#anyway does anyone recognize which anime is this hehe
chuusposts · 2 years
smiling, giggling, kicking my feet
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anyway surprise mf
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aka-indulgence · 10 months
Hello @llamagoddessofficial :> Wrote another fanfic fanfic for you! I really love the good zoo siren au as someone who does some marine biologies, and I had a burst of inspiration so I wrote the first day working at the aquarium :D I loved writing the parallels hehee
You were a janitor in the Ebott aquarium!!
Which, when you say out loud, does sound underwhelming. But you didn’t mind it. You had come to them in the hopes of becoming an intern, a volunteer, or a staff if things went your way. The lady at the information desk (who was very helpful), had looked quite apologetic when you asked her.
“I’m sorry… but we’re not looking for anymore creature carers at the moment.”
It was quite disappointing, but you weren’t expecting to get accepted straight away, anyway. And you’d already bought a ticket anyway, so you still had an aquarium day all to yourself, not like you were wasting your day. And you had a great day! If you weren’t caring for the animals directly, you were reassured by the fact that your payment is going to contribute to their care.
The day became even better when the lady recognized you on the way out and stopped you.
“We don’t have positions for carers right now, but… how would you like to be a cleaner? I’ll keep you up to date if there are any spots open.”
Naturally, you took it. It wasn’t like you had anything pressing for your schedule right now. As soon as a position opens- whatever it is- you were going to take it by the throat.
It was your first day. You were blasted with warmth as soon as you went in, having to quickly shed your winter clothes for the janitor uniform. It had little fish on the sleeves, which was a cute touch. It wasn’t the most glamorous job, of course. You spent more of your hours in the toilet than you did in the exhibit rooms. But any agitation you got from coming into a stall, only to see tissues strewn about on the floor like someone just blew up a roll after you had just cleaned; was quickly washed away when you went out, to the cool blues, the dancing lights cast in the darkened rooms. Even when you had to excuse yourself in front of the guests to wipe a drink spill in front of the giant ‘Pacific Bay’ aquarium, the music calmed your soul.
It wasn’t very quiet in the afternoon, what with the families and their 300 toddlers running about and crying babies. But when the day waned and the water glimmers dimmed, the one’s left were adults, couples. Then of course, the aquarium closed.
You worked up a sweat that clung to your uniform uncomfortably, after you scrubbed a mysterious stain on the floor leading to the gift shop that seemed to seep into the shiny tile, somehow.
“Hey, Julia?” You called; the lovely information lady that allowed you to have this opportunity in the first place; wandering about the empty entrance to check out. It felt like a bit of a ghost town all of a sudden, as you roamed the aquariums for any management-type people you could ask for help.
“I’m done, right? What should I…”
You stop when you walk by a doorway, into a room that was always darker than the rest, even when the sun was still up in the sky.
… You could walk back into the dinky staff room in the back of the building where they just gave up on aesthetics, a ‘modern’ and unsightly concrete structure. But… you could also just… say that you didn’t find anyone… right? And just… ‘got lost’... in the Deep Seas room…
Looking around, holding a cloth to your heart as if someone was going to chastise you if you hadn’t, you snuck into the room. It was hard to pass up on an opportunity like this.
Ebott aquarium was special, after all. They were one of the few aquariums in the world that had sirens. Three, to be in fact. One orca siren, one shark siren, and a deep sea cecaelia. A spectacular cast, to be sure- it wasn’t a surprise how they won so many awards over the years.
This room in particular was the cecaelia’s, the most reclusive of all the sirens.
You walked past the languid isopods, the floating nautilus, the sparkling comb jellies, to a giant opening in the room where the ceiling extended so you could see the entire tank in all its glory.
It usually looked empty, of course, but the few chances you get to see the cecaelia, it would be a shame to be unable to see him.
Though, as it was now, the tank looked uninhabited, as it usually was. This siren in particular was ‘shy’, though shy wasn’t the right word. It was more that he didn’t like being looked at, as to be expected with deep sea specieses.
Which is why this was the perfect opportunity for you. Julia told you about him- that he was more likely to emerge during after hours. They had cameras in the viewing room, for the purpose of recording his activity whenever he does something interesting to show visitors that he is in fact real, and they aren’t just displaying an empty tank for fun.
The TV display is off now, but you remember the video they posted online, where the most exciting thing that happened was him shooting out of the cave to grab the food they lowered into his tank, before quickly retreating back into the cave. There were screams of children and adults alike going wild.
You read the information board next to the TV.
Skull, Deep Sea Cecaelia
Sirenus cecaelia aequor
Ebott’s most recently acquired siren, Skull was found floating near the surface, a sign of disease or weakness in deep sea sirens. It is our belief that Skull recently acquired the crack in his skull. This may have caused him to grow uncontrollably, though our researchers argue that it might as well be due to deep sea gigantism.
Not much is known of deep sea cecaelias as of now, as they are the rarest encountered sirens in human history, and extensive observation we do have is in captivity, like Skull. 
They are as enigmatic as they are beautiful, deep sea cecaelias are believed to live a mostly solitary life……
Your eyes scan through the text- having read most of it from the other day visit. Your sight is caught on the plaque  next to the board, under the TV. You hadn’t noticed it before, with how full the room was. Boarded with wood and written on a golden plate, it reads:
In memory of Henry Freeman.
Your squint when the gold plating starts shimmering a pinkish hue. And, did it get darker?
You follow the direction of the light to see…
“Whoa-lly shit!” You staggered.
Right there, against the glass, was Skull. He was big, you knew that, his size was listed right there on the board with a human outline next to his to show scale, and you’ve seen the videos of course- but that didn’t prepare you to see him in person.
Just his skeletal upper body dwarfed yours, bones thick and marred with scars of unknown battles deep below, where sunlight couldn’t reach. His pitch black tentacles waved around him like deep shadows in the darkness of the tank, suckers sticking and popping off the glass in tandem. At its base, a single tentacle was thicker than you were.
You held a hand up to your chest. Your heart had jumped at the giant shadow, that glowing red eye of his, the size of your fist, zeroing on you, and a great big smile full of characteristically sharp deep-sea teeth. It must’ve been instinctual fear, having a great predator looking at you, so close, only separated by a couple inches of glass.
The tips of his front tentacles were poking and tapping on the glass.
The initial adrenaline of fear quickly turned to curiosity and awe. You’ve never seen him with your own two eyes before, let alone so close- why was he out? Did he notice the empty room, and the lone ‘prey’ turned away from him and just lunged..?
“Hahahah, am I lucky to be on this side of the glass,” you joked, approaching the glass.
His eye stayed trained on you as you approached, his smile widening. He even lowered his head a little, like he was trying to get on eye level with you.
“Can’t tell if you’re curious about me or if you just really really want to eat me,” you giggle, at the way he was focused on you.
You pressed your hand to the glass, and practically squished your nose to it as you took him in. You could imagine the sounds those great big tentacles were as they moved like midnight waves.
You pull your head back in time to see his eye on your open palm against the glass. A great finger pointed to it, scratching the glass. Then… he presses his hand to the glass, right in front of yours.
Your mouth opens. Your hand just barely fits into his palm. You looked back to the cecaelia. This close, you could see all the little shift in his eyelight, flitting here and there, like he was paying close attention to the details in your face.
His eyelight cast a soft red on your face, your cheeks. A small glimmer in your eyes.
“This is…”
You startle at the squeal, sounding like if a squeaky toy could get excited. When you turned around, you see a woman standing at the end of a hallway, in a white coat and white turtleneck,  looking very ready to walk in the cold.
“How did you,” she strode over to you, long blond hair bouncing as she did, “how did you get him to do that?”
“I’m- sorry?” you sputter. Looking behind you, Skull had retreated a few paces to the back of the glass. “I was just… just…” you shrug, making a face when you remember you’re still holding the cleaning cloth, hiding it behind your back.
“Magnificent!” she stood next to you, one hand on the glass. “We’ve never seen him so interested in a human before. You had him against the glass!”
Skull was swimming around, darting from one corner to the other, keeping his eye on the both of you.
“He’s never done that?”
“Never!” she turns to you, conviction in her voice. “Skull doesn’t like being looked at, he usually hides in his cave when someone walks into the room, not… approach and give them a greeting. The only reason he isn’t rushing back is because he recognizes my face as ‘someone who gives the food’. And like you see now, he doesn’t give me any special greetings. Just having him out and about while someone is in view is stunning, let alone…”
“Oh, so do you feed him?” you ask. Hopefully you weren’t going to get chewed out for dawdling in the aquarium when you’re supposed to be clocked out 30 minutes ago.
“I do help with the feedings.” She says, then extends a hand to you. “Call me Mildred. I’m the head of the aquarium.”
“The… the head?!” Your eyes widen as you shook her hand. “I’m… I’m (Y/n), it’s an honor! To meet you!”
“Oh, please, I’m much more interested in you!” She smiles, the lines around her lips wrinkled with age, evidence of a lively woman. “Say… are you the new cleaning service Julia picked up?”
“Y-yeah! I mean. Yes,” You corrected yourself. You were talking to the big boss here, and you were a little bashful to find that she knows about you.
“You said you wanted experience in animal and magical creature care, right?”
