#anyway shapeshifts into a piece of gum
urmomsfavelesbian · 2 years
i have watched this an undisclosed number of times
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The Pull (76/?)
Summary: The Ragnulf’s are one of the oldest lines of werewolves known. A gift from ancient times was gifted to them. Though not all of the line will experience it. There are some who will experience a Pull. This Pull leads them to their true mate, a soulmate. The problem is, just because the wolf finds their true mate does not mean that they are the same for that person.
Author: @lettersofwrittencollective​
Pairing: Stiles x Hale!Cousin OC (Reader)
Word count: 2388
Warnings: Bad descriptions of fighting, There’s no stasha this episode... Don’t kill me! 
<<Prev || The Pull Masterlist || Next>>
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You’re standing off to the side with Derek, waiting for Sheriff to give you guys the go-ahead. A police helicopter is flying over, floodlight on as the force tries to find whoever it was that had taken out Sean. People in uniform swarming in and around the hospital trying to find any possible leads. 
The chaos is unsurprising in the aftermath of finding a dead patient and as you watch, you have an uncomfortable feeling of familiarity… like it was when Void had been up to his games and your hand moves up to touch the kanji on your ear. 
Closing your eyes you focus on this moment, reminding yourself that Void isn’t here… 
“Let’s get everyone off the roof,”  you can hear Sheriff telling Parrish, “And uh… see if you can stall the M.E. for five minutes. I’ve got an expert of my own coming in to take a look.”
“You have an expert on teenage cannibals?” is the deputies' unbelieving response.  
Your lips pull up into a small quirk at the amount of trust Sheriff shows in you and your family and at Parrish’s response.
It doesn’t take long for the rest of the deputies to clear out and Sheriff walks over to you and Derek, “You’ve been there long enough to hear we’ve gotta be quick about this.” He pointed out as he made his way up to the two of you before asking, “So what is it?”
“A Wendigo,” you tell him. At the Sheriff’s confused expression, you clarify, “Cannibalistic shapeshifters….”
“But I haven’t heard of them in Beacon Hills for a long time,” Derek tells the two of you, “They must have been extremely well hidden.”
No one says anything but a changing wind catches Derek’s attention and he turns around for a moment. You have to bite the inside of your cheek to keep from reacting when you realize he’s caught Scott's scent and, if you’re right, Liams.  
A moment later, he confirms your thought process when he asks, “How many people did Scott say were up here?”
“Just Sean and the ax-murderer,” Sheriff tells Derek, “who apparently had no mouth. You know anything about that?” 
Derek turns to look at you and the two of you have a quick, silent conversation. Whatever Scott’s up to - it apparently involves Liam but until you know for sure what it is, it’s probably best not to say a word. 
“Alright, “ Noah says when Derek doesn’t respond, “Anything special about how they die or… anything?”
At this, you look over to Derek. You don’t know much about how other creatures die but you know that some have burial rites in order to be able to actually rest and there are some that can just be buried. 
Derek looks thoughtful for a moment before shaking his head, “None that I can think of. The good news is that unless the coroner digs around, the feeding teeth should stay receded.” 
“Receded?” Sherriff questions and Derek nods his head. 
“Wendigo’s have a set of feeding teeth, the fangs, that usually only show up when they’re feeding. They retract above the regular teeth outside of that,” Derek explains. “As long as the coroner doesn’t dig too close near the gums, you won’t have to answer any questions.”
You find yourself surprised by the information and Sheriff looks just as confused as you do but nods his head after a moment’s pause. The sound of a banging door catches both yours and Derek’s attention and you realize that Parrish has held off the Coroner as long as he can - it’s time to go. 
The two of you quickly make your way off the roof, thankful for fire escapes. 
Pulling up to Scott’s house, Stiles had wondered what it was that his friend needed help with and why exactly he was being so secretive. 
As he walks up to the house, Scott opens the back door and Stiles walks in, “I told my dad everything I could.”
“But you didn’t tell him about Liam?” Scott clarifies 
Stiles shakes his head as he points out, “You barely told me about Liam!” 
Realizing that there is no annoying little brat anywhere in sight so he asks, “What’d you do with him anyway?”
Scott seems reluctant when he says, “He’s upstairs.”
“Doing what?”
“Laying down…” Scott drags out and Stiles knows that he’s hiding something but decides against saying anything and follows him up the stairs. 
Scott goes into his room but still, Stiles doesn’t see Liam.  He follows as Scott walks to the bathroom and a moment later he’s pulling back the curtain to reveal a terrified looking Liam covered in duct tape. Liams thrashing around and Stiles turns his shocked expression to Scott who grimaces as he lets the curtain fall and the two of them make their way back to Scott’s room where they sit on the edge of the bed. 
“So you bit him?” Stiles clarifies. 
“And you kidnapped him.”
“Yeah,” Scott confirms with a nod of his head. 
“Then brought him here?”
“I panicked,” Scott tries to defend himself. 
“Yup,” Stiles says, trying not to scoff before turning to look back at the bathroom door, “This isn’t going to end up with us burying the pieces of his body out in the desert is it?”
Liams muffled cries become more panicked and Stiles has to remind himself that it’s likely that Liam's sense of hearing has developed and he’s probably terrified. 
Trying not to groan, he turns to Scott, “As a reminder, this is why I always come up with the plans. Your plans suck.”
“I know,” Scott points out, “Which is why I called you.”
There’s a moment of silence before Scott asks, “So, what do we do?”
“We’re going to have to explain it.”
They move to grab Liam and it isn’t long before they’ve got him situated in Scott’s desk chair. The boys' eyes are flicking back and forth between the two of them and Stiles moves to stand in front of Liam, “Liam, we're going to take the tape off your mouth. If you scream, it goes right back on. If you talk quietly, it stays off. Got it?”
Liam's eyes go back and forth between Scott and Stiles before he nods his head quickly. 
“Okay,” Stiles says before motioning for Scott to remove the tape. 
Scott doesn’t seem to get the picture and so Stiles reaches out and pulls the tape off Liam’s mouth, who makes a pained grunt as the tape comes off.
“Alright Liam,” Stiles begins, “now you've seen a lot of confusing things tonight. And more confusing things are going to happen because of the confusing things that happened tonight. Do you understand?”
“Not really,” Liam says with a shake of his head.
“Good…” Stiles mutters, “that’s good.”
“I don’t understand either,” Scott points out and Stiles glances between the two of them. 
Shaking his head, Stiles sighs, “We need to tell him.”
“Tell me what?” Liam asks, his voice is skeptical and annoyed. 
Stiles can see how uncomfortable Scott is but there’s really no way to get past this outside of telling the little shit what’s happening. 
Eventually, Scott begins, “Liam… what happened to you. What I did to you... Which I had to do in order to save you… it, it’s going to change you.”
“Unless it kills you,” Stiles points out, almost subconsciously. When he sees the flash of terror run across Liam’s features he realizes his mistake and shakes his head, “Probably shouldn’t have said that…”
“What?” Liam asks, his voice broken as small sniffles begin to filter out of him.
“Uh…” Stiles begins, unsure of what he’s seeing when the sniffles begin to become actual tears, “Is he… is he crying?”
“Hey, Liam,” Scott tries, “ You’re okay. You’re going to be alright.” Liam however, either does not hear Scott or chooses to ignore him and Scott has to tell him, “You’re not going to die.”
“Probably not,” Stiles points out. 
He watches as Scott turns and practically growls at him, “Stop it.”
Crossing his arms, Stiles raises an eyebrow at his longtime friend,“He deserves to know the truth, Scott.” Crossing over to the new, possible, beta, Stiles starts working on the tape and rope, “Would you help me untie him?”
Once they have him untied, both boys step back from Liam, showing they mean no additional harm.
“Liam?” Scott begins, “Are you okay?”
“We’re sorry about that,” Stiles tries, “We’re really sorry.”
The room falls silent for a moment and Stiles is trying to figure out how to help out this poor kid when said kid is picking up the chair he’d been tied in just a few moments ago.
Feeling Scott being thrown into him, Stiles is knocked into the dresser closest to the door.
“Liam, what the hell is your…” Stiles asks as he pushes himself back against the dresser only to be met with a fierce pain on the side of his face. It takes him a moment to realize that Liam punched him
Pushing off the dresser, he and Scott fall into the hallway where he sees Liam standing there, like a deer in the headlights. 
