#anyway new gojo fic comes out friday!
envy-of-the-apple · 7 months
I was doing way too much research for my next gojo fic and I just discovered that the moon is slowly getting farther and farther away from the earth until we'll just lose it entirely????? What do you mean the earth and the moon won't be together forever? they were my otp????
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tinyywriterr · 7 months
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⟿ Song to Go with the Chapter: Francis Forever by Mitski [Your theme song this chapter]
⟿ Word Count: around 7,400 +
⟿ introducing Toji | Nanami fluff w/ reader | st*kler Geto & Gojo
⟿ Summary: You’ve been working at the club earning a good amount of money for being a baby stripper. But, on one night you run into some people you really didn’t want to. Afterwards you are pretty shaken up and Nanami makes a proposal to you that you end up taking. Who shows up at your place of work? And what does Nanami offer you?
𝓒𝓸𝓷𝓽𝓮𝓷𝓽 𝓦𝓪𝓻𝓷𝓲𝓷𝓰: contains dr*g use, inferred st*lking, pet names, fem reader, black fem reader/you, alcohol use, and etc. [please don’t read if easily trigger]
𝓐𝓾𝓽𝓱𝓸𝓻𝓼 𝓝𝓸𝓽𝓮: 18+ please & please don’t copy and paste my story anywhere else. I finally uploaded this chapter and once again there’s more build up along with a new character being introduced. IT ONLY GETS SPICY FROM HERE! Next chapter will contain Nanami smut so can’t wait to post that. ANYWAYS, this is my first tumblr fic so if you leave a heart, reblog, or comment it’s greatly appreciated! If there are errors I am open to anyone correcting me in the comments or leaving feedback. I hope you will enjoy this as much as I did when I wrote it!
'*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*'꘎♡━━━━━♡꘎'*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*'
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*𝑀𝐼𝒳 𝒪𝐹 𝒴𝒪𝒰 & 𝒩𝒜𝒩𝒜𝑀𝐼’𝒮 𝒫𝒪𝒱✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
You’ve been juggling a lot recently from meeting up with Nanami, keeping your little secret of where you work, and along with working nonstop. You work almost every night only giving yourself Monday and Tuesday of every week to relax. You mostly slept on Monday’s to rest so every Tuesday and any other day you could you hung out with Nanami to make up for being busy. He’s been taking you all around Tokyo to vintage antique stores, book shops, and clothing stores buying you whatever you point at or showed interest in. Nanami was spoiling you not like you could complain and you undeniably enjoy it. Working at the club made you somewhat of a grumpy person being you had to stay up most nights. But, Angel made working there doable and always cheered you on making you feel better. You and Angel were fast-growing friends from stripping together, walking each other home after work, and chilling at who’s ever house you decided to that night. Angel was a tall Japanese woman with long black hair with cute blunt-cut bangs covering her eyebrows. She had a slender build that complimented your curvy build when you’d both strip together. The men loved you two together requesting private dances from the both of you. Being under Angel's wing was helping you out financially a lot as well. She always gave you advice, tips, and when you’d work together the money was amazing. You’ve made at least ¥50,000 yen within your first week which only grew as time moved on. Today you counted your money before coming in and it totaled ¥350,000 yen which was about $2,400. Your rent was due this coming Friday so you wanted to get as much money as you could until then. Thankfully, it was Wednesday night and your rent was only ¥90,000 yen which was $600 but still, you wanted to be ahead of the game rather than behind. You sit at your vanity after a couple of stages and count how much you’ve made alone tonight sadly Angel got sick and had called out for the next couple of days. ¥40,000 yen, which is not bad for 3 stages and 2 private dances along with it only being 2 hours into your shift the clock read 11 pm. You sigh softly stuffing the money back into your money bag and fixing your makeup before you hear your name being called to the stage again.
“Star, you’re up next on stage. After this stage 2 men want you for a private dance. It’ll be in private room #1 also they paid for it already,” the house mother said hovering over you and passing you another ¥40,000 yen. You count out ¥10,000 yen giving it to the house mother.
“Thank you, have this for taking such good care of me.” You say sincerely as you place the money in her hand making her smile down at you and patting your head.
“You’re the nicest one here besides Angel,” she teases walking back to her counter. You take one last look at yourself; you wore a bright pink lingerie set tonight and had your hair up in two pigtails as the men loved it for some reason. You smile to yourself before walking out to the main stage. You stroll up seductively before twirling around the pole. You do some aerial tricks clicking your heels together to get the audience's attention. A lot of heads turn or get up completely to get a front-row seat for the show. Once satisfied it’s enough people you begin your performance as a new song begins. You’ve improved from when you first started grinding and twirling around the pole as you continued to swing yourself around it. You swiftly get off the pole then bend over with your ass facing the audience and elbows keeping you steady on the stage. You start shaking your ass earning some yells of excitement and cheers of satisfaction. Money starts to be thrown at you making you more confident and it was slightly exhilarating. You smile as you look back at it noticing some prying eyes and others clapping ready for more. After 3 songs you get off stage grab your money off the floor and head towards the back to the private rooms. As you walked to the back random men smack your ass and tuck more money into your thong strap which was normal for you at this point. Once inside you notice the two men sitting down on one of the couches chatting with each other stopping as you come closer to them. It’s so dark you can’t really recognize their faces but their voices sound familiar. You stuff your money into your money bag putting it around your left wrist.
“You liked the show?” You ask sweetly as you begin to walk towards them seductively.
“Oooh, darling we’ve seen much more of you than any of those pigs will ever see.” One teased grabbing your right wrist tightly but thankful those bruises Geto gave you have healed by now.
“We just wanted to see how you were doing but I think we got our answer doll.” The other voice teases as well smacking your ass hard making the sound bounce around the little private room. It took you a second but the use of ‘darling and doll’ cemented for you who it was.
“What are you two doing here?” You question trying to turn away with your back to them and pull away from Geto’s strong grip. Doing so only makes it worse as he grips you even harder making you grimace.
“We were just going out and decided to come here but we noticed you and wanted to talk. You left us without saying anything darling..” Geto hisses in between his teeth yanking you towards him. “Dance bitch we paid for you didn’t we?” He asks devilishly digging his nails into your wrist. You nod your head ‘yes’ and turn back towards them now. Geto lets you go so you can dance freely smirking at how weak you were in this moment. You lift your hands above your head swaying your hips from side to side before rolling them. Gojo grins which you roll your eyes to and continue dancing trying not to touch either of them really. All you can think about is how it was so easy for them to find you. It made sense mainly because everything was kinda of close together the office, your house, and the club. But still, maybe it was just a coincidence an awful one at that. Why were they surprised you left? They both were so cold to you; was that supposed to make you come back the next day?
‘Our personal office slut. Do you think whores get breaks?’ Those phases cloud your mind making you close your eyes hoping you could just forget they’re here. But you feel them staring at you and then a loud smack on your ass draws you out of your thoughts.
“So disappointing, you’re just a low-level whore showing your body to these pigs for money.” Gojo says coldly sounding truly disgusted he suddenly stands up and wraps his hand around your throat. “You thought you could get away without being punished? Remember you. are. nothing.” Gojo hisses in your ear pausing to add emphasis and hurt with his last few words. You tense up under his grip making him grin and he starts to squeeze harder around your throat trying to make you light headed. You hated that grin so much now soon enough tears begin to pool in your eyes but only one falls down your cheek. Geto stands up seeing this and licking up the tear before smacking you on the cheek making you gasp in pain.
“YOUR HOUR IS UP BOYS!” Mr. Yoshida yells through the door before moving on to the next door not knowing he secretly saved you. Gojo lets you go watching you crumble to the floor holding your throat and lets out an evil chuckle.
“Tsk such a waste come on Gojo..” Geto commands as he walks out of the room and soon Gojo follows slamming the door behind him and making you jump. You stand up slowly as you try to regain your breath coughing a little.
