#anyway. if you want pointers hmu
ministarfruit · 3 years
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minifemslashfeb day 26: performance ♡
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nomattertheoceans · 4 years
Do you write AUs or at least pointers for them?? If so, could you please do something based on Clarke thinking that Bellamy is in love with her in Season 1 and season 2, and after the three month jump, she goes back to Arcadia expecting him to fight for her against Pike or something, except for the fact that he’s with Gina/Echo/Raven by now, and hates her guts for what happened at MW, and how it would affect season 3? Basically I am very bitter and I hate Clarke with a passion
Hey anon! sorry it took me so long to get to this, I’ve actually been thinking about it a lot because I couldn’t seem to come up with good headcanons and I couldn’t figure out why?? But I finally understood why (with the help of @rosealie so thank youuuu) and I think that’s because the premise you propose is actually pretty close to what actually happened in the show?
I don’t think Clarke ever thought Bellamy was in love with her, but I don’t think it would change much in the show whether or not she did. Because when season 3 rolls in, she does feel extremely entitled to his attention and devotion (and let’s be real when has Clarke not felt entitled to his devotion? She always did) and expects him to follow her blindly (so what I mean is the romantic aspect doesn’t really matter in the sense that she still wants this, so the love aspect would be a footnote. If that makes sense?)
About the Pyke thing. Okay so I’m going to ramble about Bellamy and Clarke’s relationship in the show for a little while because I think it’s relevant somehow. I feel like the both of them were always more interesting when they were on opposite sides of a conflict. And that’s because they are both so strong-headed and will both go to extremes to accomplish what they think is right and what they believe will save/protect the people they care about. We see this throughout the series and I honestly love it (side-note: I hate that the fandom has this thing where it’s like you either ship bellarke or you hate their relationship, because I love their relationship but just not in the “right” way for the fandom apparently. Anyway that’s not the point here). In s1 they start on opposite sides because it’s Octavia and Bellamy (for Bellamy) vs the delinquents/the rest of the Ark (for Clarke). Then Bellamy, who started taking the lead for his own gain, starts actually caring for the delinquents and that’s when him and Clarke are mostly on the same side for the end of s1 and s2 (excluding some obvious points like Clarke lying to him about TonDC but anyway moving on). So anyway, this is what I love about the both of them in s3: They both think they’re doing what’s best for Skaikru, but they have completely different views of what would be best. Bellamy has never trusted the Grounders (someday I will make a post about s3 Bellamy and why he was on character the whole time, I promise. Hmu if you’re interested.), so his solution is to fight against them because he sees no way to cooperate with the Grounders that would end well for Skaikru. Clarke on the other hand left Skaikru and has no idea what they went through for three months, and despite that, she thinks that she has the right idea on how to protect them. That’s super interesting to me because it’s them pursuing the same goal and yet again coming head to head because they disagree on the way to do so, and they’re both too stubborn to give even an inch to the other. 
For the girlfriend thing... honestly I don’t think it would change much if Bellamy was dating Raven or if Gina was still alive. For Becho, now that is a really interesting possibility, but for your premise, I’m going to have to put it aside because if we consider Becho in s3 we can’t put aside the political aspect of Echo being close to the Ice Queen. So I think them dating could mean an alliance between Azgeda and Skaikru to fight against Lexa (and omg imagine Pyke arriving at Arkadia to find the people responsible for his people’s massacre allied with them??? Super interesting premise). But if Bellamy was with Echo and close to the Azgeda/Skaikru alliance, he would have no reason to ally with Pyke so that would take us too far away from your idea! 
So I think most of your speculation happened in the show already. But I think it’s again a question of how the show was framed to put Clarke in this ever powerful position of the girl who is always right. Everybody just has to forgive her and Bellamy is obviously wrong for being angry at her. The framing of the show has never been fair to the people Clarke hurt. Now, I’m not saying she’s responsible for everything that went wrong because I genuinely don’t think she is. But the show acts as if she is actually never wrong, and the people angry around her are irrational for not agreeing with her. Which is something that bothers me because Clarke’s more interesting moments were when the show let her be in the wrong (the ending of s4 when she steals the bunker omg so fucking good). So I agree with you to be honest, the way Clarke is always the good guy at the end is really annoying!! Her character would be much more interesting if she was allowed to be morally wrong because it could explore what this means for her and the people around her.
