#anyone else getting beauty and the beast vibes?
indiiglow · 1 month
Genuinely don't think I've ever enjoyed a souls boss theme more than Midra's
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witchthewriter · 7 months
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𝑫𝒓𝒂𝒈𝒐𝒏 𝑫𝒊𝒓𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒚
𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐛𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐝 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐨𝐧 | 𝒑𝒂𝒓𝒕 𝟑
⤷ gender neutral, Valyrian blood (dragon rider), and any size reader. Requests are open, thank you for reading!
a/n: I kinda personified this group of dragons more than I have with the others...
ᴹᵃˢᵗᵉʳˡᶤˢᵗ | ᴹᵃˢᵗᵉʳˡᶤˢᵗ ᴵᴵ
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・You're actually apart of the royal family, your siblings already having bonded with either eggs from their crib or great beasts already living
・It felt embarrassing being the only one without a mount. It was true that not everyone in your family were dragonriders, but you didn't want to be anything but a dragonrider.
・You had heard stories of untrained dragons and with great bravery or stupidity, you went to find one
・Sheep Stealer and Grey Ghost have always stayed out of each other's ways. Not knowing what kind of dragon the other is (especially when the other wild dragon was a CANNIBAL)
・So neither Sheepstealer nor Grey Ghost stay in the Dragonpit
・With you, Sheepstealer is a lot more soft. It took time to build up that trust and reliance on one another.
・But once he realised that you weren't going to hurt or leave him, then the bond became one of the deepest ever seen
・When you're dreaming, it's as if you're in Sheep's head. Not controlling him, but seeing things from his eyes.
・And you can feel each other's emotions (like all dragon riders and their dragons) but it feels a lot deeper
・His favourite song would absolutely Sweet Carolina by Lana Del Rey. It would actually make him cry.
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・Doesn't like to share food (not that you'd eat his food? Never once have you tried to either. But every time he's eating, he you're near - he frowns and grunts)
・He was just used to being independent and fighting for his food.
・It took a long time for him to warm up to you. Not liking human interactions
・Knows many, many good secret hide outs... you love hiding in them with him. You aren't a people person either
・Once bit a handler... on the butt. It sounds comedic, but there was blood everywhere and holes in the man's buttcheek.
・Your father had to spend a lot of money for the man to be healed.
・(Grey Ghost wasn't chastised, your father too thought it hilarious)
・No one is allowed near Ghost except for you, I'm talking even existing near him.
・He likes his personal space
・Ghost actually got a bit of colour once you spent more time flying. He turned a beautiful silver instead of a dull grey and had a bit of a glimmer to his scales
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・A pyromaniac; likes to hear the command 'Dracarys' (it's the fastest one he responds to)
・Likes hitting you with his tail and when you turn around to look at him, he's obviously looking somewhere else - but his lil dragon laugh gives him away
・But you got used to it and remember to duck everytime your back is towards him
・Is very competitive, especially against Arrax, who is the closest in age to him
・Crushing on Morning; likes her pretty pink scales. You know this because he rolls in anything pink (especially pink flowers)
・Would love country music unironically.
・Gives Dennis the Menace vibes but he is acutely aware of the trouble he causes. Loves chaos.
・Likes to gently bite your shoulder when your attention isn't on him
・IS afraid of cats. Pretends he's not but once when he was a baby dragon, your pet kitten swiped at him and from then on he was terrified...
・Vermax loves being called a "beautiful boy," "handsome man," etc but DO NOT DO IT IN FRONT OF ANYONE, HE WILL GET EMBARRASSED.
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・Bit shy for a dragon, still courageous and honorable. But prefers to be away from ... everyone
・Does like Tyraxes though; they seem to have similar souls. Some say they could've come from the same clutch of eggs
・Definitely a Libra or Pisces.
・For a long time he was scared of getting into trouble. But you've been working on it ... constantly reminding him he's a goddamn dragon.
・When Arrax is happy, he makes a trilling noise and the red scales/flaps on his neck and head shimmy
・Vermax has made fun of him for it but Moondancer growled at Vermax (therefore he never made fun of him ever again)
・LoVES LAYING HIS HEAD IN YOUR LAP. A very affectionate dragon, loves pets, being brushed down, having his wings gently touched.
・It's safe to say his love language is physical touch
・It took some time for him to be a confident flyer. But once he took off, he never looked back.
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・A good boi, a very good boi. Does as he's told because his trust in you is unwavering
・When you look into his eyes, they almost seem ... human. They're a beautiful blue/green colour and seem to stare into your very soul
・You realised that at a young age, and swore to treat him exactly how you'd like to be treated
・Has youngest sibling energy (but the kind where the parents have a bunch of older children and for some reason have a baby in their 50s by accident)
・So technically youngest but basically grew up as an only child vibes
・...Loves baths. Like proper baths. You would bathe him as a little dragon. A tradition you and your mother started (because you, yourself hated bathing. So poor Tyraxes was subjected to it as well)
・Now that he's grown ... well ... the blacksmith had heavy pockets and no extra time on his hands for quite a while
・When the bath tub arrived just on the outskirts of the dragonpit, Tyraxes' tail wouldn't stop thumping. He knew exactly what it was for
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・Aquarius asf
・Always pliant when it comes to be saddled up. Very good girl, you trained her yourself (or you were there for the majority of it)
・From a young age you found yourself talking to her as if she could understand you perfectly well. And now you still do it;
・She gives huffs and chuffs in response, smoke coming out of her nose when she heavily disagrees with something
・Knows about Vermax's crush on her but expects a lot of romantic gestures.
・She's also an Aquarius so they're pretty difficult to shack up with; their independence is highly important to them.
・Like a dog with bad experiences with men, Morning can sense when a person is trustworthy or not
・If they aren't ... SCORCHED. If they are ... UNSCORCHED.
・Literally takes it upon herself to administer justice
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・Quite calm in stressful situations
・Definitely more than you - not trying to be shady to you but Moondancer seems to know exactly what to do in like ... every situation?
・Nuzzles you with her nose
・Does adore when you clean her horns, I mean they're PEARLESCENT! (or chrome, however you want to see it)
・Absolutely adores music and will fly you to towns that are having festivals. (She's learned from experience that she can only fly over the top of the crowd and sit from afar...there have been some messy incidents in the past)
・Seems calm but is VERY overprotective of you. Will let you handle arguments until she can feel your heart racing and then she jumps in
・Likes adventure but not dangerous adventure. More so like finding pretty fields or lovely waterfalls.
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blacklegsanjiii · 5 months
Ohh pedro i love him and sanji!! Would love to hear your thoughts about them
Imagine a small canon divergent where sanji didnt immediately get taken by the bege pirates (they showed up later when the rest is already there) and in the time it took for the rest to arrive sanji had a whole romantic plot with Pedro (and Nami with Wanda but lets be reeaall) and when they show up its just nami in a beautiful dress and sanji in a big ass coat 😭😭
No but fr would love to hear ANY thoughts you have
Imagine the crew coming back, the minks and whatever strawhats are there, after kicking the beast pirates asses just find Sanji and Nami both with minks. Pedro is in fucking awe of Sanji's fighting style and absolutely lights Sanji's cigarettes whenever possible and I already said he has DILF vibes which Robin immediately clocks and gives Sanji, in that big ass coat and none of his clothes fit Pedro so it's just like a mark of ownership, a look with a knowing smile and he's just begging her to keep quiet, it's the first time in a while he's gotten laid okay? We're not unpacking the emotional baggage of Sanji dating a DILF. We're not.
He'd go to Wano and fuss over Sanji's injuries like Chopper. He easily flusters Sanji who is still so unused to receiving any affection?? It's wild. DILF Pedro making sure Sanji keeps the coat and leaves with one of Sanji's ties or something when they go back to Zou. He's seen in it a lot. Nami and him will LOCK the galley to talk about their partners. They don't need anyone else to hear what they've done, okay?
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sapphosdirtyhoe · 3 months
If there’s one thing about me, it’s that I’m gonna have an opinion!! I wrote about DA for my doctoral exams, and having a forum to write further about the series is super awesome.
