#also it hurts. i forgot how much these hurt. ahhhh
johndonneswife · 4 months
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still thinking abt this pani puri we had three days ago
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deamonichusband · 2 months
hiii, i was wondering if you were willing to do hashira x little sister general hcs?? i thought it would be a rlly cute idea♡♡
thank youuu
When you are their little sister (Hashira and Fem!little sis!Reader)
Ahhhh, thank you for the request! It is a really cute idea, so I am happy to write this. Tho I have to admit some bits will be depressing because some of them have a Backstory full of trauma, so I apologize if it is not 100% cute on every character! ^-^'
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Fem!Reader is the little sister, so this is obviously no shipping post!
Characters in this are: Tengen Uzui, Rengoku Kyojuro, Sanmei Shinazugawa, Giyu Tomioka, Obanai Iguro, Shinobu Kocho, Muichiro Toikto, Mitsuri Kanjiro
Everyone’s Backstory is mentioned in some way, so there are Spoilers for those who don’t know them!
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Tengen Uzui:
-You are the last one of his siblings that is alive, beside one younger brother that you both do not talk to. So he is very protective of you.
-He made sure to teach you how to defend yourself since it was important to him. Especially with how dangerous the world was.
-He made you a necklaces with gems, claiming that you need to look flashy like him.
-When he introduced you to his wives for the first time he went “This is my little sister, look at flashy and flamboyant she is!”
-You took no offense to that introduction since you already knew the way he talked.
-When the other Hashira see you once because he forgot something at your home when he visited, everyone just stared at you.
-When Sanemi came closer all angry, Tengen stood between you two quickly and glared at him angrily.
-“Hurt my little sister and you will regret it!”
-His wives adore you and always bake you cake whenever you visit.
-They also always have some sort of small present for you.
-If you ask him to join the Demon Slayers, he will say no as he does not want you to get hurt.
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Rengoku Kyojuro:
-He adores you and your brother equally.
-He makes sure to visit you two as much as his time allows it.
-He makes you your favourite food when he visits on a bad day.
-When you visit him, mostly when your father is too drunk again, he will proudly show you his own home.
“This is my little sister y/n!”
-He introduces you, with loud words and a big smile, to Tengen as he is his best friend.
-That leads to Tengen proudly showing you his muscle mice, which you think are really cool.
-He will defiantly show you his favourite Ramen Spots and let’s you eat as much as you want.
-He pays for all of it of course.
-He lets it be up to you to be a demon slayer as well. He knows that your father will not support the decision to be one but he will support you no matter what.
-At the end of the day, he just wants you to be safe.
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Sanmei Shinazugawa:
-Sanemi is cold.
-Sure, he is protective but he also is quite cold towards you.
-He makes sure you have your own small home and he asked Master to have someone visit you once in a while.
-But he will never physically be there, unless he really needs to.
-If you ever get hurt by a demon, he will have you live at the Butterfly Estate right after are all healed up.
-He will act cold and like he doesn’t care when you thank him.
-“Don’t thank me, I don’t care!”
-Is what he says to you. But he does tell Shinobu to not let you get hurt again ever.
-Is secretly very protective.
-He only has you and Genya left after killing your mother. And since Genya risks his life being a demon slayer and he is a Hashira, he does not allow you to be a demon slayer as well.
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Giyu Tomioka:
-He lost so many people in his life so far, that he is very protective of you.
-He let’s you live with him and you watched his whole training happen back in the day.
-While he is depressed from it all, from losing them, you are always a ray of sunshine somehow.
-He makes sure to always make you your favourite food.
-He makes sure you are safe and has his crow check up on you when he is away on a mission.
-When he introduces you to Shinobu one day when she visits Giyu, he frowns when she teases him.
-You let out a loud huff at that.
-“Leave my big brother alone, you oversized butterfly!”
-You say that with a lot of confidence and Shinbo stares at you while Giyu has to hold back a laugh.
-If you ever voice the wish to become a slayer, he will distance himself, which worries you a lot. Once you manage to see him eat lunch alone a few days later, you ask him again. He will tense up and sigh sadly.
-“If that is truly your wish, I will not stop you. But promise me to be careful. I cannot lose you as well.”
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Obanai Iguro:
-This man is traumatized deep inside and so are you.
-You were both born into a clan that sacrificed their own children to snake demon for riches.
-He has the scars of it on his mouth still. You did not manage to get out unscared as well.
-The demon had considered you as too cute back then, so she had let one of his mouth corners be cut open as well.
-Once you had both been saved, Obanai always did his best to make sure you were safe and okay.
-He always makes you your favourite food when you feel bad.
-When you have your time of the month for the first time, he panics and asks Mitsuri and Shinobu what to do, so he knows what to do.
-He often talks about Mistrui to you.
-And you love to tease him over it.
-“So, when yis your cute girlfriend visiting again?” You ask with a smirk.
-He quickly smacks the back of your head. “Shut up!”
-You definitely make a bet with Shinobu about how long it will take him to propose to Mitsuri.
-If you ever voice that you want to be a slayer, he will make sure that you train under him.
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Shinobu Kocho:
-The death of your big sibling hit both of you very hard.
-Since she only had you as family after that, she did everything she could to protect you.
-She made you learn how to fight, so you could always protect yourself.
-She 100% threatened requested her swordsmith to make a dagger for you.
-She taught you a lot about medicine.
-She has you work at the Butterfly Estate.
-She is very protective of you and if she ever catches anyone starting at you for too long, she will give them a cold threatening glare.
-“Take your eyes away from my little sister.”
-She says that with a smile. And it makes whoever started at you very uneasy.
-You defiantly tease Giyu with her when you see him.
-If you ever ask her to be slayer, she will say no and you fully understand the reason, so you never ask again.
-You and Aoi are 100% friends and love to talk about any kind of gossip.
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Muichiro Toikto:
-The death of your twin hit you both very hard when it had happened.
-Muichiro had memory issues and even if they slowly got better, you were still always reminding him of stuff.
-You had cut your hair short so people could tell you both apart when anyone saw both of you at the same time.
-You lived at his home and he made sure to make you feel as happy as possible.
-When he got closer to Genya after the swordsmith accident, he introduced you two to each other.
-You were a ray of sunshine and when Genya was left all shy since you were a girl, Muichiro leaned to his ear.
-“If you ever fall for her, I will cut you apart.”
-And then he walks off with a small smile, leaving a now slightly scared Genya behind.
-He makes a lot of paper planes with you.
-He sometimes insults your paper planes lovingly if they are badly made.
-Which makes you upset and he panics and quickly grabs some candy for you.
“I am so sorry! Your paper plane is amazing!”
-If you want to become a slayer as well, he will be the one that teaches you.
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Mitsuri Kanjiro:
-She adores you and always grabs food with you when you visit her at her home.
-You both have the same sweet tooth so you two even drool about thoughts of delicious food.
-You and her send each other a lot of letters back and forth.
-You make sure to make new cakes for her when she visits you.
-And when you visit her, she makes new desserts for you.
-You both are over the moon when you find new food combinations.
-You eat a lot, just like her.
-The restaurant she always goes to loves serving you both food and even gives you desserts on the house.
-“For you, my favourite costumers!” Is what he says cheerfully.
-When she introduces you and Obanai, you are all sweet smiles.
-But once she leaves you two alone for a few minutes, you glare at him.
-“Hurt her and I will break your bones and rip an important limb off.”
-He is shocked and when Misturi comes back, you are back to smiling sweetly while Obanai masks his shocked expression the best he could.
-If you want to become  a slayer, she and your parents fully support you.
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Gyomei Himejima:
-He lost the ophans he had taken in, so he is very scared to lose you as well.
-He always makes sure you are well feed, while you make sure that he takes breaks when he can.
-You know how bad he feels about that horrible day and you sometimes get nightmares. You had been there, well hidden. And you had managed to survive, but that never stopped nightmares.
-If you have a nightmare, he insists that you wake him up right away so he can comfort you.
-He has kind of taken Genya in, so you and him become friends.
-Which made Gyomei get protective of you, even if you assure him that it was fine.
-He got you a kitten as a birthday gift and you gave him one for his.
-YOu and him sometimes take in stray kittens, so you end up with 10 cats in total, which is fine by both of you.
-He knows you are stronger then you look, so when a slayer messes with you one day and you teach them a lesson, he pretends he didn't hear anything.
-If you voice that you want to become a demon slayer, he supports you. But he still worries, so he trains you, tho he is more gentle towards you then to anyone else that he trains.
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miskamix · 7 months
Chubby reader x dazai who is insecure about herself can you can i like your articles very much
Dazai x Chubby!Fem!Reader
AHHHH i didn't expect anyone to request chubby reader stuff!! as a chubby person myself i get so happy when i see chubby reader content 😖
Also sorry for taking so long to wrote this!! i forgot i was a fanfic writer for a while!(and i was on a small break)
Please remember english isn't my first language so my gramer isn't the best!
First off, it fucking cannon (if i remember correctly) that he loves all type of women!! No matter size, race, age(not under 18 tho!!) and much more!!
He would be so hurt to find out his beautifull and amazing belladona is insecure about her weight:(
He holds you so tight and tells you how much he loves you and your chubbines!
He hates when he sees you judging yourself in the mirror when you think hes not there
It hurst him to know you don't feel confidant in the clothes he gets you and he is quite literally ready to get the people who made you insecure killed
He always hold you close to him and makes you lay on top of him when cuddling since he finds comfort in the weight on top of him
if you ever even as much as utter the word "i'm to heavy", then just know he is gonna be shocked to the bone and all pouty
"i'm to heavy.." *Dramatic ass gasp* "How dare my Beautifull, amazing, pretty, sexy, hot,(ect) Bella accuse me of beaing to weak to handler her waight!!"
He would love to see you in skin tight clothes since he loves to look at your body, its very beautifull to him
Wants you to wear his clothes
if you start talking about going on a diet hes gonna beg you not to(unless its what really want or due to health reasons) since he loves your chubbines
"Bella! there is no reason for you to lose weight! you look absolutely beautiful just the way you are!"
Wants you to ride his face 101%!!
"baby, you aren't to heavy, plus it would be the best way to die, in between my beautiful belladona's thighs!"
This motherfucker will drag your body down on his face so he can feel your full waight
one time he passed out for a few seaconds since he couldn't breath
"My dear, that was the closest to death i've been in a while!"
Wants you to wear lingerie, he says it makes you look super sexy
This was a bit rushed TT
i couldn't come up with more on the nsfw part TT
Also requests are open but i have quite a lot so it'll take a while before i can finish them! and i'm gonna try finishing some of the older ones!
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1800pain · 7 months
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A really fucking big Notion template by yours truly
I was requested by a follower of mine to create a gender hoard. So obviously, I did everything and more. You can look at my personal gender stash if you want ideas on what to make yours look like.
Templates within templates
Views. Too many of them. My head hurts.
And an about me?
I took the extra effort and sanity to be pretty in-depth about explaining things for people who are new to this sort of thing. There's a note at the top of the page called "Notes for template users" that I HIGHLY recommend to read to understand if you're new with Notion.