“Get him!” he yells at Scott and the two of them push themselves up before rushing towards the boy. The three of them end up tumbling down the stairs and Stiles reaches out, grabbing the boy.
“Leg!” he calls out, “I got him! I got him! I got him!”
He stops struggling and ends up locking eyes with Scott. Scott who’s leg he’s currently holding. Scott who is glaring at him. 
Letting go of Scott's leg, he feels Scott practically throw away his leg. The two of them turn and look over towards the front door that’s now wide open. 
“Your plan sucked too,” Scott practically growls. 
Stiles can’t help it, when he speaks, there’s a growl of his own, “No, this was trying to fix your plan. You can’t make shit smell like roses Scott.”
Scott looks over to Stiles, frustration bordering on anger on his face and Stiles raises an eyebrow at his friend. There’s a dark look on Scott's face for a moment before it shifted to surprise. 
You’d swung by Peter’s after leaving Derek at the hospital. While you were curious about what was going on with Scott you were also curious what Braeden may have found so you’d dragged your oldest cousin over to Derek’s loft so that the three of you could have a little family pow-wow about the missing money. 
Walking into the loft with Peter, who’s reading one of Braeden's reports, you notice that it seems like Derek’s not home but one of the silent alarms seems to be going off. Turning the alarm off, you call out for your older cousin. 
You make your way to the stairs and call out for your cousin again when a whooshing sound catches your attention. Turning around you watch as Peter falls to his knees. 
“Peter!” you scream as you run towards him. 
As you near him there’s another whooshing sound and you drop down. Looking up you see a man in a grey jumpsuit of some sort and with no mouth. 
The same guy Sheriff had told you about. 
Growling you extend your claws and make your way towards him. He has nothing to throw at you so you’re able to rush after him and you move to attack him. 
You’re not sure how he’s doing it but a moment later a robotic voice is saying, “Don’t worry Peter… Derek’s next…right after...”
You cut him off by launching yourself at him and the robotic voice is muffled as the two of you tumble against the floor. You manage to get the upper hand and you’re punching him in the side of the face when he manages to flip you. 
He moves to punch you but a roar and a blur distract you and a moment later you can feel his weight move off you. 
Getting up, you watch as the man fights against Peter. You’re not sure how but quickly, the man without the mouth, the Mute, managest to get away. You manage to pull his glove off. Both you and Peter try to attack the man on two ends but he throws something at his feet and a bright light flashes out, a flash grenade, blinding both you and Peter. 
When you open your eyes again, it takes a few minutes to readjust but, eventually, you find that the loft is empty again. 
“What the hell was that?” you growl out and Peter shakes his head, “Nothing good.”
He pulls you to him and you can tell that he’s checking you over, looking for an injury when you realize that the center of his shirt is covered in blood with a tear in the very center. 
Gasping, you reach over and move to check his own wounds.
“What the hell made this?”
“Tomahawk…” he answered with his own scoff, motioning towards a metal axe on the floor not too far from the two of you. 
It’s silver all over the place and you make your way over to it. Picking up the axe, you realize that this may very well be the thing that Braeden had been talking about. 
“Military grade…” you point out to Peter who nods his head at you. 
“Military grade,” he confirms. 
“You need to go talk to Braeden,” you tell him.
“That we do…” Peter trails off as he takes the axe from you. 
It takes a couple moments but the two of you realize that the axe is covered in wolfsbane. 
Thankfully Derek shows up not long after. The three of you work together and realize that no one’s sure what kind of wolfsbane it is which means the safest thing to do will be to burn it out. As long as it’s not Emerald Wolfsbane… he’ll be fine.
Once the Wolfsbane is burned out, your pulling Peter to his feet. He turns to Derek, “He said he was after you.”
“How does a guy with no mouth say anything?” Derek’s voice sounds unconvinced. 
Reaching onto the table, you grab the glove with the machine on it. 
“This,” you tell him, “looks like some kind of speaking device.”
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A/N: Guys, I cannot tell you how excited I am to be getting to writing/posting this again. I hope that you enjoy this as much as I do! Let me know what you thought! Comments, reblogs, asks… all of these things let me know how you’re feeling about the story and give me life! As a reminder, my taglist doc had gone poop and so I have created a new one, let me know if you would like to be added!
Everything Taglist: @stiles-o-dylan24​  @nicole-lynne​  @mummybear​  @emichelle​  @genius2050​  @suhoey​  @fullangelimagines​ 
The Pull Taglist: @xceafh​  @blvckcanry​ @theholydestiny​  @treestarrrrrrrr​  @delacxurs​  @redsalv20​   @truthdaze​ @cutiepiemimi13​ @unoriginallysara​ @the-three-eyed-ravenclaw​ @linktomyheartpiece​ @sasha-obrienn​  @piccasoe​  @msrawog​  @eternallyvenus​  @fandom-princess-forevermore​  @michellebarista​  @lostinwonderland314​ 
All Dylan Stuff: @xceafh  @blvckcanry​  @fandom-princess-forevermore​  @theholydestiny​  @delacxurs​ @yaya2503 
Could not tag the bolded
Do not copy and paste my writing anywhere without my consent. This work is the property of lettersofwrittencollective . Associated characters belong to MTV and are being borrowed for this work, all OC’s are the property of lettersofwrittencollective. These works contain material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of these works may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author/publisher.
Posted 19 February 2020 
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bush-viper-cutie · 4 years
“Know Your Boggart” || YEAR 3 – Ch.12 (HP au)
                              Chapter List
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Day posted: 8/18/2020
Word count: 3, 044
Relationship: EVENTUAL severus X oc (slow burn)
Rating: E for everyone
Warnings: none
A/N: This is my first fan fic I’m writing mainly as a way to practice. This is a retelling of the hp books with an inserted character. Although most every character will be written about, this is mostly for the pro snape fandom. Please do not fear, although this is a severus x oc story, it is an incredibly slow burn as I do not intend for them to get together at all until after the final book events. Chapters will be posted twice a week.
This derivative work follows the events of the Harry Potter books by Jk Rowling and is intended as a fun way to practice my writing. Thank you for reading :D
~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~
It had been a minute since the bells had rung for class to begin but the doors were still closed and Professor Lupin was nowhere to be seen. Students were starting to whisper and everyone was starting to get the feeling that the new Defense professor was worse than Lockhart already. And they hadn’t even started the class yet.
“At least Lockhart showed up to teach.” Heather sighed and leaned forward, looking at both ends of the empty corridor. There wasn’t anyone in sight.
“You’re right.” Hermione avoided Ron’s glare. “And you know he DID have SOME good material in his textbooks.”
“Unbelievable.” Ron walked out of line and headed to the front. He talked to the student in the front and then reached for the door, opening it with ease. “It’s unlocked!” he called out and headed inside.
Students started filing in. Heather sat next to Ron and after another minute of no teacher, everyone started unpacking their books, parchment, and quills. The chatter continued and after five minutes since the bells rang, the doors opened and Professor Lupin walked in.
He kept his eyes on the front and smiled as he reached his desk. He set down a patched up briefcase on top of a few stacks of papers and turned to face the class. He seemed to hesitate for a second. “Afternoon, students. You can all put away your books and quills and all that. You’ll need only your wand for today’s lesson.”
Heather turned to Ron and was happy to see her look of excitement matched with his. The only other times books weren’t required was that time with the Cornish pixies… and it hadn’t gone well. But it was still a lot more fun than just note taking. Heather took out her wand and set it down in front of her. Ron quickly showed off his new wand again and did the same.
Professor Lupin started down the class and opened the doors, “Follow me.”
Everyone quickly got up and followed him out. Harry seemed just as intrigued and excited and the four of them were very hopeful that the lesson today might actually turn out alright. They were led down a long corridor and around corner after corner when Peeves suddenly swooped down in front of Professor Lupin.
Peeves hung upside down and swung like a pendulum. “Loony, loopy, Lupin, loony, loopy, Lupin,” he sang. He laughed and turned right side up, sticking his fingers in his mouth and spit out a piece of chewed gum. He laughed again and started stuffing it in the keyhole to the broom closet on their left.
Everyone stared at Professor Lupin, wondering what he’d do to Peeves. Peeves wasn’t normally rude to any teachers and seemed to actively avoid getting in any of the professor’s ways or lines of sight even.