She presses a finger to her lips, as if thinking for a moment. She casts her eyes to the exhibit, where Skull was still circling above. Then she looks at you with a playful smile.
“... How would you like to come into the siren care team?”
Your heart rate spikes, and you sputter.
“I… wh… hhhhhreally?!”
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peterstanslizzie · 4 years
Reacting To: Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts (Season 2 Episode 7)
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Episode Title: Benson and the Beast
Spoiler Warning: Kindly proceed if you’ve already seen the episode or are able to handle spoilers.
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1. The past few episodes have been starting out with flashbacks huh? Well, this episode is no exception; We travel back one year into the past and we see Benson climbing down into a deep den with baby Dave in his backpack. He’s there because he wants to get his cassette player back from two giant bat mutes. However, they catch him red-handed and tell Benson they need the player to build an alien communicator to reach out to the aliens. 
2. Baby Dave then molts rapidly across one entire cycle and stops at his toddler stage. This makes the bats think that he’s an alien. Why are they so sure that he is though? Lol. So afterwards, Benson and Dave were able to escape with his cassette player. 
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3. We are now in present times and it picks up where things left off last episode; Full Mega Jaguar Kipo is chasing after Scarlemagne who has her mother, Song aka the Mega Monkey under his mind control. One of the Nobles tries to shoot Kipo with an arrow but he gets taken down by the three scientists with a paralyzing dart. 
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4. Kipo goes on to attack them and Dr. Emilia retaliates by shooting the darts at her. Luckily, she’s stopped by Wolf and Benson then tries to calm Kipo down and remind her who she is by showing her, her family photo. However, Zane points his arrow at Kipo, which startles her and accidentally bumps Benson to the ground in the process. He tries again one more time and Kipo manages to turn back into a human. Wow, that sure was suspenseful!
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5. The scientists immediately recognize she’s Lio and Song’s child (I think) and they try to act like they know nothing about her parents. I think they are gonna try to kidnap Kipo themselves to experiment on her. They claim to be part of the human resistance that’s against Scarlemagne and they plan to wait till the Noble whom they just took out snaps out of his mind control state in order to extract information about Scarlemagne’s plans. 
6. It looks like Benson has dislocated his shoulder; Poor thing! Dr. Emilia tries to trick them into following them back to their headquarters but Wolf is highly suspicious of them. We also know that the scientists were actually looking for Kipo for 13 years! Okay, so they definitely know she’s Lio and Oak’s daughter. Also, they secretly plan to use Kipo as their weapon and dispose of her afterwards. Yikes! That’s evil! Anyways, despite still having reservations about them, Kipo and the others agree to follow them because they really need for Benson to get medical help. 
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7. Another flashback!; This time, we go back to the time when Song decided to stay back to answer the knock on her and Lio’s apartment door. As I’ve predicted, the same scientists were the ones behind the door. Song opens it and Dr. Emilia immediately calls her out for lying to them about being able to isolate the mutagen. 
8. If I’m not wrong. there’s two sides here. The first side, which Song and Lio belong to are the ones who want humans and mutes to live in harmony with one another and that’s by genetically modifying humans to become half-mutes in order to survive on the surface world. And as for the other side, which the scientists belong to, they just want to take mutes down and turn them back into animals so that humans can go back to being the dominant race again. 
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9. Dr. Emilia tells Song that she’s going to find Kipo and take her away; Song tries to resist them but accidentally falls off the balcony. Luckily, she transforms into the Mega Monkey just in time. That was a cool scene I must say. 
10. Back at the scientists’ HQ, Dr. Emilia is able to fix Benson’s dislocated shoulder. She then gives them a tour of their offices and we see more scientists busy working on plans to rescue the mind-controlled humans in Aurum and they have a tunnel that can take them there. We also get introduced to some of the things they’ve created to use against the mutes like a pheromone proof room and their Sonic Emitter, which emits sound waves that can only bother mutes. 
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11. However, the sonic waves unknowingly wakes up the two mute bats. Are these bats supposed to be good or bad? We discover later on that the mind-controlled human they managed to capture is actually Troy’s dad, Roberto! Finally! After 6 episodes, we get a mention of Troy again. I miss him. And so does Benson hehe. Lol, look at Dr. Emilia’s face in this picture. 
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12. Dr. Emilia now wants to train Kipo to control her powers and Benson wants to come along since she needs her anchor. Before leaving, he asks Wolf if she could make him look good in front of Troy’s dad. LOL! He still gotta impress his boo’s dad even during a time of crisis. Well, he still has a date set with Troy after all! I hope we get to see this date by the end of the season!
13. During the training, Kipo is finding it difficult to go back into her full jaguar form again. By the way, Dr. Emilia is INTENSE! Benson tries to talk to Kipo to figure out where her head’s at and Kipo tells him she’s afraid of hurting him or anyone again. Well, that’s a valid fear to have.
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14. Meanwhile, Wolf is re-telling the story about how Benson and Troy had set up their date to Dave. Suddenly, Roberto wakes up and Wolf explains to him what happened, including letting him know that Troy is safe with the Timbercats, thanks to Benson. Roberts asks them who these people are to which they explain everything to the best of their ability lol.
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15. I appreciate Dave for trying to talk Benson up to Roberto lol. I mean, that’s gonna be his future father-in-law. Zane and Greta discover that Roberto is awake and asks him to explain Scarlemagne’s plan during his future coronation; He reveals that Scarlemagne plans to gather all the humans in the arena to mind-control them. Benson, Kipo and Dr. Emilia joins them and Roberto tells Benson he’s impressed with the heroic things he didn’t do, thanks to Dave. 
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16. Suddenly, the mute bats barge into the building and fortunately, they’re not evil/mind-controlled but they are really obsessed in trying to find that “alien communicator” they so desperately want. They (Geli and Jibralta) start rummaging through the place and attacking whomever in standing in their way. Kipo tries to stop them with her two jaguar arms but it’s not enough. 
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17. Because Benson recognizes these two, he tries to lure them to him by telling them that the sonic emitter is the communicator. However, they think he is an alien whisperer and they grab hold of him and take him away. Aww, Dave is upset that Benson’s gone. Finally, Kipo is able to trigger her transformation into her full Jaguar form. 
18. The crazy bats take him to their den and ask Benson to use the “communicator” to make contact with the aliens. Kipo, the full jaguar then jumps into the burrow and starts to chase the bats. Wow and she’s giving them a beating for sure lol. As Kipo is about to attack them some more, Benson manages to calm her down by showing the family photo to her again. Phew! I’m glad that she’s able to transform back again because you know how some shows will try to make it more dramatic by not allowing its characters to do something for some random reason. 
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19. But they still have to deal with Geli and Jibralta and it turns out, Kipo is able to transform back into a jaguar again without any problems, in order to scare them. Wow, I’m impressed; She’s getting good at this. Afterwards, Benson gets on top of Kipo and they head off. 
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20. They reunite with the others and Kipo impressively turns back into her human form once again. She’s happy that she’s able to now control her powers and she’s confident in taking down Scarlemagne without hurting the humans. However, Dr. Emilia wants Kipo to use her powers to specifically take down the Mega Monkey. But Kipo doesn’t say anything. Why can’t she tell them that the monkey is her mom? It’s not like Kipo was given the impression that the scientists already knew of her or her family. 
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21. Awkward moment alert! Roberto tells Benson that he should date Wolf because she’s been saying nice things about Benson to him. LOL! His plan backfired. Benson decides to tell the truth and Roberto immediately gets the hint and it seems like he would be happy for his son, Troy to be with Benson. Phew! For a minute there, I thought Roberto would be that homophobic parent we all hate tbh. But considering the fact that the show’s setting takes place very much in the distant future, I’d like to think that gay relationships would be much more normalized by then. 
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22. Kipo is facing a dilemma because she might have to fight her own mom, who is mind-controlled. Benson, yet again, comes up with a plan to get Kipo and Roberto to sneak out in the middle of the night and Roberto navigating through the tunnels to get Kipo to reach the place where her mom is being kept. She goes up to the surface to immediately find her mom who is asleep but it looks like she’s tied to a giant tree? 
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23. OMG look at that face; I just want to cry. Song wakes up and they share an emotional reunion. However, Kipo gets grabbed by a flamingo and is dropped onto an empty clearing in the forest.
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24. She is then greeted by Scarlemagne and her mind-controlled father. So she has no other choice but to hold herself back from attacking. The episode then ends here. 
25. That’s the end of my review of episode 7. Thank you guys so much for having read my review/reaction. I really appreciate your support. Please check out my review of episode 8 for when it will be out tomorrow. Till then, bye!
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istanhooman · 3 years
I'm going to be making head canons and the like on these characters by @yesimahooman
Totallyahooman, the owner of these characters, said I should make a post about her characters so you all know what you're getting into hehe. They're all cats btw, and I'm on my phone so there's going to be mistakes. Most likely.
Apparently these characters are called the "meme team" because Totally made four of them (Toby, Oliver, Gingerale, and Milo) for an animation meme and fell in love. They didn't even have names until like a month later ig lmao
Toby: He's really friendly, but unlike Two-Tone understands boundaries - even if he's a little hyper and annoying. Toby will happily drop anything for his friends. Basically the generic "good guy" Character (But Totally says he had an edgy phase in a cat's version of teen years). He has three little sisters, who always insisted on playing with him, which didn't work well with his edgy phase. Totally told me he doesn't have a father, but he has a mother that looks a lot like him and she's the sweetest darling ever. Toby's the peach-ish, brown and white one.