SO ANYWAY xD I’m sorry, this turned into more of a small meta rather than an actual spec, but it’s because I think most of what you prposed actually already happened in the show!! It would be really interesting to see how Bellamy and Echo getting together at that point would affect the story though! If you found this interesting, feel free to send me other asks about the show because I love to talk about it ^^ and if not then I’m really sorry haha
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s-oulpunk · 4 years
Y’all might be sick of hearing me talk abt “Ricky is Eddie’s son AU” but I have a time travel version of the AU (bc I’m a slut for time travel. If anyone ever wants to talk abt back to the future hmu) and I NEED to talk about it.
Everything in the fic is similar to canon at first. They all go to Derry, Stan and Eddie die, they defeat the clown. Yadda, yadda, yadda. Anyway, somehow Ricky figures out a way to travel back in time. Either he figures it out himself and goes without telling anyone, or one of the Losers figures it out and for whatever reason he’s the one best suited to go.
He goes back to the summer of ‘89 and slowly meets the teenage losers. He’s a few years older than them now and it feels kind of weird. He sees everyone here as an uncle (or aunt) and now they’re all kids.
Also he never got to meet adult Stan, so I think he would be kind of blown away meeting teenage Stan. He wants to tell him how cool he thinks he is and how highly all his friends speak of him, but he can’t say anything without making them suspicious.
For awhile he doesn’t tell any of them, but soon something happens (I have no idea what) and he breaks and tells Bill. He wouldn’t tell him everything (maybe he tells him more later) but he tells him just enough to make Bill’s head spin. It’s crazy enough to think Ricky’s from the future, let alone that he’s Eddie’s son.
That’s another thing!! Now Ricky is hanging out with his 14 year old dad, who has no idea he’s his dad. I think Ricky would be a little blown away by just how unhinged 14 year old Eddie was. Like, he’s a sweet kid and Ricky can see himself in him, but he’s definitely full of pure and unbridled chaos.
Similarly, he misses his dad so fucking much. You can’t tell me didn’t cry for hours after hearing about his dad’s death. You can’t tell me the other losers didn’t have to coax him out of his room, and didn’t have to beg him to eat for the next few days. So seeing his dad again - even if it’s sort of a different version of his dad - is bittersweet. Yes, he’s seeing him again, but he doesn’t know who he is. And Ricky can’t talk to him like he’s his dad. I think it would break his heart a little, but at the end of the day he’s just happy to see him again.
He’s also watching Richie pine after Eddie. Like he knows Richie’s in love with Eddie (Richie and Ricky have had long conversations abt it in the future - or is it the present??), but everything he does to get his attention is so fucking stupid that Ricky’s just staring at him like😶
And (bc I’m a stenbrough blog) Bill had told Ricky, in the future (present??), that he had been in love with Stan (maybe they had even secretly gone out for a bit👀). I think seeing Bill and Stan interact in ‘89 would break his heart a little. Bc they have these pink cheeks and soft smiles and hands that barely brush together and Ricky knows what’s going to happen. He knows it’s all going to end in heartbreak.
He likes to go up to Mike’s farm and see the animals. He tries to pet them ALL, even if Mike tells him not to. He just simply cannot resist. And he likes hanging out with Mike, he thinks he’s cool. In the future (present??) he didn’t talk to him like he was a child, and told him everything that was happening with Pennywise. It terrified Ricky, but he prefers to know it all upfront rather than being coddled and lied to.
He sees Ben pining after Bev and his heart goes🥺bc he knows they’re gonna get together and he knows they’re going to be the sweetest couple. He goes to Ben for relationship advice in the future (present?) so when he’s in ‘89 he tries to return the favor, and give him some pointers.
And seeing Bev suffer at the hands of her father makes Ricky furious. Bev is the sweetest human, always letting him just blabber on and on and talk about whatever he wants. And she always shows him her designs and sometimes lets him try on stuff she’s working on. He hates that someone is hurting her, and hates even more that he can’t do anything.
Anyway, somehow going back in time manages to fix things and when he gets back Stan and Eddie are alive. Either everyone remembers and all celebrate, or Ricky’s the only one to remember and and just has to live with this weird knowledge that he had a time travel adventure.
