#I have on record the exact moment my heart broke
hearthvkoo · 3 days
Possible spoilers if you haven't seen the film yet, so ignore this post
At first I thought that the docu was shot in bangtan episode style, but I was wrong, this is a film with all the effects.
Last year I felt great admiration for him and I admit that even though I found his schedule quite crazy I never actually thought about how tiring it was for him.
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However, every time I believe I underestimate his vocal abilities because he far exceeds any expectations I have, and the fact that even the producers of Seven, snty and 3D recognize a talent like that should open the eyes of those who still persist in labeling him and BTS in just one musical category
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Also can we talk about his big popstar aura while he was reading SNTY lyric?? Totally serious and focused on his work, and the producers were all keeping their breath waiting for him to speak about the song
Long hair Jungkook you always be my favorite
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I was so impatient to see the process of recording Golden, I know that in the trailer they switched up the sequence when Tae came but I probably think that the one in the movie is the more accurate (based also on his clothes).
Jk was frustrated for the song, then after a while Tae came giving him a little support for his presence I suspect that they cut some part 'cause when never saw the exact moment when he arrives or leaves, so we can only made assumption but I find quite cute how after Tae's visit he start to sing well again (boyfriend effect)
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another scene that broke my heart
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But it's nice to know that he is surrounded by sincere people who work for him and support him so much
In conclusion I loved this documentary, I believe that if everything had been shot well in advance and with more preparation maybe we would have had more material compared to the various montages of the performances already seen, but I loved the fact that every single from Seven to Standing next to you had its own story and its own logical thread.
I really appreciated that they left all of Magic Shop, BTS are and will always be seven and this documentary was also the proof of this (sorry solo stan lol)
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Can we all agree that he looked like a little bao? 🥺🥺🥺🥺 His mom made him really pretty
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This little kid didn't know that he would become one of the greatest artists of all time 💜
Let me know what you think of I AM STILL!
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good-beanswrites · 11 months
In line with the previous ask because I'm so bored at class and this au is living in my brain or is my brain living in this au...
The first few days were tense. The prisoners swung rapidly between the painful awareness of their lie and the odd feeling of believing it. They panicked that they were showing too much on their face, or they’d said the wrong thing, or they acted strange around Es. And then moments later they were glancing at the prisoners around them with apprehension – they were murderers, after all. 
It went on for several days, stopping only when Mahiru had quite enough of the whole thing.
“We’re having a bonding night!” She announced after Es’ door clicked tight for the evening. Not taking no for an answer, she gathered everyone in the panopticon. To those who worried it was bad for the experiment, she assured them she’d be doing the exact same thing even if they truly were prisoners.
Fuuta crossed his arms. “I didn’t come here to make friends. I don’t need your little fucking girls’ night.”
“We don’t have to be friends,” she said, her eager smile making it difficult to believe. “But if we’re going to be living together for this long, we have to get to know each other. Oh! Why don’t we start with something easy? I won’t even ask about your lives yet. Let’s talk about the songs we sang!” 
Her attention swung to Haruka, making the poor boy flinch. “I heard you rehearsing one day, when we walked past the recording rooms. You sounded beautiful. I’ve heard tons of love songs that didn’t put as much heart into their singing as you did.”
“A-ah!” He kept his eyes glued to the ground, but a smile was wobbling its way to his lips. “Th-thank you. I – uh, I wasn’t, wasn’t doing anything special.”
“Oh but you were! And I assume you had the other heart-wrenching one,” Mahiru folded her hands over her chest as she turned her gaze to Kazui. “Your voice is pretty hard to mistake for another.”
He bowed his head in thanks. “I’m flattered. And I’ll say the same about you. I caught a bit of your recording session as well – I don’t know if I ever could dream of matching your speed and enthusiasm.”
“My goodness, you’re making me blush!”
Mahiru only had to pick on a few more people before the conversation picked up on its own. It was difficult keeping ten people completely separate for such elaborate filming processes, so at some point they all had overheard bits of songs coming from within the recording booths, echoing from a distant set area, or rehearsed quietly to oneself in a closed dressing room. 
Muu agreed that Haruka’s song had been very emotional, and she commended Shidou on moving her as well. Yuno and Amane traded compliments about their voices and song styles. Mikoto told Kotoko her song was very powerful, and he liked the message of it.
Yuno looked around, mentally matching up voices with the muffled snippets she could remember. “Wait a second, who had the heavy one? With the yelling?”
Fuuta puffed out his chest. “That would be me. Pretty cool, huh? It’s called Bring It On, and –”
“No, no, not that one.”
He blinked. 
“I remember yours, but there was another one too.”
“Yeah, I heard it as well!” Muu said. A few joined in agreement. 
“They gave someone else a rock song…?”
The group looked to one another, waiting. They looked some more. 
Mikoto’s carefully held face broke into a grin. “Aw, you guys got me. I was trying to keep it a fun little surprise until later…”
“You?”  They chorused their shock.
He shrugged innocently, furthering their disbelief. 
“I didn’t know you were into that kind of music!”
“That’s so cool!”
Shidou said, “I know it’s only been a few days, but never would have expected that side of you.”
“Eh, I’ve got a few unexpected sides of me.” Mikoto winked, and the conversation moved on.
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Love Me Like you Love The Moon | KSJ
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Pairing: non idol! boyfriend! Seokjin x fem! Reader
Summary: Life is neither black nor white, however as you are drowning in the darkest shades of your life and hideous thoughts, you have Seokjin to show you that life is not dark nor light, that you don't have to fight your battles alone and feeling cold is not wrong. Because he loves you just like you are, with all your darkness and all your light, a beautiful resemblance of the moon.
Warnings: fluff, angst, grumpy x sunshine, struggling with mental health, feelings of not being enough, sweet Seokjin, hurt/comfort, (let me know if I missed anything!)
Word Count: 1.3 k
~Prompt 7: Getting away from the cold
~Snowflakes divider by @samspenandsword
~Prompt list by @flightlessangelwings
A/N: Hello, everyone! Welcome to the last prompt I'll be using for this Winter Event 2023! If you had stuck up until the end of this event, thank you so much for reading my works and if this is the first fic you find, I thank you for taking your time to read my stories.
This prompt is used in a different way than what I originally intended but I hope you will enjoy it as well. Please let me know your thoughts in the comments!
Happy reading, darlings! 💜💜💜
☕Caffeinate me so I can keep on writing! ☕
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It is said that opposites attract. In a world of laws and luck, you didn't believe it at first but then you met him. It was even comical how you ended up with Seokjin.
The man was a walking ray of sunshine. Always smiling, laughing at the simplicity of life. Just living the moment. He existed to be happy, he was an angel among wolves. And you fell for him, for his charms, his charismatic personality and beautiful smile.
He was the epitome of a sunrise. Radiant, beautiful. Meant to be admired and to make people happy and fill them with hope.
But you? You were the exact opposite. If he was light, you were darkness. Rare were those times in which people had seen you smile and never has it been a full display of happiness. Only a smirk, a curving of your lips.
Your own darkness haunts you. It left you sleepless some nights, others were plagued with nightmares and only were you able to rest when he lied by your side. As if his light could chase away the shadows, the monsters. The demons that haunted you.
Right now, you sat in the living room with your knees pressed to your chest. It was already late but you couldn't fall asleep, not even with Seokjin by your side.
A thought kept repeating in your mind like a broken record. An error in a computer flashing it before your eyes over and over again. It made your heart clench to even think about what Hyeon said this evening.
She was one of your co-workers and had always pestered you about the smallest of things. But you never gave her the attention, the satisfaction. The importance of her ordinary comments. Until your relationship with Seokjin was brought to the conversation she was having with another girl you couldn't care less about her name.
They were whispering to each other but meant for you to hear their words. If it had been about any other thing, you would have ignored it and let it go but now she had struck a nerve and you hated it.
"I can't believe she is with Jin, he's such an angel. I only hope he knows who she really is to be with her. She'll taint him sooner than later, I can bet on it."
Taint him. As if you were poison to society, as if you were the dead ivy left behind. Maybe... maybe you were. Maybe it was wrong to be with Seokjin, maybe you will allow your darkness to reach him and taint him and...
"Love? What are you doing here? It's two in the morning."
His voice broke your train of thought. A train that was going to crash with how fast it was going inside your mind. You turned your head to the side, not wanting for him to see the tears that had gathered in your eyes.
"I couldn't sleep. I'll be there in a moment."
Seokjin sighed, feeling how the air grew tense with emotions radiating from you. He took a step forward, waiting for your reaction. You didn't move. Either not noticing him or secretly pleading for him to approach you.
Another step followed and then another and another. Carefully. Mindful of the delicate territory he was stepping into. He sat down beside you, not saying anything for a whole minute, perhaps even an hour.
"You can tell me what is upsetting you, (y/n). You know I'm always here for you."
Then there was more silence. You weren't sure how to approach the topic or if you even wanted to talk about it in the first place. You were so used to suppressing your feelings and swallowing your bitterness that talking about it was still a foreign thing for you to do. Even when Seokjin had tried and proved to you that it was okay for you to express yourself. He would not judge you, he'd be damned if he ever thought of such a thing.
He looked at you, at least the small part of your features that he could see. You looked so sad and delicate he felt how his heart clenched at the mere sight of you.
"Do you love me, Seokjinie?"
Your whispered words were like a dagger thrown at his heart. Your words were laced with so much hurt and insecurities he knew still lived in your mind. His hand reached to where yours stayed clasped tightly on your lap and your eyes met his.
He swam in the sadness of your (e/c) pools, his touch grounding you, allowing you to come back to reality and escape the dark place that was your mind.
