#meaning that however they’re getting in; it’s very possible that it’s injuring them
dclovesdanny · 8 months
Something I will never get enough of is Danny killing the Joker. However, something I want to see more of, is Danny killing the Joker for Ellie.
Like, Jason and Danny are neighbors and they’ve been friends for a little while. Jason knows Danny has the 20 something year old mechanic with a six-year-old daughter who is an absolute gremlin. He really likes them both, and he might have a little crush on his neighbor.
Then when they are out at the park or something, the Joker attacks. The joker decides to grab a hostage and who does he grab, but this six year old girl who only seems to have one person who knows her, a scrawny 20 something person. She has dark hair and blue eyes and only person who seems to care about her is her older brother/possible father? Perfect bait for Batman.
He wasn’t counting on Danny being able to fight god for his family. He didn’t realize that Danny will do anything to protect his family, that, in his literal core, he is sworn to protect his people, no matter the cost. the joker did not realize that Danny loves Ellie enough to not only die (again) for her, but to kill for her.
The Joker doesn’t die to Batman, or in some big battle. The Joker dies to a man no one knew because the Joker kidnapped his daughter. The joker dies, because he forgot that not everyone has the same hangups about killing that Batman does. The Joker dies because he pushed a parent too far.
Jason is there during all of this. I think he’s either there as red hood, watching through the cameras, or there is Jason. All three of these have many different pros for various forms of angst.
If Jason is there as red hood, he’s probably with some of the batfamily, and they are holding him back from killing the Joker. They’re trying to figure out how to make it so that the joker won’t kill this little girl, and Jason is going feral because that is his kid. That is the little gremlin who lives next-door, who knocks on his door and treats him like a jungle gym. That’s his kid. When he sees Danny jump at the Joker, he’s going to have a straight up panic attack and he’s gonna get the guns ready, but he doesn’t need to.
If he’s there as Jason, I think the joker would also take him hostage. Jason Wayne, the brat who would get him a lot of money. Especially if the Joker knows that this was the second Robin, because this just means he can get two killed in one swoop. And Jason is trying to protect Ellie with everything in him, cursing himself for not bringing a gun with him and praying that this time Bruce isn’t too late. And he can see the pain in Danny’s eyes and he is so scared to lose this family he has. He praised to a God he doesn’t believe in this time, history won’t repeat itself.
I feel like it would be most painful, if he’s watching through cameras. He’s probably injured or in the middle of doing something for his civilian life . Maybe he’s even out of town, but turned the camera on to look out for the joker, and had a heart attack when he saw the little girl next-door being held by the Joker. This man is trying so hard to get there, breaking every traffic law, praying that he won’t be too late that this won’t be the same as his death. His trauma is excruciating, because this feels like when he was waiting for Bruce and Bruce not getting there until it was too late.
No matter which of these scenarios, he needs to see Danny snap and kill the joker. Maybe, in the camera scenario, it’s just this he arrives that he sees it. Either way, he needs to see the moment, the Joker dies at the head of a single father, and the parallel of Bruce and him and Danny and Ellie need to be very apparent. Because this time the dad wasn’t afraid to kill.
This is the moment I feel, Jason would fully acknowledge that he would do anything for these people. That these two neighbors of his have become his family. The moment he sees the two of them holding each other, and the jokers body at their feet, I guarantee you this man is fighting tooth and nail not to go over his red hood exposed them. if he’s Jason, he can run into hug them no problem, but if he’s red hood, he’s not going to be able to do that.
This man will fight with Batman if he even that should get in trouble for killing the Joker. He will threaten to never ever speak to Bruce ever again, will be ready to bribe the police into letting Danny go, we will race every camera footage out there of the event, will do anything for this family.
Later that day, he won’t have nightmares of the Joker for the first time in a while. He will be able to look at his family and rest easy, knowing that there’s no way that Joker can take them from him.
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unordinary-diary · 4 months
Thinking about how Blyke is actually insanely strong, even by the standards of his world, yet he gets his ass kicked for the entire story.
From episode one...
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To the first actual fight he’s ever been in... (ch. 15) [Edit: second actual fight]
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... to the approximate middle of the story... (ch. 197)
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... Up through the very latest chapter as of me writing this— (ch. 345)
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— Blyke repeatedly gets pummeled.
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and over,
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and over,
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and over.
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It’s really no wonder he gets insecure about it.
I mean, these screenshots were all taken from different fights. The amount of fights he’s won, on screen, without backup is... once or twice against Zeke, once against Gou (Agwin’s Jack from turf wars), and once as a vigilante solo act. That’s four, max. There could be more that I’ve forgotten, but I’ve read this series so many times and I really can’t think of any. (No, I don’t count firing a warning shots to get people to behave as “winning a fight”.)
compared to all the fights he’s been outmatched in? You’ve got Rein from turf wars, Volcan, John, John, John, Lennon from his vigilante solo stunt, John again, the fight in the Rowden amusement park, the attack on Rowden hill, Ember, and now the authorities in general. Possibly more that I forgot. That’s 11. He didn’t necessarily lose all those fights, but they’re fights where he was way out of his depth and/or would’ve lost without backup.
Anyway, point is: Blyke is no stranger to getting his ass kicked. In particular, he is no stranger to getting kicked while he’s already down.
In fact, I’m gonna take an example from the turf wars match in chapter 15: Blyke has already lost the fight with Rein, yet Arlo hangs him out to dry. Arlo is the one who’s supposed to call him back to get healed, yet he just smiles while the others look at him expectantly, and Blyke gets more and more injured. Even Rein is questioning it.
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I could and honestly probably will do a whole analysis on just chapter 15, but eventually Seraphina calls him back for healing. The way Blyke was treated in that scene was kinda heartbreaking.
GOD chapter 15 is my favorite episode but it leaves me with so many questions grrr I wanna talk about it but that’s another entry.
Putting that aside, Blyke is very protective, and compassionate to the plight of others when he’s aware of it. After he sees the situation in Branish, he is immediately, rightfully pissed about the way society is. It opens his eyes to a world he hasn’t experienced, and it reframes how he thinks of John (still a “cripple” at the time).
To the actual point of this diary entry (other than rambling about Blyke, that is), John is another character who gets repeatedly kicked while he’s down. I don’t think I need screenshots to prove that. However, in my current reread of the series, I recently came across a certain panel that I do wish I had a screenshot of. It’s either Blyke or Seraphina who asks John “Why are you always kicking people while they’re down?” And John responds: “Because everyone kicked me when I was down!” And I think that’s a vivid contrast with Blyke, who has been kicked while he’s down, and chooses to protect people who are weaker than him. In particular, I want to point out that in order to protect them, Blyke is willing and actively chooses to get beaten quite brutally.
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Mind you, this ^ is to protect people who he barely knows. He and Sera aren’t close, and the others are practically strangers.
It’s pretty much the inverse reaction. John says “Others kicked me while I was down, so I’ll do the same on everyone else tenfold.” Blyke says “I was kicked while I was down, and goddammit I will keep getting kicked if it means other people don’t have to.”
It’s such a cool parallel, and the fact that when John was getting kicked, Blyke was trying to help, but when Blyke was getting kicked, John was doing the kicking adds so many layers to it.
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ghcstao3 · 4 months
Hi please keep rambling about your DBH AU it’s so well written and amazing! I love the characterisations of everyone and how you handled their relationships there in. My favourite part was Ghost thinking he’s a coward but he’s not he’s just been so badly hurt and when everyone learns about his past they don’t blame him for trying to protect himself they actually try and comfort him 😭 god damn that made me cry
Anyway it wouldn’t be annoying at all it’s obvious by the care and effort you put into writing it that you love this au.
apparently i am. a liar. but i still have a few thoughts about this AU
separating it into two parts:
- soap used to be a child caretaker android. he still keeps contact with the family, who have always treated him like one of their own
- for that reason also, he was somewhat eased into deviancy. he never even realized it first, because he’d always been happy as is—it was the sense of purpose that ticked him off, the want to try something new and completely different to what he’d always known
- ghost has heterochromia essentially for the same reason as markus (optics damage)
- ghost doesn’t remember much prior to his deviancy. roba erased a lot of memories, and sometimes he still experiences minor memory loss here and there, if it’s something from years prior. those pieces are still stored somewhere, but ghost has never bothered to go searching
- soap is the only individual other than himself that ghost trusts to do repairs. even still he’s reluctant, at first, only letting soap help with the parts he can’t reach, but eventually even the simplest fixes he has soap work on
- unfortunately ghost isn’t given much of a choice but to reveal himself to the team about a year later, when he’s injured and price and gaz get a scare out of soap tearing ghost open to fix the worst of the damage and at least have him functional until they could get parts
- (it’s just a bit traumatic to watch your sergeant open your lieutenant’s chest. just a little)
- ghost still pretends like he isn’t an android around them, however. it’s how he’s acted forever now and it’s a difficult habit to quit—may not even be possible to quit. they wouldn’t treat him any differently, though, and he realizes that now with a slight guilt
- going back to soap’s ‘family’, he even goes so far as to bring ghost home to them, like he’s seen and read in movies and books. they’re more than happy to meet ghost and welcome him into their home—a glimpse of kindness ghost seldom sees, so he decides that they’re not so bad (meaning he memorizes every detail of their lives and interests, just so he can know the people who cared for soap in return for his service)
- both ghost and soap’s white casing are very scuffed and scratched, but if you look closely at their wrists, you may find one another’s initials etched into the plastic
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Would A Swinub Be A Good Pet?
