#anyway i feel like i'm a teenaged girl living with mom again and that's the worst feeling i fucking HATED my mom...10 years ago
tamayokny · 1 year
i am so sick of living with my parents it's unbearable at this point. i've been saying that once i get my master's and a full time job i'll move out but shit, maybe i'll just get my master's and dip.
they both treat me like a child, but the real hostile treatment comes from my mom. (no surprise!) she yells at me every day for some thing that pisses her off and she can find a way to pin it back to me somehow. then when i get angry and defend myself, i'm unteachable and unreasonable. that makes mom even more angrier because my responses are always, in some form, disrespectful towards her. it doesn't matter if i try to end the argument, call her a bitch, even if i may "agree" with her nothing satisfies her. and of course there's that passive-aggressive tension in the air but my mom pretends that nothing ever happened and i feel like i'm the one who blows things out of proportion when i'm still upset. i can't really hide it, either, so fuck me.
i'm just so sick of this. it's nice that i'm getting some help with living expenses, but i fucking hate living with my parents. my mom literally argues with me for the most mundane shit and for what!! ngl i feel like this is some "punishment" for not being married and having at least one kid by now. (i don't care, but that was my mom's life.) i also feel like my parents think i take advantage of them and never contribute to anything like all the "freeloading" adults who live with their parents. that topic is for another time, but even when i try to do more things around the house i'm told to step back so what am i supposed to do? it's a stalemate.
it's just frustrating and yeah, i really am paying rent with my mental health. i know i've been saying that once i secure a full time job i'll move out but with the way things are now, i may just move out as soon as i finish getting my degree. that's how fed up i am. and my mom is going to be in total shock when i barely contact her. not sure about dad but he's on thin ice too, idk if i can fully trust him.
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fastcardotmp3 · 2 years
thinking about Max and the Munson's living across the way from each other post s3 again, but maybe specifically Max living across the way from Wayne post s3.
Wayne Munson knows what a kid looks like when they hide behind well practiced and carefully crafted defense mechanisms, after all, and he recognizes a kid with too much responsibility on their shoulders.
He sees this teenage girl with the pigtails and the hard eyes who doesn't answer the door when her friends come to call even though Wayne saw her sitting on the porch twenty minutes ago; who is always the one bringing groceries home on foot even when her mom's car is there; whose bedroom light is too frequently on when Wayne gets home before the sun even has the chance to think about rising.
And he's not gonna overstep about it, he has no intention of making this girl uncomfortable because he is a stranger to her and he knows how both he and Eddie look on a first glance, wouldn't blame her for not being entirely trusting, but he keeps an eye out for her anyway.
Tells Eddie too-- "She's home alone a lot, you make sure no one tries takin' advantage, hear?"-- even if Eddie is mostly preoccupied with his own shit most of the time, because if Wayne can recognize a kid hiding, a kid carrying too much around on that skateboard of hers, then Eddie certainly can too.
"You adopting another stray, old man?" is Eddie's response, but he glances out through the blinds at the trailer across the way with a heaviness to his shoulders in understanding at the sight of that girl sitting on the porch with her headphones on and a school book in her lap that she's decidedly not paying any attention.
"Something like that," Wayne claps him on the shoulder, squeezes as he passes by, but he doesn't think anything will really come of it.
There's not much they can do except keep an eye out, carry the Mayfields' paper up to the porch on rainy days so it won't get soggy and unreadable, offer a wave and a kind word and a reminder that "if your Mama ain't home and you need something, you just give us a knock," despite the brush off he gets every time.
And then one night-- one morning really, before the sun is about to rise-- Wayne pulls up at home after his shift to find Eddie standing out in the snow, odd enough in and of itself made odder by the fact he isn't alone.
"--don't know what you think you're gonna accomplish here at four in the goddamned morning, Harrington, but--"
"I mean, that doesn't feel like any of your business."
"You're parked outside my home, yeah it's my business," Eddie gestures broadly at the unfamiliar BMW the two of them are standing next to as Wayne clambers out of his own truck on tired legs and overworked shoulders.
He needs a hot shower, a good, long sleep.
But Eddie is getting in this other kid's face and it's--
"I'm parked outside that home," Harrington, big coat and gloves but thin pajama pants poking out underneath it all, points at the Mayfield trailer with exhausted exasperation and something tinged with a bit more urgency too, "and I don't know you, man, nothing I do is any of your business--"
"Steve come in-- do you have visual yet, over?"
"Jesus Christ," Harrington reaches into the front seat of his car, yanks out a radio that has Wayne's eyebrows shooting up even as he approaches them, the impatient and anxious shift of Eddie's untied sneakers in the December slush. "Gimme a minute," he says into the walkie-talkie, "I told you I'd call when I did."
"Yeah, but it only takes you ten minutes to drive to her place and--"
Harrington shoves the antenna down and shuts the thing off, just as Wayne finally stops beside his nephew with a hand at his elbow.
"Everything alright here, boys?"
Wayne knows his kid, is the thing, so he knows the protective tension in the cross of those arms, the furrow of his brow, knows that Eddie is maybe seeing himself in Max Mayfield a little too fully on this night, dragged out of his bed by god only knows what to argue with a Harrington in the brisk wind of winter.
And Wayne knows his kid, so he recognizes the work of his jaw when he's about to burst out into a spiel to make himself the target instead of whoever he's put behind him this time around, but he doesn't get the chance to start before he's being interrupted.
"Steve, why are you harassing my neighbors."
Flat and unimpressed but shaky around the edges like she's not quite getting enough air, the orange glow of the light inside her trailer spilling out past her into the blue of night as Steve Harrington's legs all but give out with a breath of--
"Oh, thank god," he shuts the door to his car behind him as he takes a few steps closer to him, Eddie trailing like he's ready to literally put his body between them instead of just figuratively, "are you okay?"
"I'm not the one driving around town in the middle of the night, what are you doing here?" she crosses her arms, doesn't leave the cracked doorway at the top of the steps and Harrington doesn't try to climb them either.
And then it's a quick, well-punctuated punch of a conversation in which Wayne feels like he's missing about half the facts, standing by nonetheless.
"Lucas walkied."
"I told him I was fine."
"You called him at three A.M. and hung up on him without explanation," Steve points out surprisingly levelly.
"Yeah. After I told him I was fine."
"I thought I wanted to talk about it and changed my mind."
"You know he'd listen."
"I can't-- you know I can't--"
"Yes you can."
"Not about him. Not to Lucas."
"To me, then," Steve throws his hands up in exasperation, and Wayne can feel something crackling in the air.
It's the same thing that had been there the first handful of times Eddie had picked a fight with Wayne after he first moved to Hawkins, looking for the line, looking for how far he could go before it all went to shit again.
Wayne knows this girl, even if he doesn't know her, because years ago he'd brought a boy with a buzzcut for a visit and he'd never left.
Which is maybe why he speaks up even though he knows how that boy would've reacted.
"If you need something, kiddo..."
"I need everyone to leave me alone," she snaps, striding out all the way onto the porch, only the bravado of it falters when the door slams shut behind her and she all but jumps out of her skin. "Fuck. God, shit, that door--"
She opens it again, yanks it nearly off its hinges just to slam it once more like she's trying to break the thing.
And now she's definitely not getting enough air. Now she's--
"Max, hey, alright--"
"Buddy, I dunno--"
"Back off, Munson, this is really not your business," Harrington shoves past Eddie and strides up the steps as Max slumps down onto the top one, arms wrapped around herself and Eddie looks ready to fight but Wayne just.
He doesn't know Steve Harrington, doesn't even really know his family beyond the way of small towns and knowing names and the neighborhoods in which they reside, but he knows a kid in distress leaning towards safety even if they don't believe they deserve it and Max Mayfield is leaning towards him.
Not Wayne, not Eddie, but this kid with the walkie-talkie and-- is he wearing two different shoes?
Wayne waits the compulsory moment to see Max really fall apart, right there into the fabric of Steve's coat as she keeps her hands tucked under her arms but catches her breath with that one point of contact-- forehead to shoulder-- as Steve speaks gently, words getting caught in the wind. As she stutters out rattling feelings right back.
"The door slammed when she left for work and I-- thought he was-- back again-- I thought-- and I shouldn't've-- not Lucas-- not for, for this--"
Wayne crosses the distance between him and Eddie, hand on his shoulder dragging him out of his own head, wherever it is he goes when his gaze goes glassy and tired like it does now in the gray glow of this place as the snow starts up again.
"You did good," Wayne murmurs, tugging Eddie back towards their own home, just across the way. "Good job, Ed, she's gonna be okay."
"She's..." Eddie clears his throat, looks so much younger than he is for a moment.
"Being looked after," Wayne says with a certainty he wouldn't have felt about the matter a day ago, Eddie following him listlessly back up the steps to the unlocked front door. "You did good."
"I didn't do anything," Eddie frowns, the pink of his cheeks and his nose practically glowing once they're inside.
"You showed her you've got her back," Wayne tells him without room for argument, pulling off his winter coat and moving to heat up water on the stove even as Eddie peeks through the curtains again, seemingly unable to accept that nothing bad is going to happen tonight.
Wayne can't be sure what put him in this state of mind, how he even got alerted to Harrington's arrival in the first place, but he knows he'll find his way back to solid ground soon enough.
Hot tea and warm clothes, when Wayne pulls Eddie away from the window, he catches sight of Steve speaking into the walkie with one hand and holding Max to rest against his shoulder with the other.
He'll make sure they get out of the cold before he goes to bed, but for now he has his own kid to sit with in the ghosts of past hauntings brought back to life for the night.
"We gotta keep an eye out for her," Eddie mutters as he accepts the mug Wayne hands him, feet tucked up under a blanket on the couch.
Wayne sits down next to him and props his tired feet up on the coffee table with a heavy breath.
"We will," he says, because he knows there's no discouraging Eddie now.
The kid learned his habit for picking up strays from somewhere, after all.
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somanypetals · 1 year
please tell me what’s going on in riverdale you are my only source - I haven’t watched since season 1 is it clown of me to hope that Betty and Veronica are kissing again
oh my dude, my guy, my pal, it’s not clown of you at ALL, I’m cooked rn and I’ve actually been thinking about beronica all night so I’m gonna catch you up on their recent moments w a fuckton of screencaps you’re welcome bestie
okay for context, idk if you know this but in s7 they’ve all gotten stuck in a 1950s universe bc of a comet, crazy stuff yknow how it be, anyway so everyone’s a wee 27-year-old teenage virgin and no one remembers the previous 6 seasons (except for lots of signs that they still have emotional memories)
7.02 Veronica tells Betty she’s a catch, a total Marilyn, and she gets all blushy! Seems innocuous but Betty’s journey this season is very much being filtered through the lens of her discovering her femininity and sexuality, and Lili said in interviews she’s been playing it like Betty is seeing all her peers in a new sexual light so I’ve been reading into every microexpression this season feeling insane but actually? Not insane at all*
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7.06 Betty goes to Veronica for advice about feeling sexy, Veronica tells her all about how she loves to wear lingerie, describes loving the sensations etc. and invites her over to try some on, and the whole locker room scene* Betty is like 👁️👄👁️
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7.09 We find out that Veronica is one of the people Betty fantasises about, and one of her fantasies includes this locker room* kiss that, imho, combined with Lili's interview about how she's playing Betty this season? Defffffinitely connects back to Betty's awe during the locker room lingerie talk
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7.12 After all the Riverdale parents have been classically negligent, Veronica and Betty start living alone together w no adults in V's apartment at the Pembrooke. They invite Kevin and Clay over for a sleepover and they all sing I'm Gonna Wash That Man Right Outta My Hair, and then later when it's just B and V, Veronica brings up Kevin and Clay's relationship and they both express curiosity about same sex relationships, V admits she's kissed a girl, B admits she's thought about kissing V specifically, V asks if she wants to try it, they almost kiss before they're interrupted by Mary (who, sidenote: schooled all the moms in Riverdale that week for their negligence and reset the living arrangement status quo)
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oh shit I hit image limit and I'm only halfway through this LMAOOOO look what you've done anon you've got me long-posting
alright I'm gonna reblog this and continue to make it even longer and more annoying bc THIS IS IMPORTANT STUFF xoxo
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sleepy-wyvern · 2 years
Hi! Just found your blog and i love it
If you're taking requests I'd love some best friends to lovers smut with Eddie
Maybe he figures out you have a crush on him and he feels the same way. Whatever you think is best, i'm sure it would turn out amazing
- @eddiesprincess86
So uh, I went a little crazy and wrote my longest oneshot ever at 5.8k words, I hope you dont mind! I finished this at 3am but I really wanted to get this to you asap and be something you might enjoy! I hope you like! Thanks so much for your kind words as well!!! <;3 @eddiesprincess86
"Friends" | Eddie Munson x female!Reader Smut
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First gif, second pic
TW/CW: jealous reader, very brief mention of cheating (not by Eddie or Reader), vaping, marijuana & cigarette references, alcohol, cream pie, slight praise kink?
Pet names: baby, darling, sweetheart (this fic uses y/n)
This fic contains 18+ EXPLICIT material, minors DNI! All characters in this fic are 18+
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Friends. We’re friends. The concept of a friend was never meant to be a bad one, so why did it feel like poison in your brain the moment the words thrummed into your ear drums?
That was what you were, after all. 