Does it look long? Yes. Is it actually long? Technically no. What I did was added a lot of views for the database so that you can pick whatever you like and just delete the rest. Just be sure you do it properly so you don't accidentally delete anything you actually want to keep.
The entire thing is meant to be pretty modular, meaning you're free to add and delete shit as you will, and you can also insert this into another template if you feel. It's pretty adaptable, so go ham. The only thing I will say about this template is that it wasn't made with DID/OSDD in mind, so there isn't say, categories for alters or specific labels etc for that, but you can fix that with just a few clicks.
You probably already know the next thing I'm going to say...
Endogenic systems/non-traumagenic systems and their supporters are not allowed to use my templates, full stop.
Bigots and assholes aren't allowed to use my templates. Eat shit and die.
You can edit it as much as you like as long as you do not redistribute any version of the template as your own.
I honestly didn't put a place for credit, which is fine because I don't require anybody credit me. If you do keep the credit (or make one in this case), you can move it anywhere you want.
It's 1 AM. I'm going to sleep now.
Also, I'm not really sure how to sort out these sorts of lists, so I just kinda put in the bare minimum after doing a few Google searches. If I get anything wrong or misrepresent something, it isn't my intention to be an asshole just because.
I'm exhausted. Good night.
Link: https://1800pain.notion.site/Gender-Sexuality-Pronouns-Hoard-Template-4cfac5f1336b4fcdb7d00f4be3f41b0b?pvs=4
EDIT: AHHHH I also forgot and I don't know where to put it—I added some references for pronouns/pronoun dressing rooms since I thought those were awesome and cool! Alright, that's all, I'm off to dream about men.
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wolfythewitch · 2 years
I love your Ulysses animations so so much. I think I watched the "I know you're a goddess" and the "This is my goodbye" one on a loop probably thirty times each since yesterday. The facial expressions are so good.
The way his shoulders tilt the opposite way!! The hands/arms movements in general! This is my goodbye:
the mean smile when he says "this way you won't plague my life" when five seconds ago he called her his friend and now he says he chooses to cut her out (because she threatened to do it first) and he keeps looking so sad all throughout even when he's mad and defiant and you can just feel that they care about each other (or that he cares about her. God feelings are harder to grasp) and are mad with the other I just love it so much and I feel so sad? They feel like they're taking cheap shots at each other just to hurt but they're only able to (or only need to) because they just care so much and I am so there for getting my heart ripped out like that. So, yeah, I love that smile.
the shot where she's behind him and bends to talk to his ear!!!!!!!!! I just - it's so pretty! Not in a… I dunno. Pretty might not be the right word. Powerful? I just absolutely love it. It talks straight to my hindbrain.
also Athena's design. The not-quite-humanness of her face (her eyes! (how much room they have to narrow to slits when she's pissed!) her mouth! the line economy, contrasted by Ulysses' scruffiness). Her sheer height. The way she tilts her face arrrgh I can't I just love it so much.
the way they just spent three full minutes screaming at each other but he still looks gutted when she leaves.
(for context, this is the first I hear about the musical it's from, I just, like, read the Iliad and/or the Odyssey long enough ago that I forgot most of it and have passing familiarity with the overall plot and a few select scenes but not much more)
Wait actually I wanna talk about some frames agah
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So with these frames specifically. On the first one, I wanted him to look like he's searching her expression for any shred of remorse or regret or anything to hint that maybe she cares. Then he turns away, bitter, when he finds none.
And ahhhh this frame
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This was the frame that got me to make the animatic. I really wanted to draw this out so that's why I started the whole thing haha. I wanted two things out of it: 1. Power imbalance. Their relationship is always gonna pretty unbalanced in terms of authority and power alone. She's a Goddess and he's a man, it's clear who's got the upper hand. 2. I wanted it to look like she was speaking directly into his ear. To show it as a cold, calculated action, and also to have it be emblematic of when advisors or generals whisper strategies to the king. She might have once done the same action to guide him, but now she's doing it to tell him she's done.
And OUGH this frame
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So you've probably already caught Telemachus, Penelope, Polites, and Astyanax in the frame. But also. Also. Since this appears in the line "you're just a man", it's like. It's not quite the ghosts of the dead, since Penelope and Telemachus are there. It's more an embodiment of his loss, his weaknesses, really. What he's already lost and what he still stands to lose. He's just a man because he cares and he loves and he yearns. It's his ruin as much as it's his reason to keep fighting, at least in her eyes.
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papil0nglegs · 15 days
Is it casual now? ❤️‍🩹
Scout x reader *in situationship
A/n: I FORGOT I HAD THIS IN MY DRAFTS AHHHH, ok this is where I actually take a break from writing. Just thought I’d give you guys something to eat up before I leave! Don’t worry I’ll be back, don’t miss me too much <33
Warnings: Situationship, ‘breakup’, angst with bittersweet ending.
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Dividers by Strangergraphic-archive
God he does not know how to handle this. You being in a situationship hurt him. Not only does he love you, but you were in a never ending cycle of lust, false hope, and rejection. He’ll talk to spy about it but there’s only so much he can do, he knows how to pull the ladies but doesn’t know how to pull them out of something like this.
It just felt like a wound that kept getting rubbed with salt. He saw how much you forced yourself to change just so that you can think of having a slim chance of being with them. He hated it, it drove him insane.
“Spy, I feel like I’m losing my damn mind!! I can’t stand seein’ them like this, it’s been drivin’ me nuts.”
“Relax boy, you’ll be lucky to be able to snap them out of it before they sabotage themself.”
Cease-days were no longer days where you and scout can fool around all day. Now you woke up everyday at 5am to get ready to spend the entire day with them. Shaving every inch of your body, spending hours on your makeup and hair, and looking for an outfit that’ll be sure to make them happy. You’d come back to the base at 12-3am, no one saw how ruined your makeup was from wiping your tears away after another day of nothing but desperation.
Once you came home at 6:00, just in time for the sky to turn a light grey. All the mercs were sound asleep, except for scout. He doesn’t sleep until you come back.
You immediately flopped yourself on your bottom bunk face first into the pillow, not bothering to take off your shoes or even undo your hair. Scout stared into the wall side of his bed and heard you cry, your pillow muffling your voice. Scout was the only one who heard you that night, he closed his eyes, trying to think of ways he can get you out of this mess you kept crawling back to. But he didn’t know that you were basically dragged out of it that morning.
The morning was pretty rough on you. The alarm clock along with the sounds of bickering the mercs caused didn’t allow you to sleep another minute. So you basically forced yourself to wakeup, which was enough to motivate scout to confront you about what was going on. He offered to just have a little chat with you, and you obliged. Now the two of you were sitting on the side of your bed, staring into the ground.
“Listen toots, I’m just thinkin’ that.. none of this is good for you. I mean, it’s been gettin pretty ugly ever since you’ve been visiting that guy. I’m your friend, y/n, and I need you to know that I love you and you can’t keep doin’ this shit to yourself..”
You stared into his blue eyes, and all you could do was, laugh? But your eyes were watering, were you crying or was this all a joke to you? Thats what scout kept asking himself, until you later began to frown, and your laughs turned into sobs. You leaned against his shoulder, your tears staining his sleeve. He didn’t care, he just kept on rubbing your shoulder, leaning his head against yours. He felt upset for you but also somewhat relieved, if anything, this was better than whatever you had to go through before this.
After he helped you through the breakup with a guy you’ve never been in a relationship with, you wrecked their house while they were at work. I mean, fuck around and find out right? Neither of you had the nuts to go straight up kill him but something is better than nothing. While you’re at it, why not set his house on fire! Unless they’re still in there.. wait whys their car still in the driveway?
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All I can say after the update is… Tobin I will take your hand in marriage IMMEDIATELY. Tobin is the only IF RO that makes my heart go pitter patter thump thump drum drum beep beep <3 I adore them. THE LOCKER ROOM SCENE. The honest conversations with MC about their new relationship with their own queerness. The delicious ~sexual tension~ during and after the match ���� i could spend an ETERNITY reading Tobin’s scenes and it would still never be enough of them. ty for their creation and for the options in this update for MC to simp a lil over them lmao they deserve it
And SAM don’t think I forgot about you and how fun/adorable it was to see you immediately become the hall’s favorite. Can’t wait for the rest of the weekend, MC/Sam bestie time, and that damn confession *shakes fist* hand over that heart of yours, o’connelley. It’s time.
also I love how all the ROs have such varying reactions in regards to jealousy (but did I have to read them in the code because I refuse to hurt Tobin or Sam EVER, yes. Yes I did). MC sweating over Sam and G interacting while G is cool as a cucumber was very funny, and so was Rayyan’s curt poutiness. Tobin and Sam both swallowing how they feel in their own ways was P A I N F U L.
anddd I know writing the matches, especially for doubles, must be an unbelievable amount of work but it genuinely pays off because all the different variations are so fun to play each time. I’m on the edge of my seat for every match
I love love love that you enjoyed the Tobin scenes (and the convo about their queerness, it will be explored a little more as the relationship unfolds--if it does--and I am beyond excited to get to explore that further, especially with someone as mature, but new, to their sexuality as Tobin!)
Spoiller below.
MC can jokingly say to Tobin in the locker room that kissing them is life changing, but that's more true than they suspect!
And as for Sam being immediately folded into the hallmate gang... I'm sure no one is surprised ;) and yes it's going to be a weekend of laughs/fun/possibly a bit of angst! Sam's confession.... hopefully they gear up the courage and bite the bullet already!! (They can certainly tell theyre not short of competition at Cargill 👀)
And as for the varied jealousy reactions... God there's more variation in there than I think most people will get to experience, but worth it I think, because each character is so different, and approach relationships with the MC so differently! I hope it yields new scenes and new nuances each time folks play a slightly different romance route :)
Finally, writing the tennis matches always take much longer than I myself expect them too--and I always end up wondering if I've gone into too much detail/made them too long, but each time I'm like nah it's a significant match! Except I've been saying that about every match so far (save for maybe the Deepal match). I think so far the feedback has been that people appreciate the variation and the length of the matches and that they continue to feel thrilling, but I promise to keep calibrating them as I write!
Thanks again for your wonderful message, love it so much! 😊
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flutistbyday-1 · 7 months
Angel Dust's Birthday
It was Angel's birthday.
Charlie is determined to let Angel Dust just how much he is loved.
Y'all. I broke my own heart writing this, so be warned.
Angsty fluff that *should* make you feel a little better.
I'm new to the fandom and I wrote this in a few hours. It's only been edited once, so I apologize for the errors.
In which Angel Finds out just how much he's loved.
Angsty fluff.
Warnings: heartache
Word count: 2217
I messed around with the timeline a little. Moonlight Serenade wasn't recorded and released until the 1940s, but I love it SO much. It was my great grandmother's favorite song and I feel like a child when I hear it. I suggest listening to it! Also, I forgot what a BITCH it is to format on Ao3. Sorry, y'all.
