#anyone know if jjs okay tho???????
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radiant-reid · 1 year
Reader drunk calling Spencer to pick her up from girls night and the entire way home she keeps hitting on him and trying to seduce him but they just started sleeping together snd he’s a consent king so he keeps saying no even tho it’s getting harder and harder to resist and eventually she starts crying and he’s like “what’s wrong? Did you hurt yourself?” And she is sobbing going “my boyfriend my super sexy amazing boyfriend doesn’t think I’m hot” and he’s frantically shaking his head while blushing bc she called him sexy and she’s like “if I’m so hot why won’t you sleep with me? Do you think sex with me is bad?”
All you want to do is talk to Spencer. Honestly, it's slightly pathetic, and you'd be calling Penelope, JJ, or Emily whipped if all they could talk about was their boyfriend.
Still, Spencer isn't like anyone else.
He picks up within two rings. "Y/n, what's wrong?" The panic in his voice is typical for someone with your jobs.
"Nothing, nothing." You assure his worries, running a hand through your hair. "Sorry for calling so late."
"Or early." He laughs slightly. "Aren't you meant to be out with the girls?"
"Yeah, we went back to Penelope's." You inform him, shuffling on your feet on the balcony. The cool DC air feels good on your warm skin. "I just- I wanted to talk to you."
You can almost hear the smile on his face. "Do you want me to come get you?" He offers.
"I was about to call an Uber home." You inform him.
Spencer's already climbing out of bed, grabbing his glasses from the side table since he's not going to waste time putting contacts in. "No, don't." He tells you while he rustles around, jumping into some pants so he doesn't end up in front of his colleagues in his underwear before grabbing his keys and wallet and slipping into some shoes. "I'm coming to get you. You can't get an Uber this late."
He knows you can kick ass, and you know he knows, but you appreciate how much he cares and wants to keep you out of potential danger. "Okay, thank you." You say before hanging up.
Thanks to the clear roads, he's there in seven minutes, and you quickly say goodbye to the girls once you see his car on the street, not worried about their teasing.
Spencer gets out of the car, waving up at Penelope's window and helping you into the car. It's good that he does because you're so drunk you can't walk properly. "You okay?" He asks. "I brought water." He nods to the bottle in the cupholder.
"You're the best." You tell him, leaning over to kiss him on the cheek. "Love it when you wear your glasses, you know?" You ask rhetorically, sliding your hand onto his knee. "You look so hot."
He shakes his head. "Y/n." He warns.
"What, baby?" You ask, experimentally moving your hand further up. "You deserve a proper thank you for being so valiant."
"Words are enough." He assures you, keeping his eyes fixed on the road as he moves your hand up to kiss the back of it. "Want me to drive you to your place?" He offers, although he's taking the correct turns to get to his place.
You shake your head quickly. "No, please, I want to sleep with you." You say, hoping he catches the double entendre.
He just nods, driving back to his place while you sit there in silence.
You're determined to get what you want, and your efforts don't stop when you get into his apartment. He grants you a quick kiss that you quickly deepen.
Spencer pulls away. "You taste like rum... white rum."
"Mm, good spot." You compliment him, running your hand down his chest. Spencer pulls back when you go to kiss him again. "What? You drink mojitos."
"Baby, you're drunk." He reminds you.
"And hot for you." You add, pressing your hips to his. He's not hard at all, but you're not going to let your momentary disappointment take over. "Come on, Spence. I want to have sex."
He cups your cheeks, shaking his head. "I can't do it." He tells you.
You bite down on your lip to avoid crying, but you desperately want to be out of his gaze. Never has anyone rejected you, let alone Spencer, who has always been eager to have sex with you. "I need to use to bathroom."
"I'll bring you some water." He tells you, moving away and letting you scurry away.
You cry as soon as you're behind closed doors. It would be stupid, but you've had enough to drink that the smallest thing feels like it could set you over the edge, and Spencer rejecting you is the worst ending to your night.
After a few minutes, Spencer taps on the door. "Hey, are you alright?"
"Mhm." You answer through sobs.
"Y/n, please, I can hear you crying." He begs, sounding sad himself, and you hate that you made him feel like that. "Talk to me. I can help."
Quickly, you feel angry, throwing the door open and meeting your boyfriend's soft eyes. "You can help? How could you possibly fix that you're not attracted to me?" You ask him, furious tears still spilling out of your eyes.
Somehow, his face softens more. "What, baby? What made you think that?" He asks.
"You can't have sex with me because you don't think I'm hot anymore." You complain. "And you're so hot, and now that you're not attracted to me, this will never work."
Spencer pulls you over to sit on the edge of the bed before sitting next to you. "I think you're the most gorgeous person in the world." He assures you. "You're beautiful, pretty, sexy, cute, and, of course, hot. I said I can't have sex with you because I can't, not because you've done anything wrong or because I don't find you incredibly attractive." He reminds you. "You've had enough white rum that I can taste it, and it wouldn't be right for me to have sex with you because you can't consent."
"Oh." You say, blush filling your cheek at being so wrong.
"Hey, hey, don't do that." He says softly. "Don't be embarrassed."
You sigh. "You're so sweet, you know?"
"It's the bare minimum." He reminds you. "Do you want to sleep?"
You nod. "Please... and there will be sex in the future when I'm sober."
He laughs at you, kissing you on the lips. "I'll eagerly await it."
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astrophileous · 11 months
fem!reader x derek morgan, where they're like really flirty and i mean like kissing, holding hands, reader sits on his lap.
and after a case hotch is like yelling at derek because they had a disagreement, and reader comes in and was like "stop yelling at my best friend!" and he freezes because he genuinely thought that they were dating.
and they get teased n shit, and later reader cant sleep so derek is playing with her hair and he mumbles "i love you." and she says it back, and her words are slurred because shes so tired.
ty for the request honey!! I changed a few details abt it, I hope that's okay?? The main gist is still the same tho so I hope you like this ❤️
Warning(s): fem!reader, profanities, angst a lil bit bcs Derek is having inner turmoil, mutual pining (they're both idiots)
This blurb was written as a part of the "Zara's Birthday Bash and Road to 1K" celebration.
Zara's Birthday Bash and Road to 1K Masterlist / Criminal Minds Masterlist
"It wasn't his fault."
Your voice cut through the silence as an unforeseen rapier. Every pair of eyes in the station fell on you in instinct. You despised the attention with every fiber of your being, but in that moment, there was nothing you wouldn't do to save Derek from being appointed as the fall guy, including offering yourself up as a temporary human spectacle as you stepped forward to where the three men were huddled up.
"Agent (Y/L/N)," Hotch warned in his familiar commanding lull.
"Sweet girl," Derek's voice came a little quieter, "what are you doing?"
You ignored your two fellow teammates as you faced the tall man between them. "I'm sorry, Sheriff. We never intended to overstep your authority. We didn't know the witness was one of our UnSubs when we visited his house. Agent Morgan was only acting in favor of my safety, so really, if there's anyone you should be mad at, it should be me."
The sheriff assessed you with rancorous eyes before turning back towards Hotch. "Get your team under control, Agent. Remember that y'all are a guest here."
With that last message, the sheriff walked away and disappeared into his office. Hotch turned to you and Derek following the sheriff's departure. "We'll talk about this later."
Once Hotch was out of earshot, Derek pulled you towards him. The rest of the station had already returned towards their previous tasks, safe for several pairs of eyes belonging to your other team members who seemed too eager to catch a snippet of your conversation with Derek. Before you could reprimand them, Derek's voice suddenly erupted, "What the hell are you doing?"
You turned your head and frowned. "What?"
"Why did you say all of that stuff to the sheriff, sweetheart?"
"Because it's the truth? You did make that call because you were protecting me, right?"
"I did, but you still didn't need to do any of that. I can take care of it myself."
"Derek—" you sighed, plopping your hand right on top of his shoulder, "—I know you can take care of pretty much everything by yourself, but I don't want you cleaning up my mess just for the sake of our relationship. Let me handle it on my own, okay?"
A hot remark was ready on the tip of Derek's tongue, but the words were soon forgotten when he heard the single word that cut off the circulation completely from his brain. Dumbfoundedly, he stared at you as he said, "Relationship?"
"Well, yeah." You smiled, dragging your hand upward from his shoulder until you were cupping his cheek. "You're my best friend, Derek."
Just as fast as you had flown him to the clouds, you sent Derek plummeting straight towards the ground where he imploded into pieces. The man could barely register the feeling of your lips on his other cheek before he watched you stride away, leaving him standing in the middle of the station like a deer caught in headlights.
"You're my best friend, Derek," Emily teased from where she was standing a few feet away. Behind her, JJ and Spencer were laughing along. "Seriously, why don't you two just make it official already?"
Derek flipped the three of them off, earning another series of laughter from his coworkers before he walked off towards the direction of the pantry. In the back of his head, Emily's question lingered like a shallow wind.
Seriously, why don't you two just make it official already?
Maybe because Derek thought you were official.
But apparently, according to you, you weren't.
So what the hell did that kiss that the two of you shared at the end of your last movie night even mean?
For the rest of the team's stay in Pasco, Florida, the ambiguous status of your relationship became a permanent fixture in Derek's mind. It haunted him even after he boarded the BAU's jet, preparing for the flight back home towards Quantico, Virginia. He was too lost in his own world that he didn't realize you had been calling out his name until your hand touched his cheek.
"Hey, you okay?" you asked worriedly.
Derek was sitting on the long sofa at the end of the cabin; and you, as always, were lying on the same sofa with your head resting on his lap. He still remembered the first time the two of you assumed this habit on the jet, receiving cheeky glances and playful jabs from the rest of the team in the aftermath. The teasing had dwindled significantly by now. Everyone was so used to the sight that it didn't warrant a surprised reaction anymore.
Derek, on the other hand, didn't think he could get accustomed to this.
As he stared down towards your inquisitive eyes, Derek realized that the sight of your face still took his breath away as much as it did the first time he laid eyes upon you. He brought down a finger and ran them up and down your cheek, his heart inflating when you rewarded him with a gleaming smile.
"Wanna come over tonight? We didn't finish that movie last week," you offered.