Friends who spent nearly every day together. Hell, best friends even. 
“What’s the matter, y/n? You have been acting weird and avoiding me.” Eddie’s eyes were large and brown, it was rare to see him with a serious expression so you felt thrown off guard. 
The matter is you were in love. With him. And didn’t want to admit it to yourself.
You think back to when you both were little. His hair was short and buzzed, he was covered in dirt and his jeans had bright green grass stains. He’d smile brightly at you, asking if you wanted to play after school. Even then you knew people considered him a freak. But you didn’t care, you had fun with Eddie and that’s what mattered.  
Your mother on the other hand, always kept you neat and tidy, scolding when you’d track any dirt or stain your precious clothes. 
“You were with that Munson boy again weren't you?” She’d scowl while running a bath “that boy's trouble.”
When you got older you figured it had something to do with his parentage, or where he had lived in a trailer park and you a house with the white picket fence. 
But as you grew into a teenager, your parents realised they were better off letting you be friends with who you wanted. You’d just rebel against them anyways if they told you not to. They also figured it’d be better to monitor you both by letting him hang out at your place, so you wouldn’t be “up to no good.” In doing so they realised what a kind person he was, offering to do the dishes, helping your family move houses a few streets down, bringing you Gatorade when you’re sick and watching the house while you went on dreaded family vacations. Eventually the sight of Eddie at your house was normal, expected even. 
One night, he helped you home when you embarrassingly had too much to drink. You didn’t think your parents found out, as the quiet house creaked while he tucked you into bed with a glass of water and escaped through the window. But ever since then your mom warmed up to him a little more. 
“You can tell Eddie we’re having tacos tonight, I know they’re his favourite,” your mom beamed from the kitchen one evening. 
Now things were different. You lived in your own small apartment, he in his. His hair was longer, his body and yours were covered in tattoos. 
Now he was staring at you expecting a reply, eye bags drooping in a tired, charming way. But he still played guitar, he still wore ripped jeans, still snuck away with you to drink and get high, still got mad at you when you were close to having too much to drink. The same yet different. 
Something had to explain or account for a newfound feeling in your chest when he introduced you to the girls at the hideout.
When he got off the stage, his chest was still heavily moving up and down and sweat dripped from his hair and forehead. The sight made you unable to sit still, you pretended to not know why. 
They were his friends, yet the blond girl seemed to bat her eyelashes at Eddie as she sat at the bar. The purple and pink haired girl didn’t need to, her low cut top and skirt with fishnets spoke for her that night. 
Jealousy dissolved to anger which dissolved to sadness. You hated that you started to despise these girls you hadn't even known for more than 5 minutes. For doing a normal thing, shooting their shot with a guy that was single. 
Yet it still stung when he said the words “Hey, this is y/n, my friend.”
For the first time in your friendship you were jealous. 
“Nice to meet you,” you said, not caring to listen to their names. 
Eddie didn’t seem to notice they were flirting with him, yet the jealousy still appeared, taunting you. One of Eddie’s other band members interrupted their quiet small talk, something about equipment needing attention. 
You looked down the bar noticing Gareth sitting there. You moved to sit on the stool next to him, sighing as you lean your arms onto the wooden counter. 
You were the same age and last year celebrated your 21st birthday. Now of legal drinking age, you often shared drinks at Corroded Coffin shows to support Eddie every Tuesday. It became a ritual of sorts, and you grew pretty close that way.
Eddie met him in highschool, at a dnd club. You never really knew him that well until after graduation. Lost sheep, Eddie had called him. You’ve never felt any feelings for Gareth, especially jealousy. Was that what this was for Eddie, a stupid little crush?
You sighed, folding your arms as you tapped your fingers against yourself anxiously. Gareth eyed you out of the corner of his vision curiously. You ordered a rum and coke, something that had a nostalgia about it for you. 
“Good show tonight huh?” He spoke before taking a long sip of his beer. 
The bartender brought you your glass and you drank eagerly, it had more soda than you wanted tonight. 
“Uh huh,” you looked over to Eddie who was talking to the girls, hands in his pockets. 
Gareth followed your eyes as he tapped his finger along the handle of his mug. 
“Who are they?” He asked. 
“Huh?” You turned back to him and he nodded towards where you were looking. 
Embarrassed you looked down at your cup “some girls from out of town. Ones a singer.”
He nodded silently, shifting his position on the stool. What you didn’t see was Eddie looking back at you as you stared down, glancing concerned between you and Gareth. Eddie gave him a look of apprehension to which he shrugged at. 
You take another sip of your drink, enjoying the hot sensation in your stomach. It was so stupid. Eddie’s hooked up with girls before, though you both wanted to know little to nothing about each other's love life it never bothered you before. Now, he wasn’t even sleeping with someone, as far as you knew, but it still bugged you. The thought of him sleeping with them made you want to vomit. 
“You should tell him,” Gareth broke your thoughts, you wondered for a moment if he could read minds.
You were moments away from choking on your drink, thankfully he didn’t notice “tell him what?” Your voice had a small croak to it. 
Gareth sighed, sitting straight up. He wore his old red plaid jacket he had since high school, it had tears and patches sewn over. 
“You know what,” he gave you an irritated look. 
You scowl at him before downing your drink. The ice clinked the bottom of the glass as you placed it down on the counter. 
“I’m not stupid, but Eddie is. He couldn’t notice a crush if it slapped him in the face.” Gareth looked at you sympathetically but you couldn't handle it anymore.
You sigh standing up, grabbing your soft warm jacket. Eddie catches your gaze as you stand, turning to leave the bar. He waves you, you wave back but still head to the door. He hurries up to you, catching you just before you leave. 
“Hey,” he said, “you’re going home already?” His eyes darted between yours, a tinge of sadness coated them. You felt bad but it pained you to be here, of the reactions that you had that you weren’t proud of. 
“Yeah, it’s getting late so I should head home.” You smile at him weakly, he doesn’t return the sentiment, just a look of concern. 
“Are we still on for tomorrow…?” He asked, sounding hopeful with bright doe like eyes.
“Yeah,” it was all you could think of to say, your heart ached.
He let you leave in silence. You zipped up your jacket, bundling against the cold spring night. You take your vape out of your pocket, warming it with cold fingers. You watched the smoke disperse into the air as it evaporated.
Arriving home you change into your pyjamas crawling into bed, wondering how you’ll be able to make it through tomorrow. When did things change? What changed?
The last month you supposed, spending the dark months of the beginning of the year together watching shows like The Last of Us and playing Valorant. You loved him, you always had since you were little. He stuck up for you, and frankly people were scared of him so they stayed off your back. In return you always stuck up for him when people called him a freak or whatnot.
He brought you ice cream when your first love broke your heart. You brought him weed and beer when his girlfriend cheated on him. But your love for him never felt like this before, a bittersweet taste on the back of your tongue.
You’re not sure when your buzzing thoughts turned to sleep but at some point they did, as you woke to the sound of a text message in the morning. It was Gareth. 
“Did you do it yet?” He texted. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You replied. 
“Sorry. Hanging out with Eddie tonight. I'll call you tomorrow.” You lock your phone screen feeling a little guilty. You went about your day to day routine until 7pm rolled around, unsure of what else to do.
You had popcorn, snacks, and beer in the fridge. The tv was ready, if you were to watch something, and your Nintendo switch was ready if that was the choice, or your gaming laptop. 
Your foot was bouncing in anxiety, trying to get some nervous energy out when the doorbell rang in your ears. You get up, rather too quickly, making your way to the door. Opening it you’re greeted with shaggy, wavy dark hair. He held a bottle of wine and your favourite candy. 
“What’s the occasion?” You asked, opening the door wider and stepping back. 
“No occasion,” he admitted stepping inside, “just your favourite.”
Your stomach churned wondering if he could tell you were upset last night and was trying to make up for it. He made no indication he was doing so, strolling into your apartment as usual. He got two wine glasses out knowing exactly where you kept them. He poured the wine into the glasses, swirling the liquid around dramatically. You stood with your arms crossed watching him silently. 
“What did you wanna do tonight?” He asked and honestly you never thought this far ahead. Making it past the door was your biggest anxiety tonight. 
“No idea,”  you rubbed your temples to soothe your racing brain. 
He looks out the window thinking for a moment as he does, “come with me. We’re going for a walk.”
“You just poured wine and took off your shoes.” You can’t help but chuckle a little at his sudden idea. Once Eddie has an idea he’ll drop everything he’s doing to accomplish it. 
“Yeah, well, it’ll be here when we get back,” he clapped his hands together “let’s go go go!”
You blink a few times shaking your head but you oblige. You haul a black hoodie over your head, tugging it down. You slip on your hightops and suddenly you felt like you were in highschool again, heading out with Eddie just for something to do.
Placing your wallet and keys into your pocket you step outside into the cold air, “where are we going?” you turn back to watch him haul on his snow white sneakers.
“For snacks,” he answered, closing the door behind him.
It felt like forever since you walked somewhere just for the hell of it. You put your air pod in one ear, offering him the other that he accepts on one condition.
“Play our blended playlist,” he requested as you opened spotify.
The sky was painted orange, you watched the clouds while you walked as darkness crept around the horizon. You knew the path to the corner store, absentmindedly your legs carried you there. Music played through your ears as you watched him walk besides you, hand in his pockets staring off into the sky. 
You admire his smile lines framing his gorgeous brown eyes, each told a story of his years of happiness that you witnessed. His hair bounced back against the light breeze, he wore his usual leather jacket and jean vest, keeping him warm enough. His silver chain attached to his belt loops bounced against his leg with every step. Occasionally a loose pebble was kicked further ahead, skipping across the cement sidewalk. 
You weren’t sure what to say, if anything. Words caught at the bottom of your throat, until you reached the old little shop. It looked the same as when you were a kid- old dirty white siding, wooden steps leading up to the door that creaked, a gross ashtray you tried your best to avoid looking at lest your appetite escape you.
You stroll into the old building as the bell rings, the white tiles beneath your feet covered in sand. You look over the numerous colourful packages of sweet treats, mouth watering already.
It was so nostalgic, reminding you of the numerous times you stopped by here with Eddie. As kids you stopped by for blue and red slushies in the summer on your bikes, the place always smelled like cheap deep fried food. Once, when you were preteens, you poured your change together and with it bought a package of ice cream sandwiches. You had eaten the entire package together, sitting on the swings until you had to go home from a tummy ache. 
You felt lucky you lived closer to it now, in your new apartment, but refused to go there without him. It felt so weird to be there alone, as if this was a spot just for you both. 
Tonight you opted out from the sticky ice cream or slushies. Instead you went for the bottled soda, craving the sweet fizzy feeling on your tongue. 
“What do you think?” Eddie asks, holding his arms out like a game show host showing off prizes “kitkat, butterfingers, Reece’s…”
You glance over your shoulder at him while picking out the blue soda. Eddie always looked quite out of place, like he should be on stage. Shaggy hair, ripped jeans, demon-esque clothing. Yet it was oddly fitting for the old corner store. Probably a normal occurrence for the shop tender, as he looked rather bored.
“Didn’t you already bring me candy?”
“Yes but as you know, candy is not chocolate,” he retorts and you roll your eyes. 
“They both have sugar. Loads of it.”
“Okay but,” his eyes widened as he looked down at you matter-of-factly “chocolate is an entirely different category.”
You couldn’t help but smile at him “okay, you’re right.”
You grabbed a kitkat, placing it on the counter next to a see through display of scratch tickets. The cashier rang through the items as you shifted your weight from one leg to the next. Why were you so nervous?
You managed to place a $20 down before Eddie could, dumping the change back in your wallet while he scowled at you. He settled for holding the chocolate in his pockets as you strolled out of the store.
“Let’s go to the playground,” he suggested, “all the kids will be gone by now.”
Your eyebrow raised “everyone will be gone because that playground is junky.”
He laughs, “well, more fun for us.”
The old playground was nearby, it still had the same rusted monkey bars and swing set, though the swing seats and chains had been switched out some time ago. It didn’t take you long to get there and he was right, there was no one there.
You sat on the old black swing, hips much wider now, making it a bit more uncomfortable now than as a kid. Your knees pressed together as you kicked at the ground, rocking yourself back and forth making designs in the sand. You twisted the cap off of your soda bottle, bringing the glass mouth piece to your lips. The sweet blue liquid dripped down your throat, fizzing as it entered your stomach.
Eddie sat next to you, hands currently buried in a bag of sour patch kids, offering you the kitkat. You held it in your hands, looking it over. After a few songs played in your ears, he stood in front of you, looking down at you.
“What’s the matter, y/n? You have been acting weird and avoiding me.” Eddie’s expression was serious. Something you didn’t see very often.
You scratched the back of your neck not yet answering so he continued.
“I mean not like physically ignoring me,” he said using nervous hand gestures “just, I don’t know…” he trailed off looking for the right words to say “it’s corny. Like you’re not connecting with me.”
You ran your thumb along the glass bottle while his eyes darted between yours.
“Oh my god,” he said as you looked up at him, eyes caught on the part in his lips. His facial expression softens “you have a crush on Gareth.”
You burst out into a laugh and he raises an eyebrow at you “No, you dingus.”
He looks into your eyes, face melting as a thousand emotions exchange between you as you both realize the truth. You look down at your feet as he sits on the swing next to you.
“Do you remember when we met?” he asked you, looking straight ahead.
