#anyway i'm looking up at my icon like <3 there she is. i've missed her.
ladyseidr · 1 year
okay hello car.rd isn't finished but that's okay, all muses listed on it are still open for business. i also have a new theme and things are feeling! clearer! less overwhelming here now! so uh. hello. shoving my muses at you. comes harass them if you'd like
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pencil-peach · 11 months
G Witch Onscreen Text: Episode 16
Part 17 of my onscreen text series where I transcribe and discuss the text that appears on monitors and screens in G Witch! And also talk about various other things. We've reached Episode 16: "Cycle of Sin."
<Click here to return to Episode 15 Or Click Here to go to the Masterpost!
But you wouldn't leave, right? You'll stay here, with me.
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Won't you?
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There's so much to love about Bel and Prospera's conversation here, even outside the Eri reveal. I love that Bel is the one who figured Prospera out first, because she knew her prior to the Vanadis incident, but she's still too much of a coward to stand against her.
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The utter cosmic tragedy that Eri died from the very thing the institute was trying to solve, and Prospera using GUND technology to save her in a way that ran completely counter to its ideals because there was no other option for her.
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The way Prospera knows EXACTLY what to say to make Bel crumble INSTANTLY like ugh. UGH.
I think a lot about what Prospera says to Bel at the end of this scene. "There will be no escape for you either." I always wonder what she means by that. Does she mean it in the sense of, "You won't escape from your sins either," or, "The Gundam's curse will consume you too," or maybe even, "When this is all over, you won't be spared." That last one's a bit of a stretch probably. I think Prospera sees Bel as just annoying at worst. But it's still food for thought.
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We see a collection of News coverage on the current conflicts from various broadcasting stations
Top Left: Station: Interplanetary News Network TERRORISM AT ASTICASSIA SCHOOL AUTHORITIES UNABLE TO MANAGE SITUATION - Asticassia School terror attack At least 12 dead, many injured. Chaos at Asticassia school after terror attack.
Top Right: Station: Cosmic MEDIA NEWS DAWN OF FOLD CLAIMS RESPONSIBILITY - Dawn of Fold Terrorists put pressure on Space Assembly League. Anti Spacian terrorism on the rise.
Bottom Left: Station: All-Front News Network FEARS OF WAR AND TERRORISM RISE DUE TO EARTHIAN UNREST - Space Front economy suffers new blow from anti-Spacian terrorism. Rising anti-Spacian terrorism risks interplanetary-war
Bottom Right: Planetary News Broadcast 32 killed in anti-Spacian demonstration in North Africa - Teenage casualties as Spacian security forces clash with anti-Spacian group - Benerit group security MS open fire to break up anti-Spacian protests.
The Benerit group really is terrible, huh?
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When Miorine is finally able to use her phone, she sees that Suletta has in fact sent her 3 emails every day, just like she asked her to.
2 days ago I helped look after Tiko... I'm studying hard for...
Yesterday Good morning The petunia flowers... I've cleaned your room...
Today Good morning I did my best on the... I harvested three red [tomatoes]...
Suletta sends Miorine a "Good morning" email every morning, and then sends her updates and what else she does that day for the other 2 emails. I wouldn't be surprised if there was an, "I miss you" email or two in that batch.
Suletta also mentions Miorine's petunias in one of the emails
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It's pretty heavily overshadowed by the tomatoes, but Miorine is just a really prolific gardener in general, and the walls of the greenhouse's entrance are adorned primarily with petunias. It might just be her favorite flower. (Did you know that Petunias commonly symbolize anger and resentment? They can also symbolize finding comfort within another person.)
Oh, and just so it isn't left unsaid, unread emails sent by the Holder have a yellow '!' icon next to them. (5lan's unread email from Peil had a standard blue '!' icon.) They really will not let you forget who the Holder is at this school.
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It's probably important to make note of Lauda's attitude towards Miorine in this scene. He's fairly amicable.
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Even the caution tape is digital here man. Anyway, this most likely says: Access to training grounds is now prohibited due to declared state of emergency.
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In this scene, we see Secelia scrolling down what appears to be a social media platform for Asticassia. TEXT (Top to Bottom)
This is what happens when you let Earthians in the school! (8 Comments, 120 stars, 60 reposts)
We don't need Earthians at Asticassia (5 Comments, 216 stars, 38 reposts)
I can't bear to sit in an MS cockpit anymore (0 Comments, 83 stars, 13 reposts)
(2 Comments, 146 stars, 75 reposts)
Earthians should go back to Earth (11 Comments, 263 stars, 94 reposts)
GUND-ARM Inc. must be responsible for this attack (7 Comments, 165 stars, 14 reposts)
IF only Mr. Guel were here (1 Comment, 32 stars, 19 reposts)
(6 Comments, 98 stars, ??? reposts)
Did the Mercurian Girl save us all? (??? Comments, ??? stars, ??? reposts)
In true Spacian fashion, the anti-Earthian posts are the ones that seem to be the most popular.
Funnily enough, the Guel post is really unpopular. I like to imagine that it was made by Felsi.
Usernames seem to be anonymous, likes are stars, and you can only seem to select from a handful of default icons.
Also, to be completely and totally honest, the fucking IMMA HEAD OUT post is nearly singlehandedly the entire reason I started this series. It was driving me up the wall and I never saw a single other person mention it and it was so funny to me that it was there that I needed to show it off just so more people would see it.
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Anyway, we see another broader shot of the site on Ojelo's tablet here, (that's why he makes that comment about everyone always seeing Earthians as suspicious, he's seeing it on the site) and it even looks like the NAME of it is written here but its fucking BLURRED FOR NO REASON WHY DO THEY HATE ME.
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When Jubeju's friends talk about how Gundams steal their pilot's lives, Suletta interjects by saying, "Our Gundam isn't like that," instead of outright denying that it's true as she did in the first season. It shows that she's come to accept that Gundams CAN kill their pilots after what she saw happen to Sophie, but she still believes that Aerial is an exception to that rule. (Which makes sense. She'd have no reason to believe otherwise at this point.)
Here's something fun about this scene that probably doesn't mean anything but I like it anyway.
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The last time Suletta and Miorine saw each other, Suletta shouted "やめなさい" (yamenasai, or "stop it") and then used her right hand to stop someone from hurting her.
When they reunite for the first time in this season, Miorine says "やめなさい" and then holds up her right hand to stop someone from hurting Suletta. Except the body count luckily does not increase this time.
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Season 2 makes HEAVY use of parallelism to season 1. Like, it is the go to literary device for this season. I could make a whole post discussing it this shit runs EXCEPTIONALLY DEEP.
In both seasons, in a scene with all the Earth House students, Chuchu says something to Miorine that surprises her, and we get a panning shot of all the students looking at her. But in season 2, all of the students are smiling at her, and while Suletta was standing closest to her in season 1's pan, in season 2's, she's the furthest away.
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This is also the first time Miorine smiles this season. Outside of the OP/ED, she smiles a single digit number of times for the entire rest of the season
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There's a lot I love about this scene. All the Earth House students being like, That's her MOM???? is really funny.
