#anyway for the frogs i was trying to make them tie together tools from the first 5 color pairs
dravidious · 1 year
You're the most amazing
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I also filled the other 5 color pairs with various frogs
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1 note · View note
aliciagaliano · 5 years
Tales of Spider-Jack Noir
Notes are at the foot of the page
Someday you might find your hero, Some say, you might lose your mind...
AKA... What a Life! - Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds
Ah, the city of San Franjosé. It's been a while since the gang's been there – well, everyone minus Flint... according to intelligence he's gathering, the disappeared inventor had to be somewhere in the city, most likely in what's now the old headquarters of the Live Corp. It wasn't just a mere assumption of his part, he knew that his vanished friend was in there kidnapped and he desperately needed to get him out because his life was in great danger. Nobody else knew anything about it more than himself, he was just vanished for four days and it was stressing as hell to not know where he could be, they weren't looking for money, no one contacted his father to ask for a ransom, "vendetta" was written all over the place...
Right now he was on the lane that belonged to his former apartment, it wasn't that late at night, but there was nobody on the streets either, he didn't care about it, he didn't need anyone to see him. He was using a hooded sweater as his hands were on the pockets, observing towards the lone isle with the giant light bulb which was off, as if there was not even a single soul inside... he had a tingle saying that was wrong, it wasn't empty, they were somewhere inside undercover, trying to not raise any sort of attention.
"There you have the Live Corp. headquarters, my dear friend!" He said out loud – even if he was alone, biting his lower lip, "I know Flint must be there."
"I have to put a question here, Seán." A voice said from his wristbands, "How are you so sure that Mr. Lockwood is here? I'm sorry if I sound rude with it–"
"It's fine!" He interrupted raising both hands, "You ain't being rude at all pal, it's just curiosity, isn't it?" There was a little pause, he sighed deeply trying to mentalize the possible dangers ahead. "Alright. Connor, scan the building, please."
The sides of both wristbands illuminated as what looked like light particles (that were actually nanobots) detached from them, forming a person: it was a tall young man appearing to be in his late twenties to mid thirties, with brown eyes and dark brown hair wearing a uniform of a semi-formal grey jacket, white shirt, dark tie, and dark jeans, a blue armband on the right arm, on the front a blue triangle on the left chest and what looked like the model and serial numbers on the right chest. The back of his jacket has across the shoulders the word ANDROID, a larger blue triangle, and his model number RK800, half a head taller than the Irishman. He looked towards the island as his eyes got this blue glow, Seán raised up his left arm to see what was Connor seeing in his scanners through a holographic screen.
"The highest point of the building is empty." He said, the Irishman was seeing how a map of the place was being built up too, "The lower floors from the office to the main floor are empty," He kept scanning, "Huh, Seán?" He said, "There is a huge concentration of people in the isle, underneath the building, I detect Mr. Lockwood in there too, but according to my scanners, his physical condition is deplorable. My diagnosis is physical burnout."
"Physical bu–" He hoped that what he thought was wrong, "Are they fucking beating him?!" The situation escalated, "We have to save him now!" The android nodded as he went back up to the wristbands, the Irishman cracked his knuckles, "Connor, suit me up!" The same nanobots got out from the wristbands going all over his body: it became a neoprene jumpsuit covering his entire body, of dark green around the zone of his front torso, the upper sides of his arms, his back to the height of the shoulder blade plus his waist to make it look like a belt and his shoes; dark blue tones under his arms, ending at the height of his elbow, the back side was the same color plus his trousers. It had designs in black of what looked like a spiderweb, logo of one was right in the middle of his chest as another similar logo, but bigger and quite sillier was on his back in the same dark green. "Woah, the fuck is this suit?!"
"It was an update sent before we ended up here," The AI explained, "it's called the Water Spider. It will let you dive."
"Why would I want to dive right now?"
"There is an underwater entrance where we can break in without being detected."
"Ohhh! I get it." A mask covered his head, following the same pattern of his clothes, "Spider-Jack is here bitches!" He quickly jumped to the water and started to dive, from his spider-insignia a bright light that crossed the dark waters towards the bottom popped, illuminating his way. He didn't feel like going any faster. "Connor, what can this suit else do?" He asked, he got indicated to stick his fingers together, when he separated them again, web-like fabrics knitted on the sides as webbed hands, "Ha! Cool!" He looked at his feet too, seeing frog legs, he was completely flipping the hell out of excitement, "But I don't entirely need them, do I?" There was no response, "Anyway, let's go!"
His feet got against the concrete surface of the safety wall of the lane, separating his legs and bending them, he took impulse. Water started to swirl around his legs, going up to his waist, then he took the leap: the water swirling became a whirlpool that gave him impulse like a torpedo, diving fast through the sea towards the isle. It was maybe an amazing sensation that made him feel free, the closest thing from flying – even if it wasn't flying at all... sometimes he wished he wasn't too fucking afraid of heights, he would be able to enjoy more his gifts in that way...