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dandelionpath · 5 years
okay because there's not a ton of information out there (at least info that's easy to find without clicking through a bunch of pages and stuff) on animal spirit work and how to do it, i thought i'd try to tackle this issue by writing my own post lmao. (as always, some of this is UPG, but there's also some SPG in this post - shared personal gnosis)
a brief intro: "wtf is animal spirit work? is this that sPirIT anIMaL stuff? how does it differ from normal spirit work?" first, no, this has nothing to do with spirit animals or whatever else you might be thinking of that fall in with that line of thinking. here's my take on animal spirit work explained in one sentence: animal spirit work is working with spirits of dead physical earth animals. it's different from regular spirit work in the way that you're working with spirits of deceased earth animals, rather than spirits of the astral plane or earth spirits that are not of deceased animals (i.e. nature spirits, fae, merfolk, landgods, dragons, houseplants, trees, etc). animal spirit work is when you interact with dead animals, whether it's by finding them around randomly, or by using animal remains to connect with them. you can talk to them, make friends with them, help them to "move on" to the "other side" of death, and even have them help you in spellwork or other magical workings. 
how it works: find an animal spirit. "well, how do i do that, comet?" either find a random animal spirit somewhere on earth, or (the easier way) use animal remains to connect with an animal spirit. talk to that spirit. make friends if both of you want to do so. profit? "what do you mean by 'remains', comet? it sounds disgusting ew." remains are anything left behind after an animal dies. this can be bones or hides (the fur and skin). i guess it's kind of gross, but it depends on your opinion on that kind of thing. circle of life and all that! when finding animal remains in the wild, please don't touch it with your bare hands; you don't know what's been crawling over it or where that animal has been before it got there! grab some gloves, and maybe do a bit of research beforehand (in some places, it's actually illegal to "harvest" certain animal remains. be safe and try to be as legal as possible, those laws are in place to protect the animals and other nature). if you're interested in "harvesting" animal remains, try the 'vulture culture' tag for more information. i personally highly recommend buying animal remains that are already prepared for human contact. oftentimes, the spirit in the remains is used to human contact then, too, and you'll have an easier time bonding with them! check the laws in your country beforehand, though, please. if you live in canada and are wondering where you can legally buy some animal remains, hmu bc I've done a lot of looking around for myself and i can give you a couple suggestions (skullstore.ca skullstore.ca skullstore.ca !!! im not sponsored by them lmao; i actually haven't even purchased from them quite yet, but their customer service is incredible when I've asked questions, and they have so many great reviews, including some reviews from friends/acquaintances of mine!)
how to actually do the thing - with animal remains:
I'll link a couple things at the end of this post that are in other people's words, and that have helped me learn and figure out how to do this whole thang. but let me try and explain it first because i love talking apparently.
step 1. figure out how "dead" the dead thing is. this is where you figure out if there's any spirit at home in the remains. oftentimes, animals will move on to whatever comes after death after they do the whole dying thing. sometimes they stick around, though, for whatever reason (sometimes they're lost and confused, and this is generally when i help them to "move on" to the OtherSide, whatever that may be). how do we do this, though? good question. let me give you some pointers. first off, you're going to want to wash your hands before handling your remains. actually, scratch that, first i want you to use some common sense and figure out whether or not the remains are safe to handle. if they're not, don't touch it! you can do this without touching it, it's just a bit more difficult if you're a beginner to this. however, you can still do it with a bit of patience. now that you're sure you can touch the animal remains, wash your hands before you handle it! it's just respectful and also better for the remains themselves. think of it like you're about to shake hands with a new person. you don't want to shake hands when your hands are all grimy, right? hopefully not. anyways, once you've washed your hands, pick up the animal remains, whatever they may be. get acquainted with the remains (not the spirit quite yet) by stroking the fur, feeling the bone, just touch it and learn your way around it without using just your eyes. if you feel like the spirit is uncomfortable with you doing this, stop doing it. try again another day if you feel like the spirit is starting to panic. once you've become better acquainted with the actual piece of animal you've got in your hands, kind of "knock on the door" of the animal remains. this is by far the most difficult part to explain. you might feel a bit silly or frustrated, but that's okay! you just kind of.... gotta figure it out. If it helps, imagine a door in your mind. Close your eyes if that feels easier or right. Imagine the door being an entrance to the animal's remains, where the spirit resides. Knock on it (don't actually hit the remains, though, that probably wouldn't be appreciated lmao). See if you feel like anything answers. Do you feel anything behind the door? Does anything answer you? Do you feel like there might be anything energetically there? Or does it just feel... empty. Like there's no energy there, like there might be a big void inside? If it feel likes there's something there, congratulations! There's most likely a spirit residing there still! If it feels like there's nothing there, the spirit has probably moved on. That's okay, though, because now you can use the remains for something: either a ritual/magic tool, or you can offer it as a home to any wandering animal spirits!