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Anyway what's probably more important is that the fact that Prospera heard Suletta say wanted to take Miorine to the greenhouse but only showed up until after Miorine agreed, which means she was probably waiting outside the door. She wanted to let Miorine know that she was there.
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This goes a bit more into headcanon territory, but I think a lot about how in this scene, Eri stays deactivated until 5lan specifically asks, "Wasn't Number 4 able to use it?" and then after that goes out of her way to torture him. She could have just continued not turning on, but it's specifically when 5lan makes clear that he's NOT El4n that she activates and decides to give him the business. I think Eri didn't want to have to hurt El4n, because she knows Suletta still cares about him, even if he's been weird to her lately, but knowing that he's NOT the same guy means it's fair game to fry his fucking brains out. (My dark secret is that I have an Eri + El4n minor friendship headcanon. I'll talk more about it when we get to Quiet Zero.)
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Ah, well you see Suletta, I'm being reflected on the bright red ripe tomato, symbolizing how I am a fully realized individual confident in my ideals, (left) whereas you are being reflected on an unripe tomato with signs of Blossom End Rot, symbolizing how you have not yet truly learned what it means to live for your own sake and are simultaneously being slowly rotted out from the bottom by the grip your mother has on your life (right).
You ever think about how Prospera spent the last 3 episodes basically orchestrating this argument
First she tells Suletta that she did the right thing, only the two of them could have saved everybody, and that Miorine will understand. Then she tells Miorine that, yeah, she went too far, but won't you still be friends with her? (Specifically going out of her way to NOT convince Miorine that Suletta did the right thing) And then explicitly tells her she's using Suletta for her own ends. Then she shows up when Suletta and Miorine reunite, just to remind her that, yes, Suletta will quite literally do whatever I tell her. lol.
And afterwards when Miorine confronts her she is entirely unbothered. Without a beat she just says, "She's a good little girl isn't she~" like you knew this would happen. Ur so fucked up. I love you.
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I like that Prospera mentions Rajan here cause it means either she or Godoy had been following Miorine around at the Group Front. Fucking scary.
Hmm, this ended rather quick huh? I feel like I'm missing something... Ah well! See you next episode! It's a biiig favorite! (Man if this site goes down where am I gonna put all these posts...)
Click here to go Episode 17 Part 1 >> Click here for the Masterpost
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Representation in MoaH (& GoS)
I don't like to tag my works with a lot of the rep tags they normally would/could have. Personally, from publishing the first book in Word Walkers, my experience is that those tags are more often used to blacklist works and I don't think people should get the opportunity to pretend that queer people, BIPOC people, disabled people don't exist by flagging that. Also like. As a white person, I feel a little weird being like "Look at all my BIPOC characters!" It feels a little virtue signally to me. Telling good stories should just include diverse casts because the world is diverse. You know?
Further, in my experience, particular with Wattpad at the moment, I have a platform to give people the 101 to a lot of these concepts (in particular queer and disability rep, which are my communities) and change their minds that they would have otherwise missed if they'd stayed in their bubble. It does mean you probably won't see things like neopronouns in my works, but if I can change someone's mind about they/them being singular, that's a start. I have a lot of ESL readers according to my stats on Wattpad and translating that can be difficult. But if my work can be a gateway for them learning what that means, that's more good done.
Also, my fics attract a lot of eggs so like. Y'all are finding me anyway, I don't need the tags.
Anyway, here's some of the confirmed rep in book 1 of MoaH and in GoS if y'all need a reference though for what is blatantly in the works so far.
Queer Rep
Marela is a lesbian and in a relationship with Saddiqah by the end of book 1
Link & Saddiqah are both bi-icons (confirmed in the Din's Temple arc) with femme preferences
The fortuneteller in Lake Town (Hart) uses she/they pronouns
The tour guide (unnamed) in Lake Town uses they/them pronouns
Zelda's middle sibling is transmasc, though he is not reintroduced as such until book 2 for plot reasons. His identity and the story around it is given a serious storybeat and is one of the reasons why MoaH Link is my only Link I firmly will say is a cis man, because I'm making a point of in having Link as an example of healthy masculinity (as a cis man) for a trans kid trying to find a role model on it. The series does not use his deadname again though after Link finds out in book 1
They show up later in book 1, but there's a gay couple in the Marksmen, Sorol and Kutt
That's just book 1. I've got an enby knight and an enby Goron in book 2. I've also gone over how some of the Gerudo naming conventions work in my worldbuilding posts to include enby rep like the Gerudo word for nonbinary, vyu, though Dirjaani Gerudo culture doesn't come up in the books until book 3.
Over in GoS, Endeavor is actually a huge part of my coming to terms with my own gender. Originally published with she/her pronouns, the current edits are giving Endeavor they/them pronouns to accurately reflect what I didn't have the language for in high school when I started writing GoS. Endeavor is agendered.
Endeavor has two moms
Two of the Earth Sages, Insen and Hira, are in a relationship, they are both men.
Disability Rep
Lance, Link's dad, uses mobility aids due to an injury that forced him to retire from the Marksmen.
Link has ADHD with anxiety symptoms, chiefly social. This is an intentional conversation on courage and how we define it.
Zelda is autistic. MoaH Zelda is also plus-sized.
Floan is auADHD, she has a special interest in bugs
Kaju, the son of Lake Town's steward, has a prosthetic leg
Ambrose has severe motion sickness (horseback riding is about the most he can handle, but he will not fight on horseback)
Not strictly a disability, but it's a point of worldbuilding that most Hyrulean lineage Zora don't do well in the cold, so there are accessibility enchantments made to allow for traveling extensively in colder regions.
Also not strictly a disability, but sign language is much more widely taught in Hyrule. It's a mandatory lesson for the Marksmen for tactics reasons, so Ambrose, Saddiqah, and Link all have at least a conversational level of fluency in it if not better.
Back in GoS, Link's granddad Lynard uses mobility aids.
Parijan, Guardian of the Spirit Sage, is blind.
Saruo, Priestess of Courage, has anxiety. Again, I like messing with the definition of courage.
Ok, admittedly. MoaH is a little light here. But! In my defense, it's because I want the worldbuilding of MoaH to code countries and cultures with certain ethnicities and not races/species (i.e. the Gerudo aren't just automatically Middle Eastern, there are several cultures where Gerudo are prominent members with multiple influences). So in Hyrule, where the primary culture is Hyrulean coded European generic, there aren't as many opportunities for coded characters ethnically because that's not how I'm handling it. There are characters who are BIPOC, but it feels like a bit of a cop out to include them because then I just list off all the Gerudo who show up because their POC and that feels a little cheap. I am including them too, but I want to preface that other regions of this series are going to be better at this particular beat (I circle back to the enby knight, who is also BIPOC of Faronan-Dirjaani heritage, but that's book 2).
Basic ones, there are three major Gerudo characters in book 1: Saddiqah El Amin, Dragmire Al Iber, and Ayad Al I'Tidal. They are all of the more standard Hyrulean-Dirjaani lineages closest to canon expectation. Dirjaani cultures are influenced by Middle Eastern and North African cultures, so they are all women of color.
