#anyway i’m sleepy and if you follow me and i haven’t texted u back im sorry. im so overwhelmed lol
johndonneswife · 4 months
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still thinking abt this pani puri we had three days ago
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datleggy · 5 years
A hazing you say, to you say, do tell us more please.
oh839ruef it is 6am and im still drunk from the nite before so forgive this mess but u asked for it >:]
TK hasn’t been sleeping well at all; just a bunch of restless nights in a row, all of these thoughts keeping him awake.
Thoughts of his ex boyfriend—almost fiance’—thoughts of his father’s diagnosis—what would he do without him in his life?—and of course, those pesky little thoughts called addiction, which never really leave his subconscious, not even on the good days…
He ends up falling asleep in one of the trucks when he’s supposed to be cleaning, but God, he can’t help himself, he’s exhausted and the cushions are so warm and inviting.
Only minutes later Judd and Marjan come across TK, who’s sleeping soundly, (for the first time in over a week, though they wouldn’t know that) instead of doing his work, and the conniving begins!
They call Paul and the probie over.
“This is team building,” Judd tells Paul, when he asks, not for the first time, if they really think this is the best idea. “A little hazing never hurt nobody.”
Marjan, who’s grinning from ear to ear, agrees wholeheartedly. “Yeah, c’mon! Hurry up with the hose probie!” 
One moment TKs resting peacefully and the next he’s being forcibly dragged out of the rig, giant arms wrapped around him so tight it’s impossible for a half awake TK to wiggle his way out of them.
“Wakey wakey sleepy head!”
He barely has time to react when he’s suddenly being hosed, the water pressure enough to fully wake him. Coughing now and struggling against whoever is holding him still, TK only manages to break free when another set of strong hands grab hold of his shoulders and pull him away from the harsh spray of water hitting his face and chest.
“That’s enough, you guys tryna’ drown him?” Paul shakes his head, grimacing as he looks down at the kid in his arms. TK is soaked through and through.
TK coughs into the crook of his arm, gasping for air. When he finally looks up at the rest of the crew, Judd is expecting some kind of animosity, but what they get instead, is a mischievous grin, “You guys know payback’s a bitch, right?”
Matteo instantly drops the dripping hose like it’s on fire and tries to defend his actions. “They made me do it!”
Marjan huffs, putting away the phone she’d been using to record the whole thing up until now, glaring at the probie. “Scaredy cat.” then she turns around and points the finger at Judd, grinning. “Anyway, it was all his idea.”
Judd raises a brow at her, acting betrayed. “No loyalty, huh?”
Paul pats TKs wet shoulder and sighs, “I tried to stop them, if that’s any consolation.”
TK coughs again, rubbing at his chest, “I mean, a little warning woulda’ been nice.”
Paul raises his hands, “Hey man, you might be canoodling with a cop, but I’m no snitch.”
TK is less than thrilled by all the teasing ‘Oooh’s’ and ‘Aaah’s’ that follow Paul’s comment. “Yeah yeah,” TK’s cut off by another cough. And then another, and another. And after a few more coughs TK realizes he can’t stop, his chest tight, and fuck.
He remembers being six and suffering from asthma up until the age of ten, maybe.
But it’s been over a decade now since his last attack, this can’t be that, can it?
“Hey man, you alright?” Judd reaches for TK, a hand on his shoulder, brows knitted in concern.
TK continues his coughing fit, but manages to shake his head no. The air around him feels thin and his chest is starting to hurt.
Judd blinks, “Shit, you’re not pullin’ my leg, are ya’?” He looks to Matteo, who’s standing there looking about as petrified as he feels at the moment, “Something’s wrong, get Captain Blake, quick!” he orders.
Probie wastes no time, practically tripping over his own two feet in his haste.
Paul helps Judd get TK into a sitting position on the floor, guiding him with gentle but firm hands. “TK, look at me, just shake your head yes or no, do you have asthma?”
TK gasps for air between his bouts of coughing, he shakes his head no but realizes that’s not completely true, “When,” he pauses to cough, wincing and clutching at his chest, “When I was little.” he admits.
Marjan curses. “I’m gonna’ get Cap.” She’s not sure what that’s gonna’ do—she doubts Owen has a spare inhaler from when his kid had asthma over ten years ago, handy on him—but she’s seen the way the two interact, if nothing else, the older mans’ presence will help TK feel a bit less panicked.
Both Captains get there at almost the same time, one after the other, both bending at the knee to get face to face with the young firefighter.
Owen doesn’t have to ask what’s wrong, when he sees his son, because the scene is all too familiar, though it’s been years since the last time it happened. “It’s an asthma attack.” he tells Blake, “He hasn’t had one since he was ten.”
Blake nods, already digging into her kit for a rescue inhaler. “TK, open up, I need you to take two puffs, breathe in slowly for five seconds and try to hold your breath for ten, it’ll help the medicine get into your lungs, can you do that for me?”
TK nods anxiously, letting her press down on the inhaler. He tries to do as he’s told but ends up coughing up the puffs before they can be fully absorbed. “S-sorry.” he can’t catch his breath and the wheezing is only getting worse.
“It’s ok, you’re gonna’ be ok, let’s try it again.” Blake helps him a second time, with Captain Strand now behind TK, rubbing up and down his back encouragingly. “Ready? Slow breath TK, slow breath, c’mon.”
This time TK is able to hold his breath long enough that he can feel the albuterol taking effect on his lungs. Dizzy with relief and beyond exhausted by the exertion, TK nearly falls backwards.
