#anyway stop being mean to annabeth
star-girl69 · 9 months
So It Goes…
Clarisse La Rue x Fem!AphroditeCabin!Reader
sypnosis: the one day chiron decides to switch up the capture the flag teams, and everyone knows you’re clarisse’s weakness, In A Good Way sequel!!
i changed my theme it’s me tho promise
a/n: protective clarisse the love of my life i love you i do i think we should get married actually anyways this one is sooooooo i got to explore a more casual side of clar’s and reader’s relationship in this (for like a min) i hope you all enjoy!!
So It Goes… - Taylor Swift
warnings: soft clarisse my love, protective clarisse we KNOW how i feel abt her…., also slightly possessive clarisse i think i love you too, again clarisse gets a bit too into capture the flag, clarisse picks reader up which i KNOW is not inclusive (im literally plus-sized idk what the hell am i doing) but it was so good i couldn’t resist, she has like super strength probs so i’ll just believe (she literally could not pick me up i need to stop being delusional), swearing, violence, kissing, a bit suggestive but nothing crazy, tell me if i missed anything!!
Clarisse’s bed is one of your favorite places. You’ve spent so many nights here, wrapped up in her arms, feeling like no one could touch you. And you’ve spent secret days with her hands on your waist, yours in her hair, lips pressed together so tight it’s like you were each other’s oxygen.
You love Clarisse’s bed. And you know Clarisse loves her bed too, seeing as it’s a huge source of pride for her- it’s the best bunk in the cabin, and she gets a major kick over the fact that you sleep here just as much as you sleep in your own cabin.
You’re sitting down, watching Clarisse pace back and forth, her spear in her hand.
“Clarisse,” you say. She brought you here just fo freak out. Now she won’t sit down and let you help her, and she wont just freaking listen. “Clarisse, baby, what’s wrong? Can you at least put your spear down so you don’t accidentally kill somebody? If you kill me with that I’m gonna come back and kill you.”
She stops for a moment and leans her spear up against the wall. You let out a sigh.
“Now just sit down-”
She resumes her pacing.
As much as you love just being in Clarisse’s presence, as much as you know you’re her rock, the only thing that keeps her tethered in the storm she constantly fights through, you need her to let you help her.
“Clarisse!” you stand up, placing your hands on her shoulders. “You’re freaking me out, okay? What happened? I-I’m sure we can fix it, I mean…” you rub your hands up and down your arms, which you know she likes, her muscles are one of her biggest sources of pride.
She sits down, letting you stand in between her legs, her hands moving to hold your hips.
“Sorry,” she mumbles. She’s not very good at handling her emotions, but she’s getting better, and at least she’s able to recognize and apologize when her emotions are hurting other people. Well, you, at least. She breathes out. “Chiron decided to switch the teams.”
And now she had to work with the Athena cabin? The Gods know after the Ares and Athena cabins have captained opposing teams for years, Chiron pretends there’s not, but everyone knows there’s a deep rivalry. More than just friendly competition.
“The Demeter cabin will be on the red team.”
“Okay,” you say, squeezing her shoulders. You aren’t really close with anyone from the Demeter cabin, it doesn’t really bother you much.
“And… the Aphrodite cabin will be on the blue team.”
You’ve never not been on Clarisse’s team for capture the flag. Not only does the entire red team’s tactic rest on you using your charmspeak to protect the flag, but what the hell are you supposed to do fighting against Clarisse?
She wraps her arms around your waist, flopping back onto her bed and bringing you down on top of her.
“I know it’s all Annabeth and Luke behind this. I’m sure that little smartass has made up some sick plan to make me go insane.”
You scoff, planting your hands behind her head on the bed. “You’re the one who can actually fight. I’m, like, so bad it’s not even funny, Clar.”
“You beat me all the time,” she frowns.
And it’s true, you spar with her at least 3 or 4 times a week, and you win most of the those times. But Clarisse moves slower, she doesn’t hit as hard, she anticipates your next move and doesn’t block it so you can land a hit.
“We both know you let me win.”
“I like seeing you smile,” she says, her own matching smile on her face.
“Okay, you big romantic.” You let your hands slip, laying your head against her chest and your arms flat around her head. “It’s not that big of a deal, Clar. I’m sure it’ll be fine, then Chiron’ll probably switch them back.”
“Annabeth convinced him to do it. She has some sort of plan, Y/N, she does.”
“You’ve mentioned,” you hum. “Stop stressing. Nothing we can do about it.”
“Fine,” she hisses.
She wraps her arms around your waist and throws you to the side so you yelp, now she’s climbing on top of you, laying her head on your chest.
“It’s going to be the worst game of capture the flag in history, you know. I hope you’re happy, I don’t even know what I’m gonna do without you. I mean, I guess I could move that group in the west side to just south of the flag, so that’ll be a bit more for them to get through. Oh, I’ll stick that one good archer on the ground- no, no that wouldn’t work, I need him in the trees. But I’ll move his position-”
You walk to the woods together. When it’s time to split up, Clarisse grabs you by your armor and points her finger into your chest.
“Clar, what the hell are you doing-”
“Don’t do anything I would do.”
“Okay, Clarisse,” you smile, blinking once to avoid rolling your eyes at her ridiculousness.
She smirks, her arm squeezing your waist. She pecks you on the lips before pulling away completely.
“Done making out?” Jackie asks, her and Tyla suddenly appearing next to you.
“It was one kiss, Jacks. Are you sure we have the same Mom?”
“No, honestly.”
You fall into step with the two of them, laughing as you make your way through the woods and to the edge of the river.
Chiron makes his usual speech, the conch sounds, and everyone starts moving around.
Annabeth finds the three of you soon after. Tyla and Jackie fall away, following your other siblings. Annabeth always has this calculating look on her face, like she knows something you don’t, a true child of Athena. You have to admit, she really is one of the smartest people you know.
“Annabeth,” you smile. “I guess you want me by the flag?”
“No, I debated that, but I decided against it.”
She smirks and looks at you before spinning around, pointing to Luke and his team members who are always in charge of getting the flag.
“You’ll be with Luke.”
You frown. “You do realize I have absolutely no skill in battle, right, Annabeth?”
“Yeah, but skill doesn’t matter when you have power. Power over someone.”
“Oh, okay. Who do you want me to charmspeak-”
“Charmspeak whoever you come across, but that’s not what I’m talking about. You have power over Clarisse. I know she’s defending the flag today, right?”
She looks at you sharply.
You smile. “Oh, I really don’t know. But if you say so, sure.”
She starts walking, you follow her.
“Clarisse doesn’t talk strategy to you? I mean, I talk Luke’s ear off.”
“Oh, no, she does, I just don’t really retain any of it.”
She huffs a small sound of laughter.
“I know she’ll be there,” she affirms.
“If you say so!” you say, all sing song, Luke smiling as he meets your eyes.
“Y/N! How’s it feel to finally be on the winning team?”
“I love being on the red team, thanks for asking.”
“Ha. You’re so funny, are you sure you’re not a child of Apollo?”
“Too beautiful,” you glide your hands down your face. “I get it from my godly mother.”
“Luke, do you know what you’re doing?” Annabeth asks.
“Yes ma’am.”
She smiles and walks away, talking to more people while you can faintly hear Clarisse shouting at people. With the change in tactic, you know she’s been slightly stressed, but she won’t allow herself to feel anything other than confidence, outwardly.
She still walks tall. She still grips her spear in her hand a little to tight. She’s a bit too greedy with the things that are hers, she grabs on a bit too tight, but you know it’s just because she’s scared. You like it.
If this were a regular game, you would probably be walking next to Clarisse right now, or kissing her goodbye while you follow Matty and everyone else to go protect the flag.
When you and Clarisse first started dating, she was slow to be so affectionate, but the more of her walls you started breaking down the more you found a complicated teenage girl who felt unloved, and had a lot of love to give too.
The more confident she became in your private relationship, the more she wanted everyone to know. It was her fatal flaw, pride, hubris. She wanted everyone to know she was yours and your were hers. She wanted everyone to be jealous.
“I’m so glad we don’t have to wear those horrible earplugs today. They always make me worried. Someone could be shouting a few feet away and none of us would hear.”
“Stop gloating, Luke.”
“I’m just expressing my gratitude, Y/N, is that not allowed?”
“I don’t want to talk to you anymore.”
“Oh, oh, I know. You’re sad, aren’t you?”
“Sad?” you snort.
“Yeah, sad. Sad you aren’t with Clarisse. You’re devastated, destroyed, wrecked.”
You put your hand on your sword. “Who are you… and what have you done with Luke Castellan? Luke doesn’t know that many words…”
He hits your shoulder. “Shut up, Y/N.”
You’re walking through the woods.
Not sneaking around in stealth, not running, but walking.
You’ve come across a few of your former team members, but one of the blue team just tackles them and you tell them to turn around and count to 5,000.
For some reason, it’s worse than sitting by the rock, waiting for someone to make a play for the flag. At least at the rock you’re surrounded by all these people you know. You and Matty are usually talking, Marjorie sometimes joins, and you all have fun bullying Corey for that one time he didn’t see the blue team coming.
Luke’s voice drops to a whisper.
“Here’s your job. You can either, one, go make out with Clarisse in a corner, which shouldn’t be too hard-”
“Luke,” you hit his shoulder. He hisses.
“I’m joking, joking. Just keep her distracted, fight her, maybe pull your shirt down a bit? Oh, or I can just cut it so it’s a bit more revealing-”
“Luke, shut up or else I will make you.”
“It’s not a bad idea-”
“Sh, sh,” he whispers. “Don’t be so loud, we’re almost to the flag. We’re going for stealth, okay?”
“Oh, really, I didn’t notice,” you deadpan. He looks around.
“Blue team, stealth mode, alright?”
Everyone nods. You roll your eyes. You miss the red team.
After Luke gives you the ok, meaning the blue team has successfully surrounded the red team and the clearing, you take a step forward.
Annabeth was right. Clarisse is there.
It’s fitting. If you can’t be there, she would.
You look up at Corey, but he hasn’t noticed any of you yet. You frown, thinking about how he’s probably going to get beat up.
“Clarisse!” you shout. You watch everyone jump into defensive positions. She can’t see you yet, but she stares in the direction of your voice, her eyes squinting, smiling softly.
“Luke?” she shouts. “That you?”
You frown.
“What the hell?” you say, stepping forward. “You don’t recognize my voice? I thought that was really smart. Like, a cool way to reveal myself, I don’t know.”
You come into the clearing, sword by your side.
Clarisse’s smile drops.
“I-I- no, baby, I just wasn’t expecting Annabeth to send you here-”
“Do I really sound like Luke?”
“No,” she says, immediately. “You sound like an angel.
Matty laughs. Clarisse stabs his foot with the end of her spear. She smiles at you.
“Is Luke here though?” Marjorie asks, subtly trying to look through the trees.
“I don’t know.”
“Well, you do,” Matty snorts.
“You’re going to tell me though right, baby?” Clar smiles, stepping closer until she’s right in front of you.
“Obviously not, you didn’t recognize me. I’m, like, really hurt by that Clarisse-”
“Gods, Clarisse,” Matty shouts at the sky, laughing. You didn’t recognize her, and now we’re all fucked!”
“Shut the fuck up, Matty,” she says over her shoulder. She looks at you, smiling again, her hand reaching out to touch your face. “I’ll let you do that thing you’ve always wanted to do.”
You smile, your voice dropping to a whisper. “You’ll let me give you a makeover? Really?”
“Yes.” Her teeth grit, but she keeps smiling, her thumb rubbing your cheek.
“Hm, I don’t know,” you mutter, your eyes fixing on her spear when you suddenly reach forward, grabbing it from her hands and turning to run away.
The blue team emerges from the woods with war cries, swords start clashing, and it all happens so fast.
The plan was for you to grab her spear, make her chase you around the woods, and hopefully the blue team would be able to overpower the red team without her.
Instead, Clarisse kicks out her foot, tripping you. Then, she catches you and the spear in what you swear has to be a milisecond.
“Clarisse!” you shout, genuinely offended. She beat you so easily. It wasn’t even a fight. You didn’t even get the chance to run.
“Sorry, baby, it’s capture the flag!”
You about to start kicking like a wild animal when she suddenly lets you go. Luke is there, fighting her while you pick your sword up from the ground that fell in the commotion.
One of your team members dropped their helmet and you pick that up too.
You’re not that bad of a fighter, Clarisse just knows everything about you, you tell yourself. But your pride is slightly wounded and you want to prove to her, yourself, and everyone that you’re not just a weak Aphrodite kid or some poor thing that hangs off Clar’s arm.
You can hold your own.
You stick the helmet on and step into the fight. Someone groans and a sword comes wishing through the air, but you block it.
They swing again.
You block it.
You picked up things from Clarisse, and, besides, you weren’t just sparring for fun. She actually teaches you, better than the actual sword practice teacher if your biased opinion is to be trusted.
But you probably just feel that way because she rewards you with kisses.
