#anyhow I've had enough I'm gonna go get high
gramforgram · 1 year
man. I'm just one guy on the internet, but seeing such blatant environmental warfare used against striking union members doesn't get me excited about "tree law," as this great opportunity to see justice for the proletariat
the act is done. those trees will be stressed, susceptible to disease, and forced to endure heatwaves. those trees may die and the only consequence will be more capital exchange
doesn't anyone else see? we share the same world, the same fate, the same struggle with those trees. in some ways, we are the same
and when men come to cut you down, their shears will give all the permission they need
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real-jane · 1 year
new year, new steve
[steve rogers x f!reader]
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summary: a stranger kisses steve at a new year's party and it ignites something in him that he never lets himself have.
words: 4.5k
notes/warnings: smut, no use of y/n.
a/n: i'm back, baby! please enjoy one of the most unhinged things i've ever written. written especially for @fandoms-writings for her neon party! <3
The door banged against the wall. Steve turned around fast enough to see a panicked woman rush into the room and leap at him–arms akimbo, lips persistent… she kissed him. 
Steve loved kissing. He just didn’t do it very often. Not since his notoriety became a burden, and being attached to Captain America meant more attention than most women were willing to put up with when it came with questions like how’s it feel to suck America’s dick? shouted at you coming out of his apartment building. Natasha Romanov had never once seen an inkling of Steve’s private quarters, but she had come up with a ready answer for nosy paparazzo anyhow–“Patriotic. Now fuck off.” 
Steve liked women, but by nature of his role in the world, he never got within ten feet of a woman who might really know what the country’s preeminent ass looked like outta spandex or khakis.
But this woman clung to his lapels like his tux was made of crepe paper, and kissed him within an inch of his life, and… despite all his assertions to Nat that he wasn’t interested in dating, he sure slipped his fingers into the velvet of this woman’s dress like it was gonna melt in his palms.
“Shit–sorry, Cap–” a surprised man said behind them.
“We didn’t know!” another man piped up.
The woman pulled away enough that Steve could see her aghast expression, but his body shielded her from the view of the men. He cleared his throat, and nodded at her faintly, as if to say… I’ll take it from here.
“Now you know,” Steve said evenly. Lowly. It was the only way his voice would come out after being kissed like he was a CPR dummy in a high school health class. He turned around. 
“We were just talkin’--”
“I’d say she made it pretty clear she wasn’t interested. Or do you make a habit of ignoring basic social cues, such as–say–actively trying to get away from you? Because where I stand… that kinda behavior is about as low as a guy can get. Wouldn’t you agree?” Steve crossed his arms over his chest to keep his hands from shaking. The fury rising in him seemed to come from another time, another era of his life… when soldiers choked out excuses for pursuing the dancers from his USO act, when the suit he wore was sewn from what fabric could be scrapped together in the middle of a world war and not finely woven wool.
He knew the two men before him, but not well enough to have an established rapport. They were both SHIELD recruits from the Air Force who hadn’t been around long enough for Tony to coach the bravado out of them. 
“You’re still standing here, for what?” Steve asked. Neither men had moved an inch; instead, they were both flushed and at a loss for an explanation. The taller of the two looked angry, but not enough to test Steve’s patience. Which was for the best: when it came to bullies, Steve’s patience had been worn to the bone approximately eighty years prior. 
Steved nodded to the door. “You fellas are going home. Aren’t you?” It wasn’t optional.
The angrier man pressed his lips in a thin line and yanked his buddy out of the room by the elbow.
“Cap’s old lady–Jesus, Benny…” one of the men muttered to the other as they beat a hasty retreat back down the hallway, towards the lively sounds of the SHIELD New Year’s bash. The mahogany door shut forcefully, leaving Steve and his new acquaintance alone.
He turned back to the stranger who had kissed the life out of him, and she stepped back. Her hands rose to cover her mouth, and all the anger and frustration fled from his body.
“Shit–I’m sorry–”
“It’s okay,” he said quickly.
“No, I just… they were bothering me and I couldn’t find my sister, and I didn’t realize this place dead-ended back here… you’re–oh my god. I’m so sorry.”
Steve couldn’t help but smile as she dissolved into embarrassment. “No, don’t be. Not every day a lady kisses me for no reason. Well, I suppose you had one–but it doesn’t happen much. These days. So. Happy New Year to me.” He rocked back on his heels and stuffed his hands in his pockets to pretend nonchalance. The woman wasn’t someone he recognized from the roster of agents he worked with, but… she was beautiful. And so very soft and good at kissing. Too good, maybe. Was he even any good at it anymore? Steve didn’t know. 
“Not every day Captain America comes to my rescue, so.”
“I got carried away,” he cringed.
“Agree to disagree. Should’ve heard the shit they were saying out there.”
Steve thumbed at the door. “I can drag ‘em back here for another round–”
“Don’t waste your time. I think the tall guy pissed himself. I’m satisfied.”
Steve covered a smile with a light cough into his fist. 
“You’re hiding in here,” she said softly, less a judgment than an observation. 
Steve toed the ground. “I’m not a party guy. If this wasn’t the penthouse, I probably would’ve crawled out the window.”
“No… but you’re The Guy–”
“Yeah, well,” he sighed. “Hate being looked at.”
“Hate it,” she echoed with a gentle nod. “Looking at you is torture.”
He chuckled. “Sorry to offend, ma’am. Won’t happen again.”
“Nice lips, though.” 
They smiled at one another as if neither was really sure if the other was serious, or if they ought to play it off as a silly mistake. Instead… Steve spied a sideboard with a carafe of some kind of liquor and a set of crystal tumblers. He nodded to it and raised an eyebrow in silent offering. 
“A double?” she asked.