“Honestly? No,” you admitted.
He looked over at you then, “me neither,” you shared a hearty chuckle together. 
Looking up at the sky you noticed the stars were slowly starting to appear.
“You were just… always there. But I remember the day I first realised I loved you,” he fumbled with his rings, a little nervous.
Your eyes meet his, urging him on.
“You were wearing a yellow dress with pink butterflies, your hair was in braids. Jason Carver said the town called me a freak-” he smiled as he recounted the memory.
“-and I punched him in the face” you laugh into the darkening sky.
His laugh joined you as he crossed his arms “and he cried, swearing his revenge by telling his mommy.”
“Yup, and I was ‘banned’ from hanging out with you because you were a bad influence,” truth be told Eddie wouldn’t hurt a fly, unless it was a mosquito. You were probably a bad influence on him. 
“That was the day I first started loving you, and I’ve never stopped since then,” his eyes seemed to shine like the stars above his head.
Your heart seemed to pound in your chest, directly in the back of your throat as you looked into his brown eyes.
“I hated myself,” you say suddenly “that I felt jealous over those girls at the bar,” you feel your cheeks running red.
He tilted his head listening intently but his brows furrowed “you are the most gorgeous girl I’ve ever met,” tingles spread over your cheeks as he continued “you have nothing to be jealous of.”
You look down again, biting at your chapped lip.
He sighed, “Despite what Gareth says about me all of the time, I know they were flirting with me. I rejected them.”
“I-I’m sorry. I don’t know what came over me. It was selfish.”
He had a soft chuckle surprising you. “I think it's cute.”
You frown, kicking the sand softly as your cheeks heated.
“So,” he said after a minute, “are you going to admit your undying love for me now?”
“Well,” you recede your hands into your hoodie sleeves, feeling a little vulnerable “that’s a bit of a dramatic way to put it.”
He folded his hands together in confidence “we’ll get there,”
He reaches his hand out to you brushing his thumb along your cheek, “so are we going to do this thing or what?”
You lean to the side until his lips meet yours, a warmth touch beneath the cold sky. The moment he does, you feel unified as sparks jump from you to him and back again. The stubble on his face tickles against your cheek, a sweet sensation you never knew before.
“Wow,” he gasped, “you don’t know how long I’ve waited for that,” his eyes were locked on your lips as he whispered. 
You lean forward connecting your lips again, gently sucking on his bottom lip before pulling away. 
“We’ve got some wine sitting at home waiting for us” his breath against your cheek spread shivers through the rest of your body. 
Instinctively you bring your hands to his cheek, getting lost in his hair “that sounds wonderful.”
The walk back to your house had the same scenery, the same vibe of music in your ear, and you even walked in the same step next to each other. Yet it was completely different. The dark blue sky looked over you both like a blanket, you giggled at jokes he threw at you playfully. Even the music seemed happier now. Before you knew it you arrived home together, taking your boots off as you entered. 
You grabbed your wine glass before flopping onto the couch. The wine was room temperature but frankly you didn’t know enough about wine to know if that was good or bad. To you it was just alcohol, but the kind that made you feel fancy as you sipped from the glass. 
Eddie strolled over as he always did, owning the room, sitting on the other end of the couch, tapping his foot against the floor to some invisible beat. 
You had already flipped on a random Netflix movie that was on your list but despite trying to pay attention you couldn’t. 
Your focus was on the man next to you, arm stretched over the couch behind your back. The same but different. The fuzzy feeling in your stomach made you smile, and you declared it a good different. 
You place your wine glass on the coffee table as you lean into him, snuggling into his chest the way couples did frequently in movies. It was just as good as you thought it would be, if not better. Hearing his heart thumping against your ear, the firmness of his torso, the rise and fall of his chest with every breath… it was all so perfect. So right. You felt almost silly over how much you stressed about everything, merely an hour earlier. 
“Eddie,” you looked up at him and he looked down at you, a curious look with pure happiness. 
Before he could say anything your lips reunited with his, warm and soft. You brushed your tongue along his lower lip, tasting the sweetness of soda and candy. Being this close to him you never noticed exactly how good he smelled to you. Sweet tobacco, crisp evergreen, and undertones that were just so… him. 
As your tongue met his, you wanted to consume him and be consumed by him. His hand moved to your waist while yours met the gruffness of his face. You brought your hands to the back of his head, tangling yourself in his soft locks. 
You felt yourself climbing into his lap, surprised at your own boldness. He was too, as he held your hips steady a wide grin grew on his face while he pressed his lips into yours.
“Woah baby,” the words rolled off of his tongue perfectly “are you sure you want to do this?”
“Yes,” you whisper on his lips “I’ve never been more sure of anything.”
The feeling of being on Eddie’s lap was so intoxicating you almost felt dizzy, you were so glad for his strong grip on you. You hold the back of his head, kissing him as deeply as your mouths would allow. The kisses turned sloppier as you continued and heat overtook you, your tongues mingling in and out of your mouth. 
His hands tested the waters by sliding underneath your shirt and up to your waist. He grabbed at your curves, cold metal rings pressing into you in a way that sent hunger through your body. 
You felt your cunt wetten as you lightly grinded against his crotch. Your leggings were a thin enough material that a fold in his jeans hit your clit at precisely the right angle causing you to let out a soft moan into his mouth, body jumping a little in surprise. 
“Woah,” he smirked pulling back to gauge your reaction, “I never thought I’d hear you make that noise,”
You noticed goosebumps on his tattooed arms rise as he wrapped his arms around you.
“Sorry,” You mumble a little embarrassed. 
Without warning he picked you up into his arms, holding your ass and thighs tightly as he carried you to your bedroom. 
He laid you on your soft bed sheets, grinning wildly with fire in his eyes “darling that was the best sound I’ve ever heard in my life."
He cupped your face kissing you deeply. Everywhere his hands touched created sparks you’ve never gotten so intensely before. You wanted them everywhere, over your entire body. 
“Touch me,” You whispered, the words almost sounded foreign on your tongue; they were the words you’ve only said to him in dreams. And this was better than any dream you’ve ever had. 
He helped you pull the oversized sweater off, losing sight of him for a moment as the fabric pulled over your head. You smile at him feeling your hair frizz in different directions from the static
You giggle lovingly as he smiles back at you “every noise you make is music to my ears baby,” he brings his mouth down to the rim of your shirt, biting it and pulling it up and over your head.
Your torso shivered as you crossed your arms beneath your breasts, nervous for his reaction as you lay beneath him topless.
He kept his eyes level with yours, “you are so gorgeous,” his lips met yours as his hair brushed against your neck. 
One hand moved to your neck and you melted beneath his fingers as he brushed them over your shoulder and down your arms. Slowly he moved to your waist and you couldn’t help it as you moved your arms to wrap around him. He was wearing too much though, so you tug at his shirt, pulling it up eagerly. 
He straightened up, pulling his shirt up and over his head, letting it fall to the floor “is this what you wanted, darling?”
“Yes,” you whispered, entranced in his tattoos. You've been there for every one, but as he stood over you filled with desire somehow they felt different. 
As he closed the gap between you, you traced his chest tattoos with his fingers before he moved to kiss your neck. 
Your legs squirm as he licks the delicate skin. You let out a gasp as he sucks in between kisses, sure to leave a bruise. 
“I like to mark what’s mine,” he whispers into your ear before returning to your mouth. 
He hooks his fingers underneath the fabric of your bra, tugging at it and begging you to let him see you, feel you and touch you. 
You lean forward allowing him to wrap his arm around you “that’s a good girl,” his hand moves to undo the clasp. 
You let the straps fall off your shoulders as a shudder runs through your body. Your breasts bounce as your bra falls onto the bed. 
His eyes widen as he looks down at you, in awe and shock “better than I imagined, somehow,” his lips quivered. 
“You imagined them?” you tease, raising your eyebrows. 
He looks deep into your eyes considering his answer before speaking “once or twice.”
You laugh pulling him in for a kiss. You couldn’t bear to have his lips apart from yours, you were already addicted to his taste and touch. 
He moved his hands over to cup your breast, gently and lovingly. He ran his fingers over your nipples before lowering his head from your mouth to your breasts. You bury your hands and face into his hair, taking in as much as you could while he kisses your chest, licking and soaking you. You let out a mix of gasps and moans as he gently bites at your nipple. 
You bring your hands down to your waist, feeling your hips start to beg for attention. You shimmy out of your leggings pulling them down. 
Eddie was sure to give your thighs the attention they well deserved too, running his hands over them with cold rings, grabbing them lustfully. The crotch of your panties was warm as you start to soak them due to Eddie’s fingertips making their way inward towards your entrance. 
“Eddie,” you whispered soft and sweet, a mixture of a question, a beg and a demand. 
“Don’t worry baby, I’ll make you feel good, if that’s what you want,” his raspy voice offered you, he wanted to hear you say it. 
“Yes” you nodded weakly, he lowered his fingers underneath your panties, removing them from your legs.
“I…” you whisper and he looks up at you, one brow raised in question “I…. Want your cock Eddie, so so bad.”
His body shivers at your words, he was more than willing to give you anything you wanted. 
He moved his fingers to his belt buckle, removing it and letting it fall to the floor. Your toes curled as he removed his jeans and boxers, the sight of his cock made you gasp, you must’ve had a shocked or scared expression because he chuckled amused. 
He lowered himself on top of you, the heat of your bodies mingling together. Your bodies pressed into one another felt like a perfect fit, like you were made for each other. 
He pressed the shaft of his cock against your entrance allowing you to feel the length of him along your wet cunt. You whimpered into his mouth while he moved his hands down to your entrance. 
“Are you ready baby?” He asked, big brown eyes intent to hear your answer. 
You nod, “yes,” you wanted all of him, so badly, and you wanted him now. 
He moved his hand to line himself up with your entrance, first testing you with his fingers. Your back arches as he slides them in easily. He curled them against your walls making you moan in pleasure. 
“Please, please, Eddie, your cock,” you pouted, making him smirk in satisfaction. 
He bent down and kissed you sweetly, “yes baby, you’ll get it,” he let out a small chuckle in disbelief that he finally gets to hear you say those words. 
He ran his fingers over his cock, lubing up to prepare. Lining his tip up with your entrance you hold your breath. You bring your fingers up to clutch onto his back for support as he ever so slowly pushes his tip inside. You take a deep breath and he continues, tight precious pleasure filled you as you let out a small gasp. 
“How’s that?” His voice was unsteady you could tell, taking in the feeling of his cock against your cunt “fuck baby, you’re so slick and tight for me.”
“Good, i'm good, i'm ready,” You fumble over the words, eager to have the rest of him. 
He takes his hand in yours, intertwining your fingers as he pushes against you. You let out a deep sigh as you feel his full length deep inside you. 
Eddie grins down at you, brushing your hair back “you’re taking me so well sweetheart.”
And you had, because you dreamt of this for days although you wouldn’t dare admit how badly you wanted him. Needed him, even. 
You shimmy your hips, readjusting yourself “keep going,” you whisper. 
He pulls out, thrusting in a little quicker this time. He repeats the process, faster again as you let out a moan. The bed started to shake and before you knew it he was ramming into your tight little cunt, grunting in exertion and pleasure. 
The feeling of his cock inside you was so divine, you knew nothing else in the world would be able to top it. You never wanted to be apart from him, as you desperately pulled at the muscles on his back, wanting him closer. 
He kissed your forehead and your lips, continuing to thrust at a steady pace. You readjusted your hips and to your surprise his next thrust brushed against that wonderful g-spot and the moan that escaped your lips shocked you. 
“Oh, I’ve found it haven’t I?” He ran his tongue over his teeth slyly. 
He continued to thrust into you, pushing into the spot over and over again “yes, yes Eddie! Harder,” you whimpered. 
He grunted with sweat dripping down his forehead. Slowly but surely the tip of his cock brought you up and over that mountain of pleasure, your orgasm topping over in that sweet high. Your body stiffened letting out a moan louder than the rest and he knew he had you. 
“My princess finished on my cock did she? It feels so good when you finish while I’m inside,” he kissed your neck, enjoying the pleasure on your face caused by him. 
He began to thrust again, faster this time as your body was limp against the bedsheets. Your hands move to his hair, running your fingers through it and pulling it out of his face. 
“Don’t hold back,” you murmur “I want to feel your cum deep inside me,” your own words made you shudder “let our orgasms mix.”
He could barely nod, chasing his orgasm through your clenching walls around him. The sensation was oh so good, so addicting. He never wanted to leave your cunt, you fit so perfectly together as if you were made for one another.
“Baby I’m-“ A delightful moan escapes him, a sound that makes you shiver as you feel him twitch inside you, releasing his seed. 
You lay there together gasping, holding his hair back to help him cool down. He nuzzled his face into your neck lovingly, heart beating hard against you. 
“That was…” he whispered. 
“Amazing,” you finished his sentence for him with a cheeky smile. 
After a minute of resting together you sigh “we should’ve gotten a towel…”
He pulls out slowly as your mixture of hot fluids drips down your thighs. 
He leaves for a moment, returning with a soft cloth to dab against your sensitive entrance. Your body twitches as he pressed the cloth against you, he watched your facial expression with amusement. 
“You act like you didn’t just watch me cum,” you smile. 
“Oh don’t worry darling,” he moves to your lips kissing you before continuing “I’ll watch it over and over till the day we die.”