It seems like you’re actually winning for a second, about to disarm him, when he seems to get fed up with fighting you and suddenly arcs hard over your head, making you lose your footing and letting him kick you.
You land on your back, groaning and trying to catch your breath.
“That was such a bitchy move,” you mumble. He leans over you, about to kick the sword out of your hand-
“I’m gonna fucking kill you, Samuel.”
She holds her spear right under his throat, and he finally seems to look at your face instead of just your blue helmet.
“Shit. Sorry. Sorry, Clarisse, I’m sorry.”
She looks like she’s about to kill him but she just pushes him away.
“I was winning,” you groan. “But then he kicked me.”
She kicks him as he walks away.
You expect her to tug you up and start lecturing you but instead she leans down and throws you over her shoulder.
“Wha- Clarisse!”
“That’s enough for you today,” she says, patting the back of your thigh.
“Clarisse, I swear to Hades, let me down!”
“One second,” she mumbles.
When she places you down on the ground again, you’re leaning against a tree. She grabs your hand, frowning at something.
It’s the smallest cut, barely there, but Clarisse of course acts like it’s the end of the world.
“Does it hurt?”
Your eyes fix on Luke behind her, stalking slowly towards her turned back.
“No, Clar, it’s fine. Now I-”
“I think you should go the nurse.”
Your mouth drops open. “Clarisse, it’s a paper cut!”
“And if it gets infected? Go away, Luke, I can hear you.”
He locks eyes with you but ultimately turns around with a very scared and annoyed look on his face.
“Now do you see why I was all messed up? I knew this was going to happen. You were gonna get hurt, and it was going to be my fault.”
You roll your eyes. “It’s not your fault, Clarisse-”
“But isn’t it? You would have been at the flag if Annabeth hadn’t known how much you mean to me. Instead, you were here. Instead, you were rushing off to go fight someone-”
“I’m not a damsel in distress, Clar!”
She presses her lips together.
“I can fight too. Not as good as you, but I can. I-I don’t want to be weak, I don’t want to rely on you for everything, it’s- it’s embarrassing.”
You didn’t even know you were feeling this way until you felt it. But it’s always been there, you guess. You always watch Clarisse spar and know she could never do anything like that with you. And you thought you were fine with it, and you are fine with having things that you like and things that she likes- but you don’t want to be so useless anymore.
She’s silent for a second.
“I- I get that. I do. But I just don’t know how to tell you I… I love you without showing it. I’m not good at saying it, you know that.”
“Clarisse,” you frown.
She puts her hands on your face.
“You are… the most precious thing in the world to me, Y/N. I really hope you know that.”
You wrap your arms around her neck, you can feel her heart thump from the fight.
“I know that, Clarisse. Of course I know that. You show me every day, I just- I just want to feel like my own person.”
She grips you tighter. “If it’ll make you happy, I’ll teach you to fight. But you have to do it how I say, and you can’t go off and do this-”
You pull back so you can make sure this is real.
“Really?” you smile.
“You have to listen to me, Y/N, and do it slowly, okay-”
“Yes, yes, yes, okay, yes,” you breathe, planting your hands on your face before kissing her. It’s slow, it’s sweet, it’s exactly what you think of when you think of her. You think of the side that’s yours, the side that only you can see.
You break it, leaning down to pick up her spear.
The red team is losing the fight behind you.
“Ok, go win capture the flag. And I’ll stay here. My hand does kinda hurt,” you mumble.
She smiles and kisses your cheek. “Not just a paper cut, huh?”
“Can I still give you a makeover?” you ask as she turns away.
y/n: what why did you not recognize me ☹️☹️
clarisse, genuinely terrified: i have no idea what the hell you are talking about please please please don’t take away kissing privileges please please please
@lvrue @t-wylia @laughingcheese037 @kroumi @urdeadpoet @colezb @rey26 @harmzilla @elliewilliamsbae @amberfreemansburntface @kyuupidwrites @neverwaakeme-up @shark1008
(pls ignore it’s for the acc aesthetics thank you!!)
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lady-ashfade · 8 months
soulmate au with percy and reader. i was thinking like reader is like a complete nobody at camp and the daughter of some not really known god. percy and reader meet by accident and they figure out they are soulmates. percy at first didn’t want anything to do with it because he had feelings for annabeth but comes around.
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Percy Jackson x Fem!reader. (Soulmate au)
-£ Pictured a older version of book Percy, but imagine them staying a camp or coming late.
-£ words: 1.5 words
-£ warnings: Angst, rejection, jealousy, I love annabeth, percy being mean? Idk. Anyway kinda short. What can I say, I love a man with dark hair who has sass?🤷‍♀️
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“Do you ever wonder who you’re soulmates is?” percy sat on the log near the cliff looking over the sunset. annabeth keeping her eyes on the forest below, smiling softly as the orange sun hit her skin.
“I’m not worried about it, they will come to me when the time is right.” she replied with a calm voice.
percy could help himself from looking down at her hand and slowly inching his hand near hers. the marking was just late. he knew that she was his soulmate. how could she not be after everything they went through? besides no one knew him like she did.
fate is a funny thing.
because the person who was chosen to be his, and his alone wasn’t the girl he sat next to. it was you. you barely had any contact with percy. never even spiking a word to each other and yet the world still twined you together.
looking back on it he wished he reacted in a nicer way then he did. anything other then what he did, even faint.
he was running a pile of arrows to the archery training ground when he ran into you. as soon as your eyes met the world was slow for just a second and colors shined brighter then they did. in that moment you both felt something that was more then the gods. something even the gods can’t touch.
“woah,” you whisper with your hands still held onto the arrows he was trying to give to you. his hands didn’t stop clinching onto the wood, he couldn’t believe it.
you blink at him for him to do something other then stand there and stare with a open mouth. sure this type of thing wasn’t normal but he didn’t even move a inch.
but you wished he had stayed quiet, “Look, I um..” he let go of the things you two shared and took a step back with hasted.
“I have to run.” you watched him run off like there was nothing important to keep him here.
At first you thought that he was just shy, in shock, and didn’t know what to say. but you soon figured out he wanted nothing to do with you. you followed him around and tried to talk to him at every chance you got but he would always slip from your fingers.
cornering him in the woods at night wasn’t the best idea but you had but there was not other choice. it didn’t feel good to have your soulmate avoid you.
“There is a mistake.” his voice echoed through the woods, “I feel nothing for you. I am sure you are amazing, but you are not my soulmate.”
he watched the tears pool into your eyes like the waves he controlled. taking a step back from the news from his lips that crushed your soul. “I am in love with another.”
Licking your lips you roll your eyes to try and stop the tears forming. “it’s annabeth isn’t it?” he couldn’t deny it even if he wanted to. the silence he gave when he opened his mouth but nothing came out told you everything you needed to know.
“I do hope you live a happy life,” you walked closer to him only inches away, “especially when she finds her soulmate.” you walked past him and down the dirt path back to your cabin where you broke down.
fate was twisted and cruel for giving you him.
day and night you thought about him. and day and night you got worse. everyone could see the toll of being rejected but no one new by who. not a soul knew about you and percy and you honestly liked it that way. no pity glances when they hung out together. 
soulmate depression was a serious thing and could lead one down to a never reversible illness. your eyes lost their light, no one ever saw you smile, looking as dead like as possible. every positive feeling in your body was drained out.
annabeth looked over at you at diner time as you stared at the plate in front of you, sitting at the edge of the bench. “It’s terrible,” she said and picked at her food with a fork. “I hope they come around.”
the trio stared at you in pity, one of them feeling guilt. “It’s a really bad case, I feel so bad.” Grover looked sad as he almost cried himself. love was supposed to be for real, that’s what soulmates were for! If he had one he would never let them get like that.
Percy found himself studying the girl. Her hair messy, her face grime and eyes blank and darker then the last time he looked in them. And Percy was the cause.
“Yeah,” the black hairy boy turned and poked at his food.
It has been week since then and a weight sunk in his stomach when he thought of you, which was almost every moment now. He thought about how you would smile before and how he wanted to see that again. He really thought he liked annabeth but each day that feeling went away.
Maybe he could think things over. But how could he apologize? Would you still want him?
But as Percy thought over the war in his head you moved on. Or as much as you could. there was a sickness in your body but you tried to fight it and spent time with your friends.
one boy took you in quickly. the two of you now glued at the hip and he was the only one who seemed to make you smile now.
“Dude,” Grover knocked his shoulder with his own, “What did he do to you?”
The son of Poseidon darted his eyes lowly at some boy. The way you smiled ever so sweetly like he has been wishing to see for weeks but this- This guy could cause it easily. And those small laughed he could hear so faintly in his ears.
“Nothing.” Percy stated while still glaring at the guy heavily.
the satyr nodded but lingered his eyes on his friend for a few seconds. clearly not believing him one bit.
“I have to tell you something,” he pulled his eyes away from you and to his friend. Guilt covering his face. “You know how y/n got reflected by her soulmate?” his voice shaky.
“Of course, it was hard to watch.” He answered. It didn’t take long for him to connect the dots when Percy lifted his brows as a sign. Grover gasped loudly.
“You did- Oh my god’s. How could you?” His mouth was then covered by Percy as he shh’d him.
Percy took a big breath as he held his hand over his mouth, “I’m not proud of it. It was just, I didn’t feel like we could be. I thought me and annabeth were soulmates until they came along,” he turned his eyes back to your direction to find you laughing slightly with your friends.
“I was terribly wrong.”
As much as Grover was mad at his friend he could see the guilt and regret on his face. He helped him come up with a plan, and gave him a very long lecture about love. Annabeth found out, and cursed him out. Saying that the marks don’t lie and was overly upset he could do that for her.
it took a week of long work for him to build up the courage to finally talk to you.
lucky he knew exactly where you would be. in the same stop he saw you for the first time as his soulmate. In the training grounds. You had been walking back to your cabin looking as beautiful as always even with your gloomy change.
you had a basket in your hand. you hummed quietly and kept your eyes on the dirt path underneath your feet. you were too out of it to hear him walking from behind you. “Y/n.” He called your name.
turning around startled you are met with him smiling at you. the boy who broke your heart standing there with a warm smile on his face as if he didn’t do anything wrong.
“Percy.” You whisper and step back. “I um…Do you need something?” you were shaking almost.
He got closer slowly as he got more awkward by the second, “can we talk?” you were hesitant to expect his offer but you nodded.
“I want to apologize for rejecting you. I felt horrible watching you- Well, get like this.” He kept getting closer and you didn’t know if you should run away or scream at him.
“I was wrong. You are the girl for me.” He saw the tears flood in the corner of your eyes and your lips tremble
“you think that’s enough?” you didn’t yell but he could sense the harsh tone in your voice. And you have that right.
“No, not really.” his frowns. Knowing he needed to do more.
“But I’m willing to work as hard as I need to. If you will have me?”
His green eyes filled with sorrow. the feeling to leave him here, with nothing like he did to you. But you couldn’t. You felt better in his presence as he looked at you.
“I’ll allow it, but we take this slow.” All he could do was smile again and nod his head in understanding.
even if you didn’t trust him. he healed your heart in the matter of seconds.
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atlabeth · 9 months
bleedin' me dry | luke castellan
runaway with luke ending here!!
summary: luke has a proposal. it doesn't go over well.
a/n: so um. obviously im a huge percy jackson stan ive got annabeth in my name and ive literally wanted to be her since i read the books in second grade and by virtue of being an annabeth stan i hate luke but i also think he is so interesting and so good for angst and i also love the pjo resurgence we’ve got going on here from the show!! so here you go. here's some angst
title from vampire by olivia rodrigo
wc: 2.8k
warning(s): fem!child of demeter reader. luke is his own warning lmao. pushy and manipulative behavior, not the healthiest relationship! and no happy ending
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“You know I love the forest,” you mused, “but you have to have a reason for bringing me out here.”
He gave you a wry smile as he squeezed your hand. “Do I have to have a reason? You said you love it—that’s gotta be reason enough.”
“I love it, but there are monsters here.” You twisted your free hand and flowers sprouted up a few feet away. “It does give me a chance to show off, though.”
You were in your cabin helping Katie clean up everything—it was the last day of summer and most of the Demeter kids had already left—when Luke knocked on the door and asked you to accompany him on “a little adventure”. Despite the teasing of your siblings, you bashfully accepted.
It wasn’t the smartest thing, admittedly, to find yourself in the forest with your boyfriend with a couple hours ‘til curfew when you still weren’t even sure if you were leaving or not, but you had your dagger. Luke didn’t have his sword, but you had been practicing.
It wasn’t like it really mattered, anyways—he probably just wanted to make out with you. It was far from the first time, and for all he knew you were leaving for the school year in a few hours.
He chuckled but didn’t say anything. You looked up at him, a slight frown creasing your brows, and nudged him with your shoulder.
“Is everything okay, Luke?” you asked. “You’ve been… oddly quiet.”
Again, it took him a moment to respond before he just shrugged. “I’ve been thinking, I guess.”
“About what?”
“Life,” he said. “Our lives.”
“Very philosophical for the hour,” you said dryly. “Are you sure you’re okay?”