“FUCK!” You croak out loudly balling both of your hands up into tight fists. ‘How could this happen? Why did this happen? Where they watching my every move?’ You think to yourself as you walk out of the private room; you hadn’t been called on stage but there were some empty ones. You regain control of your emotions compartmentalizing them and pushing them deep down. You still wanted and needed to work so you look at the clock and it reads 1 am. You could do this with just 2 more hours to go and thankfully it goes by fast. At the end of the night you collect all your money, tip out, and you make your way to the changing room. All the girls that worked tonight began to change into more casual or lounge clothes for their travel home. You decide to wear a gray sweatsuit set with another bigger black jacket on top. It’s gotten colder which made the walk home a little more dreadful. You look at your wrist and neck as a slight bruise starts to form which you scowl at. ‘How will I explain this to Nanami? Maybe I should just tell him..’ you think to yourself before heaving a painful sigh. You stand up and make a choice you never thought you would or have made in a while. You walk towards the girl who’s always known to have some pills to sell on her. You walk up shyly waving at her before you open your mouth to ask she rattles off all the things she has.
“I got coke, xanax, ecstasy, and percs. So, what would you like my inventory is low so buy it while it’s still here.” She says in a quiet voice not wanting to catch the house mother's attention.
“Umm xanax, 2 of them,” you ask starting to pull money out of your money bag.
“I’ll give you a first time customer and stripper discount it'll be ¥5,000 yen please,” she explains holding the pills in her hand discreetly. You hand her the money in a subtle handshake as the exchange is quick. You walk away with the pills in your hand and thank her as you walk out waving goodbye to the house mom. You stuff the pills into your jacket pockets taking your time walking home tonight processing everything that happened within this short period of time.
‘Why did I get myself into this mess? Why are they so weird now? Along with being persistent in a creepy way,’ you think to yourself before you know it you're in front of your apartment door. As you unlock the door you kick your shoes off before plopping onto the couch. You pull out your money bag beginning to count everything soon your money is laid across the coffee table. You just stare at it for a minute a total of ¥70,000 yen staring back at you. You grab the shoebox with the rest of your earnings and just swipe your arm across the table pushing all of the money into the box. After hiding the box again in your closet you walk into your kitchen grabbing a bottle of some random juice that’s been sitting in the fridge. You pull the pills out of your jacket pocket and drop them into your mouth before taking a long swig of the juice. Swallowing you walk to your record player playing the ‘Deftones‘ AGAIN and sprawl out onto the couch. You stare up at your ceiling for a while before getting the urge to smoke. Thankfully, you were able to score some weed and bought yourself a pack of smokes as well. Being at the strip club made you pick up some habits you never thought you would. Pulling out one of both a cigarette and a joint you lay back on your couch sparkling the joint first. Your mind was still racing even though the pills started to take effect making your movements slightly delayed. Taking a couple of puffs you exhale slowly happy to be able to relax finally. Today was a lot and you didn’t know how to cope with what happened; within 15 minutes the joint was out and you put it out on the coffee table too lazy to get up to grab the ashtray. You lay there soaking in every emotion you felt and begin getting lost in thought about your family, your brothers, and how they were doing. Suddenly the phone rings and you barely pick it up in time to answer.
“H-helloo..” you say slowly as the pills have a hold of you making you sleepy which the weed didn’t help with.
“Y/n are you okay you sound super drunk?” Nanami asks from the other end of the phone making you giggle softly then drop your phone as your limbs have become weak.
“I-I am fine don’t w-worry about me..” you say softly trailing off at the end as your eyes closed for real this time. You hear the phone hang up you knew saying that would not make him any less worried about you. ‘Ughhh why did he have to call me right now????’ You question to yourself chuckling again as you found everything funny in this state. What felt like seconds had passed by Nanami was already knocking at your door; it had really been 20 minutes. You stumbled across your house knocking some things over and open the door. You lean against it as you look up at Kento. His hair is not neatly done rather covering his face this time, he’s wearing what looks like his loungewear consisting of grey sweatpants, and a black long-sleeve shirt. He looks down at you worry spread across his whole face. All you can do is laugh manically grabbing his hand and dragging him in with the little strength you had. Nanami stumbles in noticing how messy your house has become from the last time he’s come in along with the smell of smoke. He’s been picking you up lately outside in your complex parking lot so he hasn’t been able to see any of this. You’ve acquired takeout bags that are scattered everywhere, dirty clothes trailing from the door to your room, and your bags everywhere. Nanami notices your stripper bag which was a big sparkly duffle bag. It wasn't fully closed so he was able to see your extra lingerie sets and your heels peaking out. Nanami kept a note of that to ask you later first he wanted to figure out what was wrong. He sighs softly before noticing you sparked a cigarette once again sprawled across the couch. The music is loud so loud it kinda hurts his ears so he walks to your record player turning it down a lot.
“Kennnn! How are you-u?” You inquire sitting up slowly and leaning into the couch trying not to slouch. “I’ve been so busy-y I’m sorry-y,” you explain whining a little before taking another drag from your cigarette and exhaling just as slowly. All Nanami can do is look at you somewhat in shock at the state you’re in. He sits down next to you grabbing your hand. You pull it away as you honestly don’t feel like being touched right now. “I’m sorry-y no-no touching tonight. I’m tired of touching-g..” you slur over your words taking another drag and exhaling towards the ceiling not wanting to get it in his face.
“That’s okay princess. Will you tell me what’s wrong?” Nanami asks crossing his arms and leaning back into the couch as well. He looks at you as your facial expression changes from relaxed to tense.
“I-I've umm been wanting-g to tell you something...” you pause before looking straight into his beautiful brown eyes. “I-I am a stripper now..that’s why I’ve been so busy-y and-and not being able to hang out.” You pause again taking a drag of your cigarette as your anxiety rises. “You can hate-hate me I’d understand I just wasn’t getting hired anywhere and I needed something fast-t,” you expound lazily still stuttering as you speak soon your leg begins to bounce slowly. There was a long silence as Nanami just looked at you he couldn't care less that you have become a stripper but there was something else bothering you.
“I don’t care about you being a stripper lovely. I noticed some shoes and lingerie sets once I walked into the door. I’m sorry you felt like you had to hide it from me. I’d never judge you princess you could never disappoint me.” Nanami explains holding back from rubbing your back as you take your last couple of puffs of your cigarette before putting it out on the coffee table. He wanted you to not have to work at the strip club but he wouldn’t stop you from working there if that’s what you wanted to do. You crumble after processing what he said a few moments later. Sobbing now you lean into him as the emotions from earlier come to the forefront. He just holds you making sure you didn’t fall off the couch. He picks you up and takes you to your bed. Like clockwork standing up wobbling a bit crying still you strip off your clothes. You still had your lingerie set on from work mainly because you were rushing to get out of there. Nanami can’t help but blush looking at your body in the bright pink set you looked gorgeous in it but he starts to feel bad as you were crying. Even as you cried you looked so beautiful Nanami couldn’t help but think. You then take your lingerie off falling into your bed completely nude. He picks up your clothes putting them in a pile by your closet where a lot of your other sets are. You quickly fall asleep within minutes and before you know it it’s 11 am of the next day. No alarm this morning and no Nanami in your room or bed. You look around and see your room is clean. Your floor is clear of dirty laundry and all your late-night munchie trash is gone. Without thinking you open your closet making sure your shoe box and tin box haven’t been moved or taken from. Thankfully everything is still there you sigh in relief as your bedroom door opens.
‘Why would I even feel like he’d steal from me? He’s rich!’ You think to yourself as you shuffle putting both boxes back and closing the closet door. Nanami smiles at you walking towards you with a mug of coffee and a short stack of pancakes for you of course.
“Get back in bed you’re resting today all day unless and or until you have to go to work. You understand?” He asks making sure you understand before placing both items into your hand. You nod your head ‘yes’ hoping your bruises can’t be seen. But Nanami noticed he was gonna ask you after you’ve relaxed for a while. When he noticed last night he could barely control his anger wishing he could beat up whoever did this to you.
“Thank you Kento…I do work today actually but tomorrow; Friday I’ll be free. You can stay here today if you want to and wait for me to get off.” You offer looking at the clock you had knowing you had to be at the club by 10 pm tonight so you had time to relax. You settle back in your bed taking a sip of your coffee hum in satisfaction.
