#anyway if you need me i’ll be hiding in my living room until my granddad gets here. i am not equipped for this
fingertipsmp3 · 2 years
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dreamescapeswriting · 3 years
Trust In Me ~ PJM [Request]
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PAIRING: Jimin x reader
GENRE: established-relationship, angst, fluffy ending, mentions of family and being raised by grandparents instead of mother
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As you walked down the staircase of your house you placed earrings into your ears, calling out for Jimin to come out.
"Jimin, we're going to be late if we don't leave right now." You cried out as you walked into the living room to find him standing there in his practice clothes. Frowning at him you looked him up at down, today was supposed to be the day he had managed to get off work.
"I thought you got the day off," You whined slipping your shoes on as you looked at him. Jimin felt his stomach begin to churn as he looked at you and lied. Right to your face.
"I got called in again."
"But it's my Grandmothers 90th birthday...We were going to the meal." You reminded him, he had promised you weeks ago that he had gotten the day off and was going to be there.
"I got busy Y/n, I'm sorry." he walked towards you but you ignored his attempt at a hug. All it seemed as of late was that he was busy. Hardly home, always out until late hours of the morning and when he was home he was acting odd. Jittery whenever you asked him how his day had been, on edge whenever you told him that you were going to clean up the house. It felt as though he was hiding something. But you and Jimin had been together for almost 6 years, there was no way he would do something stupid. 
That you knew of.
"I know baby, I'll make it up to you," He promised as he attempted to reach for you but you moved away from him. Grabbing your bag and looking around for your car keys.
"You've been saying that for weeks Jimin" You knew you were probably overreacting. You knew what his lifestyle was like. You had been living it for the last six years but that didn't make it easier. 
"I'll make sure Seojun is following you." He told you as he looked outside. The world knew about your relationship which meant you travelled almost everywhere with a personal guard. Seojun was there to make sure you weren't trampled by paparazzi or Sassengs in the street. There wasn't anyone out there right now but he knew it wouldn't be long until someone was around.
"Thanks." You mumbled turning to leave when he took your hand in his, pulling you closer to him so that you were chest to chest with one another.
"You can't forget this." He placed a gift bag into your hand. The present you had gotten for Grandmas birthday. Something that the two of you had been planning on giving her for almost nine months.
"This is from both of us. I can't give it to her without you." You looked into the bag at the wrapped-up box and Jimin sighed.
"She'll know I'm sorry." Without a word to him, you walked out of the house with the bag. Climbing into the car more pissed off than ever that Jimin would leave you to go to a function like this alone. 
Jimin stood watching you leave and biting down on his lip. It was never his intention to hurt you but this was something he had to do in secrecy. Grabbing his phone scrolling through until he found the name, "Seojun 2" and pressed the call.
"Can you meet me at the house?" He questioned as soon as the other line picked up.
"Sure. Shall I order pizza for when we're done?" An excited female voice asked as she got happy to hear Jimin calling her so early in the morning.
"Of course how could I ever say no when you get so excited like this?" He chuckled grabbing his bag and keys before heading out to his own car. Throwing a bag into the boot before climbing into the front seat, 
"Make sure you bring protection this time, I'm not having a repeat of last time. We got in such a mess!" She grumbled at him as she began to think back on all of their times together. 
"It wasn't my fault we were in the mess." Jimin scoffed as he began to start up the car and put his phone onto the stand, 
"I think you'll find that it was your fault. You're so messy," She complained,
"I never hear you complain until the next time we see each other. I'll see you soon. Make sure you're ready, I want to start right away." He laughed before getting ready to end the phone call,
"So eager Mr Park."
"Only for you." He teased playfully. Hanging up and beginning his slow drive.
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"Happy birthday Grandma," You whispered as you walked into the small restaurant your family was hosting in. A small family-run restaurant that had been in the mall for almost 12 years. Your whole family had been going there for years, your grandmother insisting that it was the only restaurant she would ever eat inside of.
"Thank you, dear," She looked behind you and you knew what she was looking for. Grandma happened to be Jimin's number one fan.
"He couldn't make it." You whispered as you put the gift bag down onto the table of other gifts and looked back at Granny who seemed to be upset.
"Because he had other things to do." You shrugged it off giving her a quick peck on the cheek before going to find you both a drink. 
The truth was you had no idea where Jimin was. It seemed that he was always busy lately and it was beginning to bother you. You had no idea what he was so busy with. There was no comeback coming up and they weren't filming any dancing videos for their channel.
"Your grandfather used to get like that whenever he was hiding something." Your mother's voice sounded from beside you. Anger boiled up inside of you as soon as she felt the need to insert herself in your business when she was never really much of a mother anyway. Not to you at least.
"He isn't hiding anything." You hissed at your mother. She'd never liked you and Jimin together. She never liked you with anybody now that you came to think about it.
"All I'm saying is, he's a very handsome young man. He could have anybody he wanted." She smirked at you, you knew what she was thinking. The moment you had bought him to meet your grandmother your mother had begun flirting with Jimin. Doing anything she could to get his eyes on her.
"Thanks, mum." You grumbled sarcastically before walking away to go and join your grandmother who was opening her gifts. Your brother begging to go first as she picked up an envelope.
"That one's from me!" Your brother yelled excited as your grandmother began to tear it open, frowning and staring over at him as she slowly pulled out what was inside.
"Retirement home flyers?!" You cried out looking from the flyers and back to him as he nodded his head clearly proud at what he had gotten her. 
"Granny needs somewhere she can live," Granny wasted no time in rolling the papers up and smacking him with them playfully until he pulled out a small box.
"This is your real one," He whined as he gave her the box. She pulled it open, 
"It's Granddads old medals. I had them polished and cleaned." She began to tear up before hugging him tightly. Practically making his eyes pop out from his head as she thanked him over and over again.
"Mine next," You whispered pushing the box towards her. Something you had been keeping quiet for months, scared in case she hated it.
"It's from me and Jimin,"
"Who isn't here," Your mother laughed before your brother jabbed her in the side.
"Shut up and sit down. I don't see you with a date either." Grandma shut her up, taking the box from you carefully and smiling up at you. 
Pulling the box open she began to tear up once again, tears beginning to roll down her face as she saw the snowglobe sitting there. 
"A snowglobe for your collection," You smiled as you picked it up to show her that there was a small model of her old home. The one you had spent most of your life growing up inside of. 
"Y/n how did you do this?" Your brother gasped as he moved closer to get a better look at the house. It was almost an exact replica, all it was missing was the porch swings.
"I found someone online who can make custom globes, Jimin and I went to the old house we got pictures." You explained as you shook the snowglobe for your grandmother.
"It's still standing?" She gasped looking up at you with widened eyes.
"Barely. It was practically withering away while we were there but the artist managed to capture everything it used to look like." You smiled remembering the day you took Jimin. It was almost 9 months ago, the two of you went for a road trip to go and find it, You'd almost cried seeing it so dishevelled and abandoned. The inside was terrible with broken glass on the floor, burnt flooring. The inside joinery was exposed and all of the wiring and copper had been stolen. You and Jimin had sat together for a few hours talking about how much the place meant to you and how much you wished you could have saved it.
"This is amazing, thank you." She left a giant kiss on your cheek and you smiled as she began shaking it and showing it off to anyone that was looking at her. Like a child on Christmas.
"I'm glad you like it, I'll text Jimin." You smiled before going to go and find a drink which you had intended to do before. 
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Sitting by the window you looked out at the people that were doing their shopping. The party seemed to be dragging by slowly since Jimin wasn't with you to help lighten the mood up a little.
"You're daydreaming." Grandma laughed as she fed you some more mozzarella sticks. Practically piling your plate higher each time. She claimed that you never ate enough when she was around and would always give you more food than you could possibly ever handle. 
"Sorry, are you enjoying your birthday?" You questioned as you looked at her, she nodded her head. The whole family seemed to have spoiled her, which she truly deserved for everything she had done in her lifetime. 
"It's been fun besides your mother, I swear she thinks I'm suddenly going to drop down dead." Your mother had been questioning her about the will all day. It came as no surprise that she only came around sniffing for money.
"Nope, you're going to live until 190," You teased as she shook her head at you. Taking your hands in hers and squeezing them softly making you look at her as she took on a serious look.
"You were always my favourite." You shook your head and scoffed at her,
"Granny..." You said slowly hoping that no one around you was listening to the conversation.
"I'm serious...When I do go everything will be going to you Including the silver. Make sure you hide that from your auntie Gina." She grumbled looking over at Gina who was eyeing up some of the gifts at the table. She was always sly about it but things magically disappeared whenever she was around. 
"What about mum?"
"What about her? She gets nothing." You sighed before looking back out of the window. Your grandmother had practically raised you in that old house while your mother did nothing but party and not come home until 4 am only to sleep until 4 pm and start all over again. 
"What about my brother-" You stopped yourself from speaking when you caught a glimpse of someone in the distance. It looked like Jimin. 
"He gets to have Grandpas stuff, he always loved to look at it." You nodded as you continued to look over at the couple walking around together. Arms linked and ice cream in their hands. It couldn't have been Jimin. 
Could it? 
"I'm going to get some air," You whispered as you excused yourself from the restaurant and headed out of the door. Keeping your head down just in case it was Jimin. 
"What are we doing?" Seojun asked as he finished off the slice of cake he was chewing. The family had been feeding him mass amounts of food since he had been standing by the door for most of the duration of the party.
"Going to see if that's Jimin," You whispered looking up at him as you pointed over near a shop. It was like his whole demeanour changed as he stared over in the direction you had pointed in. 
"Seojun?" You questioned when you noticed how weird he seemed to be.
"It's not him." He mumbled,
"You barely even looked."
"It's not him." He told you again as he tried to usher you back to the restaurant but you got out of his grasp.
"I'll go over there myself and see-" You didn't need to go over yourself, the girl began laughing loudly and you turned to look. Jimin was standing there, the small tattoo on his left wrist a giveaway that it was him. The date of your anniversary was tattooed there. 
"Y/n! We have more cake!" Your grandmother yelled from the door but you felt too sick to move. Everything was still going over in your head. Did you confront him now or later?
"You should do this later Miss Y/l/n, you don't want to ruin the party," Seojun whispered as he began to pull you into the house. Frantically texting Jimin to alert him that you had seen him out with another woman. The other woman he had been hiding from you.
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When Jimin walked through the door that night he expected you to be asleep. That maybe you had calmed down from everything you had seen earlier but he couldn't have been more wrong. You were sitting and waiting for him surrounded by cups of coffee. It was clear you had decided to wait up for a long time for him.
"Where have you been? And don't lie to me because I asked the boys." He swallowed the lump in his throat. Maybe there was a chance that he could get away with all of this.
"I was out with a friend,"
"A girl?" You questioned. Not angry that he was with someone else but angry that he felt the need to lie to you about it.
"Yes. She's just a friend." You got up and walked over to the cupboard. Pulling out an overnight bag and throwing it down onto the floor. If she was a friend then why did he have clothes packed up in a bag, looking as though he was planning to leave you?
"A friend you sleepover with at an undisclosed location?" You pulled the bag to show him everything that you had found inside of the bag. 
"Y/n, it's not what it looks like." He stuttered out as you began to show him everything that was in the bag.
"So you just have spare underwear and clothes packed up for nothing?"
"It's not what you think it is, she's just a friend." He assured you trying to reach out to touch you but you backed away from him.
"If lies keep spewing from those lips then I am walking out of that door." You said coldly before kicking the bag towards him. Jimin sighed looking down at the bag and then up at you. It was time for him to come clean with you but there was no way you were going to believe him unless he showed you.
"Let me prove it...Let me show you where I've been doing, what I've been doing." You looked at him before nodding.
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A quiet and agonizingly slow car ride later and you were standing at the house. The house you had grown up in. 
"What are we doing here?" You questioned looking over at the house and then to Jimin who got out. The house was still falling apart except now there seemed to be a giant skip outside with rubbish inside of it.
"Follow me." He whispered not wanting to wake anyone else up on the street. It was almost 3 in the morning no one wanted to be woken up.
Following after him, you frowned as he walked into the house. Although the outside of the house was still falling apart the inside was all-new. The exposed walls were patched up, fresh paint all over the walls. Furniture in the place it had been in when you were younger. New flooring was put down to replace the burnt patches that had been left by squatters.
"I've been doing this...I wanted it to be a surprise for you but you saw me so I had to show you." He told you as he walked further into the house showing that everything was as you remembered it to be. A fireplace was put in place where your Grandmother used to sit and read you bedtime stories. 
"I got everything from old images you'd shown me. Your brother gave me old photo albums so I could match everything." You were tearing up as you walked around the house. Everything looked to be exactly the same as your childhood home.
"The second floor isn't finished yet, Sooyoung and I were going to get started on it." The name of the girl he had been with, you turned to look at him.
"The girl you saw me with. She's Seojun's sister, she's a decorator." Your mouth formed an 'O' as you looked around at everything. Seojun had told you about his sister almost a million times but you'd never seen her before.
"Jimin this is perfect,"
"I wanted you to have everything you wanted...I know how much this place meant to you." Saying nothing you walked into his arms and hugged him tightly, kissing his chest. You couldn't believe you let your head run to the fact that he would cheat on you. Jimin would never hurt you and you knew that.
"I'm sorry I called you a liar."
"I'm sorry I hid it from you...I wanted it to be a surprise." He laughed weakly as he rubbed his hand up and down your back. Kissing the top of your head softly,
"I trust you Jimin. I really do...I was just scared. You'd been so busy and then mum said you could have whoever you wanted." He knew your mum would have something to do with the way you reacted so he shook his head. Promising you that everything was okay.
"I only want you." He whispered leaning down to kiss your lips softly. The start of the rest of your lives was going to happen in a house you had always dreamed of owning.
"This is our place?"
"It will be when we finish on the top floor. We have to way for a contractor to come out for that though." You smiled at him, kissing him once again. You were never going to get tired of kissing his perfect lips.
"Thank you Jimin, this is...This is the best surprise you could have ever given to me," He smiled down at you before bringing you into a real kiss, wrapping his arms around your waist and kissing you deeper as you jumped up into his arms.
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Tagline: @lyoongx @mitzwinchester @rjsmochii @taestannie @sw33tnight @sweeneyblue1​ @jin-from-the-block​ @acciocriativity​ @mwitsmejk​ @taeechwitaa​ @justbangtanthingz​ @stillwithlix​
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clydesgod · 4 years
The coming
Feat. Richard, Vitalis, Krista
(This is just a lil drabble so, there shouldn’t be any major themes to worry about. just enjoy. Sorry if I there’s some grammar or spelling errors hehe)
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As the sun rose from it’s concrete horizon, Richard let out a large yawn as he struggled to put his shirt on. He had been trained on how to do it without anything getting caught on his horns, but it was awfully hard when you took into consideration that Richard hardly remembered much, especially when he just woke up not even half an hour ago. Not only was he changing his shirt, he was also cooking. Fried eggs, soaked in olive oil. Hardly a healthy option but it was one that got him in a good mood in the morning. Well, minus the fact both of the yolks had burst. He didn’t care either way. Sort of.
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As he finished cooking them and moving them onto a plate, he couldn’t help but feel a slight hint of dread loom over his shoulders. Was it the hangover? No, couldn’t be. Sure, he felt like trash in a landfill, but he never felt like something awful was about to happen.
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“‘Scuseeeeeee me,” asked the shorter demon as he pushed past Richard and his plate so he could open the fridge and raid it, like every morning. “Do we still have any leftovers from last night?”
Richard scoffed, picking up his plate and moving towards the main living room with an almost ragged couch and a plain looking coffee table. “Chinese for breakfast? I’d hardly say peking duck with a side of spring onion is the best choice of food to start the day with.” He commented, sighing somewhat as he looked down at his rather sad looking fried eggs. They’d be good for now anyway. He could easily go to the store later.
“Sorry for being so unclassy mr ‘ramen at 4am’,” Vitalis spat, closing the fridge as he then began to raid the other cupboards. “Surely there have to be some pop tarts here or something. You didn’t throw them away did you?”
“You mean the ones that went out 3 months ago?” Richard replied.
“Yeah. The strawberry ones.”
“Yeah I threw them out.”
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The shorter demon groaned, collapsing to his knees and looking down at himself. “I’m going to staaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarve!” He moaned  in a very monotone voice. He was always an actor, even to the very end. “I always knew this would be how I’d die. With an empty stomach and whilst my favourite cousin  eats in front of my face.”
Richard, who hadn’t even taken a bite, rolled his eyes and held the plate towards him. “You want these ones then?”
Dropping his sad act, the shorter demon looked up, squinting as he looked over at the plate. “Bleh, as if. Those are the saddest eggs I’ve ever seen.”
“Suit yourself, more for me...I guess.”
“Are you really going to not get me something? Like order a McDonald’s maybe?”
“No. Wait-”
“Aww common. I know you want one of those sausage burgers, or even the pancakes.~”
Richard put his plate and cutlery down, letting it clank against the coffee table. “Wait-”
“Boooooo you’re no fun. I’ll order some but that means I won’t be able to pay for rent for a whil-”
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“Shut the fuck up! Didn’t you hear what I said?” Richard turned, his expression which previously looked like he just woke up 5 minutes ago, now looked like he realised where this strange sense of dread was coming from. He stood up, looking around the room as Vitalis started to pick up what he was feeling. He felt it too, through his hunger.
A creak was heard, as if someone was walking right outside the apartment. That shouldn’t even be at all weird, they hear people moving past this place all the time. Why was something off now? Was it the sound of their heels? The way they were moving slowly? No. Something about this person’s aura was ringing alarms in the demons’ heads. Vitalis moved quickly, hiding behind the couch as Richard attempted to follow suit.
A knock was heard. Was this a trick? Surely someone was trying to break in, no? That should’ve been the reason for this strange sense, surely. Richard slowly turned, facing the door. He looked back at Vitalis, who shrugged.
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“I ain’t answering’ that fucking door!” He whispered loudly, pointing over behind him. “You go and do it! It’s your apartment!”
Richard gulped, turning his body around as he stared at the door. Why was this feeling familiar? It was like he forgot something and was about to face the consequences of that action. Why though? He sent a birthday card to his granddad last month, what could he be forgetting? He kept moving forward, his hand hesitantly reaching over at the locks as the doorknob fidgeted slightly. Someone wanted to get in.
Another knock. Richard recoiled a bit, but carried on moving on towards the door, undoing all of the security chains and latches he had installed when he first moved in. He was told it was a safe area...but you can never be so sure.
Vitalis had dived down behind the couch, hands covering his head as he awaited a possible fight, maybe a huge explosion? He didn’t know what Richard usually got up so it really could’ve been anything. Maybe even a dragon? Or worse, the landlord. Him and Richard grit their teeth, preparing for anything as the taller demon slowly turned the handle on the door. Who was it? What could he possibly have forgotten? Slowly, he opened the door when-
It stopped. Oh no. The door was jammed, whoever was outside was trying to trap them from the inside. That had to be it. It was one of the villains he had to deal with every day and now they were here to seek revenge and kill-
Oh. Wait. No. Richard looked down, realizing he forgot to undo the last latch to the door. “A-Ah. S-sorry. One second.” He nervously said, unsure as to why he would even let someone know about his current predicament. He quickly undid the last lock, slowly opening the door now. Why did he feel like he had to urgently open this door all of a sudden? As if he didn’t want to disappoint whoever was on the other side.