“Yeah,” Luke nodded, “yeah, I’m fine. I just wanted to ask you something.”
“Ask away.”
“Have you ever thought about leaving?”
“I’m still deciding whether I want to go back home for school or not, but—”
“Not after the summer,” Luke interrupted. “Leaving camp. For good.”
You frowned, a chill running down your spine. “Of course not. Camp Halfblood saved my life, Luke. I could never leave.”
“Says who?” Luke stopped and your intertwined hands pulled you back, stopping you as well.
“Says all the monsters that tried to kill me last time I went home,” you said slowly. “Don’t tell me you forgot the dracaena that nearly got me on that field trip.”
“‘Course I didn’t forget,” he said, inclining his head. “I just think you’re good enough now to make it without this place.”
“Luke,” you said with a strained laugh, “you— you can’t be serious.”
He shrugged. “Why wouldn’t I be?”
“Because if we leave, we’ll die,” you said slowly. “I barely made it on my own out there.”
“You’re more powerful now. And you won’t be on your own,” he said, tugging you closer. Despite it all, warmth bloomed in your chest. “I can protect you.”
“Luke…” You trailed off as he cupped your cheek with his other hand, bringing your gaze back to his.
“What’s the point of staying here?” Luke murmured, an unmistakable softness in his eyes. “Just so we can sit around at summer camp for the rest of our lives? I mean, it’s not like that’s gonna be much longer, the way Chiron tells it.”
“I ha— we have friends here,” you said, huffing another laugh as you took a step back from him. It was easier to think when he wasn’t touching you, when you were still able to sever the string connecting the two of you. “We have a life here. A safe life, Luke, where we don’t have to look over our shoulders constantly.”
“Not me.” Luke shook his head as he moved a step forward in tandem, and he took your hand again, his grip tighter this time. “You’re the only thing I’ve got keeping me here.”
“Please,” you said in disbelief. “You’ve got a whole cabin of siblings that adore you. You’re the best swordfighter here. I’m pretty sure even Mr. D has a soft spot for you.”
“Please,” he mocked, “you can’t seriously believe that.”
You shrugged. “All I know is that when you finally asked me out, I gained a whole lot of enemies.”
“Like that means anything,” Luke said.
“The kids love you too!” you exclaimed. “Their eyes light up with stars whenever you help them with their sparring. You’re a beacon of light to this place— where is all of this coming from?”
“I’m tired,” Luke said roughly. “Tired of the gods ignoring us when all they’ve caused is pain.”
You frowned, but he continued on.
“You’re telling me you haven’t noticed it?” he asked. “When’s the last time you ever saw my dad give me any kind of attention besides some fun-colored smoke? He ruined my mother’s life— he ruined my life! And our cabin is damn near overflowing with unclaimed kids. Where are their parents?
He shook his head as he forged on. “And you can’t say that Demeter is any good either. I bet she makes your cereal tastes real good in the morning, but she’s abandoned you for your whole life.”
“Luke, where is this coming from?” you asked, your frown deepening further and further as you let go of his hand and took a step back. “You— you know I’m not a fan of them, but you can’t just go around saying things like this. The last thing I need is for my mother to— to smite me, or strangle me with vines or something because I’m not appreciating her enough.”
Luke huffed a laugh. “That would be the most attention she’s paid to you since she claimed you.”
“She’s a goddess,” you said. “She’s got more important things to do than send me emails asking how my day is going.”
“Really?” Luke asked, his eyebrows rising.
“Yes, really,” you enunciated. “I expect it. I consider myself lucky she claimed me at all.”
“Do you even hear yourself?” he marveled as he said your name. “Your mother has never been there for you, and you think you’re lucky?”
“Luke—” you started, but you couldn’t even finish as he continued on.
“Demeter wasn’t there for the year you spent feeling like the scum of the Earth because you hadn’t been claimed yet. Demeter wasn’t there for the childhood she gifted to you then abandoned you for.” He pushed forward still. “Demeter wasn’t there for all those sleepless nights you spent in the Hermes cabin wondering if you were ever going to know who got you into this mess.”
“Luke, stop,” you finally managed to get out, moving back in turn.
“You know who was?” He continued to forge on, capturing your wrist when you tried to take another step back, eliciting a shaky exhale as you flinched. “Me.”
You ripped your arm away from him, fire in your eyes and blazing in your blood. “Don’t ever touch me like that again.”
“I’ve been here for you since the moment you stepped foot into Cabin Eleven!” Luke’s voice rose, and you’d never been more aware of the dagger hanging off your belt. “Through every tear, every tirade, every godsdamned rant about the gods—”
You stumbled back, and your heart stuttered in your chest as your back hit a tree. Your jaw was clenched, attempting to stop your tremors trying to wrack your body.
“And you’re telling me,” his voice suddenly lowered until it was scarily soft, little more than a whisper as he leaned over you, noses nearly touching, “that you would still choose them over me?”
“If you do not get away from me right now,” you said, quiet and even, “what we have, and anything we could have, will be over.”
Luke didn’t move. “Answer me.”
For a moment, it was just that—you and Luke staring at each other. His chest rising and falling just so from the effort of yelling, his beautiful eyes devoid of any previous softness. You thought your teeth might crack with the pressure in your jaw.
“No,” you said. “I wouldn’t choose them over you.”
And for an even shorter moment, his eyes do soften.
“But I won’t leave my family,” you whispered. “Not for whatever cause you think you’re fighting for.”
And just like that, the armor went up again.
“So that’s the way this ends,” Luke said evenly, and when he moved a few steps back, you felt like you could finally breathe again.
“You know who I am,” you argued, though you couldn’t make yourself move. “My siblings are my family— my friends are my family. I’d never leave them.”
“Oh, I should have expected it,” he said offhandedly. His laughter was a cruel thing. “I always knew you were a coward.”
“Don’t you dare turn this on me,” you spat. “Why do you even want to leave in the first place?”
“Because I’m sick and tired of all the bullshit that goes on here!” Luke yelled. “We’ve been here for years, and what the hell do we have to show for it? A couple scars? A lot of near death experiences? Some deadbeat parents that ruined our damned lives?”
“I have a family that I never could’ve dreamed of!” you exclaimed. “I have sisters and brothers that love me, friends that understand me, and—”
Your voice broke for a moment and you swallowed the lump in your throat, forcing the tears back. Some of the fire burning through your veins had been extinguished as you continued.
“And I thought I had a boyfriend that was there for me.”
It was there again—his eyes softening ever so slightly when he looked at you. But then he clenched his jaw. “And I thought I had a girlfriend that was there for me.”
“I won’t leave,” you enunciated. “I’m not going to help you with whatever crusade you think you’re meant to lead against the gods!”
“You don’t understand,” he insisted.
“You don’t understand!” you exclaimed. “You’re ready to leave all of this behind, and for what?”
“I don’t want to leave it all behind,” he said. “I want you by my side. We could be something truly great together— can’t you see?”
Luke took your hand again and pulled you away from the tree, gesturing with his hand around you. “You can control all of this. The whole world is your domain—we’d be untouchable.”
“Luke, you sound crazy,” you said roughly. “Where is all of this coming from, seriously?”
“I just know that we can live a better life,” he said. “Together, without the gods.”
“Witho—” You couldn’t even manage to finish the word, shaking your head at the pure absurdity of it. You hardly recognized your boyfriend purely because of the insanity he was spouting. “Luke, we don’t need to leave! We don’t need to stand against the gods, or— or whatever this is!”
This time, you took his hand as you tried to smile. “We can make this work, Luke, and we can make it work here,” you begged. “I promise.”
“Things need to change,” he said, voice steely, pulling his hand away. “And they’re clearly not going to change here.”
“Yes, they can,” you insisted, your hands clenching into fists at your side. “I want things to change too, believe me! But going off on your own isn’t going to do anything for it. We can start it here—together.”
His eyes were colder than ever as he looked down on you, and you truly didn’t recognize him. The glint in his eye and edges you would cut yourself on and the insanity he was spouting for no damn reason. You didn’t know what in Hades’ name had gotten into him.
“All we do is sit around and wait for that hag in the attic to spout prophecies, and then Chiron sends some kids off to die, and then we sit around and wait to do it again,” Luke said. “The gods keep making kids and the kids keep dying because they leave them in the world alone— we’re practically grandparents here because we’re lucky to make it past sixteen! The gods don’t do a damn thing about it, and neither does Chiron.”
He shook his head as he stared right into your eyes. “You’re not as smart as I thought if you think you can change anything here.”
“So— so what?” you asked brazenly. “You’re just gonna leave?”
Luke shrugged. “I was always gonna leave. It just depended whether you were with me or not.”
He turned around and started walking, and for a moment you were fully dumbstruck, unable to move. Then something snapped inside of you, and you moved your hands straight up through the air. Vines sprouted from the ground and tangled around Luke’s legs, stopping him and nearly causing him to fall.
“You don’t just get to walk away from me after spouting this bullshit,” you fumed as you ran to catch up with him. “What in Demeter’s name has gotten into you, Luke? Gods— this isn’t you!”
“See?” Luke smiled, ignoring your question. “You are powerful.”
“Answer me,” you seethed.
He shrugged, that small smile still on his lips. “It’s always been me. Maybe you’ve just been too stupid to realize.”
“Where are you going to go?” you asked, ignoring his jab. “Not home, clearly.”
It was a deep cut, something you never would have said under normal circumstances, but his expression didn’t change.
“I’ve got plans,” he said, ignoring your jab, and he huffed a laugh. “And I guess they don’t involve you anymore.”
All you could do was stand there, stunned as you stared at him. It was cliche, but it really wasn’t him, because you loved Luke and he loved you.
He’d always been a bit spitfire, always a little sharp around the edges, but you loved that about him—and he softened those edges for you. He was strong-willed and caring and passionate about everything, and you didn’t want to lose him. Not like this.
You knew what he’d been through. You knew what happened to his mother, what happened to Thalia, everyone he’d lost and every reason for every scar. But you never thought—
Gods. You never thought he’d actually do… this.
“Let me go, will ya?” Luke asked, tilting his head. “Or else what we have will be over— or whatever it was you said back there.”
The vines receded against your will, like his words just connected to your subconscious. You stayed rooted in place as he continued walking away.
But then he stopped. Turned around, looked right at you.
And for a moment you were fourteen again, feeling alone and forgotten going into your third month in the Hermes cabin. Grumbling your way through sword practice because the excited camp counselor who just happened to be your age refused to let you sulk for another day.
It was days after your fifteenth birthday, and the golden sickle with sheaths of wheat had finally appeared over your head at lunch. Luke had lunged at you, wrapping you in the tightest hug possible, and looked at you with all the stars in your eyes as he congratulated you. He helped you move your meager belongings into the Demeter cabin the very next day.
It was the first time you decided to go home since arriving at camp, and Luke was sidled outside your door, making wry comments every so often as he kept you company while you packed.
It was him kissing you right before you went over the hill because he said he couldn’t keep his feelings in any longer. It was you kissing him right back wondering why he waited so damn long.
It was three years of the best thing you’d ever experienced, of the most steadfast companion you could’ve had by your side—three years of Luke Castellan’s love.
Then you blinked, and you were back in the woods. Luke’s expression had softened, but the brimming tears in your eyes blurred your vision.
“I really did love you, y’know,” Luke finally murmured. “But you should know that love isn’t ever enough.”
He was out of your view before you could even muster the strength to move again, and then you were running through the forest faster than ever before.
But when you reached Cabin Eleven, there was no sign of him. And when you checked the pavilion and the forge and the amphitheater and the training arena and every other godsdamned place, you were just as disappointed.
But by the time you got to Chiron and found out the chaos that had spouted in his wake, that he had wanted you to be a part of, it was much, much too late.
Percy Jackson was fighting for his life. Camp had been left in complete disarray. Luke was working for Kronos.
And the man you loved was truly gone.
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surftrips · 9 months
pairing luke castellan x fem!ares!reader
summary y/n's guitar practicing is interrupted several times.
author's note slowly introducing more of the social media aus into these fics! you can view all of the characters’ twitter accounts here.
→ installment of this au read for context
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The weather outside was beautiful. Kids were strewn out around camp, some were by the lake while others found shade in the armory or stables. You, however, were in your cabin all alone. You knew that this was one of the few times it would be empty, so you snuck away from archery to practice your other instrument– your guitar. 
You began strumming the first few notes to a song you had been working on. Quietly singing the lyrics to yourself, you were reminded of a time before camp.
It was back when you were still with him. You recall how your back leaned against his as he helped move your fingers to the correct strings, how he guided your hands to the right positions, he was always so patient with you. But that had all come crashing down when the monsters in your head became real, too real for him to deal with. 
Anyway, that was a long time ago now. You went back to strumming your guitar and tried to push the memory away, but you couldn’t. You hated that he still occupied your mind, no matter how hard you tried to move on. 
You thought that coming here would help, and it did for a while. Other boys became distractions and temporary fixes, but then there was Luke, who confused and terrified you.