“How about I pour and you tell me when to stop,” he said, pulling the cork from the bottle. 
“Pour it the length of the kiss.”
He peered at her over his shoulder in surprise and something like… amusement, at her candor. But she was sheepish, and just as uncomfortable with reveling in something done in haste. She twisted her hands. Rather than prolong her torture (or his), he handed her over a glass (with a matching amount of whiskey to his own), and clinked them together.
“I know.” She sipped the whiskey and studied him over the rim of the glass.
“It is customary to provide your name in exchange, I believe.” He leaned against the large desk which occupied most of the center of the room.
“Everybody knows you.”
“Your sister works for SHIELD?” he pressed.
She sat in the chair at his knee, crossing her own, which allowed her hem to creep up her leg. Steve definitely didn’t choke on whiskey over a peek of ink on her thigh. 
“We’re not related. Just—my friend didn’t want to come alone so it was the only way to get me on the list. We don’t even look alike, but it worked.”
“These events are a minefield, especially solo. As our two friends demonstrated.”
“No date?”
Steve shook his head. “Not a lot of women lining up to do the song and dance.”
“Which is…?”
“Shaking hands. Kissing babies.”
“Being good enough for Captain America,” she murmured. Her brow furrowed as she studied him. 
“I’m just a guy,” he chuckled. “Put my pants on one leg at a time.”
“Huh. Who’d have thought? I can’t get a bite on any dating app because I don’t hike or take soul-searching trips for enlightenment, and Steve Rogers can’t get a date because he’s too famous.”
“Pathetic,” he said, but it made her throw her head back and laugh warmly. He felt his cheeks flush.
“I’m hungry,” she said, “want to brave the buffet line for some scraps?”
“There’s a new food truck set to arrive every hour on the hour, so. Probably still more than enough for two.”
“Can you bear being seen with me?” 
His head snapped up again at the thought of making her worry, but her face was sanguine. “Be my date?” He countered.
The pleased moue of her lips said it all. Except— “don’t usually kiss a guy until the third date.”
“All the more reason.”
“And… then what?”
Steve shrugged and cleared his throat. “I don’t know.”
“Hmm. Okay.”
“You might want to, um. Adjust yourself. First.”
“I was really hoping you wouldn’t notice,” Steve cringed. His dick was straining in his briefs like he was fresh outta cryosleep seeing a woman for the first time in eighty years.
“I mean. If you wanna walk out into that party like that—“
“No, that’s good, keep it up; the embarrassment will make it go down,” he said, turning his back to her in mortification.
“I’m sorry,” she said quickly, “I’m nervous.”
“You, sweetheart?” Steve huffed, downing the rest of his whiskey. “You got me on the verge of making a fool of myself. I don’t know your name, but my dignity just doesn’t seem to care.”
“You must think I’m desperate,” she said softly. 
Steve shook his head. “Such a thought from me at this moment might be hypocritical.”
Her mouth twisted like she was trying not to laugh, but she looked mortified.
“I’m gonna go. Out there. I’ll meet you. Um. You’re—I haven’t had enough booze to be saying this. You’re uh, a good kisser, Steve Rogers.”
“Love to do it again sometime,” he murmured, once he was alone in the room again. Still didn’t know her name, but he sure as hell was going to follow her to figure it out. Once his trigger-happy awareness cooled down. As long as he didn’t dwell on how good it felt to grasp her waist, to feel her surprised huff of a breath against his mouth when he returned her first kiss, or how good she smelled, or the curve of her calf when she crossed her legs, or… or… or anything. Think of this nameless succubus like an amorphous blob, and not like someone who seemed to map herself to his chest like she was as tailor-made to fit him as his suit.
Which… Steve didn’t remember the last time he let himself indulge in a woman. Maybe he was starved for touch, or some such thing. Regardless, he had to get out of that office, and she was a pretty enticing reason to do so. And everyone at that party had signed an NDA at the door, so he could let himself loose a little. Maybe undo the top button of his shirt. Go wild.
He downed the rest of his drink and hastened out of the haven of Tony’s office.
The hallway was blessedly deserted. Twenty strides to the mouth of the beast, and leaning against the wall on the verge of being swallowed by the throng… a familiar woman waited. He admired her figure, the way she was soft and soft and soft, and–Steve sighed. At that rate, he’d walk into a crowd with dick a-waving, and all for this woman whose name he didn’t know. He calmed his breathing and stepped up beside her. Without peering at her, he brushed his knuckles against the hand which hung at her side. She jumped, and then looped her fingertips with his. Loosely, so he’d have to be diligent about staying beside her if he wanted to keep holding on to her. 
Steve couldn’t think of many things he wanted more than that. 
Someone did catch his eye from across the room, and Steve couldn’t stop what followed. 
“Enjoying the party, Rogers?” Tony patted his shoulder harder than necessary and smiled too brightly at the woman on his arm.
“You know I love your parties.”
“He’s a terrible liar,” Tony mock-whispered to the woman.
“One of his better qualities, I think,” she replied with a tone that made Steve squeeze her fingers to… what, warn her? Stop saying nice things about me, it’s torture! She squeezed back. “I heard talk of a Cubano truck. I hope you aren’t going to let me down, Mr. Stark.”
“Cubanos await you in the front drive, along with just about any cuisine you can think of, other than the pierogis. Gone in ten minutes! I blame Banner. ‘M Tony, by the way,” he said, offering a hand. 
“I know,” she laughed, shaking his hand.
“And you are?”
“You gotta earn it. C’mon, Rogers.” She tugged Steve towards the elevator.
Once they were alone in the lift, Steve wiggled his fingers further into her grasp. She looked up at him. “I haven’t earned it, huh?” he murmured.