He was diving nearby the bottom, raising sand, avoiding rocks, seeing some awesome fish swimming around mindlessly of the world outside; he got upside down seeing the distant surface and the lights from stars reflected on the moon, it was mesmerizing to see the wavy surface of the water refracting the light and "eating" the rays a couple of meters after. Maybe, sometimes the sea was wide translucent at days, that wasn't the case at night, yet from the deep to the surface, so many people were missing a pretty view like that... then maybe, what he was seeing was what those people who died in open seas saw before they closed their eyes forever – he should stop thinking about it or he'd end up developing thalassophobia (1) like Mark. Maybe not, it was just a fun wonder to observe.
Oh yeah, it didn't take long (around three or four minutes) before they arrived to the feet of the isle, looking to his sides he started to swim in the search of an entrance using the light from his chest, Connor pointed out that there was a bigger facility underneath, the secret labs that Barb talked once upon a time and the reason of why the government didn't destroy the headquarters just yet.
"Seán, I detect an entrance under you." The AI said, he started to dive down, finding a hatch, "There is no one on the other side; if I am right, this is an exit for divers, we can make a plan when we're in."
He nodded in response as he started to go dive again, down below he found a hatch, his hands quickly drove there as he twisted it open... how fun, it was easier than he thought, maybe because it wasn't an old hatch from a sunk ship but anyway, he first looked to his sides as if it was a window where he was getting into, then sled his body in and closed the hatch.
There was no other way he could feel in that moment, and that was pure excitement.
His first solo mission.
When they reached the other side of the large pipeline, it seemed to end on a cubit, reaching a room a couple of meters up where some white-and-orange diving suits were hanging; his spider-themed suit vanished as he stretched out a bit trying to contain his excitement, what a nice way to prove himself a bit with a saving mission, right?
"Your neurotransmissors as showing a lot of activity, Seán. In the scale of 1 to 10, how excited are you?"
"20!" He exclaimed, "This is the first time I'm going like this and it's fucking alone, and I'm so excited that this is happening! It's perfect to prove myself that I'm actually good!" It's something his AI detected clearly even if he didn't sound really clear, the last sentence was carried with a little hint of anxiety and distress, "And Flint is my friend, he needs our help."
"Actually, Seán, you don't–" He was interrupted.
"Alright Connor, suit me up!"
Well, he didn't say a thing as he followed the command. This time his suit was pure black from heads to feet: black boots, black skin-tight trousers, a tool belt with a gun in its holster at his right side, a large black coat, underneath it he was wearing a turtleneck and what looked like a vest; then his hands were gloved, his head was covered in a mask with the spider web design, aviator-like google eyes and a large cowboy-looking hat with a sharp blade on its edges, which also had a green ribbon around it. On his back there was the spider logo too in a more stylized way. Underneath the mask he seemed genuinly impressed, looking to his hands and his general outfit, taking off the hat and looking at it.
"This is the stealth suit, Jack." Connor said, "The Spider-man Noir."
"With Kung Lao's hat?! Really?! This is fucking awesome! And I even have a gun – even if I actually have no fucking clue how to use it... Anyway! Can this be the default suit?" He got a positive answer that made him happier than before, putting his hat back up he got ready. Inside the mask he could see on his right eye the map of the entire underground lab and where his friend was, from the large paths of hallways that leads to a same giant underwater dome, the ventilation system. Of course he would – no, he had to take the hard way.
Slowly he got out from there throughout the vents (incredibly his hat did fit), unlike the quite dim room from before, looking out through the ventilation grill he could see that the hallways were as bright as the rest of the building with that titanium white, What the fuck with all the white– or light blue– whatever color I'm seeing anyway? He thought, At this point is obnoxious...
"Oh, I'm sorry Jack, I forgot to activate the colorblind lenses (2)."
"Wait a minute, what the– woah..." It took only a few seconds to notice how different (and brighter) the colors looked with the lenses on, adjusted perfectly to his visual graduation, "But I thought they take a while on getting adjusted!" The lack of answer actually made him realize what he just said, "Enchroma (3) didn't make them, right?" His mask retracted for a moment, leaving his hat on as he massaged his eyeballs, blinking twice and getting his mask back on, the lack of response answered his question, "Of course."
Going back to the fucking thing, he started to move through the ducts as careful as he could, kind of feeling inside a Metal Gear game because of all the secrecy he had to have to move around without being detected... it was time to put in march what video games taught him, and one of these was how to be Solid Snake. He let out a little "fuck yeah" with the thoughts.
Even behind the vents, his mask was showing him where the people were, and there were actually guards walking around the halls, he heard some of them complaining for needing to patrol a highly secured (ha! Surely secured) facility where not even a single soul from outside could enter – of course little they knew there was an intruder even if they seemed to have a thermal camera as an extra gadget to detect whatever that could move beneath the walls.
Surely that was (not) the case.
Connor explained him some of the advantages of the Noir suit: invisibility under the shadows like a ninja, designed to be undetectable on radars including those types of cameras because one never knows, silk steps if he wasn't running, bulletproof, a few hundreds of combinations of spider-webs that would make his mind blow away, and a guide's user in case he wanted to check later. The last feature brought a question: "Why didn't you tell me that before?" To then get the obvious realization that there wasn't actually a lot of time in hands, even less when he got an update of the condition of the distressed inventor, so he kept moving.