When Annabeth and Clarisse brought him up at your sleepover the other night, you felt the need to hide. The bravest girl in camp, and you couldn’t face your own feelings. It made you feel weak, and you hated that.
Realizing that you got distracted once again, you resumed singing for a third time. 
It wasn’t long before you heard the sound of keys dropping followed by“shit.” You looked up from where you were sitting cross-legged in bed to see who it was.
“Hello?” you called out.
A bashful curly-haired boy peeked his head into your door. You frowned. 
“Hey Y/N, sorry for interrupting you,” Percy said, slowly. 
“Aren’t you supposed to be training right now?”
“Y-yes,” the boy stammered. “But Luke needed me to get something from Hermes cabin for him.”
“You do realize this is Ares, right?” 
“Right, I just-” 
“Just…?” You knew you were being a little rude to the boy, but it had been a while since you messed with the campers. You couldn’t have them thinking you went soft all of a sudden. 
“Sorry, I was just walking by and I heard someone singing and I figured it must be you, so I just stopped for a second to listen.”
“Okay, stalker.” 
“I wasn’t stalking, I swear!”
“Whatever, just get going before Luke gets mad at you too.” 
Not needing you to tell him twice, Percy rushed away. Sighing, you went back to your guitar for the umpteenth time. 
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You enjoyed about 30 more minutes of peace before you heard a soft knock on your door. Grumbling, you climbed out of bed, ready to scare the camper away. 
“I swear to god-” you started.
“Hey, hey, I come here in peace,” Luke put his hands up defensively. 
“Ironic because you’re actually disturbing my peace. What is it with everyone bothering me today?” 
“Look, I came here to apologize for Percy earlier.”
“You wasted your time because this could have been a text then,” you said. You were usually nicer to Luke than the rest of the campers, but you hadn’t been in a good mood recently, not since the sleepover and not since you started working on this song. 
He must have noticed your change in attitude toward him because he asked, “Is everything okay?”
“Yes,” you said quickly. “And even if it weren’t, I’m not going to bother you with my problems.” 
“You’re not a bother,” he responded sincerely. 
“Well, I’m glad you think that. But us Ares kids, we have to take care of ourselves. I’m used to it.” 
“Just because you’re used to something doesn’t mean it’s the way things should be.” 
“Oh, my bad, Castellan. I didn’t take you for a philosopher.” 
“Alright, whatever. I just came to apologize for Percy, I’ll leave you to your moping.” 
“Hey! I’m not moping!” you said, defensively. 
“It sure does look like it,” he said, scanning the room and landing on the mess of sheets on your bed and the snack bags you had discarded haphazardly on the floor. 
“I’ll have you know I’m actually working on a very special project, so. This is what the room of an artist looks like.” 
“Oh?” he chuckled. “Is that so?”
“Mhm, I can show you.” 
“Alright, bet,” he found a spot next to you on your bed and watched as you set up your guitar. 
You strummed the first few verses of your song, hyper-aware of how close the boy next to you was right now. You could feel his breath on the back of your neck, and closed your eyes as you slowly allowed yourself to lean into him, softly singing the lyrics. 
When you got to the chorus, you cleared your throat. “Uhm, here is where I’m getting stuck a bit, because everyone keeps barging in here.” 
“Is this the part where you ask me to leave then?”
You stared into his brown eyes. You wondered how anyone’s eyes could look so soft, could hold so much emotion. Did he look at everyone like this? 
“Y/N?” he said, after a moment.
Shit, how long were you staring at him for? And was your mouth open the entire time? 
“Sorry, I thought I saw something in your eye. Probably just a piece of dust,” you laughed nervously. “Uhm, yeah, I think I need another hour or something to finish this song, but I’ll see you at the campfire tonight, yeah?”
If Luke was disappointed, he didn’t look it. “Yeah, of course, I gotta head back to my counselor duties anyway.” 
He saluted you playfully as he turned around to leave, being sure to close the door after him.
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demigods-posts · 1 year
annabeth is so in love with percy. we don't get to see much of her inner thoughts and desires, but the little things stick out. little things like giving him her necklace when he fights ares because she stands with him no matter what. little things like knowing percy might be destined to be the hero of the great prophecy but befriending him anyway. little things like having major trust issues but letting percy hold her while she cries into his shoulder because she trusts him. little things like watching percy choose to be the hero of the great prophecy and shaking because she's terrified of losing him. little things like not being able to tell him the last line of the prophecy because she doesn't want to accept the reality that he might die on her quest. little things like a goodbye kiss in case the volcano does kill him because he can't die without him knowing that she loves him. little things like finding him immediately after the battle of manhattan and shooting her shot because she has her priorities straight and damn it, we fought in a war so it's about fucking time. little things like searching for him non-stop when he disappears four months after they made things official. little things like spotting him in the crowd eight months later and not meaning to run to him but doing it regardless because she's been away for him for so long and her love for him is so intense that her soul calls out to him. little things like dangling over the pits of tartarus and saying that he never looked so handsome while fighting for the two of them to be together. little things like—
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ma1dita · 3 months
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a 'partners in crime' installment - luke castellan x dionysus!reader
words: 3.6k
summary: (pre-established relationship) The one where you both blur the lines between annoyance and admiration. You and Luke forge a promise of becoming partners in crime. (Luke Castellan x fem!Dionysus!reader)
a/n: something happy for the tl– this is the official end of the pre-established relationship arc!! contains two demigods hating their godrents and typical teenager mood swings (thanks for being patient during my hiatus! missed yall <3)
(posted 6/20/24, semi-edited)
Whoever said that finding where you belong is the key to happiness must have been lying.
That, or they’ve never known what it’s like to be a 15-year-old girl.
Sweat drips down the side of your brow bone in the middle of the summer heat. It’s a mystery why you’re still out here with the blistering itch of humidity sending everyone at Camp Half-Blood out to the lake to cool off during free period. You’ve never been friendly with the other campers anyway. It’s not for lack of trying—but toeing the line between being a total psychopath (because of who your dad is—THE god of insanity) and the biggest possible narc (also because of who your dad is—the worst camp director ever) didn’t exactly help your reputation in the past year of taking up space here.
And honestly… teenagers can be fucking mean.
The Aphrodite kids often laugh at your unkempt appearance, hair brushed only by the warm breeze and your camp shirt twisted and tie-dyed to your liking. You had a knack for getting into trouble with the Hephaestus kids after setting something on fire at the armory once… or twice. The Apollo kids were nice enough for as long as you’d sing a song—but there was no way you’d stick in the background arranging sheet music and playing guitar for them forever. Athena cabin was always too cool for you—with no one but little Annabeth Chase entertaining your endless chattering (but if anyone asked, you’d think it’s because they’re all sore losers when it comes to chess). The Ares kids were a little more your speed if only they would stop using you as moving target practice and the Demeter kids might’ve been nicer if you knew how to grow anything other than strawberries. 
It was nice to be included, you guess. Tolerated at best.
But it wasn’t the same as feeling like you belonged.
From the corner of your eye, you see Luke Castellan come back from lunch and dust kicks up from under your boots as you cross your legs in the lawn chair you sit in. Blinking harshly, you realize you’ve been squinting at the sun for ages. He’s seen you do weirder things since you’ve both somewhat acclimated yourselves to Camp Half-Blood’s culture, with you becoming a bit of an oddity as well as local entertainment with the shit you pull to get your dad to look your way. But it was something about the way you were so still under the sunlight that piqued his interest.
And quiet. You were never quiet.
Since you moved out of cabin 11 almost a year ago, his life has admittedly been a bit more peaceful, him finding his groove as a camper and…becoming everything that you’re not. Sure, he’s getting used to calling this place home, but where he shines, you’ve… struggled. Can’t say the same for him though—admittedly his life is kinda great right now.
If you needed a sub for volleyball, Luke’s your guy. Oh no, we need help bringing bushels of strawberries to the kitchens! Luke’s there to help. Someone needs a hand with sparring— there’s no one better than Luke Castellan! The all-star camper, and everyone’s best friend. He’s in talks to become cabin counselor by next year while you’ve had almost every punishment Mr. D can think of giving.
No dessert, shoveling pegasus shit, helping the nymphs on your days off, and the list just goes on. Sometimes you wonder if it’s your father’s way of keeping you busy so he doesn’t have to see you—it’s a miracle you haven’t been disintegrated yet by the god of insanity himself, but perhaps that’s both a pro and con of being his only daughter.
On his way out of his cabin, he stops short a ways away from the firepit, gaze falling upon the red tips of your hair hanging off the chair you lay on (chemically lightened by lemon juice and Kool-Aid you’ve recently learned to conjure). The piercings in your ears sparkle in the warm light—you and a few kids from the Hephaestus cabin pulled them off one late night with sewing needles and apples from the kitchens. 
It’s crazy what you can learn about someone by watching them from afar. Slightly creepy, and kind of concerning, but if anyone bothered to ask, Luke had an excuse for why he was always looking out the front window of cabin 11. The Hermes cabin was directly across the way from the Dionysus cabin, which housed its sole inhabitant, you. 
That in itself is a shitty excuse, he knows that, but… Luke worries. He knows he shouldn’t, but his eyes always subconsciously find their way back to you and whatever trouble you find yourself in—last week it was a pegasi stampede through the north end of the strawberry fields.
Yeah… you didn’t have a good explanation for that one either.
“Shouldn’t you be showing off and saving camp from a chimera, Castellan? Or kissing a baby, or something else super awesome and cool?” you mock, nose crinkling slightly.
He blinks, face falling as he stumbles off the porch towards you, a whisper of a smile still grazing his cheekbones. The sight almost makes you angry, really, and a part of him knows that he’s the bane of your existence. 
How rude of him to be good at everything and good-looking. Truthfully, it made his face very punchable, in your opinion—but the growing list of girls and boys that began to fawn over him after his growth spurt last winter probably think otherwise. 
“Only baby I see here is you,” he mumbles, pulling a chair up next to yours and flopping his dead weight into it, “What’re you doing here pouting all by yourself?”
Your eyes follow his movements and you can’t help but inspect all of him—from the lean muscles that ripple down his arms to the sweat that glitters as it kisses his cupid’s bow. 
He better not dare to kiss me even as a joke, you think, there would be nothing worse than that!
“Trouble? You know you scare me when you’re quiet. S’how I know you’re bothered by something,” Luke nudges your forearm jokingly, hands slightly sticky and smelling like cherries and smoke. His tongue is painted red from a popsicle he snuck out from the kitchens earlier. The sparklers he stole from the basement of the Big House still line his pockets.
No one ever looks twice at the golden boy, after all.
You shrug, kicking your legs under your bottom and staring back up at the clouds that hang overhead. Zeus could strike you down right now and you’d probably thank him. Death by the king of the gods seemed way more interesting than the personal hell of being at Camp Half-Blood you think, sputtering, “What’s it to you? Shouldn’t the camp hotshot have better things to do than hang around someone like me?” But the words feel heavy in your mouth, uncomfortable and clunky as you wet your lips with your tongue and clear your throat. Luke watches your eyes steel, turning away from him like orating a script to an imaginary audience. 
The world is your stage and you feel as if you’re but a performer that has to fulfill an act.
It’s easier somehow like this—to not let your feelings go rogue, or let yourself feel too strongly. All of your efforts have fallen short, despite your mother’s dying vow that these would be the best years of your life. But with one year down, sometimes you wonder if you’d stand a better chance out in the mortal world—hitchhiking your way back down south to the empty house you used to call home. 
Maybe a chimera would get you first. 
Or a hellhound. 
You could probably take a hellhound, right?
A smirk falls upon your lip, freshly bitten and raw and you realize he’s still there next to you. Luke is still watching you silently as his hand taps on the wooden arm of the lawn chair—a nonsensical beat that fills the silence that follows like someone feeling their way around a wound. His contemplation is gentle, even if your expression is festering the longer you sit together.
“You're literally the coolest girl here. Since when did you give a shit about what anyone has to say?”
Your face is stoic, amethyst eyes bouncing down the slope of his face and back up until they meet his that are honey-sweet. 
I CARE! a voice inside you wants to scream. It sounds like a little version of you stomping her foot until someone finally pays attention. But Luke’s eyes are already on your clenched fists and you haven’t made a single sound.
“Since when does Mr. Perfect know how to cuss?” you deflect, and he barks out a laugh, shaking his head yet nodding for you to continue. He knows that’s not what you meant to say.
“I can hardly believe that you of all people here think that I’m cool. I’m kind of a mess,” you try to reason, puffing your chest so that the breath makes your hair sway away from your face. 
“Sure,” Luke says as his chin rests against his arm. He blinks slowly, taking you in almost thoughtfully as he feels out his next words, “But you’re…you.” 
“The fuck is that supposed to mean?”
Mischief prances through his features and you absolutely hate the look he gets on his face when he thinks he knows better than you.
Egotistical piece of shit.
Your hand jabs out to shove his, all of his front falling over in a fit of laughter as he catches himself and suddenly he’s too close. Close enough that for a moment, you’re scared he might see right through you.