Saddiqah in particular, and this gets into spoilers so I'll be brief, is specifically coded to be a biracial woman. For reasons that come up in book 3. It's why her horse, Ajan, has a Creole name which is outside of the typical naming conventions I'm grabbing for the Hyrulean-Dirjaani names.
The Sheikah are coded as Japanese in the games, so Impa is coded as Japanese along with the Hyrulean Sheikah. Sorol is also a Hyrulean Sheikah, so this applies for him too.
The Dreeka in Hyrule are generally coded to be an indigenous group. Because of their relationship with the Sheikah, primary influence there is the Ainu. This includes all of the Dreeka characters introduced in MoaH (Constant, Temperance, Clarity, etc.) as well as the Drex in GoS (Endeavor, Justice, Zeal, etc.)
Over in GoS, Parijan and Dabir are both Middle Eastern coded, we are aiming to be more specific in the edits.
Sayyida and Daniel are both black.
This is loose canon, but I think there's a real read to GoS about making Link black because of the nameless and the felons' rights allegory that that is meant to be. I will not confirm it because Link is meant to be a stand in for the reader and how they see him, but I do like the interpretation.
And again, this is just book 1. There are nine books planned, there will be more.
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saturnskyline · 1 year
top 10 female characters
tagged by @dummerjan, thank you!!! <3
rules: name favorite female characters from 10 different fandoms, then tag 10 people
this was unreasonably hard but that's what i get for watching so much bl gkshsjd. anyway this list is about to be wild but here's some of my faves 😄 (i say "some of" bc if i am asked to make a definitive list for anything i will literally die lol)
in no particular order:
1. clarice starling (the silence of the lambs)
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not to be a filmbro on main but. i really do love this movie (certain trans stereotypes aside), and clarice is an absolute icon. jodie foster you will always be famous <3
2. tiffy (lovely writer)
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she makes me absolutely feral at all times?? bisexual biker girl with the most beautiful smile in the world???? yeah we stan
3. yoon ji-woo (my name)
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i'm just saying, i would not complain if she beat me up. in fact, i would thank her for the privilege!! on my knees for her any day, han so hee my beloved
4. toni shalifoe (the wilds)
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mean lesbians deserve the world methinks :) love how strong and authentic she was, miss her every day 💔💔
5. shiv roy (succession)
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she's a girlfailure, she's mother, she's the loml, she makes me blush whenever she's on my screen bc she's JUST TOO FINE! sarah snook the woman that you are!!
6. ink (bad buddy)
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MY SUNSHINE GIRL MY EVERYTHING. love her so dearly, blowing lots of kisses to her at all times 🥰
7. amma crellin (sharp objects)
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amma is so layered and compelling and just the best ngl. i've never seen a character like her and idk if i ever will again. legend
8. kate sharma (bridgerton)
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i mean. she looks like she walked out of a fairy tale. how am i supposed to not fall in love with her. (answer: it's impossible, she is an angel)
9. fiona gallagher (shameless)
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my queen. my ride or die. literally what didn't she do. increased my bisexuality by tenfold, i'll tell you that!
10. miw (3 will be free)
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100/10 i would die for her!!!! and btw she has never done anything wrong in her entire life, which is so cool and valid of her
tagging @vegasandhishedgehog @leporschespam @stillqueerstillhere @negrowhat @askanis @waitforthestars @a-slut-for-vegaspete @i-got-the-feels @salamander89 @shesaboozle with zero pressure 💌💌
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caliburn-the-sword · 10 months
fhh ch47-52
this time i SWEAR i won't forget to include where i got up to. however, i think with the power of sheer force of will, i may complete the book. i WILL be staying up past midnight just to achieve it too. i n e e d to know. unless it puts me through so much struggle i once again need a break
debate on penguins HELP rosorion is literally the cutest. relationship goals
love how rosalind and celia went to bed fighting and woke up teasing one another. true siblings fr
how is alisa concerned for the state of rosalind's driving. as if she didn't run over a fence. like yes it was in smoke but STILL rosalind commented on her lack of driving experience. i love how they mutually think the other sucks at driving
alisa is so damn clever. i am however also concerned she is gonna be caught by lady hong's forces and used as bait. however i doubt lady hong grasps alisa's importance to the rest of the group
alisa if you didn't think you'd get this far WHY would you yeet yourself into lady hong's truck ;-; that's not very greatly thought out
okay i'm probably WAY overanalysing here but i remembered apples having some significant symbolism in chinese culture because we have it every new year. my dumbass assumed it was longevity like practically everything we eat at new year symbolises but i looked it up to double check and it actually represents safety. funny little easter egg miss chloe potentially dropped with rosalind buying those while hiding out at the hotel fksdjfsn
ik that we were all theorising that lourens was connected to this all but ARE YOU SERIOUS HE WORKED ON ORION FASKDJFS. everything is connected~
nothing more romantic than a couple fighting <3
i love how lourens is just straight up connected to every single crazy experiment in all of europe and asia. like goddamn this man is on the grind. working day and night putting his blood sweat and tears into developing every kind of supersoldier, multiple forms of mind control etc etc. this guy never rests
JULIETTE MY BELOVED. yk shit's wrong when SHE'S gotta be the reasonable one and stop rosalind from mauling a man to death
juliette is incorrect i absolutely need a mars/orion friendship immediately
omfg i'm glad alisa is safe
lourens is such a chad istg he shows up, cures orion, takes it upon himself to nap on roma's couch. what an icon. what a legend. he IS the moment
"Orion was willing to argue with a literal rock if he suspected it had insulted her in some manner." i am melting into a puddle of jelly. i need me a man like this
couples that hate a random old man together stay together~
mars is so right because jealous benedikt IS adorable
JULIETTE POV it's been so long my beloved <3
anyway it's ice cream time bitches i finish this once i've had icecream. or maybe when i wake up idfk. i don't want this to be OVER but i NEED to know how it ends. this is the real violent end fr
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dribs-and-drabbles · 11 months
Observations on ep 11:
I missed some details last week, so I'm going to try to be more observant today...let's see how I go.
Move on? 😦 Move in?! 😲
Loving the YOLO shirt 😂 I know it's the name of the bar but still...
YO SPITTING TRUTHS 😂😭 "I think my chances of winning the first prize lottery are greater than having an ideal boyfriend". I feel so called out...
Has anyone mentioned the iconic couple shirts that Yo and Plug are wearing in the credits?!
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Also, I need more April in the show. (And hello, Nonnie's tattoo!)
Yeah, I stand by what I said to @grapejuicegay in our dms -> Mew does not love Top anymore. If he thinks he does it's more that he's in love with the potential of what they had...but that's all but destroyed. Mew (and Top...and Boeing tbf) need to move on (Ah! The ep title!), I bet they won't though.
I need Dan to be happy... Where's Poppy? I need him to come in and sweep Dan off his feet.