It could be the fact of being just crawling the reason of why he was having the feeling of going so slow, realizing how it was also easy to lose track of time in a secured facility where the only lights available to be seen was the annoying white lights (fuck, it was even worse with the lenses on), some of the guards he passed by were completely oblivious to his presence, passing undetected; at some point, tired of sneaking in the ventilation he decided to find an empty room and check on the user's guide to see if he could get to move forward faster outside, checking about the invisibility mode. It was a lot of a fun thing actually, when Connor mentioned the invisibility under the shadows he meant it literally, it was, according to the guide, to hide from cameras and other people at plain sight, mostly planned for dim places like underground facilities (of course, no one would've count in something like Live Corp ever).
On the other hand that little break gave him a point where he could take a look to the underground map with more calm to take shortcuts, still keeping track with the help of his AI of the people roaming around the area, it was possible to reach Flint's location safely, probably without getting into fights or anything. They could get out by the same way where he entered, he only needed get his friend dressed with the swimsuit, the oxygen tank and mask and they'd be able to swim away and eventually get back to the island; ten minutes later he was ready again to leave, stretching his arms and body, tapping his hat a bit...
Unexpectedly when he was right about to leave, one of the guards entered. Shit!
Before the guard could even have the time to react, the Irishman quickly extended his right arm upside down as a spider thread was shot from his wrist, sticking on the person's chest, then he quickly dragged him to his direction and with the other hand Jack got him stuck against the wall, just for in case he had to web up his mouth with a little bullet, "Sorry..." He whispered as he awkwardly left. He already used the shooters before, but he never reacted in that way... he blamed it to the panic. Even Connor was surprised for it; was it worth hiding again?
"Jack, my scanner indicates that Mr. Lockwood is moving."
"What? Where is he going?"
Instead of making it pop again on an eye, he made it pop again on his right hand and saw several dots moving towards the dome, he wondered what was that actual point, quickly he started to move again as fast as he could.
On the other hand, Flint Lockwood wondered what was going to happen now. He wondered how long he's been trapped down there, he did lose track of time since he arrived; his face showed several bruises, a swollen eye, the right side of his lower lip was cut, hands tied behind his back while his right arm seemed to be twisted in an uncomfortable position; he didn't seem to have had a real shower in days as his lab coat and blue shirt were dirty and stained with his own blood. They've been "playing" with him for days and all he hoped was just leave; his friends were sick worried for him...
And he missed to have Sam with him...
This was a random moment of introspection as he thought about the many times he fucked it up with her, yet they were still together. She knew that his stupidity wasn't intentional but because of his naivety leading his reasoning everywhere... he's been wanting everything to be a stupid, realistic nightmare, but it wasn't for his biggest dismay; was it the hell he had to be through for all his past mistakes? The food storm, the affair with the foodimals, Chester... he squinted feeling anger towards himself, again his current situation was his bad for not having been careful at the time of leaving the laboratory towards the woods.
And that's when he realized how he needed Seán by his other side, the man with the big dick energy (as Brent referred once) who often manages to flip the coin to a positive side and showed all the support of the world since their very first meeting. He could even consider him as his best friend... always there to help him out with his problems, whiling to listen and help out if it was necessary. No one actually ever cared for him that much, and if he was going to die there then, it was a real pleasure having met them. So, am I actually resigning myself? He thought, Meatballs... Whatever was going to happen, he should get ready.
The dome was different from the rest of the hallways: dimmer in dark tones (which was a relief for a lot of people from the obnoxious white), a lot of dangerous turned off inventions all around the place on different stands with their respective names plus some failed attempts of replicating his FLDSMDFR. The first day (?) some of them forced him to build one for them, he completely refused, he got a blow on his face in response; next they tried to force him to make some more weapons similar to the refreeze-a-fan, something better than that, again he refused, again they hit him harder than before to make him cooperate. He hated having done it; after that they wanted new armors in base of the Sentinels of Safety, something better, more dynamic, five fingers, stronger and faster, safer for them so nobody else but them would be able to use it (one of them was in the crazy food battle of the factory in Swallow Falls and remembers how Barry was able to use it without problems). Again he refused, but ended breaking when the hits became stronger and worse than before, actually, after he felt his arm snapping, swearing it was broken... for now, two out of three things were still blueprints, hopefully everything would explode in their faces like his usual stuff does.
Indeed, the most loyal people without Chester were nothing but idiots, and they clearly needed someone like him to help them get out from the shadows.
Then they tossed him to a chair, making him tumble backwards and roll once as he whimpered in pain, hissing in pain as he tried to at least sit down without his two hands as they laughed, putting the chair back on its place and grabbing him from under his armpit he sat looking down; if the room was silent, a soft wheeze would be heard from him.
"What the heck do you want now...?" He asked huskily, "Just leave me alone..."
They tied his arms around the chair and his ankles against the legs of the same. He realized how the sneaky assholes were aware of his crescent fear and how they were even enjoying it.
"Well, after everything you've done for us, there is someone who's been eager to see you again!"
He heard footsteps from behind, he tried to turn around but he was unavailable to do so. He was really scared now, trying to untie himself somehow and just run away as fast as his legs could, hide, find the exit, then who knows what'd happen? All he wanted was see his bed and cuddle his girlfriend, have long hours of sleep and pretend nothing ever happened.
"Goodnight, young Lockwood. We meet again."