Luke Castellan is not someone who would ever understand the pressure that you currently buckle under. 
“You’ve got it all, you know? You can do whatever you want, your dad notices you. You’ve already found your glory by just being here… I mean all of us here want tha—” Your fist hits the wall of muscle in his abdomen. It’s haphazard and a cheap shot that probably hurt you more than him, but anger was the first emotion to surface (and you did say he was punchable—next time you’ll aim for his jaw). Luke huffs, slightly winded, though if anything his ego is the only thing coming out of this with a bruise.
“What do you mean what, asshole? You think I want any of this?” you laugh coldly, reeling away from him like he’s burned you. Hands to your chest, scalded by his words, Luke is trying to find the misstep in his actions with his mind running miles a minute as he watches your brows furrow and you’re shaking like a pot about to boil over.
“I knew you wouldn’t get it.”
You’re not looking at him anymore, trembling hands doing more harm than good as you throw your stuff into your worn knapsack. This must be your last straw, you think, quickly thinking of your meager belongings packed underneath your bed and a letter to your dad tucked under your pillow. This is your sign to get the hell out of here. But as you’re tugging the canvas cloth over your shoulder, a gentle hand clasps around the straps, and a soft, “Hey, hey…” makes its way towards your ears and the frosty feeling that surrounds your heart.
“I didn’t mean it like that,” Luke mumbles, spinning you to look at him as he sighs. Worry is a familiar feeling he’s acquainted with over this past year of knowing you, “Come on now, tell me. I’m a better listener than I am at speaking, obviously…” He catches the quiver in your lip with a graze of his finger, leading you back to your seat and placing your bag at his feet—making sure you can’t run, and even if you wanted to, you’re unsure of what else you have left to lose. 
“Everyone thinks I have it easy because I don’t let anything break my smile. But I’d rather be anywhere than here. I’m a joke, hones—”
“Don’t say that,” he interjects, quickly silenced by your glare.
“You think it’s all sunshine and rainbows that I see my godrent every day? That what, I’m lucky?” 
Luke simpers, curls falling over his forehead as jealousy clouds his vision. He has a few choice words towards his own father, but surely it can’t be all that bad. Anything must be better than a broken mother and a dreadfully absent father. 
“Hit me with it already, Trouble.”
“My dad loves me because he has to. But there’s no way he actually likes me. It shouldn't get to me that much, even if he hates the parts of me I got from him, but it does. No one here likes me either.”
You don’t know whether you should laugh or cry, opening up to Luke like this. All you know is you haven’t been vulnerable to anyone in a while—the last you tried to talk to your dad about your dead mother left you with more questions than answers.
Trying to gauge the look on his face, you avert your eyes, picking at the peeling polish on your nails as you continue, “I think my father is lonely here in a camp full of children that aren’t his own and almost a mortal lifetime away from his seat on Olympus. He has a wife who waits for the eternity they’ll have to spend with each other. And I’m nothing but a smudge on his timeline— a reminder of a life that he had before saving her. I'm the last thing that holds him back from being happy.” 
He listens. And then he speaks, almost blurting, “I’m my dad’s favorite—or so they say. So he likes me for all the effort I put into being his son, but he doesn’t love me. Not how he should. I can count the number of times I’ve seen him and my mom’s not dead, even if it’s easier to tell everyone that. But I’ve lost her anyway and he let that happen.”
That’s grim.
There are cracks of darkness in the sunshine boy after all. There’s a gleam of angst in both of your stares, daring the other to compete in this little pity party and seeing who would give in first. But neither of you break—shiny fractals of both your experiences blending into an understanding.
A middle ground.
A huff of laughter is released between the both of you, breathy and warm hitting your cheeks as you turn to each other like little kids giggling in secret. Perhaps you are— two 15-year-olds feeling weightless for a moment now that your shoulders shake without the pressures you place upon yourselves, and by this kindness alone, maybe.... maybe this place isn't so bad.
Someone calls out for Luke, figures hidden in the forestline. The moment quickly ends after that, a fuzzy feeling in your chest left behind, ignited every time your eyes meet his. It’s like he didn’t hear anything though, stuck to your side still grinning like you could give him the key to the city.
“If it matters, I like you,” he chokes out, clearing his throat as his eyes dart away from yours. By the time the blush rises to his cheeks your eyebrows have already shot into your hairline in disbelief watching Luke Castellan, camp’s pride and joy stumble over the simplest words he’s spoken all day.
You’re quiet again, which stresses him out more— frantic words ripping through his teeth in a blur of "Um, erm, not like... I mean in the sense that—" and your tongue pokes through your cheek in a bad attempt to stop a smile. You look soft—and thankfully not like you’re about to punch him, finally having the upper hand when it comes to him. Luke blinks slowly, shaking his head— "You're just really cool."
“You said that already.”
He shrugs, not really having anything more to say. The boy is embarrassed enough.
Have you always looked that pretty when you’re smug?
Snorting at his flustered state, you mutter, “Olympus would rejoice the day I be more like you, you know that, Castellan?” And he shrugs playfully, liking the way you don’t press on the topic when you could’ve gone for blood, “Olympus might fall if you teach me a thing or two.”
The warning bell rings overhead and Chiron's voice booms over the speakers— “CAMPERS, MONSTER TECHNIQUES WILL BEGIN IN 10 MINUTES. PLEASE MAKE YOUR WAY OVER TO THE AMPITHEATER.”
“I should go.”
“Sure. You’re teaching, right? New big gig,” you say nonchalantly as you expect him to leave and probably never talk to you again. You’re used to that by now, and whatever understanding between you doesn’t make you friends.
“Do you want to come with me?”
Luke’s hands fidget at his sides, but his feet are planted deep into the dirt, his red Converse pushing the soil beneath him. He doesn’t want to leave. But he thinks that maybe if he had to, he’d leave a place like this for someone like you.
“Monster fighting is more your thing, isn’t it?”
He grins lamely, walking backward towards the woods with his eyes still on you, “You’ll find your thing. M’sure of it.” 
Rolling your eyes, you bend over to pick up your things again, “Yeah, yeah. Like anyone would want to hear me tell stories or do my little crafts.”
“Why the hell not, Trouble?”
Luke throws his hands up in the air before scampering away to join his friends. It's hard to admit, but he's got a point—maybe this is an idea your dad will actually appreciate. A shiver wracks through your body. You find yourself being excited about something to do at camp for the first time in a long time.
Maybe it wouldn't hurt to stay a little longer, you think as you trudge into your cabin, unknowingly kicking your knapsack further underneath the bed. You flop onto the bedspread with your notebook out, brainstorming what a Greek Legends and Theatrics workshop would look like. If you can get your words onto a page, you could pitch this to Mr. D by morning. A spark shines in your eye like the glittery glow-in-the-dark stars that hang from your bedroom ceiling.
Hopefully this won’t end in you shoveling pegasi shit.
You’re standing at the edge of the dining pavilion, tray in hand as campers bump past your frame, rushing towards their tables to eat dinner. There’s no one at your table but your dad and the idea of proposing the idea of your workshop sounds so terrifying right now that your stomach turns. 
And then there’s Luke Castellan waving you over towards the Hermes table like a madman.
You thought being crazy was supposed to be your thing.
He clambers up over the bench, all gangly legs moving towards you until he’s there grabbing your tray from your hands with a smile, “Come on, trouble. Still got a spot at my table. Chris just falls into it before I ever get the chance to call you over.”
You look at him like he’s stupid, your hands on the opposing side of your tray and the both of you are locked in a stalemate in the middle of the pavilion. Curious eyes make their way over to you both, and murmurs of excitement for a fight start to rise. Here’s the thing—it’s something to grab attention, but it being put on you without your control is a bit nerve-wracking, to say the least.
“We're not allowed to mix tables, Castellan.”
“Since when do you care?”
Since when do YOU, you think. Standing between comfort and chaos, your eyes meet your father’s, expectant as he watches you from across the room. There is comfort in the silence that would consume you at your table. You’d be able to eat in peace and hear your thoughts compared to the lack of elbow space at Table 11. Too many of them steal each others’ desserts, crack bad jokes, and kick each other under the table, but it still makes you smile. You choose the chaos instead, slowly making your way over to the Hermes kids who greet you with a loud cheer.
Children of mischief and chaos are like birds of a feather, after all. There is comfort in this madness too—and you think Mr. D almost smiles when his eyes meet yours once more.
You’re crafty when it's something you can fix; painting a picture of yourself that’s cool and interesting for others to see, but in reality, all every teenager wants is to fit in.
Who would’ve thought Luke Castellan was going to help with that?
“One of these days you’re gonna have to put the nice boy act in your back pocket, Castellan. I’m positively dying for the day you reveal yourself to me.”
Luke chuckles over a mouthful of mashed potatoes, shoulder knocking into yours intentionally, though the both of you are thigh to thigh on the crowded bench. You ignore the fact that one of his little brothers steals the cherry off your ice cream sundae, and he ignores the fact that his constant worry for you reveals itself as another, deeper thing—care.
“What you see is what you get,” he murmurs into your ear. Heat creeps up your neck and you look up to see your dad looking at you again, and then— “Hey, hey… eyes on me.” Turning to look at him, his breath hits your cheek, “You’re the only daughter of Dionysus. The only person I know born to be able to raise hell for a god. Gotta use it to your advantage more, Trouble. You’re not here to entertain anyone. You gonna let him win?” he asks.
Blinking slowly, you eat a spoonful of rice, cheeks full but not concealing your smile.
“Where’s the glory in that, right?”
“The gods envy us. They envy us because we’re mortal, because any moment may be our last. Everything is more beautiful because we’re doomed. You will never be lovelier than you are now. We will never be here again.” -Homer
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fate-of-the-envious · 3 months
How is canon Annabeth abusive?
You want a list?
1. She constantly hits Percy. Kicking him in the shins, elbowing him in the ribs, punching him in the gut. Not to mention the judo flip scene. Also, this is never said to be done playfully whatsoever. And it's done constantly in EVERY book.
2. She always belittles and calls him stupid. Like his plans never work. Ha, they work more than hers! Also, the parallels of her calling him Seaweed Brain, when Gabe called him Brain Boy! Like how would you feel if you have a nickname constantly degrading your worst insecurities?! All the damn time! Not to mention Thalia, who Percy was the first person who helped her after she stopped being a tree, after spending the school year with Annabeth started calling Percy Kelp Head and viewing him as dumb. Annabeth who ignored Percy all this year, and was overall just selfish and mean when they met again.
3. Annabeth is so possessive of Percy. Even before they are dating (which doesn't make it any better when they are), Annabeth doesn't let Percy be friends with Rachel. Trying to drive a wedge between the two. And Percy, literally only has Grover and Annabeth for friends. He is so alone, he needs more friends! Oh, and then with Jason she interrupts the two of them chatting and trying to get along. Also, just how she doesn't like that Percy seems to like Camp Jupiter, like he can't seem to have his own differing plans from her.
4. Tartarus. Everything about that was so bad. Like in Tartarus, whom Percy fell down to FOR HER, Annabeth brings up Rachel because in her thoughts, she needs to keep her boyfriend on his toes. Like bitch! Then, we get to how she thinks Percy is so manipulative when he talks his way to get Bob to kill his brother. Like that isn't Annabeth's number 1 tactic. She's so fucking judgemental!
And then the scene with Akhlys in Tartarus. Where yes, Percy is being scary torturing this goddess who tried to poison them to death. But she just tried to kill them! He's saving their lives! And then, Annabeth makes Percy promise her to never use those powers again, because "Somethings aren't meant to be controlled." Like do you know how useful poison-bending could be to save lives? What difference does this make from using a sword to kill monsters when all of them are trying to kill and/or eat Demigods! Not to mention, if someone is poisoned, Percy could help heal them!
Next, because of how horrible Annabeth made Percy feel for using these powers he attempts suicide. After he gets out and faces Polybotes, who controls poison, he doesn't even try to save himself and says to Jason that he deserves to die by poison for what he did! He tried to kill himself! And Annabeth never talks to Percy about this again, and instead talks to Piper who thinks Percy needs to be restrained like he's some kind of monster when he was saving them! Percy is literally the most selfless and kind person out there. And Annabeth treats him like crap! She doesn't deserve him!
5. Percy isn't allowed to have bad thoughts on Luke. Luke, who's tried to kill him repeatedly since he was twelve! And in general, this ship is so toxic and codependent right now, it's in no way healthy.
Anyways sorry for my rant, but yeah Annabeth is abusive, and it's just so concerning how people possibly in elementary school are being exposed to this being a healthy relationship, where girlfriends can hit their boyfriends, and can stop them making friends with others, because they belong to them like some sort of object.
Yeah, I just relate to Percy so much, and I don't want him to deal with another Gabe.
Edit: Okay, for anyone who likes Annabeth or Percabeth, I don't care - you do you. You can like and dislike all the characters and ships you want, just as I can. So, if you disagree with what is said, that's fine, but don't expect me to change my stance when I have already pointed out several concerning behaviors. So, like good humans, we'll just have to agree to disagree and move on with our days.
