#anyway yeah this song goes hard tho
teabookgremlin · 7 months
#really sad tonight#i miss justice and iris and king#something is hitting me really hard about not having a dog rn#i think it’s that this weekend we’re visiting our parent org and the last i was there was to drop off king#and also im planning on starting to clear his stuff out of my room#i haven’t been able to bring myself to do it yet#and i know all three of my pups are doing awesome#but one of them any of them should still me with me rn#also i’m stressed that the president of the puppy raising club will fuck me over for getting an 8 week old this summer#bc i’m living in a student apartment so dog stuff goes through the student accessibility services#and we’re not sure if they will ok an 8 week old but i don’t think they actually need to know the age of the dog#so we can simply not tell them that it’s a baby bc i doubt it’ll cause any big issues#and i have to pay a pet fee anyway for my apartment so like#but i’m concerned her rule following will somehow fuck it over for me#even tho she’s graduating before i’d even be getting the dog#and if she fucks it over and i have to wait even longer for a dog i’m gonna end up in a shit place mentally#bc rn im just taking time to recover from the hard time i’ve hard raising so far#but by this summer i think i’ll be ready and start hitting a point where not having a dog will be worse mentally than having one#anyway rant over#but yeah this bit of the song is hitting#bc yeah i walk into my room and see the dog kennel#and king should be in it#but he’s not bc he flunked out#and i just am constantly thinking about him or justice or iris#i just feel like shit rn#i also ate too many cadbury mini eggs so my stomach hurts#i think i’m mostly past the point of blaming myself for my dogs’ issues tho so#that’s progress
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koushirouizumi · 3 months
{M.A.N.K.I.N} ~ Y O H & (A c e-spec!) M A N T A “P A P E R C U T”
Short Summary:
"CAN'T S T O P what i'm h e a r i n g we're f e e l i n g W I T H I N"
"--Right B E N E A T H--" Warning: Contains spoiler for Yoh vs Faust {O.G. Series} - The fight is a bit graphic, (no actual blood in this ver. but) Please be careful watching by the middle. (There is a happy end however!)
#yohta#yohta friendship#amidamaruxmosuke#bi yoh#yohxmanta#koushirouizumi posts#koushirouizumi sk#koushirouizumi manta#aut!manta#manta and mosuke#m. l. m mosuke#p a r a n o i d!amidamaru#panro manta#ace manta#demi pan manta#({HOPEFULLY this WORKS} {Makin r.b a b l e LATER} {OPENING OF IT IS A BIT c RACKY I WAS TRYIN TO EXPLAIN @NIME!MANTAs STORYLINE CHANGES BUT#({OK BUT} HI OK WARNING OVER 10+ YR'S OLD @MV AND IT VERY S H O W S Especially near beginning {Using Space'd txt to keep out of S e a r h})#(OK SO back in late elementary to middle s c h o o l I basically challenged myself to make GOOD attempts at Linkin P.+Ev@nescence A.M.V{s})#({But I usually try to NOT use ALL songs from an album ONLY FAVS bc yeahhh it skirts too close to Issues to me....} These always get)#({Issues with Other places too etc} {i.e. Y. T.} they seem to work here in comparison tho ANYWAY SO YEAH I heard this one and was like)#({'Number one ***why do i NEVER HEAR THIS ONE*** IN @.M.Vs of old' number two 'wHO AM I GONNA USE IT FORRRR')#(Sometime around this time I was still reading+watching O.G. M@nkin and had JUST finished my 1st M@nkin @MV w Horo focus)#({AND THEN IT cLICKED} AND I WAS LIKE 'WAIT I SHOULD TRY WITH mANTA IT FITS AND MANTA ALMOST ***NEVER GETS ANY MADE+THINGS IN GENERAL***)#(So I ended up going SUPER HARD ON THIS ESP near middle I was LEARNING HOW TO **BETTER TIME SPLIT UP PAN SHOTS** FOR *1ST TIME IN MY LIFE*)#(Yoh v F a u s t too is a REALLY INTENSE Fight I wanted to show F a u s t def had upper hand there but YOH GOES IN HARD TOO&IT SHOWED)#({By the middle-end of that bit yeah} W.M.M was def c RAP'ng out on me and I was hanging the rest together by t HREADS h OPING ITD WORK)#('PLS LET ME FINISH IT' 'P L S LET ME FINISH IT' AND THEN W.M.M DID SO I SHOVED IN ALL THE GOOD FINAL MANTA&MOSUKE REFS I COULD)#({+@NNA ACTUALLY BEING *VERY GOOD TO MANTA+YOH* IN THE @NIME+DEF SUPPORTIN MANTA IN VERY SMALL BUT WONDERFUL BLINK AND U MISS EM MOMENTS)#(In mang@ but @nna was always like 'NO IM THE w IFE OF THE M@NKIN' etcetc and its EXHAUSTIN to read but in @nime like OK SHE HAS MORE GOOD)#({A.K.A Me before I got d i a g n o s i s RE confirmed mAKIN... @MVS BC I COULD} Me Now in Era of 2.k.2.4 {'Haha. Hahaaaa. hhhhAHAA'})
0 notes
thefatedthoughtofyou · 7 months
{ the song (I Just) Died In Your Arms came on at work today and then this happened. }
Warnings: aftermath of time loops, like years after, hurt/comfort, angst, allusion to sex and loss of virginity (its really more of a fade to black situation tho 👍🏻)
"Eddie?" Steve calls, dropping his bag and all his crap by the door, and toeing off his shoes.
"Kitchen! Rob's at Chrissy's tonight so I thought we'd do dinner and a movie?" Eddie's voice calls, and Steve can already smell something cooking. Hears the sizzle of a something as well, and the radio playing something, the sound just a low rumble in his ears.
"Sounds good. Watcha makin?" Steve calls, shrugging off his jacket and tossing it over the back of the couch, he knows Eddie will grab it later and hang it by the door. He leaves it there anyway, smiling to himself at the thought as turns toward the kitchen.
"Oh just the ol Eddie Munson special. Gourmet grilled cheese. It soothes the- Steve? You okay?" Eddie's voice is quiet now, Steve's sure his eyes are wide too but he can't see them. Not really.
He's staring at the radio. The low murmur of music finally hitting him, stopping him in his tracks, his blood running cold, like icy fingers trailing down his back. That fucking song. He could kill whoever wrote it. Who needs a song about someone dying in their arms?
"Steve?" Eddie asks, again. Steve nods. Takes one step backwards. And then bolts for the bathroom.
He hits his knees hard, slaming down in front of the toilet, losing the small amount of food he'd had for lunch, his stomach heaving. He's shaking when he stands, his knees buckle twice on the short walk from the bathroom across the hall to his room. He shuts the door softly when he hears Eddie's footsteps coming.
"Steve? Are you okay?" His voice is small, and Steve can see him, with his long sleeves pulled down around his hands, worrying the material between his fingers as he shuffles from foot to foot outside Steve's door.
"I'm fine Ed's. Just, keep cooking. I'll be out in a few for the movie okay?" Steve calls, yanking his clothes off and grabbing one of Eddie's old t-shirts that he'd stolen maybe a year ago. Eddie had never asked for it back. And Steve liked the way he blushed when he saw Steve wearing it.
Eddie does, sort of. He goes back to the kitchen, turns everything off, and then walks back to Steve's room. He slides down the wall outside his door and sits on the floor. He can hear Steve moving around in there, just shuffling around his room doing god knows what.
He does this sometimes. Eddie never knows what to do. Or say. Or how to stop it. He tries. But Steve won't talk to him about it. Just ignores that it happens. Or talks to Robin. They share little looks, he sees them, never knows what they mean.
It makes him uncomfortable sometimes, like they're telling jokes behind his back. He knows they're not. That they wouldn't. But there's something. And until now, he's never asked, never pushed. Just sat back and worried and tried to ignore the feeling that he'd done something wrong.
"Steve?" He asks, voice low. He hears Steve stop moving.
"Yeah?" He calls, sounding suspicious, or nervous maybe, or like he's been caught doing something he shouldn't.
"You know I'm not stupid right?" Eddie's chest burns, fire crawling up his throat, his eyes burning.
"I- what?" Steve answers, voice muffled, Eddie can almost see him standing in the middle of his room, staring at the door.
"I'm not stupid. I know something's wrong." He presses his finger to the floor, rubs at a knot in the wood, listens to Steve walk closer to the door.
"I told you I'm fine. Really it's-"
"Don't lie to me." Eddie cuts him off, doesn't yell, doesn't even raise his voice. He thinks he hears Steve gasp on the other side of the door. Can't be sure.
"Please just-" he closes his eyes, clears his throat, wills the tears away. He's so tired of crying about this.
"Just talk to me? I know- there's something you're not telling me." He hangs his head, worries at his shirt sleeves, his hands in his lap.
"It's been three years. And I thought it would stop ya know? Thought maybe I was imagining things. Or just, had to get used to the enigma that is YouAndRobin. But that's not it, is it?" He lets his head fall back and hit the wall.
"It's me. It's something I'm doing. Or like, multiple things? And I've tried to stop. Ya know? Tried to figure it out on my own cuz you guys clearly don't wanna share." He sighs.
"But I just keep fucking up. And then you guys give each other those looks, and lock yourselves away for hours, or fucking days, at a time. And I try so fucking hard not to do those things again." His voice is strained now, he clears his throat again, tucks his knees up under his chin and keeps talking, knows if he doesn't say it now he never will.
"But it's fucking impossible to figure out what I'm doing wrong if you won't talk to me Steve. I just- I feel like I'm hurting you somehow and you just- you just fucking sit there and take it and pretend it not happening when it really fucking clearly is! And it makes me feel insane!" He shoves his lips against his knee, tries to hide the whimper that claws its way out of his throat. He closes his eyes, tries to breathe, opens his mouth to speak again and hears the door open.
He looks up, watches Steve look forward and then down, finding Eddie on the floor, his own eyes shining like Eddie knows his are too.
"It's not you." Steve says, whispers really. And Eddie can't help the eyeroll. Or the huff. Looks away from Steve, drops his chin onto his knees and closes his eyes again, pushes the palms of his hands against his eyes.
"You're lying." He croaks, voice tight.
"I know you are. I just don't know why." And he hates it, that whine in his voice. And then Steve is on his knees, next to Eddie, his hands hovering near him as Eddie glares at him.
"I- I'm not. I promise I'm not. It's not you. It- it's complicated. I don't-" he sighs.