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It’s complicated. While some owners may be able to handle a Swinub just fine, others will have a hard time accommodating their behavior and move set. Swinubs fall into a solid B rank.
Size certainly isn’t the problem. Swinubs are pretty small, and as far as appearances go, they’re just round little babies. Swinubs are essentially tribbles with noses. Keep in mind though: just because they’re small, it doesn’t mean that swinubs are easy to keep indoors!
Swinubs’ little pink noses are incredibly sensitive, and their appetite is pretty extreme. This can be a rough combo. It’s said that once a swinub smells something they’d like to eat, they’ll dash off at surprising speed (Silver). Questions about how they dash around on their tiny limbs aside, any prospective swinub owners will need to get a harness for when they want to walk their pet in order to avoid their little buddy getting injured by dashing off while wearing a standard collar. Swinubs don’t just detect food above ground, however: they can rub their snout on the ground to detect edible material, and even soothing hot springs, under the ground (Gold). This could be a problem if you don’t want a pet that will dig around too much in the yard! Swinubs’ rooting behavior may be problematic depending on your circumstances, but can certainly be mitigated by keeping your swinub away from places that aren’t ok to dig in.
This behavior does present an excellent opportunity for enrichment activities for your pet: it could be fun to provide your swinub with a sandbox or dig pit in which you’ve buried some of their favorite foods, like Hoennian mushrooms (Ruby/Sapphire) or berries (Platinum), for them to find. They’re also clearly very food-motivated, so training may be a breeze. And you’re gonna want to train them, because these little pokémon have the potential to be a threat.
Swinubs can use a handful of concerning ice-type moves such as Powder Snow and Blizzard that can freeze targets solid, which is really concerning and potentially deadly, depending on the environment. Beyond this, thankfully, this species doesn’t pose too big of a problem. Oh, except for Earthquake… that one is always a big issue. Depending on its intensity, this move can cause some pretty catastrophic damage to your home, which puts everyone inside, the swinub included, at risk. Thankfully, it appears that swinubs aren’t particularly violent and are, as I mentioned, theoretically easy to train. You’ll definitely want to spend time working with your swinub to teach them not to use these moves. That being said, as usual, the risk still exists and needs to be considered.
All in all, swinubs are a case where the potential difficulty of handling their natural behavior and the threat of their moves drag them down a rank in the algorithm. For those who are determined to take care of a swinub, it is certainly possible, but I would really stress that they research this species’ rooting behavior and how to handle it in a domestic environment.
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midnightsun-if · 11 months
Based off that last ask: how would the RO's react if it was the MC who got amnesia and couldn't remember them/being in a relationship with them?
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It seems a few of you wanted the amnesia ask in reverse!
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Koda: He’d be completely heartbroken. Wouldn’t be able to truly comprehend that you didn’t remember him, the love that you both shared and the journey that it took to get where you both are now. Would do everything in his power to help you, to ensure that you’re getting the best care possible, and would consistently show up with the various things he knows you love. He wouldn’t insist his presence onto you, not wanting to make you more stressed, but it’d be clear he’d want nothing more than to stay with you.
Scarlett: This would be complicated. Scarlett’s known you the longest out of any of the ROs (technically). As the first time she met you, you were still human. Depending on how you felt about her before you got into a relationship? It’d be difficult for her to simply step to the side and not help you, not when everything in her was screaming at her to help, to protect you. However, she’s well aware that there’s a very real possibility that you wanted nothing to do with her. That you’d never want anything to do with her. Something that’d rip her heart to shreds— she finally found her one, the love of her life, and it was taken from her in one of the cruelest ways imaginable. She’d be by your side, doing what she can, for however long you’d tolerate her, but, I think, she’d be one of the few ROs that’d let you go. After all, she did say she’d burn the world down for you. That doesn’t just mean the real world— her world, you, the future she wished to build with you, would go up in flames if it meant that you’d be okay, that you’d find happiness. Leaving the shattered remains of herself behind.
Cyrus/Cyra: They’d immediately start trying to figure out what they could do. Would be flitting from room to room, person to person, demanding answers or solutions to this. Would even think about using their tears, but they’re not sure if that’d help to begin with— or if it’d be like putting a bandaid over a gaping wound. Something that’d only help in the short term, if that, but wouldn’t in the long… And, if it did, they wouldn’t know the long lasting side effects that could arise. They’d be scared to touch you, with the varying emotions, as they wouldn’t want to accidentally light you on fire, but they wouldn’t be able to bring themself to go far from you either. The hospital staff would have quite the handful— an amnesiac vampire and a worried phoenix… Fun times all around.
Quinn: Their wolf wouldn’t want anyone to come near you even though they’re well aware that’s not a possibility. All they would be able to register is that their mate, their other half, is injured— that you didn’t remember them. It’d be difficult for them to rein in their wolf because it’d want nothing more than to protect you, even if the things it’s trying to protect you from aren’t of the physical sense. Quinn would stand by your beside, stone faced, as the doctors begin to speak about various treatment options, about the possibilities that you may not get your memories back, and the only reason Quinn wouldn’t lose their shit is because you wouldn’t understand, that you’d only see a shifter lose their temper and go on the defensive for no reason. You didn’t remember how much they care for you, how much they love you, and it’d tear them apart, but they wouldn’t leave your side. Not until you forced them to do so.
Caden: This is one of their worst fears becoming a reality. Seeing your eyes, that they’ve fallen so in love with, vacant of all recollection for them? It’d tear them apart… They wouldn’t want to be a burden to you, wouldn’t want to force their presence on you when you clearly didn’t recognize them, wouldn’t want to interfere in anyway with your potential recovery, which means that they’d take a step back. That, after a few conversations with you, wherein your empty gaze tore them apart, they’d simply watch from the shadows. Only stepping in when they felt it was necessary. It’d be so hard for them to be away from you, but they know that it’d be the best thing in the long run. No matter how much it destroyed them to do it. Your health, your happiness, would always come first to them. No matter what.
Sloane: They’d have to rein every instinct that they have in. Would have to stifle their need to snap at the doctors, to glare at the nurses, and everything in between, because they couldn’t let themself lose control. Couldn’t let the possibility of being kicked out of your room, out of being able to see you, turn into a reality. Sloane would do everything in their power to help you. Would be by your side every single step of the way, trying their best to get you to remember them. You may even see an appearance of their wolf, as it’d want to snuggle closer to you, needing to be near you, even if you didn’t remember them, and Sloane would stand guard throughout the night… Would they get a lot of sleep? Probably not, but they’d make sure that you were safe and sound. Which is so much important to them.
Blake: You’d probably see something in them break at the news that you didn’t recognize them in that way. That what you shared had been wiped from you mind— they’re still your best friend, but they’re so much more now. After everything, after all of their indecision and fear, to lose you in this manner? To revert back to what you both used to have? It’d never be enough. Would never be able to fill the gap in their heart… Not when they’ve had you in a way they never even imagined before. Blake would still be there, you’re their best friend, but they’d also have to take a small step back, get their mind around the fact that they lost you, their partner, because they wouldn’t want to insist upon something that you clearly didn’t remember. Wouldn’t wish to stress out your brain even more. Even when a big part of them would want nothing more than to do so. To just remind you of the love you both shared, of the happiness that came with it.
Reginald/Regina: They’d be at a loss of what to do. If your MC didn’t mind humans then they’d be by your side every step of the way. Showing you pictures, videos, and whatever else, to hopefully jog your memory of them. Recounting stories, some potentially a little exaggerated, to fill the dreadful silences that fall between the two of you. They’d just do their best to be there for you like you’ve always been there for them. If you did mind humans? Then they’d only be able to take so much of that coldness, of that ire that you directed towards them in the early days, before they’d start coming less and less. They wouldn’t be able to handle the heartbreak that the loss of you in that way represented… They may have lived being able to at least be your friend, but not even having that? Being met instead with cool contempt on the best days? It’d shatter whatever hope they have left.