“Fucking Val and his stupid mother fucking games,” Angel mutters as he stomps into the Hotel.
Valentino knew what an important day it was and was still an ass to Angel.
As much as Angel didn’t want to admit it, Val had hurt his feelings and he wanted to drink it off.
He stomps past the lobby but Cherri Bomb stands in his way, arms on her hips, wide smile on her face.
“Hi, Angel! What are you doing? How was your day?” she all but screeches.
Angel involuntarily grimaces, pushing Cherri away as she attempts to stop him from moving forward.
“What? I’m fine, Cherri,” he hisses. “What are you on about? Let me through.”
Cherri pushes back, gaining some momentum.
“Seriously, Cherri, I’ve had a long day and I just want to get drunk.”
She grins. “Even better,” she said. “Let’s go blow something up--”
“I’m not in the mood,” Angel yells, puffing up to all eight feet.
Cherri’s grin falters. “Just trying to cheer you up,” she grumbles, still attempting to stop Angel but failing.
Angel was fueled by a shit day and the need for alcohol.
“Wait--” Cherri grabs his arm, but he pulls away.
“Shit! Fuck! AHHHH!! Mother fucker!”
He rushes to the source of the noise-- the kitchen.
He goes through the door frame and is greeted by a six-foot flame shooting from the oven; Charlie frantically waves her arms, screaming at the top of her lungs.
Lucifer came rushing in. “What is--”
He took in the scene and with a snap of his fingers, the flame was gone, but a pitiful Princess was left.
She looked at Angel and burst into tears.
“What the fuck?” Angel gets out before Charlie throws herself on him, clinging to him with a death grip.
“I’m sorry,” she chokes out between sobs. “I wanted it to be perfect! But I can’t even make you a cake!” She wails at the top of her lungs.
He patted her head the way one would pat a bomb. He gives Lucifer a “please help me” look and Lucifer takes in a breath.
“She wanted to surprise you with a cake and a party.” Lucifer grimaces and pulls Charlie from Angel.
“Uh, Vaggie? Can you come here?” he calls.
Vaggie comes in a moment later. “What the fuck?”
Lucifer drops the still blubbering Princess into her girlfriend’s arms and gives a tight smile.
Vaggie pulls Charlie closer, petting her and pushing her hair back.
He walks to the oven and pulls out the cake pan. “I don’t know how,” he says, hands on hips, “but she managed to set the oven on fire,” he picks up the oven pan and the cake batter drips out. “And failed to cook the cake.”
Vaggie's eyes widen and Charlie wails louder.
“I’m suck a fuck up!” she sobs.
“No, you’re not!” Angel, Lucifer, and Vaggie say.
It takes some doing, but eventually, Charlie is calmed down enough to proceed with the party. She leads Angel to a parlor and half-heartedly says, “Surprise!”
The room is decorated from top to bottom in shades of pink and white. Streamers, table cloths, napkins, cups, and even a banner that read, “Happy Birthday, Angel Dust!” written in immaculate handwriting.
Niffty comes running in. “Do you like the sign? I made it. And I helped decorate. And I--”
Angel smiles at Niffty. “I love it.”
She beams and Angel looks around the room and notices a very empty spot where a cake should be. He lets out a puff of air.
Charlie notices the change in his face and her face falls. “I’m sorry, Angel.”
“Now, now!” Alastor sings out as he appears from the shadows. “This is a birthday party and there is no frowning at a party!”
He pinches Charlie’s cheek and she forces a smile.
“Hey, asshole,” Angel calls out. “She’s feeling rough. Leave her be.”
“Would that be any way to talk to someone who helped plan your party?” The Radio Demon says, an ever-present smile on his face.
With a snap of his fingers, a cake appears on the table. It’s 10” in diameter, pink, covered in a spider motif, with a spider web from frosting on the top, and “Happy Birthday” elegantly scrolled in the middle.
Angel balks. “Uh,” he coughs out. “Thanks, Smiles.”
“You are more than welcome!” An audience cheers from Alastor’s microphone and there are eye rolls around the room.
Husk walks over with a martini glass with pink and blue liquid, a sugared rim, and topped with cotton candy. He smiles. “A special cocktail for the birthday boy.”
Angel takes it and sips gingerly. He smiles. “This is amazing, Whiskers!”
Husk narrows his eyes in false anger, but his smile gives him away.
The group migrates to the couch and the conversation becomes lively. Fat Nuggets finds his way to his owner, Niffty perches on Alastor’s shoulders, and Vaggie sits close to Charlie. They laugh and share their favorite memories of Angel, much to his chagrin.
After half an hour and three cotton candy martinis, Charlie jumps up and claps her hands once. “Okay!” She looks at Angel. “Would you like to do cake or presents first?”
“Cake,” Angel says decidedly.
Lucifer dims the lights and ignites the candles on the cake with a flick of his wrist.
“Show off,” Angel murmurs under his breath.
“I heard that!”
“Dad!” Charlie admonishes, ushering Angel to the table with the cake and sitting him down in a chair.
Vaggie pulls out her phone and the group sings.
Angel smiles and blows out his candles. He wishes for freedom but is only in his thoughts for mere seconds as Lucifer turns the lights back on and Charlie is cutting the cake.
Angel gets the first piece and the group waits until the first bite is taken before they join.
“This is delicious,” Angel moans.
“Surprised?” Alastor asks, smiling.
“Well, yeah,” Vaggie answers for Angel.
“It was my mother’s recipe.” Alastor taps his head, indicating he had the recipe memorized.
They finish their cake and migrate to the couches. Angel sits cautiously and is handed a small box, four inches wide and two inches tall.
To my favorite loser
Angel opens the box. It was a custom deck of cards with pictures from Voxtagram-- one of him with Charlie, one of him and Fat nuggets, one of the whole crew after Sir Pentious’ first week-- Angel Dust was glaring the whole time-- and one of him and Husk after they had bonded.
“I know that you’ll memorize the cards and it will be even easier to count this deck, but--” Angel cuts Husk off with a dismissive wave of his hand.
“Thanks, Husk,” Angel whispers. “I love them.” He smiles. “But we--” he points a finger between himself and the cat demon, “are never playing with them.”
Husk laughs brightly at Angel’s smirk.
Angel’s heart felt a little lighter. Maybe this won’t be so bad, he thought. He appreciated the gift, knowing how much time and effort Husk had put into it.
Vaggie hands him a small, rectangular package. He opens it gingerly and takes out a necklace.
It’s gold with a short chain, M <3 A, in the middle. Two gold letters and one rose gold heart.
Angel’s heart stutters. He knew instantly that they were the initials for Anthony and Molly.
“How--” he asks but is cut off by another present thrust in his arms.
Charlie smiles brightly.
Angel opens the package carefully, now wary of presents.
He opens a plain white box and sees a carousel with four horses on gold poles. The top and bottom are pink and white striped with gold motifs decorating the edges and a gold flag at the top.
“Turn it over,” Charlie encourages.
Angel does and looks blankly at the knob before turning it. He releases the knob, and “Moonlight Serenade” by Glen Miller, his mother’s favorite song, starts playing. Not the usual music-box noise, either. A real recording.
He gulps.
His heart stops and then starts again, pumping faster. His eyes dart to Charlie and his heart breaks. He blinks several times, trying to gather his thoughts; trying to stop the tears from falling.
Husker notices and there is another martini in Angel’s hand in an instant.
Charlie’s smile falters and she looks concerned. She looks at Vaggie nervously.
Angel asks, “How do you know about my human life?”
Lucifer clears his throat and blushes. “I may or may not have peaked at your human life," he says, dragging out the first 'may'.
Angel guffaws. “You can do that?!”
“I’m the King of Hell,” Lucifer snorts. “And a fallen angel. I have powers.”
Angel rolls his eyes, but his breath is taken away when Lucifer opens a portal and Angel’s human life plays in black in white, like an old film. Him taking his first steps, learning how to ride a bike, giggling with Molly, his first day of school, his first friend; all on display, conjuring up memories and feelings he thought he’d forgotten and repressed.
Angel tears up. “Gee,” he chokes out but doesn’t continue because the images shift to Molly.
She’s crying at Angel’s funeral and Angel stands up, yelling at Lucifer.
“You think I wanna see that?” he screams.
“Patience, Angel Dust,” Lucifer chides in a non-negotiable tone.
Angel sits, but crosses both sets of arms, ready to stand up and storm out at any given moment.
The images shift to a man comforting Molly: a mutual friend, Thomas, after Molly faints.
The movie forwards to Molly and Thomas’ wedding.
Angel tears up. “She looks so beautiful.”
“And happy,” Charlie says gently.
“And happy,” Angel echoes softly.
The movie shifts again, but now it’s in color. There are two children on the screen, laughing.
Angel sits up. “Who’s that?”
Lucifer can’t help the sigh that comes out of his mouth. “Your niece and nephew.”
The movie stops and Angel stands up, going toward the images, and tries to touch it, but his hand goes through. He pulls both sets of arms around him and looks at Lucifer forlornly.
Lucifer’s heart breaks. He can relate. The “what if” can be too much sometimes. “Your niece, her name is Mary.” Lucifer smiles brightly and more images of Mary flit through the portal. She’s laughing with her twin, taking her first steps, learning how to ride her bike.
Angel smiles ruefully. “And the boy?” he whispers.
Lucifer clears his throat. “Anthony Martin the Second.” It’s soft and Angel almost didn’t hear the name.
He turns around slowly and can’t help the tear that leaks out of his eyes. He swipes at them quickly and looks around the room. Charlie, Vaggie, and Alastor are all engaged in the movie and don’t see. Angel locks eyes with Husk and is given a knowing nod. Angel blushes to the top of his head.
He looks back at Lucifer. “So I have a niece and a nephew.” He smiles.
Lucifer continues the movie, showing Molly and Thomas growing older while the twins grow up. The group watches as Anthony and Mary get married and start their own lives. There is an Anthony Martin the third, then an Anthony Martin the fourth.
Angel’s eyes get wider. “Wow. I didn’t realize how much I was idolized.” He spits out the last word.
Charlie places a hand on Angel’s shoulder. “Your sister loved you and talked highly of you.”
Angel grimaces, but his face softens when he sees his sister on her deathbed.
Angel gets as close to the portal as he can without going through it. Fat Nuggets nudges at Angel Dust’s feet and is picked up. Angel hugs him closely.
Molly looks at her children and grandchildren, smiling until she falls unconscious.
“She passed away ten years ago,” Lucifer offers gently. “She went straight to heaven.”
Angel looks forlorn again. “Sorry, Molls,” he whispers, accent dropping just slightly. He wipes his eyes and turns toward his friends. “Thank you,” he says, voice warbling. “Val was such an ass today--”
Angel is cut off when Charlie throws her arms around him and hugs him tightly. “We love you so much, Anthony,” she says, her voice also unsteady. “I just wanted to give you something good.”
Angel hugs back with a fierceness that Charlie didn’t expect. Fat Nuggets protests and drops to the ground, looking plussed by the intrusion.
