#anyway!! i hope y’all are having a good day!!
tvrningout · 2 months
between being gone and my excitement over kny, i completely forgot to add back arata… my silly lil bassist baby boy, i’ll bring you home soon 💜
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cheesy-sunny-days · 3 months
woah guys, that last post was a lot
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(mostly isolated doodles)
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chrollohearttags · 5 months
to keep from crying for a third time, I’m gonna go do some updates and then play sims. sorry for the depression fest lmao.
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skyloftian-nutcase · 4 months
I kind of want to vibe with blorbos but not sure what to write. Anybody wanna see little scenarios with some of them? Maybe I’ll do the three sentence prompt stuff 🤔 idk, my AUs are on the brain and I wanna hang out with them but not sure how
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smilesrobotlover · 8 months
Whumptober day 31- emptiness, setbacks, take it easy
Read day 30
Happy Halloween!!! Thank you so much for sticking with me with month! This was a fun challenge and I’m so proud of myself for pushing through it 😊 I hope you guys like this one, it’s kinda mid imo but it’s pretty intense I suppose.
Warnings: stabbing, blood loss, hopelessness, kind of an unhappy ending oops 😬 everything’s fine tho it’s fine
Age couldn’t help but hum along with Kass, Benji, and Linebeck’s music. They were playing some of Linebeck’s sea shanties, and it was getting more and more chaotic. Kass and Linebeck were remarkable singers, but Benji was pretty terrible, but they all sung loudly, laughing like maniacs at the end of every song. Age listened to them, laughing along whenever they erupted into laughter after a song. Age’s father walked up to them, looking like a mess and very frustrated.
“What are you all doing?” He asked angrily, a pitchfork resting on his shoulder while his prosthetic arm rested on his hip.
“Singing!” Kass answered, “care to join us?”
“No! I’m too busy working on the farm! No thanks to any of you!”
Benji gave an awkward chuckle but looked away while plucking his guitar. Linebeck gave a sigh and leaned back.
“Ammon, I’m a sailor, not a farmer,” he said, and the others nodded.
“Well I’m a soldier! But I’m still trying to make sure Talon’s farm doesn’t get ruined!” Ammon shouted.
“Man, I don’t get why both Talon and Rusl had to leave the farm,” Benji muttered, continuing to pluck his guitar. “They’re the farmers, we don’t know what we’re doing.”
Ammon sighed. “Talon is understandable, I’m not sure why Rusl left as well, but no matter! It doesn’t mean that you can just sit around lazing the day away!” He shot a look at Age, who sat up straight quickly. “What are you doing?”
“Ah– uh– I’m sorry father, I was just resting,” Age said quickly, and Ammon narrowed his eyes at him.
“Goddesses, what do you want from us Ammon?” Linebeck asked.
“I want some help! This farm work isn’t easy to do!”
Kass stood up, walking over to Ammon who was seething. “Now now, Ammon, tell us what to do and we will try to help. I’m sorry,” Kass said gently, which calmed Ammon down. Age was almost surprised at how calm Kass was in every situation, he was perfect for dealing with Wild’s… well… wild personality.
“Right, right,” Ammon let out a sigh. “I could use help grooming the horses, I’ve milked the cows, but if someone could feed the cuccos and clean the house, that’d be great, and also–”
Age’s father was interrupted by Wild, who was chasing a round pig that was sprinting towards the men. They all shot up and moved out of the way as the pig nearly plowed through them, watching it run and stop just outside the ranch.
“Hey, don’t move towards it all at once,” Wild said breathlessly, resting his hands on his knees.
“Oh, I’m sorry, Link,” Kass said, “did that piglet escape?”
“Yeah, and I need to hurry and grab it before the others escape too!”
Linebeck let out a sigh of relief and crossed his arms. “You’ll never catch a pig by chasing it kid, you need to sneak up behind it, and then grab it before it knows what’s going on.”
“Oh great! You can catch it while I keep an eye on the other pigs!” Wild suggested with a smile. Linebeck looked at him in surprise.
“W-what? Noooo no no no my Link was always the pig catcher not me.”
“No, I think it’s a wonderful idea,” Ammon grinned, “Make yourself useful.”
Linebeck frowned then took off his overcoat, throwing it somewhere safe as he hesitantly walked over to the pig.