“Oh you have. I just like to see you squirm.” Her eyes glinted in amusement. 
Steve straightened so he loomed over her, but she lifted her chin defiantly. And then she leaned against the corner of the lift, and pulled his hand until he shadowed her from the ambient elevator lighting. But it was Steve who felt cornered. By the sweet smile on her lips, and the tug of the plush pink softness between her teeth as she watched the wheels turn in his head, and by his own desperate desire to hold a woman again, to be touched and teased–they were sharing air when he came to, a breath passing between them like it was the last air on earth, and he studied her irises… how her pupils dilated, and slyness dropped from her expression to reveal something like curiosity. She tilted her head as if to say ‘what’s wrong?’ Steve shook his head on floor fifteen, and leaned in on fourteen, and kissed her on thirteen. And twelve. And on down, but never once letting his hands do more than squeeze hers. She was peachy, and sweet like the whiskey they had shared.
She gasped when he ground himself against her, and raised their joined hands to her sides. She arched into the warmth of his fingers. Nipples pebbled. Steve couldn’t decide whether to map her body with his hands or his lips, so he chose both–nipping at the soft skin of her neck and teasing one strap of her dress over the curve of her shoulder until it slid of its own volition. God love a woman, he thought. This one, with her breast exposed to the chilled air and heat of his breath. He wouldn’t let goosebumps go unkissed, or nipples for that matter. The moan at the back of her throat when he fastened his lips around her nipple was his triumph. How much more could he find victory in her pleasure? Was there a limit to such things?
“Kiss me again?” she pleaded. Steve cupped her cheeks like an apology. The drag of her tongue against the seam of his mouth had him cursing inwardly, in language he’d never let himself utter out loud. He wanted to fuck her, but if all he could do for her was kiss her sweet mouth, that might be enough. He’d wrap a hand around his dick driving home, he could take care of himself and not put that pressure on her. She didn’t have to do a thing more than kiss him, but he wanted her to. If she wanted to. If she wanted him, too.
She smiled against his lips when the elevator dinged at their destination. Steve groaned. 
“I–there’s no excuse, I’m so sorry,” he began, but she stopped his words with gentle fingers over his lips.
“Please tell me you’re not drunk,” she whispered, straightening her dress to conceal her body, much to his chagrin.
He chuckled. “Only drink I've had tonight I shared with you, sweetheart.”
“Not one woman in your life?”
Steve shook his head. His answer seemed to satisfy her greatly, if her grin was any indication. She pulled him through the lobby, but on the front drive (despite the fact that the sidewalk was choc-full of agents and party-goers making food selections from a cadre of trucks and mingling), Steve looped her hand through his arm and made a choice. 
She kept stride with him. Away from the party, through the lot, to the over-fancy car Natasha had talked him into buying. She leaned against the passenger door, preventing him from opening it. 
“What do you want?” she whispered. “Hm?” Steve looked down at his shoes sheepishly, but she touched his cheek. “You don’t need to be embarrassed, I–I hope it’s obvious that I want you, Steve. We could go to mine. Nobody even has to know, honestly. I won’t tell. I mean, I’ll tell myself sometimes, but I won’t believe me.”
He chuckled, and then shook his head. “We’ll go to my place.”
Her eyebrows shot up. “Yeah?”
“Yes. What about your friend?”
“I’ll text her.” She whipped a phone from god-knows-where and shot off a quick text. When she looked up at him again, she was flushed. “I don’t do this–”
“Me neither.”
“You don’t even know my name.”
“About that…” Steve levels his eyes with hers. “I gotta know what name I’m supposed to use.”
“Oh? You a talker?”
“A woman gives me the honor of touching her, I’ve got an obligation to a little veneration.”
“Only if you give me your name,” Steve murmured against her neck, making her shiver. 
“Then you’ll fuck me?”
“I’ll fuck you.” 
“Cap’s got a dirty mouth, huh?”
Steve cringed. “Please–if you wanna fuck Captain America, then I can’t do this–”
“No, no.” She grasped his lapels so he wouldn’t step away. “It’s not like that. You’re Steve to me. Okay? I’m sorry.”
“No, I’m–shit, sweetheart. People are going to give you so much guff.”
“Who’s ‘people’?”
“Anybody who knows. I don’t wanna hide you, but you gotta know that. There’s usually a paparazzo outside my apartment, and we’re just asking for a billion stories about ‘Cap’s New Girlfriend’, blah blah blah. You’ll have people dogging you about it–”
Steve blinked. She smiled at him softly.
“You done thinking of reasons why I shouldn’t want you? Because I’m feeling a little jerked around, here–”
“‘M done,” he said. “I just. Want you to know.” She sought the buttons of his coat and undid them so she could snake her hands inside. Steve stepped into the embrace. 
“I’ve seen what you do to bullies, Rogers. I’m not afraid.”
Steve opened the back passenger door and kept eye contact with her as he slid inside. It took her a split second to follow. The moment the door shut behind her, he hit the lock and tossed the keys somewhere and pulled her to straddle him. She nipped his ear lobe and then whispered her name in his ear. Steve rolled the letters around on his tongue and found it most satisfying to see the way her eyes fluttered as he repeated it back to her. And again when he pressed her hips to his.
“N-nice car.”
“I just bought it,” he muttered.
“Happy to help you christen it.”
“Panties off.”
He regretted that it was too dark to see the color of the panties that she shimmied to the floor, but he had every intention of offering her his laundry if they ever made it to his place, so he was confident he’d get to enjoy them on and off her body more than once, god willing. Steve forgot what it was like to slip his fingers between a woman’s thighs and find her wet, and warm–he cursed himself for depriving himself of such things as this beautiful woman shuddered at his touch. Her bundle of nerves swelled as he worried it with gentle circles, and he was in heaven.