Angel likes that Charlie uses his real name. They hug for a long while, everyone quietly watching.
Lucifer snaps, and the banner changes to say, “Happy birthday, Anthony!”
Lucifer’s heart swells with pride as he looks at his daughter. He did raise a wonderful little girl-- no, woman.
Angel is still hugging Charlie when “Moonlight Serenade” plays through the portal.
He turns and sees his mom dancing in the living room, holding a small boy—his lip quivers.
He turns and sees his friends standing in front of him, small, hesitant smiles on their faces.
Lucifer hands him a DVD and smiles knowingly. Angel takes it and hugs it to his chest before setting it with the rest of his presents.
“Thank you,” he says. “Thank all of you.”
Then Anthony walks over to Charlie. “My lady,” he says in an exaggerated accent, bowing to the Princess. “May I have this dance?”
Charlie chuckles and curtsies. “Of course,” she replied in the same exaggerated accent.
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rmorde · 3 days
Trigun Manga Reaction
Now reading Volume 1 Chapters 7!
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Oh. Nice foreshortening!
Have I mentioned before that the art in the manga is amazing? I mean not only is it pretty but the techniques and the visual storytelling!
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This manga really spoils me rotten with beautiful double spreads.
Was Trigun a weekly manga or a monthly comic in the 90's? Like, how is this level of quality maintained every chapter?!
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This sweet apologetic smile. Baby Girl Vash. SOMEONE PLEASE PROTECT HIM!!!
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I love this part because of how the "tech" looks. Maybe I'm just high on nostalgia but if you ask me, the best and most creative visual takes of futuristic technology are from the 90's. OK... 70s to 80's too. BUT 90'S ARE THE BEST!
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LMAO! I remember this! Vash loves teasing his enemies with cheeky notes, doesn't he?
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Dime novels??? Penny dreadfuls?? Gasp! HARLEQUINS?!!
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Also, another amazing nightmare face! But then...
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WHIPLASH! Vash adding levity by hyping himself up. Tho more likely, he is telling the truth. Not that anyone would really believe it with the facade he puts up.
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Oh, wait. I only notice this just now. The Vash's glove design in the manga is what was used in in Tristamp. Only three fingers are covered. In '98, it was all of his fingers are concealed by the glove.
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AH! I REMEMBER THIS! ESPECIALLY HOW IT ENDS! I'm laughing already. Kaite... is not the best navigator.
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Ah Classic Vash. Deflect. Deflect. Deflect.
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Oh... This scene. It's kinda scary how catching Vash off guard is deadly for his attacker. Really highlights how much he has to control all himself all the time. Killing is too easy for him with his abilities. So, he has to exercise strict disciple and caution for the sake of others all the time.
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This is also sad. A kid telling off an adult for not wanting to kill. It really hammers down how awful their world is - that killing is the norm and logical thing to do. Avoiding violence and killing is seen as stupidity.
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This page makes my heart hurt for so many reasons. Vash is suffering physical pain from being shot. However, I think what is more devastating is his ideals being questioned and insulted by a child - someone who should be innocent from the concept of taking lives.
Vash was hurt by what Kaite said. But, I think he also understands why he did it too. It was out of both worry and the unfortunate circumstance of their violent word. Hence, his intense glare at the top of the page then softening into a sheepish look at the bottom.
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Oh wow. Another beautiful art and amazing composition and...
Rem just has strong presence in the manga, doesn't she? It's something that was in Tristamp but kind of lessened in '98.
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Oh... I wish this had not been cut out from '98. I don't think this can be rehashed in Tristamp, can't it? Damn... it deserves to be animated.
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Kudos for '98 in doing a great job animating this page.
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Boo for not doing justice for this page, '98! WHAT THE HELL?! Why was Rem not featured a lot in '98?! At least, Tristamp made up for it... BUT I LIKE REM'S LONG HAIR DESIGN BETTER!
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AH.... Ah? AHHHH?!
Fuck! I forgot. This was not supposed to be funny?! Why did I remember this scene is funny?!
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I read about the filler thing. Didn't expect it to be that much. And yeah, I'm really admiring Nightow's skills with scaling in his art. It really enhances his visual story telling.
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It is slowly dawning on me the differences between '98 and the manga PLUS the similarities between Tristamp and manga.
I guess my memory is not as accurate as I believe. I thought the OOC-ness from '98 is not that much yet. I thought Vash being a horndoggy perv is just a Badlands thing. It's really nice that it is nowhere here in the manga tho and Tristamp.
It begs the question tho, why make Vash like that in '98?
Oh. So Wolfwood's situation and I guess the '98 ending is similar to what happened with the first Fullmetal Alchemist anime? The studio was forced to do an AOE.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts! Feel better soon.
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lu-sn · 2 years
Hi Lu 👋 Do you have any thoughts or insights on why Porsche gave Vegas access to Pete during the club scene with Pete?
anon it is quite possible that i have too many thoughts. i need to have my last working braincell taken away from me so i can chill tf out
ok! so let's lay the scene. you're porsche, and you've watched your closest friend at your very intense job come back from being probably-kidnapped and probably-tortured, probably by a man who betrayed you and your boyfriend horribly and tried to kill you not more than two weeks ago, and your friend cannot talk about it at all, and your friend looks like he's been mauled and also like he'll never be happy again
you also kiiiiind-of-sort-of were a really bad friend back, because said friend walked into this situation to help you and then you forgot about him and oops you also told your boyfriend not to worry about him and now look, you've given PTSD to a perfectly good pete and he'll never be the same
so you, porsche, feel extremely guilty.
the interesting thing about all of this is that we know porsche is a compassionate person. he cares about his friends! it's clearly bothering him that pete is so down! he offers to go fight the people who hurt pete!
and then he puts pete right back into the hands of the lying, cheating man who probably tortured him.
you just... you can't explain this away. no matter how you look at it, it can't be beneficial to pete, given what porsche knows about the situation. arguably if he knew more, he would know even better how vitally important it is to keep pete away.
this is the first real hint we get that porsche is willing to make sacrifices out of the people around him to get what he wants. it's the biggest neon sign so far that the mafia is corrupting him.
but here's why i love it so much — it makes sense. it makes so much sense. porsche has finally understood that he is trapped in some sort of decades-old web woven by korn, and that he cannot trust anyone in the main family to help him figure it out. this is the murder of his parents we're talking about. this is the event that sent his life careening off its path and changed his and his brother's life forever. it is a HUGE deal. porsche deserves to know the truth, and he can tell that the window on that is closing.
is it stupid for him to go to vegas, after everything that happened in ep10? yes. but it's the least stupid option of all, because vegas is the one person who is never on the side of the main family.
so he calls vegas (somehow — don't think too hard about how porsche reached him) and he grits his teeth and he asks for help.
and vegas, mind you, is currently in a hell of his own making. these are quite literally the worst days of his entire life — not that porsche knows that. so of course vegas seizes on the opportunity to ask for the one thing he needs most, which is just to see pete. that's all.
do we think porsche said yes immediately? do we think he hesitated, even for a moment, to think about why vegas wanted to see pete, and what kind of damage that could do to pete? did porsche fear for pete's life at all, especially given that from what he knows of vegas, vegas could be trying to do anything from imprisoning pete again to outright killing him?
but do we think porsche maybe, possibly, connected the dots, though? that he heard vegas asking for pete and thought of pete refusing to talk about vegas and thought "they love each other and they're both hurting"? because that would be a decent reason.
i will be real with you, anon: i don't think he connected the dots. not before he actually sees vegas in person. and maybe there, in the alleyway, he clocks that vegas is emotionally compromised (the way vegas's voice cracks when he asks about pete??? JUST END ME AHHHH). but he still doesn't know anything for sure about pete's feelings. pete hasn't mentioned vegas by name even once.
i want to think he hesitates, when vegas asks over the phone. and then he decides to ignore his hesitation, despite vegas having the worst track record of all time, and tells himself that it'll be ok — that he'll just let vegas see pete once, just a short visit, and he'll stop vegas from doing anything too crazy, and pete will be ok. pete might even need it, he thinks. maybe pete will feel better afterwards.
i don't think he consciously makes the decision to prioritize his needs over pete. i think he's actively remaining in denial about how badly this could go! he's going to go through with it no matter what, and so why would he bother cataloguing all the consequences when they're just going to make him feel worse? instead, he'll make himself feel better by punching vegas, and then telling vegas that vegas better not hurt pete again, and then he'll feel absolved, just a little.
and again, to his credit, i think there's a very good chance he understands how much vegas cares for pete after the alleyway. and maybe that on its own makes it okay that he left vegas alone with pete UNSUPERVISED. but all of his actions up until that point? they're selfish.
pete walked through fire for porsche — and porsche looked pete in the eye, grabbed him by the shoulders, turned him around, and sent him straight back in.
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hacked-by-jake · 4 months
I did read your fanfiction idea post. And I didn't like. Because I feel idiotic with my idea, but still want to share it. Yeah. Let's go
A bunch of people thought that the way Adam was acting in his phone call reminded them of Jake, right? He's probably not gonna be Jake, but let's dive into that for a moment
Sometime after he had to go on the run, maybe around 3 years ago, Jake came to Redlog for some time. He met the group there under the name Adam (I forgot his last name)
Since then he has always spent a little time in Redlog whenever it was safe, told the group that he just had a job that needed him to travel a lot.
Fast forward, after the mine incident, Jake doesn't immediately even have time to contact MC, he just tries to get away.
He goes to Redlog in hopes to get Adam alivr again and as his cover. There he plans on contacting MC, but something happens. He finds something, figures out something (don't know what). Endangers himself again.
And he doesn't want MC to be in danger with him. So he tries to fix it. But it doesn't work out. (Hence the tarot card) It's too late, whatever the danger was, it found him. And he knows the only way to get out of that is his MC. The girl (or boy, I'm a female so that's easier to type rn) that dove into a kidnapping case without a second thought.
So he sends Eric MCs contact. He tries to call her, but the signal's already too bad.
The second time he calls her, Jake realises she wouldn't know his face. He doesn't get himself to tell her his name. But he also knows he needs her to keep going. He wants her to know that he survived the mine. Hence the "It'll seem impossible without me" blahblahblah.
I'd want MC to realise who Adam is xD And then, when they finally see each other again, hug & kiss & tell each other it's going to be okay. All while Eric stands there and is like "Eeeeh what?"
To be honest, I don't understand at all why you're feeling idiotic about it. This is such a cool and interesting idea! I had to giggle so hard when I read the last part. We sure need Eric to react to that, pahaha. Simply genius.
Also making the connection with people feeling like Adam is Jake and how he met the group and how MC gets involved is very thrilling.
I mean, you could do it this way or you could also say, something goes incredibly wrong and some of Jake's enemies find out about Jake and MC's relationship thingy. So Jake wants to deal with it himself and wants to solve this. He goes to the Greenside but it goes wrong and his enemy already planned to involve MC so Jake's enemy sets up everything, the tarot card etc to drag MC into it and to hurt Jake even more.
