#anyway sakura is my wife and i love and treasure her like the precious she is 😌😌😌😌
mo-ok · 6 months
For the art requests: maybe sakura from boukenger in her prince outfit? (No pressure)
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may she have this dance?? 🥺🥺🥺
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uchiha-in-disguise · 2 years
Hi and I hope it's okay if I remain anonymous, but I'm a bit shy…. and I have had negative experiences with ask's… i have a few questions about sasusaku, if it's ok with you?
how do you think her first kiss was? One of SP's artists drew a super cute kiss where they're both sitting on a tree and Sasuke starts the kiss.
when do you think was the moment when Sasuke realised that he really loves her? His voice actor said right after the fight with Naruto.
that brings me to this question: what was their relationship like right after the war? Friends? More than that?
how do you think Sasuke found out about the pregnancy or how did Sakura tell him?
antis say that Sasuke is not a "physical" guy, but SP made so many hints in Boruto and Sarada also made a joke that he has lipstick on his face that I wonder how it really looks now.
Thank you so much I'm really looking forward to your answer.
and sorry for my englisch >///<
Hey there , anon!!
First of all it is totally fine if you choose to be anonymous . And honestly , I am actually grateful that you asked me a question , its the first time I am getting one over here. Anyways, proceeding to answer your question:
1. I have seen SekiBeing's SasuSaku Blank Period Drawings and that is actually how I believe the progression in their relationship went on. And the kiss drawn by him was super cute too . But ,I always imagined Sakura initiating it, instead. Like not really a deep kiss or something , a soft and tender kiss is what I think their first kiss might be like.
2.I never once thought Sasuke had a crush kind of thing for Sakura when they were 12 or even after that. That being said I feel that he always considered her special ,rather a family, like Naruto. There is no denying that Sasuke indeed had a soft corner for Sakura. Even when he was leaving the village , he was thankful for Sakura to love him . He is always grateful for love and care Sakura gave him , but the problem was that he couldn't lean in and reciprocate it , for he had a goal to complete , first revenge , then destruction and finally revolution
. I agree to what Naruto's voice actor said. After fighting Naruto he was on his redemption journey. Before he couldn't accept the love Sakura gave him , but now he wasn't a single-mided goal-obsessed teenager who wanted to severe all of his precious bonds.
I think it was a gradual process of him realising that he can live his complete life with Sakura , and give her the same kind of love she offered him since they were 12. But definately the transition time started right after the second Valley of End fight.
3. I think it wasn't all just okay and back to normal , after Sasuke returned to Konoha. It would have been a little awkward , as there were so many questions lingering , especially between Sasuke and Sakura (she didn't know about Itachi's past as a result she didn't know about Sasuke's reason to destroy Konoha) My headcannon is that before Sasuke went on his journey Sasu-Saku (and Naruto too) spent considerable time , making a strong foundation of atleast being friends. Even though they were former teammates , they didn't really know the each others 17 year old self. It is first important to know each other well and rebuild the old realtionships to a new, strong one .
By the time ,Sasuke left I believe they were definitely not "just friends/acquaintance" , they were so close that Sakura actually had courage to ask him to travel with her alone , and Sasuke actually did give her hope for next time and shared one of his most treasured memory with his deceased brother , the forehead poke.
4. I am so sorry about this anon, I myself wonder how did Sasuke found about Sakura's pregnancy and I would pay to see his reaction . I honesty don't have any headcannon about it , so really sorry about that .
5. Sasuke is a reserved person who doesn't like PDA , no doubt. But you can't draw out that he isn't 'physical' with his wife , I mean damn they have a 13 y/o daughter! And there are enough hints ,as you pointed out , that they are 'phyiscal' . Lol, these Anti's get a free pass to pry what Sasuke and Sakura do inside their room or what?
I hope you got the answers for the questions. Again, a big thank you for asking , I enjoyed answering them . Feel free to ask whenever you want to. Have a good day:)
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7team7 · 4 years
Have you two met before?
Chapter 5: The Fifth Hokage
Sasuke isn’t Tsunade’s favorite person, but she just melts for his daughter.
A/N: Part of a multi chapter fic I have going on ao3 and ffnet, just haven’t uploaded the other parts here before, but here’s an update. 
Tsunade was enjoying retirement and traveling, but Konoha was home, and there were people and memories she could never stay away from forever.
Sakura symbolized many things for the sannin, but mainly a better, brighter future. Tsunade taught her everything she knew, and Sakura had even surpassed her to become the finest kunoichi around. So that brat Sasuke better know how lucky he is to have her as his wife. He’d caused enough trouble for the village and for her precious student.
The Uchiha and the Senju had a long, contentious history, but Sasuke’s actions had very personal consequences. Sakura wanted to get stronger to bring him back to the village, leading her to beg Tsunade for training. But Tsunade also had to witness Sakura’s heartbreak and longing for years. She nearly lost a very talented group of ninja in an attempt to retrieve him from Orochimaru’s clutches, and she had to endure Naruto’s whining for what felt like an eternity.
She also knew how the circumstances of his life had punished him more than she ever could, but she still had no trouble reminding him that she was a very powerful woman, and he had better treasure Sakura, or there would be painful consequences.