I wish BioWare had not debuted the character trailer. The gameplay footage was beautiful, smooth, and I greatly enjoyed the return of DA2’s dialogue wheel (although I miss the robust roleplaying options afforded by Origins’ expanded choices). I am infinitely more excited for Veilguard now than I was on Sunday. However, was anyone else struck by how this prologue almost exactly mimicked the opening “Wrath of Heaven” quest in Inquisition? Pushing through demons to pick up allies, fighting a Pride Demon miniboss, and then addressing the Veil. The backdrop of Minrathous, the enhanced graphics, and the stunning music were phenomenal, but it felt ordinary and far too familiar for such an extraordinary event. I adored Neve’s character design, but she felt like a reskin of Vivienne who was softened for an audience who couldn’t handle her point-blank personality and bold opinions. I hope we fight more than demons and venatori because platinum-ing DAI gave me more of that than I’ve ever needed. That being said, the designs are stunning and I cannot wait to explore every crevice of Thedas.
I’m also a bit confused at the rehashing of Trespasser with Varric and Solas. I understand the need to make the game and its world accessible to new audiences, but it lessened the impact of your Inquisitor trying to convince Solas, thus diminishing player agency by delegating their choices with Solas to Varric who cannot be directed by the player.
Like everyone else, I’ve seen the discourse between Veilguard and earlier Dragon Age games. I’m begging folks to understand that nuance exists; just because DA2 has the line about Hawke stepping in poopy doesn’t mean that the game doesn’t also have the “All That Remains” quest (which, personally, was one of the most horrifying things I’ve ever seen). Dark stories need moments of light to be effective because that’s simply how people work. Wanting a return to the overwhelming sense of darkness and danger of Origins and the griminess of 2 doesn’t mean getting rid of all of the humor. It means not making the Darkspawn out to be a joke like the trailer did. It’s a bit weird to juxtapose the horror of Ostagar with Varric joking about killing the beasts. I think the gameplay footage did a fantastic job at capturing that vibe better, but calling folks negative and not true Dragon Age fans for expressing disappointment in the series’ direction is wild. I also need to point out how much of the discourse has fallen to “men are the worst for wanting dark gritty things again when I want my silly little dating sim.” All of these things can exist! Dragon Age is inclusive and incredibly queer (always has been), but the stories are not solely about your personal romance and shouldn’t be analyzed that way.
TLDR: the gameplay trailer for Veilguard was super cool! I’m stoked as hell to play it! However, folks expressing disappointment with certain elements of the game doesn’t diminish your personal enjoyment.
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ghostofvalorie · 4 months
That Essay
@forsaire tagged me and now I MUST provide! You opened Pandora's box on this one.
To adhere to the rules I will first provide FOUR and ONLY FOUR of my fictional crushes! And to make it easier on us all I've narrowed it down to games only, so here we go!
I'm starting off from the very beginning of my journey into crushing on non-existent people, and people who have read my tags before might know this one already!
Malik Al Sayf from Assassins Creed 1 - 2007
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A man whom you've wrong by being arrogant and then spends the next few hours of the game being yelled at by him, and rightfully so. Not only do you cost him his arm and place as an assassin in the brotherhood, but his younger brother as well.
Eventually Altaïr stops begin a prick and apologizes and Malik, bless his heart forgives him.
Still... not me rolling into Jerusalem hoping, wishing, to get yelled at because Malik's Voice Actor goes HARD <3 I love him and his 7 whole polygons! NEXT!!
Keeping it somewhat chronological:
The Arishok from Dragon Age 2 - 2011
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He beeg. He got horns. He is technically an antagonist in the game but he has a moral code that makes sense to him that he is willing to kill and die for. Qunari famously live their lives incredibly black and white so to him he is in the right, even if we disagree.
But he just got a wholeass vibe, and he'll say nice things such as
"I have a growing lack of disgust for you" and I mean, with that voice... say no more sir. *takes shirt off*
NR 3: Adam Jensen from Deus Ex - 2011-2016
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My cyborg husband <3
Ex-swat turned security guy, then interpool agent (depends on which game you are playing)
He's just an incredibly good guy, the sweetest person on the block. Ofc it depends on how you play and what choices you make, but MY Adam is a sweeheart that will go out of his way to help people.
And my boi got sass, he'll be snarky to literally anyone, his boss, the cops, criminals you name it.
He's also secretly a little funny. <3
Nr 4: Arthur Morgan from Red Dead Redemption 2 - 2018
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I mean first off, he do a little *mlem* when he drinks coffee... Do i even need to say more?
Arthur is just such a perfect sad boy. Raised to believe his only worth lies in killing people when in reality he is incredibly competent, sharp and caring. Again depends on how you play the game, but my Arthur is the goodest boi in the west.
Now that was four, oh but look, somehow completely unrelated to all this, some other honorable mentions seems to have ended up after the cut, how silly of me!
And @xintothewoodswegox, show us what you got!
Beast from Beauty and the Beast - 2017
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No further comment, your honor, if you've seen the movie you should know.
Kaidan Alenko from Mass Effect - 2012
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How can we not love the powerful nerdass space magician! He's caring, he is cute, he is Canadian and schrodinger's person of color!
He also glow blue, what else can you possible want? I for sure do NOT kick my feet and twirl my hair anytime he wants to talk to me.
Eris Goddess of Chaos from Sinbad - 2003
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I MEAN LOOK AT HER?!?!?!? Again an antagonist, but she is sexy about it.
Helga Sinclair from Atlantis - 2001
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I'm-I i mean, I don't even have words. Every time I SEE Helga my brain flat-lines I can't help it.
Majima Goro from the Like a Dragon series of games
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No comment, because if i start i will NEVER stop, he's story is too good.
Simon 'Ghost' Riley from Call of Duty MWII - 2022
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I could literally put ALL the characters from that game in this list. ALL OF THEM, but to keep this somewhat short I've chosen ONE and i've chosen Ghost, the most tragic man alive.
Kar'niss from Baldur's Gate 3 - 2023
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Another TRAGIC boi, missunderstood and abused </3 I could take care of him. LET ME TAKE CARE OF HIM LARIAN
Jonathan Reid from Vampyr - 2018
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You didn't think I'd squeeze in a vampire this late, did you?
I wasn't overly impressed by Jonathan from the start, BUT, he is FASCINATING if you play him as a bloodthirsty villain willing to murder everyone for power! I'm here for bad-boy Reid!
Lastly, for now:
Corvo Attano from Dishonored - 2012
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Also an incredibly tragic man, who's fate you hold in your hands with your actions!
He's just hot, he's a dilf, he can succumb to grief and violence or rise above it to save not only his daughter but an entire empire from destruction.
I'm not sure i've y'all have noticed the pattern yet but let me spell it out for you:
PEOPLE THAT CAN ABSOLUTELY DESTROY ME! Look at them all! So STRONG! So POWERFUL! Fuck, mess me up fam!
And the beauty lies in that they never would. Or I mean Eris might... but I'm in a firm belief that the others would never harm someone they care about and ain't that just the purest thing you've ever heard.
Now this was only the highlights of my fictional crushes, I've kept most of the absolute freaks out for now. Maybe I'll do an updated list later where werewolves and Cthulhu makes the cut, we'll see. Now I know HP Lovecraft wasn't a very cool dude to say the least, but you expect me to be normal about the big tentacle monster? REALLY?
Lower your expectations.
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nyx-lyris · 7 months
i love the potential of all the hazbin ships, platonic or romantic.
the beauty and the beast feel that radiobelle has. alastor's desire to control her and manipulate her for his own ends eventually being drowned out by his caring and respect for her. realizing he cares about her more than he cares about himself.
the divorced dads who are sticking it out for their daughter feel of radioapple. the idea of them being rivals who develop a mutual respect for each other over time, eventually becoming friends, trading jokes and vehemently denying their friendship to anyone who asks. and, if we're going the romantic route, eventually realizing they feel much more for each other than they ever intended to and being frightened by it, wondering how on earth they got here.
the way royalhalo could be either long-lost sisters with a sort of tinkerbell and periwinkle vibe, or they could be partners in crime, each working tirelessly in their respective domains to prove that the hotel works and constantly cheering each other on.
connected to the above, i love the potential of charlie's angels - specifically the idea of emily falling because she dared to question the order of things and help charlie, and vaggie unexpectedly welcoming her with open arms because she knows what it feels like to be abandoned by those you loved and trusted.
though i feel they fumbled it on the show, the potential of rainbowmoth is incredible. an ex-exorcist having to deal with the guilt of what she's devoted her life to and making up for that by protecting and helping the daughter of lucifer, who is unexpectedly the kindest and most caring girl she's ever met, and doing everything she can to make her dreams a reality. the bodyguard x ward, sunshine x sunshine protector energy these two have.