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Helena: She’d be a mess, but would be a put together mess. Wouldn’t hesitate to call in the best physicals and healers world wide— from the various realms even. No expense would be too great if it meant that her youngest would be able to get better, that you’d be able to have your memories, and your life in some regard, back. She wouldn’t insist on you being near her, wouldn’t force you to be in her company, but she’d always be nearby in case you needed her.
Saraya: Would be a mess too, but it’d be a lot more apparent than with Helena. She wouldn’t be able to look at you without wanting to cry, wouldn’t be able to speak with you for that long before her voice would tremble, eyes turning glassy as she tries to collect herself. She’d spend as much time in her garden, when she’s not with you, looking for potential cures in her the magical portion of her repertoire. Would forget to eat at times in her search, and Helena would have to step in when it got to be too much. She just wants her little light back— happy and healthy.
Cienna: Wouldn’t know what to do. All of her life, Cienna has had a plan, known what she’s wanted to work for. Known what she’s been doing all of said work for to begin with— her family, her siblings. Knowing that you’ve forgotten her, at least in some way, that memories and moments she holds so dear, are completely gone from your mind? It’d tear her apart, but she’d force herself to be the “unaffected” one. The one that forges ahead, being strong for her brother and sister, while Helena reins in Saraya. She’d be the lighthouse in the midst of the harrowing storm…. Even when the very base of her was beginning to erode due to her own pain, she wouldn’t shift— not until she knows her family will be okay.
Persephone: You’d be getting so many blankets, little plushies, and home baked goods, because she’d want to do something for you. Would want to show you that she’s thinking of you, even if she’s not with you as much as she’d like to be. She’d be a mess, of course, probably spending some of her free time in a Cienna’s arms, but she’d never let you see that. Her gentle smile, albeit slightly strained, would still be on her lips, hands outstretched, offering you the newest thing she had made for you. She just wants you to get better, to be well… In whatever capacity that means now.
Christian: He’d barely be able to be in the same room as you. He’d be angry at the world for doing this to you, doing this to his family. Would probably disappear for a few days before returning, clothes a bit torn and dirtier than they should be, but he’d try his best to comfort his mother’s, would try to help Persephone in the kitchen, or join Cienna in her reading whenever she just needed a quiet moment… He’d feel awful as he watched Cienna pull herself together, as she couldn’t break in the same manner that he and Persephone could, and stand strong for him. Would feel awful every time he saw his mother’s haunted gaze as he held his mama tightly in her arms. He’d try his best to be there for everyone, to be there for you, but it’d be hard. Everything would just be so hard…
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biteforblood · 1 year
[ HEADCANONS #3 ] various.
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✶ notes : gn!reader, “fluff”, cursing, brief mention of a knife, regulus, 0.4k
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caelum has really fluffy, really curly baby pink hair
darlin’ is so bad about asking for help when they’re injured, this we already know after the whole bleeding on sam’s couch incident. but. it goes beyond the big moments, it also applies to the smaller ones ; the paper cuts, the slips of the knife, the migraines, ….
sam, david, asher, whoever it is has to damn near fight tooth and nail just to get them to say where it hurts, then from there it’s practically pulling teeth to get the why, how bad, how long, so on
gavin is always touching fl. i don’t just mean like thighs or arms pressed together, knee bumping against theirs, though that is some of the ways. no, i mean like an arm around their waist or shoulders, hand on their thigh or lower back, fingers laced together
he has to have at least one hand on them at all times, if not both when possible. and, yes, this does become a good problem very quickly ( this also applies to the other clingy bois )
guy is an ass man. argue with the wall. it’s basically canon >:p ( /hj )
regulus talks in his listener’s head, but i feel like if they ( we? ) were to actually physically see him that, when he’s talking, his mouth is like right next to their ear. like, his head is next to theirs, he whispers and growls right into their ear, eyes half-closed yet staring into theirs, his expression occasionally tightening or hardening when his control slips
similarly, when his voice takes on that growl, i imagine his face…darkens or distorts, like a shadow over his face or a screen glitching and bugging out ; it’s as if his eyes haven’t properly loaded, his smile is too big and sharp
david and asher have definitely kissed before ; maybe it was a dare, maybe they were drunk, maybe they were curious. don’t know the specifics, but those to have so kissed before
likes anton, damien loves animals — especially birds and bugs. he can identify the species, has memorized their latin names and facts about them, knows where they’re commonly found
uh, however, he does not like spiders ( back on my projecting .3. ) deathly afraid, fucking despises them, even the little bitty ones. huxley has to come and get every single one while damien stands as far away as possible
speaking of huxley and spiders actually, he is the only one out of the damn crew ( aside from coworker maybe ) who isn’t scared of spiders and is okay to go near them. everyone else? fuck no.
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© biteforblood. please do not translate, repost, or redistribute in any way on any platform.
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type1dragonwolf · 8 months
SAMS fan theory/rant: Is Moon a good brother?
Note: This will be a long rant, but I just want to get something off my chest.
so, is Moon a good brother? More or less, a good brother to SUN? I started coming up with this theory when I read a fan theory of how Sun could possibly die. And some of the reasons were focused around Moon and his relationship with Sun. So, I’m going to deep dive today into the reasons why his is good or bad.
Information 1: Wiki. Im going to start with the Sun and moon show wiki, and see what I picked up from there. I will just be putting examples of how he acts towards Sun. ‘Though he is closed off and puts on an act of indifference towards Sun.’ ‘He can still be mean and insulting, though he seams to try and do this in a playful way. However, he has issues with misplaced anger, often taking it out on Sun.’ ‘His relationship with Sun is not a healthy one despite both parties caring for each other.’ ‘He is also very trusting of sun, despite his gut telling him something is off.’ Those are just a few examples from the wiki. However, something stood out to me. Almost every paragraph I read, it said: ‘Sun comforted his brother’ but I hardly read any ‘Moon comforted his brother.’ You can tell from that, that’s a step down.
Information 2: Personality and impressions. This paragraph will focus on their relationship that we see on the show. When they first met, Moon threatened to kill Sun and make is life torture, just from sharing a body. When they split up, Moon decided that instead of destroying his kill-code he would put it in SUN. That caused the whole Eclipse problem. Soon, they started the show. Something I notice though, is that Sun was a LOT more outspoken, and always told Moon what he was doing. Moon, however, didn’t care. Whenever Sun accidentally said something wrong, Moon would LASH OUT at him. Skip forward a bit, they’re trapped in the bunker. Moon starts blaming Sun for things that Eclipse did, and even PUNCHED his brother. That caused a bit of FEAR in Sun. He left, and hadn’t been the same since. He shied away from his brother, not quite as outspoken as before. Skip forward a bit more. Sun killed Bloodmoon with the barrel. Instead of telling Moon when he asked, he lied, afraid of moons reaction. When moon found out, instead of talking with Sun about it, he locked him in the cellar Sun was scared of. Time travel to after Moon got his memories erased. Sun was having trouble coping. Moon was a lot nicer, and the only thing bad really, was that Moon teased him about his long gone crush on Roxanne. Then, Eclipse. Sun learned star power behind his brothers back, scared to lose him. He even lied to moons face. When moon found out, Sun was In tears from moon yelling at him. Earth even had to step in to help them talk. Fast forward to Eclipse’s ‘death.’ Sun had totally beaten himself up from Eclipse. Yes, moon did care, but Sun was still injured because of Moons mistake. The next few days we’re about moon forcing sun to go to different dimensions. Sun almost died MANY times. Fast forward, eclipse is back. Sun is freaking out, however, he tries to calm his brother. However, like before, Moon just shoved Sun away, yelling at him. The next few episodes, moon teases sun about Roxanne, calls him an idiot, and is just kinda rude. Moon knows this, and though he lost killcode and should be mean anymore, his old anger and hatred is coming back.
Information 3: other siblings and the future
this one will probably be my final paragraph. I really quickly just want to compare these two to Earth and Lunar. When they first met, Earth only have heard of Lunar, she was always sweet. They never hid information from each other, only when it was going to hurt them. When moon first woke up from the reboot, he instantly yelled at Sun. And when earth talked to castor for the first time, she didn’t hide it from lunar, instantly confronting him about it. Sun, however, didn’t tell moon of eclipse, scared of moon response. As for future predictions? Suns death has been teased MANY times. However, many people think someone will kill him. Well, I think that Sun will die, but at the hands of himself. He cares for his siblings, even thought he blames himself. He has mentioned this at his therapy session, though it’s not obvious, that he knows moon talks badly behind his back. I think the only reason he alive right now, is that he wants to fix the problem HE got blamed for, when it wasn’t his fault. And when it does, when he dies, maybe then Moon will finally see what he did.