At the mention of your last movie night, Derek's mind traveled back to the memory of your kiss. It was nothing grand, just a five-seconds heaven where Derek's tongue had tasted remnants of the wine you shared and a little something else that he was sure had uniquely belonged to you. He sealed it with another peck on your forehead after that, wishing you a good night rest and a fantastic dream as he left the comfort of your apartment.
Derek couldn't sleep that night. After all, that was the best kiss the man had ever had in his entire life; but it looked like you hadn't felt the same way as him about it at all.
This knowledge was a stake right through Derek's heart. Everything tasted bitter as he swallowed, and perhaps that was reason enough to why the next words tumbled out of his lips in a reply, "Sorry, sweet girl. I've got errands to run. Next time?"
Derek pretended not to see the way your face collapsed in disappointment at his answer.
Back at his own apartment, Derek proceeded to spend a whole hour flipping through TV channels until his hand was numb. Many of his nights lately were spent in your company, and as the surrounding solitude closed in on him, Derek realized that he didn't remember how to spend nights by himself anymore. He was absentmindedly changing the channel yet again when his finger suddenly stopped frozen on the remote.
Your favorite movie was showing on the TV screen.
Perhaps it was ludicrous to claim that seeing the movie he had always associated with you appear on his TV was a celestial omen, but Derek deemed it an enough sign for him to get his ass off the couch and drove all the way down to your apartment. He stood in front of your door not even twenty minutes later, having sped through traffic as if he were invincible to every threat on the roads. You opened the door for him on the third knock, your eyes blown so widely out of proportion when you spotted him standing on your doorway.
"Derek? What are you doing here?"
"Sweet girl, are you... have you been crying?"
"Don't lie to me." Derek took two steps forward, closing the front door behind him as he was finally standing inside your apartment. "What's going on, sweetheart?"
His question managed to break the last dam in your ribcage, sending you straight into another flood of uncontrollable tears. You leaped into Derek's arms out of the blue, cramming your face into his chest as your tears soaked the front part of his shirt.
"I'm sorry, Derek. I'm so sorry."
"Sorry? What are you sorry for, sweet girl?"
"T-The kiss. We shouldn't have done that. We shouldn't have k-kissed. It was a mistake."
Derek's stomach crashed squarely towards the ground. "A mistake?"
You nodded against his chest, pulling away to stare directly at Derek's face. Your eyes were red and puffy from hours of crying, and yet, Derek still thought you were the most heavenly creature he had ever seen in his entire life.
"That's w-why you've been acting strange, right? The kiss? Y-You're mad at me because of the kiss?"
"Wait. What—"
"I-I didn't... fuck—I didn't mean for everything to come to this. I never meant t-to make you run from me like this. I'm so, so sorry."
"I can pretend! Please, I can pretend like it never happened. T-That's what you want, r-right? I can forget about the kiss as long as—"
You didn't have the chance to finish your sentence.
Not when Derek suddenly pressed his lips against yours, seizing the words and the breath thoroughly out of your throat.
Butterflies erupted in the pit of your stomach. Nothing else mattered in the world except for Derek's hands on your skin and the way his tongue danced with yours as he deepened the kiss even further. You could've spent the rest of eternity kissing him like this if it weren't for the need to come up for air. That was the singular reason why you even agreed to pull away at last, albeit reluctantly.
"Derek?" Your voice was thin and fragile amidst the quietude of your home. "I don't understand... I thought—"
"No, sweetheart," Derek cut you off, leaving a quick peck on your lips because he couldn't help himself. "Remember in Florida when you called me your best friend? I thought that was your way of telling me you regretted the kiss."
"What? So... you weren't mad at me?"
"No, of course not." He scoffed incredulously. "How could I ever be mad at you?"
"I just thought—"
"Hey, look at me." Derek tilted your face by the chin until you were looking directly into his eyes. "I'm yours, (Y/N). Do you understand?"
"Yes," you whispered. "I'm yours, too, Derek. Forever."
Derek spent the night at your home afterward. Although it wasn't the first time he stayed over, something about it felt fresh and brand new as he lay on your bed as officially yours while you lay next to him as officially his. He nuzzled your body flush against him, entangling every inch of your limbs with his own as he listened to the steady intakes and outtakes of your breathing.
"I love you, sweetheart," Derek murmured against your hair, playing with the end of the strands as he heard you let out another tired sigh. "You know that, right?"
"Hmm? I love you, too," you mumbled blearily, burrowing yourself deeper into his warmth before sleep finally took over your whole being.
Safe to say, you had the best sleep that night than you ever did in your entire lifetime.
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jjclopelover · 3 months
How he talks to/about her v.s. How he talks to/about him
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I'm back with more analysis' about JJPope and why it's better than anything either of them had with Kie.
Today I'm talking about JJ and how he speaks of and to them and why the difference in how he does it speaks VOLUMES.
JJ talking about Kie (S1): "Of course, I'm hitting on her. She's a super-hot, rich, hippie chick, slumming with us. Why? I can't figure it out either, but who cares, bro? I know that door's locked because I tried it. Have you?"
JJ talking about Pope(S2): "Ain't all that bad. Just look at the guy over there. He would do anything for us. That's a Pouge if I've ever seen one. Bone-deep. That's just one man's opinion, though."
JJ talking to/about Pope:
"For once in your life, trust someone else."
"You're the golden boy."
Topper: "Hey, I just wanna make sure everyone here is okay with ending up in federal prison."
JJ: "Uh, if it gets to that, yeah, I'll do it for Pope."
"I'm here for you, Pope. Welcome to my world, okay?"
JJ talking to/about Kie:
"And you--I mean, you're already rich as fuck anyway. Why would you bother?"
"Okay. Not all of us can afford unlimited data plans, Kiara."
"Hell of a job melting it down, Dr.Frankenstein."
(I don't need to put anymore as all of JJ's quotes for Kie are from the first half of S1 lol.)
As you can see, JJ speaks highly of Pope and lowly of Kie. He sees being a pouge as a badge of honor and gave Pope the highest honor. He sees Pope as someone he can relate too and shares a deep connection too.
He doesn't see that with Kie.
And I hear Jiara stans saying "What about S3? He was so worried about her and went back to get her!"
And to that, I say, "Yeah...cuz it's JJ."
His number one trait as a character is his loyalty. It's his best trait as it shows how much he will do for his friends. But also his worst trait as he puts his friends over his own being and in the end it only hurts him.
JJ would have reacted the same if it was anyone else in that situation.
Like when John B was a wanted criminal, JJ did anything for him. (risking to get arrested himself, shooting cops, and being by his side when he was on the run)
Or when Sarah is dealing with Ward or Rafe, JJ is always watching over her. (running after a car that held a drugged Sarah unconscious in the back, jumping in a shipping crate to get her and the cross back, staying by her side, and keeping an eye on her when John B was found guilty in court.)
And even Cleo who just joined the crew, JJ makes sure to treat her like the rest of the pouges. (like when he praised her for convincing Pope's parents to let him go to South America)
And we all know that he would do the same if not more for Pope. (going to jail for him, almost getting arrested for him again, taking over an entire boat of men to get his cross plus Sarah, risking being seen with him at Midsummers when he was supposed to be undercover, taking a beating from his dad for him, fighting for him at the outdoor movie, being super protective about him anytime he was around Limbrey and Renfield, keeping the secret that Pope was the one who actually sunk the boat and lying to the others, bringing Pope to his cousin Ricky's house to save his life even tho Ricky was still pissed at him for stealing his ambulance.)
And many, MANY, more.
The way we are introduced to JJ who loves and protects Pope but pushes Kie aside
The way they "built up" S3 JJ for a toxic relationship with Kie but as a result of that he has to push Pope aside.
The writers and creators gave us s1 JJ, that's how his character was made and supposed to be portrayed. S3 JJ was built off toxic fans who threatened their way into an unfortunate canon ship.
Toxic stans = Toxic ship.
You Jiara stans wonder why JJ felt out of character, or why the Jiara chemistry felt forced or fake. That's because it was.
You can't force chemistry.
All the OBX cast did chemistry reads to see which duos worked together as a couple and which didn't. But the one duo that did not do a chemistry read was JJ and Kie (Rudy and Madi)
because the creators saw no need. as they weren't even thinking of getting those two characters together. JJ was supposed to end up with Cleo. That was one of the many reasons Cleo came back as a main character.
What they would do with Kie and Pope, I don't know and I don't care. But Any ending would have been better than canon Jiara.
JJ treats Pope like he's his partner
JJ treats Kie like she's his sister
But let's be honest...we all see that, don't we?
Editor's note: Sry this took so long lol, life's been busy :)
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stxrslut · 6 months
I just went down the rabbit hole of your blog and now I’m obsessed. I managed to fall far enough to the post about what/who you write for and jj x reader x John b was looking right into my soul. I need to know your thoughts on this, is it like a fwb situation? A full on relationship? How did it start? Love your work ❤️
Also can I please be 🪲 anon?
wait I’ve written jj x reader x John b??? I have no recollection of that omd 😭 anyways it doesn’t matter cause I LOVE the concept. whenever I see people writing about it I am eating that this for breakfast lunch and dinner!!! also tysm and of course you can!!
okay so personally I feel like reader was probably dating jj at first, and then they both begin including John b.
it starts with jj just being an exhibitionist to be honest, maybe having you hump on him when you’re especially needy, and John b just happens to be in the room. then it just escalates and escalates for weeks and weeks to the point where jj just asks the brunette to join in.
I feel like once the sex starts, the relationship just kind of becomes a given and nobody particularly questions it.
jj and John b don’t consider themselves to be dating either, they’re just both dating you. they just see themselves as “bro dude friends” so the idea of being affectionate or engaging in sexual stuff together without you just grosses them out lol.
personally think that the relationship is very domestic & casually dominant on the boys side. that could just be my preference tho cause I prefer being on the more submissive side.
also think they’re very defensive about it. they will never let anyone shame you for your choice of relationship, cause they’re just protective n they don’t want you to get hurt.
also this is kind of off topic but I feel like they argue over you… like you’ll be cuddling John b and jj will be on the other side of the couch just like “dude you’ve had her for like- twenty minutes. lemme have a turn!”