As the door opened, Richard began to ponder quickly on whom it would’ve been. He thought about all of the emotions and feelings leading up to this point. Dread, forgetfulness, worry, haste, urgency, disapointment. He gulped once more, knowing there was one way to find out.
The door opened. Richard had his eyes closed as he had braced himself for whatever was behind there. Strange though, he wasn’t being beaten around at all. That’s what he was sort of expecting. He opened his eyes, slowly at first but then quickly as he recognised that face anywhere.
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“W-What are you- how did you even know- how- I- What are you doing here?”
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“Did you really think you could get away with that?”
Richard took a step back, gulping before he replied. “G-get away with what?”
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                                       Getting away 
                                                                                        without saying...”
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“Hello!” Said Krista, who at this point had just thrown her arms around Richard, trapping him in a hug. She was taller than Richard, but that was mainly thanks to those heels she wore. She hugged him for a while, with Richard trying to push away from her.
Eventually she let go of him, allowing the wrath demon to stumble back and fall onto the couch.
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“Mom??? What do you mean??? Since when were you visiting?” He asked, not raising his voice so as to not fear her wrath.
“You didn’t need to know that,” she replied back, closing the door behind her as she entered the apartment, having a look around at the state everything was in. “Oh my goodness, you left this place in a better state than your bedroom at home.”
“Speaking of,” she looked back at Richard, her gaze piercing as she squinted and frowned her brow. “Me, your father, your siblings, and your grandparents, sent you a lot of lovely St David’s day messages on your phone. And what do we get? Nothing. I asked your father, he received nothing. Rhys? Nothing. Gwyneth? Nothing. Your father’s parents? Zilch! And what do I get? An ungrateful son who doesn’t even ask how his dear mother is doing.”
She huffed, crossing her arms as she looked away from her son. Richard, at this point, was looking almost terrified.
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“Aaaaaaa-I swear I forgot! I-I had a bit too much to drink last night so the texta sort of went over my head. I was going to reply to them but I just, sort of-”
“Oh don’t you bring up that ‘forgetfulness’ thing again,” she interrupted, looking back at Richard with a huff. “This would never have happened if you stopped drinking like we asked you to do! It’s so unhealthy!”
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“...But Rhys is allowed to smoke-”
“Did I say you had permission to interrupt me?”
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“I-I mean. S-sorry mom.”
“As I was saying,” she continued, pacing around the room, looking about at everything. “Your dear mother was so worried for you, I decided I just had to pay you a visit. It didn’t help that I had to knock about 3 times. You made me worried sick!”
“I’m so sorry!” Richard replied, clasping his hands together and looking up at his mother as if he was begging for his life. “I don’t mean to make you worry! I swear I forgot. I swear! I promise I’ll reply to every text I get from you and dad!”
Krista stared at Richard for a while, eyes squinting as she loomed over Richard. She looked furious...until her expression suddenly changed as she closed her eyes and let out a brief giggle.
“Alright. I forgive you lil Dewi,” She reached over, patting his head as she moved over onto the couch, sitting herself down and placing a brown paper bag onto the coffee table. “Those are some sad looking eggs dear, so I hope you can forgive me for bringing fast food for you. I know you always love those McMuffin things with that round egg in them.”
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“Did someone say McMuffin?” Vitalis said, popping his head up whilst keeping a safe distance away from Krista.
“What did your mother teach you Vitty?”
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“...Hello Mrs Clydesgod may I please have some breakfast please and thank you.”
Rolling her eyes, she reached into the bag and brought out a wrapped meal just for him. She reached on over, letting him take it so he could slowly sink down behind the couch.
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“Where did you even get that from?” Richard asked, who looked on over at the bag as well. “Er- may I have one too...please.”
“A rather long way to say ‘please’ don’t you think Dewi?” She joked, handing him his own meal. “Don’t worry about me, I’ve already eaten today.”
Having his question unanswered, Richard simply unwrapped his meal and dug in. He was used to being disappointed by the amount of answers his mother was good at not giving him. She wasn’t planning on leaving anytime soon, wasn’t she.
“I’m not planning on leaving anytime soon by the way.”
“You haven’t spoken to any of your family for quite a while and I think that should be changed. I’m sure your father would agree.” Krista stated, resting her hands on her lap as she looked over at Richard.
“There’s no way Rhys and Gwyneth are going to stay here. There’s no room and I’d rather die than be in the same room as Rhys of all people.”
Krista gasped, placing a hand on her chest as her brows arched upwards. “How could you say such a thing! About your eldest brother too! I thought you and Rhys were good friends.”
“We were until he dated my crush, knowing damn well she was my crush ,15 years ago.”
“Tut tut tut, that’s no good reason as to not interact with him at all.” Krista crossed her arms again, a move that always made goosebumps appear on Richard’s arms. “I will not force them to come. But knowing them, they’ll find their way over here eventually. There’s nothing much you can do about that.”
“Yeah...I know.” He carried on eating, enjoying the breakfast she had brought for them silently.
“Let me know if you need any money for your rent, Dewi.” She added, standing up and taking the brown bag with her.
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“W-wait. You’re going already?” He asked, almost choking on a bit of sausage in the process of asking.
“Why, yes! I’m still yet to check into my hotel room! I’ll text you where I’ll be staying if you want to see me or to introduce me to any of your lovely friends!” She made her way towards the door, opening it and pausing at the door way. She looked back, her eyes squinting ever so slightly as she spoke. 
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“I do expect a reply this time dear.”
Richard gulped, with Krista closing her eyes and letting out a little giggle. “Hwyl! Bore da!”
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“Bore...da...mam…” Upon her closing the door, Richard was left dumbfounded, his mouth somewhat agape as the feeling of dread began to return.
Vitalis peaked up from behind the couch, looking at the coffee table.
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“So...are you going to eat those eggs?”
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Richard looked back, trying to resist the urge to slap him before resting his head back against the couch and rubbing his face with both hands.
“Sure. Knock yourself out.”
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hobiwonder · 5 years
crazy rich asians | 01
Genre: Chaebol!BTS. maid!reader. Smut, fluff. mild angst.
Pairing: Jin x reader, Jimin x reader, Hoseok x reader, Yoongi x reader. Possible future pairings.
Warnings for this chapter: language. brief mention of oral sex. Kissing !!!
Words: 9k+
Summary: You overhear something you shouldn’t. Now some of the country’s most powerful - and rich - men would do anything to keep you quiet.
a/n: i turned it into a fic as requested!!! ngl…. am worried how people will receive this lol. This will be a short series. no major angst so don’t worry. i hope you guys like it bc i really enjoyed writing it. please let me know what you think n feed my motivation bubble so i dont take months to finish this ajdubejekbfjk.
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This was odd. Jin’s eyebrows furrowed – which he was strongly against since premature wrinkles were one of his biggest fears. He was closer to thirty than twenty so his concerns were valid. Jimin almost never visited his childhood home ever since their father got engaged to the secretary – another cliché – a few months ago.
“Hm… what changed your mind little brother.” Jin mutters as he passes the sleek Mercedes that belongs to his younger brother. Nevertheless, he can’t help the sly smirk that fights his muscles and spreads across his porcelain skin. He couldn’t wait to rub it in Jimin’s face that he finally returned when his bank account dried out. Most likely.
The plethora of house staff greeting Jin as he walked along the indoor fountain, trying to acknowledge most of them. They had too many servants and it wasn’t Jin’s fault that he didn’t care about most of them. But it was hard when they all looked so sheepish like they had some wretched secret they were supposed to hide but failed.
“Good Afternoon Sir, what brings you here?” Jin’s long legs are no match for the shorter man who usually took care of everything in the manor so he’s a little breathless as he Jogs besides him.
“To my own house? Where I lived for 20 years?” This really was becoming a strange day.
“A-Ah no sir. I meant no disrespect just wanted to be prepared to accommodate you accordingly.”
“Okay,” This was officially starting to annoy him and the furrow in his forehead was getting deeper. He would not get wrinkles because his servant annoyed him in to it. “Alfred… Anders… Andrew. Whatever your name is, I don’t need to announce my arrival at my own home. On second thought, maybe I should.”
The idea is very appealing as he swirls the thought in his head and it’s enough to make him forget the butler’s calls as he enters Jimin’s private wing. He isn’t surprised though when he already hears faint moans but not of a woman for once. It’s undoubtedly Jimin which is again – peculiar because getting off himself wasn’t something Jimin liked to do if he had ‘several other women ready to do it for me’ if quoting him directly. He guesses there is only one way to find out as he approaches the living area, looking at the back of his head resting on the enormous lounge sofa.
“Well hello there brother!” His tongue doesn’t form anymore words when he can finally see Jimin in his line of view – and his father’s fiancé frantically buttoning her blouse to retain some of her dignity. Jimin on the other hand is taking his sweet time tucking himself inside his slacks – shaking his head in disbelief as if Jin’s caused him immense grief.
“…and Amber.” Jin is no stranger to walking in on his brother – or friends really – indulging in all sorts of debauchery but this – this was quite interesting and to put it simply, messy. “Well, well, well. Did you come back to sleep with our step-mother or actually missed your family, god forbid?”
Jimin is no more rattled than a sloth as he runs his hands through his silky golden hair and smacks Amber’s ass as she’s still fiddling with her blouse. “A bit of both.”
“I-I didn’t know you’d b-be back so quick Jin-ah.” Her pearly white teeth that his father paid way too much for are almost blinding him. Yeah he’s not that bored today to play along with her games so he opts for just a dry smile. This was no surprise to him. Especially when the first person she had a fling with in this household was, well, Jin himself.
“Clearly. Thankfully you know father won’t be home until late. Run along now. I’ve got to catch up with your son.” Okay, that one’s on him. He liked to rub it in her face.
“Step-son.” She’s positively seething and Jin couldn’t be more delighted.
“Ooh. Naughty aren’t you? I knew you were always in a bit of incest.”
Jimin’s snort and Amber’s scoff come at the same time but at least it makes her on her way, heels clicking as she’s strutting away.
“I gave the staff one job and they couldn’t even do that.” Jimin walks towards the liquor cabinet, pouring himself a whiskey at 12 in the afternoon – bringing a smile to his face. He did miss his little brother.
“To keep me from finding Amber swallowing your unborn children?
“Thank fuck for that. I’m not ever going to be ready for kids.”
“Understandable. Considering you are one.” Jin’s shit eating grin makes Jimin pour another glass which he drowns in a second too.
“Please tell me how many ‘kids’ you know who’re worth half a billion dollars?”
Not a trick question.
“Almost all of our friends? Plus, we’re brothers you maggot. And I’m worth more.” His stance widens as he splays his feet out in some sort of power pose.
“What now? You want us sword fighting?” Jimin’s glancing to his crotch before he continues, “I’ll win because somebody didn’t let me finish.” Yes, very evident from the hard tent in his slacks.
“No need to resort to unsanitary methods. Talking will do.” He’s waving his hand in dismissal, watching Jimin taking a seat opposite – absolutely no attempts at hiding his boner. “So, what brings you back? Thought you were up in the Bahamas getting tanned and toned and weren’t due back for a few more weeks?”
“Correct but that was until father announced his surprise engagement.” Jimin is on his third glass of whiskey but looks more sober than a priest.
“Is there anything he does these days that isn’t a surprise? I found out I was moving houses from the real estate agent for god’s sake.” That makes Jimin snort out a laugh.
“Christ. He’s a bastard isn’t he?” Jimin had been in boarding school still when Jin had been effectively moved out of the manor in to a skyscraper penthouse because his father had wanted to ‘relax by himself and no kids’. As if he raised them on his own.
“Yup. Turns out he just needed the house to be snitch-free to fuck his secretary/future step-mom.” Plus he was still going through the divorce with their mother.
“I can understand why.” Jimin’s closing his eyes, heading leaning back again as a sultry smile spreads on his youthful face as if he’s reminiscing an irreplaceable memory. “Amber can make you forget you own name.”
“Right?” Jin is letting his inner, less sophisticated horny teenager alter ego slip through as he agrees with his brother about what a good lay their step-mom is.
“You already tap that?” When Jin just winks in Jimin’s direction, he’s clapping and chuckling like he can’t believe it.
“You’re no better than me brother and please, don’t take that as an insult. No offense at all.”
“None taken.” For a moment Jimin truly feels slightly happier. Looking at his brother and remembering sitting across from him while they talked about everything when they were younger and thought they had a chance at becoming people different than their father or their whole family. He had everything. They both had everything. There wasn’t one thing that either of them lacked or desired. So needless to say, their lives were a little grey and lacked excitement. Money though. That never failed to give him a hard-on.
Seeing his brother also made him happy, sure.
“Remember when we were playing in father’s office that one time he left it unlocked?” Jimin continues when Jin nods slowly, “And remember when we were rummaging through the drawers we found a safe and tried to break into it before Anderson caught us?”
“I knew it! He looked like an Anders.” When Jimin just blankly stares at him he mutters an apology and tells him to continue.
“Anyway. I went back and broke in to the safe.”
“Of course you did,” Jin is rolling his eyes but not finding it surprising that his little brother, ever the inquisitive little cat, went back to do exactly what he was told to notdo.
“No, listen,” Jimin’s eyes are increasingly growing frantic as he shifts forward, abandoning his glass of whiskey and Jin knew that this was something juicy. “There were papers inside the safe. Granddad’s will. I made copies.”
“Wait, you told me there was a bunch of cocaine and ecstasy. Nothing else.” Jimin shrugs once again to ask what was his point.
“And you stole the papers but not the drugs? My teenage self hates you so much right now.”
“And that poor bastard should be thankful I looked in to the papers otherwise you would become penniless. Very soon.”
What was Jimin trying to say. “Get to the point Jimin. What about Grandpa’s will?”
Jin’s palms were becoming sweaty and a little tick in his left leg had already started and was about to become a full blown restless leg syndrome like a pathetic little office worker worried about losing a promotion.
“Well,” Jimin is moving across the room to sit beside his older brother, turning his lithe body to the side facing him as he starts to explain. “Grandad’s will stated that we were to receive 10% of our inheritance every year starting at the age of 35. Unless father remarried.”
The mention of money always sped up Jin’s heartbeat. It raced in his chest like he was about to win the lottery. Maybe he was?
“What then… ?” Jimin’s Cheshire grin slowly lighting up his whole face was never a good sign. Until now apparently.
“If he remarried before we turned 35, we are to receive our inheritance. In full. At once.”
Jin really felt like his heart would beat out of his chest. Because that was a lot of money.
“$10 billion.” There was a slight pause as Jimin eagerly awaited his brother’s reaction.
“I think I just had a powergasm.” Jimin is chuckling as he slaps Jin’s back, shaking his older brother out of joy as they both start to gradually laugh louder. Is this how supervillains felt? Jin’s never laughed like this before and it’s no surprise that it’s money that’s doing the trick. Poor people wouldn’t understand.
That’s when another realisation occurs. “That’s why he kicked me out of the house. Because he was going to get engaged and couldn’t risk us retaliating and finding this bit of information out.”
“Precisely big brother.”
“Fuck…. We’re going to be rich as fuck.”
“If he doesn’t figure out a way to get that clause crossed from the will.” Jimin seems a bit nervous for the first time since he had started talking.
But Jin wasn’t. Not when he had people on his side who would love to make some money as well. Well, more money. He wasn’t friends with poor people.
“Don’t worry about it. You still in contact with Taehyung?” Jimin looks at his older brother with a ‘duh’ face.
“You still have a dick?” Jin’s just rolling his eyes as he calls the first number under ‘Y’.
“Hello to you too, Min. Say, you want to become rich?” Yoongi on the other end is snorting before he speaks with his signature lazy drawl.
“I’m already rich, you bitch. But I’m having a down day anyway. Tell me more.”
Jin is smirking towards his brother, his body is buzzing and this is the most excited he;s been a while.
“Meet at my place with the other boys. At 2. Lunch is on me.”
“Yes because I desperately need someone to shout me lunch.” He’s had enough of Yoongi’s sarcasm so he just hangs up.
“Well Jimin, lets go get our billions.” Jimin hands his older brother a glass of whiskey before they make a toast.
“Amen.” Jin furrows his brows again.
“You believe in god now?”
“After seeing Amber’s tits? Yeah.”
“Oh hello there. Eavesdropping were we?” A man is leaning against the wall behind you, hands in his pockets while he looks at you head to toe, two small dimples appearing when he grins rather…. cutely you might add.
“U-Uh, n-no?” The handsome stranger is only shaking his head as he walks towards the door where the two brothers had gone in to only half an hour ago.
“Be careful next time little maid.” You hold in the scoff until he disappears inside the room.
“You guys have better discussed Amber’s ass and nothing else of importance because of the audience outside. The pretty little thing Anders hired.
“How does everyone know his name and not me? You don’t even live here Hoseok.” Jin’s scoffing while Jimin worries about the real problem.
“Fucking hell. The staff in this house is more loyal to our father than their own families. What do we do?”
“Leave that to me. Girls never kiss and tell when they’re with me.” with a wick, Hoseok is settling on the couch as well. “Just transfer me $50 million when you both get the money.”
Oh boy. Being rich was hard.
You were screwed. Or at least it looked like you were. Even though you'd been hired months ago - it was not usual to see the 'house Masters' (that's what Anders had called them anyway so you stuck with it). In fact you could count on one hand how many times you'd seen Kim Seokjin around the mansion. though he didn't live here so that wasn't too surprising at first but you did think that he would at least regularly visit his father. the numerous articles written about this family portrayed them as loyal as you can be to your own blood. What behind closed doors however, was a different story.
The eldest son rarely visited his father and his father, your employer, was even more of a rare sight around the Manor. In the three months you'd worked here, you'd seen Mr. Kim twice. And one of those times was when the annual Christmas dinner was hosted. But even for that, the youngest son, Jimin had not been present. So seeing the new face around the Manor today had confused you very much. But the way his perfectly sculpted features, luscious and shiny - oh god was it shiny - hair had told you that he belonged to this family. How close he was? You weren't sure. Until now.
Now that you'd been caught listening in to the scheming going behind the closed doors. He was the youngest son that was asked about a thousand times at the Christmas dinner and each time both, the father and the son, evaded the questions like experts. He was as handsome as the rest of the family so it didn't surprise you much when you found out his identity. Especially when the future house mistress had been lead in to the room by him, all smiles and charming demeanour. You'd naively thought that the step-mother and son - though she looked too good for her age as all rich people did - had quite a close relationship even though this was the first time you were seeing Master Jimin home. Until the moaning had sounded obnoxiously out in the hallway. Anders had tried his best to get to be anywhere other than cleaning the massive hallway that all the rooms connected to but in the end, you'd gravitated towards the noises. Knowing it was wrong for you to listen but not being able to help yourself. The young master's voice was so melodic, so serene, you were almost forgetting that the said noises weren't as innocent as the emotions they were evoking in you.