“Oh I need to watch this,” Benji said, running after the sailor. Age grinned and followed as well as his father grumbled. Linebeck was a good distance away from the pig, crouching down and crawling from behind the pig, being as quiet as possible. Benji snorted and Linebeck shot him a glare, cautiously moving closer to the pig.
“Oy, I thought you guys were going to help with the farm wor–”
“Yeah yeah, after this Ammon, shut up,” Benji interrupted, not taking his eyes off of Linebeck.
Ammon grumbled again, but he stayed with the others as they watched Linebeck. The sailor was close to the pig, and he quickly went to grab it, but it slipped out of his fingers, jumping over his head and onto his back. Linebeck let out a yelp as he went face first into the ground, getting dirt and mud all over himself. The others started laughing as he attempted to wrestle the pig, getting more and more dirty. Finally, he grabbed the pig and held it over his head, panting and glaring at the laughing group.
“Weren’t you guys going to do farm work?” He yelled. He looked at Wild who was still with the group. “Weren’t you going to keep an eye on the pigs?”
Wild scratched the back of his head while Benji snorted laughing. “It’s not my fault you’re so entertaining to watch.”
Linebeck grumbled and marched right past them, heading to the pig pen. “If one of those pigs escaped I’m not catching it!”
They all watched as Linebeck grumbled, and Kass smiled at Wild.
“It’s best to leave him alone while he blows off some steam.”
Wild shrugged. “Well, he can deal with the pigs then, if he’s gonna be such a grump.”
Kass chuckled and Wild’s gaze lingered over to Ammon, who was also watching him blankly. Kass quickly jumped in front of them, blocking off the view.
“Let’s go help with the horses! You like horses don’t you?” He suggested, and Wild agreed, the two walking towards the horses. Age sighed sadly. Ever since Wild met his father, he’d been pretending that he didn’t exist, but there were moments where he watched him for too long, and he would spiral. Thankfully, Kass was helping him through it, but it was very hard on his father. Age gave his father a small smile, who smiled back, but it quickly disappeared.
“Uh, ok, what the heck happened?” Benji asked, plucking his guitar strings. “Why are you and Kass avoiding each other?”
Ammon shook his head. “Me and Kass aren’t avoiding each other, it’s just… Wild.”
“Oh, right, your twin,” Benji looked at Age who shrugged.
“He’s not my twin, we’re… technically the same person.” Age sighed. “It’s hard to explain, but he’s from a timeline where evil won, he’s been asleep for a hundred years and… um…” Age looked at his father who was staring ahead.
“Oh, I get it now,” Benji said softly. Age gave him an awkward smile.
It was silent for a long moment until Ammon moved away.
“Let’s finish the chores, alright?” He said softly, and the other two followed him.
“Hey! Hyrule, can you hear me?”
Hyrule groaned as consciousness began to return to him. He opened his eyes and saw everyone huddled around him, with Windy holding a magic potion.
“Oh yeah, that’s definitely Benji’s kid,” a man next to Twilight chuckled. Hyrule frowned.
“How d’ya know m’ dad?” He said weakly, his words slurring. The man grinned at Time, who was next to a woman with red hair.
“Well he knows his dad, that’s good,” another man he didn’t recognize with a big nose said. “Are ya good to drink this potion, little one?”
Hyrule squinted at Windy who started to uncork the bottle. He nodded and let the others sit him up. He drank the potion carefully, being able to drink it himself as he felt his strength return to him.
“Thank the goddesses you’re doing’ better, Hyrule,” Windy said when he finished the bottle. “We were getting worried about you!”
Hyrule smiled, then looked at the people he didn’t know. “Who are they?” He asked, pointing at all four of them.
“Hyrule, this is my father-in-law Talon, and my wife, Malon,” Time introduced the both of them.
“Huh, Malon and Talon, that’s cute.”
Talon chuckled. “Gotta keep that Lon Lon name, yeah?”
Malon laughed and nodded. Hyrule smiled and looked over at the man who was side hugging Twilight.
“Oh! Hyrule, this is my pa, Rusl.”
Rusl waved at him and Hyrule tilted his head.
“You don’t look like him.”
“I’m adopted.”
Hyrule made an “oh” sound and looked at the serious looking man behind the colors.