Hello Meen! 🔥 She's gorgeous and so young. Oh oh! Dan could meet her and have a noona romance!
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Khaotung Thanawat what the fuck is your face (I will forever think this when he cries, thanks kk!)
Sorry to lay down some facts but you can't guarantee that anyone will stay with you after 3 months, 6 months, or a year. It doesn't matter what you've been through together, this is something you can never predict. And so that can't be the reason for not being with someone - and this goes for Yo as well as Boeing/Mew, because Yo was afraid that Plug wouldn't stick around.
And therefore, that's the correct question Mew - "Can I trust you, Boeing?" And it's not really about trust. It's about making a choice every day to be with that person regardless of what the future might hold.
Boston, Nick, and that random extra basically did that meme 😂
But also, I'm loving flirtatious confident sexy Nick. Such a development from when he met Boston.
Oh so many parallels are paralleling this ep. Boston telling Atom he can't fall in love 'just because he's the first man he slept with'...which is what Nick realises he did... Oh DELICIOUS.
I'm glad we got an explicit 'no one person can turn you gay, it's just who you are and always have been'. A+ show, A+.
Poor Atom, but I think he got enough comeuppance. Well done Nick, really.
Sand is cute with the kids but I have to just say this kind of teasing/fabricated truths messed me up as a kid. Why can we just say what really happens rather than make up a lie to make kids do what they should do? Maybe I was too impressionable (or gullible) but I used to freak out at anything that could have been bad for me if someone told me it was 'dangerous'. Anyway, back to the show...
Top what are you doing there?! You've not been invi-
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Hold on.... *wheezing* I can't... I... That's nine people now, NINE, who have worn this shirt. And how has no one tagged me about it yet?!
Wait no, I'm not over it yet. I can't believe that fucking shirt has shown up again. I can't deal with it.
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Yes, Top, yes I do... Because it means Top and Mew have matching couple shirts...much like Kawi and Pisaeng. smh
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Ok, back to the show proper. Mew, you know you have not given Top a chance. And he's right to walk away.
What is Boeing's agenda??
Ok, I see you black and white vests...with the heart of the bed frame between you...
Yes, Force. That's what I want to see. Love the vulnerability.
If I had a nickel and all that... Another couple talking about travelling the world together.
Oh I have totally seen this t-shirt before. But dammit I don't recall where. HIVE MIND ASSEMBLE!
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(And now I'm questioning if I've seen Nick's shirt somewhere as well... I take back what I said earlier, I want to be less observant).
Look, I've moved in with partners two times in my life with the main reason being 'it'll be cheaper/I'll save on the rent' and I can categorically say that I don't think its a good idea. MEW, DON'T. Move in because you want to, not because it's cheaper.
What in the Mew/Top/Boeing storyline is happening with the Ray/Sand/Boeing plot?! More parallels. Boeing is like the little leprechaun who wheedles his way into other people's relationships, casting a magic spell on one to stir shit up for the other.
Why is Ray doing this? Why is he so jealous? And did he just drink alcohol even though he's in rehab? Oh! Is he finally going to get the threesome he's been asking for?! 😂
Well...going by the preview for ep 12, I don't think so. But his jealousy escalated worryingly quick 🤔
Even though not as brilliant as last week, this show is still fantastic. However, I just can't get over how the Thai Communal Wardrobe is upstaging everything for me 😂
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lollytea · 2 years
Such a short time but they showed everyone with a lot of cute outfit im so normal about it
Whats your top 3 looks from this panel?
Willow with the skates is my top 1
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At least all the outfits worth mentioning. God I LOVE THEM!! I love all the outfits so much!! Not one of them missed!! Let's GOOO
Let's start with Amity because OH MY GOD SHES SO PRETTY
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This dress!! The dark purple!! Her adorable little hairband!!! Also you can't see in this image I have but she has the cutest pair of boots too. Amity is DRESSING this season
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I should also mention that I'm so endeared with Luz's t-shirt, jeans, fanny pack and cap outfit. It's giving Dipper Pines a little. Huge fan. And god I know we've all mentioned it but I LOVE her curls. The curls just make Luz look a million times better.
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Will use my pic of Bi Pride Gus because nothing sparks more joy than looking at it. So glad Gus gets to wave his flags again. ANYWAY this look is just SO....its boy. This is boy. This is really cool thirteen year old boy look. The long sleeve and short sleeve shirt combo. (I think that's either a giraffe or a llama on it.) The jeans, the shoes, the hoodie around the waist. This is THE coolest dude in middle school.
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BUT THIS!!!!! THIS FUCKING DRIP!!!!! HE IS OUT OF CONTROL SOMEBODY STOP HIM!!!!! I can't believe what a genuine fashion icon Gus is like oh my god. Actually I've decided that he's helping to pick out everyone else's fits and thats why they look so good. You can't change my mind.
Now my baby girl
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THIS!!!! Such a cute and summery look. She is PRECIOUS!!! The pink and the green, the little flower in her hair. I was manifesting a cute Willow fit in season 3 just yesterday and they came through!!! Idk I can't get over how adorable this is. It's so simple and so lovely.
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Honorary mention goes to her bumblebee pajama shirt. Not much to say but she's cute and I love her
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BUT OH MY FUCKING GOD LOOK AT THIS SHIT!!!! ROLLER DERBY, I THINK WILLOW HAS LEGIT DISCOVERED ROLLER DERBY AND IM SO PUMPED ABOUT THAT!!! Never would have predicted Willow in a Mabel Pines type shirt but that little top looks great on her
OK it won't let me use that much pics for one post....I'll reblog this in a sec and discuss...Him
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gatalentan · 1 year
i don't think your post is fair. it's a bit victim blaming to say that not getting nominated is Lisa Ann's fault for going on vacation, isn't it? i'm allowed to be upset about her not getting nominated because it isn't fair, she's just as important as Janelle or Sheryl and she keeps getting left out.
ok i got two asks like this and i'm only going to answer this one and that's gonna be the end of it. i'm gonna lay it all out here.