Your heart had sped up and your fingers had tugged down your uniform subconsciously at the erotic noises emitting from the room. Imagining yourself to be on the giving end of the scenario playing out in the room. But your fantasies had been broken when you'd hear Anders and Mr. Kim's older son's booming voice coming down the hallway. Quickly ducking back in to one of the rooms you were supposed to start dusting in, you'd only caught glimpse of the incredibly handsome Kim Seokjin reprimanding Anders for making him feel unwelcome in his own home. Though you felt for the poor old man. He was nice and looked after you more than you had expected. And the amount of work he had to see through was incredible and you were amazed at how he never failed to complete each and every one of his tasks. Except keeping Mr. Kim out of the young master's room that is. You'd heard the cheeky tone in Jimin's voice when he'd asked Anders to make sure that no one disturbs them. You'd thought stupidly that maybe they wanted to spend quality time with each other since Jimin was back home after a long time. And they spent quality time alright. The noises were a testament to that.
You were suddenly feeling the nervous butterflies in your stomach at the prospect of Jimin being found out by his older brother. And with his step mother no less. Like youwere the one doing something that scandalous. Craning your neck you'd tried to hear, maybe yelling? You'd assumed - wrongly, again - that the older master Kim would be horrified at finding out the debauchery going on inside the room but all you'd seen was a ruffled Amber - you think that's her name from the moans at least - and then joyous laughter which could only mean the brothers meeting. Rich people were bizarre. Did they not have any morals? Nothing settling uneasy in their conscience?
Not that you were any better because you were plainly eavesdropping and that was not how your mother raised you. Though she didn't raise you that much at all in all honesty. But she was quick to correct your mishaps or seemingly 'dishonest' activities. That was all she did really. Mostly your grandmother raised you until you were kicked out at the ripe age of 18 by your mother to 'find your own way' like her crack addicted self told you. She preached but never practiced her own self-righteous attitude more than when she needed to keep you under control. Though your visit down the memory lane is interrupted when your ears catch on to what the two men inside were talking about. The words 'cocaine' catch your attention - it was your mother's favourite at one point. Listening on further was just pure coincidence. But boy oh boy. What were you hearing? Were they going to possibly.... hurt someone for even more money? How much more could they want? They already had enough of it. You didn't realise the pout that had been on your face while you listened to the two brother calling a friend for some 'help'.
Not until someone was clearing their throat behind you, damn near making you knock your head against the wall you had been absentmindedly wiping for the hundredth time. Initially - for the millisecond of the reaction time you had available - you thought Anders would be the one to catch you and for some reason, you weren't as scared. Hence the sheepish smile on your face when you turn around to face whoever it was that had caught you so blatantly trying to listen to whatever was happening. Though your smile - as well as your heart - drops instantly when you see an unfamiliar face in front of you, yet again. And once again - the stranger is handsome, incredibly so. In fact, the toothy grin he's beaming your way is nearly blinding. His white teeth - definitely not natural, though you wouldn't be surprised if they were - smiling up at you as he leant against the wall besides you. How did you not hear him? His body was lithe and somehow you're not surprised that he snuck up on you so easily. Nonetheless, he did and you were in major trouble. He was good-looking enough for you to figure out that he probably belonged in the two master's circle.
“Oh hello there. Eavesdropping were we?” The man is leaning against the wall behind you, hands in his pockets while he looks at you head to toe, two small dimples appearing when he grins rather…. cutely you might add.
“U-Uh, n-no?” The handsome stranger is only shaking his head as he walks towards the door where the two brothers had gone in to only half an hour ago.
"No! Uh I mean. N-No... that's what I mean." You're hoping the desperation in your eyes gives him a hint that you rather not get in to trouble.
“Be careful next time little maid.” His smirk doesn't dissolve. In fact, it seems to get wider. Most likely being able to tell how hard you're trying to make it seem like you were doing the right thing. Definitely not eavesdropping. The handsome stranger is only shaking his head as he walks towards the door where the two brothers had gone in to only half an hour ago. Still watching you.
But alas, your mind malfunctions and the only thing you can think of is to get out of there. Too many good looking men you've seen to last you a decade. You're scurrying away back to the room you were originally supposed to be in and you can hear his chuckle even as you go further down the hallway to the room.
Slumping against the wall, your hand clutches just above where your heart should be. You were sofired. There was no way that whoever this was would not mention you lurking outside the room. Who was he anyway? Oh well, not that you would get to find out because you were stupidly caught eavesdropping. Eavesdropping! How cliché. It was impossible to focus on your work knowing that you will be in immense trouble. Pacing back and forth, rehearsing excuses and explanations to give Anders on why you were outside of your given area. And caught by a guest no less. From what you'd gathered about the older Kim son - he couldn't care less about your presence in the house.
One time he'd come in the living area, stayed for over two hours without acknowledging that you were even in the room. In fact, when Anders had called out to you to return to lend a hand at the kitchen is when he'd looked up at you as if it was the first time he was hearing a name that wasn't his own. Even then, he'd only looked at you for a mere few seconds before going back to the book he'd been reading.
But the newcomer - or old you guess, you'd only just started working after all - you weren't sure how he'd react to finding out your roaming outside his room. Surely, he would be just as aloof and uncaring of a mere maid as you, right? Maybe not if the handsome stranger told him about how well you'd been listening to the conversation inside. Oh lord. This was the only job that paid enough for you to send home and also keep a roof over your head. What were you going to do? You minded your own business but the one day curiosity got you was when you've been caught. Just your luck. Your mother was right. Your curiosity will be your end. And seems like it will be now as well judging from the sound of the doors opening from the young master's suite and several pairs of footsteps coming towards the room you were in.
Your limbs moving like lightning, making sure each and every one of the vases was picked up and dusted through thoroughly - it's obvious you're trying to look as occupied as possible. A few seconds later, the footsteps stop right outside the room you're in and your heart might as well have stopped pumping blood through your body as well with the way your temperature drops from the impending doom. Had they told on you already? Was Anders also outside the door? If he was alone you could've tried to weasel your way out of such a mishap but you doubt the you could even let out a squeak between the three intimidating men.
To your demise, when the men enter the room - Anders is nowhere to be found. The two brothers and the third stranger who had caught you stand in the doorway looking all too.... nerve-racking (for you). Instantly you know that theyknow how nervous you are. Nervous of losing the only source of income that was enough to sustain you. The older of the two brothers is looking at you up and down, slowly and calculating. Like it's the first time he's seeing you. Someone like you at least. Some who wasn't at the same calibre as he. Even his gaze makes you feel poor. Inferior.
Thought it doesn't seem to be intentional. He was inspecting you like you were an enigma when in reality he was the one clad in all sorts of bling you were sure you would only see in the movies. Being so focused and aware of Seokjin, you'd almost forgotten about the two other men in the room. While the stranger leant against the wall like he had earlier, Jimin had taken a seat on the large sofa a few meters away from you. Crossing his, muscular you might add, thighs. Getting comfortable with one of his arms splayed on the back of the cushions while the other rested on the hand rest - completely at ease. The exact opposite of you. While Seokjin was all curious eyes, Jimin seemed to be looking at you with sly eyes, blatantly checking out your frumpy uniform and the duster in your hand. The smirk you'd seen in the morning still ever present on his face.
Never having been in a room with an attractive man such as Seokjin himself - let alone three - you're about ready to faint.
"Are you boys going to start or shall I?" The stranger spoke first. Voice breezy like they were about to have a conversation about the weather with you.
your eyes must still be opened wide when Jimin speaks up. "Relax Hoseok hyung, let the girl breathe first. You okay sweetheart?"
His saccharine sweet tone instantly soothes some of the nerves and the smile he sends your way, the wrinkles appearing around his round eyes making you feel all warm inside.
"U-Uh, wh-what? Oh I-I'm-" The elder cuts you off however. Seemingly not being able for you to finish up your stuttering. Hm, he definitely wasn't as nice as the other two.
"Anyway, what were you doing outside master Jimin's wing, little one?" The nickname makes your face redder than it was, feeling your blood rush in your head suddenly. Never did you think that the sons of your employer would actually refer to themselves as 'master'. You definitely guessed wrong. At least Jimin hadn't. You reallydid like him better even if he was about to fire you.
And guess what you do next? Sabotage yourself even further of course. Your mouth has no filter when you're nervous because the words come stumbling out before you can stop yourself.
"I heard your plan to get money from your dad!" The words almost sound like a really long, poorly pronounced word. A breath leaves you in a rush like you' been holding it in for a while after your word vomit. "Or w-well I guess.... m-more money."
The last words are whispered almost to yourself but the way the men are now widening their eyes at you - you know they heard every word.
"Excuse me?" The handsome stranger - Hoseok, now you know - fills the defining silence with the most endearing laughter you've heard in your small life-time just as Seokjin's incredulous tone has you shrinking back in to yourself.
"And what do you suppose... you will do with that information, hm?" Jimin slowly gets up from his place on the couch, straitening his dress pants. The Cheshire smirk still upturning the corners of his mouth as he stalks towards you. Slow, with purpose, to undoubtedly make you more nervous than you were feeling surrounded by him and his older brother standing adjacent to you.
"I-I... I won't say a-anything." You're taking a deep breath before you say the next words - gathering all the courage that you were able to. About to do something you never dreamed you would have to. "If you don't f-fire me."
Even though you are outright blackmailing these chaebol brothers and with a witness present, you can't help the frown creasing your forehead at your unethical actions. Who were you blackmailing people that can probably have your existence removed from this earth?! They certainly had enough money for it.
"And if we do fire you, little one?" The screech that leaves your throat at the unexpected closeness of Seokjin as he leans his head down. Close enough that you instinctively take a step back as his deep coal orbs bore in to yours - challenging you to respond.
"I-I-I um," you gulp, looking anywhere but his intense eyes that won't let you breathe. "I'll tell y-your father!"
Your reply is defiant but nowhere near as threatening as you'd wanted it to be. In all honesty, you just want to keep your job. Seokjin's eyebrows shoot upwards at your feigned bravery and the bold claim. How would you even get in touch with his father?
You'd only ever seen him from a distance in person. Here's to hoping they don't call you on your bluff.
"Oh will you now?" His head tilts almost menacingly, still staring right down at you. The arms that come around to wrap themselves around you are purely in instinct. You were out of your depth here and desperately hoping they'd forget about this and ignore you. You were a mere house staff and a very lowly one at that.
Surely they won't fall to your words. This was stupid and you were doomed. You're about ready to apologies when Jimin speaks making your head snap towards him.
"Calm down, brother." His smile is then directed at you. "What's your name darling?"
"Y-Y/n." Your brain was on auto-pilot and you just wanted to be out of trouble.
"Well, y/n, don't worry." Jimin is close enough that you can smell his cologne. It smells heavenly and you almost want to sniff as much as you can to take in the smell while it's there. "Our mouths are barred," head leaning down just as Seokjin had been earlier, "as long as yours is."
Jimin was smooth. Slick and smooth with his hypnotic eyes, euphonious voice and tranquil words making sure you were listening. Comprehending every word. You're nodding along with him - actions a little quivery. Until another thought pops up in your head.
"W-What if h-he dobs me in?" Your head gestures towards Hoseok's animatedly in your nervous state. Completely missing the chuckle that sounds from the accused.
Jimin is biting his bottom lip, holding himself back from flat out laughing in your face probably.
"Don't you worry, sweetheart. We're all bounded in this contract. Deal?" He's nodding at you, prompting you to nod your understanding as well.
Seokjin is still scrutinising you, stepping back now that Jimin had taken over. You glance in Jimin's eyes before nodding once again - much more firmly.
"Excellent. Shall we seal this deal?" He looks around to Hoseok who just gestures with his hand 'as you wish' with a grin similar to Jimin's. It's like they're all communicating in some symbolic language that goes above your head. Seokjin doesn't respond but now stand besides Jimin.
When Jimin is looking back at you, a singular eyebrow raised - you nod as well. "O-Okay."
Hastily, you're wiping your clammy hands on your uniform to bring it forward and shake his hand. That's what he meant right?
The golden haired boy only smirks at your outstretched hand as his gaze falls back to your reluctant face. Your nerves are settling slightly when his arm is making its way to you as well - thanking god above that this was going to be over soon.
Until the said hands bypasses yours waiting to shake his and settles on the wall beside your head and your own eyes watch its descent. Before you can ask any questions or even make sense of what's happening, your head is tilted backwards slightly when a pair of voluptuous lips take their residence on your own. The noise of surprise leaving the back of your throat is the only other heard in the otherwise quiet room. Your hand instinctively going to grab at the arms caging you between them.
Jimin's kiss is all consuming, his lips gently sucking yours in the most unwavering embrace. Embrace is a bit of a stretch. While one hand had squashed any hopes of your escape, the other made it impossible as it held on to your face, caressing your cheek with his thumb as his tongue swiped over your lips. A whimper leaves your mouth when he does so and only a few seconds later, Jimin is pulling away with a wet 'pop' of his lips. His petal soft ones are moist and gently coloured with a natural deep pink.
You're barely breathing, eyes half closed when Hoseok has stepped besides the smirking Jimin.
"What a-"
"We're sealing it with a kiss, Darling. All of us." You felt like you were going to faint. Kissing one of them was this taxing - in the best way with the way the butterflies were going haywire in your tummy - how were you going to kiss all threeof them?
"I- Okay." You sound defeated and overwhelmed but ready to have someone fill the void that was left when Jimin stopped kissing you.
Hoseok has taken Jimin's place, swiftly pushing his head closer to yours, nuzzling your nose with his - an oddly intimate act - before his soft lips push against yours. Your arms have found their way to the top of his chest purely on instinct once more. Needing to hold on to something so your weak knees don't give out beneath you.
His kiss is more delicate than Jimin's. Much softer. Until he pulls back for the first time of course. Only to crash his mouth on to yours with a ferocity you were not expecting. Your hands are itching to tug on the silky strands of his hair but you resist. You're not sure if you should even kiss him back. What were you doing? Kissing strangers. It was a little too late to think about that anyway because there was no plausible reason you could think of at the moment to stopkissing him back.
"That's enough hyung. Let her breathe." Jimin's impish chuckle sounds from the room somewhere just as Hoseok's touch gets dangerously close to the curvature of your breasts.
He breaks away with a dramatic 'chu' as his lips part from yours. Sparkling from how shiny they were from your combined saliva. Jimin was right. You really needed to breathe before you fainted - especially with the way your knees wobbled, trying your best to rest against the wall behind you. Hoseok's eyes are still staring raptly at you, the knowing smirk still ever present. It briefly slips down to your heaving chest and even though the uniform was virtually shapeless - you felt almost naked under his scrutiny.
Evidently, your cheeks are reddening even further as he steps back, your heart skipping several beats and blood pressure spiking shortly after when you realise who was next - Kim Seokjin. Somehow, you'd expected the state of subtle arousal to dissipate to a certain degree. The substantial dislike you'd acquired for his tone whenever addressing you had been pushed to the side as he took his place in front of you. Your eyes lock, heart stopingly striking features making you breathless once again.
He, undoubtedly, intimidated you the most out of all of them. Eyes flicking back and forth between the other men and Seokjin, you're trying not to get nervous with each second that passes. Hoseok had not waited long enough to let the panic rise from deep down and you were thankful for that. Because nervous you was not appropriate. Not at all. But then again nothing about kissing your boss's sons and their friends was appropriate. You were way past that point. He places his hand besides your head, just as the other two had done. Bracing your hands behind you on the wall, you're ready for him to steal your breath away.
What you weren't expecting was the gentle press of lips against your cheek. A surprised gasp leaves past your - very lonely - lips. Trying to hide the disappointment that's trying to claw its way on to your face, you stay very still like moving even just an inch might be catastrophic for you. Just as soon as he kissed you, he's pulling away. You hadn't noticed his other hand that had been just shy of holding your waist - hovering besides it like he was uncertain. Which was a crazy thought to you.
"Nowit's a deal." Jimin speaks up from behind Seokjin. Seokjin's broad shoulders had almost completely blocked your view of the other two men in the room that you had momentarily forgotten about them.
Seokjin moves away just as fast as his little peck on your cheek. Which makes you wonder if you were that indigent to him, this unappealing, that he'd resorted to a little peck on your cheek. This was ridiculous on its own because your perception of reality was so skewed considering the events that had transpired in the past hour. A few hours ago you were getting ready to do your weekly thorough cleaning of the vast left wing - now you were internally pouting at not receiving a kiss from one of the three most handsome men you'd ever laid your eyes on. Not to forget - two out of three were your employers.
The realisation is enough to jolt you out of your thoughts and speculations, looking around at all of them. "I should go."
Your words are shaky, rightfully so with how much physical intimacy you received in the last hour than the last month. Neither of the three men stop surveying your tremulous tip-toeing towards the door, trying to get out of the stifling room that was feeling too small with all the bodies occupying it.
They don't stop you when you're fumbling with the golden doorknob, finally pulling open the door. Though why would this day get any easier for you, right? And what had you done in your previous life to deserve this.... predicament. Standing in front of you, was another man. That's right. Another one. Beautiful, incredibly so. He seems to be just as tall as Jimin, ivory skin with a healthy amount of flush.
"Well, hello... maid." His deep - puzzled voice sends shivers down your spine as you stare Bambi eyed at him. Why were all these men so, comically handsome? He looks just as puzzled as he sounds.
"Ah! Perfect timing Yoongi hyung." The loud, boisterous voice startles you once again, whipping around to face Hoseok while Jimin walks towards the newcomer.
"Is the another one of your role-play threesomes Jimin? Poor thing looks like she's going to cry. Unless you're a professional actress?"
The last question is directed at you as he looks into your eyes, his own lovely face frowning as he inspects your uniform. Before you can answer though, Seokjin is scoffing, taking a seat on the couch once again with the drink in his hand that he'd been pouring earlier.
"Please, I wouldn't be here if that were true. Come, have a seat. She won't cry." He waves his dismissal of you and once again - your face is heating. This time in irritation.
Yoongi just shrugs, eyes still watching you as he sits beside a lounging Seokjin who offers him a drink. "So, what's the little maid doing here?"
Jimin is smirking again as he looks towards his older brother. "Let me explain." he offers.
"Make my friend a drink, little one."
"Pardon?" Seokjin sighs, as if being greatly inconvenienced that he has to elaborate.
"Just because you got a few kisses from us doesn't relieve you of your duties, yes?" His narrowed eyes are condescending but you can't say anything. Because he was right. You were still a maid at their house despite the little stunt they pulled earlier (you were complicit).
"Y-Yes. Of course." Eyes downcast as you make your way to the liquor cabinet, taking out the bottle that Seokjin had previously to pour himself one.
"Wait, you guys kissed your maid?" Yoongi's unbelievable laugh makes the blood rush back in to your cheeks. They were discussing you like you weren't there and it was embarrassing to say the least. Though they definitely out-ranked you on the power spectrum so you doubt they really cared much about your input.
"It was a transaction, nothing much of it."
"Talk about yourself, mine was definitely more than that." Jimin is scoffing but you still hear the smirk in his voice. "Isn't that right, sweetheart?"
You know he's talking to you even if he doesn't know your name yet but you resist the urge to turn around, already too embarrassed at how easily you'd given in to their advances. Wiping your hands down on your uniform again to get rid of the sweat that's been accumulating, you carefully hold the heavy liquor glass. Hoping that it doesn't slip from your clammy hands otherwise you were in a lot more trouble than before.
Hands slightly shaking, you stop right before you reach the couch, bending forward to hand the newest face his glass of whiskey. You hadn't noticed before but all 4 of them had been watching you. Carefully examining your composure and the nervousness pouring off of your frame as you tried to keep your eyes on the glass. You make the mistake of glancing up at Yoongi and almost drop the glass like you'd been trying to avoid. Thankfully, he mercifully takes it from you - eyes still watching as he takes a sip.