Professor Lupin kept his smile and shook his head in amusement. “Not too sure Mr. Filch would appreciate that.”
Peeves laughed again and blew a long wet raspberry in Professor Lupin’s direction before turning back upside down and continued filling the keyhole with more gum.
Professor Lupin turned to the class. “Observe.” He took out his wand and extended his arm with a slight bend out at Peeves. “Waddiwasi!”
The now large wad of gum shot out of the keyhole like a bullet and lodged straight into Peeve’s nostrils. Peeves shrieked and floated away as fast as he could, cursing at the top of his lungs.
Dean started clapping. “Awesome!”
Professor Lupin chuckled. “Thank you. Now… let’s continue.”
They continued on their way to wherever he was taking them. Heather felt her hope for a decent teacher swell. They were already learning new and cool spells and they hadn’t even gotten to officially start their lesson yet. She wondered how that spell worked and hoped none of the students present wouldn’t try it out on people without properly testing it.
They got down to the staffroom and the excitement all around increased. Not many students had ever been inside the staffroom before.
“Let’s go in.” Professor Lupin opened the door and held it as students entered.
The staffroom was looking like it had last year when they hid, listening to the very awful news that Ginny had been taken. It was now empty, except for one teacher.
Professor Snape sat in one of the armchairs by the fire and sighed very audibly in annoyance. He closed up the newspaper he was reading and stood. His glittering eyes scanned the class and rested on Professor Lupin, who was closing the door behind them, and sneered.
“I was wondering about the wardrobe… Leave it open.” Professor Snape strode forward and his black robes billowed behind him like waves cutting through the air. He opened the staffroom door and turned back. “Let me give you a fair warning, Lupin. Don’t entrust Neville Longbottom with anything difficult,” he turned his glare to Hermione, “Unless Miss Granger is there to hiss instructions in his ear.”
Neville backed away and hid behind a shorter Gryffindor. Hermione huffed and crossed her arms but turned just as red as Neville was. Professor Lupin looked unphased by Professor Snape’s remark and turned to find Neville hiding behind other students.
“Thanks for the warning, Snape. But I was actually going to ask him to assist me with part of the lesson. I have full confidence he will do more than fine.” Professor Lupin took a few steps forward.
Professor Snape’s lip curled but did not respond, instead deciding to leave and slammed the door with a loud THUD that echoed throughout the room. Neville poked his even redder face out and sighed.
“Let’s get started, shall we?” Professor Lupin walked over to the old wardrobe in the back and motioned for everyone to gather in front.
Heather followed Harry and Ron to the front and gave enough room for Hermione. More people were fighting to get closer, but Professor Lupin made sure to keep them at a short distance. The wardrobe wobbled and Heather instinctively grabbed onto Harry’s arm, squeezing tight. He shook her off and laughed with the other students who hadn’t jumped.
“Don’t worry, class. There’s only a boggart in there.” Professor Lupin pounded on the wardrobe and it wobbled even harder.
Hermione gasped and Heather realized several other students looked just as worried. Ron and Neville had backed away and it seemed like half the class was ready to run to the opposite side of the room as the doorknob rattled furiously. Heather hadn’t read through the textbook yet, only skimmed it, and cursed herself, realizing Hermione had already done lots of studying.
“Boggarts live in closed, dark places.” Professor Lupin stood in front of the doors as the boggart inside pounded at them. The class seemed to relax a bit. “They are found in the gaps beneath beds, in the back of drawers, the cupboards under sinks, and in vents… as well as rarely used wardrobes.” He smiled as the wardrobe thumped at the mention. “This one arrived just yesterday. I’ve been given permission to keep it for this demonstration and so… here we are.
“Who knows what a boggart is?”
Heather saw Hermione’s hand shoot up into the air and stuck her own arm up. Professor Lupin pointed the back of his wand at Heather and Hermione huffed.
“It’s a shapeshifter.”
Professor Lupin nodded. “Yes. Anything else?”
She gulped. “Um…”
Hermione’s arm shot up again. “It takes the shape of whatever it senses will frighten its victim most!”
Heather’s face went red and she tried not to glare at Hermione.
“Yes. Wonderfully put.”
Hermione smiled brightly at Professor Lupin’s words and Heather rolled her eyes.
“This boggart has not yet assumed any form in the darkness inside here. It does not take shape until presented with someone before it. That’s why no one knows what a boggart really looks like. In the original text of discovery, the poor wizard who found one believed boggarts to all look like his uncle – ”
The class broke out in laughter.
Professor Lupin smiled. “The second I let it out however, it will take form as best it can to one fears at a time.” He ignored Neville’s terrified sputter and looked at Harry. “We do have one advantage, however… Harry, can you figure it out?”
Harry looked at Hermione’s arm waving in the air. “Er… Well… there’s too many of us? If it only turns into one fear at a time… Then it would have a hard time deciding which one to take?”
“Excellent, Harry. Very good.”
Heather crossed her arms at Harry, seeing he was already receiving some sort of special treatment, but he only rolled his eyes at her, clearly pleased with himself. It had been an easy question anyways.
“Always deal with boggarts among company. Best case scenario it becomes the mash-up of multiple fears and turns into something ridiculous and amusing. And that brings me to the charm made to deal with boggarts. Very simple in theory. You picture something that amuses you, use the charm, and force it to assume that shape.
“Let’s practice – wandless of course…  Riddikulus!” Professor Lupin motioned for the class to repeat it and they did. “Perfect. Now, Neville – ”
Neville made a noise again but made his way forward, trembling as hard as the wardrobe. Professor Lupin turned him around to face the class and with every thump Neville jumped.
“Neville, what shape will the boggart take for you? In other words: what frightens you most?” Professor Lupin leaned in to try to catch whatever thing Neville had whispered. “Louder please, Neville.”
Neville gulped and looked around, turning slightly pink again. “Professor Snape,” he croaked.
Everyone laughed and Neville smiled apologetically, shrugging.
Professor Lupin chuckled, “He is quite frightful. Let’s see… You live with your grandmother correct?” Neville nodded and he continued. “Then I’ve got the perfect idea.” He leaned in and whispered something in Neville ear.
Neville snorted and nodded, turning around to face the wardrobe with his wand out.
Professor Lupin positioned Neville’s arm up higher and straighter. “Remember, when it takes shape think of what I told you and say ‘Riddikulus’. Concentrate.” He walked up to the wardrobe and pointed at Neville. “Everyone else form a line behind him. After he performs the charm the boggart will take the shape of the next person and so on. Keep the line formed and going. Please have a clear image of how to make your fear comical before it is your turn at the front.”
Professor Lupin motioned Neville and the line further back and held his wand out pointed at the doorknob. He flicked his wand and sparks shot out, hitting the knob and the door flung open revealing only darkness. Everyone gasped and quieted down, waiting.
From within the darkness Professor Snape’s hooked nose emerged first into the light. His menacing face became visible as he stepped out of the wardrobe onto the hard floor. His dark eyes flashed at the sight of Neville and he sneered, looking ready to chew him out. Professor Snape made to step forward furiously and Neville backed away, holding his arm up straight.
“R-R-Riddikulus! R-Riddikulus!” Neville shut his eyes. “Riddikulus!”
Professor Snape stumbled backwards, now wearing a long green dress with fluffy brown fur on the cuffs and collar. A large sun hat with a beat-up vulture covered most of his long black hair that was now put up in a low bun. He steadied himself and clutched onto a large red handbag, glaring at Neville.
The class erupted with laughter except for the few Slytherins in the room. Heather crossed her arms and frowned. She didn’t think it was very fair to be making fun of someone else like that, especially if they weren’t in the room… Even if the real Professor Snape had been quite rude earlier during potions.
“Excellent! Next!” Professor Lupin chuckled.
The next student’s boggart turned into a small bandaged mummy, moaning and shuffling forward.
The mummy’s foot bandages tied into a bow and it fell forward on its face, causing more laughter. Next it turned into a banshee, with sickly green skin and long skeletal limbs. Harry’s dormmate, Seamus, waved his wand and yelled the charm, CRACK, turning it into a fat rat. Next Dean went forward and the boggart turned into a severed hand, crawling towards him. CRACK. It was now trapped in a small wired cage. Several more students went, happily enjoying the fright and laughter of the exercise.
