#anya looks adorable!!
agentpenguinmann · 2 years
Anya's dressing up as Bond this Halloween! The costume is provided by the doting father
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h0estar · 7 months
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I've got my eye on you (affectionate)
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pocketpencils · 3 months
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𝙸𝚗𝚞𝙺𝚊𝚐 𝚆𝚎𝚎𝚔 𝙳𝚊𝚢 4: 𝙲𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚛𝚢 𝙱𝚕𝚘𝚜𝚜𝚘𝚖𝚜
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peanutseagle · 1 year
Hi! I really like your art and had a request idea if you wanted! I've always thought it'd be cute to see Yor dancing with Anya and Anya is standing on her feet like a child does with their parent :)
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spaghetti666lover · 1 year
New Spy X Family illustration!
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we're being fed well
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Hi! Would my dog Anya be an avatar of the Flesh? Source: She has a lot of it (she is round)
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leggo-my-aego · 9 months
SxF Theory based on ch. 93!!
This is purely based off the small interactions we have with this little old man right here and the relation he may or may not have with anya's past
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i think that not only was he a part of the project that Anya was a part of, i think he CREATED the foundation of the technology used to create the chimera experiments with Bond and with Anya's ability to read minds.
It would make a lot of sense as he states that one of the subjects he specializes in is Neurology, the study of the brain.
Also, his character design is very obviously supposed to look like Albert Einstein. Which is super important because Einstein developed the atomic theory that led to the development of the nuclear bomb. Ltrly the most devastating technology created in mankind. And Einstein was recorded to say that he deeply regretted even developing that theory.
So what does that have to do with this guy?
I think that Sigmund Authen theorized and developed the concept of a way to gain a higher neurological prowess. He said that he "dabbled in cultural anthropology," and a specialty in neurology, he was probably touring the world to understand the concept of the brain in different environments and the developmental aspects.
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It's shown in a lot of sci-fi media about "unlocking 100% of the brain" and I think Sigmund found a way to do that. He probably showed this research to higher ups with good intentions to develop the human body but of course, the people in power wanted to use this for damaging purposes. And the fact he was pretty much MIA during the war that his wife didnt even know wtf he was doing just supports the timeline. Also, him being at the *start* of the project would make it plausible on why Sigmund and Anya wouldnt recognize each other.
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I think Sigmund saw or found out about the inhumane experiments done in order to fulfill his theory and wanted to put a stop to it.
the head of the project (or whatever) stopped him and used his own research against him by wiping his memory of the events. Im guessing a very sketchy lobotomy that left him in the state he is in now where he forgets a LOT of what is happening most of the time. Which kinda shows how Anya can only get fragmented thoughts and very old memories when she reads his mind.
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I had this in the back burner but this ^^^ panel from the latest chapter pretty much solidified it for me. Especially with the parallels of regret with Einstein's atomic theory. Also him saying that makes me think he prbly remembers fragments of the project or the feeling of regret was too strong for him to regret from that moment.
Either way, I cant wait to see more chapters! It definitely looks like we're continuing this Anya-centered arc with the way things are developing!
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shortandintroverted · 11 months
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I love Yor so much, she fucking adorable!! Even when she looks like shes gonna kill everybody in this room and then herself lol!!
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lavampira · 9 months
I started watching the queen’s gambit with gigi last night and it’s still lowkey got a grip on my brain rn, I love how immersive the setting is and how much the main character absorbs information while barreling into things headfirst, and the whole thing really feels like living in the story as it unravels. never thought I’d get hit with so much tension watching chess but it’s such a fun time and I can’t wait to watch more tbh!!
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Screw seeying teenage girls shopping. I want to see six year old and four/five year old shopping in the best shopping centre
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honeybunny-sawamura · 2 years
we like a family man
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Everyone's outfit in the Buffy episode "Tough Love" is really on point. -just rewatched the episode-
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yumeka-sxf · 6 months
Spy x Family workbook scans - part 1
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The Spy x Family workbooks are a series of Japanese books for helping children learn. There are three total as of now: one for English, one for programming, and one for drawing. I wanted to get the books not just because they're good Japanese practice, but because they feature original illustrations of Anya and the other SxF characters in adorable chibi style ❤️ I'll be sharing some scans from each book, starting with the English one.
First off are the character bios. I find it hilarious that the book mentions Yor's job as an assassin...not a word I'd expect to find in a children's book 😅
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The book goes through the different letters of the English alphabet along with sample words featuring the SxF characters, like "B" for "Bond" and "A" for "Anya." I didn't scan all 26 letters, but here are some of my favorites!
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Both Loid and Damian are having such lavish meals, lol. Also Henderson gets "E" for "elegant" of course.