i love the one-sided, unrequited love of radiostatic. the idea that vox grew up with radio hosts like alastor and dreamed of becoming someone just like them, meeting alastor in his afterlife and growing genuinely fond of him, only to be unintentionally slapped in the face when he realizes alastor doesn't feel the same, and deciding to hate him (because we all know he doesn't really hate alastor, he just makes up for the hole in his heart by acting like he does). or, if we're writing it where they do actually get together in the end, alastor rejecting vox, then having to deal with the conflicting feelings in his head - they're rivals, but he hates the idea of harm coming to vox, or vox focusing his energy on anyone but him. both of them continuously in denial until a heated situation pushes them both over the edge and they finally give in.
then there's radiodust and the strange but lovely respect and bond that could come with it. just the idea of both of them being pranksters to boot, and either starting a prank war in the hotel or working together to pull pranks on everyone else. angel cracks his usual hyper-sexual jokes, but he never pushes it too far with alastor. he greets him every day with "hiya smiles" and alastor hates to admit it, but he's grown fond of it. the idea of alastor making a deal with valentino, or conniving some scheme to release angel from val's deal. the idea of angel, who's probably tired of sex despite his hypersexual behavior, and alastor, who has never been interested in sex, and angel finding a sort of reprieve with alastor.
on the same note, huskerdust. the way their relationship exists on the show is just perfect. the idea of husk, who is immune to angel's flirting, and angel who wants someone who understands what he's going through, someone to relate to - and both of them having a hard time coming out of their shells. both of them trying so hard to maintain the fragile relationship they've created between them (think ineffable husbands). both of them being terrified when they realize they have genuine romantic feelings for each other; husk, who hasn't loved anyone in years and isn't sure he knows how, who used to be in valentino's position, who knows what it's like to have and enjoy having power over others, who is afraid that he'll mess things up if he says anything; and angel whose every relationship has gone to shit, who hasn't experienced a properly healthy relationship and is now afraid to engage with anyone in that way for fear of getting hurt again. and don't even get me started on the idea of overlord!husk x angel and how complex and interesting that dynamic could be.
the idea of radiohusk, especially now that we've seen what their canonical relationship is really like. husk grappling with his hate for alastor, realizing maybe he doesn't really hate him, and that he sees him in the same way that he sees angel - as a faker, someone who hides behind an elaborate mask so no one knows what he's really feeling. alastor refusing to admit that he actually cares about husk as a person, refusing to admit that husk is right, that he's afraid and maybe he needs to face that fear. alastor eventually letting husk go, starting a chain reaction that ends in alastor letting many of his accumulated souls go, and treating others with a bit more respect than he did before.
then, of course, radiohuskerdust - all three of them in the same shit sandwich, coming to terms with their situations and their feelings for each other. all of them with their trust issues and the masks they hold up so the world never knows what they're truly feeling. the three of them grappling with how each relates to the other - alastor, who owns hundreds if not thousands of souls, including husks, and who treats them poorly; angel, whose soul is owned by valentino, who has been abused by his owner for years (and who was likely manipulated into signing the contract under the guise of val actually caring for him); husk, who has been on both ends, giving and receiving, and understands both of them. all of them dealing with the complexity of this, realizing that they have more in common than they think. basically combining the aspects of the previous three ships.
then there's radiorose, the platonically married couple. the idea that they got married for tax benefits and to appease the standards of their time period is absolutely golden. but also, if you wanted to go the romantic route with them - rosie being completely respectful of alastor's boundaries, despite her feelings for him, and alastor realizing she's the only person in his life (other than, perhaps, his mother) who really knows him, the only person he can really talk to without fear of judgment. just the idea of these two being a power couple, whether platonically or romantically.
or, on the more niche end of the spectrum, spidermoth and radiomoth. just the idea (going the romantic route) of vaggie and angel realizing that maybe they aren't as exclusively into girls or guys, respectively, as they thought, and growing on each other more and more. the banter between the two of them, both of them understanding what it means to be betrayed by someone you thought cared about you and had your back, their mutual mistrust of others and their intentions (which could also of course be a point of conflict in their relationship). or the idea of vaggie developing actual feelings for alastor and hating it the entire time, being even more hostile towards him than usual - and alastor finding her hatred of him entertaining, which eventually develops into genuine fondness. alastor teasing her more and more, her reacting even more explosively each time, until finally she can't take it anymore and shuts him up with a kiss. both of them being utterly surprised and refusing to talk about it for weeks. or, on the platonic side, alastor unwittingly proving himself to vaggie as an ally of the hotel and charlie, earning her begrudging respect over time. eventually, his constant teasing of her becomes something she enjoys, and she'll even poke back now and again.
idk just... hazbin ships, ya know?
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unlikelysaintdelele · 6 months
some interesting things i've noted during my ACOTAR reread Pt. 2
*SPOILER WARNING for those who haven’t completed the series*
I finished ACOTAR a few weeks ago but I haven't gotten the chance to transfer my notes until now. Once again, names have been color-coded!
Feyre couldn’t keep her mouth shut only around Rhys. It’s almost like her true self comes out around him.
Anytime Feyre calls on some strength, the image of Nesta comes to mind. She sees Nesta as strong and admires her for that.
A queen without a throne
Are tattooed bargains a night court specialty? I was listening through the graphic audio, as a reminder, so some things slip through.
Pearls in Nesta’s hair. It makes me think of the pearl jewelry Elain later receives from Lucien. I think pearl is meant to represent luxury, and it seems to complement their features.
Elain is the only one with their father’s eyes and I always found it interesting. How similar is Elain to her father? Her father favored her, but I think that’s only because Nesta was cold and Feyre was busy.
Warrior beast vs half-wild beast, Tamlin and Feyre bonding for being unrefined (Disney Beauty and the Beast reference?)
“Don’t ever disobey me again” is honestly not the vibe, Tictac.
I don’t like knowing Tamlin’s anger is on a tight leash with Feyre. He’s angry at her. It feels overprotective in such a suffocating way.
“There you are, I’ve been looking for you.” SOB
The most beautiful man she’s ever seen
Blue eyes so deep they were violet
They just stared at each other! As if in a daze! 
Night pressed in closer around him, smiling
Molded from the night itself, star-kissed night
I have a random “until dawn” note… idk
Cauldron boil me (double, double, toil and trouble… sorry, random silly thought)
Elain began learning to grow veggies! Reminder, the soil at the cottage was crap, it couldn't sustain the veggies. Elain could barely grow flowers. People keep forgetting that Feyre was their only access to nourishment because there was no other choice. Sweet Elain gets so much hate for not using her gardening skills to help, but it was set up so that she couldn't.
Nesta’s iron-will allowed her to resist glamour! I want more on Nesta’s strength. This is one of many reasons why I’ve been a Nesta stan since day one. I know she was cruel but we’re told why in book one. She wanted her father to do something, anything: be a father and care for them. I’m not saying it was any excuse to be cruel, but they were in a shitty situation and she showed her love for her family in other ways. Being willing to lay down her life for Elain? Going after Feyre even knowing it was risky? Asking to be taught to paint? She loves her sisters, she just shows it differently.
Heart of Stone was mentioned for a second time! hehe
Wyyyyyyyyrrrrmmmmmm. I’m a fan of giant worms (Dune, Star Wars). Fun fact about me: I went through a short phase where I just kept writing about worms.
Feyre deems Elain as stronger for being hopeful. She sees so much strength in her sisters and admires them for their differences.
Love Nesta! More Nesta love. She wondered what a woman might do with a fortune and a name. She wanted to travel! She wanted that independence! Pre-war Nesta hurts to experience. She’s opening up now that she’s safe socioeconomically and physically. It makes me wonder what else would have begun to heal if she got more of that peace and security.
Rhys: because I’m tired and lonely. The things he does and willingly puts himself through to protect his court and anyone else he can spare. Love his complexity.
(apparently there's a character limit for each block of text so here's a lil divider)
Honestly? I was vibing with the Tamlin romance, it was chill. The bite was nice. UNTIL Rhys appeared. Timtam just seems so stale in comparison. The chemistry is immediate between Rhys and Feyre, the tension is palpable. I’m still not over how Feyre chose Tampon over Lucien. why would I pick someone so clumsy with affection and who isn’t around nearly as much as the sassy redhead who bickers with me like an old friend? Rhys > Lucien > Tamlin is the order at the moment, and the order will stay until I have to consider the other boys (wait for me batboys).