Hermione pushed Heather forward who in turn pushed Harry who pushed Ron. Ron pushed them back and raised his wand, ready for the boggart.
The bogart turned into a giant hungry spider like the ones they met in the forbidden forest. The whole class screamed and it seemed to get stronger.
Ron raised his wand up at it and gulped. He closed his eyes. “Riddikulus!”
The spider jumped and fell on its back, tottering back and forth with no legs to help it up. It tried it’s best to right itself and ended up rolling closer to the front of the line. Harry raised his wand but before the boggart could change into anything, Professor Lupin jumped in front.
The legless spider spun and a white orb rose into the air above their heads. Professor Lupin waved his wand lazily and after a CRACK, a red balloon zoomed into the wardrobe. Sparks shot out of his wand and the door closed with a click. The doors rattled violently but the boggart was once again trapped inside.
“Great. I think we’re done for now.” Professor Lupin walked up to the front. “I’ll give… five points to everyone who participated, five more for Neville for going first, ten for Harry and Hermione for answering my questions.” He looked at Heather, “And five for Heather as well.” He smiled at the class, “Class dismissed and don’t forget your things back in the classroom.”
Hermione’s hand shot up, “You forgot about homework!”
“Hermione!” Ron groaned.
Professor Lupin chuckled, “Thank you. Yes. Read the chapter on boggarts… and write me a summary. To be handed in next class before we continue with round two.”
Heather raised her hand as well and waited to be called on. “What length?”
“Any. Just make the summaries good.”
The class cheered and left the staffroom as the bells rang. The Excitement carried all the way back to the classroom as everyone talked about their boggarts, especially Neville’s. Heather wished she had gotten a chance at one, but she was also glad for it. She didn’t want to think about what it could have been, and only knew whatever it was she would have turned it into Fang attempting to catching snowflakes.
“You two need to learn to keep quiet.” Ron was still upset about missing out on no homework.
“She started it.” Heather looked away from Hermione.
“It’s only a summary, Ron. That’s easy.”
Harry laughed. “He did say any length. We could turn in a sentence then.”
Ron cheered up at that. “Hermione I bet yours would have turned into a test with a score of nine out of ten.” He laughed and turned to Heather, “And a tiny spider for you.”
She rolled her eyes. “No. It would have been an even bigger spider than yours. A massive one.”
They headed to the library and got started on their homeworks. Ron and Harry attempted their one sentence summary but couldn’t manage to cut it down to under four. After several hours they parted ways to put their things away in their dorms.
Heather met them at the bottom of Gryffindor tower and headed to dinner together. They were coming down the entrance hall steps when Draco called to Harry from above. He was smiling, still clinging to his arm in a sling.
“Heard your boggart turned into a dementor, Potter. And Weasley here had to catch you when you fainted.”
Draco said it loud enough for other students to hear and stare at Harry, trying to contain their laughter. Harry went red and before Ron could yell back at him, Hermione was dragging them down. Heather shook her head at Draco and followed them into the great hall where she found a seat at her table and sat down, waiting for Draco to eventually sit down next to her.
“And what was yours? A second-place trophy?” Draco sat down followed by his goons.
Heather ignored him.
Pansy came skipping over and sat down across from Draco, giving Heather a quick glance. “Draco I’m sure your boggart will be truly terrifying tomorrow!”
“What would it be?” Heather imagined it’d be his father with his back turned to him or a little muggle girl asking for directions.
“Probably a giant man-eating dragon or something. Or fifty volcanic trolls.” He stabbed his meat slice with a fork using his slinged arm and started cutting with his other.
Heather rolled her eyes. Maybe she should figure out what her boggart would be in case it was very embarrassing. If she knew what it was, then she could just change her fear and avoid any unnecessary embarrassment, especially if Pansy was going to potentially find out about it.
She made a mental note to find out before the next boggart class, even if it meant sneaking into the staffroom at night. She looked over at Fred and George, wondering if they’d lend her their map. Although they’d probably want in on what she was doing, and she wasn’t too sure she could trust them with any secret that had the potential to be used as a prank.
If she asked Harry for the cloak he’d ask too many questions too. Would he even lend it to her? It was theirs after all. So why did he get to keep it on him constantly? She blinked and shook her head. Too much was going on in her mind to enjoy dessert. She got ready to stand up and leave when she spotted a vanilla pudding topped with whipped cream and sweet cherries. She sighed and figured she could do her best to put off thinking for at least one tiny scoop.
~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~
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cutiecrates · 5 years
Cutie Reviews: Doki Doki March 19
Things seem to be taking a turn for the worst again, now there’s drama with our neighbor and we’re thinking maybe our land owner wasn’t lying when he claimed it was their complaints that resulted in his decision... It’s become a frustrating ordeal by now, and we’ve been cleaning up more than usual for pretty much no reason- since we’ll be moving anyway, I’m still convinced.
Also, my missing TokyoTreat finally showed up. For anyone who read my previous review.
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“Pack up and get ready to go on a trip with this month’s theme, “Fantasyland Adventure”. We have curated items that are handy on a journey and evocative of a magical fantasyland. These cute tools will you have equipped and ready for any adventure!“
Before we begin, I wanted to show you guys that beginning with this month, the comics featuring Tomomi and her friends were pretty much removed/lessened. They started putting in other features, and for this month we got a cute quiz. If you enlarge the pic you can probably see the answers better.
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This determined which creature you are based on how you answer; for example these are what I chose for each question:
1. A - because I always bring video games with me on trips or long periods away from the home. It’s a necessity for me.
2. B - I really enjoy all seasons except for summer, but winter is always the first one that comes to my mind when asked. 
3. B or C - I have a lot of trouble with this one <3< wolves are really cool too though...
4. D - I would never want flight because I hate heights. Shapeshifting and mind reading seem cool but how fun would it be to have a whole dark army~ the book never said they had to be an evil army.
5. C - I feel flustered to say that~
6. C - I don’t like beans but if they are magic...
7. B or C again. I’d rather befriend it to gain another partner or person who can be helpful further down the line.
So based on my answers, I’m kind of a cross between the Kitsune and Unicorn. The kitsune is clever, elegant, and outgoing, while the Unicorn is Youthful, kind, and imaginative according to the booklet. For any Tanuki’s or dragons, you are Loyal, diligent, and funny, or Brave, fierce, and deft. 
Suteki Crate
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As you can see by this, the box is going to be very Sanrio, pastel, magical unicorn themed. So now, let’s take a look at the items ;3
My Melody Case
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Our first item is this sweet little Case themed after My Melody’s iconic baby blue and pink color scheme. It has a removable carrying piece, meaning that not only can you attach it to various items, but you can also remove it and put other things through the loop its on. The exterior is very hard to protect the items stored inside from various elements. This is worth/costs 10 points
The inside has plenty of room for a variety of items, like makeup, health care, electronic, etc. It also has a mesh band on the one side to help keep things orderly.
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
Besides just looking adorable, I think this would be an extremely handy and practical item. As soon as I saw it I thought “This is great! I can use this right away!“ and I’m very excited to begin using it. I love how sturdy it feels and I came to the decision that I will most-likely use it in my bedside table, which despite organizing/cleaning monthly, always gets very disorganized and messy again. I have several small items that I’ll be able to find easier in it.
Also, I really like how it reminds me of my old DS “briefcase“ and my 3DS carrier. I still have them but the one I don’t use anymore since its so old and kind of rusted now, while the other one holds my DS and my 3DS stuff has been put into a Hello Kitty thing I got a couple years ago.
Kokeshi Nail Clipper
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Our next functional and sweet little item is this pair of nail clippers inspired by a Kokeshi doll. This was available in a few different colors, but besides mine I’ve only seen one other one pictured. These are small-medium sized clippers and it includes a very small metal file.
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
I was a little concerned about the quality of these, because I’m so used to using a larger pair of clippers. We got several of them in various sizes but those are the ones I like better because I feel like they just do a better job. But, I also feel like smaller ones are more precise if you’re not having to trim a large amount of nail off.
These are also easier to use than most I’ve tried, didn’t require much pressure at all. I do wish the file part was a little bigger than what it is though.