"Just say it! Just try!" Eddie's hands flail, his voice desperate as he looks at Steve. He stares for a moment, eyes wide, and then falls to sitting next to Eddie, his own knee tucked up to his chest, back resting against the door frame.
"I watched you die." Steve says, quiet. Eddie frowns.
"I know. And then you carried me out of hell and saved me. I know that. What are you-"
"No. Not- not that time." Steve shakes his head, grimaces when he looks at Eddie. He shakes his head, he doesn't understand.
"Before that. So many fucking times before that. Over and over. You died. No matter what I did. Or what I changed." Steve pinched the bridge of his nose, shoved a knuckle into the corner of his eye. He let his head fall back as he looked at Eddie, his hands falling palms up on his thighs, helpless.
"You died. Over and over and over. And everytime. Every single fucking time. I ended up covered in your blood." He closes his eyes, opens them again. Says nothing else.
"I-" Eddie starts, stops, takes a deep breathe, moves one hand over his chest, resting his palm against the scar on his side, a nervous habit he has now. His fingers drum against the thick skin there.
"That's- you're talking about a time loop." Eddie says slowly, and Steve, he fucking laughs. There's no humor in it, just a bark, and a wry smile as he shakes his head at Eddie.
"What? You are, right? I mean that's- why are you smiling?" Eddie flails again, hugs his knees tighter. Steve just shakes his head again, bites his lip to hide a smile.
"Robin told me I should tell you. That you'd understand. Or like, get it. And I knew you would I guess, I just- couldn't." Steve sighs again, gives a little helpless shrug.
"Why not?" Eddie rests his chin on his knees, watching Steve. The tension he'd been holding in his shoulders for what seems like years seems to melt away.
"At first I was scared. That if I said something. It would start again. And then it just-" he takes a deep breath, smiles the saddest smile Eddie's ever seen and says,
"It just hurt too much." He shrugs again, a tear falling down his cheek. Eddie stares, watches his fall onto his shirt, watches it bleed into the fabric.
"Why did it hurt? Cuz of me? Cuz I keep reminding you of it somehow? Right? That's what all those little looks between you guys have been?" He wraps his arms around his legs tighter, his lip wobbling again. He knew he'd been fucking up.
Steve looks at him, brow furrowed, and reaches out, his hand warm when it curls around Eddie's bicep.
"I didn't know you noticed that. And I'm sorry. But no. It wasn't that. I mean maybe a little. Just small things. Like, deja vu, sometimes." He shrugged.
"But tonight it was the song. That stupid fucking song." He sighs, shakes his head and laughs again. The sound hollow in his chest.
"The... song." Eddie frowns, trying to think what song had been on when Steve came through the door. And oh, yeah.
"Oh. Kinda... right on the nose that one. Sorry. It was just on the tape I found. It wasn't even my tape. I think it was one of Dustin’s old ones." Steve squeezes his arm, heads him off before be starts really rambling.
"It's okay. You didn't know. You couldn't have. Cuz I didn't tell you. And I should have. I'm sorry." Steve bites his lip again. Eddie nods, sniffles, untangles his arms from around himself and scoots a little closer to Steve, their legs pressed together.
"Will you tell me now? All of it? Please? I need to know what happened. Kinda really wanna know how you saved me." He feels his cheeks burn, his ears too. He can't look at Steve. Not right now. Knows he'll see too much.
"I'll tell you. But not on the floor." He laughs again, a real one this time, and gets to his feet. He offers his hand to Eddie and pulls him to his feet. Their hands stay together, Eddie's cheeks burn with a fresh wave of color and Steve smiles, tugs him into his room, and tells him everything.
"A whole year?" Eddie's staring at the ceiling, knows he sounds breathless.
"Yep." Steve says, pops the P.
"And you spent it with me?" Eddie asks, sounds unconvinced.
"And we-"
"Yep." Steve huffs, turns onto his side and looks at Eddie.
"Hey. Look at me." Eddie swallows, isn't sure he can. He let's out a shakey breath and does it anyway.
"Hi." Steve says, smiling, his cheek squished against his arm curled under his head.
"Hi." Eddie echoes.
"You and me?" Eddie asks, his brow furrowed, his throat burning again.
"Yeah. I uh... I wasn't expecting it. Or maybe I was. I'm not sure anymore. But I'm glad it happened." Steve shrugs, reaches out, his finger brushing a curl away from Eddie's face.
"Why didn't you tell me? We could've- I mean I would've-" Eddie swallows, not sure what he would've. Steve smiles that sad smile again.
"Because I'm an idiot. I thought I had to like- let you make your own choices. Not- tell you what you did before. And you didn't remember. Because it- it didn't work, that time. I didn't-" he pauses, clears his throat, wipes at his eyes.
"I didn't save you that time. I lost you. And it- fuck it hurt Ed's. It hurt so much." His throat catches on a sob, his palms shoving into his eyes and Eddie can't take it anymore. He surges forward, wraps his arms around Steve and pulls him close.
"I'm right here. I've been here. I'm not going anywhere." Eddie whispers, presses the words into Steve's hair as he clings to him.
"How many times after that one?" Eddie asks, his hand in Steve's hair, soothing.
"Two. I lost you two more times and then it worked. I woke up by your hospital bed instead of at my house. And you were there. Alive. And Robin was alive. And Dustin and Nancy. Everyone. More or less." Steve's voice is muffled, Eddie can feel his shirt getting wet from his tears.
"Steve I-" he takes a shakey breath.
"I don't know what to say." He sighs, keeps soothing his fingers over Steve's scalp. He pulls back, looks at Eddie, his face wet and blotchy.
"You don't have to say anything. I'm just glad you know now." He shakes his head, sniffles, drops his head back onto his pillow, eyes on Eddie.
"This um... this other Eddie. The one you spent a year with." Eddie draws.
"He wasn't 'another Eddie'. He was you. Just, before we really met." Steve snorts, rolls his eyes.
"Right. Right. So this Eddie you spent a year with." Eddie says, Steve fucking giggles and squeezes his eyes shut, nose all scrunched up. He opens his eyes, blinks a few times.
"What about him?" Steve asks, his teeth dragging over his lip as he smiles. Eddie shrugs, best he can laying on his side.
"Was he... I mean was he really like me?" Eddie asks, his voice sounding, doubtful. Steve hums, thinks for a moment.
"He was. And he wasn't." Steve shrugs too.
"That's very descriptive." Eddie says, voice flat. Steve laughs, rolls onto his back and then back to his side to look at Eddie.
"He was... different. Calmer. Less traumatized. At the beginning anyway. But he was still you. Still stubborn. And loyal. And kind." His shoulder twitches again.
"Was he nice to you? This other me?" Eddie asks, chewing on his lip, eyes locked on Steve's face. His cheeks flush and Eddie feels heat crawl over his skin.
"He was yeah. After awhile. He was... very nice." Steve's voice is soft, low, that little smile tugging at his mouth.
"Did he love you?" Eddie doesn't mean to say it. Not really. But he can't stop it. He has to know. Steve said they'd been together. But it was just a year. But a lot can happen in a year, Eddie knows all too well.
Steve eyes go soft at the question, a fondness in them that Eddie knows well, his stomach flutters at the realization.
"He said he did." Steve nods, scoots a little closer.
"And did-" Eddie swallows roughly, blinks a few times,
"Did you love him?" He asks, voice barely above a whisper. Steve nods, slow, his hair splaying against his pillow, his hand lifting to his mouth, teeth worrying at his thumb nail.
Eddie feels a breif spike of jealousy peak its head up and then feels ridiculous. And then he feels something else, something that blooms in his chest and wraps itself around his ribs warmly. Something he thinks might be hope.
"Do you-" he bites into his lip, hard. His hands shaking on the matress between he and Steve. Steve's hand moves away from his mouth, his knuckles brushing Eddie's before lacing their fingers together.
"Say it." Steve whispers, his eyes shining. He smiles at Eddie and Eddie can't not smile back. Can't not ask.
"Do you love me?" He hears his voice, hears how he clearly doesn't believe that. But Steve nods, a giddy smile on his face.
"You do? Why?" Eddie blurts, and Steve laughs, curls closer to Eddie, his hand cupping Eddie's cheek, thumb moving over his skin softly.
"I'm not sure I ever had a choice." Steve breathe between them.
"I think it was just always meant to be you." Steve moves his thumb over Eddie's lips, then up over his cheek again, wiping at the tear that runs over Eddie's skin.
"But he's not- I mean I'm not- we're not the same person. I don't remember it. I don't remember getting to have you. I did get to have you right?" Eddie asks, his chest shuddering as he tries to keep his breathing steady. Steve nods, crowds impossibly closer, his knee slotting between Eddie's own.
"You had me. You had me then and you have me now. And you are the same person. That's why me and Robin always give each other those looks. Because I told her everything. Anything I could remember. And you do things. Things that you did then. When you were mine." Steve smiles. Eddie laughs out a sob.
"When I was yours." He says, mocking, his voice wet and wobbly.
"Yeah. You were mine. Do you wanna be mine?" Steve's fingertips move over his face, like he's trying to memorize him.
"Pretty sure I've been yours since I woke up to you reading The Hobbit by my bed in the hospital." Eddie smiles, more tears falling.
"Dustin told me it would help." Steve shrugged again his thumb back on Eddie's lips. He nodded, closing his eyes to warmth of Steve's skin on his. 
"I wanna be yours." Eddie breathed, gasped when he felt Steve's thumb press into his lip.
"Yeah?" Steve was so close now, Eddie opened his eyes and he was right there, his nose almost touching Eddie.
"Please." Eddie wasn't sure what he was begging for, but he trusted Steve to give it to him.
"Yeah. Anything you want." Steve sighed, closing the space between them.
His lips hit Eddie's and his whole world tilts. Steve holds his head and kisses him sweetly and everything slams into him at once. Thoughts. Feelings. Memories. Memories that aren't his. Things he's never done. Not with Steve. Not with anyone.
But they crash into him, wash over him like a wave and blend into him like they're his. Things he said to Steve, the way he touched him, the way he loved him, during that year that never was. All of it filling him and becoming his. His and Steve's. Just another piece of their story, another peice of their love.
Eddie gasps, pulls back and finds Steve's eyes on him, wide, his brow furrowed.
"Did you?" Steve asks, his head tilting.
"I remember. Or... I saw it. I felt it. Or like, an echo of it. I love you." He laughs then, breathy and sweet, and Steve laughs back, nearly tackles him back onto the bed, arms curled around Eddie, face buried in his neck.