“You’re so beautiful, sweetheart. So wet–I’d have no problem working my dick into you and I’ve barely touched you.”
“Kissing–god, kissing makes me so fucking wet,” she breathed. “And you did suck on my nipple in the elevator. You an exhibitionist, Rogers?”
“Maybe I am. Should I roll down the windows so everybody can see you come?”
“I want your fingers. Finger me.”
“I don’t know, you didn’t answer my question.”
“Ugh–crack the windows.”
“You want them to see you.”
“I want you to make me come so hard that I might give us away.”
“Fucking hell, woman.” Steve unzipped his pants in haste. “Roll them down how much you want them, then I’ll make you come.”
As she leaned over to the passenger side window, Steve rucked her skirt up over her hips and moved behind her so her face was inches from the glass. “What’s wrong?” he asked, but his hands made quick work of touching her exactly how he had been dying to since she first kissed him. He sank one finger into her heat as she depressed the window a few inches. 
“Someone might see,” she moaned breathlessly, sitting back to fuck herself on his meaty finger. 
“I hope they do. You’re a goddess.” He stroked her until she was turned on enough to take a second finger, and then he poised her to take them–but only if she sat on them. She worked herself down slowly, head thrown back. Her mouth was open but all coherent words fled from her tongue. Steve yanked her straps off and exposed her breasts. “Fuck, you’re so beautiful.”
“Fuck me, please, please–”
“Soak my hand, sweetheart.” He pushed her shoulders so she had to brace herself on the door. He thrust his fingers into her pussy, taking great care not to touch her clit to prolong her climax. She whined.
“Ruin my suit. Come on. You’re squeezing me like a vice, I know you wanna come.”
“Can’t, can’t.”
“Listen to me. You can.”
“Touch my clit.”
“What do you say?”
“Please?” she breathed.
Steve crowded behind her, pushing his hips against his hand to fuck her harder into his fingers, and then he found the swollen clit again, begging to be touched. Her orgasm hit like a wave; her head fell back against his shoulder, and she keened. Loud enough to be heard from outside, and like it came from guttural pleasure. Steve reveled in the rush of cum which flooded his hand and soaked his cuff. He pressed the window button down again, releasing the glass a few more inches. Their position was shielded by a cadre of SUV’s, but if someone came for the black car beside them, they’d see her tits flushed with a sheen of sweat while she heaved with breaths of relief. Steve flicked her nipple with his free hand and she jolted, but she grinned up at him. 
“Too tired to take my dick?” he growled in her ear. She shook her head.
“Wanna see you,” she said. 
Steve helped her turn to face him, not bothering to wipe his hand or bother with any such thing. How could he think of such things when her soft hands had crept inside his waistband to cup him through his briefs? He rolled his hips as she stroked him through the fabric.
“You’re beautiful.” She bit her lip. “I need you.” She pushed him until he sat back against the seat, and tapped his hip so he’d lift up enough to let her strip his pants down to his ankles. For just a moment, Steve floated out of his body to watch from above as the gorgeous woman who had just come all over his fingers released his dick from his underwear and rubbed his tip between her folds. How lucky–the thought dissipated. She sank down, taking him slowly to savor the stretch. 
Steve blanched. “Fuck–condom–”
“Don’t need it. Birth control.” She rolled her hips and Steve saw stars. It occurred to him how long it had been since he’d felt a woman’s warmth around his dick, but this one was velvet and he didn’t care if he never fucked another woman again. But maybe he could fuck this woman a few more times. Or a lot more. 
“Oh my god, don’t… I’ll come too fast–”
“My bad,” she giggled. She fully seated herself over him and clasped her hands behind his neck with an innocent smile. “Wouldn’t want you to come, would we?” Steve glared at her.
“You think you’re so cute,” he grumbled, nipping her bottom lip.
“Big talk, I can feel you twitching inside me like you wanna come right this second.”
“Keep it up and I might not let you outta my bed for a week.”
She contracted her inner muscles and Steve bit his lip. “You asked for it. Gonna have to fuck that sass right out of you.”
“You can try, big guy.” She rolled her hips and impaled herself on him, riding him hard. She didn’t seem to care if all the world heard them, or saw her, or if he came in three seconds–and for his part, Steve didn’t see a downside. He curled his fingers into her hips and gave her back as good as she gave him. It was fucking, most certainly, but it also felt like time had ceased to tick since he felt her lips touch his for the first time. Maybe the new year wouldn’t come until he did, he thought, but boy if he wasn’t on the verge.
“It’s okay,” she whispered, slowly canting her hips. “You’re allowed to give in.”
“Am I?” His eyes searched her soft gaze, and she nodded. “I don’t get these things, sweetheart.”
“Says who? Who’s been lying to you? You don’t get to be fucked silly in the back of a car like a teenager?” She smiled. “You of all people.”
“Is that what you’re doing?” Steve touched her cheek, almost like he didn’t mean to, but he felt suddenly bashful.
“I’m gonna fuck every doubt outta your head.”
She made good on that promise. When he came, he saw pure light behind his eyelids, like heat through his eyelids on a sunny morning. With every contraction of her inner muscles, he thrust up into her, even though he had nothing left to give. Her second orgasm was his final triumph. Her nails clasped his shoulders, and she moaned into his mouth, and Steve rubbed her clit until she couldn’t take any more. When her fingers found his wrist to pull his hand away, she linked their fingers. They breathed the same air again, foreheads pressed together, and both of them smiled.
“What am I going to tell the dry cleaner?” he murmured.