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star-dust-shark · 3 months
PJO characters as dumb things me and my friends ( bonus one with my parents ) have said part two
Will: what's your type?
Nico: you
Will: that's sweet but I meant blood type
Percy: oh fuck I'm blue now
Percy: but like actually blue
Percy: like a smurf
Percy: being sad's for idiots lmao
Leo: everyone hates me lol
Jason: what am I??? like???
Nico: and Axl Rose's real name wasn't Axl Rose
Percy: *crying* STOP
Will: easiest way to come out to people is tell them that you listen to coldplay
Nico: Im gonna fugging krill myself
Annabeth: krill????
Nico: isn't that like a fish or smth
Piper: *knocking on Leo's door* WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN THERE
Leo: uh shit uh erm uh
Leo: *moans loudly*
Will: *joking* we should makeout
Nico: I really wanna
Will: what
Nico: ...
Nico: did I say that out loud
Piper: *sobbing* why are penises so ugly
Annabeth: math is weirdly calming to me sometimes ngl
Annabeth: *flips page over to read massive paragraphs of words*
Annabeth: *bursts into tears*
Will: I just had to help hatch a baby chick
Will: I'm waiting for applause it was so gross
Will: if you drink the water I'll give you a forehead smooch
Nico: *glances at water, thinking*
Nico: nah you wanna give me one anyway
Will: gods dammit
Rachel: MY BABY
Rachel: *kisses it*
Hazel: ugh I want someone to fuck me
Hazel: hahah jk that shit's nasty
Piper: yeah I've noticed after watching you for a bit that you smile whenever Nico messages
Will: aww that's so swee-
Will: wait why are you watching me
Piper: *stares into his soul*
Nico: I miss you
Nico: *replies an hour later* that was a moment of weakness fuck you
Will: what if I say "darling" in a seductive voice
Nico: no
Will: u sure?
Nico: I ahdiamdveip dnsjhbksahcblaiwcbjsd-
Will: like at first I wanted to be you but then I realized that there's a diffrence between wanting to "be you" and wanting to "be on you"
Percy: I'm depressed
Percy: ...
Will: wtf are hickeys??
Will: I'm an experimental learner btw
Leo: omg guys look the guitar strings made my finger darker
Leo: *looks at finger* do you like watermelon, sir?
Will: you are so close to being hit in the head
Frank: *points* haha you've been fingered
Hazel: love... no
Reyna: technically you already are
Thalia: *passes out*
Octavian: ugh I'm so single
Nico: *sighs* me too
Nico: FUCK YEEEEEEEEAH *smashes table*
Annabeth: what's ur favourite animal I'm gonna buy you something
Percy: shark but don't waste your money
Annabeth: but my parents told me to spend it on something important
Percy: *cries*
Will: I'm autism!!
Will: *turns to Nico, wiggle eyebrows* I could be in you
Nico: tism rizz????
Frank: I love these drama videos
Reyna: *massive bags under her eyes* why do you want more drama wtf
Jason: honestly scared to sit on the edges of chairs at my trans boyfriend's house
Percy: *over text* jason are you gay for me
Jason: no gtg
Percy: he's hiding something
Piper: don't mean to be heterophobic but why is straight porn so gross
Nico: agreed gay porn is much better
Percy: are there any not cool lesbians
Reyna: I mean they probably exsist
Annabeth: no
Leo: *sighs sadly* cock and ball torture
Will: guys I learnt how to play my favourite song on guitar *starts playing good lookin by dixon dallas*
Leo: *playing adopt me*
Leo: chat chat guess what I'm on acid
Leo: wait since when do you play adopt me
Reyna: yk those yummy smelling shampoos
Nico: yea
Reyna: well I went to walmart and thought I found some and started smelling it but this lady was giving me weird looks
Nico: oh?
Reyna: yeah
Reyna: so uh
Reyna: it was lube
Will: hey bbg *winks*
Nico: I will slam you down and makeout with you right now
Percy: hi
Jason: hi
*leaves swirl around them*
Leo: don't mind me just massaging my clit
Nico: WHAT????
Nico: OH
Leo: *singing* coked up dick sucking hoe?
Jason: *walks in*
Leo: oh haiiii
Leo: how does it feel to be Draco Malfoy
Jason: idk how does it feel to be tweek
Leo: idk pretty good
Reyna: you don't deserve it
Percy: yeah I do
Percy: I've been a good boy
Percy: jesus I just turned myself on wtf
Leo: *in sad voice* I'm a cheeseburger
Jason: a sexy little cheeseburger
Will: *gets text from Nico*
Annabeth: SIMP
Will: ???
Will: darling
Nico: *throws phone, screams into pillow, face red* I hate that man
anyway part three will cum ( pun intended )
thanks to @crowwolf8 @justagremlinoncaffeine @localcosplaymushroom @secret-mewtwo and my om and dad for being inspiring an shit
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psychesalcove · 3 months
red, white, blues in the sky, summers in the air and baby, heavens in your eyes
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✧.* the seven (separate) x reader
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synopsis: blurbs about being with the 7 (separate) for the 4th of July!!
cw: swearing, percy + leo being dorks, frank not understand 4th of july at all, hazel being adorable, actually everyone is adorable in this, FLUFF OMG, not proofread AT ALL this is just a rlly fast writing for the holiday,
an: happy 4th of july all of my american readers!! hope you have a good 4th of july, and you're able to see fireworks and or celebrate with your family n friends!! :) also got a bit lazy twords the end, so sorry if my writing gets worse lmao
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percy jackson ^᪲᪲᪲
"oh shit, hold on m'gonna go get some rocks to hold down the blanket," percy said as the picnic blanket the two of you had put down starting moving with the breeze in the air. he didn't wait for a response from you, instead running around and finding large enough rocks to stop the blanket from moving.
you smiled as you watched him, breathing out a laugh as you saw him run into conner. conner gave you a questioning look as percy walked off after apologizing, you shrugging your shoulders in response.
soon, percy came back with his rocks he gathered. he quickly set four down, one on each corner of the blanket. "i named that one todd," he explained, pointing to the rock on the bottom right corner of the blanket, "and that one's tofu," pointing to another rock. "i haven't thought of the other names, but maybe you can think of them," he countined as he plopped down next to you; quickly throwing his arm over your shoulders and pulling you into his side.
"is there a theme with the names starting with a t?" you asked, smiling up at percy.
he blinked, thinking for a moment. "i didn't even realize i did that...huh," he mumbled, tilting his head to the side as he thought. "i guess there is a theme now," he concluded.
you laughed. "sounds good perce," you said, referring to what he just said.
he nodded thoughtlessly. "now it's more hard to think of names though," he said, looking at you for assistance with names.
"hush percy. the fireworks are going to start soon."
annabeth chase ^᪲᪲᪲
the two of you had retreated to her cabin a bit after the hermes cabin starting lighting up fireworks; both of you preferring to stay away from the loud noises and cheering of other demigods.
"thanks for being with me in here," annabeth hummed, grabbing your hand to hold.
you smiled and nodded your head. "of course annie," you said, squeezing her hand as you talked. "i normally go back to my cabin anyway during the fireworks. they can be a lot sometimes," you explained, knowing your girlfriend might be thinking she's keeping you cooped up in the athena cabin.
annabeth let out a breath. "good to know. i didn't want you to think you were stuck in here with me," she said, confirming your suspensions about her thoughts.
you shook your head softly. "even if i usally stayed out, i still would've come here with you. i never feel stuck with you, love." you explained as annabeth started tracing unfamiliar patterns onto your hand.
"i love you so much," she said, quickly dropping her head so her lips could meet yours. you quickly reciprocated the kiss, brining your free hand up to your face.
"love you to, so much." you said as you pulled away. "now, do y'wanna tell me about that book of yours you've been reading?" you asked.
annabeth smiled, pulling you so that you were sitting side to side with her. she quickly grabbed her book off her nightstand, flipping to the page where the summary was. "i thought you'd never ask, my love."
piper mclean ^᪲᪲᪲
pipers face was inches away from yours, her eyes focused on applying a face design onto your upper cheek. "what are you drawing again, babe?" you asked.
piper quickly shushed you. "hush. you're messing up the design, hon. stay still." she said, pulling away from your face to scold you.
"so mean, pipes." you said, only to receive a small playful push on your shoulder from her. you resisted the urge to laugh, knowing that it would mess up the design more than it already is.
"okay!" piper beamed. "we're done with that," she patted your cheek affectionately.
"i don't even get a kiss?" you asked, smiling at your girlfriend's deadpan look as a reply to your question.
"you'll get one when your makeup is finished, how about that?" she mused, attention going to her makeup bag as she shuffled through it, looking for the next thing to put onto your face.
"deal," you said, agreeing with her proposal. you put your hands into your lap, being mindful of the still wet nail polish piper had put on you earlier.
"what d'you think of glitter for your eyeshadow?" piper asked, displaying a glitter pallet to you.
"whatever you think will look best, my dove," you mused, looking at piper with what drew would describe as heart eyes.
jason grace ^᪲᪲᪲
jason had his head in your hair, his hand holding yours as he rubbed absent-minded patterns onto your hand. "d'you wanna stay for the fireworks, my love?" he asked, his voice slightly muffled because of his position.
"m'fine with whatever you wanna do babe," you said as you waved back at annabeth as she passed you with percy. you felt jason smile into your hair, before he pulled his head away from yours.
"we'll stay for a while, but if it gets to much for either of us, we can go back to my cabin. sounds good love?" he said, figuring that you might not want to stay for the entire fireworks show.
you hummed. "yeah, that sounds good." you moved your head so it was rested in the crook of jasons neck. he ducked his head down and pressed a light kiss to the top of your head, smiling lightly when he heard you hum in response to the kiss.
"y'know, sometimes i think of now lucky i am to have you," jason started, looking ahead twords the camp lake and watched as percy tackled leo into the water for whatever reason.
"usally, or at least when i was still at camp juniper, i didn't really celebrate anything. i mean, i had people to do things with, but i never had that one person who was mine," he countined, feeling heat from your cheeks on his neck, causing him to chuckle lightly.
"im so, so glad that i met you. and that you can be that one person i can share special memories like this with." he finished, "i love you so much, i hope you know that, love."
"jason, you need to stop randomly dropping speeches like that. but i love you to. so much."
leo valdez ^᪲᪲᪲
"leo, honey. what on earth happened?" you asked your boyfriend as he sat down on the blanket you had set up on halfblood hill. leos arms and face were covered in what looked like soot, but, knowing your boyfriend, it could've been anything.
he grinned, and looked at you with the sparkle in his eyes that he always had when he was with you. "surprisingly, travis n' conner don't know how to make fireworks correctly; so I helped them," he explained as he sat down across from you, still looking at you like you hung the moon and stars yourself.
you rolled your eyes playfully at his explanation, reaching your hand out to his face to brush the worst of it off. he emideantaly leaned into your touch, humming lightly as your hand brushed away the soot on his face.
"hope i wasn't to late for the good fireworks?" he asked as he repositioned himself so he was sitting next to you instead of across. you shook your head in response and moved closer to him, resting your head on his shoulder.
he responded to your touch by resting his head atop of yours, and bringing his hand over your shoulders, pulling you even more close than you already were. "i hope you like this next firework, babe. designed it just for you," he said, motioning his head to the sky where you could still see light remains of the previous firework launched.
before you could question what leo meant, the next firework was lit. as it went up into the sky, you could see both yours and leos cabin symbols clear in the sky, along with a heart surrounding the two symbols.
frank zhang ^᪲᪲᪲
"i still don't get this whole fourth of july thing," frank said, staring at the sky with a confused look as the next firework was set into the air.
you laughed at frank's statement. "frank, hon, i don't think most americans get what it's about either. they just want to celebrate something and have an excuse to be loud," you explained, shuffling closer to frank, which he responded to by putting his hand over yours and holding it softly.
"yeah, that actually makes sense," frank agrees, before looking past you and at something else. "why does percy have an eagle hat on?" he asks. you turn your head around to be met with the exact sight frank described.
you chuckled, throwing annabeth an apologetic look as she made eye contact with you. she smiled lightly, before saying something to percy, causing him to gasp in what sounded like disbelief.
"and, i don't get the whole red white and blue theme. i mean, it can look good, i guess, but some people take it a bit to far," frank said, shooting a look at leo who was wearing an american flag as a cape.
"hon, i think you're just saying that because of what leos wearing," you said, smiling as frank looked at you with a smile plastered on his face.