But enemy dude wasn't aware how incredibly good MC is and messed up with involving them because MC will definitely find Jake.
And I mean, imagine we would also bring the Duskwood characters into that. I mean, if MC has contact with the group again and Hannah and Lilly ask MC if they know where Jake is... And maybe MC already knows that Jake was kidnapped or whatever.
Should MC lie to his sister? Can they even lie or is that too obvious. All of this. And maybe enemy dude even find out about Hannah and Lilly and boom. Everyone is involved and ahhhh, the party is too big. xD
No, seriously, it's a very interesting and great idea. It sounds very logical and super exciting.
And I mean, it's a whole plot. It's amazing.
And no need to feel embarrassed or whatever, I really love it. And I thank you so much for sharing it with me and us. I really appreciate it. And I'm sure many others will like the idea as well! 💚
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teddybeartoji · 3 months
okay ima js ask all at once and if i thinknof more ill ask then
1.) when'd u get ur first tat?
- on like a 10 point scale, 10 being the worst pain known to man, how much did it hurt?
2.) which tat of urs hurt the most??
- was it bc of the placement or the type of tat u got?
3.) (u dont have to ans this one if its too personal) but do any of ur tattoos mean anything or do you js like being a canvas for art???
4.) what type of tat styles do you prefer?
- can be on yourself or things you js like
5.) which one of ur tattoos took the longest to do?
-and the quickest too cause why not
6.) what made you get into tatts???
1. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii got mine rather late actually considering i knew i wanted one wayyy before i turned 18 lmao. iii think i got it when i was 20!!!
the pain was nothingggg lmaoo the tat in on the back of my arm, like above the elbow (?) so there's just soft skin there yk? i almost fell asleep lmao. on a scale of 1 to 10 i would say a 4???? it genuinely didn't feel like anything BUT I AM ALSO. GOOD WITH PAIN. LIKE OVERALL. SO JUST KEEP THAT IN MIND OKAY.
just to add on the pain tolerance thing, or just to prove that i'm good with it i guess lmao the ones i have on my stomach/ribs literally just felt GOOD. like i remember wincing exactly once bc he went over my hipbone but that was it. even one of the other tattoo artists at the studio said "good luck" before leaving ahgshgasghah but they really just feel good. like i genuinely got horny from those:33
2. i didn't think it was gonna hurt the most honestly but it's the one i have on my inner forearm, just below the elbow. so while that's just soft skin too, it's waaayyy more sensitive. there is a chance that it was a bit bc of the tattoo artist too - she was a bit of a beginner. i would give that like a 6 out of 10, maybe even a 7? it wasn't that bad the whole time though, the seven was just when she was doing the inner part of the arm, the most sensitive place. but hehehe i survived!!!
(she also accidentally pricked me with the needle lmao so i have the teeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeniest tiniest dot on my hand now:333 but it's so small that i have to really look for it ahshgahgsagh aand i wasn't mad too i thought it was really funny ehehehehe)
JKKKKK I CAME BACK HERE TO TELL YOU THAT I LIEDD I THINK MY MOST PAINFUL ONE WAS THE ONE ON MY FINGER ACTUALLYY I JUST KINDA FORGOT ABT THATT LMAOO but i mean that makes sense doesn't it? it like just on bone so it did not feel good. but since it's not a big tat i didn't have to suffer for long!!!!! aand i definitely want more of them still:333333
3. my tats don't have any meaning!!!!!!!!!!! i obvi don't have anything against tats like that i just haven't felt the need or desire to get smth like that. i am thinking abt getting a mitski "a losing dog" tat and i guess that would have a meaning (said meaning just being that i am a losing dog too but idk how deep that really is lmao)
i see a design i like and i get it!!!!!!!! and i am not opposed to funny silly tats either!!!!!!!!!! like the thigh one i have - "i'm so fucking awesome everyone loves me" i just saw the meme and i've never decided on anything faster. i just knew i had to get that on me. so idk if you know disco elysium but this guy is such a fuckup and i love him with my whole heart he is very relatable and the pic was just so fucking funny too i loved it so much I STILL LOVE IT BTWW my second favourite tattoo<3333333
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got it on my 21st birthday too lmao i think that makes it even better
4. SOOOOOOOOOOOOO idk what to really call this style. it's DEFINITELY NOTTTTT for everybody and i completely understand that but i am fucking obsessssedd with it. i am sadly very very very far from where i'd wanna be with my tats, i look nothing like the pics i'm gonna give u but ahhhh one dayy....
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tat 1 + tat 2 + tat 3; like these are soooooooooofucking sexy to meee goood goddd my eyes just rolled back inside my headd aaaaaaaaaa i wanna be covered in them pls
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and here are two better pics of a few of mine hehe:333 the skulls were the second most painful ones1!!
5. theeee longest was the big black one on my arm!!!!!! but that wasn't that long either imo... three hours maybe? three and a half??? man i can't remember but it wasn't too bad!! almost fell asleep during that one too hahahahah
omg and with this one, i was laying down on my stomach right? and my head was turned to the other side for some time and then yk my neck was getting sore so i turned around and i looked at the machine in his arm and i. hm. so yk how there's like a small needle there... it was no longer a tiny one. it was a WIDE ONE?????? and he saw my eyes go a bit wide and he went thirteen :D COME AGAINN???? thirteen needles in one. i had thirteen of them in me at once :DD and i didn't even feel it ahgsghashhaga the look of it just caught me off guard lmao
AAAAAAAAAAAA and the quickest was the one on my fingerr i think in total i spent like an hour and a half at the studio??? but most of it just went to him trying to get the design on there right bc my fingers are CROOKED AS FUCKKKKK rip.
6. I'VE ALWAYS BEEN INTO THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!! literally for as long as i can remember i thought they were super cool!!!!!!!!!! one of my dad's friends has a sick tat on his forearm (hehehe i think i kinda subconsciously did that one a bit after him yk)(though the designs are very different!!! it's the Vibe)
aaand my mom has tats too even thougghh she's not abt that life anymoreee lmaoo it's kinda funny. and my dad has a bunch now too, but he only got more into it just a little before i did idk i think he was kind of a pussy before or smth.
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keepyourpantsongohan · 8 months
Ayesha Liveblogs Jujutsu Kaisen S2
Based on people's foreboding comments I have rarely been so certain a show was about to hurt my feelings. But here we are, ready to be hurt again LMAO
"No one else understands what cursed spirits taste like." Do you think Geto is obsessed with converting Yuji because he's the only other person in the world who eats curses
I wasn't expecting the Utahime and Mei flashback but I do enjoy it
"I don't need that, but you do, right?" Is the implication here that Mei's technique give her impeccable night vision. What is with all these Jujutsu Eyes
Are we going to see ALL the teachers' generation as kids? I have never been listening more in my life. TELL ME MORE:
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However, the fact the subtitle of this arc is "Premature Death" probably doesn't bode well for my feelings
"Satoru, it's not nice to pick on the weak." "What kind of idiot picks on the strong?" A terrible but fair point, Gojo
I didn't really recognize Ieiri in the intro so I'm really, really glad to hear that the Female Teammate of Gojo and Geto is not Super Dead LMAO
"Jujutsu exists to protect non-jujutsu sorcerers." I know they're just playing basketball but I am giggling and kicking my feet. I loooove a backstory. Also: Geto you certainly had quite a turn, didn't you?
"You should be more polite and humble," said Geto to Gojo, in a lesson that the latter would never learn, ever, in his life
Given that someone has to die, I'm placing my bets on Star-Vessel-Gal-That-I-Bet-You-$5-Someone's-Going-To-Fall-in-Love-With
"How's Megumi doing?" "Who's that?" ISN'T HE A TODDLER RN? What a terrible father kjnhgghg. We knew, but wow
"Tengen-sama is me, and I am Tengen-sama." I love that Tengen, Mysterious Keeper of Jujutsu Barriers, is in his mini-skirt era
"I wish I could share my senses with [cursed spirits] like Mei-san does." Well, that explains her impeccable night vision. I sort of forgot that she's also a human surveillance camera
Ahhhh so I guess Riko's like 13 to their 16? Maybe they won't fall in love after all
"Riko, you have a boyfriend?" HAHAHAHA this is the school drama shenanigans I was hoping for
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"I failed!" There something endearing about Gojo learning how to control his techniques
HAHAHAHA they're not going to explain the cutaway to the beach????? Hello???????
"I still don't have much recollection of being attacked." Ah, so it was to resolve the kidnapping situation for Kuroi with immediate success
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Also also also. Just based on his place in the OP, I like Nanami's little friend. I do think he must be Super Dead though
"You haven't released your technique since yesterday, have you? You haven't slept either. And you don't plan to sleep tonight, do you? Are you sure we don't need to go back to Jujutsu High?" This arc is I think what is going to make me love Gojo. I like him well enough, but there's a sincerity here that's getting me. Gojo who tries and fails at new techniques and runs himself ragged to give a dying girl her beach day
"Have we met before?" said Gojo, like Megumi's evil DILF father did not have a sword through his chest
"Never before or after that, had anyone noticed me standing behind them." Hey quick question. What the fuck does that mean?
Ohhhh, Maki and Megumi's Dad have the same No Cursed Energy Condition. It's like a reverse Kekkei Genkai
"No matter what decision you make, we will guarantee your future." Geto and Gojo deciding before even meeting her they'll fight Curse Wizard God to give Riko her autonomy!!!! That's the Jujutsu High spirit I know 😭😭😭😭😭😭
Update from two minutes later: Rest in pieces, Riko-chan
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Geto said: You have actually activated my trauma response, which is unrestrained manslaughter
Ggjkglgjlgkjg Megumi's Dad said: Looks like you brought curses to a gun fight!
Not to poke holes in this monologue, but doesn't changing the size of a cursed spirit require cursed energy?? I feel like this is such a loosey-goosey structure for what is and isn't cursed energy
"I've already decided I'll only see you either for work or in Hell." I want this to be my email signature
Megumi 🤝 His Dad: Accusing your opponent of being high when they act weird
"One, the power to stop: The neutral application of the Limitless technique. Two, the power to attract: the amplified application of the Limitless technique, Blue. And three, the power to repel: the reversal of his cursed technique, Red." Thank you for laying it all out Mr. Megumi's Dad because I would've taken a long time to get there myself. Also does this mean Gojo is like a giant magnet
"Two or three years from now, my kid will be sold off to the Zen'in clan. Do what you will with that." RIP Megumi's Hot, Evil Dad, who I guess didn't sell him? Or pre-sold him? That part's unclear. Also I can't believe Gojo killed Megumi's Dad and then adopted him. And then DIDN'T TELL HIM HE WAS DEAD. GOJO, WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?
(Assuming this actually killed him, that is. He is missing like, a third of his body. Seems pretty fatal.)
Also, after all that, I have finally learned from the episode description his name is (was?) Toji. If they said it, I missed it!