So, in conclusion, is Moon a good brother? That’s what I want you to answer. I will put a poll with this, however if you have your own thoughts, reblog this and write it or put it in the comments. Thanks for listening to my ramble. 💕
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arguablysomaya · 1 year
Oooo, so you have more fic recs? (if possible any where Jason Todd jsut gets that hug he so desperately need, violently or not I will take anything)
Of course!! here's a bunch of jason fics that I adore <3
by RedHeadedWoman
Jason has decided to move back into the Manor at least part time (or so he says) but there's just one problem. His bedroom has not changed since before everything so now he has to redecorate it with some help from his crazy as hell family.
Jason was going to regret this. So very much.
this fic is very old but still doesn't get the respect it deserves wtf!!!
by @daedalusdavinci
There are moments when the… everything of Dick's life catches up with him, and exhaustion sinks deep into his skin. However, when he goes dark on everyone else, Jason doesn't quite get the memo. Rules never seem to apply to little brothers.
After two weeks of little more than clipped texts, Jason shoves his way into Dick's life and gets him up and moving again.
jason tricks dick into taking care of himself yayyyy
by sophene
Jason decides to take Tim with him on a road trip. Tim has no say in the matter.
LMFAOOOO. just read it you'll see
by @thingr1
(In which Jason is hiding but Dick seeks him out anyway.)
mutual hurt/comfort baby!!!
by darkesky
“‘M fine,” Tim said and somehow missed both of their incredulous looks. Tim could be actively bleeding out—and hey, he might be right now—and he’d still find a way to insist he was fine and would be fine.
Jason spoke first (which proved how out of it Dick was because most days, he needed to beg Dick to shut the fuck up). “You’re such a dumbass.”
“Hey!” Tim swatted at him weakly. He couldn’t even beat a butterfly in a fistfight right now. “You can’t be mean to me. I’m injured.”
“Thought you were fine,” Jason said.
Tim paused, blinking. Then, he groaned and hid his face again.
Jason has to deal with his dumbass brothers.
jason indeed deals with his dumbass brothers
by @badacts
“This is a real novel moment for me,” Hood says. “I’m savouring it.”
“Savour it quietly,” Bruce replies. They’re here for a purpose, and he may not mind it in the strictest sense, but the GCPD lockup is not the place or time for Jason’s irreverent humour.
a tumblr fic wow!! also i love the characterization here
by @chuuyanakahra
"It’s easy to find it, if you know what you’re looking for. And Tim knows exactly what he’s looking for; when you work with Batman, you always do.
So he finds the small apartment, breaks in, and sits in the surprisingly comfortable couch. And waits.
Waiting’s the worst part of the job, though."
or, alternatively, Jason survives Ethiopia, and things change, while staying more or less the same.
tim is a stalker fan!!
by @unavenged-robin
The man looks at him as if Jason had an answer. But Jason has no answers. He’s bewildered just like him. They’re two men with no idea whatsoever of what the hell is happening to them.
cass takes care of jason, and jason is Confused
by @jyanadavega
"Jason snarled his teeth at his brother. Nightwing, damn him, simply smiled more, his hands still on his hips, expression deeply amused despite the groans of pain behind him.
Jason really wished he hadn’t been the one to be tied up to this altar. He immediately shoved the thought away, because he really didn’t want any of his siblings in his position anyway. Damn. Who authorized him to have these feelings?
“So,” started Dick. Jason immediately cut him off.
OR: Red Hood gets kidnapped by some cultists, and Nightwing rescue him.
a cornerstone fic of ace!jason
and one last one!
by NightOwl1600
Jason doesn't quite understand whats going on. All he can tell for certain is that Tim is injured behind him, and Damian is standing in front of him, telling him to shoot. And for some reason, he really really wants to kill them both even though he knows he shouldn't. He would never kill his brothers, not now, at least, since they'd really grown to become brothers. Would he?
brainwashing fic :( but the fluff prevails!
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kaycode1999 · 2 years
Ok so I just rewatched Earthspark for the 473738922 time😂😂. And now I have some different thoughts on the whole Bumblebee being kept secret from Ghost. Also this is gonna be a long post so you have been warned. P.S discussion of some of the leaks so if you don’t want spoilers don’t read!
The biggest thing that stood out to me is when he’s called Zom- bleBee and either skywarp or nova storm( I can’t remember which) says he’s “ back from the dead”. Now clearly Optimus doesn’t trust Ghost so yeah he could have just said/or otherwise made it seem like Bee was gone to them and any Decepticons without something actually having happened to him. But I’m now thinking it’s very likely Bee was either severely injured or DID die but was brought back by Ratchet (or the Allspark but I really want Ratchet to be in the show😂)
Optimus is already far more protective of Bee than even the Terrans who are a brand new species of transformer ( he made him a teacher for this new species which means he’s not supposed to be directly in the line of fire but Arcee , Wheeljack and Elita-1 he has no problem with allowing them to be on the front lines? Even the newest terrans he had with him facing mandroid while Bee and the humans were waiting outside, and when Bee showed up to help with the cassette bots he got a little angry and tried to send him back to the Malto’s as soon as possible). Episode 3 is basically all about Bee having a crisis of confidence, he doesn’t feel like a hero anymore because he’s been in “ hiding” so long which honestly sounds like what a soldier who was taken out of the war due to an injury would say.
In one of the leaks for the future episode descriptions Bumblebee is sent on a mission and the kids follow him to try and keep him safe. If this is a true leak it would make sense that in the episode the kids and terrans (and us) find out what happened to Bee and because they’re afraid he’ll get hurt they go after him wanting to protect him (Similar to Arcee having every one go help with fighting Soundwave and the cassettes after hearing about Bee’s “ mission”, it doesn’t appear at the moment that she is kept from missions so she doesn’t have a reason to be jealous or anything that Bee is in the field since I’m assuming she gets to do that stuff all the time but rather she’s very worried about her friend/brother being in the field after what happened to him and wants to protect him)
Based on everything we’ve seen so far it seems like the only reason Optimus would keep Bee from Ghost is that he was hurt which has made him extra protective of Bee. I mean I highly doubt if he didn’t trust them at all he’d allow himself and his Autobots to have an alliance with them. However, they’ve already pointed out that Ghost has a habit of being inconsiderate and even uncaring towards the bots as Megatron pointed out that they always leave the cybertronians to “ bare the scars”. It seems like Optimus (being the father toward bumblebee that he is) is keeping Bee from Ghost because he’s worried if they knew he was still alive they would put him in harms way again and he’d be killed or hurt like before
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markerofthemidnight · 6 months
Chonny Jash Design Details And Other Headcanons (Until I’m Comfortable Enough Sharing My Designs)
So funny story: I’m only now thinking about the fact that I’ve never shown you guys my HMS designs. I’ve turned them into bugs- twice- and incomprehensible abominations, but I’ve not shown you my normal designs for how they look.
So until I feel confident enough to show you all the designs, here’s some visualisation!
Also, today marks the first anniversary for me coming up with these designs (although I’ve polished them since)! So… yeah!
Basic Design
My Heart design is honestly pretty simple
Mainly because the first “lore-heavy” CCCC video I watched (and continued to watch for like a day) was The Mind Electric, and Heart was the one we saw the most of
He’s got all the things people think of when they think “Heart design”: the blindfold, the white sweater, the wings with purple tips, etc
However, the sweater is covered in noticeable purple patches that tend to get brighter in certain places
This is because, when he’s injured in battle and it gets torn, the sweater starts repairing itself, but the scarred places always come back in a light shade of purple
The brighter the colour, the more times it’s been scarred
Speaking of which, there are long, thin purple marks running down his cheeks, starting where his eyes would be
Are they scars? Are they tear marks? Who knows?
Oh, and underneath his blindfold, his face is heavily covered in purple scars
And as for the eyes themselves… they’re just not there. Just giant black holes in his face
He also has tail feathers. and his neck works off of owl logic
His wings change depending on his emotions: they shimmer and start glowing when he’s happy, lose their colours when he’s sad, and when he’s angry they light on FIRE (PURPLE fire) and become big enough for him to actually fly
Extra Details + Headcanons
Stims by flapping his wings!!!