"I love you too." He sounds giddy. The way Eddie feels. He buries his hands in Steve's hair and pulls him up, so he can look at him. Steve comes willingly, looking down at Eddie with adoration.
"Our lives are so fuckin weird. You know that right?" Eddie asks, his nose scrunching. Steve snorts, bites his lip, and smiles.
"Oh yeah. But would you want it any other way?" Steve asks, his nose scrunching too.
"I'll take it whatever way lets me have you." Eddie says, his finger moving down the line of Steve's nose. He bites at Eddie's finger when he drops his hand on his chest.
"I'm sorry it took me so long to ask. And that you were stuck for so long. Back then." Eddie nods to the side, like that time in '86 is right beside them.
"I'm not. I learned a lot about loving you back then." Steve smiles down at him, pushes his bangs back off his head, Eddie leans into the touch.
"Oh yeah? Well I look forward to reaping the benefits." Eddie says, tongue poking into his cheek.
"Yeah? Well I look forward to taking your virginity. Again." Steve smirks down at him. Eddie squaks, tries to shove Steve off him and gets pinned to the bed instead.
"How dare you! I'm not even- that's- I mean... absolute hearsay!" Eddie stammers. Steve laces their fingers together and straddles him, leaning down over him, that smug look on his face.
"You trying to say you're not?" Steve asks, his tongue moving over his teeth.
"I- it's just- I mean that's not fair." Eddie squeaks, looking up at Steve with wide eyes.
"Seems fair to me. Like a really nice reward." Steve boasts, leaning closer and closer.
"It feels like cheating. Like not that kind of cheating. Just... I've never- done stuff. And you're just... you have. With me. That's not-"
"Hey. I'll take good care of you." Steve breathes, presses his lips to Eddie's genlty and pulls back, settles himself on Eddie's thighs.
"I know. I have the memory. But it's like... I dunno, like it's foggy. Like a dream. I can see it, in my head, but I can't feel it." Eddie sighs, looks away.
"Forget about it." Steve says.
"Oh okay. I'll just forget about the images I now have burned into my brain of you, naked, on top of me." Eddie scoffs, tries to take his hands from Steve's and fails, Steve squeezes his hands tighter.
"Why are you so strong?" Eddie kicks his feet, feigning attempts to break free. Steve laughs, lowers himself back into Eddie's face.
"You can hold tight to that new old memory. Or we can make some memories of our own. Pick one." Steve brushes his nose against Eddie's and smiles when Eddie bucks up into him.
"New memories. Absolutely. We should do that. Let's make new ones. We should do that right now." Eddie nods frantically, lifting up and trying to kiss Steve, both of them ending up sitting, Steve in Eddie's lap, finally letting his hands go to snake his arms around Eddie's neck.
"New memories. Got it." Steve kisses him, sweetly, pulls back, just a fraction of an inch.
"You've got shit memory anyway baby. I'll get rid of those in no time." He breathes the words into Eddie mouth like a promise. Eddie moans and grabs at his back, pulling him closer.
"Holy shit. Okay." He huffs, shivering as Steve presses him down onto the bed again, laughing against his lips.
"I'm gonna take this slow. Be real sweet to you." He peppers kisses across Eddie face.
"You're gonna fuckin torture me you mean?" Eddie whines, his hips jumping and stuttering everytime Steve rolls his down against him.
"Trust me. You'll love it." Steve whispers, his lips ghosting over Eddie's, teasing.
"I love you." Eddie says, both of them freezing. Steve just stays there, looking down at him, his eyes shimmering again. Eddie reaches up, wipes the tears away.
"I love you too." Steve breathes, his body dropping onto Eddie completely, tension leaving as he kisses Eddie, slow and deep, both of them moaning into each other's mouths.
Steve's true to his word. He takes Eddie apart slowly. And then puts him right back together. Three years of longing, and lost time, and impossible memories passing between them. A slow ebb and flow, like the tide, like the ocean and the moon, moving through them both, pulling them together after so long apart.
Steve falls asleep on his chest after, small sounds falling past his lips as he nuzzles into Eddie's skin. Eddie holds him there, one hand in Steve's hair, one moving slowly up and down his back.
He holds Steve close, watches him sleep, and thanks whoevers listening that he gets to have this. Have him. And thanks them again for bringing him through it all, all the monsters, and the time loops, and everything else. Just for him to end up in Eddie's arms.
Eddie's certain it's where he was meant to be all along.
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yawnjunn · 1 year
:*:✼ TXT attending your concert ✼*・゚
Woahh its been a while huh...got super busy with life, just failed my physics exam 😜✌️ and now im on my school break, i decided to write this post bcs im SUPERRR bored rn but anyways
╰┈➤ idol!ot5! txt x idol!gn!reader
╰┈➤ no warnings, just fluff
╰┈➤ quick guide : y/n = your name, y/g/n = your group's name, y/f/n = your fandom's name
Tumblr media
yeonjun(연준) :
☆ This man isnt afraid to attend your concert WITHOUT covering his face, yk how some artists covered their face and attend their friend's concert? yeah...not yj tho
☆ He might only bring a lightstick, not those extra banners or signs or whatever
☆ The only reason why he only brought a lightstick was bcs, he treats your concert like its his monthly/weekly routine
☆ Youre having a 2 day concert in seoul? You know damn right he'll be there despite his busy schedule
☆ Having a concert in japan? Finds a way to get to japan just to attend your concert
☆ so thats why he didnt feel like the need to bring extras cs in the end, yk hes gonna attend anyways
☆ but that didnt stop fans from screaming whenever they saw yeonjun
☆ he'd probably try to make a conversation with your fans while waiting for you to perform with your group
☆ "so how long have you stan y/g/n ?"
☆ "im a y/n biased, and you?"
☆ when you came on stage and during the breaks between performing, you called out yeonjun
☆ "yeonjun i know youre here somewhere, cameraman pls find yeonjun and point the camera at him"
☆ and when the camera is on him, hes smiling brightly and covered his shy face after getting those cheers from your fans
☆ you'd probably ask him to dance to one of your songs
☆ "yeonjun dance this song for me pls" then hes like shaking his head and all, refusing
☆ but the moment the music started, he danced so well that he literally became the hot topic of your group's show
soobin(수빈) :
☆ well soobin however, he'll come 2 hours early before your concert starts
☆ the reason he came early was because he was excited to give out his handmade freebies
☆ the night before, soobin had asked if he could hand out some freebies to your concert and you found this soooo cute that you told all your fans to find soobin for freebies
☆ he may be a little bit biased but all his freebies are just you.
☆ you wonder, what did he made? well...he made a banner, your photocard that he printed himself using his company's printer, candies of your fav and pastries that he had bake
☆ believe me or not, he woke up as early as 4 am just to make cute little pastries as your concert take place in morning
☆ he believed your fans wouldnt get breakfast, so he baked the pastries for them 😭
☆ as soon as your concert starts, he whipped out his phone so fast and record it and whenever you came on screen, hes like "wahhh theyre so pretty"
☆ when you start singing, he starts crying???? hes way too proud of you that he starts crying and vent to his friends sitting next to him
☆ "you know how hard my baby worked? im so proud of them, i remember them crying every night to me because of training and now look at them, theyre on stage now"
☆ his friend sitting beside him was like, soobin are u okay??? are u drunk?? but either way, his friend can only smile and nod while listening to soobin rant
beomgyu(범규) :
☆ idc what anyone says but this man will be fighting for a front row ticket
☆ literally camps outside the venue like..literally
☆ you had offered him to enter the venue earlier than anyone before the show starts
☆ but he refused this bcs he wants to get them freebies from your fans 😭 instead of giving them out, he wants the freebies himself
☆ goes from fan to fan, if he sees a fan handing out freebies? he'll be speed walking, another fan giving out freebies too? he'll be speed walking
☆ receives the freebies until it couldnt fit in his little bag that he brought with him
☆ as soon as the security lets everyone inside, he'll be running just to get close to the barricade
☆ since hes an idol, i know its ridiculous but he'll be surrounded by 2 of his protocol team 😭
☆ even though he had brought his 2 protocol teammates, he'd somehow make them enjoy your concert too
☆ like when your group tells the fans to jump, beomgyu would convinced his protocol buddies to jump aswell
☆ you spot beomgyu in the crowds and he'd wave you like crazy, like a fan boy 😭 ...does beomgyu knows that youre his lover???? 😭😭😭
☆ but anyways, he'll go on weverse and post the concert pics and take a photo of the freebies he received
☆ "what an amazing night, they look so beautiful tonight and thank you to y/f/n for giving out the freebies, i'll be keeping it forever"
taehyun(태현) :
☆ this man is quite lowkey but he is a hardcore stan of yours
☆ hes a bit dissappointed when he founds out that he wasnt the first one to arrive at the venue, he was like "2 hours before the concert starts, and theres alot of people waiting..." poor him, he thought he was the first 😭
☆ he'd show up with his mask on and a cap as he didnt want the fans to know he came to see you
☆ but that kinda failed as your fans started to notice his famous boba eyes in the crowds
☆ this made him open his mask, since theres no point in using it 😭
☆ as soon as y/g/n performs, yk damn well he'd be taking tons of videos
☆ he'd sing along to your songs and dance to some of it
☆ he memorised the fanchant too !!!
☆ bro got jealous when he sees y/f/n got the banners like...ugh he wants one too????
☆ he was like "see i knew i shouldnt have brought lightstick only"
☆ politely asks y/f/n for some extra banners
☆ believe me or not, he'd use those digital text on his phone that says, "y/n please notice me"
☆ luckily you noticed this and blew him a kiss and in return, he gave you a big heart which made you giggle on stage which also made y/f/n cheer louder
hueningkai(휴닝카이) :
☆ you think hes gonna go alone to your concert? nope
☆ he'll invite everyone he knows, his members, his family, his staffs. literally everyone to show how talented you are
☆ as much as you would love your boyfriend to bring in alot of people, apparently it has limits
☆ so in the end, he only brought his 2 sisters, lea and hiyyih
☆ dont worry, he paid for their tickets lmao
☆ LOVES receiving freebies from y/f/n
☆ when lea or hiyyih got your photocard from the freebies, he'd say smthn like "can i have that..?"
☆ not only he likes receiving freebies but hes also a merch buyer. sees a cute wristband for the lightstick? he'll buy. a cute shirt? he'll buy. a batch with your face on it? he'll buy.
