#anyway that's a really gloomy thought but I'm chilling today
dawnthefluffyduck · 6 months
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Today I learned I can't draw babies
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opossumloverr · 5 months
(Based on this song, I know you know this song. don't lie to me)
Turtle bros with a ghost reader!
Some cursing!
I MUST BE DREAMING CAUSE I DON'T BELIEVE IN GHOST YEAH, sorry, anyways, idk I just felt a little silly today, and I really do love this song. also I'm trying a different style DONT BULLY ME IT TOOK ME LIKE AN HOUR TO FIGURE OUT HOW TO DO GRADIENT
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It was a chilly October night, the leaves rustled as the four brothers made their way towards an abandoned graveyard. The atmosphere was dark and gloomy, but they were determined to explore the area, for reasons unknown to anyone but themselves.
"I don't like this, guys. Let's turn back," the youngest brother, Mikey, shivered.
"What? No way! You said you were bored, Mikey. This is exactly what we need to get our blood pumping!" another brother exclaimed.
"He was bored, Leo, not us. You didn't have to drag us all here," one of the brothers groaned in annoyance.
"Sorry that Mr. Bootyshaker9000 wanted to stay indoors and rot. I'm preventing the inevitable!" Leo clapped back.
"I'm trying to prevent hitting you with my Tech Bo," Donnie gripped his weapon tighter.
"Try it, you won't," Leo egged Donnie on.
"You little…" Donnie scowled, lifting his weapon before getting interrupted.
"Enough! Fighting is not the memo right now! Now you two cut it out or else I'll…wait, what was that?" the oldest brother paused on his scolding to scope out the area. A pungent smell of perfume floated in the air, and chills went down their spines.
"I'm getting really bad vibes here! I told you we should've gone back to the lair!" Mikey exclaimed.
"Don't be such a party pooper, Mike! It's probably all in our heads," Leo tried to come up with a reasonable explanation, but a gust of wind shut off all of his thoughts.
"What was that?!" Raph exclaimed.
"It's a ghost!" Mikey chattered.
"That is preposterous, Michael. There is no such thing as a ghost-"
"No, he's right."
They all screamed in unison, clinging onto Raph. "AH!"
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After the shock and some failed punching attempts, he finally decided to talk instead of fight, and it was a delightful conversation
yall sat down and talked for hours, He asked a few questions, and you answered them
he made sure not to ask personal questions, like how you died and stuff (unlike Donnie, that insensitive prick)
was kinda sad when he had to go, but gotta make sure pops doesn't worry,
he promises he'll see you again
a few weeks later you show up in his room, sitting down calmly on his bed, or, erm, floating.
he threw multiple items at you before calming down and realizing that it was you, what were you doing here? how did you know where he lives?
all of those questions were brushed off when he heard that you just wanted to see him, and only him.
his heart pounded in his plastron, you wanted to see him? big ol' him? cue huge tail thumping into the ground
yall talked for HOURS, him talking about Lou Jitsu- wait, you've never watched Lou Jitsu? he's inviting you to family movie night. there's no getting out of this.
over the months, the both of you got close, he no longer throws objects or tries to throw hands when he sees you!
enjoys the company when he lifts weights
"Wow, those seem heavy," you said, impressed by his muscles as he lifted the weights. 
"They are heavy, but don't worry, Raph's got gains!" he replied, flexing his muscles with a curl-up. 
"Can I try?" you asked, reaching out your hands. 
"Sure, but be careful. I'll be here to spot ya!" he said, passing the weights to you. 
However, you forgot that you were transparent and accidentally dropped the weights on his tail, causing him to scream in pain. 
"Oops! I forget I'm transparent sometimes... You just make me feel so alive..." you said sheepishly. 
"I-I make you feel alive?" he questioned, seemingly forgetting the intense pain in his tail.
He had never sliced a portal open this fast
before he could dive head-first into his portal you floated in front of it
you just wanted to talk... okay... but he's keeping a close eye on you
a few minutes later he's blabbing about Jupiter Jim to you, you've never watched it? what? do you live under a rock? or... a grave...
and you seem so interested! he could talk about it for hours! you know he could.
he literally clung onto the ground when it was time to leave, complaining as Raph dragged him away
he shouted a quick "See you soon"
he saw you soon alright, in his room, looking at his pile of Jupiter Jim comics curiously
He literally screamed like a girl
Oh! it's just you... where did you come from? oh, you just wanted to see him, not his brothers? him?
boosts up his ego by 100x
"I knew you couldn't get enough of me" type of energy
proceeds to yap about Jupiter Jim some more, what? it's YOUR fault for indulging in his hyperfixations
yall are the talker and listener duo
"And so Jupiter Jim was all like- pew pew pew! and the aliens were all like- Ohno! and then- hey, hey [NAME], are ya listening?" He questioned,
"Mhm, go on, I'm all ears"
Leo's eyes widened, and small churrs could be heard "OKOK! And then Jupiter Jim was all like, no way jose!"
He just like me fr
There is no logical way this could be happening! ghosts? really?
immediately started asking questions, why do you exist? how do you exist? would you perhaps be interested in some experiments, y'know, for scientific purposes (definitely not for his own personal questions)
his questions just kept on coming and coming, some of them being more insensitive than the last, he would've said more if Raph didn't smack him on top of the head...
but you were happy to answer them non the less
when they had to skedaddle he was pissed, how dare they interrupt! can't you see there was science in the making?
he says he'll come to you, for more questions of course, nothing more... (cap)
he didn't expect you to come to him.
he jumped a little but then started going into his "I ask you, answer" mode
Experiments on you (with consent ofc)
discovers you have telekinesis
you two grew close, his experiments died down the more he learned about you
now, he just really enjoys the company
just knowing that you're there watching him while he tackles a project gets him so motivated
you're like his little assistant
"[NAME], be a dear and pass me that wrench over there," he asks, hand out, palm open,
"You got it boss" you floated the wrench toward him, and he grabbed it
"Thank you, you really are a great help, [NAME]"
"Just glad to be here Don-tron!" you smiled, not noticing the slight wag to his tail.
He really appreciates you
He just kept screaming and screaming until you snapped him out of it
what? why aren't you trying to take his body? and why aren't you freakishly creepy, you just looked like a normal person, minus the floating and transparency
Oh, you just wanted to talk? well, as long as you don't possess his body he's all for it!
The conversation was amazing! he got so much more information about ghosts, he's even more fixated on them now!
you got this turtle laying on the ground, twirling his mask tails in his fingers, kicking his feet, saying "Ooh! Tell me more!"
was whining like a puppy dog when he had to get up on out of there, puppy dog eyes did not work in his favor tonight..
he swears up and down that he will visit you, just wait!
I guess you've waited long enough, because the following week you were caught snooping around his room
he screamed, yes, he won't lie.
but it's not his fault that you popped up out of nowhere!
then starts talking to you like he didn't scream like 100 decibels
Just yip yap yapping away, but you don't mind, you enjoy socializing with him
kinda sad that he can't touch you though, sometimes he wants nothing more than to wrap his arms around you
you're his muse! asks you to pose for him, and you happily oblige
"Okay just keep that position, right there, perfect! such an amazing muse for me!" He smiles,
"Well, it's easy to pose when I have such a wonderful artist painting me" You replied,
"Awe shucks, don't compliment me like that! you're going to give me an ego" he chirps happily
lala and okok duo. that's all I have to say.
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BOO! HAPPY NEW YEARS GUYS OMGOMG 2024 IS HOPEFULLY GONNA BE A GREAT YEAR, HERES A LIL DITTY I WROTE, I HOPE YA LIKE IT, IM GETTING ON MY GRIND RIGHT NOW, I love ya! Merry 24, also I was watching Coryxkenshin while writing, shout out to the shogun. There also MIGHT be some grammar mistakes, kinda rushed to get this out
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hannaswritingblog · 3 years
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'Don’t be scared.' + 'I can’t handle this mess anymore.' Neville Longbottom prompt 🎃
Fandom: Harry Potter
Requested by @always-imagine-a-dream (@randomfandomimagine) [x]
Attending a magic school is exciting by itself. Learning about all the spells, potions and magical creatures isn't something everyone will experience, so you're always happy to get up in the morning and head to class.
There's one day of the year where being at Hogwarts feels even more magical: Halloween. Even though you meet the ghosts almost everyday and potions classes in the dungeon have the eerie atmosphere anyway, this is obviously a special day.
Despite everyone waiting impatiently for the last day of October, you know of one person that secretly wishes for this day to never come, and that is Neville Longbottom.
On Halloween, you first meet Neville in the morning. Upon entering the Great Hall you notice him by the Gryffindor table. Even from the distance you can see his gloomy mood, so you decide to approach him and cheer him up a little.
'Hey, Neville!' you say, sitting next to him. 'How's it going?'
'Don't even ask, Y/N,' he responds quietly. 'I hate being here.'
'What? I thought you're happy to be at Hogwarts. What happened?'
'Haven't you noticed how many more ghosts are roaming the corridors today? It really gives me the chills. And Peeves keeps on playing pranks on me. I mean, he kind of always does, but he already played three and I haven't eaten my breakfast yet... I can't handle this mess anymore.'
You don't know how exactly to help him, although it's clear the day is hard for him. You only reach out for his hand and say:
'I'm sorry you feel that way.'
'Thanks, Y/N. I appreciate that' he responds, not looking any better.
'Will you come to the feast this evening?' you ask him, trying to change the course of the conversation a little bit.
'No, I don't think so. I'm not in a mood.'
'Oh, come on! It's going to be fun.'
'I'm not so sure...'
'How about I come with you? I'll be waiting by the Fat Lady's portrait half an hour before the feast, and we'll walk here together. You'll be safe with me, I promise.'
Neville lets out a sigh and agrees:
'If you say so...'
As promised, you're by the entrance to the Gryffindor's tower exactly half an hour before the feast starts; you know you should get there on time. You don't have to wait for too long before Neville - a bit hesitantly - appears on the corridor.
'I haven't left the tower for the whole day so nothing bad would happen. Do you think I'm safe now?' he asks.
'Of course, Neville. I'm sure you're safe with me, so don't be scared. Now come on, we're going to be late.'
You grab his hand and start running. This way you arrive at the Great Hall just in time to peacefully take your seats before the feast begins.