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erwinsvow · 6 months
I know this isn’t the usual speed around here but slightly pathetic whimpery s1 Rafe is to die for!! He’s obviously cocky and entitled but it’s in a more spoiled and almost bratty way so he throws his little temper tantrums when he doesn’t get his way… I think s1 has seriously overlooked toxic Rafe potential
- 💓
wait i know im allllll about season 2 rafe like hes loml seriously but i just started rewatching season 1 and i dont like his hair lol but hes so toxic and gross. i know everyone on here has been talking more about him and like fratboy rafe and i usually refrain but something about being his gf through all of season 1..... im hornee.
in particular im thinking of like how he acts so douchey with everyone in public but its so visible he has a huge soft spot for you.. waves you over when he's just hanging out with his friends to check in that you're doing okay, goes and gets you a fresh drink before giving you a kiss and sending you off back to ur friends.. makes some gross comment about how you were screaming for him in the back of his truck last night after you walk away... kelce is like bro. i always sit in the back.
you'd be lurking in his bedroom when he goes down to 'have a chat' with his dad, like when he gets yelled at about the generators. comes back all angry and literally folds you in half and fucks you until you cry because you are his favorite way to calm down <3 ... (i have no idea what the vibes on this blog are and i dont wanna make people mad but he gets so manipulative... esp if you're just like i don't feeling like fucking again right now or esp in public!!!! which he looooves.... starts going on a tangent about how he provides for you and takes care of you and he's the man of the house and if he needs to relax you should be on your knees already.... sorry omg if ur reading this n youre starting to hate me i apologize in advance. i never talk about scummy scummy rafe but hes real and hes so hot. fully wants you to be like a hyperactive horny bunny just waiting for his dick at all times.... i would 110% start doing it too... ANYWAYS)
he's so spoiled so he likes spoiling you with anything you want... most of the stuff he gets you is pretty much for him tho... gets hard because you wear an RC necklace.. lots of pretty lingerie and babydolls that he likes to rip up...handcuffs because duh.. it's almost always you in the handcuffs but every once in a while he can be convinced to get in them lol
but the temper tantrums are soooo real like especially if you're out with friends or made plans with your parents. like he seriously loves making you abandon your plans to come see him. but then youll show up and hes at a party and selling or ignoring you and ofc you cry because it's like he made you come here and not even giving you any attention... then he'll drag you out by your hair and fuck you SOOO mean in the back of his truck talkin about "just needed this dick, yeah? s'okay, dad's gonna give it to ya hard. then you'll be good as gold won'tya?" ugh. hes so mean.
im still in my rewatch but the scene where him and topper beat up pope:( this especially hits sooo hard w my pogue reader but i can just imagine that being the cause of your first real fight, like you're so upset he can be that cruel but there goes his manipulation tactics.. telling you he needs to be a proactive man to protect you and his friends and his turf. he's not letting anyone walk all over him, regardless if you like them or not. fucks you until you forget all about your pogue friends, and then you end up bandaging his bloody hand for him.
ooohh and when they go to that movie showing.. can just imagine curling up on a lawnchair with him under a blanket, him n the boys are on high alert for jj and pope but he keeps a tight arm around you, goes and gets you a soda and popcorn which you two share.. you don't want him to leave and you whine when he does.. can just imagine the scene where jj and pope turn back to look at him when kie tells them rafe is right behind them. rafe is staring so hard at them while ur tryna feed him a piece of popcorn. LOL
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Heartless - a criminal minds episode\\part 2
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part 1, part 3, masterlist
- english is not my first language please exuse any spelling or grammer mistakes.
- this case is made up
- it happens around the.. 6th season, i think? so the team is Hotch, dave, Morgan, Prentiss, JJ and reid
- it will end up being Reidxreader kinda, tho my main focous is to create a plot line for an episode with a (y\n) charecter.
- lmk what you think - i try to make the charectes as in charecter i can :)
As per Hotches orders, once they've landed Reid and dave went to the MEs office, to take a look at the bodies. (y\n), prentiss and JJ joined Hotch and Morgan at the local police station, tho when they arrived the 5 of them split up - Hotch and morgan setteled in the station and talked to the chief officer, while the rest started interviewing the ex-soon-to-be-wives. … "Mr. Clark, hello, i am SSA prentiss" Emily says, shaking his hand as she sat down. He is wearing his work uniforms - a polo shirt with the symbol of the garage he workes for and a pair of dirty jeans with stains that are probably impossible to remove.
"i am so sorry for your loss, i can't even imagine what you are going through. The guy who was sitting across from her nodded, "thank you" he smiles weakly, clearly forcing himself to keep a more profational deminor, thoe he wasn't sure why, "and please, call me Daniel. mr. Clark is my dad". Prentiss smiles at him, trying to be comforting. "well, Daniel, i have a few questions for you, this might be… not so easy to hear, so take a moment, if you feel like you need it" Emily says, taking a breath herself.
This guy was already heartbroken over his murderd fiance, and now she's about to ask him if there is any chance he was being cheathed on. What an awful way to learn your partner may have been unfaithful. "go on, i am ready for whatever it is. i just want to know who did this to my… to the love of my life" Daniel says, and so Emily asks the question she has to. "Daniel, were there ever any suspitions your fiance was cheating on you?"
… "Mrs. garisson, hey" JJ smiles at the poor woman sitting on the padded chair, eyes red and hair in a messy bun. She is wearing a nice enough dress, clearly attempting to look okay. Layla wipes away the tears streaming down her face. "Hey" she says in a weak voice. "my name is Jennifer Jeroue, i am here with the FBI, we came to investigate what happend to James". "Thank you" Layla says, "i- i heard there were others. Other ones who lost.. lost their Fiance, others that…" she tries to finish the senence but failes. Her cries are painful for JJ to hear.
"Jennifer… why him? of all the people…" Layle askes, "he is such a great guy, everyone…" she stops, realising she is talking in present, "liked him. He was always so kind, and nice…" she continues to talk, tripping on her words. JJ lookes at her, wondering how would she be able to break her heart all over again. "uhm, Layla, i have to ask you this question - don't take this in the wrong way, please, we are just trying to make sure we are covering all our bases…" JJ starts, tho finishing the sentence is proving itself to be harder than she thought it will be, "has anyone ever suspected that james was't loyal?"
"you must be with the FBI" Winnoa says, reaching her hand out for (y\n) to shake. She is wearing a simple yet complamating button up shirt coverd in stripes that matched the ones on her pants. (y\n) cleares their throat and shake the hand that was offered to them, "yes, hello, i am agent (y\l\n), but you can call me (y\n)". "Thank you for coming" Winnona says, "this… this is awful. I don't think something like that has ever happened in our town. "well, this is part of the reason we are here, to help the local police deal with these horrible crimes" (y\n) says, sitting down. "is there anyway i can help? i was already questioned by the officers here, but maybe you can see something they couldn't see in my answears" The woman says, despreat to be of help.
"Winnona, i am very sorry for what i am about to ask…" they start, but they find it hard to figure out a way to finish the sentence. "whatever it is, please" the woman across from them is begging, and so (y\n) clears their throat to ask, tho they end up bearly forming the sentence. "is there any chance… do you think that maybe.. well, Winnona, i am so very sorry - have you ever suspected Sean was being unfaithful?"
"Well, no, never. Fiona was a kind soul, she could bearly hurt a fly. i highly doubt she would ever do such thing" Daniel says, "Why would you even feel the need to ask me this question?" his tone was laced with anger, but rightfully so. Prentiss expected that reaction. "well, just making sure we are looking at all possible leads" She says, "Can you think of someone that may have suspected that Fiona wasn't a great match for you? anyone ever objected to your engagment?" she asks this, aware of the facy Daniel is getting more and more upset as more words leave her mouth.
"i really don't think so" Layla says, her tone calm but her eyes full of pain. "as i said, he is- was, a lovely man, we loved each other, we were soulmates" her voice breaks as the word 'soulmates' leaves her mouth, and the tears fill her eyes once again. JJ smiled at her a sad smile, "Well. is there any chance there was someone who didn't agree with you on that?" JJ askes. Layla's cries grow stronger, and JJ's need to comfort her wins her need to be profitional. she gets up to rest her hand on Layla's shoulder. The woman leans into JJ, crying, and JJ's heart breaks.
"i never suspected such thing" Winnona says, "but, uh, my friend did. he was staying long hours in the office, and my friend who works at a similar posetion claimed she was never asked to stay so long at the office, not at that rate at least. I asked him about that, and he said that her boss is probably just less harsh than his is, and that he only has eyes for me, and that will never change. than he got on one knee and asked if i'll allow him to spend the rest of my life with him. i belived him, and said yes. my friend wasn't very happy about that, but she ended up being supportive. she wanted me to be happy".
"okay, thank you" (y\n) says, sad smile on their face, unsure if this possible lead is a good thing or no. "agent, do you think he was cheating? was my friend right? is that what got him killed?" Winnona askes, but sadly (y\n) dosen't have an answer, so they just say "we'll let you know if we find something".
"Garcia is calling" Morgan calls out and Hotch, Prentiss, JJ and (y\n) follow him into the office the BAU took over for their time here. "hey there choclate thounder" Garcia's voice says from the other side of the line. "Baby girl, you are on speaker. Hotch, Prentiss, JJ and (y\l\n) are here with me. did you find any connection between the couples?" Derek says. "hey there you beautiful agents" Garcia said, "i called to let you know there is no overlap in the victimis wedding planning - they looked at different venues, checked out different caterings… even the photographeres they reached out to were different… but i mean, that has to be it, right? i mean, i looked at their socials - they all have privet accounts so i highly doubt that's how the unsub found out about the engagment" Garcia says.
"well, we suspect the unsub could be hunting cheaters, so try to find any hint of cheating in the victims life" (y\n) says. "look at their emails, try to find their profiles on, ugh, dating websites…" JJ says. "Winnona said her fiance worked late but a friend says there is no way he needed to work that many hours" (y\n) adds. "okay, i will get back to you with all the answears, no stone will be ledt unturned. Baby girl out" the beeping of the call being hung up came soon after Garcia's last words.