☆ he'll buy everything that has your name or your face on it, until lea told him to stop unless he wants his bank account balance to be $0
☆ he'll do anything to get noticed by you, even tho he knows youre his lover
☆ before the concert, he texted, 'i'll be on the middle row, 3rd line from the front!!'
☆ but he decided to go extra as he thought you'd forget to see him so yk what he did? he brought glowing light sticks with him to make him more noticable 😭😭
☆ when you noticed him, you gave him a heart and him being a fanboy of yours, he started giggling and bragged to his sisters, "did you see that? they definitely gave that heart to me"
☆ after the concert ends, he'd ask one of his sisters to take photos of him doing cute poses whenever youre on screen, like him doing a big heart whenever you show up on the screen
☆ fans found this cute as they started uploading his leaked pictures doing those poses
☆ people may or may not label you guys as the couple of the year 🤭
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illubean · 8 months
Valorant Protocol as Highschool Stereotypes
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Characters: Chamber, Gekko, Iso, Jett, Killjoy, Neon, Phoenix, Raze, Sage, Skye, Viper, Yoru Type: Headcanons
HAHA help me valorant brainrot >.< also this is based off of my hs experience soooo yeah
Warnings: none
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your typical pretty boy
all the girls love him all the boys hate him
well...most of the girls love him
they follow him around to classes or offer him gifts or ask to sit with him at lunch etc.
and he eats up the attention every time
he's lab partners with Viper in Environmental Sciences and he likes trying to flirt with her
she actually hates him btw
canonically he skateboards
but honestly? I can see him being on the dance team
he's so high energy, he needs some sort of outlet
he never misses an opportunity to show off his dance moves
homecoming? prom? he is the center of the dance circle
like Raze, he doesn't know how popular he is
he's just happy to have so many good friends that it doesn't even actually occur to him that he's considered "popular"
he's an ap art kid
like he walks around with a big ass sketchbook every day
always talking about his portfolio
Iso baby ily but please shut the fuck up about oil paints <3
he probably volunteered part of his summer break to come in and paint a mural for the school
I think he'd also take a piano class as like a schedule filler but he actually gets crazy good at it
pe tryhard
if you end up on the opposite team as her while playing dodge ball good luck 😓
she's always picked as team captain because literally no one else is excited as she is
she's sorta like Hairo from Saiki K 💀
she gets a lil mad when her teammates don't try
she's in robotics club
she's not very popular but that doesn't bother her at all
she heads straight to and from every class and spends her lunch period in the workshop unless Raze drags her off somewhere
not a lot of people actually know who she is, and if they do they just know her as 'Raze's Friend'
i think she'd remind the teacher about the homework and hit you with the "erm actually 🤓" tbh
she's on track and field/cross country
after every meet you can find her laying on the floor somewhere ready to puke bc she tries so hard to win 😭
she always ends up top 5 tho
she complains about practice but joins the team every year anyways
she carries her bag around all the time and if you open it there's like 10 water bottles in there
theater kid DUHH
he's probably drama club president or sumn
bro will NOT let go of a specific song from a musical he was in his freshman year and it wasn't even his song 💀
he's been in every show every year and somehow he manages to land every role he wants
he's insanely good at the game 'bang' (mostly because he's louder than everyone else...)
he probably plans/hosts the cast parties too
she doesn't care much about her grades
she does the bare minimum and gets straight Cs
she's just here to have fun
everyone likes her because of her approachable personality
she doesn't think she's popular but she is
she's in the medical assistant class
she takes it very seriously, as she plans on going to medical school
even before taking the class she carries a first aid kit and other essentials everywhere she goes
you need a bandaid? ibuprofen? a pad or tampon? she has it all
she's also ASB president
school events literally would not be able to run without her
lets just say her college applications/resume will look REALLY good...
she also took medical assistant but was less crazy about it than Sage
she just follows her friend's lead
she thinks the skills are useful but she doesn't see herself making it her career
but also I think she would play volleyball
she's a well rounded player but specializes most in defense
still, don't underestimate her bc this girl can SPIKE
she took every ap science class offered without taking the general ones first
she complains about getting any grade below an A...
"What are you talking about? That test was easy"
sorry not everyone is as smart as you Sabine 😑
she spends all her free time at chem tutoring (even though she doesn't need it)
he thinks he looks cool and mysterious when he walks down the halls but he doesn't
everyone just thinks his mad all the time and stay out of his way 😭
randos try to pick fights with him bc he "looked at them wrong" (Yoru wins every time)
he's not exactly a 'quiet kid' but he does lay low when it comes to the social part of school
despite his 'bad boy' look, he has pretty good grades
he's also probably one of those guys that a handful of girls have a crush on but he has no idea
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allamericansbitch · 5 months
since y'all seemed to want this.... here's the live notes i took while listening to each song for the first time (bold are thoughts i had during later listens)
‘i was a functioning alcohol till nobody noticed my new aesthetic’ what the fuck does that even mean…
love the fact she gave post the female collab treatment. don’t wanna hear what he has to say. 
they’re voices sound actually good together? 
some pockets of the melody are catchy
okay i don’t hate this 
her red flags are on fire in this song lol
this seems very half-cooked
also jacks weird mixing continues to plague us all
tattooed golden retriever??? ……no way
my boy breaks all his favorite toys:
i blinked and it’s half over
this also is like… half cooked and didn’t need to be released tbh
i love the way she sings the second verse tho
down and:
the production does not match the vibe
did tpain produce this
i’m… kinda bored lol
like i have nothing to say this also didn’t need to be released tbh 
this grew on me a lot actually
so long london 
the production is so futuristic? 
oh im obsessed with how she sounds on this one
her talk-singing in the verses is great
honest lyrics without any clunky unnecessary metaphors! a win!!
the fast-paced verses with th slow chorus is really really cool
a favorite so far
daddy i love him
i can barely hear her? the bad mixing continues 
‘growing up precociously sometimes means not growing up at all’ oh yeah WE KNOW
is this…… is this about her dating matty and loving how people hate him… no fucking way she’s this stupid
‘it’s white noise’ yeah yeah that’s exactly how id describe him  
.... anyway y'all remember when fans really believed the little mermaid theory and this song was supposed to be about how 'joe stole her voice' lmaooo
we will pretend this one doesn't exist!
fresh out the slammer
are we getting another ‘i didn’t cheat technically’ song lol
what is this weird tempo change….
okay kinda catchy
it’s sounds exactly like you are in love at the end….. jack is really out of tricks
‘my friends all smell like weed or little babies’ what the fuck is she even talking about anymore 
i’m sorry but i’m laughing at the phrase ‘fuck me up florida’
again the production sounds so detached from the vocals 
i honestly still have no idea how i feel about this one
guilt as sin
an real instrument?? wow crazy 
okay she’s kinda cute? catchy and fun, love the melody
i love when she goes up at the end of the vocal 
okay…. i don’t mind this one she’s catchy, a little too long and drawn out but cute
who’s afraid of little old me?
what is this production? it’s way too soft to be as threatening as they’re trying for 
why did jack push her vocals back so far when she’s supposed to scream…. that’s ruins the whole thing…. she’s supposed to be screaming and threatening….. not quiet and far away…. hello
this song is trying very hard to be threatening but it’s not... vigilante shit 2.0
‘you wouldn’t last an hour in the asylum they raised me’…………… upper middle-class pennsylvania? 
‘i’m drunk on my own tears isn’t that what they all say, that’ll  sue you if you step on my lawn’ okay bar?
the bridge was good but that’s about it.
i can fix him 
…………… not another matty song oh god
‘i can handle a dangerous man’…… im too stunned to speak this is so embarrassing 
wow taylor really is that girl who like ‘women supporting women’ and then dates/defends a racist bf…. a walking example of white feminism
intersectional feminism found dead.... twice....
okay this is really nice? 
if we ignore that one line we're good this is good. im refusing to let that line ruin such a good song
i can do it with a broken heart
‘bitch smile’ why are there so many cringey lyrics on this album lol
what is this song omg why do i kind of like it 
taylor please learn depressed isn’t a synonym for sad 
they recycled the mastermind production 
wait till taylor finds out most of the entire world is sad while they're doing their job and has to pretend they're not
smallest man who ever lived 
oh i think i like this?
‘you said normal girls were boring’ GIRL AND YOU DIDNT IMMEDIATELY GET UP AND LEAVE??? EWWWW??? she's not beating the pick-me allegations
'i just wanna know if rusting my sparking summer was the goal' okay love that line
i like this a lot
the alchemy
no….. no way this is real
i cannot
touchdown ✅ teams ✅ benches ✅ winning streak ✅ the league ✅
she’s doing…… the worst thing ever this is so laughable 
the corny lyrics are on overload 
‘this time it’s heroine with an e’ didn’t she write folklore? i can’t remember 
that literally was an snl parody of a taylor song
clara bow
love how the guitar sounds… bet money this is an aaron track 
a stevie nicks reference!! a win!!!
i like this one a lot no cringey lyrics yet
nope never mind she name-dropped herself don’t like that
overall really liked it tho
the black dog
i think i like it?? this is kind of what i expected the album to be
okay for once the weird production choices kind of pay off
kinda catchy? 
she loves a fancy car getting wrecked line
the pre-choruses are the best part 
this would’ve been better without the jack of it all bc he loves a song that doesnt build to anything
this just comes down to personal preference: i don’t like her lighter vocals with jack’s heavy production (ie most of lover lol)
the albatross
a real instrument!!! production that matches taylor’s voice and is well mixed!!! aaron’s arrived!! 
i think it’s solid, has good writing and she sounds great. that's about it.
chloe or sam or…
took me a solid minute to have any semblance of a fuck to know what was going on but okay
okay i love this one
wayyyy more emotive than like… most of the original album
a lot of the 2nd version (or whatever this is lol) are way more emotive, maybe because her voice isnt drenched in reverb so we can actually hear her voice emote better
how did it end
this sounds like an old school adele song? 
i love this one too…. 
her being upset people wanna know what happened but then also feeding it while promoting the album oop 
i love the story of this one it's so refreshing
so high school
THE PRODUCTION is so good ugh aaron never fails 
the man here is a walking red flag girl and the lyrics are ~not it~ but the production is too pretty to hate it
fuck these lyrics are so bad lol
maybe if i disassociate hard enough i can ignore the lyrics and just listen to the production and vibe
give me a karaoke version of this song and we'd be so back
i hate it here
i mentioned disassociation and she made a whole song about it!!!! this one’s mine!!!! 