As the evening goes on, you glance at Neville from time to time. You're happy to note he's getting more relaxed and seems to enjoy Halloween, even with ghosts passing by from time to time.
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ducky-anime · 3 years
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pairing: joe x reader
prompt: your psycho ex text you while you were cuddling with joe and you felt uncomfortable, joe layer comforted you about the situation.
words: 1160
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safe place
Stars were out, so was the moon. The clock was ticking on the wall as you waited for the last customer to leave the shop. So you could quickly head to your boyfriend's place.
After a couple of minutes deciding which boards they were going to choose. They finally chose one, it was one of them you made. To be honest you were super proud of it.
The design was simple but you've spent so much time designing and drawing it. The customer paid and left. As they left you quickly went to the door and locked it.
You did your normal chores, like mopping the floor, cleaning the display and dusting the shelves. Thank god you only work night shifts. You said goodbye to Oka and Sketchy.
You took your skateboard and headed towards Joe's place which wasn't too far from your workplace. Skating through the streets. You saw some places that looked fun and thought about some date ideas for you and Joe.
Finally arriving at his place you got off your board and knocked on his door. You waited a bit until you heard the door lock unlock.
He greeted you with an excited face. He let you in and you placed your board next to his. You took off your shoes and went and hug him.
"How was work today, princess?" He asked as he placed a kiss on your forehead.
You just hummed in response to his question. You were tired from today's work, even though not many came in. You just didn't sleep well.
You let go of him and walk towards his room and he follows you from behind. You went straight to his closet to pick out some clothes to wear. Since you were still wearing your 'work clothes', you picked out a white graphic tee.
Then you jumped onto his bed and simply laid there. You closed your eyes and relaxed your entire body. You felt a dip near you, it was just Joe.
You sat back up and went and slumped on Joe and just relaxed your whole entire body again.
Suddenly you just hear your phone ring every few seconds. You turned your body towards the nightstand, where your phone was.
You looked at your notifications and it was an unknown number. So you went and checked to see what the person texted to you.
It was along the lines of ' I know where you live, you know, I can come over whenever I want and make your life even more miserable.' to ' you're pathetic without me, you should have stayed with me instead being with that fkn goblin boyfriend of yours' you just closed your phone and just stared at nothing.
Joe turned himself towards you and he knew something wasn't right.
"Hey you okay?" He asked as he scooted closer to you.
"Yeah I'm fine, I'm just tired because I didn't sleep well yesterday." You answered but of course it was kinda a lie. True you were tired but it wasn't just that. It was the fact that your ex-boyfriend threatened you. Of course, he knew where you live but what if he actually came over and started banging on your door like a mad man.
You just had so many thoughts about what he would do. You thought about many scenarios in your head. You were just overthinking over the texts he sent you.
" I know you are not fine, princess. I can see clearly on your face that something is bothering you." He said.
You sighed and just told him the same thing. But of course he kept asking if you were fine.
You were still in your head. Still thinking about scenarios that would never happen. You just felt Joe snatching your phone without warning.
"Your ex?" He asked as he was reading the threats that your ex sent to you. You didn't even fight back to get your phone back you just let it happen.
"Yeah..." you murmured, you were fiddling with your rings to avoid Joe's eye contact.
"Princess, why did you hide this? I know you just received them but please tell me if he ever sends you these threats again and if you're scared that he will actually come, you can move in with me until you feel safe again." He said softly.
"I'm sorry if I didn't tell you immediately, I was just shocked that he got my phone number even though I changed it. I just have too many things on my mind right now. I'm sorry." You sniffled a little. You were still in the process of healing from your past relationship.
For context, he cheated on you, he lied to you, he forced you to do stuff that you weren't comfortable with. You just kinda gave up. You kinda just let him do whatever he wants at that point.
But then one day you were just at the skatepark, just chilling and relaxing while looking at the sunset.
You then saw Joe, he was so handsome, his toned abs were everything, he had girls around him but then you both made eye contact, he smiled at you and you just turned your head away from his eyes.
You were blushing, your heart was slightly beating. You missed this feeling, like how you meant your ex for the first time during high school. But that feeling left when he showed his true colors.
The rainbow faded, clouds hid the sun, you were in the cold rain alone and hurt but then he came in and your world wasn't as gloomy. Flowers bloomed again but the sky was still gray.
You were about to leave the skatepark until you saw a pair of shoes in front you. You looked up to see Joe.
"Hey, can I have your number?" He asked shyly.
"Uh yes yes you can have my number" you stuttered a bit.
Later you caught your ex cheating on you and after that, a few months later you and Joe hit it off.
Anyways back to reality. You were Joe's grasped comforting you. Caressing your head, playing with your hair, it really soothes you. All of the thoughts about your ex just left your head.
"I'm sorry for not telling you again." You said while you were hugging him.
"Stop apologizing, it's fine, just please if you don't feel okay tell me and I'll try my best to comfort you. Since you are feeling a bit better, do you want some pizza? I made some earlier at my restaurant." He told you.
You nodded and sat up. You wiped off some small tears and stood up. Joe got up and you both walked towards the kitchen.
You both later ate and slept on the couch while the tv was playing a random show. You finally felt comfortable and all of your worries about your ex just left. Joe really did make you feel that he was your safe space.
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all-about-seggs · 4 years
Ardent Affections :
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Pairing : Timeskip + Virgin! Sakusa Kiyoomi x Female reader
Rating : 18+, Explicit
Word count : 3k
Warnings : Smut and fluff (and holy shit I ended up including a bit of angst) , Loss of virginity, blow job, fingering, vaginal sex, established relationships.
A/n: I prefer dirtier side of Smuts but this was as far as I could go with Saku sooooo I hope my fluffy smut isn't cringey >.<.
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Putting the plum filled onigiri in the clean plastic container, you give it another look over to make sure it's tidy enough, afterall, the person you made this for was nothing if not picky. But, you also knew he loved umeboshi, so after a few successful weeks of your relationship with Sakusa, you went ahead and bought more than enough dried plums to practice making something he won't be able to refuse. It didn't take long to reach the gym he was practicing at, with lunch time approaching, he'd be on his break too, giving you the perfect chance to have some alone time.
One would think, that no boyfriend would refuse their significant other's cooking but falling in love with him as well as dating him made you realise it wasn't the status quo. He was, at the very least, peculiar. Always on his own, Sakusa never felt the need to be involved with a lot of people, ironical as it may be for someone who played a team sport, his idiosyncrasies made it hard for most people to get close to him. That's why the sight of a cluster of high shool girls flocking your boyfriend, to give him their handmade goods was comical yet unsettling.
It wasn't something you got jealous at, but it's something that made you second guess yourself instead, whenever the thought of making him something pooped in your head, this same scene played infront of your eyes. Sakusa surrounded by a bunch of girls with heart eyes, wanting to give him stuff. On the verge of losing his polite demeanor, Sakusa almost gave them a taste of his blunt indifference if it weren't for some faculty member intervening. Today was the same.
With the perfect excuse, he pulled himself away from the group and sauntered towards you, eye twitching with a look that screamed ' I saw you having fun on my expense'. You quickly pulled yourself out of the gloomy thoughts and greeted him with your regular smile.
" I didn't wanted to disturb your fan meet", the cheeky tone in your voice added to his annoyance.
" I assure you that you didn't, besides you know I don't like hand made stuff ", he grumbled, voice carrying the regular icky note you were used to but it caused the dull ache in your heart grew. Before you could answer, you saw Bokuto running towards your direction, making you jump with his boisterous greeting,
" HEY! Y/n chan!... Are you gonna join us for lunch as well ?", The look in his face was as cute as his voice which was cutoff by Sakusa's cold one,
" No. I don't like the places you go to eat. Also, I'm done for today so we have no reason to stay.", Curt and to the point, Sakusa answered him and gestured you with his eyes to follow him instead.
" Geez, it's like he can never let loose!, Y/n chan! You should ask him to open up more!", pouting, the energetic male glared at Sakusa's retreating form.
"Ummm, Sorry Bokuto! He still doesn't know how to..... People? I guess? But he's trying! I know he is! So don't worry... We'll catch up with you guys sometime else okay?", With a slight bow, you trailed after your boyfriend, leaving a deflated Bokuto behind.
As you walked behind him, you thought about the first time the both of you met, he didn't even looked at you properly before leaving just like he was right now, about how you had to put your feelings out in the open first so that he'd finally notice them, how, for the last few days your garbage can only had dozens of messed up onigiri, and how the lunch you packed was getting colder by the minute as it layed still in your bag.
You were lost in thought for the rest of the way, he wasn't one to talk much but your constant silence was not something that often happened. Still not being used to initiating small talks, all he could do was gaze at the dazed look on your face.
The two of you made your way back to his apartment that the sports facility provided the players. You had been here a couple of times before but never long enough to actually call it 'staying over'.
" Why are we at your place?", You quietly ask, making him pause before speaking.
" I did say I was done with practice for the day", opening the front door he ushered you in. It was unsurprisingly neat, the entrance not having any useless items, infact everything in his place had a purpose or use.
It was a big step, him letting anyone in his personal space, considering his high maintenance personality you thought he'd dip you in a bucket of sanitizer everyday but he was a lot more chill when you both take your respective baths. He still goes in first.
The moment you stepped outside the bathroom, you saw a nervous looking Sakusa was sitting on the edge of his bed.
" Did you really wanted to have lunch with those guys?", His abrupt question caught you off guard, so apparently he took your silencein the wrong way, but it still warmed your heart to know he noticed and cared enough to talk about it, albeit clumsily.
" Is that why you think I was quite on our way here?", The reply you gave made him avert his eyes, whether it was out of embarrassment or the awkwardness in the room, it didn't change the fact that your sudden change in behaviour was noted by your boyfriend.
" If you have something to say, then I want you to tell me, I'm afraid I won't know otherwise", Sakusa added, finally looking at you with his deadpan yet sharp look.
He was right, every couple needs to have proper communication in order for their relationship to succeed, so with that in mind you decided to tell him about what's bothering you.
Walking over to his side, you sat next to him,
" I made you lunch today, but when I saw you rejecting your fans gifts saying you don't like handmade stuff, it- bothered me.", Your reasoning might've been a little selfish, it's not like you wanted to force anything on him just because you were his girlfriend but the fear of getting rejected always made you hold back on so many things.