Is actually a whole lot more capable than the others seem to act like he is… but honestly, I didn’t need to tell you that
For example, him being blind means he needs to focus more on hearing to get around: memorising audial cues in his friends’ voices and such
With this in mind, it’s possible he’s actually the most perceptive of the three
Also: despite how much he cares about being treated fairly by the other two, he loves self-depreciating humour
In fact, the only reason why Mind and Soul are so comfortable making blind jokes around him is because he’s the one who does it the most
Also likes warmth. His room has little sources of light- and therefore also heat- so he needs all the warmth he can get
Basic Design
Mind is an android. I feel like I have to get this out of the way first
He wears a skinsuit which conceals this mostly, but it’s removed around his hands and upper head, revealing the mechanical features beneath
He wears a wig since his actual fake hair was torn off by Heart in a particularly nasty fight, as well as most of his forehead area
(the wig was actually a very recent addition on my half: without it I felt like he stood out too much, him having a wig fit the lore I have for him, and also if I showed you guys a design of him without hair you’d probably just call him a boiled egg)
He wears a suit, and generally his dress sense has a pretty “sophisticated yet casual” vibe
He has four-fingered claws and an electric watch permanently fused to his right wrist
Well, he calls it a watch, but really it’s more like a phone
It has a whole variety of functions, though it’s mostly used for note-taking, and also contains his charge plug
Extra Details + Headcanons
First of all, I feel like I need to go more into the charging thing: Heart and Soul can sleep, although they don’t necessarily need to, but he charges instead
He can go for a whole week without needing to recharge, and low battery only starts to affect him at 5%
He acts tired for a little while whilst basically forcing himself to go as long as possible without charging, only deciding to go back and recharge at 1%
Whilst doing so, he basically acts surprisingly nice and polite and almost kinda drunk for a few minutes before passing out, only waking up when he hits EXACTLY 100%
He’s well aware of how “submissive” he is when he’s charging, so that’s why he avoids it like the plague
Anyways, he is- as we all know- an absolute jackass, but he’s immediately impressed by you if you can tell him things even he doesn’t know
The man hoards trivia like a dragon. The more practical uses the information has, the more valuable it is to him
This means he’s a very good hacker, because what information would a robot find more valuable than coding?
He also likes gaming in what little spare time he allows himself to have, but he does NOT let Heart and Soul find out
He inwardly panics at the presence of all genuine emotion, especially big overpowering ones
And now for my favourite headcanon about Mind: he doesn’t let it show, but he is incredibly self-conscious about being a robot
He’s pretty much incapable of interacting with strangers, since he only exists in Soul’s head, but if he was, he would go to all lengths necessary to conceal his face and hands
The reasoning behind this? Well, when he and Heart were first born, they had no identities besides Soul’s and had to figure out who they were for themselves
In other words: it took Mind weeks of existing in the Headspace to even figure out that he was a robot.
He had his suspicions that something was wrong the second he mysteriously passed out whilst charging his “watch” and woke up just as it hit 100%, but he didn’t really figure it out until a particularly bad fight with Heart revealed one of his eyes was actually mechanical
As for the not needing to eat or sleep, or the four fingers, or the fact that he couldn’t take off his watch no matter how hard he tried? He just blamed that on the Headspace being weird. It’s surprising how many leaps in logic the brain is willing to take in order to ignore the truth.
It’s been long enough since then that he’s been able to mostly fight off the existential dread, but he’s still uncomfortable with it
After all, he used to be human. He knows that- he has memories of being human, even if those memories are rightfully Soul/Whole’s.
He knows he’s not a robot, yet his body tells a different story. Wouldn’t you feel the same about that?
Basic Design
For the most part, his design’s pretty simple
Hypnotic, pure red eyes with white pupils (as seen on the right side of my Abstracted Soul design)
He wears a light brown cloak complete with a hood that, when pulled over his face, obscures his whole face except for his eyes
He also has fangs, pointy ears and a snake tongue >:3
His fingers become red and start glowing near the tips: he also has claws
he has chicken slippers. this is the most important piece of information.
If he was REALLY being serious on that particular day though he’d probably change to something more threatening…
imagine like armour or something? Idk I need to polish that part of the design out more
OH AND ALSO. The trident has a sheath: his head. It literally phases into his hair when he’s not using it and you can see its tips poking out like a little crown.
Extra Details + Headcanons
He’s the only one who (usually) takes control of the real body, only coming to the Headspace while asleep: hence why Heart and Mind are able to fight so often
Actually doesn’t like Monster as much as people think.
He only drinks it so much because he needs a good source of caffeine and he doesn’t like coffee
After all, this man has absolutely NO internal clock, especially inside the headspace
There are certain moments where he’ll just… pass out, for no reason… so most of the time Heart and Mind can tell when he’s asleep because like:
”Oh, Soul’s asleep again.”
However: he does like chickens. He has no Darrel in my version but he’s still a big fan of birds, flightless ones specifically
He thinks flightless birds are the coolest things ever: because honestly, who doesn’t?
Favourite song from CCCC, assuming he’s aware of it in this universe or whatever, is Mucka Blucka because it combines his two favourite things: music and chickens
(though he likes the OG Mucka Blucka better, because that’s just the same song except he doesn’t also have to deal with Heart and Mind)
His power stems from all the raw magic inside the Headspace. With the Trident, he can harness this magic (although he can’t do EVERYTHING)
He likes to refer to himself as a warlock, because that really suits his style
He’s pretty bad at hiding how love-hate his relationship with those two is. It’s like 15% love and 85% hate, though.
As I discussed in an earlier post, his problem- at core- is the fact that he’s so obsessed with trying to bring back the past that he doesn’t realise the problems he’s causing
HE is actually the reason why the three can’t stay Whole: and he’s so focused on his goals that this possibility hasn’t even crossed his mind
(or the other’s minds, for that matter. Which says a lot about Heart’s confidence, and Mind’s resentment towards his emotional half).
At the end of the day, I fully believe that the story will only be resolved once he finally figures out that, after all the heartbreak they’ve been through trying to become Whole… maybe it’d be easier for all of them to just stay split.
And that’s all!
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sheltershock · 1 year
A cute thing I like to imagine with sashamilla is just them holding each other. There’s the obvious “moments after a traumatic mission experience and all you can do is silently grasp the closest to you.” But I was more thinking of lovey-dovey random excuses to pick up my significant other bridal style. 
Their coworkers have of course seen Sasha and Milla lift each other up after an emergency where one of them got hurt, but they’ve noticed it’s different between the two of them. Sasha’s brought in a lot of suspects, criminals, terrorists, test subjects, and even other agents who’ve been incapacitated or injured back to the Motherlobe. And whenever he does that, they’re always floating near him being held up by his telekinesis. But agents at headquarters have taken careful note that whenever Agent Vodello specifically gets injured or incapacitated, he’s always holding her in his arms. And with very visible physical strain mind you. 
Milla bringing people back to headquarters by carrying them or holding their hand is not strange by any means. She’s one of the best people to deploy for a rescue mission or just to bring in new psychics because she has the ability to easily put others at ease. Agents will just chuckle amongst themselves that Agent Vodello has another kid now everytime it happens. What did turn heads, however, is that one time she burst in off the landing pad with an unconscious Agent Nein in her arms like he was weightless. She yelled that they needed help, and everyone for five seconds just looked at this display before she impatiently just started sprinting, yes, sprinting towards the infirmary with him still in her arms. 
These observations have left the employees at the Motherlobe with four possibilities about Nein’s and Vodello’s strength levels.
Milla is actually pretty heavy, and that’s why Sasha struggles to lift her up.
Sasha is actually pretty physically weak, and that’s why he struggles to lift Milla.
Milla is ridiculously physically strong and thus can easily lift Sasha and sprint with that extra weight like it’s no big deal.
Sasha is ridiculously light, so Milla doesn’t struggle with lifting his weight.
None of these theories are totally right nor totally wrong. 
The reality of the situation is that since Sasha relies on telekinesis so much, he doesn’t have a lot of upper body strength so he’s just not used to physically lifting weight in general. Also he’s committed to the idea of  lifting Milla up with physical strength. Something about absentmindedly lifting everything/everyone, but Milla is different and so he actually wants to put more effort in. Though every time he does Milla has to ask if he’s alright, and is constantly reminding him that she is not going to like him any less if he can’t lift her. Over time he gets better at lifting her. But he’s probably accidentally dropped her at least once or twice and they’re both glad she’s a master levitator. 
And for Milla, she’s not ridiculously physically strong nor is Sasha really light, Milla’s just smart. She can achieve the goal of having her boyfriend in her arms without any physical strain by just… using her telekinesis to support his weight and still have him in her arms. That’s all. The reason he seems weightless in her arms is because she’s making her brain literally do all the heavy lifting. This also means if she were to let go of him and step away he'd just float, suspended in the air. But surprisingly, not many people have figured out her little trick yet. She does have great joy though with being able to lift her 7’2 boyfriend and have people gawk at her strength though.
Back to the “random excuses” from the beginning… Sasha constantly has at least one reason why he’s holding Milla. Whether it be that she fell asleep and he’s just moving her, or it’s technically an emergency, or she felt tired “to the point of collapse,” or that she’s just frozen in fear from a flashback and needs to be in a place where she feels less threatened… he always has a “totally reasonable” explanation. Which is kinda redundant when he mostly just lifts her up when they’re alone, because he doesn’t have to justify it to anyone. Though oftentimes Milla will just request to be carried, which he honors most of the time after some banter about the “World’s Foremost Levitator needing mobility assistance.” 