"well, all three bodies had their hearts missing - that you already know, but it seems the cause of death was strangulation, but not manual. I think its some fabric, since they all had fibers under their nails as if they were trying to rip it off them" the ME, dr. Roland, says what she gathered so far. "the mark on the guys is about 3.25 inches, which is the typical width of a tie" Reid says, and Dave looks at him, catching up to Reids idea. "he could be strangeling them with a tie, symbolising the tie they could have been wearing on their wedding day" Dave says, and the ME sqints. "The woman… her mark is… texured, in lack of a different word - could be a vail or a garter" she says, "she also seems to have been dead for at least some of the time he strangeled her". "So he was angrier with her, she was closer to his ideal victim, meaning he was probably hurt by a woman and that's what triggered him to start killing" Dave says.
"dr. Roland, by your judgment, would it take any sergical skills to cut the hearts out the way the unsub did?" Reid asks. "well, the first heart had some cuts on it, meaning the unsub probably cut it while trying to cut it out. the cuts are… well, sonky, so i doubt they were done with actual medical eqipment, it looks like the work of a good quality meat knife. the cuts pn the hearts get fewer and fewer with the other hearts, so i belive he learns from his mistakes" She says. "well, thanks doctor, you helped us a lot" Dave smiles at her, and she blushes.
By the time Spencer and Dave made it to the police station, the team was all set up at the office they were assigned. the crime board done, orginised by dates and couples, as well as the note "cheaters?" under the line of photos of the victims. they walk into the room, and Prentiss welcomes them in. "Reid, (y\n), you are on the geographical profile" Hotch says, "prentiss, you and morgan will go interview the first wedding venue, Rossie, you will go with JJ to the second one and i'll go with the chief officer to check out the third one" He orders, "sdresses are waiting at your phones". everyone splits up. "well, the first body was found over here" Dr. Reid starts, grabbing the pen from the desk. well, not exactly the desk, as (y\n) was holding it. "hey!" They called out, But mr. pretty boy didn't mind much.
He marks the spot, "second one here…" he mumbles. (y\n) grabs the pen from him, "and the third one here" They say as they circle the spot. Spencer lets out a half-laught, and if it wasn't for the fact he was slightly rude to them a second ago, (y\n) would have thought it was cute. well, they did, actually. "the victims live here, here, and here" (y\n) mumbles, pointing at the town's map with the pen, but not marking anything. "the victims were'nt taken from their homes tho, so that won't help finding the hunting zone" Spencer sighs, "we should look at where the victims were last seen".
"well, that would be… sean at his job, he should be taking route 45 to get home" (y\n) says, reading from the file as spencer marks it with a different pen. "Fiona was at a lunch with a friend according to Daniel, and her phone pinged at a coffee place around… here" They say, pointing at the map to let spencer know where to leave a green circle. "and James's last text was pinged about 10 minitues from the gym he frequented, right about… here" spencer said. "these are all over the town, and not that close to the dump sites, so the unsub must be mobile. in order to move the bodies he will need a big veichal" (y\n) says, furring their eyebrows at the map.
"what about the wedding venues? they could also be the place the unsub chooses his victims" Spencer says. "we just talked to Garcia, and she said-" (y\n) tries to catch up Reid on the phone call he missed, but right on que there is another incoming call from Penelope Garcia herself. "hey there, Garcia, it's (y'n) and i here" Spencer says. "oh, if it's not my favorite wonder boy and wonder mind" Garcia says. (y\n) was also a genious of sort, but they didn't think they quite compared to Reid, tho with the iq of 130 they were the closest on the team. "Garcia, do you have any updates about the wedding plans or the cheting?" (y\n) asks, and spencer shoots them a slightly confused look, as he didn't get the chance to catch up on the team's idea for a lead.
"well, you know how at first i didn't find a connection between the wedding venues? i looked deeper, so deep i got to the very core, and you know what's in the core? Lave. major, hot lava" Garcia says, "it looks like all of the wedding venues are owned by the same major, greedy company. It's called Marry-go-round, and they own most of the wedding venues in the area. each one is designd to appeal to a different audience - they have gothic ones, hystorical ones, botnical ones… they share employees, meaning one guy might be working at more than one venue…" Garcia says, "and before you ask me to, i am already running searches to see who worked at all 3 the day those couples went".
"you are so great, Garcia, i don't know where we'd be without you" (y\n) says, smiling at the phone. "well, the answear is way behind. goodby lovies, sent the rest of the team my love and warm hugs, i will let you guys know once i have answears regarding to the victims… side-quests" Garcia says, ending the call with a smooch sound of a kiss.
Prentiss and Morgan walk into the "garden of eden" venue, that was the one James and Layla looket at. "hello" a woman in a bright red suit welcomed them. "my name is Diane" she said, reaching out her hand to shake the one of the pair infront of her, "it is lovely to have such a beautiful couple here, we actually never had such wedding here, so that would be great to have you two as the first one. "you mean… mixed couples?" Morgan asked, confusion in his voice and slight annoyence. "well-" Diane tries to save herself, but the sentence doesn't get the chance to be fully formed.
"mam, we are not here to plan a wedding, we are here to ask about a couple who did" Prentiss cuts her off, showing her the FBI tag. "well, that's unfortunate. I am sorry, but what does that couple has to do with my wedding venue?" Diane asks. "well, they looked at this… lovely venue, and now one of them is dead and the other one got her beloved boyfriend's heart in the mail" Derek says, sparing no details from the woman who already wasn't on his good side. "well, that's unfortunate, but i still don't see what that has to do with us" Diane stands her ground.
"have you seen anyone suspicius around? someone who looked at couples, trying to study them?" Prentiss asks. "do you think this murderer found them here? well that is impossible, only couples and employees are allowed on the premiss" Diane says. "do you ever have more than one couple looking around? this guy could come here with his own fiance" Derek says, the last part of the sentence directed more to his fellow agent than to the wedding venue annoying manager. "no, and i belive this is where we end this conversation. i have a tour here from an actual couple, so, bye-bye" Diane says, walking around the agents to welcome the couple that just walked in. "hello, my name is Diane, it is lovely to have such a beautiful couple here…"
the agents exchange looks and leave the venue, tho they don't think they are done there just yet.
"well, the venue we checked was orginised, they had a security detail at the entrence, even after seeing our badge we were'nt let inside, the manager came out to talk to us" JJ said. "he was a lovely man, once he talked to us for a bit he gave us a tour - i noticed they were fixing a broken part of the fence, but he said that it's usually hidden with flowers, so no one knows of it. he said he'd give us the records of the couples who came there the same day as Daniel and Fiona, meaning we may be able to identify his next victim" Dave said, waving the files in his hand.
"the venue we checked said they have double bookings, sometimes more than one couple is there. sometimes only one half of a couple arrives. we should check and see - mayby there is a couple, or someone who claims to be engaged who was in all three venues the same day as the victims, he could be angry with his fiance, unable to process that, and so he kill people who remind him of her in someway" Hotch says.
"and what about you?" Hotches eyes traveled to the two defided faces of his two agents who just walked in. "well, the manager was a bitch" Prentiss sighed, "she bearly answered our questions, and her whole deminor was just… off" Derek agreed with her. Reid and (y\n) come inside the room, holding 6 cups of coffee in between them both. "oh, you are my savior" Prentiss says as she grabs the coffee (y\n) handed to her.
after the coffee ceremony is done, the wonder due explains their findings regarding the hunting zone and the comfort zone, as well as catching their teamates up to speed regarding the connection between the venues.
just as they finished, the actual savior of the team called. "hello my darlings, it is i, Penelope Garcia, coming to you with a very, very sad news flash. i found some proof of unfaithfulness from all of our victims. It appears Sean was spending way too much time in his office, off the clock. He's work sheet says he finished work by 5pm, but his phone pings at home around 9pm, and before that it pings at many different sketchy motels. not once, not twice, but on a weekly basis. James was also being a bad, very bad boy - his pictures are on many different dating websites, and you may think 'well, it could be someone who is using his photos' but no, the some of the photoes on there are very nasty and very not on any of his socials" Garcias word flow stops as she takes a breath to continue.
"And Fiona… well, she was a little tricky, but i found these very much not PG emails between her and a [email protected], she used her work email, which is very icky of her, but it sure did keep it a secret". "Garcia, how hard would it be for someone to find out about the cheatings?" Prentiss askes. "well, it took me about two hours, so i belive that someone with the avarage hacking skill could get this information in about three days" Garcia says, slight cockiness in her voice. "well, babygirl, this is very helpful information" Derek says, smiling at the phone, "thank you". "can't wait for my reward" Garcia says, and the call is finished.
"It's likely our unsub was cheated on by a woman, since it looked like he overkilled the female victim, and it is possible they were engaged when he found out, that's why he attacks couples who are planning a wedding. He feels the need to punish cheaters" Reid says, looking at his team. "well, that has to narrow down the unsub pool" Dave says. "well, about 12% of married women admit that they have cheated on their spouse, and 20% of engagments end up being broken off, and 50% of those are due to financial stress. This town has roughly 7,639 people-" Spencer starts calculating, trying to figure out exactly how big is the suspect pool. "Kid, please. let's just have Garcia look it up" Dave cuts him off. "it's about 20 potentiol unsubs" Spencer mumbled under his breath, but his teamates don't react. "maybe his mom or dad were also cheaters, that could be the stressor and his partner doing the same thing to him would make one hell of a trigger" Prentiss says.
"well, i think it's time for the profile" Hotch says.
JJ, Hotch, Morgan and Prentiss are standing infront of the cameras. "we belive this unsub is a white male in his 20s, he recently expirienced a heartbreak over a cheating partner, possibly a fiance" Hotch says. "He has a high level technical knowlage, as it appears he took a deep dive into the victims life, finding out intimate details about their sex lives" JJ says, trying to not say the straight up truth of the cheatings he uncovered. "tho he has no prior medical skills, he appears to be learning how to perform his ritual with more accuracy" Prentiss says, "therefor we belive he is smart and possibly works at something that requires a similar set of skills as a surgen". "this unsub is sending the victims fiances the hearts he carved out, which shows signs of pshcopathic tendecies. this guy is probably cold, manipulative, and yet has a charm to him not many people see through" Dave continues. "we belive he may have had a parent who cheated on their spouse, making the cheating he expirienced triggering" JJ says. "if you know anyone who can fit this description, we encourege you to talk to us" Hotch says, and the cameras cut.
