper insurance company would i be able to do this without more charges? Also would I have to pay the bill due on the 11th.
How to get low car insurance? ?
Hi I'm 18, and just reasantly passed my test about 4months ago. And think a 1.0 vaxhaull corsa is the cheapest and best first car that I can afford! Now, I was just wondering what is the cheapest car insurer? Is there any techniques or tips on getting cheap car insurance? Can anyone help?!""
My insurer wants to charge me a lot for canceling my insurance?
My insurance company (Kwik Fit) tell me that if I cancel my insurance today I will have to pay the normal monthly rate tomorrow as I normally would and then the charge of 67 to cover the cancellation. As far as I can see this means would pay for a month of insurance that I neither want nor need. Is this right? I have looked over my policy and on the pages referencing canceling my policy and they speak f chrages but do not say how much and it is also quite confusing.
I do not have regular health Insurance?
I regularly go for activities like white water rafting. Is it possible to buy cover for injuries from such activities on per event basis?
How much is teen insurance?
Typically how much is insurance for teens in general? For just an ordinary, average car? thanks""
Someone hit my car with no insurance?
He backed out in a parking lot without looking and hit me. He caused some damage but he actually hit my car where I had a minor dent already and made it into a bigger dent. He asked me to not call the police because I figure he would get a huge ticket for driving without insurance, gave me all his info and $200 and promised to take care of whatever damages. I made him sign a promisary note. I'll get an estimate and contact him about it soon. Was this the right course of action to take or did I do something wrong?
Cheap car insurance for 17 year old male?
I passed my driving test a few days ago and in two days i will have completed the PassPlus scheme. I was wondering if anyone knew of anywhere that i can get a cheap car insurance quote for a 1.2L 1996 corsa. Ive tried go compare, money-supermarket, confused... but the cheapest one is still just over 4,000! Quinn-Direct was 6,000! I am still in college and have a 2 jobs but i could never afford 4000 a year! I have heard of some places that have a rule that your not aloud to drive within certain time limits eg. 11pm - 5am. but i wouldn't be driving then anyway so that doesn't bother me. Any advice/tips would be appreciated, thanks""
Why is my car insurance quote cheaper?
My insurance ends this month so last week i just did a quote out of curiosity claiming i had a 1 years no claims bonus which i should get end of this month, which said it would be 10 cheaper. I did it last night but this time i put i had NO no claims bonus and it came up saying its 40 cheaper! I went for that one but does it matter that i havnt put in my bonus? I havnt got one yet anyway cause i needed to sort it out asap""
Which 1 is the best and Cheap Car Insurance?
Plz Help! Just bought a Car and Looking 4 a good Deal! :)
Do I have to call my car insurance?
What If I accidentally hit reversed my car and hit a wall and I want to fix my car... Do I have to call the insurance company to tell them what happened..? Or can't I just fix my car without my insurance company knowing..? I don't want my Insurance to go UP!
Do i have to have insurance?
i live with my parents. an my mom told me that our car insurance company says i HAVE to be insured, cause i have access to my parrents cars... can they do that?""
Can a 17 year old get insurance in his own name?
im 17 years old and my dad wont put me back on his insurance. can i just start my own/ If so whats a good cheap one to get liability on?
Which insurance license test is easier for California?
which insurance license test is easier for California? -Auto -Health/Life -Real Estate I want to get a license, but not sure which..""
Car insurance accepting no claims when not been on a policy for 2 years?
I need car insurance with a company who will accept my 9 years no claims from 2 years ago, does anybody know any companies who accept this??? thanks""
""Condo Insurance in Tampa, Florida Needed ASAP?""
Now that State Farm Insurance will no longer be providing home or condo insurance, does anyone know another company that has reasonable insurance? I am not necessarily looking for the cheapest but want a reliable one that will PAY if I actually have a claim!""
California low cost health insurance?
i need an innsurance with a low cost monthly fee.. i just need it for birth control. i dont want to pay full price it gets pricy please let me know of some good ones that you have experience with
Can I get insurance now that my wife is pregnant?
My wife is 35 weeks pregnant. I graduated from Respiratory therapy school this past spring. At the time my wife, son and I were on Medicaid. Now that I have a good job I make too much money and am going to get booted off Medicaid. Can we get insurance for my wife?""
How much is insurance and a Aston Martin?