Tamlin’s dad was Amarantha’s friend! They fought together in the war. Rhys’ father killed Tamlin’s, so Amarantha took Rhys in as a lover as punishment. Amarantha is so greedy honestly, and it's so gross. She wants Tamlin and Rhys but the only reason Tamlin hasn’t been forced like Rhys is that she wants to be chosen, she wants him to come to her willingly
Even in their last moments together, Rhys and Feyre are honest with each other. Honest in a way I've never seen her with Tamlin.
Very excited to begin ACOMAF, my fave book of the series.
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nyxocity · 3 months
Baby Let Me Bang Your Tail Pipe - Dean/Impala/Dom Toretto (explicit)
After the most inexplicable three hours of his life, Dean stands in Dominic Toretto’s garage, which is empty except for the Impala, because Dom’s car is in about fifty billion pieces at the bottom of the river in downtown.
“She was eighty percent badass, twenty percent sweetheart,” Dom had said, somber when Dean had extended his condolences.
Dean had only met Dom three hours and twenty eight explosions ago, but he likes him a lot already.
“Listen,” Dean says, appreciative, “if you hadn’t driven through those three buildings and killed ninety-seven people, me and Sam would be dead right now. I feel like I at least owe you a beer.”
Dean pulls a brown bottle of Margiekugel beer out of the cooler in the backseat of the Impala and hands it to Dom. The second it touches Dom’s hand, it turns into a bottle of Corona.
Dom is beginning to walk around the Impala, looking at the car with undisguised appreciation in his eyes. “Nineteen-sixty-seven Chevy Impala, one of only seven thousand produced, 327 V-8 Turbo-Fire 275 horsepower, dual exhaust pipes, slammed down on a built Hotchkiss performance suspension.”
Dean stares at him in surprise. “Dude. I haven’t even popped her hood yet.”
Dom shakes his head. “Some things you just know. Not built to race, but she purred like a lion earlier,” Dom goes on, his voice low and husky. His dark eyes rake over the Impala’s polished lines and curves, admiration and dark dirty lust Dean recognizes all to well shining in them. “She’s beautiful.”
“She is.” Dean slides a hand along the shiny hood with a proud smile. “Listen. I owe you for what you did today, but I don’t let just anyone put their hands on my girl.”
“You know what happened today?”
“I know you drove through three buildings made out of glass and steel, crashed into a semi, flew through a windshield and landed on the hood of another car before grabbing a rope hanging from a nearby crane and swinging over the edge of a bridge, dropping two miles straight down into a river just before everything exploded for absolutely no reason—including the bridge.”
Dom seems unimpressed by Dean’s recount of everything that had happened on the bridge, and Dean thinks that must be a regular Tuesday for this guy.
“And I saved your lives,” Dom says.
“Yeah.” Dean nods. “I still don’t get how landing on the hood of a car flying at a hundred and thirty miles an hour cushions your impact.”
“Skill.” Dom smirks.
Dean thinks for a moment. “I still don’t get how you’re alive. I’ve died seven times doing way less than that.” He frowns. “A hundred and seven times if you count that one Tuesday.”
Dom takes a drink from his Corona and walks towards him, his eyes squinted nearly shut as he focuses on Dean. “You don’t understand. What I did—what we went through today—that makes us family now.”
“Family, huh?” Dean eyes Dom up and down. “That might make this vibe a little weird.”
Dom huffs out a short, rough laugh. “I don’t think so. I’ve seen how you look at your brother.”
Dean licks his lips, eyefucking Dom harder. “Well in that case, maybe we can—”
“Just the car, Dean.” Sam’s voice is muffled, coming from outside the garage door.
“How can he hear me?” Dean whispers.
Dom nods in the direction of the Impala. “What do you think?”
And well, the guy had defied every law of physics known to man, beast and amoebas and blown up his car and everything else in a fifty mile radius—somehow—to save their lives. Dean supposes the least he can do is share his baby to make up for the loss of Dom’s. He’d like to have Sam join and all four of them could have a good time, but Sam seems to want to sit this one out.
“Do you want to see her, first?” Dean asks.
They look under her hood, Dom touching her parts reverently with gentle fingers, and Dean watches on with approval as Dom compliments her engine. They do a tour of her gorgeously lined, sleek body, and finally Dom rounds the Impala and kneels down by the back bumper.
“Look at the chrome on these tail pipes.” He gives a low whistle of appreciation.
“I take good care of her. I’m a gentleman,” Dean proclaims, walking around to stand next to him. The tailpipes gleam like a diamond in the garage light, spotless and shined to perfection. The left one is his favorite, and he finds his eyes drawn to it like a magnet, cock stiffening at the thought. The darkness at its center calls to him, begs him to take her like he has so many times before—and he will. But not today.
“Be sweet to her. Treat her like a lady,” Dean tells Dom, palm sliding along the edge of her trunk.
“Of course,” Dom agrees, like there was never any question.
“What do you think, old girl?” Dom asks, his fingertips teasing at the center of her hole. “Think you can take me?”
Dean wants to watch, he really does, but he’s got his own hard cock to think about, and they could each take a tail pipe but that could lead to taking each other and Sam specifically anti-approved that. That means he’s going to use the hood and rub off between her headlights. He pulls two bottles of lube out of the glove compartment and hands one to Dom, keeping the other for himself.
He lets his fingers glide along her curves as he walks back to the hood, his raging hard on seeming to pull him along.
He takes a little time, feeling up her headlights, running his hands along the lines of her hood, fingers teasing in the ridges of the grill. He teases until he can hardly stand it, blood pounding, cock painfully hard, and stands up, undoing his jeans and pushing them down around his hips.
His slicks the shaft generously with lube, shoving the bottle in his back jeans pocket and then lowers his hips, shivers racing up his spine fast as the car Dom had blown to smithereens earlier. He lets his dicks slide across the smooth, shiny, waxed surface of her hood and shudders with delight.
Dean pumps his hips like the pistons lying still beneath her hood, feeling the drag and pull of her sleek, cool metal. He can hear Dom grunting, groaning, see his hands caressing the Impala’s trunk, grabbing hold of it as the car rocks harder and harder, hood rubbing against Dean’s dick with sweet friction.
“Oh, what a… good… girl…” Dom grunts, punctuating the pauses between words with thrusts of his hips, and Dean almost comes right there, hearing Dom praising his girl for being such a good fuck.
His girl. And she is good. She’s so good, and Dean doesn’t even have to move anymore, Dom’s twists and thrusts rocking the car back and forth against Dean’s shaft, faster and harder and he can feel the reverberation all through him, feel the tightening in his balls and stomach, orgasm rising up fast and hard inside him.
It hits him like a freight train, like a bullet to the brain blowing out the back of his skull, hips grinding the slick of his come against the hood, so wet and slippery and god it feels like heaven. But he knows nothing feels as good as her tail pipe, that perfect, dark hole filled with lube, dripping wet and taking him deep—the way she’s taking Dom right now—and he can hear the other man coming, feel the graceless rocking of the car as he loses all rhythm, grunting and spurting inside her.
Dean’s eyes roll back in his head and he comes with a violent burst, whiting out with pleasure. He leans against the hood, panting heavily, aftershocks running through his nerves, slick from belly to chest with come, and he leans down, presses his lips to her metal.
“So gorgeous. You never let me down, baby.”
At the back of the car, Dom has gotten to his feet, leaning heavily against the trunk. Through the windshield and rear windows separating them, they share a smile.
“Are you guys done fucking the car yet?” Sam’s voice is less muffled this time from outside the door.
“Just need to clean up,” Dean answers.
When they’re done cleaning her, Dom hands him back the cleaning cloth and gives him a wide smile.
“You know,” he says, “I have an Impala, too. Sexy red and white number, gorgeous chrome.”
Dean can feel his dick trying to get hard again. “Introduce me?”
Dom nods.
“And Sam, too?”
“Of course.” Dom grins. “We’re all family now.”
And they all got into the Impala and sped off down the street, hitting a ramp and flying over two tractor trailers, a space station and sling-shotting around the sun before crashing down and screeching off into the sunset.
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winterisol · 21 days
MotoGP riders sorted into Hogwart Houses (cuz I'm a nerd)
Lets be honest, most of these men are realistically gryffindors or slytherins, cuz they have the pride, courage, ego and sheer stupidity of both houses. But anyways I think this is more about vibes than personality
VR46 Academy:
Pecco = Gryffindor This was pretty easy 'cause he has the gryffindor "I'm always correct" and the "no nonsense unless I cause it" demenor. I think he could also work in slytherin, but idk, he doesn't have the sleaziness to back it up. I also can't see him (at least as a kid) having the confidence to strut around say things like "my father will hear about this!"