Meanwhile Milla doesn’t need one at all. She’ll just randomly sneak behind a corner, run up and pick him up with a twirl. She’d laugh as Sasha just looks up at her with a bewildered expression and asks “yes?” And she’d just smile and say “hi.” And he’d just break into a dumb grin responding back with “hello to you too, Milla.” He does get a warning whenever she’s about to do it, a telepathic message along the lines of “prepare yourself” and three seconds later he’d suddenly be swept off his feet. He’s never really concerned about her dropping him, but does get a brief moment of panic when he realizes he’s not securely on the ground. 
I had a little drawing idea(that I don’t think I’m doing anytime soon, so here you go) of Sasha catching Milla after she faints mid-levitating while on a mission, which is supposed to be romantic and smooth and is actually successful, he does catch her. She has this flustered moment that they share a nice moment together before they’re back into battle. The less romantic thing about the exchange though was the impact and height of Milla’s fall actually broke Sasha’s leg. Everyone on the mission found out when he was hesitant to stand up and apply any amount of pressure to his leg to walk back to the jet. It’s okay though because Milla got her turn to carry him back. Meanwhile she’s laughing telepathically that she wouldn’t mind getting used to him in her arms while his leg recovers. 
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anti-dazai-blog · 1 year
32-33- Thousands of lives risked on a gamble (and other complaints)
Welcome back to the Anti-Dazai Series!!
School starts late August this year, meaning this will be the final entry I’ll post before my classes start. But rest assured that no matter how long the gap between entries becomes, the Anti-Dazai Series is NOT dead or abandoned! So long as I never explicitly say that I’ve gotten bored of this, I will continue posting here–
Now onto what you’re here for—
Chapter 32 has no Dazai content, since its focus is Poe and Ranpo. Meaning we’re moving right on to chapter 33–
Dazai and Ranpo have a strategist meeting to decide the agency’s next move. Dazai went into this meeting with ulterior motives: to present the idea of Atsushi infiltrating the Guild’s Moby Dick alone, as to have him team up with Akutagawa once they’ve both already boarded. With that in mind, the way Dazai and Ranpo’s conversation plays out is rather interesting. Rather than going back and forth putting multiple ideas on the table, Dazai throws in a few specific combinations of agency members to send in, knowing they’re a bad match for this mission. Ranpo knows this too, and points out why each of these combos wouldn’t work. Once those purposely wrong solutions are shot down, Dazai suggests sending Atsushi in. Since this would technically work, Ranpo approves of this suggestion and allows the agency to go forward with it.
Dazai’s tactics here are classic but effective. He suggests subtly bad ideas, knowing that Ranpo will see through the flaws in each one, and then hands him a plan that wouldn’t automatically fail, knowing it would have to be approved. It also casts the illusion that all other options were analyzed, even though only a few specific combinations of agency members were considered. In a way, it’s also a standard “make them think it was their own idea so they’ll agree”. Dazai prompts Ranpo into giving the solution he’s aiming for, so he could move his “create a rivalry-partnership” plan forward.
After Dazai’s done ensuring Atsushi will have a Very Bad Time aboard the Moby Dick, he goes to visit Ango to negotiate Kyoka’s release. Ango, as you may recall, is currently recovering from a car crash. That Dazai caused. He’s stuck in a hospital bed in a full body cast. So Dazai’s greeting of “You look lovely! ;)” just seems like rubbing salt in the wound. But let’s be real, this kind of cruel mockery is exactly what can be expected of him. 
Note that Dazai not only caused the accident to begin with, but also removed the airbags on Ango’s side of the car, to ensure he gets as injured as possible. 
I’ll give him credit for negotiating for Kyoka’s release– Kyoka doesn’t seem to have any part in his grand Atsushi-related plans, so for once he’s doing something good for someone else without it being a part of his grand schemes. However, negotiating for anything in exchange for medical attention for the grievous bodily harm you intentionally caused someone is Very Messed Up, to say the least.
And now it’s time for the long-awaited mission. 
Dazai, as per his previously stated plan, sends Atsushi into the Mody Dick alone. Atsushi is reasonably stressed about this, and being the world’s most encouraging mentor, Dazai explains that it makes sense for him to be the one chosen for this, since “[Atsushi’s] the guy who runs away the fastest.” I’m sure Atsushi found courage in that reminder.
Once he boards the Mody Dick, he discovers that the mission was misrepresented to him (in more ways than one, but we’ll get to that). Or to put it more simply– he was intentionally lied to to get him to agree to do this in the first place. He discovers that the Moby Dick is set on a course to crash in Yokohama, and the only way to stop it is to retrieve the control terminal guarded by Francis. Dazai and Ranpo were both aware that this was the Guild’s plan based on their previous conversation during the strategy meeting (“mountain?” “no, sea”). This could have easily been relayed to Atsushi to allow him an opportunity to mentally prepare himself or plan ahead. Yet they allowed this to be suddenly sprung upon him by Melville, causing more unnecessary panic in an already tense situation.
But let’s draw our attention back to the problem itself: the Moby Dick, a giant airship, is about a come crashing down upon a densely populated city. If only we knew of an ability user who could prevent this from happening– Perhaps someone who could… simply decide whether or not any object should fall in the first place? If only we knew someone like that! Unfortunately our easy solution to this problem is in the Port Mafia, and as per Dazai’s conversation with Mori in this chapter, we know that per Dazai’s request, the Mafia is not to interfere with the agency’s current mission to stop the Moby Dick from killing everyone. 
Let me reiterate: Dazai made sure to make a prior agreement with the mafia that they won’t interfere in stopping the Moby Dick from crashing–something  that could potentially kill thousands of innocent people, that a single specific mafia member could easily solve in a matter of seconds– all for the sake of putting Atsushi and Akutagawa in a situation where they would have to work together, thus forming his rivalry-partnership that he’s so invested in. THOUSANDS of people’s lives were risked for a gamble that had no guarantee of paying off. 
Atsushi is, of course, unaware of all of that. And Akutagawa thinks he’s acting on his own free will when he disobeys his boss’s orders and boards the Moby Dick. And now that Akutagawa’s here– yet another factor that Dazai orchestrated in advance, Atsushi has yet another one of Dazai’s pawns here with him to add to his ever-growing stress. 
And that’s that for this week’s entry of the Anti-Dazai Series!! Join me next week when I talk about how Akutagawa is just a traumatized child who desperately needs a great therapist and a hug. And so does Atsushi. So does everyone who has to deal with Dazai. Actually while we’re at it can we get Dazai a therapist too? He probably needs one just as much as everyone else.
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santacarlatourism · 2 years
kevin x jd (x reader) general headcanons because u don’t understand. it’s the ideal crossover ship for me.
⮞ i think that they balance each other out and this is both a very good and very bad thing, depending on the time of day and ur perspective.
they can keep each other’s egos in check
like, don’t get me wrong. in many ways they encourage each other’s worst character traits
but at the same time, they’re both sarcastic, witty pricks. sure, kevin and jd would each think the other is better than the general populace. they still take blows at each other’s ego daily.
kevin will also take cheap shots at you, if you leave yourself open, and if you’ve done something to get on his nerves he’s more likely to go for things that he knows will actually get to you. jd is better about skirting those topics unless he’s actively trying to manipulate you into something and does snap at kevin for it. but don’t expect kevin to apologize, these boys rarely do, but he’ll let the subject go and won’t bring it up again. usually.
jd will suggest like ten things for dinner and kevin will say no to all of them and offer no suggestions. in response jd very likely to just make dinner plans for the two of you, will only get food for the two of you, and leave kevin out. is it petty? sure is. does kevin learn to actually agree to something for dinner? sort of. he’ll make sure to ruin your dinner as punishment (whoops, what on earth could have set your apartment’s sprinkler system off?) but it won’t be a problem again for awhile
⮞ in addition expect them to just straight up bicker too. and they are petty with it. they wind each other up sometimes.
⮞ between the two of them the pda is almost 0 unless jd is feeling especially superior or sentimental that day, rly vibing with that god complex of his. then he may slide an arm around kevin’s waist in public and stuff like that.
wrt you, i feel like jd will sort of match your pda level-- he’s certainly not going to push you away if you’re always putting your hands on him. kevin will though, if he’s not feeling it. again, though, you can tell when jd is in an especially grandiose mood because he’ll be way more touchy
kevin only will only seem to actively enjoy pda if he knows it’s going to fluster you (he knows it won’t get to jd much), or if it’s going to make the people around you uncomfortable.
however if you and jd are out with him you two can’t get too handsy without including him at least a little. he never vocalizes any desire for it whatsoever, but you’ll notice he complains about you two being gross way more if you’re being touchy with each other and not him.