She laughed, head thrown back in delight. She rolled the window back up and kissed him sweetly. Nobody saw them, that they knew of, and nobody could hear them over the countdown to the New Year, but that didn’t mean that it wasn’t the sexiest moment of his very long life.
Some days or weeks later, when time began to tick again, Steve emerged from his apartment one morning with a woman on his arm. They both wore sunglasses, and they didn’t shy away from smiling at one another like they shared a secret. As promised, there was a paparazzo waiting with indiscreet flashes and even raunchier questions for the woman, but she paused to pose with Steve so the man could get a good photo of them. Then, she dragged her glasses down her nose.
“America can fight me for his dick,” she said brightly to the reporter. Steve shook his head, but he laughed and followed his girlfriend to the car. Try as he might, he just couldn’t fuck the sass out of her.
Sure was fun trying, though.
thanks for reading!
my masterlist - my marvel masterlist
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doonarose · 3 months
I'm rather exhausted you guys. And that's after having two days off mildly sick but mostly just dodging a couple of meetings I knew were high risk for bursting into tears. And before that a three day weekend. And I've achieved very, very little because I just keep piling burnout onto burnout with my job. And my job is all I have, like I put all the eggs into my career basket back when I decided to do a PhD because I'm an anti-social, unlovable loser on the best of days and I was so sure I could be a great academic and that that would be enough.
But I'm just kneecapped in this place. We haven't really had operational labs for two and a half years and before that was covid. Right when I'd just kind of got a bit of momentum going, it all shut down and then I came back and was told the building I was in was condemned but that was good because they were gonna build me brand new labs and it was all gonna happen fast and we are still not in those new labs. It's just been limbo for years. I have students and staff who think it's funny that I warned them about an imminent lab move interrupting their honours/phd/first year and they're now three years down the line and we still haven't moved!
And at the same time, I have to play the optics game, convince all the external players and higher ups that things are good, that I'm still somehow on this amazing academic trajectory when, really, everything is in freefall, it just takes a few years for publications and income and shit to slip. And that time is almost up.
So late in 2022, when I hit rock bottom, I managed to give up on my academic dreams which was good for me. I keep playing the optics because if I can squeeze one more promotion in this year than I can kind of just coast on that for two decades, moneywise anyhow. But now it's almost two years after that and I am a lot better, for sure. But I still don't have any new purpose, and I'm still burnt out because just maintaining the optics is an effort (and everyone in academia is burnt out).
And anyhow I just needed to have a vent because one of the Very Important Clueless people who I dodged meeting on Tuesday just emailed with a list of (quite fair) demands to know a bunch of kpis and I just want to respond with 'Actually, this place is a hellhole, and no amount of effort or talent on my part can make things happen'. But I can't, because promotion.
I'm fine and just needed to vent and at least without any teaching on my plate, I can just spend the rest of this rotten Friday reading or (maybe) writing and then go home and get trashed.
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beardedmrbean · 6 months
The administrators of a public high school near the library i work at went into their collection of classic books and required reading and literally cut out all the "inappropriate" scenes in those books like not to be over dramatic but uuuhhhh i have to wonder if any member of that administration read Fahrenheit 451
Curious what would count as classical, saw a thing earlier today with Iowa banning sexually explicit books from school libraries, I'm gonna find it.
Depicting sex acts, I was close.
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I do enjoy the bit that pops up later in this one
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I'm curious how many of these parents monitor their kids internet use, not that i think the kama sutra has any place in a Jr High school library, but
The 51-year-old Democrat said depriving children of the ability to make choices about what they read and of perspectives they may see reflected in their own lives is damaging — including for her own children who identify as LGBTQ.  Leaverton said she is shocked by the lists of classic novels that have been removed from schools, such as “1984” and “Animal Farm” by George Orwell, and feels the law is further marginalizing LGBTQ and other underrepresented voices 
Speaking of Fahrenheit 451, close enough at least, 1984 does have some naughty stuff in there tho, pretty sure those two were chosen as examples for a very obvious reason too.
My personal thought of a good way to solve all of this is to send the TV censors in and if you can't publish it on the 5:00 or 6:00 news broadcast it doesn't go into a school library.
Then again that might get books like "Night" pulled because of the whole deal in the train cars as they were being carted off to the extermination camps so maybe not.
There should be a line somewhere because I've seen sections from some of the books that got pulled and they're just straight up pornography.
Cutting passages you don't like out is how we wound up with the "Jefferson Bible" where Thomas Jefferson cut out all the bits he had issues with, namely those dealing with the divinity of Christ, which that's the point of the New Testament my guy, so that's just dumb. Remove the books or leave them in and whole.
It's all madness at this point anyhow so we might as well leave the books the way they are.
Remove the stuff that's basically straight up pornography from school libraries, someone wants to read the porn ones they'll find a way anyhow, the internet is wild like that.
But don't edit stuff out of existing book, that's just lame.
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docholligay · 1 year
Aurora Borealis is gonna be visible from Montana this Thursday (July 13). I don't know if it will be visible from Billings specifically, but might be worth looking into? I'm sure Midgey would love it.
Yeah! I'm gonna go aurora chasing Thursday night probably. The bummer of the deal is that if it had been LAST Thursday, I'd have been far enough north to get a great show, as I was 3 hours north, but, down here we should still get something, so I'll drive an hour or so out of town maybe. Depends on what I can make happen.
I'll have to have midgie sleep in the back of the car as I don't have anyone to listen for her-- my mom went camping this whole week. But I may do it anyhow.
But I may not! I've seen the northern lights before, and while they're always very cool, I imagine I'll see them again. Depends how high the kp climbs.