step 2. say hello to the spirit: again, sit with the remains. get to know the material remains; run your hands over it if that feels okay to do. just sit with it for a while, so that you can get used to each other's presences. if you've just completed step one, ignore all that. make sure you're in a calm and safe and comfortable space when you're going to try to say hello to the spirit. clear your mind. meditate if you need to. empty your mind out as much as you can, or at least calm yourself down so that you're at a good calm and collected blank state to meet the spirit. now: open yourself up to whatever presence might be there. there's a couple ways you can do this with visualizing if you need to visualize. ~ a) visualize a door again. knock on the door and see if anyone answers. b) visualize a cord connecting you from your head to the animal remains. ~ keep yourself open to any presence or energy or shifts you feel. it's important that you don't go into this with any expectations, or else you might start making things up without realizing it. if you notice anything, don't do anything quite yet. sit with your observations calmly and quietly. after a bit, if you can feel a spirit there, say hello! explain who you are, what your intentions are, and that you're not a danger to the spirit. help them to feel safe as they might feel a bit skittish or confused at first. some spirits will jump on the chance to talk with you, and others are a bit more shy. if you can't feel the spirit interacting with you at all, don't worry! either you need to practice spirit communication a bit more, or the spirit doesn't feel like talking quite yet. sometimes they need a bit of help. one thing that Lupa has said that really helped me out with a couple animal spirits is this: "One way to help this along is to basically create a vessel for the animal to use. Visualize the animal, whole and alive, in your mind. Start with letting it just stand there. Don’t try to make it do anything else. If the animal starts to move or speak of its own volition, let it do so at its own pace. This is the spirit taking the vessel you have created and using it as a conduit for communication." [x] if the spirit really doesn't want to talk right now, you can talk to it a bit to reassure it that you mean it no harm and what your whole deal is (aka who you are and what your intentions are). you can kind of talk to thin air if you really want (doesn't have to be verbally, but sometimes it helps if you're not very confident in your spirit communication skills). sometimes it'll help the spirit get used to you and help it feel more comfortable. sometimes the spirit is just not interested in talking, or can actually feel quite aggressive. if this happens, leave them alone lmao and try another day after being around the animal remains to help you both get used to each other's energies. sometimes the spirit will lay dormant for quite a while, or just be very shy. this happens! Bear has talked about his experiences on his blog with a few shy spirits, and I've had a spirit or two that didn't want to talk for a long while. you can carry the spirit remain with you as you go about your days (if safe to do so), and it'll help the spirit get acquainted with your energy. offer it water, a burning candle, spare energy, or some other offerings if that feels right. i feel that it's important to note that it can take days, weeks, even months for some spirits to finally communicate with you. this isn't something for those that are seeking instant gratification or other similar kind of thing. this is a practice and path that takes time and effort! frustration comes with the whole deal of spirit work in general. don't go into this expecting instant results. keep yourself open and patient as much as possible.
step 3. keep talking to it, get to know the spirit. easiest one to explain. get to know the spirit just like you would with any other spirit or human! sometimes animal spirits don't speak in words, and only give off feelings/"vibes", or other non-word communication methods. I've noticed that insects and smaller animals (i.e. rodents) often won't use words. experiment and learn and use the good ol' trial-and-error and you'll figure it all out, slowly but surely!