"Of course. With all my heart, with all my soul. Never doubt it, (y/n)."
You nodded. Feeling a shiver crawl up your spine. You wanted to tell him how heavy your soul was, how broken and scarred your heart lived inside you and the darkness that tainted your thoughts. You wanted to say it, scream it. Let go of all you had held in yourself all your life. You wanted to be free. To let go of the coldness that surrounded your heart.
"I'm here for you. You will always have me, love. Always."
You held his hand in between yours, getting lost in his dark gaze that held so much love, so many emotions. He held adoration for you. For your existence, for your place in his life, for your beauty, for your darkness, for your strength.
For you.
"I want to... I want to tell you, Jin. Believe me, I do but I... I can't get the words."
He smiled, your heart melted.
"I'll wait until you are ready, I won't judge you. I could never. But I need you to know that I'll give you whatever you need from me, whether that is comfort, advice or simply a hug. I'm always next to you, (y/n)."
A lump grew in your throat at the sincerity in his words. The transparency of his intentions, of his love.
"Can you hold me, please?"
He didn't say anything for he simply pulled you into his side, his arms around you. There were no words shared between you two as you closed your eyes and allowed your tears to flow silently. You let your guard down in the only place you felt safe to do so; in his arms.
Seokjin held you tighter as he felt you shake softly in his warm embrace. He ran a hand over your back while the other rested at the back of your head.
"I love you, Seokjinie."
He smiled against your shoulder, adjusting his hold on you.
"I love you as well, from the moon and back."
You sniffled but didn't let go, feeling how the cold from your heart melted away and was replaced by Seokjin's warm love. One day, you promised yourself, you will speak your mind and thoughts. The desires of your heart and the dislikes of your soul. But he didn't pressure you, he didn't force you either.
He waited. And he'd continue to wait.
Because Seokjin loved you like he loves the moon, with all your brightness and all your darkness. You were beautiful with all the faces of your soul and all the demons fighting in your heart, and he treasured you like a black pearl.
Unique and beautiful, yet different and full of darkness.
Who said black is not a beautiful colour?
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☕Caffeinate me so I can keep on writing! ☕
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Pit orphanes kaimaki's kid (kind of)
Hina: I had an AU where Kaito got really sick and knew he was gonna die so he recorded all these videos for his daughter before he passed and instructed Saiou to give them to her at different points of her life It was based on the elephant from inside out dying lmao He plans videos for moments that might not even happen He has several shovel talk videos And they differ based on his kids sexuality He made all these coming out videos of him being supportive
Beez: help the way i was about to say imagine he has a video prepped for when his daughter gets a bf but she turns out gay [sob emoji]
Sini: He went through his gay acceptance/understanding arc
Hina: Comforting after a breakup. “I know your partner broke your heart, and that sucks. I promise, I’ll haunt them for the rest of eternity, and I’m sure your uncle Kokichi will make their life a living hell.” Okay just Imagine He’s recording all these taps And there’s so many But you can see him slowly getting more run down as he does But he’s still smiling in all of them He wants his daughter to know just how much her dad loved her. He knows that Shuichi and Kokichi will take care of her But
Sini: IT'S NOT THE SAME He wanted to see his daughter grow up
Hina: Exactly That’s all he wanted, more than anything But he won’t be able to I headcanon he gets sick when she’s really young too So he doesn’t even know if she’ll remember him, and that’s another reason he wants to make these
Ves: there's a video of him apologizing in case she inherits his sickness
Hina: I think he has a video just labeled. “Give this to her when she’s ready” and it’s him explaining how he died This is gonna sound really stupid but he leaves his daughter these galaxy crocs and now she wears them all the time They’re a million times too big (Also his daughter having to do a project for school about her hero and she picks him)
Checkers: does he leave her The Jacket
Hina: Absolutely Also I imagine he tells Saiou not to watch the videos before she does. He wants her to be the first to see them And the first time they show her one and she’s just so excited, not really understanding As they realize exactly what they are
Sini: "Dada!" : D She reaches out
Ves: there's simple videos of him singing lullabies, reading stories, etc that she watches over and over as a little kid she knows his voice as well as anyone else's :')
Hina: Also just when she argues with Saiou, screaming about how they’re not her real dad.
Checkers: How old is she when she sees the first video? Hina: Probably 4-6 I don’t have an exact date for when Kaito dies but She’s around those ages
[me? coming in late and changing the flow of the conversation? more likely than you think]
Wh. What happened to her mom?
Hina: Great question. No idea skskskskks
Sini: I assumed Maki was the mom-
Hina: I wasn’t sure if it was Maki who just went MIA or what but Mom isn’t around
Ves: if mom isn't in the picture. wouldn't he have had to give up going to space? for her?
Hina: And he was 1000% ready to do it
Sini: She's his brightest star
Hina: Also when I said it was inspired by the elephant from inside out [sends gif of the elephant saying "Take her to the moon for me. Okay?"] That’s the quote I based this on
I don't want Maki to die in child birth so divorce it is, my default hc for her realizing she's a lesbian only after a longterm relationship with him not working out the way she thought it would Activated
Hina: Does she try to reach out to Maki later
I think Maki would just, loose the rights in court at first bc Kaito is better off and later be unavailable for some reason
She's broke bc the divorce goes thru as her fault and not an agreement so Kaito takes everything and then she moves to another country for work
Clown_Chaoticz: OHHH. If the reason over her leaving is along the lines of her having the realization it isn't the life she wants. It would be so cathartic for them to have a conversation later on that's just Maki explaining why she couldn't be her mom. It's not that she had done anything wrong, some people are just not cut out for that lifestyle. She wasn't. And she won't be. It's not the beginning of a new relationship between them. But its closure. I like that sorta thing
I didn't know how to put it but, yeah, I don't think she fought to get the weekends
Clown_Chaoticz: Does she keep in contact with saiou at least?? How is Maki even feeling at the moment?? Did they separate on civil terms? Did they fight over it? Does she even get to grieve the friendship she lost?? MAN
I think it's really bitter and messy bc the kid is 2 or under and Kaito just refused to do an agreement of any kind because of that
If she's leaving them, then she's leaving with nothing, if she's breaking apart their family then she doesn't deserve any time with their daughter, should have stayed if she wanted to see her regularly He'd believe in staying together for the kids, it's his traditional upbringing striking again
Clown_Chaoticz: OHHH I didn't even think about the traditional nuclear family dynamic he'd favor Yeah I could see that being a source of conflict Man everyone here is NOT having a good time
Checkers: does Maki even know Kaito’s dead
Checkers: Is she even allowed to visit her daughter
Hina: I think that Maki doesn’t meet their daughter again till she’s older
Ves: is the daughter angry or just tired
Hina: I think a little bit
Apollo: I think Kokichi would be hesitant to let her visit but after talking to Shuichi, they'll allow it
Sini: It's Maki, and given his possible trauma with being abandoned, probably even by his parents…..Yeah-
Apollo: Kokichi, having his own abandonment issues: I dunno Shuichi: Kaito would want them to at least meet once Kokichi: Ugh you're right…But I'm being in the room to make sure everything goes well. It's awkward but can you blame him? He has his own issues he's still working through plus he's never had the best relationship with Maki
Sini: And then she pulls something like that which makes it sm worse He sees her as hypocritical in a sense, cause an orphan like her should've known better to do that Kaito knowing that his death will inflict the same trauma on his daughter that his own parents' death did on him : D It adds more reason to why he's upset at Maki
Checkers: She really just inherited both her parents’ parental issues
Apollo: Plus she's being raised by two guys with their own issues regarding parents. That poor girl
Sini: I don't think she'd be good in any of the V3 cast's hands. They're all fucked She's inheriting some trauma
Clown_Chaoticz: Okay. Considering part of the reason Maki and Ouma don't get along in the first place is due to ✨️ projection ✨️, "I hate that I look you and see the worst of what I could be/have been" silly guys who both end up throwing the last thing they'd ever want done to them at each other. IMAGINE the bitter feeling that would come from watching someone like Ouma live comfortably in the life that for a while she thought she wanted. Why couldn't she have had the same peace he seems to? Why was she never to fit herself in a place like that? She wanted to be happy about it. Why couldn't she be?
Sini: YEAH! Girl was forced to be a caretaker in the orphanage she lived in. It was something she was expected to do since she was young, it became one of her ultimate talents. It's part of what defined her….How could she not acheive what was expected of her her whole life?
Ves: taking care of children was the only reason she kept living for so many years…why shouldn't it be the core of her life? why can't she make herself keep doing it? she doesn't know how to live for herself. beyond the parentification, who even is she? but…she doesn't HAVE to live like that anymore. no one's got a gun to her head anymore. so… i'd flee the country too honestly maki on her self discovery europe backpacking trip
Hina: Caring for kids and having your own are so different She just Doesn't know how to be a mother in that way To actually be seen as nurturing Also her having to grieve Kaitos passing But not knowing how
Checkers: I assume it’s been a few years between Kaito’s death and Maki finding out It’s been so long, how does she grieve? She doesn’t know, like she doesn’t know how to face her daughter after so many years apart does her daughter even remember her
Hina: Her daughter probably doesn't She was only two Kaito having a video about Maki He has a couple: "For when she asks about her mom" "If her mom comes back" "If she wants to find her mom"
Checkers: I just had an awful thought Is there a video for in case Shuichi/Kokichi dies
Hina: Oh no He probably has one Wait imagine Something happens to either Shuichi or Kokichi And she just becomes terrified
Hina: Just If something happened to one of them and she was ready to drop everything for them instead of Maki
Apollo: Maki doesn't know how to feel cause on one hand, she deserves it. She hasn't been in her life at all but on the other hand…It's Kokichi because despite how much of a help he's been in replacing her raising her daughter, a part of her still can't get over what he was like when they were younger
Checkers: I think it’d make for an interesting dynamic too if Shuichi was the one hurt, because Maki would see how capable Kokichi is with her daughter even under that much stress
Apollo: Like part of her still thinks Kokichi won't take things seriously but he seriously steps up and she has to admit he's changed from the brat he was Like she forgets that he's a LEADER It drives her nuts but she has to thank him
Hina: Maki has to deal with the fact that her only blood related family, likes her mortal enemy more than her That. Kaito would sooner trust their daughter with Kokichi Ouma than her
Apollo: It just…Hurts in a way she can't describe. She knows she left and all. She's not surprised Kaito trusted Shuichi but Kokichi? Was she really gone for that long that she missed him changing? Or was she too blind to see that he wasn't as horrible as she thought he was?