“This is our father!” Red introduced him. The man gave a nod at Hyrule.
“The name is Leon.”
“Nice to meet you all,” Hyrule smiled at them, and Windy grabbed his arm, helping him up. “Uh, so you mentioned my dad?”
“Oh yes!” Talon pointed to a ranch in the distance, “He’ll be so happy to see you!”
“Is that where he is?”
“Yep! At Lon Lon ranch! We’re almost there!”
Hyrule nodded. “Now I get the Lon Lon name…”
Time chuckled and nudged him towards the ranch. “C’mon, we don’t want to dawdle now do we? Let’s find your father.”
Hyrule grinned, beginning to register the idea of seeing his father again. He truthfully didn’t know him very well, he was separated from him when he was ten years old, being apart from him for so long that he almost forgot everything about him. He’d only just reunited with him, and though it felt weird calling him father, he still found familiar comfort in him, and he was excited to see him again. He started walking, still feeling weak, but determination to see his father again kept him going. When they reached the entrance, Hyrule jogged towards the horses despite his dizziness, and he looked around, spotting Wild next to a giant bird man.
“WILD!” He yelled out, sprinting towards him, but he felt his legs weaken, and he suddenly started to fall face first into the grass. He let out a yelp, but something caught him and helped him up. He looked at his savior confused, and grinned when he recognized his father, beaming at him.
“Orchid!” he cried, and pulled him into a tight hug. Hyrule buried his face in his neck and melted into the embrace.
“H-hey dad,” he mumbled, his voice wavering. He got a lump in his throat and he blinked back the tears when his dad started running his hand through his curly hair.
“I’m so happy to see you safe, Orchid. Too many times we’ve been separated.”
The two held each other for a while until he heard people come up behind him. He saw Wild and the bird man who were smiling.
“Oh my goodness!” The birdman looked at the two. “I can see the family resemblance!”
Benji chuckled and gestured to Kass. “Orchid, this is Kass. Kass, Wild, this is my son, Orchid.”
Wild narrowed his eyes. “‘Orchid’? Is that like… your real name?”
Hyrule nodded shyly, and Wild chuckled.
“Why didn’t you say that when we came up with nicknames? I’m sure it beats ‘Hyrule’.”
Hyrule shrugged. “I don’t know… Um… you have a bird for a dad?”
Wild looked at Kass in shock, and he laughed nervously. “No! No! He’s uh… he’s Kass and he’s a good friend! Has great songs. Can dance really well too.”
It grew silent and they all glanced at each other awkwardly. Time walked up to them and smiled at Wild.
“Wild! You're here! Are the others at the ranch as well?” He asked, with everyone else joining them (and Twilight scolding Hyrule for running off). Wild shook his head.
“Just me and Age.”
“Oh my!” Talon chuckled at the sight of Wild. “You must be Ammon’s kid huh?”
Wild’s smirk faded, and a sense of unease filled the air. Hyrule looked at his dad who had a blank expression on his face, then at Kass who had his wings resting on Wild’s shoulders, who surprisingly looked upset. Talon looked at everyone’s reactions and frowned.
“Was it something I said?”
“No, no Talon you’re alright um,” Kass looked back at the horses he and Wild were taking care of, “let’s finish the job, shall we?”
Wild nodded and ran over to the horses. Hyrule watched, realizing who Ammon is. The group knew about Wild and Age’s situation, but Hyrule always forgot about how serious of a situation it was, and how much it affected Wild. Benji looked at Talon and the others, who all looked concerned.
“It’s complicated, Talon, so don’t worry about it.” Benji looked at Windy and smiled warmly. “So you must be Linebeck’s then, huh?”
Windy’s dark expression lit up. “Yes! Where is he?”
“Over at the pig pen. Careful though, he’s kinda pissed off right now.”
Windy giggled. “When is he not? I’m gonna go find him!” The little sailor turned and sprinted in the wrong direction.
“The pig pen is the other way,” Benji called out to him, and Windy quickly turned around and sprinted in the correct direction. Everyone laughed at him as he ran by, clearly excited to see his own dad. Or at least, Hyrule assumed this Linebeck guy was his dad.
“Well, guys, how about we find Ammon and his kid and make some introductions,” Benji started, eyeing the different Links, “I’ve been dying to meet your guys' kids.”