Nanami nods softly bowing his head looking at his feet now. “I was going to wait to ask you but it’s eating me alive. What happened last night how did you get those bruises and why were you so fucked up?” He asks hoping you wouldn’t get mad or uncomfortable with the question.
You sigh painfully rubbing your wrist as it had turned a little red. “Umm, remember when my wrist was hurting and bruised a while ago?” Nanami nods staring at you now with a stern look on his face. “I got it because of two men at my job Geto and Gojo. That’s truly why I quit I started there as a secretary but they wanted more. I agreed because they were attractive and I was lonely. They took me out fed me even paid me. I thought they’d treat me right but they became manipulative. They told me the day I quit I’m just their office slut so I left. I couldn’t bear it and they were hurting me. That day I deleted their number, blocked them, and didn’t show up for work after that. So, I started working at the strip club and it was going great but last night they popped up on me. I didn’t see them in the crowd the whole night but they requested me for a private dance. I-I was all alone usually my work friend Angel would be there with me but she’s been sick. Once I realized it was them I tried to leave but Geto grabbed my wrist and they both berated me as I danced for them. Before their hour was up Gojo choked me while Geto smacked me. I wanted to forget it all so I took some pills last night; that’s why I was so fucked up. Gojo told me I am nothing and I'm a low-level whore now. I felt so weak in that moment…” you explain in a shy tone before trailing off at the end. You could feel Nanami’s rage seeping through his pores.
“Geto and Gojo they were your boss?” Nanami asks as he pulls out his phone feverishly trying to unlock it.
“PLEASE! Nanami don’t do anything I can get them banned from the club they won’t be able to bother me anymore. I was even thinking about moving just to be safe. Please, please don’t do anything..for me.” You say frantically putting everything down standing up and grabbing onto him. You bury your face into his broad chest and sob quietly. Nanami's tense now but he looks down at you and can’t help but pat your head and rub your back.
“Okay, I won’t but you must call me or something if they bother you again; okay?” He commands grabbing your face with a spare hand and making you look up at him. “You are not weak and you’re not a low-level whore. You’re more than enough don’t ever let their words hurt you.” He says smiling down at you before kissing your forehead. You flinch slightly in his grip at the feeling of affection but try to relax. Nanami hated seeing you so upset and just wanted to hold you forever. This was hard for him not to act on impulse and go find those motherfuckers but he tried, for you. “Come stay with me it’s security at the lobby and I can keep an eye on you. I want you to be safe y/n..” He offers letting go of your face. “I can pay your rent here so you can keep it. Save your money so you can go see your family. I want to help you..” Nanami offers before kissing your cheek this time he hated to feel you flinch but he knew who to blame. He lets you go completely and smiles down at you again.
“Okay..I umm I can always repay you I hate to think I owe you, Ken..” you state bashfully bowing your head again.
He shakes his head ‘no’ before speaking. “Princess you don’t owe me anything as long as I get to see you smile and know you’re safe that’s enough,” Nanami reassures you.
Like always Nanami kept his promise he paid your rent, utilities, and paid movers to pack up your things. He was happy to have you closer to him now he made the spare bedroom your closet/storage space for anything that didn’t fit in his home. You were able to convince Mr. Yoshida to ban Geto and Gojo which put your mind at ease. Looking at your empty apartment you thought about what Nanami said a while ago ‘Maybe ask your siblings to come out here.' You didn’t want to assume anything but you hoped Nanami would continue to pay the rent here you’d hate to lose this apartment. Angel has returned back to work which was a relief you were starting to get bored anyway. You’d be at Nanami's house while he was at work just relaxing before he came home. You’ve made a routine actually kissing him softly when he walked through the door, letting him pick out which set you’d wear to work that night, and letting him drop you off this routine and just really wanted it to last. Life was finally on an upswing thankfully because you really needed this. Today you didn't have to work thankfully it was the first Monday of December so you had all day to yourself. Nanami had a dinner date planned for you both later today that he told you about last night. Stretching as you sit up in the bed you look over at the bedside table next to you. You see a little envelope with your name on it so you open it frantically. You pull out a handwritten letter and his debit card he left you.
The letter reads; ‘Good morning Princess, I hope you slept well last night. I left you my debit card to treat yourself today on me. In the closet, you’ll find an outfit I picked out for you for later. If you hate it use my card and get something you like. Here’s the number for the driver I’ve hired for you. He’ll be here to take you around town will you're off work or I’m gone on a business trip. Call or text him and he’ll come by to pick you up out front. I also gave you your own door code. I should be home by 5 tonight. Nanami.’
You smile gleefully folding up the letter and stuffing it into the drawer of the bedside table. You jump out of bed skipping towards the closet to see what Nanami got you. When you moved in Nanami made space for you in his deep walk in closet; his stuff on the left and yours on the right. You see hung up and steamed a beautiful blue dress. It’s short looking like it’ll stop mid thigh, strapless, and an expense silk. To go with it Nanami got matching silk colored high heels from Jimmy Choo. You check the tag on the dress and it reads; ‘Clio Peppiatt size medium ¥200,000 yen,’ your mouth drops to the floor. ‘Why did he get this for me? It’s so expensive!?’ You question yourself still in shock, you let go of the tag and walk out of the closet.
“I guess today will be maintenance day,” you chuckle to yourself looking at yourself in the mirror. You desperately need your hair, nails, and even eyelashes done which where all way past due for a redo or touch up. You throw on some clothes you had lying around and decide to call Angel to see if she was free.
The phone rings a couple of times before Angel picks up. “Heyy girly, what’s up?” She asks excitedly on the other line.
“Heyyy I was wondering if you where free? Nanami gave me his card and said I can spoil myself today. I want to get my nails and eyelashes done do you wanna come?” You offer as you pace in Nanami's living room.
“Ooooo you gotta sugar daddyyyy! Did you give up any sugar? Or is he one of those rich guys that say ‘I just wanna take care of you, baby. You don’t deserve to live like this you’re too pretty for that.’” Angel teases cackling loudly as she says it mocking Nanami’s voice at the end.
“Oh. My. God. Angelllll, ” You say between laughter not being able to help it. “If you’re wondering if we fucked; we haven’t yet. But he did buy me a sexy dress to wear tonight maybe he’s gonna ask me out,” you say cackling loudly as well. “So you coming or not I can come by to pick you up. OH MY GOD I didn’t even tell you! He got me a driver too like what the fuck?!” You practically yell through the phone.
“Are you serious?! You gotta tell me everything about this Nanami! But hold on let me get dressed I’ll text you when I am readyyyy!” Angel also yells just as excited as you before she hangs up the phone. You go back to the room and pull the letter out Nanami left you. You find the number of the driver and text him you’d like to get picked up soon, and that you want to pick your friend up too, and want to go to a couple of spots sending a list of locations. You jot down the code Nanami gave you as well putting the letter back in the bedside drawer.
You get a message within minutes from the driver that reads. ‘okay. be there in 5,’ plain and simple.
Your phone vibrates again with a text from Angel that reads; ‘I AM READY LET'S GO SPEND SOME MONEYYYY!’ You laugh as you read the message and thumbs up the text. You run out of the house slipping on random shoes before running to the elevator. Once down in the lobby, you wave hello to the front desk lady and security as you make it outside. Thankfully you had put a jacket on with your outfit; today you wore baggy blue jeans and a thin black cropped tank top even though it was freezing outside. You see a black car pull up similar to Nanami’s car having blacked-out windows and a sleek design. A man steps out of the car once it’s in park and rounds the car opening the backseat passenger door. He was tall like Nanami also built in a similar way having a broad chest and shoulders just a tad more muscular. He wore a black tee shirt with some loose grey denim pants. You step into the car and he slams it behind you-you jump a little before he gets in the car himself. You stared at him taking in every feature from his shaggy black hair covered his face, his killer jawline, and a small scar on the corner of his lip.
“You gonna keep gawking at me or are you gonna send me the address of your friend?” He asks loudly interrupting your train of thought while looking back at you which makes you look into his eyes. They were a beautiful green which was a great contrast to the rest of his rugged look. He begins snapping his fingers at you slightly frustrated to get your attention since you didn’t respond.