Sini: Love Maki realizing that she had Kokichi wrong the whole time And Kokichi in turn coming to terms with how complex Maki is
Hina: I'm just thinking about the idea of Saiou showing these videos to their daughter and when she first meets Maki she's just like. "You were absent my whole life, I know my dad more than I know you." And the fact she knows Kaito better when he was gone when she was an infant just
I'll give my idea for what could happen before someone else makes it angstier than it has to be: Shuichi gets shot while working on a case, so they rush to the hospital without knowing any details, but it's just a scare and he's mostly fine, going to have a cool scar, the bullet is already removed by the time they get there, it didn't hit anything vital and he's stable
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kloofspeaks · 1 year
The Flower Shop of Lemoore | A Bob Floyd Fictional Work
Words: 1514
“It’s an Asiatic lily,” He breathed out slow, pulling out the flower from underneath the counter, “They mean marriage and purity.” Y/N’s face twisted into curiosity when he pulled out the lily, it was bright beating red, she looked at Floyd opening her mouth to say her opinion. 
“Is there a reason why you’re showing a single woman a flower about Marriage?” She asked the exact question that Floyd was expecting. The song that rang on in the background spilled the lyrics that Floyd felt deep in his heart. 
‘All My life, I spent the nights with dreams of you’
Flower eight out of twenty
Today's Flower: Asiatic Lily - Marriage and Purity
Chapter List can be found : here
Dedicated to: @notyoursbutlewis
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Disney Girls by The Beach Boys sang over his old record player, he let out a soft sigh. It had been a week since he went and ran for Y/N through the thick and thin of the lightly dusting snow to hand her a wilting flower only for her to be kind and return and give him such a reward for his hard work a simple tulip he kept in a glass vase by his counter. He couldn’t take his eyes off how each petal was so perfect and the color just as bright as the day he received it. 
His eyes lifted from the flower when the ding from the door opening brought a warm smile to his charming lips, “I didn’t expect to see you so soon.” 
“I didn’t expect you to put my flower on display either, but hey surprises are everywhere.” 
Y/N looked bundled up in her warm fuzzy clothes, jackets and wool. She slowly looked around the shop, seeming to take in the same details she saw every time she came to the little shop on the block. “Did you change anything?” She asked, her fingers brushing over the flowers that were placed out. 
“Nothing out of the ordinary other than switching out a few old flowers and candles.” She nodded just taking it all in again before she walked up to his counter, like the dozens of times she had done before, the feeling of  deja vu was prominent. 
She figured it was Floyd’s smile, it was always warm, she was welcomed with the same smile when she walked into the place. Welcomed with his little floral pins and neat apron he put over top his work jeans and pink sweater. She pondered what he would wear in the summer. Would the place even still be around in the summer? She shook her head, of course the place would be around, wouldn’t it?
“I didn’t know you liked The Beach Boys.” She hummed, her eyes looking past Floyd and at the record spinning on the table, she took a moment to take in the fresh lyrics, she hadn’t heard this song in such a long time. 
“I don’t, actually, those are my dad’s records figured I would give this a go. It’s fitting.” He raised his shoulders in protest as he explained. He did fiddle a little while he spoke, either it was with his hands or pushing up his glasses, speaking of which; his glasses were slowly sliding down as he spoke. 
Y/N reached forward giving them one steady push with her pointer finger, along with brushing his loose hairs out of the way. “You really need to get glasses that fit,” She shook her head, “These are always slipping.”
“Noted,” Floyd sighed softly, taking a moment to breathe before he changed the subject, “Are you ready for the flower today?” 
“After my short break, how could I possibly say no?” She had a small sarcastic laugh as she said it, nodding towards him as if telling him to get on with it. 
Floyd had something up his sleeve though, it was a risky shot but after last week, the simple tulip that rested on his counter sparked the feelings between them. He knew it had to be true right? He still remembered her fateful words:
“Love and Passion,” She pointed out, “Usually it’s used between couples to express love or the fiery passion they have for eachother. It’s funny because every couple I saw with these flowers during valentine's day, broke up.” She snorted.
“Love and passion.” Those words echoed in his head often, he always thought he would ask someone out with a beautiful flower, a flower just as beautiful as them. He looked up from the flower he had resting underneath the counter, just in a place where she couldn’t see it. Where he could look at it and ponder if it was really the right move to ask Y/N out on a small date in the middle of winter, he didn’t run for nothing, that was for sure. 
He would never run for someone he didn’t know either. Someone he thought was worth it. 
“It’s an Asiatic lily,” He breathed out slow, pulling out the flower from underneath the counter, “They mean marriage and purity.” Y/N’s face twisted into curiosity when he pulled out the lily, it was bright beating red, she looked at Floyd opening her mouth to say her opinion. 
“Is there a reason why you’re showing a single woman a flower about Marriage?” She asked the exact question that Floyd was expecting. The song that rang on in the background spilled the lyrics that Floyd felt deep in his heart. 
‘All My life, I spent the nights with dreams of you’
“I wanted to ask you something,” for once in his life, Floyd had to get some sort of big boy pants on and ask her, tell her how he felt, how he wanted to go to a beach and sit on the roof of his car while he played a smooth song and they danced and swayed. 
He wanted her to save the very last dance for him.
No one else. 
“Spill it, Floyd.” Y/N had an unreadable expression, as if she was trying to hide how she felt at that moment. Floyd was praying it wasn’t some sort of ploy to get him to spill everything and give her time to reject him, but it wasn’t as bad as her walking out and him having a 
“I like you,” His voice cracked with the suddenness, “I don’t know how to explain it with a perfect use of words, but I did want to take you away.. Maybe for a day.” 
Y/N was quiet when he came to his conclusion, he was asking for a date in one of the weirdest ways she’s ever heard but she knew he was awkward. He didn’t know how to express himself much like she couldn’t either. 
She reached out making Floyd freeze up, she pushed up his golden rim glasses once more, the words spilled out her mouth while she did so. “You could’ve asked me on a date like any normal person, a letter, a sign, but instead you did it with a flower.” She reached down to his hand and took the flower from his loose grip, “A very beautiful one at that,” She looked up from the flower.
“I don’t think we could fit any more Floyd than a simple flower.” She chuckled, spinning the stem making the flower bloom even more in her hands. 
Floyd was lost, she hadn’t said the simple yes or no, instead she was dragging it. 
“Well, it is thoughtful.” Here it goes, she was going to reject him. He tried his best, he knew he would walk out of his shift today embarrassed and broken spirited-
“Where did you exactly have in mind? I won’t mind as long as we’re not outside in that winter wonderland.” She pointed out towards the window where the fogged up windows and growing ice laid bright and bland. 
“Wait, so you..” Before he could finish she finished for him.
“Yes, Floyd. I want to go on a date with you.” She smiled, it was the brightest one he had seen ever in his lifetime of being a flower shop owner. He knew how to make people's day brighter, but he had never seen a smile as bright as Y/N’s in that moment. He almost teared up, he didn’t know if it was because the song was slow and filled with such joy or the fact someone actually said yes to going out with him. 
“You’re sure?”
“Yes, I’m sure. Who wouldn’t want to go out with you?” She raised a brow, which led Floyd to lead with his next sentence.
“A lot of people,” 
“Well, they clearly missed out.” She was still smiling, her voice fragile as she spoke, her hands still grasping the beautiful red lily in her hands. Floyd seemed slightly taken aback, he didn’t expect her to share the same feelings, his heart hurt in fear when he asked, but now his heart was bursting with joy. 
“How about we go out for dinner, I can pick you up- 6 o-clock? Wednesday?” Y/N’s face distorted into a small thinking look, her lips pursed and eyebrows furrowed. 
“That should work, I expect to see you then won’t I?” She turned a heel still looking back at Floyd. 
“Of course you will.” 
After it was said she left with a small wave and a tint of blush on her face, Bob was saddened after he heard the ding of the door. She had left to make her bus, Floyd knew he would see her before the date they had planned for such a moment to spend together. 
He knew he would have to line up every flower that matched with love perfectly, She had the purest heart of them all. 
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In My Head (On My Mind)
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Pairing: Semi Eita X Fem!Reader
Genre: Angst/ hurt no comfort
Tw/Cw: unhealthy coping mechanisms, alcohol consumption, skipping meals, NSFW, unspecified previous sexual encounters (Im sorry if I missed anything, if I did please let me know!)