My Melody Rotating Hook
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Next up is our last My Melody piece of the box, an adorably sweet hook piece for hanging up things like clothing or holding various items. As you can see its advertised as a baby carriage-type item, but you can use it in various other locations as well. The smaller hook rotates, so it can be moved in 3 different spots and face both up and down. It can also be collapsed whenever you’re not using it.
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
Initially I had my doubts over this one. Like I can see its practicality and it’s pretty cute, but I wasn’t actually sure I would have much use for it. But the more I figured out its uses, the more I came to the decision that yeah, I’ll probably use it. Maybe not right now, but maybe after we move I’ll be able to discover its appropriate use for me.
Little Twin Stars Tooth Brush Stand
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This is our final Sanrio item of the box, a toothbrush stand that is perfect for travel. Not only can it hold multiple brushes, but you can also unscrew the bottom and put various things in it for storing; like hair accessories, toiletries, etc.
It features a pretty translucent pink base and adorable pastel images of Kiki and Lala.
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
I think toothbrush stands are pretty useful, but at the same time, I’m the only one who uses a toothbrush in my bathroom. We have two of them, and I share it with my dad (who has false teeth). Not only that, but my toothbrush is electronic and thus too big for it. But I do have some other teeth items and brushes that would fit in it, and if I did have to travel I can think of all sorts of items I could put into the base; like eye drops, hair bands or clips, ear cleaners, cotton balls... even more outlandish things like nail polish and gum!
Unicorn Hairbrush & Unicorn Plush
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It only made sense to include the last 2 items together; and as a side note I had no idea that rhymed :D Hairbrush plush~
I’ve always loved unicorns, so I’ve been pretty satisfied as of late due to their popularity. These are two cutie items I was looking forward to pulling out for review~
First up is our Unicorn Hairbrush, featured a dreamy unicorn and various pastel designs. On the corner you can see it even has a little metallic star charm for that added, magical touch.
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
As much as I love how it looks... I did have some concerns. This brush seems similar to my usual brush, but I noticed it still hurts a lot when I try to use it when I have knots in my hair, in comparison to my other brush.
Also, the booklet says this is perfect for packing, but I kept mine in my box this whole time and upon pulling it out, I discovered the bristles are super bent and out of shape... and it hasn’t traveled or been touched besides my initial look at it. So I’m not sure how it would actually handle during travel, but I assume it’d be fine as long as it wasn’t pushed against something else. 
Our last item is this kawaii little unicorn plush, featuring pretty white skin with a pastel mane and tail, a silk ribbon, blushed cheeks, and a pearl necklace. I definitely got the one I’d have wanted, and I decided to name her Lala. Besides mine, there is also one with yellow hair, purple ribbon, and a green necklace, and a blue haired one with purple necklace and yellow ribbon.
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
The plush is very soft and squishy, filled with a spongy-like cotton. It’s very sweet looking and in terms of a plush it seems to be really nice quality. But I did notice that because its fuzzy, it attracts stray hairs like crazy. Not really a big deal for me, but I know it might bother some people.
♥ Cutie Ranking ♥
Content - 5 out of 5. I like all of the items and the quality seems to be pretty good. I didn’t really have any complaints this time around or much to say on the items. I feel like they all did their job and were pretty self-explanatory.
Theme: 5 out of 5. With a wide range for a name, this box gave me 2 sort of mini-themes in 1 central theme. By this I mean, the Fantasyland part would imply fantasy, sweet pastels, unicorns, which the box did a great job of including. I don’t really think of fantasy when I see My Melody, but at the same time I can kind of see it? The other part Adventure and the description implies the theme is practical for travel, which the box definitely did keep in mind. The Suteki Crate is also a perfect match for this one!
Total Rank: 10 out of 10 Cuties. I probably don’t make it sound amazing or anything, but I think this would be a great box to pick up if given the chance. Plus they also add a whole pinch load of cuteness~
♥ Cutie Scale ♥
1. Unicorn Plush - I can’t help it, it’s so sweet and huggable x3 I love its shiny pearl necklace and blushed cheeks. I’ll make sure to put it near my bed~
2. My Melody Case - The colors are so sweet~ I’m really excited about using this one just as soon as I return to my bed. The only problem is deciding what items to pop inside~
3. Unicorn Hairbrush - When my hair is a horrible knotted mess, it brushes through it just fine. I love the little charm and colors, but I sort of feel like a few of the designs on the Unicorn weren’t necessary, as cute as it is. 
4. Kokeshi Nail Clipper - It’s very cute looking, but I prefer bigger nail clippers. I even have my own set from another box, so I’m not sure how often I’ll actually think to use these...
5. Toothbrush Stand - I love how it looks, it’ll make a really cute decoration when I’m not using it. I also like how I can put things in the base, so it’ll come in handy.
6. Rotating Hook - It’s really cute and I love its pink color, but I feel like it’s the item I’ll use the least in this set.
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shiny-armin · 4 years
Yeah that mermaid one is adorable. I wish there was more of it. I think there's even a mermaid au where 1146 is the mermaid. The wolf one I reffered to is Little Red Riding Hood by LunaChai on ao3. It's short and really cute and actually inspired my dragon au idea (that I will never write but I enjoy making hc's for). I know a bit about that Magus Bride series. Lol, I'm trying to imagine 3803 as the bride and 1146 as Elias (I can't see 3803 being the experienced Magus. 1146 is Mr explain it)-
2 it's pretty funny. I really like the delivery girl and warrior/cop trope they both have so I can't imagine them w/o it in any setting. Such as in a dragon au. I see it taking place in a Norse kind of setting and most everything is snowy winter all the time. That way the white dragons (who are all Neutrophils) can blend into their surroundings and be sneaky very easily despite their massive size. They also aren't flying dragons but borrowing ones. Keeping it close to how they can pop out of-
3 pop out of their environment like they do in CAW canon (they're probs furry dragons). Anyway I see 3803 being a slave. Maybe her parents sold her to,pay off debts. Her goal is to be free of debt and become a cool delivery person who's job is to make special deliveries of foods, medicine and important documents to other towns/societies. Which can include taking orders from even the divine realm. But for now she's stuck being a lowly unpaid assistant who has to prove she can earn her freedom -
4 and very own respected position at the delivery service (her clumsy easily lost services are initially only tolerated because they pity her circumstamces). Of course on her very first route be herself to another far away town, she gets eaten by a monster. But 1146!dragon comes along and rips her out and vanquished the monster. She gathers her wits enough to thank him but he rushes off. On her way back she finds him clawing near his jaws. Trying in cain to pick out various spikes and sharp-
5 bone pieces stuck in between teeth, gums and even his tounge and roof of his mouth. Overall the poor thing looks miserable in 3803's opinion. Despite being pretty nervous, she approaches the dragon (at first she's, good... girl. Be a good girl. You're a girl right? He just gives her a silent -_- look that conveys no and I'm not a dog either that convinces her to talk to him like a person). Wanting to help she offers to pull the stuff out of him. He keeps shuffling away because humans aren't-
6 suppose to be interacted with (it's actually not against any laws. He's just not used to it and normal humans typically avoid approaching his kind). But after he gets a bit embarrassed/confused about this small insistent human literally backing him into a corner. He stops and reluctantly lets her reach into his jaws and start pulling things. It takes a hour and 3803 is pretty impressed w/herself when she stopped her please don't chew or swallow me mantra in her head to focus on her task. -
7 When she's done. He takes off right away to presumably kill a nearby monster. 3803 is a glad he looks better but hopes she wasn't bother to him. A week later when she gets lost and falls unconscious in a blizzard. She wakes up to 1146 keeping her warm and acting like a mother hen. And that's how I envisioned that dragon au. 1146 could also be a shapeshifter which could be funny if he never tells her outright he's the dragon. When she does find out she gets pouty w/him. I also like selkie!3803-
8 au where she's a selkie and 1146 is someone who rescued her as a boy from poachers. He's a boy who loves the sea and has always loved her. Despite numerous advice to him about taking her pelt of he wants to keep her. He refuses because he wants her to give him her pelt of her own volition (thereby promising she'll never abandon him forever as some selfies will do). More then that he wants to protect her and her happiness. Basically 3803 is not a typical selkie either and can return his love.