Thanks so much for reading if you made it this far I hope you all enjoyed! Leave a comment/heart/reblog if you feel so inclined, I treasure every one and they motivate me <3
My requests are OPEN! Since I have an exam next week turnaround time will be 1-3 days depending on how crazy I go on your prompt haha :)
Hope you have a great day my lovely Reader!
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neuroprincess · 1 year
August - Larissa Weems/Female Reader - Part Two
Larissa Weems/Female Reader
Summary: After knowing about August's existence, Larissa tries to get closer to the teenager and making it work can be difficult when both are socially awkward.
Classification: Fluff
Warnings: OC (original character)
Word count: +2700
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four (soon)
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The teenager takes a bite of apple as she stares at the courtyard distractedly, the social groups are dispersed, gathered together talking about random things, mostly about Rave'N Ball which soon became the main topic. Everyone seems excited describing their party clothes bought especially for the day and who they would bring, she knows she should be excited about the same things or at least pretend so she could socialize with them, but she isn't and can't, the only promising thing about the ball is the food and dancing. She loves to dance, since childhood it seems to be the best way to express herself, more than words anyway. At the age of four she started ballet classes and continued performing until 13 when she had a growth spurt, being too tall and with an inadequate bone structure to continue being a dancer, August used her abilities as much as she could to continue dancing and in the end had to let go when mom found out, disapproving. Y/N understood the motivations, it was the girl's first individual interest and something she had devoted herself to for years, this didn't negate the fact that using shapeshifting is a type of cheating and this consumed a lot of her daily energy to continue with the farce. Besides, where they were living was not very kind to any outcast and unsafe for someone like the teenager, in the end they had to resort to the most radical alternative, sending her to Nevermore. Learning things that she, as a mom and normie, could never teach.
August takes one last bite before discarding the rest of the fruit in the trashcan next to the bench she is sitting on, as turning around she notices the presence of the principal almost next to her, standing looking at some vague point pretending to be analyzing the students, except for her as if barely acknowledging her presence. The girl waves a hand in greeting to get her attention and succeeds, they exchange a quick smile and nod, looking back to the courtyard. It's awkward, none of them like this atmosphere and at the same time they don't make the first move towards a real conversation.
"I... I heard that you haven't been using your abilities for two days now." the blonde begins running over the first few words before continuing "How do you feel about that?"
"It's boring, I confess my life seemed easier. And some people just won't stop staring at me."
"Well, you're pretty and tall, you draw attention from boys and girls." Larissa tries to hit back with positive points and winks to her "Anyone interesting?"
She notices how the girl unconsciously stares at a specific group and looks away blushing, redness taking over cheeks and ears. August just whispers "No." and stares at her confused, she thinks that somehow it's not normal for the principal to ask questions like that. But this is a new world which she is still learning the rules.
"Right... have you already been introduced to your classmates?"
"Not exactly, that blonde werewolf talked to me the first day and told me who was who, after that we never talked again." the teenager shrugs shoulders about the fact, she had met a few students who either seemed intimidated or didn't even bother to introduce themselves properly "And that's okay, I'm trying things on my own."
"I understand." neither of them knows what to say anymore, remaining in a silence for minutes that isn't uncomfortable despite the growing anxiety in the pit of their stomachs. She knows August is talking about Enid and it's her group that she has unintentionally stared at. The girl stands up slowly when she notices some students are already gathering for class "Your uniform looks very... short."
Larissa notices that when the teenager stands, they are 6 inches apart, the uniform set with the skirt, which should be just past her knees, looks too small for her size, like it shrunk in the dryer or something. The sweater is tucked tighter against the body instead of being comfortably loose around her, the shoes look slightly uncomfortable, and the skirt that should be below the knee reaches her knees.
"Oh, that! I guess I spent so much time changing my form that I didn't even realize I had another growth spurt, I just forgot to warn Mama. I could take care of it with my own hands, but shapeshifting is out of our deal." the girl straightened the clothes on her body trying to make them conform to the uniform as best as she could, feeling embarrassed by the situation "I think I can handle 5 days until I can use my abilities again." she whispers the last part for only the two to hear.
"Why don't you tell your mother? I'm sure soon you will stop growing and be able to wear only a size of clothes." "Because that's how it happened to me" the blonde mentally adds, in her school days she had to change the size of her clothes and shoes three times. Growing pains as a teenager, her mother always told her on the way to the mall to buy more clothes. Victoria Weems is as tall as her daughter and apparently the girl inherited that from them, even if Y/N's genes allow her to be a little shorter than the two older Weems "I'm sure she'll buy."
"I'm sure too and that's exactly the point." she says simply, her tone making it clear that she doesn't want to continue the topic, then puts the backpack on shoulders "I have to go, botany class now."
"Right! August, think carefully about the ball, it's not mandatory, but it's a great experience and you have a week to prepare." the principal blinks as the girl walks past her, in response she just gets a shy smile.
Larissa smiles back and as soon as the teenager disappears from her vision she turns to the group of students where Enid is, Wednesday with her, Xavier a short distance away from them, Bianca, Divina and Yoko are nearby talking to the duo, the new student doesn't seem interested keeping the same expression as always, which sends a shiver down her spine when directed at her as Addams realizes the tall woman is staring. The blonde immediately turns to go back to her office, pretending this moment didn't happen, even being a teenager she gives her some chills, not that she is scary but yes her actions, she doesn't know what to expect from her.
On the way through the halls Lara August doesn't leave her mind. First, as principal for many years and past hundreds of students, she didn't believe August would follow through on the deal so easily, the next day the fountain was completely clean and more than before, once again Larissa found herself looking for her, this time knowing who to look for and not found her. What made her upset was the possibility that the girl had gone back to using the abilities to hide from her, a possibility soon denied by Thornhill who had the girl as a helper most part of the day and claimed she saw her go straight to the dormitory. Second, she learned more about her supposed daughter, August sleeps in Ophelia Hall sharing a room with a psychic outcast, the academic curriculum is focused on history and literature, she tried fencing and left when Bianca beat her in 10 seconds, after being rejected by the yearbook she is still looking for an extracurricular activity. And last and not least, that the teenager loves hot chocolate, or should at least like it a lot, because Larissa has seen her drink many cups of hot chocolate with whipped cream this morning for breakfast.
And something struck her as she analyzed the short conversation they had at the break, the group that Lara stared at was precisely Enid's... with Wednesday. It couldn't be possible, she wished there wasn't the slightest chance that the blonde was liking the other girl. Not only would it be ironic considering her own past with Morticia, it would also be Y/N's ruin and maybe August's, because as far as anyone can tell the two are complete opposites. Perhaps, with some hope, her possible love interest could be any of the other girls or even Xavier.
"I wonder if this is how parents feel or act when their children are having a crush on someone."
The day is already over for the Nevermore students, most of them have finished dinner, going to their respective dormitories or gathering in common rooms to study for exams the next day. August doesn't feel the need to spend her evening like this after having dedicated all her free hours to it, she sees how desperate everyone is about some difficult subjects and wonders if she should approach them for help, giving up the idea when they find the answer by themselves or with the help of Bianca, who majestically walks around the tables helping their classmates with small things as if she has all the content memorized in her brilliant mind and making a point of showing how intelligent she is. The shapeshifter tries to be discreet as she stares at their interactions, knowing she is failing in this as her eyes can't leave her until the other notices, Bianca frowns as their gazes meet. August turns face quickly and places her hands on cheeks knowing she must be blushing, this is how it works, when in her normal form the pale skin gives way with annoying ease. It's not like she knows how to hide reactions and emotions either, another part of her socially maladjusted personality.
"Hey, white head!" the siren calls out approaching her, laughing when she notices how the girl stiffens at the desk, dropping the book she was reading and slowly turns to look, confusion in her eyes wondering if it was she who was called "Yes, you. Are you having a hard time too?"
"Yeah, no, I mean no. I've been studying all day." she stutters, trying to look anywhere but Barclay's intimidating eyes.
"I see. So do you have a problem with me?" the question is direct and sincere, too direct for the blonde's conversational standards.
"No, never, I'm... I'm sorry." the two stare at each other for a few seconds that seem tense and that atmosphere is cut off by the queen bee's loud laugh, August not sure how to feel about this reaction, even more confused.
"You were staring at me."
"I didn't even realize. I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable." she swallows dryly and finally gets up the courage to look her in the eyes, feeling legs getting weak and maybe pressure dropping along with it, if she wasn't sitting up she would probably fall to knees on the floor.
"It's all right. Well, if that's it..." Bianca says casually ready to go to another table to offer help.
"Bianca! Actually..." the shapeshifter takes a deep breath trying to gather courage to continue "I need help, not with the exams. I'm terrible at fencing, you know that, you're the one who made me kiss the ground a month ago." the two laugh for different reasons remembering of her first fencing lesson "Could you give me some lessons or some help? Please."
"Sure! Maybe after the ball, you have the potential for a good opponent, Lara."
"Thank you..."
As soon as the siren gives back August gets up gathering her belongings and tries to leave the common room as discreetly as possible, a difficult task when she messes with the strap of the backpack attached to the chair and quick steps that make the shoes resonate on the floor. "She knows my name! She knows my fucking name!" is the only thing the blonde can think of while running to her dorm, avoiding curious and even judging glances at the big smile on her lips. When she enters the bedroom she seems to be walking on clouds and suddenly feels silly for acting this way just because Bianca Barclay knows her name, maybe it's no big deal, she is a brilliant student with a great memory, or maybe it's too much because after all she is the queen bee while August is another teen without any highlight and who would never draw her attention. August sighs and walks to her side of the room throwing the backpack on the bed, that's when she notices a perfectly wrapped red package on top of the blankets, she stares at it confused, for a moment believes that maybe it's a gift for her roommate and they got the sides confused, but there is a note with her full name written in cursive handwriting.
The package is opened with care, the ribbons undo the lace to reveal a complete uniform set, from blazer to shoes, what makes her happiest is the skirt in the right size looking perfectly cut for her slim and tall body. She looks at herself in the mirror with the skirt clinging to the body, loving how it looks, she would no longer have to adjust every time she sits down or stands up and that is a great relief. All the items are folded up again to be stored and only then August notices something at the bottom of the package, she pulls out a small thick black book with gold details, Good Omens by Neil Gaiman. Next to it a note attached written "It's one of my favorite books, maybe you'll like it too. Good read, August." and immediately she knows who gave her the package. Principal Weems. The only person in the academy who knows how she likes to be called and uses the name. No matter how stubborn and proud she is felt good to earn it from her, almost hugged for someone other than her mom caring about her.
Another morning begins with Larissa comfortably working on her laptop, it's one of the rare occasions when it's calm, especially with the recent events in Jericho and Nevermore, of course, over the question of a certain student's motherhood. Momentarily the tension was lifted from her shoulders and she felt good, relaxing against the chair. Eyes closed thinking of good times, both past and present. She remembers clearly the day she met Y/N, ten years younger, cheerful and spirited, always friendly when she served her a cup of tea. Their first kiss in front of Larissa's apartment, her former home when only a teacher. They barely had a first date before falling into each other's arms, drunk on love... and wine. She sighs remembering those nights on weekends when they bought bottles to accompany home-cooked dinners and it always ended in the same thing. She can remember the young woman's face in vivid details, it's surreal.
And she comes to the realization that there is one more thing to take care of, to finally talk to Y/N, two days earlier all the courage she had gathered to make that call crumbled as soon she heard her voice on the other side of the phone. She hung up without saying anything, hoping that the other woman would think it was a wrong call or just someone making a prank. When there was no return call she knew she was safe and initiated a plan, not very complex, but still important and difficult to approach the teenager. If was any other child she knows it would be easier, but every time she is around August can't stop thinking that this girl is her daughter, even if there isn't a DNA test to prove it yet, imagining how she must have been as a kid, about who she is, what she likes or dislikes, the guilt eating her up inside every second she spends next to her.
"August, what..." she whispers startled when the girl opens the office doors unceremoniously, she is red and disheveled hair evidencing that she ran all the way there "I see you are wearing the..."
"I thought we had an deal, Principal Weems!" she almost shouts interrupting the older woman, to the surprise of both of them "I tried to behave, to fulfill our deal, I'm not even using my abilities. And you betrayed me! I feel dumb for trusting an adult."
"What are you talking about, Lara August?" Larissa doesn't know if she is confused or angry at the teenager's attitude, her tone of voice expresses that.
"You weren't supposed to call my mom and you called her."
"I didn't..."
"She's here!"
"Yeah, shit!"
"Watch your mouth, young lady!"
taglist: @opheliauniverse @inlovewithmiddleagewomen @scarr0713 @missdowling @dvrkhcld @heidss @loudchaoscoffee @xvyzxx
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hellsingmongrel · 7 months
Man, so I'm not normally the biggest fan of Modern AUs, nor am I overly fond of fiction focused on kids, but...last night, my sleeping brain decided to concoct this Trigun (Stampede-flavored) Modern AU that now is living rent free in my damn brain! I want to get it out of my head and into the ether. I don't know if I'm going to do anything long-form with it, and I'm having to translate dream weirdness into more coherent storytelling, but here we go.