Word Count: 679
Reposting because the first time was an absolute flop 😔 This was inspired by the song In My Head (On My Mind) by MOTi
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The heavy bass reverberates throughout the club which helps you grind your hips into the unknown man for the night. His face buried in your neck and his hands have a firm grip on you, and although it’s a welcomed feeling, you still feel slightly repulsed by this sleazy man. But you need this. The strange man you’ve seduced tonight is definitely feeling more comfortable with you as his hands leave the familiarity of your hips and begin to wander around the rest of your body. His hands leave an invisible trail of filth as he explores your dress-clad body with his grimy hands. His hands go for your ass first, grabbing it as if he’s never held one before. His hands move to your thighs and tries to turn you on by rubbing, but his inconsistency in rhythm fails to do so. His hands then move upward to grope your tits. He feels your nipples underneath the fabric on your dress, you feel him smirk into your neck, probably thinking it was his doing and not the air conditioner. As he explores, you try to imagine it’s not him and that it’s your now ex-boyfriend doing this to your body.
Your body which is now a few pounds lighter than just a couple of weeks ago. Your body which has been sustained more by alcohol than proper meals. Your body which has found itself in the company of more strange men than ever before. Your body which has been on the hunt for the high it so desperately craves but has failed to find.
You and Semi broke up a little over three weeks ago — well, Semi broke up with you. His band was leaving for tour for months on end and didn’t want it to cause a strain on your relationship, so he decided for himself that it would be better if he ended it. Although he swore up and down that was the reason for the termination of your relationship, that small voice in the back of your mind was convinced otherwise. Your three year relationship ended as if it meant nothing to him. As if all the time you spent together never happened. You were there when the band first started and how desperately Semi searched for people to join his band. You helped him put up flyers in music shops, listen to demos — the good and the bad, and you were there as the band recorded their first everything. All of that and now here you are, paying the fee of a broken heart. And no matter what you’ve done these past few weeks, nothing has made you forget the man who you thought was the love of your life.
Everything you did somehow reminded you of him. Watching TV? Semi. Eating a scarce dinner? Semi. Throwing back shots? Semi. Getting your back blown out by a stranger? Semi. Trying to fall asleep and failing? Semi. And now he’s somewhere maybe in Japan or a different country doing who knows what.
No longer yours.
Now you long to be the girl before you met Semi. Before this heartache, slowly consuming your heart and leaving nothing behind, came to be. You know it’s a lost cause but you finally turn around, coming face-to-face with tonight’s strange man and kiss him. As you are making out with this strange man, something feels different and it’s not because it’s a good kiss. No. Something inside of your head clicks. Maybe it was because out of the corner of your eye during your sloppy make out session with the man whose name you’ve already forgotten you see a man who looks a lot like Semi staring at you. But Semi could be doing this exact thing right now as well. It was at this moment the raging storm in your heart makes landfall and you know the damage will be irreparable. And all you can do in the moment is pretend the man who you’re going to fuck tonight is that silver haired man who broke your heart.
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Likes, replies, and reblogs are always welcome and appreciated <3
© ridiculouslly-ridiculous 2023; ᴅᴏ not ꜱᴛᴇᴀʟ, ᴄᴏᴘʏ, ᴏʀ repost ᴍʏ ᴡᴏʀᴋ.
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skyland2703 · 10 months
Use the title of the last song you've listened to + post-Cosmic Fury; Javelia~
I… have written two.
(First song was in Hindi, so i took an alternative~)
[The Song]
That was the title of the— very very ancient, very vintage, and equally fascinating— DVD Javi’s mom had given him, to burn the contents into the computer for safekeeping, because the DVD players were running out of time, and it was one of his mom’s favorite records.
The music was… fascinating, to Javi. He didn’t understand a single word spoken in the song, but there was something in the tunes that drew him to it. The beats of the song, the instruments he didn’t recognise, the rough, raw, emotional voice of the singers, it spoke to him in a way very few songs ever had.
So he had his mom translate it to him.
And at that moment, he knew the song was for Amelia.
But the question was, how to get it to her, without her feeling awkward about him yelling at her about something he related with, in a foreign language, that neither of them really actually understood. A part of him wanted to bring her home, sit her down, and make his mother translate the song for her, the way she’d done for him, but another part of him told him that this… was a very dumb idea.
Google gave the some of the dumbest translations. “Oh respected woman, come where the respected man is standing”. Javi had to drink water to stop laughing, after reading that— not to mention spitting it out when he read the next line, “my heart is wounded, oh respected woman, my heart has become tiger”.
So imagine Javi’s surprise, when he saw a little piece of paper tucked under his pillow, when he plopped onto the bed, after staying at the studio for far too long, one evening, and opened it to find his favorite words from his favorite song, written there, transliterated beautifully, capturing the exact essence that he had needed to convey to Amelia, in all his thoughts, the past few weeks.
“When you aren’t around,, every breath cuts through my throat like it’s broken glass” “When you aren’t around, all that’s left of me, is ash” “The way the strings of my heart are now tied to you, they pull me
And it was signed “Sahiba”
Javi felt his heart coming up in his throat. Then Amelia walked into his line of sight, with a beautiful smile on her face, she was wearing a pretty red and pink bathrobe, and possibly nothing else... She walked closer to him, placed her hands around his cheeks, her fair falling over his face like a dark waterfall, eclipsing him, and cutting him off from the world, her scent engulfed him, and he felt at ease. He wrapped his arms around her waist, and made her straddle him, his lips parting in surprise and awe, as she leaned in to kiss him passionately.
"Did you write these?" he asked, with a broad smile, waving the paper in front of her, as they broke away for a breath of air.
"I called in some favours" she winked. She watched his confused expression, and smiled to herself. He thought she didn't notice every single action of his, every single emotion he was feeling, but she did, but she did. “I don’t need fancy words to understand what you feel, Javi, but I know you love things like these, and that you wanted me to feel what you were feeling too....”
“How did you know…”
“Do you really think I don’t listen to every single song you’re humming when you’re right here, next to me?”
[The Song]
....For the Sahiba song, if you got any um. questions. hit me up~
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cometcalloway · 2 years
My name is Comet Calloway, the note begins.
I accepted the position of Mayor of Mars Colony 01 on September 23rd, 3001 by Earth’s calendar. I was selected for my extensive record of volunteering and community support. Ever since I started in this role, I have put every bit of my heart and soul into helping shape this community into the thriving civilization we all know that it can be.
On Earth, the year is currently 3005. I’m not sure of the exact day, and I can’t look it up, but the month is June. Two Martian days ago, a group of dangerous people broke into my home and took me to the unknown location, where I write from currently. They have styled their antics after “supervillains,” wearing costumes and referring to their base of operations as their “evil lair” They have treated me alright so far, but I’m still afraid.
Comet reads over what he’s written so far. He thinks he’s definitely done a good job of setting the scene. It even sounds pretty professional, as best as he can make it. Some people appreciate that he’s ‘down to earth,’ but others hate it and can’t respect it. He tries to know better than to want to please everyone. But when you’re the mayor, isn’t that at least kind of the point?
Yes, it’s definitely a good start to the letter. But he chews on the pencil as he considers that he still doesn’t know exactly what he’s writing the letter to say. His inspiration sort of goes like, he wants to leave behind a record that... says he’s been a good person who does his best and means well? Because it will be really easy to call this a pathetic mistake from the outside, and he’d really like a chance to explain himself.
Like, people only started acting like supervillains because of the superheroes that showed up. And who expects sudden superheroes to be a regular concern for building a Mars village! Perhaps he should have known that superheroes would inspire the counterpart. But he didn’t have time to think about that because he was so busy trying to make sure sapient beings get treated equitably in his town, and the superheroes were intelligent robots, which is apparently a thing, and he had to deal with all the people who couldn’t understand why someone didn’t just go track them down and turn them off, and -
A sudden noise outside of the makeshift cell tears his attention from the paper. Moments later, he’s staring into the visor of a superhero robot, who informs him that a rescue is underway.
Comet looks blankly from the robot to his letter and back. Oh. Right. Superhero inspires supervillain, which inspires supervillain evil deeds... which then inspires superhero opposition of supervillain evil deeds. There’s a next part in the cycle, isn’t there. Of course he is being rescued. He stammers a few attempts to reply, then settles on, “I mean, thank you! Thank you so much! I’m coming!”
He crumples the paper and gets to his feet. But then he hears another noise, from deeper in the facility called an evil lair. And he prudently straightens out the paper, folds it up, and puts it in his pocket instead.
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bullied trans masc s/o hcs ; hunter
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requested by ; anonymous (16/02/23)
fandom(s) ; the owl house
fandom masterlist(s) ; main | hunter only
character(s) ; hunter wittebane
outline ; “hi! I was wondering if I could get headcanons for Hunter, with a transmasc s/o?
Specifically one who’s struggling with bullying in Hexside after coming out. (this could honestly verge into protective Hunter very quickly, so if it’s too similar to any of your other requests I totally understand!)”
warning(s) ; bullying, transphobia, hurt and lots of comfort
note ; changed the school to an unnamed high school in a different area as even the bullies at hexside are shown to be accepting
the two of you had been a thing before you publicly came out, back when you were still keeping your transition private to anyone beyond your immediate circle
and he was so very proud of you when you made the decision to start socially transitioning at your school — getting you a cake to celebrate and going with you when you went to the dean and asked them to correct your information records to reflect your identity as it is now
the staff were accepting and everyone seemed to be fine with it — until hunter left for the day
that was when the bullying started
the moment the revered golden guard was out of sight they descended on you like a pack of starved wolves eager for a feast
snidely picking apart everything about you in writing and in whispers too quiet for the teachers to catch
throwing around the words ‘girl’ and ‘feminine’ like knives, each one sharpened to perfection and aimed just so — slicing through your well placed barriers and tearing your confidence and euphoria to shreds
ribbons of assuredness falling to the floor like blood soaked snow, leaving no room for warmth and reprieve even as the last bell rang and you were dismissed for the day
by the time you’d gotten home you were a wreck: cheeks and uniform stained with tears, quivering bitten lips, red eyes and trembling limbs that felt more like jelly or mulch than bone
you wanted nothing more than to disappear or go back in time and keep your identity a secret
and then hunter showed up, cheery and optimistic with a gift in hand, eager to ask you about your day
then he saw you and stopped and took of his mask
and you ran into his arms and just broke down, him cradling you close to his chest whilst he shushes and kisses and comforts you as best he can
‘babe, what’s wrong? do you want to talk about it?’