" So I didn't give it to you, and then I just started having a trail of depressing thoughts about how maybe I'm the only one who wants anything from this relationship, I mean we haven't even done anything more than kissing Kiyoomi.", To you, this confession was nothing more than the frustrations you've built up. He was silently listening as you went on, not interrupting until you were done.
" I see....", His soft baritone was laced I'm regret as he brought his hands to you head, gently combing the strands, " I'm sorry, I made you feel that way, it's obvious that both of us need to work on our communication skills but there is one thing you got wrong", saying that, his hand combing you hair pushed you forward until you were right in front of his glossy lips,
" It should go without saying that I wouldn't let you in here if I didn't loved you, and you wouldn't be in this bed either if I didn't wanted you.", By the end of his sentence, his hot mouth covered your in a demonically passionate kiss which was all teeth and tongue. It was probably your longest kiss as well, making you grip his shoulders so hard it would've probably left marks if it weren't for his taut musculature. You pressed you hands on his sculpted chest, feeling his nipples harden as you slowly run you thumbs over them. Sakusa pulled away from you to catch a few breaths, his lips shining with your mixed saliva.
" I've never done this before......", hesitation crossed his eyes which soon melted into a look of determination as he brought his face near yours.
"But if it's with you, I know I'll like it", he panted, pulling you on his lap to continue his ministrations from a more closer proximity. The uncharacteristically deep kiss encouraged your hands to roam around more, to feel all of his ripped form through the fabric of his thin shirt. Your hand grazed his crotch, this contact alone was enough to make him twitch, his virginity showing, the blush on his cheeks spreaded all the way to his neck.
The front of his shorts looked so strained,It was painfully clear how much his cock was begging for attention, so you pushed Sakusa back until he was lying flat on the bed, feet still on the floor. Searching his eyes for any objections, you pulled his waistband down to reveal his bulging member. It suited a big guy like him, his thick cock felt so hot and heavy in you hand it took everything in you to stop yourself from jumping on it right away.
" Hggg... Wait... It's-", his voiced carried more embarrassment than discomfort but you stopped nonetheless.
" Dirty?.....is that what you want to say?", questioningly, you looked at him from between his legs as he nodded.
" Well sex is better dirty but, I'll try not to make a mess okay?", With a wink you grabbed his shaft with one hand and took his tip in your mouth. The warm, wet insides of your mouth touching the sensitive head of his cock made him shudder in pleasure but he didn't make more than a hum. Maybe your boyfriend was still embarrassed but now that you finally get to go down on him, you made it a personal goal to hear his moans.
Detemined to hear his beautiful whimpers, you added pressure on his member through your tongue as you moved your lips up and down, swallowing him as much as you could. Droll dripping from the side of your mouth and his precum gave you enough lubrication to increase you pace, going harder and harder until you felt your teeth make contact with his sensitive shaft, that must've hurt, you thought but atleast it got a reaction out of him.
" AH-.....mmmhh Y/n damnit.....you're doing it too roughly", you heard him complain from above you,
" I just rough housed you a little..... Anyway, you can't blame a girl who's been abstaining herself from fucking her hot boyfriend ", with a pop you pulled him out of your mouth and looked up at the wide eyed Sakusa with an uncharacteristic boldness that even surprised you. Maybe it was because of the situation or because you two had a heart to heart conversation about your feelings just now but you felt oddly comfortable with him more than you ever did before. You knew he loved you enough to put up with anything you'd throw at him at his point, so why not push your luck?
"......well aren't you a vulgar little girl", regaining his composure, Sakusa propped himself on his elbows to give you his trademark deadpan look. You squeeze his balls teasingly in an attempt to rile him up further, his face contorts a little before he shoots you a glare.
" I'm going to make you regret that", with nothing more than a growl he grabbed your hand to make lie face down beside him, for a second you thought he'd spank you, but the moment you raised you head from the mattress to see what's going on, a big hand was on your head pushing your face down again, his other hand ghosting over the hem of your t-shirt.
" It's my turn now, so you better behave", emphasizing the behave he first pulled your shirt off of your shoulders, then swiftly getting rid of your pants. This was an interesting turn of event, just a moment ago your virgin boyfriend was squirming like a pathetic little boy but with just a little teasing made him switch into daddy mode, you'd be lying if you said it wasn't thrilling.
You laid there stark naked as you heard a few rustling sounds coming from behind, indicating Sakusa taking his cloths off. His long, deft fingers grabbed your hips, raising them a slightly off the surface of the mattress, the digits of his right hand crept near your dripping core as if wondering if he should touch you or not, you moved your hips closer so you could feel his touch but he retreated his hand, only to pinch one of your butt cheek. The tease.
" If you're expecting me to eat you out too then keep dreaming..... but since I made you wait so long, I'll give you something else today", his matter of fact tone was even as he traced two long fingers up your slit taking in all of your juices, he pushed them inside your aching pussy. His thick digits rubbing your walls made you moan in the pillow, with his thumb he started rubbing your engorged clit. His actions were not exactly gentle but you didn't wanted them to be either, you wanted him to pound you into the mattress so bad but maybe it was asking too much from someone inexperienced.
" You like this right?", It wasn't exactly a question, as his increased his speed, with his free hand he pinched your ass again leaving small red marks in the fleshy patch of skin. Your first orgasm in so many weeks approached you with an intense force, making you buck you hips in Sakusa's hand. Just as your pussy started clenching around the fingers that was inside it, he withdrew his hand leaving you with a strange sense of emptiness.
" Not so fast y/n, it's more efficient it we cum together, besides I know you want more than just my fingers", his voice carrying the cockiness of someone far more experienced but you can't complain, for both his actions and words were easily bringing you closer to the edge. Ignoring the stickiness of his fingers he lightly massaged your butt cheeks before kneeling right behind them. The sight of your flushed, naked body was enough to get him going, something that he dare not admit.
From the corner of your eye, you saw him opening his bedside drawer to retrieve a condom. Well, atleast one of you were prepared for this, just as he finished putting on the thin protection, he asked you,
" I'm putting it in y/n", he didn't make it sound like a question but it wasn't until you nodded in approval, that he moved. Groaning lightly, Sakusa entered you inch by inch, making the process as slow as possible so could clearly feel the delicious stretch his thick cock provided. You were already panting by the time he bottomed out in you, as he started moving his hips you rolled yours to match his pace, creating a steady rhythm.
Both your pants and body were in sync, building up pleasure that soon reached its peak, the roll of your hips and the sound of his name from your mouth urged him to take a hold of your hips and drive his pulsating member further into your cunt. He felt your walls clenching around him when your body experienced the well awaited orgasm, quivering beneath him like. The sudden pressure added on to his cock made your boyfriend follow right after. The both of you were still riding your high when he lowered his torso on to your back, sweat slicked bodies on top of each other, you wondered what kind of face he would be making right about now. Hoping it wasn't one of disgust, you turned your face to the side, his endearing curls tickling your ears as he kept his nose buried in the nape of your neck.
There was a serene quality to the room where the two of you laid still until Sakusa got up abruptly, you knew that it was bath time even before he uttered anything.
" Let's eat", his soft voice seemed almost like a whisper which was confusing and astonishing at the same time when he tossed one towel to you and quickly wiped himself with the other.
Making quick work of the cleaning, you both went to the living room where you pulled out the bento box from your bag. It felt cold against your hand but this time it didn't make you sad because now you were sure that the person next to you wouldn't reject it.
Opening the box, you noticed they got a little crushed, probably because of you tossing your bag aside dejectedly when you first arrived, the previously well made onigiri lost their original shape but you hoped they tasted the same.
Gingerly showing him the box you thought about quickly explaining it's condition and telling him about how you made it in the most hygienic way possible for a human but the words died in your mouth when Sakusa briskly took one piece out and munched on the distorted rice ball. You watched him chew, waiting became too nerve-racking so you blurted, " How is it Kiyoomi?!", Talk about putting pressure on a guy but it didn't deter him from telling you the truth.
" It's good", the simple reply he gave was the best, you thought, his words were never grandiose, just to the point that's what made you believe them everytime he decides to be honest with you.
"Next time...", He mumbled in between his increasing breaths and tinted cheeks,"Lets make it together".
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angellesword · 4 years
SAVE ME | KTH (02)
summary: You were determined to kill yourself, but instead of ending your life, you ended up summoning the devil of death.
The Devil: I’m here to ruin you, I’m here to save you.
genre & content warnings: demon au, e2l, angst, fluff, roommate au, oc wants to die, invalidating feelings of others, drug overdose,  physical violence, and mention of character’s death (minor)
pairing: devil!taehyung x doctor!reader
word count: 2.6k
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"I'm the devil and I'm here to save you."
It seemed like the world stopped spinning the moment you heard those words. You were deeply rooted in the place where you're standing and suddenly, you couldn't speak. You tried parting your lips, unluckily no word came out.
The stranger who claimed to be the 'devil' furrowed his brow that caused you to momentarily shut your eyes—hoping that once you opened it again, this stranger's reflection would go away.
 It didn't.
The man was still standing behind you. An evil grin was actually plastered on his face while twirling the handle of the black scissors in his pointer finger.
This devil was pretending to keep his cool, but in reality, he's pissed off. Well for starters, he did not want to be here. He's literally just chilling in the deepest part of hell when you called him.
What the hell does she need from me anyway?  The devil mused.
He thought that his question would be answered the moment you turned to face him. Unfortunately, you only looked at him hoping that your mind was just playing tricks on you—that you were actually the only living creature here. 
Did you overdose with antidepressant pills again?
"Fuck off!" You scolded yourself thinking that the things you were seeing weren't real. This was simply one of the effects of taking too much pills.
Tears painted your cheeks as you covered your face. You were just hallucinating, right? If not, then why would a fucking devil appear in your already pathetic life?
Demons did not exist. They're just an illusion created by people so they could blame someone or something as to why their lives were miserable.
You took a deep breath as you talked to yourself: 'Demons don't exist. Stay calm. You're doing great.'
'Focus on your breathing, sweetie. I'm here for you.'  You even played your mom's usual reminder inside your head. 'She's here with me. I'm okay. I will be okay...' You continued to distract yourself.