how to actually do the thing - without animal remains:
this is definitely the more difficult way to do it, but sometimes necessary if you don't have access to animal remains (i've been there!). the first animal spirit I ever met (and one of my best friends) was a bear cub who'd been hit and was by the side of the road. unfortunately my parents were driving and didn't want to pull over, so I wasn't able to get anywhere near it. so i flung my astral body out to it and met it that way. i did have it easy since there'd been a physical body (corpse) that I saw and could use that as a jumping off point to meeting the spirit. chances are, though, that you're not going to be able to find any animal remains around, especially in urban areas! (keep an eye out for roadkill, though, if you really want to have a physical body as a jumping off point to meeting a spirit. roadkill spirits are often very confused, skittish, and disoriented, and most of them want to just move on to the "OtherSide" of death, so sometimes you can help them along with that!) if you have no animal remains whatsoever, here's what you might do:
step 1. find a spirit. this is going to be the most difficult step probably, especially if you're just starting out with spirit work and your senses aren't very strong yet. i'm going to try to explain what to do, but to be honest? it all just comes down to skills (practice!) and luck. the best place to meet animal spirits is parks, forests, or other more "wild" (naturey) areas around you. if you're stuck in the middle of the big city with no nature areas around, try going to a park. it might not be the greatest, but they'll most likely be a couple spirits around. do you know any houses or friends that have animal remains of sorts? the most common remains i can think of and that i've seen are antlers! sometimes their will be a spirit attached to those. for instance, a friend's house has antlers lining their house (her dad is a hunter), and there's actually an entire herd of deer outside their house; it's really beautiful to walk past and energetically see! if you have a friend that has dead animal bits, see if you can sit in the same room with those remains and sense if there's anything there. if there's a house somewhere with animal remains, is there a bench nearby or somewhere you can stay a while without looking like a creep? sit there and see if you can sense animal spirits around there. if there's no animal remains around you at all, then do what I said earlier and go to a park or other naturey area. sit there. calm your mind, make sure you feel at ease. once you're as calm as you can get, let down the walls in your mind and open it up to the area around you. feel the nature surrounding you, such as the trees, the grass, any flowers, even the sky! are there people walking nearby? what does their energy feel like? perhaps there's a few birds (pigeons and crows count!) or squirrels or other critters around - what do their energies feel like? once you've gotten acquainted with your surroundings, open yourself up a bit further and reach a little farther into the energetic spaces. do you feel any unusual energies that you wouldn't expect to be there? any flashes of sudden intuition like there might be an animal spirit around you? this will feel differently than just suddenly thinking of an animal - it'll be a bit more like you know there's something there. if you're not sure if it's your imagination or not, try and send out some energetic "feelers", and check out the space around you to see if there's any unusual energies that you wouldn't expect to be there. if you can astral project/travel in this realm of existence, you can also do this to see if there's any animal spirits about! they're often on a lower vibrational existence/layer than naturally occuring nature spirits (animal spirits are natural and whatever, but like... you know what i mean hopefully lmao). fae and tree spirits that have always existed in spirit form, for example, are often of a bit higher of a vibrational frequency than spirits of animals that used to be physical.  I'm not entirely sure why that is, although i have a few theories. that's another post for another time, though. back to what i was saying earlier, however, if you're going to astral project to look for animal spirits, try viewing things a bit more.... "close to home", than what you'd do when looking for fae and the like. you might not find a spirit right away, as many animals move on to whatever comes after death quite quickly. if you can't find a spirit, keep practicing your spirit sensing skills! and of course, you can always try again another day or at a different time of day.
step 2. greet the spirit. similar to step two of the other list, this is when you say hello to the spirit and introduce yourself. many spirits will be skittish, but certainly not all of them will be! if you're astral projecting, you can approach them with your energy/astral body. if you're not astral projecting, and are just feeling out the space energetically, you can approach them energetically! you might want to physically move closer to where they are, so you don't have to extend your energy too far away from your physical body, as this can often tire you out faster. if you're unsure what i mean by "approach them energetically" or you don't know how to do this, it's really quite simple once you've figured out how to! each entity (including yourself!) has a certain energy signature, a unique energetic presence in existence. when you're feeling around you for different energies, you're most likely sending out some sort of energy of your own to have a presence that is able to feel other energies (and presences). using this energetic presence of yours (i'd call this an energetic body, although it isn't your full energy body), you can move about in the world and interact with other energies. you can actually communicate with other presences using your energetic body! when you focus on your energetic body and put intention into it to say/emit a certain feeling, thought, or any other thing you might want to communicate, this will transfer through your energy into that energetic body (since all of your energy is connected). if you want to say hello to the animal spirit, simply put the intention of a friendly and safe greeting into your mind and visualize it moving into your energetic body. let me know if you need more explanation than that, and i'll hopefully be able to help you out. (also this is all hugely UPG, I haven't really seen/heard anyone saying anything similar to that, but this is what's worked for me) approach with caution and patience in mind. also make sure that you're safely warded and/or shielded, as well as any other protective measures you may want (a guardian spirit is always helpful!). it's best to approach the spirit slowly, without any sudden movements. after all, they are still animals, even in spirit form! extend a gentle energetic presence toward the animal and say hello. after this, do what feels right. trust your gut, your intuition. take cues from the spirit, and you should be fine! not all animal spirits are going to want to interact with people. if the spirit runs away, don't pursue it - treat the spirit similar to how you would treat a potential new human friend. if you ran after a potential new human friend, that'd be really creepy and invasive, so don't do that with the spirit lmao. if the spirit starts to act aggressively or something else along those lines, take the hint and back off. there will be other animal spirits you can get to know.