"Sorry! Sorry..."
"That's okay little one. What's your name?"
"Wait yeah. we never asked her name." Hoseok muses from the opposite couch he's sitting on and Yoongi scoffs at them all again. But they did? Did they really forget my name already?
"Really now?" He's shaking his head mumbling 'egocentric fools' before his eyes turn back to you. "Go on."
Taking a deep breath. Wondering if you should give your real name or a fake one this time in case they try to have you fired when you're gone. You decide to be brave and tell them your name. Again.
"Y/n." No stuttering, thank god.
"How long have you been working here y/n? I would remember a pretty face like yours." Yoongi's tone is light, not flirty like his words suggested. He seemed like a person who just talked this way - complimenting people he deemed worthy of them.
"Three- Three and a half months now." Your voice gets quieter the longer your sentence goes on. The blush on your face is now permanent because of how intently all of them seem to be looking at you. you also need to fight the urge to shuffle your feet around like you were on trial for something bad you did and they were the judge and the jury. In a sense you guess that they were because you wouldn't be here otherwise.
"Hm. Somehow I'm seeing you for the first time today." You bite you tongue, wincing lightly at your own strength but you had to. Otherwise you would go on a tangent about how he really rarely looked at the staff in his own home. Seokjin just annoyed you! Biting on your lip - a nervous habit - you contemplate whether you should ask if you can go.
You were soclose before.
"Please, hyung. You would've if you stopped admiring yourself every chance you got." Jimin mocks his older brother.
"Not my fault I look like this." Seokjin is gesturing to himself like it's a great burden being that good looking. Then again you don't know. It could be.
"Settle down children." Yoongi rolls his eyes at the two brother bickering, checking his gold toned Rolex before speaking again, "so, what's this scheme I’ve been summoned for? Spit it out."
"That'll be all y/n." Jimin's charming smile is directed at you all of a sudden when Yoongi mentions the dreaded plan that you'd overheard. Nonetheless, the way your name slips off his tongue sends a small shiver down your spine, nodding at him before staggering towards the door.
"Don't forget our deal, little one." You can hear Hoseok snickering when Jimin calls out behind your retrieving figure.
Knees almost knocking into each other when you're outside the room, you let out the biggest breath that you were once again, unwarily holding. What had you gotten yourself in to?
Everything was coming crashing down onto your psyche. The gravity of the situation was settling on you and you could feel the hyperventilation lurking nearby. These were not just normal everyday people who happen to have more money than you. The Kim family was affluent and prominent. They didn't follow the normal dynamics of society like all the other wealthy and rich in this country. They made the rules that they wantedto follow. Remembering the incident from when you'd just started working here, you could feel your heart drop down to your toes.
It was your second week on the job and your timorous nature was taking a back seat slowly - getting a hang of your duties. Anders was kind and let you settle in and perhaps because you were just as old as his granddaughter he'd told you about. Minhyuk - another staff member that you'd seen around the Manor and quite honestly developed a small crush on - had been showing you the east wing and what your duties included. You didn't have much to do there as it was Mr Kim's quarters, including his study and office where he worked once in a while. Not everyone had access to that area of the house and you figured it was because of his work. maybe he was really particular about the way things were done. You just didn't think much of it.
"You will always be given your schedule of the type and duration of cleaning required the day before when it comes to Master Kim's rooms so please take note of that."
He smiles sweetly as he shows you around. The notepad in your hand, you're diligently taking notes because you did not want to risk leaving all of this new information to your forgetful nature. You swear you hear him mumble 'cute' when he's watching you but the sound of heels clicking on the marble floors distract you both. When you look up - your jaw is almost dropping to the floor. You's seen Mr Kim's partner a fair few times - on the news that is. In person she was even more... unreal. Tall, thin with equally bright and big bone structure. It didn't phase you when you learnt that she was indeed - a model.
"Good morning Am- Ms King!" Her pearly whites make a small appearance before she curls her lips in an almost sensual smile.
"Good morning Minhyuk. Who is this?" She doesn't spare you a glance when she questions, fingers lingering on his shoulder as she leans in a little close to him.
The blush lettering Minhyuk's cheek tells you that this isn't the first time she's been this close to him. He introduces you as the newest staff addition but she doesn't seem to be listening. What she does though is start to question him about his weekend. Making him almost forget that you're there. What does capture your attention meanwhile is the slight rustle - as if someone had walked away from around the corner. You're only able to catch the colour black and a suit comes to mind automatically.
"Everything alright y/n?" Minhyuk's voice makes you whip your head around back to him and you catch Ms King watching you as well.
"I-I just thought I saw someone." Ms King frowns at that.
"That must be Ryuk. Excuse me." She just smiles - one that doesn't reach her eyes as she steps away. Ryuk?
Sensing your confusion, Minhyuk answers your unanswered question. "That's Mr. Kim. His first name is Ryuk. Weird right?"
You just chuckle along with him - completely missing the underlying panicked tone. He continues the tour but after your run-in with Mr Kim's fiancé, he seems to be on edge.
The next day at work - Minhyuk is nowhere to be seen. Not the next day either. Then never again. A month later - you receive your new duties in the east wing. Minhyuk's designated area.
"Excuse me sir," Anders looks up from the sheets of paper he'd been handing out to the rest of the staff, "Isn't it M-Minhyuk's area? Am I temporarily-"
He doesn't let you finish. "He doesn't work here anymore dear. These will be your permanent duties until further notice."
Your heart clenches at his direct tone. He only spoke like this to you on your first day at work. He doesn't elaborate any further and you get the hint to not further question the change in staff.
You don't see Minhyuk again.
How were you so asinine that you didn't connect the dots before? Minhyuk's panic as he'd shown you to your duties after Mr Kim had possibly seen you three chatting with his Fiancé, him getting replaced - fired? - with you. He was simply removed from the Manor and you'd never heard his name from any of the other staff members either. It's like he never worked there. You were rapidly fading down the doomed rabbit hole. Already thinking of about a hundred ways Mr Kim's sons could have you disposed of. Maybe you were thinking too much? Not possible. With this family, anything was possible.
The tear that falls down your face has you bringing your cold hand up to your hot cheeks. Foolishly, you've forgotten to go much further away from the room you'd exited from. The panic clouding your senses as you fished for your phone from your pocket, hastily dialling your grandmother's house phone.
A few rings later, you hear your mother's annoyed tone. "H-hello Mama."
Her tone turns sickly sweet, dishonest you know but you try to trick your heart and your brain in to believing her concern. "Hi dear! Haven't heard from you in so long. Are you not at work?"
Her tone turns serious and worried instantly at the prospect of you not being at work. You also want to tell her that you called every two days after work but she never wanted to speak to you unless it was payday. But that doesn't hurt you nearly as much as her not even being remotely entered in your wellbeing.
"I am at work. Could you... could you put Nana on the phone please?"
"Um. Okay." That's it. your voice is cracking and you know she can hear you but she doesn't care enough to ask.
"Hello? y/n?"
"Nana." whimpering, you try to not burst out crying. Keeping the intense emotions at bay.
"What's wrong dear? Are you alright?" Hearing her perturbed tone at your distressed one only makes the tears fall quicker, making you slap them away so they don't blur your vision completely.
"Nana... I might be in trouble. I-I might get..." fired. You couldn't say it. Once you let her know you were a hundred percent sure your mother would be incessant in having her spill the bad news. She would make your grandmother's life hell and you couldn't do that to her. Your mother needed the steady money to keep her in rehab. You had hopes that since she was at least going to rehab - that one day she could be a good mother to you.
"What dear? You can tell me y/n." Pushing your hand over your mouth, you try and swallow the sob before it passes through the phone. Though you could already hear your mother asking your Nana what was going on.
"Be quiet Elizabeth! I'll tell you."
"I-I'm okay. I just miss you." You could do this. your grandmother didn't deserve this. No one deserved this just because you made a foolish mistake and you hope she doesn't question you further.
"We miss you too dear. So much. Will you be able to visit soon? Let her get back to work Ma." Your mother sounded angry and you wanted to scream at her through the phone that at least your grandmother cared.
"I'll let you know. I have to go now Nana. I love you."
"I love you too darling. So much." She stays on the line for a few more moments. Making sure you didn't want to say anything else.
Dropping your head down in your lap - you let the last few stray tears fall, trying to stay as quiet as possible. You needed to pull it together. Your family was counting on you to keep this job and you were going to fight for it. Even if you were several outnumbered. You had their secret and that should count for something, right? As long as you appeared strong in front of them - maybe they'll leave you alone.
Dusting off your uniform, wiping away at your face and checking it in the nearest grand mirror on the wall - you get to work. You still had a job.
What you domiss though, is the man who had witnessed your panicked tears. He hadn't expected himself to be this affected but the way his heart clenched and his hands curled into fists at your disturbed state - he'd never wanted to comfort someone this badly. Empathy. A foreign emotion indeed.
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sunflwrvolume6 · 4 years
someone lost, something gained [36]
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This is a huge step, a leap forward that she won’t ever be able to take back. And if this all ends disastrously, she will not only lose the only man who’s held her interest in three years but the man who has made her happy through such a horrible time. She meant what she told Antonio. She didn’t think she would ever smile again after Granddad passed, and that thought alone terrifies her.
[ao3 ☆ wattpad part one | part two]
[previous ☆ masterlist]
[get tagged here]
note: not going to lie, this is 4k of pure tooth-rotting fluff. i almost split it into 2 chapters/posts, but here it is in all its glory.
Veda frowns at her reflection, smoothing down the front of her dress. It’s too much, she knows it is, but Hattie had been adamant about this particular outfit. She’d said that if Niall didn’t want to take Veda to bed immediately after seeing her in this dress, then he’s either stupid or just not that into her. Veda crosses her fingers and hopes her cousin is right.
But she still walks out of the bathroom and into Hattie’s room with doubts swirling in her mind. “Are you sure I’m not, like, showing too much?”
“Veeeeee,” groans Hattie as she tosses her book aside. “Look. Yes, your back is exposed, and yes, maybe it’s a deeper neckline than you’re used to. But you don’t look like a two-dollar prostitute, so it’s a win.”
“Well, thank god for small mercies.” Sighing, Veda makes her way back to the mirror, calling over her shoulder, “What should I-?”
“Oh, step aside. Your favourite cousin is here to save the day. Sit,” Hattie orders with a vague gesture toward the tub.
Veda rolls her eyes but obeys while Hattie rummages through the bag Veda brought downstairs with her. Hattie comes up with an eyeliner pencil and bottle of foundation. She warns Veda to stay completely still -”Or I will stab you in the eye and not feel bad at all” - then gets to work. Veda follows every command, tilts her head up and down and side to side. She even manages to somehow control the twitching of her eyelids as her cousin applies mascara.
Finally, Hattie steps away and beams. “Hey, you actually look somewhat presentable.”
“Hey, you’re actually kinda being an ass.”
Hattie yelps when Veda goes to stand. “What do you think we’re doing? We aren’t done!”
“I’m supposed to be meeting him soon,” Veda protests, and Hattie shoves at her shoulders until Veda sits again. “If I’m late, I’m blaming you.”
“Worth it.”
Forty minutes later, Veda is slipping her feet into a pair of nude peep-toe heels, courtesy of her cousin who heard about the date finally happening and went shopping. She sighs and checks her reflection again. Dark red lips, perfect winged liner, curled lashes, and a touch of peach on her cheeks make her look entirely different than her every-day face. The mass of curls pinned on top of her head is definitely a change from her usual bun, and Veda will never waste the time again.
But even she has to admit Hattie’s magic has made her look incredible.
“Be home by Cinderella, or the carriage turns back into a pumpkin.” Hattie drops to sit on the couch and cocks her head. “Better yet, don’t come home at all.”
“Wow, you really think I’d put out on the first date?”
“For Niall? Yes.”
Veda pauses before collapsing into giggles. “Okay, yeah. You’re right. Don’t burn down the house.”
“I’ve been cooking since I was six. I think the house will be standing when you come home in the morning.”
Veda slides her phone into her purse and steps out onto the stoop, pulling the door shut behind her. Someone whistles sharply across the street, and she checks that Nonna isn’t watching before she raises her middle finger at Antonio. He laughs, shaking his head, and tells her to have fun. He really doesn’t need to add the lascivious wink - she hears the innuendo in his voice - but he does anyway.
“I’ll tell Nonna you’re pestering me, Ant.”
“She gets one look at’chu, she’s gonna wonder where you’re goin’ all dolled up. You really want questions right now?”
“I’ll tell her tomorrow,” she giggles as she makes her way down the block to the subway.
The sun edges closer to the horizon, but the heat of the day is nowhere near dissipating. Veda’s heels click against the pavement, joining the cacophony of fellow pedestrians moving to and fro. The restaurant is just ahead.
Her heart beats faster in her chest the closer she gets.
Hattie made sure Veda was out of the house in time, but Veda didn’t make sure she was actually ready for this.
This is a huge step, a leap forward that she won’t ever be able to take back. And if this all ends disastrously, she will not only lose the only man who’s held her interest in three years but the man who has made her happy through such a horrible time. She meant what she told Antonio. She didn’t think she would ever smile again after Granddad passed, and that thought alone terrifies her.
Niall is quite possibly the most wonderful she could ever love like this, and losing him would be just as devastating as losing Granddad.
Love. Far too early for that, Mitchell.
Light streams through the enormous windows, catches on Niall’s dark hair like a halo around his head. He’s staring down at the phone in his hand; his thumb taps at the screen, he pauses, then his thumb taps again. The process repeats five times before Veda’s phone vibrates against her side. She steps out of the foot-traffic, digging through her purse until she comes up with the device.
From: Niall > I’m excited to see you
It is such a simple message, but it brings a smile to Veda’s face until her cheeks hurt. She locks her phone and looks at him. He’s gorgeous. His face falls when he sees she’s read the message but isn’t responding. She swallows down the sudden surge of nerves and eases her way through the evening crowd.
“How many times did you write that message only to delete it again?”
His head snaps up, and his smile falters as his gaze skims over her body. “Fuck, Veda, you look - wow. You’re gorgeous.”
“Oh. Um, thank you. Hattie did all the work. I just played the role of live-action Barbie.” Her face heats up at the way his eyes are still on her. She steps forward to kiss his cheek. “You look amazing, too.”
And he really, really does. The gunmetal grey of his V-neck brings out the blue in his eyes, and his dark jeans only accentuate the muscles they hide. Veda’s mouth grows dry as she stares, fragments of a dream worming its way to the forefront of her mind. She wants to feel beneath her fingertips the stubble along his jaw, the soft strands of his hair between her fingers.
She wants to make him look as turned inside-out as he makes her feel.
Ever a gentleman, he holds the door open and waves her through. She laughs softly.
“This is just so you can stare at my ass, isn’t it?”
“I’m only a man, Ve-Veda,” he chuckles as his hand settles on her lower back, a steady point of warmth that rapidly overtakes her entire body.
Veda will remember nothing of the decor, none of the faces they pass as they follow the host to their table, or the aromas of meals that mingle in the air. All she can focus on is how his hand hasn’t moved. The way his fingers brush against the hem of her dress above the curve of her ass. The rush of her heart as it desperately tries to push oxygen through her veins instead of the desire to lead him to the bathroom.
As much as she loathes the loss of contact, Veda is thankful when they sit. His touch was far too distracting, and it is nearly impossible to be on your best behaviour when all you want to do is feel more of that touch in places unsuitable for public audience. He grins at her from across the table; his eyes hold a knowing gleam, and she wonders if he’s thinking the same thing.
She barely spares a second to check the menu, ultimately deciding on a salad. He frowns slightly, opens his mouth, but she shakes her head. The confusion on his face disappears when she explains she only eats like a pig at home. Being out in the real world means she has to use the manners Granddad worked so hard to teach her. Niall laughs and tells her she’s doing a great job.
“So, I have to admit something. I’ve been wanting to ask you out for, well, too long.”
Veda cocks her head. “Why didn’t you?”
“I didn’t want to make you feel like I was pushing myself onto you.”
She can’t help it - she starts giggling. “Sorry, sorry. It’s not funny. I mean, it kinda is? It’s why I don’t text you every day asking you to come over.”
“You should have. DB and I would’ve loved to spend more time with you.”
Ellie’s words echo in her mind, and Veda drops her gaze to stare at the glass of water. She doesn’t want to voice the doubts, but she knows she needs to. She has to know.
“Can I ask why? You wanted to ask me out, I mean. Aren’t you worried that this is just me, like, latching onto the first person who shows me a teeny tiny iota of stability during a life-altering event?”
“Well, I wasn’t before!” He taps his finger against his glass and laughs quietly. When he looks at her again, there’s an earnestness on his face that astounds her. “No, I’m not. Veda, I figured out a long time ago that sometimes, you make a choice and it turns out to be the worst fucking decision of your life. But it’s a lesson learnt, and you move on and try to remember that lesson.”
“But what if it turns out this is just my brain craving affection and comfort after I lost my best friend?”
He smiles softly, reaches for her hand, and she lets him link their fingers together. “Then I can’t be too upset, can I, that I’m the one who got to offer it to you.”
“Nope, nope, nope,” Veda mutters as she blinks rapidly, but the burning remains in her eyes. “I can’t do this. You are too damn perfect. What the Hell.”
The stricken expression on his face is replaced with amused exasperation, and he lifts her hand to press a kiss to the back of it. She bites her lower lip to stop her giggles, even as the server arrives with their meals, and Niall sticks his tongue out at Veda.
The date seems almost…effortless. As if it’s merely one of their hang-outs in a restaurant instead of her house. Even the knowledge that this is changing their relationship isn’t enough to make Veda panic for long. He keeps her laughing with stories of his childhood, and she tells him more about her life with Granddad, even the tale of her throwing a temper tantrum in the middle of the street while he taught Hattie how to ride a bike.
She never wants it to end.
“Where to next?” she asks as he leads her toward the door.
“Well, I figured you weren’t the type of girl who would be content with sitting in the dark for two hours while watching a film that may or may not be awful.”
“You guessed right.” Veda frowns when he hails a taxi, his hand tight around hers. “You’re not gonna tell me, are you?”
“Absolutely not.”
“You’re lucky I trust you.”
“I’ll do my best not to fuck that up then.”
Veda stares at him for a moment then shakes away the feeling that he is far better than she deserves. Everything he’s told her has been pleasant, wonderful. Even the strained relationship with his brother pales in comparison to her own familial ties. She doesn’t tell him that, though. It isn’t a competition, and she would hate to ruin the atmosphere of the evening. She would take the win in a landslide, anyway.
Niall helps her from the backseat, his hand solid and strong and not releasing her even after she’s on her feet. His lips brush against her cheek, and Veda ducks her head to hide her smile as they step away from the cab so it can drive off. She squeezes his hand then turns toward their destination. She pauses, blinks at the dark blue building and bright yellow letters.
Niall shrugs and shifts his weight. The lot lights wash his eyes an icy blue, but there’s so much warmth there. “Has a date ever done this with you?”