1. yes, it would be nice if all our faves got nominated for the shows they're in, but the uncomfortable reality is that awards shows are not a meritocracy and there are only a limited number of spots per category. it doesn't matter how much you deserve an award, what matters is the for your consideration campaign, how hard the network/studio backs you and promotes you, how good your personal pr team are at reaching out to do promotion, how much the voters already know about you (do you have an existing legacy? do i know you from something else that i can judge your acting ability on, even if i've never seen the show you're campaigning for?) and the amount of promotion you're willing to do. FYC campaigns costs hundreds of thousands if not millions of dollars, a lot of it we don't even see as viewers, including parties, meetings, fliers, billboards, press kits, interviews, magazine and newspaper spreads, photoshoots, yada yada yada. for more on this see: Hollywood Awards Season Explained | How to Win an Oscar | For your consideration: the ever more lavish Emmys campaigns | Inside the Tony Awards Campaign | How Avenue Q Snagged the Tony From Wicked’s Fingers | “The Billboard Has Become King in FYC”: Emmy Campaigners Jostle for Limited Space in Peak TV Era
2. lisa deserved to go on her dream vacation now she finally has tv money, that is absolutely undisputable and i'm happy for her that she did. all i was stating is that the reality is that it fell during the nomination FYC period and she went largely dark for nearly a month during one of the most crucial times in the campaign and only started mentioning the emmy's again like a week before voting opened. she did press before and after coming back, sure. but she missed a pretty crucial window and the opportunity to participate in roundtables etc, and you could see in real time on Variety, Gold Derby etc, her fall off the bottom of the predictions list as she went dark and then dip back up to the *very* bottom when she came back and stuck her head above the parapet again. it was completely realistic that she did not get the nomination because of this. it's just a reality of awards season. you're either campaigning or you're not. it's politics, it's a popularity contest, and most of the people voting don't even watch half the stuff they're voting for, only how much they like you or how good your campaign is and how much you schmooz them. (see: What Hollywood Insiders Won’t Tell You About the Academy Awards)
3. you're allowed to be upset. nowhere did I say anyone is not allowed to be upset. i'm not your mom or your dad and you're anon, I don't even know who you are. my only gripe is this exact notion of comparing her to the other cast - and i fear janelle is going to get the brunt of it because she's less popular with the abbott fandom especially on twitter because she's not "fan-friendly" and that's bullshit. lisa is a grown ass woman who can defend herself if necessary, and she loves and supports her castmates successes. we should be doing the same, not dragging them down to lift her up. abbott is an ensemble show and none of them can succeed without the other cast members. lisa'll get her flowers eventually, this show isn't going anywhere, and besides, there's a pretty damn high chance the show will win for ensemble/best comedy in this and other awards shows, anyway. she's gonna be up on that stage regardless. would i have been so happy for her if she won? duh. look at my fucking icon and like 50% of my blog content. i would have been beyond thrilled for her. but the show is still young and there's time for her to get a really meaty episode or two that makes for a really solid fyc campaign submission in another year. readathon is wonderful but I don't think melissa has had That Episode yet, not a Fire or a Mom, versus ava who is a one-liner lynchpin in the ensemble every single episode as the tritragonist/antagonist to Janine and Gregory. there's time for that, and she may even get nominated in other awards shows this year, who knows. but you need to bare in mind that awards shows aren't fair, that's my main point here. if they were, stephanie hsu wouldn't have lost the oscar to jamie lee curtis.
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starrysupercell · 11 months
Do you know that a lot of brawlers descriptions are being changed this update?
Ohhh, for sure!! I scoured for a video with all of the changed descriptions, as soon as I found out!
I have mixed feelings, but generally positive! I really don't want to dampen anyone's spirits with my criticism so... that's the heads up to the mixed feedback in the post, lol.
Anyway! Spoilers ahead!
I love that it adds personality and some lore! It's highly interesting, though I am going to miss some of the more iconic ones, like Chester's. I also prefer Nani's old one. Sometimes, less is more, you know?
Ones like Jessie, I do appreciate because it coincides with my thoughts-- Pam's a little too overprotective, what with making Nani and all. but then with Pam, we get that she's busy and a little distant? That...that, I don't like.
Tara and Sandy are siblings!!!!! I distinctly remember it being confirmed that they weren't a long time ago? so I just think that's really funny. Or maybe it was actually Bo and the Twins? IDK.
Then there are ones like Gus', that I've seen people complain about. Because of retconning the heavy implications that he is a ghost. But luckily, I have a solution. (Which I apply to the other descriptions that I don't like.)
Starr Park is lying, of course. They're not going to publicly admit that they killed a child. Of course he just looks like a ghost, and of course he's just a fan of supernatural stuff.
Two lil qualms I have is that a lot of the bios sound similar, so it makes me feel like only one, maybe two people worked on the bios. That's just me nitpicking writing things though :3
And the other is being told about things that should be shown... i guess another story telling thing. Bibi being a nerd, and Maisie liking/causing danger is such a 180.
No, Supercell, you can't just say it. PROVE IT. Or else I'll keep my Bibi with no thoughts headcanons, and be stuck with bland, but only sane man Maisie. (I'm trying to spruce her up in my own hcs.)
Overall! My reactions are /pos to neutral, with some negative feelings mixed in. It's fun though! I want to go more into depth, but it's 68 new descriptions... and I don't have time right now!
Maybe later on I'll do a post focusing on more though! ;0
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aquilamage · 4 months
Looks to the Moon is such a good character and I love them so much.
cue ten miles of rambles <3:
you're playing a game where you (the player, and the character) are thrown into a world that is unfamiliar and frightening and all the other beings are at best neutral but mostly want to make you dead. It's a lot. So to give you someone who is safe is such a relief and a comfort! It's a really good game design choice for endearing you to them instantly and also for making everything else a little more bearable.
(It makes me think of how hk did a similar thing with cornifer and quirrel being a nice reprieve from the stress of the game every time you ran across them, except instead of a random (at least the first time you play) moment you stumble on every so often Looks to the Moon is a safe base to return to. If rain world had a more easily useable (and non-limited) fast travel system I'd be playing it like my first albw playthrough where I went back to visit Ravio at the end of literally every play session)
Plus the fact that they're a loredump character is. mwah! extra nice on top of that
And then on top of the mechanical endearment her character is so good! She's your friend!!! they're so niceies!!!!! getting to see them greet me every time I show up is so!!! Like for sure some of it is the fact that you're the only one who visits and listens to them etc but everything in the way they act suggests that would be the case anyway
and their enthusiasm with the pearls and the fact that they give you the cutest little term of endearment about bringing them!!!!!
"Big Sis Moon" is soooo good and important because not only does it say that she's the kind of person you would call that affectionately but also that she had at least one person who called her that! a sibling! a loving affectionate connection!
but they're also not just nice and nothing else! I really really like the fact that they're very firm about boundaries and such while still being polite. Obv with the neurons (if you touch one they ask you to stop either verbally or with the overseer if you can't understand yet, and she then says that if you do that again she won't talk to you. I've never tested touching one again and saving but I don't doubt she would go through with it) although I don't count that as much because that's like. mega-serious situation version.
But also like with the pearls there's some instances of not wanting to read/discuss contents of one. And in one of the Sky Islands pearls they have a bit where they're just like "please be respectful when speaking of the Void Sea" and then move on. Idk it's a very nice touch.
plus of course the iconic bit from the Wall pearl where they're like "none of us miss the ancients. they were like if parasites were also annoying." It's surprising and hilarious because it's just so extremely mean in comparison to anything they've ever said before and I love that.
firstly because of an admittedly very me thing of feelin like 'the fact that she's always nice better not be a weird Gender writing thing going on.' But also like. As I said before I think it's funny when the nice character has a Very Rude Outburst moment ("we have saved your life before, you witch" anyone?).
