#anyway yesterday was a big day and im not gonna let tgese emotion ruin it for me
surrowndedbylights · 7 months
Now that my country (finally) decided to vote for marriage and adoption equality, I have to share my thoughts because I've been keeping them for too long.
This is going to be a long post so if you want to see more it's under the cut.
This has been such a huge debate for a while now, and I was always so mad about it. If you are lgbtq+ and have been in a similar situation, you probably know how it feels, but if you're not, I'll try to explain. Having literally everyone talking about my life and my rights, when they don't even have the slightest knowledge of what queer people have gone through in order to have equal rights around the world and it seemed so crazy to them that we would want it too. Even the church had an opinion when it has literally NOTHING to do with them. We are talking about political decisions about civil marriage. Your opinion is very much not needed, especially if its aim is to spread hatred towards a community that has suffered so much and the last thing we want is people with zero knowledge going around and preaching that we don't deserve to exist and have our basic human rights. We have the government to decide about laws and stuff, this is not theocracy for fuck's sake. There were also a lot of politicians talking shit about us, as if we are some kind of animals, but since they are part of the parliament, I was prepared for it and sucked it up.
Children adoption has also been on the table in these past months, and of course, everyone would have an opinion about it too. Basically, the only thing they could say to justify their bigotry was "You'll ruin the traditional family." I mean, if their perception of a 'traditional' family is couples who have children just because they can have them, but end up neglecting, abusing or abandoning them, then yes, I would very gladly ruin it. If there are families who abandon their kids in institutions, then there should also be families who are willing to take said kids in, no matter if they are gay or straight. And gay people don't have many choices. They can't reproduce like straight couples do. So, when a couple is relying on adoption to start their own family, then why would they not have that option? "Children need a mother and a father!" Children need someone who can take proper care of them and give them love. There are kids that grew up in such families, and they are no different than kids with straight parents. There are also those who grow up with only one parent, and they still turn out fine. It doesn't have to do with genders. You are just being homophobic. And no, they are not going to become gay because of that. Most of us grew up in straight environments, and yet we are not straight. But even if they do turn out to be queer, then they will know that their parents accept them and they won't have to spend their teenage years pretending to be someone else because they are afraid to be kicked out and whatnot.
I'm tired of everyone having a say in what I do. Queer people are not pawns in some game. To some, it may seem shocking, but we are still humans who have needs and rights. The fact that this was such a huge topic when it should go without saying. There are people who had to move to another country in order to marry their partners. We watched for so long, happy married couples in other countries. We were anxiously waiting for this decision to be made because we want to have equality. But, of course, according to some people, we are just sick and entitled and want to take over the world and destroy it. If you really believe this, then I'm sorry you're sad since yesterday. Learn how to get over it now 😘
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