"Garcia and i just talked, she says there is one employee who was in all wedding venues the same day as our victims, but she dosen't fit the profile. happily married, 2 kids, grew up in a loving family" Derek says as he joins his team in the office, highlighting the word "she". "well, maybe the unsub wasn't on the clock, they could have some employees that get paid under the table" Prentiss says. "we profiled the unsub to be white, so it is less likely he is not listed" Reid says. "well, i guess we can't be sure, since he crosses race lines. the main reason we think he's white is because this town has so few pocs, and most of them arent able to afford the type pf education this unsub has" (y\n) says, spinning her chair as she thinks. A knock on the door makes the team look over. "they just found another body" officer Williams says. "let's go" JJ says, following the officer and the rest of the team follows her.
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r-cameron · 11 months
Barry wants to know if you like anyone
I don't like anyone. People are annoying af. All of them. Especially JJ. Barry is kinda okay tho. Don't tell him that
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cheolhub · 1 year
Talk about your moots; what do you like most about them (could be a paragraph or a single sentence, spread the love!!)
p sure i did this just a few days ago but everyone knows i adore my moots so i dont mind doing it again :)
it’s kinda long! (took me a literal hour and a half to write) and i tried to get everyone i talk to on a tri-weekly basis at least 😅
@ncteez i know you said to pick what i like most abt my moots, but i love everything about hon from the way she looks (she’s literally the most gorgeous person ever— she still owes me a selfie now that im thinking abt it) right down to her core. 🥹 the only mark stan who has ever walked the planet actually,,, i love hearing about her sex dreams and i love the way that she gives the best advice bc she only wants the best for me and how genuine she is. I LOVE HER & she makes me a better person every day, seriously ⭐️ i <3 my wife
@jeonghantis 🩵 there are about a million and three things that i can write for keir but i think the thing i love most about them is that… i can just be sar with them, i never have to worry about being judged for the things i like bc 9 times out of 10, keir feels the same way. like who else am i gonna talk about [redacted] with chan with ??? or [ censored beeping for 10 minutes straight ] with sangyeon ?? my jeonghannie, my bff, my ride or die <3 (they also hate everyone that i hate and watch my instagram lives even tho im super annoying which means i am going to die for them)
@onlyseokmins literally just love elv’s personality. she has this infectious positivity and it makes me so happy to be alive like dhahdh,,, every time i see her on the dash reblogging the silliest things or cute pics or even talking to other people, it makes me smile so hard like idk she’s so bright PLUS she’s resident dk lover on tumblr like there is no one else. tumblr user onlyseokmins is quite literally the only dk stan alive
@lovelyhan ok two things i love the most — one: kai’s writing will always get me out of a reading slump. i re-read their fics an ungodly amount of times, like i actually need to be blocked by them ( i definitely didn’t re-read inflection point again TODAY on my lunch break, nope! i didn’t! 😂……) TWO: kai is literally so sweet and funny and we don’t really talk much, but from what i know, they’re a really great person and anyone would be lucky to have them as a moot! ^^
@agustdiv1ne ash and i are actually moving to alaska and we’re gonna be neighbors /srs,,, srsly tho, i told her this already, but she’s an amazing listener and she puts up with my shitty texting and i seriously cant appreciate that more 😢 she’s so wonderful and lovely and my favorite yoongi stan to ever exist and i will shield her from the heat. don’t worry, ash, 𝖎 𝖜𝖎𝖑𝖑 𝖕𝖗𝖔𝖙𝖊𝖈𝖙 𝖞𝖔𝖚.
@soonigiri MELODY <333 the soonyoung to my cheol!! she’s also someone i enjoy seeing on my dash sm!! she’s literally an angel and it’s so endearing to see her in her engene era. like i look forward to seeing jungwon on my dash every day /srs — OKAY ACTUALLY, ik im an awkward freak but i would love to talk to you more bc i think we have a lot in common T-T
@etherealyoungk SKYE i know we interact like every 3 weeks but each of them do really mean a lot to me <33 i think she’s really kind-hearted and i get really happy when i see her jn my inbox from time to time!! it’s like a nice little surprise which i love 🥹💝 it’s like finding a rice krispie at the bottom of my lunch box (if you don’t know the feeling, think immense joy)
@rubyreduji JJ THE COOLEST GUY EVER. he’s such a joy to talk to and i love that he’s lowkey my hypeman. every time i run a concept or idea by him, he makes me feel really good about it and i adore that. he’s so supportive i love him and i need to hug him so bad actually 🥹 (i give good bear hugs jj, pls let me hug u) also jj doesnt care that im a weirdo awkward freak and i have to commend him for that too ☺️
@toruro mikalicious always know what to say which is what i love the absolute most abt them now. when im in a shit mood, she knows exactly how to make me feel better and always helps me take my mind off of it. she’s so cute and wonderful inside and out and i really am so eternally grateful to have her as a mutual and a friend <33 also, mika, this is my formal apology for being the world’s worst texter 😅
@gyuswhore EM THE COOLEST PERSON EVER. i love her so much actually. she and i just started talking and i have to say, she is just so,,,, amazing? idk, i dont have the words for it. she was so kind to me when reading my wonu fic and she just read over my new cheol wip and she has given me such great feedback and im so appreciative of her!! + sending pics is lowkey my love language and she lets me send her the most random shit (my pc collection, my room, etc.) i love her 💝
@hwanghyunjinenthusiast MY FAV JOKSTER dbehdh talking to rj is seriously a breath of fresh air lol I LOVE her humor and she understands my humor. ALSO….. something about rj’s writing also does something to me… like i remember i was super depressed while i had strep and on a brief tumblr hiatus and i came onto the app for just a second and saw that she’d posted … mean dom!chan… i remember reading it and crying bc she GETS IT. no one gets me like rj (i forgot to rb now that im thinking abt it but im gonna get on that) my fave dinonara <3
@heesbaby TUMBLR USER HEESBABY SINGLE HANDEDLY GOT ME BACK INTO ENHYPEN. i never thought id see the day, but bc of her smau’s and writing, i’m back in my engene era… i love how much of an angel cinna is like,,, we talk every once in awhile but she makes me the happiest girl ever when she replies to my asks or i find her in my inbox. i’ll actually fight jay for cinna
@hyuk4ngel RESIDENT MINGYU STAN,, fay has been here with me since what feels like the fucking beginning and i seriously can’t thank her enough. she’s really encouraging and amazing and she has the best ideas ever. i swear half of my writing discography is thanks to her (just my mingyu fics which is lowekey half my writing discography begsgs) she also is always checking in and i just love her for that and many other things 🥹
@baeksbyunny / @baekhyunnybyun (you’ll have to remind me which acct im supposed to tag) BEX MY BELOVED!!! THE LOVE I HAVE FOR HER IS SERIOUSLY INDESCRIBABLE!!! she’s the nicest person to me. like i’ll never forget when i was anxious before my txt concert and she was so reassuring like i felt a weight lift off my shoulders. INSTANT (sar)otonin boost every time we talk, idk what it is. probably the fact that she has the most comforting presence. i love her, you honor. i rest my case.
@majestyjun mills was like the first moot i’d ever talked to,,, but i remember i was so intimidated the first time we did bc millie is literally so fucking cool like,,, i have always thought this and when she said //I// was cool and i was genuinely so honored like…. idk >< ALSO HER WRITING IS SOHSHSBS OUT OF THIS WORLD … the concepts the description,,, she’s a genius!!!
@sunnylovespickles even tho we just became moots, i thought it was really sweet that she dropped off pics of pink!cheol for me 🥹 my day was really bad and that brightened it so much <33 i hope to have more interactions with her in the future bc she seems so nice!!
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kimberlyannharts · 4 months
okay I'm the anon you just answered and yeah the Minh/JJ comparison really helped actually 😅 I definitely concede on me expecting more from the newbie than the mmprs that was a good point about Once and Always. I do wanna clarify a bit tho on the Pink Olivia thing, I was thinking less of Kim's legacy and honestly more of all the JJ/Olivia wars and feeling put out that she didn't get to keep the green coin after all those months defending her having it at all, which is not the right perspective to look at it from probably but I sunk cost fallacied the Green Tomberly Daughter in my head and thats my bad 😬 thanks for such a thought out answer, idk anyone else who's read it so I appreciate you hearing out my kneejerk thoughts 😅
It's all good! It's honestly interesting to compare the "next gen" kids because there are so few and they're all so different in how they're presented.
And yeah I do get what you mean about Olivia not keeping the Green coin after all the months of the WHY NOT BOTH???? nonsense and people just trying to force JJ into Olivia's business in general. I won't lie that it didn't cross my mind as well. But again, it works best for the narrative presented and I don't want someone as irrelevant as JJ to influence Olivia's story. Just remember Olivia had at least ten covers showing her off as Green compared to JJ's........hm..........one Christmas card? So we know who's the real iconic Green Ranger child here
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What are your NSFW headcanon for both JJ and Jasira as individuals and as a couple?
okay, this is a great question; it has inspired me in ways u cannot imagine as well as made me come to a big realization. so, thank you.
i'm gonna answer one of each.
for JJ,
she can feel when she fucks women with her faux cock. i don't mean stimulation from the base of the strap hitting her clit, either. i mean, yes, there is that but it's kinda a muted feeling to what she actually feels. she doesn't really understand how she can feel what she feels, but she does know the intensity of what she feels is kinda rooted in both how mentally in the moment she is during sex (which shes always in the moment which is why always feels something) and how well she knows the body of the person shes sleeping w so she would feel both a one-night stand and a girlfriend in that way, but it would be a more intense feeling w the gf
for Jasira,
now, see with her, she's still discovering what it's like to even like sex. like she knows she liked sex w JJ but... so, at this moment in time, she knows more of what she doesn't like or want than what she does. now, i can tell you something that she does like intimately but not even necessarily sexually that she feels like she shouldn't like which is having her hair pulled. for context, for as bossy as she is, she actually does want a partner who can take the reigns n has the ability to tell her what to do; she doesn't wanna be able run over whoever shes w bcus if she can then she absolutely will but shes gonna get bored of them n become less attracted to them over time. she is a brat tho and she will test you which leads me to the hair pulling thing. if her partner was to like pull her hair to like solidify a point or make a demand or something, she would b putty in their hands n they will absolutely get their way. they might not have sex right then n there but they absolutely will later. it's actually more of a turn on out of sex for her than during but its also somethin that not jus anyone can do; she has to feel okay w them, safe w them but yeah she loves having her hair pulled as a show of like dominance
for them as a couple,
they discover together (eventually) that jasira does respond nicely to rough sex but more of the hard, powerful thrust w steady pacing but not hard n fast, never that. it's a discovery made out of necessity tbh. jasira's one of those people who is really, lets say slick, when shes aroused but w JJ (especially the more she gets to know her), shes more turned on by her than anyone, period. so, she tends to drown JJ, so to speak (which JJ really really loves btw). the flip side of that is that bcus she prefers sex on the gentler side, she kinda loses a bit of friction and sensation so JJ had to go a bit harder n Jasira loved that so much more than she coulda ever imagined. bit it is literally only necessary w JJ.