"yeah, i am, how'd you know?" he said jokingly, before moving so the two of you were now fully cuddled up with one another.
hazel levesque ^᪲᪲᪲
"hazel, you look amazing love," you said in a dreamful tone as you looked at hazel. she was wearing a off white ruffle dress that ended just above her knees, and she had on her jewelry; which included four necklaces, many, many, beaded bracelets, and her rose quarters earrings.
she flushed , painting her cheeks in a deep pink. "thank you, darling. i didn't know if i did to much or not, but since it is a holiday I thought I might as well get a bit dolled up." she explained.
you smiled, beckoning her to sit next to you. "well, i think you look amazing, hazel. and your jewelry goes wonderful with your dress." you said as she took a seat next to you on the picnic blanket.
she blushed again. "you look lovely as well, dear," she muttered, still recovering from your compliments. "oh! i brought some sweet iced tea for the two of us, if you want any." she said, pulling out a jug from her tote bag. "im surprised that none spilled," hazel muttered as she looked at the canister.
she turned her attention to you. "so, you want some, lovely?" she asked again.
you smiled. "of course, love. thanks for bringing drinks. i don't really know if i trust what hermes cabin is giving out to drink," you said, eyes moving to some kids of hermes you didn't personally know offer piper a drink.
hazel turned to look and cringed. "yeah, i don't think i want to try any of that," she said as she turned her attention to pouring a cup for you. "here you go, darling," she smiled.
you thank her with a quick peck to the lips. hazel blushes once again, almost dropping your glass of iced tea in the process.
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kermitthesog · 5 months
yeah i know everybody has said this or thought this before. will that stop me from making paragraphs after paragraphs? no.
annabeth and percy are actually the perfect duo.
no i don’t just mean in their relationship.
annabeth, (being the daughter of athena and all) will always be the one coming up with attack strategies or tricks. but…percy is so good at actually pulling them off.
in one book she says she’s all ideas, not mechanics. while she might be a good fighter, she isn’t as good as percy. whatever insane idea she might have, percy will do it. he’s also brave, which helps with the fact that most of her ideas involve distractions and lots of fighting and trickery.
not that he’s not smart and he can’t do anything like that. but, with many books as an example, he likes simply charging in. he doesn’t really go in with a “strategy.” most of the time it works out anyway because he’s *super* powerful.
but think of how many times he would’ve been absolutely obliterated if annabeth hadn’t kept him on the right track. she thinks ahead. he thinks moments before he gets his face socked in. i just think this is another reason that they’re perfect together. annabeth is basically just telling him what to do while he obliterates everyone. you cannot tell me otherwise.
(P.S.- i was reading the demigod files and got this idea cause we’ve all thought this, but i just realized how big it is.)
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jgracie · 3 months
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jason grace x gn!reader
masterlist | rules
warnings none
an this wasnt a request but jgracie is the gift that keeps giving and i get inspo at the randomest of times ANYWAY if you're reading this go wish anon a very happy birthday as this is dedicated to them 😚
you were never the type to expect anyone to go all out for your birthday. your whole life, you'd just gotten a cake, birthday wishes and gifts, and you were content with that - the fact that people remembered it was your birthday was more than enough for you. however, it'd be very hard for you to keep that mindset now that you were dating jason
"d'you want those, love?" jason asked as soon as he'd noticed you eyeing a pair of shoes that were way out of your usual budget. before you could even argue, he grabbed them and put them in your shopping cart. according to jason, today was your day and therefore you deserved to be as pampered as one could possibly be
so far, he'd made your favourite breakfast and had it in bed with you (despite how much he hates eating in bed due to all the crumbs), bought you the most gorgeous promise ring and with it declared his love for you at eight in the morning, ran you a bubble bath with rose petals in it (you didn't even know you had rose petals lying around), bought you the perfect outfit to have the most perfect date in and was currently taking you to every store he could think of to buy even more things - to say you were being pampered would be an understatement
at the cashier's stand, your jaw nearly dropped at the price of the shoes, "jason, it's okay, i don't need them. you've already done so much," you mumbled, feeling awfully shy
"don't you worry, honey, i want to buy them," was all he said before he handed the cashier his credit card and paid for the shoes. he now had several bags dangling both of his arms, as well as you clinging onto his left, but he didn't seem to mind. in fact, this was the happiest jason had been in a while, since there was nothing he loved more than making you feel like the special person you are
next on jason's itinerary was dinner at a restaurant you'd been dying to visit for weeks. how he was aware of this, you didn't know (he interrogated kindly asked annabeth)
"y/n, i hope you know that i wanted to do all of this," jason began, his face turning pink as he tenderly took your hand from across the table. you bit your lip and nodded, about to give him some answer along the lines of "thank you, jason," but he didn't let you interrupt
"seriously, you mean everything to me. i wouldn't be where i am right now if it weren't for you. to me, this is the least i could do. i don't want you feeling bad or like a burden or anything like that, because trust me, you're the farthest thing from it, okay?"
it was safe to say that your food had a hint of tears that evening
your final stop was a nearby park. hand in hand, you strolled around, the sound of cicadas accompanying your laughter as you talked about anything and everything - it was always natural with jason. eventually, your feet got tired and the two of you settled on an old bench, fingers still intertwined, as they always were
"thank you so much, jase. this is the best birthday i've ever had, i don't think anything could ever top all that you've done for me today. i love you so much, babe," you said, unable to contain the wide grin that was spreading on your face
"i love you too," jason replied, sporting a grin of his own to match yours, "but i'm afraid something will top today - i've already started planning for next year's birthday."
at this, you giggled and your hold on jason's hand got tighter as you began to close the gap between you. under the twinkling lights, you and jason sealed your birthday with the sweetest kiss
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cherishmiya · 5 months
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now playing 'infrunami'- steve lacy
clarisse la rue x fem!y/n
part 2 of 'I'm wearing a miniskirt, but why are you the only one who doesn't notice'
warnings: possibly ooc annabeth?
girl, you're the one i want, you're the one i need im begging you
Clarisse la rue was madly in love with you, whether she would've admitted it or not. she was absolutely whipped for you and would've done anything to have made you hers. but that was in the past, she's over you now. she realized she had to move on, you paid her no attention and didn't care for her advances at all and she knew how to take a hint.
can you come back to me? 'cause i was blind to see that you were right in front of me
a few weeks have past since and Clarisse has had a major mood change. this took you aback, how could such a sweet girl turn so mean in an instinct? Its like all the stories the campers where telling you about the old Clarisse was true. Clarisse always used to cater towards you so why was she acting different all of the sudden? you were bound to get an answer, it was like your personal quest, minus all the near death experiences. " have you noticed anything different about Clarisse lately Beth?" you and Annabeth were lining up to practice archery, which is the only camp activity you can say your extremely skilled in. " no, she's been like this, she's finally back to her normal self, she must have took that rejection to heart, she was so whipped for you" this didn't make any sense to you. what did she mean by 'whipped' and 'rejection' you don't recall any of that " what are you talking about?" you raised an eyebrow as you entered the shooting range. " you rejected her? i mean i get it i would be a little weirded out if the daughter of Ares had a crush on me" she said as she effortlessly shot an arrow on the target like the Athena kid she is. "she....had a crush on me?" you gave her a worrisome look that signalled her not to give her usual sarcasm no matter how much she wanted to " yes she had a crush on you, i don't know why your so surprised? we told you about how she was before you came along" she gave you her usual 'stop being dumb' look, though it was mostly used on Percy. " I.....have to go" you dashed out of the shooting range and headed for the Ares cabin, it was finally starting to make since, the way she acted around you, the way people found it weird, and the way she was acting now
girl, you're the one i want, you're the one i need im begging you
there you stood at the door of the Ares cabin, your veins flooding with sudden adrenaline, you knocked on the door, but as soon as it opened the adrenaline rush stopped, leaving you only with fear. " what do you want y/n" Clarisse looked like she just woke up, she had a raspy voice but you still could catch her irritated tone. you had deep regret for what you were about to do. "we need to talk. now" you tried to sound as intimidating as you could. you grabbed her wrist tight and dragged her to a spot in the nearby woods. "what is your problem! let go of me" Clarisse was screaming and shouted the whole way there, but you knew that she could have broke the arm that was dragging her if she wanted to, which means she was letting you take her to the woods, which means she wanted to talk with you, there was maybe still some hope after all. " what's going on with you? why have you been acting so weird lately?" you blurted out. the quicker you could get this over with the better. " this is how i always act haven't you heard?" she sneered at you. " look, i know you like me, and I'm sorry I didn't realize it before, but i do now so please, go back to the Clarisse i once knew" your eyes pleaded out to her. " no i liked you, as in past tense, its too late y/n I'm over you." she started walk away but you grabbed her before she had the chance " Clarisse please..." tears started to well up in your eyes " why do you care so much now anyway? because i wont give you princess treatment anymore? because I'm being mean like how i was before i met you? its over y/n." she stormed off leaving you heartbroken in the woods alone. was it really over? could you really not win her back?
⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆the end⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆
me when they don't get together in the end
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m0nsterqzzz · 6 months
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pairing: Clarisse La Rue x reader
summary: Clarisse blinked and suddenly she had you as a Valentine
content: clarisse being a love sick foul. thats it. thats the entire fic
a/n: recently started listening to Laufey and I have like TEN different fic ideas nowwwww ahhhhhh. this is really short but idk i kinda like it. idkkkkkkk. ahhhh. anyway, love yall.
Clarisse has a problem.
It's not like a, "I just killed some Dionysus kid with my spear" type problem, but it's a problem nonetheless.
When she was a kid, the daughter of Ares hated affection. Even when her own mother would try and hug her, it just made her feel crowded and trapped. She'd avoid it at any costs, which is why now in her teenage years at camp half blood, she's never had a relationship.
That's usually been okay. She's always preferred glory or love. But right now, as she clings to you like a koala bear while you read your book in her bed, she finds herself questioning it.
This is the problem.
She’s never craved affection the way she does with you. When you hug her or wrap your arms around her waist from behind, she doesn’t feel trapped or crowded the way she does with everyone else. She feels safe and warm. 
Something is wrong with her.
It only dawned on her when she was sitting on the beach with you watching the sunset. The way the golden light looked on your face, it was shining off your already beautiful eyes, and you looked mythical as you turned to cast her a heart stopping smile.
Clarisse La Rue, scary daughter of the god of war, is in love with you.
She panicked, avoiding you for a whole week before she finally came to peace with her feelings. That doesn’t mean she told you, if some of you were expecting that. She loves what friendship you guys have, and she would never want to ruin it by doing something as stupid as telling you about her emotions.
It didn’t help that you were so affectionate though.
So after months of stopping cuddles with the excuse, “It’s getting warm.” or explaining her crimson face after time you congratulate her sword fighting wins with a kiss on the cheek as a reaction to the heat outside, she finally went to the one person she knew could help.
Silena Beauregard, daughter of Aphrodite and expert when it comes to crushes.
“Ask ‘em out.” Was what the girl said, casually brushing out her hair as Clarisse groans into her pillow.
“You don’t get it.” The daughter of Ares says with much annoyance, rolling over on her friend's bed as she holds a stuffed animal close to her chest. “I can’t. I try, but every time I build up the courage to say it, the words get stuck in my throat and I end up looking like a total idiot! I hate it!”
Silena chuckles, joining Clarisse on the bed as she shrugs. “Then die alone I guess. I really don’t know how to help you other than that.”
So….Silena was no help if you didn’t know.
Clarisse has just about given up at this point, instead deciding to just keep dying internally while still being friends with you.
She lasted with this just about four minutes.
“You look pretty.” You had casually said to her while putting on your golden helmet for capture the flag, folding up the sleeves on the flannel you’re wearing- one of hers- as Annabeth shouts out orders.
She’s caught off guard, almost dropping her spear and tripping over a rock. She swallows thickly before she says, “You…you look pretty too.” Silena eyes her with a teasing look from across the clearing, making kissy faces with a smug look. Clarisse doesn’t even know if she gave you a worthy compliment, stuttering out a quick goodbye before she makes her way into the forest to avoid anyone seeing her blush.
After that she manages to keep to herself for about an hour.
She’s running through the forest looking for you after hearing a scream that sounds way too similar to yours, ready to rip the head off of anyone who dared to mess with you. She finds you casually lounging on a rock near the beach, sword discarded on the sand as you talk joyfully with some younger campers. The sound of her erratic breathing alerts you, so you turn around, calming down when you notice it’s her.
“Hey Clar. What’s wro-” You don’t even get to finish before she’s picking you up in her arms, burying her head in the crook of her neck as she grips you as tight as she can without hurting you. You’re confused though you don’t question it, just running a hand through her curly hair as she shakes and slowly calms down.
It’s surprising really. Clarisse hates being affectionate in front of other people, scared of being seen as weak or too emotional. Though right now, she doesn’t seem to care as all the younger campers stare and giggle, just enjoying your embrace as forces down the fear she felt when she thought you were in trouble.
She realizes now that she can’t just keep this secret. She can’t go another minute without you knowing how much she loves you- that she would go to the ends of the earth or fight as many monsters as she needs to just to see your smile.
So for the first time in her life she skips capture the flag, joining the Apollo kids at the arts and crafts table and glaring at anyone who dares to question why she’s here and not out there fighting.
Silena joins her after a while, spending an hour making bracelets and teasing her friend while the daughter of Ares makes the cheesiest sign anyone has ever seen.
You’re lying in bed with a book when someone knocks on your cabin door. You frown in confusion, sure it’s one of your siblings and wondering why they don’t just open it. You call out for the person to come in, but when nothing happens and another knock comes through, you groan and get up to answer it.