Hey! Sorry for the wait, I’ve been really focused on writing my fic so yeah. I’ll mark that red riding hood fic for later, seems so cute! Also, about all that ancient magus bride things, there’re some crossover fanarts! I love them so much, you can check them out here https://twitter.com/dingling100/status/1166607485635108865?s=20 (I believe you’ll like this artist a lot, they draw caw characters in lots of different aus). That whole dragon things looks pretty cool, even funny if 1146 could actually be a shapeshifter, she’d be like: haven’t we met before, and he then: certainly not, I’m not a dragon i SweAr. selkie!3803 is just so pure, growing up together and having night chats would be their thing I think. Also, I’ve been recently musing on hospital!AU which has lots of potential given their original setting. 1146 would be a very dedicated doctor, 3803 is a just transfered nurse from another hospital. She works for the nurse squad at his unit, so they bump into each other frequently. Eventually, he asks her to drop the formalities between them and hang out to grab a tea together at the cafeteria. His deadpan expression scared her off at first, but after he warmed up to her she is constantly coming up to him for a talk (whenever they have a break, of course).
0 notes
multi-fandomtrashtm · 7 years
So I binged Boku no Hero Academia (SPOILERS BELOW)
So I binge watched and binge read this entire series up to date in about 4 days straight. And let me tell you; this is some good shit. 
It’s a very refreshing and welcome change of pace to a lot of other big shounen. 
To start off, the protagonist, Izuku, starts off as a average guy who wants to become a hero- typical underdog plot, it’s fine. You know what I really enjoy about him? Everything.
I like that right off the bat, he has to train like hell to even start to be able to use his powers. I like how his powers have logical limits. I like how he gets around his quirk’s double edged sword in the beginning with strategy. This is the only shounen lead I’ve seen use strategy constantly and doesn’t have a craving for fighting in some form. I like his design because he doesn’t just have black dots for eyes. I like that he isn’t crazy ripped. I like that he isn’t afraid to cry. I like that he’s both striving for the top and improving himself in just about every way, not just in power. 
The art in this series is great. Personally, I find it to be my aesthetic. I like how the women don’t have huge knockers, though this series certainly isn’t the first to not have it. 
I like how the quirks and designs are unique for each character (except one, but that’s an acceptable gag). Because of their personalities and appearances, I like all of the 1-A class. 
Except Bakugo. 
Holy shit, he was such a cunt. His irrational anger at pretty much everything and him pulling a Leeroy Jenkins was more than annoying. It really bothers me how he never, ever got payback for him bullying Deku for years. Every time he opened his mouth, I just felt so irritated because he would never chill out for even a second, it seemed like. Eventually, his dickishness did tone down a little and I could acknowledge him being smart. I’ll probably never outright like him, but I can tolerate him a lot better now. Bless Kirishima for giving this boy some much needed friendship. 
For story, I’ll just go by the arc. 
Entrance Exam Arc -  Battle Trial Arc
Kind of slow paced. The first time I watched the series, I didn’t get past this because things were just so slow. 
Anyway, just exposition, character introductions and reasons to hate Bakugo. 
Unforeseen Simulation Joint Arc
Very dramatic. I like the fights in this arc. Tomura genuinely creeped me out after I got past his weird design. And his quirk...ouch. Poor Aizawa. 
Sports Festival Arc
VERY good fights and even more characters. It was during this arc that I finally acknowledged Bakugo’s intelligence and started tolerating him. 
I respected Uraraka’s fight with him. It reminded me a lot of Sakura’s fight when she cut her hair. Both girls were seriously outclassed, but tried their damndest try to win through cleverness and strategy. Both still lost, though. I appreciated Urararaka’s endurance, attitude and strategy. I’m sure that it would’ve worked against someone else. Good try. 
Ok, Deku vs Shinso is the only instance of an asspull win thus far. What happened to make Deku break out of the brainwashing just didn’t make sense. I hoped that the author would explain it down the line with All for One, but nope. 
Todoroki’s subplot was interesting. First and foremost, his dad is a dick when it comes to being a father. Experimenting with your own kids to try and project your dream onto them? Stop. Just stop. If you can’t beat All Might with your own strength, then you’ve lost, it’s over. Also, don’t tell me that Todoroki isn’t almost an anime Zuko. Because he is.
I liked Deku giving him some spur of the moment therapy and it was nice to see Todoroki surpass his trauma, if even for a short bit. The art and animation for their fight was stunning. 
Bakugo vs Todoroki was certainly epic. I’m pretty sure that Todoroki could’ve won if he’d used both sides. But I understand him stopping at the last second. A motivational speech from Deku isn’t going to magically erase a lifetime of trauma, I’m afraid. 
Sidenote: I really like Hatsume. She reminds me of Iruma from Danganronpa V3 but less bitchy. 
Field Training Arc
Gran Torino is neat, but cliche. The badass grandpa mentor? He’s this exact trope. 
Stain and Tomura’s interaction was...okay? I guess? It was an interesting conflict in ideals. It also made me realize how much of a manchild Tomura is. 
Wasn’t expecting Iida to have a revenge arc going on. It gave character depth I just wasn’t expecting. Sad that he got stomped immediately. Didn’t expect Todoroki and Iida’s bond at all, either. It’s nice that he’s reaching out, I suppose. 
Stain’s quirk was oddly specific. Deku being un-paralyzed first because of his blood type made me want to call bullshit. But I just..can’t. We knew Deku’s blood type from his profile. We knew that Stain’s ability works with blood. It’s just crazy specific. Anyway, Stain’s death was disturbing. 
End of Term Test Arc
On some level, I knew that Deku and Bakugo would get paired up. Them being able to compromise on fighting and running was a surprise given how stubborn Bakugo is ;especially with Deku. It was nice that Deku went back for Bakugo when he literally got stomped. It’s amazing how he doesn’t hold a grudge against him. 
Wasn’t expecting Yaoyorozu to have a subplot about her lack of confidence, though I had noticed it earlier. Her and Todoroki’s teamwork was neat. I didn’t see him to be the type to give a motivational speech. 
School Trip Arc
Oh boy. When shit hit the fan in the woods, I could feel how scary that would’ve been. Here you are, in the middle of the night, in the woods, probably alone or with 1 other person, surrounded by a CLOUD OF POISON, all you can hear is explosions/screaming/silence and you know that you’re a sitting duck because you don’t know where anyone else is or how strong he enemies are. 
Deku’s fight against the guy that killed Kouta’s parents was a nice show of strength. Fukami’s raging dark shadow was a nice way to get rid of a villain. Overall, I liked it. Just 2 things: 1) Bakugo saying “Don’t come, Deku” was ominous. Nice. 2) I feel like Dabi may know Todoroki somehow. Not like “heard of”, but know him, even if Todoroki doesn’t know him. 
Hideout Raid Arc
Let me tell you; this arc was beautiful. Bless Kirishima and his friendship with Bakugo. Yes please. And the Pro Heroes charging in on the League of Villains was hype as fuck. Everything about that just made me hype in a way that I hadn’t been in months. 
The play on words with All for One blew my mind. “All for One” as in “all abilities for one person” = Stealing quirks so that belong to one person only. 
All Might vs All of One was...beautiful. His determination, the visuals of him cradling the last of his power just for this fight, everyone finding out his secret, everyone cheering him on anyway...Almost got a little emotional there. 
Deku’s mom was being logical in those last chapters. I’d be wary if my son’s school kept constantly being hunted down by just about everyone and he kept getting injured every time. But through the power of Kouta’s sweet letter and All Might begging (this was also nice), she caves. 
Hero License Exam Arc
Man, everyone in this is just interesting. Not much to say except the Shapeshifter using Uraraka’s appearance was smart, but not smart enough. 
The whole Rescue Maneuvers thing was very necessary. It’s cool if you’re strong, but if you don’t know how to actually save anyone, you’re not even a hero at that point. Case and Point- Bakugo. Sure he could see who should be prioritized, but I don’t think anyone would be comforted by the way he handles things. Also, it’s hilarious that there’s actually a job of being a Professional Victim. 
Internship Arc
Of course Bakugo wants a fight. Of course. A least he’s not doing it out of irrational anger this time. 
The big 3 are kind of hilarious. It’s Kaede, Sasuke and Vault Boy. Jokes aside, Nejire is the definition of Innocently Insensitive and Tamaki is kind of adorable. 
Nighteye is perfect. I love his dead serious attitude and love of humor. His process of hiring Deku was neat. It’s funny how they’re both huge nerds when it comes to All Might. Look at all that merch!