How much is insurance and a Aston Martin?
Car insurance for teens. Do I NEED to be listed on my parents policy?
My parents have triple A auto insurance and I have recently gotten my drivers license. I have tried to research the requirements for insurance by law on the California DMV website and the most concrete statement I found was some numbers that cover various damages and injuries (DMV website is not working properly so I cannot look it up). My parents insurance obviously covers the basic and more. However, my parents policy states that Any relative that has consent of the owner to use the insured vehicle is covered by this policy - These are not the exact words as I don't have the policy on me, but it is pretty damn close. In the definitions portion of the policy, it states a relative as anyone related by blood, and some other stuff. I am my parents son so I am obviously related by blood, thus their policy coverage extends on to me when they give me permission to use their vehicle. I did not find ANY California laws that required me to be on the policy. i only found information that said I only need that minimum coverage which my parents policy does provide. We did contact triple A about this and they did not give us a reasonable answer. All they said was that they WANT my parents to add me because THOSE ARE THE RULES. Seems like they just want more money in their pockets. Can someone give some advice? Thanks.""
Best insurance for just passed driver?
i need insurance for my car its a small engine and everything, i'm female and 17, does anyone know the best insurance to get as i know it's very expensive! thanks!""
Which auto insurance is cheapest in new orleans?
Which auto insurance is cheapest in new orleans?
Which car insurance have you got the cheapest quote from for a 1.0 car?
my family is looking to buy a new car. My mum would be the main driver...my father the additional driver and me as another additional driver my mum has had her license for 15 years my dad has had it well over 30 years and i just passed a week ago any suggestions for the cheapest car insurance company ive been to gocompare but some sites dont show up any result....well quite alot frankly that i cannot go to each one individually to find a quote
How much does health insurance cost?
I just got a new job and I am about to enroll in medical coverage. I'm a healthy 29 year old male and I'm going to include my wife as a dependent. I know there are a few different plans, depending on deductible, etc, but I just want to get a ballpark figure on how much will be deducted from my checks. My wife suggests it will be about $150 a month, or about $75 per check.. Does this sound right??""
How much is car insurance for 18 year old?
How much would car insurance cost under Allstate in North Carolina for an 18 year old boy? I drive a 2003 Ford Ranger if it helps, I'm a safe driver and do good in school?""
How do traffic tickets affect insurance premiums?
So if you get a traffic ticket you generally get: a fine, driving school and it makes your insurance premium worse. Is this always true when it comes to the insurance? Is this a rule defined by the insurance or can something be done to avoid that insurance thing? The state is CA btw.. if that matters..""
I am selling my car and I have a suspended driver's license. What kind of insurance policy can I buy?
My driver's license will be under suspension until January 2014 and so I have decided to sell my car. What do I do about insurance? I dropped mine when I realized I would not be driving as a way to save money, but now that I want to sell the car I believe I need the insurance even just for someone to take a test drive. Are there short-term or reduced costs policies available in this situation? I would of course immediately not need the insurance once the car is sold, which could be very soon.""
Cheapest type of insurance for 17 year old?
iv heard of black box insurance but this doesn't appeal to me most? so what companies or types of insurance are cheapest??
Am I covered under my parents' car insurance?
I am sixteen years old and I will be added to their insurance soon, but in the meantime, am I covered if anything happens? The car is insured under liberty mutual and I do no not often drive their car, but I need to use it to get to school tomorrow. What will happen if I get into an accident with an insured car under my mom's name and not mine?""
How much will my insurance go up?
I was trying to merge onto the freeway when the lady in front of me made an inexplicable complete stop on the on ramp. I slammed on my brakes and rode the ABS down to about 15MPH when I hit her. Turns out she was on heroine, and CHP arrested her at the scene. The chippy's were really cool and said my situation was totally understandable , but said my insurance may not see it that way. (the damage to the crack head's car was minimal, and she was not injured) I'm not going to claim the damage to my car. I can fix it myself. So lets say with a little paint and body work, her repair cost is $1000.......how much will my insurance go up? I am 23, and have a flawless driving record until today.""
What insurance is needed in Texas to host a non-profit fundraiser?
I am in Galveston, TX and I am looking to host a large outdoor fundraiser for a non-profit organization. What type of insurance will I need to cover the event? Where can I look to find more details and how much does this insurance usually cost? Thanks!""
