#anyway. hi guys im playing disco elysium
blueskittlesart · 4 months
disco elysium is so good that the game froze during a dialog prompt and for like 10 mins i sat there looking at the frozen screen thinking wow what an interesting choice they made here
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dogmasquerade · 4 months
How you come out a game like Disco Elysium and think to yourself hm yes addicts should be left for dead and abandoned because "they're shit at they're job and leave a mess" when the game emphasizes Harry was like an inch away from fucking suicide. He obviously needed help. A LOT.
But oh yeah it's ok for him to be abandoned because the car was expensive and he wasn't in the right mind to do his duties (Jean could have also stepped the fuck up too but sat on his ass whining) I'm not tryna be that person because fiction is fiction but I hope to God you never come in contact with someone who is gravely disabled because of their mental health.
do we get a first anon badge is that a thing. can i get one.
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ironmanstan · 1 year
I havent played in a few days and disco elysium spoilers ahead but anyway... Harry is so interesting as a character to me he's done some awful shit and has the potential to do worse but despite that his existence can make you so emotional he's just another person.. idk its so easy to hate him at first i think even just due to the gameplay which is kind of genius i think? You start the game and this guy is fumbling the bag on every choice and dialogue option you pick of course he annoys you. And then you see everyone blaming you for the crazy shit you did and now its his fault half the people you meet are mad at you. And then you find out just... the way his life is. How excellent of a detective he is and how he, unlike the others in his station, has a long standing streak if not a moral code of no unnecessary killing and avoiding it to the point he hardly has any on his record.. and despite this (or maybe bc of it im not super far yet) you hear how he's mocked by his coworkers, you see all these small pieces of mourning in him when he doesn't know who or what hes lost, you read the dialogue of him questioning the one girl about her being sexually assaulted and him despite having no memory, still realizing he understands what shes going through because he's been through the same. There's so many pieces of him that are all so loose and painful that it becomes clearer and clearer how him regaining some sort of power through drinking is just him standing on top of all these small ways his life has lost control and gone completely off the rails... loses my mind
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palms-upturned · 2 years
haven’t had time to play farther than the end of day 1 in disco elysium yet but i keep watching clips to live vicariously through ppl with time and energy to play video games, anyway every time someone does anything mean to kim it makes me so upset, like how if u ask what kim thinks of the stupid speedfreaks FM sneakers he just smiles like haha they’re not really something i would wear on duty but then if u proceed not to offer to let him have them anyway the empathy check says “he’s fighting to keep his smile” that clip made me want to throw up. GIVE HIM THE UGLY SHOES YOU MONSTER!!! and you even have the option to be like im sorry i was kidding, you can have them! but the player in the clip i was watching elected not to do that and i almost assumed the family guy death pose over it. how could you do that. how could you do that to my friend kim kitsuragi. you’re not even a real speedfreak.
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udonthreens · 2 years
top 5 disco elysium moments i have never played the game but ithink you should explain it like i know everything already anyways
anon uve triggered my autism beam
these r vaguely ranked but also i. i dont promise coherency and if i thought abt it with more brain theyd be different.
5) ok this is the last one im writing and idk. theres so many good scenes and moments and nevermind. the chair. the fucking CHAIR and evrart. it took me 200hrs to see what happens when u PASS the composure check like. tbh failing this check is basically canon. slide down it like a jello shot. again like the megarich container guy this is one of those possible early moments of 'ou this games a fucking weird comedy' and i just. best way to assert dominance with the corrupt commie boss like 'what a great display of... idek what that was' and im pretty sure u lose a rep point with kim if u fail it too like. kim dont be mad this is just my interogattion technique im not giving the rcm a bad rep i promise kim
actually some honourable mentions: lamby, boardgames with kim, joyce pale convo, kim voice dilligent boy, THE CHURCH I DIDNT MENTION THE CHURCH i love doin the dance after gettin shot its so funny. love the rave kids. shivers voice theres a hole in my heart. the fucking 'lookin to score some d girl!' bit with kim & acele thats comedy gold actually. thats brilliant. i might just start listening everything. pinball with kim when u pass it im just like. kim why dyou sound so smitten . the piss and fuck jackets. actually i really like the whole bit with the working class woman that was Devasting. even more so when i realised u could actually tell her ud look for her husband ...... i liked the jamais vu viscal pleasure wheel bit after (i think that was added with the update? yes it was) altho i dont remember specifics just. his brain reconstructin smth as idk.. smth to make him feel better? felt bittersweet. i should go see that scene again.
ok ill fuckin wrap this up. 'are u... a really good detective?' great line and not a moment per say but. the fact that jean just. hangs around the whirling for several days in that fuckin wig like, obvs he doesnt move spots bcs its a video game (despite the edc lines showin that he does do other shit) cuz u need to know where to find him. but he just fuckin commits like. the character building from all this shit for whats technically a minor character. brilliant. doesnt HE have a fuckin job to do. also titus is always in the whirling for the same video game reason so like. yes. yes to that rarepair.
3) communist book club and the tower building that was soooooo cool not to mention the fuckin hilarity of readin bout inframaterialism for the first time nd going "???? is this pseudoscience in the game or can it ACTUALLY fucking happen like wtf"
2) karoke. pass over fail tbh limbic system KILLS it (and its more lyrical spoken word doesnt fit the song nd also i thot id actually hear harrys voice during that scene and we kinda did but like thats a different tangent) and kims support 'detective du bois... it was down right tragic' and the edc or concept check? concept i 5hink that was like 'to him that represented being an rcm member perfectly' like HELLO??? kim bestie its not 2 late for a career change. AND not to mention gartes reaction to it like... u really get the feeling that he Will get rid of the machine if harry fucks it up. however i do like the pass as well bcs a) harrys had enough cringe fail b) jeans deadbeat litany of 'yeah its shit it sucked awful' like. thats how he talks 2 harry when hes being NICE its so funny. het life partners <33
4) mega rich light bending guy. AGAIN the weiss thingymay coefficent where ur like 'is this an actual Thing or is harry just fuckin insane' nd also i crit succeeded on my first playthru real early on when i hadnt seen any of the wacky shit yet nd it just. the -2 if u have the artcop thought the fuckin ultralib shit . u get like 4 ultralib points at LEAST if u pass/fail the right concept check. god not to mention kim earnestly suggesting rcm reforms like kim bestie kim kim my bestfriend kim its not 2 late for a career change. also if u get the 100 real and kims like 'ur full of surprises most of them bad but some of them good' soooo true <33
1) salami man.
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