‘without all the racists’ GIRL HUH
also... girl don’t act like we don’t know you’re fine with that lololololol
if i had a dime for every time i was liking a song to then have it slapped away because of a bad, out-of-pocket lyric…… 
thank you aimee
this isn’t grabbing my attention 
oh the bridge is interesting 
it’s meh 
i will never be thanking the people that bullied me thanks tho
i look in peoples windows 
what do you mean aaron didn’t produce this??? it’s well-made and has instruments? 
i love this one, again a really interesting and unique concept that's very refreshing to hear at this point when a lot of the songs feel repetitive
the prophecy
aaron guitar!!!! 
she’s nice i like her 
i've really grown to love how she sings this one, the melodies are cool.. however i feel like we've heard the same melody.. like on this exact album... where she upturns at the end of every line...
this seems very…. familiar… idk i feel like we’ve covered this (i mean there are 31 songs we’ve already covered everything lol)
this is such an aaron song, that's a classic 'the national' piano
i like her voice in this one tho, sounds good
oh love i love this
now this? THIS feels the most like a taylor swift song
once again she’s at her best with a simple instrument and emotive simple lyrics
the piano reminds me of champagne problems
the bolter 
i like this! the chorus is so cute
oh i like that ending line a lot!
she’s cute, a little long and drawn out but cute
i haven’t seen anyone talk about this one
welp…. i literally have no feelings toward this one but sounds pretty! 
the manuscript
oh this is soooooooo powerful 
i love this concept 
her ending the album on another introspective album that sums everything up a la dear reader yep yep!!
if you actually read of this ily 💗
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Hello! I’m not sure if your requests are open, but if they are could I request a Aziraphale x f!reader x Crowley where the reader has long hair and Crowley decides to play a prank on her and while the trio are out for a drive in the Bentley, Crowley rolls the windows down just to mess with the reader’s hair but the prank ends up backfiring because the reader loves the wind and grew out her hair mainly because she likes when the wind blows through her hair?
Thank you so much and Have an ineffable day! I adore your work btw.
"Jokes on You"
Hii!! I thought I wouldn't get around to making this, but your ask really touched me and i thought i should do it anyway. This is definitely the last one tho loll. Reader is 20+ and this can be interpreted as platonic or romantic, its up to you.
You had always adored your long hair. The way it subtly cascaded down your shoulders and back like silky strands of thread. Aziraphale and Crowley can say for themselves how many times a day they see you brush it, just to keep it looking neat and nice. Sometimes Aziraphale will style it for you. So will Crowley, with many grumblings, if you ask enough times. You don't wear ponytails anymore though, as Crowley is guaranteed to grab them.
On one particular day, you were cleaning up the bookstore and just doing little errands in general.
"Y/n?" Aziraphale said, right behind you.
"AH!" He had startled you, but you quickly recover.
"What is it Az?"
"Ah, I was just coming to let you know that Crowley and I were going to run an errand."
"Oh, alright. Can I come along?"
Aziraphale looks at you, bewildered.
"I'm not sure you'd find it much fun. Would you really enjoy coming along?" He asks.
You were about to reply when you hear Crowley shout from across the room.
"Just let her come, Angel. Its her own fault if she gets bored."
Aziraphale laughs nervously, and turns back to you.
"Of course you can come! I'm just worried you won't have a good time." He says.
"Oh it's okay, Az. I'll always have a good time with you guys." You reply, kissing him on his cheek.
"Yeah, and we can finally do whatever it is you're always yapping about, quality time is it?" Crowley jokes.
"Oh Crowely.." Aziraphale coos with mock disappointment. "Weren't you the one who begged me to ask our dear Y/n if she wanted to go to The Ritz with us the other night?" Crowley just grumbles and goes back to sipping his alcoholic beverage.
You laugh and playfully hit Aziraphales shoulder.
"Whats the errand?" You ask.
"Just some....shopping." He hesitantly replies. You would normally call him on his bluff, but you decided against it for today. They were letting you come along after all.
"We're taking a cab, right?" Crowley shouts across the room.
"Of course not! You have the beautiful Bentley right there." Aziraphale replies.
"Oh come on angel, I don't want to drive her around for something so trivial. You remember what happened last time?"
"We agreed not to talk about it."
"Yeah yeah-"
"What happened?" You cut in. Aziraphale stops, before giving you a strained smile.
"Nothing, don't worry about it. Let's get going."
Aziraphale takes your arm and links it in his own. He walks you to the car before you guys take your respective seats. You always sit in the back. Aziraphale always offers to switch spots with you, but it would feel almost inappropriate with how long its been. Crowley exits the bookshop soon after, and hops into his car.
"We're heading a bit far away. Like a 45 minute drive. Hope you don't mind cupid." Crowley states, and quickly peels out.
"Oh no, of course not." You reply. You were used to the nickname, so you didn't even mention it. It threw you off so hard when he first called you it, though, and you were checking if he had a fever all day.
Nothing really happened during the first 20 minutes of the drive. The Bentley played a few compromising love songs that left Crowley and Aziraphale blushing, and you blissfully unaware. After the tenth love song in a row, Aziraphale had gotten fully over it, and turned off the radio.
"Well thats enough of that. Any songs you want to play?" Aziraphale miracled and aux cord for you.
"Oh, I'm not sure you'll like what I play.."
"Its fine dear, we won't judge."
"Well..." Crowley cuts in, and Aziraphale shoves him with his elbow. Crowley hesitantly smiles.
"Yeah, we won't judge cupid."
You connect the line to your phone, and start playing your playlists. Some of the songs Crowley loves, some of the songs Aziraphale loves, and some are just for you. At some point, Crowley gets the idea to play a little prank on you. He notices how hard you try to keep your hair neat, and only hesitates for a second before rolling the window down, making your long hair blow all over the place. Aziraphale looks at Crowley appaled, but you just laugh. You laugh and laugh, which surprises both of them. You stick your head fully out of the window, and although its slightly hard to breathe, you don't care. You let the wind make your hair twirl and flit in the cold winter air. After a minute or two, your face starts to get cold, and you return back to the car. Crowley looks back at you and laughs.
"You look like you got electrocuted darling. You're hair is frazzled and your cheeks are all red." Aziraphale says. You laugh, and soon you're all laughing.
"Ah, whatever. I'll fix it when I get home."
"I'm surprised. I thought you'd kill me after that little act."
You smile.
"Jokes on you, the whole reason I grew my hair out was to have it blow in the wind."
Crowley smiles.
"Of course you did."
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uraniumnm333 · 1 year
[heads up this leads into a kanade tsukasa parallel rant so uh. :thumbsup:]
dawg i love mafuyu and tsukasa i think they're both so fun. it's so silly to see how even though they grew up in situations that are like complete opposites they still cope similarly
like listen tsukasa was hurt from the absence of his parents and mafuyu was hurt because of the presence of her parents. tsukasa's parents had to focus on someone else and mafuyu's parents had to focus on her. mafuyu looks inside herself and tsukasa looks outside himself. mafuyu is calm and tsukasa is not. hell even how others perceive them !!! people see tsukasa as self-centered and see mafuyu as considerate of others !!! but they still both hurt so much and have pushed down what they feel to make others feel better which sucks. i would like to present another, possibly even better parallel tho: tsukasa and kanade. they're similar in the way that they want to save others, they became extremely self-reliant, they both are WAY too hard on themselves and they're both basically a doormat i'll be honest. they both look towards other people to ignore how they're feeling (kanade wanting to save her fellow niigo members and tsukasa's future star dream), they both lead other people, they both have music notifs, ectectect. i think kanade and tsukasa should hang out. it would be very funny.
like kanade starts going to kakiyama and tsukasa sees her and it's on sight bro !!! he sees this girl who looks like she's about to melt and the thought process goes straight to "HEY GARRUU MY NAMU IS TSUKASA TENMA I AM STAR I AM WARUDO FUTURE STAR" and kanade is fucking HORRIFIED
tsukasa is slowly integrated into nightcord to the point where he's just. in the discord server. i think it would be so goofy tbh. there's a wxs/n25 group chat and they end up doing a collab song that is just carnival by otetsu also i think mafuyu and rui would get along. ourple to ourple communication. all of wxs has spidey senses and as soon as any of them see mafuyu they Know. like have you read the rui and mafuyu interaction where rui is just ominous as shit like "maybe. you should be careful. perhaps you should communicate with others." and he just leaves. all of wxs know that's a given. mizuki emu pink to pink communication and ena and nene just. they just. yknow how sometimes you just.
anyways yeah give me tsukasa kanade friendship or give me death
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moonspirit · 1 month
Oh damn it’s me again… ANYWAY
Here’s what i think vbeow’s characters’ fav Lana song would be(plus some lyrics):
Armin: “lust for life” feat The Weeknd
“We’re the masters of our own fate, we’re the captains of our own souls, so there’s no need for us to hesitate……and a lust for life keeps us alive”
Annie: “video games” (yeah she’s that girl)
“It’s all for you everything i do, I tell you all the time heaven is a place on earth with you, tell me all the things you wanna do, i heard that you like the bad girls, honey is that true?”
Pieck: “Salvatore”
“Catch me if you can, working on my tan, Salvatore, dying by the hand of a foreign man happily, calling out my name in the summer rain, ciao amore, Salvatore can wait, now it’s time to eat soft ice cream” (said foreign man being Jean)
Jean: “ride”
“I hear the birds on a summer breeze, i drive fast, I am alone at midnight, been trying hard not to get into trouble but i got a war in my mind, so i just ride”
Connie: “dark paradise”
“Every time i close my eyes it’s like a dark paradise, no one compares to you, I’m scared that you won’t be waiting on the other side”
Reiner: “summertime sadness”
“Kiss me hard before you go summertime sadness, i just wanted you to know that baby you’re the best”
Bonus: Annie and pieck also really love “national anthem” and “born to die”
These fit so much in my opinion!
Hello again!
Omg tho I reaaaaaally like Lust for Life??? It has suuuuch a good melody and build-up!!! I can really see Armin standing on the hilltop to this music, wind ruffling his hair as the sun sets T^T 10/10!
And Annie... oh she's melancholic isn't she xD She's got everything going for that vibe too - I love it! But... what I love most about this song is how well it goes with the previous one? They fit together like a glove, and I listened one after another xD Man, they're a match made in heaven even through Lana songs.
Ride for Jean goes sooo well with his image lmao xD He wants to be that impeccably dressed bad boy (well, kinda) and the beat of the song gives it to him! But the slightly sentimental melodies are true to his "actually-I'm-just-a-soft-guy-pretending-to-be-tough" thing.