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I love how Bond looks so worried about Yor's cooking 😂
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My two favorites of these, "Father" and "Mother" of course~
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And two of the weirdest ones, Yuri and a giant gorilla for "G" and Franky fishing an octopus for "O." Kinda random, lol.
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Next are some activity pages, like a maze and common phrase practice.
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I gotta say that despite this book being aimed at young children who probably aren't hardcore SxF fans, it tries to feature even obscure characters like the Forgers' neighbors, the lady from the tailor shop, and Martha. Kudos to the book authors for trying to be as faithful to the SxF universe as possible!
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The book even adapts a couple of already established illustrations, like the below one that's similar to the Boss Coffee collab.
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Also this one that's similar to the extra Endo illustration for chapter 36!
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And here's a couple more to wrap up this post! Cute family dinner time...
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...and domestic Twiyor ❤️ Loid is so determined to fix Penguinman!
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Continue to Part 2 ->
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loidbriarforger · 1 month
Loid becoming a major worry wart after he and Yor have a little baby girl of their own. His anxious brain going into overdrive at every little thing the baby does or doesn’t do.
“She’s hasn’t burped yet… is something wrong with her stomach?”
“Did I feed her enough?”
“She’s sleeping too soundly… Is she breathing?!”
These questions swirl in his mind as he takes note of every little twitch, yawn, or cry the baby makes, and tries to remedy it any way he can.
“Papa thinks too much…” Anya groans from all of his overactive thoughts.
Loid stays up with the baby day and night to ensure nothing bad happens. He does this for so long, that he begins going days without sleeping, with his diet mainly consisting of coffee to stay awake. Yor can’t help but notice this habit and worries about him.
While she appreciates her husband’s attentiveness to their little one, she hates he’s sacrificing his own health in the process.
“Loid, I know you’re worried about the baby, but please, you need to get some sleep.” Yor frowns.
“I’m ‘kay, Yor, really.” He almost slurs as he reaches for the coffee can and pulls it out of the cabinet.
“Could you at least eat something? That much coffee can’t be good for you.”
Loid opens the can and sees that it’s completely empty. He just closes his eyes and lets out a deep sigh. Suddenly, the baby begins to cry from her bassinet, which Loid immediately tends to.
He picks the baby up and rests her head on his chest. He takes a seat on the couch and gently bounces her in his arms.
“Sshhhh… it’s okay, sweetheart. Papa’s here.” He says in a soothing voice, “She must be hungry. That’s a hungry cry.”
Yor quickly fixes a bottle and hands it to Loid. The crying stops when he gives the baby her bottle. Yor’s heart warms when she sees how good he is with the baby.
She steps closer to him, “Loid, we need some things from the store. Will you be okay if I run out for a few minutes?”
He slowly nods.
“I’ll grab you some more coffee, but you have to promise me you’ll get some sleep when I get back. Deal?” Yor asks.
He sighs then looks up at Yor, “Okay, darling. I promise.” He gives her a little smile.
Yor smiles as leans down to give him a kiss.
“And maybe brush your teeth. You have coffee breath.” She teases.
He tiredly grins, “Okay.”
“Anya, I’m running out for a few minutes. Please make sure to help Papa if he needs it, okay?” Yor asks as she puts on her coat.
“Okie-dokie!” Anya salutes.
Yor runs to the nearest corner store, grabs Loid some coffee, and rushes back home. She quietly enters the apartment. Everything is extremely quiet. Yor sets down the grocery bag on the kitchen counter then looks out into the living room.
There she sees her husband sound asleep on the couch with the baby resting on his chest and Anya snoozing right next to them while Bond sleeps at Loid’s feet. Yor could cry at how adorable this little scene is. She quickly grabs her Polaroid camera and snaps a few pictures of her darling little family.
She gently takes the baby from Loid and puts her back in the bassinet. Yor then carries Anya to her room, and finally picks up Loid bridal style and carries him to their bed. She gently lays him down on the bed and gives him a kiss on his forehead.
“Good job, Papa Bear.” She whispers.
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I read that Anya's design was adapted from Ashe, a character in Tatsuya Endo's previous one-shot Rengoku no Ashe so I decided to read it.
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And you can straight away see the resemblance, the pink hair the Eden uniform the “horns”. But as I was reading the one shot, Ashe’s character resembled Yor more. Ashe and Anya’s powers are somewhat similar but their approach to dealing with it is different, Anya craves stimulation, she is energetic bubbly and cheerful, but Ashe’s personality is rather serious, quite and socially withdrawn (because she has to hide her “witch” powers) like Yor.
In terms of appearance Ashe wears the same spiked earrings like Yor and she too has red eyes. Additionally Yor and Ashe face structure is similar, Endo draws them both the same way.
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The same contemplative gaze.
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The same fight stance.