“I’m so sorry, I was lost in thought it should’ve just sent right now.” You stutter out shyly while grabbing your phone from your purse and sending him Angel's address. He nods in agreement when his phone buzzes with the address and he puts it into the GPS. The car ride was quiet not an awkward kind of quiet more of a pleasant one. You both stole glances from each other looking away just as fast. Clearing your throat you open your mouth to talk but get interrupted.
“We are here,” the rugged man states suddenly as the car comes to a slow stop. You look around and you are in fact in front of Angel’s apartment.
“You can just honk the horn she’ll get the idea. Also, what is your name? My name is y/n,” you say softly looking towards driver side of the car. He smirks before turning around towards you fully to greet you.
“Fushiguro, Fushiguro Toji,” Toji says while honking the horn trying his best not to stare at you too long. Within seconds Angel was opening the other passenger side door flopping inside smiling as big as ever.
“Woooo your a hunk…You’re the driver?” Angel asks as she puts her seatbelt on raising her eyebrows at you like she’s trying to say ‘OMG THIS GUY IS FINE.’ You smile at her holding in a laugh as you nod 'yes'. “Damn, I need to find me a Nanami so he can get me a hot driver too.” Angel teases as the car pulls off swiftly Toji never responds or chimes in but continues to periodically eye you through the rearview mirror.
“We’re here our 1st stop..” Toji utters between sighs knowing today will be long. “Do you want me to get out with you guys or are you good?” He asks turning around to the backseat to look at both women.
“Aaaah we will be fine we aren’t delicate flowers. I can protect us anyways!” Angel explains flashing Toji her small switchblade. “I am really good..” she coos before getting out of the car. You follow closely behind her as you both walk towards the nail salon. You both are in there for about an hour before re-entering the car giggling and chatting to each other.
“Look at our nails Toji!” Angel commands not really giving the man a choice in the matter flashing her long acrylics to him. Angel chose a simple white French tip with some jewels on them that made them sparkle in the sun. You do as Angel does showing off your nails as well; you got long acrylics as well but got black French tips. You both decided you wanted to match somewhat but put your own twists on it. Your nails had a cute bow on both ring fingers giving a cute dainty vibe. All Toji can do is grunt in approval before pulling off again taking you both to get your eyelashes done. Once both of you are done there you get back in the car to drop Angel off. Angel continues to tease Toji the whole car ride over as they both start to grow on each other. You sat back and just enjoyed the show before you knew it you had arrived at Angel’s home.
“Bye girly, I’ll see you Wednesday night and bring Toji with you.” She whispers as she wiggles her eyebrows before turning away waving goodbye and blowing kisses in between. You laugh waving goodbye back and blowing kisses as well.
“So, do you have anywhere else you need to go? It’s 1 in the afternoon,” Toji expounds pointing around at random buildings as he drives off.
“I sent you another address it’s one of my girl friends house who does hair,” you say pointing in the general direction and he nods in agreement.
“Your friend Angel, she seems nice. You’ve been adjusting okay in the city?” Toji asks looking at you through the mirror and you can’t help but be shocked that he’s actually asking you something personal.
“Ya! She’s amazing we work together at the strip club and kinda do everything together. She’s truly my only friend other then Trina right now and yes I’m adjusting fine as best as I can honestly. Ooh, we’re here!” You exclaim pointing to an apartment building clapping with excitement as you pull up.
Toji has been smiling softly all day and he’s been eyeing you he couldn’t help it you are just so captivating. The way your skin glowed under sunlight was something he had never seen before. Your smile was the main attraction besides your beautiful body. Your hips swayed when you walked, thighs jiggling, and your ass looked like it was fighting to get out of your pants. He shakes his head as he pulls into the complex trying to get his ‘head’ out of the gutter. You open the door frantically as another black woman walks out of the complex lobby waving.
“Trina!” You yell happily running to her and basically tackling her in a hug. Being away from Trina was hard but you both had busy and conflicting schedules.
“Y/n, you look amazing come on let’s start on this hair. I can’t wait to hear alllll the tea bitch!” Trina exclaims dragging you into the apartment. You wave at Toji before turning around and letting yourself get dragged by Trina. You sat in between her legs and she began to take your braids out laughing at how you kept forgetting to put a bonnet on at night. “Ma’am with this hairstyle IMMA NEED YOU TO KEEP A BONNET ON YOU AT ALL TIMES!” She says pointing her finger to the side of your face acting like a mother. She was a great friend you both moved here around the same time and you found her on Instagram. You both kicked it off and she agreed to be your hairstylist because. ‘Don't nobody know how to do black people's hair out here LIKE ME!’ Trina said through text when you first began talking. She was the one to do your braids when you first moved and was shocked at how much your hair grew once she took them out. “So, we gonna braid this shit down and imma wash the bundles before sewing them in. Got it?!” She yelled again as she began to braid your medium-sized afro.
“I got it, MOM!” You tease sitting back and relaxing as she does your hair.
“So, anything you wanna to tell me? I see that sexy man is driving you arounddddd…” Trina inquires popping you with the comb when you start to tilt your head away from her.
“Wellll, I moved out of my apartment since working at the club I’ve had some weird encounters and wanted to feel safe. I’ve been seeing this guy and it’s at that stage just before the stage of being boyfriend and girlfriend. And he found me on a rough night offering me to live in his penthouse so I could save money to see my family. The hot guy in the car driving me around was just hired today to be my chauffeur or security.” You explain thankful you can’t see Trina's face as she had completely stopped what she was doing.
“1st, girllllll you are CRAZYYY. Do you even know the guy for real? 2nd, chauffeur? Your main got you sexy chauffeur and has been paying for everything. 3rd, where the fuck do you find these people?” Trina questions rapidly as she finishes up braiding your hair. She then gets up with bundles in hand heading towards the sink. Her questions really made you giggle but also think at the same time.
You blush softly thinking to yourself; ‘do I really know Kento? We always have time to get to know each other. We’ve grown attached to each other recently. Sleeping in the same bed but we just cuddle and talk.’ “I know enough to know he won’t do anything to hurt me. He’s been there for me during some hard times recently. Today, he has a surprise for me I think he’s gonna ask me out.” You try to explain yelling at Trina across the room over the running water of the sink. “But yes to all your other questions he’s paying for everything even giving me an allowance. The chauffeur thing was for protection the driver just so happens to be hot. And lastly I don’t know, I’ll ask if they have brothers for you.” You add and Trina hums in understanding and agreement before blow-drying the bundles as she had finished washing them. You picked a couple of plain black body wave bundles and 2 blonde bundles to put in the front to frame your face. Trina doesn’t take long finishing around 4:30 you thank her by giving her ¥30,000 yen and hugging her one last time. Waving goodbye you walk yourself out and see Toji sleep in the car. You knock on the driver's side window startling him awake. He takes a moment scanning you over while looking at your new hairstyle in ‘awe’ of how beautiful you are. Toji gets out of the car and rounds it opening the backseat door for you once again. You smile softly before sliding in and like last time he slams the door before returning back to his seat.
“You umm look beautiful Mx. Y/n,” Toji says softly trying to hide his face as he blushes slightly. This was the guy who hired him soon to be girlfriend; Toji saw how you made Nanami smile whenever you texted or called him. Toji hadn’t seen Nanami this happy in a long time so he didn’t want to stifle that. But seeing you in person and seeing how beautiful you are he can’t help the lewd thoughts crossing his mind. Not realizing it he was already in Nanami’s complex within a couple of minutes. The car comes to a slow stop and you try to hand Toji a generous tip. “No, no your ummm boyfriend already has paid me a good amount. This just feels like taking candy from a kid.” He pushes the money back towards you and unlocks the door. One thing about Toji he loves money but for some reason, he doesn’t want you to give him any. ‘Am I sick?’ Toji thinks to himself as you nod at him opening the car door to get out. You stuff the money into your purse again shaking your head at what Toji said. Once out of the car you walk towards the lobby but suddenly you turn around wanting to say ‘thank you’ but Toji is already gone. You do your usual thing waving at the security and front desk before entering the elevator. You had 10 FUCKING minutes to get ready you hadn’t even gotten in the apartment yet. As anxiety creeps in you open Nanami’s front door slamming it as you basically run to the bedroom. Swinging the closet door open you see the outfit it's still there and begin to strip. Thankfully you took a nice shower this morning and didn’t sweat at all today so you just slipped the dress on. It fits perfectly looking in the mirror you can’t help the smile that spreads across your face. You put the matching shoes on and hear the front door knob turning; you rush to put some jewelry on and opt out of being makeup on. Your lashes and new hair will make up for it.