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supercriminalbean · 2 years
So apparently I never posted my thoughts on the final the fuck. Okay so here it is.
Things that made me insane during criminal minds evolution:
Written while I watched so enjoy my bumbling mess. Spoiler alert of course.
Episode 10.
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Episode 10:
I have no energy and I'm sick so let's go.
Preview. Rossi Tyler sounds like he just adopt another child.
Flash back...ahh
I love Krystal tho.
I still wish JJ was unit chief but Krystal being the support wife ìs the best thing ever.
Dave please leave the BAU after this case please.
I love in charge Emily Prentiss no one fucks with her family.
And yes Rebecca coming into help. Fuck I hope her and Tara try again.
Rebecca better not get in trouble.
Aww poor Holly.
Dave staring into the camera.
Emily gasp aww.
Emily degrading Bailey is great hehe. The girl is scared her father is in danger.
Bailey is doing his best can Emily just breath please
Gold star...ooh tgoes reaction.
Luke's hand on Penelopes back while Will watches JJ concerned. The boys know how close thier girls are with Rossi.
JJ tapping Penelope should just melts me.
My first though and my hope is that its the thing that Reid is on...I know it won't be and I won't see him but a bitch can hope right..
Garcia phone call...
Tyler in surgery..
D did she just call him David...why did they cut deep...
Luke is the pole support we all need. He's pure strong he's always looking after him come onnnnn.
Ellias wife is stupid his kids are smart.
She found a kill kittttt.
Rossi is a fucking legend yes bitch.
Aww Garcia smile is the cutesttt.
Rossi profiling is hot fuck yesssss.
Yesss bitch Yesss.
Yeah I need therapy but man I love David Rossi.
Fuck I'm proud of him.
Let's gooo.
It worked...kinda...
Ugh fuck off Rebecca and Bailey I dislike you two.
Emily is highly pissed off.
Did Bailey just swear
Okay Emily knows something up with deputy douchbag
Luke and Tara profiling together yes.
Go Rossi go.
NOOOOOOO you don't get to quit David Rossi fuck you.
(Was anyone else hoping that Krystal was going to turn into Aaron like unreasonable I know but still)
I like the flower in Garcia hair.
Fucking hell deputy dick ugh.
Did he just lose his shittt. Yesssss.yess yesss.
No no no. If that's JJ.
Will like this bitch.
So can Bailey please get shot.
What is gold starrrrrr.
Maybe Bailey is his undercover man.
Will...be careful.
JJ concern for Dave...
JJ..don't get death or Luke be careful.
Will and JJ working together...
Omg Bailey dead..haha shit.
JJ concern is love. I love them.
Luke....Luke...Holy fuck you got him.
Is Elias crying?...
JJ & WILL is love.
JJ talking to Sydney is ahh so sweet.
Sydney is girl boss.
Hold on Rossi they coming.
Aww Krystal
Time to live!
Luke fuck yeahh.
Ewwww fuck no.
Garcia never see him again please.
Wait is she finially breaking it over with him... Yay.
Goodbye kiss. Now a hello kiss with Luke right...right..?
Dave and Emily hug. The hey you...
A whole group hug cos they got the son of a bitch.
Dave kissing penelopes cheek 🥺 my daddy issues.
Bailey funeral...
Aww the team..
I hope Will is around alot more.
Okay I need to stop getting my hopes up for thoes two.
JJ admiting how scared she was when he was out.
Will saying they make a good teammm.
JJ is babbbbyyyyyy. I love these two so much.
Why do I think Dave knows what it is.
What are thoes men doing...
Oh no
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crystalninjaphoenix · 2 years
Turning Eyes
Switch AU
A JSE Fanfic
This is already a pretty short chapter, but it was originally supposed to be slightly longer. Unfortunately I burned my finger in the most inconvenient place for typing on a keyboard so I had to cut some length cause it hurt to write :( I should be fine by next week tho. Anyway, it’s late as I’m queuing this, so not much to say. Some more follow up after the Aspen Street incident, plus Anti gets a strange phone call. Happy reading.
More of this AU found here
It didn’t look like anyone was home. Sure, there was a car parked on the street, but there were no lights inside. Jack double-checked his text messages. As he did so, Sam peeked out of his pocket to look at his phone screen. “Careful,” he muttered to them, vaguely indicating the cars on the street. Sam pointed out that nobody could possibly see them here. “Well, still. Be careful.”
There was nothing in the texts indicating nobody would be home right now. So Jack put his phone back and knocked on the door. He waited for a minute, and was considering knocking a second time when the door opened. Jameson poked his head out, looking wary at first before relaxing. Hi Jack, he signed.
“Hey.” Jack waved back a little. “I got your stuff.”
Thank you. Please, come in. JJ opened the door wide enough for Jack—and the grocery bags he was carrying—to squeeze through. Again, I’m so sorry for the inconvenience, I’m sure it must’ve been difficult getting everything here.
“No, it’s fine, this is what I do.” Jack waved away JJ’s comments. “You didn’t even have that much on your list. I’ve carried more on the bus.” Once they were inside the house with the door closed behind them, Sam zoomed out from Jack’s pocket and settled in his hair.
You took the bus? JJ asked, surprised.
“Well, yeah. I don’t have a car. I can’t even drive.”
Jameson hit his forehead. Then I’m especially sorry. I don’t know why I assumed everyone could drive. Most people I know don’t!
“It’s alright, really,” Jack reassured him. “Like I said, this is what I do. I wouldn’t have done it if it was hard. Should I put the stuff away?”
No, I’ll do it, Marvin is very particular about the cabinet organization. By the way, if you want to see him, he’s in his room. JJ gestured down the hallway.
“Got it. We’ll stop by.” Jack made an okay sign with his hand and Sam flicked their nerve-tail cheerfully. “See you in a minute.”
See you.
Jack headed down the hallway until he reached Marvin’s bedroom. The door was closed, so he knocked. “Marvin? It’s Jack.”
A slight pause. “Jack?” Marvin’s voice was muffled from behind the door.
“Yeah. Can I come in?”
Marvin didn’t exactly sound excited, so Jack opened the door slowly. The bedroom was dimly lit, with only the lamp on the nightstand turned on. Marvin was sitting up in bed, left leg extended out in front of him, with Mr. Fluffington sitting in his lap. He gave Jack a suspicious look at first, then eased up as he stepped inside. “Jems said he asked you t’pick up our groceries,” he muttered.
“Don’ understand why he didn’ ask Anti.” Marvin idly scratched Fluffington’s chin. The cat closed his eyes and purred loudly.
“I don’t know either, but who knows?” Jack shrugged. “Maybe he did and Anti was busy.” He glanced around the room, looking for a place to sit. The closest was an armchair across the room. Well...that wasn’t entirely true. But Jack knew it would be weird to sit in the wheelchair by the bed. So he walked over to the armchair and sat down. “How’re you feeling?”
“Hmm. Not’ing hurts anymore,” Marvin said, trying to sound casual. “Well, sometimes t’ere’s a twinge with the leg. But mostly I’m just...tired. More t’an usual, I mean.”
“I think that’s cause your body is healing,” Jack said. “It’s using all your spare energy to rebuild bone and all that. You think that shit is easy?”
Marvin laughed. “No, it’s not. I’m jus’ sick of being tired. And t’is is just the start!”
“Yeah. Jameson said you got home from the hospital...yesterday, was it?”
“The day before, actually.”
Jack shook his head. “I’m sorry. It sucks that this happened to you. Whatever it was.” He had a vague idea of what the group of friends was dealing with. Sam told him it was a supernatural creature, a monster of some sort with mind-based magic. But he didn’t know the details of what it did to them. And they didn’t seem inclined to tell him, so he wasn’t going to ask.
Speaking of Sam. While the two of them were talking, they jumped out of Jack’s hair and flew over to Marvin. They nuzzled his arm affectionately, then dropped down to look at Fluffington. The cat stared at them, then reached out and batted at the strange, floating object. Sam dodged for a while before flying closer and settling against the cat’s chest fur. Fluffington looked down in surprise.
Marvin grinned. “You remember Sam, Mister? I t’ink you’ve met once. How long are cat memories? Because it was awhile ago.”
Fluffington was too busy trying to look at Sam, who kept shifting to be in his blind spot, to glance at Marvin as he talked.
Jack chuckled. “Sam, you’re bothering him.” Sam protested that they were not bothering him, they were just playing. “How do you know? You can’t talk to animals any more than I can.” Sam said that if Fluffington was so annoyed, he would get up and move. “I don’t know, he looks really comfy on Marvin’s lap.”
“He hasn’ left me alone since I got home,” Marvin said, petting Fluffington. “Ye might notice how Jems had to move his food and litter in here, it’s because he hasn’ left here except when I go to the bathroom.” He wrinkled his nose. “Smells awful, sometimes.”
“Ahhh, so that’s what the scented candles were for,” Jack said, recalling the grocery list Jameson texted him.
“T’at was my request, yea.” Marvin nodded. “Well. Don’ let me keep you. I’m sure you two have all sorts of business to do.”