The annoyance is immediately gone when you open it to see your best friend, though the confusion is still there as you take in her appearance.
The glittery, pink and red sign that is covered in hearts with the words, “I’ve been struck by cupids arrow. Will you be my Valentine?” is a harsh juxtaposition to the dark clothing on her body and shiny, sharp spear hooked to her back. It’s adorable, really. The way her face scrunches up as she slowly and slowly spirals deeper into the thought that this is the cringiest thing ever done in the history of the planet, the way she shifts from foot to foot as you stare in awe, the way she nervously smiles your way.
“If you hate it, it was Silena’s idea.” She mumbles when you don’t speak for a few seconds.
“And if I love it?” Your words surprise her, but she soon recovers and responds as a grin takes over her face, “Then it was all my idea.”
You nod, gently plucking the flower out of her hand then grabbing the sign so that her hands are free to hug you. She easily does, wrapping her arms securely around your waist as she pulls you as close as possible.
“I blinked and suddenly I had a valentine.” She whispers before leaving a chaste kiss on your forehead.
Clarisse has a problem.
But you are the perfect solution.
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midnight-pluto · 10 months
Hi!! Can I request headcanons about being best friends with Nico and Will (together), kinda having that “couple who adopts their bsf as their child” dynamic reader is a child of Demeter and if it’s no trouble can reader be female? GN will work if not.
SOLANGELO +1 — headcanons
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you call it third wheeling, i call it quality time with the parents
CHAR: will solace, nico di angelo, grover, mentioned!percy jackson, mentioned!annabeth chase
PAIRING(S): solangelo + daughter of demeter!reader, mentioned!percabeth
A/N: this is gonna be a nightmare to tag lmao
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when new campers meet Will for the first time, they’re almost always introduced to Nico next
what they don’t expect, is for you to pop out of nowhere introducing yourself as well
they jump slightly at your sudden appearance, and reciprocate your greeting with slight confusion in their voice but then Will gladly explains the situation
“This is Y/N, daughter of Demeter.”
“Yeah, and these are my dads.”
“Y/N that’s not—“
it would be so much funnier if you were taller than both of them
that sends some campers in a spiral, especially the younger ones
once the new camper is recovered they then automatically understand the true nature of y’all’s relationship
some are slightly confused on why you seem so glad with the arrangement you three have going but most support it and find it amusing
if the three of you are ever going anywhere you’re usually in the front as the actual couple trail behind you holding hands
all of the friendship accessories you three own are thanks to you!
you made matching bracelets, a custom bead to add to the camp necklace just for the three of you, and the cliché flower crowns your cabin is known for
the flower crown was made of an assortment of flowers — lilies, chrysanthemums, and sunflowers which all not coincidentally mean or have some correlation to friendship
you have most definitely been the first to witness Will playing a love song to Nico in private
not wanting to interrupt the moment you made all the plants in the area grow greener and have flowers sprout around them
it was a miracle on how both of them didn’t notice your antic sooner
as you were making the plants grow around them from the bush, Will had stopped strumming as Nico looked at him with one of his rare smiles when they both leaned into each other
but of course Nico just had to feel the suddenly grown flowers tickling at his ankles and immediately spotted you — watching you run away from your hiding spot
that situation is what led to you to believe was the reason you kept on being invited to their dates
were you complaining? no, of course not
you had the ability to snack on all their food after all and they have no one but themselves to blame
“Where did the cookies even go?”
as their honorary child you were not technically counted as a third-wheel
Will had jokingly dubbed it a ‘family bonding time’ whenever you joined in on his Nico’s time together — them not even doing anything special, but you still joined anyways — and the name stuck
in all honesty Will is happy with the arrangement you all have together
don’t get him wrong, he would enjoy the moments he and Nico have together all the same even if you weren’t there, but your presence and witty comments coming from nowhere make it all the more cherished
also, your ability to make scenes more romantic is very highly appreciated; making him choose more woody and grassy areas so it’s easier for you to romanticize them
Nico on the other hand would’ve enjoyed it more if he and Will were alone away from your eyes
but he supposed yours was different — making the moments they both have feel more domestic so he didn’t necessarily consider any of his or Will’s actions PDA when it was you
you never really paid attention anyways
the romanticized scenery caused by you made Nico scoff but he was grateful for the added atmosphere — which was quite a compliment since he normally disliked such clichés
Grover once tried to talk to you about it and relate to the feeling of being the third-wheel like he was with Percy and Annabeth
it didn’t lead to an outcome he expected
“And they’re like: ‘be safe. I love you,’ and then I’m just standing there wondering if they’ll ever tell me that because you know, life-or-death situation going on right? But they never do!”
“Damn bro, that sucks.“
“Does this not happen to you?”
“Nope. We yell at each other to be safe.”
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A/N: school is absolute shit
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gay-dorito-dust · 9 months
Hiiiiii I saw that you might be interested in making pjo content again if you are, can we please get something like Percy being a good big brother? Like just a lot of fluff. Have a good night/day
Ps you don’t have to if you don’t want you you can just ignore this ask lol
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Percy is the best brother anyone could ask for but Christ was he extremely overprotective of you; More so if you were to ever get hurt, accident or otherwise.
And if he were to ever found whoever hurt you well…Percy is all about getting his own back…tenfold.
For no one would be smart enough think that they could ever get away with hurting his family, not while he was still breathing.
At the end of the day Percy was your brother and if you were to be developing your first crush on someone, he’s going to have a few choice words…
‘Why did I have to hear that you were found down by the lake with Luke Castellan of all people from the Aphrodite cabin. It’s all they could seem to talk about.’ Percy said as he walked into your shared cabin.
‘Why were you at the Aphrodite cabin in the first place?’ You asked from your bed, brows raised.
‘Why were you at the lake with Luke of all people?‘ Percy replied. You groaned, already done with the conversation before it even began. ‘Why do you care for who I develop feelings for anyway? I wasn’t like this when you started realising you had feelings for Annabeth.’
‘I just wanted to know when did my sibling started developing such a rubbish taste in crushes.’ Percy shrugged, dodging the pillow you threw at him for that comment with ease. ‘Luke isn’t rubbish!’ You mocked, making sure to use quotation makes on the word rubbish. ‘He’s sweet, he’s charming, he’s cute- I mean have you seen his dimples?!’ You listed off.
‘Please,’ Percy drawled, unamused before adding. ‘he’s a guy! They’ll use their best attributes to lure you in before showing you their true colours the moment they know they’ve got you hooked into their trap.’ He then plops himself beside you on your bed to look at you sincerely. ‘I just don’t want you getting hurt.’
You smiled softly at that. While Percy maybe a twat sometimes and the way he looks out for your best interest can often times be annoying but he’s your annoying, sassy, overprotective brother and you couldn’t be prouder to call him as such. ‘You never want me getting hurt anyway,’ you began. ‘but there will come a time where you won’t be there to prevent me from being hurt and that’s okay.’ You watched as Percy gone silent and his face becomes clouded with distraught and unease before reaching over and placed a hand over his shoulder in reassurance.
‘I still don’t like the idea of you getting hurt and I’m not there for you.’ Percy murmured as he looked over at you. ‘It’s my job as your big brother to protect you, if I don’t then what does that make me other than a failure.’ Your heart broke for him, truly it did because you knew that if you were ever in trouble, Percy always came running with riptide and a look that could kill. He had done so on multiple occasions and even had the scars to prove it that whenever you look at them you can’t help but be reminded of how much and how willing he was to sacrifice for you, it was downright frightening at times.
However there were times where he was too late to prevent you from getting scars of your own, scars that you would rub subconsciously when a particular memory resurfaced, causing them to burn almost with the pain you experienced during that moment…
‘You’re not a failure Percy.’ You began. ‘You’re my brother, the one person I look up to the most, my inspiration of the kind of person I hope to be one day. You took me in instantly after I was claimed and whsilt you maybe a dick at times but there’s no one else I’d proudly call my brother.’ You finished before ruffling his hair. ‘Now stop looking so sad, fish breath. It’s weird not hearing you talk about how you’re going to drown Luke if he were to get within radius of me.’
Percy playfully shoved you, smirking. ‘People don’t plan their murders aloud, shrimpy but I will fucking drown him if he pulls something I don’t like. Nobody gets to mess with my sibling but me.’
‘Oh joy.’ You said sarcastically but the smile on your face told otherwise.
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storywriter007 · 5 months
I Still Do - Percy Jackson x Fem!Reader
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summary: in which y/n meets a familiar face after a long time
warnings: cursing, toxicity, heartbreak
genre: angst
word count: 930
-> heroes of olympus masterlist
tossing and turning in her bed, y/n met another sleepless night. she'd been trying to sleep for an hour now with no luck. memories of the past haunted her and dreams of the future preyed on her peace. y/n figured no one would be awake right now anyways, it was almost two in the morning. she snuck out of bed and made her way down to the lake.
she sat on the grass and admired the serenity of nature. the animals, the stars, the rhythm of the water. she sat there in silence and reflected.
hearing footsteps, y/n didn't turn around. she was prepared for chiron to tell her to go back to her cabin and that she was to be punished for staying out past curfew.
"what's my punishment for staying out past curfew?" she asked, mindlessly staring into the lake.
"i dunno, i'm no chiron." a deep voice responded, taking a seat next to her.
y/n chuckled, turning to face what she thought would be chiron, but was met with sea green eyes instead. it's like she froze and was thrown into the past.
"hey." percy smiled.
damn it, he still had a nice smile.
"i haven't talked to you in-"
"a while?" she guessed.
"i was going to say forever, but okay." he laughed. "how have you been?"
"pretty good. you?"
as the awkward small talk passed, y/n slowly recalled how her and percy had become such good friends in the first place. they talked about movies, shows, songs, books, and things that annoyed them. it's like she'd forgotten how much fun he was.
"yeah and then leo was all like 'i'm gonna fight you, don't play with me' and then jason stood up and he fell backwards." percy said, barely being able to communicate as he was suffocated by laughter.
y/n hadn't laughed this hard in years, well two years, really.
"i can't even remember why we stopped talking." percy said, looking at the lake.
"i can't remember either." y/n laughed. "you ever get intimidated by jason?"
"no, he's only an inch taller than me anyways, what do i have to fear?" percy smiled. "the only blonde i'm scared of is annabeth."
y/n sighed. it's like she remembered why they stopped being friends all those years ago. as bad memories came rushing back to her, she became silent.
"dude, you okay?" he asked.
"yeah, i'm fine." she smiled. "i'm just gonna leave now-"
"really?" he sighed.
"mhm." y/n said, sitting up. "nice talkin to you jackson."
"i don't get it y/n. we used to be best friends and one day a few summers ago, you went cold on me." he stated.
she just nodded, staring out into the distance.
"why?" he asked. "never talk to me again, sure. but at least tell me why."
"i've got no answer." she lied.
"liar. you don't even talk to me anymore. you avoid making eye-contact with me. you refuse to be in the same room as me without five other people there. and you've got no answer? i might be stupid, but i'm not that stupid."
"if you weren't that stupid, you would've sure as hell figured it out by now."
"i just want to know why." he sighed.
"i told you. i don't know." she persisted.
"just say it." he pressed.
"i don't know."
"just say it." he pushed again.
"i don't know." she said, beginning to get annoyed with him.
"just say it!" he said loudly.
"i'm leaving." she said, getting up.
"y/n! just tell me!" percy got up and followed.
"because i was in love with you!" she turned around and blurted.
silence fell amongst them.
"what?" he asked.
"because we were good friends, and i thought you cared about me. i mean we ate breakfast, lunch, and dinner together. we binged countless halloween movies. we played outside all the time. a-and you stuck up for me when annabeth said shit to me. and i thought i you liked me for who i was." she said, remembering all the reasons she'd fell for the man in the first place. "but then you started dating annabeth, and i couldn't stand it." she said, pausing.
he looked at her, his eyes filling with sympathy and regret.
"why didn't you say anything?" he asked.
"because, you chose her." y/n said. "what as the point of me saying anything?"
"i loved you, percy." she said, shakily. "for a long time."
"why don't you want to be friends with me anymore then?" he asked desperately. "if it's in the past, it's in the past-"
"because sometimes i feel like i still do!" you said.
suddenly, they were interrupted.
"percy, what the hell are you doing here?" a familiar voice questioned him.
y/n found herself looking at a woman with curly blonde hair and gray eyes.
"n-nothing." he said. "was jus' talking to y/n." he explained, still looking at y/n.
tension was still in the air.
"yeah, i'm uh, going to bed now too." y/n said, trying her very best to not cry.
"chiron's going to kill us, percy!" annabeth whisper-yelled.
"don't worry." y/n said. "you won't see me again." eyes locking with percy's.
"y/n-" percy called out.
but y/n had started walking back. she turned around one last time to see percy and annabeth walking away, side-by-side, hand-in-hand.
y/n walked back alone, as the only hand for her to hold was her own. y/n walked back, knowing she still did.
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