So it's modern day Earth, like 2024 or some shit, right? And that's when this version of Earth had just begun fucking around with Plant cloning. It's early enough that the SEEDS project hasn't even left the planet, the scientists haven't yet figured out how to put Plants in bulbs and use them for fuel, none of that! But they've already had Tessla happen, and the boys have already been born. Since they're not in space, even though they had to have found out about their sister, Nai hasn't had a chance to literally nuke humanity from orbit, and I guess Rem has had a chance to try and curtail some of his trauma, so he's...more stable? Ish? Stable enough where he's not actively trying to murder everyone. And the boys are "older," like we see in the flashbacks for the time Vash encountered Nai during the Last Run, so probably around 6 years old but looking 16 or so.
Rem has managed to fudge their paperwork so they've started going to school with human kids, to try and give them a normal childhood. Nai isn't as eager to play ball with the whole "being human" thing as much as Vash is, but Vash has got so many friends, Meryl and Milly and Lina are there and they're like the cutest, most stupidly adorable group of friends, just a bunch of little goofballs, like kids that age are. And the school has a field trip to a theme park (it was Disneyworld in my dream because my school actually did this, but ours was a band trip) and Vash manages to convince Rem to let him go. Vash and Nai and Rem are still paranoid about humans figuring out who they are, so you know, he's told to be extra careful and take care of himself, and Nai gives him one of his blades or something for self defense, just in case something happens. Even though Vash would never, that boy has trauma around knives and trying to defend himself, if you've read Trimax, iykyk. But he takes it anyway, and somehow, he manages to sneak it into the park. Maybe the metal doesn't register on metal detectors or something, who knows.
But he's a kid, and kids are dumb. Especially when they're 16. Especially if those 16 year olds aren't actually 16 and don't have the actual lived experience to know better. So he starts playing with the knife in front of the girls, showing off and just being a silly little guy. And then the knife slips. Bad. We're talking "this is how he probably lost his arm in this AU" bad. Blood everywhere, the girls are panicking and take him to the school chaperones and it's like "HOLY SHIT WTF DUDE, We're taking you to the ER, someone call his mom!"
And he hears that, pictures the doctors finding out he's not human, remembers what happened to Tessla, and panics. Boy does a runner like only Vash can do, and he manages to get away from them, out of the park, and escapes from security. And when parents get involved in trying to find him, the authorities start looking into the incident, and someone in the government overseeing the Plant research is able to recognize the elemental make up of the blade he dropped, and they start having suspicions. So the feds get involved, and it just goes from bad to worse, right?
Meanwhile, loopy from blood loss and panicking and a little sobbing mess because he feels dumb about slipping up and he's afraid he'll never get to go home to his mom and his brother again and is spiraling the way kids do when they panic, he gets lost in the city and ends up stumbling over teenage Wolfwood, who lives on the streets and has a few street kids that he looks after on his own with Livio. They never got to live at the orphanage, but that also means that the Eye (in whatever form it takes in this AU) never got ahold of them, so yeah, shits fucked for them, but it's actually a whole lot better for them than it might have been. And it's Wolfwood without all of the EoM trauma, so you can just imagine what he does when this delirious, bloody, terrified, severely injured kid runs him over in the street, sobbing about being caught by the adults and taken away.
Big Brother Nico do what Big Brother Nico do.
At that point, I ended up waking up, but damn if my brain didn't give me enough details to come up with a dumb AU idea that I kind of love and want to do something with, but I don't know if I have the time or spoons to do so.
Ideas I'd had following this beginning to flesh itself out in my head; Luida and Brad are Plant researchers brought onto the project to help the feds figure out wtf is going on with this whole situation, and when Luida is told to talk to Rem, because she's not giving them anything they can use, the two of them reach a secret accord to bring Vash home safe and sound and cover everything back up nice and squeaky clean the way it should have stayed.
Vash's arm is bad enough that he can't really heal it very well on his own without medical care, Plant healing or no. He's doing better than most kids would, but it still begins to go septic, and it forces Nico and Livio to make the really hard decision to find adults they can trust to bring him to so he can get the care he needs. He still ends up losing his arm, though.
At the end of everything, Melanie ends up taking Nico and Livio and the other kids in, so they still get to have their momma figure, even if she comes in later. Maybe she's the one that they find to help them. Is she maybe someone they've known was mostly safe but was never able to get them to stick around long enough to take care of them? Either way, the boys get Vash to her, and it starts the process of getting him home and the kids finally staying at the orphanage.
Meryl, Milly, and Lina all end up sneaking away when they realize that Vash is in more trouble than the adults are letting on, trying to go find him, since they know him better than anyone other than Rem and Nai. Eventually, they meet up with Nico and Livio while everyone is trying to avoid federal agents.
Obviously it's lovey-dovey Vashwood and Insurance Girlfriends and Polygun-flavored, but in the "these kids are too oblivious to think about sexy things, yet" sort of way, because I really do headcanon that at least Vash is ace, Wolfwood is probably demi, and also I am not writing children getting intimate like that. >8/ But kids having little crushes on each other is adorable and I can't not have Vashwood and Insurance Girlfriends be the eventual outcome, once those idiots all grow up and get their heads screwed on straight.
Also, because Nai hasn't had a chance to murder everyone, Rem's managed to work with him enough that he's very slowly overcoming his trauma and regaining his ability to trust that he's not in permanent danger. He'll probably grow up to be a Plants Rights activist or something, lbh. Or a politician. But he's not going to murder people, so either way, it's a win/win!
Because Nico's been living on the streets with him, Razlo either hasn't had to manifest as strongly for Livio, or hasn't manifested at all. Livio is still the sweet, shy, crybaby teddy bear we see, and maybe Razlo only comes out when the feds start getting closer and almost managing to grab the kids, and because he's been able to bond with Nico and the other kids so well this time, Livio is close enough to them that the thought of them getting hurt or taken away is enough to make him want to protect their little group instead of just Livio.
Wolfwood absolutely grumbles about how alike Vash and Livio are. Both a couple'a crybabies, geez, what the Hell you two??? But he also is very much a teddy bear who gives the best hugs when one of his little band of gremlins is upset, so he probably spends more time in a cuddle pile than anything else, now that there's two of them to lose their shit at the drop of a hat.
Vash was totally the one very sweet boy in a clique of girls that everyone who'd known him realized, when they were adults looking back, that he was very much the sweet gay kid hanging out with the girls because it was safer to be himself around them than it was to be around the other boys. (This isn't meant as a stereotype of gay kids, this is based on actual kids I grew up with. My friend group honest to God adopted them because we were all a bunch of momma bears.)
Vash is also...not trans? Because he's a Plant and Plants don't work the same way humans do, but he's also not what humans would think of as a cis boy. He expresses a masc presentation, but probably the closest equivalent would be an intersexed kid. Nai, too, tbh, though he's probably more of the "I don't give a fuck" opinion when it comes to his own gender identity. He uses he/him because that's what humans think when they see him, but he doesn't care any deeper than that.
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nightwalker6200 · 3 months
Snippet from Ine the End, I'm Just a Loser...
Tiny snippet as i work on the Kagiura/ Hirano sickfic :)
... flashback thing...
“…anyway, I’m still waiting for Yuki to get back from Sendai. Her family comes back next weekend, so we’ll probably head back to University, maybe, like two days later,” His brother took a slow sip from his drink, holding up two fingers as their mother sat down at the table. Their father nodded, running a hand through his hair as he placed an arm around their mom, “We’re just really happy you and Yuki were able to come home for a few weeks.”
“Yeah, and I finally have a cool sister-in-law instead of these dorks,” His older sister pointed towards his younger sisters as both stuck their tongues out. He smirked, grabbing his chopsticks, thanking his mother for the food before passing the Agadashi towards his youngest sister. The 7-year-old grabbed a piece of tofu, beaming towards him as she continued swinging her legs under the table. Despite being across from him, Kagiura could feel her small feet kicking towards his shins each time… his knee jerking every time her cold toes touched his skin. He glared in her direction as she smirked, trying to reach her leg further so her foot could land on his thigh.
“Akkia-kun, have any plans during the break?”
            The 16-year-old glanced towards his mother, shaking his head, “Hm. Not really. Probably practice some.”
            “Ugh, Akira,” His older sister groaned, “I swear you’re more into basketball than you are girls. Go out! Live your life! I mean, at this rate, you’ll end up-”
            “Like you, Akari?” His brother cut her off as Akari directed her attention towards him, “Please, Akio, the only reason you met Yuki was because you were the dumbass who fell down a flight of stairs, and she had to help you to the nurse.”
            “A match made in Heaven,” Akio pretended to swoon, his hand over his heart.
            “For the love of everything, don’t get him started on Yuki again!” His 11-year-old sister groaned, putting her head on the table as their father laughed. Kagiura nodded towards his father as he gestured towards the curry. His sister continued, “Oh, Asami, Yuki’s so beautiful. Oh, Asami, Yuki’s the greatest. Oh, Asami, she’s the love of my life… we get it, Akio! You’re in love.”
            “Well, sorry for having a heart, Asami.”
            Under the table, Aya’s foot connected with the 16-year-old’s shin causing the teenager to slam his knee against the table. He grit his teeth, glaring towards her as she reached for another piece of Agadashi, smirking.
            “Dude, if you get any taller, we’re gunna have to stand to eat,” Akio mumbled, glancing towards Kagiura as he straightened his cup. The teenager rolled his eyes before taking a sip from his tea. He sat up straighter, pulling his legs as close as he could, hoping it’d keep them out of the danger zone. He let out a sigh, picking his chopsticks up again as Aya started taking more interest in her food versus his legs. It was his fault really; he’d been the last one to sit down, and everyone knows, loser sits across from the 7-year-old. What a nightmare.
            “Have you met anyone as freakishly huge as you?” Akari asked, pulling some green peppers from the curry, moving them towards the side of her plate. She reached for some dumplings as their father cleared his throat, “Come on, he’s not that tall.”
            “You’re kidding, right? He’s a tree.”
            The 16-year-old snorted, taking a few bites as his father tried recalling how tall his father and grandfather had been. No one in his family was particularly short, but no one quite reached Kagiura’s height either…
            “Okay, fine, Dad. Akira,” Akari cleared her throat, “How tall is your roommate?”
            The teenager thought for a second before smirking, “He’s like 175cm, I think… it’s kind of cute.”
Kagiura nodded in response, pulling his own peppers from the curry, grimacing as he did so. If Hirano was here, he’d eat them… wait, did Hirano even like peppers? He always took them from the younger’s plate because he knew Kagiura didn’t like them, but…
“Hey, Dad, do you like snow peas?”
His father glanced towards him, an amused look on his face, “Why? Did you bring some?”
Akari and Akio both broke out laughing as Kagiura shook his head, “No. I-I mean, I know Mom doesn’t like them, and you always take hers… so, I just didn’t know if you liked them too, or if you only ate them because she didn’t like them.”
His mother laughed softly, gripping his father’s shoulder as his father smirked, “Uh… I don’t particularly care for them, I guess… but, I eat them so she doesn’t have to.”
His mother poked her husband’s cheek, “I’ll start eating them then, dork.”
“As long as I’m around, my love, you’ll never have to.”
His mother huffed softly before kissing him, “My hero.”
The 16-year-old grinned as his father rolled his eyes, making a face towards his wife before reaching for the gyoza. Kagiura hummed softly to himself as he took a few more bites, and Akio stopped laughing long enough to blurt, “What kind of question was that? I mean, really, Akira?”
The teenager pouted, earning a head shake from his brother before he continued eating.
“I dunno,” Kagiura shoved Akari playfully as his older sister mocked him, “I was just thinking how my roommate eats my green peppers because he knows I don’t like them… and he uses his time to help me study and comes to my games. Sometimes, he even brings me drinks or snacks for after...”
He smirked as he took another bite. His middle sister glanced in his direction, an eyebrow raised as she rested her chin in her hand, “Really?”
“Yeah, and he… makes time to eat with me when I’m sick and wakes me up when I sleep through my alarm,” Kagiura put his chopsticks down as Aya kicked towards him. He reached under the table, grabbing her foot, holding it as the younger struggled.
“I mean, he does all these things… when he doesn’t have to. Even when I’m being a brat. He’s always encouraging me… and when I’ve had a bad day, he just makes everything… better… I guess- I guess I was just wondering if Dad ate snow peas for the same reason, you know? If he ate them because he liked doing those things for Mom...”                      
Aya yanked her foot from Kagiura’s grasp, and the teenager straightened, wiping his hand on his leg as Akari clicked her tongue. He glanced towards her as she reached for her drink, and their father shifted before grabbing a piece of Agadashi. Across from him, his brother snorted, “Pft, what are you, gay?”
Gay? No. Right? He liked Hirano; hell, he wanted to be more than friends, more than roommates with him! Every time he saw him, he wanted more. He wanted to kiss him, to touch him for longer than 10 seconds, to sleep next to him – every time, more. It was selfish. He was. And now he had a year to try to get that point across to his oblivious crush? But liking Hirano – that didn’t make him… gay, right? He’s never felt that way about any other guy, but then again, he's never felt this way about any girl either…
“Uh… I-I think so. Yeah,” The 16-year-old mumbled; his eyes cast downward as he clenched his hands in his lap. Chopsticks fell against glass as his older sister choked on her tea, quiet filling the air. A shiver ran down the teenager’s spine with each awkward tick from the clock on the wall. Kagiura shifted slightly, glancing up, letting out a slow breath as he realized everyone was staring at him. Beside him, his sister coughed several times before putting the tea down, and the 16-year-old stole a quick glance at his parents.