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imactuallyaperson · 1 year
Friday, August 4th (11:52pm)
My day has gotten a lot better. I was picked up my dad and I got to see my little sister which was pretty nice, and I'm still at his house. I used to be sad that my parents split, it used to really scare me for some reason. But now, now everything's okay, I'm completely fine with it and it doesn't affect me at all. I mean, it's funny how I used to cry and sob every night when I was at my dads, begging for him to take me back to my moms. Sometimes I would fake sick just so I could stay at my moms house longer. I don't think it was because I was a mommy's girl, I think it was because I was scared of her getting hurt. The guy she was dating wasn't the nicest guy, and now we're living with him again four years later. I'm not so scared now, I'm actually beyond relieved going to my dads house.
Anyways, enough with the negative. I've finished the book Solitaire and it was so cute! Just before the end kinda scared me though because I though Tori would really jump, but the very end made me feel very releived and happy. I won't say though because I don't want to spoil it for anyone. Now, I'm starting the book 'A Court of Silver Flames' so I'm pretty excited to be able to read that! Although, I don't really like Nesta's character. But, I have a feeling I'll find a liking for her while reading this book.
I'm starting school pretty soon. This means I only have two years of high school left, and then I have to go to college. I'm kinda scared, because I still don't have a college picked out. In all honesty, I don't want to go to college. I just want to take a few classes, some for writing and maybe art. I want to be an author, so I think going to a full on college will just be a waste of time and money. I'm not sure how my father will take to that though, but I do know my mom won't mind.
I think this year of highschool will be different though, a much better year. I'm gonna try harder and actually do my homework the moment I get it. I really do not want to fall behind, so I think that if I try harder this year it'll be much better. Anyhow, I will have to work on my math before I get into school only because I just know that i'll be super lost in whatever we're doing. I've never been good at math, and honestly see no point in it. Well, or me at least. It won't be needed for what I'm wanting to do, so I don't know why I need to be learning such complex things. It's frustrating, and it makes me angry and feel idiotic. I failed my freshman year math class and had to retake it last year, so now I'm gonna be taking geometry instead of calc which is annoying.. It's okay though, I'm fine. I can get through it even if people decide to be assholes.
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redsysan · 11 months
Shy Girl asks you out on a date before school ends
You are a high school student who’s been having a crush on the boy (listener)... Before school ends you confess to him… he (the listener) gladly agrees to take you out on a date
[internal thoughts] “ [sigh] School is going to be over in a week, and I still haven’t built up enough courage to ask him out. Every time I’m near him I just go into panic mode just like Bocchi having a panic attack. I’m just scared that he will reject me and every one of his friends would laugh at me, I would be so embarrassed that I would spend my whole life under a paper bag, not talking to anyone ever again
No..no..no.. I’m overthinking this again, it wouldn’t happen, right? No, it would most likely happen..
Ughhh… why am I always thinking about the worst things that can happen to me
Ok!! [speaker’s name]. You’ve got to get your shit together, after the last class today you’ll ask him…” [you bump into him in the hallway dropping all the books you were carrying]
Oh my god….
I’m so sorry I… I should have watched where I was walking…
[internal thoughts]
“Oh no… out of all the people in the school, why did I bump into him
Should… Should I tell him….?”
Hey… umm.. Tha… thank you, for… for picking up my books for me, [quickly] hey umm… can I take you out on a date… umm no, I’m so sorry this is so weird, I… I wasn’t supposed to say that I’m sorry…I… I’m gonna go now…
[he grabs your hand]
Huh.. What.. what are you….
[he kisses you]
Oh… oh my, that was something haha, what… made you choose me, I’m as pretty as the other girls in class plus, I’m also very awkward and everything…
You think I’m cute? and you’ve noticed me for a while now? 
So, you would be willing to go on a date with me? 
Oh wow… this is so unexpected ahah,  I literally have nothing planned right now… so is the Diner near the school ok? I heard they have really good strawberry pie there haha… 
So… the date is set then? Ok… I will see you then 
[walks away]
[internal thoughts]
[happily] “I can’t believe that just happened, it’s just like a fantasy… anyhow… I need to look the best for him tonight”
Part 2
[Date Night]
[Knocks on the door]
You look incredible tonight. I'm really looking forward to our date.
[Smiles] Oh, I think you're being too modest. You look amazing too, handsome.
Are you ready to head out? Let's get going.
[At the Diner]
I didn't expect the diner to be this empty tonight. It's usually bustling with students and couples. 
Let's take a look at the menu.
[Looking at the menu]
Yes, we're ready to order. I'll have the strawberry pie with a side of vanilla ice cream, and some syrup, please.
[He orders]
Thank you for joining me on this date. It means a lot to me. I'm still amazed that someone as popular as you in our class, even the whole school, is interested in me. Haha.
[The meal arrives]
Wow, the food looks delicious. Let's dig in.
[As you eat]
So, how has your week been? I heard you've been quite busy with your activities.
[He talks about his week]
That sounds exciting. I've been keeping busy with my studies, but I'm glad we could make time for this date.
[As the conversation continues]
You know, spending time with you tonight has been really special. I've admired you from afar, and it's even better getting to know you in person.
You're amazing, and I'm glad we decided to go on this date.
Would you like to do something else after dinner, maybe take a walk or catch a movie?
[He responds]
A walk sounds lovely too. I'd enjoy a little more time with you.
[The date continues with a romantic walk]
[At the end of the walk]
I had a wonderful time tonight. It's been even better than I imagined.
[He smiles]
Me too. I can't believe how great this date turned out. We should definitely do this again sometime.
[You say goodbye at your door]
Thanks for walking me back. I really enjoyed tonight. Have a great night.