Bezz = Slytherin I know, I know he's everyone's soft boy, but I also 1000% see a young Bezz going up to people who wrong him and yell "My father will hear about this!" except he's referring to Valentino and he secretly cries in a far corner of the Slytherin common room at night. He also has the ambition and kinda blind cultish following that most slytherins have.
Luca = Ravenclaw We need someone with brain cells here, and Luca has the no nonsense we must overthink everything type of vibe. Like I can just see him pouring over books at 5 AM before breakfast in preparation for classes. He also would never procrastination, every essay, or assignment completed the day it was assigned.
Franky = Gryffindor Doesn't have the same big presence I would usually associate with Gryffindors but Idk when look at his time in Yamaha I think he has the self-belief and confidence. He also feels like a fighter, like he would never willing start a fight, but once the fighting starts he is not one to back down.
Cele = Hufflepuff He is Bezz's emotional support Hufflepuff. Cele is just so incredibly loyal and he radiates the Hufflepuff soft boy energy. I can just see him in the sunny yellow (it would compliment his blue so well). The scenes just write itself, Bezz and Cele arms linked walking through the snow in Hogsmeade in their respective house scarves.
The other Italians
Diggia = Gryffindor This is not even a question, this man just oozes the ego and confidence of a Gryffindor. I can see him as the star player of the Quidditch team, every day is a new girl (Kinda like young Sirius Black) until he lays his eyes on the most beautiful man ever, Enea Bastianini. And after short (year long) gay panic, Diggia just can't leave Enea alone, and flirts with him until Enea finally folds and agrees to go on a date with Diggia over winter break in seventh year.
Enea = Slytherin I wanted to put him in Hufflepuff so badly, cuz he's my little soft boy. But I gotta match his vibe, and he is literally called "The Beast" on track. So yeah, I could see him as a quiet, but academically ambitious Slytherin. He just quietly goes about Hogwarts, attending his classes and getting top marks in all of them, until Diggia just barges into his life, flirting with him, and never leaving him alone.
Marquez Brothers
Marc = Gryffindor I think Marc could go either Gryffindor or Slytherin, but with his "all in" and comeback story right now it think it would be crime not to put him in Gryffindor. The confidence, the "I don't give a fuck about anyone", "Yeah I'm great what about it" attitude is just so HIM. It would also make his dynamic with Rossi (He's 100% a slytherin I will not accept anything else) interesting.
Alex = Gryffindor Alex is more of a Gryffindor because doesn't want to be separate to Marc than anything else. I think if it wasn't for Marc, Alex would have been in Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff. Hufflepuff because he's my soft boy, but Ravenclaw because I feel like Alex is curious. I could totally see him wanting to invent or discover new things (IRL he did want to pursue engineering which is basically that). But alas the Marquez brothers are a little too co-dependent to put them in different houses.
Other riders (+ Pedrenzo cuz why not)
Aleix = Slytherin He has an evil gay twink polycule, if that isn't slytherin cult behavior idk what is.
Jorge = Slytherin He is the bellatrix lestrange to this gay twink polycule. And he is a snake. no questions? good, onto the next.
Pedro Acosta = Hufflepuff I can see him in the hufflepuff yellow, also while I do think he'd be a part of the polycule, I can't see him in Slytherin. I think the yellow of Huffflepuff just suits him, also he's a grandma's boy, so of course he must go to my favorite house.
Dani = Ravenclaw His disinterest in drama and just doing his job is so Ravenclaw coded. Like people are fighting in the library and he's sat unbothered finishing his advanced potions essay.
Jorge = Slytherin He has the cunning nature, and desire for attention that most Slytherins seem to have. It would also play into any dynamic between Yorg and Vale, maybe a power struggle to be the top dog in Slytherin. He also gives pureblood wizard. I can imagine Dani (I can see him as a half-blood) and Jorge later in life going into the muggle part of London and Jorge is dressed ridiculously cuz he doesn't understand how muggles dress.
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witchywriter18 · 1 year
Raising children with Sebastian
This is a continuation of this headcannon list.
For some reason, I imagine Sebastian as a girl dad. Idk, he just gives off that vibe.
After you both get home from St. Mungo's, you promptly go pass out on your shared bed since you just pushed out a human being.
Sebastian on the other hand is wide awake, sitting in your rocking chair while holding his baby girl.
You're probably out for a couple of hours and wake up to find Sebastian still sitting there and holding your daughter, just staring at her while silently crying in happiness.
After a few days of settling in, your friends start visiting, wanting to see more of the baby and hold her.
Sebastian is very reluctant, not wanting his daughter to be held by anyone else but you and himself.
"Have you washed your hands? Did you wash them for 5 full minutes?"
Yeah, your friends basically need to be squeaky clean before they even think about holding your daughter according to Sebastian. You try to tell him that he's going a little overboard but-
"Overboard? MC, I'm not letting our daughter catch any germs our friends trek in from the outside world."
He can't be swayed. It's a full body scrub down or no holding the baby.
So I actually looked it up and breast pumps were a thing at this time (they were invented in 1854). So you make sure to pump regularly so that if you're not available, there's a supply of milk for Sebastian to feed your daughter with.
When Sebastian has to return to work after his leave, he actually considers quitting and being a stay-at-home father. He doesn't want to leave his girls 🥺
"Sebastian, we can't both be the stay-at-home parent. One of us has to be working and my freelance career doesn't provide substantial funds for us to be raising a family. Especially if we want more children after Anne."
"*sigh* Fine! I'll go back to work! But I won't like it!"
So he begrudgingly goes to work, pouting the whole time.
"Damn society, need money to function. I just want to stay at home with my wife and daughter but nooooo! Money is unfortunately needed to be earned to be able to live and support a family!"
"Um, Mr. Sallow? Maybe now isn't the time since we're currently on a potentially dangerous mission?"
Any enemies that get in his path are promptly eradicated in his annoyed rage.
As soon as the clock strikes 5 o'clock, he is out! Goodbye! Anything else you have for him can wait until tomorrow! He has a wife and child go smother in kisses!
"I'm home! Where are my beautiful girls?!"
It's like this everyday now. Pouty when he leaves, full of energy when he returns. Not always great when Anne is napping....
Safe to say Anne is a daddy's girl. Not to mention she has Sebastian wrapped around her little finger. Gets that from you though.
"Sebastian, is that another stuffed toy? Didn't you already bring Anne one two days ago?"
"Yes but look! This one's a snake! I just need to find a badger one to go with it.... maybe just get one of every Hogwarts mascot."
Yeah, your daughter is SPOILED!!! She has to make grabby hands at something and it's hers.
There was arguing at who's name she'd say first.
"She's going to say 'papa' first, I guarantee it!"
"No, I think it'll be 'mama'."
"SNUFFLES!" *happy Graphorn noises in the background*
Did I mention that you take Anne to visit your beasts? You do and they're all so gentle and sweet to her. ESPECIALLY your Graphorn, Snuffles. He keeps his tail away from her though since it's spikey.
Once Anne is a year old, Sebastian is ready for another.
"Come on love, we agreed that after Anne turned one, we'd discuss about having another baby. Please?"
"Sebastian, it's literally midnight. Ask me again after Anne's birthday party. Now go to sleep."
Yes. Yes he did wake up as soon as the clock struck midnight on your daughter's 1st birthday.
One week later, you and Sebastian actually sit down to discuss having another baby.
"If you're going to put another baby in me, at least take me out to dinner first."
"Done. I'll go call Ominis and Poppy to watch Anne!"
"I didn't mean right this second!"
Is anyone surprised he got you pregnant again a month later? No? Okay then.
This time though... it's twins.
"Since I'm giving birth to two babies at once, you have to wait two years this time around before you even bring up the subject of more children. And I'm not making any promises."
Your twins are fraternal brother and sister. The boy is named Eleazar (after Fig 🥲) and the girl is named Áine (Celtic goddess of wealth and summer, name meaning "radiance")
When it is time for Anne to go to Hogwarts, both you and Sebastian are misty eyed. Thankfully for Sebastian's nerves, Feldcroft is a flooflame away if she needs either of you. Or if there's some boys he needs to scare away.
"No boys until I'm dead and buried, understand?"
Then once the twins start school, your little nest is empty until the holiday breaks or occasional visits. And Sebastian is suffering from empty nest syndrome.
"Darling. Since all the children are off at Hogwarts, I was thinking..."
"That you want another child?"
You agree because you also miss your babies and want another one.