They didn’t, but Jack could tell when someone was trying to end a conversation. “Alright, we’ll go, then.” He stood up. “C’mon Sam.” The little eye leapt out from their spot, causing Fluffington to jump in surprise but not leave his spot. “Bye Marvin. Hope I’ll see you later.”
“I do too. It’s been awhile.” Marvin waved him and Sam off as they left the bedroom, closing the door behind them.
Jack was planning to check on JJ in the kitchen, but as he headed that way, he passed the archway leading into the living room. And stopped. Then he backed up and looked inside. There was a woman in JJ and Marvin’s living room. She had red shoulder-length hair and wore a yellow hoodie, and was standing on a kitchen chair in the corner, bracing herself against the wall. “Uhhh...” Jack waved a little. “Hi?”
The woman looked down at him. “Oh hi. I heard you come in, sorry for not saying hello earlier.”
“It’s okay. Uh...you need...help? With...” Jack gestured vaguely at the chair situation. “...whatever you’re doing?”
“No, probably not,” the woman said. “It’s a steady chair, I’m just a little nervous about any height I can fall from.”
“Oh, same.” Jack stepped into the room. “Well, I’ll stand nearby. That might help you, if you know someone can catch you.”
“Yeah, that would be great, actually.” The woman took a deep breath, and straightened. She was holding something in one hand, while the other still rested against the wall.
“You’re...Aoife, right?” Jack asked. “I think we met once.”
“We did. You’re...Jack.”
Aoife nodded, then looked at the ceiling. She reached upwards, putting the thing in her hand into some sort of mounted handle that...hadn’t been there last time Jack was in the house.
“Sorry but...what the hell are you doing?” Jack asked.
“Installing cameras,” Aoife said. “Jameson’s idea. You know about magic, right?” She glanced down at Jack and saw him nod. “And the problem these guys have been dealing with?” Another nod. “Well, the reason they haven’t been getting magical help has been because the main magical organization—who I work for—won’t help until they get proof about the problem. Because we’ve never heard of something like that before.” She sighed. “I’ve tried to tell them, but that’s not proof. It’s a lot of stupid bureaucracy. So, after whatever happened recently, Jameson decided to put cameras in their house.”
“Oh.” Jack went silent for a moment, watching as Aoife stopped bracing against the wall to fiddle with some wires coming out of the camera. He instinctively went tense until she let go and braced herself again. Now the camera was attached to the mount through the wires, but still needed some connecting parts. “That’s a...you know, normally, when people put cameras in their house, they make sure they’re small models that can be ignored. That’s a pretty big camera.”
“It’s some sort of special motion detection camera,” Aoife said, taking a screwdriver and a handful of small parts out of her hoodie pocket. “I’ll be honest. This whole system is giving me a bad feeling.”
“Huh. Yeah, I can understand why.” Jack nodded. “So...why are you helping put it up, then?”
“Well, my bad feelings are tricky to figure out,” Aoife explained. “I can’t tell if the cameras themselves are causing it, or if they’ll see something terrible that’s causing it, or if I’m putting them in unsafe locations. Maybe it’s all of those. I don’t know. I only know that Jameson still insisted they go up after I told him about the feeling. So might as well know where they are, in case something goes wrong.”
Jack felt something move on his shoulder. He glanced to the side and saw Sam wrapping their nerve-tail around them. “Sam? Is everything okay?”
Sam said they didn’t like the cameras. They weren’t normal cameras.
“What do you mean by ‘not normal cameras’?”
Someone coughed. Jack turned around to see JJ standing in the living room archway. Talking about the new security? he asked.
“Yeah, I guess.”
“Hi, Jameson,” Aoife said. “Almost done here. There’s two left in the box, where are they going?”
Downstairs hallway and upstairs hallway. Thank you so much for doing this.
“Wait, Jameson,” Jack interrupted. “What are these cameras? Why does Sam think they’re not normal?”
Jameson shrugged. Maybe they can sense how advanced they are. I went shopping for the best possible cameras the day after I got back from the hospital. It took all day to find them, and it was really expensive just to get six. Imagine if a business wanted these.
“Where did you get them?” Jack pressed.
Online, from some American company. They got here really fast for the distance. I’m sorry, I don’t remember the name right now, but I know the website is in my computer browser history. I can find it and text you later.
“Yeah...yeah, that would be great,” Jack said slowly. “Thanks.”
“Done!” Aoife announced. She put the screwdriver back in her pocket and carefully climbed down from the chair. “You know, Jameson. I forgot to ask you this right when I stopped by. How are things going with the Magic Circle?”
JJ winced. I missed the last meeting because of...recent events. But the woman I spoke to said I should stop by for the next one. It’s on the full moon, apparently.
Aoife chuckled. “Yeah. Get used to that. The Circle loves the moon and sun. For good reason, it’s easier to cast group spells around certain dates on the solar or lunar calendar. Who’d you talk to? Persephone?”
JJ nodded.
“She’s great. If you’re worried about stopping by before the meeting, don’t be. Sephy will be happy to fill you in on anything.”
I’m not worried about that. I just think it will be easiest if I concentrate on the meeting.
Sam tapped Jack’s neck with their nerve-tail. They wanted to leave now. “Well, uh...sorry to leave so suddenly,” Jack said. “But I have things to do today.”
Oh, of course, don’t worry, Jameson said. You can stop by anytime you want.
“Yeah. Yeah, I’ll keep that in mind.” Jack glanced over at Aoife. She met his eyes, and for a moment, her expression became very serious. And she nodded. “I’ll see you again, then. Bye.”
Jack turned and left the living room, heading straight for the front door and going right out. Once he was outside, he let out a breath, and looked down at Sam. “Worried about the cameras?”
Sam wasn’t sure. They only knew that they weren’t normal, and that kind of freaked them out.
“Well...Jameson is insisting, apparently.”
Sam said they could tell he was on edge. Whatever happened recently must have been hard. They didn’t blame him for wanting to keep an eye on things, but they still felt weird about all this.
“I’ll trust you on that,” Jack muttered. He headed down the street towards the nearest bus stop. “I think...we should check in on these guys more often. Something tells me they’ll need the extra support.”
It was hard to believe that one week ago, she was stuck in a weird pocket dimension of a house. And now, Stacy had returned to her normal life as if nothing had happened.
Could this be called her normal life? She’d been staying in this city, halfway across the world from her home, for a good few months now. Was that long enough to be considered her new “normal?” It was long enough that she’d taken to renting an apartment instead of staying in a hotel room. And it was long enough that the real estate company she worked for had stopped sending her texts and emails asking when she’ll come into the office. They’d just accepted that she was going to be “working from home” for the foreseeable future.
Stacy used to wonder if she should just abandon the weird things going on here and go back to the states. But after what she saw—who she saw—at the house on Aspen Street, she didn’t have those thoughts anymore. She had to stay. She had to see this through.
But that didn’t mean life would just stop. She still had work to do. Right now, she was just finishing with the reports she’d had to write for the day, and was ready to get up from her computer, stretch, and order takeout for dinner. Before that, though, she checked her email, as she usually did this time of day.
Spam... spam... work stuff... social media notifications... spam... nothing exciting. She scanned the subject lines, scrolling through the inbox. And then she stopped. At the very bottom of a line of new emails was something... weird. A strange subject line.
Have you ever experienced a terrible occurrence that has impacted you significantly?
What was that supposed to mean? Stacy looked at the sender’s address for clues. Something about... science? Maybe some company was  looking for volunteers for a study? It was strange enough that she ended up clicking on it out of curiosity.
Have you ever experienced a terrible occurrence that has impacted you significantly? Have you ever seen anything strange that you just couldn’t explain away? Have you ever been physically or psychologically injured from something terrible and strange? We’re here to help! Our goal is to protect you from those strange and terrible things out there. If you’re reading this, we think you’d be a great help to our efforts. Just contact us at the phone number below, or click the link here to fill out an online application. Thank you!
It was a pretty bare email, and Stacy immediately went on guard. This was probably some dumb phishing scam. Vaguely worded so that anyone gullible would click on the link. She moved her mouse pointer to the delete button... but didn’t click. Instead, she read through the short message again.
She had experienced a terrible occurrence. Then again, who hasn’t? But... it felt like the email was trying to bring up a specific type of “occurrence.” Maybe something like... that house?
After a moment, Stacy closed the tab on her browser. It was just a scam. That’s all. She stood up and decided she should take a walk around the apartment building, to clear her head and stretch her muscles.
But for the rest of the night, the hairs on the back of her neck stood straight up.
“Do you want anything for dinner?”
Anti blinked, shaking his head a little. “Sorry, what?”
“I asked if you wanted anything for dinner,” Rama repeated.
“Uh...” Anti straightened. He’d been spacing out hard just now, and it took him a moment to return to reality. That’s right. He and Will were visiting Rama and Michelle. He could hear the sound of the kids watching a movie in the living room. Meanwhile, he’d been sitting at Rama’s dining room table staring into space for a good few minutes. “What are you making?”
“Nothing fancy, just some empanadas.” Rama shrugged.
“Right. Sure, thanks.” Anti rubbed his eyes.
“Are you okay?” Rama asked, walking over to the dining table and sitting down in the chair next to him. “You’ve been kind of...strange.”
Anti laughed. “I’m a strange man. Thought you would’ve known this.” Rama didn’t laugh back. “It’s fine. I’ve just been fucked up since last week.” But what if it was more than just spacing out? What if it was something...more? Anti shook his head again. No. There was no guarantee that his strange mental space was anything other than his usual problems. Paranoia would just wreck him more. He didn’t have any gaps in his memory. It was probably fine... Probably.
“I know how you feel,” Rama muttered.
“Right. You’re probably fucked up too.” Anti nodded. “Did you report Jackie leaving to the police?”
“I did. But I said that it wasn’t like last time. He just left.” Rama sighed, playing with their wedding ring. “Still. Probably not in the best mental state when he did so. The police handle things like that, I think.”
“Well—” Before Anti could answer, he felt his phone vibrate in his jacket. He dug into his pocket, brushing against the folded knife, and pulled it out. “Ugh, fuck off.”
“Spam number?” Rama asked.