"Does there really need to be any point to [killing people]?" "It's very important that there is. Especially for a jujutsu sorcerer." Geto being the constant voice of reason implies something incredibly drastic must happen to him
Also: I guess GOJO's trauma response is unrestrained manslaughter
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"Are you Geto-kun? What kind of woman is your type?" You mean to tell me that the lady who turned Todo into whatever he is has been menacing people for generations??? LMAO
"Rather than hunt down cursed spirits, I want to create a world where cursed spirits aren't born." Tsukumo coming in with some hot takes on Jujutsu Society it seems
"If all of mankind were jujutsu sorcerers, curses wouldn't be born." Is Geto in the present trying to, force all of society to become jujutsu sorcerers by making a curse-dominant society, thereby eventually making everyone equipped to deal with cursed energy, and eventually starving the curses out? What a weird, terrible, backwards plan. Incredible. Tell me more!!!
"Just keep culling non-sorcerers and force them to adapt into sorcerers as a survival strategy." Why do all anime roads lead to metaphors for geno-[LOUD FOGHORN NOISE]
"But unfortunately, I'm not crazy enough to do that." Geto said: No problem, I am!!!!
I was correct, Nanami's Nice Friend Haibara is in fact Super Dead
It is funny that they make out Geto's descent into madness and [GUNSHOT NOISE] being triggered by people being violent towards the youth, considering he spent the whole first season plotting ways to torture teenagers
"So, you're just going to kill everyone who's not a sorcerer? Even your parents?!" "I can't allow my parents to be a special exception." Alright, Anti-Establishment Itachi, chill out
Ahhhhhhh, poor Gojo, unable to kill or reason with his friend:
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Geto said: I will raise you adopting Megumi and ADOPT TWO TRAUMATIZED CHILDREN, GOJO. BEAT THAT!
"About this dad of yours. I ki--" "I don't care." OH MY GOD MEGUMI. ALSO. GOJO. HE'S FIVE, YOU COULD'VE TRIED A LITTLE HARDER TO TELL HIM
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"If I go [to the Zen'in clan] will Tsumiki be able to find happiness? It all depends on that." MEGUMI HAS BEEN SELFLESS HIS WHOLE LIFE
I do love the very normal but realistic dialogue of Nobara and Yuji talking past each other to convince the other to do an activity the other isn't interested in (shopping and a movie respectively). Also Megumi the Homebody!
Ohhhhhhh my god. Nobara being asked advice from this gal about asking Yuji out and immediately bringing Megumi back to the restaurant. I LOVE SCHOOL DRAMA
"Someone who knows Itadori well is on his way here now." Megumi Fushiguro: Yuji Dating Consultant
"Did my heart skip a beat?" Nobara!! What does that mean!!!
Megumi takes his role incredibly seriously. Beautiful. Perfect. Beyoncé:
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Also. I know it was just an omake, but the implication that it is understood on Team Gojo that Yuji is allowed to date but Megumi isn't is SO FUNNY. They're like, 'He's OUR special boy, leave him alone!'
"But the way she eats and her handwriting and stuff are super nice." Yuji, my sweet boy, who loves girls for their hearts AND their asses
The slice of life parts of this are really getting my heart <3 Give me fifteen more episodes of Team Gojo's dating troubles and going to see Worm Man movies
Jujutsu Kaisen said: Hey Mechamaru have you considered not being disabled, and being evil instead? It's a fresh new look!!
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"I have to use any means necessary to get in contact with Gojo Satoru and tell him about the Shibuya plot." Muta-maru said he's only a pragmatic amount of evil, a means to an end
"I'll be able to see everyone," said Muta-maru, in what I'm sure wasn't foreshadowing of him immediately about to die
"But I want to be even closer to you, Mechamaru. So, one day, I will come see you." Oh, Miwa, I don't think you will
Team Nanami!!! While I am glad to see them, I don't like this for Megumi. That he's here, in Shibuya. Be safe, baby boy!
"Everyone who came up running up to the edge of the veil to escape cried the same thing: Bring Gojo Satoru!" How about we don't do that!
Are they making Maki go on a mission with her grandpa? LMAO
They have made this as OMINOUS as possible. I don't like it. I don't like it at all. STAY AWAY, GOJO!!
"They're making Gojo-sensei do this alone?" MY THOUGHTS EXACTLY!
Mei giving Yuji the option not to fight the people 😭😭😭 The teachers try so very hard to protect them in the ways that they can
"Mankind has long feared, hated and cursed such demonic pests." I am like the opposite of a bug person but I didn't have a specific fear of locusts going into this episode. They're doing their best to give me one though
"Are you clever? Or not clever? I'm clever." "Clever people wouldn't really go around calling themselves clever." There's something very Imperfect Cell about locust's vibes, and it does make me laugh
Yuji praying over the person who was killed 😭💞 HIM!!
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"Nee-sama is praising you! Just accept it!" [Yelling] "Thank you! I'm honoured!" Yuji is very willing to accept constructive criticism
"Domain Amplification. It's the same principle as the New Shadow School's simple domain. They envelope themselves with the domain. While it reduces its guaranteed-hit effect, it ensures they neutralize any technique used. That would allow their attacks to hit me." Then why would people not use domain amplification and simple domain all the time?
The way Geto has thought of so many different ways to make sure there are civilian casualties to anything Gojo does!! GET GOT, GETO!
Them starting this horrifying scenario with an I Love Gojo video!!
"Technically, he's my benefactor," said Megumi, which meant, My Really Annoying Older Brother or Uncle or Dad Whom I Love
I do kind of love seeing Gojo go insane on these Cursed Spirits and reducing Hanami to smithereens. He can be a little vengeful, as a treat
"I'm sorry. I can't save everyone. So I promise to exorcise them instead." Oh, Gojoooo 😭😭😭😭
HEY! HEY! WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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"I can pass from one body to another by replacing its brain with myself." WHAT DO YOU MEAN?????????????
"But it's time for you to wake up. How long will you keep letting it have its way with you, Suguru?" Geto's hand trying to kill the thing possessing him. For his own sake, or for Gojo's, I don't know
"I was killed on October 19th by the special-grade cursed spirit called Mahito." Rest in pieces, Mechamaru. Good of you to help!
"Well, it'll all work out somehow. I'm counting on you, everyone." Gojo thinking of his team of first years to save him!!!!!!!
OH IJICHI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT'D HE DO TO ANYONE!!!!
Yuji dealing with the cell phone issue by yelling to all Shibuya a message for Nanamin ❣️ He is clever, and loud!
"Don't toy with Geto-sama any further." Mimiko and Nanako trying to get their surrogate dad's body back. Extremely fucked up and sad
Nanami asking Ino to look after Megumi and Yuji 🥺🥺
"The Gojo clan is currently a one-man team of Satoru Gojo himself." Where are all the other Gojos??????
Gojo being the one person who is safe-guarding specific people in jujutsu society with his existence 🥺😭 I do love him!!!
I do miss the omake instead of this end-of-ep character commentary but the fact that someone insults Gojo with the phrase, "Acting like he was nothing but leg below his nipples," does entertain me 1) Because it really doesn't translate to me culturally as an insult jnghkghg and 2) It confirms Gojo has nipples, which is a real rarity in anime
"They won't be able to climb up here that fast." [Immediate cut to Megumi and Yuji dropping in via Megumi's giant shadow bird] I love physical comedy
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"So, whenever I'm at a loss, I think to myself, 'What would Nanami-san do?'" Oh, Ino, that's very sweet
"I thought this wouldn't take long?" "No comment." Yuji and Megumi's friendship is my whole heart and soul
Setting aside the egregious body horror, I love that Gojo has been a menace from birth. Good for him!
"If you're a man, be clear and decisive." [Megumi points at Yuji about to throw a car] "That stuff's not my role." Megumi said: Yuji is my man, actually 💖
Megumi's so smart!!!!!! Figuring out how to be both weak and strong at the same time to combat the Inverse technique
Nanami flashing back to Haibara's body when he sees Ijichi's. Ahhhhhhhhhh.
"Who the hell do you think you're ordering around, old hag?" I KNEW that Toji was not going to be silent. Even dead, he's just. A Very Big Presence. Also, poor Megumi's feelings when he sees him. And subsequently, mine
"I guess it just means that this guy's soul couldn't win against my body." "A soul losing to a body?! No! That's impossible!" There is some interesting world-building between the body and the soul with Geto and Toji having consciousness through body alone. I'd be so thoughtful if it weren't so fucked up
"If I die, you'll kill me, right?" Megumi said: Stay Safe, Love You The Sequel 🌸
Nobara trying to protect Nitta while fully concussed!!!
I now have a new appreciation and understanding for everyone's lustful feelings for Nanami. I get it:
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Ijichi's alive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh thank god. Stay alive!!!!!!!!!!!
"You would hinder me, and be in the way." A harsh but fair verdict for Nobara
Of all the people fighting on the side of curses, Choso is the one whose motivations are most understandable
"This guy has beaten my brothers before. They wouldn't lose to some idiot." Lot of confidence in that statement, Choso. I'm not saying Yuji's an idiot, but he learns best on the job and with advice. Benefit of Mechamaru's wisdom, in this case
It's fun that when the sorcerers don't know what's going on, they have an omniscient narrator/mission reporter cut in with an explanation
Also, if I were Choso, I would simply leave the bathroom LMAO
"So even if I die, I'm taking this guy out! I don't have to be the one to rescue Gojo-sensei!" YUJIIIIIIIII
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Are they suggesting Yuji is ALSO the manifestation of a cursed womb. Because I hope the fuck not!!!
It seems Nanako and Mimiko are going to save Yuji because they share a purpose: Getting-Sensei-Dad-Released-From-Horrors
"Ui Ui? Will you die for me?" "Are you sure that's alright? May I die for you?" This sibling relationship has unsettled me from the moment it appeared on screen LMAO
"I guess there's never been a case where I've been better off alone." Nanami's hard line for co-combatants is that he will not intentionally put first years at risk (fair, given his history)
It's interesting how the ocean spirit seems the least aware and battle-hungry, given that The Ocean Has Many Things to Fear
I said this, and the Ocean immediately exploded into a taller, buffer cursed spirit
"Projection Sorcery. The cursed technique of Naobito Zen'in. It splits one second into 24 frames from his field of view, and allows him to trace the actions created in those frames at the start." Do you think it's fun for the animators to animate a power that's based on animation?
So THIS is where the beach domain came from! What a throwback!
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Shikigami really do make sense for the Ocean as an attack
MEGUMMMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!! He said: Hey Maki, I heard you were fighting shadows and hating old Zen'in men without me! What gives?
"The other two?" "Ino-san tapped out. Itadori's acting on his own." Nanami's first words to Megumi being about the other kids!!! I LOVE U
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I guess that answers the question of if Megumi would be able to recognize his dad. The answer is no!
"His fangs were constantly directed towards the strongest." That doesn't bode well for Megumi later on
Update from 8 minutes later: I WAS RIGHT, IT DIDN'T BODE WELL
"Now there should be at least 15 fingers inside Itadori." Oh. Oh no Yuji. This is NOT good for Yuji!
Also also. Is that the BEST way to say it? Is it?