After tax and national insurance deductions how much would i come out with a month if i was on 14500 annual?
After tax and national insurance deductions how much would i come out with a month if i was on 14500 annual?
Someone hit my car with no insurance?
He backed out in a parking lot without looking and hit me. He caused some damage but he actually hit my car where I had a minor dent already and made it into a bigger dent. He asked me to not call the police because I figure he would get a huge ticket for driving without insurance, gave me all his info and $200 and promised to take care of whatever damages. I made him sign a promisary note. I'll get an estimate and contact him about it soon. Was this the right course of action to take or did I do something wrong?
0 notes
noplacecalledhome · 7 years
10 Best Hostels To Stay In Passaic Junction New Jersey – Top Hotel Reviews
Passaic Junction New Jersey is beautiful and has lots of hostels. Ofcourse we are only looking for the best hostels in Passaic Junction New Jersey. It’s important to compare them because there are so many places to stay in Passaic Junction New Jersey. You’re probably wondering where to stay in Passaic Junction New Jersey. To see which hostel sounds better than the other, we created a top 10 list. The list will make it a lot easier for you to make a great decision. We know you only want the best hostel and preferably something with a reasonable price.
Our list contains 10 hostels of which we think are the best hostels in Passaic Junction New Jersey right now. Still, some of you are more interested in the most popular hostels in Passaic Junction New Jersey with the best reviews, and that’s completely normal! You can check out the link below.
Skip to the most popular hostels in Passaic Junction New Jersey.
10 Best Hostels In Passaic Junction New Jersey:
HI NYC Hostel
One of our best sellers in New York City! This uptown New York hostel is 1 block from Broadway Street and a 10-minute walk from Central Park. It features free Wi-Fi, a movie lounge, and a large patio.The Hostelling International New York offers dormitory-style rooms with shared bathrooms. Linens, towels and a housekeeping service are included. Some rooms include breakfast.New York Hostelling International offers a game room with pool tables. Guests have free access to the large community kitchen and can get beverages and snacks from the cafe.The hostel offers many activities including pub crawls, nightclub events and in-house comedy and variety shows.The Hostelling International is a 5-minute walk from Riverside Park. The 103rd Street subway station is a 10-minute walk from the hostel, and Times Square is a 10-minute taxi drive away.
Upper West Side is a great choice for travelers interested in museums, culture and walking.
First of all I loved the location. It’s really close to the #1 subway station what make easier to go around NY. Also the facilities in the hostel are amazing, for sure the best hostel I’ve ever been talking about it. The cafe is awesome and not so expensive.
So kindness of staffs! And It was completely clean!
It has everything you ever need from entertainment rooms, common rooms & lounges, complete pantry/kitchen, cafe, laundry, outdoor area, etc.
nice location nice atmosphere friendly and cooperative staff
Location, by Central Park and the metro station at 103rd street was great. Everything was clean and the breakfast provided was decent. Extra blankets provided for warmth. For reference I stayed in the Premium Male Dorms.
For more info click here.
Broadway Hotel & Hostel
This boutique hotel and hostel is in Manhattan’s Upper West Side, within walking distance of Central Park. It has a microwave and refrigerator equipped guest kitchen and private and dorm-style accommodations.The Broadway Hotel and Hostel features a variety of modern on-site amenities and facilities, including a theater room with a plasma-screen TV. A dining area along with a library featuring a fireplace is also provided on site.With a subway station only steps away, guests at the Broadway Hotel and Hostel can easily explore the entire city, including Times Square. Columbia University and St. John the Divine Cathedral are within walking distance of the property.
Upper West Side is a great choice for travelers interested in museums, culture and walking.
Perfect location to start a city trip in NY. Red line metro (1,2,3) going downtown directly accessible. Very friendly staff at reception etc. Central park in walking distance, all other sightseeing points reachable with subway. We had a bedroom with shared bathroom. Very clean facilities everywhere. In our room something was broken on the third day, the facility manager directly checked and repaired immediately. Good service! Bakery directly on the opposite provides good breakfast for a reasonable price.
I like the location is in Manhattan, is near to the metro station and the central park.
I’ll the location was great for the price and location it was perfect, it is a bit older and cozier but great staff and assistance made it worth while
I like how clean the building was when we visited.
The employees and doorman were very helpful and kind.