Minutes passed. When your heart started beating at a normal place, you then placed your trembling hands on your chest. Your labored breathing turned steady. This meant that the devil was gone now, right?
"You done meditating, dollface?"
You choked on your own spit when you saw the stranger casually sitting on the couch. His tails was still wagging while grinning from ear to ear.
"Just fuck off!"
The devil lazily rolled his eyes when he realized that anger was taking over you again. You were hysterical. You're throwing everything your hand touched at the stranger.
"Fuck off! Fuck off! Leave me fucking alone!" You shrieked.
The lampshade was heavy in your arms so you threw it at once. Sadly the devil was agile. One moment he's dodging your throws and now he's stopping you from breaking more stuff.
The devil had enough of your bullshit.
He pinned you to the floor length mirror, causing the glass to shatter. Its pieces pierced through your body.
You yelped in pain.
The devil let out an exasperated sigh.
"Listen here, Barbie." He rolled his eyes while emphasizing the 'ie' in the word Barbie. He also stared deep into your eyes.
You could only watch as his lips danced.
"As much as I want to leave your Barbie world and ignore your plastic life, I can't." You could feel his hot breath on your cheek. It made you shiver. "You are the one who summoned me. Therefore, I'm stuck with you."
His statement made you huff. You didn't like the tone this devil just used. You were crankier than usual and it’s probably because you had taken a lot of pills today.
It's like you weren't scared of him anymore because really, who did he think he was to insult you?
"Did you just call me a Barbie?" You usually took this as a compliment, howbeit his voice sounded so cynical that you could practically taste the insult in your mouth.
"Hmm. Let me see," the devil pretended to think. He moved a few inches away from you just so he could eye you from head to toe. His gaze was so sultry that your fight-or-flight response was to cover your chest and gasp.
He only chuckled at your reaction before proceeding to tell you his stupid reasons.
"You're living in a grand apartment, you have hundreds of shoes and expensive clothes too," his eyes roamed around your big room while snorting. He was suddenly reminded of those people who tried to kill themselves because they didn't have enough money to provide for themselves and for their families. It's funny that you're just taking for granted the things other people would kill just to have.
You were really the classic bimbo Barbie.
"You literally have everything, yet you're still acting like life is so hard!" He imitated a high pitched voice of a woman while rolling his eyes. 
"How dare you!" You couldn't take his insults anymore as you were already stepping on his ridiculously long tail.
He had no right to accuse you of being ungrateful when he knew nothing about the hell you had been going through.
It was unfair.
You stomped your feet on his tail one more time before running away, leaving him crying in pain.
Your heartbeat doubled as you stepped out of your abode. Running mindlessly brought you to the parking lot. At times like this, you couldn't help but give yourself some credit for always putting your car keys inside the pocket of your jeans.
You drove away from your apartment building.
 You could still feel your heart thumping loud as you stepped on the gas. You needed to get away before you lost your mind.
 You thought you already got away with the stranger who claimed to be the devil, but then you suddenly felt a strong pang of pain in your chest. It also felt like someone's punching your lungs because you could hardly breathe.
 Profanities escaped your mouth when you almost hit a group of pedestrian crossing the street. You wanted to stop to ask if they’re okay; however, you couldn't seem to stop driving.
 What the hell was happening!?
 "Careful, Barbie. You might kill someone..."
 "I said leave me alone!" You stepped on the gas harder because using your peripheral vision, you saw the devil casually slouching on the passenger seat.
 Your tears fell as the devil's wicked laugh erupted. He's about to lean closer, but you're quick enough to stop the car, throwing him back on his seat.
 You hastily went out of your mini cooper and then you ran inside the hospital where you worked. There were a lot of people in this place. You were sure the devil couldn't get to you while you were here.
 Or so you thought.
 "Hey, what are you doing here—wait! Are you okay?"
 Huh. If it wasn't your luck. Out of all the people you're going to run into while running away from the devil, why did it have to be another devil?
 "Dr. Bae..." You said breathlessly.
 Bae Joo-hyun only winced as a response to your lame greeting. You could actually see the disgusted look she's sporting as she eyed you from head toe. The scowl on her face deepened upon seeing your bare feet. Joo-hyun always hated the way you dressed because she could never beat your style. 
 However, it looked like today was her lucky day. Her scowl turned into a smirk when she noticed your outfit of the day: black jeans and plain top. You didn't apply any makeup. You were one hundred percent sure that the bags under your eyes were visible.
 Acid dripped into your stomach, sadly you didn't have any choice but to pretend like you were not affected by Joo-hyun's judgmental stare.
 "How are you?" You flashed a smile at you enemy. It's the kind of smile that hid your real emotions. No one would have guessed that you just spent the past hour of this gloomy afternoon from trying to kill yourself to summoning the devil and now, just casually saying hello to your nemesis.
 Seriously. What's up with your life?
 "I should be the one asking you that," Joo-Hyun quirked her brow, feigning sympathy.
 "Are you okay? I've heard that Cha Areum passed away because of you. I mean—" She paused mid-sentence just to laugh. It was the type of laugh that said 'Oh, silly me!' because the answer was damn obvious.
 You glared at her. Joo-Hyun really knew how to annoy you.
 "—she died because the operation which you lead wasn't successful, right?" Joo-Hyun patted your bare shoulder which caused you to flinch; however, she acted as though she didn't notice your nervous movement.
 "Condolence by the way. I know how much that patient meant to you."
 Tears filled your eyes as you let out a shaky breath. If this was an ordinary day, you would most definitely make Bae Joo-hyun regret opening her big mouth, but today wasn't like any other day. This was the time you should be ending your pathetic life.
 It wasn't happening because you were running away. Again.
 "Have a good day, Dr. Bae." Your lack of energy to deal with the annoying doctor was apparent when you decided to simply walk away—no. You were running once more.
 Admittedly, when you were driving a few minutes ago, you didn't really know where to go. You were just certain that you needed to leave your apartment—that you needed to get away from the stranger who insisted that you summoned him, but then you found yourself taking the route going to this hospital.
 Your safe place.
 Ever since you were a kid, you had always dreamt of working here at Cornelia Hospital. You wanted to take care of other people and extend their time in this world—this was what you promised Cha Areum, the little girl you failed to save.
 Bae Joo-hyun was right. The operation which you had led wasn't successful. It ended the life of a ten year-old girl.
 She was so young.
 'She shouldn't have trusted me. I am a failure. I failed her!' Your thoughts cut deeper than a knife. You firmly believed that you deserved to die as well.
 "I'm so sorry, Areum!" You stumbled on the ground.
 This place felt like home to you. Aside from cutting your hair, you also went to the rooftop of this hospital just to feel the fresh air—a gentle reminder that you were alive and lucky enough to experience simple things like the warmth of the wind.
 Today, instead of being in the morgue, you were back on the rooftop.
 You plopped down on the floor as you succumbed to the pain of losing the first person whom you loved after the death of your mother.
 'I am a failure.' You continued to screw this in your head.
 "Sorry. I'm so sorry!" You clasped your hands together and then you rubbed them as fast and as hard as you could.
 You also looked at the sky; the harsh ray of the sun didn't matter to you.
 It's unbelievable. Where did the sun get the audacity to shine brightly when people were mourning?
 The sun was not fair.
 "You look horrible, Barbie."
 Your eyes instantly landed on the stranger beside you.
 The devil was back. He was hugging his legs while placing his chin on the top of his knees.
 He flashed another evil grin at you.
 You wiped your tears away.
 "Look," you stared hard at him. "I don't care if you're really a devil or not. In fact, I don't care if you want to kill me at all."
 You stopped talking when you remembered what he said a short time ago. He claimed that he didn't have any intention to end your life. Actually, he said he came to save you.
 "—but if you're just going to pester and insult me, I suggest you go back to hell before I kick your ass to heaven."
 Your threat must have been funny because the devil burst into laughter. He laughed until he choked on his own spit.
 You rolled my eyes.
 "You're different from them." The devil chuckled again. He's been in this world since the beginning of time, yet this was the first time he encountered a mere human threatening him.
 People were usually scared of him. If they're kind, it was because they needed something from him. Fame, wealth, knowledge, or anything they wanted.
 The devil could give any diabolical favors to humans in exchange of their souls.
 "Whatever," you pursed your lips since you seriously didn't care about what he was implying. 
 You simply wanted to rest and to your surprise, the devil actually kept his mouth shut.
 Silence engulfed the two of you.
 Just when you thought your heart was finally calmed down, the devil spoke again, causing your anger to ignite once more.
 "You don't really wanna die today, do you?"
 You were so ready for your rebuttal, but his question surprised you.
 It rendered you speechless.
 The only thing you could do was to look at your shaking hands. Shame and guilt crept into your heart.
 You honestly thought that you were ready to die today, but come to think of it, if you really wanted to kill yourself, would you seriously allow yourself to look mediocre in your last day here on earth?
 You were vain. You firmly believed that whatever you're wearing when you died would be your ghost outfit.
 Knowing this attitude of yours, you were certain you would never ever allow yourself to wear ugly jeans and an equally ugly top if you were aware that you're going to die.
 Your ghost outfit should be fabulous.
 "W-What are you doing?" Your body trembled in fear when the devil abruptly leaned closer to you.
 He touched your chin, urging you to look at him. When you did, your breathing hitched. Not only that, your heart also skipped a beat as you finally took in his appearance.
 Maybe they're not lying when they said that the devil came in beautiful form to deceive human beings.
 This demon was perfect. His face was symmetrical. He had this heart shaped face. This was the first time you saw someone with rich golden eyes in your more than thirty years of existence.
 The devil's eyelashes were so long you were convinced he didn't blink, he batted. You were also surprised to see his eyelids. His right eye was monolid while the left part was double eyelid.
 His tail wagged, halting your enthusiastic heart from praising his Godly feature.
 The devil stared deep into your soul. He pulled you closer to him and then a gasp escaped your mouth when he touched the back of your shoulder.
 "You can't kill yourself." This was the last words he said to you before disappearing into the thin air.
 You blinked once. Just a few breaths ago, you was determined to end your life because you blamed yourself for Areum’s death. Right now, however, the only thing clouding your feeble mind was the gorgeous creature who you summoned.
 You were drinking in the physical features of the devil like a love-struck fool as you wondered what in hell had gotten into you.