"Below us, there's a man in monk's robes with a suture across his forehead. Please kill him." I feel like Nanako and Mimiko's request will go over well, purely because they're deferential and they're women and Sukuna seems like the type to be entertained by women. Plus, they're asking him to kill, which he loves doing. Although he does hate being told what to do, so it's a toss-up
Well, I think holding the finger above Sukuna's head (metaphorically) turned the tables against them
Rest in pieces, Nanako and Mimiko (literally, unfortunately)
"You're true to your word, yes?" I thought the pact with Yuji involved Sukuna NOT killing any humans while he's running his body? I feel like that constitutes not being true to your word
Fhkjhkjhgkjhggh you know, fair on what's-his-face for just stalling. He's not strong enough to help Gojo, clearly!
I wonder at what point during getting his ass beat will Megumi learn that it is his father doing the beating
"What's your name?" "Fushiguro?" "It's not Zen'in? I'm glad." Evil Dilf wins one (1) dad point by killing himself in front of his son to prevent his evil instincts from murdering him????
Jogo said: My real desire was the very human experience of wishing for Daddy (Sukuna) to say he was proud
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"Wake up, you shitty sorcerer!" said Blond Bitch, as if he were not wholly responsible for Megumi being unconscious by attacking him from behind
Ahhh Megumi thinking of Gojo, who has always believed in his strength, and who disapproved of his fallback of giving up his life
"Urgent business." Sukuna said: Team Gojo is incorrect. Megumi is MY special little man 💞🗡️👅 Bye Uraume!
Until Sukuna actively does something to Megumi. I am kind of obsessed with how obsessed he is. He's evil, but he's got weird crush, it feels like. Grimdark Greedl!ngfan until proven otherwise
"Don't die on me. There are things I need you to do for me." He is healing him! They make no effort to make this sound NOT like a weird crush:
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Yuji is not going to be well when he finds out how many mass causalities Sukuna has caused in his body
"You might have defeated me, in the state I was in back then. Now you've fascinated me, Fushiguro Megumi!" OBSESSED
I suppose the implication of Shigemo not knowing of his miracle power is that he has been riding through life on luck alone
Sukuna dropping off Megumi to his teachers. What must they think?!
OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH YUJI. Throwing up is an incredibly fair response to speed-running the memories of mass murder
I don't know how Yuji will ever be able to live any kind of normal life after this:
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THANK GOD Nanami's alive. It's like they give you just enough to hope for that you won't stop watching completely
Oh god. If Nanami dies now, I will lose it. WHY ARE YOU STILL FIGHTING!! I mean, I know why, BUT WHY
"I've been here the whole time." Mahito, I swear to FUCK
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Yuji cannot witness whatever Mahito is about to do to Nanami, he is already in the throes of PTSD
"You take it from here." NO, NO, NO NANAMI :(((((((((((((((((((((
You know, I just don't know what to do with this show. Like I don't see the benefit of continuing. A lot of shows have put me through a lot, but this is the one that I think is hardest to watch, because the deaths mean nothing. It helps nothing. You learn nothing. It's just like, "Enjoy getting to know these people and watch them die in extremely violent circumstances." What am I supposed to root for? That Nobara doesn't die in front of Yuji, like Nanami did? That Gojo gets out of his prison soon enough to see what hell on earth has happened without him? That Yuji doesn't completely fall to Sukuna? That Megumi doesn't end up with all of his friends dead and/or gone? WHAT DO VIEWERS GET FROM THIS
"Itadori Yuji wasn't my only natural enemy?" Honestly. Hard to do commentary now. But good for Nobara:
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"You've let me believe that I'm not alone." Yuji <3
I'm back to hopeless. Unless Nobara has some sort of 'you didn't touch my soul, you touched my hammer's soul' trap card
Megumi 🤝 Nobara: Being a menace to bullies as a child
Ah yes, menstrual rice, the tradition we all know about
"Nobara-chan changed after she met Saori-chan." Awww, baby's first role model
Nobara crying for leaving her friend Fumi!!! Sweet girl
"I hope Nobara-chan's doing well," said Saori, before it cut to Nobara definitely not doing well
The visualization of Nobara's previous metaphor of the people with seats in her life, and the way Nobara also has a seat for her younger self. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH:
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"Itadori. Tell everyone for me: Life wasn't so bad." NOBARA 😭
The way they all try to fix the shirt together 😭😭😭 Team Gojo
Megumi my boy always ready to take the hit for his friends 💕 Also LMAO @ Gojo, "What's the matter, Megumi?"
I don't blame Yuji for straight up giving up. Me too Yuji
"This is a war to determine which of those will be left standing a century from now." Call me crazy, Mahito, but I don't think people whose main life purpose is torturing people is a legitimate side. Like jujutsu sorcerers exorcise curses BECAUSE of what they do. If a curse's purpose were to make people play baseball or go to the movies, who would kill that?
Even if we buy into the premise of curses fighting for their own existence, it's sort of like, "Team A and Team B are fighting. Team A has killed a lot of Team B over many years. Team B has also done that, but also needs to kick eleven hospitalized children in the face for their enjoyment every day to keep going. What a dilemma!"
We interrupt this programming to say: Never in my life I have been happier to see Todo
"Sukuna killed so many. So I have to save... that many more people." Yuji 😟
"This is not a matter of sins or punishments. The moment we chose to live as jujutsu sorcerers, our lives were no longer bound by such karma." Todo said: Jujutsu sorcerers can do no wrong actually, and that is how I've decided to live my life
Todo said: The greatest punishment is being alive ❤️ Hope that helps!
"Todo-san's little brother doesn't look like him at all." Todo said: Who needs context! Bros for life
"I'm just saying that the chance [that Nobara survived] isn't zero. Please don't get your hopes up too high." Blond Kyoto First Year Baby Brother Nitta sums up energy of this show in a single sentence:
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"I'll make sure I take on your share of suffering too, Nanamin." 😨
Ohhhhhhhh I'm glad Mechamaru and Miwa have their chance to talk. Poor Miwa
I honestly fully support Mechamaru manipulating his friends to not be in Shibuya. I wish nobody was in Shibuya, and I'm going through Shibuya this week
"Whatever shape it takes, as long as you're happy, my wish has come true." Romantic Bastard Behaviour
"And that's all thanks to that woman." Wild that Mahito is the first person to acknowledge Nobara's full strength
I appreciate how silly Todo's animations are. They're like, "Here, as a treat."
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Back from my vacation in Japan after a couple of weeks and returning to to finish this season, and let me tell you, watching this show in the hours leading up to leaving made for a very harrowing first time at the train station. They use incredibly accurate building modelling in this show. Also, I did get a little Nanami keychain. In any case, I have returned to finish hurting my feelings
Opposite to my prior point, they make all of Mahito's animation as gross as possible
"Forgive me, you pitiful souls." Ahhh, Todo
Mahito using Gojo's split second domain technique to attack his student. GET GOT, MAHITO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Props to Todo for immediately getting rid of his own arm to prevent dying?????????????????????
"And he can't clap his hands anymore." I did wonder how long it would take for the clapping thing to come up. Mahito would probably have won this fight if curses (Hanami, specifically) bothered to tell each other anything. Maybe the real technique everyone needed was communication
Absolute, extreme regret to ever echo Mahito, but: Huh?
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Todo touching Mahito just so Yuji could get an opening!!! 😭😭😭
"Instant Spirit of Distorted Killing." Why does the average special cursed spirit form simply look like a particularly sadistic, anthropomorphized tree?
[Narration slide] "There is no sorcerer who can unleash Black Flash at will." Then what's the attack chanting for? Just hoping it'll work?
I don't think I enjoy Yuji's smile being slashed open Joker Style
"I'll just kill you. And if you're ever reborn as another curse, I'll kill you then, too. You can change your name and change your appearance, but I'll still kill you again and again. I don't need meaning or a reason for it anymore. Maybe there will be some meaning to be found from my actions several centuries after I'm dead. But I'm sure I'm just one big cog in the wheel. And I'll keep on killing curses until I rust away." Yuji said: New life philosophy unlocked: Murder your problems until you die 💖
I'm not sure I'm comfortable with HOW Yuji has found inner peace, but he does seem like he has an achievable goal
Fake Geto said: I haven't caused problems in a while! Hope you didn't gain any hope while I was gone.
"No matter what judgment gets doled out to Itadori later now that Gojo is gone, I won't be taking your side. I'm in favour of Itadori Yuji's execution." I can't say I blame Kusakabe for his position
I do wish they'd stop doing this with Mei Mei. Whoever wrote this said: I have feelings for my family that should only be discussed with a psychiatrist 😀
Choso said: Where one brother of Yuji's (Todo) falls, another one rises up (me) like a fucked up little tag team of camaraderie
I also should've known better than to think Mahito might actually die. That's hope! Stupid.
I have never been LESS happy to see the Kyoto School. GO HOME
The payoff for the forced pregnancy storyline they dropped last season is that Fake Geto is Choso's DAD? Disgusting. Terrible. Leave. Kick rocks. You will NEVER be the Evil DILF that Toji is!!!
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Alright. Alright. I will allow the Kyoto students to be here for one moment, if only for the comedy of Choso yelling "KAMO NORITOSHI" and Blood-bending Teen Kamo pointing and going, "Watashi? (Me?)" It WAS funny.
"How dare you make me try to kill Itadori? My little brother!" said Choso, like he had nothing to do with that decision
If the payoff for Choso calling Yuji his little brother that Fake Geto is also his dad. I don't want it. I would rather just disintegrate.
"I strongly sensed the death of Itadori Yuji, right before my eyes. Which means that Yuji must also be my blood-related younger brother." 😷😷😷 I don't have words strong enough for how much I wish this episode had ended with 16 minutes ago (it's been 15:55 minutes)
I truly, truly don't want to believe this but does this mean that Kamo and Sukuna had a terrible threesome with Yuji's poor mother to create Yuji? I don't want that. I keep saying it. It's not helping
"Just asking, but you two are strangers, right?" "Worse than strangers. He nearly killed me once already." I like that Todo has set the premise for Yuji simply being called siblings by strangers who have beat the crap out of him, so he's just like, 'Well. It happens.'
"First it was Todo. Are you sure you aren't emitting dangerous pheromones or something?" Panda said: Maybe you just stink of brotherly love, Yuji
Tsukumo said: Me and Choso together will fill the void of Todo being gone
"Japan would practically have a monopoly on cursed energy. Other nations, especially that superpower, wouldn't stand by and allow that." HFFHFJHFKJJH the clouds and angle make the geography a little hazy, but I can only assume this is a shot at the U.S. Yeah, Tsukumo, the U.S. would be the problem with killing everyone who's not a sorcerer! Not anything else!
JJK really said: You thought Megumi was safe just cause he wasn't on screen? SURPRISE. WE ARE GOING TO KILL HIS SISTER:
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They are going to elaborate on how the rest of Japan is doing, but NOT on how the Kyoto students get out of this situation
OKKOTSU!!!!!!!!! Resident Nice Little Guy coming to save the day
"That's bad, Rika-chan. Don't overdo it." Hey. Hey. What?