‘i’m here now, it’s okay,’
‘let it all out, it’s okay,’
‘i’m not going anywhere, take all the time you need,’
he holds you like that until your sobs have subsided enough for you to explain what happened — what you were told and how you were treated
and hunter is absolutely horrified and infuriated
comforting you and assuring you whilst planning exactly what’s going to happen to those students — bigotry is unheard of in the isles and he wants to stamp it out before it takes root
but, for now, he focuses on you
‘what a load of crap, you’re not a girl babe,’
‘you’re my boyfriend — which, y’know, means the exact opposite of whatever they were spinning,’
‘those guys are a bunch of bullies, don’t take their lies to heart — they don’t know the first thing about you,’
‘definitely jealous because of how handsome you are,’
‘their heads are so far up their own asses that all they can do is talk shit,’
spitting venom towards those that hurt you disguised as scathing remarks whilst he showered you in affection
doing everything he could do make sure that you know that you’re loved, that you’re who you are and that those bullies don’t know the first thing about you
that you’re his geeky adorable boyfriend and it’s his job to look after you — and maybe break a few noses (he is due to go there for a coven expo and he’d be able to pass off those injuries as training)
he’ll protect you for as long as you’ll let him and he’ll be damned before he lets anyone treat you so poorly
and he won’t, not after this
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hey-sherry · 2 years
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A Tiny Q&A With Phillipe Bosher - Mycroft Holmes
On the last day of August, I started an impromptu Q&A with Phillipe Bosher - the voice of Mycroft Holmes in Sherlock Holmes Chapter One - on the Frogwares Discord server. It was spontaneous and fun, lots of other people joined in - a big thank-you goes to Phillipe for answering all of the burning questions and giving permission to post the chat log publicly.
Voice acting secrets! How did Mycroft get that scar? Who is his favourite Croft? Let’s find out! :D
Important note: this was a simple chat with a lot of participants and has been edited down a little for better readability. You can read the whole conversation on the server, of course.
August 31st 2022, 17:27 CEST #🔎-sherlock-holmes @ Frogwares Discord
Tiny: @pabosher If I may be so bold, would you be able to answer a few silly questions when you're around? 😄
pabosher: You can ask! Whether or not I can answer is reliant on a couple of things - NDAs and personal choice, really - but go for it! 🙂
Tiny: Oh no, there go my NDA-breaking questions!
Nah, I understand of course, if you can't answer for whatever the reason, it's alright. So, silly question #1:
Fav Mycroft line in SHCO?
pabosher: Ooooh - I don’t know! “It’s my house, actually!” is a line I do love, but also I love the break of the facade in “I saved my brother, he will never forgive me.” (I forget the exact wording). I love the whole writing of the final scene in the garden, it’s such a beautifully written bit, and I love the variations based on your choices!
Xiney: That line was really well delivered ! Like there was this tinge of sadness at the never forgive me part that sounded really heartbreaking
Tiny: That was my first ending and that line stayed with me as well!
(I know we meme the "my house" line a lot lol, but I love it because these two super smart men throw all logic out the window and it's just two siblings bickering for a few moments... it makes it super fun!)
Silly question #2: When you see Alex irl, how do you tell him "No shit, Sherlock"? If not, why?
pabosher: Hahaha good question pabosher: Haha! I’m really glad that came across in your hearing of it - I definitely felt that in the script, so really wanted it to sound petty and brotherly pabosher: In recording booths it can be really useful to get the physicality of the character in place, to help the lines pabosher: So for most of the session I stood very straight with my hands behind my back pabosher: And at that moment I completely broke that and it felt great haha
Tiny: The animation economy with Mycroft 😩👌
pabosher: And when I see Alex, we mostly talk about things other than Sherlock!! One day he’ll say something obvious and I’ll DEFINITELY throw him a “no shit, Sherlock” line, but we talk about workouts and other video games, so SO FAR it hasn’t come up yet pabosher: But one day…
Tiny: If he groans and gives you the look, you have my permission to show him this conversation and blame it on Tiny 👍
Creepy OURCROFT: Throwing the no shit Sherlock to anyone who did Sherlock must be a golden opportunity
Tiny: Ok one more, it's more serious but I'm very curious! This is speaking just in general with voice acting - but do the casting directors (or whoever D: ) require you to be able to pronounce foreign words/sounds? I'm not sure if I'm phrasing this correctly, so please bear with me, lol.
This brought you by
hearing mispronunciations of so many words just generally
having a heart attack after hearing Watson (from one of the older games) pronounce the most flawless ć I have ever heard, and Sherlock was pretty close as well.
Err, I guess I'm asking if it's something that people care about at all.
Or how is it for you to be asked to pronounce sounds you may not be even able to hear, if that ever happened? (I don't recall anything like that in the Mycroft role specifically, so this is just generally speaking)
Tiny: (That's a bit messy, sorry, I'm struggling with phrasing my question :V)
pabosher: That’s a bigger question and one I think I’ll only be able to answer with regards to VA in general, nothing to do with Frogwares - But generally, pronunciations are something that’s locked early in a game. So if it’s a character name, the first person to say it is told by the director or studio how to say it, and then every other actor in the game will be played a voice file of that pronunciation to help keep things in check. Sometimes it’s missed, but that’s usually what people want to know pabosher: And yeah, to answer your question, we do care! A lot pabosher: Our whole job is language and pronunciation and speech pabosher: For me personally, I grew up speaking multiple languages so I have a few more sounds in my bank than the usual English person pabosher: It can be very difficult sometimes for me - if there’s a word that I know from a different language, and I’m used to pronouncing it with that accent and in that tongue, then trying to anglicise it, as if were, can be tough pabosher: But that’s why you have amazing developers, directors, writers, producers, editors who can be a part of the process and can catch you when you slip
Tiny: Thank you, yeah it's a general VA question I've been curious about - your role as Mycroft didn't include any words/lines that would fit what I was asking, so 🤔 but hearing pronunciations in other FW games made me think about it, because they got it right so well. Tiny: What languages do you speak?
pabosher: Russian and English, and a very small smattering of the Romance languages
Tiny: That's very cool 😄
Creepy OURCROFT: Is it easy to do accents ')? @Tiny, i can't figure for the life of me how to do one correctly
pabosher: Accents can be really tough!! I can do a couple, but it’s a lot of work pabosher: Different people find it easier or harder pabosher: I know some who can just do it like THAT pabosher: But for me I usually have to listen to one a bunch and spend a lot of time practising pabosher: It does get easier pabosher: You can buy books and find websites that help pabosher: I personally use this website as a really good place to find accents to learn pabosher: https://www.dialectsarchive.com/ pabosher: Anyway 😅 pabosher: Any more Mycroft Qs? Ha
Creepy OURCROFT: Do you even work on the tone of your voice? Creepy OURCROFT: Get it low and high or is it optional?
Tiny: Yes actually! What's that about the scar - I heard through the tumblr grapevine it was based on a scar that you have? Any story on that?
pabosher: Yeah, Mycroft’s voice is a very slightly deeper version of my own, and again that’s something you can practice, playing in that range pabosher: I’m in a couple games coming out soon(ish) where I play different characters with wildly different vocal tones haha pabosher: Ahhhhh now THAT would be telling. I like the mystery!! I was bitten by a dog when I was younger, and had 37 stitches in my upper lip. How Mycroft got his? 👀
Tiny: New headcanon unlocked: Sherlock got Toby to annoy Mycroft with unpleasant memories
pabosher: Hahahah
Tiny: Thank you for answering the silly questions, it's much appreciated ♥ Over 20 years on the Nets and it will never not amaze me that I can just... reach out and talk to someone cool on the other side of the world
pabosher: Thank you for asking and caring!! To be a part of Chapter One was such an incredible surprise and honour - I grew up LOVING the SH stories, so to be a part of that world, even briefly, and to be a part of the Holmes family no less! was something I’ll forever be grateful to FW for
Tiny: That's insane and such a dream come true ♥ I'm happy you got to have this experience Tiny: Now how about that Cthulhu Myc--- gets muffled and dragged off stage never to be seen again
Xiney: Actually what was your reaction when you heard that you got cast as Mycroft?
pabosher: Probably something I’m not allowed to write here pabosher: But it was along the veins of YAY, but much more explicit pabosher: I think I called my girlfriend and said “guess who’s just been cast as Mycroft” pabosher: After a lot of very excited swearing to myself pabosher: I then texted my mum as she was the one who got me into the stories, and I knew she’d be excited
selyse: Thank you! Then, my question is: were there cases/case in which you liked to voiceacting the most? Like, I mean - was there a case which you liked the most to be a part?
pabosher: In chapter one, you mean?
selyse: In Chapter One and generally in SH games where you did voiceacting. ^^'' I hope I made my question understandable.
pabosher: You did for sure! pabosher: Unfortunately Mycroft isn’t in many of the cases in CO - but obviously he’s an important part of the main storyline, so I think my favourite scene in that game for me as an actor either has to be the scene with the doctor (I’m trying to be vague in case of spoilers!) as I loved the opportunity to show how much Mycroft cares about Sherlock, especially in their younger years, and again, that final scene just breaks my heart pabosher: So it’s got to be either of those 🙂 pabosher: And I’ve only been in Chapter One! Other non-SH games I’ve been a part of have been very fun but aren’t released yet, so I can’t talk about them!
selyse: Ooooh, thank you so much for explanation! It is so much exciting to think that there will be more projects with you. Thank you also for not spoilering things - I'm yet on my way to learn the story of SH Chapter One, so I will be even more excited to watch it before my studies start.