No, nope, nope, nopity nope, NO! There was no way in the entire universe that voice belonged to who he thought, he saw how that Cheespider ate him before he could run away... the back of his head got smacked hard, making him hiss in pain once again, then there was a sharp pain on his left cheek that spread to the rest of his face, another at the right side of his face as the person was downloading its rage on his humanity, to then feel how there were two hands grabbing his shirt, and a horrible pain on his forehead that even created a bleeding wound. The strength used was such at the point he tumbled backwards again, his seat turned to a side as he could feel the blood slowly dripping from his forehead as he hissed in pain more than before; he was feeling dizzy now, feeling difficult to breath as probably his nose was now either dislocated or broken (all he knew was that it was burning).
"Chester..." He heavily said, "How...?"
He felt the older inventor kicking his stomach, taking away the air from his lungs.
"Yes, Lockwood, I'm still alive!" He kicked him again angrily, making him cough and gasp for air, "And not thanks to you!"
"Stop it!" He barely managed to say it, there was too little air in his lungs to say it louder, coughing heavily, to then feel him kicking his chest. "Please...!"
"You took away everything from me, little piece of shit!" He angrily replied, "My company!" He kicked his chest again, "My money!" The poor inventor wheezed harder than before as the pain intensified to an extent he couldn't handle, "And my reputation!"
It was a lie to say that no one in the underground heard the loud scream of pain of Flint plus the popping sound of a broken bone, and that was the case. That last kick was hard enough to break a couple of his ribs, making him wheeze and cough hard, already feeling the metallic flavor of blood escalating his throat; the former scientist placed him upon his back without straightening up the chair, having this psychotic smile on his face as a crazy bitch enjoying the moment so badly...
The screams that were heard all over the underground were painfully clear: it echoed in every single corner of the entire place, Chester was squashing his chest against the floor, crushing his hands and his injured arm at the same time, he felt how he was starting to choke in his own blood, his left lung was aching badly, swearing it was getting punched – or at least going in that way horribly. "Stop! Please! Please!" He begged with tears down his face, "Please!"
"You think I'll be merciful after all you've done to me, Flint?" He asked in the coldest way he could, squashing his chest more, "I know that Christian and Chelsea are by your side as well... you put them against me!"
"I didn't do anything!" He squealed, "They aren't kids neither stupid! Of course they know what you've– AHHHH!" Putting asides the pain, he actually couldn't believe how sadistic this man actually was, and he never realized either, he was enjoying with every single fiber of his being on torturing him, breaking every single bone he could under the weight of his foot. He's been waiting so long to put his hands on him, to beat him and break him down as much as he could. Why he waited to do it? He needed to see how actually far he could be got pushed to make everything he wanted, if under pressure he would do anything they wanted as long they stopped torturing him... sadly he was decided to not cooperate about making a new food machine, he didn't care, once he had everything settled up, he'd have his coveted revenge. He wanted to kill him right there, but he'd wait til all his friends were under his mercy and his island destroyed...
Retiring his feet from his chest, he saw him wheezing and coughing that crimson liquid he's been wanting to see so badly from him. Since he first got out from that damned cheespider he just pictured a thousands of ways of killing the stupid little shit of Flint Lockwood, he's been seeing it again and again for weeks the blood spilt from the goddamn piece of shit of the blue-eyed inventor, see him suffering one way or another... now it was physical damage, in some time his revenge would fall upon his precious home, and he couldn't wait for the day to come. The underground lab was the best place to hide because it was impossible for anyone to get in, even for the government. They'd never know he was alive until it was too late! At that point, world domination didn't seem as a bad idea... after all, everything he loved and had was gone, he would definitely look forward to kill Flint... for now... he had to keep him alive, then, bye bye!
"Take him back to his cell." He said, "And give him some medical attention, I don't want him to die yet."
Flint got untied, he didn't fight back, wheezing with every breath he took, the ones around him were checking him with portable X-ray scanners, retired the chair leaving him laying on the floor as Chester gave his back to him ready to leave.
"You haven't seen it... right...?" His former idol turned around to look at him, seeming curious, "You... you'll just add... another reason... for Chelsea and Christian to... to hate you..." He was having serious issues to breath, wheezing harder than before, "If I die... they won't ever... forgive you... even Barb won't forgive you..." His blue eyes were staring straight to his green eyes behind those green-tinted glasses, "Unless you stop this madness..."
He knew how angry Chester got by his words, he didn't care, actually he gave a little smile knowing that he dug his grave earlier than expected. In his opinion, even if he was about to join his mother in the other world, he said just the plain truth from his point of view in base of the opinion of his three friends: at a beginning he didn't entirely trust his offspring fearing that they'd do something to him, but showed him in many ways that they weren't spiteful but the opposite, being angry at their father for all he did to him and his friends; on the other hand Barb actually had hopes of him being alive and having realized all his mistakes, wishing for him to be the man he was before he turned into that greedy jerk... at least, he was alive, yet crazier than ever.
There was still time to change, but he wasn't going to take it...
"Say goodbye, Lockwood!"
The people who were around them looked to each other, with one glance they all stepped back in fear, Chester was being totally serious.
"Goodbye..." He closed his eyes and fell instantly unconscious, perfect enough to not feel pain ready to leave.
The old inventor raised his foot ready to squash him for once at all, ready to end with his goddamn life and make him pay for everything he took away, hating to see that fucking smile on Lockwood's face as if he was mocking him...