 The devil came into beautiful form, but he also came to totally turn your miserable life upside down.
 This was not good.
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reignstormz · 3 years
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INTRO; You run into a handsome man at the gym, well, maybe in a different way than you had hoped. You never intended to go any further with him despite how interested you really were, but one touch led to another, and things got really nasty.
WORD COUNT; 5,023? (idk tbh Tumblr is tripping)
WARNINGS; Sexual content ahead, read at your own risk. Also, covid doesn't exist in this imagine. Also, there's a part two to this! Keep your eyes open!
CAST; You (Y/N) / Roman Reigns / Jey Uso /Paul Heyman.
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🦋Tampa, Florida 🦋
🦋 February 20th, 2021🦋
You walked into EOS fitness gym, with absolutely no energy or motivation in your body. The emotions you felt all week had tugged you down, including this morning; Tired, gloomy, unhappy, nonetheless, heartbroken. It's been two weeks, or maybe one--you definitely weren't counting, since you had found out on Valentine's Day that your ex had been sleeping around with other women. Two in fact, and caught him right in the act. In you're house, in you're bed, meanwhile, you've given this man everything. A five year relationship, gone down the drain. You started to wonder what you did wrong, or what you could've done better to make him not make the mistakes he made.
Were you not pretty enough? Were you not pleasing him enough? Were you boring? Why did he treat you the way he did? and how could he betray you like that? All of those questions ran through your mind. In all honesty, none of it was your fault. The problem was, from the very beginning, you didn't love yourself. You didn't appreciate your value, and when you don't appreciate your value, you leave a window of opportunity for another person to do the same, and that's exactly what happened. However, you were still lost. You tried to do anything, absolutely anything to get this mess off of your mind. The last resort was the gym, and maybe that was just the thing to help for the time being.
It was about six in the morning, and rarely anyone was there except for about a three or five people. You liked it better that way anyway, working out when the gym was packed irritated you to the fullest. Walking further into the building made goosebumps rise all over your skin due to the air conditioning blasting throughout the gym. You sighed dreadfully, slowly taking off your jacket as you hopped onto the treadmill.
"I knew I should've worn a long-sleeved shirt," You scolded yourself. As you hit the button, putting the speed only on number two, you slid your earbuds into your ear and played the playlist of your liking while you walked. You stared the treadmill's screen ahead of you, until you noticed someone else walk into the gym. It was a man. You looked down briefly before you did a double take, gosh, such a beautiful man. It was like you were hallucinating, even though you weren't.
"Damn.." You muttered under your breath as you stared at the handsome guy. He was tall, muscular, had olive-like toned skin, black long hair that fell to his shoulders, and a beard that covered his angelic face. You're eyes traced his every move as he made his way over to the weights, where all the jacked, crazy fit individuals typically stayed in the gym. Today though, it was just him. He was wearing a white, long-sleeved shirt which caused his muscles to show through, including some black sweatpants.
It was too early in the morning for this, you thought. He dropped his bag next to the bench, and wrapped his hair into a neat bun. You're mouth watered at the sight at him, but you quickly snapped out of it. You needed a distraction, but that was far from what you needed, especially from another dude. Stay focused, you reminded yourself continuously. You decided to put the treadmill on higher speed, figuring that if you were at a running pace, then you would've gotten your attention back. Long story short, your resolution didn't solve.
You're eyes worked against you, slowly looking forward once again to see him. He had a heavy set of weights on his shoulders, while squatting over and over again. Not only did his capability of strength make you drool, something else did as well underneath it. His ass, was unreal. If you could just reach out and touch it, you probably would've. Deep down, you were a little mad at yourself for not toughing it out, but you couldn't help it. He looked so sexy, and you could watch him all day.
Little did you know, the beautiful man before you, was completely aware that he had an audience. Well, you were his audience after all. As he worked out, there was a mirror in front of him and he caught your glance in his reflection. Even though you were a little too far away to notice him looking, the mirror gave him a better view to look at everything that surrounded him. He smirked to himself, admiring the woman behind him. The fact that you most likely had no idea that you had his attention, made him chuckle a bit as his legs began to burn from the squats, but he decided to keep going, hoping that your attention would stay fixated on him.
Roman was also a single man, a mafia boss to say the least. He kept his identity more on the low, and rarely let anyone in his circle. His trust issues were thin, but he had a big heart that he deeply wanted to share with someone else. The Samoan had been with other women in the past, but never found someone that completed him fully; The money, relevancy, extravagant lifestyle, and everything in between he had, often found himself in situations where he was used, they were never with him because they truly loved him. Now, he's focused on himself for awhile and his empire he's been working on for years, however, if the right woman were to walk into his life, he wouldn't hesitate to give it a chance.
Before you knew it, something awful happened. You were so lost into the mysterious man, that you had accidentally stepped in front of your left foot, tripping yourself and you lost all of your balance. A huge thud echoed across the gym, and you held your head in pain after you slid off of the treadmill. The few people that were in the gym slightly gasped, and after a few seconds, awkwardly went back to what they were doing. Assholes, but you were too out of it in order to notice. You bit your lip, trying your best to hold back tears at how bad the fall was to your head. You're eyes were closed shut, and you were about to attempt to get back up until a large hand rested on the small of your back, stopping you.
"Are you okay, Mama?" The deep, montone voice asked gently. It was smooth like butter, yet chilling. You had no idea who it was still due to how unconscious you were.
You slightly turned around on your back, and your arm naturally rested around the person's neck as he lifted your body up with his arm. You're eyelids slowly lifted back open, but your vision wasn't all the way there yet. Who was talking to you? You turned your head to the left, seeing who had come to help you. Since you were still a little dizzy, you were seeing double vision of the person in front of you. Once your head finally stopped spinning for a second, you were finally able to determine who was it front of you, and it was him. His pretty brown eyes, stared into yours with concern as you stared back into his, nervous out of your mind. It couldn't get anymore embarrassing than this.
You gulped, avoiding his gaze. A lie was told by the nod of your head, despite being hurt, "Yeah, I'm fine-"
"No, stay." He warned politely as you tried to stand up fully. His arm was secure around your waist, and then his eyes trailed up to your head. The look in his eye softened even more, "You're bleeding."
You furrow you're eyebrows, going to touch your head. You sigh, looking at the marks of blood on your fingers, "Shit..I'm sorry."
"Why are you apologizing?" The man chucked, and rubbed a small circle on your back before getting up to get a paper towel from the nearby wall. He squatted back down to your level and gently put it against your wound. You winced a little at the pain, but took deep breaths in between. As he continued to wipe some of the blood off your head, you on the other hand stared at him the entire time. From far away, he was out of this world fine, but up close was even better. Looking at him was like being hypnotized.
"What's your name?" You asked bluntly.
He alternated looks between your eyes and your head, and smiled small, "Roman, and yours?"
Damn, and you thought he couldn't look anymore good. His smile was..
"So sexy.." You blurted out, thinking at first that you said it in your head, but you didn't. Shit, you thought. You lowered your head, closing your eyes from embarrassment. Roman paused from wiping your head, and stared at you a little bit from what you said. His lips turned into a smirk, with his tongue lightly brushing over them.
"So are you," He shoots back. What did he just say? Your eyes widened a tiny bit and you lifted your head up to meet his glance. Roman gave you a subtle wink before getting up, and throwing the paper towel in the trash can. He walked back to you, giving out his hand for you to take.
"Come on," Roman nodded his head towards the gym with a comforting smile. "Let's get out of here."
Depending on how hard you hit your head, you were still a little out of it and wasn't sure what to make out of this situation. Were you really about to leave with a guy you barely even knew? Despite how fine he was, a part of you thought this was a terrible idea, and made zero sense if you went through with it. However, you didn't care. The stars that you were seeing currently, especially when you looked at him gave you butterflies in your stomach that were unexplainable, and you just couldn't say no. Who was he? You needed to know.
A slow, small grin appeared on your face as you hesitantly took his hand, letting him take you wherever he wanted to go.
After about an hour or two of slumber, your eyes flew open, slightly closing due to the lights piercing through the ceiling. You blinked a couple of times, and realized there was something cold on the top of your head. You furrowed your eyebrows, bringing your hand up and gently touching the ice pack that was laid there. Then, you slowly sat up, setting the ice pack next to you as you looked around at your surroundings. You had a brown, fuzzy blanket wrapped around your body and you were laid against a long, white couch.
Not to mention, the living room that you were in was extremely huge. You had a hard time remembering exactly how you got here. All you remembered was that you were at the gym, you saw a handsome man; What was his name, Roman? You thought. After that you face planted on the treadmill, and he went to help you, anything after that was a complete blur. Where were you right now?
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You turned your head to the left, and saw the night life outside of the window. Thousands of lights, and the settle stars of the night sky had you in awe. As you continued to stare at the view, a voice interuppted, "You alright, Uce?"
You jumped back a little, putting a hand on your chest from feeling startled. You looked ahead to see a brown-skinned, attractive man with unqiue tattoos on both of his arms and a gold chain around his neck. He was very swagged out, from head to toe. You looked him up and down, and slightly tilted your head, "Excuse me?"
"How are you feeling?" He repeated, looking at you weirdly. Did she not understand the slang? But the again, it was Samoan slang, not everyone understood it off the bat, He thought. You sighed, slightly face-plamimg your forehead gently before apologizing once again, "I'm sorry, Who are you? and how did I get here?"
"Jey Uso," He introduced shortly. I stared at him blankly, still having no clue who he was. He sighed, pointing at a picture of three children on the wall, "Roman's cousin?"
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You looked at the picture, seeing Jey, another kid who looked exactly like him and Roman who I believed was in the middle. You wanted to coo at how adorable the picture was, but you were still confused. Damn, they're cousins? So is everyone attractive in his family or is it just them? Besides, why is he here anyway, standing there like some guard? Was he watching you this entire time?
"You guys are cousins?" I ask in disbelief. He nodded quietly, looking a little confused as to why I was surprised, "What, he didn't tell you?"
"No, because I just met the guy?" I say dumbfoundedly, "And I have no idea how I even got here in the first place. I need to go back home." You plead, starting to get a little nervous.
"Relax, this is Roman's place. He only brought you here because you got hurt at the gym and he didn't think it was safe enough for you to be driving back home." He informs, "I'll actually go get him, now that you're awake."