“No, I can say with absolute certainty that this is incredibly unique.” She bites her bottom lip at how uncomfortable he looks, as if he’s afraid he has messed this up. She sighs, touching his cheek with her free hand. “You were right. A movie would have been cliche, and I am so not dressed for anything requiring more than walking. Niall, this is perfect.”
His gaze drops to her lips, but he doesn’t kiss her like she desperately hopes he will. Wants him to. Instead, he smiles and loops his arm with hers. She waits to pout until he’s not looking at her. Why won’t he just kiss her already? He has had ample opportunity, and she’s practically begging for it by this point. After all, it was only a month ago that she kissed him. It’s his turn now.
He suggests a game as they walk through the aisles, pointedly following the arrows on the floor unlike the other people. The rules are simple, he says: Find the most ridiculous items on the shelves to decorate a home with, and whoever has the weirdest collection wins.
“What’s the prize?” she asks even as she adds a tray printed with ugly Santas to her list.
“If I win, I… hm. I get another date with you.”
“And if I win?”
“Another date with me.”
Veda giggles, presses her face into the side of his arm. “So either way, we both win?”
She tugs on his arm after a moment, and he follows obediently to the mini-home setup. His face scrunches up once inside, his eyes darting around the small space. Veda understands his distaste for the tiny home - the idea of leaving less of an imprint on the environment is nice, but she needs more room to move.
This, though, seems more like -
“Are you claustrophobic?”
“I am,” he admits with a self-deprecating chuckle. Nervous. Anxious.
“Shit. I’m sorry.”
He shakes his head. “Don’t be. How could you have known?”
She immediately steps out of the display, pulling him with her, and Niall draws in a deep breath once they’re back in the aisle. He squeezes her hand gently. Forgiveness. With an apologetic smile, she gestures for him to lead the way.
The kids’ section instantly catches her attention. Not the bedding or furniture, but the toys. She never really had playthings as a child, since Olivia wasn’t much of a mother, so Veda, without shame, checks out the stock of every store she steps foot into. Granddad started her plush animal collection, and Veda adds to it every chance she gets.
Niall doesn’t judge her for her excitement over the stuffed dogs and teddy bears and penguins. In fact, he even moves away to look in other bins, holding up various creatures for her scrutiny. She falls a little more for him because of it. For once, she feels like she doesn’t have to hide a part of her.
That she can show everything she is, and he won’t think less of her.
“Veda! Oh, my god, come here.”
Veda turns away from the pandas and makes her way through the cramped aisle to his side. Her eyes widen, and she gasps at what he’s found. “Holy hell, they’re amazing! They’re bigger than DB!”
“It’s ridiculous.” He pauses, resting his hand on her back, and she meets his eye. “Want one?”
“No, it’s okay. I don’t need it.”
He frowns as his fingers catch her chin, hold her head still so she can’t look away. “Ve-Veda, I didn’t ask if you needed it. I asked if you wanted it. Yes or no, no thinking allowed.”
And what else can she say except “Yes”?
His smile lights up his entire face, and he lets her go to dig through the bin. She raises a brow when he comes back victorious with a plushie in his hands. He lifts a shoulder jerkily, explains that the ones on the bottom haven’t been touched by gross hands nearly as often as the ones on top.
Veda accepts the reasoning - it’s logical, after all - and reaches for the shark. He takes her purse so she can clutch the stuffed animal to her chest. She knows her grin is too wide, too childlike, but the heat beneath her ribs overwhelms any potential embarrassment.
No guy has ever offered to buy her a stuffed animal, let alone a three-foot shark.
Once he’s paid for the blåhaj, as the tag proclaims, and a new leash for David Barkie, Veda follows Niall back out to the car park. He wraps his arm around her shoulder, kissing her temple, and they walk in silence toward the nearest subway stop. A heady thrumming kicks up in her veins, singing praises of how wonderful the night has been.
How amazing Niall is, even before he’s given her one of the best dates she’ll ever remember.
Her mind suddenly stutters to a halt as they stand together on the subway, scarcely an inch between them though there’s no need. They’re the only ones on within a two-seat radius. She groans as her head drops back. He stares at her with a question in his eyes. Veda sighs and wonders how to explain what she’s thinking. What comes out is:
“This date wasn’t terrible.”
“Isn’t that a good thing?” he asks, the words slow and purposeful. Like he doesn’t want to offend her or be offended himself.
“Yes and no.” She exhales sharply and decides to go all-in. “Okay, so you remember how we met because of my friend Ellie’s wedding? Well, I was the maid of honour, and I gave a speech about Chris and Ellie’s first date.”
“I’m guessing it was terrible?”
“The worst. She called me after, and I swear, I almost fell asleep as she told me because it was just… so boring. There was no chemistry! But she went out with him again, and now they’re all gross and in love and married. So I said I wanted a date like that. Something terrible that lead to an amazing love like that.”
Niall nods slowly, and Veda leans into him when the car sways, coming to a stop. “Well, I suppose this could be our second date, because me coming over after your granddad passed was a terrible time for you.”
“Nah, it’s okay,” Veda laughs, the sound watery but bright. “I think I’ll take the perfect first date considering how long it took to finally get to it.”
Niall steps out onto the platform first, reaching back for her hand. His brows are drawn together, a slight downturn to his lips, and Veda wonders what he could be thinking about. What could have made him so serious so quickly? When he strokes his chin, she realises he’s putting her on.
“The perfect first date?”
She rolls her eyes but plays along. “Yep. Almost guaranteed you’ll get a kiss at the end of the night.”
“Anything I can do to make it happen?” he asks, pulling her closer when a group of men walk past. Not even nine-thirty and they’re already drunk. One of them whistles under his breath, his gaze heavy on Veda’s exposed skin, and Niall hurries her along.
“Keep being you, I suppose.”
Nonna stands in her doorway, watches as Niall and Veda approach, but she doesn’t say anything. She doesn’t even wave. Veda appreciates that, though she would like a bit more privacy as she comes to a stop at the top of her stoop.
Setting the shark down at her feet, Veda stares up at Niall through the glow of the porch light, at the soft curve to his lips and the way his eyes shine. She steps further into his space and thanks the inventor of heels as she kisses Niall’s smile away. His hands settle gently on her hips, warm even through the fabric of her dress, and she wraps her arms around his neck to bring him closer. His heartbeat is rapid against her, or maybe it’s hers that is fluttering so quickly beneath her ribs.
Nearly every single neighbour is peering through their windows when Veda finally pulls back, and she huffs out a quiet laugh. “And here I thought living in a small town would be the only way to get this kinda nosiness.”
“They worry about you,” he whispers, shrugging, and Veda kisses him again. God, she is falling too hard for him, and she doesn’t want to stop.
“Thank you for tonight. I really enjoyed it.”
Niall is the one who kisses her this time. One hand cups her cheek, and she chases the taste of wine and chocolate on his tongue. Heat flares up in her belly as his fingers press firmly into her skin. She wants more than this slice of perfection.
She wants him, any way she can have him.
The invitation is on the tip of her tongue, the plea for him to stay the night, for the night to never end. But then he’s pulling away, putting a sliver of distance between them, and her body goes cold without him. He whispers a goodnight, his lips brushing hers once more, then makes his way down the stairs.
Veda watches him walk away and wishes she’d asked him to stay. Her mind catalogues all the things she’s going to tell Granddad about tonight, about how amazing and unique and unexpected it was, before -
She can’t tell him anything. Tears burn in her eyes at the reminder. Granddad would have loved Niall, and Niall would have loved Granddad. Granddad will never meet Niall. So Veda does the next best thing: She grabs the stuffed shark off the stoop, carries it inside, and sets off to find Hattie.
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khaoticallykat · 4 years
◇The Prince and The Punk◇
Chapter 7: Do You Believe?
Summary: Ransom Apologizes
Word count: 1,699
Warnings: Language
A/n: hope y'all are holding up with this virus, my job's been a hellhole to work at, I couldn't find a gif today, trying to slowly get to finishing this story.
You stared at the coat on your floor, it was cold outside and sadly, this was the only coat you had. You sighed in defeat as you gave in and put it on, rushing out the door to drive to campus, laptop in bag. You got to campus early enough to get a good parking spot, but you had to pass Ransom's car along the way and he was still sitting in his car, probably waiting for you. You clenched your jaw and parked, quickly gathering your things and rushing toward the technology building, you heard another car door slam behind you and footsteps running towards you.
"Y/n!" Ransom called after you, you picked up your pace into a light jog, "Y/n! Wait for me!" 
You were almost to the door, excited to reach the handle, a hand slammed down on the door, preventing you from pulling. You sighed and turned to see Ransom in the leather jacket you picked out for him. 
"I don't want to talk to you," You yanked the door again, "get off the damn door!"
"Not until I talk to you!" He said, "what happened on Friday, I didn't mean it, is that my coat?" 
"Ransom, I don't want to hear it, my laptop is fucked up and I need to get it fixed." You reached for his arm and pulled his hand off the door, finally getting the door open you dashed inside, leaving Ransom outside. 
You got to the IT lab safely, seeing a few students standing around, one of them approached you, a buff guy with blonde hair. 
"Hey, I'm Chris," he smiled, "did you need something?"
You pulled your laptop out, "My laptop isn't working, I was wondering if you could help me." 
The guy took your laptop and looked it over, "it's an old model, should be an easy fix." he led you over to one of the tables and opened your laptop, you began to wander around the room while Chris worked. 
"I think I'll need to take your laptop, we're doing our finals and your laptop is really slow, I should have it back to you by the end of next week."
You sigh, of course your laptop decided to quit on you so soon, you thanked Chris and went on about your day. It was going just as normal with the exception of avoiding Ransom in the halls, any time you saw him you made sure to take another way. Even in the library, hiding in one of the more secluded areas, you knew he would be looking for you but you didn't expect him being in the corners of the library, waiting for you among the row of books. He was sitting in the single chair, looking intently at you. He damn near startled you. 
You grumbled and turned the other way, but you hand was caught and you were tugged back into the arms of Ransom, it would have been nice any other time, but you were still mad. 
"Ransom. Fuck off." 
"No, not until you hear me out, please?" He whispered, "I'm sorry, Y/n. I really am, Sam and James told me what happened, this is all my fault." 
You shuffled in his arms, turning to face him, "I really thought we could be friends, I really thought me and you could talk about stuff and you opened up to me with all of this stuff, now I feel like you've punched me in the gut." 
"Clarrisa was asking about you, way too much that night, I told her I invited you and she started with her bullshit," Ransom said, "I didn't want her going after you, she chased a lot of people away in my life." 
You blinked, it made sense, as much as you wanted to believe Ransom would hurt you, you knew deep down he changed for the best. You freed your arms from his grip, hands on his face, you saw the cut on his lip. 
"You have that look and yeah, she did hit me. I made everyone leave after what the guys told me, she didn't like that I ruined her party and stuck up for myself." 
Your eyebrows knitted together in frustration, "You can't let her keep doing this to you Ransom." 
"I know, which is why I'm asking you if you could come with me later, to tell my granddad everything, I'd feel better if you were there." 
You smiled, "Of course what are friends for? can't let this bitch wall all over you forever." 
You both laughed, Ransom resting his forehead against yours, your hands resting on his shoulders, the fluttering rumbling in your gut. 
"Oh! That reminds me," Ransom released you and turned to his bag, pulling out your leather jacket, "Sam said you wanted it burnt." 
You took the jacket from him and began to pull off the coat you were wearing until he held up his hand, "Keep it, it looks better on you anyway."
You pulled the coat back on and rolled your eyes, hands bunching it up at the collar and you dramatically twist and turn, "I guess this makes me richer than you." You said in the worst posh voice.
Ransom laughed, popping the collar on his jacket and leaned against the bookshelf, "All the money in the world can't buy happiness." He said in a terrible edgy voice.
You both shared a laugh before you took your jacket from him, "Thanks for keeping it." 
"Wouldn't dream of getting rid of it, we have to go do crime together in these, but first we should take care of the real crime." Ransom said, "I'll pick you up later?"
You nodded, "yeah, just text me." 
Ransom and you parted ways from the library, he promised he would meet Clarissa to walk her to her next class. You wished him just as he watched you leave through the small crowd of people. He walked to Clarissa's biology and waited the next five minutes, when her class was dismissed, she walked over to Ransom and kissed his cheek. 
"How was class?" He asked, taking her hand and began walking with her to her history class.
"Fucking confusing, I don't need a degree since we're getting engaged soon, our families are going to have enough money for us to last our whole lives," She groaned, "and that jacket looks terrible on you by the way." 
Ransom and Clarissa walked through the courtyard of the campus, you stood on the other side chatting with a classmate about homework when you caught Ransom's attention, still wearing the brown coat that he gave you. 
"That looks like your coat," he almost forgot he was walking with Clarissa for a moment, "is that your coat?" 
While the temperature was freezing, Ransom began to get a little warm, how was he going to explain that you stayed the night and he gave you his coat to wear? Especially when you both went out and got almost matching leather jackets? 
"The dogs got to her jacket at my grandpa's, so I let her borrow mine." Was all he could come up with, of course some of that was true.
"You think she'll give it back to you? I mean, she has a job, right?" Clarissa pulled from his grip and began to walk over to you.
"Clarissa!" He called after her, but she was already approaching you, a little skip in her step when she reached you. 
"Hi Y/n" she flashed her pearly white smile at you.
"Oh, Clarissa, what's up?" You asked, confused on why she was talking to you, then you noticed Ransom slowly walking up behind her, pure embarrassment on his face. 
"I was just wondering where did you get that jacket from? Ransom said he let you borrow it."
'Oh shit', you thought, "yeah, he did, my other jacket got messed up, why? Does he want it back?" 
"He does actual-"
"No, no, I don't want it back, at least not until you find another one," He cut in, wrapping his arm around Clarissa, "babe, we should get you yo class." 
Clarissa had a pissed off look on her face, "alright, hopefully you don't mess up that one, it cost a lot."
You rolled your eyes, "I'm sure it did, but you can just buy another one right? With your kind of money, it should be like buying a candy bar." 
You were starting to get under her skin with a smug smile, you knew you could probably beat her ass, the thought was tempting. 
"Hey Ransom," you called to him as he was pulling Clarissa away, "that's a nice jacket you got, looks good on you." 
He turned his head with a slight blush on his face, Clarissa staring daggers at you. 
"Thanks, that coat looks pretty good on you too." He smiled. 
After the little conversation between you and Clarissa, you were finally able to go on about your day, rushing home after school to wait for Ransom's text. Around 5pm you phone buzzed, receiving a text from Ransom that he was waiting outside. You grabbed the records that were sitting in the corner and walked out the door in your jacket. Getting into the car, you handed him the gift.
"Your Christmas present, didn't want to smash them because they were on sale." You said.
Ransom looked through the records, a big goofy smile on his face, "These are amazing! Your present is still under my bed!" 
"You got me a present?" 
"Hell yeah I did, first Christmas as best friends," He laughed, setting the records to the side, "let's get going." 
The ride to Harlan's was quiet but comfortable, Ransom's fingers nervously tapping away on the steering wheel to the rhythm of whatever the radio was playing. As Ransom pulled into the driveway he started taking deep breaths, your hand rested on his shoulder, giving him a light squeeze. 
"I'm here, remember that, you're doing great."
He nodded and turned off the car and you both got out, making your way up the porch and knocking on the door, you could hear the dogs barking inside.
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wolfpawn · 4 years
I Hate You, I Love You, Chapter 101
Chapter Summary -   Tom and Danielle finish the touring part of their holiday and the move on to meeting Danielle's elderly maternal grandmother.
Previous Chapter
Rating - Mature (some chapters contain smut)
Triggers - references to Tom Hiddleston’s work with the #MeToo Movement. That chapter will be tagged accordingly.
authors Note - I have been working on this for the last 3 years, it is currently 180+ chapters long.  This will be updated daily, so long as I can get time to do so, obviously.
Gaelgóir - A predominantly native Irish speaker. IRA - Irish Republican Army, a paramilitary organisation set up to fight British occupation in Ireland. UVF - The Ulster Volunteer Force, a paramilitary organisation set up by Unionists who fought regularly against the IRA. I have the grandmother written to be a lot like my childminder growing up. An older woman who had no filter, she was great.
All image rights belong to their owners
tags: @sweetkingdomstarlight-blog​​​​ @jessibelle-nerdy-mum​​​​ @nonsensicalobsessions​​​​ @damalseer​​​​ @hiddlesbitch1​​​​ @winterisakiller​​​​ @fairlightswiftly​​​​ @salempoe​​​​​ @wolfsmom1​​​​​
If you wish to be tagged, please let me know.
Tom stood at the bottom of the waterfall looking up as the water cascaded down towards them, he adored Ireland, it was official, it was so alike to home, similar foods, similar weather, yet incredibly different also. He could see why Danielle always spoke so well of her home and country, it was impossible to not love the place. He turned to see Danielle hopping from rock to rock with almost childlike glee on her face. “Having fun?” “Yes, yes I am.” She grinned back.
She was, as he predicted, quite stiff from their escapades that morning, but she had been nothing short of ecstatic since either, smiling happily as they enjoyed their holiday. “So, where next?”
“There is an old abbey not far from here, and a castle, I never got to go there, but I always wanted to.” She smiled at him, her eyes pleading.
Tom could only grin back. “You are such a nerd, come on, before someone comes and thinks we’ve lost our minds.” He walked cautiously made his way back to the path, having taken several photos on his phone beforehand of the water plummeting from the sky.
“What about you, is there anything you want to look at around here, I don’t want to dictate things and be boring you.”
“You are not boring me, I like these sorts of things, I love history and old buildings.” “Same difference, they are old because they are part of history.” Danielle pointed out. “If you rather not come, just say it, I won’t get insulted, I know that what I like isn’t for everyone, or we could incorporate a mix of things for the two of us.”
‘Elle, stop worrying, I love this, honestly.’ Tom reassured her, putting his arm around her shoulder and kissing her. ‘I swear.’
‘I suppose it’s better than a Selena Gomez concert anyway.’ She giggled as Tom looked at her bemused. ‘That was a funny one.’
‘I am glad you find my life funny.’ Tom growled.
* Tom sat staring at the old lady in the chair in front of him. He had absolutely no idea what the woman was saying, for the most part, knowing that she was assessing him in his presence.
After Kerry, they made their way to her family in Cork, her maternal grandmother was still alive, though in care in her old age. Danielle had suggested he do something more interesting than sitting with her in an old folk’s home for an hour, but Tom requested to go with her. Her grandmother did not recognise her at first, apparently, that was common enough for the older woman these days, her memory slowly fading. Her accent was strong and part of Tom was grateful that Danielle had not developed one such as it, he would not have understood a word she was saying if she had. They stayed a while but Tom needed to use the bathroom, so he went to the visitors one in the main hall, leaving Danielle to talk to her grandmother. When he came back to the room, he paused for a moment before entering.
‘He’s a bit of alright.’
‘Nan!’ Danielle laughed. ‘You’re terrible.’
‘So, are you going staying over there with him?’
‘I don’t know, hopefully.’
‘What does he do?’
‘He’s an actor.’
‘A real one or a bad one?’
Danielle laughed again. ‘A real one Nan. He’s really good. You know Hank Williams?’
‘Now there was another bit of alright, he was some crooner. There was a movie on about him recently.’
‘Yes, that was Tom, he played him.’ Danielle informed her.