9-10 months later, you have another baby girl named Gwen.
Also, if it wasn't clear, every single one of your children has Sebastian's freckles. Your children look like a mix of both of you but they always end up gaining Sebastian's freckles. And his mischievous behavior.
"Sebastian, that is not the purpose of this howler!"
"Oh, right. I mean, HOW DARE YOU SNEAK INTO THE RESTRICTED SECTION!!! THAT WAS VERY WRONG OF YOU AND I'M VERY CROSS!!! *quieter voice* I'm not really, your mother is just making me seem responsible. I am disappointed in you getting caught though. Remind me to teach you a charm next time you visit home."
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muppetebbtide · 1 year
classical name allusions in the locked tomb
sorry guys I'm a one trick pony. I'm sure most of these have been said before but I LOOOVE pulling on threads until they tangle up and get stuck so. these used to be in alphabetical order but then I remembered about some lol. spoilers for all the books. I'm not arguing anything I'm just kicking rocks around
one of the three furies sent to punish mortals for unforgivable crimes (like killing family members... or ppl who have 'sworn false oaths.' get that.)
alecto specifically was sent by juno in book 7 of the aeneid to stir up war amongst turnus and aeneas; she impersonates the latin queen and pretends to be a priestess. might pay off, might not.
queen and mother of princess andromeda (from the perseus myth); infamously vain, boasted that she and her daughter were more beautiful than goddesses and got andromeda stuck on a rock as a sacrifice, good job hon. as punishment gets chained to her throne and set as a constellation forever (this does make me wonder about the parallel to alecto there w the chains, but I don't know if it's worth pursuing, likely not. but I have seen theories that like alecto, she's not actually dead)
tamsyn notes in the back of harrow that this comparison is 'doing her a disservice', however
roman queen of the gods, goddess of marriage, ideal wife etc etc, honestly I think she is likely just called that for the matriarch vibe but if anyone has an insight on why else she's named that lmk. she's a lot chiller than the mythological juno is generally portrayed fjfhjd
priamhark (harrow's father)
priam was hector's father and king of the doomed city of troy; he had one hundred children, almost all of whom die. you can see the parallel I'm pulling here right.
pellemeana (harrow's mother)
peleus was the father of the vastly overpowered achilles, who was his only son. same implication; hundreds of kids from priam + one incredibly OP kid from peleus that spelled the doom of lots of priam's kids = barebone parallel to harrow's creation
if this means we have to consider harrowhark to be either achilles, or hector, or achilles-and-hector... lol oh dear
(if that makes gideon either patroclus or andromache... bonus fear. terror even)
I mean as far as I remember admiral sarpedon wasn't that important so far, but sarpedon is a son of zeus in the iliad that patroclus kills while impersonating achilles. it's like his Big Kill. zeus considers saving him but the others are like 'you didn't let US save our kids' and he's like 'damn true :/' and stops trying to intervene
allusive of aphrodite; it's another name for her, linked to the island where she was supposedly born from the seafoam. an interesting choice. I do like that the dress she's first described wearing is 'seafoam green frills' though, it's like a little clue. the wiki points out that cytheran aphrodite was adopted from the canaanite (ha ha) deity astarte, and had war-like aspects that were later suppressed, which makes a lot of sense.
might be worth noting that if we're going with the ouranos-genital-seafoam thing for aphrodite's origin, that in one version the furies including alecto were also created then, from his blood. they're basically sisters. fun. (or not so fun for john but whatever)
palamedes in mythology was the one to put the infant telemachus in front of odysseus's plough, and therefore force odysseus to renounce his faked madness and go to troy; odysseus never forgave him for this, and one way or the other he gets him killed.
(one might also look to the arthurian sir palamedes, who was in unrequited love with iseult, lost her to sir tristan but wasn't a little bitch about it, and then goes on a quest concerning a 'questing beast', and eventually in one version he, percival and galahad trap the beast in a lake and slay it, so stick a pin in that why don't you)
originally called diomedes (who is, as tamsyn puts it, 'athena's favourite goodboy') but I think that could say interesting things about his ability to go up against lyctors (or even jod) since with a little help from an A-named goddess, the big thing diomedes does in the iliad is wound two gods and make them flee the battlefield... hm
also diomedes is one of the only ones who makes it out the other side of the trojan war lol
possibly allusive of the warrior maiden camilla in book 11 of the aeneid, who kills hella men before being killed herself (because she's the token lady warrior on the opposite side in an ancient epic, she can't survive haha how preposterous.)
happily camilla as she is in the locked tomb cannot be killed off as camilla... because she no longer exists as camilla. paul's here now. say hi.
a (roman) name for odysseus. I know john SAYS he didn't name him after the mythological one, he named him after a dog (the implications there are so... bad), but john lies like a rug and frankly insisting that he didn't makes me feel even MORE like he did, or even if he's not lying it works anyway.
after all, odysseus wouldn't have gotten far without athena's divine intervention; one might even say he owes everything to his patron god, the same way ulysses literally owes everything to john since he and titania were the pet projects from pre-resurrection
I do not want to talk about james joyce I only read one chapter of ulysses for a seminar and that was enough thanks
also, what was ulysses known for but vanishing for ages, being presumed dead, then pulling back up miraculously Not Dead and killing a bunch of people. he could be back... he had that suspicious stoma death like augustine. this is making me realise that loads of the lyctors have suspect deaths
(also by the time the romans got to odysseus they were kind of dubious about him since he had a lot of non-roman traits like 'no honour' and 'outright lying to people for funzies' so if he does come back I half-expect him to be a bit of a nightmare lol but that's probably unfounded)
as mentioned by tamsyn, the name that achilles takes while he's disgused as a woman on scyros to avoid the war, but exposes himself as achilles when he forgets himself and tries to fight instead of flee. I think the parallel there is pretty obvious lol
(and achilles's son, who goes absolutely nutters and kills loads of people in the siege of troy, is called neoptolemus... or pyrrhus.)
means red-haired as well lol... it's a great name for the g1deon / pyrrha / wake / gideon car crash going on
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jocksid · 1 year
Jock Sid
Welcome to my little corner of lusting for masculine men in all their iterations. If you knew me as Bros in the Closet, then I'm afraid to say my old blog was nuked. I'm not gonna reupload my old content, I'll just push forward. In fact, I'm gonna take this opportunity to change up my themes a little. Rationalize the ones that are very similar, get rid of some that don't interest me anymore, and maybe try to do things with a bit more depth and complexity, in the vain of Homolania or Jocked. For now, if you want in-depth descriptions of my current hashtags, check out my website.
In the meantime, check out my Twitter (https://x.com/Jocksid). Or my published works, if you're so inclined (Amazon).
My novel :)
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My other published stories;
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Rapid fire, these are what my themes are about:-
Pure fantasy
#homolania, the land governed by the Party under the rule of Homofascism that mandates all citizens be gay with dire consequences if they're not; #poundtown - an all-gay town and the sexual shenanigans that go on there; #bullbarn is an institute that hires "bulls" - high-T alpha men who are paid to breed (mpreg); #man&boiwife, for alpha husbands who take omega bois as wives to breed them to build large families of sons (mpreg)
#jocked follows Coaches who train young men to be gay jocks, bulls or cheerleaders; #gymbros is about my boi Mark who makes sexual sport of the men at the Warriors of Sparta gym; #brocode codifies rules of life for sexually confused bros to keep them honest and bro (only not); #pornstarstateofmind for all men taken by egosexuality and sexual narcissism; #boyswillbeboys, cause won't they?
At your service
#diaryofagoodboi, the cummings and cummings of a good boi - a service-oriented man who devotes his life to pleasing other men; #himbosRus, for all the dumb-dumb himbos out there who just wanna be good sluts for men; #yourbigdumbboyfriend is about your boyfriend, who's very big and very dumb.
Just gay things
#gaychad makes clear that gay men can be alphas, and how! #asktell, as in don't ask, don't tell, for closeted men who engage in gay sex, often with other closeted men, and don't want anyone to know about it; #dadsandlads, for every guy who's thought the word "daddy" and got hard; #straightmate is good-natured straight men engaging sexually with their gay friends.
Getting toxic
#worshipyourbully focuses on bullies and the fuckmeat who service them; #topsrule deprecates bottoms and puts tops on a pedestal; #conquered puts one man under the heel of another, usually in some kind of role-reversal (for instance, a younger man domming an older man).