Thankfully Owen is there to catch him, wrapping his arms around the kid carefully and breathing out his own sigh of relief. “Jesus TK.” That’s another gray hair for the books.
TK pats the arm around him, “I’m good.” he assures his dad, though it comes out breathy and short. But he is fine now, just tired, and frankly, embarrassed about having an asthma attack of all things, in front of the entire crew. He tries to get up on his own two feet but the moment he’s standing upright another dizzy spell hits him and if not for Judd who steps in to support him, he’d have ended up right back down on the floor again. “Thanks.”
Judd looks down at him, guilt etched onto his features. “Don’t thank me, Christ kid, I’m the reason all this happened. Shit.”
“What did happen?” Owen asks, looking like a disappointed dad as he stares at his team, all of whom are looking down in shame.
TK rolls his eyes, though it’s hard to act like it was no big deal when he’s still holding onto Judd like a day old calf who just can’t seem to get his legs under him yet. “Dad, it was nothing, it’s not their fault, I—” he doesn’t want to admit the truth. That it’s all the nights of little to no sleep for over a week now that exasperated his asthma, and that the hazing thing only helped push it that little bit over the edge.
“It was my fault.” Judd cuts in, seeing the look of conflict on TK’s face. “I thought a little hazing wouldn’t hurt, but it was stupid as hell and childish and it nearly got TK killed.” he turns to the younger man in his arms. “I’m so sorry man, that was reckless—”
Marjan interrupts, squeezing TK’s shoulder from the side. “It wasn’t just Judd, I ran with it too, I’m sorry TK.”
Paul and Matteo take responsibility too, gathering around TK to apologize.
Though the Captain is grateful that the crew are seemingly handling this among themselves, he still feels the need to say something. “Hazing is for college fraternities and has no place in the work place, and I hope this is the first and last time we need to have this conversation, do I make myself clear?”
This is followed by a chorus of guilty little “Yes Captain”’s.
Hours later, when everything has calmed down and most everyone is in their own bunk, getting ready for bed, TK finds himself in the kitchen, making himself a pot of coffee.
Paul joins him as he’s about to take his first sip. “Nuh uh.” Paul snatches the cup away and pours it down the drain. “That is not what you need.”
TK would be offended if he had the energy, but as it is, he’s just too tired. All that comes out is a faint, “Hey, that was mine.” and it comes out whiny.
“I’m making you some tea.”
TK huffs. “I wanted coffee.”
Paul clears his throat, already boiling the water. “You know…if you ever need to talk, we’re all here for you.”
TK looks away, biting his bottom lip. “I’m fine.”
“If you say so. I just think you need reminding that it’s ok not to be fine sometimes, and it’s even more ok to talk to someone about it, even if all the other person can offer is an ear to listen.” he goes about preparing the tea, throwing in a spoonful of honey for good measure.
TK takes the warm mug, grumbling about his coffee all the while. After a few sips he looks up at Paul, who’s sitting on the stool with his own cup of tea. “I um, it’s not a big thing, I just haven’t really been sleeping. It’s just…” he knows his dad hasn’t told too many people about his cancer yet, and he doesn’t want to go spilling the beans. “It’s a lot on my mind lately, that’s all. And then last week my ex sent me this stupid text telling me I still had some clothes at his place, if I wanted to go pick them up—what the hell am I supposed to say to that? It’s been over three months, why now?”
Paul shakes his head, sipping his tea. “That asshole.”
TK lets out a surprised laugh at the amount of righteous anger in Paul’s voice on his behalf. “Right?!”
They spend a good hour just talking—mostly shit about his ex, and then shit about some of Paul’s exes, and then about life in general—and before he knows it, TK’s downed his entire cup of tea and his head is laying on his arms on the countertop, and his eyelids are so heavy he can barely keep them open.
He hears voices above him, but they’re quiet voices, “Hey big guy, wanna’ help me get him to bed?”
“Yeah, I got sleepin’ beauty.” he can’t mistake that Texan drawl for anyone else but Judd, and soon he feels himself being lifted into a pair of strong arms, and he knows he should be embarrassed to be carried off like this, but he’s too tired to really care and Judd’s surprisingly gentle.
He’s laid to bed and for the first time in a long time, he sleeps soundly throughout the night.
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johnnysnostril · 5 years
Without You
chapter twelve
jaehyun’s pov
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alonna and i sat on the couch, as johnny walked through the front door.
he looked defeated and broken.
it was weird for me because i had never seen johnny act like this, over a female before.
alonna stood to her feet, clicking her heels across the tile and grabbed her purse and keys.
“well, im sober now and i’d rather not stay here and watch johnny feel sorry for himself.” she said.
i huffed, shaking my head.
“stop it, babe.” i said approaching her and smacking her booty.
she pouted and turned towards me, swinging her purse over her shoulder.
“but, he could've hurt ivy- jae..” she mumbled as johnny walked past us and up the stairs.
“i know..” i said rubbing her shoulders. “but, just give him a little break. mark just walked out the door with his girl.” i chuckled a little.
alonna shrugged.
“she would've been johnny’s girl if he wasn’t such a douche bag.” she mumbled.
“well, regardless if that’s true or not- it’s none of our business. we just need to focus on us.” i whispered, kissing her lips.
i gently pulled her bag off her shoulder and held it for her.
“you’re not going home though- you’re coming with me.”
taking her hand, i lead her over to the front door.