“Yeah. It’s this weird foreign one, see?” Anti showed them his phone screen. The number calling was +49(032)2215-1220. “I don’t know what they want with me, but I’ve been getting calls from this one number since two in the morning. Fucking annoying.” He denied the call. “Anyway. Uh...yeah, I think the police handle things like that. But I don’t count on it being handled well.”
“Who else should I call then?” Rama asked quietly.
“I...don’t know. His therapist?”
“I already did that. She works for an independent agency, and they don’t have the authority to go after someone.”
Anti fell silent. He really wasn’t sure what to say in this situation. What were you supposed to do on this end of things? Awkwardly, he reached out and patted the back of Rama’s hand.
Rama laughed. “You’re not good at this.”
“Fuck you, I’m trying.”
“I know. And thank you.” Rama gave him a small smile, then changed the subject. “How’s Will been?”
“Good.” Anti paused. “I mean...he hasn’t been sleeping well. Rama, has Michelle... has she... been having more nightmares than usual?”
Rama’s brow furrowed in thought. “If she has, I haven’t noticed it. Which is concerning about my abilities as a parent—”
“Nah, you would’ve noticed, you notice stuff,” Anti dismissed. “I was wondering if it was because of... you know. Their disappearances. But no. Just Will.” That was weird. Will had been very open with Anti recently about his dreams. Particularly the ones featuring ‘the gray man.’ They’d been happening more and more. Several times, Anti was up late recording and editing videos when he had to stop to go comfort Will, whose noises of distress could be heard even through Anti’s soundproof padding. Weird...and worrying.
He wondered, again, if there was a reason. He wondered if, maybe, it was his own fault. The thought scared him so much that he froze solid right where he was sitting.
“Anti.” Rama reached over and shook his shoulder.
“Don’t touch me,” Anti muttered, pushing their hand away.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” Rama worried.
“I’m as okay as you are.” Anti poked their arm. “Don’t think I don’t notice the bags under your eyes. I bet you’ve been getting as much sleep as Will has.”
Rama chuckled. “I guess you’re right.” They wiped their eyes. “What’s getting to me is that I still have to work at a time like this. Hard to write crime thrillers when your whole life has become one.”
“Hah. Uh...sorry.”
“Don’t apologize. It’s not your fault.”
Anti’s phone vibrated again. Not the extended shaking of a call, but the short buzz of a text notification. He glanced down at the screen. It was the foreign number again. It had texted him.
Anti pick up my call right now.
His eyes locked onto the notification. He could feel his pulse speeding up in his neck, and his hand automatically slipped into his pocket and grabbed the knife handle. How did this strange number know his name? “I...I have to take this,” he said, standing up. “I’ll be right back.”
“Um...okay,” Rama said slowly, visibly confused. “I’ll start on dinner, then?”
He was already down the hallway by the time they asked that question.
Rama and Jackie’s house had a pretty big bathroom. With a solid lock. Anti shut the door behind him and twisted that lock. Just in time for his phone to start vibrating again as the mystery number called. He hesitated, then pressed the accept button, lifting the phone to his ear but saying nothing.
“Is that you, Anti?”
It couldn’t be.
This was impossible.
“Henrik?!” Anti gasped.
“You never call me that.” Schneep’s voice—loud, clear, and distinct—pounded against his hearing. “Are you really that shocked?”
“I—what the fuck, Volt?!” Anti shouted. Then he glanced at the closed doorway and lowered his voice to an angry hiss. “What the fuck?! You fucking ass! Where the hell are you?! Why haven’t you fucking talked to any of us?! Fuck you, you fucking...fucker!”
“Okay, so it is you,” Schneep said calmly. “I do not think anyone else would use that number of fucks in such a short time.”
“Fuck you!” Anti said again, one more time for good measure. “Answer my questions! Where are you? Why haven’t you called or texted—and why the weird number?! Did you go to Europe or just steal a European phone?”
“I do not think I can tell you that,” Schneep said.
“What do you mean—?!”
“Anti, you have to shut up and listen!” Schneep snapped. “You could be watched.”
Anti blinked. “What?”
“Watched. They could be watching you. They watch a lot of things, you know.”
The other end of the call was silent.
“Volt, don’t you fucking do this,” Anti warned. “I’ve had a terrible past few weeks. We all have! I guess you leaving was some cue for the universe to swoop in and come fuck the rest of us.”
“I’m sorry to hear that,” Schneep said quietly. “Really. I did not want to go. But...I had to. The police—never mind. This is not the time. All I will say is you need to be careful.”
“You need to be careful or else I’m gonna track you down and lightly stab you for all this bullshit,” Anti grumbled. “You can’t just leave without telling us! I get that you were in a tight spot, but at least say that you’re going before you do! First you, then I guess Jackie decided you were a good example and did the same thing. What’s next, J—”
“What happened to Jackie?!” Schneep interrupted, sounding alarmed.
“Good fucking question.” Anti leaned back against the wall, resting his head on the tiles. “I don’t know, he freaked out and left. Said a lot of stuff about ‘fixing’ what’s going on.”
“It might already be too late, then,” Schneep said quietly. “They could have found him. Or he found them.”
“Volt, what the fuck are you on about? You can’t keep saying shit that makes you sound like you’re in a bad movie, you have to give me solid answers.”
“I can’t, Anti. I do not know if the call is safe. For the same reason, I cannot talk too long. I will leave you with this. Be careful of any...any watchers out there. Tell Marvin and Jameson as well. But you be especially on guard. I think they have specific interest in you.”
“What? Why?”
“I do not know. But I assure you, this is all real.” Schneep chuckled, but there was no humor in the sound, only anxiety. “I-I will try to call again, but I am not sure when that will be. Be safe.”
“Volt, you can’t—”
Beep. Schneep hung up, and the call ended.
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doyozen · 2 years
i used to HATE this song now i just dislike it a little 🔥 its improvement. okau sorry for puttimg sojgs on your ask thing jj <3 love you so very much and omg its almost new years here im graduating high school next year 😔😔 im not a kid anymore YUH i also love candy the song not the food cause real candy SUCKS HORRIBLE !!! lee jongsuk and iu are gonna be a power couple. i also got assignments even tho its school breal LIKE ?? STUPID SCHOOL. i didmt eat yesterday and i havent ate today haha. i love puttimg full stops in thr wrong. spot its so. weird. also limitless is 127's BEST title track anyone who disagrees fught. me. jj did you know before downloading wattpad i watched sidemen so everytime i talked to you i kept thinkimg of you being ksi but weaker 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 jj is weak ksi ahahah. OKAY BYE I LOVE YOU HAVE A GREAT NEW YEAR
U ARE SO RIGHT ABOUY LIMITLESS YEP. The sidemen hello u r so strange anyways i love u happy new year make sure to eat!!!!
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agapintheskin · 2 years
Hi Leo, sorry for this random ass ask but do you know what instruments the KP boys played in the KP World tour for Cumulus?
I vaguely remember...
1. Build: Saxophone
2. Nodt: Piano
3. Pong: Bass
4. Ping: Drums
5. Mile: Electric Guitar
6. Jeff: Vocals, Electric Guitar (acoustic guitar, piano; though not for the band)
Honourable Mention:
7. Apo: vocals
Did any of the other boys play in the band? Do Bas, Job, JJ, Us, Tong or Perth play anything even if it wasn't for the band?
(Ik Bible plays a little electric guitar even if he didn't for the band, and Barcode plays acoustic guitar + vocals, Ta DJs which I guess I would count for musical talent and I think he had a DJ segment in the Thai portion of the world tour and I think I've seen him with an acoustic guitar offhandedly in old pics... though not too sure...)
Okay so I'm no expert but I know Bas also sang in the band for sure. I know Perth outside of the world tour plays piano a lil and his singing voice is actually quite nice. Idk if Bible plays anything properly, who knows tho, knowing him he's probably been practicing guitar a lot. I know Build also plays guitar and piano, idk how good tho. For the rest of them i don't know/remember.
Anyone, you're free to add to this.
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sarahstreep7 · 2 months
Have you ever seen Interstellar by Christopher Nolan? Well if you haven't maybe you should check it out, then watch this Matthew McConaughey Breaks Down The Tesseract Scene in Interstellar.
MM: I need to ask them, “You tell me what it's about,” because you know we try to figure that out all the way through!?!! Look I love the film, working with Chris [Nolan], is you're gonna be in an epic film—working with Nolan, he just thinks! He goes [to extremes] you know, [he] creates the rules to these worlds, like he created the rule.
My deal with him is, I would always go to him & go “Okay as the pilot, this Head Astronaut here—I need to know the rules of how time works in this scene.”
he creates the whole constructs of these worlds.. that have their own set of rules & then you have to watch: “Do you follow the rules that he set up in that world throughout..”
That's my job, as the actor, to go “Well am I following the rules of this world?” Where he's created a completely new set of rules. [4 planets]
Throughout the journey of my character.. so I don't look like the ass! [rebel] someone breaking the rules.
Then there's a break in the story, that's a writer's job too. Writers go “If we establish this, you can't do that thing because that would abolish the truth of what we already established.”
Personally: I love this part of the discussion, where JJ [or whatever his name is], confesses his obsession with figuring out whether Nolan violated his own rules for the universe he created. Something we see Christians do with other Christians, and more specifically what Atheists do with GOD & the study of Scripture. But it was also something I did, but with “False Teachers.”
JJ: Can you please though, from your perspective, last question because I know you got to roll—but the tesseract scene, what the [flip] going on there?
MM: What am I trying to do there, I'm trying to be heard. I'm trying to get my daughter to hear me, to see me, but I'm unheard. I'm trying to reach out, but I can't be felt. It's a.. I'm, you know, [McConaughey character] Cooper's in jail, basically at that point for me.
Personally: I think this statement by Matthew is so telling about the heart of GOD HIMSELF, WHO will tear HIS heart out just to ensure that none of HIS kids are left out of HIS Kingdom. To miss out on HIS loving arms for all eternity. The same way Cooper had to sacrifice his life by entering Gargantuan, the Black Hole [Death itself] & risk everything to ensure the safety of mankind & HIS family.
I’ve not actually seen interstellar.. therefore have no clue what you’re talking about.. 😅
Did you send this to the right tumblr? Idk why anyone would send this to me lol! I do appreciate the anon tho!
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