“I am home princess!” Nanami yells from the front room as he places his belongings in their receptive locations. You walk out of the bedroom heels clicking every time they meet the ground. Nanami looking tired looks up at you as you walk towards him. His drained eyes shuffle to excited, loving, and slightly lustful. You can’t help but do a twirl to show every inch of yourself for him. Nanami smirks before walking towards you and grabs your chin with his free hand making you look up at him. Nanami leans in kissing you gently smiling as he does not being able to contain his excitement. He pulls away grabbing your hands and examining your nails. “You look as beautiful as ever. I see you put my card to good use today.” He teases playfully before kissing both of your hands softly making you shift your weight.
“Yes-yes I did I had a lot of fun I brought Angel with me. Sorry for the damage we did..how can I ever repay you?” You say in a flirtatious tone twirling his tie in between your fingers.
“Come on this date with me that'll be enough. It's a surprise location but I feel like you’ll love it. Just give me a second to change okay?” He states before kissing your cheek and walking to his room. Nanami changes into an all-black suit with a silky blue tie to match your dress. You can’t help but be excited for what’s to come.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*𝒢𝐸𝒯𝒪 & 𝒢𝒪𝒥𝒪 ’𝒮 𝒫𝒪𝒱✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
“That bitch banned us from that dingy club I can’t believe she’d do that..” Gojo says angry at the thought you'd reject him pushing him even more over the edge. Geto sits in his office chair staring blankly at his computer screen. They both compiled a list of the places you frequented even going so far as showing up at your old apartment.
“She moved but didn’t leave her job so she’s still close by just gotta figure out where…” Geto explained as he stood up slowly. “I’ve gotten some tips of who she might be with that little slut moves on quickly. His name is Nanami and I’ve had someone keep a lookout on his apartment and car. Tracking his every move so we’ll be making a visit soon. Just wanna confirm that she is living with him. I got pictures of him dropping her off at work but that’s it..”
“Why don’t we just follow them why pay someone to do a half ass job..” Gojo hisses walking out of the office and then the building as he strolls up to his car. ‘You will be mine. I don’t care who I have to go through..’ Gojo thinks to himself gripping the handle of his car door like his life depended on it.
‘I’ll make you pay for leaving us high and dry, dirty slut..’ Geto thinks as he too follows behind Gojo. They both needed you and wanted you no matter what. They are willing to go to any extreme to make sure you are their’s.
'*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*'꘎♡━━━━━♡꘎'*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*'
Once again I hope you enjoyed this one! Sorry if this triggers anyone. Don’t forget to comment, follow me, leave a note, reblog and or leave some feedback. Thank you some much!
(⋑✿˘ ³˘)
[Please don't copy or plagiarize my work thank you. I don't own any rights to JJK and all photos are from pintrest or here I'll try to tag people if I can]
⟿ Link for my AO3 lovers: {also it’s 24 chapters posted on here}
⟿ I can’t remember or find the credits for the inspiration of this chapter - if you know drop the artist name in the comments
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dilftaroooo · 3 years
How are you? You dropped this 👑
Anyways! The post with the Jujutsu boys. What if Gojo was a fox and his s/o was a bunny? That can be fluff or nsfw. I loved the last post you made with Sukuna
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𝐀𝐑𝐓 𝐁𝐘 𝐧𝐚𝐲__𝐛𝐛
𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑 𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐂𝐑𝐈𝐏𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍: female reader (bunny hybrid; specifically a french lop), race/ethnicity is not mentioned.
𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒: you and satoru have a movie night but he keeps being so mean >:(
baby that crown must be someone else’s but ill take it 👀 ty! for this one im gonna do fluff bc i have been writing a lot of nsfw fics and i wanna do smt new :) and im happy u liked my sukuna post, anon☺️💗
btw the movies mentioned below aren’t real. i just made them up on the spot. im tryna prevent anyone from actually searching them up just to find no results 💀
𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐒: fluff, gojo likes to scare you a lot (why? bc he’s a dick), he still loves you a lot though, lots of hugs n kisses *smoooch*
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it was finally the day the both of you were waiting for — friday. coming back home from an enervating day of work led to the both of you to flop on the couch like a child’s rag doll, limp bodies becoming one with the soft cushioning.
there wasn’t anything you wanted to do but snuggle in the firm chest of gojo until you drift off into an easy slumber and dream of the future of your everlasting love.
scenarios of your wedding day already started to materialize in your head; what do you think the color scheme would be? a white and lavender? seems cliché. what about a salmon pink? oh! perhaps your gown can be white and the bridesmaids’ will be salmon pink. that sounds cute. and toru would look so charming in a tuxedo-
a smile was plastered on your delicate features at the sweet imagery your mind was able to generate but your thought bubble popped once you heard the silky voice of your boyfriend.
“ya’ wanna watch a movie?” his thumb swept under his thick blindfold and he lifted up the fabric to looked at you with those stunning baby blue orbs that left you in a trance.
it took you a brief second to catch yourself, softly nodding your head while you held eye contact; those eyes never failed to shamelessly steal the breath from your lungs.
standing at your answer, gojo skims over the organized shelf of movies near the tv, occasionally pulling out the cases to critique the cover before flipping it to read the summary, he repetitively clicks his tongue, contemplating on which movie would take the hour and thirty minutes away from their day.
“hmmm how about ‘24 Hours’? — ‘a man is destined to save his abducted wife and kids from the powerful grasp of a past enemy. but there is one downfall — he only has twenty four hours until fate comes eye to eye with his family.’”
you purse your lips in thought before shaking your head.
“mm-mm. not in the mood for an action movie.”
your answer results in a chipper “‘kay!” from gojo before putting the case back in the shelf and looking for more potential movies you can watch.
“ooo! what about this? this sounds good, ‘in What They Won’t Tell, beatrice schultz is hired to work at a psychiatric hospital. she’s enthused to help those in need but as her time there extends, she can’t help but realize how strange the staff are acting with the clients...’”
he turns to face you for a reaction only to be met with another shake of your head.
“sounds depressing.” gojo ears flattened on his head as he pouts.
“oh come on, little bunny, don’t refuse everything! give it a chance, it might be good.”
“i’ve only refused two movies, toru. we have like, over a hundred movies in that shelf. we’ll find something.”
“hmph!” searching the shelf for the third time he lets out a satisfied hum and plucked out the movie case that he thought sound interesting, making his way to the dvd player once reading the enthralling summary.
“toru, what’s this?” movie previews start to play on the relatively large tv screen and gojo picks you up to set you his lap, hugging your frame close to his, a toothy grin appears on his chiseled face from your inquiry. he carefully caresses your floppy ears.
“you’ll see.” looking at the empty case on the coffee table you read the big font smack dab in the middle, “Night of the Genocide”, then the dvd menu appears on screen along with an ominous tune to go with it, the menu was filled with snippets of characters soaked in blood running from the serial killer on the dvd cover.
you whine at the sight and hugged gojo closer to you. “toruuu, i don’t wanna watch this. it looks scary.” he can feel you shrivel up against him and he coos your name gently before tightening his hold.
“don’t worry, y/n-chan! i’ll protect you from all the dangerous killers out there. i’d even fight the whole world if it meant saving you!” you look up to the zealous fox with a sparkle in your eyes, you felt your cheeks rise from the small smile you were giving him. gojo found that so cute.
“you will?”