For more info click here.
Explore Hotel and Hostel
Explore Hotel and Hostel is located in Union City, 2.4 miles from New York City and 6 miles from Brooklyn.You will find a 24-hour front desk at the property.You can play ping-pong at the hostel. Queens is 7 miles from Explore Hotel and Hostel, and Bronx is 7 miles from the property. The nearest airport is LaGuardia Airport, 8 miles from Explore Hotel and Hostel.
I had no where else to stay and this place was reasonably priced.
This establishment is Horrible. PLEASE don’t go pay a little more to be warm, with warm water and no Roaches on your pillow or locker. I liked absolutely NOTHING. NO ONE WITH SENSE WILL ENJOY
Very good location. I liked the Dunkin Donuts nearby. Overall was good place.
The location was around mas transit which is a plus
Location is perfect for travelling to Newyork. Staff was cooperative.
For more info click here.
Central Park West Hostel
One of our best sellers in New York City! In New York City’s Upper West Side, this hostel is a block from the 86th street subway station and 2 blocks from Central Park. It has Wi-Fi and staff-organized events.A shared kitchen, café area, and spacious lounge with a flat-screen TV are part of the facilities at the FIT Hotel. Lockers are provided in the dormitory rooms and luggage storage is available.The front desk of this New York City hostel is open 24 hours a day. It features daily housekeeping and free linens.The American Museum of Natural History is a 15-minute walk from the NYC FIT Hotel. Times Square is only 10 minutes away on the subway.
Upper West Side is a great choice for travelers interested in museums, culture and walking.
Location near the Central Park (MET + Guggenheim) + one of the bathrooms is equipped with a hairdryer. Many good bars and bistros on Comobus ave and Broadway. Subway is around the corner.
The location was great. Very central to a lot of things. My room was comfortable. A little dusty but you get what you paid for, since its very inexpensive, especially for NYC.
Noise in the room from heater . They knew about it and are not concerned. The toilet was broken.
Room was big. Good location. Free coffee in the morning!
Great location, and clean bedding. Overall, very good for the value.
For more info click here.
Harlem YMCA
Showcasing a sauna and fitness center, Harlem YMCA is located in New York City in the region of New York State, just 1.1 miles from Columbia University.Every room has a shared bathroom. A flat-screen TV with cable channels is featured.You will find a 24-hour front desk at the property.Metropolitan Museum of Art is 2.7 miles from Harlem YMCA, and Central Park is 3.5 miles from the property. The nearest airport is LaGuardia Airport, 4.3 miles from Harlem YMCA.
Harlem is a great choice for travelers interested in culture, parks and city walks.
I like the safety u provide, I a senior and would like a single bed, and price rate would have been lower, but it provide quick location to where I had to be, and train back to Amtrak, thank u very much!
The staff are what made my stay superb, friendly, warm and welcoming. They were all lovely.
this is my #1 place to stay and it exceeds my expectations every time. the staff are kind and professional, the classes at the gym are awesome, its clean….couldn’t be better
Friendly staff, security excellent room very clean
I like the cleanliness of the room, checking in was really easy, good staff at the desk
For more info click here.
Royal Park Hotel & Hostel
Featuring free WiFi throughout the property, Royal Park Hotel & Hostel offers accommodations in New York City, just one mile from Columbia University.A TV with cable channels is available.There is a 24-hour front desk at the property.Metropolitan Museum of Art is 1.2 miles from Royal Park Hotel & Hostel, and Central Park is 1.8 miles away. The nearest airport is LaGuardia Airport, 6 miles from Royal Park Hotel & Hostel.
Upper West Side is a great choice for travelers interested in museums, culture and walking.
Close to Central Park and city. Subway train nearby. Good area. Pricing per night a bonus only if you book online!
Staff friendly gave us early checkin for free, close to Metro and Central Park, Very Calm and Relaxing neighborhood!
The room was warm and cozy after a long morning of being out in the cold. The bathroom had towels we weren’t expecting. Had extra pillows in each bed, so I was extra comfy and warm. The location of the hotel was a couple blocks up from where we were planning to visit, along with everything else being at walking distance.