step 3. invite the animal to spend time with you. if you think you're getting along well with the spirit, and the spirit would be alright with it, ask if you can meet up again sometime. the spirit may not have a good sense of human time, especially since it's dead now, so you'll have to just figure out how to deal with that. i'm not going to completely spoon feed you all this, and things are going to be different with every spirit you interact with anyways! if y'all are getting to know each other pretty well or it feels right to do so, offer the spirit a place at your house. this can sound good to a lot of smaller spirits, especially, since they probably still have a little bit of that animal instinct to find a safe place! don't manipulate them into it, just be cool and normal lmao. be a good person and hopefully the spirit will be good back to you. okay i think that's everything i can think of, really. i'm getting pretty tired and spaced out after trying to explain all that, so i'm going to end the post here lol
https://blackbearmagic.tumblr.com/post/148176794631/i-dont-know-if-this-has-been-answered-or-not-but (this one is just about washing ur hands before handling animal remains lol)
and there’s other tumblrs out there but I can’t think of anyone else off the top of my head at the moment
i really hope this helps some of you to get a good start on animal spirit work! don't be scared to drop any questions in my inbox or DMs (inbox is always best because someone else might have the exact same question as you! but DMS work too if you're uncomfortable ^-^). let me know if you have any success with this as well! i love to hear people's spirit stories and experiences!
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ccjonghyun-blog · 7 years
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excuse me i’m v emotional bc cc is back and i’ve gotten the chance to join in on the fun and everyone’s so sweet ilu u guys... anyways...... hey whats up hello im the miss bringing in both this man right here as well as sir yongguk. ig i’ll roll onto that account too to post an intro post and get plots going but pls!! let us plot my friends!! HERE is his profile page, HERE is his bio, and HERE is the most blandest plots page ever made but it’s a place to start ( lmk if anything interests you guys, just send me a msg wanting to claim it ).  anyways i'm also on twt @ongwrites, and i’ll list some pointers below but send an im, or like this post if you’d like to plot!!
league VP ( one of the two ) right here folks, he worked hard to get here
became a hero in 2014, his bro was a hero for like 1-2 months before he died/was killed/is in coma... its complicated and explained in his bio, his weapon is a longbow 
he’s also a resistance hero so u know... he rmbrs most of ya dying and carries your anguish and screams on his shoulders / in his dreams, nbd tho
so far he doesn’t have any cards in this timeline so u know... if u wanna plot smth w that... hmu friends... 0/3 spots filled
his family used to be all dead (bc of 2 sep. incidents) except for his big sis but luckily he got his lil bro back this time around too and his other big bro didnt become a familiar this time and is just sleeping the days away in a coma (thus jonghyun is often at the hospital, by his side, bc he’s the one that killed him in the 1st timeline and feels guilty... the usual)
he’s in his last year in uni and coaches soccer to middle-school kids, bc he finds it easy getting along w children considering he helped raise his lil bro&sis 
what else do i say
tbh he’s a lot like shiro from voltron
he’s basically rly nice and can be a big bro type figure to anyone, he just rly hates losing ppl, flashbacks to 1st timeline deaths
even tho he’s happier this time around and believes in saving those he can etc, he deals with a lot of dark thoughts and self-doubt and honestly need a hug but he won’t tell anyone that.... so hard getting him to open abt himself as he often changes the topic to how everyone else is doing instead 
team dont kill taeyong
and ok idk what else to say
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fictional-scenarios · 7 years
Please fuel me with itachi and sasuke fluff thank you
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put these together for Efficiency reasons :]c i also didn’t know if you wanted headcanons of scenarios so by default i went by headcanons, hmu if you wanted a scenario!