“mhm! anything for my cute, fluffy bunny!~” you ease yourself in his lap, sheltered by his arms and guarded by kingdom come. oh he is just perfect for you.
the screen turns pitch black when he presses the play button and the living room loses its lighting, you would have been shivering in fear under your clothes but gojo was right there behind you, providing your body with his warmth and the fresh scent of his cologne. it’ll be alrig-
you cage your head with your arms in a futile attempt the prevent any harm from coming your way. gojo roared out into a great heap of laughter, his chest inflated with each howl and his hand finds a place on his stomach from the pain it caused him. your brows furrow alongside a pout of your lower lip.
“the movie didn’t even start and you’re already screaming!” his body underwent multiple convulsions from his wheezing, tossing and turning to calm his fit — it just had him in stitches!
“satoru! that wasn’t funny!”
“you’re right, it was hilarious..!” sending him a glare you move off his lap to sit on the other side of the wide couch. he whimpers from the lack of your body heat. small chuckles come out from him as he tries to bring you back (you bite his reaching hand to which he quickly retracts).
“he-he heeey. come on babe. i was just fucking around. c’mere. sit on my lap, i feel so cold without you.” but you just side eyed him.
“no. you’ll just scare me again.”
“i won’t.”
“how do i know you’re not lying?”
“cross my fingers and hope to die.”
you release a loud ‘hmph’ and crawl your way back onto his lap, automatically forgiving him for his dirty deed — he’s lucky he’s so pretty.
not too long after, your attention went back to the tv screen to watch what the movie had in store for you both.
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“toru? toru, where are you?” you walked down the long hallway searching for gojo. towards the middle of the movie he paused it before excusing himself to the bathroom but that was eighteen minutes ago. he never takes that long.
the bathroom door was open but the light wasn’t on — there was absolutely no noise in the house. strange. now you really starting to grasp at the situation at hand. you were alone. in a dark. long. hallway. with no satoru.
oh no. oh no no no no. you have to find him.
“t-t-toru? are you in here?” you hesitantly led yourself into the bedroom — the pitch dark bedroom might you add.
looking around but not seeing anything, your tail involuntarily twitches in fear, an action you had no control over. you were frightened. you never liked being in a dark room, always in need for the light to brighten up the eerie darkness.
-lights... the lights... why don’t you just turn on the lights? ugh, another moment where you forget you have a brain.
extending your hand to aimlessly find the light switch on the wall, another yelp (added onto the abundant amount of yelps due to the movie) erupted from lips as felt someone hug you from behind.
you both land on the unmade bed and gojo lays on top of you while nibbling at your neck.
“nom nom nom,”
“you said you wouldn’t do that again!” you push him off you, obviously annoyed by his false promise.
“i’m sorry baby. i couldn’t help myself. forgive me please?”
“it won’t be that easy.” you say while avoiding eye contact. you knew if you stared a little longer your heart would be flooded with pity.
gojo rests his head on your chest and a whimper rumbles in his throat, you saw his doe eyes gaze up at you in your peripheral view — a notorious tactic of his.
he whimpers when you don’t pay him with your attention, going up the nudge his head cutely under your chin and his furry ears flick at your skin. he was getting harder to ignore.
“y/n look at how sorry i am.” he hangs his lower lip heavily.
gojo’s ideas were running low. what exactly can he do to get you to look at him?
then a light bulb appeared above his head. he sends you many kisses from your chest all the way to your cheeks, and gojo could see the subtle smile growing on your face and the crease in your eyes.
“you know you can’t ignore me. i’m just too cute aren’t i!”
your subdued giggles converted into fits of laughter as his pecks became more dramatic, you writhe in joy from the ministration.
“do you—muah—forgive me—muah—now—muah muah...”
“o-ok...toru-... yes! i forgive you! haha, stop it!!”
“yaaay!” he hugs you tightly and kisses your plump lips, you chuckle into the kiss as you feel his tail tickle your leg. your night was spent with passionate moments, a refreshing shower, and an unfinished movie that you will soon complete the next day — horror movies were never scary if watched in the morning anyways, you think.
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©𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤 𝐛𝐞𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐭𝐨 @dilftaroooo. 𝐈𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐬𝐞𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤 𝐬𝐢𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐚𝐫 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐞, 𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐟𝐲 𝐦𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐦 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐛𝐞 𝐭𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝.
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sapphire-dreamsky · 4 years
Past, Present, Future
Starring: Yuuji Itadori, Nobara Kugisaki, Megumi Fushiguro, Satoru Gojo, Reader, Sukuna
Pairing: Satoru Gojo/Reader
Warnings: Cheating is mentioned, Satoru might be ooc
A/N: I don’t condone cheating. I wanted this fic to be light and fun but it turned out a bit differently. I hope you enjoy it anyway! Also, in this fanfic, Satoru was an a** when he was younger.
It was not their fault they thought their sensei was single. While beautiful, Gojo was so immature that it was hard to imagine him with someone. This person deserves a trophy for being able to put up with the ball of energy and immaturity that was Gojo Satoru. Besides,...after the Kyoto Goodwill event, they heard some...ahem...interesting rumours concerning the white head. Apparently, their beloved idiotic sensei cannot settle down. There were so many rumours surrounding the strongest; some were hard to believe because of their level of ridiculousness, others were not so hard to believe because...well...it is Gojo Satoru. He could make anything possible. One of them, while ridiculous, seems highly probable. It was Utahime-sensei who told them about it when they pestered her about Gojo-sensei in his adolescent years. They wanted to be able to relate to him a little bit more. What they heard though, left their mind reeling with questions.
"Gojo-sensei dated more than twenty girls in a month?!"
That sounded so ridiculous, cruel, and impossible. However, Utahime was not one to lie or slander one's reputation like that. Even if it was someone as annoying as Gojo. After that, they were unable to picture their sensei as the type to settle down. It was just impossible. Even if that little anecdote was years ago, as Megumi specified to his friends. It was possible that Gojo changed and was not the same man anymore. But the other two’s minds were set on the fact that their sensei is a player. Or a serial-dater. Although, they have yet to catch him in the act. As of right now, they haven’t seen Gojo with anyone. Maybe Utahime did exaggerate his reputation a little after all. But their curiosity was already set. They wanted to catch their sensei in the act. So, they decided to trail their sensei when the latter was seen heading out in casual clothing and his horrible out-of-style glasses. Kugisaki sighed in despair when seeing the infamous pair of glasses on his face. She was persuaded that he couldn’t be heading out on a date with this offending accessory. 
Low and behold, they were able to trail Satoru without getting busted yet. Their training with the second-year students must have paid off! Or so the three ‘spies’ thought. Truthfully, Satoru noticed them a while ago. Actually, it was as soon as they left the school. But he thought their little game was amusing so he let it go on. After all, it wasn’t like he was trying to hide where he was going. If he was, he would have teleported to the alley near the cafe he loves to go to. Just thinking about the cafe and the sweets which they sell makes him salivate. He couldn’t wait to go and try out the new Friday special. So, with a new spring in his step, completely forgetting about his poor students who didn’t have long legs like his, he practically jogs to his favourite cafe, the new sweets calling for him. The three students curse as they are forced to practically run to catch up with their excited sensei. In their mind, Gojo was late as usual, and to not make his date angry, he was hurrying to their meeting place. An angry woman is scary. The proof of that statement lies in Kugisaki and Maki-senpai. Both were scary when angered.
The little cafe was quiet. There were not many people dining in. In fact, it was a perfect place to have a date in, Yuuji noted. Particularly if you don’t want to get caught dating multiple girls at the same time. Luckily for the three of them, the windows were see-through. They could easily see inside as their sensei plops down on one of the comfortable seats. Immediately, a waitress comes and takes his order. Yuuji and Nobara squint as they try to somehow decipher the exchange between the waitress and Gojo. 
‘‘Do you know what they are saying?’’
‘‘Of course not you idiot! They are too far.’’
The only proof of Gojo being on a date will have to be to see someone sit across Gojo then. The three of them desolate over that fact. Knowing their sensei, it could take forever before they realise he is, in the end, not on a date. 
‘‘I don’t think he is on a date.’’
Nobara and Yuuji look at Fushiguro with question marks on their head. The latter sigh, before pointing at their sensei.
‘‘If he was on a date, I think the date would have been waiting for a while now. No matter the circumstances, Gojo-sensei is always late.’’