Creepy OURCROFT: Mycroft? OURCROFT...
pabosher: BRB putting this on my gravestone
Tiny: It took a lot of restraint not to ask a "favourite Croft" question as a Tomb Raider fan phillipedontlookatthis
pabosher: Lara, hands down
Tiny: I hope you get to be the new Lara
pabosher: Sorry Mycroft, but I never fancied YOU when I was a teenager pabosher: Sorry everyone, I’ve got to go now, but thanks for all your fun questions! Enjoy your evenings and days!
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pensandlakes · 10 months
Letter #3! Thank you, Tay!
Happy thanksgiving @taylorswift!
Just want to get out there that I am so thankful to live in the same lifetime as you. Your music has been such a crutch I heavily relied on as I navigated life all throughout these years.
From the first time I heard Invisible, Tied Together With A Smile, Mary's Song (Oh My My My), and I'd Lie (sorry Tay, I really thought that was an official release -- my 14 year old self never knew!), I gravitated towards you! Life was hard (or so I thought) as I teenager, and having you write these songs that perfectly encapsulated what my heart feels but my mouth can't exactly speak? It was just a blessing! I still remember crying to Teardrops On My Guitar for months because that bridge just nailed right through my bone!
When I finished high-school (technically 10th grade in US school system) in 2009, I distinctly remembered listening to The Best Day bawling my eyes out cause it just spoke to me a ton. I wrote the bridge on my parents' card during our tribute right before I walked the stage to receive my diploma that day.
There is a video I found From back when I was three You set up a paint set in the kitchen And you're talking to me It's the age of princesses and pirate ships And the seven dwarfs And Daddy's smart And you're the prettiest lady in the whole wide world.
It still makes me cry!
In 2012, in the midst of my first real heartbreak, you released All Too Well and The Moment I Knew. I broke myself, and yet again, I leaned on to your music to somehow get me through that darkness.
And maybe we got lost in translation Maybe I asked for too much But maybe this thing was a masterpiece 'til you tore it all up...
Time won't fly, it's like I'm paralyzed by it I'd like to be my old self again But I'm still trying to find it...
God knows I did try to find my old self, but I wasn't able to. I completely revamped myself after that. And coincidentally, you went through the same thing around the same time, and then 1989 was born in 2014!
You also had a monumental effect when it comes to my academic journey as well! I used to ace my English exams, write outstanding papers, and my vocabulary building game was strong! I even made it to our school's paper as Assistant-Editor-in-Chief. I truly think it was you (and Harry Potter) who galvanized my love for words and literature. The world insurmountable? When I head that in The Lakes, I honestly just guffawed the shit out of my self cause that particular word has been one of my favorites to use since around 2008. Oh Tay, I wish you'll end up writing books (in whatever genre you love -- fiction, biographical, a cook book even), cause I just know I'd devour that and make it my whole personality (like I already do with all of your works).
So much happened between 2014 to now. You lost your reputation but came back stronger. You found love. Reputation. Smashed records. Reputation Stadium Tour. Lover. Pandemic. Folklore/Evermore. Smashed records once again. Fearless TV. Red TV. The legendary Eras Tour started. Lost love. Speak Now TV. Found (possible) love again. 1989 TV. All while beating records and winning awards left and right!
I had my fair share of an eventful life as well -- not as eventful as yours though. I never really thought I'd make it to this decade of my life even. I'm just thankful that I decided to stay because had I given up, I wouldn't have been able to witness the new heights you've propelled yourself to! I cannot imagine not getting to hear the lyrical masterpieces in Folklore and Evermore! Nor would I have been able to hear all the freaking vault songs!! That would've been such a tragedy! Reputation could've been my last Taylor Swift album.
There were so many moments in my life wherein I wanted to just bow it out, and the only thing that kept me from cutting the thread of my own life is the exact thought: "You got to stay, Tay has more albums to release." And boy am I glad I pushed through! See. You kept me alive and breathing!
So yes. I am thankful and grateful for you. More than you can ever comprehend. It's not just because of your songs, but just you... yourself. I really don't get why people hate you, Tay. You just radiate "good person" energy. You don't deserve all the crap they throw at you. Yes, you're imperfect, but you definitely belong to the better people category in this Earth. I wish they can just stop. Why can't we all just live in love and peace, right?
Anyway. Once again, Thank You! I hope you'll have a good Thanksgiving! I know things are not so great right now. I do pray to the forces up there to keep you safe and surround you with love.
Love you, Taylor! Forever and always! I absolutely have been having the time of my life fighting dragons with you!
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protegetapaix · 1 year
1.20pm - morning,i woke up with puffy eyes,ikutkan hati nak duduk rumah nangis je but okaylah kuatkan diri,i deserve this trip. Im sti angry,hurt. I feel like you chose this trip over me by not even coming for me while youre still here. But part of me understands why ypu want it so bad,just that you couldnt understand on my end that,i let you go on the trip,but at that exact moment my emotions took over me my overthinking god. and you didnt came for me,you didnt understood me. im sorry for the hurtful words i said,but on my end i can still be angry,because you didnt came for me,you always do,you promised the lasy fallout we had would be the last where you didnt come for me.In the end i still came for you,i waited hours. I have to shower now bye
2.34pm - i reach jb alr sayang,so funny i uldated the gc i alr at checkpoint and they wtf and insisted to follow,tbh idw them fllw bcs got nad n ipan gf but im like wtv,part of me also thought if they came maybe youd come at night but my bad your bus is the next morning..
2.54pm - baru lepas custom sg now in bus to go jb
3.18pm - baru lepas custom jb now changing money den grab to sogo,our fav place
3.35pm - i reached sogo and bought my contact lenses alr rm500 worth of it wtfwtf hahahahah. I miss you
3.45pm - im at popular now to buy stationaries for my book hehe
4.33pm - idk how long i spent in there but damn i was pretty long your friends all waiting for me alr but idc. I didnt know which colours were nice,if you were here youd probably knew which one suits me right.. but i bought the rare beauty blusher ive always wanted and their lipstick too,i picked a pinkish shade smth i would nvr go for but the pink is quite subtle,cant waitt to show you hehe hopefully.
4.44pm - eventho da lambat.. i bought coffee HAHHAAHHAHA the one we bought at angsana but i bought the spanish latte yumyum
9.19pm - we reached the ikan bakar olace alr,the whole time we always infer about you here and there wishing you were here and allsz mostly me eh,cfm they annoyed sia lowkey but we hoping can come w youu.
Also ipan gf syirah spill sm tea sia.. even about nad…. HAHAHAHAHAHA
11.23pm - ok we at pasar karat now
1.13am - ok we home bebs i bought so much thrift shirt and i even bought for afiya n dania bubble bubblleee gun sehhhh HAHAHAH cant wait to show u,i walk around alone while they see see here there hehe healing siot
1.30am ok now i just at balcony smoking they karaoke all
1.50am im with them kat sofa they singing sad songs for me cb we even recorded a vid for u so u can watch when we go here tht next time. Why never see this airbnb sooner seh cfm fun sia with jusy you got board games ,karaoke projector all ohmyyy cant waitbfor your bday also seh
12.20am - im finally in sg sayang,my heart felt so heavy otw home knowing when i reach home i would break down god i miss you my amsyar
1.11am - i reached home idk what time im sorry for not updating,but i cleaned my thrash all to keep my mind off things,you specifically. Yet i still cried when i did all that.
3.28am - i love how im dking this,helps me cope seh its as though im talking to you but i have so much tea to tell you sia abiiii
11.50am - i in 187 now,i hope you enjoy your day today with your friends,jangan buat bukan2… i had major diarrhea jn damn and i also asked rusyd for off alr.
4.16 - i ended break already,i ate tangled hehehehe ok ttyl
8.48pm- I was smoking when she textsd me ,you broke my fucking heart. My love and trust for you. I ended things off with mama papa for real already,they kept asking convincing my heart couldnt take it in anymore i felt so numb till they just said,sarah sayang amsyar kan ? Sabar lah sikit ,sikit je insyaallah. I just teared and gave my salam and ended. I felt so bad they had so much more to say they kept saying eh eh dengar ni hahahaha,my heart cant.
i hope it was worth it my amsyar :)
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Alr here's the excerpt though it's a bit angsty
"Uh.. hey, man." Noah's voice said at the other end of the line during the voice message he had left Kevin. Kevin listened to the voice message, beads of tears leaking out of his eyes as he sniffled.
"I—I know this might seem sudden, or like.. a little too soon, since we've only been friends for a while now, but I felt like I had to say this to you. Heh, I dunno why, but I got a weird gut feeling that you were feeling bad or something. I'm sure that's not true, but.. hey, maybe I have psychic vision or something, heheh." Noah's voice laughed on the recording. Kevin continued to listen, still sobbing, but now he had been completely silent. Noah.. had a gut feeling that he felt bad? How? He wasn't even here right now.