"He cut off Inumaki's arms in Shibuya." WHAT!!!!!!!!! WHEN!!!!!!!
"Satoru Gojo has been deemed an accomplice to the Shibuya incident and is hereby expelled from Jujutsu Society. In addition, any attempt to free him from his seal will be deemed a crime." This is most extreme form of victim-blaming for any one person in anime I've seen
Resident Nice Little Guy Okkotsu is now Resident Yuji Executioner
I can't imagine Megumi will tolerate any of this. He's going self-expel from Jujutsu Society
[Yuji claps] [Numerous cursed spirits emerge out of the water like he's now trying out a Cursed Manipulation Kekkei Genkai] HEY. WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?
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I don't know what to say about this show anymore. I don't know what this was, except exhausting. However, that was more than enough for me. Goodnight.
19 notes · View notes
emerxshiu · 7 months
Elfilis for valentines :3
did on y'all but im back, hopefully i'll post for a few more days before i dissapear again
anyways have a drawing of my wife
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with text
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i actually wanted to draw kirfluff but my need to draw elfilis took over and my hands and back hurt like hell so i didnt draw the rest of stuff i wanted. maybe i could draw it later or tomorrow but im posting this now before i fall asleep or something and dont post.
It was also an excuse to draw the redesign of my fecto gijinka i had made a few weeks ago so, yeah it was fun.
Tho i might make some adjustments to my gijinka if i see fit. also in this drawing he has some differences from the actual gijinka, mainly, the little hearts arent like that in my gijinka and the bangs here have been tied up because i wasnt feeling like drawing them since theyre really long. also the lashes, but here i kinda tried doing their eyes differently and then colored them so i might make my lis gijinka have his eyes like this or change them, im not sure.
tho the more i look at the drawing, the more dissatisfied i become, i mean i did it yesterday around night and stuff so i didnt really think that much about it, (it took around seven hours and i finished it at like 1 am, i definitly wasnt the most concious at that time) but i feel like something is missing i dunno
maybe its the coloring, i had to remake the shading a lot of times since i didnt know how to do it, my style is really inconsistent a lot of times, going from cell shading to soft shading to mixing them both and so on so forth with a lot more of that.
i do have a sketch with some half finished lineart i did of one of the ideas i had (i was originally going to do more pieces with more characters but i didnt go trough it cuz i knew i wouldnt be able to do it in time) but im too embarassed of it to post it
and even tho i complained, i still kinda like this drawing
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(small edit i did)
next post is either one about a gijinka i have almost finished of an obscure kirby character i decided to adopt into an oc or a splatoon post following the fresh season 2024 and side order trailers, (fun fact side order releases just a few days before my birth day! im eating good with nintendo just like last year (last year was wave 1 of the dlc and return to dreamland deluxe))
Now im going to take a break after posting this on my other accounts and then later fight fecto elfilis (i do this almost every month sooo) and then grind my catlogue to get it to 100 before the next season starts
(fuck i just remembered i wanted to talk about a silly headcanon i made for lis while drawing this but i forgot and i dont want to write more ahhhh)
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matenrou-fan · 1 year
hi hi ! 🌙 anon here! first off let me say, i loved the sasara introducing his s/o to the rest of dh (that was my ask aha) :D you might be able to tell by my asks that i ~might~ like sasara a little too much lol!
i actually have another request if thats cool. would you be able to do some headcanons for how sasara, doppo, and rei would comfort a reader who's having an anxiety attack (their s/o crying from stress maybe after having a rough day?) thank you !!:)
Sasara, Doppo, and Rei comfort NB! s/o who's having an anxiety attack
omg hiiii bestie!!! <3 I'm so happy that you like it ahhhh!! ^^ hope you will enjoy this one too!!
NBreader, hurt/comfort;;
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-Sasara knows how painful it can be, not being able to control your negative thoughts that keep growing and growing inside your head, displacing all hope and happiness. And he doesn't want you to feel the same.
-Oh, this is one of the rare occasions when he completely forgot about his goofy behavior.
-"Here, here, s/o, look at me.." - he quickly gets closer and holds your hands tightly. - "Look, I'm here, everything will be alright now.. Come closer.."
-Honestly, Sasara gets used to just closing his eyes at his own troubles and just throwing jokes in it, thinking it would be enough to not feel them, but he just can't make fun of your stress.
-More so, he also doesn't want you to repeat this unhealthy pattern from him, telling that you should always call him when feel bad, even when he's performancing. If he can't be near you in this moment he at least would try to soothe you through phone.
-Would ask about all things that bother you, even about something small. Sasara know that sometimes small minor stuff exactly the reason why you get overwhelmed, affect you more than something big, that why he's ready to think about all your problems equally carefully. You can vent to him for whole evening, he can be not only good talker but also a good listener.
-It's just hurt his heart, to see you crying that much, curled up on his chest, so Sasara would do anything to cheer you up.
-Would check on you more often after your first panic attack, as Sasara doesn't want it to be a causal part of your life.
-"Feels a little better?" - he whisper softly, caressing your hair. - "Okay, then what do you think about dinner? I will make your favorite dish today, and you just sit and relax on kitchen while I'm cooking.."
-Honestly it takes him a lot of strength not to start panicking too.
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-But he absolutely understands you at this moment, due to how much stress Doppo has on his work. His everyday life is full of negative thoughts but he doesn't want you to feel the same even for a few minutes.
-He knows some techniques that can quickly calm you down and distract you from the bad things, as he himself uses them very often.
-"S/o, s/o, look at me..!" - he grabs your shoulders, trying to calm down his own chills. - "Come on, five things you can see? Okay, me, your phone, and..?"
-Also, you always help him when he feels drained and empty, so that means he should pay you the same favor. Many cuddles and soft kisses as he knows how much it can soothe the body and soul. (And of course he just wants to be as close as he can to you, over worried about your well-being)
-Despite Doppo always throwing away his problems and not really trying to solve them, he's willing to listen to your cries. You're different, after all, and he is ready to think hard to help you in any way he can, just to see you smile again.
-It doesn't matter how tired he is today, he will sit by your side as long as you need, arms not leaving your trembling body even for a second as he keeps caressing your arms or hugging your shoulders. Doppo just wants to show through every action that he's right here for you, and always would be here.
-"It's okay, s/o.. We all have bad days. B-but now you have me..!" - he takes your hands and squeezes it a little bit. - "As your boyfriend, I will make sure to work hard to reduce your problems to zero.. Just believe in me, I will do everything I can for you..!"
-Will also ask Jakurai to recommend a good psychologist who's will help you to get through it.
-Surprisingly caring and soft when you have anxiety attacks.
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-Rei's an old man, after all. He gets through many hard things in his life and knows how to quickly calm down all negative thoughts in his minds and how to soothe a trembling body from all these chills.
-"Come here, s/o..There.." - he quickly embraced you, letting you rest your head on his chest. It doesn't matter if you will make his shirt wet with your tears, he doesn't mind. - "There, I'm with you, okay? You're safe now.."
-In your casual simple bad days he would just spoil you with some presents or a little date in a restaurant, but today Rei wants to show his more gentle side and just sit at home with you.
-Well, it IS kinda hard for him, as he gets used to only having fun with his quick affairs, without any worries about his lover's state. But he sees the relationship with you as something more intimate, as you get much closer to his heart than any other person, and he wants to learn again how to properly show his care and love.
-So you can vent to Rei even for the whole evening, he will listen carefully to all your problems, slowly caressing your back with his warm hands.
-And of course he's willing to help, as for him solving all your problems is just one of the ways to show how much you mean to him. But he wouldn't tell you how exactly, as this cunning con man doesn't want you to worry even more.
-Will try to spend more quality time with you all alone, no clubs or restaurants, so you would relax more in his company.
-"Mm, don't worry that much, s/o. I would take care of all your problems.." - Rei nods and looks at you with a small smile. - "But only if you smile again and promise me to never keep it to yourself, okay? Always tell me when you feel that bad.."
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storiesofsvu · 8 months
Happy Thursday!!
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Okay but what kind of person takes out that much cash at a street front atm at night, with ear buds in?! I get anxiety going to the bank in broad daylight. LOL
“4am isn’t morning, it’s still last night.” THANK YOU. Lol. We are one and the same
I need to start paying more attention to this show and potentially start writing for Shaw cause holy fuck
There’s a whole lot of AI shit going on in these shows this season… interesting that it’s being used to help (so far at least) on one and the downsides being shown on the others…
Okay damn… never even thought about ai videos being used as evidence… it’s really gonna be the end of us all, isn’t it?
Woof! That maroon coat?! Thank you wardrobe!
Okay, apologies, I ended up missing a good chunk of the ep to make dinner, lololol. Just know that dinner was delicious and worth it (and something new!) though now I have a pile of dishes. Ugh.
Svu time!
Okay yeah so thank god we’re not leaving the Maddie case behind like it didn’t matter to liv.
GIRL! Please don’t just run into traffic, you know better.
Serious question… do fitbits/heart rate monitors work if they’re over your clothes?
Velasco’s sweater looks hella cozy. I honestly want to steal all of his clothing lol.
We’ve had way more talk of profiling, behaviour analysis and shit on this show in the past little bit… are they trying to be criminal minds? Cause like… that show already exists.
Tell me why olivia’s “fin and I will keep working all night if we have to” made my brain immediately jump to mean girls “we will keep you here til 4…” LOL.
You know…. I will say, with less cops around at least carisi’s getting more screen time even though we never go to court.
Honestly… liv isn’t great on the stand and she never really has been. She lets her emotion and anger show through way too much. I get the idea/direction of that but also… if she’s always so snippy while testifying how is she allowed to demean her squad members for the same thing?
This kids a good actor
Alright, onto OC
“I meant at home” “I’m fine, we’re good” okay, so y’all are still married it just hasn’t been mentioned in a while.
Oh PLEASE, as if Elliot wouldn’t get an ego boost over younger officers calling him sir. He always wanted to be in charge, he thinks he’s in charge of OC half the time already.
I do not trust this officer guy, there’s something sus going on
Okay… how did this dude get hurt enough to end up in the icu?? He was halfway across the street when the blast hit?
Im screaming, crying, throwing up over that Melinda scene!!!!
First off: she hasn’t changed at all, the writing, the performance, the little quips where she’s all “yeah I can’t conclusively tell you what you want to hear,” she won’t fib and risk her job and we love her for it. Also the vulnerability from stabler?! What?? incredible. also her face when he hugged her, the ultimate confusion and tensing up “what… is this for?” LOL. Imma need more of her in the future on this show!
Is this other captain a “frenemie” or an ex girlfriend? Sus.
 “glad you’re in therapy” homeboi, that is WHERE YOU SHOULD BE TOO.
“that’s a shame, I always liked angela, what’d you do to her?” LOL. BERNIE. I love you.
Well this isn’t good….
There was absolutely no way shape or form that none of those cops went into that warehouse and DIDN’T think there would be a bomb…
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