“we’re leaving johnny! text me if you need anything!” i shouted before walking out the door.
ivy’s pov
instead of falling asleep, like we were supposed to- mark and i talked all morning.
i was relieved when mr. suh text me- telling me to take the day off and that he would run the store today.
i had no objections to that.
“so- you and johnny..” mark started. “you really like him?
i played with his hair as he laid on my stomach.
i wasn’t sure what i was feeling anymore.
all i knew, was that- maybe i was moving a little too fast with everyone. including mark.
i shrugged, answering his question internally.
mark suddenly sat up, looking down at me.
“ivy-” he chuckled. “did i make you uncomfortable with that question?”
i swallowed down the lump in my throat.
“i just dont know what i feel anymore..” i admitted.
mark nodded and traced a smiley face on my exposed thigh.
“and that’s okay. as long as i’m still in the running.” he laughed.
i bit my bottom lip and sat up.
“why do you like me?” i asked, tilting my head.
mark tucked some hair behind my ear then kissed my forehead.
“your vibe is very different from any other girl that i’ve met before. and trust me- we’ve all been around plenty of women.” he stated. “you and alonna just have a special aura about you.” 
mark took my hand and laced our fingers.
“i know i dont know much about you, and it’s only been a few days. but i feel like this is right. and if i’m wrong for that- then so be it.”
i looked down, staring at my bed sheets- keeping quiet.
“i dont wanna scare you off either.” he admitted. “it’s just- i haven’t liked someone like this in awhile and to be frank, i’m scared that this feeling will go away. and i dont want it to.”
mark laid back, pulling me with him. he draped my leg over his waist and rubbed my back.
why was i feeling guilty?
“we dont really get the opportunity to even attempt to have a relationship. so when the guys and i found someone special, we wanna hold onto them as long as we can.”
mark continued.
“i dont know about anyone else, but i wanna fall in love. i have yet to experience it.”
i looked up at him, slightly sitting up.
“you’ve never been in love before?” i asked surprised.
he shook his head.
“not yet-”
johnny’s pov
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i decided to stay at my parents’ house, since jae and alonna would be back at the hotel room.
i still couldn't believe that she had slapped me. ever since alonna started working with us, she never struck me as being any kind of violent.
i guess i couldn’t blame her though. i was really acting out of my element. but, i did have a valid reason for it.
mark was always trying to overshadow me, with everyone- and i was getting sick of it.
granted, i shouldn't have put my hands on him.
all that really mattered to me at this point, was how i was going to get ivy back in my arms and out of mark’s.
part of me wanted to go down to the hotel and see if she was there.
but what would i do once i found her?
i didn't have a plan at all.
maybe i should just give her space.
looking over at the clock, i sighed.
i suddenly jumped up from my bed.
“maybe she’s at the shop!” i shouted.
i quickly slipped into a pair of shoes that laid on the floor, collecting my keys and running out the front door.
as i pulled up to the shop, i quickly parked and ran inside.
“iv-” i started to yell, then stopped- seeing my dad at the register.
“dad?” i questioned as i let the door shut behind me.
“hey son.” he smiled, fixing a bouquet of flowers.
“what are you doing here?”
i was halfway disappointed that ivy wasn’t here.
“where’s ivy?” i questioned.
my father smiled, looking back down at his flowers- ignoring my question.
“how was the party? everyone seemed to have a good time.”
“did she quit?” i pressed the issue, joining him behind the counter.
“you know, the funniest thing happened to me this morning.” he announced randomly.
“dad- where-”
“i ran into an old friend.” he smiled, patting my shoulder. “a friend from college.” he continued.
“when he first walked through that door and i seen his face- for some reason, my mind told me to be upset with him.” 
my father laughed.
“but i couldn’t remember why.”
i sighed and took a seat on the small stool that was behind me.
“he started to tell me that his wife had recently passed and he needs some flowers for the funeral- then it hit me.” my father snapped his fingers.
“right then and there, i remembered his name and what had happened between us.”
suddenly my father got quiet. he continued to make his bouquet of flowers without saying a word.
“so what happened?” i asked. “how come you stopped being his friend?”
my dad put the finishing touches on his master piece, then smiled. pulling out some decorative paper, he wrapped the flowers up and gently placed them on the counter in front of me.
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“to keep it simple-” he said folding his arms. “in front of all of our mutual friends- he asked out a woman that i was very fond of. just about everyone knew that i was attracted to her- even he knew. but he still did it.” 
my father smiled.
i furrowed my brows and shook my head.
“and you’re smiling why?”
“because that woman, was your mother.” my father patted my shoulder once again and walked over to the section of tulips that hung from the wall. 
“wait- mom was stolen from you?” i asked following him.
he nodded.
“she was. but, i got her back.” he chuckled.
“how’d you do that?”
my mind was racing, ready to take a mental note so i could use this trick on ivy.
“that’s not the point of the story, son.”
fixing the flowers, he turned his head in my direction.
“but you know, i was holding onto that anger- and i didn’t even know it until i seen his face. hell, i couldnt even remember why i had been mad at him for all this time.”
now, i seen where this was going.
“there’s still a way for you to get her back, son.”
i snapped my head in his direction, parting my lips.
“how did you know?”
“im a suh. i know everything.” he laughed.
my father made his way back to the counter- grabbing the bouquet and handing it to me.
“go make things right, son.”
mark’s pov
i smiled as ivy yawned. 
“are you sleepy?” i said rubbing her thigh.
she nodded.