‘Jesus, hold on to him Danielle, he is good.’ Danielle just laughed again. ‘Your grandfather was into his country music.’
‘Yeah, Mam said that a lot.’
‘You’re not living off him, are you?’
‘No Nan, I have my own job and house, I don’t need him to pay for things for me.’
‘Girls these days are lucky, you can make your own money and everything. Don’t depend on men.’
‘The only man a girl should depend on is her Dad.’ Danielle joked.
‘Your father was a good man.’
‘Yeah, he was,’ Tom could imagine the fond smile on Danielle’s face as she spoke.
‘Not as good looking at that lad though, if I were you, it wouldn’t be here visiting me I would be.’
‘Jesus Nan, I swear to God,’ Danielle’s words were muffled as it was clear she was hiding her face in shame.
Tom, for his part, could not prevent himself from blushing, thankful he had not been in the room when she said that particular line. Deciding to rescue Danielle and put that discussion to rest, Tom knocked on the door to re-enter the room. ‘Ladies,’ he smiled as he came in.
‘Did I hear that you played Mr Williams in that movie?’ her grandmother inquired.
‘Yes, Ma’am,’ Tom used his Hank impression.
‘Jesus, tis him alright,’ Danielle just sighed and shook her head. ‘Are you any bit of a singer?’
‘It was him singing, Nan.’
‘Was it? He’s a bit of something alright, Danielle.’ Danielle looked skyward, wondering how she could ever stop this. ‘He was brilliant.’
‘An incredible musician.’ Tom agreed.
‘He’s very proper.’ Her grandmother leant towards Danielle.
‘Nan, he is three feet in front of you, he can hear you.’ Danielle began to feel exasperated.
‘I’d say it to his face too.’
‘You literally just did,’ Danielle stated exasperatedly. ‘I give up.’
‘Your grandfather used to sing a lot.’ Danielle looked at her grandmother curiously. ‘He was the one to had me listening to Hank Williams, he was a country-style too, but he could not get the croon.’
‘I didn’t know that, I thought he just listened to it.’
‘Your mother hated country music.’
‘That I did know.’
‘Yes, your father wondered where we got her,’ Sheila looked to Tom, ‘she was more traditional Irish music, she loved Irish dancing too, makes sense she married a man from Connemara, my Daniel took one look at him and laughed, “Of course she’d go for a Gaelgóir,” he said. He’d have never thought his granddaughter would go over and marry a Brit though.’
Tom’s brows furrowed. ‘Nan, we’re not married.’ Danielle corrected. ‘And it’s not the same now as it was in Grandad’s time.’
‘Did we get back Ulster when I was asleep last night?’ Sheila asked. Danielle looked awkwardly to the far wall. ‘I am not a fool, Bridget, I know things are different. Go get me a cup of tea.’
Danielle smiled slightly and rose to her feet. ‘Sure Nan, I’ll get it there.’ She looked to Tom and indicated to the door.
Tom looked awkwardly at the older woman for a moment. ‘It is a pleasure to meet you, Mrs O’Brien.’
‘Look it, let me tell you this if I tell you no more boy, it’s Sheila, and you may be some little pulchritudinous fancy thing from Britain, but if you hurt my Bridget, I will sort you.’ She threatened.
Danielle looked at her adoringly. ‘Don’t worry, I’ll ring his Mam and sisters and they’ll sort him.’
‘You do that, I mean it now Bridget.’
‘Sure thing Nan.’
‘And for the love of God get me that tea.’
Danielle walked over and gave her grandmother a kiss on the cheek, ‘I will Nan.’ She stated quietly. ‘I love you loads, and thanks for telling me about Granddad and Hank Williams.’ She smiled sadly, before she turned and left the room, informing the care workers that her grandmother was tired but would like a cup of tea.
Neither Tom nor Danielle said anything until they got back to the car. ‘Are you alright?’ Tom took her hand in his as they sat in the car park.
‘Yeah, I just hate seeing her get worse, she is ninety-three years old, so I know it is common at her age, but she is such a character, I don’t like seeing it.’
‘I see where you get your madness from,’ Tom jested. ‘I’m sorry.’
‘It’s life.’
‘So, your grandmother saw my work and liked it then?’
‘She loves Hank.’
Tom smiled proudly back. ‘Well, I did a great job apparently.’
‘You did.’ Danielle agreed with a smile.
Tom frowned. ‘Can I ask why would your granddad have been somewhat shocked?’ Danielle looked at him bewildered. ‘About you and I? I assume he was a republican?’ Danielle looked at him for a moment silently. ‘What?’
‘My grandfather Daniel was in the IRA.’ She admitted. Tom’s eyes widened. ‘He was involved in an incident in the fifties and well, yeah he was not a fan of British authority. Normal English people on the street he had time for, armed forces and government were something he very much did not.’ Tom said nothing in return. ‘In all fairness, Jack’s uncle was in the UVF.’
‘I don’t know what that is.’ Tom admitted.
‘The Unionists paramilitary army,’ Tom looked at her shocked. ‘Yeah, it was a two-sided thing, as wars tend to be.’
‘How do you know this?’
‘I was talking to his dad at the wedding, he told me that his brother died in the Troubles and we got talking about all that.’
‘That was anything but light-hearted. It was a wedding.’
‘It turned out to be an interesting conversation.’ Danielle admitted.
‘Your grandmother called you Bridget a lot towards the end.’
‘Yeah, she does that when she’s tired.’ Danielle’s tone was downtrodden at talking of such.
‘I heard what she said when I left by the way.’ Tom grinned, his tongue between his teeth as he did so.
‘Jesus, that woman has no filter.’ Danielle laughed. ‘I cannot even blame her age for that, she was always blunt.’
‘She likes me.’
‘How could she not?’ Danielle looked at him, a loving smile on her face.
‘Thank you,’ Danielle frowned. ‘For letting me be this involved in your life, giving me a chance to see all of you.’ Tom explained. ‘Now, to Dublin, be warned Siobhan wants to say hi,’
‘Will I drive?’ Tom offered. Danielle did nothing for a moment before getting out of the car and going to the passenger door, Tom smiling as he got out, kissing her gently on the lips before walking to the other side and getting in.
Torc Waterfall in Killarney
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Muckross House
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Muckross Abbey
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Muckross Abbey Yew Tree
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Ross Castle
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The Lakes of Killarney
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We’ll Carry On - Chapter Thirty
We’ll Carry On Tag
General Content Warnings: Sympathetic Deceit Sanders, Substance Abuse, Abandonment, Minor Character Death, Transphobia, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Dissociation, Bullying, Homophobia
August 25th, 2000
Emile gave both his parents one last hug. “Thanks Mom, Dad. I promise I’ll call soon,” he said.
His mom and dad just smiled as they packed the last of his things in his car together. “You’ll do fine, Emile. Don’t feel pressured to call us if you can’t do it every week,” his mom advised. “Of course, I won’t object to you calling every week, but...”
Emile laughed. His dad gave him a hug. “I’m so proud of you, son. Go out and get that degree, so you can be the world’s best therapist, like you’ve been wanting to do since you were twelve.”
“I will,” Emile promised. “And I’ll call when I can, and write when I can’t, and I love you both.”
The three of them hugged, before Emile drove all the way to his college, teary-eyed. This was it. He was on his own, figuring out what he wanted to do with his life. It was nerve-wracking, but also incredibly freeing.
He already knew he was going to miss his parents, though.
July 13th, 2019
Logan was fiddling with his hair in his room, pulling faces in the mirror he was holding up to mess with it. “You doing okay, Logan?” Emile asked.
“Fine,” Logan said, voice only cracking a little. “Just want to look presentable to your parents.”
Emile shook his head fondly and walked over, fixing Logan’s cowlicks with a little hair gel. “You’ll do fine, Logan. You look your best when you’re relaxed. Don’t stress so much. My parents are going to love you and your brothers.”
“I hope so,” Logan said softly.
“I know so,” Emile asserted. “They fell in love with Remy the second they met him, and immediately asked me when I planned to pop the question. In front of him. They’re just like me, in that sense. So just treat them with the same respect you give me, and you’ll do fine.”
Logan nodded. “Would a tie be too much, then?”
Emile smiled. “I would say no, but only because I know you love wearing ties anyway. There’s no need for your Sunday best around my parents. They’ve seen some silly pictures of you anyway, from your brothers’ escapades and your reactions. They’re not going to expect you to be poised all the time, or even want that from you.”
“I’m not used to grandparents being understanding,” Logan muttered.
“I know,” Emile said, helping Logan with his tie. “But you’re going to do great, understand me?”
Logan nodded as a car door closed outside. “That must be them,” Emile said with a smile. “Let’s go greet them, shall we?”
Vanellope was waiting at the door, tail wagging as she watched Emile’s parents through the screen door. She squirmed excitedly as Logan put her leash on and walked out of the house with her to greet Emile’s parents. Emile followed Logan out, keeping a steady hand on Logan’s shoulder. “Hey Mom, Dad! It’s been a little while!” he laughed.
“I know it has, you missed Christmas!” his mother scolded, but she was smiling. “You never missed Christmas with us before!”
“We didn’t want to shock Roman quite that soon,” Emile said, walking over and giving his mom a hug. “Dad, how are you?”
“Still stunned that I get to meet five grandchildren. I wasn’t even expecting one, let alone five!” his dad exclaimed.
Emile laughed and he hugged his dad, as he heard the front door open more behind him, and he could hear Roman chatting with Virgil and Patton. The three of them grew quiet as Emile stepped back, and they looked decidedly uncertain. “Mom, Dad, you can see Logan, holding Vanellope; he’s sixteen. Roman is the second oldest and second tallest; he’s twelve for one more week. The twins are Patton and Virgil, Patton is the one who looks like me, and Virgil is the blond; they’re both eight. And...where’s Dee?”
“Inside,” Roman said. “He’s attached himself to Ami’s leg and refused to let go.”
Emile laughed. “Well, then, you’ll see Dee when you go inside and Remy finds a way to walk around without hurting him. He’s six.”
His dad shook his head. “How do you accidentally adopt five kids, Emile?”
“Well, I told you I was a sperm donor in college, right?” Emile asked.
His dad stared at him blankly for one, two, three seconds. Then, he started to laugh. “Wait a second...all these kids...are yours? Biologically?!”
“Uh...yeah,” Emile said, scratching the back of his neck. “Whoops?”
His dad only laughed harder. His mother shook her head fondly. “Well, I always knew you were destined for chaos, Emile, but this isn’t quite what I was expecting.”
“Yeah,” Emile said. “Shall we go inside, though? I can grab your bags.”
“Nonsense, we can carry our own bags, Emile,” his dad said. “You get that lovely husband of yours and our youngest grandson.”
“Will do,” Emile said with a laugh. He walked back inside and could hear faint murmuring as he entered the house, no doubt Logan introducing himself. “Hey, Rem, Mom and Dad are here!”
He could hear quiet murmuring from the kitchen and he followed the noise to find Remy hugging Dee, who was shaking like a leaf. “Rem?” he asked.
“Dee’s worried about the new people,” Remy said softly. “Apparently new people usually weren’t good in the past.”
“Aw, don’t worry, Dee, Mom and Dad will love you,” Emile said. “They’re your grandparents, how could they not like you?”
Dee looked at Emile uncertainly and signed, “What if they want me to talk?”
“They know that you prefer signing to speaking, Dee, and they’ve been trying to re-learn sign to talk to you in your preferred language,” Emile explained. “My parents want to accommodate you as much as possible. I got it from somewhere, I didn’t just spring out from the ground wanting to help everyone I saw.”
Dee still looked uncertain.
“Look, you can stay with Ami if you want, or you can come with me, both of us are going to wind up in the living room with your grandma and granddad. And if you get overwhelmed, you’re always free to leave,” Emile said softly.
Dee nodded and signed, “I’ll stay with Ami.”
“Okay. If you want, you can help him with drinks, but don’t cling to his leg so that he can’t move, okay? He likes seeing my parents too,” Emile said.
Dee nodded and Emile moved back through the house to the living room, where Logan was sitting with Vanellope in his lap on the floor, and Roman, Patton, and Virgil were playing together on one of the couches, while his parents were on the other. “Dee and Remy should be in shortly,” he informed them.
“That’s good,” his mom said. “Logan was just telling us about his transition, and how much you and Remy have helped him.”
Logan turned a bit pink. “I mean, I wouldn’t have started my transition at all without Dad and Ami by my side,” he said. “It’s only fair to thank them, and give them the recognition they deserve.”
Emile smiled. “I’m happy that you feel more comfortable in your skin, Logan. Everyone deserves to feel like themselves.”
“Seconded!” Roman exclaimed.
“Thirded!” Patton and Virgil said at the same time. “Same hat!” they said, pointing at each other.
Logan laughed.
Remy walked in, and Dee wasn’t quite clinging to Remy’s legs, but he was hiding behind them. Emile’s parents were the picture perfect definition of surprised. “Oh, I think I see one more grandchild!” his dad exclaimed. “Is this Dee?”
Dee poked his head out from behind Remy and offered a wave.
“Hi, Dee,” Emile’s mother signed. “It’s nice to meet you.”
Dee offered a shy smile in return as he signed back, “Likewise.”
Both of Emile’s parents smiled as Remy gave them both glasses of water. “Here you guys go. I know you must be tired after the long drive.”
“Thank you, Remy,” Emile’s mother said, standing up and kissing Remy on the cheek.
Dee looked shocked, as did Patton and Virgil. “What, have you guys never seen positive familial affection before?” Roman asked.
“My mother would sometimes to that to me,” Logan offered. “Even if she wasn’t the greatest person in the world.”
Dee just shook his head. “Mama didn’t do that for me in ages,” he signed.
Emile just sighed. “I really wish she would have,” he said, “Because you deserve it.”
Dee came over and hugged Emile and Emile hugged him back. “I know, it’s still hard,” he murmured.
“It’s always hard,” Dee signed as he pulled back.
“I know,” Emile said softly. “But you’ll get through it. You’re one tough cookie.”
“I was overbaked?” Dee asked.
Emile laughed. “You know what I mean,” he said.
“Yeah,” Dee agreed. “But taking things literally is what I do.”
“I know it is,” Emile said. “That’s one of the symptoms of being autistic, actually.”
Dee furrowed his eyebrows. “Really?” he asked.
“Yeah,” Emile said. “It’s really interesting, actually. There’s many different symptoms, and people rarely have all of them, because it’s such a varied spectrum! But that’s a fairly common one!”
Dee made an interested noise in the back of his throat and grinned, his tongue pushing against his bottom teeth, making one of them shake. He jumped and felt at it in surprise.
“Ohhhh,” Patton said. “Dee, you’re starting to lose your baby teeth!”
“What?!” Dee asked in clear alarm.
“No, it’s okay, that’s normal!” Patton exclaimed, jumping off the couch and baring his teeth. “You see how some of my teeth are way bigger and some of them have gaps?”
Dee nodded.
“That’s because I lost a few of my teeth, and my adult teeth have started to grow in! It’s normal! Don’t worry, it just means you’re growing up!”
Dee’s face was shocked. He felt at his tooth. “It’s not very loose,” he signed.
“It gets looser the more your adult teeth grow in,” Patton explained. “Until eventually you can just pull it out with no pain!”
“Pull it out?” Dee asked.
“Well, yeah,” Virgil chimed in. “That’s how you make room for the adult teeth. But it’s okay! Because the Tooth Fairy comes at night and gives you money when you lose a tooth if you leave it for her!”
Dee’s eyes got really wide. “Really?!” he asked.
“Yeah!” Virgil said. “It’s been a while since I’ve lost a tooth, actually. Some of mine have to be getting loose soon.”
Emile watched the exchange fondly. His father cleared his throat. “So,” he paused for a minute, before he grinned. “Have you kids ever played a good game of badminton?”
“Dad!” Emile exclaimed with a laugh. “Are you seriously trying to convert them to sports already?!”
“Badminton can be fun,” Logan said. “It was one of the games I played to get my gym credit fulfilled in school, and I found it to be entertaining, and easy on the body.”
Emile’s dad pointed at Logan. “You. I like your style,” he said with a grin. “I brought a badminton net that we could set up in the backyard. Does that sound good? We could play a round or two.”
“Sure!” Logan agreed. “I’d have to change out of my binder, but I’d be game.”
Patton squealed and Logan cringed. “Pun not intended!” he exclaimed, pointing at Patton.
“Patton figured out what puns were in a joke book the other day, and he’s been trying to come up with them ever since,” Remy explained to Emile’s very confused parents.
“Puns are fun!” Patton exclaimed. “They’re like the kinds of jokes my friends dads would say when we’d go over to their houses to play!”
“Well, they are often called ‘Dad jokes,’” Roman said.
Patton stared at Roman in shock. “Really?!” he asked excitedly.
“Really,” Roman said with a laugh.
They all slowly moved outside, and the second Logan came out in a tank top and sports bra, Emile knew that Logan was not intent on losing against his grandfather in the game. “Logan, sunscreen!” Emile advised before Logan could get off the deck.
Logan looked at him in exasperation but obligingly sprayed sunscreen on his arms and legs, and smeared some on his face and neck. He pulled a face as he rubbed the excess sunscreen off on a napkin. “That stuff feels disgusting,” he said.
“I know, but it will help,” Emile said. “Now go on and play the one sport you find enjoyable.”
Logan gave him a smile and ran into the yard to help put up the net and grab a racket. Roman grabbed one as well, and Emile’s father did too. Remy laughed and called, “I’ll join for doubles!” taking off his jacket and donning his sunglasses, grabbing the fourth and final racket they had.
Emile’s dad teamed up with Roman and as he hit the birdie over the net, the game began. There was running and shouting and a lot of laughter, and Emile watched them with a smile on his face from the safety of the deck. Dee was playing with Vanellope, and Patton and Virgil were refereeing, which left Emile and his mom with some much needed time to catch up.
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forsythiias · 5 years
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hey ! i’m rachel. i’m 20 - almost 21 ! - she / her pronouns, gmt timezone ( i live in ireland and spend like a week in england every month at this rate . u guys will get used to it ). a fun fact abt me is that i spoke to hugh jackman & gave him a wolverine pin rly recently . that’s all i got . anyway. i’m playing jellybean jones, the baby of the fp jones fam ! she’s my absolute KID and i would LOVE to plot , so please feel free to shoot me a message or smash that like button and i’ll come at you in the not so distant future. 