So in short, Tsunade didn’t hold Sasuke in high regard, but she wasn’t going to actively make his life worse, if only to please her favorite student. And as her student, Sakura was subject to unsolicited advice and motherly nagging.
But Sarada — she made Tsunade just melt. All the tongue lashings she was prepared to give the new couple were forgotten when she laid eyes on the newest Uchiha.
Tsunade could admit it, the Uchiha were a famously good looking clan. But combined with Sakura’s genes, Sarada was just too cute for her own good. Her dark eyes and hair were traits from Sasuke, but they were softened by Sakura’s features.
Tsunade wasn’t sure what Sarada was to her, because if Sakura was her daughter (which was a stretch on it’s own), Sarada would be her granddaughter, and Tsunade being a grandmother just sounded too old. But it didn’t matter. The little cutie had a permanent place in Tsunade’s heart.
                                                        5 Months
When Tsunade returned from her own round of travels to find out her precious student was not only married to the Uchiha brat but that he knocked her up too — she wanted to say she was surprised. But she knew Sakura and that huge heart of hers would always be stuck on Sasuke, so she supposed this was the best outcome for everyone. They were happy, and that was all she could ask for.
Sarada was only five months old when she first met Tsunade and stole her heart.
“Shishou, I’d like you to meet our daughter. Her name is Sarada.” Sakura had only just passed her tiny form to Tsunade’s arms but Tsunade was speechless. Long, dark lashes fluttered and round midnight eyes opened to gaze up at her. A chubby hand reached up to grab one of her golden pigtails.
“Sure, I can watch her for the day.”
“Huh? But I didn’t even—”
“It’s really not a problem, Sakura. Anything for my favorite student, right? We’ll have tons of fun, won’t we?” Sakura didn’t bother arguing. Being a mother was as rewarding as it was exhausting, and if there was anyone who she felt was capable of watching over her daughter, it was Tsunade.
“Uh, okay? Just bring her back later tonight, I guess.”
Some days, Tsundae was just tired. She had lost so much and lived so long. But moments like the ones she shared with Sarada reminded her that there was more work to be done, more people to help. Yes, she was looking forward to seeing the next generation blossom in their own way.
                                                           5 Years
Tsunade had, yet again, so graciously extended her babysitting services for the day. She was going to be in town for a while and gambling just didn’t seem like much fun that day. Both her students deserved a break: Shizune, from running around with her, and Sakura from hospital work and caring for that precious little gumdrop.
Sasuke was hesitant at first because he had to come to the bitter realization that a long mission only he could complete was unavoidable. His departure inched closer with every passing day. He wanted to spend as much time with his daughter as possible, but when Sakura propositioned a little date night for themselves, he gave in.
Sarada, for one, was thrilled. She loved Tsunade because, like most people in her life, she spoiled her rotten. And she had excellent stories about her mama.
When they got to Tsunade’s apartment she kept for the occasion she found herself in Konoha, she asked Sarada what they should do for the day.
“Dress up! I wanna play dress up!” She loved pretending to be Mama or Papa or a princess at home.
“We can do that. How would you like to dress up as the Hokage?”
Her eyes lit up, “Hokage? Yes! Yes!” She never thought about dressing up as Uncle Naruto, but it seemed FUN!
Tsunade chuckled and got to work. She pulled Sarada’s short, dark hair, so different from her own, into low pigtails. She even got out her makeup and painted a purple diamond on the center of her forehead.
Sarada laughed again and touched her own wide forehead, “Just like you and just like Mama!”
“That’s right, smart girl.” Tsunade even took off her own green cardigan and slipped it around Sarada’s tiny shoulders. Perfect, adorable, stunning, spectacular…
“Alright, Lady Sarada, do you have a mission for me?”
When Sarada was eventually dropped off at home, she was tired from playing all day, but otherwise content.
“So what did you two get up to today?” Sakura asked as she held Sarada in her arms at the door. She didn’t carry Sarada too often now that she was running around on her own, so it felt good to snuggle together.
“She wanted to play dress up, and I think you can see who she looks like now. TonTon had fun playing with her too.” The little pig was normally a little distressed, but she seemed to find as much joy in playing with Sarada as Tsunade did.
“And we played cards!” Sarada chimed in. They never really played cards at home; would she be able to beat Mama or Papa?
“Cards?” Sakura asked suspiciously. Sasuke was farther inside the house cleaning up after dinner, but even his ears perked up at this. What type of card game?
“I taught her Go Fish, I swear that’s all! Who do you take me for?”
“Hmm, maybe Tsunade The Legendary —”
“Don’t say it.”
“You always were a smart cookie,” she praised.  
Sarada spoke up once again, her voice muffled by the way she leaned into her mother, “Can we play again soon?”
“Yeah, I’ll be back for you real soon kiddo.” She leaned in close enough to press a kiss to the girl’s forehead and squeezed Sakura’s shoulder.
To live a long life as a shinobi was full of heartbreak and loss, but sometimes she got the chance to be healed.
A/N:  some of it is a little repetitive but I liked it so I kept it lmao. It’s my fic Sasuke leaves when I want him to! Anyway I’ve updated/posted a lot recently so check out my other stories if you’re interested. Until next time! <3
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