Suddenly something stuck at his side, and at the same time he lowered his leg to stomp on his chest, Flint's body was dragged to the darkness making him stomp the hard floor, by how hard he hit it, he felt a loud cramp escalating from the bottom of his bones to his skin, making him grab it from his knee and hiss in pain while trying to keep his balance. "What the fuck just happened?!"
"Me bitch!" A distorted voice said from behind, when he turned around he got punched right in the face, but it felt like a boulder hitting him, and it was that hard at the point he was sent flying backwards, rolling on his back leaving him dazed off for a moment, feeling the warm blood starting to get out of his nose. He couldn't see what the heck was that, but he saw his henchmen pointing everywhere trying to find who did it.
"Release the goddamn sentinel drones!"
Hidden somewhere around the dome, Jack was scanning Flint with the help of Connor next to him, having needed to take off his mask when the rage started to take over and he needed air: dislocated nose, arm fractured in four parts, his face was too bruised and stained in crimson at the point he couldn't take it, his rib cage was severely damaged with some bones broken in several parts causing him a type-3 pulmonar laceration that needed an urgent surgery, so at the time of carrying him he needed to be careful enough.
"Seán," Connor called out while he was closing some of the injures with a spray from his index finger, "Why don't you try to use the instant transmission? Even with my aid, Mr. Lockwood will need specialized care. Any sudden movement can worsen the condition of his inner injuries, our only way to get out and fast is with the instant transmission."
He looked to his sides checking that nobody was coming.
"Connor, you realize I haven't got the handle of a lot of aspects of my powers, right?" He stared at him serious, "Even if I already have like three years with it, I still haven't got the proper handle of being an energy sensor and even less about Chris' version of the instant transmission! The island is too far from here to feel their energy, and I don't know if I'll have enough time to concentrate and expand my ratio."
"Well, you'll have to try. There is no other way without risking his life more."
The Irishman sighed as he got his mask back up. Underneath he closed his eyes and placed his index and middle finger on his forehead trying to concentrate. In the darkness of his mind everything started to flicker: the presences of every single living being in a ratio of three miles, from the biggest whale swimming deep in the sea to the smallest bug, he could feel and see them... he tried to expand his ratio, go beyond and find the location of the island, try to feel the earth as part of him, its energy flowing inside him as one... then there was a thing he developed with his ability to sense energy, something called the "spider-sense" (or as a friend of his uses to say, the "Jack-a-boy tingle"), without hesitation one of his hands went to the gun and took it out, shooting a drone behind him about to shoot at him; it didn't just affect the bot, but it was that powerful that made its way out.
With a lot of ability he sheathed his gun again, carefully grabbed the inventor and placed him on his back, Connor strapped the inventor against the back of the Irishman by making an extension of the Noir suit, there he started to run faster than the drones that started to swarm could realize (and that maybe was the biggest dismay for Chester as he was seeing every single little thing with their cameras now). Jumping up and down and using the drones at platforms he was making his way to the big vault-like door at the same time they kept shooting and destroying each other in the attempt of getting Jack, who was smiling widely under the mask. Hell yeah! This is fucking awesome! he thought proudly, It's time showtime! Shooting a spider string towards a drone, he quickly twisted on his axis and tossed it towards another group making them explode, from behind the smoke wall more came, he jumped and started to stick as many as he could, to then use an electrified web that extended to a large and important group.
He had a feeling of more coming from up, that'd mean that the door was going to open. He got really ready for it, from back and front he was surrounded, but no one counted with his cowboy hat: he tossed it, it sliced one, two, five, six, ten, thirty before ricocheting back to him as he repeated, attacking as many as he could while they were trying to either deflect, evade or destroy the dangerous weapon disguised as something innocent as a hat... but he was everywhere! It was insane! There were shootings from his powerful gun, the sharp blade of the cowboy hat and the spider-man himself destroying them with pure brute force, it was like a carnage of metal and loads and loads of precious technology being put down by an army of fucking one! He couldn't let escape a potential specimen for research now...
On the other hand, with every leap, body twist and stunt he made, Seán was trying hard to be careful with his movements and not worsen the situation of his best friend, it was an entertaining activity in his honest opinion, but there was a life in danger so he had to go. He had all the fun his friends experiences sometimes, now it was time to go to the serious shit and flee; it wouldn't matter what'd happen later, the priority was Flint's life and nothing else. Quickly he trespassed the open vault-like door as more were coming, seeing a large spiral stairway that would be translated to at least three dozens of floors, Eugh, I'm not gonna run all the way up! Flexing his knees and going as down as he could, he gave a powerful jump that even broke the metallic floor leaving a mark of something taking off, reaching a quarter of the staircase he made a backflip before he could fall, landing on the handle and took another jump, breaking again whatever was down there (basically cutting an important part of the path) and finally used a drone that popped too close and exploded mid-air as he got to the door. He charged his fist as the air seemed to even compress there, breaking it and part of the wall with something he referred as the "Kilkenny Smash (4)".