His father had his eyes narrowed slightly, a look Kagiura knew that meant he was thinking while his mother’s hand still hovered over the gyoza in the middle of the table, frozen. Everyone seemed… frozen, and the teenager swallowed as every second ticked by, every second making him feel more and more uneasy, sick. This was a lot easier in his head. Simpler… fuck.
“You… you’re gay?” His mother asked quietly, her hand slowly dropping down until her chopsticks met the dish’s edge. Kagiura glanced back down at his hands, still clasped in his lap. He felt sick. Like he was going to puke. Wrong. He felt messed up, and he swallowed hard as his breathing picked up. Shit, if this was a bad idea… then. Shit… he felt like crying. The 16-year-old shifted his gaze upward again, meeting his mother’s green eyes. He nodded, “Uh… yeah, maybe…”
Whether or not it was totally true, Kagiura wasn’t really sure. All he knew was he was in love with Hirano… and if that made him gay, if that labelled him… then sure. Not everything needs a label, you know – a sentiment Niibashi had made after Kagiura tried to figure out where he stood as far as romance. Love is love – if you like someone, then you like them. Not everything needs a label… If saying he was gay made it easier, then that was fine. He liked Hirano. No. He loved Hirano, and he wanted to be able to talk about him with his family the same way his brother talked about his wife. It just made sense. So, if this was his way of making that happen, then he’d take it… at least for now.
“Well,” His father cleared his throat after a few minutes, “whoever you date, you better hope he likes basketball, because it’s not like you have anything else going on in that head of yours.”
Kagiura let out a breath as laughter met his ears. He huffed, rolling his eyes as the quiet evaded; the sound of food being passed around and chopsticks against porcelain crushing any lingering panic. He relaxed his hands, taking another breath as his older sister passed him some rice, his mother pointing towards the gyoza again as her eyes wandered around the table. A silent question of who wanted some.
Conversation filled the eating area, his father and mother exchanging soft looks towards each other. To his left, his 11-year-old sister tried to steal a dumpling from his plate, shoving him when he crammed it in his mouth quickly. He made a face towards her, and she shoved him harder. He smirked before glancing down at his plate, a slow frown filling his face as he realized someone had piled peppers on it. The 16-year-old grimaced as he picked one up, glancing towards his right as his older sister avoided his gaze. Across the table his youngest sister and mother started laughing.
Kagiura put the pepper down, looking towards his brother before Akio rolled his eyes and gestured towards his plate. Out of all his family, his father, Akio, and Aya were the only ones who liked peppers… a fact that left the teenager both disturbed and grateful.
His brother pulled a majority of the peppers from the 16-year-old’s plate before glancing towards Kagiura’s right, “Hey, Akari, maybe Akira will get a boyfriend before you.”
Kagiura felt his face blush. He fixed his gaze on the plate in front of him, shoving some rice in his mouth as heat met his cheeks. His sister groaned loudly, punching him in the arm, “I swear to God, Akira – if that happens, I will destroy every single jersey you own!”
 The teenager winced, jabbing her with his chopsticks as he jerked his head towards her, “Yeah, well, maybe, if you weren’t so mean...”
A murderous look painted across his sister’s face as Kagiura trailed off. Although Akari was most likely joking, there was always an underlying threat. Unlike his little sisters, his older would follow through… but destroying jerseys… seemed a little unnecessary. After a few moments, she scoffed dramatically before smiling, grabbing several gyoza and dropping them on his plate. Somehow, the smile was more off-putting than the threat.
Asami stabbed him with her elbow, “Akira already has a boyfriend!!”
The teenager coughed harshly, choking on a dumpling as he reached for his drink. He cleared his throat before putting his hands up quickly as his brother laughed.
“What! No, I don’t!”
Akari groaned again, slumping in her chair dramatically as Kagiura shook his head, “I don’t!”
His father raised an eyebrow, his mother smirking towards him as Akari straightened her posture, flipping Akio off as he threw some rice at her. Across the table, Aya started singing loudly, “Aa-kun likes Hirano-san! Aa-kun likes Hirano-san!”
            The teenager’s face turned bright red as he tried to scowl towards his sister, throwing an abandoned pepper in her direction, “Shut up!”
            The 7-year-old pulled her eyelid down, sticking out her tongue as she continued to sing to the same melody, swinging her legs again. His mother hummed softly as Akio and Akari started arguing, “Hirano… is that the boy you brought to your grandfather’s over the summer? He seemed nice.”
            “Yeah, a lot nicer than Akira… and he definitely looked better too!”
            Kagiura groaned, covering his face with his hands, “Oh my God, Asami, shut up!”
            “Make me, snow pea!”
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beaniebeensbaby201 · 2 years
A/n: This is also on my Wattpad along with my other imagines that are on here.
SUMMARY: Cassidy Whittmore was just your average teenager. she was a girl who craved adventures and someone who would tend to get into some trouble with her friends and her boyfriend.
this summer, they invited a new friend to the group, trying to get her out of her comfort zone to prove that she didn't have to be a goody goody.
Pt place Wisconsin
Gwen Hyde Bedroom
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I WAS with Gwen as we were hanging out at her house. Gwen Hyde has been my best friend since we were kids. My parents were friends as teens. They all grew up next door at the foreman's house. 
   "This is going to be the best summer ever." I announced, and I laid on her bed. 
   Gwen tosses herself on her bed as she lays next to me. Our shoulders touched as I tossed a hacky sack in the air. 
   "I'm surprised your parents aren't going on vacation this year. Are you still staying over this summer?" Gwen asks. 
    "Every summer for the past five years, I have lived here. Do you really think I'm going to stop traditions?" Gwen giggles as she leans her head on top of mine. 
   "Why don't you just live with us? I mean, you're basically here all the time." I snorted, getting up as I continued to toss the hacky sack.  
  "If both parents agree, then I'll consider moving in." Gwen squeals getting up as she starts jumping around to the music in the background. 
    I caught sight of a blonde girl who quickly ducked. 
   I opened the window with a grin. 
   "Hello, what are you doing here, creeper?" I teased, as the girl that looked around the same age as us came into the room. 
   "Oh, nothing weird." I smirked and crossed my arms. 
    "I was just standing outside your window. Watching you sing and wondering what it'd be like to be you two." I laughed as Gwen and I looked at the nervous blonde. 
    "I'll go now." You could feel the anxiety rubbing off on her. 
    "Unless you want to hear a cool Bootleg, I got in Chicago." The blonde spoke, not knowing what her name was yet. 
    "Oh, I'm listening." Gwen spoke. 
   "Yea, it's pretty super major. Big-time bootleg. The booties of legs." I stopped the girl from embarrassing herself even more. 
   "Just go get it." I laughed quietly. 
   "On it." I turned to Gwen, who just shrugged in response. 
   "So, how are you and Jay?" She wiggles her eyebrows at me as we wait for the girl to return. 
   "Two years strong." I sighed dreamily as I laid back on the edge of her bed. 
    "The longest a Kelso has lasted in a relationship." I point out. 
  "It's a new record." I leaned on my forearms as I looked at the light skinned girl. 
   The girl came back, and soon we learned her name was Leia. 
   "So, this is your mom's old room, and your dad lived next door?" I tossed the hacky sack in my hands again as I was cross-legged on Gwen's bed. 
   "I bet they boned in here all the time." I joined in the conversation. 
   "Explains a lot." I grinned when I saw the expression on the blonde's face. 
   "Sometimes, late at night, when everything's quiet, we could hear the-." I paused, making creaking sounds to imitate the noise of the bed. 
   The girl cringed, looking uncomfortable. 
    "Sorry about her, Cassie loves to make people uncomfortable." I shrugged as I nudged my shoulders with Leia. 
  "You're really good at it." I smiled as I bowed to the girls. 
   "Anyways. Tell us about Chicago. What are you into?" I asked, wanting to know more about the girl that came through the window. 
   "Me? Uh, a lot of stuff." I rolled my eyes, knowing that she was trying to play it cool. 
   "School." I nodded my head, wanting her to continue as I made motions with my hands. 
   "Schools a big one." Gwen spoke. 
   "And I'm a pretty big deal in the debate club." I giggled, covering my mouth with my hand. 
   "Yea, I'm not very popular." I wrap an arm around Leia's shoulders as I rub her arm. 
  "Good. Popular people suck." I nod in agreement with Gwen. 
   "Ooo, this parts dope." I spoke up, as I ran towards the radio and turned up the music. 
   "Damn it, Gwen! Cass! Turn that shit down." I looked behind me to see Gwen standing closer towards the radio. 
   A shirtless Nate comes barging into the room. 
   "Turn that crap down. I'm trying to shave!" He whines. 
   He leaves the room after we turn the volume back up to annoy him again. 
   "Older brother. Different dads. He's cool." Gwen's response was short. 
    "And I'm their cousin. We'll be half cousins, but still family." I wrapped my arm around Gwen as she wrapped hers around my waist. 
  She was a bit taller than me, only by a few inches. Nobody ever believed us when we told people they were cousins due to the fact that she had darker skin than me, and I was fair with ginger hair. 
    "Well, he's only mostly cool because he has a van. And he's fun to mess with." I honestly say. 
   "This Whiny, vagina music is bumming me out!" Nate came back into the room again to complain about our music. 
  "Oh yea, Nate?" I taunt. 
    "Me and our new friend are gonna call our new band the whiny vagina." I make a rainbow with my hands and do jazz hands to exaggerate. 
   "Damn it, Cassidy!" I laughed along with the other girls as I turned the volume even louder. 
  This was only just the beginning of summer, and I already know this summer is going to be EPIC.
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kainagant · 4 months
I've reblogged stuff about like "send more asks!" before and I've decided to be the change I wish to see in the world SO
personally I like sniperhaul as a platonic pairing, not least because i see them both as Gay In The Wrong Direction. like in my mind they're constantly bickering but also refuse to leave each others' sides for more than a day because they both went through the same shit. they don't even dislike each other they're just constantly lowkey fighting for no reason other than habit
Also like. opinions on Bakugo Mitsuki/Tsutsumi Kaina? both in the sense of 'how would these two very different adult women interact' and in the sense of bakugo "i'm gonna be the number 1 hero at all costs" katsuki having tsutsumi "the hero system is fundamentally corrupt and being a hero is shit actually" kaina
(have i sent you an ask before? i think i might have)
hey there! i've never received an ask on this blog before, from you or anyone else, as its only like two weeks old. congrats on being the first 🎉🎉 (if you did send me an ask before, then tunglr ate it)
honestly chisaki kai is one of those characters that i perceive as aroace, which is like fifty percent me projecting and the other fifty is vibes. so whatever pairing i put him in is closer to a queerplatonic relationship than anything else. this is honestly the case for all shipping i do because i'm very aromantic but it's not always on purpose. but i'm also a shameless multishipper and i think that there's no single most correct pairing or even a single correct interpretation of said pairing.
this is all to say i love your take on sniperhaul. i definitely imagine them as the kind of duo who are always being catty with each other. borderline just pure rude if it weren't for the fact that the reason why they can banter freely is because of how well they understand each others' boundaries.
i feel like i have seen kaina/bakugo's mom fics and went. h u h. if you have any recs then i'll definitely read them. i think i was looking for something specific at the time so i scrolled past but now that you bring it up again i'm definitely intrigued. in regards to my first impressions of the pairing though. to be honest there's not a lot of canon information on mitsuki. her personality is assumed to be basically just katsuki but more chill. however i also think that the mothers of feral anime boys deserve to be even more feral because after ren gyokuen from magi something in my brain chemistry was permanently changed. so i'm just going to take liberties here and write mitsuki a personality that's not just "bakugo katsuki's mom".
so its obvious that katsuki takes after her, and she seems to understand that a lot of his mannerisms come from her. so i think she was one hell of a teenager. her quirk basically makes her have flawless skin. mitsuki was the definition of it girl. sorry she can't answer the phone she's at a party. maybe she even hooked up with kaina in college. if you really want to drive the katsuki connection in hard, maybe she was even a bit of a mean girl. though i think she wasn't as problematic as katsuki because she didn't have people feeding her ego constantly in the same way. anyway this is all to say that i think mitsuki mellowed out a lot with age. but she definitely still has something of a youthful spirit leftover from her heyday. her skin can be a metaphor for that.
if mitsuki is a woman who has held onto her youth, kaina is a woman who lost her youth early on. the phrase 'old beyond her years' applies here. she doesn't know how to be a teenager anymore. she forgot. what is it like to not spend every night haunted by the lives she took with her own hands? she doesn't remember.
when they meet then mitsuki takes one look at kaina and tries to ask her out for a drink. it's a small thing, but slowly, kaina is relearning how to be a person and not a weapon. mitsuki is showing her how. and mitsuki can't really understand what makes kaina miserable, what makes kaina wake up in a cold sweat in the middle of the night. but mitsuki can stay awake with her. she can hold her close and say. hey. you're more than whatever you see when you look at your own hands. anyway this got really long. i'm just making stuff up on the fly but yeah they could have that kind of dynamic.