Linebeck finished washing all the mud and dirt off of him, grumbling about the stains on his pale shirt. He put his hair in a ponytail and watched the pigs play around. They seemed to be fine, no risk of another one getting out, but he wasn’t in the mood to see the others. He’d be forced to do farmwork, and he hated farmwork. He grabbed his coat and shook it off, making sure it wasn’t dirty, until one of the pigs gave a desperate squeal and he spun around, looking at it weird.
“What’s wrong with you?”
The pigs started to back away into the corner of the pen and Linebeck frowned.
“What are you pigs doing?”
He knelt down and tilted his head at the pig’s strange behavior, but something cold and sharp touched his neck, and he froze.
“Scream and I’ll slit your throat,” the familiar voice of the man who’s caused this mess whispered in his ear.
“You,” Linebeck growled, not moving with the knife up against his throat.
“You know, it took me a long time to find you and your friends, and to find you here, goddesses, it's infuriating,” the puppeteer sneered, and Linebeck rolled his eyes.
���What do you want, you big baby.”
The puppeteer scoffed. “You and your friends have been nothing but a thorn in my side! Always trying to ruin my plans and getting in my way! And then you suddenly disappear, somewhere where I can’t find you,” the puppeteer spun Linebeck around with his sword pointed at his neck. Linebeck glared at the one eyed mask he wore. “I’ve had enough of you, and I want nothing more than to kill you all.”
“So then kill me, why are you monologing when you have me right here with your pretty little knife pressed up against my neck?”
The puppeteer didn’t say anything, his grip tightening on Linebeck’s shoulder. He looked behind him, checking to see if anyone was there, and he returned his attention to his hostage. “I had no idea that the Links were all your sons,” his head tilted, “perhaps you all could be of some use to me.”
Linebeck’s eyes widened. “If you think you’re gonna use me against my kid—“
“These Links have truthfully been a pain as well, and if using their family to get them to listen is what I have to do, then so be it. If it’ll mean making you all suffer, then so be it.”
Linebeck kicked the puppeteer in the chest as hard as he could, trying to dig his heels in his ribs. The puppeteer grunted as he fell back, holding his side, but before he could do anything else, a battle cry was heard, and he jumped away before Link was able to slash him with his sword.
Wait, Link.
“Link!” Linebeck shouted, not believing his eyes when he saw the boy that he’s been looking for standing right in front of him, pointing his sword against the puppeteer.
“Oh, you’re here too. Isn’t that just convenient,” the puppeteer snarled and swung his sword at Link, who blocked it with his own. The two fought, Link being calm and collected while the puppeteer was enraged and messy. Linebeck just watched the two of them, his heart beating a mile per second.
Come on you idiot, help him! He thought to himself, looking around for anything that he could use as a weapon, but he found nothing. When he looked back at the two, the puppeteer had grabbed Link and threw him over his shoulder. Link landed with a painful thud, and he let out a cry.
“Link!” Linebeck called out again, more worry in his voice. Goddesses, why couldn’t he do anything to help him? Why was he so useless?
“You know what? I don’t need all you Links to be alive!” The puppeteer shouted, pointing his sword at Link, “I can make do without one!”
Linebeck gasped and finally moved. He sprinted towards the puppeteer as he thrusted his sword at Link, and he jumped over his kid, trying to tackle the puppeteer before he stabbed him and—
Linebeck grunted as he felt pain explode through his abdomen. He was face to face with the puppeteer, and when he looked down, his sword sunken deep into his stomach.
“Well, that wasn’t supposed to happen,” the puppeteer said breathlessly, and he kicked Linebeck to the ground, pulling the sword out of him.
“Linebeck!” He heard Link scream, and he saw him enter his vision, horror apparent on his face. Linebeck groaned at the pain, and felt the world spin around him as he felt the hot blood pouring out of him. He heard shouts and swords clanging, but Link stayed by his side, putting pressure on his wound. Linebeck stared at him, the boy that he was stuck with for so many months, the boy that saved his life countless times, the boy that he’s spent hours stargazing on his ship. Tears poured out of his eyes, and he reached out to him.
“L-Link,” he said, struggling to speak. Link turned to him and looked over his face.
“Linebeck, I—I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry,” he started to cry as the blood poured out of his wound.