The main floor was back to that obnoxious white, but with all the lights turned off which was better, he quickly started to run again towards an exit in the direction that Connor was indicating him. He was ready to smash the wall when a horde of drones popped again, How many fucking robots does this madman got? Gosh, how fucking annoying! He kept going to the wall of the entrance, then made a backflip and quickly started to jump upon them again. He only had one exit: go all the way up by using the outside of the hydraulic elevator. While he was avoiding, counterattacking and repeating he was looking up; at least no one would be telling that he was looking scared, because he fucking was.
"Uh... do I really have to go all the way up, Connor...?"
"There is no other way out, Seán. As an AI who carries their past experiences, trainings and personalities, you have to overcome your vertigo in order to be better."
He looked up again, it seemed so fucking high like a skyscrapper, it looked fucking scary (as if fighting killing drones wasn't), then there was resignation knowing that his AI was right about it... With a great power comes a great responsibility, he had power, he had a life walking and swinging violently on the tight rope on his back... three miles didn't sound too far away even if it meant not knowing where he teleported, he couldn't be going like that for too long, it was dangerous in some ways, so... taking a deep breath he separated his legs and charged towards the elevator, when he ran, the surface under him broke again leaving the mark of his foot and raising part of the hexagonal floor; he crossed his arms as a defense, clashing fully against the drones with something called "Brighton Smash" making them explode as well. When he reached the feet of the elevator he made a backflip, took impulse on a drone and jumped up...
"Oh boy, here we go... Naruto sprint, don't fail me now..."
One of his foot got the surface, then the other and he started to run the rest of the way with a ninja sprint, it was quite tiring defy the laws of gravity, Flint wasn't a problem as he felt like a feather. Up, and up, and up he got, reaching the top in no time; he did another super jump as he extended his arm in high with his fist closed, underneath the mask he closed his eyes, hearing the loud crack from the ceiling made of glass...
Everything went in slow motion...
He felt freedom.
When he dared to open up his eyes again he felt alive, almost feeling like his hands could graze the sky, the night sky was shinier than ever, full of stars salutating, it was even beautiful than looking from the bottom of the ocean... the world shut down in its entirety being overwhelmed by not just the view, but his actual position, as if he was floating in space drifting away letting it take him somewhere else. Amazing how those thoughts crossed his mind for only a couple of seconds before his body bent backwards landing on the translucent ceiling at the same time more drones popped from the hole he made and other many places; he ran a few metters before taking a leap from there, freefalling.
"You've gotten over your fear pretty fast, Seán." Connor said.
"It's the adrenaline doing everything, don't mention it again or I'll chicken out!"
Turning around to face the sky he shot a string against the translucent wall of the gigantic building, when it tensed he swung with body forward with the intention of turning towards the entrance, flying away when it got cut by a laser from one of the drones, so flipping to the front, he extended his legs with the intention of landing on the bridge that connected him to mainland. When his feet touched the ground he started to run away. Boss ass bitch isn't going to let me have another option if he keeps on like this... He thought.
A game of lasers then got all around him with the intentions of killing him and Flint in the process and destroy the bridge so they wouldn't get to a safer place, at that point he wasn't seeing the drones, just the lasers coming endlessly from everywhere as a cage from just one point on the other side looking at him: he saw her staring with a defying grin as energy beams were coming out from all her fingertips, moving them and making a full set of many ones going to him. He smiled back.
He took a leap reaching a falling piece of the bridge, running all the way up and keep going, making a side flip that made three longshots pass by almost grazing him, on a stable ground he kept running, leaping through an almost closed hole as if it was a ring... in a nutshell he was completely overcoming the biggest offensive Chester has ever made against anyone for his major dismay... it was impossible, right? It just had to be impossible and a stupid, crazy dream.
"You know what? Imma fuckin' do it," The Irishman said, "He's gonna fucking regret what he's done!"
"You mean..."
"Hell yeah! Connor, water spider suit!"
He ran behind a falling piece of falling debris as his suit was quickly switched back to the Water Spider, then took a powerful impulse towards the ocean as he flipped to the front and, for another major surprise of the oldest inventor, he actually landed on fucking water! "Beep beep motherfucker!" he heard him yell with the distorted voice again as the Irishman started to go away by actually skating. On. WATER! (Un)knowingly for Jack, he had the crazy feeling that maybe dear Chester was screaming and sending everything he got in a crazy attempt of either capturing or killing him – whatever the fuck happens first. With every mad laugh he was making he was losing a chunk of sanity, but it didn't matter as long as the nuisances were fucking gone, right? He wanted to stomp onto that fucking spider, kill it with fire or ice, it didn't matter! He wanted him to fucking vanish! He saw him leap and fall into the water, vanishing to the deep – why even?
One of the cameras turned off. "What the–?!" Then other and another, the water itself was raising into water stalagmites getting all of the drones in a shot, branching out in water arms creating a large set of technological fireworks... this was out of this world, the dude even had fucking hydrokinesis, he got into his element and had all the advantage of the fucking world... with one of the many cameras he saw the Irishman resurfacing, with his body surrounded by a green halo, he started to fly away as his hands touched the water, to then start to ascend...
"Oh shit..."
He couldn't believe it anymore, it was completely insane... he wondered how far his hydrokinesis could go because he just raised a gigantic wall of water that was of the size of a tsunami directly towards the isle, then the top started to get the shape of a water-y fist that raised up the middle finger as a clear "fuck you" from the Irishman, who still had his arm in high as a way to keep it up. Nothing from his arsenal would be able to stop the incoming destruction it'd cause when the fall comes. Of course there were a lot of people witnessing the frightening yet amazing event going on, while the police was trying to evacuate as much as they could before they could die...