i don’t write about sasuke really so sorry if these aren’t too accurate, and im also writing these as if the whole ‘uchiha massacre’ hasn’t happen owo - mod cassie
In between a busy schedule of missions and attending some family events, Itachi really does have to go to great lengths to make sure that you and him have special days set aside to basically catch up and have some alone time, away from the hassle of being a ninja. 
However, the times in between those days can be a bit… Lonely. He tries his hardest to see you at least once a day if he can, even if it’s just for a few minutes before he goes off on yet another mission. If it’s going to be a particularly long one and he knows he won’t be back for some time, he will spend the previous night with you to make up for the upcoming loss of contact. 
Itachi will often treat you to restaurants, as dining with you is one of his favorite type of dates. It’s calming, allows you two to talk, and he genuinely enjoys the feelings of soothing cafes and restaurants. After you two pick a place you like among all the other places, dining there when he comes home after a long mission becomes a type of tradition. You also visit it whenever you’re really in the mood to, and it gets to the point where the waiter knows your usual orders and if you or Itachi arrive solo he’ll ask, ‘No ___?’ or vise versa.
Though he isn’t a huge fan of PDA, Itachi likes showing you affection in what little ways he’s comfortable with. Maybe not smooching in public or wrapping himself around you, be will hold your hand or link your arms as you walk together. He also likes to show you subtle affections, such as gently touching your hair or upper back should you be sitting or when you walk by.
Now, he doesn’t do this often but he enjoys humming. You have to catch him in a really calm, happy mood but he will sometimes just softly hum to whatever melody is stuck in his head. Maybe it’s something a child was singing as they walked by, maybe it’s a tune he heard years ago that just stuck with him. More often than not Itachi doesn’t even notice he’s doing it until you or someone else mentions it. On very rare (but joyous) occasion, you may find yourself lulled to sleep at night to the sound of Itachi humming something his mother used to sing to him when he was younger.
A lot of your softer times with Sasuke will end up being spent in calmness, and will mostly revolve around the two of you being around one another in comfortable, understanding silences. One of his favorite past times with you is sitting outside or by an open window, enjoying the soft breeze while you both read. He likes the times when you two can just enjoy one another’s presence without having to feel like you’re supposed to be doing something more.
One of his other favorite things to do with you is plan evening walks that usually follow along the outskirts of Konoha. He enjoys the scenery of the setting sun and the feeling of the day coming to an end, plus he likes to hold your hand and allowing you talk to him about your day or whatever he missed out on while he was away on a mission. He usually doesn’t have anything to add himself, so it’s mostly just you going on and him responding whenever he sees fit, since he prefers to listen anyways.
If you need the extra help, Sasuke will also aid in helping you train. He won’t go super easy on you because you’re supposed to be improving, but he also definitely won’t go all out. Sasuke’s a pretty powerful ninja and the last thing he wants to do is injure you when his original intent was to help. If he’s tired during some particular days, he’ll watch your techniques and give you pointers (but be wary, sometimes he can be overly blunt. You being his partner doesn’t save you from being roasted on your poor style.)
When ever he goes away for missions that end up being lengthy, he makes sure to send letters back and forth when he’s able to so he can keep at least some sort of communication going. When he returns home after said long missions he usually brings back small trinkets he came across on his journey, rather it be a gem he found or some item he thought you might like. 
Upon arriving home and giving you your gift, Sasuke turns a little bit more softer than usual. Maybe it’s because he missed you or maybe it’s because the exhaustion is kicking in now that he’s back at his house but he’ll hold you a little tighter, cuddling against you while you both lay down and tell you he missed you while he was away.
Though he’s a bit more of a recluse than some other people, there are times where you and Sasuke will enjoy days out attending whatever fairs Konoha is holding. Though he prefers to avoid the larger ones he has no issue in going to smaller ones if it makes you happy. Plus it allows him to see his friends and make small talk about whatever they’ve been doing lately.
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