The real star in this list is Pieck! Salvatore is soooo glitzy and extra! Of course she'd listen to this lmao, in her extra personality and extra dress xD RIP Jean.
Connie's actually makes me think of when he misses Sasha and his family :< Esp "there's no remedy for memory, your face is like a melody" argh... aaaargghhhh poor boy T^T His pain is easily overlooked.
And Reiner...
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Yeah. Checks out.
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stormblessed95 · 11 months
I'll tell you a story you did not asked for. So i have two frnds both of them are like besties who were bench partners in college so they're pretty close to e/o. One of them is close to me too say the name as A. Now since A nd B were from same class and bench partners everyone knew they're pretty close and always together so they used to say anything to e/o and all used to joke all the time and now in that B has many times said things which hurted A but A never ever said anything about that to B so the things always continued like that. Thing is even tho A and B are Clearly very close to e/o there are still many things which B said to A that made A angry, sad and hurt many times and A still never said that to B but A used to tell me those things so i know what things hurted A nd all. But whenever they meet e/o they're still besties who used to be bench partners in college and talk all the same. Point is just because someone never says something about your some insulting remarks as a frnd does not mean they don't feel hurt or insulted. Everyone needs to know their limit and should stay in that cause you never know what could her the next person.
All the things you linked in that post... there's nothing in there that I haven't seen before since that has my bias in it so yes i do watch og content Cause I'm not interested in watching bickering content on YouTube.
There's a limit to some of the things you say which count as bickering but when it crosses that line it becomes insulting more than just bickering.
Since you put together all of the times yg praised jm let's do how many times yg has praised jk or hobi and see which list out of these three goes longer.
Despite him wanting to do a song with jm, jm still wasn't the one he did the vocal guide from and yes he praised jm's vocals yrs back but does that change the fact he currently thinks jungkook is the best vocalist? No. thing is now if i start pulling out receipts from the times jm was complimenting other members and was being supportive of them you and I we both know that the list will be the longest one cause it doesn't take much for jm to praise his members. if he can he would praise them for simply existing cause that's how he is. in comparison to what jm does for others i honestly don't see anyone can stand against him when it comes to praise them so if they praise him once in a while I'm not gonna gag over that but it's appreciative. Those thing you listed are the things in between 10+ years so i don't find big deal. I didn't say he never compliments jm i said it's hard for him to compliment jm when he does a good job at it when it comes to others like jk.
Anyways, idt you'll post this ( that is if you even read this) infact I'm saying don't since I'm off twitter from tmrw so yeah.
Sorry you have bad friends. Don't project that onto BTS and their relationships together though. Your friend told you that the other guy makes them feel bad. Has jimin told you the same thing? No? Then you are still assuming things. So don't be an ass and let it go, okay?
And regardless of how you are phrasing things, you are still wrong. He doesn't have a hard time complimenting Jimin. Just like Jimin doesn't have a hard time and thinks it's funny when Yoongi teases him. And Jimin also doesn't have a hard time teasing Yoongi either... like for example....
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"Since you put together all the times yoongi praised jimin..."
No I didn't. I gave a FEW examples. Just a few. That I thought of off the top of my head. Bro, you gotta unclench.
"It's examples over 10 years, so it doesn't matter to me"
your examples are also over 10 years, so they don't matter to me either I guess? Lol cmon. Grow up. You don't get to belittle their relationship. It's not your place. They don't have to be your favorite duo, but sit down and let it go. They love each other and they support each other so fully and when one isn't in the mood for teasing or needs geniune words and support, they have it in each other always. They are constantly showing up for each other. That's what matters too. Their relationship and friendship is not yours. So don't be so worried about it, okay?
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Enjoy your break from Twitter, try taking one from here maybe too. Sounds like it could be good for you. You sound like a tkkr bro. Like I have exact messages in my inbox at times from tkkrs just like this. Except instead of shitting on jikook, you are shitting on yoonmin. Aren't yall tired of being unhappy?
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glowyfissh · 3 months
hi guys whats up its me jamie and i have vocaloid headcannons for the yv boys cus im bored like really REALLY bored and also ive been hyperfixating on vocaloid for the longest time and yuurivoice
UMMM WARNING FOR THE LINKS lots of flashing lights and for the scary one uhhh blood and ooky spooky things like GORE and KNIVES!!!!!!!! BAHHHHHHHHH!!!!! and also plenty of disturbing topics (mainly for Okaasan, Secrets of Wysteria and The Fox’s Wedding those are freaky deaky)
- before i start i wanna say that he definitely used to be a scene kid i can smell it i can smell the sour patch kids and monster energy off of him
- ok anyways this guy was also a HUGE vocaloid fan and im not talking about he only listened to miku songs he listened to ALLLLL of them
- back in the day if u asked him which song was his favorite he’d probably mention some scary, obscure and super old song like idk Alice of Human Sacrifice or (my favorite) Fear Garden but really his favorite song was probably either Romeo and Cinderella (ALSO MY FAVORITE) or World is Mine
- his favorite vocaloid is probably IA
- he’s probably the only one out of the boys that actually knows other vocaloids other than miku
- if you went up to him now and asked him what his favorite song was (cus i know motherfucking well he still listens to vocaloid) he’d still say some obscure shit just to sound cool and original but shhhhh its ok buddy i know your favorite song is Matoryoshka and Magnet
- i know damn well he listens to vocaloid in private
- “i can’t let the bros know i fuck with this”
- he leans more towards the pop side of vocaloid like GimmexGimme and Freely Tomorrow
- he’s too scared to listen to any of the creepy vocaloid songs cus he’s a PUSSY (this is very lighthearted) he heard one kikuo song and couldn’t sleep
- his favorite vocaloid is rin
- you know damn well he also listened to vocaloid i mean like he HAD to because of Faust
- at first he thought it was cringe and told Faust that all the time just to spite him but after a while be was like holy fuck this goes hard????
- he most definitely got too curious when Faust mentioned the scary vocaloid songs and went down a horrible HORRIBLE rabbit hole (its ok me too)
- it started out with Rotten Girl, Grotesque Romance then Secrets of Wysteria and ended with Okaasan
- he ended up pretty NOT normal after that
- his favorite song would either be uhhhh Q or maybe Closer to You
- when it comes to his favorite vocaloid he’d probably tell you its miku just because but i like to think his favorite is ACTUALLY vflower because of how strong her voice is
- hey do you know what a vocaloid is “is.. that an anime?”
- after hearing about it he got a little curious and started off with a classic Ievan Polkka because everybody knows that song
- he doesn’t really care about vocaloid that much and wouldn’t have a favorite song but shhhhhh he dabbles a little bit into it
- i mean come ON guys he said he was a theater kid why wouldn’t he listen to vocaloid at least a LITTLE
- he probably wouldn’t be THAT into it like charlie but if you mentioned it he’d be like “oh yeah! i’ve listened to a couple songs!”
- i know DAMN WELL this man fucks with wowaka HEAVY
- “fuck man unknown mother goose is so good” TWINNNNNNN
- his favorite song would probably be Roki tho
- im still not too sure who his favorite vocaloid is but i think it’d be kaito
- i can smell it off of him. he fucks with miku HEAVYYYYY
- also would not fuck with the scary songs if you told him to listen to uhhhh idk The Fox’s Wedding he’d cry
- he likes the much softer songs which is why kaai yuki would be his favorite because of her soft voice BUT he would really like meiko too
- his favorite songs (since he’s indecisive) would probably be Patchwork Staccato OR Deep Sea Girl
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ssahotchnerr · 2 years
Katie Hi hi hi!! I hope this isn’t weird, but I saw that on some of your asks when talking about songs, a few Lana Del Rey songs were mentioned, and I was like 😏😏.
And now I can’t get the song Burning Desire out of my head 😫😫and thinking about having a crush on Aaron and it gets so bad that he’s the first and last thing in your mind each day. He’s in your dreams haunting you, and it has gotten to the point where only the fantasy of his hands holding your hips down as he rails you into the mattress, with his lips near your ear you can hear his breathy grunts with each thrust, can send you careening over the edge, each time with his name leaving your lips in the darkness of your room.
But it’s not enough because if dream him is this good, real Aaron dick down must be a transcendent experience so you start to wear work clothes that may be a tad too tight hoping to catch his attention. You also go out of your way to do little nice things for him like bring him coffee, or snacks and take the time to chat about not work things with him, because first, it brings that smile that lights up his face because YOU did something for him, and secondly yeah you’re thirsty asf for him but also he deserves some softness and kindness 🥺🥺❤
BUT ANYWAYS BACK TO THIRST THO(ugh)TS. when the team goes out for drinks or whatever, you start to wear things that are a little scandalous and the girls are like “ma’am who are you trying to seduce” and you’re like “no one” as you just stare at Aaron real hard like embarrassingly hard and you can hear giggles from the girls as they are like “sure”. And, and, and, you know it’s not appropriate and he probably doesn’t feel the same way because he’s the stern boss and would probably frown upon boss/subordinate relationships!!!
BUT SURPRISE YOU'RE WRONG BECAUSE HE HAS NOTICED HOW YOUR STARES LINGER ON HIM, THE SUBTLE FLIRTING, THE BRINGING HIM THINGS AND DONT FORGET THE TIGHTER CLOTHES. At first, he is like 🤔🤔? And making sure he isn’t reading into things because he definitely doesn’t want that HR nightmare for either one of you (he drinks that respect women juice). But after a while, as your little subtle gestures become less subtle and he can clearly tell what you’re up to he is like well as long as you're okay with it 😏😏??
So after one of the team outings, as everyone is leaving, Aaron lingers behind with you and just compliments how pretty and fitting your outfit looked tonight (and on the other nights) And you’re like :) :) :)? Because did you hear him wrong? And he can see the confusion on your face and he is like I mean it :) the outfit is very flattering and he places a hand on your forearm giving it a little squeeze along with giving you the look™. And in your head you’re like I’m about to bust because those hands that you have dreamed of are on you and your brain is filled with unholy thoughts, but outside your like 👉👈 thank you I’ve been trying some new things out and I’m glad it’s working it seems?