⌜   genderfluid, she / they / he   |   out of time by the rolling stones, the local record store, the pop culture fiend   ⌟   ⏤   hey, isn’t that FORSYTHIA PARTHENIA JONES? the NINETEEN year old SOUTH SIDER has lived in town for their WHOLE LIFE, and has always denied their resemblance to DIANA SILVERS. they’ve been a STUDENT & WAITRESS for a while now, and i guess it makes sense - they’ve always seemed so TENACIOUS & INDIVIDUALISTIC, though i have heard that they can be pretty GARRULOUS & ACERBIC. did you hear about how they SOLD JACKED CARS IN TOLEDO TO PUT THEMSELVES THROUGH COLLEGE? i always knew that there was something up with them. you can check out her pinterest board HERE and her stat page HERE.
you can CHANGE the world, girl,                                     you really, truly can.
part one of three : bullet point history. trigger warnings for talk of infant health issues.
august fifth, 2000. it was a sticky autumn night when FORSYTHIA PARTHENIA JONES entered the world with a pitiful cry. the only daughter of two south siders, gladys and fp, and the younger sister of a one jughead jones, she wasn’t born to MUCH ; which made all that she did have matter all the more. a mother and a father who loved her? check. an older brother she would someday idolize and love like no other in the world? double check. a small ventricular septal defect, discovered only after her birth? triple check.
forsythia was, it seemed, destined to be a sickly child. her first few months were dotted with trips to the emergency room and visits to a local doctor, something always seeming to be wrong. infant colic was ten times worse. she caught a chill when she was two weeks old and needed to spend a WEEK in the icu because of the resulting chest infection. the doctors who treated her at birth had been confident over time that the hole in her heart - jellybean shaped, on the very first ultrasound - would close by itself, as many do. hers, however, didn’t. as she got older, the effects became more pronounced. she kept catching chest infections. she couldn’t seem to put on weight. breathing was, at times, a struggle. and she was SLEEPIER than any baby they had ever known before. the original plan had been to wait and see and hope that her tiny heart healed on it’s own. at ten months old, it became apparent that this would never happen ; and the surgery was scheduled. 
your baby is supposed to be PERFECT. she isn’t supposed to take ill every few days and ultimately be wheeled into a room for open heart surgery. it was likely a very harrowing experience, and those first few months of her life were understandably marred - but if there had ever been any doubts before, it became clearer than day when she came out of surgery that the youngest jones was a FIGHTER, through and through. they’d been prepared for a month long wait to bring her home again - it ended up being a fortnight. she didn’t cry, after. she didn’t FUSS. it was as if she had known that the first little while had been tough, and was trying her hardest to make all of their lives that little bit easier. lord knew that the jones’ needed it, especially when the stress of all that was going on with her had combined with their bills. 
now affectionately named jellybean for the defect she had survived, she grew into a remarkably NORMAL child. there were differences, of course, between her and the kids that she grew up surrounded by - she required regular checkups, she needed to dress extra warmly in winter, and she always got that little bit more wiped out than everybody else - but anyone told the story behind the scar in the middle of her chest gaped in shock. the girl who swung from the lower boughs of the trees at the edge of sunnyside trailer park and sprinted after her friends at full speed had once had a hole in her heart? impossible. that sort of health issue was reserved for those with a lot less life in them than the high spirited girl that jellybean became known as being, and never once did she allow it to define her. she was a SPITFIRE, pure and simple, and she’s proud to say that never once did she let herself sit out of an experience just because she was worried about what would happen if she partook.
life was not all sunshine and adventure, though. not every child notices the cracks in their home life appearing. jellybean didn’t. not until the rug was pulled right from under her feet. to her wide eyed and rose colored self, everything seemed to happen overnight. one day, they were happy. the next, her dad was an alcoholic and she and her mum were in transit to toledo, where they would move in with stony faced grandparents who treated her with corporate coldness. she didn’t understand the why of it all - couldn’t have even hoped to, when she was still so young. the reality of her father losing his job and their lives going to shit thanks to it didn’t sink in. all she knew was that she had lost the father she idealized and the big brother that she had always wanted to BE. 
she spoke to them both on the phone, of course. she was even lucky to see jughead a couple times, though their grandparents never wanted to hear about it afterwards, no matter how excited she was. it must have been jarring for him the first time he turned up to find that the pigtailed little girl who loved kids pop that he remembered had sheared her hair and was now listening strictly to pink floyd and other classics. but none of it was the same. not really. it wasn’t having her family together. to say that her drastic transformation might have stemmed from a place of resentment towards whatever forces were at play in ruining her family - that starting to go by JB, so similar to the FP that her nana and granddad refused to allow be mentioned around them might’ve been an act of defiance - wouldn’t have been incorrect. she wanted things to go back to normal. the fact that they didn’t killed her.
and they never really did. she and her mom returned to riverdale, a new opportunity spotted, but things never went back to how they had been before. she learned not to talk about it, though - and now she’s older, wiser, and she knows how to hide her feelings behind an easy bluff. there’s nothing to do but make the most of what she does have, right? a new brother. a new life. a new self. she has to stop dwelling on what she used to have, she supposes ; though sometimes, it hurts to think about what she’s lost. 
part two of three : headcanons.
jellybean is gonna be a lawyer someday, but she NEVER really wanted to be one. her dream from ages 3 to 11, she wanted to be a princess. she overheard some of the older serpents sarcastically referring to the jones family as royalty, and she really chose to run with it - refusing to take off a makeshift crown for the first month and getting called princess jellybean by her father for the next few years. after that phase had passed, though, she found her real passion - and for most of living memory, she’s wanted to own a record store. nothing too extravagant, really, just a first floor, one room sorta deal - she’d plaster the walls with posters of the greats and keep the merchandise in crates resting on rickety tables, and every friday night she’d hold a jams night where people could come and lounge around the floor on beanie bags, listening to some of their favorites. she had it all planned, and it’s still something of a dream - but if there’s one thing that jones’ family knows how to do, it’s sacrifice their dreams for harsh reality. with penny peabody DISGRACED, the serpents and southsiders in general need someone who knows them to represent them, when things go to trial, and feeling a sense of duty to the people she was raised around, jb bit the bullet and stepped up. she’s got a love for arguing and a knack for winning, so much so that god HELP whoever goes against her in a courtroom, someday.
she has yet to officially join the serpents ( her parents wouldn’t approve of it, for one, not now, and there’s a whole host of OTHER reasons ) - but jb went right ahead and got a tattoo on her right hand anyway, cause as a jones, she’s still serpent adjacent. the only difference between the picture linked and the one she has is that hers is done in white ink - her way of keeping things lowkey while still honoring her heritage.
miss her with a motorbike. they’re COOL and all, but jb values her life a little bit too much to trust a two wheeled death trip waiting to happen. she’s more into classic cars, anyway, and has pretty recently invested in the frame of a 1979 pontiac gto from the scrapyard that she plans on fixing up to perfection.
her style is southside meets cute. of course she loves her leather and fishnet combos - but jb is ALSO a huge fan of dungarees and sloganed t-shirts in a whole assortment of colors. anything ‘edgy’ she wears ( big boots, mesh tops, the list .. could go on ) gets coupled with something a little less so ( pink scrunchies, colorful makeup, a disney bag … again, the list could go on ), and that makes her her.
and finally, for now, cause i’m not sure i’ve done a good job of conveying it - jellybean is a good kid. she REALLY, truly is. she’s got some bite to her ( enough of a short fuse that it’s advisable not to test her limit ) & wouldn’t be her fathers daughter if she DIDN’T, but she’s also genuinely sweet. being a serpent doesn’t equal being a bitch, and so long as people out there treat her with respect, she’ll do the SAME. jb doesn’t turn unless she’s given reason to … and if they do, she won’t hold back.
part three of three : wanted connections.
fp & gladys jones ! 
kids from the south ( or north ) side that are in or around the same age, who jellybean would have grown up with / went to school with !! they might have reconnected after she returned to riverdale and now know her as who she’s become, but they also might be people who she lost contact with for a LONG TIME and who never got to see her post transformation - any and all variance on this wc would be fun!
anyone attending carson college who she might, maybe, rub shoulders with !!  i’d love the most mundane of connections - maybe they sit with each other during lunch, or they help each other study, or one time, jb dropped a book on their head in the library and they’ve been friends / enemies since! gimme anything !
regulars at pops / the speakeasy. 
so .. she’s pretty self sufficient, and she’s paying her way in terms of college by working shifts at pops and picking up extras in the speakeasy. she’d know a lot of people from that, i’d wager, and i’m sure she has her favorites!
more people southside serpent adjacent who she can play off of !! one of jb’s goals in life is to become an OFFICIAL member of the gang, which she hasn’t yet - but she is something of a southside princess, and that means she’d know most of them in some way!
p much anything else !
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fanficshiddles · 7 years
Owned By A Ghost, Chapter 21
Tracey woke up with the worst hangover she’d had in a long time. Loki felt sorry for her and brought her breakfast in bed as well as plenty of water.
He held her in his arms as she drank all the water, starting to feel better near instantly.
‘Ugh. I’m never drinking again.’ Tracey groaned as she hid her face into Loki’s chest.
‘Hmm, where have I heard that before?’ Loki chuckled and lightly tickled her neck with his fingers, making her giggle.
'Ok, ok… Maybe just for a few days at least.’
'You were a funny drunk last night. Not to mention also very horny too.’ Loki grinned.
'Oh god... Oh my god. You were a werewolf!’ Tracey gasped as she suddenly remembered the previous night’s adventures.
'And you loved every second of it.’ Loki chuckled.
'It was… Weird and so so wrong. But… So good.’ She blushed.
Loki trailed his fingers over her red cheeks and chuckled. He kissed her forehead and then pulled her in close to him again as they lay down.
'If you enjoyed it, then there’s nothing wrong with it.’ Loki said and Tracey agreed. 
‘I was fired from my job yesterday. So was Marissa. There was drugs found in our lockers. But we have no idea how they got there. It must be a mistake, but we weren’t given a chance to defend ourselves. I don’t know what i’m going to do now. I can’t afford not to be working.’ Tracey said to Loki as she tried to hold herself together. 
‘It will be ok, darling. I’m sure something will come along.’ Loki assured her as he kissed the top of her head. 
‘It’s not exactly a big town though. There’s hardly much job opportunities here. And the chance of word spreading around about why we were fired is quite likely. Everyone in this town is a gossip.’ 
‘What happened to your attitude from last night, what was it you said again? Oh yes, fuck them we will find something else. Is what you told me.’ Loki said as he held her chin upwards.
Tracey sighed and punched at his chest playfully. 
‘You know as well as I do that I was really drunk last night and clearly not thinking properly. I did allow a werewolf to fuck me after all.’ Tracey grumbled.
‘Correction, you tempted a werewolf to fuck you.’ Loki corrected her with a smirk and Tracey just rolled her eyes at him.
‘If I don’t get another job, like straight away, then Granddad and I are going to lose the house. Then I don’t know what we will do.’ 
‘You will move in here, with me.’ Loki said firmly as he sat up and cupped her face in his large hands.
‘What? Really? I… I don’t know.’ Tracey stuttered.
‘Yes. I am sure. You’re my girl and I will not just watch you end up on the street, silly. This is your home as well now. You don’t have to worry.’ Loki smiled and kissed her.
‘But what about my Granddad? He can’t live here as well… Can he?’ 
Loki didn’t say anything for a second, as he was thinking. But then he responded.
‘No, he can’t. He will ask too many questions about me and honestly, I’d rather not have him in my home. He is abusive to you, darling. You really need to contact a care home or some sort of rehab center. He needs it.’ Loki spoke softly, in hope of getting through to her.
But no matter how many conversations the pair had had about Tracey’s Granddad she still refused to get him help. He was all she had left as family and she couldn’t bear the thought of losing him. 
'But I don’t know if I could live without my Granddad. What if he goes into some home and something happens to him? I wouldn’t be there for him.’ Tracey said with shaky breath.
'Tracey, I can’t lose you. You mean the world to me and if you stick with your Granddad you are going to end up homeless or god knows where. I need you, Tracey. Please. Consider getting help for your Granddad. I beg you. He is more of a danger to himself and others while he is going around, drunk.’ Loki said pleadingly as he held her hands in his.
Tracey looked into his eyes and could see he looked genuinely scared of losing her. He looked like a young lost boy in that moment.
'I… I’ll think about it.’ Tracey sighed as she hugged into his chest, hiding her face against him.
'Thank you, my darling. I only want what’s best for you. I will help you every single step of the way, I promise. Everything I do is for you.’ Loki said in an assuring manner as he kissed the top of her head.
They spent most of the morning in bed together. Tracey avoided more conversation about her Granddad, distracting Loki with sex instead. Which Loki didn’t complain about.
He did complain, however, when she went to go home for a while. She wanted to print off her CV and have a browse online for some jobs. She had promised Loki that she would be back in an hour or so, so he decided to leave her to it.
But that wasn’t the case.
It was starting to get dark and she wasn’t back, Loki started to get worried. So he decided to go and look for her. Because he was so connected to Tracey, it was easy for him to tune into her and find where she was.
He wasn’t overly pleased to find that she was in the local butchers having an interview for a job. It wasn’t something she wanted to do, working there, but she needed money so was happy to take anything in the meantime.
Loki didn’t alert Tracey to the fact that he was there. As he had told her he was just going to wait at home for her return.
Tracey was in the middle of the interview when the power cut out, confusing both her and the owner of the butchers. He went briefly away to try and sort out the power. But it wasn’t long before it came back on.
‘Sorry about that, Tracey. Now let me just have a look at the review your previous employer gave you.’ He said as he turned to his computer and opened up the email.
Even though drugs were found in her locker, her previous employer said she wouldn’t mention it in her review for her. Which Tracey was really grateful for. But she was a bit confused when the man’s face turned serious and he glanced to Tracey with uncertainty, then back to the screen on front of him.
‘Right, that’s all I need for now. I will be in touch.’ He gave her a half hearted smile and shook her hand.
‘Oh. Ok. Thank you for your time.’ Tracey smiled as she got up to leave.
But she felt a sinking feeling inside her, as she knew it wasn’t good news. She couldn’t help but wonder what he read on the review that made him turn so cold all of a sudden. Unless her previous employer decided to change her mind and tell the truth about why she left her job.
Tracey sighed as she stepped outside the butchers into the cold night. It was nearly dark now and she shivered as she wrapped her jacket around her more.
She started to make her way back to Loki’s. She kept looking over her shoulder, uncertainty filled her mind as she kept thinking about Steven and Nick. The murderer could still be out there after all, she thought.
A chill ran down her spine so she quickened her pace to Loki’s mansion. It didn’t take her too long to get there. When she got inside she found Loki there, pacing back and fore on front of her.
He lunged towards her and grabbed her into a tight hug. She hugged him back, albeit a bit confused at his actions.
‘Loki?’ She asked as she looked up at him.
‘I was so worried. It’s dark and you were still out there. I told you to make sure you were back here before dark. Anything could have happened to you.’ Loki said firmly as he held her upper arms in his hands, his eyes watering with worry.
‘I… I’m sorry. I just lost track of time a bit. I didn’t mean to worry you.’ Tracey said, shocked with how he was acting.
She felt warmed with how worried he had been over her. But that also made her feel a little bad, as she had originally said to him that she would be back long before dark.
‘Don’t do it again, Tracey. I don’t know what I would do without you. You are my whole world.’ Loki said softly as he cupped her cheek with his hand.
She closed her eyes and leaned into his touch. Then she reached up and covered his hand with her own.
‘I’m sorry, I won’t do it again... I love you.’ She smiled and opened her eyes to look up at her ghost boyfriend.
‘I love you too, darling. How did the job hunting go? Did you find anything worth applying for?’ Loki asked as he reached down and took her hand.
He led her through to the living room as they spoke.
‘Not really. There was a job going at the butchers, I managed to get an interview straight away as I called them up. It went well, until he looked at the review my last boss gave me. I don’t know what she wrote, but it couldn’t have been good. He said he would just call me, but I doubt he actually will. So I will just have to keep looking.’ Tracey sighed.
‘You don’t have to work, you know.’ Loki suggested as he pulled her down onto his lap when they got to the sofa.
‘What do you mean? Of course I do!’
‘You can live with me, you know this. I can easily provide for you.’ Loki said as he slid his hand underneath her top and he slowly trailed his fingers lightly all across her back, making her tremble.
‘I know you can. But my Granddad. You know this.’ Tracey said as she rested her head into the crook of his neck.
‘And we discussed this. He needs more serious help. We both know that you know deep down it’s the right thing to do.’ Loki mumbled into her hair.
‘I know… But I can’t not work for the rest of my life. I will go crazy, I need to find something.’
‘I will keep you plenty busy here. Think about it, you can have a life of luxury. Swimming every day in the pool, go for walks, draw, paint, read, write, anything you want. And of course all the sex you could ever desire.’ Loki growled.
‘It does sound appealing, but I can’t just do that all the time.’ Tracey squeaked as Loki’s hand slid down into her jeans and he cupped her bum with his large hand.
‘You could if you really wanted to.’ Loki chuckled. ‘Anyway, back to the point at hand. What are you going to do with your Granddad? If you don’t make a decision now and stick to it, you will just continue to be stuck in a rut, darling.’ Loki said as he squeezed her ass for a bit, then removed his hand from her jeans. Which Tracey was secretly disappointed at.
‘I… I don’t know. I will wait and see if I can get another job first. I can’t just, abandon him.’ Tracey sighed.
Loki gritted his teeth but kept his cool. He just so desperately wanted Tracey to move in with him. So he could have her, all to himself.
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thefallslegacy · 8 years
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And here’s the first chapter of generation three, where I try to pull all the threads of this generation together in time. While writing this, I found out that toddlers have been added to the game, which is great timing as far as this legacy’s concerned. Anyway, on with the chapter - which is around twice as big as usual, be warned.
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Jupiter: Mercury? Venus? I... I can explain.
Venus: You're not dead?
Jupiter: Nope. Funny, isn't it?
Mercury: Not really. All of us thought you were.
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Jupiter: Look, it's a long story. If I can just go inside and talk to Mu-
Mercury: Wait, not yet.
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Venus: Mercury?
Mercury: I need to know you understand. As far as we were concerned, you died in that car with Dad and Grandpa. You're a ghost, if that makes any sense.
Jupiter: *sighs* I get it. 
Mercury: And one more thing.
Jupiter: Yeah?
Mercury: Why now? After all these years, why come back now? 
Jupiter: I promise, I'll explain everything.
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Venus: What's wrong? I thought you'd be pleased to see him.
Mercury: I would, if he hadn't had years to come back home already. He's not my big brother anymore.
Venus: That's because he's not eleven anymore, and neither are we.
Mercury: Sometimes, I wish we were.
Venus: Just try not to spend too much time wishing or you might miss something, if you know what I mean.
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Ava: You know, all things considered, I’m thinking of retiring.
Gia: Retiring? It doesn’t seem like long ago you were cleaning palettes to pay for our school books.
Ava: I know, I know. But I don’t have long left and, unlike your father, I have no intention of working all my li- 
*door opens*
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Jupiter: Hi, Mum.
Gia: Jupiter?!
Jupiter: I’m home.
Gia: I...
Ava: Sit down... All of you.
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Gia: It’s so good to see you again, I don’t know what to say...
Jupiter: I know I have a lot of explaining to do-
Gia: Not right now, you don’t have to-
Jupiter: Yes right now, this is important and I can’t let myself get distracted.
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Venus: I shouldn’t be listening to this conversation...
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Mercury: Wait, Venus. Where are you going? 
Venus: This is a family issue, and I’m not family.
Mercury: Maybe not, but you were just as close to the issue as any of us. Sit down.
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Jupiter: I suppose, to really explain, I have to start at the explosion.
Gia: The detectives that investigating the case told us that it was just a fault with a car engine.
Jupiter: They were wrong. It was a fault, but not with the engine, with the bomb attached to the engine.
Ava: A bomb?
Jupiter: Whoever made it did a really bad job. The blast only caught whoever was in the driver’s and front passenger seat. I was in the back. The explosion started a fire that burnt down the rest of the car. 
Gia: If you survived, why didn’t you come home?