“I’m—I’m glad you’re alright, green monkey,” Linebeck reached out to cradle his round face, but he saw the blood all over his hands, and a wave of nausea and dizziness overwhelmed him. He squeezed his eyes shut, letting his hand drop. “Oh goddesses…”
He heard people talking, and another set of hands helped with the pressure.
“We need Hyrule! He’s losing a lot of blood!”
“Hyrule is busy right now, Windy, I’m sorry.”
“But he’s going to die!”
Linebeck heard rummaging and cursing, then a cheer.
“I have a red potion! It’ll have to do alright?”
Someone lifted up his head and he opened his eyes, seeing Rusl sitting over him.
“Ok, Linebeck, I need you to drink this,” he said, and he put the red potion to his lips. Linebeck tried to do just that, and as he sipped the potion, he felt a warm tingly feeling go through his body as some of the pain left his body. He felt like he’d been drinking the potion for forever though, and Linebeck couldn’t drink it anymore. He suddenly went limp, and Rusl cursed under his breath. “You’re not done, keep going, please.”
Linebeck felt the world go dark around him, and the voices grew muffled. He heard shouting and crying, then darkness.
Age groaned as another wave of monsters charged him and his father. He didn’t know what happened, he was greeting his friends when the puppeteer arrived and sent monsters after them. The Gerudo guards, Time, and Talon took Malon inside, and the two men guarded the home, Hyrule and Benji were fighting off a pack of Lizalfos, Rusl and Twilight ran off to help Linebeck who got hurt, Kass and Wild were busy with bokoblins, and Leon and the colors all went after the puppeteer. He and his father were being bombarded with wizzrobes, and they were never ending.
“When did the puppeteer show up?” His father grunted as he killed a wizzrobe.
“No idea, he always shows up at the worst times!”
The wave of wizzrobes were finally killed by the two, and Age spotted the puppeteer running from Leon.
“C’mon.” Age took off where they were, and soon the puppeteer was surrounded.
“Nowhere to run you bastard,” Leon growled, pointing his sword at the puppeteer. The others copied him, pointing their swords so that the puppeteer had nowhere to run.
“What are you going to do now that I’m caught, hm?” The puppeteer asked, tilting his head. “Are you gonna get on your knees and beg me to take you home?”
Leon grabbed his throat and slammed him against the wall. “Shut up! Make the monsters go away or else I’ll–”
“What? You’ll torture me? Not very virtuous, first knight.”
Leon tightened his hold on his neck, and Age glanced at his father, who looked mortified. All the colors had unease written on their faces, and Leon sighed, loosening his grip. But when his hand pulled away slightly, Age saw goop fall off his neck. Leon jumped away as the puppet melted, and he spun around.
“That was a decoy! Where is the puppeteer?”
They all looked around frantically, and Age spotted the real puppeteer watching them. He lifted his hands, and a bright light assaulted his eyes. He yelled out in pain, feeling his skin burn from the light.
“Link!” He heard his father call out, and he felt a hand grab his arm. He reached out and embraced the person near him, feeling the world around him spin and change.
And then he opened his eyes.
He was lying on his back, and he knew that he was no longer in Lon Lon ranch. He sat up, noting that he was in a forest with thin trees littering the ground, and he saw the colors, calling out for their father. He looked around, confused on where his own father was. He was right there. Age was hugging him, he remembered. Where was he? He shot up and looked around frantically, but his father was gone, as was Leon. Age heard loud sobbing suddenly, and he searched for whoever was crying. Green spotted Age and ran up to him, with the others following.
“Age! What happened? Where’s my father?”
“I don’t know. My father is missing too.”
Red was crying and he stared in the direction where the sobbing was coming from. “Did we… did the puppeteer teleport us away?”
“Obviously you idiot!” Blue shouted. “The ranch looks nothing like this place!”
“Hey hey,” Age rested his hands on the two, speaking in a gentle voice, “let’s try to find the others, alright? The last thing we need to do is fight each other.”
Blue grumbled and followed Age when he jogged in the direction of the sobbing. There was a small clearing with fallen trees, and they saw Hyrule and Time huddled up next to each other, the traveler looked upset, while Time looked devastated. His head was resting in his hands as he stared blankly at Twilight, who was holding a sobbing Windy. Twilight was rubbing his back and whispering reassurances to him as he cried.