"Behold my ultimate attack: United Kingdom of Smash! (5)" He swung his arm down, the middle finger started to fall right towards the headquarters. Many of the people inside were running in circles as the tsunami siren was flickering on and off, others were hiding under desks or even praying to God for mercy as the entrance of the place, destroyed by the Irishman in his way out was one of the hermetic doors in case of floods and it was unsure if the vault would handle the pressure, maybe yes, maybe not, but it was going to come with everything. "Fuck you dude!"
When the wave fell, it destroyed the building taking away everything in its wave, the water made its way towards the underground where (un)fortunately the secured door managed to keep them safe, trapped for some time as there wasn't a real way to get out asides of that little room with a limited stock of diving suits, the specialized machinery that builds anything they need was upstairs and destroyed as well, so... they wouldn't be a problem for some time (hopefully, forever), it'd mean peace for an undefined amount of time (months, or just mere weeks as there was no actual way to tell what was left) and it'd give time Flint to heal properly enough. Leftovers of technology were coming afloat as other parts sunk, parts of the drones scattered in the water mixed with the debris of the bridge and the building...
The Irishman landed on the wet lane happy that there wasn't a severe damage for the coast city than just water; his body was trembling now that all the shit was over, letting all the adrenaline flow and get a proper break... Flint was still on his back, breathing slow, steady and stable.
"You've done an amazing job, Jack." Connor said, popping next to him, "I'm sure he would be proud..."
His mask wore off as he looked at his friend with a glint in his blue eyes as if he was a child.
"You think so...?" His friend nodded in response with a smile, "I'll definitely gonna tell them when we're back, then!" There was a soft chuckle by the side of the android, "Alright, it's time to go I guess..." Again he placed his two fingers on his forehead and closed his eyes, popping his mask back on, facing to the east trying to focus. Come on... He thought, You can do it, just focus, try to do what he told you: visualize the place as much as you can...
"Uh, Seán...?" His friend ignored him as he was giving him his back, looking to catch the energy of the island and perform the instant transmission, "Jack, this is important." He got ignored again, he had to shake his shoulder to make him turn annoyed and point to a side above the ocean showing a damaged drone that was still working, aiming with pretty much every single weapon remaining.
"Fucking dumbass..."
Trapped down there in his underground, Chester was laughing like a madman ready to try to kill them once again by using the manual mode, losing chunks of sanity with every laugh, pretty much everyone behind him were just staring at their boss thinking that it'd been better to stay at home that night. A few holographic buttons were glowing on and off as a signal of be ready to be used: missiles, laser guns, needles, chainsaws, normal guns, tear gas, laughing gas, feathers (what the fuck?)... all of them pointing to his face. By one side there was the Irishman just staring, still with the fingers on his forehead as he amazingly didn't lose the entire focus, on the other side there was the mad scientist getting a microphone ready.
"Are you ready to die spider-bitch?!" He asked out of his mind, contrasting his usual chillness.
"Uh, yeah, maybe?"
"Then say goodbye you fucker!"
"Well, goodbye fucker!"
That's when all his arsenal was shot over and over again until he ran out of ammo, giving hysterical laughs and smashing mostly the missiles, creating a big explosion, a wall of dust and clearly bringing on the attention of the police force which sirens could be heard in the distance. Even with all the crazy amount of shit he shot, there still had to be a dismembered and barely recognizable body – three bodies counting the taller friend next to him, when the dust faded away there was nothing but a large crater and nothing else... did he actually disintegrate them?!
The camera bounced a bit, for a brief second his eyes could see a shadow onto the drone and he went bananas, sadly it was too late when he realized as the transmission cut short. It was game over for him.
At the same time the Irishman, with his hand trespassed the hard metal of the robot like paper and ripped off the core making it instantly fall at the same time he safely landed back, "Jackass." Now, where was he? Oh, right. He focused again, managing to get more of the handle of sensing the energy, going far to the east coast, crossing the ocean, until he finally reached the shore of the island, the town and finally Sparkswood... it was like in his mind he could see the shapes of all his friends in the darkness, pretty much everyone were awake minus Brent and Barb... he wondered if they realized he was gone, maybe not... he swiped his mind outside Sparkswood Labs, he would leave Flint at the entrance, they had medical support and he didn't trust in the security of the hospital so, it was for the best and to protect his best friend, right?
He didn't flinch at the sounds of sirens coming closer to his location, completely trying to keep his focus and his mind clear from external influences; for a moment his body seemed to flicker, then became blurry, and finally at the same time the patrols arrived he was gone...
When he appeared he was in front of the laboratories, jumping inside in joy as he managed to do it; carefully his suit released the straps that were holding the inventor on his back making his body fall, being held by the Irishman who carefully placed him down, happy that the madness was over for now, happy to know that his friend was going to get treated and could recover from all the damage... he stared to his friend for a while, then made the bell of the front door ring as he extended his arm up to a tree and stood there for a moment switching back to stealth mode. Sam was the one who came out curious to know who the hell was coming at fucking 2 A.M., when she saw her boyfriend lying on the ground motionless she drove her hands over her mouth with a muffled gasp and called out for help, it didn't take any long before all their friends arrived to check, with Earl quickly pulling Flint up and rushing inside yelling to Manny to get ready to do his job, before she rushed back inside she looked everywhere trying to see if there was anybody else around, as if someone was watching from the shadows. Even if their eyes connected, she didn't see him, as that happened, she rushed back inside, letting Jack take a deep sigh in response.