“well, get some rest then- babygirl.” slowly sitting up, i removed myself from the bed.
“are you leaving?” she mumbled.
“if i dont, you wont sleep at all.” i exhaled softly as she reached out and took my hand.
“do you have anything planned for later tonight?” she asked, looking up at me.
i leaned down, softly kissing her and smiling against her lips.
“hopefully seeing you.”
as i pulled back, ivy hid her face into the sheets, rolling over onto her stomach.
i chuckled, quickly slipping on my shoes.
“sleep, okay?”
i reached over to her night stand, grabbing her notebook and writing my number down.
“call me, when you wake up?” handing her the notebook, she nodded and smiled.
“okay.. i’ll be waiting.”
scanning her body with my eyes, i took in her features for the last time for a couple of hours.
alonna’s pov
“i win again!” i said standing up on the couch and shaking my butt.
jaehyun rolled his eyes and laughed, tossing the controller to the side.
“i let you win, chill.”
jae stood to his feet, taking hold of my hand and pulling me off the couch.
“you’re just a sore loser, babe. you can never beat me.” i stuck out my tongue and tilted my head.
“put that tongue back in your mouth, before i put it to use.”
i quickly rolled my tongue back in, covering my lips.
jae cupped my chin, brushing his nose against mine.
“one thing i can beat though, is that pus-”
“ivy!” johnny said running into the room.
jae and i both looked towards the door, rolling our eyes.
“you have the worst timing, dude.” jae laughed, throwing his head back.
“have you guys seen ivy?”
“she’s not here.” i said folding my arms. “you don’t need to be looking for her anyway. i told you to stay away from her, stupid.”
grabbing the blanket that laid on the couch, i wrapped myself up to hide my body.
as i plopped down on the cushion, my phone began to ring.
sister <3
it was ivy.
i reached to the other side of the cushion, where my phone laid- grabbing it quickly and running up the stairs.
locking myself in the bathroom, i threw the blanket on the floor- answering ivy’s call.
“ivy!” i whispered into the phone.
she laughed.
“why are you whispering, alonna?” she whispered back playfully.
“johnny is here! he’s looking for you! are you still at the house??? where are you?? you’re not with mark are you?” i questioned.
“okay, wait a minute. too many questions.” ivy continued to laugh.
“where the hell are you?”
“i’m at home- i was calling to see if you wanted to meet me for brunch. or are you already, you know- “busy”?”
i knew she was doing air quotes.
“yes, i can meet you. but johnny doesn’t know where we live- right?”
ivy was quiet.
“i mean, i dont know. unless you told him, cause i fersure didnt.”
i sighed of relief.
“what time are we meeting?”
ivy was smiling.
“wait- why do you sound happy? what’s wrong with you? are you sick?” i asked.
“just meet me at 12pm. Laura’s! i love you, byeeeee.” she sang into the phone.
i rolled my eyes as the called ended.
walking back downstairs, johnny slouched in the chair- in the kitchen area.
“what’s wrong with you?” i said tossing my phone on the couch.
“i gotta talk to ivy. can you please give me her number?” he said running his fingers through his hair.
i really felt sorry for him at this point. but my sister was way more important than his feelings.
“aren’t you supposed to be at practice?” i said folding my arms.
“isn’t jae?” he fired back, giving up from the chair. 
johnny snatched a bouquet of flowers off the counter and headed towards the door.
“how’d you know that ivy likes pink roses?”
i lifted a brow and looked over at jae.
“i didn’t say anything. i didn’t even know that she liked roses.” he laughed.
johnny looked down at the flowers, keeping his mouth shut- then left the hotel room.
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christophersymes · 5 years
Celebrity Status
Celebrity Status, an ongoing L(G)B(T)+ story also on Wattpad and Quotev.
<– Previous / Next –>
Chapter Three
Later on that week, Jules was messaging Elías between class and work. He was sitting in his truck, adjusting his collar on his work shirt and frowning at the message Elías had sent about having something important to talk about.
familyjules: hey, dude. i have a bit of time between school and work right now. what's going on?
Mason's stomach flipped when Jules finally replied.
masonfucker1000: hey
masonfucker1000: i need to tell you smth
masonfucker1000: its been eating me up and i feel horrible about it
masonfucker1000: my name isn't elias
masonfucker1000: but i cant tell you who i am and im sorry
Jules looked at the messages as they came in, swallowing hard. He ran a hand through his hair, frowning. He felt like crying. Whoever this was was really torn up, but that didn't matter to him at all. He didn't care who they were, as long as everything else was real. That's all he fucking needed. He didn't really care, just as long as it wasn't...
familyjules: but everything else is real, right? idgaf about your name but we have something here
familyjules: be it friendship or whatever else it could be as long as you're not catfishing me to teach me a lesson or some shit i don't care about that
Mason let out a breath he didn't know he was holding when Jules replied.
masonfucker1000: no catfish. everything else i've told you is true.
masonfucker1000: uh wait are you saying you have a crush on me
It was a serious conversation, but Mason couldn't help it. He had blinked and reread the message, doubting its existence for a moment. This was the first time Jules had seriously mentioned them being anything other than just friends. He couldn't just let it go.