Can’t beat the price anywhere in or near manhattan for this quality of room
At this location, I experience a wonderfully comfortable sleep, nice and unique showers, plenty of hot water. The staff is polite and businesslike. The decor seems to improve over-time. On my last visit, I did not think that my room on the 5th floor should have had two beds. It made the room two crowded with hardly any room to walk around. It was too warm, but I was able to open the window and make it more comfortable. Staff came within ten minutes when I reported that the TV was not working.
For more info click here.
Jazz on the Park Youth Hostel
Featuring free WiFi and a terrace, Jazz on the Park Youth Hostel offers accommodations in New York City.There is a 24-hour front desk at the property.Columbia University is 0.7 miles from Jazz on the Park Youth Hostel, and Metropolitan Museum of Art is 1.3 miles from the property. LaGuardia Airport is 5 miles away.
Upper West Side is a great choice for travelers interested in museums, culture and walking.
The location was excellent, as it was adjacent to Central Park and I was able to run through the Park both mornings during my stay. The dorm room was very quiet and self-catering kitchen was fine for me.
Bed is not fluffy sorry. U sharing rooms with others as well
Like area toilet very far today book again was tuff unfortunately left
Nice place not too far out the way. Everything was as youd exspect. Just need a few more signs to tell you where things are inside the building.
I enjoyed my privacy. The receptionist was especially welcoming. She was always pleasant even with the most mundane of questions. She certainly stirred me to the correct public transportation accommodations. I had not been to NYC in years. Her guidance was more than helpful and comforting. I really love New York.
For more info click here.
West Side YMCA
West Side YMCA is located in the Upper West Side neighborhood in New York City, 1,650 feet from Central Park and 0.7 miles from Museum of Modern Art.Each room at this hostel is air conditioned and has a TV.You will find a 24-hour front desk at the property.You can play racquetball at the hostel. Radio City Music Hall is 0.7 miles from West Side YMCA, and Rockefeller Center is 0.9 miles from the property. The nearest airport is LaGuardia Airport, 6 miles from the property.
Upper West Side is a great choice for travelers interested in museums, culture and walking.
Clean, comfortable, warm room with access to handicap bathroom! I was using a walker so I had to use 62nd street entrance which is locked,but reponse to the bell was quick.
for us , is the best place to stay in new york….many thank’s for all
It was cleaner and brighter because it was renovated since my frst stay 20 years ago. I enjoyed the 9 hours of sleep I needed in a quiet, dark room on a thick mattress.
Friendliness safety. Quiet cleanliness facilities like pool
It’s basically a hostel, communal bathrooms, though the rooms are private. As such it’s almost as expensive as a conventional hotel off-season. But the location is great, it’s respectably clean and overall it’s just fine.
For more info click here.
Showcasing a terrace and ski storage, Rostel is located in New York City.The rooms are fitted with a flat-screen TV with cable channels. You will find a kettle in the room. Every room has a shared bathroom.There is a shared kitchen at the property.A range of activities are available in the area, such as skiing and biking. Columbia University is 1.3 miles from Rostel, and Metropolitan Museum of Art is 1.7 miles away. LaGuardia Airport is 3.7 miles from the property.
East Harlem is a great choice for travelers interested in architecture, parks and city trips.
The kitchenette was nice. The room was larger than expected for the location.
Comfortable beds, good location, quiet, big, access to kitchen.
Was just expecting a room but to get a very well presented apartment with everything in it we need and very clean for the money I paid very good and only minute walk to the subway down to Manhattan and Brooklyn Bridge. Room and apartment got cleaned every day with fresh towels.
It was a comfortable apartment, with a fully equipped kitchen and large bathroom. Everything was clean. Good metro connections to visit NY.
The room was nicely made and cleaned daily so that was great. They had a huge kitchen (which I didn’t use but it was nice to see it was possible to do so). The place is directly close to the subway on 116th street so this was excellent. I also liked the fact that I could walk towards Manhattan and get to restaurants and bars in that area. It was like a 15mins walk but pretty simple and straight forward.
For more info click here.
Jazz on Columbus Circle Hostel
Located in the Midtown West neighborhood in New York City, 0.4 miles from Radio City Music Hall, Jazz on Columbus Circle Hostel features air-conditioned rooms with free WiFi throughout the property.Some units have a sitting area where you can relax. All rooms include a private bathroom equipped with a bathtub or shower. A flat-screen TV is available.There is a 24-hour front desk at the property.Museum of Modern Art is half a mile from Jazz on Columbus Circle Hostel, and Central Park is half a mile away. The nearest airport is LaGuardia Airport, 6 miles from Jazz on Columbus Circle Hostel.