Two-Tone: Speaking of Two-Tone, the wittle baby man omg I love him. Totally said he was originally made for the weird animation memes, because she had the nice one, the anxious one, the dad-friend, the angry one and the murderer. And yeah, you can use an edgy killer for weird/edgy memes, but she wanted WEIRD. And so Two-tone was made. But he apparently evolved into a really sweet cat who just doesn't understand how to communicate with people. He's been friends with Toby since childhood (kittenhood?) and seemingly came from nowhere. No parents at all. Toby's family basically adopted him (though I kinda ship them???)
Oliver: Anxious boyo. He's the blue one with big worried eyes. I also love him, he's so adorable. Anyway- Oliver's worrying about everything, constantly. He's also really easy to pick on because he'd be too scared to defend himself. Actually, Cinder tries killing him the most out of the team, which forces Gingerale to protect the bb. Totally told me that when she draws the two, she can't help but draw Oliver huddling behind Gingerale for protection and I live for that. She also said that he was an only child, so he learned how to be by himself and is still getting used to actually being around other cats. She said that Oliver's mom is also really sweet, but she was too soft and didn't force Oliver into anything he was uncomfy with (which were simple fears like the dark or strangers) and so he never got that exposure that's needed to NOT be a crying mess.
Gingerale: The ginger cat. He's a very grumpy boy and hates all things fun. Actually that's not true, but he's very tsundere. He'll bully his friends, but as soon as someone does it, he's going OFF on them. He somehow always catches Cinder when she's trying to kill the team, too which would he so much fun to see. Totally said Gingerale's used to being ignored because he was one of the middle kittens of TWELVE. YOU CAN'T MAKE THIS SHIT UP RNAKKD. kinda sad to imagine tho, poor bby.
Cinder: Finally, the one I kept mentioning. The gray and white gorl. To explain her murderous ways, Totally gave me a run down: As a kitten, Cinder was severely bullied by three older ones. Their mothers didn't do anything to stop it, and Cinder's own mother was too deep in self-pity due to her mate leaving her. All because he didn't want kittens :(. So, Cinder didn't get anyone to defend her from these bullies. One night, Cinder's mom stands up and straight up leaves. Totally gave a small, sad detail of "So, wondering where her mom was going, Cinder followed after her. But Cinder's mom turns only to push the kitten away, giving her an angry glare before leaving for good. Cinder's never seen her again." And i- that's so depressing. Anyway, Cinder finally snapped and killed one of the kittens bullying her. Finally the mothers cared, but only for their own. They exiled Cinder from the area, and Cinder complied. But she never forgot how nice it felt to finally have some power and since then, she's just kinda- killed cats. Totally finished it with "Cinder found the meme team and thought they'd be easy, but Gingerale's a good match against her. So... She's just for comedy's sake now I guess". That was long, sorry.
Milo: Big boi. Big soft boi. I really like him, but also I couldn't help but think about Milo from Pokemon Sword and Shield. I told Totally this and she went "Yeah, I made him before the game was officially out and before I played it. I had no idea" And I'll just accept her word. He's cute tho, the gray tabby. He's bigger than his friends and is super fatherly to them, even though he's around their age. Always making sure Oliver isn't so scared, Two-Tone and Toby are out of trouble, Gingerale actually socializes and the twins are recognized more. Very sweet.
Aidan: Speaking of the twins, they're the last two I need to tell you about! First is Aidan. He's the one with sunglasses. And also the spikier fur, and he's the boy. I like him because he thinks he's really cool and popular, but he's not. In fact Totally always forgets the twins exist. She's getting better at it, she says. She told me that Aidan is that one "I'm so cool" character who's calm and collected usually, but if a girl (or boy, she claims their sexualities are never specified and up to interpretations for the creativity) flirted with him, he'd DIE. I need to make hcs on this.
Nadia: The pretty girl. Basically it. She's really nice and understanding, but always finds a way to insult her brother casually. The twins have always been there for each other, but at the end of the day they're siblings. They're going to argue with each other. In fact, Totally said she likes to take a bit from her own siblings and say things like "Oh yeah, and Nadia one day would be all 'Aidan, brother, listen to me. I love you, but you're ugly. No girl would like you' And Aidan turns to his sister, slightly pulls down the sunglasses that somehow stay on his face and glances at her up and down before sighing, 'But Nadia, you're forgetting. You look just like me, but curly. You're just as ugly as I am, and you won't find love either.' Or smth like that. Just the casual insulting chaos that is siblings".
EDIT: Totally told me she updated character sheets and said I should replace the old ones! So most of these aren't old now
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purplesurveys · 4 years
I can see the sunshine in your eyes Survey by xflirtykaosx
What does your Town's name begin with? A.
What number how do you live at? It’s a number between 1-1000.
Are you a seafood fan? Yes. Runs in my veins. If humans are on average 60% water, I’m pretty sure the rest of my 40% is just seafood.
Do you prefer dark, brown or white chocolate? White chocolate doesn’t count as chocolate but it’s still my favorite kind. I find that milk chocolate can sometimes be too irritatingly sweet, and I don’t usually enjoy bitter foods so I don’t do well with dark chocolate either.
Give me a random word in another language. Tell me what it means. I’m pretty sure I’ve filled this out before because I remember answering this exact question...anyway, more Filipino lessons! My laptop is currently sitting on top of a kwaderno, which just means notebook.
Can you cook Thai food? I just can’t cook. But Thai cuisine is something I really want to learn to master.
Do you get easter eggs at easter? Some years. I have relatives who will sometimes hold Easter egg hunt parties, and the older kids’ crew like some of my cousins and I are still allowed to join so that we don’t miss out on the fun, heh.
How long does it roughly take you to do the weekly or bi weekly shopping? My parents usually take an hour. Though back when we were still under an enhanced lockdown and stores kept a strict control of how many people were allowed inside, my dad used to take six hours :( He’d leave around 7 AM to start lining up, but there were always people who arrived way earlier so he usually had to queue for a few hours.
Who taught you the most valuable lesson in life and what was that lesson? I’ve touched on this before but the first death I was directly affected by, my grandfather’s, taught me the world will never slow down for your problems and in the end you’ll have to learn how to simply suck certain things up. I remember having to write an excuse letter to my teacher saying I’ll have to be absent for one day to attend to my grandpa’s wake, and all she did was stamp on it and say my absence would be excused. Didn’t even check up on me. It was in the middle of an exam week and a week before the UPCAT. It was such a jarring experience and toughened me the fuck up overnight.
Which city would you like to visit- Rome, Tunis, London, Madrid or Paris? Tunis just because I feel like it would have the least amount of tourists, and I’m also all about going to less-familiar places. Madrid would be nice too.
Would you rather visit Australia, Germany, Croatia or Jamaica? Croatia.
Have you got perfect vision? Far from. My vision is pretty much useless without my glasses, and I like to tell people that without them I can only make out colors haha. Which is obviously kind of an exaggeration but I’m also not 100% lying when I say it, so. 
What colour bedspread or blanket is on your bed now? It’s a multi-colored geometric design so there’s magenta, pink, lime green, orange, gray, and white, among a few other colors.
What colour is the door to your house? Brown.
Would you prefer a pet rat, mouse, snake, lizard or spider? I’d rather these animals are out in the wild, but if it was a situation where I had to save one I’d pick the snake.
What song(s) do you put on repeat often? I don’t tend to listen to music when I’m sad/depressed so I haven’t any songs on for quite a while now. The last one I discovered and really got into is a song called Lose, by Niki.
How many letters long is your last name? Six.
Can you play the violin? If not, would you like to? I can’t, but yeah it’s one of the instruments I’ve always wanted to learn to.
Can you keep a pokerface and not show your emotions easily? Passively, if that makes sense? I have no problem pretending to be happy or looking unbothered like, over dinner or if I’m with friends. But if someone had suddenly told me something upsetting or harsh to my face, I usually immediately show my hurt or anger or disappointment or displeasure or whatever negative emotion I would instantly feel in that moment. My eyebrows and eyes always give everything away.
Are you a good liar (tell the truth this time)? Maybe not around the people who know me best. I wear my heart on my sleeve with the people I’m most comfortable with.
Are you wearing shoes, just socks or nothing on your feet? Nothing. I might wear socks tonight, we’ll see.
What word or phrase is disgusting in your opinion and you hate hearing it? I hate having to hear or use the word ‘gunk.’ I think of dirty fingernails every time and it just makes me wince.
Do you like the smell of a barbecue or bonfire? It’s alright, but I don’t live for it. It certainly gives a comforting sensation though.
Do you prefer to write etc, ecetera or something else? Etc, and it highkey makes my blood boil whenever I read ect hahaha.
Do you think rainbows are pretty or overrated? I think rainbow prints and/or designs are overrated themselves, but seeing real-life rainbows tend to make me feel happy.
Are your lips chapped? Nope.
Have you ever fallen into a hole or crevice whilst hiking? I don’t think so. I’d be able to remember it if I have.