Eri is cute and I can already see the fandom calling her “an innocent, sweet cinnamon roll to be protected.” Overhaul is intimidating and he reminds me of Law from One Piece. With his ability he could literally annihilate you. Damn. 
Kirishima and Fat Gum’s alliance (even though Kirishima got stomped immediately) was sweet. More than that, I just like the fight itself and Rappa’s attitude. And Toga is joining the fray, well, this is going to be messy. 
Whew, that was a lot. 
That said, I really do like this series. It’s my new weekly read. 
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fearofaherobrine · 8 years
Roleplay Server Log #163
“BEN’s Lethal Tantrum”
[TLOT] BEN... he needs to be clean or he'll get sick. You can get away with that, he can't. I know it's upsetting, but he's safe here. You should know that by now.
[BEN] - He does not need to get wet!
[Doc] Well I don't think you want to use lava like we do with you. It's too scary for a baby and we don't want him to grow up thinking that won't hurt him.
[BEN] - But water hurts too!
[TLOT] It does not hurt you. Now you're just making things up!
[snake] only if nobody is careful will someone drown
[BEN] His memories are loud, he remembers the dock breaking under his feet and him falling into the lake, the pain of drowning as his lungs fill with icy liquid-
[TLOT] Feels his thoughts - I know you're afraid and you want to watch for him... but that was out there. Things are different here. You've hit respawn before, it will catch anyone who falls.
[snake] and gem is going to teach him to swim so he won't drown
[BEN] - I've hit respawn before that as well, I simply go back to a previous save.  But I refuse to let Hyrule drown!
[Doc] He's not gonna drown BEN, heck, he might even help you get over your fear too.
[BEN] Growls loudly-
[Doc] Maybe that's what you need. Some swimming lessons, just you and me or TLOT.
[TLOT] I'd be happy to help.
[BEN] - I know how to swim asshole!
[TLOT] Oh, I thought you didn't know how. So what are you actually afraid will happen to you? You'd have to really let yourself sink to drown and even then you'd be okay.
[TLOT] You're stinky anyway BEN, you should come swimming with us.
[BEN] Darts upwards and clings to the ceiling- NO!
[snake] another lava bath?
[TLOT] Nah, the real deal, he should come hang out at the beach with us.
[TLOT] Oh come on, - reaches up to tickle BEN's ribs.
[BEN] Presses himself as close to the ceiling as possible- STOP THAT!
[TLOT] tickle tickle!
[snake] -quietly to himself but loud enough for the others to hear- you should be happy you can have lava baths aven didn't have that choice when she was alive but she still took showers every day.
[BEN] Shrieks and falls- Aven make them stop!
[aven] -is in the tree house and can't hear ben-
[TLOT] Gives BEN a playful poke in the belly
[BEN] Tries to run away-
[TLOT] Just grabs BEN around the waist and picks him up -
[BEN] Struggles as hard as he can- AVEN!
[aven] -hears ben barely and starts to head back to the kitchen-
[TLOT] Come on BEN come hang out with us - Starts walking outside with him
[BEN] Grabs the door frame with a death grip- NO!
[aven] -comes down stair- what's going on?
[Doc] Gives him another tickle so he'll let go. Him and TLOT are blocking the main doorway anyway
[BEN] - They're making me go to water!
[aven] ok maybe that's not a good idea.
[TLOT] We'll bring him back in one piece.
[BEN] - Aven!  A little help here!?
[TLOT] Pushes BEN harder to get him out the door
[aven] I don't think I am strong enough to get you out of tlots grasp
[BEN] Whines-
[TLOT] Come on Aven, you know we won't hurt him.
[Doc] You're welcome to come too you know.
[aven] I know but water.
[BEN] - Don't let them drown me!
[Doc] We're gonna visit the other baby dragons first too.
[aven] well ben will freak out if I put the guardians in charge of the baby
[Doc] Bring Hyrule, it's okay. Then BEN will know he's safe
[eddy and Edward] -comes running down the stairs giggling-
[aven] he is sleeping I don't want him to be woken up.
[Doc] Aww damn. I hate to leave you out Aven.
[BEN] - Save me!
[TLOT] Shoves BEN outside with a terrible scrabbling of nails on wood.
[BEN] - Nooooooooooooo!
[Steve] Uhhh, why is BEN screaming?
[CP] Is snickering-
[TLOT] It's just a thing he does.
[Steve] Hey wait, he likes milk doesn't he? Hey BEN, try this. - Offers him a bucket of the vanilla milk.
[BEN] - I don't care!  Just let me go back inside!
[Steve] Okay...
[Stevie] - Why is he loud?
[Doc] He likes to complain.
[Stevie] - Oh, okay- Starts sliding off one side of the cow without realizing it
[Steve] Pushes Stevie back up straight - be careful, you'll fall
[TLOT] Is just walking along with BEN held in front of him.
[BEN] Is doing everything he can to resist-
[TLOT] Man you are loud...
[CP] Finding himself in a slightly generous mood gives Hera a mental call to let her know something hilarious is about to happen-
[Herabrine] Perks up as she's helping LJ move some lumber - Hey chuckles, it sounds like we're about to miss some fun. Think we can take a break?
[LJ] - Sure, I'm always up for some fun
[Herabrine] Let's go!
[TLOT] Is headed for the librairy and uses BEN to push the doors open
[Doc] Is following behind him with Steve and the cow.
[Endrea] Perks at the sound of the doors breaking since they were meant to be pulled-
[TLOT] Whoops.... Hi Endrea!
[Endrea] Nods her head in acknowledgment-
[Doc] Follows him in chuckling - Deerheart! Look- points to the gem Yaunfen is sucking happily on.
[CP] Flies up to the upper level of the library where there is more space-
[Deer] - He's...  Eating a diamond?
[Doc] Sort of? It's like sugar rock candy. - Pulls out one of the blue gems - You can suck on them and they dissolve.
[Deer] - Interesting...
[TLOT] No, because you'll fly up there with Cp and it will be a bitch to catch you again.
[LJ] Leads Hera out of the forest- Now then, where is this fun?
[Herabrine] grins- First we go to the library, and then I think we're taking BEN to the beach.
[LJ] - Lead on
[Herabrine] swaggers through the broken doors - did I miss a party?
[TLOT] Just the brine I needed to see.
[LJ] - Judging by how tight of a grip you have on BEN, I'm guessing water is going to be involved?
[TLOT] Yeah he's stinky.
[LJ] Laughs-
[Stevie] - Can I get down now?
[Steve] Sure- holds out his hands to help-
[Stevie] Reaches out for Steve and is lowered to the ground before he starts running around-
[Doc] I have a small concern Endrea, I wanted to talk to you first... Yaunfen... I don't want to scare them when I shapeshift do you have any suggestions to lessen the shock?
[Endrea] - Hmmm, my children have instinctively known it was me, so I'm not certain what to suggest...
[Doc] Well, we're kinda the same shape, I'm hoping that will help...
[Liz] Stinky. *squinting at BEN from their perch
[Endrea] - It should be fine
[Doc] Would you... I don't know, hold them while I do it in case they run or panic?
[Endrea] - Absolutely, though I don't suggest doing it in here right now, it is starting to get a bit...  Crowded...
[Doc] Deerheart, maybe you should do the same, so Yaunfen knows. We are their parents for all intents and purposes.
[Deer] - I understand
[Herabrine] I thought we were going to the beach, I'm sweaty from working anyway, lets go.
[gem] -comes back to the library- did I miss something? -sees hera- oh there you are hera I was looking for you.
[Aqua] Trills from the bucket-
[Herabrine] Whatever it is, I didn't do it!
[gem] no I wanted you to meet aqua.
[Herabrine] Aqua?
[Aqua] Squirts a bit of water at Hera-
[Herabrine] Whoah! That's, hey that's a bitty dragon! What a little squirt! Literally.
[gem] they are going to have to move out of my pond when they are bigger and into the ocean so I thought it would be a good idea to introduce them to you.
[Aqua] Chirps and does a tight turn I the bucket-
[Doc] I think we should go outside anyway, get some air.
[Herabrine] That's so neat!
[Endrea] Starts making sure she has all of her children-
[Steve] Is outside leading the cow to the horse pen in front of the bar.