⮞ if you’re into the idea of love languages, jd leans into a few different love languages. the big one is acts of service (killing for u is a service) and quality time (he will just assume that you’re okay with him going everywhere with you). he likes if yours match up with his easily; he hinks it’s cute.
jd will jokingly say that kevin’s love language is putting up with you two, to which kevin will respond that it’s not a love langauge but a test of endurance.
kevin’s would also, arguably, be quality time, in that he does not enjoy the company of most any people but doesn’t mind you and jd’s. arguably, he even likes it some days.
this means that the two would frequently be near each other-- in the same house or room, and are frequently together when they go out-- but often doing totally separate things
you’re usually welcome to join in on whatever thing they’re doing, or do your own thing as well
joining in on things sometimes involves picking up arrows for kevin when he’s doing target practice, and sometimes you’ll feel one whizz right by your head, too close to comfort. he says he’s only teasing. he is; if he wasn’t you would have already been injured by now.
⮞  there are multiple possible arrangements on who met who first
if kevin and jd meet first, then once you catch their eye i u are getting hunted down and manipulated into a relationship and it is being done efficiently. part of them keeping each other balanced is they can also make each other a bit more effective at their less than moral behaviors
if you’re with kevin or jd first, expect whichever one you’re into first to introduce the idea of expanding the relationship with more (jd) or less (kevin) tact
⮞  a lot of these headcanons may make it sounds like kevin does not actually like you or jd, but by merit of him being around the two of you without being patronizing, fake, or downright antagonistic, you can rest assured that he does
someone makes you upset-- angry or sad or maybe crying-- and when you leave the room to go lay down the gears in jd’s head start turning. he and kevin will soemtimes butt heads about this because kevin will, in response to whatever murder method jd is lingering on, snark that you’re a big kid and you can handle yourself.
this agitates jd a lot especially at first because jd takes a lack of interest in putting your problems to the grave as a lack of care for you, but it’s not really that.
despite the less than gentle way of putting it, kevin does usually assume that you can handle your own shit and don’t need him or jd to swoop in and save you. he wouldn’t bother with actually having a relationship with you if he didn’t think you were competent. if you need their help with something, he assumes you’ll be grown up and tell them.
this does not stop jd from killing the person that upset you, though.
and if you do ever come to him and jd and directly ask for help, kevin will help and he expects nothing less than express gratitude. even if you disagree with their methods. you asked for help, they helped. you’re welcome.
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Sonic Headcanon Sunday #5: Shadow
I actually almost forgot to do this again. Thank god I didn’t 😖. Anywhizzle, here’s my top 10 headcanons for the Ultimate Lifeform!
1. The following are some of their more prominent Black Arms traits: Not only does Shadow have green blood, but they also have an abnormally warm body temperature*, hence the reason why it’s one of the top three in the main cast to have the highest tolerance to cold. It is also immune to illnesses (Well, at least the ones on Earth/Sonic’s world). So when he says he doesn’t get sick, he actually means it.
(*I guess now would be a good time to mention that I also have a headcanon that Black Arms are extremely warm-blooded.)
2. You know how it is said that some people’s eye color can change depending on their mood? Well, this applies to him with the shade of red in his eyes. When they’re in a more calm state, its eyes are a mahogany color. When infuriated, their eyes become a more brighter shade of red.
3. He has a very strong tolerance for spice. One time they joined the others at Amy’s place to try an EXTREMELY spicy chili that she made. While everyone was basically dying from the intense spice (even Sonic, who is a spicy food fanatic, couldn’t handle it), Shadow wasn’t even close to phased!
4. Out of all the children in the cast, Shadow is closest to Cream. He likes spending time with her from having tea parties, to hanging out in the Chao garden, or baking at Vanilla’s house. Vanilla often asks them to babysit.
5. He is, in fact, immortal. But not in the sense that there’s no way it can die at all. They’re the kind of immortal that can’t die from aging, but it’s still possible for them to be killed (eg. Stabbed, shot, etc).
6. Rouge and Amy will often allow him and Omega to join in on “girl sleepovers”.
7. Out of all the main cast, Shadow has quite a sailor mouth on him. They know better than to use that kind of language around the kids though (unless, of course he decides to frame Sonic for teaching them cuss words. Lol). However, there have been a couple times where it almost lets one slip, resulting in him getting an elbow to the gut from Sonic, Knuckles, or Amy.
8. While Shadow does enjoy jazz music and some of the “oldies” music (eg. Dean Martin, Frank Sinatra, Elvis Presley), he and Sonic share a love for rock music. Especially Crush 40!
9. Rouge (and sometimes Sonic and/or Amy) often helps them with their eyeliner. Maria used to do so as well.
10. After having a lot of experience helping take care of Maria when her illness was really bad, Shadow has surprisingly great bedside manner whenever someone is sick or injured.
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Tabula Rasa: Final Part
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~1.5k
Warnings: canon violence, canon language, canon talk of death, methods of kill
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Criminal Minds. All credit goes to their respective owners. If there is any warnings that exceed the normal death/kills from the show, I will list them. If you’ve seen the show, then it’s the same level of angst unless otherwise stated
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Brian gets up, but he can't stop staring at Nina. He is very pissed at her, and you know he remembers exactly who he is and what he did. If he ever were to go free, you know he'd kill again. You get up and approach Hotch who gathers his things. He pauses when he sees the notepad in front of Brian that he could have used to take notes.
There is a single tear stained into the paper.
Hotch looks up, and you know he sees it too.
"Hotch, he's starting to remember. The anger that I felt when he saw his mother is only present in someone who would remember. That tear stain only confirms this theory."
"Come on."
You and Hotch leave the courtroom to find Cece on the phone with a smile on her face. She believes she will win this case, and her expression shows that.
"Cece, I need to talk to you."
"Listen, I don't want to jinx this, but something tells me I'm going to be buying your team a round of drinks when this is over," she chuckles.
"I think he's getting his memory back. He was crying in there when his mother was on the stand. You don't have that kind of reaction unless you're connected."
"Maybe you're right, but the fact is it doesn't really matter anymore."
"Doesn't it? I mean, don't you want to know who you're putting away?"
She doesn't get the chance to answer because every radio on every officer in the vicinity goes off. Something happened, and you know Brian is in the center of it. You, Cece, and Hotch rush to the center of attention, and the officer who was in charge of transporting Brian is injured.
"What's going on?" Cece demands.
"Are you okay? What happened?" you ask her gently.
"He ambushed me and escaped. He has my gun."
You and Hotch rush out of the courthouse with Spencer right behind you. He saw you two running outside, and he knew he needed to be part of this. However, Brian is gone, and he might kill someone because of it.
There are officers outside tending to a woman who got injured because of Brian. He stole her keys and her car after he hurt her.
"Who is she?" you ask an officer on the scene.
"She's a law clerk. Matloff stuck a gun in her face and pulled her out of her car. It's a late model Nissan."
"Did you put out an APB?"
"Statewide. We'll block every road out of town."
"Don't forget service roads. He knows them all."
"You know this guy, right? Any idea where he might be headed?"
"It all depends on who he is," Spencer answers.
Lester, Brian's lawyer, steps out of the courthouse towards his car, and Hotch stops him from going to it.
"Did you know?"
"Know what?"
"You talked to Matloff every day. Did you know that his memory was coming back?"
"I don't have any idea what you're talking about," Lester scoffs.
"He can't help us. Matloff has a paranoid personality. Even if he was aware he wouldn't have told anyone," Spencer says.
"Get over to the jail and into his cell. Just look for any clue that might tell us where he's headed."
Spencer leaves without you, and Hotch takes out his phone to inform the rest of the team what's happening, though, you know they might have a clue if they're watching the news. Once done, he places them on speakerphone so you can hear them too.
"Assuming his memory is coming back, where's he headed?"
"Simple answer is his birth mother. His victims were brunettes. Typology suggests that he was projecting rage at her," Derek says.
"He can't. She's with us, protected."
"If he doesn't have a specific target, he'll either run or go on a spree."
"Did we do this? With the brain test? Reintroducing all those memories? Is it possible that it could have acted as a cognitive rehabilitation?" Emily asks.
"Emily, killing is in his nature. Whether he remembers or not, he's still a killer. That has nothing to do with us."
Spencer calls as soon as he finds something, and it's something concrete. Darci was found in a clearing in the woods next to a waterfall, and since Darci's father is the only one who showed up at court, and that Darci was Brian's last victim, you believe that he is going there.
Hotch doesn't want to go in this blind, so he takes every available agent and officer to the woods just in case Brian decides to shoot his way out of this one. This wooded area is thousands of acres, so Brian could be anywhere, and the wind isn't helping the energy stay in one place.
Spencer believes he is at the waterfall where Darci was found, so you check there first before anywhere else.
"I figured this guy would have headed straight out of town. Why'd he come back here?" an officer asks.
"He's looking for himself. He just got his memories back, and he's confused about who he is."
Everyone heads towards the waterfall, and in the tall grass off in the distance, you see Brian sitting on the ground with something in his arms... someone. You can see the back of her brunette head, but you can't see anything else.