The staff was really amazing. Super friendly and helpful. I liked watching Netflix.
Location is so good. Here is around the time square. And i used female domitory for 4.
Close to central park , restaurants And all kind type of leisures
The location is really great, close to Central Park, close to 5th avenue and near the F train. The rooms are confortable and very dark in the morning, so I managed to sleep very well. Overall seemed to be clean and well taken care of.
I like everything. The room was clean and comfortable. The staff was friendly and helpful.
For more info click here.
Top Hostels In Passaic Junction New Jersey Conclusion:
The above is a top selection of the best hostels to stay in Passaic Junction New Jersey to help you with your search. We know it’s not that easy to find the best hostel because there are just so many places to stay in Passaic Junction New Jersey but we hope that the above-mentioned tips have helped you make a good decision.
We also hope that you enjoyed our top ten list of the best hostels in Passaic Junction New Jersey. And we wish you all the best with your future stay!
Related links:
https://www.noplacecalledhome.com/top-10-best-remote-controls-for-outlets-top-reviews/ https://www.noplacecalledhome.com/top-10-best-remote-controls-for-toddlers-top-reviews/
The post 10 Best Hostels To Stay In Passaic Junction New Jersey – Top Hotel Reviews appeared first on The Seversons.
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pixelatedflood · 7 years
Why Fulbright Matters: A Subjective Account of Randomly Consistent Facts
Being the good old procrastinating developer who has 10 million ideas none of which is finished and most of which are not even started, I’ve been trying to write an article about the Fulbright program, my experience as a Fulbright scholar so far and some thoughts about its value. But a chance never came I was busy fighting code bugs with a laser saber it was simply a headache to try to summarize such an intense experience in one article without making it a long boring “yet another PR piece”.
Recently however, news came that the Trump administration is planning a huge budget cut to the Fulbright program. This made the idea for this article resurface in my mind and start to take shape.
As I’m writing this, I’m sitting on a bench in Central Park in NYC. A big deal for a Pittsburgh resident, right? The contrast between the old-looking trees, wild rocky shady green surfaces and the skyscrapers in the background is haunting.
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To be honest, I don’t have a particular affection for big cities. New York is different, in a way that still puzzles me. I mean this is still the same place where Leonardo Di Caprio lead a ferocious knives-and-teeth battle and murdered the psychopath butcher and his lackeys! This is also where theater, late shows and musicals blossom! And yet it’s also the home of the monstrous Wall Street and its Charging Bull, with people lining up to touch its scrotum and wish for money. New York City is weird. Delicious Pizza and ground smoke. NYC public library, the very edge of sophistication, and huge advertising screens and billboards. It’s unclassifiable, a big mass of everything American and non-American. A shake of protein and carbs with a touch of animal lard, something awe-inspiring yet aggressively bold for the sensitivities of a quiet-loving OCD-stricken guy like me.
I used to roll my eyes whenever that moment comes in a Hollywood movie where someone says “The U-S of A, greatest country in the world”. Other than the fact that Tunisia is that for me, and that I associate chauvinism with other -isms that aren’t that nice, I used to think from the outside looking in: what’s the big deal? Okay so the US is living its historical prime, but so did many empires that eventually declined, and people should be aware of that cycle and should therefore stay humble and skeptical about such statements.
9 months in, I started to see why people say that and feel that way. I mean yeah, we could drown into the liberal discussion of “they don’t know anything else, they haven’t seen the world, so it’s an illusion”, etc. but I still realize why someone would say that more than I did in the past. It’s not about the numbers, nor is it about the good life (well, that depends actually, like CMU software engineers like to assert all the time about everything). Some kind of magic is in the work, to make this place the Eldorado of the world. Obviously, I’m not speaking out of some knowledge in sociology or any other -ology, really. It’s personal experience, from a guy who lived in different countries, so take it as you will: but it is nothing more than my personal sincere experience, if that has any value.