Ever been quadbiking? Was it any good? Nah but close, I guess? My family once did this thing where we rode on the trunk of a 4x4 while a professional drove through sand dunes in Ilocos. It was a lot of fun but I couldn’t entirely enjoy my time knowing I was in the land of the Marcoses lol
What is different about you than others you hang out with? I have a lot of unpopular opinions when it comes to Filipino food hah, like I hate well-loved dishes like sinigang and bulalo.
Are you more skeptical or gullible? I’m honestly really just both, depending on the context. Like how I’m skeptical when it comes to religion, ghosts, the afterlife, etc, but I’m equally gullible in a way that I’m terrible at recognizing sarcasm sometimes.
How often do you drink sodas or fizzy drinks? Once a year and it’s always simply to try it out and see if I’ve changed my opinion about it. I have not been converted in the last 22 years.
How many cups of tea or coffee do you have a day? Just one cup of coffee. I’m scared to have multiple ones haha, I’m scared of the palpitations or long-term effects it might give me.
Has anyone ever called you apathetic or unemotional? No. I’m the most un-unemotional person I know.
Favourite crisp/chip flavour? Just good ol’ plain. Nothing beats a simple potato flavor with a bit of salt.
Do you put salt and vinegar on your fries? Salt yeah, vinegar no.
What accent is the sexiest? Whatever accent Florence Pugh and Carey Mulligan have; they sound lovely.
Do you currently live in the same country you were born in? Yep.
What's your current mood? A little sad but I’m honestly glad my workplace gave me SO MUCH work to do over the weekend because it can keep my busy tonight. 
Do you struggle to articulate your thoughts and feelings? Not really. I like describing my emotions and sharing my thought processes.
A romantic meal, a trip to a theme park or go to a concert? Probs the romantic meal. I like the atmosphere and it’s always nice to have food involved hehe
Prefer being in control in a team enviroment, helping out or taking orders? I like being a mix of all these. I never want to be 100% a leader giving orders or 100% a subordinate waiting for tasks.
Do you like carrot cake? Not really.
Don't you hate it when people say 'I don't mean to be rude but...'? Especially considering 98% of the time they ARE trying to be rude? It will always depend on how they say what follows. Like how it will always be irritating to hear “I don’t mean to be rude but your work sucks,” but I can stomach it better and even be motivated to do better if it was said as “I don’t mean to be rude but there are areas you can tweak more to make the work better.”
Would you say yes from a drink of a friend of a friend? Only if I already know them well enough. Otherwise, no.
How good is your memory? Pretty sharp, a little too sharp for my liking. I’m able to store too many memories, some of them I don’t even want to remember anymore.
On a scale of 1-10 how was this survey? Did you enjoy it? 10! It was a delight to answer.
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hopesiick · 4 years
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𝐉𝐎𝐑𝐃𝐀𝐍 𝐓𝐎𝐔𝐒𝐒𝐀𝐑𝐃 // vice detective, thirty-three, red ridge native.
— unflinching, grudging, brainy, irreverent, plucky, mulish. loosely inspired by dominique dipierro (mr robot), laurie blake (watchmen hbo), eve polastri (killing eve), wendy byrde (ozark), and allie pressman (the society). this vine, too.
howdy, folks! i’m dev. 🤠 this is my dearest brain babie, jordan. normally, this is where i’d get all mushy-gushy on y’all, but the rest of this introduction is already too long as it is, and i’d rather not add insult to injury hehe. just know i’m happy to be here & even more excited to get to know you all + your brain babies, too! 🥳 @redridgeimp​​
— pinterest, stats + connections page.
𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐂𝐋𝐀𝐈𝐌𝐄𝐑: bullet points marked with three asterisks (***) feature mentions of domestic abuse and unfit parenting. reader discretion is advised.
the toussards are old money. her mother’s side of the family have made their fortune off of hay farms scattered across the state of nevada, and her father’s side of the family have mostly been cattle and dairy farmers. together, they decided to venture into real estate, too, by buying up farm land plots and selling them at a higher price, along with residential plots, too. 
they’re not showy people, but they definitely make good use of their money. jordan’s childhood home is a plantation-style house on a big ole plot of land situated on the outskirts of town. they had healthy green grass with sprinklers and a full garden. inside, everything was real wood, ivory, and silver. they had a maid and gardeners and the whole nine yards. still, if you hadn’t seen that or recognized their family name, you might have expected them to be any other family belonging to red ridge. 
to many, they gave off the image of a picture-perfect, all-american nuclear family. it’s easy to pretend, seeing as they live so far away from all the glitz and none of them -- no matter how they feel -- are willing to shatter that golden reputation, but it isn’t real. elise, her mother, wanted a doll more than she wanted an actual child, and it was society’s pressure on women to give birth that forced her hand, not any sense of innate desire for expanding the family. joseph, her father, was too caught up in his wife’s every wish and whim to really pay attention to jordan in a deep way. he never turned his back on her, but jordan never felt any deep belonging to him either -- if anything, he felt more like a 2d stand in for the father she wished she’d had. 
*** that meant there was only one adult left to really pick up her parent’s slack, and that was corinne, her aunt. corinne, who had an awful habit of bringing terrible men home. corinne, who was bipolar and unmedicated, and often in charge of taking care of jordan from the moment she was in diapers to the moment she graduated college. corinne, who was manipulated by her own sister. corinne, who was helpless to protect jordan against her mother’s attacks, and unable to shield her from the rage her boyfriends spat. corinne is like a mother to jordan. she was the hand that rubbed her back when she was sick. she was the open arms that held her when one of jordan’s teenage dates went sour. she was the one to cover for her when she snuck out and the one to teach her everything her mother considered too immoral and dirty. corinne is her mother in the way elise never could be, but still .. jordan can’t help but feel anger towards her. 
*** jordan’s known how to use, fire, and clean a gun from the age of eight. she learned how to hunt at the age of ten. she knew and helped her father field dress a handful of animals by the age of twelve. you may think this was just a bit of heavy-handed bonding between a father and daughter, but it wasn’t. elise and joseph used to go away a lot, both for pleasure and business, which left jordan in corinne’s sole care. that wouldn’t be a problem, if it weren’t for the fact that a grand majority of corinne’s relationships were abusive, specifically physically. jordan was a child, but she was a child with a duty -- a duty to protect her caretaker if necessary. at the time, jordan didn’t think much of it. she liked feeling like she had an in with her father, liked feeling important. it was only when she got older that she realized how fucked up everything had been, and how that’s the driving factor behind the feeling of fear she just can’t drop, and the mistrust she has in others. the anger she feels towards corinne is rooted in that. she can’t help but feel like it’s corinne’s fault and she hates that her aunt -- a fully grown adult -- was the center of her childhood, instead of her own self.
skipping forward a bit, jordan went to college right after high school to major in criminal science. her lifelong exposure to such abuse left her with a taste for vengeance. see, jordan wanted to be a police officer to protect her hometown, sure, but she also wanted the badge so that she could finally dish out the punishment that so many of the officers she’d seen were unwilling to. the only way to stop that culture of turning a blind eye was to do it from the inside, and that’s exactly what she did. 
jordan’s been a cop for twelve years now. she started her career doing patrol and eventually working with the gangs and narcotics team for five years. after a lot of pestering and brown-nosing, jordan became a g&n detective. she was mostly in charge of surveillance, carrying out raids, and the planning of both. ( she had an opportunity early in her career to go undercover, but jordan’s too obvious for that. ) eventually, jordan switched departments over to the special victims unit, but that stint really only served as a segue into where she is now: the vice and support department. she used to specialize in community outreach, helping bridge the gap between the community and the precinct. she worked with groups focused on helping those affected by drugs and sex workers who have been abused. when one of the detectives assigned to missing persons cases left, jordan was quick to apply for it. needless to say, she got the job and has been doing that since.
she’s got the nose for it -- all the digging and reviewing and passion for the relentless pursuit. she doesn’t particularly like dealing with the families of those affected, but it’s part of the job. on most days, she genuinely enjoys it, but with the rise in crime and the amount of deaths at their feet, jordan can’t help but rethink her choices. she’s competitive by nature; she can’t handle these losing games. 
jordan’s a very cutthroat cop -- especially in her g&n days, when it was all heat, all pressure, all the time. she’s got an eye for weakness and isn’t afraid to exploit that on the job. she’s not above making threats -- promises, really -- and has always been the type to gather as much evidence as humanly possible, because she wants prosecutors to see justice through. she’s just really efficient. she wouldn’t be where she was at only thirty-three if she wasn’t. most of the time, you can catch her putting in overtime hours. 
that being said... jordan has a big heart. she doesn’t believe in institutions as a whole, but she does believe in people. the law is the law and rules are vital for a functioning society, but .. she may be willing to look the other way sometimes, if you’re close enough. ( i mean, she was married to a valencia member at one point, so. ) she may not agree with what some people do, but she’ll really only go after you if what you’re doing is truly heinous. ( but don’t tell her supervisors! 🥺 and don’t mention the hypocrisy to her face. )
outside of work, though, jordan’s pretty chill. she used to be a loudmouthed firecracker in her youth, but she’s calmed down significantly since then. really, she’s not so bad! maybe it's because she can't handle being alone, but she thrives from being in groups + will strike up a conversation with anyone and everyone. if she likes your shoes, she'll tell you. if you need a ride home then she’ll walk with you because she’s most likely equally as inebriated. kind of the person that you’re hesitant to approach, but when you do she treats you like you’re old friends -- even if you're not. you know that drunk girl in the bathroom that gives you sagely advice or tells you she loves your hair? that’s jordan, except she’s not drunk. 
when jordan makes her mind up on something, it’s almost impossible to get her to budge. it doesn’t matter if she’s in the wrong, she’ll trudge on no matter what. her flippancy in the face of danger – a prized act at this point – has landed her in trouble before, and it most certainly will again. she’s unyielding and unapologetic; not willing to change herself for anyone. getting her to talk about her emotions is like pulling teeth, except even that would probably be easier. she’s incredibly honest about some things as a way to hide behind it; it’s a farce that distracts people into thinking she’s being honest with them, when really she’s not -- not entirely, anyway. 
loves love, but she’s rotten at it. her anxiety gets in the way, tells her that she’ll mess it up somehow until she finally does, like a self-fulfilling prophecy. ( something-something abt the fact that she can’t comprehend someone loving her if not even her own parents could ). she’s a much better friend, and jordan thinks that’s more important anyhow. genuinely, if you’re her friend then she loves you endlessly and earnestly.