"That's him. He's got a girl with him and she's not moving."
"Alright, let's move in," the officer eagerly says.
"No, wait. If we rush him, he might try to kill her and himself," Spencer says.
"She's dead," you say and look at Hotch. "She's been dead for a while. He's holding a skeleton. Still, he has a gun, and he could kill himself or one of us if he feels pressured."
"How do you want to do this?"
"I want to go in there myself. Y/N, you need to be a shooter. I want your guys high and wide, but I need you close. Can you do that?"
"With this tall grass? Easy," you shrug and take out your gun.
"You think he's gonna shoot his way out?" Spencer asks.
"I don't want to be the only gun in there if he does."
You leave the ground and maneuver throughout the trees until you're in front of Brian. You can clearly see the skeleton face of the dead woman who has been there for years. He must have put a wig on her because that's the only explanation as to why she has a full head of hair on her.
You get low to the ground and practically slither your way through the grass until you get a clear shot of Brian. He doesn't see you, but then again, he's not really paying attention to you.
"I got a shot," you mutter so that everyone who has an earpiece can hear you. "Let me know when."
"Brian. I want you to show me your hands. Hands, Brian!" Hotch yells when he doesn't listen.
"Stop! Stop there, please," Brian says emotionally.
"Who is she?"
"She was my first. The minute my feet hit the ground, I knew right where to find her. I killed them. I killed them all."
Brian does remember, but he doesn't want to be that person anymore. Still, he needs to pay for what he's done whether he likes it or not.
"You remember."
"I remember everything. Every moment. Every tiny detail, but it's still not real. It's like the memories belong to someone else."
"Well, maybe in a way they do. But you still have to pay for what's been done."
"If I'm gonna be put to death, I might as well die right here," he says without moving.
"Brian. The court may show you mercy, but you have to earn it. If you believe you're a different person, then prove it and do the right thing."
Brian doesn't want to be this person, so instead of shooting his way out as you're sure he's thought about, he tosses the stolen gun off to the side so he's unarmed. He's not going to be a threat, even as Hotch moves in on him, so you stand up and put your gun back in its holster.
Cece is more than happy about the outcome of the trial, and she is all smiles when she enters the police station. You're still in Virginia, but you're on the other side of it from where the BAU is located.
"It's over. Matloff is pleading out."
"I couldn't have done it without you. First round's on me."
"No, we're gonna take a rain check. We've got a long drive."
"Of course. Lock up when you leave."
Cece leaves, and that just leaves you, Hotch, and Spencer.
"Darci's father brought a gun to the courthouse today," Spencer spills.
You gave the gun to the lead detective on the case knowing he'd know what to do with it.
"You're kidding. You think he was serious about using it?"
"Yes," you answer. "He was looking for closure."
"Do you think he'll get some now?"
"No. I mean, people's emotional lives aren't linear like that. To say that a killer's conviction can just suddenly bring peace to a man, isn't possible, in my opinion."
"Well, I guess he has to try. I mean, when it comes right down to it, what choice does he have?"
"I'd like to get Darci's watch out of evidence. I think her father deserves to have it back."
After Spencer gets it from evidence, and you and Hotch finish packing up the office, Hotch drives by Darci's house where her father still lives. You watch as Spencer talks with Mr. Corbett, and gives him back her watch.
You just hope he's going to be alright.
"What though the radiance that was once so bright, be now forever taken from my sight. Though nothing can bring back the hour of splendor in the grass, of glory in the flower; We will grieve not, rather find strength in what remains behind." - William Wordsworth
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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octoooo · 1 year
Ubuyashiki Family (Magical Slayers ✨)
It’s mostly Kagaya but I mention Amane too.
Ok long story short Kagaya is mansplain manipulate manslaughter. I made him similar to Kyubey from Magica Madoka. In the sense he has good intentions, but very underhanded ways of getting people to join the Corps.
He is Entirely fed up with the (lack of) progress of the Corps. He wouldn’t call all the efforts pointless, however losing several dozen (or hundred?) Hashira and hardly killing any Upper Moons (and no signs of Muzan since Yoriichi’s era) is very much a Net Loss.
He’s tired and ready to end this war by any means necessary, even if it means forcing people into becoming slayers. (The fact this man has foresight just makes his goal a little easier and a little scarier.)
I can make an excellent example of the lengths he’s willing to go with the Tokito twins.
Kagaya did not take kindly when Amane reported that Yuichiro shut down the offer every time. He is not above lighting a fire under them to get them moving, and by fire I mean a demon sent to their house as an “incentive” to join. By showing them what they’re at risk of if they don’t join first.
We all know how it happens in canon: Yuichiro repeatedly denies Amane, weeks later the demon attacks, suddenly Amane returns days(?) later and Muichiro decides “why not” to join the Corps.
This lines up perfectly for my au :D
After the repeated rejections, Kagaya pulls some strings to stage a demon attack. It’s not really staged/fake since the demon does try to take out the twins, but it was planned by Kagaya. As an extra part of the plan, there was supposed to be another slayer to deal with that demon to ensure the twins survived. They’d be scarred, but alive and (hopefully) open to becoming Slayers.
Things didn't go as planned and the assigned Slayer doesn’t make it on time, leaving Muichiro to take things in his own hands after Yuichiro gets attacked. Yuichiro only loses a chunk of his arm, it’s still a lot but not half his arm like canon. He’s able to wrap the wound (and pass out) while Muichiro deals with the demon all night.
Kagaya and Amane actually visit them around noon the next day and happen upon them barely alive. Yuichiro is worse off than his brother and praying for Muichiro to live. Kagaya tells the boys they don’t need the aid of the gods who struck them, he himself will help, and in return they’ll do something (become slayers) for him.
(Kagaya was relieved when this worked. He may be cruel enough to do it but he doesn’t want to kill them. They wouldn’t be useful to him if that happened)
This also means Yuichiro lives.
The bright side is he doesn’t do this with every slayer I guess? He does have an interesting habit of showing up soon after demon attacks to offer the survivor a new life within the Corps. In their freshly traumatized minds all they see is a hand reaching out to help, and not knowing any better they accept.
This is a good time to mention, he is still cursed so he eventually has Amane visit the possible-slayers in his stead, bring them to the estate should they agree to join and uhhh..
Rip their soul out of their body, infuse it into a special brooch, give it back to them & point them in the direction of a cultivator.
anyway don’t worry about that part. Kagaya certainly doesn’t, and he tells the newly-made Magical Slayer not to worry either.
Who cares if you’re basically a zombie now? If your body is injured it’s fine, it’ll just take extra time and magic to regenerate. (Like,,some hours with lots of focus. Maybe just an hour or so for Hashira. Their healing abilities may be good, but they’re not ‘instant regeneration’ good like the 12 kizuki)
He actually doesn’t even tell them they’ve become a zombie. Normally the head of the Corps is supposed to lay down everything that becoming a slayer means, and then the person can make the choice to join or not. Obviously learning you’ll become a zombie is a bit of a turn-off, so Kagaya has just stopped telling his slayers the awful details.
Why do that when it’ll scare them off? It’s more beneficial for him to not say anything and keep them in the dark.
Also I’d like to mention, In canon Kagaya gives respect and gets it in return.
Here though? The Hashiras respect for him is built from fear. Everyone else is able to see, “ohh there’s something wrong with this guy. Better not piss him off.” And try their damn best not to.
Except Sanemi at his first Pillar meeting. 🪦
#kny#demon slayer#Magical Slayers ✨#kagaya ubuyashiki#the brooch is Sailor moon inspired#the zombie thing is Madoka#so is the soul yoink#I hope I didn’t lose anyone with that explanation ufhfidn if things don’t make sense feel free to ask I’ll try to answer#my bones are JELLO right now. wibbly wobbly wiggly metal sheet sfx#Amane and the kids are dragged into it#He’s ruthless in his job not to his family#still doesn’t make him a good guy#Amane has mixed feelings about her husband#they are Not the happy couple you see in canon#even if Kagaya treats his family better than the manipulation & fear he gives his Slayers..doesn’t change the fact he’s not all that great#or that he has the capacity to treat his family worse :(#Amane walks on eggshells around him#I’m sorry to do this to the girl boss#if it makes you feel better she survives when Kagaya goes Boom#because she decided Not to stay with him in the end#also I think in canon their eldest daughters die in the estate too? yea they’re living here. Kagaya takes no one else down with him#this has been marinating in my brainium for a while#I hope I didn’t hype Kagaya up too much? bc I didn’t want what I had planned for him to not meet expectations lmao#he wasn’t meeting my own expectations bc I kept making them greater & greater b4 going w/ my original idea#I feel like I’m giving a presentation#except everyone’s asleep because it’s 3am#also ik Mui was pretty open to becoming a swordsman even before the demon attack but sshhhhvjxnd let me have this#kny au
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