ok ok. cracks knuckles. kaina and katsuki. the thing is that they have surface similarities i think. "so how should i solve this problem i have…" kaina and katsuki both stare at me like im fucking stupid "blow its brains out??" there's a duh here. they're both the kind of person who is smarter than other people assume based off of first impressions. but that's only because they're the straight arrow type. there's no fucking around the point with these two, they're blunt and very goal focused. they tend to hyperfocus on whatever they're currently trying to do, and they don't stop to wonder if it's wrong or just a liiiitle fucked up. cue the rude awakening.
you mentioned bakugo's hero thing vs kaina's hero thing, but i think that they're not as at odds as one might think. bakugo's hero thing was never a "save everyone" shirou emiya style (thats midoriya's patent). he admired all might because all might was always victorious. kaina probably wouldn't have a strong opinion one way or another. he's obviously missing something to make him a "true hero" or whatever. but she's not stain, for goodness sake. the whole idea of there being a perfect hero feels incredibly fake to her. if anything, katsuki's honest "i'm going to win to save people" approach might be more genuine than some fragile idealism that he can't actually back up. actually. to be honest, katsuki would be exactly the kind of hero that kaina wants to see more of. he doesn't mince words or pretend to be more righteous than anyone else. full transparency: he can be kinda a dick. but if society is going to employ heroes than people need to understand that heroes are people too, and yeah. people can be dicks. pardon my french. i'm channeling katsuki.
i don't think kaina would care one way or another that katsuki is striving for number one. the hero rankings were never really a thing to her. kaina's problem with hero society wasn't the same problem as what stain had. i think people assume that it is, because stain kinda had half of a point, except for the culling the fakes thing. but i think kaina would very much disagree with stain. because stain wanted more pure heroes. he wanted to exalt the ideal hero, put them above everyone else. and kaina just wanted heroes to get off their high horse and admit that they aren't perfect. nobody is.
deep breath. so yeah. thanks for the ask. thanks for reading my incoherent rambles too, assuming you got this far. hopefully i actually answered your questions, but if i didn't then sorry, this definitely got away from me. i also followed you back from my mainblog, so cheers to being mutuals. i'll try to send you a bunch of asks too, since 🤝 be the change you want to see in the world.
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My top 5 bird-themed movies because why not
Okay, you guys I'm very excited about Illumination's new movie "Migration for a ton of reasons, but the main reason is that I love ducks. I'm personally, as a Chicken Run fan, NOT excited about Chicken Run 2 because I feel like they're going the wrong direction with it. Getting a new director, firing most of the old voices actors, and then Netflix taking over the ownership? No thanks! I'll still give it a try though. Here are my top 5 favorite bird themed movies, and why
(Chicken Run, 2000) I love this movie mainly because of the message and the fact that it tackled some heavy subjects in a family friendly way. The humor is really well done, like most DreamWorks movies, and the voice acting is amazing! I don't recommend it for children as much, but I'd say the age rating to start watching, is maybe 10-12 or older? It's a bit dark but it's still a beautiful movie and there's a character that almost everyone can relate to!
(Storks, 2016) Okay, this one is more for children and family, but has a few subtle jokes that mostly adults will understand,. I personally think it still has an amazing message about the lives of people come before objects and also that family isn't always birth given, adopting kids they're still family. And of course, the characters are very fun and adorable. Compared to most teen-young adult girls in animated movies, I really love Tulip's design. They don't make her too "sexy" but still make her look cute, she dresses plain, and she's a total goofball. I personally love seeing more female characters like that.
(Rio, 2011) You guys know this one's a cult classic! My mom and I loved this one a lot and were sad when Disney shut down BlueSky Studios. The movie is still incredibly underrated, although it has a strong fanbase of 2000s-early2010's kids! The music in the movie is incredible, the visuals and scenery is gorgeous, and it actually makes you want to travel to Rio! I feel like they tried to show the culture in the best way they could, even though I'm not an expert, they did it in sort of a subtle way, but still enough that it makes you admire it!
(Duck Duck Goose, 2018) This is an adorable and underrated movie for the family, even though the villain may be a bit scary at times! I love how it focuses mostly on the animals, I love when movies focus mostly on the animals to the point that you forget the humans are there, but they still do show humans sometimes. The humans don't have like, speaking lines or anything. Also, the characters are adorable! Peng's character really reminds me of Rocky from Chicken Run, but a little more childish and care free. A better comparison to Peng would be Otis from Barnyard, at first he acts like he wants to party all the time, but then learns to become a man by the end of the movie. The ducklings, Chi and Chao, are so adorable! Chi's a very loving and helpful big sister, and she's voiced by Zendaya! Also, Stephen Fry voices one of the crane brothers (or maybe they're gay cranes? I have no idea...). The voice acting and characters are so amazing in this movie, and the scenery is also so gorgeous! The humor is also on point, and you'll love the little squirrel character! I also think this movie is good for maybe 6 and up, depending on how used to movies the kid is. My 6 year old self didn't have that kind of attention span yet but some kids are different. Anyway, I just consider it a good movie for the whole family!
(Ploey you Never Fly Alone, 2018) Okay, this one can be a bit sad but also has a pretty good story. I'm personally not too comfortable with kids having love interests in movies/shows, like kids that are younger than teenage. Because they're birds and have no confirmed age, you can feel however you want about the Ploey and Ploveria relationship. I'm only uncomfortable about it because they both sound young and it wasn't much time after Ploey hatched from an egg when they met, but again, they're birds. It's still a beautiful movie with fun characters and really talented voice acting! I put it at the bottom of the list because it's not one of my first choices, but I haven't seen it in a while. You may have different feelings about it. I think i recommend this movie more for 10 and up, it does have some emotional moments though. It's not really funny or anything either, so I don't recommend it for parties or family movie nights. If you love bird themed movies and have a friend who does, it's something nice that you can watch together when you're not busy.
I hope you like the movies I recommended, and let me know what you think in the comments! I love to chat!
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Sonic 06 was like
It's like a
A reverse fairytale or something
Sonic is a hero rescuing the princess from the likes of boss battles named after mythical beasts like Egg Cerberus and Egg Wyvern, and in the end, SONIC is the one saved by the PRINCESS.
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Elise was using chaos energy to help bring him back to the land of the living, and y'all had to go and make this gross somehow by saying she was kissing a dead animal or whatever, as if it would have been any better of a situation if any other of your preferred OTP compliant characters were in her place here.
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Sonic was basically Sleeping Beauty or Snow White here and Elise was the royalty that woke him up, it's a spin on the classic fairytale setting, and y'all still ain't seing that yet even though it's been 16 years now.
Instead of the hero saving the princess in the end, it's the princess saving the hero.
Elise was having to attend a festival as part of her royal duty, that was celebrating a deity that her dad died trying to clone to harness time so they could see her dead mom again, and she was left an orphan at age 7 and had to take on the royal responsibilities at that age and couldn't feel intense emotions or the seal that was keeping that monster at bay that killed her dad was going to be let loose like some Naruto level logic and destroy the whole city, and this girl was probably just wanted to go back to her room so she didn't have to think about how she probably wasn't ever allowed to grieve for her dead parents because I'm sure the festival was probably not fun for her in reality, then this crazy guy with this big mustache shows up to blow up things and wants to kidnap her for the Chaos Emerald she has ((which, mind you, was given to her via some time trickery by Silver as a "lucky charm" shortly after her dad was killed in the lab accident)), and suddenly this cool carefree guy shows up, whisks her away to safety and does so without asking for anything in return just because he wanted to help her, so of course she gets a fleeting crush on the guy because she's a freaking teenage girl who's hasn't had a chance to sort her emotions before, and yes, she does confirm that before Sonic showed up, she never got to be "myself, a girl" before, so her level of "attraction" to him is purely parasocial at this point and she works out of it by the end when she realizes that she's being selfish for wanting to hold onto the ruined timeline because otherwise would mean they would have never met and this whole adventure was going to be forgotten, but then the game ending and ending theme suggests that the memories still exists in thier hearts and that perhaps that moment they lock eyes at the end for the briefest seconds was thier souls remembering that they were friends in another time, and also, Elise like died in at least three of the timeline offshoots trying to defy Eggman's plan for the greater good, so cut the girl some slack, she's like 17 and a kid, and just let her peck Sonic for a moment as a gesture of the importance of thier bond while trying to call his spirit back to his soulless husk of a body.
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Time is literally collapsing on itself because Solaris is eating that up like a Sega GameGear with a fresh pack of AA batteries. They're all gonna disappear into the void if Sonic doesn't wake up, just let her have this, it's covered by blinding light anyway.
Like geeze, sorry it wasn't Shadow or Amy doing this or whatever, I guess.
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runthepockets · 3 months
Honestly, as a man, I think most of my greivances have been with online leftism and the attitudes the queer and feminist spaces have towards men in them have been more damaging than almost anything else in my life. I've stopped thinking about my middle school bullies, and everyone knows my abusive mom and ex girlfriend are insane, but the attitudes I'd been faced with on the internet as a teen still seem to sit with me.
It's the constant judgement. The perpetual social hierarchy of how men are only ever oppressors and be wrong in situations. "Never trust a man who says all his exes are crazy, be wary of men who speak poorly of their mothers" while women who say all their exes are crazy and speak poorly of their fathers are only ever met with sympathy and the usual "lol yeah men are trash". Masculine hobbies and modes of presentation being put down to uplift feminine ones, "when you see a 10/10 girl with a 4/10 guy" comments just cus the guy looks like a dude who works at Target rather than a goddamn movie star, penises and facial hair and deep voices are yucky disgusting, The Ick, "hate when big groups of men are laughing, what's so funny, rape and misogyny?" Videos of dudes crying and talking about how they're having a hard time is just met with ridicule and emasculating commentary from both men and women who posture themselves as kinder and smarter than the status quo, "weh weh raise the male suicide rate they're all rapists and abusers anyway", other dudes siding with women who do this shit cus they're more concerned with being One Of The Good Ones than they are having a fucking spine or a sense of individuality, not realizing they're just the male equivalent of pickme girls.
Idk man it just hurts me. I've been abused by a lot of women, had my sexual advances blown wildly out of proportion because the women in question either regretted engaging with me later or wanted to keep running with this narrative that they have no agency and are perpetually victims in their own lives even though I haven't really done anything to make them believe this, and all it gets me in these spaces is blank stares and awkward silences, when I know if the genders were flipped I'd get nothing but endless support. I'm not as upset about one of my exes making false rape accusations against me as I was as a teenager, but I'm sometimes nervous around bringing it up in leftist spaces at all because I figure folks are just gonna find a way to warp it and make me feel like I imagined the whole thing and that my ex had every right to be a shit to me because she's a girl and girls doing anything is Girl Power, even when it's actively harming others.
I'm sure me being black and trans plays a big role in this too, but again, 1) I'm not a fan of putting emphasis on my marginalization for brownie points, 2) I actually am straight, masculine, gender conforming despite those marginalizations, so there's really no identifiers for me to hide behind and claim "false comparison" over, I actually am all those things that online queer and feminist spaces take issue with and it still sucks and has actively done damage to my self esteem over the years and 3) I've seen other men-- cis, white, whatever-- of all backgrounds talking about their frustrations with this too. It's just another form of socially acceptable bullying and I kinda hate it.
People ask why I go stealth irl, why I don't go out of my way to befriend a ton of queer and liberal people my age, and why I'm adverse to communities that pride themselves on being diverse and all accepting and shit, well this is why. Cus every time I talk about a problem or criticize reactionary sentiment in those spaces, I'm met with me just being ~a pathetic man who's too sensitive to letting marginilized people vent~, I'm told that I'm part of the problem, I'm told that if I stopped being so rape-y and entitled and if I just fell in line like a good little man that I wouldn't have any of these problems, no actual solutions or sympathy, just condescension.
Yeah, of course I identify with bro culture, speak highly of masculinity, and entertain playful douchebaggery after years of that. That stuff saved my life and isn't hostile to my existence or my desires. I'm loud, energetic, assertive, with a hazing / controversial sense of humor and morality, there is no timeline where I'm going to be defanged and docile and see it as acceptable to walk all over someone for things they can't help, no matter how "privileged" they are. These subcultures let me be a man in a way a lot of online (and honestly, irl) leftist spaces aren't really willing to allow or deal with.
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Alright, I'm rewatching st 04×02 and I'm going to write stuff while it happens so I don't forget anything.
I'm going to dissect the episode by scenes, so it's going to be pretty long, but whatever.
1) Max and the boys
Nothing much to say here, but I like that it's pretty clear who Lucas and Dustin listen to the most in the serious kinds of situations. (Lucas looking at Mike after Max asked him what they were talking about, Mike shaking his head and Lucas not even hesitating to turn Max off.)
(Also, Mike being the one to stay with Will, and he probably asked Lucas to bring the others outside)
2) Joyce and Will(+ the MF)
There's so much r@pe analogy in there I don't even know where to start, and I don't think I'm going to go too far on this subject anyway because oh boy, does that make me uncomfortable.
I know people who have been r@ped before, and the way Will talks about what he feels during his episodes are so similar to how they talk about their assault. Also, the flashbacks are cristal clear about these implications. Moreover, Will feels guilty of letting the MF get to him.
(here's a direct copy-paste of the subtitles)
Will: And I tried.
I tried to make it go away.
But it got me, Mom.
Joyce: But what does that mean?
Will: [crying] I felt it... everywhere.
I-- I still feel it.
[sobbing] I just want this to be over.