𝒇𝒖𝒏 𝒇𝒂𝒄𝒕 𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒑𝒚 𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒓 !
jordan is that friend that gets a little bit too into car karaoke.
she’s also the type to order a screwdriver during an 11a brunch.
it’s a wonder that she doesn’t have tinnitus, considering she always blasts heavy metal music in her car.
makes jokes about getting married and divorced, because if you can’t laugh at your pain then you’re fucked.
if you ever visit her unannounced, you’ll spot her in t-shirts that say “milf in training”, “god looks like me”, and more.
if you’re mean to her she’ll give you a parking ticket.
she plays dirty in fights. used to bite a lot as a child and she still does. all is fair in love and war, babie! enjoy getting that tetanus shot and lovely hospital bill! 💋
pantsuits from monday to friday, and overalls without a bra on the weekend because fuck that shit. also extremely partial to shirts with low plunges. a lil bit of side titty for everyone. 
if you’re leaving a drink behind she’ll finish it for you because daddy didn’t raise no quitters.
has a lot of self-worth issues, but she’d sooner die than ever tell anyone about them or even confront them herself. 
don’t let the pantsuit fool you! there’s pure muscle underneath that two-piece, babie. 
𝒎𝒊𝒔𝒄. 𝒊𝒏𝒔𝒑𝒊𝒓𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔:
“i am the shape you made me. filth teaches filth.”
"can i be blamed for my efforts? all men are drawn to the sea, perilous though it may be."
"there is a place, deep in the heart of fear, where you trap yourself and claim that is safety."
"still, a great deal of light falls on everything."
"i hold a stalk in my hand. i am the stalk. my roots go down to the depth of the world."
“i always figured when i got older, god would sorta come into my life somehow. and he didn’t. i don’t blame him. if i was him i would have the same opinion of me that he does.”
“nothing washes off.”
“you cannot be stolen, ransacked, looted like an emptied bank account or a burgled house. you are the tough old tissues, the exquisite scars. you are the thing that would not die.”
𝒇𝒊𝒏𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒚, 𝒔𝒐𝒎𝒆 𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒏𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 𝒊𝒅𝒆𝒂𝒔 ! ( open to any gender ) 
jordan can’t function without a best friend, so.. gimme, please! 🥺🤲
i once read a passage talking about how the friendships you make in your childhood can never be mimicked in your adulthood, and you know what.. #true. where’s jordan’s childhood friends at? do they still keep in touch? did they have a massive fallout as teenagers where jordan told them to get hit by a truck because she was a very dramatic 16 yr old? were they frenemies? do they still have one of jordan’s things because she was terrible at remembering everything after a sleepover? did jordan’s parents help your muse’s family out? idc, just gimme!
exes / almost exes. remember what i said about jordan being a shit when it comes to love? they could’ve been serious at some point whether as adults or in their youth, maybe it was short-lived, maybe jordan never even let it get off the ground. could be on good terms or bad terms or no terms at all. 
neighbors!! jordan pulls some odd hours n sometimes plays her music a little too loud and burns her food more often than she should at 33 yrs old. she may or may not be the best neighbor to have is all i’m saying, but she tries!! 
friends!! platonic love is the most purest form of love there is and she’s got a lot of it to give!! come and get ya some! 
enemies / hateships because sometimes .. it just be like that. whether this has to do with a falling out of some sort, just straight up hate at first sight, or something to do with an encounter on the job, or something else entirely i’m here for it! 
one night stands / [old] fwb. i’m gonna be honest with y’all: if jordan likes you, then she can’t sleep with you. now, i’m gonna be honest with y’all again: jordan’s very much a yes-girl. she says and does things just to get a reaction sometimes or see what’ll happen ( something-something "sometimes if you let people do things to you, you're really doing it to them" ). that being said, she’ll sleep with just about anyone. maybe they don’t talk about it ever, maybe they only ever talk when they want something, maybe they regret it, maybe it’s all gucci, and maybe it was good until it wasn’t. idk! 
jordan has been shot twice in her career thus far. the first time was during a noise disturbance call and the second time was during a narc raid. if your muse wants in on that we can discuss the deets! 
and also literally whatever else your heart desires because i’m both here for the fluffiest deepest connections ever and also the angstiest makes-me-wanna-die type shit. i literally don’t say no to anything so if you have any ideas you think jordan can be a good fit for, i’m all ears!! 
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1358456 · 5 years
Review Response, May 12-18, 2019
I was hoping to get Legacy finished before I did this, but... damn.
Heart #004
1) I’m so sorry! I didn’t realise this updated until your tumblr post! I always love junior trio’s shenanigans and schemes their relationship is really nice and refreshing to me for some reason :)
Yeah, can’t go wrong with simply having multiple generations of Dex Holders hanging out together! ...
2) Eh, I liked this filler chapter. Unlike most filler episodes in anime, it was worth reading.
Anyway, I really like how the juniors reacted. At least Moon seems to be giving reasonable "support" imo. Platinum's reaction to Y mentioning the word "date" was probably my favorite part of the chapter though, as maybe it's finally starting to dawn on her. Maybe.
Awesome writing and I am very much looking forward to this little competition at the Battle Zone. Can't wait for the next chapter!
This filler does show a lot more of interactions between Dex Holders that weren’t shown before, I suppose. ... Mostly Moon, I guess, since she’s still “new”. This filler also makes a handful of Tumblr Short Stories “canon” to Heart! Such as Practice Battle 2, and The Feast. ... The Feast is just a copy of this Heart chapter, but with stuff removed and other stuff added. Not that anyone really cared about that short story. ... Which also shows in the chapter itself!
Indeed Moon shows the proper support. Not nosy like White or Y (from Legacy), but willing to help out if asked. And yes, this is the point in time where Platinum begins to realize what is happening, and then she panics because she did not anticipate it, nor does she know how to handle the new information, which then causes her to isolate herself as she tries to avoid Diamond and Pearl, just like in SA, so that she can try to sort out her thoughts in solitude. Not that she succeeds with that, causing her isolation to last much longer, so that other Dex Holders have to intervene to assist. ... Spoiling much? Ehn, who cares.
Ah, the competition for her heart... Well... that chapter is not happening ANY time soon. Probably not until next year, if that.
Legacy Prologue - Kanto
1) Alright, Nicole. On to the review for this story! Alright, first thing's first. I'm not much of a luckyshipping fan, but this is adorable. From Blue's guilt, to Red's kindness, I mean it's super cute. Though, sad at the beginning. It gets happier towards the middle, then bam! You get hit with Blue's insecurity, ma poor baby. She never deserved any of this, but isn't that life. Anyways, writing was on point as always. Though something that's different about this chapter, is that if I were to describe it, it'd be fluffy and light. Which doesn't make sense, 'cause it's actually pretty sad, but still. I can't shake that feeling. Anyways, don't know how you did it, but good job.
And thank you!
You know, you really should’ve read Destiny first before Legacy. This prologue part and Blue’s state is like a mirror to her state in Destiny. Destiny begins with Blue feeling lonely and abandoned, that gets progressively worse as someone isn’t really... ahem. But in Legacy, she begins feeling lonely and abandoned and immediately Red changes that around, leaving her feeling truly happy! ... And then her insecurity hits, which would increase “the feels” factor. But it still shows just how much brighter and happy everything is! ... In fact, if you follow the recommended order (SA, then Destiny, then Legacy), and focus on Blue, her happiness and “status” is progressing throughout all three. SA denies her the happy ending, and she’s kind of never really happy even in the very end, nor does she ever get the chance to be happy. Destiny begins with her miserable but she gets a happy ending in the end. Legacy begins with her happy! So... yay!
Legacy Prologue - Sinnoh
1) This was a simple chapter, and it was very nice. It wasn’t sweet, but it wasn’t sad either. It was almost like a slice of life chapter, but that’s sort of impossible with these characters. Anyways, I recognized the physics reference (yay!) and was rather proud of myself. Haha, but straying from that, I really like how you incorporated a lot of characters and these sort of “side stories” into this chapter, and yet it still didn’t feel too cluttered. It was very nice handling in your part. Thank you very much.