‘‘Don’t you think he would try to make an exception for a date?’’, Yuuji ponders.
‘‘If he is dating around, I don’t think so. He could care less if he is on time.’’ After that, Nobara and Yuuji fell silent. They were losing their time after all. Sad and looking like kicked puppies at their failed mission, they were ready to head back to the campus when they noticed a young woman watching them with inquisitive eyes. 
‘‘Ah, uh, we were...uh’’
Yuuiji was not making any real sense as he tried to explain why they were hiding behind the bushes in the park. He quickly relaxes as she lets out a little laugh. ‘‘I see. So you are these guys then.’’ Before they could question her on what they mean, she continued. ‘‘Do you want to come to the little cafe? It’s on me.’’ 
That offer sounded suspicious but they were jujutsu sorcerers in training. They were sure they could handle a civilian. She doesn’t seem to have any curse energy. And if she was indeed linked to the group of curses after Yuuji, they could always count on their sensei who was currently typing on his phone. The woman’s phone went off at the same moment. Multiple arrays of texts follow each other. They felt sympathy for her phone as it seems to be getting bombarded by numerous texts. All of which she ignores as they follow her to the cafe. 
The inside of the cafe was as nice as they expected, if not much better. The smell of coffee and sweets was overwhelming but in a good way. Their sensei was seated at the far back of the cafe, meaning if they were noticed, they were screwed. They couldn’t really find any explanation on why a stranger would invite them in a cafe. One that is coincidentally the same as their sensei. Before they could steer away from the back though, the woman grabbed their shoulders and gently pushed them towards where their teacher was sitting. The latter was frowning at his phone, typing some more before the woman made her presence known. 
‘‘I’m here. There’s no need to send me multiple messages again.’’ 
Rolling her eyes, she pushed the three frozen students in front of him. ‘What is happening,’ is the only thought ringing in their minds as their teacher waved at them, grinning widely.
‘‘Oh? You found my beloved students?’’
‘‘They were hanging around in the bushes. You could have invited them in, instead of just sitting and dreaming about all the cavities you will get.’’
The woman sits in front of their teacher as the three young adolescents sit near her. They didn’t really understand the peculiar situation anymore. ‘Was this woman dating sensei?’ ‘She is far too nice to be dating him.’ ‘Oh no! She must not know about sensei’s reputation!’ These were the thoughts that simultaneously rang in their heads. One thing for sure, they had to warn her. She was nice enough to invite them on their date, they felt that she didn’t deserve the heartbreak. In fact, no woman deserved to be heartbroken by the cruelty of their sensei. 
The couple were discussing their respective days while waiting for the sweets Satoru ordered earlier. Both seemed to be on good terms, laughing at each other’s jokes. They were in all, having a good time. Yuuji felt guilty. What if in the end, Gojo-sensei was serious about her? But knowing their sensei, he had so many secrets that they felt they must at least tell her about Gojo’s habits. 
‘‘Ah. How rude of me! I didn’t introduce myself, did I? I’m (Y/N). You can just call me that. I don’t mind.’’
Her smile was so sweet that Kugisaki felt it was her duty to kick Gojo if he was indeed playing around.
‘‘How did you two meet? Are you a sorc- oof’’
The kick in the angle was by Megumi. The gloomy boy glared at Yuuji while drinking his drink silently. 
‘‘Funny thing is, we actually met when we were in high school. I didn’t go to that fancy school of yours though. I went to an all-girl school. I was in dire need of some sweets when we ran into each other and I spilled his drink. All over myself.’’
She glared at Gojo who only smiled innocently. He was not innocent, however. The students knew why the drink was only spilled on her while he remained spotless. 
‘‘And then did you start dating since then?’’
‘‘No. I hated him.’’ 
That statement did not surprise any of them. Gojo feigned hurt while he clutched onto his shirt. 
‘‘How could you hate me?! I am as sweet as a strawberry cake!’’
‘‘Maybe if someone poisoned it. Then yes. You would be the strawberry cake.’’
The students watched them banter back and forth. 
‘‘Then...when did you start dating?’’
‘‘Hmm...When did we start dating Satoru?’’
‘‘After I declared my love for you during our third meeting anniversary of course!’’
The students sweat-dropped. That sounds like something Satoru would do. 
‘‘But then...what about all the girls Utahime-sensei said you were dating? The twenty girls in a month?’’
Both Megumi and Nobara froze. As soon as the shock from Yuuji’s bluntness faded, they stomped on his feet. He winces at that. Even Sukuna, who didn’t mean to spy on them, but was curious about the annoying sorcerer let out a sigh at the lack of tack of his vessel. 
Satoru’s smile seemed frozen on his face. Nobody moved as they waited for the young woman’s reaction. The waitress brought in the sweets at that exact moment but no one dared to dig in the delicious food. Finally,
‘‘Oh, that. Yeah. I knew about it. Although it wasn't really twenty. It was five girls. He thought he was so slick with it too. He dated one of my ex-friends. I’m pretty sure you forgot about her though.’’
‘‘Ah...uh...I can’t remember…’’
Satoru seemed sheepish and awkward. Such a strange and alien sight of their always composed sensei.
‘‘Of course, you wouldn’t. You dated so many people I’m surprised they never found out. I would have slapped you if I was one of them. You got off easy.’’
(Y/N) drinks her coffee as if what she just said was a mere comment on the weather.  Satoru glances at his girlfriend every now and then while Yuuji was feeling awful. 
‘‘I am so sorry Gojo-sensei, (Y/n)-san! I shouldn’t have brought it up!’’
The female cocked her head to the side, throwing a slight smile in his way. 
‘‘It’s fine Itadori-kun. It’s not like I wanted to date him back then. I told you, didn’t I? I hated him.’’
This time, it was Kugisaki who was curious.
‘‘Then, how did you and sensei date? He dated your friend right?’’
(Y/n) shrugged carelessly, digging into her cake with her fork before thrusting it in Satoru’s face. The man was far too silent for his own good.
‘‘It was into our second years of being frenemies. He was awful as you must have heard. He was a true player back then. But then, mysteriously, he cleaned up his act. He broke up with my friend and seemingly with the other girls too. I didn’t see him hanging around the city with any girls for a good year, nor did he get any calls from any one of them when we hanged out. After all of this, my friend, the one who dated him, came to meet me after class and started shouting at me. Apparently, Satoru was in love with someone for real and after some digging, she came to the conclusion that it was my fault since I knew him as well. For her, I was jealous and tried to seduce him. It was a ridiculous and frivolous idea. Or so I thought. Because a year later that dork comes and tells me he loves me.’’
Yuuji and Megumi were in awe. So, their sensei really did go and date multiple girls at once? 
‘‘How were you certain he would never cheat?’’ This time it was Megumi asking the question. Surely, you must have had some reservations about dating such a character.
‘‘I was unsure of it too at first. I rejected him and stopped talking to him. He was persistent and wouldn’t stop. So I agreed to one date, which turned into multiple ones. As of now, I haven’t caught him cheating. But if he does, then I will get sad and leave him. I can’t stand cheaters. What he did is disgusting, but people do change I guess. That is, only if they really want to. A lesson for you kids. Don’t go and date someone who is horrible to you and think you can change them. In the end, only they can change themselves. They are not worth your time if they are stubborn and refuse to see the wrong in their actions.’’
She reaches over to squeeze Satoru’s hand. The latter was still quiet about it all. The silence continued even after the kids’ excused themselves, having been called back to the school by Nanami.
‘‘Aren’t you going to finish your cake? It’s your favourite, you know?’’
‘‘You know I would never cheat on you right? I was young and dumb and an asshole. And while I can’t take it back or apologise enough, I would never cheat on you.’’
(Y/n) only smiled at that. ‘‘I know. You have changed. You are not that guy anymore. You can’t change your past, but you can change your present self. I’m glad I met your students. They are a joyful bunch. When we have children one day, I hope they will be like them.’’ 
Satoru grinned, slowly reverting back to his old self. ‘‘I don’t know. I was thinking another me would be perfect.’’