My packs
Finally, I like writing about groups of men (packs) who live in dens and follow certain codes of ethics; #fenris for all the wolves who seek loyal brotherhood above all else; #tauron for all the dirty, filthy beasts; #ares for the toxic fuckbois who only top; #meatheads for all the roided pieces of muscle meat; #cerise for butch bottoms who live to make tops their bitches; #orion for beautiful, prissy stars; #summer for the drones who want to surrender their individuality to the hive; #liberius for black kings showing their superiority; #rosiée for fem twinks chasing that straight dick.
#realmen is daft little comments about what it takes to be a "real man"; #gayagenda is about how to spread gayness far and wide (both of these are silly and purely for fun... unlike everything else I write which is deathly serious!)
And that's everything I think. If you knew my previous blog then you'll notice that #femsontop, #trophybody, #fuckmeat, #bisexualking #ruggered, #str8h8, #goodboi and #bro4bro are all gone. I'll still be writing their content, they'll just fall under one of the other themes that fits the same vibe.
Thanks for supporting me and enjoying my content.
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angelosearch · 9 months
Overthinking "Eyes on Me" and it's 3 AM and here is my crackpot theory with cited sources:
In an interview with Nobuo Uematsu, Final Fantasy VIII’s composer, in the 2005 Ultimania Omega, Uematsu says Celine Dion was considered for the Final Fantasy VIII theme, “Eyes on Me” (GameFAQs). This fact has been rolling around in my head since I learned it a few weeks ago. I started to listening to “Eyes on Me” with fresh ears. Sure, I thought, I could imagine Celine Dion singing this. It would be great.
Tonight, I was listening to Celine Dion (to be completely transparent, stoned) and “Eyes on Me” doesn’t just sound like something Celine would sing. It is a Celine song. Sonically, it sounds a lot like “My Heart Will go On” (1997) – especially the opening of both songs. Listen to them back-to-back.
Also similar in sound is “Beauty and the Beast” (1991).
I wish I knew more about music theory to explain what else sounds similar about these songs. But anyway.
It’s not just that these songs are sonically similar to “Eyes on Me.” The vibe is the same. The love stories, especially the ones told on her “most critically and commercially successful album” Falling Into You (1996), have the same intensity and drama as Squall and Rinoa’s love story (Wikipedia).
And isn’t that what Final Fantasy VIII (1999) is all about, an epic love story? Look at the logo. It’s literally Squall and Rinoa holding each other. The other Final Fantasy logos are not like that.
Celine is at the top of her career in the mid-to-late 90s. She is internationally known as the “Queen of the Power Ballad” (MTV). She tours in Japan in 1998 on her “Let’s Talk about Love” tour (that’s the album my “My Heart Will Go On” is on) and her tickets sell out in a day (Wikipedia).
And this videogame, where the love story is the focus, has the special opportunity of being the first Final Fantasy with a full-length live-recorded vocal track, something Squaresoft had been wanting to do for years (finalfantasy.fandom.com). This is a moment that needs to blow people’s mind.
Celine Dion would be the perfect choice for this song, from a marketing perspective. I believe she was a strong contender for the performance, and, honestly, I think they tried to get her but couldn’t.
Why do I believe they shot their shot with her and failed? Okay, this is where I go full conspiracy theory.
Because the song was such an integral part of the game, the developers wanted Julia to share similarities with the actual singer of the song. This is why, in the final game, Julia was animated to look like Faye Wong (finalfantasy.fandom.com).
But it turns out Julia has some things in common with Celine Dion. Celine started her career singing in a piano bar. Like Julia, she became an instant success with her public debut. Celine first got famous singing in French, and while I know she is French-Canadian, I find it interesting that Galbadia has a lot of French symbolism. Deling City, where Julia performs, has the Arc de Triomphe after all (finalfantasy.fandom.com).
Those are the strongest comparisons. But also, for your consideration:
The first song that she recorded ("Ce n'était qu'un rêve" which translates as "It Was Only a Dream" or "Nothing But A Dream" – also Final Fantasy VIIIish title) was sent to René Angélil who first became her manager, and, later, her lover. He was 26 years her senior. To me, this has a lot of tonal similarities to Julia/Carraway’s relationship.
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Does anyone else think this red cut-out Versace gown at the American Music Awards in 1993 kinda looks like Julia’s dress? Even if not, look through Celine Dion’s outfits from the 90s. This is the kind of thing she would have worn, and also red seems to be her color (BAZAAR).
Final Fantasy VIII also SEEMS like it was heavily influenced by “My Heart Will Go On” and/or Titanic in general. I think there’s a reason there are dozens of “My Heart Will Go On” Final Fantasy VIII AMVs on YouTube – The song fits the game perfectly. Have you SEEN the official music video for this song? I don’t know, I see lots of parallels.  
Some of the most romantic scenes in Final Fantasy VIII either take place on a balcony or in view of the ocean, just like in Titanic. Titanic has a dance scene too, though I cannot speak to how similar these are. This seems too outlandish to be relevant but I am going to throw it out there: River Phoenix, who Squall’s facial features were based on (Wikipedia), was considered for the role of Jack in Titanic (IMDb). Maybe the developers wanted a “Jack” of their own.
And DO NOT GET ME STARTED on the Final Fantasy VIII/Beauty and the Beast parallels. I’m just going to link to these gif sets: [x] [x]
And then in FREAKING 2007 Celine Dion comes out with, GET THIS, “Eyes on Me.” But it’s a completely different song. So if you Google “Celine Dion Eyes on Me,” you can’t find anything about them considering Celine for the videogame theme under all the other search results. CELINE WHAT ARE YOU HIDING?!
So here is my stupid conspiracy: I think the game was written, at least in part, as a love letter to Celine Dion in an attempt to do anything to get her to sing for them. I am pretty sure videogames did not have big artists featured at the time, and she was literally the artist of that moment. It would not be easy to convince her to work with them, so they put in Celine easter eggs to try and get her to agree. Because imagine how much bigger Final Fantasy VIII could have been if they could say Celine Dion was attached to it? Hell, I am pretty sure my mom would have played it if that was the case.
I know that the story is that they went through CDs and Faye Wong was the top choice—and don’t get me wrong, she did a great job, and she still made the song super famous—But I just think this is A LOT OF PARALELLS to just ignore.
All I am saying is, what the fuck is Final Fantasy VIII about if not “The Power of Love”?
Thank you for coming to my TedTalk.
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light-lanterne · 1 year
(took a ten-minute nap and had a harrowing dream :O )
tw // mentions of vampirism, murder and violence - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ☽ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - here's a short offering, @saffirez, @yearninginblue, @hyperfixationcentralsvoid, @holyvirgilscriptures, @catboy-cabin (i hope it's okei to tag, since this is long enough to be considered a ficlet but not a proper thing still x.x )
byler royal au (perhaps medieval, perhaps a little after) where will is a ruthless monarch. feared by many, revered by most; he is known for his beauty just as much as he is known for his iron fist and there is no one who dares oppose him for they know it's a death wish. what's more, rumours of vampirism and human sacrifice surround his name and there's a lot to support these claims but ultimately, they are just rumours no one can prove.
except... well, mike can prove them. a knight of the highest order who served will's father until his death, mike has been granted permission (and earned the right) to live in the castle's grounds and as such, he's witnessed two sides of will no one else has seen (and lived to tell the tale):
on the one side, will is actually rather sweet and gentle, his stony demeanour nothing but a facade to make up for his youth and, therefore, his perceived lack of experience (which could lead to someone trying to overthrow him). he treats everyone with kindness and respect and never raises his voice within the castle, not even in the war room.
on the other hand, however... all the rumours about him are true, as far as mike can tell. young people enter will's quarters and never come back out, the stench of blood and viscera plaguing the air as soon as the moon rises in the sky, and mike has personally witnessed suspicious-looking remains be stuffed in sacks by fearful servants, sacks that are then thrown to the pig dens shortly before dawn, evidence of the horrors disappearing in a matter of minutes.
night after night, screams of agony and misery haunt the castle's hallways and, as the people's champion, mike knows it's his duty to do something about it. tell someone about it. his words hold weight and a simple accusation on his part could be enough to get the ball rolling when it comes to ridding the kingdom of such a treacherous being.
but he can't. not when will is so full of life and joy and smiles so beautifully at him. not when will's life has been a series of mishaps he's only now getting the chance to heal from.
surely, mike's got it wrong. there's no way someone like will is responsible for what the rumours claim, right? no way he can be a cannibal or vampire or whatever else the people love to whisper about in dark taverns and empty alleyways... right? in fact, he's going to prove it! he's going to sneak into will's quarters at night and he'll find a totally reasonable explanation for everything, and then he'll be able to dispel the murmurs with a first-hand account of the truth!
and if he finds that everything that was told, everything he himself had observed, was real, then it's not his job to tell anyone.
and if he discovers that will is genuinely this monstrous being that everyone sings about to scare children at night, then it's not his fault everyone believes it to be a folk tale.
and if he suddenly finds himself being looked down at by these very dark eyes, hungry eyes, and he's suddenly forced to choose between what's right and what he wants, then it's not his fault when he follows the pull —not unlike gravity— that's urging him closer, deeper into an insanity he's now a part of purely by his own volition, the likes of which he finds unable to feel guilty about the second will shoots him a smile.