Jules blushed at the second message, realizing he had. And he wasn't being totally honest with them either, but... He didn't know what to do. It was too late now to change that, especially if whoever it was was straight and had a crush too, which seemed true. He hoped it was true.
familyjules: maybe. depends on if u feel the same
Mason grinned, face hot at the response.
masonfucker1000: maybe, u say. idk abt that, those sound like v conditional feelings
Jules smiled. Back to good old... whoever.
familyjules: shut up you dork
familyjules: maybe i do have a crush on you.
familyjules: also what should i call you now if not elías?
masonfucker1000: well i definitely have a crush on you, baby
masonfucker1000: you can call me anything you want ;)
familyjules: asshole is the perfect name for you, asshole. ;)
familyjules: okay i gotta get into work. have a good evening, asshole! i'll talk to you later
masonfucker1000: ofc thats what u pick
masonfucker1000: talk to you later, jules x thanks for being awesome
Jules frowned a little at the end of the last text. He could only hear it in Mason's voice from the concert. He'd said it so many times: at every fucking concert Jules had ever watched live and the one he went to. Either this was a Mason superfan who was adopting language, or it... No. It couldn't be.
He pushed the thought out of his head. It was ridiculous.
Yet, as he went into work and through the night, he kept coming back to it. He just kept thinking about how cool and terrifying it would be if he were talking to the actual Mason Hill, but also how unlikely that was.
But it was oh-so fucking likely! The way Mason had kept looking at him at the concert could have been a coincidence, or it could have been Mason looking toward that general area and Jules was just a wishful thinker. Or it could have been Mason looking at him because he knew him. Because he liked him.
But the chances of Mason Hill being Elias and liking Jules... It was so ridiculous. The chance of that was, like, one in a fucking million.
Anyway, shouldn't he be wishfully thinking it was Austin going by his middle name and Jules totally seducing him?
masonfucker1000: hey hey heyyy how's it goin how was work
familyjules: exhausting. underpaying. the usual. had some woman threaten to throw a salad at me tonight because there were tomatoes on it and she hates tomatoes so much it warrants violence supposedly.
familyjules: but i was in a good mood overall thanks to you and your mutual crush... speaking of we should talk about that
masonfucker1000: yikes! cloudy w a chance of tomatoes up in there i see
masonfucker1000: aww! you're welcome
masonfucker1000: alright (?) hit me w it
familyjules: i don't want to like... date or anything til we meet if we ever do
familyjules: don't get me wrong i like you a lot
familyjules: but it feels wrong to do ldr if i can't know your identity at all even though i dont care that much about it
familyjules: just in terms of dating i'd need a name, you know? and more than just your age and that we like each other
Mason groaned. He saw it coming, but fuck.
masonfucker1000: no yeah, that makes sense.
masonfucker1000: i like you a lot
masonfucker1000: shit
masonfucker1000: fuck
masonfucker1000: i want to meet you
masonfucker1000: but
masonfucker1000: i think maybe some more time would be good
masonfucker1000: figure out how im gonna do this
Jules stared at the messages, feeling really bad about it. He sighed, hitting his forehead against the wheel lightly. Idiot.
familyjules: yeah. i'm sorry dude
masonfucker1000: hey no
masonfucker1000: don't worry abt it, you're right
masonfucker1000: you're being super sweet and understanding and i appreciate it
masonfucker1000: have i mentioned i really like you?
Jules sighed, leaning back again. He was too smitten for this guy. This was great. He hadn't seen this yet from him.
familyjules: i really like you, masonfucker1000
familyjules: for lack of a better name
Mason snorted, wheezing and bending over in his seat.
masonfucker1000: wow.
masonfucker1000: you really have a way with words
Mason had been floating on air ever since he'd finally told Jules that he wasn't Elias and Jules said that she liked him. It was amazing! It was unlike anything he'd felt before! Which meant he obviously had to share every detail with his bandmates.
"Good morning, prisoners of the Junkmobile!" Mason announced his knowingly unwanted consciousness as he hopped off his bunk, narrowly missing slamming his head against the top bunk adjacent to his. Their tour bus, which they tended to give nicknames, was a mess, but it was their mess, and really, everything was where it was should be.
"That wasn't the name we agreed on, was it?" Austin frowned, pausing in the middle of a spoonful of cereal.
Andrew rolled his eyes as he tossed a pile of Hot Pockets in the microwave.
"The Rat Roller has many names," Mason ruffled Austin's hair. He froze and frowned at them making sad breakfast. "Hey! No tourfast! Don't we have a few hours for Bryan's break?"
Chris groaned from a bit farther behind them in his bunk, "Stop trying to give everything a tour nickname. I thought you'd given up on that."
Bryan was their driver, and he took his breaks very seriously. He was definitely passed out right now. Not that they interacted with him much to know much more than that. Bryan, as many band bus drivers tended to be (in Nosam's experience), preferred minimal contact with the rabid animals that usually inhabited his enclosure.
"Never!" Mason hollered, grinning. "It's fun. Where's your tour spirit? Now, c'mon, let's go and get some actual food."
Andrew grimaced as if the concept of leaving the bus had physically burned him. "Rather not."
Austin nodded in agreement. "Pretty sure there's fans right outside. We're due for a hotel in a day or two anyway, we'll go out then."
Mason bounced a little, annoyed and definitely going fucking crazy on that bus. He pushed himself off the counter, falling into the booth across from Austin and sinking into it. "Guys, I'm going to lose my shit if I spent one more minute in here. Who cares if there's fans out? We'll say hi. I need out of this bus. I need to do something."
"Then go, no one's stopping you," Andrew looked at him pointedly.
"But I don't wanna go alone," Mason whined, looking off to Chris' bunk, his curtains half-closed. "Chris."