[Doc] Goes outside and starts down the hill to wait for Endrea and Deerheart.
[Stevie] - Brother!  Can we go get father?
[gem] do you want to hold aqua?
[TLOT] Just walks back outside carrying BEN at arms length
[Endrea] Herds WIllow, Oak, and Ashe outside with a bit of help from Deer-
[Herabrine] please. Can they be out of water at all?
[LJ] Follows cackling-
[CP] - Do you really want to?
[Stevie] - Yes!
[CP] Sighs- Go stay with Steve, I'll be back with...  Father...
[gem] I don't think so but I am also not sure since they have been in the water the whole time and the end he is from was underwater you can hold the bucket
[Steve] Has put the cow away and is waving to Stevie.
[Stevie] Runs to Steve while CP teleports-
[Herabrine] Aww, sweet baby. I love sea critters. Well, not squids.... - She puts her hand in the bucket to pet Aqua.
[Aqua] Nuzzles against Hera before trying to gum her-
[Herabrine] What does he eat? Anything yet?
[gem] I have been giving him special fish flakes doc helped me make.
[Herabrine] Clever. I saw some shit like that when I was irl with Cp getting the lobsters.
[Steve] is making a shallow pond by the waters edge with a sand bottom as a kiddie pool.
[Stevie] Is already splashing in parts of it-
[Herabrine] Is leading Gem outside talking as they walk- Looks like the Steves have the right idea. Little pond for the small frye
[Notch] Is just placidly drinking a cup of coffee as Cp tps in and grabs him - AAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!
[CP] Teleports back and drops Notch in the sand-
[Stevie] - Father!
[gem] -follows and sees the kiddie pool- maybe I can put aqua in the kiddie pool.
[Notch] AAAAaaaaa oh...
[Steve] That's a good idea, Stevie can you play nice with Aqua?
[Stevie] - Oh, uhhuh!
[Notch] Did I miss something?
[gem] -lets aqua out of the bucket into the kiddie pool-
[Doc] Just a little outing, nothing big. Had to step out for baby dragon kibble.
[BEN] Is whining-
[Steve] Watches the little dragon swim- so graceful!
[Aqua] Jumps around and splashes before squirting at BEN-
[Doc] Endrea....? Can you..? - Gestures to Yaunfen with a nervous swallow
[Endrea] Nods and gently picks Yaunfen up and putting them between her front paws-
[gem] first time ben got hit since aqua hatched I ended up putting glass up so aqua wouldn't squirt ben and aven.
[Doc] Leans down to give the baby dragon a kiss and backs off on all fours, trying to maintain eye contact.
[Yaunfen] Curiously tilts it's head as it gums the candy diamond-
[Doc] There's a bit of distortion as xe transforms and flops onto the grass with a hopeful smile
[Yaunfen] Squeaks happily-
[Doc] Oh thank goodness... Deerheart? You want to go next?
[Deer] - Sure- She clicks her tongue to get Yaunfen's attention before shifting herself
[Yaunfen] Squeaks again-
[Doc] Lays hir head down near the baby and begins to purr - You know who loves you, don't you? I do. Deerheart... - Xe whispers to get her attention. Hir hearts are overflowing with joy and little tears are glistening at the corners of hir eyes - I don't even have words... Please just lay with us for a little while...
[Deer] Gives a little smile and curls around the other side, her nose almost touching Doc's-
[Yaunfen] Squeaks and almost topples over backwards trying to sniff Doc and Deer's noses as well-
[Aqua] Races around the little pool as fast as he can-
[Endrea] Backs off so Doc and Deer can have some space-
[TLOT] Sets BEN down but keeps one hand on him and forces his shirt and pants into his inventory so they won't get wet. - Come on BEN you know you're just being silly.
[TLOT] Unequipts some of his own clothes and walks them both into the shallows. Only BEN's feet are wet for the moment.
[BEN] Shrieks and pulls his legs in towards his body so they are as far away from the water as possible-
[TLOT] Walks a little deeper- You're okay, there's no need to scream.
[gem] -swaps out of her dress to the black shorts and shirt then jumps in next to ben to create a big splash-
[BEN] - NONONONONONONONONONONONONO!- Ear shattering schreech at the giant splash
[TLOT] Is drenched and shakes his head like a dog. - Damn that's cold!
[BEN] High pitched whine-
[CP] - Oh for fucks sake BEN, you have a fucking mask that lets you breath and swim underwater!
[TLOT] He does? That's neat! What does it look like?
[CP] - Like a Zora?  I believe is what they're called...  Fish like people that live in several of the games of his franchise
[Herabrine] Stops laughing for a moment. - His game has fish people? That's so cool!
[gem] -raises just enough of a wing to make it look like a shark fin and starts swimming around-
[TLOT] Gem your griefer is showing.
[LJ] Is cackling madly-
[gem] -still under the water- I am a shark who is this gem.
[TLOT] We're just gonna paddle a bit. I won't let go. - Gets downa bit further and hold him up a little so his head and shoulders are still clear of the very placid water of the bay.
[BEN] Starts trying to drown TLOT with his powers as he scrambles to get out of the water himself-
[TLOT] Starts coughing madly but doesn't let go, - Stop that dammit!
[BEN] - NO!
[gem] -grabs bens feet and starts to pull him away from tlot while using her wing to keep him above the water-
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[BEN] Instinctively pulls at his sword and stabs at GEM-
[TLOT] Loses his grip because of the coughing, and staggers back to shore to sit down. - Dammit...
[BEN] Starts attempting a mass drowning of everyone there-
[gem] -grabs at the sword then tosses ben on to land the water doesn't affect her she doesn't have lungs-
[Doc] Sees the little ones struggling to breathe and freaks out, xe's on BEN with a roar and throws him back out to sea.
[Stevie] Starts coughing a little as well-
[BEN] Stays above the water and rockets high into the sky-
[Doc] Is choking but hot on his tail- I'll use the execute! Stop it now!
[BEN] - I don't wanna drown...  Don't make me drown!-  He's having flashbacks
[Doc] Is starting to black out hirself and fires the admin command as xe falters. The bolt of lightning falls from the ceiling of the server and empties BENs health bar in an instant.
[BEN] His drowning affect ceases as he spawns in his and Aven's bed trembling and scared-
[Doc] Loses conciousness and falls like an arrow into the deeper part of the bay -
[CP] Is checking Stevie over-
[Herabrine] Holy shit... I.... - She runs to the baby dragons first as they're the smallest, trying to call the water out of their lungs with her powers.
[gem] -seeing everyone takeing care of the little ones goes after doc-
[Yaunfen] Weakly heaves the water out-
[Doc] Is unconcious and sinking -
[Deer] Is watching the water carefully and listening to the server-
[gem] -grabs one of doc's arms and starts to pull hir out of the water-
[Doc] Is still in hir dragon shape but easily pulled. -
[gem] -gets doc's head above the water and starts swimming hir to shore-
[Stevie] Climbs out of the water, not so sure about it anymore-
[Aqua] Is confused as to why everyone stopped playing-
[TLOT] Pulls himself together- What the nether was he thinking? Trying that stunt on the children?
[CP] - He was terrified TLOT, he loses rational thought when he's that scared.  He was looking for a way out
[LJ] - Not the first time he's tried pulling that stunt
[TLOT] What did your brethern do in that case?
[CP] - Usually Splender would use his abilities to calm him
[gem] -gets doc to shore- I got doc they are unconscious
[TLOT] Skims over Doc's mind. - They're a bit scrambled, but intact. I think hitting the water knocked them out worse then the shock of near drowning
[Deer] Approaches and nudges Doc- Come on love, please wake up
[Doc] mumbles something and winces
[Deer] Focus' the power of the seed on Doc to help them recover-
[Doc] barely audible- I don't want a toothpaste sandwich, can't you see I'm doing my taxes?
[Deer] Laughs a little- Come on love, it's not tax season yet
[Doc] Blinks a bit - I'm pretty sure I have at least four broken bones.....
[Deer] Nuzzles- It's okay, they'll heal soon
[gem] are you ok besides that doc?
[Doc] Yes... I fucking hate that thing BEN does... it hurts to breathe.
[gem] I don't think nearly sinking to the bottom of the ocean would have help that feeling.
[Deer] Hums and settles down next to Doc, still in dragon form-
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