[You both exchange smiles and part ways]
And scene.
feel free to use it in your videos/ audio
Credit: redsysan on Tumblr and Redsy Sometimes Stream on Twitter(X)
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ajaxctrl · 4 years
static space lover — oikawa tooru [the kissing booth reference]
track 01: helena beat
A/n: I'm planning to mix in with a little more written parts since writing is fun as well haha. The socmed part will kick in soon!
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Hi. The name's y/n l/n. Classic run-of-the-mill partially pretty junior high schooler who apparently is one of those from the 'normal' section of high school popularity. Fairly normal life. Fairly normal group of friends — ah, how about I rephrase that one? Moderately normal group of friends. Yup. That sounds about right.
I'm best best friends with your resident blond, Atsumu Miya, basically since diapers. Same interests. Same amount of brain cells. Same foolish agenda. We have matching nintendo switches. We have matching marvel jerseys. Our families are like one and two. We were inseparable.
He's my go-to person. Partner in crime? Nah, far too cliche for my liking. He's probably the only jerk I could stand. And...here goes his twin, aka Atsumu Miya with a brain, Osamu. If our friendship is in question, we aren't that 'intimate' safe to say. More like acquaintances divided between a distinct gray line — maybe because Osamu Miya is far too close with a certain Oikawa Tooru — their older step brother. By 'close', I mean 'dissing Atsumu and y/n from a corner' close.
Oikawa Tooru. If one were to give me the chance to describe this idiot...I'd answer handsome right away beyond doubt. That is, if my hormones were speaking for me. But all in all, Tooru is just an evil, conniving jerk who would slam a volleyball right at your face if you even so much as think as pissing him off. Keyword: think.
Jokes on you. This jerk has been my childhood crush ever since and I'm not even denying it. Sucks to be me alright. But anyhow, life seems fine and is going pretty smoothly. No setbacks nor heavy burdens so far—
Yeah, about that, it seemed like fate jinxed it.
"Why the fuck do these stupid slacks need to rip out exactly when I don't need them to! Ugh! Kill me already!"
Growing bit by bit isn't exactly my strong suit. First year fresh from middle school then to my last year in junior high — wow, girls indeed grow the most speedy. Right. Then here are my fresh black slacks tearing off out of my butt on my very first day after summer break. And the only back-ups I got are ones from my first year.
Fate has favorites and I'm not on the list.
"Jesus, y/n, really?" Atsumu, in all his annoying glory, flashed his default hideously smug smirk as he grips on his tesla's steering wheel.
"What? My slacks ripped! You wanna stare at my strawberry cheesecake undies all day, Miya?" In a slightly irritated look, I challenged.
"What about your back ups?"
"These are my back ups!"
Stockman High, unlike y/n l/n, isn't your dime a dozen high school. It isn't one of those academic-centered high schools all about elitism and educational pressure. I, for one, can say that Stockman is particularly like those from your usual netflix teenage romance trope — it's fun.
"If the last season of How to Get Away with Murder doesn't come out this month, I will and I swear, cancel my netflix subscription right off the bat."
"As if. Alex Strangelove is far too temptin' for ya. Ya ain't gonna survive a day without netflix."
"Try me, 'Tsumu!"
"Yeah yeah. Hop out already!"
Today seemed pretty normal. Your conventional high school post-summer break day at Stockman with no troubles so far.
"What in the world — is that y/n l/n?"
"Oh my god, you go girl."
"What is she? From middle school?"
Why the fuck does this have to happen now.
"Tsumu! Why is everyone — and if I say everyone, I mean the whole Stockman High populace, is looking at us like we grew out a second head???"
"If ya say 'us', it's particularly just you, y/n. Nice ass."
"Fuck you. Come behind me 'Tsumu! I hate it here."
"Hmm. Gladly."
Basically everyone's eyes were ogling at me and it's probably too early to say that post-summer break is doing 'fine' 'with no troubles'. At least I attached a 'so far' at the very end, regarded as certain.
How could this day get any worse? Not so much, right?
"Terushima! What the hell?!"
Great. The other blond jerk from the football team just touched my butt. Really great.
"Just measured your bum size, y/n. No hard feeli—"
And so chaos ensues. "Yuuji. I swear to god you say another fucking word I'll bust your face right this instant." Atsumu fitfully challenges with pride and glory. Anger seething from his core
I gripped on his arm, attempting to stop the trade of punches from getting any more catastrophic, and yet...fate really had favorites. y/n l/n, unfortunately but not surprisingly, is not one of them.
Oikawa fucking Tooru just had to butt in throwing his stupid ball at Terushima Yuuji. Hitting the blond with force stronger than what shall we believe constitutes the highest degree of 'strong'. And that added salt to injury.
"Tooru! No! No! It's alright! You can stop now!"
Yet nada, he wasn't listening. He beat the guy to a pulp. Lip busted violet beat, almond orbs almost unobtrusive. Tooru just beat Yuuji like how he hits his killer serves and it terrifies me to no end.
"Why does my brother always have t'make a hideous example for the citizens of America..." Says Atsumu.
I strained to grab Tooru's shoulders and pull him away but he was to fixated on landing a punch on the other guy, it deemed as if the very world around him faded like canvas.
"Yes, alright Oikawa, that's enough. Get off of Terushima. We have a long day ahead of us." Very early, the principal butted in at last minute, fortunately snapping Tooru from his punching spree and violent daze. "You three! My office!"
"Why do I have to go!?"
Great. No troubles so far alright.
"Great going Tooru, fantastic." I rolled my eyes, flashing him one last glare before I close my [eye color] orbs in immediate stress, not the slightest bit amused of the events unfolding right this very day.
"No one has the right to treat girls like that, y/n. Especially if that girl has to be you." Tooru mumbled under his breath, pouting as he fiddles with his phone, the senior high school uniform polo almost dry from faint sweat.