There was loud groaning from the bunk, and the curtains were shoved open as Chris' head poked out, blinking tiredly. "What, Mason?"
"Tell them we have to go out."
"We don't," Chris sighed.
"You guys don't love me anymore," Mason went on, throwing his head back.
Austin rolled his eyes. "Mase, we just want a break. We've got a show tonight, Stella's calling soon and—"
"You called her last night!" Mason sat up to look at him.
Austin blushed, his face turning red like a curtain falling over his face. "So? I miss her, I haven't seen in her in a month."
Mason made multiple sounds that were a mix between constipated groans and a kid throwing a tantrum.
The microwave blared, only adding to the volume. Andrew yanked the door open, a disgruntled sound falling from his lips as he grabbed the burning hot pockets with his bare hands. "And I have a date with the PS4," he announced as he carefully placed a can of Redbull on top of the pile in his hands and escaped to the back of the bus. Chris promptly ducked his head back in so Andrew could pass by, giving Mason a pleading look as he closed the curtain.
Mason pouted, quieting down as he stared at Austin, who awkwardly pushed Reese's Puffs around in his bowl, taking out his phone. Mason groaned again. "How about brunch? In a few hours?" he asked, loud enough Andrew in the back could hear. "C'mon, I want to tell you guys something."
"If it's about cyber sex with your fan, nyet!" Andrew hollered back.
"I second that motion. I've heard enough about Jules' sexting skills," Austin gagged.
The bunk their bassist was in made a bunch of unintelligible, mumbled Sleepy Chris sounds that Mason roughly translated to: I agree and I'm happy for you Mason, but please, no more of that.
Mason grinned, "No, but it's important. Pretty please?"
"Yes!" Chris yelled in exasperation, followed by a noncommittal uh huh from Andrew. Mason smiled, and then quickly dropped it to give Austin a sad look, but his performance was rudely interrupted by Austin's phone ringing.
Austin's face lit up as he picked up his phone, glancing up at Mason. "Okay, okay, brunch, but go somewhere else, alright? Watch Andrew or something."
"Okay, but if you guys start talking dirty, I'll throw your phone out the window."
Mason settled in next to Andrew, who frowned and sighed quietly, but otherwise didn't complain. The back of the bus was, for the most part, an unspoken quiet area, unless everyone was playing a game or talking about a game, or it was a Serious Conversation.
Mason watched Andrew dominate, and then Andrew handed him a controller. Chris joined later when he wanted to get away from Austin and Stella's horrible phone call that was, of course, taking a turn for the sexual. Mason quickly opted out of the next game when he got a message from Jules.
familyjules: hey hey masonfucker1000
masonfucker1000: oh my god not you again
familyjules: ): u hate me that much already? didn't we just admit we have crushes?
Mason grinned at the reminder. Crushes! He felt like he was fourteen, but he didn't care. They had mutual crushes, and this felt genuine, and natural, and like it could actually be something. AKA, as he was realizing, the polar opposite of all his exes.
masonfucker1000: what? idk what ur talking abt man
familyjules: not-elías cmon
familyjules: don't be a dumbass ):
masonfucker1000: im always a dumbass, darling
masonfucker1000: how was work?
familyjules: eh, it was alright. people are rude, but it's expected
familyjules: how was ur day? haven't heard from u much today
masonfucker1000: its been p chill! day off! mostly been lazying around and playing video games w friends! i hate tony he beats me! almost always! im gonna kill him!! and you wont even know its him on the news!
Sometime early on in their online relationship, Mason had had a hard time not mentioning Andrew, Austin, and Chris. They were his coworkers, his bandmates, his best friends and his family. His bros! How could he not? So, he'd ended up using other names for them. Tony, from Andrew's middle name Anthony, Vic from one of Austin's last names, and well, he'd just been spelling Chris as Criss, which was horrendous but a necessary evil.
familyjules: i'll keep an eye out for tonys in the obituaries and let the cops know they should look for a traveling prostitute who sounds like mason hill when he sings. what game did u play?
masonfucker1000: alrighty but I'm like fucking Mary Poppins ill be up and out before they even get there
masonfucker1000: Halo 5
familyjules: you're fucking mary poppins and not me?
familyjules: D:
masonfucker1000: ohmy god
masonfucker1000: i wish
masonfucker1000: i had a disney boner for her i swear
familyjules: okay but do u mean julie andrews or emily blunt poppins?
masonfucker1000: UH COME ON
familyjules: just making sure dude
familyjules: emily blunt's pretty hot after all
masonfucker1000: MEH SHES ALRIGHT
familyjules: smh your tastes are awful
masonfucker1000: u just fucking dissed urself
familyjules: damn right i did.
familyjules: on the contrary tho
familyjules: i have amazing taste.
masonfucker1000: dont u dare! u are the most gorgeous! the MOST! gorgeous!
masonfucker1000: and shit i cant argue that
familyjules: making me blush again, mf1000? already?
masonfucker1000: anytime and all the time
masonfucker1000: okay but what if I had the biggest grossest mole like
masonfucker1000: on my nose
masonfucker1000: im not saying i DO
masonfucker1000: i DON'T
masonfucker1000: and I'm also not saying moles are gross
masonfucker1000: okay
masonfucker1000: what I mean is
masonfucker1000: what if i was your definition of
masonfucker1000: fucking butt ugly
familyjules: oh, you're mason hill?
masonfucker1000: oh
masonfucker1000: my
masonfucker1000: fucking
masonfucker1000: god
masonfucker1000: u KNOW you wish u were mason's hands !!!!