“What happened?” Red asked, and Twilight gave him a solemn look.
“He… his father got stabbed, but it’ll be alright. He drank half a red potion, which is better than nothing,” he said firmly, mostly to Windy than anyone else, but the sailor continued to cry. Age winced at every sob he made, Windy was such a strong young man. Seeing him this hysterical, it was hard to watch. The group heard running and they flinched when someone arrived, but it was just Wild. He looked relieved to see everyone, but he still had a desperate look in his eye.
“The puppeteer is nearby, we need to go. Now.”
Time stood up, fury apparent on his face. “Good, then I can deal with him once and for all.”
Age ran up to him and stopped him from moving any further. “He’s too strong for you, we need to see if we can find the others, alright?”
“That man took me from my home twice. My wife could give birth soon and I won’t be able to be there for her!” Time snapped, his voice cracking at the end. Age took a deep breath and rested his hands on his arms.
“I know, I know, but think about it, he sent us away from Lon Lon so we’d be away from everyone. He wants to isolate us, we must stay together and find help. We—“ he gestured to Windy “—are not ready for a fight against the puppeteer.”
Time glared at him for a moment, then the anger left his eyes, and helplessness took over as he stumbled back. Age grabbed him and held him steady.
“Woah, hey, take it easy, Time.”
Time let out a shaky breath and sat back down next to Hyrule. “Malon…” he whispered, burying his face in his hands.
“Guys… I know it’s hard, but we need to leave.” Wild looked behind him. “The puppeteer can’t find us like this.”
Everyone nodded and stood up with Twilight helping Windy, who was shaking. Wild and Age stayed in the back, listening for anything that could be chasing them, while watching the upset heroes in front of them. Age only hoped that their fathers were safe.
“Where’s Link?”
Malon’s voice was shaking as Rusl put a bloody and unconscious Linebeck on the table. Benji stood near Talon, who was shaking pretty badly, looking confused and hurt. He had a deep scratch on his arm, and he stared at Linebeck in horror. It was chaos since the puppeteer attacked, Benji was with his son one second, and the next, he was gone. All the Links were gone, along with the puppeteer and his monsters. The men’s focus went to Linebeck who was practically dying from being stabbed. Rusl said that he drank some of the red potion, but the wound wasn’t fully healed, and he lost a lot of blood. Talon went to try to help, but Benji stopped him.
“Talon, maybe you should sit this one out,” he said softly.
“B-b-but he’ll d-die and I h-have to do something–”
“You’re shaking, and this is way out of your league, you know it.”
Talon took in a shaky breath, and Risa stepped up. “We can take care of him, you voe should go outside, alright?”
Talon nodded and headed for the door, with Malon following, asking where Link was. Benji looked at Linebeck who was pale and unmoving. He sent a quick prayer for his recovery, and went outside.
The men were all devastated in one way or another. Leon was cussing out and kicking the ground in fury, Ammon and Kass were comforting Talon and Malon, who were panicking, and Rusl…
The farmer went outside, and silent tears went down his face. Benji stared at him for a moment, then walked over to him, wrapping him in a hug. Rusl didn’t say anything, he just melted into the embrace and cried silently. Benji should be upset too, he’d lost his son three times now. First time, Orchid was only ten-years-old. Living with the guilt of losing him and possibly subjecting him to a terrible life was hard, but to see him alive and well six years later, it was a miracle. And then the puppeteer stole him away, and it felt like he lost him all over again. But now…. He just felt empty. He buried his face in Rusl’s shoulder and let out a sigh.
Now what were they going to do? They were back to square one, and this time, they weren’t in the same dimension as the Links. He thought that everything was going to be ok when he saw Orchid, but that didn’t last. It never did. He could tell the others felt a sense of hopelessness for finding their sons as well. And on top of that, they didn’t know if Linebeck was going to make it or not.
Their only hope was for some miracle to happen, but Benji didn’t think it would happen anytime soon. He just prayed that his son would at least be alright.