Before you could open your mouth to speak, he left the room. You sighed, and then thought a little about what he said afterwards. You knew that this was nice of him to do, and it did mean a lot that he cared, but you were still on the fence about being at a random guy's house you didn't know too well. Roman's intentions were in the right place, but this was the last thing you needed to be involved in right now. You were focusing on yourself, and yourself only, and it just hurt too much to have someone else in the picture at the moment. It wasn't the time to catch feelings or be interested in someone new, especially him, he was too fine and you knew it would be too easy to give in.
As you played with your fingers, the two gentleman stepped into the room, making you look up. Roman looked back at you with a soft, yet relieved expression as Jey stood behind him. He was wearing a dark blue muscle shirt, that showed a long, tribal patterned tattoo that covered his entire right arm, along with Jordans on his feet to match with his shirt. It's like this man had so many secrets about him that you had no idea about, the tattoo was like the perfect touch and made him look even more sexy than he already was, it also was identical to his cousin's. He turned his head, whispered something to Jey. He nodded his head and walked away, leaving you and Roman alone.
"Hey, sleeping beauty." Roman called you, which made you chuckle a bit, making you a less nervous. You watched him make his way over to you, and he sat down, putting the pack of ice on the coffee table in front of you.
"How's your head?" He asked, gently putting his fingertips under your chin, trying to get a good look at it which sent shivers down your spine. You licked your lips subtly, watching him but you sighed, closing your eyes. Get over yourself, Y/N.
"It's fine, um.." You trailed off, grabbing his soft, large hand and took it off of your chin. You really didn't want to let his hand go either, but you had to listen to your pride.
"Listen, I think I should go." You suggest, standing up from the couch and he looked up at you, clearly not wanting you to leave.
Shit, was I coming on too strong? Roman thought. This might've been an unusual way to approach a woman, but the moment he met you at the gym, he just knew he had to get to know you more. There was something about you, that pulled him in and had his full interest. You were beautiful, out of this world gorgeous, your body and the way the heavens shaped you drove him crazy, and the way you looked at him made Roman feel something that he doesn't feel everyday. Usually he was a bit more straight forward on what he wanted, and he wouldn't have to tell anyone twice for him to have it. He had a whole different side to him, that you had no clue about, but that's because you were different to him. He wanted to be careful with you.
Before Roman could respond, You felt around your neck and realized that it was completely bare. You froze and your blood ran completely cold. You remember going to the gym wearing a gold necklace that had your name written in cursive, which was a valuable gift of yours that you received on your birthday years ago. You never took it off, and you thought you might've lost it when you got hurt. Fuck, you thought, starting to feel upset all over again.
Roman realized a change in your mood, and he raised his eyebrow shortly, "What's wrong?"
You shook your head, not wanting to stress about it, even though deep down you were, "Nothing."
Roman looked at where your hand was, which was motioning at your neck. He then remembered the gold necklace that you dropped when you both walked out of the gym. He made sure to get it for you before you guys left.
"Are you missing something, gold maybe?" He teased playfully, knowing that you didn't want to worry him. Your eyes widened and you snapped his head at him, how did he even know that?
"You have it?" You say in a hopeful tone, with a brief smile on your face. He smiled back, with a light-hearted chuckle which made your heart melt, "Yeah, I got it. I'll go get it."
Roman stood up, and then looked back at you, "Just promise me you won't leave once I give it to you." You sighed in relief, and nodded agreeing. He left the room, leaving the room to get your necklace. You admired how kind he was, especially how much of a gentleman he was. He didn't have to help you at all or care about your well being, but he did. Give it a chance, go for it, you tried convincing yourself. It seemed like he also was interested, but then your insecurities kicked in, there was no way a guy like him would be interested in someone like you. There were you again, second guessing yourself. You just wished you didn't get yourself involved in this situation to begin with.
Roman went to his office, and picked up your necklace from his desk. He read your name quietly to himself, "Y/N..."
Such a gorgeous name, he thought. As if she couldn't seem any more perfect that she was. He smirked to himself, staring at your necklace for a couple of seconds before returning to the living room. Roman motioned you to turn around, and you followed, letting him put the necklace around your neck. Once it was, you touched it, thanking God in your head that you didn't lose it. You then turned around, facing him. You were more closer to him than you thought you would be. Roman stared down at you, looking into your eyes as you stared into his brown ones. The things you would do to him, you bit your lip and was able to pry away from his stare, backing up a away from him a bit.
Damn it, Roman cursed to himself. He cleared his throat, backing away from you, hoping he wasn't making you feel uncomfortable, even though you weren't. On the other hand, you were just hoping you wouldn't make a fool out of yourself again.
"I was just kidding about what I said earlier," He said. You looked back up at him, wondering what he was talking about. He smiled small, "If you still want to leave, I'd be happy to take you home."
You couldn't help but hold back a smile, finding his gestures heart warming. I guess showing your appreciation wouldn't hurt, in your way. You raised your hand to his cheek, holding it gently and tilted your head, kissing his other cheek sweetly.
"Thank you, Roman." You said appreciatively. His eyes were glued onto you, not being able to tear them off of you. Roman's blood turned warm, and his heart that was already racing began to go even faster. It's like there was a glow around you, that nobody else could see except for him. You were a diamond in the rough, angel in disguise, a woman that should be treated like a queen. He didn't know if you were seeing anyone else, but quite frankly he didn't care. You were going to belong to him soon.
"Are you good?" You asked, trying to get his attention. Roman nodded, trying to disregard his thoughts before he said them out loud, which he did most of the time.
"Yeah," He says. Roman picked up his keys off of the coffee table, and looked down back at you, not being able to look away from your beauty, "After you." He insisted, wanting you to go first. You nervously smiled, thanking him again silently before you walked in front of him. He took the opportunity take a look at your rear end, he bit his lip and sighed. All that, will be mine he said to himself in his head before he went and followed you.
Tags; @gold--gucciempress @wwzentertainment @serenityfiretrash @flawlessglamazon @nicolewoo @romanreignshairdresser @sassymox @pennysky @msnikkimoneypenny @jazzy-tzw @lemonjvicey @thandiwethagirl @haharollins @reignsprint @rollinshield3 @sheerbeautyreigns @zaddyreigns @brookethegamer @glowinnbabyy
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estrxlar · 3 years
The Ghost Of You
07 - Our Realization
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This chapters songs:
New person, same old mistakes: Tame Impala
National Anthem: Lana Del Rey
Blackout Days: Future Islands Remix
I think it might be hell; Clarence James
Y.L. Perspective-
Seriously, what was it with tight dresses? All they would do was squeeze the living hell out of you, making every single step you took complete torture. Sure, people looked hot in them, and I wouldn't blame anybody for wanting to show off their looks. But me— me?! No. Especially not to a high school third-year party, where all anybody wants is sex.
"Come on, don't make such a huge deal out of it. You look so beautiful it hurts me." Giki tugs on my arms, attempting to pull me out of the car while the other two band members leaned on it, beginning to grow impatient with my childish behavior.
What I wore consisted of a very light blue colored dress with small ripples down the entire thing that tugged at both my hips and chest and the sleeves were long and oversized to trick the eye. It was small and snug and made my entire body look better than I imagined. Yes, it was a gorgeous dress, but I hadn't ever planned on wearing it. The only reason I ever even bought it was because I loved the way it looked on me— meaning it was never intended for other people to see. Plus, this wasn't even that grand of a party. I mean— yes, there were at least three hundred people inside singing and dancing from what we could hear, and it was quite a humongous house, but still: I didn't get the point of dressing so club-ish.
To my friends' relief, I gain the courage to step out, trying to avoid the couple of people that were glancing over to the new arrivals: us. My hands attempt to pull down the dress, but it simply stays above mid-thigh.
"So, what's there to see here, hm? Are we greeting anybody here, or what?" Toruku questions, locking his car and twisting the watch on his wrist. We begin walking towards the grand house, meanwhile talking silently.
"Pretty much everybody is here, so you guys can just runoff. I'm gonna try and find Miya since she invited me and all."
It wouldn't be any trouble to try and find our friends, since we had quite a few. Being a popular band at your school had to give you a few favors. The only thing was that I was scared of being lonely at this party. I didn't know what would happen, who I would meet, or if I would make mistakes of some kind.
The four of us slide through the crowds outside while muffled music was heard. But the second that Toruku opened the door, so much was happening. Flashing blue and red lights would appear, coloring everybody and their sparkly wardrobe. Many were dancing and shouting at the loud music that blasted through the noise, though I didn't mind very much. The music was almost hypnotizing, and so was the faint smell of marijuana and alcohol.
From my side, Toruku made an expression of excitement. "There's fun stuff!" He yelled, sliding his hands together. "I'll see you guys later!" Is the last we hear of him for a while, before he makes his way between the crowds of teenagers. I nervously crossed my arms, doing the same as him, and starting my way around the house to explore.
Suddenly, a voice calls out to me, sending immediate chills down my spine. "Y/n!" Yelled Kiyoko, as her arms widened for a hug, while a drink in her hand bounced in the cup. "I didn't know you were coming! We could've matched or something!"
"There's no need, you already look so good tonight!" I spoke loudly over the music, looking up and down at Kiyoko. She wore a red spaghetti strap silk dress that fit perfectly on her, but what didn't? "God, you're such a goddess!"
"Don't even, Y/n. I've never seen you so hot-looking before," she laughed, putting a warm hand on my shoulder. "Don't mind me if I act a bit silly right now, I'm tipsy."
I nod. "How about lead me to the drinks so I can be too? I'm getting impatient," I say back, before being led to the kitchen. It's big and grand, just like the rest of the house. In there, there are about two or three jugs of whatever, and a stack of cups as well. People were seen talking and laughing near them.
Kiyoko and I fill two cups of beer— or what I assumed was— and gave them both a bump. "Cheers to our third year, right?" I say, as we down what we have in our cups. The amount of carbonation in the beer is surprising, making my nose scrunch up while it goes down my throat. "Jeez, what's in this, crack?"
"Probably," Kiyoko's obnoxious laugh releases, as she leans against me, giggling over my shoulder. I simply laugh back, baffled by drunk Kiyoko. "Hey, you know who's staring right at you?"