masonfucker1000: i cant believe you !!!
masonfucker1000: i thought we had something !!!
familyjules: i didn't say his hands weren't pretty
familyjules: just a joke!! you dumbass
masonfucker1000: His HANDS?
masonfucker1000: thats ALL?
masonfucker1000: what about his PERFECT FACE?
masonfucker1000: his MUSCLES?
masonfucker1000: his HAIR?
masonfucker1000: his ASS?
masonfucker1000: his AVERAGE DICK?
familyjules: they're not awful, i guess. i doubt you look too much like him tho
masonfucker1000: I LOOK perfect
masonfucker1000: THATS ALL U NEED TO KNOW RN
masonfucker1000: AND HE'S PERFECT
familyjules: god this is why i don't interact with mason stans smfh
familyjules: now if u look like austin.... i'll nut in my jeans as soon as i see u
masonfucker1000: FUCK U
masonfucker1000: MASON STANS ARE THE BEST
masonfucker1000: and i look BETTER than austin so u WILL nut
familyjules: better??
familyjules: than austin?????
familyjules: does not compute?????????
masonfucker1000: you're INSUFFERABLE
masonfucker1000: I'll murder him
Mason whined indignantly, earning a look from both Chris and Andrew as he grabbed a pillow and stood up to launch it at Austin, who stopped mid-sentence to Stella to stammer and glare at him. "We're not being gross!" He blushed at whatever Stella said in response to that, quickly turning away again.
Mason sat back down without explanation, only mildly satisfied.
familyjules: okay im starting to think you're a traveling murderer prostitute. is that more correct?
masonfucker1000: im too pretty for prison
familyjules: that... wasn't a no
masonfucker1000: 😉🔫🔥🗡️💼🕶🤖🖤😍💥
familyjules: what's the robot doin in there? do u kill via robot?
masonfucker1000: im an emotionless killer
masonfucker1000: ruthless
familyjules: OH. kinky
masonfucker1000: oh, yeah? youre into that?
familyjules: ;)
familyjules: maybe i am
masonfucker1000: wait ur into ruthless murderers or being ruthlessly murdered
familyjules: ;)
masonfucker1000: oh my god its the latter isnt it
familyjules: 🤤🔫🗡️🔥🤖
Mason had practically dragged the boys out of the bus. For all the constant complaining about how cramped and boring the bus was, they sure hated leaving it. Which was totally understandable, fans could be a lot, especially after hanging with them during so many shows and meet and greets, but it was definitely worth it for some food. Or at least that was what Mason thought.
With the help of a couple of bodyguards, the guys managed to get through a small crowd of fans and cameras near the bus, and into the nearest decent-looking restaurant. Mason sighed happily as they were seated. "You guys need sunlight and all that. Papa Rod said we shouldn't be shut in the bus if we can help it."
"Papa Rod can suck it," Andrew kicked lightly at Mason's leg, looking over the menu with interest.
"Do you think they have frozen yogurt? I've been craving it for weeks," Austin questioned, miserable and hopeful as he flipped to the back of the menu. Chris' eyes widened and he dropped his menu in favor of looking at desserts with Austin.
Mason laughed, "If you guys are doing dessert first, I'm in, but I want pie. Wait, you're distracting me! I need to tell you something—"
"They do!" Chris pointed out the froyo on the menu, and Austin gasped.
Andrew watched them deliberate excitedly over flavors in amusement, glancing at Mason. "What's up?"
"I sort of told Jules the truth. That I'm not who I've been telling her I am," Mason blurted, raising an eyebrow as Austin and Chris stopped to stare at him.
"What does that mean?" Austin gaped. "Does she know who you are? Did she faint? Have you checked social media?" Chris tried to discreetly check his phone.
"No," Mason rolled his eyes, laughing a little, "Of course she doesn't know— I just, I couldn't keep lying like that, I felt like shit. And after actually meeting her... I just couldn't, so I told her I'm not Elias, but that I can't really tell her much about me."
"Oh," Chris frowned, putting his phone down. "That's... still sort of..." "Complicated?" Andrew supplied, playing with his fingers anxiously as a few people around them stared and whispered to themselves excitedly. "How'd she take it?"
"Great, and we even admitted we had feelings—"
Andrew gasped sarcastically, smiling slightly as he dropped his chin in his hands as he leaned forward. "You admitted you had feelings?"
"You're not funny, Drew," Mason tried to hide a smile, his next words making it easier. "She said that we can't really... well, date, if she doesn't know stuff about me and hasn't even met me. I told her I'd need time to figure it out. I want to tell her, but... I don't know," Mason muttered, sighing and looking down at the table as he played with the corners of his menu.
"Makes sense," Chris smiled sympathetically, giving his hand.
"We would really like to not experience another Catherine," Austin teased.
Andrew shuddered, "Don't even mention it, I still half-expect for some agent to send us a thriller screenplay based on your fan stalker."
"Ha ha," Mason chuckled, "Okay, I know I've said I'm not really into the big screen, but I would totally do that one."
Andrew looked to Austin and Chris. "So, are we getting the froyo?"