I personally believe it’s about people, what their interactions are creating and the general proliferation of passion in the nature of people here. For a 200-some-year-old country, the US has way more history and stories than that number indicates. It hosts a uniquely amazing mix of cultures and ways of life. And as much as that sounds cliché, I have experienced it first hand and can assert it now with more certainty than ever. Diversity in people, cultures and origins makes this place the miniature world it is. The best - and worst - of everywhere in the world is represented here, and is constantly brewing and boiling, accelerating processes that evolve slower in isolated cultural and social sandboxes in the rest of the world. The greatest country in the world is actually the focal point of summation of humanity’s experiences and drive to produce the new, the unpredictable and the awe-inspiring.
What’s the Fulbright program? To spare you the Wikipedia search, it is a program financed by the US Department of State and other organizations to sponsor academic exchange from and to the US. I, personally, am a grantee of the Foreign Fulbright program, which sponsors international students like myself to come to the US and pursue Master and PhD degrees in domains across the spectrum, and sponsors US students to do an academic exchange abroad with the same rationale of learning about the other, and bringing back new ties and knowledge to one’s society. Why does it matter? Why is it important to keep financing it and supporting its long-established legacy? Well, I offer two reasons.
The first reason is extremely subjective in that it stems from my own personal experience, and only from that. The Fulbright program saw something in me, and offered me, a 27-year-old software developer with international experience and big dreams, the opportunity to come to the US seeking knowledge from Carnegie Mellon University (my literal reply to the grant offer email from Amideast’s Matthew was: “Thank you for what is the most awesome news I received in my life!”, and I’m married, ladies and gentlemen, so I’m probably going to get questioned about that after this article goes public, so wish me inspiration for evasive answers), as well as the opportunity to come get a taste of that constant summation of the human experience fueled by passion for the better, in a big boiling magic potion that makes this country “the greatest country in the world”. I mean sure, it’s phrased in more sensible terms on the Fulbright website, but that’s my own version of it. I wanted to know what makes US universities the best in the world? What makes the US the birthplace of most of what matters in software engineering and technology in general? Why do people succeed here when they can’t do it elsewhere? What does the US provide that the rest of the world does not?
Being given that opportunity, and seeing its initially reputation-backed importance become more and more clear in practical personal experiences as days go by makes me reflect that I owe this country a big debt for irreversibly transforming my views on how humanity works and evolves. I know more now. I learned, I worked, I interacted, I befriended, I went around, I observed people, organizations and systems, I unconsciously internalized social and economic mechanisms and I answered most of the questions I came with to this country.
And for that, I owe the Fulbright program and the United States a big debt that transformed me to a friend and an ally of the people that made this happen: the Fulbright program, Amideast, Carnegie Mellon University (more specifically my beloved Institute of Software Research faculty, staff and friends) and more broadly the American people who supported the Fulbright Program and made it all possible for me and for thousands of people like me. I also assume I’m not a unique case when it comes to this feeling. In a Fulbright graduate, a small community in the US, as well as the country itself have a new ally and friend.
The second reason comes to answer the question of: “So what? New friends and allies, big deal! That’s a lot of money to make new friends! Why are we paying for this?”. As you can see I’m not a fan of sugar-coating, and I would legitimately ask myself the same question if my country, Tunisia, was spending on a program like the Fulbright Program.
I will make this more fun: I actually got to know new amazing fellow bright fools (Fulbright, get it?), and I think that in their stories, comes the answer to that question, because not only are they now friends and allies, but I firmly believe that they are the kind of friends and allies any country would love to have.
Let me start with the Pittsburghers!
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Cecilia, Jebrane and I first met at the Fulbright Gateway event in Boston (Suffolk University, August 1st to August 5th 2016). We were the three Pittsburghers of the group, and as soon as we settled in Pittsburgh, we kept in touch.
Jebrane is a Moroccan national, “maghriiiibi” (obvious emphasis on the series of “i”s, that’s how Moroccans say they’re Moroccan) who was sponsored by the Foreign Fulbright Program to pursue a Master in International Political Economy at the University of Pittsburgh. For a boy of his age (I’m 28 and he’s 24, so I get to call him a boy to compensate for his overwhelming knowledge whenever we start a political/economic discussion), he is exceptionally well-read and composed when analyzing economic, political and social phenomena. I enjoyed meeting him on a weekly basis to hang out and discuss big ideas, and was always fascinated by his culture and intelligence. His personal history is full of initiatives where he put his strong character and exceptional wits to work in order to establish partnerships across the Mediterranean, managing events, contributing to academic seminars as an undergrad, etc.