And he just smiles at you with that fucking dimpled smile and is like ‘it is working, and I would like to see more of it.’ And then he just squeezes your arm again softly, gives you a little wink, and leaves you with your mouth hanging open. Because number one, your dreams about this man are about to be top tier tonight but number two, you might get that desire that’s been burning you up quenched sooner than later :)
Alright, I’m done I’m sorry for my long ’i want Hotch to dick me down’ ted talk🥴🥴🥴. Time to go lay down and think thirsty thoughts.
minors dni
PLEASE AH okay so you've always been attracted and drawn to him, ever since the day you met him, but you never really surrendered to it. like, it made sense, he's a man of authority and incredibly handsome - having a little puppy love crush on him seems only natural. so again, you really didn't think too much of it nor act upon it.
but then it's game over once you start dreaming about him 😵‍💫
you literally just can't look at him the same way anymore. like after your first sexy dream about him hehe >:) you avoid eye contact with him the whole following day because you're so flustered and you know if you look at him, the only thing you'll be able to picture is him pounding into you <3 hehe you're in a briefing, looking at anything and everything that isn't him, he notices and asks you if you're okay. you have no other choice but to look at him, your mind immediately flashes with memories from your dreams and you're blushing profusely. you just nod, keeping your mouth shut because you have no idea what'll accidentally escape you if you do open it.
but the more dreams you have, that changes the game completely hehe >:) he's your last thought before you fall asleep, your dreams are consumed by him, and he's on your mind the second you wake up in the morning. he's actually all consuming. so you start wearing those tighter clothes, going out of your way to do lil things for him like bring him coffee or make conversation, just anything to be near him because every part of you just needs him; so much longing it's actually painful. like there's a pit of emptiness in you constantly when you're not around him.
and while you think you're kindaaa being subtle throughout, aaron notices the way you look at him. he notices your eyes checking him out and all the lingering stares- especially the ones on his hands or lips <333333 he's always been attracted to you as well, so at first he's convinced he's looking too much into it based on his own personal feelings. but then one day you can't help but compliment the way he looks in his suit, and as you do so, you also can't help but bite your lip ever so slightly <333 and then he's like oh ;). maybe now he can actually pursue this further because he's not alone in this ;)
omg and when you're out to drinks with the team - imagine other guys trying to hit on you (!!!!!!) and aaron is sitting there silently fuming. his own reaction surprises himself, like seeing you with someone who's not him? sure he was never fond of the idea, but actually witnessing it?? that's the last straw right there and it needs to stop. he should be the one making you touching you, making you smile and laugh, and it's driving him crazy that he's not the one getting your attention. like at work, it's clear where your attention is hehe and he's gotten so used to it, so that's the way it should always be. heheh you play along and flirt back with the others, solely to get a reaction out of him and it works. as if his eyes haven't been on you all night, he can't pull his stare away from you and he's not trying very hard to be subtle about it either. so as you're leaving the bar for the night, you can basically feel his front against your back. he's crowding so close to you and it gives every part of you butterflies, especially when he leans in and tell you how flattering your clothes look on you, he can't pull his eyes off of you or maybe he just flat out says you've been driving him crazy all night >:)
at first you're like ??? questioning if this real life or one of your dreams?? but THEN he gives you that dimpled smile, followed by that look, and repeats himself and places his hand on the small of your lower back and you're like YUP this is definitely not a dream it's too way real 😵‍💫😵‍💫 heheh and it doesn't take very long for allllll those dreams to come true <3 and you thought right!!!! the real thing puts all your dreams to shame; it's so much better than anything you could've possibly imagined
also- i literally just associate EVERY lana song with him it's impossible not to 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 and ughghg everything you said was just PERFECT ugh longing and sexual tension with aaron <333 YES PLEASE WHERE DO I SIGN UP
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stickers-on-a-laptop · 11 months
the promised thoughts about wblue
okay so i DID very much go and rewatch it lmaoooooo so first half is like thoughts i was thinking last night and then a liveblog-ish with different subs than the ones i watched yesterday. also i tried to write out the lyrics of the song but there some parts i definitely missed
when your entire infrastructure apparently rests on one (1) laptop working and your fucking president destroys it (instead of the alien who is causing brainwashing) for his little retainer
said retainer put a fucking shoe in your president's face the first time he met him, btw
said retainer was also like a TOUGH GUY once upon a time, with a real life of crime where he made counterfeit money, but he saw a man so beautiful (that was into a cashless society) and went "okay time to be silly :3"
also when you have a filter on your flashback that starts lifting only when you decide to follow this nerd who can build tech really well
also also when the sparks of a VERY IMPORTANT LAPTOP just have this cherry blossom feel instead of what was probably supposed to be bad-assery. was that just me? might have just been me. anyways.
BUT LIKE. YANMA DECIDED THAT THE ENTIRE COUNTRY. THE WHOLE THING. LESS IMPORTANT THAN SHIOKARA. i dunno if the other kings would make that decision. like i think himeno, rita, kaguragi, and jeramie would go for defeating hilbil. but also i'm not sure if the other retainers would use the lie detector like that. gira MIGHT destroy a country for like the orphanage kids tho.
i wanna see the history books of this like what is jeramie gonna WRITE for this. "so the bisexual yanma gast, against the uchu jester hilbil, chose his retainer shiokara over the country"
not that jeramie would know this but the fact the hacker gang instantly transferred loyalty to yanma was very funny, considering that they were yelling at shiokara after the time skip
something something yanma being more presidential (think that gira hype scene) is in a coat of a similar style to yankii!shiokara's
i did legit think they had known each other since childhood but i guess toei wanted more homoeroticism than that. cause like. this would have been about say…7 years of knowing each other? 2 years of timeskip, let's say yanma was president for about 3 years cause he DID know racles before the show started proper, and 2 years or so to be able to TAKE that president role cause i DOUBT they beat up that old man and immediately started running the country
when KAGURAGI says to prioritize taking back n'kosopa and then like. no
no seriously why is your ENTIRE FUCKING INFRASTRUCTURE dependent on ONE LAPTOP not breaking i don't think that's even how it WORKS don't you have to destroy cables and stuff too like if this computer goes does it self destruct the internet cables or did the n'kosopaians have no internet for three seconds and go on a rampage
when yanma is the wise king supposedly but also uses his face instead of i dunno his HANDS to block shiokara's stomping foot on the laptop. you know. that laptop he will break FOR THE GUY WHO WAS GOING TO BREAK IT
MY NERD ASS WILL BEAT YOUR YANKII WAYS, says the guy who will become more yankii and for the most part less nerdy over the years
yanma doesn't even fucking move. he KNOWS shiokara won't hit him
hey not to be dark cupid AGAIN about this. but. maybe if you had KISSED HIM HERE you wouldn't have needed to destroy your country
shiokara gives very "shoves nerd against a locker" vibes as yanma keeps resisting the other guy
the song "zero to hero" but like "zero to one" instead
ENGLISH LYRICS (GUESSING): no one can change destiny, (yeah?) but life is all uncertain(ly?) and we must be bullshit. i can tell you a to z [FIST PUNCH SOUND] turn on the radio tune into your heart(?) oh, i don't care(?) my life is gone, so take it back and away(?) what's wrong? (or won't you run) so what i'm still alive [hilblil talking] hard times coming [more talking] i'm still alive and the music's coming [talking] i'm still alive and {???} tonight {???} you can't go
shiokara has MADE HIS DECISION and it's following yanma watching someone go super gay in front of your very eyes
the way hilbil is like "ew. yaoi. cut it out"
yanma will not go to the top without shiokara. at all. his loyal slack-jawed tanuki MUST be by his side
gira: …………i guess i can understand being that gay yeah
YANMA HAD TO DO IT. FOR SHIOKARA. HIS SILLY RABBIT yeah i'm normal about this mhm
when you're like OH NO THE WHOLE COUNTRY. FOR ME.
when you were moved by something you couldn't see……..I UNDERSTAND YOUR SUBTEXT
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toomuchracket · 1 year
idk if you’ve already had something abt this but what about asking flatmate!matty if you could help him shave his stubble (i do lowkey love it on him tho icl)
(also i love your writing sm <33)
(thank you sweets <3)
this is so cute! maybe he's prepping for a show or an interview or something, and he comes in to see you typing away on your laptop and he's like "do you think i need to shave for today?". recently matty's been letting the stubble linger on his face a bit longer than he usually would, just to try it out, and he quite likes it but he's not sure if he wants to keep growing it out. and as much as you like your flatmate's face all the time, you've quite enjoyed looking at the slight stubble over his jaw and around his mouth (and enjoyed imagining the feeling of it between your legs when you're alone in your room at night). so you reply "i think it's up to you. you'll look good either way" and matty blushes slightly and says "i kind of wanna shave it but i can't really be arsed doing it" and before you realise it your mouth is saying "well, i could help you, if you want" and matty's immediately going "yes please". and then you're in the bathroom and matty's shirtless and applying shaving foam and you're internally like "this is the worst fucking idea of all time i'm going to shake and end up wounding him by mistake" but nevertheless you persist (girlboss vibes). so matty perches on the edge of the bath and you stand between his legs, trying to ignore the way he's looking up at you with those fucking puppy-dog eyes, and you get to work with the razor - you've never done this to anyone, but you've seen matty shave enough times backstage at shows or in the flat to know roughly what's going on. and you get so comfortable that you start humming something, and matty's like "what's that song?" and you think for a minute before you snort and say "i think it's from the sweeney todd soundtrack" and he laughs so hard he almost falls into the bath. so he moves to sit on the closed toilet, and you guys have your usual "just fucking sit in my lap, sweetheart" "no it's fine" debate until matty yanks you down onto him and wraps his arms around your waist to keep you upright. and he's still looking at you, because he loves the face you make when you concentrate - thinks your furrowed brow and little nose scrunches are adorable. anyway, you get his face shaved all fine, and the last bit left to do is his adam's apple, which is the bit you're most nervous about. but you know what to do - you say "swallow", which matty quirks a brow at but does anyway, and you glide the razor across his adam's apple and that's him all clean-shaven. and you think he won't mention it, but it's matty, so he does - once you've shaved that part of his neck, he's like "should really be me saying that, shouldn't it?" and you roll your eyes but internally you're like "wouldn't have to tell me twice to do that ANYWAY". and you wipe the foam and all that off his face and rub in some post-shave moisturiser, and his eyes close in bliss as you touch his face. and then when you're done matty opens his eyes and smiles up at you and your heart just aches. and he jokingly says "do i look pretty?" and you hold his jaw and nod and say "beautiful. beautiful boy", and matty just squeezes you into a hug and says "thank you, darlin'. think you're gonna have to do this for me all the time from now on. i like it" and you're like "you haven't even looked at yourself yet". and matty's like "oh yeah" and just fucking stands up with you still clinging to him and sets you down on the bathroom counter, before he looks in the mirror and goes "yeah you're definitely shaving me from now on. perfect" and winks at you and you giggle lol <3
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persephoneflouwers · 2 years
Lucky Again
I spent the last few days thinking about this song quite a lot. I haven’t paid much attention to it at first, probably the excitement felt a bit mitigated by the fact we knew the song already, but I’ve been binge listening to the album for a month now and every week it’s a new week obsessing with a different song, so now it’s Lucky Again turn. I haven’t read many analysis or opinions lately, because I’ve been pretty busy, so I’m sorry if this is something someone already wrote about or if it doesn’t really make sense. It does make sense in my head tho, so I’ll hope I can articulate my thoughts well enough to convey the message lol.