They spent way more time than was necessary debating the validity of certain froyo flavors (honestly, an old debate constantly refueled), Mason checking the Nosam site after they had finally agreed on one.
masonfucker1000: real talk: whos the one person youre embarrassed to say you want to fuck
familyjules: real talk? mason hill
masonfucker1000: aw COME ON
masonfucker1000: what did MASON HILL EVER DO TO U??
familyjules: im KIDDING
familyjules: ur reactions are just hilarious
familyjules: honestly tho? my clone. i'd fuck myself.
masonfucker1000: sadist
masonfucker1000: wait
masonfucker1000: what
masonfucker1000: what
masonfucker1000: you'd what
familyjules: lots of shame in that
familyjules: you heard me
familyjules: read me?
masonfucker1000: 1) i did not expect that
masonfucker1000: 2) why would you have any shame in that
familyjules: 1) gotta keep you on your toes
familyjules: 2) it's fucking myself, dude??? you wouldn't feel any shame if someone walked in on u fucking ur clone?
masonfucker1000: not at all
masonfucker1000: thatd be hot
familyjules: anyway, who would you be embarrassed to fuck?
familyjules: you're biased.
masonfucker1000: biased? cuz i know im hot shit? yeah probably
masonfucker1000: and uh...
masonfucker1000: huh
masonfucker1000: Christina Ricci
familyjules: oh, i thought you were talking about u walking in on me fucking myself. damn. familyjules: misinterpreted
familyjules: and christina ricci????? she's fucking hot
familyjules: why would u be embarrassed
masonfucker1000: that would also be hot
masonfucker1000: and yes, she is masonfucker1000: you don't just fuck christina ricci, you take her out on a date and then get horribly rejected by her
familyjules: .....fair.
masonfucker1000: not to mention shes probably a top
familyjules: major top vibes from ricci too. u trying to tell me something, not-elías?
familyjules: HA
masonfucker1000: ... im a top
familyjules: what if u walked in on christina ricci fucking me
familyjules: what then
masonfucker1000: oh shit
masonfucker1000: id be so mad
familyjules: would u bottom for christina?
masonfucker1000: ...................................................................
masonfucker1000: yes.
familyjules: damn. u would be embarrassed to fuck her then huh
familyjules: wait would u be embarrassed to fuck stella? u could take her and i could take austin
"Ugh, gross," Mason grimaced, sighing at Austin, who had some froyo stuck to his mouth when he looked up at him. "Why is Jules so obsessed with boning you? It's like, the only turn-off."
Austin shrugged sheepishly. "You're finally into someone and she couldn't care less about Mason Hill. It's the universe telling you you're not that great."
"Don't slander, Sally, I'm the best the universe has ever made. The Goddess made me on the seventh day."
Austin opened his mouth to argue, but thought better of it. Froyo was vastly more important than Mason's ego.
masonfucker1000: oh jesus christ
masonfucker1000: i guess i would but i don't like the second part of that plan
familyjules: you don't? ):
masonfucker1000: nope
masonfucker1000: you can take chris
familyjules: ugh
familyjules: dont get me wrong i love chris but i don't love chris
masonfucker1000: ugh?
masonfucker1000: HA
masonfucker1000: thats hilarious
familyjules: he's just big inspo!
familyjules: christo!
masonfucker1000: how bout Andrew?
familyjules: UGH
familyjules: BORING
masonfucker1000: OH SHIT cmon
masonfucker1000: what makes u think he'd be boring?
familyjules: i'd take MASON over andrew
familyjules: i mean, andy's cool and all but he's so quiet
masonfucker1000: you make it sound like fucking mason would be so horrible
familyjules: need someone to talk to
familyjules: puh-LEASE he would be
masonfucker1000: the quiet ones are always the freaky ones
masonfucker1000: oh he talks a lot to the band doesn't he?
masonfucker1000: WHY DO U SAY THAT
familyjules: the freaky ones? are you joking that andrew's freaky? interesting
familyjules: yeah but i'm not the band!
masonfucker1000: im just sayin its who hes close to !
familyjules: what, are u jealous of mason now cuz he's my second choice? this is hypothetical, man
masonfucker1000: masons above all, im jealous u somehow think austin tops him and me and apparently everyone else
masonfucker1000: do u have eyes??
familyjules: hey i didn't know you were in this equation
familyjules: i'd choose you anyday, ne
familyjules: definitely my top choice.
familyjules: 1. not-elías (tho i'd need a name to moan) 2. austin elías salinas vicente 3. mason hill
masonfucker1000: awwww SHUCKS scratch that i have never been jealous in my entire life
masonfucker1000: I read that as neigh tho
masonfucker1000: what's your favorite thing in the entire world
familyjules: is that even a question?
masonfucker1000: yes it is tell me
masonfucker1000: is it sour gummy worms
familyjules: oh that's a good one
familyjules: check out that list again, dude
familyjules: hello? did i kill u or something?
YEAH how are you single ???
give a dude a WARNING
familyjules: whoops
familyjules: just found the right person, so... waiting on them
familyjules: OOPS. warning
masonfucker1000: im the right person, huh?
familyjules: pretty sure you could be
familyjules: not a 60 year old mouth breather? apparently hotter than austin? loves nosam?
familyjules: hilarious?
familyjules: sweet?
familyjules: only downside is: mason stan.
familyjules: but that i can live with
masonfucker1000: oh my god that's an UPSIDE
masonfucker1000: youre really in for it baby
masonfucker1000: im the definition of the right one
familyjules: oh, i'm sure
despite your unrelenting obsession w Austin, you are absolutely heartstoppingly gorgeous, and the easiest person to talk to, with the lamest sense of humor (like me) and you are a huge teddy bear!! 🐻 so right back atcha, sweetheart
familyjules: dumbass. there's that sweetness i was talking about 💙💙💙💙
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