My veins practically freeze. Staring at me? At what?! "Who?!" I silently yell at her, quickly turning my head side to side to spot anybody.
"Koushi. And he's not taking his eyes off of you."
Not even a second after her seductive tone whispers into my ear, I spot the guy, with a drink in his hand and a couple of familiar volleyball players discussing with him. However, he didn't look too cheerful. Instead, he just looked me up and down, and right into my eyes, then taking a long chug of his beer.
I smirk back at Kiyoko, excited at the fact that he had spotted me so quickly. "Do you think he came with anybody? I wanna talk to him but if he's with someone then I'd rather not." I ask the girl, as she moved her feet to the beat of the song playing.
"Hm, I have no idea. Anyway, I gotta go. My date is waiting for me. Bye-bye, stay safe!" Her cheerful aura soon leaves the dim blue room, and I'm left alone in the kitchen, waiting on him to approach me.
The first few seconds I glanced at him, I only got a few of his stares. Each time I would attempt to look away, acting as if I wasn't beating myself up because he wouldn't talk to me. But once he tapped Daichi's shoulder, set the empty cup down, and mumbled something, I knew my wish came true; I wouldn't look like such a loner now.
His footsteps approaching me are the only thing I can make out from the music and nothing else, but that is until his voice catches my attention as if it weren't already all on him. "Hey, Y/n. I didn't know you'd show up today." He says, leaning his hips against the counter. "You look pretty."
"Thanks, you too!" I return the compliment, as the music gets louder. It's not until a few seconds after that I realize what I had just told Sugawara: that he looked pretty. I mean, it wasn't a total bad compliment for a boy. He did, in fact, look very good tonight. He wore a white t and grey button shirt over it, with dark baggy jeans and a few chains and rings, all topped off with his shaggy silver hair.
He smiles at me, reaching for one of the red cups that were stacked upon each other, and filled yet another cup up with beer. "You don't think you'll get a headache tomorrow morning?" I ask him, as his eyes turn to me while he drinks. It sure did seem as if he was using a hell of a lot of cups tonight.
  "I think I'm fine. I know how to take my alcohol." He puts down the red cup that was now empty, ahead of tightening his jaw and giving me that same gloomy look he'd given me before. "You do too, don't you?"
  'Yeah, I do.' I say internally, nodding. "You look upset. Are you okay?" My voice is shaky and loud, but not loud enough for him to hear, for his eyes rolled back and he leaned closer to my face. "You look a little down. Did something happen?"
  He whispers into my ear, "I can't hear you right now. Let's go somewhere else." His hot skin rubs against my cheek, meanwhile, his nose tickles my ear. "Come with me." Sugawara gets a hold of one of my hands, and wraps his fingers in between mine, before leading me out of the kitchen and into a crowd of people, where I was lost in the whirl of shouting people. Every once in a while, he would turn his head, searching for any sign that I was uncomfortable. But I wasn't. Only curiosity was what I was feeling.
Soon after, he brought us two to the front of the house and opened the door. Outside was a few people smoking or trying to have a nice talk without the noise inside. But even if it was muffled, it was still really loud. Sugawara makes a turn towards two empty chairs in the front porch colored a nice light and dark grey with striped patterns. In front of it was a glass coffee table with a few empty and full cups of beer.
Suga set his cup beside the others, and sat on the far left chair, while I sat on the right, waiting for an explanation of why he had brought me out here. It wasn't as if I was angry, but simply wondering. "It's nicer out here. I saw you were pretty uncomfortable all alone, so I thought we could just stay out here for a little," he explained, while the dim porch light bulb hung above his head, making his platinum hair appear gleaming. He wasn't wrong, I was pretty stressed about being alone for measly ten seconds.
"Yeah, you guessed right." I fiddle with my fingers, taking in and off the ring wrapped around one of them. "I don't know why, but I'm just not feeling up for a party tonight. Usually, I'd be the one telling everybody to go so we could enjoy it. So much for wearing something I usually wouldn't, right? If I had known people were gonna start swimming I wouldn't have even come." I huff, leaning over onto my knees. Today was tiring, and being forced to a party wasn't what I expected.
    As if he read my mind, he asks, "did something piss you off today? Was it your father? You didn't get to tell me how that went. I don't mean to be intruding on your life or anything, I just wanna know."
   I sigh lazily, leaning over to prop my elbows onto my knees as I gazed towards the moon. It was nice today and covered in small clouds. "It's nothing, really. I just got into this argument— this fight with him. He tried taking me somewhere nostalgic and then tried putting on this entire 'good father persona, while I just sat there dreading every moment of it. You have no idea how much torture it was." At the simple description, I can already feel my eyes watering. God, how much would I cry today? How many times would it be until Suga would go at least one hang out without me breaking down in front of him?! "Anyway, I told him how I felt. And all he could say is 'sorry', after what I explained to him. How he didn't deserve to try and boss me around as if he were even there when I self-harmed. Instead, I had to go to some grey-haired boy in the corner of my math class, right?" I giggle, sniffing up any fluids that left my red nose. Thankfully, Sugawara understands and doesn't hold back a cute snort.
  "I'm sorry. I know what it's like to have a bad relationship with a father, trust me. And you don't deserve that. From what I know, you're such a strong, beautiful, good person, and although you grew up without them, I think you did a great job finding yourself." Although my eyes are closed, I can still imagine the way he looked at me, and the sweet stare he gave. What I couldn't imagine was his hand pressed on my knee, with his thumb softly massaging it. "You're a great girl, you know. Don't let him ruin your confidence."
   As expected, a cheeky smile on his pretty pale face is what I see when I open my eyes, as well as a few fewer students outside of the house. But now that we're mostly alone, I don't bother feeling as if I have to hide from anybody. "Thank you. It means so, so much." My voice wobbles in the cold air, meantime one of his thumbs made its way towards my cheek to wipe the large tears that bounced on my bottom lashes.
   "It's no issue. I'm only telling you the truth," he speaks, pulling his hand back into his lap. Soon after, he sat back in his chair, looking up at the sky that painted many glittering stars, and a pale white moon. I do so too, letting every emotion leave my body with each breath. Talking with Sugawara was as if being in heaven, if only for a split second. I wished that it could last at least two, or three, or even an entire minute. "Y/n, do you... do you wanna leave?"
   My eyebrows curl at his question. "What do you mean by that?"
  Before being able to thoroughly ask him more questions, he quickly clears things up. "I mean I don't wanna be here anymore, and I know you don't either. As you said, 'I'm not in a party mood.' I brought my car, and I'm not drunk. Not tipsy either. Do you just wanna hang out somewhere else?" He looks down at his wrists again, picking at his cuticles while waiting for my response. For a second I think about why I came. It was only so that Miya would trust that Giki brought guests. I'm sure that now she had at least four hundred people in her house she wouldn't mind. And besides that, I didn't know where we would go, or if we would get in trouble.
     But in his luck, he was right; I didn't wanna be here.
Sugawara and I both agreed I'd meet him at the front door after I said bye to Giki. He brought up a clever idea that I should probably tell at least one of my friends we were leaving, or else they'd grow defensive and act as if I were kidnapped. And so, I'm approved to leave and plan to waste no time getting out of this house.
That is until I encounter what feels like a ghost.
"Y/n," my name is heard from a mouth, sending me to glance to my right. Looking up, there stood Oikawa, someone so distant, yet so familiar. All I could do is stare back at him, blinking a few times to check that I wasn't hallucinating some figure. He was tall, and his build was skinny but muscular, just like when we were kids. Except now, he looked more of a man than a boy. He ran a hand in his brown hair, turning towards me completely instead of a sneaky side stare. I had begged the gods to keep him away from me, but here we were.
Toru had no business being at this party— a Karasuno party— so why was he? Is this to run into me? Or maybe Toruku? So many thoughts ran through my mind, yet all I could do is stand there, staring at him. "W-why are you here?" I hesitate to ask, followed by one of his awkward laughs.
He rubs the back of his head, saying, "I was invited? Why else? I thought I would see you here, but I didn't mind. But if you are, does that mean Toruku is too?" I didn't understand why he wanted to know about us, but I also didn't care. I didn't need to be so stressed about this tonight. "Wow— I can't believe it's you. I thought... I thought you—"
"What, killed myself?"
"N-no! No, of course not. I just thought you moved again. At least that's what you told everybody. Iwa and I had been trying to get a hold of you guys recently because it being our third year. We...we thought it was best to say bye properly, y'know?" Even though his voice is so low, I can still hear him over the blasting music and obnoxious talking. "Listen, I just. I just wanna see how you guys doing. I know you're in a band now. That's cool, right?"
I nod, with an expressionless face. Annoyed, I cross my arms and relax my posture. "Yeah, I guess. I heard you're at a preppy little school now. Isn't that fitting?" An unexpected attitude is heard in my tone, which soon made me feel a bit sorry. But what was I to say? He can't expect to get so close to me after three years. This conversation is useless. I need to go.
Oikawa takes notice of this and has no second thought of grabbing one of my hands, requesting for me to stay. "Please, I wanna talk more. I..I have so much to say. Can I at least have your number?"
I attempt to resist his grip on my fist, but he simply pulls back harder. He must really wanna talk. I say, "I have to go right now. We can talk some other time. Please, just let me go." All of a sudden, another arm is wrapped around my wrist, but not Toru's. Instead, it's Sugawara, giving him the most intimidating stare. Both setters stare at each other for long seconds, before Suga gently slid his hand from my wrist to my hip, as the warmth of his fingers makes my back curl.
"Is everything alright, babe?" He asked, looking down and smiling at me. Ahh, I get it. The old boyfriend-saving trick. He makes sure to give Oikawa a two-faced smile, letting him know he would be able to confront me no longer. Going along with his ploy, I lean on him, grabbing his arm in security. "I'm fine," I mumble, looking anywhere else but towards Oikawa. "Let's just go."
  Closing the front door that I had walked into just about an hour ago, Sugawara let go of my hand, "Who was that? Why were they so demanding?" He asks, looking at me for a response. Although I try to act toned down, I can't help but feel overwhelmed by everything. But luckily, I'd just for tonight, I could escape from my problems.
  "Just an old friend. Thank you, though. I didn't feel like talking with them."