Please let him be alright…
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to the one amangela fic writer who hasn’t posted anything new in a bit (you should know exactly who you are), i just want you to know that there IS in fact a rabid animal clawing its way through my chest every time i check ao3 and don’t see your name over a new work. just keep that in mind <3
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raynavan · 11 months
Zisu stumbled back as the pokeball fell to the ground, violently shaking thrice before shooting sparks in the air. Everyone looked down at the ball for a moment, the village collectively letting out a sigh of relief.
Zisu turned her attention to Ingo, the warden seeming just as shocked from the capture as the rest of them. She opened her mouth to thank him, but just as she was about to speak, Ingo collapsed to the ground, still shaking slightly. She shouted out in worry, hearing Cyllene running behind her as they both rushed to the fallen warden.
A loud hiss made them both skid to a stop, Zisu quickly backing away as Ingo’s Gliscor stumbled over, baring its fangs menacingly. 
The captain held up her hands placatingly, “hey- hey it's okay, I just need to see if he’s alright-” Gliscor roared loudly, cutting her off as it stood over its trainer. She knew Ingo’s pokemon were loyal- never listening to anyone but him- but she needed to check up on Ingo and his ace was not helping. 
She took another few steps back, hoping it would calm down, “I know you are worried about him but we're trying to help.”
Gliscor simply hissed, waving its tail threateningly. Of course it wouldn't believe her, why would it after what they had tried to do? What they had almost done to Ingo?
It had every right not to trust her- to guard its beloved partner from what it could only see as threats. It was times like these she wished that she had gotten to know Ingo’s pokemon better. She had never seen Gliscor act like this before- usually all too happy to play fetch with children and hang off of the warden's back like an overgrown backpack. 
“I'm sorry,” she tried, “we didn't know.”
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slap-my-hand · 1 month
I really dislike being anxious ! Like why can I not just talk to people without worrying I will say or do something to make them hate me
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fiestar4 · 2 years
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I know I told myself to limit my more serious(ish) art posts to once a week but I really want to show my mirror Mags and Marx (even though it’s mostly Mags) because I love them and I’m proud of them
Anyways minor out of context hc lore thing drop
Do NOT repost, edit, trace, or use my art in any way. Thanks.
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goofily-moved · 8 months
Happy Friday the 13th!
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tvrningout · 3 months
what if i did some surprise meme spams… are we okay with those 👀
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magicalgrimm · 2 years
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“I know it looks really rough right now but I promise you that it will get better in the future.”
“We just have to keep going.”
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mxliv-oftheendless · 11 months
You ever get so overwhelmed by all the things calling your attention that you just sit still and doomscroll to avoid panicking?
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graham--folger · 2 years
i am so overwhelmingly fond of all the gay people in my phone <3
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raynavan · 1 year
i have updated the Frog design! tw horror
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the girls are fighting!
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vague color blocking. will probably change it later but im alright with this for now.
also if you just want to see the colors:
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for the Frog i just cherry piked from the one colored thing we have of it, and for the Beast (name pending) i uh. wanted it to contrast so i moved it more towards blue/green color scale, and added bits of red like the Frog has bits of green. there uh. really wasn't much thought there but i think it looks kinda cool.
unintentionally also relating the Beast more towards the crocodile side of its inspiration. that was... definitely intentional haha!
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multikore · 11 months
My friends on discord already saw this bUT I JUST WANNA SAY HERE- BC TUMBLR SO-
Story rant thing beneath cut ig???
My mom’s sick or something now so she asked me to get some food, and she also asked to make carrot sticks for her-
So I’m in ze kitchen getting her rice and fish cause she wanted that too,
then my dad comes in asking like “Oh you’re eating again?” And I said “Not it’s not for me I’m making food for Nanay” (Nanay is just mom in another language)
So he like helps me, he gets the fish for me and puts it in a small plate and I put the rice and fish to the side while I get a cutting board and I’M JUST CUTTING CARROTS AND HE SOMEHOW TRAILS OFF TO LIKE- HOW BEING YOUNG AND HAVING MONEY IS THE ONLY IMPORTANT THING??? AND I’M THERE LIKE- JUST EXISTING?? TRYING TO CUT CARROTS?? (I’d like to say that it isn’t and you’re perfect the way you are anyone who’s reading <3 )
Anyways she ended up getting her carrot sticks thankfully :D (She put salt and vinegar on them as well, and tbh it seemed kinda good but I didn’t get to try them -w-)
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