I think Lucky Again is a very comforting song, more like self-comforting. It is a love song, but to himself. And since when I started reading at it like this… Lucky Again has been hurting more than any other song in the album. Yeah, I said that about All this time too but yall know what I mean lol. They are very very very personal songs. Louis is so good at writing about himself and being so open to fucking stub your heart with a single word, but sometimes it goes a bit unheard. Not here tho, not here.
Anyway. Let’s start!
You give and give until it's gone away, Just tell yourself you've got another day
Starting with a bang. I usually read deeper than necessary but the incipit feels a bit tough, doesn’t it? He’s saying life can get consuming. It consumes you, your time, your energies, sometimes your feelings. You give and give until everything is gone and you go though your day by inertia, one day after the other.
You've lived that life, you just don't see it yet
Truth been spoken. When you are in your darkest place, it’s hard to appreciate what you have and usually you miss it when it’s gone (oh wait! Maybe you don't know what's lost 'til you find it 🎶)
I see how hard you've worked to be yourself
When I tell you I sobbed the first time this line clicked in my brain. Just imagine Louis saying this to himself… argh! I don’t know how to react. It’s like absolutely amazing he appreciates and values how much he has grown as a person and how many steps forward he has taken and how rough some times were. It’s amazing to see him acknowledging he came out of his own dark places or at least he has tried. I was wondering what Louis meant when he said in some interviews he doesn’t like when people pity him, and I see why. There’s nothing to pity here, it’s just congratulations for how strong and tough he is. Hard work always always pays off.
If you believe that guy is Superman, They're selling tickets at the cinema
The interpretations of this line are potentially endless, but it always hit me for how real it is. It spoke to me like the best way to say ‘it’s bullshit, but you do you’. It’s a recurrent concept in FITF, the disillusionment and the concreteness of reality. He’s not a dreamer in this album, always very optimistic, positive, mature but never not pragmatic. He sounds jealous at some point, like one of those things you say to your partner when they make a comment about somebody else, right? But it’s the way he sets this in a specific direction, he sets the tone with two words: superMAN and cinema. So it feels to me like he is talking about a famous person who usually gets idolised, and by extent fame, popularity in general. I am not a teacher, but I would say this is a rhetoric figure called Synecdoche and I absolutely adore it! So does Louis, by the way. The choice of words is interesting and telling. He’s using believe as something a bit negative here. That’s ironic for an abum called FAITH in the future, isn’t it? But it’s his way apparently. He wants to create a paradox, a contrast and it’s clear since the cover of the album, since it doesn’t strike as a faithful cover to me lmao
Whatever gets you through the darkest night, Just find the light, Out in the madness, hold tight
Now that I’m writing about it, every line in this song feels like a ring of a chain and everyone references the other like it’s 🤯. Sometimes when I listen to songs I imagine how the singer would speak to someone else. For this part, I clearly see future Louis talking to present Louis and that applies to any other timeline, it’s an inception of Louis talking to himself basically. He’s encouraging to keep going no matter what (whatever gets you).
Through the night… isn’t it a-m-a-z-i-n-g how consistent this theme is in Louis songs? He’s been singing Through the dark for months and look at her, coming back in disguise! Self references are hot, but this one gets the cake. Is he by any chance saying «whatever gets you through the night… we will find a way through the dark» etc etc? Love it. 10/10.
'Cause I'm a hard man to lose
This has always felt a bit… weird. Like imagine you go “im hard man to lose” in a song where you are basically saying you are happy you’re together again or something. It feels… arrogant? A bit? And honestly that’s not a ‘songwriter Louis’ move. I just don’t see it. And I know, it’s always about the layers with him, but what if it’s literal this time? What if he is saying “I am not the one gives up, I am not the one losing”? After all, he’s been pretty open here about how hard he worked, he has just said he has to hold tightly.
But I figured it out then made my way back To a life I would choose
He settled it for me in this line. He is not one to lose, that’s how he went back to the life he chose and he says it as proudly as he can because the thing is… it doesn’t matter how crazy it is (the madness and all that) but he would do it again. Despite all the shit, he would do it again. You can take it as a nod to his relationship of course. He changes the line second time with ‘I'm a hard man to find, but you figured it out and I love you for that’, almost pushing for a love story interpretation. But to me it feels more like he is talking about second chances, specifically in his life and work opportunities . The life I would choose part screams career to me and hits you in the face pretty hard if you think of how many obstacles he has been going through since the start of his solo career and even before during the band.
We were lucky once, I could be lucky again
He’s been using only you/I form til here. Now, I know this we can be misleading. It’s very natural to conceive a we as an us, like two people in a relationship or something, but see… that’s very Louis lol. He writes songs like stories and here he’s storytelling. Sometimes it even feels like a plurale maiestatis! I use it an embarrassing amount of time especially for non-formal conversations, and probably this is my bias of interpretation since English is not my first language but it’s curious the way he switches from a We (in past form), to I (possible future form). That’s why I think the we is used only to help with the story he’s writing about, the past he’s recalling while writing the song.
Before the world had got so serious, Before the time it got away from us
Layers againnnnn! Is this about his past maybe in the band or before that? Is this about… I don’t know, the pandemic? The world got pretty serious in 2020 didn’t it? And stunt-wise things haven’t been looking pretty bright since the second half of 2020 so… yeah. But actually I consider this a description of more innocent times. He seems nostalgic of. Still… he doesn��t seem to be willing to go back then again. He misses simple times, but has faith the future would make him feel lucky again.
It got away from us… is so strong. It’s powerful the way he never really blames anyone for the bad or the wrong. It’s just that time goes away. Very Heraclitus of him with the panta rei and all (an usual recurrent theme in Louis songwriting) and very it is what it is too. He’s very coherent in his songs, I love it.
I meet you at the favorite subway stop, We grab some food then meet the lads for one
Storytelling king strikes again. He’s so good in describing moments from the past. Like Saturdays is a song born entirely from past memories, so I really shouldn’t be surprised he does it in Lucky too, but still! Look, lines like this are seriously meant to paint a scenario in your head and he does it so well. Meet, eat and smoke with friends like a Netflix and chill ante litteram. It’s so straightforward. 11/10.
Look back on a time, I was lucky once, I could be lucky again
I love love LOOOVE the way he uses look back on a time, because he really kinda confirms how all he just did was recalling moments from a past life through lyrical narration.
What a gem of a song.
Also special mention to The unfiltered version of Lucky again with the “I’m lucky/I’m in love” whatever the fuck you meant by that, Louis, that was pretty sick and it should have survived the final revisions.
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nbmudkip · 29 days
does it have to be comissions?
- EmpError
- blessing
- infinitely gray
- sekai-chan and kafu-chan's errand
- spinal fluid explosion girl
- children record
- the entire concept of sbibo
- kimiagure mercy
- haikei doppelganger
oh my god the LIST. ok here goes
1. emperror
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i did ex, for any songs with no difficulty mentioned i’ll probably default to mas unless the mas is 33+ in which case i’ll just pick whichever i feel like atm. this ex chart is rly solid imo i have fun with it. its my fave ex chart of the three tho dftm is close. the faster bits in this one keep me on my toes and i almost fucked a solid few of them up hence the greats. 6/10 fond memories
2. blessing
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why did you do this. why did you make me play this. you know how i feel about this song and this chart already. i messed up because i was thinking too hard about how angry i was at you for making me play this fucking song. hitting you with sticks. 0/10 it sucked
3. infinitely grey
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wow another stinker. listen i have a bit of positive bias towards this one since it was one of my first lv30 aps but yeah it’s not great. so repetitive and of such an annoying note pattern too. she gets a 3/10 for nostalgia for the good ol days and nothing else
4. sekai-chan and kafu-chan’s errand
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u rly had to pick one of my weakest lv32s…..the chart is a blast tho i wont lie. am i good at it? no. but holy shit is it fun. tappytappytappy brain good. i love the fast flicks in every chorus altho the end of the final chorus is the bane of my existence. 7.5/10 delicious adrenaline rush
5. spinal fluid explosion girl
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another of my much weaker 32s. please disregard the greats i shifted to resting my ipad on a blanket bc sitting cross legged was hurting my legs rly bad and i think its fucking up my mental offset. anyway the chart is a blast altho it can be a liiiiiittle irritating at certain parts. still the flicks are so fun esp the ones in the middle with the squiggle holds, and while the runs can be a bit annoying they’re also very rewarding to get right. 7/10 fun but a touch enraging
6. children record
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i have been fc-1 on this song for literally two and a half years and that did not change tonight. SAD! fortunately the chart fucks hard and its hard to gamer rage when i’m having that much fun. 8.5/10 wheeee weeeee whweeeeeee ahahhaahah weee
7. the entire concept of sbibo
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??? not a chart that is a whole little dude. um if she was a chart i have to assume itd be pretty banger and high energy. not sure what you wanted me to do here so i added some outfits instead. sbib/10
8. kimagure mercy
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???? New mas ap hello????!? ERM. well im very pleased. anyway this chart FUCKS. this chart literally fucks so hard its not even funny. its insane. its so fun. makes you feel like GOD when you play it well which i am experiencing right now as we speak. im very happy rn if you cant tell ive been stuck on ap-1 on this chart for months. anyway chart good brain slush overall 9/10 i love you weird flick patterns
9. haikei doppelganger
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THIS CHARTTTTTTT. GUHHHHHHHH u already know how much i love this chart it is SO!!!! FUN!!!!!!!! they space out the mid-speed runs and the superfast runs and the rhythmic pauses with each other so well and it’s just a breath of fresh air to play. one of the best charts in the game objectively and one of my favorites as well. fcing this for the first time can cheer one up from anything nd believe me i have firsthand experience with that. 10/10 this chart FUCKS!!!!!!!!!!
and thus concludes your 8 mile long ask meme response hope you enjoyed
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