PLUS just. The Ancients suck so much and were terrible to the Iterators and Looks to the Moon has so much shit that's happened to them. She deserves to be mean about it one time! She mentions several times about other Iterators having frustration and anger about the everything and while I can definitely believe that she's less like that I also believe that there's gotta be at least some of that there for her too! So of course it's gonna leak out at some point!
and the fact that they immediately follow it up with the 'I'm sorry, that was disrespectful' says sooo much too. Not just that they're nice and polite and trying not to break that but also like. their personal views on the Ancients which might have been a source of conflict with some of the other iterators
adn then switching to something else: the tragedy of their situation with being broken down and helpless and isolated and her relief at being helped! but also leaving me wondering if it really is a kindness when you abandon them with the ending and they're basically in the same state but with a slightly better memory of what's going on and there's nothing more you can do.
the ending line of the dialogue about the pearl in their area being, after all the background information of everything that happened with Sliver of Straw, "I make the case that maybe she should be allowed to rest in peace now." It's compassion on her end but also deeply sad to hear and like. maybe it's just me but I feel like there's something else there that either I'm not grasping or we just aren't given the full information for.
the drainage system pearl about the Ancients thinking that trying and effort was bad and the iterators being for offloading that and Looks to the Moon ending with "I know I have tried very hard." like fucking!!!!! rip out my heart and stomp on it why don't you! that would hurt less! it's but one of the many ways the ancients were messed-up with how they treated the Iterators but that specific statement is so personal!!! AUGH!
...Despite how Much I've said here I still feel like I'm forgetting something Important but of course idk what it would be. But yeah Looks to the Moon is The Character ever so cool so stunningly pretty their voice is so cute and I love her.
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hertwood · 8 months
dts s4 e1-3
e1: -OK this was my first dts epsiode EVER it is so special and nostalgic 2 me its the start of EVERYTHING i do not accept s4 slander in this house!!!!!! -daniel is SO optimistic abt mclaren thats so sad 😭😭😭😭 -i think as a first episode for me this was GREAT for setting the scene. this is the first time in the entire series where they have a dedicated segment to the team principals and their rivalries and i think that is so so so important to be able to look at it through that lense moving forward -"[bottas] was moaning and bitching like you wouldn't believe" ok whatever u say moaning and bitching multi-world champion christian horner -"toto inhereted something already well oiled" wasn't brawn/mercedes struggling till he came along or am i wrong. like he joined and a year later they won their first championship. like am i missing something -"darling, i'm not riding bottas" is such an underrated iconic dts quote -i wish i was fuckin there to see nikita crash in his first fucking lap. iconic -love it when commentators say "oh thats a reaaaally interesting strategy call" its clearly code for what the fuck are they doing -i'm so jealous of yall who got to watch this race season live this opening round is SUCH a narratively beautiful start of the season and dts captures it well!!
e2: -i've started watching this while manicly cleaning my apartment so i have nothing to say abt the beginning bit soz -max f cameo!!! v important 2 me :) -michael & daniel are so kaylor coded to me. i know some ppl are like "oh they were never friends they were just coworkers" and i'm like CLEARLY thats full of shit just bc they've fallen out doesnt mean you need to retcon the friendship they had. its sad to see when it was good bc clearly there were good parts. if only we could know -this is the danny ric girlie orgin story 2 ME LETS FUCK SHIT UP -this is such an iconic lando episode 2 me as well! "1 nill down already fuck shit fuck" thats MY baby nothing has changed clearly -"the fireworks for me?" "they can be" 🥺🥺🥺🥺 -"what if i'm just a cunt" is such an important daniel quote to me it is actually deep LISTEN. why must we be expected to be calm n collected n positive in the face of adversity. why must we put on a brave face. our negative emotions deserve to exist without defining us. ANYWAY -i never even remember what exactly happens each monaco weekend i just know that ferraris gonna shit the bed somehow -OH this episode was the FIRST time i opened ao3 carlando interact for like 10 seconds at the end of the episode and i was immediately oh theres DEFINITELY fic of them fucking. in abundance. i just know it
e3: -having season 4 be the first season i watched just permanently altered my brain chemistry the 4433 brainrot is REAL they get near eachother on track i go NUTS they are everything to me. you'd ship them too if you werent a coward -LOVE every single segment with susie. she is so wise i could listen to her narrate the whole f1 season all day -pierre still doing red bull's dirty work i see OH MY GOD HES NEVER GONNA PICK YOU -ROSCOE -unfortunately i am still and will always be a mercedes girl in my SOUL. my bad -i think lewis is taking the piss when he talks abt not being an aggressive driver. is he the /most/ aggressive driver? no. but christian is unfortunately right. also reminds me of how in the 07-08 season there was a race where he got a huge penalty bc he was "too aggressive" and there was all sorts of talk abt how he was too aggressive of a driver 🙄🙄 anyway 4433 cinematic parallels -the way ppl STILL bring this crash up gets me mad like i promise no one was trying to have a nasty crash on purpose--they just happen sometimes. no one should fault lewis for celebrating either--it was his home race and he could've easily not know and you think max would want his apologies and platitudes? NO. also currently they're both clearly not hung up on it so idk why (mostly max fans) (only some obviously) are still hung up on it. "lewis could've killed max" and max could've killed lewis in monza in that case they're fucking even let it fucking go -but there is no way that boy wasnt CONCUSSED as FUCK you can just tell with that 1000 yard stare they shouldn't have let him drive again so quickly tbh -however i DO agree w toto saying max gets away w/ driving aggressively bc most ppl will bail out and i do think that is somewhat true. not to say max is the only driver with this mindset but i do think theres some truth to that -aldskjfalksjfalksdjf im looking up articles abt the incident and this reddit thread said that alex thought the penalty was fair i am KISSING HIM on the mouth
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mrsmarymorstan · 2 years
Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before.....Thanks....
Oh god, from ANY MEDIA EVER?! That's a lot! 28+ years worth of #Content to remember... I'm just gonna be totally random about it I think and this is not an actual ranking!!! Just who first springs to mind. I'll also try not to double up on franchises.
1) Misty (Pokémon) - She was The Girl One and also Not Like Other Girls! I was five, okay?
2) Kyo Sohma (Fruits Basket) The boy who set me down the path of Monster Hugging and Furrydom. If you want details my entire blog exists lol
3) Sir Gwaine (BBC Merlin) Baby's first Dose of Heteronomativity! Plus he helped introduce me to amazing crack ships and made me laugh and broke my heart!
4) Jadzia Dax (Star Trek DS9) - She's just SO COOL! She's semi-immortal, is both an expert on gender and doesn't believe in it, is canonically queer, snarky AF, knows all about Klignons, is very pretty, and does THE SCIENCE!!! Plus she marries Worf and I mean goals.
5) Grog Strongjaw (Critical Role) - He is the definition of Positive Masculinity. An Aromantic King. My precious Baby Boy who could rip me in half if he wanted to but wouldn't. The man who makes me laugh and makes me cry. I miss him so much, I just want more Grog in my life when will he return from the war Matthew???