Cannot wait to read the next chapter!
Having “slice of life” chapters are important! Can’t be all chaos and mayhem, after all! Hehe. I have to give the characters some break time before the breaking time. Physics reference, huh? Free fall? Hehe... Behold the power of gravitational pull! Ahem. Hehe. Thank you very much!
... Can’t wait, eh? ... It’s been like 5 days, so... you seem to be waiting or bogged down! I look forward to seeing your review to the next and final prologue and then the actual chapters!
Legacy #006
1) So by boy Black still isn’t getting respect by the other Dex Holders, huh? Wonder if something in the upcoming chapters is going to change that? Hopefully pls?
Heh. Black will finally get true respect once he’s out of that damn rock. And so far, no one like... really commented on how he has a Bisharp now? :( ... It’s a cool Pokemon that does suit him, but... Sorry to break it to you, but... also considering how I don’t really think too highly of Black... it’s not looking too bright for him getting “respect”. ... I mean, there’s going to be a Practice Battle short story that’ll happen in the actual chapter as well where Y just destroys him in a battle (it has thematic importance for later in Legacy)... ... Sorry, Black. But... I rank the Generation V Dex Holders’ combat prowess to be one of the lowest, so...
DE #032
1) This is the first of your story’s I read and after finishing all of them I came back and reread it and I realized I really like the mixups (ruby white and sapphire black). Do you think you could ether write more in here or possibly make a whole new story for mixups.
Ah, more scrambled pairings? Certainly! Some are going to happen! ... Not too soon, but soon enough. Diamond & White, or one. Maybe Ruby & Platinum? We’ll see. ... Do note that these scrambled chapters are insanely hard for me because of the way I write the pairing chapters. So there won’t be too many of these.
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Pureblood vs Mutts
Characters - Dean, Sam, Female Reader
Summary - Sam and Dean saved the reader from what they thought was a simple werewolf attack, little did they know, she herself was a wolf. They taught her to be a hunter, and she managed to keep her secret from them. Until a new case forced her hand that is.
Word Count - 3048
Warnings - Little angsty, mentions of attack/ambush, very light language, and an attempt at humor (thanks to Wren ;) hehe).
A/N - This is for Ana’s Crack 600 Celebration. It is my first ever challenge, and though it was fun, it was challenging as all get out! Lol Anyway! I hope I did okay! I’m not a “crack” fic writer, so it was tough to put together. My prompt was “That's not silver, it's fake.”/“How would you know?”/“Easy, it doesn't burn me.”
A/N 2 - I could not have done this without the help of my AMAZING co-writer @i-stare-sometimes! Thank you sooooo much dear! I owe you big time! <3 This may have a 2nd part...If enough people want to see what happens when they confront the pack...Let me know!
Tags - @notnaturalanahi @charliesxora @amantedelcalcio @i-stole-rudolphs-nose @withwordslikeweapons @hushothermuses @thepalaceofmelanie  @jpadjackles @deathtonormalcy56 @impala-dreamer
It had been an uneventful couple weeks so far, which was welcomed wholeheartedly by all of us. We had the chance to unwind a little, and relax for the first time in a long time. It was short lived though when Sam walked into the WAR room with his laptop in hand.
“I think I found a new case. Looks like there's a werewolf pack attacking locals in southern Texas.”
“Sam, I doubt there's werewolves in Texas. Are you sure it's not just an actual animal?” I questioned, looking up from my book.
“Hearts missing? Sounds like a dead give away to me.”
“I don't know Sam.”
I knew wolves. They usually didn't hunt in climates that warm or areas that open. They prefered the mountains, or somewhere with lots of places to hide.
“Well, monsters have been popping up in all kinds of new places we wouldn't normally find them.” Dean's gruff voice could be heard from the kitchen.
“Maybe.” I sighed in response.
“Bags are packed and loaded in the car already. You two just need to get ready to go.” Sam smiled, closing his laptop.
“Eager to hunt there Sammy?” Dean smiled at his brother as he walked by.
“We haven't had a case in while. I figured you'd both be excited to go?”
He threw his arms in the air, in defeated disbelief, as he watched his brother and I walk to our rooms.
Fifteen minutes later, we were all in the car and ready to go. It was at least a twelve hour drive from the bunker to Elmendorf, Texas. The trip was long, and mostly silent aside from Dean's music and the random arguments over it.
It felt like forever, but we finally found a motel just outside of town and set up in a room. Unloading the necessary bags, it didn't take long for planning to begin.
“So, I figure, we rest tonight and question some folks in the morning. Maybe we can figure out where the pack stays, and catch 'em off guard during the day?” Dean suggested as he tossed his duffel on one of the beds.
“If they're smart, they'd have a look out watching. I'm sure they're expecting hunters to show up sometime soon.” I stated as I sat on the other bed.
“Well fine. Then let’s focus on tonight first. Who's sleeping where?” Dean asked.
“One of you are taking the couch. Like hell if I'm not getting a bed for once.” I retorted.
“You can share with me sweetheart?” Dean suggested with a waggle of his eyebrows and his signature smirk. “Then no one needs to sleep on the couch.” I took the opportunity to appreciate one of his most attractive features…that smirk wasn’t leaving.
“Dean,” came Sam’s voice. He was looking over at his brother with a raised eyebrow.
“What?” Dean chuckled smugly, his smirk still firmly in place.
“If she shares a bed with either of us, you know it'd be me.” Sam flashed his own smug smirk.
“Is that so?” Dean retorted sarcastically, his face morphing from humorous and suave, to a cold and stony glare.
I couldn’t help but just sit back and watch the brothers with a small smirk of my own. Why was this so amusing when it should be insulting? I mean, I was right there, sitting between them…
They should notice this, too, since they keep glancing my damn direction! I snort as Dean’s eyes flicker my way again.
“Okay,” I finally say, trying my hardest not to laugh. “Now just wait a minute. Shouldn't I have a say in this?” I looked up at both men, unable to keep the wide grin off my face.
It’s always fun and games with these two teenagers.
“Nope.” They retorted petulantly and simultaneously before going right back at it, as if I hadn’t even spoken at all!
“(Y/N) and I get along way better than she does with you,” Sam continued where he left off, standing there calmly and casually. I didn’t miss the humorous gleam in his eye.
“Maybe,” Dean scoffed. With a practically slimy grin, he added: “But I'm sexier.”
I burst out a single laugh at his facial expression alone, earning a quick and positively proud glance from the eldest Winchester.
Waving my hands back and forth in a ‘no more!’ motion, I couldn’t help but start laughing harder.
“Okay, I'm gonna say what I was gonna say anyway,” I giggled, amusedly glaring at both brothers standing in front of me. “Dean, you are not sexier.” I smirk at his face falling slightly.
“What!” Dean exclaimed abruptly, having expected to hear Sam’s name, I bet... “That's a lie!” Dean shouted, a smile being smothered upon his lips. At least he was attempting to sound slightly hurt.
“Ha-Ha!” Sam threw his head back a little, petulantly laughing at his brother’s pain.
“Sam, don’t you start!” I playfully scold, pointing a finger his way. “You aren’t any sexier!”
“Whaaat?” Sam retorted with an over-exaggerated pout, looking down at me with those hazel puppy dog eyes of his - the bastard.
“Will you two shut up and just listen?” I plea, looking away from Sam’s protruding lip.
“Both of you,” I begin, blushing despite my sudden confidence. “Are extremely sexy in your own rights.”
I clear my throat, as it seemed dry at the moment…
“I will not discuss the details with you two at this time…”
I started giggling again.
“But trust me, I'm not sharing a bed with either of you.”
Laughing at their ‘crestfallen’ faces, I laughed harder.
“Now, I'm going to sleep. You two bicker over who sleeps on the couch.”
The next morning, we got up and dressed for the day. I let the boys  interview people in town, while I went on a hunt for the pack's lair.I had to be careful, watch the winds and my surroundings, as it didn't take long to find the old abandoned farm house that they were calling home for the time being. It maybe took me a few minutes to recognize anyone...Almost got caught when I realized, too. But I recognized them alright, sight and smell... The bastards   It would need to be tonight. Tonight I'd get 'em with the help of my boys. Finally. I made my way back to the motel and met up with Sam and Dean.
“So you found it already?” Dean seemed surprised.
“Yep. It's out on the edge of town. Just an old abandoned house they found to use for the time being. I'll say this though boys, if we don't move tonight, we'll lose 'em.”
“What do you mean?” His brows furrowed in confusion.
“These aren't wolves that stay in one spot and hunt what they need. This is a nomad pack.”
“Nomad?” Dean still wasn't catching on.
“It means they kill while they can, as much as they can, and then they move on to the next town.” I said rather, matter of factly.
“Well, let's go check this place out then and plan our next move.”
The three of us loaded into the car and I lead the way to the lair. It wasn’t a far drive, and the place looked silent as we pulled in. Dean parked the car and we all got out, carefully walking around the perimeter to find the best place to enter from. Just as we came back around to where the car was, we were ambushed by the pack. They seemingly came from nowhere. Two of them went after me, while the other four focused on Dean and Sam. I knew I couldn’t over power two wolves, so I instead kept them following me until I knew it was safe enough to go back toward the car.