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Jupiter: It wasn’t that easy. My leg was stuck, I thought the fire was gonna burn it off. I waited for the fire department, I did. But, before they got there, someone else showed up and pulled me out of the car. 
Mercury: And why didn’t they bring you home? Or to a hospital?
Jupiter: They did, in a way. They took me to this private medical ward. I found out a lot there.
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Jupiter: Before Granddad died, he was trying to seal a deal with this group of guys. They weren’t happy with how things were going, and the bomb was a hit on his life. If he died, they could deal with his second-in-command, who was apparently some kind of double-agent for them. 
Mercury: That still doesn’t explain why you couldn’t come home. Or why they blew up an entire car rather than just shooting him in the street.
Jupiter: Witnesses. The car wasn’t in any shape to act as evidence, Dad was dead, they thought I was, and it looked like just an engine fault to everyone watching. If I came back, they’d know I wasn’t dead. They’d try to stage another hit, and I didn’t want to put you guys in danger. They told me that, if I wanted to come home, I had to take over control of the business. 
Gia: And you said no.
Jupiter: Exactly. So they kept me in safehouse after safehouse, until two weeks ago. I saw one of Saturn’s stories in the bookshop across from the flat I was living in. And I just couldn’t stay away anymore. My 18th birthday was in two days, so they let me go. With orders to contact them about taking over as soon as possible. If I can’t hide from it, I’ll fight it.
Ava: Come on, it’s getting late. I’m sure Jupiter wants some...space.
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Venus: Hi, stranger.
Jupiter: I’m sorry, for making you guys think that I was dead. Could you tell Mercury that?
Venus: You can tell him yourself, just give him a night to stew over the...bomb you just dropped.
Jupiter: About that-
Venus: You’re a soon-to-be master of criminal enterprise. I just got a scholarship at a leading school for medical research that’s about ten hours away by car. Congrats, we’re all going places.
Jupiter: *laughs* Damn, I missed that.
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Venus: For exactly 0 simoleons, you can laugh again. Unfortunately, you’ll have to do it for yourself. I’ve got an angst-ridden Mercury to talk to.
Jupiter: Better get going then. It was nice seeing you again.
Venus: You too, idiot.
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Venus: There you are...
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Venus: It’s funny, your aunts and your uncle, they only live across the street and yet they have no idea what’s going on in this house.
Mercury: Yeah, I suppose so.
Venus: So, what is it? And don’t try to dodge, I’d be more worried if there wasn’t something going through your head right now.
Mercury: Now that Jupiter’s back, are you and he-
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Venus: *laughs*
Mercury: What? What’s so funny?
Venus: Oh god, sorry, I shouldn’t be laughing. You think that, just because we haven’t been dating more than 24 hours, I’m going to jump ship to a guy I haven’t known properly since his idea of a valentine was a glitter monstrosity?
Mercury: Just a thought.
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Venus: On a more serious note, that means you’re under the impression that you’re some kind of second best. Let me make it clear.
Mercury: Venus-
Venus: No, shut up. I have this little house near the school I’m going to and I don’t want to live in it alone. Maybe it won’t work. Maybe I’ll go back to sleepwalking and falling down the stairs. But, if there’s even a tiny chance you’ll keep looking at me the way you did back at the river, I have to try. 
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Jupiter: Have we met?
Thalia: I’m...Thalia. Saturn’s girlfriend.
Jupiter: Huh... Nice.
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Thalia: This house just keeps getting weirder.
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Thalia: Hey, you’ll never guess what just... What are you looking at?
Saturn: I think I got a pen mark on the wall, I kind of want to find it before Nana does. 
Thalia: I don’t see anything. But I did see some weird dude with red hair in your living room.
Saturn: Red? T, what kind of red?
Thalia: I don’t know... Like jam? Come on, I’m tired. Let’s just get in bed and watch some Simflix already.
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Saturn: So, it’s really you.
Jupiter: Normally, people introduce themselves with a name or a gun when they meet me. 
Saturn: Except, this isn’t really the first time we’ve met. I just don’t remember all the other times.
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Jupiter: You’re not wrong... Just forgive me if I have no idea who you actually are.
Saturn: And, as far as I’m concerned, you’re a fairytale.
Jupiter: Well, at least that’s cleared up. So, a girlfriend?
Saturn: Yep. Mum’s been totally fine with it.
Jupiter: Saturn, Mum’s ace. Didn’t she tell you that?
Saturn: She’s never talked about...things like that.
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Ava: As nice as it is to see you two bonding, I need to talk to Jupiter. You’ll have chance to chat later.
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Ava: I see you still remember where the fridge is. Now, your mum will be down in a minute to announce who the next heir will be. I just wanted to you to know, so there are no surprises, that you were in the choice pool.
Jupiter: I was?
Ava: Just something a little birdy told me.
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Gia: Alright... We’ve been through a lot to get here. But don’t let that take away from this moment. For what it’s worth, I wouldn’t trade any of you for anything. So, the heir is...
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Gia: Saturn!
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Just like I did with Gia, I decided to give her (and Thalia) a makeover. Her traits are Creative, Art Lover, Muser and Neat.
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The new CC she’s wearing is the Civ Top by @nolan-sims and @madlensims Attila Shoes.
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Thalia’s traits are Self-Assured, Outgoing, Domestic and Goofball.
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The new CC she’s wearing is @skadisim‘s recolour of @meyokisims‘ HUSH! Outfit.
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Gia: Promise you’ll keep in touch.
Jupiter: I promise, I promise.
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Venus: I thought I’d find you hiding out here.
Mercury: Who says I’m hiding?
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Venus: I do. You’re so transparent I could put a mirror on the other side of you and still do my make up in it.
Mercury: That bad, huh?
Venus: Only if I need to fix my eyeliner.
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Mercury: About that house you mentioned.
Venus: Mm-hmm?
Mercury: I don’t have any plans for the next 60 years that I can’t take with me. 
Venus: In that case, I hope you like the right side of the bed.
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Venus: Oh. I don’t think we’re alone anymore. I’ll give you two some space.
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Jupiter: I just wanted to say, I’m sorry for letting you think I was dead.
Mercury: You did what you had to do. I shouldn’t have been so sceptical last night.
Jupiter: Already forgotten, Dad wouldn’t have wanted us to fight.
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Mercury: Where will you go now?
Jupiter: I’ll find an apartment, try to stay in touch. I’m sick of hiding, even if it means getting involved with all that, even if it takes years to catch the guys who did this.
Mercury: And after that?
Jupiter: We hand them anonymously over to the police and...I don’t know.
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Ava: I’ll say this for you, there was never a dull moment. Ever.
Gia: You got that right.
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Gia: I got a letter a day or two ago, from the daycare where Carson and I worked when we were younger. They want me to go and run a video game fun day with the kids. I’m thinking of accepting.
Ava: Do it. That way, you’ll still be down with the kids when the next ones start calling you ‘Nana’.
Gia: *laughs* Thanks, Mum.
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Jupiter: Dad always said the river reminded him of me. 
Mercury: From the back, you almost look like him - almost.
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Jupiter: It’s funny, you know.
Mercury: What? That you’re not dead?
Jupiter: I’m taking over a criminal organisation. When I was little, I thought I’d be an astronaut.
Mercury: You still could be. It doesn’t always have to be about catching them.
Jupiter: I don’t know... I feel like that’d be asking too much of Lady Luck. A few centimetres closer to that bomb and I would’ve been stardust too.
Mercury: Stardust...
Jupiter: When I was hiding out in some of the grottier safehouses, I used to think about what I’d write on Dad’s epitaph if I ever got the chance. ‘We are nothing but Stardust trying to find its way back to the stars’. That’s what I decided on. I have no idea where it comes from.
Mercury: Then find you way back. Sign up for the Mars mission. They’re not closing the entry window for another 20 years.
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Jupiter: I... I’ll consider it. But, if I die in space, you have to come up with something just as deep for my epitaph.
Mercury: Deal.
Jupiter: Snazzy. Now that’s over... Want some whiskey?
Mercury: You brought whiskey with you to reunite with your long lost family members?
Jupiter: Only the best. Here, have a sip.
And that’s the end of a very long generation. In fact, it’s just under a year since Chapter 14, the first chapter of the generation. It’s been a bit of a ride, real life interruptions included, and I really enjoyed it. And I’m also really looking forward to this generation, with Saturn and Thalia, and the addition of toddlers. Thanks for reading!
CC Credit:
coliswonderland, nolan-sims, riice, pixielated, deeetron-sims, pixeldreamworld, puresims, pxelpink, madlensims, skadisim, meyokisims, plumbobteasociety
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hobiwonder · 5 years
~billionaire boys club~
rich!bts x maid!reader
This was odd. Jin’s eyebrows furrowed – which he was strongly against since premature wrinkles were one of his biggest fears. He was closer to thirty than twenty so his concerns were valid. Jimin almost never visited his childhood home ever since their father got engaged to the secretary – another cliché – a few months ago.
“Hm… what changed your mind little brother.” Jin mutters as he passes the sleek Mercedes that belongs to his younger brother. Nevertheless, he can’t help the sly smirk that fights his muscles and spreads across his porcelain skin. He couldn’t wait to rub it in Jimin’s face that he finally returned when his bank account dried out. Most likely.
The plethora of house staff greeting Jin as he walked along the indoor fountain, trying to acknowledge most of them. They had too many servants and it wasn’t Jin’s fault that he didn’t care about most of them. But it was hard when they all looked so sheepish like they had some wretched secret they were supposed to hide but failed.
“Good Afternoon Sir, what brings you here?” Jin’s long legs are no match for the shorter man who usually took care of everything in the manor so he’s a little breathless as he Jogs besides him.
“To my own house? Where I lived for 20 years?” This really was becoming a strange day.
“A-Ah no sir. I meant no disrespect just wanted to be prepared to accommodate you accordingly.”
“Okay,” This was officially starting to annoy him and the furrow in his forehead was getting deeper. He would not get wrinkles because his servant annoyed him in to it. “Alfred… Anders… Andrew. Whatever your name is, I don’t need to announce my arrival at my own home. On second thought, maybe I should.”
The idea is very appealing as he swirls the thought in his head and it’s enough to make him forget the butler’s calls as he enters Jimin’s private wing. He isn’t surprised though when he already hears faint moans but not of a woman for once. It’s undoubtedly Jimin which is again – peculiar because getting off himself wasn’t something Jimin liked to do if he had ‘several other women ready to do it for me’ if quoting him directly. He guesses there is only one way to find out as he approaches the living area, looking at the back of his head resting on the enormous lounge sofa.
“Well hello there brother!” His tongue doesn’t form anymore words when he can finally see Jimin in his line of view – and his father’s fiancé frantically buttoning her blouse to retain some of her dignity. Jimin on the other hand is taking his sweet time tucking himself inside his slacks – shaking his head in disbelief as if Jin’s caused him immense grief.
“…and Amber.” Jin is no stranger to walking in on his brother – or friends really – indulging in all sorts of debauchery but this – this was quite interesting and to put it simply, messy. “Well, well, well. Did you come back to sleep with our step-mother or actually missed your family, god forbid?”
Jimin is no more rattled than a sloth as he runs his hands through his silky golden hair and smacks Amber’s ass as she’s still fiddling with her blouse. “A bit of both.”
“I-I didn’t know you’d b-be back so quick Jin-ah.” Her pearly white teeth that his father paid way too much for are almost blinding him. Yeah he’s not that bored today to play along with her games so he opts for just a dry smile. This was no surprise to him. Especially when the first person she had a fling with in this household was, well, Jin himself.
“Clearly. Thankfully you know father won’t be home until late. Run along now. I’ve got to catch up with your son.” Okay, that one’s on him. He liked to rub it in her face.
“Step-son.” She’s positively seething and Jin couldn’t be more delighted.
“Ooh. Naughty aren’t you? I knew you were always in a bit of incest.”
Jimin’s snort and Amber’s scoff come at the same time but at least it makes her on her way, heels clicking as she’s strutting away.
“I gave the staff one job and they couldn’t even do that.” Jimin walks towards the liquor cabinet, pouring himself a whiskey at 12 in the afternoon – bringing a smile to his face. He did miss his little brother.
“To keep me from finding Amber swallowing your unborn children?
“Thank fuck for that. I’m not ever going to be ready for kids.”
“Understandable. Considering you are one.” Jin’s shit eating grin makes Jimin pour another glass which he drowns in a second too.
“Please tell me how many ‘kids’ you know who’re worth half a billion dollars?”
Not a trick question.
“Almost all of our friends? Plus, we’re brothers you maggot. And I’m worth more.” His stance widens as he splays his feet out in some sort of power pose.
“What now? You want us sword fighting?” Jimin’s glancing to his crotch before he continues, “I’ll win because somebody didn’t let me finish.” Yes, very evident from the hard tent in his slacks.
“No need to resort to unsanitary methods. Talking will do.” He’s waving his hand in dismissal, watching Jimin taking a seat opposite – absolutely no attempts at hiding his boner. “So, what brings you back? Thought you were up in the Bahamas getting tanned and toned and weren’t due back for a few more weeks?”
“Correct but that was until father announced his surprise engagement.” Jimin is on his third glass of whiskey but looks more sober than a priest.
“Is there anything he does these days that isn’t a surprise? I found out I was moving houses from the real estate agent for god’s sake.” That makes Jimin snort out a laugh.
“Christ. He’s a bastard isn’t he?” Jimin had been in boarding school still when Jin had been effectively moved out of the manor in to a skyscraper penthouse because his father had wanted to ‘relax by himself and no kids’. As if he raised them on his own.
“Yup. Turns out he just needed the house to be snitch-free to fuck his secretary/future step-mom.” Plus he was still going through the divorce with their mother.
“I can understand why.” Jimin’s closing his eyes, heading leaning back again as a sultry smile spreads on his youthful face as if he’s reminiscing an irreplaceable memory. “Amber can make you forget you own name.”
“Right?” Jin is letting his inner, less sophisticated horny teenager alter ego slip through as he agrees with his brother about what a good lay their step-mom is.
“You already tap that?” When Jin just winks in Jimin’s direction, he’s clapping and chuckling like he can’t believe it.
“You’re no better than me brother and please, don’t take that as an insult. No offense at all.”
“None taken.” For a moment Jimin truly feels slightly happier. Looking at his brother and remembering sitting across from him while they talked about everything when they were younger and thought they had a chance at becoming people different than their father or their whole family. He had everything. They both had everything. There wasn’t one thing that either of them lacked or desired. So needless to say, their lives were a little grey and lacked excitement. Money though. That never failed to give him a hard-on.
Seeing his brother also made him happy, sure.
“Remember when we were playing in father’s office that one time he left it unlocked?” Jimin continues when Jin nods slowly, “And remember when we were rummaging through the drawers we found a safe and tried to break into it before Anderson caught us?”
“I knew it! He looked like an Anders.” When Jimin just blankly stares at him he mutters an apology and tells him to continue.
“Anyway. I went back and broke in to the safe.”
“Of course you did,” Jin is rolling his eyes but not finding it surprising that his little brother, ever the inquisitive little cat, went back to do exactly what he was told to notdo.
“No, listen,” Jimin’s eyes are increasingly growing frantic as he shifts forward, abandoning his glass of whiskey and Jin knew that this was something juicy. “There were papers inside the safe. Granddad’s will. I made copies.”
“Wait, you told me there was a bunch of cocaine and ecstasy. Nothing else.” Jimin shrugs once again to ask what was his point.
“And you stole the papers but not the drugs? My teenage self hates you so much right now.”
“And that poor bastard should be thankful I looked in to the papers otherwise you would become penniless. Very soon.”
What was Jimin trying to say. “Get to the point Jimin. What about Grandpa’s will?”
Jin’s palms were becoming sweaty and a little tick in his left leg had already started and was about to become a full blown restless leg syndrome like a pathetic little office worker worried about losing a promotion.
“Well,” Jimin is moving across the room to sit beside his older brother, turning his lithe body to the side facing him as he starts to explain. “Grandad’s will stated that we were to receive 10% of our inheritance every year starting at the age of 35. Unless father remarried.”
The mention of money always sped up Jin’s heartbeat. It raced in his chest like he was about to win the lottery. Maybe he was?
“What then… ?” Jimin’s Cheshire grin slowly lighting up his whole face was never a good sign. Until now apparently.
“If he remarried before we turned 35, we are to receive our inheritance. In full. At once.”
Jin really felt like his heart would beat out of his chest. Because that was a lot of money.
“$10 billion.” There was a slight pause as Jimin eagerly awaited his brother’s reaction.
“I think I just had a powergasm.” Jimin is chuckling as he slaps Jin’s back, shaking his older brother out of joy as they both start to gradually laugh louder. Is this how supervillains felt? Jin’s never laughed like this before and it’s no surprise that it’s money that’s doing the trick. Poor people wouldn’t understand.
That’s when another realisation occurs. “That’s why he kicked me out of the house. Because he was going to get engaged and couldn’t risk us retaliating and finding this bit of information out.”
“Precisely big brother.”
“Fuck…. We’re going to be rich as fuck.”
“If he doesn’t figure out a way to get that clause crossed from the will.” Jimin seems a bit nervous for the first time since he had started talking.
But Jin wasn’t. Not when he had people on his side who would love to make some money as well. Well, more money. He wasn’t friends with poor people.
“Don’t worry about it. You still in contact with Taehyung?” Jimin looks at his older brother with a ‘duh’ face.
“You still have a dick?” Jin’s just rolling his eyes as he calls the first number under ‘Y’.
“Hello to you too, Min. Say, you want to become rich?” Yoongi on the other end is snorting before he speaks with his signature lazy drawl.
“I’m already rich, you bitch. But I’m having a down day anyway. Tell me more.”
Jin is smirking towards his brother, his body is buzzing and this is the most excited he;s been a while.
“Meet at my place with the other boys. At 2. Lunch is on me.”
“Yes because I desperately need someone to shout me lunch.” He’s had enough of Yoongi’s sarcasm so he just hangs up.
“Well Jimin, let go get our billions.” Jimin hands his older brother a glass of whiskey before they make a toast.
“Amen.” Jin furrows his brows again.
“You believe in god now?”
“After seeing Amber’s tits? Yeah.”
They’re both busy enjoying the moment, too busy to notice the little crash outside the room where you’d dropped the plates you’d been taking to the kitchen. A witness to their devious plan.
“Oh hello there. Eavesdropping were we?” A man is leaning against the wall behind you, hands in his pockets while he looks at you head to toe, two small dimples appearing when he grins rather…. cutely you might add.
“U-Uh, n-no?” The handsome stranger is only shaking his head as he walks towards the door where the two brothers had gone in to only half an hour ago.
“Be careful next time little maid.” You hold in the scoff until he disappears inside the room.
“You guys have better discussed Amber’s ass and nothing else of importance because of the audience outside. The pretty little thing Anders hired.
“How does everyone know his name and not me? You don’t even live here Hoseok.” Jin’s scoffing while Jimin worries about the real problem.
“Fucking hell. The staff in this house is more loyal to our father than their own families. What do we do?”
“Leave that to me. Girls never kiss and tell when they’re with me.” with a wick, Hoseok is settling on the couch as well. “Just transfer me $50 million when you both get the money.”
Oh boy. Being rich was hard.
a/n: this was so much fun to write omg. i decided to post it as a seperate post :)
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