‘‘If our child turns out like you, I’ll fear all my hair will turn as white as yours, dear. Now finish your cake. I want to go and check out that pet store you mentioned.’’
‘‘Right away, vanilla bean!’’
‘‘What did I tell you about nicknames Satoru?!’’
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laal-ishq-diaries · 4 years
black and white || satoru gojo
january 1, 2021
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synopsis: in which strange feelings arise as the man you despise brings a date to your hangout spot and you do the very mature thing: serenade him. 1.5k words.
writer’s note: i've only watched like 6 episodes of jjk so i don't even know if my characterization of anyone is on point but i'm obsessed with this idea. the song that inspired this fic was “black and white” by nasty c and ari lennox (which i do not own). enjoy and pls leave some feedback. btw happy new year!!
warnings: allusions to sex. nothing strong but proceed with caution. swearing. alcohol usage. pettiness. 
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you fucking hate him. you hate his stupid face and his stupid arrogance. who the fuck does satoru gojo think he is? people think your hatred of him is misplaced because he’s apparently “nice” and “civil” to you but it’s all for show! he is so rude and patronizing and petty. like tonight. when he brought a date to unofficial weekly drinks with colleagues. 
“well, why are you so mad he brought a date?” muses shoko, tapping her fingers on your shared wooden table.
“i’m not mad he brought a date, i’m mad that he’s flaunting her around,” you clarify, arms flailing and gesticulating wildly.
“flaunting? god, he hasn’t even introduced her to us.” “yet,” you seeth.
“well are you going to say anything to him?”
you shoot her an affronted look. “no. why would i?” shoko rolls her eyes and lets out a sigh. “you’re clueless,” she mutters. “excuse m—” “oh look, they're coming.” fuck.
through the dim, yet warm, lights of the bar, you see gojo walking over, arm in arm, with a relatively pretty woman clad in a short black dress. sandy brown hair, tucked behind her ears, cascade down her back and black heels accentuate her long legs. however, your eyes were drinking in the shaman dressed in a tucked in button-up (with the first few buttons unbuttoned, of course), casual black pants, and tan moccasins. his hair was let down from it’s usual gravity-defying updo and dark, round sunglasses replaced the blindfold.
“hey guys, this is sana,” gojo introduces. the aforementioned woman waves and smiles. you could feel shoko’s eyes on you, screaming be nice so you mutter out a greeting and introduction before she, begrudgingly, takes over socializing. 
you silently nurse your drink as your glare resumes. gojo, noting your expression, raises an eyebrow and questions, “what’s that look for?” 
taking a sip of your drink, you shoot back a fake smile and a “nothing. just wondering how your atrocious personality ensnared her.”
he lightly laughs and responds, “you know, lots of women find me attractive.” 
you lean in and whisper into his ear, “physical attractiveness doesn’t cancel out skyscraper levels of entitlement.”
“no, it just gets me a hot date. you wouldn’t be jealous, would you [nickname]?” gojo asks in mock concern. his index finger traverses your cheek before you knock his hand away and sneer, “go fuck yourself.” he exclaims, “don’t need to!” and then grabs sana’s hand and bids farewell to shoko.
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“now that,” you point to their retreating bodies, “was flaunting.”  
“you’re paranoid,” she drawls.
“no, i’m fucking not,” you shoot back. “and frankly, i am offended you would think that!” 
“you’re always offended, [name]. especially when it comes to satoru.” you open your mouth to defend yourself but she raises an index finger to your lips and continues, “we’re here to relax. get another drink and watch the performance in peace.” shoko gestures to the stage where the same (surprisingly talented) guy has been singing for the past fifteen minutes, courtesy of the bar’s “Karaoke Night” every Friday. caught up with your inner thoughts, you failed to notice that she was still scolding you.
“… and i’d probably respect you more if you actually did something to prove your point rather than dish out petty insults.” silence dawns upon you two as shoko challenges you. that is, until widespread applause interrupts your interaction and reveals that the karaoke guy (named aki, apparently) finished performing another song. a surge of courage overcomes you, and you abruptly stand up and slam your hands onto the wooden table. “fine, you want me to do something?” shoko makes a noise of confirmation. “watch.”
you lose the leather jacket to reveal a sleeveless, flowy burgundy top and lace up your combat boots before marching towards the stage. truth be told, you didn’t know why you wanted to do this. and you didn’t know what you had to prove. but the whiskey in your blood and the uneasy feeling bubbling in your stomach whenever you saw gojo with his arms around his date pushes you onto the stage.
from across the bar, gojo sees you whisper something into aki’s ear before he announces, “alright, [name] will be joining me for the next song, which is”—he pauses as you whisper something else into his ear—“a surprise!” the applause and cheers drown out sana’s inquiries towards gojo of whether you were a good singer. not that he’d be able to respond, anyways, considering that his brain was swarmed with thoughts of why you were singing in the first place and how fucking hot you look.
up on the stage, aki asks, “is this your first time singing here.” “yeah,” you breathe out. “are you nervous?” one glance back to gojo, and then to shoko who gave whatever she could muster into an encouraging smile, you mutter “i need a drink after this.”
the music starts and your partner sings:
“… let me in your temple
show me what you into
it could be so simple
black and white, yeah …”
your right foot taps in tune with the beat against the floor in front of the microphone as you patiently awaited the female part. you mentally prep for both singing in front of everyone while being half-drunk and how ruined everything would be if this made things awkward with gojo. while the two of you may be at each other’s throats, at least it was smooth dynamic. if he found this uncomfortable, there goes your personal and professional life.
before you can contemplate running out of the bar, ari lennox’s part begins and you sing the chorus, along with aki. you mentally thank the bar patrons who lightly cheered, as if they could sense your apprehension. your solo verse soon begins and you look to aki for a boost of confidence before belting out:
“so call me, baby
'cause you be putting it down on me”
the adrenaline pumping through your veins emboldens you to make direct eye contact with gojo and run your left hand through your hair seductively while continuing with:
“in my bed, on your stairs
when we loving you know we don't care”
across the room, gojo’s eyebrows shoot up; he wasn’t expecting your lyrics to be directed to him. for all the resentment you throw in his direction, he assumed you despised him. a small part of him gathered that you possibly might have feelings for him but he thought they were repressed, at best. seeing you up on stage declaring that, at the very least, you lust for him makes gojo want to take you, right then and there.
on your side, there’s an inkling of doubt that you went too far, until you see him lick his lips and smirk. your expression mirrors his for a moment until you increase the seduction.
“all mine, like wine
say ain't no bitch that got your heart pumpin' like i
fall in love deeply when i look in your eye
fantasy the way you carry me, mariah …”
whistles and cheers from the audience nearly drown out the last line. confidence oozes out of your stage presence and want for gojo oozes out of your every pore, a want that is reciprocal. you see sana go red in the face (most likely because her own date is eye-fucking you). a small part of you feels awful for her but an even larger part feels victorious because, fuck, despite never getting along with him, the two of you have an unbreakable connection. the thought of another woman getting the time and attention he devotes to this connection, to you, drives you insane. god, it makes you want to rip that button-up off and stake your claim all over him.    
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the rest of your performance continues with relative ease. once finished, you and aki say your goodbyes and compliments to each other (with him insisting that you have to sing with him again and you responding with a “some other time”) as you depart back to your table. locking eyes with shoko, you receive a look of approval and a nod towards the direction of a certain jujutsu sorcerer approaching you.
“nice singing,” gojo calls out.  
taking a moment to recover from your adrenaline rush, you exhale a simple “thanks.”
“although,” he drawls, “you didn’t need to get up on stage and sing it. you could've just told me that you wanted me.”
“i don't know what you’re talking about,” you say, feigning ignorance.
“oh really?” his fingers gently take hold of your chin and, in spite of his sunglasses, you know that his eyes are staring at your lips. “because i could make it worth your time”
“where’s your date?”
“she left. something about other women who are in love with me being ‘rude’ and ‘offensive.’”
“good,” you whisper, standing on your toes, “because you’re all mine.”
“am i?”—he leans down so your lips now hover over each other’s.
“want me to prove it?”
“let’s get out of here.”
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