Without saying anything he swung his way back to his room in the second floor, feeling glad that he left the large awning window open as he slid under the glass; once his feet touched solid floor, without commands Connor unsuited him, showing a tired Seán that seemed to still being processing all that happened in the last thirty (yes) minutes of his life. He sat at the verge of his bed looking outside, his heart racing against his chest and his skin going paler than it already was. Even if he already did let all the adrenaline flow before, there were things that he still didn't process like having jumped from the roof of what'd be considered as a skyscrapper (as there wasn't a real definition of such in terms of height, it could be considered as one for standing out the rest of the buildings around the coast, and most of them were on hills so many buildings didn't count). The memories of that event were quite fuzzy, everything happened so fast, he reacted mostly by instinct, but the thing he remembered so clearly was that moment when he broke free.
In that moment everything went away, he was floating looking to the sky full of stars as they seemed to be flickering back at him as a salute, it felt like floating in outer space, it just felt crazily amazing, and he would like to repeat that feeling again...
"For a brief time you inhibited your vertigo and did awesome things, Jack." Connor said, snapping him back to reality, he looked at him, the AI started to walk around the room, "You'll have to work more to get over them for good, that's the only way you will be able to enjoy it to full." He took a coin that was on the computer desk, starting to pass it from hand to hand separated in a considerable distance really fast, "Is not just letting the thrill do all the job for you, but taming them as well, keep your head cool and improve your abilities." Then the AI caught the coin between his index and middle finger by its sides, showing the tail of the coin, "You might need a training plan." He pushed the coin out of between his fingers making it land on his knuckle, then started to flip it across the knuckles of his right hand.
"Heh, you really sounded like him this time..."
The soft clink of the coin was audible as he used his thumb to throw it in the air, then caught it back, flipping it a few more times.
"You know who programmed me. They didn't just make me the android sent by CyberLife, but also a bit of them. A bit of him..."
Knock, knock, knock!
"Seán! Wake up!" It was Sam, "Someone brought Flint back! Come soon!"
"Alright, I'm going in a while!" He replied, when he heard her going away he looked at Connor, "Well, get back into the wristbands. We gotta go."
Standing up he stretched up his body ready to leave, his AI followed the command as he returned to the wristbands and headed to the medical bay.
It didn't matter a lot what Chester V could be planning underwater right now, how he would come back with a sweeter revenge upon the island and everyone who turned their back to him; all that mattered was stick to the momentary peace that was peeking for an undefined amount of time. If he had to fool his plans back again he would do it gladly, but for now, now that everything was back to its place he just wanted to take a nap and sleep for hours, later they would see how to raise and improve the security around the area and around the island itself.
Dangers maybe were ahead, and he was going to be ready for it.
(1) Thalassophobia: Fear of the ocean.
(2): If someone doesn't about this, Jack said several times he's slightly colorblind. Even if I tried to figure out which kind of colorblindness he got (there are three, then a fourth, really odd one where you see in achromatic colors), I'm still not sure what is it actually so I found myself improvising some points. I'm sorry it is just silly me nitpicking with details (probably a lot) and stuff, that's why I'm pointing it out.
Seán if you ever see this, I really tried.
(3): Enchroma is a brand that sells glasses for colorblind people.
(4): Sorry for my laziness but I'll assume that the reference is quite obvious.
(5): I suddenly thought about this when I was going off to sleep and thought it was hilariously stupid and I feel it as something Jack would actually do (maybe not but it’s fair to dream). Maybe this isn't the ultimate attack and he said it to scare them, but who knows, maybe there is actually more... ... Author's Note: Some of you might be wondering "what the fuck is this shit here?!" Well this is maybe one of the randomnest ideas I've had in a very long while from a story I was writing, but as I had no idea how to tie-in everything to this point and two or three other parts that's been stuck in my head I decided to post it here because they needed to get OUT of my brain. That's why there are many losen points here. My actual intention was publish it this last week, but I found myself in troubles near the end because I was having issues in putting all of the ideas right which ended up leading me to laziness plus college sucks my creativity away plus I'm tired all the time <s>plus I've been slacking off by playing minecraft</s>, and it's a very common problem I face when I'm ending a chapter or story or whatever (and it's horrible). This weird-ass thing will have two or three more parts but I don't know if they're coming out anytime soon... if I don't die first maybe m8. There are things that probably didn't come as good as I expected them to be, but I get often confused when I try to change them as the ideas either swap, gets lost or just completely messes up so... sorry if there aren't good parts lmao. If there are typos I'm sorry, English is not my first language. ... Disclaimers: Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs 2 (c) Sony Pictures Animation Spiderman (c) Marvel Detroit: Become Human (c) Quantic Dream/Sony Interactive Entertainment JackSepticEye/Seán McLoughlin belongs to himself The only things I actually own is this weird-ass piece of fanfic and the Water Spider suit.
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