- the end -
(there are perhaps two bylers in the entirety of this hellsite who will get the reference (me being one of them), but if anyone's heard "cruelty and the beast" by cradle of filth,,, you know what vibes i'm going for ~ also, as i wrote this i suddenly came to the realisation that i essentially cleradin'd @foodiewithdahoodie's forbidden fruit au so yeah, my brain remains entirely unoriginal x.x)
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acourtofthought · 1 year
I think Elain’s book is going to be much more plot heavy than Nesta’s book. We have:
- Elain’s powers. She’s clearly not *just* a seer, so we have a lot to explore. I love your theory about her being a shifter and a healer. I think the reason the Cauldron reacts so positively to her is because she reminds it of the Morher - not violent, kind, nurturing, etc. I know a lot of people see her as weak and as much as I love my sword girls, we need some variety.
- Vassa and Koschei. Elain will be involved, I’m 100% sure. I doubt killing such a powerful death god will be that easy. With the loss of most of Nesta’s powers (which I hated), she probably won’t be able to help much.
- If Lucien is endgame, he has powers to discover, too. Plus all the family drama. Sarah didn’t set up all that to ignore it.
- The bond. Eventually she has to decide what to do. It’s been years and while she doesn’t owe him attention or a relationship, it’s starting to get cruel. I don’t think she has any negative feelings about him otherwise she would have told Feyre to stop inviting him.
I really hope their book is next. I like the NC, but again, we need some variety. All books taking place in 1 court is starting to get boring. Not to mention we don’t even get to see any beautiful, secret places. River house, house of wind, Illyrian camps and the CoN. That’s it…
I agree and I do think the Cauldron, on some level, may have sensed that same nurturing vibe from Elain that the Mother had when used the Cauldron so long ago. It might sound cheesy but there has to be some reason it liked her enough to gift her with something.
Nesta has a possible direct link to the Mother so it's not all the crazy to consider Elain has her own connection (the scene from Moana always pops into my head when I think of Elain, where Te Fiti is throwing flowers everywhere 😂). She has a Mother Earth vibe about her.
The biggest part of Nesta's journey was Nesta learning to let go of the anger she had in her heart that prevented her from making connections with others and from being happy.
Even after trauma and drastic changes to her life, Elain has been able to bounce back and still connect with others, even people she's never met before. Do I think she's 100% fulfilled right now? No, but I don't think she's struggling to have human connections in the same ways Nesta did so her story won't need to focus on the same things.
I would be surprised if Elain were only a Seer which basically keeps her delegated to the background waiting to have visions. How can she defeat Koschei being just a Seer?
Feyre is Rhys's mate, his equal and she not only inherited his powers but the powers of all the other High Lords as well. He might be the most powerful High Lord in all of history but she's unlike anyone else.
Cassian has a raw killing power that is on a whole other level than a normal Illyrian and Nesta, his mate (and equal) was given the power of death that even trumped Cassian's own. We don't know exactly what remains after giving back what she took but her ability to wield the Trove items makes her power limitless in battle.
Lucien is set up to be a High Lord of Day with a beast form AND also has a strong affinity for fire from his mothers line. I'm sure Seers are uniquely powerful in their own way but does it make sense that when SJM prefers the females to shine and partake in the action, Lucien gets to be a High Lord with the ability to winnow, with the ability to shift into a beast form, with the ability to wield fire, with the ability to not only fight as he trained as a warrior throughout his life but also with a clever and cunning inteligence, with the burning light of the sun, with the ability to work with spells and such, and Elain, his supposed equal, is only a Seer? Something about that does feel unbalanced to me. No, I don't think Elain will ever be a warrior but again, Lucien having the ability to do all that while Elain sits around calling on visions seems anticlimactic and a bit boring for a main character in a fantasy novel.
But Elain as a healer of which there may actually be hints for? That's a big deal considering it would give her the ability to do something for others when they are hurt which canonically bothers her. Elain as a healer with the ability to defeat Koschei as Yrene was able to defeat the Valg and the Valg infections? That's a big deal. Elain being able to shift into an owl and fly which is a match for Lucien being able to winnow and having a flying beast form (like Helion's which I think is supposed to be an eagle type of creature?) Again, that makes her a match for Lucien. If I'm remembering correctly, Rhys also mentions that others outside the NC would have expected him to gift Feyre powers as his High Lady which means Lucien, if he were to become High Lord could grant Elain powers too.
And just as you said, there is SO much plot that is hinted at in SF for them. Is it a guarantee these things will happen? Definitely not, we won't know until their book.
But there are things in the book that we can connect to them.
Freeing Vassa from her curse and defeating Koschei.
Elain and Lucien in Spring, either helping Tamlin get back on his feet and the people trusting him again or THEY could be responsible for leading Spring in some way especially as Vassa and Jurian are currently "ruling" over the land that borders Spring and we know it's important that human / fae relationships are strong at this time in their history.
Lucien discovering his full powers and finding out about Helion.
Elain discovering her full powers.
Lucien is connected to the Prison through Helion and the Pegasus which means Elain could have a connection through Lucien and the plants (I'm guessing?) that the Pegasus used to feed on have disappeared, something she could possibly fix. There's also a chance that Koschei's soul is hidden somewhere within the walls of the Prison.
Lucien could reconnect with his mother in his book, finding his way back to Autumn. He could end up having to kill Beron which would finally bring him peace for getting justice for Jesminda.
They both need to let go of their pasts for good (Jesminda and Graysen).
They can connect over Lucien having spent time with Papa Archeron.
Lucien and Elain have a lot of possible ground to cover in their book. Spring, Day, the Prison, possibly Autumn, the Continent. It would be so different from any other ACOTAR novel and SJM might have set things up for a really epic adventure.
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thealmightyemprex · 1 year
Fairy Tale June:SHirley Temples Storybook Rapunzel
Today we look at Shirley Temples Storybook,a childrens show hosted by Shirley Temple .Its very similar to Shelley Duvalls Fairy Tale Theater ,but instead of just fairy tales its children stories in general .SAdly a lot of the early episodes are lost (Including an adaptation of Beauty and the Beast starring CHARLTON HESTON as the Beast ,Oh God do I WANT THAT ) but one of the ones that does exist is this adaptation of Rapunzel
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In this 1958 TV episode Prince Peter (Don Dubbins) goes in search of a beautiful voice ,to find the voice belongs to Rapunzel (Carol Lynley) a long haired woman trapped in a tower by the Witch (Agnes Moorhead )
Before I go into the episode....Anyone else find it weird there arent a lot of Rapunzel adaptations .I mean their there but not as common as say Cinderella,Snow White or Beauty and the Beast
As for the episode....Theres a lot I liked but it was just OK .I wanna stress its good,but I have seen better versions of this tale and better episodes of this show,if you want a better Shirley Temple adaptation of a fairy tale I reccomend her episode on the Little Mermaid
Theres just some deopped plot threads that go nowherelike the King wanting Prince Peter to marry a Princess and it didnt add anything ,I thought the romantic leads were just OK and I didnt get the witchs motivation at all ....But the last one I can excuse cause its a fairy tale and villains just do evil things .Her defeat is lame though.
What I do like is the blkack and white cinematagrophy giving it a creepy vibe ,especially during the witch scenes .I thought Alexander Scourby was great as the King ,I like that the witch killed the father,and yeah lets talk about the best aspect :Agnes Moorhead as the Witch .While everyone else is pretty subdued,she is going so theatrical which is perfect for a fairy tale witch ,shes just so fun to watch
Do reccomend to fairy tale addicts but not my fave
@ariel-seagull-wings @themousefromfantasyland @angelixgutz @autistic-prince-cinderella @the-blue-fairie @amalthea9 @princesssarisa @scarletblumburtonofeastlondon @filmcityworld1
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