“Alright, then. I’m just gonna tell you this. You are really good person, you know that? I—I mean that, really. You’re a wonderful person, in fact. And—if you’re thinking that your not or you’re thinking about… doing something bad to yourself, please don’t. I’d hate to see you go. I want you to know you’re an amazing person and friend. I love you, man.” Noah’s voice stunned Kevin. What Noah had said had left Kevin utterly speechless.
“Alright then. I’m gonna go now, but, um… if you wanna talk about anything, just call me - alright? I’m at a restaurant right now, but I wouldn’t mind talking to you if you want. Well… alright, bye, dude.” The recording ended, and Kevin was left speechless. After a moment, he broke down into tears. His tears were not his own sorrow, but tears that were shed as the words he needed to hear were finally said to him. He needed to hear that, really.
Noah, who had been at the resturant, slightly widened his eyes when he then received a call from Kevin. Picking up the phone, he wanted until the connection was stable enough to speak to him. Once he heard the familiar click of the phone, he spoke, "Hey, dude."
Kevin sounded as if he were sniffling, "Hey, man.."
Noah raised a brow, and said in a slightly concerned tone, "You okay, dude? You sound like you've been.. crying. Have you been crying?"
Kevin sounded as if he was struggling to speak. Finally, Kevin choked out a reply to Noah: “I'm fine.. I.. I’ve been listening to your message… it was the exact thing I’ve needed to hear… all this time, and… just… thank you.”
"W—Woah.. uh, geez.. really? Then I guess that gut feeling was correct then.. do.. do you wanna talk about it?" Noah asked, sounding more concerned as he pressed the phone closer to his face so he could hear it better.
Kevin sniffled, "No, I.. I just wanted to thank you, dude. Thank you.. thank you so much, I really.. I really needed to hear that."
"Oh.. uh.. alright, then. Uh.. hey, dude, I'll be free once I get the hell out of this resturant. It's pretty packed, but.. I'll try to get out of here as soon as I can, alright? After that, we can hang out, and if you ever feel comfy telling me whatevers been up with you, I'll always be there to listen, alright?" Noah said, in a kind and open tone.
Kevin sniffled, and softly chuckled into the speaker, "Y—Yeah.. I'd like that."
This is so sad but so sweet fknkngf
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jude-thedude98 · 1 year
There was one thing left unsaid and I wanna talk about it with many moons of passing sorries and apologies the redemption shot I got wasn't to fuck fight or friend you it was and is to feel neglected by another you. Another human being letting me down. God save me now because I'm all cried out and the emotions I'm pushing down are festering now. And I'm trying to keep from crying But touching you was the sole thing that broke my soul. God I need you. I almost want to stay celibate for the rest of my life. I don't want to touch another soul body heart or person. No mind can keep me from feeling this way in time. I feel that I don't want to be touched ever again either. I feel like singing a song breaking the song in barriers of breaking the physical record just so I can hear the synonymity of how my heart broke today. May 22, 2023. And how appropotingly funny because that's the exact date that I poor two twins to die. A story I write is my own nightmare in my eyes. I'm scared that I'm writing my own demise so whoever sees this and if I'm not alone by this time whether death by tonight or many many many more awaying nights. Know that I promised I would fight. Know this that I also tried to be the shining armorous knight. Fighting everything from inside to outside. This world is and has been set aside to watch you fall apart in decrepidness and die. Ehither away in time. With no one wondering why. Or worse memory and memorabilia passing by. I try and I tried. I just wanna dry. I just wanna die. I just wanna fly. Fly away in the sky and never come down. A balloon with extroverted helium. I feel the draining drum of banging numbs as I tap keyboarding pain with each thumb. Strategically finding out how dumb I really was. To think that I could love you. Or. You could love me. Or. We could love each other. Be in love. How stupid that really and truly was. But I was young and sir these tracks that I lay will always be my priding parade. It will be my out standing moment ro be gay. And I mean that in every sense of the word from then till today. Happy and happy in loving men. Happy that I'm speaking out from what has been within. Speaking in what I have been feeling left without. Rights. Civilly acting in this activist concentrating more on the healing then the entire cist. And I hope and pray it will decay. Because I'm not sure of about how much more or this I can take. I didn't mean to rape you and I didn't mean for you to rape me. I guess this is that rare and pure meaning of equality.
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ministarfruit · 3 years
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minifemslashfeb day 26: performance ♡
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girasollake · 2 years
traitor | e.m.
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pairing: eddie munson x afab!reader / slight steve harrington x reader
requested: „Can you make fanfic where the reader is with Steve but catches Steve getting back together with Nancy and she see’s them kissing and the reader finds Eddie outside in his van and he see’s her upset and she start falling for Eddie. + smut with eddie”
type: angst, smut, bit of fluff
summary: in the request:)
warnings: sex MINORS DO NOT INTERACT, 18+, p in v sex, fingering, oral sex (reader receiving), nipple play, slight cockwarming, finishing inside(?), reader is on birth control, mentions of smoking, curse words
a/n: it’s literally 3 am so im sorry if there are some errors, now im gonna go to sleep;p
word count: around 3,050 (my longest work yet lmao)
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‚Is that all for Steve?’ Robin asked you when you were showing her the sweets you had bought for him. ‚Can I have some? For being a good friend and driving you to his house?’
‘Okay, fineeeee…’ You shook your head and tossed her a candy bar.
‘Hey! I’m driving! Do you want us to end up in a ditch like last time?’
‘Sorry, ma’am.’ You chuckled. ‘And for the record, us ending up in a ditch was entirely your fault.’
‘Excuse me? Hell no. If you were quiet and didn’t show me the cows on the field it wouldn’t have happened.’ She argued. ‘Why do you have all this stuff for him, anyway?
‘I just wanted to do something nice for him. He’s been a bit busy lately, probably problems with his parents, and I just want to cheer him up.’ You answered. ‘Plus, I miss him. We don’t have as much time to hang out as we used to.’
‘You really are the best girlfriend.’ She smirked.
‘I know.’ You smiled at her.
‘We’re here.’ She parked on the side of the road next to Steve’s house. ‘Can I have one more snack please?’ She grinned.
‘Only because you asked so nicely.’ You mumbled and placed a bar of chocolate on her thighs. ‘Will you come and pick me up later?’
‘I would love to but I can’t. My auntie is coming to town and mom is insisting on me being there and playing with my cousins. It’s a torture (Y/n) and if I could I’d rather hang out with you.’
‘You’re gonna be okay, they are just kids.’ You chuckled. ‘Have fun.’
‘Thanks, I won’t.’ She replied and drove off leaving you alone.
You slowly made your way to Steve’s house. His car was parked in the driveway and you smiled to yourself knowing you chose a good timing. You walked up to his door and put up your hand to ring the doorbell. Right before you pressed it, you hesitated. How about a surprise? You thought and quietly opened the door. The inside of the house was weirdly quiet, Steve wasn’t sitting in the living room in front of the TV nor was he outside in the pool. You frowned and decided to head upstairs straight to his room. Your movement had never been that quiet as they were in that moment. You slowly placed one feet and then the other on the stairs and when you reached the top of it - you froze. Steve’s bedroom door was slightly cracked open and from this exact room you had heard his soft moan. It was quiet, but loud enough that you could hear it in the empty house. You hoped he was just pleasuring himself, that he was the only one in his bedroom, because he wouldn’t do that, right? He wouldn’t cheat on you. He wouldn’t cheat on me. He wouldn’t break your heart. He wouldn’t break my heart. In hopes of proving that, even though your heart was beating out of your chest, you took another step forward that let you peek inside easily. And what you saw broke your heart. Steve was in fact with another woman. His hands were roaming her clothed body while she was sitting on top of him. You could say they were swallowing each other. And just as you were about to leave the girl threw her head back to give him a better access to her neck. Her eyes were closed and make up messy but you instantly recognized her. Nancy fucking Wheeler. You knew how close they were before you had started dating Steve. You knew what she had meant to him. You knew how much he had loved her. You remembered how he had assured you she means nothing to him.
It’s all in the past. I don’t love her anymore. You are the one for me. I would never cheat on you. I love you. I want you, not her. You are the most beautiful. She isn’t there, you are. I have never loved someone as much as you. I would always choose you.
All of the promises he had made were now just empty words. They didn’t have any meaning to you anymore and yet you felt the warmth of your tears slowly slipping down your cheeks. Even though they meant nothing the pain was still with you. You brought your palm to your mouth to muffle the sob escaping your mouth. You looked down at the present you had for him and placed it right in front of his door. You threw one last glance inside the room and noticed the photo on his nightstand. You and him, sleeping on a towel, all your limbs tangled. This was the day you had lost your virginity to him and right before that you were at Lover’s Lake with your friends where the picture was taken. The day you had cherished the most now became the day you hated. You quickly ran downstairs, not bothered about them hearing you anymore. Tears were now freely falling down your face and you were choking on the sobs that could finally escape your lips. You sat down at a bus stop you saw nearby and after some time you finally calmed down. Still heavily breathing and tired from all the crying you lied down on the bench. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. How could you have trusted him? Even though he was the bad guy in this scenario you still felt like part of it was your fault. Maybe if I had done something differently it wouldn’t have happened? Or maybe he just never loved me?
You wiped your face with your sweater. Your mascara left dark stains on the fabric which would normally bother you, but at that moment you couldn’t care less. You decided to walk for a bit and clear your mind. Beards chirping, occasional cars passing by, wind whistling in your ears. Everything was normal, as if nothing had happened.
You quickly turned your head to the person calling your name.
‘Oh, um, hi Eddie.’ You managed to send him a small smile and a wave.