Sam and Dean did their best to fight off the four wolves that were attacking them. Dean made it to the car the first chance he got. Grabbing his gun from the seat, he tried to fire at the creatures. Hitting two of them, he thought for sure they’d go down, but neither one seemed all too affected by the shots. This didn’t deter Dean though, and he kept firing until his magazine was empty. It didn’t buy much time, but it was enough to give Sam a chance to get into the car.
I heard Sam yelling for me, causing me to pivot quickly and take off for the front of the house again. Dean changed his magazine, and started firing at the two wolves that were behind me. Reaching the car, I slid in as quickly as I could. Once I was in and the door shut, we took off and headed back to the motel. As we pulled in, it was clear that Dean was frustrated. He slammed the car door as he made his way to our room.
“That silver didn't even phase them! What are those things? Some kind of mutant?!” Dean yelled out at he slammed the room door open.
“I doubt it Dean. We've never heard of a mutant werewolf before.” Sam tried to calm his brother as they walked into the room, still a little shaken himself.
“Well then I don't know what to tell you Sammy. But that silver didn't even slow 'em down.”
He threw his gun on the table and started taking off his jacket. My mind raced over the events that took place. There was no way that silver bullets would have had zero effect on werewolves, even if they were somehow mutant versions. It still should have slowed them down if nothing else. Truth was, there was only one way to tell for sure.
“Give me one of the bullets.” I nodded toward his gun as I took a seat on the bed.
“What? Why (Y/N)?”
“Just give me one of the bullets Dean.”
He ejects one at me. Catching it with ease, I expected it to burn, but it doesn't.
“That’s why. That's not silver, it's fake.”
“What?” Dean looks at me confused.
“It's not real silver.”
“How would you know?”
I’ve kept my secret from them for so long, is this really the best way for them to find out? Letting out a sigh, I knew it had to be done, or we were never going to take out this pack that was going around terrorizing towns.
“Easy, it doesn't burn me.” I said.
“Wait, what?” Dean’s eyes widen.
“For hunters, you two don't catch on real quick to things, do you?” I raised a brow.
“What do you mean it doesn't burn you? It's not supposed to-”
“Yes Dean, it is.” I interrupted. “Sam, hand me your knife. I'll show you.”
Sam hesitates a moment, before handing me his silver knife. I stand up and take the handle, taking in a deep breath. This is the moment of truth. The moment that could ruin the life I have. Looking down at the knife, I can feel the a knot forming in my stomach, but I know it’s something that has to be done. I press the blade to the exposed skin on my arm. Taking in a harsh breath as the silver leaves a burn mark on my arm, I remove it and hand the knife back to Sam.
“Son of a bitch! Wh-wha-”
“Relax Dean. It's still (Y/N).” Sam’s voice remains calm still.
“No! No it's not! Why did that burn you? What are you?”
“Dean. Just relax. Please?”
“What. Are. You?” His face hardens as he glares at me with his piercing green eyes.
I close my eyes tight, and take a deep breath. A part of me not wanting to say the words, but knowing I can’t turn back now.
“I'm a werewolf Dean.” The statement falls out in an almost matter of fact way.
“That's impossible. You've been with us for years, we would have seen you turn -”
“No, you wouldn't. Unlike the mutts you hunt, I'm not forced to turn on a full moon.”
“Why not?” Sam looked at me curiously.
“I'm a pureblood Sam. I have a few extra abilities compared to the common werewolf.” I sit back down on the bed.
“Is that why you know so much about them?” His head cocked to the side ever so slightly.
“And here I thought it was just because werewolves killed your family.” Sam ran his hand through his hair.
"Oh. They did," I said. "This pack actually.”
I looked down at my hands, thinking back. “We were one of the last pureblood families. The last family closest to the alpha, actually. My family was too barbaric to recognize the scent of their own kind though, and took out anyone and anything that crossed their path." I offered a mirthless laugh. "Better the mutts did it, though - instead of me.” I smile a little. “Imagine the alpha vampire you boys met?" I pause to see them nod distastefully. "That personality in everyone in my family? It was getting hard to stand their arrogant bigotry." I shook my head, remembering my childhood.
“So, why help us? We destroy your kind.” Dean looked at me confused again.
“My kind? There are no others of my kind left Dean. That's all in the past though, and has nothing to do with right now. Right now, we need to focus on taking this pack down before they ruin more lives here.”
“She's right Dean.” Sam was still trying to defuse the situation.
“Oh no. I refuse to let this go that easily. You’ve been lying to us. For years.”
“I haven’t been lying Dean. My family was killed, you two saved me, everything I’ve ever told you about myself is true. I just failed to mention the fact that I was a werewolf. That’s not lying, that’s hiding the truth.” I smirk at him a little, giving him a little wink, using his own usual tactic of 'nonchalant-defense' against him.
“It’s the same damn thing.” He grumbled.
“Whatever. Are we going to go after this pack, or are we going to sit around arguing all night?”
“I’m not hunting with you. Not until you answer some questions.”
“As fair as that sounds, if we don’t move fast, we’ll lose them. Do you want to take that risk?”
I could hear him sigh. He knew I was right, but he wouldn’t admit it and say the words.
“We don't have any silver.” Dean stated. I could hear the attitude in his voice though.
“I'll bet they took it.” I sigh. “Damn mutts.” I grumble.
“What do you mean took it? How would they know where to look?”
“They aren’t stupid Dean. Besides, I told you they’d probably have a look out in place. All they had to do was wait for us to leave the car unattended and they slithered in, replacing our bullets with fakes so we would go in, basically blind.” I stood up from my spot and walked toward the door.
“We still have our blades though?”
“There's too many of them Dean.” Sam shook his head at his brother. “We encountered six, but who knows how many others weren’t there.”
“To my knowledge, it’s a pack of about twelve. Though, they may have gained or lost members over time.” I added, looking over my shoulder as I continued on my mission.
“Can't you just use your wolfy tricks to get us out of there if it gets too rough?” Dean looked to me.
“Wolfy tricks?” I turned to face them again “Really?” I raised an eyebrow, letting out a sigh and rolling my eyes. “No, I can't just use my 'wolfy tricks' to save you. Once they know what I am, I'm going to be the first one they'll go after. Not only am I turning on my own kind, I’m the last of my family. Don’t forget the fact I'm working with the enemy here too.” I turned back and opened the door.
“So what do you propose then?” Dean just stared at me.
“I have a feeling they didn’t take all the silver bullets. Just the ones they could find easily.” I looked over my shoulder at the confused brothers.
“It’s not like I have any hidden -”
“You don’t Dean, but I do.” I smiled.
I walk outside, and head over to the car. Opening the front passenger door, I peel off my shirt so I have something to set the silver on before I kneel down on the ground and reach under the seat. Glancing toward the room, I see both brothers standing in the doorway just watching me. I wince a little as I pull out some loose bullets I had stuck to the underside of the seat where no one would think to look, since most people just reached under the seat and felt the floor.
“Shit, that stings,” I heard myself mutter.
Standing up, I close the door and walk to the drivers side, doing the same thing. Grabbing more loose bullets from under Dean’s side of the seat. Closing the door, I walk up to the room, the loose silver resting in my shirt so I don’t have to touch it directly anymore.
“It’s not much, but it’ll take out enough of them that the blades will actually be of use.” I said as I handed Sam my shirt.
“Why were there loose silver bullets stuck under Baby’s seat?” Dean growled.
“In case of emergencies like this.” I raised my brow as I turned to look at him.
“What he means to say, is thank you Y/N.” Sam smiled, taking the ammo and loading the guns.
“I know Sam.” I chuckled a little. “He’s just mad he never thought of it.” I smiled at Dean.
“Can we just take these things out and be done here please?” Dean rolled his eyes.
“There’s only 12 rounds here, but it’ll do enough damage. Let’s grab our blades from the trunk before we go so we’re ready incase they try to ambush us again, but otherwise we’re good to go.” Sam smiled as he finished loading his and Dean’s guns. “Y/N, you good with just your blade?”
“Yep. I’d rather you and Dean have the extra protection.”
“Alright, let’s get going then.”
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kenbinru · 7 years
I Can’t Believe I Have the Girlfriend of My Dreams (An Unromantic Love Comedy LN) Chapter 4
Chapter 4
I let out a big yawn as I hear my old Masked Avenger clock ring. I decide to go back to sleep.
Just five more minutes…
My eyes are still heavy and the sunlight coming in from the windows are hitting my face.
Where did that pillow go?
I try to find that pillow and it was on the other side of the bed. I turn over to notice that no one was there.
I would think Akane would be a deep sleeper given I woke her up yesterday. It’s weird to not see her still asleep in my bed. I notice the time and it’s 10 past 8.
“Aw crap I’m gonna be late!”
Maybe she already left to get to school?
Weird, being my girlfriend she would have woken me up right? Anyways, I don’t have time to think about where Akane went. I’ll see her in class anyways, if I can make it there in time and in one piece.
I gotta change into my uniform.
Mother already left to run some errands and there was a boxed lunch on the table. It must have been Akane and my mother who made it.
Nothing beats a home cooked meal made by your mother and the girl of your dreams!
 “Cough…*pant*” I need to exercise more.