6) Uncle Newt (John Finnemore's Souvenir Program S9) - A Canonical Asexual Icon, breaking and healing my heart all at once, hell yes to historical queers and elder queers helping to raise baby queers and the found family trope and LOOK JUST LISTEN TO SERIES 9 OKAY?! (They don't use the WORD Asexual but that's because Newt wouldn't KNOW that word but everything about him and his character descriptions and his arc SCREAMS Asexual)
7) Kanade Miyako (Twinkle Stars) - Takaya-sensei made a character so relateable to me I just sat there and cried the whole time. The Academic burn out? The pressure to conform to expectations? Not knowing what to do with your life? Seeing the way she had the narrative treat him as a guide to myself to just take care and take things one step at a time? That it doesn't matter what others say, taking baby steps to heal yourself important and you shouldn't dismiss that. URGH. TAKAYA-SENSEI!!! WHY YOU DO THIS TO ME?!
8) Stephanie Brown (DC Comics) - Purple Clad Icon who tries her hardest and doesn't always succeed but DAMN IT if she isn't gonna crawl back on her feet again no matter what!!! Every single shitty thing a male writer can do to a female character has been done to her, and she's STILL STANDING!!! I will defend her to my last breath.
9) Mary Morstan (Sherlock Holmes) Very few adaptions ever do my girl justice and it's SO FRUSTRATING!!! But god I love her. I love how she's so strong not in a badass Hashtag No Fear way but in the way she is terrified and scared and still goes forward anyway! She's also snarky and loves to tease her husband (and his boyfriend) and I just wish more adaptations understood her! I think the best version of her I've seen is the Ritchie Verse version? More like that please!
10) Gilbert (Being Human) He was in it for one episode and is an absolute Icon. All those years and the only thing he had to do to find his door was to fall in love unironically? He just had to be honest with himself and his feelings. Also this:
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(I debated putting the Sarcastic Vicar here but decided upon Gilbert in the end 💜)
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Ok so... I haven't watched anything RWBY since last finale because I was fucking mourning and still kinda am... But anyways, now that Volume9 Is coming and I feel I little more calm and not wanting to kill absolutely everyone for taking my beautiful daughter AGAIN I decided to rewatch the series 'cuz nostalgia
I just finished Volume 1, here are my thoughts:
Omg the black models for the extras 😂😂😂 I fuckin'forgot about the shadow people!!! I love them!
Also I'm so very proud of how the animation has grown <3 Volume 8 animation is*chef's kiss*
Also, Miles and Kerry have grown up so much as writers!! Like, I adore the dumb jokes and references on these early volumes, but to think where the story heads after!!! OMG it's so awesome!!!
Now going for more specific stuff pardon my rambling and lack of order
Hearing Salem's voice in the intro hits so different after everything we've been through, I love it!
I'm 1000% sure that Ozpin knew from the start that Jaune was lying on his entrance papers, just like he knew who Blake was from the start.
Nora in Players and Pieces is just:
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We stan Nora so hard it hurts<3 best girl.
Also that fucking nevermore fight still takes my break away after watching it more than 30 times! Not many things can say that!
Weiss grows so much across the seasons and I'm so proud of her <3 it's so amazing to see her in this volume knowing what she'll become #you'redoingamazingsweetie #that'smygirl
Blake, darling, there was absolutely no reason for you to crouch down behind Yang in Forever Fall, aside from wanting to watch her ass, your bisexuality is showing honey. #Proud
Also speaking of Yang, it's so weird to see her without her robotic arm again????? Can I just said that as much as I love every version of Yang, volume 5+ is her best version in every way
The fuckin' bunkbeds were and still are a hazard lol I love them though.
Roman, my beloved</3 I've missed you so much king, I wish you could be able to reunite with your girl. She also misses you so much.
That said, I'm sorry my boy, but I know if I had the power to bring back any character who has died in the series... It would always be Pyrrha. I understand why, but it doesn't mean she didn't deserved so much better.
Anyways back to the fun stuff (and there's a lot) Ozpin throwing kids off the cliff will never not be iconic lol.
Just like Weiss and Ruby riding the nevermore, my favorite moment of them as a pair in this season
Honestly the initiation arc is my favorite in this season Is just so awesome lol.
I don't understand how Cardin Winchester got into beacon... Like, he's not even a good fighter nor a good student... How???
I still can't believe that The FNDM latched onto Velvet so hard they gave her a full team of badasses and two spin off books. Fucking great it's what she deserves. Now make her and Coco a couple.
It's been so long since I last watched this volume that I didn't remember Penny and Sun were introduced in the same episode lol honestly Iconic. We got the DemiAce trans girl AND the raging bisexual monkey boy in less than five minutes. Trully a win for representation. We stan.
Also the whole 'penny was wearing a backpack but the animation didn't looked like it' thing it's so funny to me, because next season we 'learn' that She's a robot/android and my thoughts are always "why is it a surprise Ruby you saw her back open up and swords coming out of It?!" Lol.
Red like roses pt 2 and I may fall are still my favorite songs from this soundtrack. They're so freaking epic!!!
Speaking of songs, I can't watch the series without remembering that AU/Headcanon thing that since Casey does Weiss' singing voice all the songs can be seeing as things that Weiss wrote in-universe about her partners and yrabels lol like it's so fucking funny to thing about it that way lol. Did she saw team CFVY being badass and was like 'damn these 4 deserve a fuckin' hard rock anthem to go into battle!'? Did she saw Yang and Blake being useless at confesing their feelings and thought 'I'm gonna write them a song that's so gay they're gonna figure their shit out'? It's just so funny to me lol
Honestly, I really like Cinder as an antagonist... Like really, really like her lol I get why people is tired of her, but I enjoy her moments so much??? Cant wait for more Cinder un Vol2
Also, Ruby my girl, I'm so sorry for everything that's gonna happen </3 I wish I could protect you from the world but I also love seeing you suffer, I'm terrible
So yeah those are my thoughts, fuck how I've missed RWBY, I gotta continue my rewatch now 😋
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So I started watching this silly little amazing show late...started watching it out of curiosity last year and wound up binging the first two seasons. For the most part I forgot about it til this summer when season 3 rolled around. Now post-season 3 I am still thinking about this show, so I got into the fandom online to fill the gap and gahdamn! It's entertaining here but scaaaary...some of y'all? Whew chile! I can't tell if I hate it or love it here lol, but for better or worse y'all are my people.
Anyway, now that I'm here, this is a random and disorganised collection of some thoughts on HSMTMTS:
First and foremost my fave Sofia/Gina is an icon, the moment and we have no choice but to stan.
Second and foremost Dara/Kourtney is an absolute queen who has mastered the art of the slay, and if you disagree you're wrong.
I am a RINA...from the jump. I saw the vision. You did well Tim.
IF, however, our boy JACK somehow moved to SLC, I'm done with Rina. They were too cute <3
I enjoyed early days Portwell. I supported the end of PW when it clearly was not working.
I think EJ is a good guy and deserves happiness. Gina would agree. I wish certain parts of this fandom would recognise that.
I'm a little neutral on Ricky. He's cool and all, but I don't get the hype much. I only really love him in connection to Gina. I still think he deserves happiness.
I think they all deserve happiness frankly. They're kids. It's a tv show.
JENZARRA! I'm sorry Mike but Jenzarra supremacy.