He was smoking a cigarette outside of his van which was parked on the sidewalk.
‘What are you doing here?’ He asked as you were trying to continue your walk.
‘Nothin’. I just wanted to breathe in some fresh air.’ You answered quickly and turned around.
‘Wait! I think you have something on you face.’
Oh no.
‘Hey, just let me-‘ He came closer to you and blocked your way. ‘What happened? Were you crying?’
‘Pfft.. no.’
‘Pfft.. yes you were.’ He snickered. ‘Are you okay?’
You just shook your head sideways and then wrapped your arms around him. Eddie was taken aback by your action, he was surprised and had no idea what was going on but it was clear you needed someone. He pulled you closer with one hand while his other one was softly stroking your hair. You were fully sobbing again in his arms, tears and mascara staining his shirt. While you were fully miserable and a bit embarrassed, he only wanted to make you feel better. He started moving his hips from side to side and you pulled away from him to check what he was doing. He grabbed your hands and started moving them up and down.
‘Eds, what are you doing?’ A chuckle escaped your lips.
‘Cheering you up.’ He said and spun you around. ‘Better?’
‘Yeah, a bit.’ You smiled.
‘Do you want to talk about it in the van?’ He suggested. ‘I mean, you don’t have to, it’s not like I’m pressuring you or anything, right?’
‘I want to.’ You whispered weakly and coughed.
He shot you a small smile and pulled you with him towards the car, his hand still not leaving yours. He opened the back door and helped you get in. He closed the door from the inside while you were looking around at the few posters in his car and some pillows and blankets here and there.
‘It’s nice.’ You mumbled.
‘Sorry, what?’ He asked confused and sat down in front of you.
‘Your car. It’s really nice.’ You smiled.
‘Oh, shit, um, thank you. No one has ever told me that.’ He chuckled. ‘We don’t have to talk about it, we can just hang out.’ He added when he noticed your sad expression.
You sniffled and wiped your nose. A big lump was present in your throat but you finally managed to swallow it.
‘Steve cheated on me.’ You barely whispered.
Eddie looked at you and stopped his tries of lighting up his joint. He took it out of his mouth and placed it behind his ear.
‘I’m sorry, what?’
‘No. I heard you the first time.’ He said. ‘I’m just surprised he fucked up with someone like you.’
‘What do you mean?’
‘I mean that he is a dickhead that can’t see with his eyes. He had someone so perfect and he fucked up.’ He huffed. ‘Do you at least know with who he cheated?’
You looked down at your hands playing with the hem of your sweater.
‘Nancy Wheeler.’
‘What the fuck?’ He threw his head back in annoyance and anger. ‘I want to fuck him up so badly.’
‘Please don’t.’ You mumbled. ‘Our relationship was a mistake. If I knew…’ You sniffled. ‘If I knew that his feelings for Nancy weren’t fully gone I wouldn’t have dated him.’
‘Hey, it’s not your fault, okay? Don’t blame yourself for his actions. He doesn’t deserve you.’
You nodded softly and started thinking, the moment you caught them not leaving your mind.
‘I went to his house to give him a present. I bought him sweets, I made him some cupcakes and I wrote him a short letter. All for nothing.’
‘Shame you don’t have them with you. I would eat your cupcakes in a heartbeat.’
A soft laugh escaped your lips and you looked up at Eddie. You saw him in a different light at that moment. He wasn’t just the friendly dealer down the street. He wasn’t the high school freak. He was just himself, a beautiful boy with a beautiful, caring heart. You noticed how his messy his hair was, how uneven his bangs were and how he furrowed his brows while trying to light up a joint. You were looking at him while he shook off his jacket and threw it on the passengers seat. His arms were adored by tattoos which only made him hotter.
‘Maybe it’s for the best, you know.’ He said. ‘Now you can be with someone who will actually treat you how he’s supposed to.’
‘Yeah? Like who?’
‘Like me.’ He replied and quickly covered his mouth. ‘I am so sorry. Fuck, I shouldn’t have said that. It was an accident, I didn’t mean it.’
You smiled to yourself at his rambling. And you also felt your heart skip a beat when he said he could be better to you than Steve or anyone could ever be.
‘That’s a shame.’ You replied. ‘I actually thought you could show me how I’m supposed to be treated.’
His head perked up and you could feel his eyes all over yourself.
‘I take that back. It wasn’t an accident.’ He quickly said.
You laughed at the expression he wore on his face and then looked him straight in the eyes.
‘Do you really want me to do that?’ He asked as he crawled towards you. ‘I can show you how I would treat you if I were him.’ He whispered, his lips almost touching yours.
You wasted no time in moving your head forward and connecting them. This feeling was new and it felt liberating. He cupped your face with both of his hands and you both fell down onto the pillows. His kisses were much different than Steve’s, they were rougher but they were more passionate. He accidentally pushed his hips forward and you gasped. He used that to slide his tongue into your mouth. You never thought you would end up with Eddie in the back of his van in a such intimate situation. You also never thought Steve could cheat on you. Life is full of surprises.
‘Are you sure about this?’ He pulled away.
‘Show me Eddie. Show me what I missed out on.’
With that he resumed the kiss, his hands started touching you all over. He slowly made his way down to your neck, his kisses became sloppier. He pulled up your sweater and rested his hands on your belly which sent shivers down your spine. His hands were cold, but his rings were colder. You helped him by pulling off your sweater and unhooking your bra.
‘I wanted to do that.’ He mumbled with his lips attached to your belly.
‘You can take it off.’ You looked down at your breasts.
He didn’t do it the second you told him to. He took his time with peppering your chest with kisses,occasionally lifting your bra a bit. When he finally took it off he quickly started sucking your left nipple. You gasped and arched your back. He started flicking his tongue while his other hand massaged your other boob. You couldn’t remember the last time Steve had touched you like that. You couldn’t remember if he had ever done it like that. The pleasure was almost unbearable and you were only getting started. Eddie finally switched between your breasts, the right nipple finally getting the touch of his soft tongue.
‘Fuck, Eddie.’ You whispered.
He stopped his actions to take off his shirt which you were unconsciously tugging. He started kissing down your belly, fingers playing with the band of your sweat pants which he quickly pulled down your legs. He hovered over you and kissed you hard. One of his hands slid between your bodies and he started massaging you through your underwear. You moaned into his lips which only turned him on more since the kiss became even rougher. You felt pure bliss as he pushed your panties to the side and entered his finger. His hands were much softer than you thought they were. Even though his fingertips were hard from playing on the guitar, the rest of his hands was soft like feathers. He caught your every moan with his lips as you felt your high approaching. He gave you one last kiss before he quickly went down on you. His skilled fingers were still pumping inside of you when he attached his lips to your clit and started quickly licking it back and forth. After a few seconds you came with a loud moan. Eddie was still licking and sucking your pussy as your orgasm was calming down.
‘Eddie, I need you.’ You grabbed his hair and he stopped eating you out. ‘I want to feel you.’
‘I’m sorry, I don’t have any condoms.’ He admitted and looked down sadly.
‘That’s okay, I’m on the pill.’ You smiled and caressed his cheek. ‘It can finally be useful.’
‘Steve always insisted on using condoms as well and I obeyed. Besides it’s not like he wanted to have sex with me a lot.’
‘He was missing out.’ He said and kissed you. ‘He is missing out.’
‘Stop talking Eddie. Just fuck me already.’ You whispered into his lips.
He just smirked through the kiss as he felt you already unbuckling his belt. You palmed him through his underwear and he gasped. He kissed your cheek and stood up to take off his bottoms.
‘Fucking hell…’ You mumbled when you finally saw him without any clothes on.
He kneeled next to you and helped you pull off your panties. He gave you a sloppy kiss and pulled your hips towards him. He hovered over you again and you felt his tip touching your wet core. He looked at you and you have him a nod. Eddie slowly pushed his hips forward and you instantly felt full. The stinging caused by his size was slowly going away and you whispered that he can move. A huge wave of pleasure shot thorugh your body as well as his.
‘Fuck.’ Both of you whispered at the same time.
Eddie’s movements were slow at first and they were giving you too much pleasure, so when he sped up, you thought you were going to explode from it. Every movement was passionate, it was filled with care and lust. His forehead became sweaty so you moved his hair away. Cupping his cheeks you connected your lips and felt your body melt even more. You felt his cold fingers on your cheek which brought you back to reality. Reality with pleasure spilling out from every corner of your body. Then Eddie pulled out of you and you wanted to protest but when he sat down and pulled you towards him to ride him, your protests were irrelevant. You sank down on his dick and he lowered himself so he would be the one laying down. You pressed your hands on his chest as he started moving his hips very fast. You were tired and this new position took you by surprise. You fell down on his chest and snuggled your face in his neck. He could hear your moans and cries directly in his ear which caused him to speed up even more.
‘I’m close, (Y/n/n)’
‘Come in me Eds.’
And with that you heard his loudest groan escape his lips and a warm sensation inside of you.
For a long time both of you didn’t move. Eddie took a blanket and covered you both, his cock was still inside of you but it wasn’t hard anymore. You both enjoyed the feeling of your warm bodies squished together.
‘Thank you.’ You whispered.
‘What for?’
‘For showing me how I should be treated.’ You lifted your head to look up at him.
‘Oh yeah, that.’ He chuckled and gave you a soft smile. ‘You’re welcome.’
‘Eddie I..’ You hesitated. ‘I don’t think I want this to be a one time thing.’
‘You don’t?’
‘Will you go on a date with me?’ You smiled.
He smiled and kissed you softly.
‘I think you already know the answer to that question.’
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