If that girl has to be you. All in good time, on the face of it, there is no good time, Tooru's eyes see me as his little sister. Nothing more nothing less. Just his baby sister. The plus one in the family tree. His normal childhood acquaintance.
"Really, Tooru? Me?"
Our eyes met. His molten chocolate ones falling on mine. His plump lips folded into a thin line. Sweat trickling down his forehead. Finally, the words I've expected for years come rolling out from his tongue. "Yeah. You're my little sister after all." And so he threw his head back upfront. Not caring for the slightest.
"Afraid so." I heaved out a sigh. Disappointed mood cascading my gut.
"Y'know, y/n-chan~ if you didn't just wear that skirt right now, we shouldn't be having this conversation."
I can't believe this guy. "Really Tooru? You're going beyond that line?"
He ran a hand through his hair, moaning in disbelief as he then pinched the bridge of his nose. "Just wrap my jacket around your waist for the whole day, y/n. Don't fight me."
Huh. Oikawa Tooru isn't that bad.
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Masterlist | Previous • next.
— HERE COMES your generic high school sweethearts tale wherein y/n has to deal with her prolonged admiration for a certain oikawa tooru — who apparently is her childhood crush since diapers. so the story goes, atsumu miya, tooru's stepbrother, has every say in it.
TAGLIST: (send an ask)
@virtualshoujoanimeartmaker @weisztineo @ccccprej-blog @kiralovesyoongi @elesiatargaryen2 @elsword-euronoia @athenabelserion @tsukishukkie @danariceelliot @malariatyrell @miravonzachary @minaminapark @missusmustang @dimariashermes @moonprismpowerfilo @chichikagari @reinayamamoto @starstruckshouyou @denkiyeee @roaringcrows
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edengarden · 4 years
I don't want to bother you but I was wondering if I can get a BNHA Class matchup thing? 👉👈
(Just needed a bit of inspiration and since you inspire me-)
I'm a straight female, 5ft and 110lbs. I have short black hair and dark brown eyes. I'm slight on the chubby side as well. I'm in between pale and light brown skinned. I'm a pure Filipino and I have prescription glasses. I've often been called a "soft girl" but I really don't have a certain styles. My clothes are often t-shirts, off-shoulders, (of multiple color and style) and any type jeans. Hoodies and jackets are a must in winter season.
I'm often described as a chaotic motherly type of person. I love to tease others but it's not often. I can be loud and obnoxious at times but I prefer to stay quiet. I can also be such a flirt if I wanted too but I only reserve those skills when needed. My patience is very long and I don't get annoyed easily. Affection and words are my love language. I tend to get just a tad bit grumpy when I don't get affection. I'm a really observant person, so I'm able to pick up emotional cues, habits, and body language. I use that to check on people I care about. I try to act tough and strong so I would be a role model, since I'm the oldest child. I also tend to suppress my emotions and even fake them just so no one would be burden of me. I do share them if I trust you enough. I can also be really insecure about my abilities and looks.
I usually listen to pop or ballad but I like almostvall types of music. Songs like IDK you yet by Alexander23 or This is gospel by Panic at the disco are some of my favorite. My star sign is Cancer but I don't really believe it but I love learning about it. I'm an INFP-T (The dreamer) and my Hogwarts house is Ravenclaw! I love learning and doing new things. Science is my favorite subject, specifically Biology/Zoology. I sing and write stories as a hobby.
Thanks Lovely~ 💕💕
Not me crying
Anyhow! I feel like compared to 1-B, 1-A doesn’thave nearly enough Motherly types so off you go!
Please, you’re like a semi-anti-Momo. I’d love to see that. The class NEEDS you y’all have too many gremlins aboard. Also Sero can’t deal with the Bakusquad alone please infiltrate that and get them some HELP Kaminari’s gonna die soon I swear they’re too chaotic and they won’t listen unless you’re chaotic too, so you’re perfect for the job.
Lowkey you’ve been assigned the position of Bakusquad Babysitter, but you actually enjoy their company. And they love you too! And even though they never say it out loud they’re glad to have you with them so that no one actually dies.
However, 1-A cares very deeply for the members of their class and if they see that you’re neglecting yourself for the sake of others dear lord hang on because you’ll have a bunch of hero-wannabe teenagers offering you ALL SORTS of gifts for emotional validation. Some of them promise you that they’re here for you and they won’t let you put yourself down for their sake again while others just buy you expensive stuff they knew you liked with their Dad’s Stolen Credit Card (I’m not mentioning any names in particular todoroki). And they’re just such a good group?? Ready to evolve and change for the better?? So like later on in your second or third year you’re not even considered a babysitter or anything anymore, everyone became somewhat independent thanks to you, and Momo and Shouji but everyone always recalls everything you did for them and they’re gonna be grateful forever, shit almost gets annoying by the time you graduate
Kaminari: hey remember when you had to carve out the toilet in the dorms because Bakugou got his ankle stuck in it
You: oh my god shut up dude he’s getting his diploma right now do you WANT a genocide??
NOT TO MENTION MY MATCHUP WITH YOU AND MIRIO IS STILL HELLA VALID?? Ppl are so shocked bc how did a first year start going out with someone two years older so quickly?? And y’all are like “👁👄👁 we’ve known each other since elementary?? You know school starts before high school right-“ SKSKSK MIRIO KNOWS ALL THE BEEF AND EVENTS THAT WENT DOWN IN YOUR CLASS so when he like randomly crosses someone like Kirishima in the hallway he’s like “yoo you’re the guy who accidentally cut open Alien Girl’s chin with your quirk last Sunday!!” And poor boy feels so out of place bc HOW DID HE KNOW WTF-
You send every shenanigan to him via messages. He saves them all because they’re so funny to him
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