It seems like Endo Sensei decided to split Ashe’s character design into two separate characters for Spy x Family. And that’s just amazing because I always wondered what Anya would have looked like if she was Loid and Yor’s biological child and the answer is Ashe. (Let’s pretend Loid’s genes are very dormant).
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I hope teenage Anya continues to look like Ashe, I want other characters to comment on how Anya looks exactly like her mother. Twilight often wonders how he managed to adopt a girl that grew to resemble Yor so much, Fiona (internally in tears) tells new recruits at WISE how skilled and analytical best spy Twilight is to forge a family that look so alike.
Damian has a little crush on Yor because he thinks she is pretty, years later he looks at teenage Anya and just goes oh shit, Melinda finds it adorable. Camilla thinks Yor and Loid had Anya in secret years ago and where hiding her like a shameful secret. Yuri is convinced that Yor’s love and care is so great that they have powers to remodel genes.
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allieebobo · 11 months
Do you have any if recommendation?
Ooh! I have really, really bad memory(!!) but these are current faves that I have played/replayed recently that I can think of. A lot of the authors are also THE BEST HUMAN BEINGS EVER. So, double recommendation.
I probably missed a bunch out, so take this as a non-exhaustive list! In no particular order:
(Edit: Added some descriptions but yeah I got a little unhinged so I'm sorry nothing makes sense or if the quality of the write-up went down over time/did not actually give you any useful info)
WIPs with demos
Citadel, @bouncyballcitadel (I think of all the IFs on this list, this one makes me sweat the most. And I've said it once and I'll say it again: the dialogue is so snappy and well-written, and characters are SO DAMNED LOVEABLE.)
Infamous, @infamous-if (I've been manifesting Band/Musician IFs for the longest time, and then this popped up! I've even played Choice of a Rockstar, that's how desperate I was... Anyway, this is legions better than that. Angsty ex routes are my kryptonite, and Seven is just. Inevitable.)
Defiled Hearts: The Barbarian, @defiledheartsblog (I went into this wanting something juicy and fun/historical—and it's all of those things, but I didn't expect it to be so damned funny, too. The ROs are all impeccable.)
Raiders of the Caravan and Apartment 3-3, @leftski-if (A'ight listen, fantasy slice-of-life is my fave genre, and these are IT. Like, everything I never knew I needed in my life, and SO cozy/wholesome, with a cast of characters that I want to befriend in real life.)
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes: An Affair of the Heart @doriana-gray-games (First off, the customization in this game is INSANE, and the branching too. I've replayed a couple of times and the little variations I discover each time just blows my mind. Secondly, it's so funny and written so well. Ngl I'm not a Sherlock fan but that's just testament to how amazing this IF is.)
When Life Gives You Lemons, @when-life-gives-you-lemonssss (Modern slice-of-life with an adorable kid, a bunch of hot ROs, CC. Hill's humor, what can I say?)
Golden @milaswriting (Really interesting world-building, one of the coolest fictional cities I've read in an IF, AND I'm obsessed with the ROs, in particular K de la Renta. Also Mila is such an awesome writer, I'm beyond excited for @beyondthegame.)
A Tale of Crowns @ataleofcrowns (This game is beautiful, polished, and SO exciting. Honestly, it looks like the kind of game created by a whole-ass game studio and would cost $50 to buy, it's that good. I really got swept up by this IF—probably played it all in one go.)
Rougi @rougi-if (Again, another game with scrumptious visuals/UI and also is just so well-crafted. I love the premise too, it's so original and fresh.)
Scout: An Apocalypse Story @anya-dev (Unfortunately this one might be on hiatus but I am/was really, really obsessed.)
Wayfarer @idrellegames (Love the game mechanics of this one, and the visuals. Probably controversial, but I like the D&D / random dice effect. And I also like the fact that it feels like an old-school RPG.)
Chop shop @losergames (The premise is all I needed to be sold, really—I'd always wanted to buy GTA as a kid but my parents were like NO WAY. Anyway, this IF did not disappoint, and let me live all my childhood dreams.)
Edit: AHH! How could I forget, one of my recent faves, Folksaga @folksaga-if (Lush atmospheric writing, super unique premise—norse mythology, plus I'm head over heels for Katla).
Completed IFs
Butterfly Soup 1 and 2 @brianna-lei (these are completed and I will never not promote them. Honestly the most adorable, wholesome, funny sports/coming-of-age IF I've read)
Elsinore: After Hamlet @lapinlunairegames (Insanely cool premise, insanely cool execution)
The Thick Table Tavern @manonamora-if (I love bar/tavern games, and this one actually lets you mix drinks! Instant fave.)
Other HGs/COGs I love: Slammed, Tin Star, Fallen Hero, If it pleases the court, A Player's Heart (these last two are so underrated, though I guess cause it's mainly wlw)
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