Cecilia (pronounce “tchetchiiilia”, but not like Super Mario’s voice, NO) is from Italy (hence the Super Mario voice reflex I suspect). She is a smart young lady, passionate about architecture and design, and is completing her Architect knowledge with a Computational Design Master degree at CMU. Her team recently won the first prize of the HP-Intel NASA Design Challenge "Life in Space" “for creating a wearable exercise system for astronauts that relieves muscle atrophy in microgravity”. Big brainy stuff, but more than anything: an ingenious eye for opportunity, a realistic and elegant solution with high impact. If you look at her Linkedin profile, you quickly realize this distinction is not actually an exception: she has an impressive track record of winning and excelling.
Now for the Tunisians!
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Seif is my long time friend since my undergrad days in ENSIT, University of Tunis. Seif is a fun person, very smart and talented in entrepreneurship and management. I worked with Seif in different student activities during undergrad, where he and I as well as our legendary gang did so much volunteer work and achieved so much together. Seif is now sponsored by the Foreign Fulbright Program to pursue a Master in Technology Management at the University of Bridgeport. He won “the coveted Best Venture Enterprise Award at the 20th fall Connecticut Business Plan Competition for scholar-entrepreneurs” (http://news.bridgeport.edu/news-releases/ub-student-entrepreneur-wins-ct-business-plan-competition/), rewarding the great potential that I have always seen in him.
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Narimane, or Nari like Americans like to call her, is one of those people about whom you discover amazing things little by little. Today we actually met during her lunch break and took the above selfie, and I learned that she grew up in Saudi Arabia, surrounded by Egyptian and Lebanese nationals, studying in a French school, returning to Tunisia at age 14 to integrate into her home country for the first time and to join its educational system, which is a tremendous challenge she successfully completed. She later joined INSAT (one of Tunisia’s best engineering schools) to graduate as a biology engineer, then working in healthcare management, now pursuing an MBA at William and Mary, and interning this summer at CBRE (leader in real estate) in New York City doing real work instead of dummy intern tasks. And there’s a reason for that, she knows her stuff. Changing specialties or rather application domains never stopped her from adapting quickly, learning and making impressive progress each time. It shows on her CV, it shows when you talk to her, in her people skills and in her exceptional intelligence.
I also met amazing US Fulbright grantees in San Francisco, who did an academic exchange outside the US. Stories such as the observation of difficulties in teaching medicine in third world countries and deciding to launch a startup to create the largest library of annotated medical imagery in the world, or being inspired by Tunisian traditional craft of “fouta” to create a startup which shares the charm of those products in the US are what happens when US nationals are sponsored to go on an academic exchange elsewhere an bring back new ideas and inspiration to add to the United State’s magic potion of diversity.
There’s a pattern here, recognized around the world beyond my personal experience: Fulbright grantees are exceptional people with amazing potential, tremendous ambition, and unique talents.
I could really go on, but the article is already too long. The gist of it is this: the Fulbright program benefits the US by supporting people like Jebrane, Cecilia, Seif and Narimane, people who will someday achieve great things. Fulbright grantees are selected among thousands and thousands of candidates, and are people with exceptional potential to achieve great things in the future. Fulbright involves them with US-based universities and communities, Fulbright makes of them partners for the future, the US gains allies all around the world, thousands of Jebranes, Cecilias, Seifs and Narimanes. That is a gain which cannot be quantified with money, and the Fulbright Program is probably the best performing academic exchange program in terms of achieving these goals, simply through its sheer scale, hence its prestigious reputation and very notable alumni. (US Fulbright, Foreign Fulbright)
The Fulbright Program is the ingenious product of that unique US magic potion: senator J. William Fulbright got the idea, fought for it, successfully implemented it, and since then, the US gained an incomparable edge in terms of international networking thanks to the dynamic of partnership and mutual understanding this program created.
That is why the Fulbright Program is worth it. That is why I hope the US keeps funding it even if I’m finishing my program this August: it is one of those rare experiences working towards improving the United States’ and the world’s condition, and I deeply hope it does not get killed by a temporary self-isolating political impulse.
The Fulbright program is now threatened by a budget cut that would incapacitate it and gradually destroy it if budget cuts like the one suggested become a habit.
So to you American reader, and to you international reader: save Fulbright.
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