With the bike gone, I had to basically run to school. Luckily, I made it with five minutes to spare! Our class was rowdier than usual for some reason. After all, Valentine’s Day was coming up, and a lot of the girls were planning with each other on who they were gonna give candy to. For the last year or so, I’ve only receive the “pity” candy from some girls who had extra. In some ways, it was worse to get pity candy than get nothing. Daisuke would usually give me his candy, since he for some reason didn’t care too much about it. More candy for me I suppose. I love it when the candy has caramel in it. But there she was. Her long black hair was flowing like an endless river. Akane was sitting in front of me in her seat, quietly reading a black-covered book. It seemed old and tattered, and I could barely tell what exactly Akane was reading.
“Good morning Akane!” as I let out a big smile.
Akane had a small jitter like there was a chill down her spine.
“What’s wrong Akane? Why didn’t you wake me up before you left?!?”
All of a sudden I realize that I may have said that a little too loud. The whole class was quiet now and staring at the both of us like animals at a zoo.
“First of all Kaneshiro-san…”
Akane stood up from her desk and faced me. Her eyes were serious, and cold, not like the ones I saw from yesterday. I can tell that something was seriously wrong.
“Don’t call me by my first name. Secondly, there’s no chance that I would ever be seen with you. SO STOP BOTHERING ME!” as she promptly sat back down.
Those words hit hard. Hearing those words from her absolutely destroyed me. It was the first time I think anyone ever saw the “Ice Witch” live up to her reputation. I sat there in silence.
Where did the Akane I knew go? Just yesterday we were having the best date ever, and now she hates me? Did I do something wrong last night? She wanted me to call her by her first name! We even shared a kiss…
The class president wanted this execution to be over with, and called the class to start. I’m feeling light-headed again.
 Time feels like it has stopped for me.
“Hey. HEY! Earth to Kazuki-kun? Hello, anyone there?” I snap back into reality and notice I’m in Dr. Mori’s office.
It was part of my regularly scheduled check-ins with her after the accident.
“You seem off today Kazuki, more than usual at least.”
Akane hates me now.
Akane hates me now.
Akane hate me now, and there’s nothing that makes sense anymore!
“What is going on with you today Kazuki?” said Dr. Mori with concern across her face.
“It’s just…I don’t know what’s going on right now Doctor. It’s a long story.”
“Well, we have a lot of time on our hands right now. There’s nothing I won’t understand kid.”
I tell her my situation thus far – Akane Yuki, the “Ice Witch” of the school was my girlfriend and we were a couple yesterday. But after falling asleep and waking up today, it seems like Akane is back to hating me or something. Almost like it was a big practical joke. Explaining that to Dr. Mori didn’t lighten the situation either. She seemed just as confused as I was.
“Uh…you have a vivid imagination.” while Dr. Mori takes a long gulp from her coffee cup.
“Maybe you were lucid dreaming or something.” said Dr. Mori.
Lucid dreaming? I’ve never heard of it.
“Lucid dreaming is when a phenomenon when the person is aware and in control of their dream. Maybe you’re so infatuated with Yuki-san that you dreamed that you two were a couple or something.”
That sounded impossible. If it was a dream, I’m sure I would be aware of it right? Everything that happened yesterday definitely felt real. There’s no way it was fake. Besides, if it was a dream, I would have chosen to fly instead of walking! Suddenly a big headache shakes my head.
         “But…everything seemed so real, there’s no way it could’ve been a dream.”
         Dr. Mori took another big gulp from her coffee.
         “They say that lucid dreams and your waking life could have the same content. In fact, there may be enough of a sufficient similarity that you can’t tell whether or not you’re actually asleep or dreaming. Your dream might be so real, that you can’t even distinguish the differences. I mean, this could all be a dream as far as I’m concerned!” as Dr. Mori gave a playful laugh.
         Now that she mentioned it, almost everything that happened yesterday was the same as my usual life. I remember when I was a kid I would dream about me being the Masked Avenger along with Daisuke and fight crime. Akane was the same, my house was the same, even the small hole I had in the ceiling of my room was there. Suddenly thinking about this gave me a huge headache.    
“Uh…are you ok Kazuki-kun? I suggest you take it easy. I know kids think you’re young and think you’re invincible, but you’ve just been in an accident. You still have plenty of time to figure out your love life!” as Dr. Mori bursts into laughter, only to end in a stark realization of herself.
Someone please marry this woman…
 Walking home with Daisuke was a bit awkward too. This was the first time in a while when it was just to two of us walking home together.
“So what happened to make you think you were with the Ice Witch?” asked Daisuke.
Word spreads fast…
Well, there was no point in telling Daisuke about my apparent delusional fantasy that we were a couple; he would only make fun of me further.
“You probably wouldn’t believe me either.”
Daisuke let out a big sigh. He got closer and put his arm around my shoulder.
“We’re best friends since childhood Kaz, I know you better than you know yourself. Remember that one time when you spent all night trying to get that Masked Avenger action pose down? Just so you could impress Ino Sakurako in elementary school?”
It was a period of my life I try to suppress, but his words triggered all the time I spent trying to get all the moves and poses from the hero show I watched as a kid.
“I still remember that pose y’know?”
I run ahead of him a little and get into position.
“TRANSFORM!” and I proudly display my form perfect pose.
Elementary school me would be super proud of me now.
Daisuke instead just cringed hard, followed by laughter. The sudden realization of what I just did hit me.
I hope no one else saw that.
“Anyways, you wouldn’t believe me Daisuke.”
I explain to him my situation about yesterday’s date and Akane Yuki being my alledged girlfriend, which like Dr. Mori, caused disbelief and confusion.
“Uh..huh. Well, you always did have a vivid imagination Kaz.”
Maybe they were right. Maybe I do have a vivid imagination and just had a lucid dream or whatever Dr. Mori said. It just felt like the world was teasing me hard. Like it was some cruel twist of fate.
We walked to the crossroads where both of our houses were in opposite directions.
“Hey Kaz, this is where we split off. Try not to further ruin your high school career Cherry boy!”
I wave off Daisuke and head off home.
I just want today to be over.
 I was staring at my ceiling in my tiny bed. Maybe if I close my eyes or something Akane Yuki will appear again.
Nah. That would be impossible.
It’s hard to sleep since I had so much on my mind.
Was it really a dream?
Dr. Mori (despite her demeanor) is actually a pretty intelligent person. If I was lucid dreaming, how did it happen anyways? I remember dreams when I was younger where I was the Masked Avenger, but those were pretty unrealistic. My whole day with Yuki-san was just too realistic. And I remember almost every second of it.
Wait a minute.
Could it do something with the bump on my head?
I touch my forehead, but it seems the bruise was gone.
No way was that possible.
If I bumped my head, I’m sure it would have been on the health report right? We had MRI scans and everything just in case since I miraculously survived unscathed from the accident. There was just no explanation for it.
Correlation does not imply causation after all.
If I’m in a lucid dream and I see Yuki-san again, I’m just gonna take the advice of the research I found. Apparently, falling backwards is one of the sure ways to wake up from a dream world.  I’ve been thinking too much and it’s making my head start to hurt. I’m feeling light headed…
 I let out a big yawn as I hear my old hero-themed clock ring. I open my eyes to a familiar ceiling. This time however, I’m wide awake at the first note of the theme song that plays.
“FEEL THE POWER YEAHHHHHH” starts playing and I hum the tune along.
A pillow just came out of nowhere!
I turn to see how it appeared and there she was. I recognize the long black hair anywhere. It was Yuki-san!
“EHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH???” I let out a loud scream that probably woke up the neighbors.
“You idiot, just give me five more minutes hehe…” said Yuki-san as she slowly drifted back to sleep.
“WAKE UP YUKI-SAN! WE NEED TO TALK!” Yuki-san slowly rose up from the bed and let out a loud yawn and stretch.
“What is it that’s so important Kazuki-kun?” as she rubbed her eyes.
I just don’t understand anymore.
Yesterday she hated me and had no idea what I was talking about, but the day before, she was my girlfriend and we spent the whole day together at an amusement park!
Yuki-san looked obviously distressed, but I needed to get to the bottom of this.
“What are you talking about? We went to school together yesterday. We talked like all day in class. I left school earlier and you went home with Daisuke.”
She was right. How did she know this? I never told her any of this.
It hit me. I must be dreaming or something. Everything was exactly the same in my room, even the hole in the ceiling.
This is room for sure.
I’m lucid dreaming right now aren’t I?
I must really have a really vivid imagination…
Of course, that would make sense. There’s no way Akane Yuki, the school’s Ice Witch, and I, would be a couple…
I need to wake up.
“I’m sorry Yuki-san…”  
“For what…?”
I lean to side of the bed and decide to fall over on my back.
Time to wake up from this cruel nightmare.
“KAZUKI!” and I see a hand extending in front of me as I fall backwards.
A loud thud and I hear ringing in my ears. The pain is surging from the back of my head.  
I must have woken up.
I open my eyes to see a familiar ceiling. I must be back in my own room.
I see Yuki-san appear, looking down on me from the bed.
“Don’t scare me like that idiot!”
I didn’t wake up after all.
This is real.
The feeling of falling was one of the sure ways for one to wake up from a lucid dream. I stand up, barely able to keep my legs from shaking. There was Akane Yuki sitting on my bed, teary eyed from me falling only 3 feet from my bed.
I’m sorry Yuki-san.
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