Sugawara and I walk towards the end of the street, where he has said his car was. And once we'd reached it, he pulled open the door for me, and I sat in the passenger seat. It wasn't a big car, but it wasn't small either. Its paint consisted of a darker matte grey, and inside the seats were beige leather. He had two small cans of car freshener; one lavender, the other cherry almond. Hanging from the rearview mirror was a string attached to a small volleyball plush and a necklace. I wasn't sure what the necklace was about, but it wasn't any of my business. Overall, it was a nice car, which I could tell was kept clean.
"Sorry if it's messy, or weird looking. I just got it last year so I'm still kind of beginning to get used to it."
   An entire year? Looking over at Suga I say, "if you don't mind me asking, why has it taken so long?" He swallows hard, tapping his fingers on the black leather that covered the steering wheel. "It was my moms. She gave it to me before she passed away." He says, stuttering. It seemed that Suga wasn't very comfortable talking about this subject. "A-And besides that, it took me a little to learn how to drive. I only ever take it when I don't have a ride somewhere. Other than that, it stays at home."
What he said had cleared up some things I was wondering about: why hadn't he taken it to school? But now that I was aware of the situation, I thought it's best to not ask. "Oh. Well, that's okay. There's no need to be ashamed or anything," I tell him, backing up my words with a sweet tone. "I don't take loss very well. Not any better than you did, at least."
"Ha! You have no idea." Surprisingly, a remark leaves his mouth, soon followed by an apology. "Sorry, that came out rude." His low voice cracks at the last word. I felt nothing but sorry for Suga at the moment. Whatever he didn't tell me about in the kitchen was itching his ear this entire time, and I wouldn't go on without knowing what it was.
  He licks his soft lips and folds his hands within each other. I assumed it was about some girl, why wouldn't it be? Suga is truly a handsome young man— a man— not a boy. I wouldn't blame any other teenage girl to fall head over heels for him, but I wouldn't be okay with somebody causing him trouble. After what I've heard about Sugawara, he didn't deserve any more dreadful events to occur in his timeline. "What's up with you, Suga? You seem upset today. Well, not upset, more like down. But are you okay?"
  "I'm fine. I just got in this fight with my dad today about volleyball. He makes it such a big deal, more than before my mom died. I think he just worries I'll end up throwing my life away. But after everything, it feels like that doesn't even matter," he explains, as the engine now roared, and I quickly strapped on my seat belt. "Anyway, where do you wanna go, hm?"
   I look out the window, as we begin to pass the house that held so many. But soon we reach the end of the street, and almost all of the noise is gone. If only for a few hours, I can finally relax. "I dunno. I just wanna leave."
"Maybe you wanna get some clothing from your house? I can drive you there, and we can go somewhere else afterward," Sugawara mentions, shifting his vision towards me if only for a second. But I deny it. I wouldn't wanna be anywhere near home right now, or at least home is what they call it. For me, it's simply a hollow shell full of regret.
"No. I don't wanna go home." I turn my head towards Suga, whose eyebrows raised in surprise at my demand. "I don't even care if I'm uncomfortable. I just.. I just don't wanna go home."
"I don't either." He smiles meekly. "Look, I have a t-shirt in the back. But it's only a t-shirt, nothing more"
"That's okay. I snuck pajama shorts under my dress tonight," I giggle, lifting the blue skirt to reveal bright pink cotton shorts with cartoon monkeys and bananas covering them. "So, where to after?"
"I'm not sure. I think I'll just park at this old skatepark I know, and we can just stay there for a while until you decide we wanna go."
  "Orr," I make a request. "We could stay there all night. I don't mind sleeping in the trunk or something, that's what makes it an adventure, right?"
  Sugawara shrugs, as a smile appears on his face. Soon, we're out of the neighborhood, and out on the main road, where anywhere go is a mystery to me. "I.. I dunno. What if your parents get angry at me? What if you get in trouble?"
"I don't think they will, Suga. They don't care much." Quickly, I begin to unstrap my heels, placing them next to my feet, and take off my seat belt. To his surprise, I instantly climb towards the back seats of his car, getting low immediately after I succeeded. "You said the t-shirt was back here?" I ask him, glancing to the middle seat. Usually, if you pulled it down, there was a compartment that had a shortcut to the trunk. I put two fingers between the small loop the divided the seats and the storage, pulled it back, and pushed a small button that pulled back. Surely, my predictions were correct.
"Hey— be careful back there. I wouldn't want you to hurt yourself." Sugawara says, without any notion that I had done times many times before when I went out with the band. Carefully, I reach my hand into the dark space, feeling and touching on items that might feel like a t-shirt. The only thing that is in reach is a duffel bag, a volleyball, and a box until I catch hold of thick cloth.
Carefully pulling it out of the dark, I observe thoroughly, to discover it's a jacket of some sort. When I cautiously unfold it, I reveal a large hoodie, with big orange letters painted on the front, 'Karasuno.' "Oh, you can just wear that if you'd like. I don't mind, and besides, it's not dirty or anything." Suga turns briefly to glimpse at me who help the sweater, making sure to adjust his eyes back onto the road afterward.
  "Haha, just don't look," I chuckle, bowing behind his seat for furthermore privacy, before carefully but hastily pulling the blue dress over my head. Finally, I'm released from its threshold. Then, I take the hood, and slide it over my torso, and pull it down. The size was just perfect for me to lounge in. Once I'm comfortable, I toss the dress into the front seat and make my way there too.
"Thanks, Suga. I didn't wanna be in that all night. Anyway, where are we going again? To a skate park? Great, do you have skateboards?" I asked, digging in my purse for some extra socks. Once I find some, I pull them over my feet, glad that the ache of the heels was almost over with.
  "Uh, no. I don't know how to skate. But my friends usually come here a lot, and there's never any security, so if you'd like we can just stay here for a while until you wanna go home." He says, pulling into a small lot with a few small buildings around it. The further he drove went to show that it was a skate park. In fact, one of my favorites. When he finds a spot that isn't too obvious to the main street, he parks his car and rests both hands on his thighs. "It's nice out here, isn't it?"
   I agree, nodding whilst staring at the lit-up park that contained many loops and poles for tricks. "Yeah. Listen, thank you for rescuing me from Miya's. I know you probably had better plans than to have to take me here." As the words leave my mouth, I realize how strange it was that we left and decided to hang out for a while. Although Sugawara was a friend, I still had much to learn about him, including his instincts.
  "Uhm, Suga?" I utter, avoiding contact with him. But even so, I still sense his stare. After grabbing his attention, I ask, "I don't mean to sound like a loser, but why're you so accepting? Not that it's bad, it's that I haven't really met anyone other than my close friends that actually enjoy spending time with me. You're just.. very flexible. You make time for people, you're helpful, you're caring. I wanna know what makes you that way?"
   The question stirs in Suga's mind, bringing about a long silence. For me, I always perceive people to be too careless and flamboyant. Yes, I try to look at both sides of the stories, but I always let people's opinions get to me. It's what makes me so insecure about letting people get to know who I really am. "After everything that happened, I decided that I wasn't who I wanted to be. I'm not saying I completely love who I am, but I try to be a better person. Especially to people that mean a lot to me."
   "Oh, yeah. I get it." I say, leaning my head back in the seat. "After everything that happened at the beginning of high school, I decided it was best to pick myself up. I wasn't gonna achieve anything by sitting around and throwing my life away, right? I think I'm just confused because.. well... after being comfortable with who I am, I don't let people get to know me. I just feel like everybody is too judgmental, and I'm gonna seem like I'm still a burnout."
  "I get it. But people do change, Y/n. People like us. I guess— time flies so fast. Everyone changes so quickly that in a blink of an eye, your entire perspective of something is completely altered, and everyone you know— or at least used to— they're on a completely different level than what you expected. It feels like you're realizing that it's not as simple as you thought. It's realizing that you'll be somewhere totally different than four years from now. You've gotta have that realization things are never gonna stay the same." As much as I wanted to deny it, Sugawara was right. Even if I'm somebody who's approved by everyone, I'm still my own person, whether they like it or not. How I develop has only to do with me, and no one else. "And besides, you're a very likable person, Y/n. I'm sure you don't have to worry about being enough for other people. You're more than enough."
  I couldn't help but chuckle bashfully at his sentence. "Yeah, I bet you say that to all the girls you let in your car," I say jokingly, meeting eyes with Sugawara. But he isn't laughing very much, just lightly smiling, and shaking his head 'no'.
  Suddenly, one of his hands meets with my cheek, brushing against the peach fuzz that stood upon it. I could do nothing more than stare at him, observing the way his chest rose so fast while doing so."Y/n," he mumbles, making my heart beat faster than light speed itself. His eyes did more than observe every inch of my expression but search for something other than panic. "I'd like for you to know that you're someone so incredibly valuable. You're beautiful and talented and sweet. God, you're so sweet. Don't let anybody tell you you're anything less, which includes yourself."
  "Kou," I whimper to him, placing my hand on his, and feeling his thumb slide towards the corner of my lips while feeling him come closer towards me. Any longer I waited for him to touch mine would have resulted in a heart attack.
  "What is it?" He whispers, oblivious to the action of parting my lips with his finger, feeling against their softness. What made it even more desirable was the way he stared at them, imitating the way they would move when kissing him. And I did so, impatiently waiting for him to touch them, I demand of him, "Koushi, kiss me already. Please, I want to. I.. I do."
  Sugawara rapidly grabs my wrists to make sure I don't squirm and finally takes initiative to press my lips against his. At first, he feels them softly, but once I show the bit of resistance, he soon lets go of one wrist and grabs the back of my neck, bringing it closer to him than ever. Our mouths can barely get rest, inflicting a dangerous amount of sharp intake from our noses. Every second of being gripped in his hold felt so much more heated than I had expected. If I wasn't such a prude, I probably would have gone further as to let him kiss my neck.
   The small groans that echoed throughout my throat made the both of us feel just as nervous as before, but still, it made the process of making out more enjoyable. Especially the heat of his mouth, along with the way his tongue grazed mine ever so gently. With the way that Sugawara had kissed me, I couldn't remember a time I had ever kissed someone so meaningfully as this. So passionate, and loving.
  So damn long.
Hey guys, thank you for making it so far in the chapter. I know it was a long one. Pls remember to note and comment! Love you all <3
- estrxlar
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