Related to previous, Benjamin was underutilised :( I loved him in his Sue Sylvester era, wish it lasted a bit longer.
Jet is a national treasure.
I'll miss Nini. She wasn't my favourite, but I liked her, even when she was less of a main character.
I kinda think Nini/EJ might have made a good endgame. What even was their ship name though? I literally don't know...NJ? EJini? Salwell?
Wondering is still a top 10 of all HSMTMTS songs, even after season 3.
I need to see the thanksgiving hat make a comeback in season 4. Did Ricky grow into it?
Why did EJ call Ricky his brother? I still don't get it...they were never brotherly??
I didn't care for Rini as a couple, but the pairing brought some great songs to the show though.
Related to previous, I'm interested to see what music comes as a result of Rina. I'm not sure what to expect, but I have faith in the it girl and her boy.
EJ should have sang A Billion Sorrys for Nini. Also I disagree with Ashlyn, Elton wrote a bop.
Also, how come Gina never considered connecting Ashlyn with Jamie? She's also a super talented songwriter with an amazing voice. Doesn't make sense to me but it's fine because Gina Porter is never wrong, and if she ever was, no she wasn't.
Seb was robbed, he deserved the Beast role. #JusticeforSebby
I've been thinking of doing a re-watch from Season 1 so may post some thoughts then!
Also looking for some more hsmtmts related blogs to follow :) So if you see/read this post feel free to suggest some thanks!
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guvato · 2 months
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Tamalog Day 11
When everyone woke up at 7AM, i fed Picochutchi some Roast Beef and Kuchipatchi some Hamburguer (one of his favorites!), Himetchi was doing alright so when the others were ready i called the Sitter for everyone so i could get some sleep.
At 1PM, i woke up, got myself ready for work and went on to have something to eat, while i was eating, Himetchi asked me to make an album and i was like "an album? neat! lets do it." and after selecting the pictures i saw this really long and heartbreaking animation of them saying like "thanks for everything" and getting on the Tama Spaceship, then they go to the Tama Planet and look at the Album and START CRYING WHILE THE PHOTOS YOU SELECTED SHOW UP ON SCREEN. After that they'll give you a new egg for you to take care of but man, that really affected me, i wasn't expecting that today, they just had to make it more bitter than sweet, huh? Well, that's why i love Tamagotchi, they matter so much to me and are the cutest and most interesting things in the world for me.
Anyways, we got a baby boy, and after taking good care of him for a bit, he turned into a Fuyofuyotchi, which is one of the cutest Tamas i've ever seen. He ate a lot through the afternoon and even had some of the Sponge Cakes i made with Himetchi, we didn't play yet, but Depagatchi did come into the house and danced a little with Fuyofuyotchi, which again, was kinda confusing but really cute. Kuchipatchi ate a lot of burguers today, but hey, it's his favorite food so he doesn't care, keeping him happy is pretty easy also, but that does not mean i'll just forget about him, as i make sure that if i check on one Tama i shall also check on the others too. Picochutchi and i spent a lot of the afternoon together, as i did go out today and brought her with me to do some Tama Searching which was a big success, we got so many tier 2 and tier 3 stickers and met some new Tamas too, one of my favorite things to do on the Uni is Tama Seaching for sure. I could also use the Tama Walk but i think i would want to complete my Sticker album before doing the full care icon run for the Tama Walk icon.
At night much of nothing happened, i just checked on Fuyofuyotchi, and he was doing great so i just left him to his 'being cute' business, Picochutchi and i went to the TamaVerse for the Tama Arena event and we had basically the same performance as yesterday, just one flag to completely put us down into 3rd place, but i'm sure she had some fun doing it as much as i did. We were also versing two Lionetchi so i guess we can say we got beat by children, and they were surfing good alright. After that i fed her some of that good ol' Sumo Style Hot Pot, which she loves, and got her social media picture of the day. Kuchipachi was the last one i checked on, and he was doing fine, so i gave him some pets to raise the fondness meter a bit and then just waited for him to go to bed, which he did, so i helped him fall asleep and even though Picochutchi was still awake, i didn't want to bother her, as we did spend a lot of time together today, so she might be tired of seeing me, lol.
And with that we finished our Tama Day, and oh boy was it an emotional day, i thought the Uni's farewell was pretty sad and bittersweet, but seeing Himetchi go kinda broke my heart. I hope i can keep whoever Fuyofuyotchi turns out to be for a bit more time this time, and i shall miss Himetchi greatly even though i know she is doing fine. Kinda makes me afraid of what type of goodbyes are in the other systems...well, we shall know when we are done with one of these devices, only then i shall buy a new Tama. Thank you for reading, See you tomorrow. =]
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imaginespazzi · 4 months
Oh bestie, Sam Kerr is our golden girl fr, like she is one of my absolute heroes and even more so after that incident haha. When she scored that goal against England in the semis (we'll just ignore the result of the game), I remember I was watching the game in a pub with a bunch of mates and the feeling around the place when she shot that - if i could bottle it and keep it forever, i would. I've followed and watched a lot of sports my whole life but that was easily a top-3 moment for me. Not that you asked, but thought I'd share that core memory with you anyway lmao.
I would actually really love P to end up at the Sparks. I really like the Sparks and wanna see Cam and Rickea keep doing well, but I need them in the Paige sweepstakes, so I will in fact be cheering for Indy on Saturday (well, Friday I guess?) (I never know whether to refer to things based on my timezone or the timezone it's happening in 😂).
And cheers to Nika finally getting to play! The gameday fit sent me, what an icon. I know she only played a few mins, and CC immediately hitting a 3 in her face was 🥴 but I'm just glad she's finally back on the court!
Also, the snippet you posted?! I know it's for the plot so I'm trusting you here, Nivi. Lowkey love the angst though (i'm just a girl). But, don't break our hearts! Please. Side note: their cruise vacay was so sweet, I'm so happy they got that time together. I'm patiently waiting for the Azzi island post that we'll never get but I'll give it maybe one more week before I totally give up hope (I know she looked fucking good that entire cruise too #stopgatekeeping 😩)
Much love 💗
Sam Kerr is an international treasure at this point tbh. I remember watching that game and her goal and I was so sure the outcome would be different, especially cause I'm just not an English fan, after that but alas... I love hearing core memories!
No fr though the Sparks needa take a page out of the Mystics books and start trying to tank harder like it's okay besties, we can sacrifice a year because y'all (unlike the Mystics) have a pretty solid shot at getting Paige. Begrudgingly rooting for Indiana is really about to become the tagline of the W season for all Paige fans 😖
NIKA SLAYYYYY! Not quite what I wanted from that game but I'm a big Jewell Lloyd fan so tbh, I enjoyed it anyways. Really, really need Aliyah out of this slump though, I miss her.
It's for the plot and it's for growth and it'll all make sense soon I promise!
Listen if she can post grad pics a couple of weeks out, maybe we'll vacay pics like next week? Or maybe a summer dump? I'mma hold out hope til the very end because I NEED TO SEE IT.
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