Joyce: It's okay. It's okay. Hey.
Listen. Look, look at me.
Will: [sniffles]
Joyce: I will never, ever let anything bad happen to you ever again.
Whatever's going on in you, we're gonna fix it. I will fix it.
I promise. I'm here.
Alright. Now let's get out of the MF/possession situation, and just read this.
To anyone who's seen/read anything that relates to r@pe victims guilt, does that seems familiar? It does, right?
I won't go further about this for now, but think about it.
I like that Joyce is trying her best to be supportive of Will without making him feel ignored or like he's overeating. It's nice to see. :)
3) Eleven and Hopper
Alright, that scene was a perfect example and definition "what to not do when my kid put themselves in danger by not following the rules I gave them to protect them because I let them place expectations in me that I knew I wouldn't be able to reach before they loose their mind."
Because, seriously Hopper? You really expected that kid to not go out after almost a year without seeing anyone but a grumpy old man? Wow, really smart of you.
I'll be honest here: I don't like Hopper, and the only thing that makes me not hate him is his relationship with El. Most of the time. Not this one.
Eleven was in the wrong here, she put herself in danger by breaking the rules. Alright. But you know who was the wrong by even putting these rules in the first place? Hopper. Now, I know this was for her safety, but I'm sure they could've find something much more efficient than completely isolate her from anyone, and with only company a fucking TV.
In my opinion, the worst thing about this argument is Hopper insinuating that he was going to send Eleven back to the lab. I'm really fucking mad at him for that. Because of course, the logical thing to do when a traumatized teenager does something wrong for the first time in more than 300 days is to menace her to send her back the incredibly abusive hellish place she's been living in her whole childhood! Of course, what a wonderful reaction!
And about the TV thing, of course you should cut the rebellious teenager of their only distraction from the fact that they're literally forbidden from having any fucking life! That was such an amazing thing to do! Good job Jim, how smart and logical of you!!
I can't believe this man is an adult. Urgh.
My poor girl El was probably send straight back into a flashback too.
Alright I'll stop taking about this now, next scene.
4) Jonathan (+ Will being fucking possessed HELP--)
Jonathan my boy I love you <33
5) The Wheelers
Love Mike and Nancy asking Holly things <33
6) Nancy and Jonathan
Nancy: You don't have to do this, you know.
Jonathan: Stop saying that.
[both nods]
I love them :3
7) Joyce and Will
Joyce calling the police and never getting Hopper to aweser is getting kinda old tbh--
Anyway, this isn't about them
My son Will is getting possessed and I'm excited sad about it.
8) Dustin (+Dart)
Nothing much to say here, but aww. Dustin's taking care of his murderous little friend. :)
9) The boys and Max
Okay, first of all, ew.
Now, second of all, your crush is showing so bad Dustin it's crazy lol--
And then, last but not least, I like how the boys just assumed that Mike know if/when Will is coming. It makes me happy. :3
10) Will (+Mr.Cleark's speech about fear) and Joyce
Holy shit, I forgot how fast the possession went.
11) Hopper (+ Eleven)
Ok, fuck you Hopper, this is not how you deal with teenagers. Learn to be the biggest person and apologize you dumbass adult.
Also, "for my sake, please, deal with her! (Florence to Jim about Joyce)" lmao--
12) Steve (+Billy and Tommy)
Well damn, more reason to hate those two assholes that I forgot about.
13) Jonathan and Nancy
Love how creepy that whole scene is. :)
14) Will, Joyce, Hopper
Holy cow. My poor boy's going though it.
Also, this is the part were I realized why this episode is called "Will the Wise": While Will was explaining how he felt about the "now-memories" of the vines, Joyce looked at a drawing of Will the Wise looking at a Cristal Ball, impling that he's seeing something supernatural that most people don't know about.
15) The party (+Max)
Rip Max, I promise they have nothing against you my girl!
Still love how it's clear that they trust Mike's judgement almost without hesitation. They really act as a team, and they all have their own roles. They trust and listen to each other, and I think that's beautiful. :)
16) Eleven
I like that even if she's frustrated (and has every right to be!!), she's not putting herself in danger and is actually listening to Hopper.
Also, she found the document!!
17) Nancy and Jonathan at the Lab
"you guys 'been together for long?" Lmao--
Still can't believe that the Russians were brought up already! These guys are everywhere!
18) Will's drawings
Hopper: Vines. He's drawing vines.
Wow, good job Hopper. First actually smart thing you've said today.
Sorry sorry, let's be serious for a bit.
These drawings are actually really cool. And also pretty disturbing, but that was a given.
I'm really impressed at how fast Will draws too, tbh--
19) Max and Lucas
Now that's kinda sad.
They signed NDAs Max, they can't tell you wear, sorry 😔
20) Max and Billy (+Lucas)
Urgh, here comes the racism.
My girl Max deserves a hug, and Billy should shut his crap and die already.
21) Hopper
I forgot what he's gonna do with those pumpkins ._.
22) Eleven
Noooooo, El my baby :(
23) Mike and Joyce
Joyce at this point you should know that you son tell Mike everything. Including the shadow monster shit. Stop trying to deny him.
24) Nancy and Jonathan
I love how Nancy's being a total badass, and Jonathan's like "yep, okay, that's hot-"
25) Dustin (+Dart)
I trusted you Dart :((
Anyway, on a more serious note, how the fuck did Dustin hide those big-ass blood stains from his mom??
26) Hopper
Holy shit, that hole's big as fuck. Every kid's dream beach hole. (Sorry, sorry)
Alright, he's underground, Jesus fucking Christ, I forgot about that.
— End note
Can we talk about how amazing Noah and Millie's acting skills are?? I got chills from Will's overfocused looks and really bad for him while he was crying. Millie made me feel so bad fol El istg I wanna hug her. :(
Obviously the same goes with everyone else, but these two are the ones who made me feel the most things during this episode!
Alright, I'm done with this episode! I might start with the next one soon. :)
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barrenclan · 1 year
grlwood - i hate my mom for slugpelt? do i even have to explain lol
[Music compilation post]
Oh yes, this certainly feels like a song that a teenage Slugpaw would watch.
"You're gonna do What I tell you And you live under my roof You gonna follow my rules"
"I fucking hate my mom I hate my mom I hate my mom"
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That's a good call for not knowing much about Magpie! It fits her nicely. We'll learn more about her eventually, though of course she's not 'the protagonist'.
"And I'm not your protagonist I'm not even my own I don't know anything I don't even know what I don't know"
"My heart catches on every thorn You're already halfway out the door And I've never looked so old And I have never been so cold"
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Well, it is a song about women who have been used and abused by men for their own pleasure and comfort. So... unfortunately, yeah.
"The capillaries in my eyes are bursting If our love died would that be the worst thing? For somebody that I thought was my savior You sure make me do a whole lot of labor"
"Apologies from my tongue And never yours Busy lapping from flowing cup And stabbing with your fork"
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Ah, No Children. I suppose it could fit them okay, though Hush Puppy isn't really the kind of person to display her anger on the outside. And I can't see Thrasher ever wanting to leave Hush Puppy (or have her leave him). Maybe it's a better fit for Harebreeze and Dustfeather?
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This song has been suggested with Hush Puppy, but not Cormorantpaw. I like it anyways, so I'll put it here again.
"We meet between the soil and sea The fishes and seagulls all laughing at me I fear I know what they see"
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That's an interesting take, but I can see it!
"For some reason I find myself Lost in what you think of me And too confused to choose who I should be"
"It's been a point of contention between myself and this Body that they stuck me in The privilege of being born to be a man And now you got me thinking I wish I could be a girl, and that way You'd wish I could be your girlfriend, boyfriend"
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assjuice4ever · 1 year
Letter to the lost
Atsumu x reader, angst, sex, hurt, sad, anger.
Part 1/ Part 2
Chap 1: Delusion
About that time when I thought everything was fake
The first time Atsumu came to sleep at your house it was scary.
Your house wasn't like his. The floor wasn't so clean you could eat on it, the knick knacks didn't have any order or logic, your bathroom was little, with bottles falling on top of you whenever you opened the wrong sash, the water of the shower needed five minutes to get hot. Everything looked like it was going on thanks to stubbornness and nothing else.
Atsumu house was totally different.
Yet, when you confessed one time to him that it felt awkward to have him in your house, to make him see how you lived made you feel like a disappointment. He told you it was stupid. That he was just coming to see you, and not the house.
It made you happy.
Your room was little. Atsumu watched everything in it as if he was in a museum but that room didn't feel like yours. On the walls there were still the posters that your sister put there when she was a teenager in love with the idols, on your nightstand there was a photo that you didn't really care about but they gifted it to you, the wardrobe was full of things that were passed down to you. Everything wasn't really yours.
Atsumu was a little sad about it. He wanted to know about your cringe thirteen when you started to paint in black your room and there was just a little spot still there from that time and who gifted to you a helmet and everything else.
In exchange he told you stories from when he was thirteen years old. When he feel in live with this girl in his class who had the longest ponytail and cute little bunny earrings and how he carved her name on his bed and Osamu wanted to choke him but instead told everything to their mom. Atsumu laughed will remembering how he ad to sit in the kitchen, telling his mom why he liked that girl.
You listened to him, head on his pecs and hand on his stomach. He was hot and his breath calm and steady while his heart was going as fast as possible under your ear.
When he stopped talking he kissed you.
He put his hand under your chin to take your lips to his. He was always eager, as if your lips were honey and he was a bee. But he wasn't a great kisser. He went at it in a random way, sucking and biting everything and moving his tongue like it was a toothbrush. But you liked it anyway because you liked him. You liked how is big strong hands went on your hip, how he moaned while kissing, how big he felt against your leg while he pulled you to him, to be as close as possible. You liked how he had to get away a little from your mouth to breath before kissing you again more eager than before and how hot he was. You liked how he flexed his belly when you touched his lower abdomen, how he looked ready to pray for you.
His hand went to your slips but before he could do anything you felt the Heavy steps of your mother, the sound of the door of her bedroom craking over and both of you stoped there. Waiting for her to go away but instead she called one of her friends from outside the bedroom.
You remember laughing against Atsumu shoulder, a bit embarrassed a bit amused by the situation.
He kissed your hair, laughing a bit too.
You two fell asleep like that that night.
Four days have passed and only yesterday I did understand what you meant. It was a "it's not you, it's me". But before that it felt a lot like an it's you.
I know it sounds a bit like a stalker behaviour but I'm checking your social, your friends too. I hope to see you sad, maybe crying a bit. I see that you have done a lot more post than before and I hope that it's a way to call for my attention, to make me see you. It's stupid and stupidly hopeful.
I feel like the reasons why you left me were stupid and petty. All of my friends thinks I should be grateful that you left me because clearly you're not an okay person, you're not a good one. Not a good one for me. Nor a mature one.
I hope you're crying as I am. That when you eat something that we ate together, that when you sit in front of the television and a certain tv program starts, or that when our song pass at the radio you think about me and you cry. And that you're waiting the right time to write to me that you want me back, that you can't live without me.
Because that's what I feel.
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anewnewcrest · 1 year
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From Chelsea Graham's Diary
I've been so busy with college! I won't lie, things were tough for a while, the classes are SO HARD and I've been studying like I've never studied before in my entire life, but I love every second of it. It feels so good to have my hard work matter for a change, that I'm not running away from something but towards something, that I can finally see my future take form in front of me! My grades might not be straight A's, but they're all mine, I've worked hard for them, and I've already been doing internships, and I think I can land a nice job when I finally graduate, even though it might not be in the area (and let's be honest here, that's kind of a plus).
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I honestly never expected my dad to get married again! He'd been alone for so long, that I just thought he'd stay single forever, but even though I think it's weird and kinda tacky that he got married again to someone so much younger and they might have a baby that's younger than Baker's, I'm glad that Sharon now has someone as a role model, someone who'll take care of her. I love my baby sister, and I think she could do worse than doing like me and going to college, but kids are SO ANNOYING and they deserve better than to have those close to them think about them like that. It's nice to have Sharon living closer now, and taking her out for ice cream and a movie or something, but that's not what a mom is for!
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Some of my feelings about her might not be about her, but about me having to do all the work. I get that dad had a hard time after mom died, but I basically raised that kid, and I only realized it properly after I went to college! I'm living in the dorms, and even with all my classes and late-night cramming sessions, only taking care of myself and my room and my clothes... it's so much less work than living at home! I was doing housework for five! And even though my dad has apologized for that, and he's paying for me going to college... honestly, I still haven't forgiven him for that. And maybe I never will. And that's OK.
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Finding my place here in Foxbury was hard. As a kid, I went to that weird religious private school in Newcrest, and then in high school in Strangerville, I was so busy with taking care of chores and Sharon that I missed out on a lot of normal teenage stuff, so when I came here, I was super awkward, and fitting in with the other students was a struggle. But I've made some friends now - went to bars - even gone on a few dates - even kissed a few guys even though I feel guilty about that, because they pushed the "don't throw pieces of your heart away" crap so hard when I was in Newcrest. Not that it matters, I don't want to get married anyway. And I'm so glad that that will be an option for me, with my job and my degree, unlike all the other girls who go to church with dad and Kathryn. I really don't know why they're still hanging out with all those creeps, and I'm always "busy" when they ask me to come to church with them on Sundays. I'm sure the Watcher will understand.
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